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Shepherd of the Pines

Lutheran Church
1950 125th Street NW
Rice, MN 56367
Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home/Study Phone: 320-363-1323
Church Website:
This month we get to celebrate the greatest event ever in the history of
mankind, Easter!! The suffering, death and resurrection of our Savior and
Lord Jesus Christ for our forgiveness and eternal life. This year our Lenten
journey to the cross and the empty tomb focus on the many wonders of
heaven that are ours through the payment of Jesus Christ. C. S. Lewis said,
Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get
The Apostle Paul said in Colossians 3:2, And set your minds and keep
them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on
the earth.
So many people are concerned with today or a few months down the
road. At best, some are concerned with retirement. We think and plan in
earthly terms, and God thinks and plans in eternal terms. We are more
interested in what feels good right now, what produces immediate results.
God has an eternal purpose planned for our lives.
One way to simplify our lives is to stop planning every aspect of our
earthly lives and trust God as He guides us day by day. When we follow
God, He leads us to do not only what is best for right now, but also what is
best for eternity. God sees and understands what we dont. He wants us to
trust Him and His perfect timing.
If we keep our focus on the bigger eternal picture, we can eliminate a lot
of the time we waste on worry over what isnt happening the way we
believe it should. Wanting to know everything ahead of time only frustrates
us and robs us of our joy. Instead choose to enjoy the beautiful, simple,
powerful life God has waiting for you; as well as the eternal blessings that
come from trusting His will for our lives.
All this is possible to us as we surrender our lives to the Risen, Living
Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you,

Outpost, Inc. was formed in 1976 to meet the needs of men and women seeking freedom from
unwanted same-sex attractions. We offer teaching, encouragement and support to individuals and
families impacted by homosexuality in the Twin Cities area of Minneapolis-St. Paul and address the

Church in the Upper Midwest on related topics. Outpost also offers help to those dealing with
sexual and relational brokenness related to the opposite sex. Partnering with God the Father, we
welcome the broken-hearted and hurting. For more info visit us at or
contact us: Outpost, Inc., PO Box 22429, Robbinsdale, MN 55422; Voice: (763) 592-4700; Fax: (763)
592-4701; E-mail:

Joint Board of Lay Ministry/Executive Ministry Team Meeting

February 18, 2016, Pending Approval Minutes
BOLM members present: Deb Erdmann, Curt Kvamme, Tim Neutz, Wayne Johnson, Sarah
Anderson, Bruce Resch, Pastor Bob. Properties: Keith Peterson Absent: Brent Betker, Wayne
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bruce Resch at 6:45pm. Pastor Bob opened the meeting with
prayer. Mission statement was read by Wayne Johnson. Acts Chapter 20 was read and discussed. Treasurers
report was reviewed. Expenses are currently in line with revenue. Motion made to accept the report by Deb
Erdmann, seconded by Wayne Johnson. Motion carried.
Properties Report: Kitchen renovation project is almost wrapped up, some floor touchup yet to be done. The
maintenance room door should remain locked. Kitchen will be added to the video inventory and the insurance
updated. Three commercial exterior doors have been ordered for installation in the kitchen, fellowship hall and
south hallway. The boiler will be looked into for replacement.
Secretarys report was read by Sarah Anderson. Motion made to accept the report as read by Wayne Johnson,
seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion carried.
Old business:
Alliance Defending Freedom tabled to March meeting to view DVD. Tim will bring the DVD.
Pastor will be on vacation on February 28th. The Pastoral call committee is contacting a Pastoral candidate
to see if they can fill in.
LCMS Pastor to fill in for weddings and funerals after June 30th, 2016, not sure if Brent has contacted Pastor
Greg Tomhave yet.
Pastor Bob and Candace Dingmann would like to reschedule Pastor Hicham Chehab for later the in year.
The credit card company has not yet been contacted to change the names on the account. Pastor and Karen
will work on this.
Pastor Mark Peske returned the check sent to his ministry in January. SOTP has not been notified that the
Lutheran Indian Ministry will continue.
New business:
Worship Shepherd schedule was reviewed through Easter.
Next BOLM meeting Thursday, March 17th at 6:30pm.
Emergency Fund Tim made a motion to send $600 to the Amundsons, Wayne Johnson seconded. Motion
Call Committee Bruce reported that the background checks are back. The three candidates under
consideration are Monte Meyer, Andrew Ritchie & Jake Gillard. The committee is contacting a candidate to
fill in on February 28th. Bruce is planning to call a meeting on Tuesday. Bruce has the PIF & SEF
information packs on the candidates for the committee to look over. Candidate interviews will follow. The
BOLM will consider plans for communion in the case of a vacancy at the next BOLM meeting. Pastor
Brady has not yet talked to the committee about a vacancy pastor.
First Communion will be on March 13th; currently there are 13 in the class.
The Prince of Peace Childrens Choir will be performing on April 10th 10:30am service.
Pastor Bob has been visiting a couple who are believers in Christ, they are unable to come to church but
want to continue to receive pastoral care. Motion made to receive Gert and Merle Freeberg into
membership via their confession of faith was made by Wayne Johnson. Seconded by Deb Erdmann. Motion
Use of the SOTP facility was requested for December by a couple who are not members of SOTP. The
BOLM discussed creating a policy that is presented for requests to use our facility. Decision was made to
decline the request at this time.

Motion was made to support the community with the $30 annual membership fee for the Rice Area
Chamber of Commerce by Wayne Johnson, seconded by Tim Neutz. Motion carried.
Other Leaders comments-Peter Keyes has a successful SHAPE class going on Thursday nights. It is
recommended to have Peter do a study on how our congregation can reach out to the community.
Motion was made by Tim Neutz to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sarah Anderson. Motion carried. Meeting
adjourned at 9:37pm. Meeting was closed with circle prayer. Respectfully submitted by Sarah Anderson, BOLM
Greetings all!
like to help support them. They are so
Can you believe that we are in the 3rd
giving to others who are facing trials
month of 2016 already? the end
through the quilting ministry, we have
of the month we celebrate our Risen
decided to help them back
! We
Lord!!! Oh what a blessing we have in
continue to pray for a speedy recovery
knowing we can have eternal life! I pray
for Jim! Thanks to all who have signed up
that as we embrace this
Easter season, we all
In closing, may the peace fill your
reflect on the journey to
heart that the risen Lord can only give!
the cross that our Lord
May this Easter season hold many
took for you and me!
blessings, and may the Son-shine in to
The stories in the Bible are so moving, to
your lives daily! Happy Easter! He is
imagine what He went through those
risen! He is risen indeed!
final days. And then we think we have a
bad day this side of heaven, nothing
Brenda Hackett, Small Group Team
compared to those He endured. His
Leader a mom I cannot think of the
emotional journey she too took. And
For our Holy Week Services we are in
then, the darkest day for her watching
need of volunteers to help make it a
her son persecuted, mocked, and killed
meaningful time. There is a signup
for not one thing that He did, but for
someone else. Oh the grief. This month
sheet on the counter in the church
on the 19, we shall be able to have a
lobby for the following:
grief seminar for anyone who is dealing
with their own grief. Sarah is the person
Maundy Thursday Service, we need
who will be leading it. She will touch on
greeters, ushers and a reader.
how grief is normal, dealing with it is
normal, everyone who has suffered loss
will endure it, and NEVER hide it! She will
Good Friday Service, we need
also offer to have small group sessions to
greeters, ushers and a reader.
be set up at future dates if anyone wants
to continue to heal. She is very
passionate about the grief process and
Easter Sunday Services, we need
all that it holds for each person. Please
greeters, ushers, and readers.
check the sign-up sheet in the back of
church. The Lords mother and earthly
If you would like to sign up for any of
father grieved for their son but didnt
these needed positions please do so.
have a support system that was
recorded. We have the blessing to have
Thank you for your help!
one here!
We also are planning the Easter
You are invited to
breakfast. If God moves your heart to
The Journey of Grief
donate food or your time, it is greatly
Saturday, March 19
appreciated! The proceeds this year are
going to Jim & Ardelle. They have been
9:00 AM at
given a tough journey this last couple of
Shepherd of the Pines.
months and as a family of God we would

Presented by: Sarah Schmidt, Mrs. Benton

County International. The international
pageant system focuses on expressing
something you are passionate about through a
chosen platform. Sarah's platform is 'Golden
Tears - Finding Hope and Healing after Loss.'
Please come for an educational presentation
by Sarah using segments from Doug
Manning's renowned DVD series, The
Journey of Grief. The journey of grief is one
we all walk sooner or later. Though the
packages of grief come in a variety of sizes,
grief visits every person in the universe.

Doug Manning, author of numerous books on

the topic, insightfully offers this
encouragement: "Don't let anyone take your
grief away from you. You deserve it, you must
have it. If you had a broken leg, no one would
criticize you for using crutches until it was
healed. If you had major surgery, no one
would pressure you to run a marathon next
week. Grief is a major wound. It doesn't heal
overnight. You must have time and crutches
until you can heal."


Do you know where the phrase separation of church and
state comes from? If you guessed the Constitution or the
Declaration of Independence, youd be wrong. Thomas
Jefferson referred to it in a letter to the Danbury
Baptist Association, which had written to him
seeking his help. Connecticut had an established
state Congregational Church, which meant that the
Baptists religious freedom in Connecticut was not
an inherent right, but a favor granted by the state.
Jefferson wrote to the Baptists that he shared their
belief in religious freedom, and that under the First
Amendment there existed a wall of separation between the
federal government and the churches; the federal government
was not allowed to interfere with religion, an example he hoped
the states would follow.
Today, its the in thing to invoke separation of church and
state to insinuate or even demand that the Church have no
influence on government and no role in politics. That is wrong. In
fact, Jeffersons letter to the Danbury Baptists closes with an
invocation of God and prayer.
This year we have a very important election to participate in
the president of the United States. Every election, voters face
decisions based on many reports. Ignore the media giants and
consider whom God would have you support.
Proverbs 29:2 tells us, When the righteous thrive, the people
rejoice, when the wicked rule, the people groan. It is imperative
that we support Godly, competent leaders if we want to live a life
of freedom, peace, and justice.

Do your own homework as you consider which candidates to

support. Ask God for wisdom to make sound decisions that line up
with His will. Pray that you wont be influenced by mans opinion,
but by God alone and His word of truth. God bless and guide us
and the election process in the coming months. Pastor Bob
During the month of March, our congregation is joining people of good will
from across the state to help alleviate hunger.
Minnesota FoodShares March Campaign is the largest food drive in the state, and
congregations like ours are the heart of the
RAFS (Rice Area Food Shelf) serves the Rice, and
surrounding rural areas. RAFS began in 1998 and
operates out of the Old Village Hall in Rice, MN.
It is run strictly by volunteers.
Distribution date is March 10th, 3:00pm - 5:00pm at the Rice Old Village Hall.
DONATIONS can be dropped off at area churches and monetary gifts (tax
deductible) can be sent to: RAFS, PO Box 334, Rice, MN 56367


March distribution is
Thursday, March 10th,
at the Old Village Hall

If we'd like to keep the tradition of

SOTP Lenten Soup Supper night,
alive and flourishing, we will need
VOLUNTEERS to fill the remaining
dates through Lent:
March 2, 9 & 16.
sign up on the
sheet in the church lobby. We need a
coordinate all the volunteers and
initiate the set-up & clean-up. This
would be a great opportunity for
small bible study groups, friends,
families or ministries to serve their
brothers & sisters together, and the
donations collected from your night

of serving can go to the ministry of

your nomination. Each week we will
need 3 volunteers to make a crockpot of soup each, 3 volunteers to
bring the ingredients needed for
sandwiches to feed a crowd of 30-50
people and one of those volunteers
otherwise not continue during the
Lenten season this year without
volunteers! Thank You!!

There is a red tote in

the fellowship hall for
you year-round
shoppers. Feel free to
fill your own shoeboxes (wrapped or
unwrapped) as you find things and bring
those also. We started the year with
generous cash donations so were off to a
good start already!

Mark your
calendar and set
your clock ahead
one hour on
March 13!
We have been
praying for our church family
each week as we go through our
church directory from A to Z. As
you go about your daily tasks lift a prayer
for the family of the week as the Lord brings
them to mind. In March we will be praying


David & Connie Efraimson

March 13 - Drew & Jessica Efraimson

Children: Wyatt & Quinn
March 20 - Barb Ellefson
Children: Phillip & Leanna Murphy
March 27-

Steve & Alice Ellefson

How do I become a member of

Shepherd of the Pines?
We offer membership classes to those who
would like to become members of
Shepherd of the Pines and join us on our
journey with Jesus. The class consists of
two Saturday sessions. The next ones
are: April 2 and April 16. Each class will
be from 8:30am to 12:30pm with a brunch
included. There is a sign up sheet for this
class located on the counter in the church
lobby. Our goal is to help each person take
steps into Gods good plan and to discover
and live out Gods wonderful purposes for
our lives. Questions, contact Pastor Bob at


We will be quilting on
March 31 from 2:00
8:00pm at the
church. Contact Ardelle for more
info at 656-5858.
Anyone is
welcome to stop in and join us!

vacation through March

4. If you need pastoral
care during this time
please contact Pastor
Greg Tomhave at 320493-9761 or the church
office, 393-4295.


Our youth group had an
amazingly busy February! We
attended the Dare2Share
conference in Eden Prairie and
were able to learn, worship,
witness and share with each
other and with others in that
community. Its incredible to
watch our kids reach out to
share the love of Christ!! We
had a successful Ash
Wednesday Soup Supper and
the Sweethearts breakfast
was a hit. We are excited to
begin a new journey with the
curriculum called Salt which
will create spiritual thirst so
that they seek out the lifegiving water of Jesus Christ in
their everyday lives. We are so
incredibly blessed with
amazing young people and a
church family that is faithful in
supporting them! Blessings in
Karen & Michelle
Pastor Bob & Carol will be away on

We will be taking up
our noisy offering on
Sunday, March 20th,
for the Hands of Hope Resource
Center in Little Falls. Thank you for
your support and your generous
Our theme for Lent this year is
The Many Wonders of
Heaven. We can live our lives
in more victory, joy and peace
when we can live lifes journey
with the end in mind.
Lenten Suppers
5:30 - 6:15 pm Free will offering
Soup suppers immediately
preceding Lenten services IF we
have volunteers
Lenten Services - 6:30pm
March 2, 9, 16
Maundy Thurs. Service w/Holy
March 24, 6:30pm
Good Friday Service
March 25, 6:30pm
Easter Sunday Services
March 27, 6:00am, 8:00am,

Easter Breakfast following the 6:00am &

8:00am services

There are sign up

sheets on the counter
in the church lobby for
both helpers and to
provide food items for
Worship Shepherds


Deb Erdmann
Tim Neutz
Curt Kvamme
Sarah Anderson
Bruce Resch
Wayne Anderson
Brent Betker
Deb Erdmann
6:00 Wayne Johnson
8:00 Curt Kvamme
10:30 Tim Neutz

March 6

8:00am Keith & Roxanne Peterson

10:30am Pat & Carol Rolph

March 13

8:00am Keith & Evie Kirchner

10:30am Rich & Robin Hemple

March 20

8:00am Kevin & Janet Maleska

10:30am Keith & Kathy Craft

March 27

March 6

EASTER Volunteers

8:00am Linda Dirks

10:30am Melissa Hinderschied

our annual Easter

morning breakfast.
This is a wonderful
time of fellowship,
service and an
opportunity to support
Jim & Ardelle
Amundson. Please
prayerfully consider
how you may help!
March 13

8:00am Linda Omann

10:30am Pam Fuchs

March 20

8:00am Lois Perleberg

10:30am Sandie Resch

March 27

EASTER Volunteers
DJ Janski

March 13

Garry & Bonnie Loidolt

March 20

Jay & Leah Saldana

March 27

EASTER Volunteers

Dennis Arntson, Laurie Madoll,
Keith Kirchner
If it is your turn to serve fellowship,
please bring some treats to share
and arrive early to help set up. If
your name is first on the list, please
arrive 30 minutes prior to the
8:00am service to make coffee.
The directions for making coffee are
posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen. When you serve
fellowship, please plan on serving coffee and treats and
cleaning up the kitchen after the first service. The others
serving with you would appreciate it!
March 6 -

A. Gerads, S. Monnier, M. Barringer,

J. Amundson, J. Herman

March 13 -

T. Omann, D. Skajewski, T. Manske,

B. Statz, G. Donabauer

Roxanne Peterson, Juli Popp,
Richael Weinand

March 20 -

J. Nelson, L. Popp, J. Boatz,

C. Walberg, S. Pintok

March 27 -


March 6 -

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

Luke 13:31-36

March 6

8:00am Samantha Dubbin

10:30am Noah Ellefson

March 13 -

II Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-2, 11-32

March 13

8:00am Dennis Arntson

10:30am Matthew Neutz

March 20 -

II Corinthians 2:14-16
Mark 14:1-11

March 20

8:00am Donovan Elyea

10:30am Denise Leahy

March 27 -

I Corinthians 15:1-8
John 20:11-18

March 27





Jesus Is Always With...

Bob Trinklein, Pastor

Church Phone: 393-4295
Pastors Home Study: 320-363-1323
Church Website:
Sarah Anderson, Secretary 267-2628, Wayne Anderson 393-2128, Brent Betker, President 584-8170, Deb Erdmann, 393-4279,
Wayne Johnson 253-9020, Curt Kvamme, Treas. 393-3353, Tim Neutz, 393-3386, Bruce Resch, Vice-President 360-4562
Keith Peterson, Church Properties 292-4007
Brenda Hackett - Small Group Team Leader, Candace Dingmann - Worship Team Leader, Maria Traut - Service Team Leader
In case of church cancellation due to bad weather listen to, 98 COUNTRY 98.1, SPIRIT 92.9, KCLD 104.7, WJON 1240,
or call the church office and listen to the message.

Shepherd of the Pines Mission Statement: Connecting People to GodTo Othersand To Service
The purpose of this congregation is mandated for us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as found in the words of the Great
Commission (Matthew 28), namely first of all to Go. To leave our walls of refuge, going into all the world, comprising of our families
and neighbors. We plan to achieve our purpose by identifying persons with whom we are particularly well-equipped to serve and reach
with the challenge of becoming Disciples of Christ.
Second, to Make Disciples or in the words of St Paul, To equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12). This is to be understood as helping
people to live the Christian life here on earth. Preparing and encouraging young and old alike to find and to use their God given gifts
and abilities for the extension of His Kingdom, and to grow in fervent love for God and for others.
Thirdly, to Baptize as commanded by Jesus Himself. As God reaches down to mankind with His means of grace, He would have us
baptize His people, bringing them into His family and Kingdom, granting to them life, forgiveness of sins, and eternal salvation.
And lastly, to continue steadfast in His Word, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A continued
zeal for the study of His Word, the Bible, is necessary for the growth of any Christian congregation. Thus, the Word of God will be
taught and studied in full measure and His Word shall be the rule and norm of this congregations faith and life.
To that end, our every effort and energy will be used in motivating, training, and putting to use our time, and talents and treasures
to Make Disciples.

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