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My name is Dan Joubert and I am Robert s dad.

Thank you for allowing me a few minutes to share my burden.

Camping, fishing and hunting were a few of Robert s favourite things to do. These
were some of the things that we all did together as a family. Things that brou
ght so much happiness for us, and now they seem to bring us so much sadness. Ev
ery time we get together we are reminded of how things were before.
Robert was such a jokester, he always tried to play some pranks on me and others
in our family. He was a lot like his Ppre Joubert, he always tried to put a smil
e on your face.
Christmas was Robert s favourite time of the year. He would help decorate the hou
se and he always looked forward to Rveillon. He would sing in his deep voice Chr
istmas songs like I m Dreaming of a White Christmas and You re a Mean One Mr. Grinch . I
would give anything, anything in the whole world to hear him sing again.
Christmases, family gatherings and everyday life for the last three years have n
ot been the same since losing Robert. Can you imagine losing one of your childr
en? A parent should never have to bury their own child.
Losing a child is like losing a piece of yourself. A part of you dies and goes
away forever. I look in the mirror and I do not recognize the man that I see all
I see is a shadow of myself.
The pain that I am suffering is indescribable. It is both an emotional pain and
a physical pain. It reaches to the bottom of my soul and I always feel it. I
have not been the same since my boy s death.
I now live with the fear of losing another one of my children and deep down insi
de me I know that if that were to happen, I could not possible live through it,
I simply would not have the strength.
The nightmares that I suffer are unbearable. Sometimes I wake up and I think th
at he is still with us, that he is in the house. I go into his room and pick up
one of his shirts and breathe him in, and try to hold onto him as much as possi
ble. It is so unbearable, and it is still today so unbelievable. My son was on
his way to work. To have him killed by a man who had no regard for others is s
omething that I cannot accept, and so should nobody else. I think Robert s death
would be easier to accept had it been caused by an accident.
I understand that I am supposed to tell you about what Mr. Jolicoeur s actions hav
e done to me. But how can I describe my pain, my broken heart? All I can say i
s that I am a broken man.
But what about Robert? Mr. Jolicouer stole his youth, his dreams and his life.
All I want now is justice because that is all I am able to ask for because I ca
n t have my son back. I want justice because I do not want other families to go t
hrough this.

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