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Lesson Plan Integers Consolidation Yr 8

Day: M T W T F Date: 11th Feb 16 Time: 11.15am-12.10 Year: 8

Learning Area: Maths Topic: Adding and Subtracting Integers Consolidation
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA) Mathematics / Year 8 / Number and Algebra
arry out the four operations with rational numbers and integers, using efficient mental and
written strategies and appropriate digital technologies.

Students prior knowledge and experience: (Outline what the students already know about this


Students have previously investigated addition of negative integers, for example 2+(-4) = -2
Students have previously investigated subtraction of negatives, for example 2 - (-4) = 6

Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)

Using the number line to continue developing strategies for adding and subtracting rational

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson, students will

be able to:

(Explain how you will know that lesson objective have

been achieved / monitor student learning)

" Formative Evaluation: Students will
demonstrate understanding and fluency
in addition and subtraction of integers
by working on a set worksheet involving
temperature differences.

(What will students know and be able to do at the

completion of the lesson specific, concise and
attainable objectives)

Will be able to add and subtract positive
and negative integers such as
4 +(-3) = 1 and 6 - (-3) = 9.

Will be able to convert a word problem

involving addition and subtraction of
integers into a number sentence.

Will understand the maths terminology

sum of and difference of two

Student will demonstrate understanding

by explaining how they convert a word
problem into a number sentence.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment will be required)

! Paper / Pens / Pencils / Textbook
Matho-O-Magic Temperature Worksheet.
School laptops for Maths Space

EDN550 Professional Experience Information for Pre-Service Teachers 2016

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)


Have an awareness of students who may need more assistance or encouragement. Check
on them individually while they are doing the temperature worksheet.

Have an extension activity ready for students who finish early.

Timing Learning Experiences:







Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)

Welcome students at the door as they enter with reminder to get ready for mental maths.
Wait for quiet and then start the lesson with class prayer.


Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help achieve
the learning objectives?)

" Draw number line on board labelled with + and - direction.
" Also write revision on the board of 2 + (-2) = 2 - 2 and 2 - (-2) = 2 + 2
NOTE/ One shows Sum Of and one shows Difference Of

" Tell students that today for Mental, they will write Q&As down the page. Leave room on
the left for corrections. They can look at the board for help.
" Mental maths activity - 10 revision Qus on addition and subtraction of integers (attached).
" Write solutions on the board and ask students to write corrections next to any errors in
their workbooks.


Explain that by practising, students will get better at this so we are going to finish exercises
from yesterday. Write on the board; Page 9 - Exercises 1-04 - Finish Qus 3 and 4
If finished, attempt Qu 5, 6, and 7.
If finished, check answers on page 315.
Canvas the room helping students.
Stop students after 10 mins and work through word problem, Qu 5 on the board. Ask
students to discuss the solution.


So far we have discussed negative numbers in terms of money. We cant see negative
money but it is very real!
" Negative numbers also apply to temperature, depth under water etc.
" Ask students if they can think of anywhere else we use negative numbers?
" Lets apply what weve learned to problems with temperatures. Handout worksheets.
" Show students on the board how to turn word problem into number sentence.
On board write More Than is + direction Less Thanis - direction
6 less than 9 9 - 6 = 3
" Help students individually while they complete worksheets.


Students can log on to Math Space if they finish temperature worksheet.


EDN550 Professional Experience Information for Pre-Service Teachers 2016

5 mins


Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson


Remind students that it is far more powerful to understand how these rules work than to
just memorise them. Please ask me for help if they dont understand. Remembering how to
do this maths will come with practice.
Students to practice organisational skills by filing their work and packing away files and
texts on the shelves before leaving.


Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

This was my second lesson with this class. Already, they are warming to
me as I am to them. This lesson taught me to trust my instincts, reflect
in action and to be flexible. I think I am learning more from my
students than they are learning from me...
I had planned a structured lesson and I was keen to work through the
learning activities in order and on time. This was a mistake!
The first activity took longer than expected and some students started to
lose focus and become restless. This is a support class of very young
boys who struggle with learning maths. Activities need to be kept short
and focussed to maintain student engagement. It didnt occur to me at
the time that I could change the order of my lesson plan in response to
the students needs.
In future, I need to trust my instincts and read the class as the lesson is
evolving. I had so much interesting content organised that I could have
easily refocused the students as I noticed them becoming disengaged.
Rather than having them work on the text exercises which were similar
to what we had just covered, I could have deviated from my lesson plan
and introduced the new worksheet at that point. Reflection and
hindsight are wonderful things and theres always tomorrow!

EDN550 Professional Experience Information for Pre-Service Teachers 2016

Mental Maths Activity

1/ -2 + 4 = 2

2/ -2 + (-4) = -2 - 4 = -6

3/ 5 + (-8) = 5 - 8 = -3

4/ 50 + (-50) = 50 - 50 = 0

5/ -15 + (-30) = -15 - 30 = -45

6/ -3 - (-3) = -3 + 3 = 0

7/ -5 - (-3) = -5 + 3 = -2

8/ 5 - (-1) = 5 + 1 = 6

9/ -7 - 4 = -11

10/ 10 - (-5) + 2 = 10 + 5 + 2 = 17

EDN550 Professional Experience Information for Pre-Service Teachers 2016

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