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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

NAME:Victoria O'Quinn
CONTENT AREA:Mathematics
What Standards (national
or state) relate to this
(You should include ALL
applicable standards. Rarely
do teachers use just one:
theyd never get through
them all.)

MAFS.4.NF.1.1- Explain why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n a)/(n b) by

using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ
even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. Use this principle to
recognize and generate equivalent fractions.

Essential Understanding
(What is the big idea or
essential question that you
want students to come away
with? In other words, what,
aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish
this lesson?)

State Essential Understanding:

I can use multiplication of equivalent fractions to compare fractions.
State as a question students can answer:
How can I use what I know about equivalent fractions to help me compare fractions?

Objectives- What are you

(Student-centered: What will
students know and be able to
do after this lesson? Include
the ABCDs of objectives:
action, behavior, condition,
and degree of mastery, i.e.,
"C: Given a sentence written
in the past or present tense,

Given questions regarding comparing fractions_, the students will be able to answer
questions_ with 100% accuracy._.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

A: the student B: will be able
to re-write the sentence in
future tense D: with no errors
in tense or tense contradiction
(i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does
not need to be a percentage.)
Address the following
Why are you teaching this
Where does this lesson fit
within a larger plan?
Why are you teaching it
this way?
Why is it important for
students to learn this

Evaluation Plan- How will

you know students have
mastered your objectives?
Address the following:
What formative evidence
will you use to document
student learning during
this lesson?
What summative evidence
will you collect, either
during this lesson or in
upcoming lessons?

- I am teaching this objective in order for students to use what they know about
equivalent fractions to compare fractions.
-This lesson uses a real world example of using fractions by having the students find
equivalent fractions for ingredients in a recipe.
-I am teaching the lesson using a real world example because I want the students to
know the math they are learning and using is something they will use outside of the
classroom. I also want it to be a lesson that they can relate to.
-It is important for students to know how to find equivalent fractions as well as how to
compare fractions. As I said above fractions are something they will use outside of the
classroom. Fractions are also something they will see in the future inside the classroom
and will have to build upon.
Students were given a worksheet using cross multiplication to find equivalent fractions.
They also had to compare which fraction was greater than and which fraction was less
than. Students were able to complete worksheet before scheduled time.
While students are independently working I will walk around the class and check students
work. I will check if they are showing their work and if their answers are correct.
I will collect the students' math journals and check their answers. I will be able to see if
students are able to use cross multiplication to find equivalent fractions and to compare
fractions. I will be able to see if they can use their skills to answer math problems in the
form of word problems.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

What Content Knowledge

is necessary for a teacher
to teach this material?
What do you need to know in
order to teach this concept?
What vocabulary/terms are

-Cross multiplication: 2/3 X 1/2 (2X2 = 4 and 3X1 = 3) 2/3 > 1/2

What background
knowledge is necessary for
a student to successfully
meet these objectives?

- Students have been working on finding equivalent fractions using cross multiplication. I
looked over their math jounrals as well as spoke with my collaborating teacher. I believe
they are ready to use their skills and knowledge and apply it to word problems that
include a real world problem.

How will you ensure

students have this
previous knowledge?
Who are your learners?
What do you know about
What do you know about
their readiness for this

-My learners are a 4th grade math class.

What misconceptions

-Equivalent fractions: Fractions that are equal.

- Greater than: >
-Less than: <

-My learners are 19 students including 8 boys and eleven girls.

- I know that I have one gifted student. She is gifted in reading.
- I know the students have had success with cross multiplication. I know that they have
used models as well as multiplying by whole numbers to find equivalent fractions. I have
observed that cross multiplication was the fastest and easiest concept for them to grasp.
I also know that cross multiplication was an easy way for them to find equivalent
fractions as well as compare fractions. I think they are ready to use their skills to answer
word problems.
-One question asks which ingredient is used most. Another question asks students to

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

might students have about
this content?

compare ingredients. I think the change in wording might confuse some students.

Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods
(What teaching method(s) will
you use during this lesson?
Examples include guided
release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture,
demonstration, partner word,

-Whole group
-Small group
-Independent work

Step-by-Step Plan
(What exactly do you plan to
do in teaching this lesson? Be
thorough. Act as if you needed
a substitute to carry out the
lesson for you.)


Where applicable, be sure to

address the following:
What Higher Order
Thinking (H.O.T.) questions
will you ask?
How will materials be
Who will work together in
groups and how will you
determine the grouping?
How will students
transition between


Who is
e (Teacher

5 sec.

Each content area may require a different step-by-step format. Use

whichever plan is appropriate for the content taught in this lesson.
For example, in science, you would detail the 5 Es here
(Engage/Encountering the Idea; Exploring the Idea;
Explanation/Organizing the Idea; Extend/Applying the Idea;
-Attention getter: teacher ("class class") students ("yes yes")
-Opening: Tell students my grandma gave me her trail mix recipe.
Let students know that I want us to make the recipe but we have a
problem. Grandma's recipe uses sixths, thelfths and eighths. Our
measuring cup uses halves, thirds and fourths. Tell students I need
them to find equivalent fractions so that we can make the trail mix.
-Go over objective and assessment: Ask students how can we find
equivalent fractions. Walk over to the objective written on the board
and point out that we will be using cross multiplication to find
equivalent fractions as well as compare. Show them the assessment

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

What will you as the
teacher do?
What will the students do?
What student data will be
collected during each
What are other adults in
the room doing? How are
they supporting students
What model of co-teaching
are you using?


written on the board. I will be assessing them by their independent

work that they do in their math journal.





-Show students Grandma's recipe and the worksheet with the

questions that they will be answering. Open up a journal and show
students that they will open their journals up to a page that has a
blank page on the left and the right. Show students that you want
them to glue the recipe and questions on the left page. Tell students
on the right page they will answer the questions, show their work
and label their answers.
-Give students time to glue.
- As a class do question #1 together.
-Independent work time. Teacher (clap clap "work work") students
(clap clap "yes yes")


-Give students 5 minutes to work to see which students need more

support. Students that are having trouble will be called to back table
for small group.


-When students are finished go over problems with the class.

-Use SMART board and call students up to work out the problems.
Make sure they are showing their work and labeling their answers.
-Now that we have the correct equivalent fractions (measurements)
for te recipe we can make the trail mix.


-Make the trail mix using students equivalent fractions. Give each
student a cup of the trail mix. They can eat the trail mix while I
check hw and stamp behavior folders before they switch to another
Trail Mix Recipe:
-3/6 pretzels
-8/12 popcorn

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

-6/8 M & M's
1. How can I find an equivalent fraction for 3/6 using 2 as my
2. How can I find an equivalent fraction for 8/12 using thirds?
3. How can I find an equivalent fraction for 6/8 using fourths?
4. Are there more pretzels or popcorn in the recipe?
5. Compare the amount of M & M's used to the amount of popcorn.
6. Order the ingredients (M & M's, popcorn, pretzels) from least to

What will you do if

a student struggles with the content?

During independent work I will walk around and observe how students are
doing with the assignment. Students that are struggling will be called to the
back table for small group and one on one instruction.

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

Students that finish early can make up their own trail mix recipe with their own
ingredients and own fractions (measurements). They can trade will a partner
and the partner must find equivalent fractions (measurements) for their

Meeting your students

needs as people and as

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural
backgrounds of your students?
Most children see their parents or relatives cook. This lesson lets students use
math in a way that they can relate to. They are able to see fractions used in a
real world situation.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
challenge during this lesson (enrichment)?
Learning Styles

Explain-Process: When students compare fractions at the end of the lesson,

students that are struggling will be encouraged to cross multiply using the
equivalent fractions that they found. Those fractions include smaller numbers
to multiply and it will be easier. Students that need more enrichment will have
to use the original fractions to cross multiply because those numbers are
larger and it will be a little more challenging.
How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional
language support?
Learning Styles

Accommodations (If
(What students need specific


USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (F 2015)

accommodation? List
individual students (initials),
and then explain the
accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
(What materials will you use?
Why did you choose these
materials? Include any
resources you used. This can
also include people!)

-M & M's
-measuring cups
-9 oz cups
-SMART board
-worksheet with questions
-math journal

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