Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

1. Currently we have the LOGIN based on sign in.

2. What exactly should be done :

3. When user selects NEW USER ,

Kindly ask for below details only :

Company Name: (Mandatory)

Company Website:

Contact Person: (Mandatory)

Address: (Free flow text box)
Country: (Mandatory)
City: ( form drop-down master) (Mandatory)
Zip Code:
Phone : (Mandatory)
Email: (Mandatory)
Business Type: (drop down to select)
Business To Business
Business To Consumer
How did you hear about XIBE: (drop-down)
Trade Show
Social Media
Any Information you would like to provide ? ( free-flow )
Verifiction Code:
Enter The code :
SUBMIT (button)
4. Now the only issue while doing this would be the PRICING should change for
an Indian Client and OVERSEAS client.
How can this be done ?

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