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Bay-Leigh Sawyers

English 1020 T
Professor Elizabeth Kent
March 1, 2016
Cancer. American Cancer Society, Inc., 2016. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
The source for this annotation is a web cite called, it is a website for the
American Cancer Society and it to help people understand anything that they would like
to know about any kind of cancer. The publication is relevant because it has the most up
to date publication for 2014 on the numbers of survivors for the top ten deadliest cancer
among males and females. The timing is important for this publication because it was just
two years ago for the numbers and types of cancers that affected males and females the
most. The strengths that this website is high because it has a chart giving the types of
cancers, the numbers of survivors, and the percentages for the year 2014. This source
could stand on its own because it gives reasons for why some of the cancers happen in
male and female and also gives a chart, and some facts about the survivors. For this
source I am able to enter the conversation for my research because it discusses a lot of
important information that I need to know for my research essay. The source does not
exactly present and argument but can help me to make an argument in my research essay
by giving my certain information that I need. The source could stand up against a strong
critical evaluation from an academic stand point because it has important information that
has been evaluated by the American Cancer Society. For my final essay I see this
information being included by using the chart to show the different types of cancers in
male and females. The reason for using this information in my research essay is because
it is important for everyone to know the most common and the deadliest cancers in men
and women. This source will become a helpful building block for my essay because it
allows me to provide a chart and other helpful information for making my argument of
why all cancers should get noticed and funded the same.
Chan, Amanda. The 10 Deadliest Cancers and Why Theres No Cure. My Health News Daily
(2010): Live Science. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
While searching on the web I found an article on by Amanda Chan about
The 10 Deadliest Cancers and Why Theres No Cure. The articles content includes the
amount of money that has been spent on research for these ten cancers, the names of the
top ten cancers, what makes them so deadly, and the amount of lives that have been taken
from these cancers. The author is relevant because she gives the most up to date
information and goes into specific details that need to be known about the ten cancers.
The time of this publication is important because it gives information about the ten
cancers from 2003 to 2007. The reason why this timing is important is because so many
lives were affected by different types of cancers in those five years. For my research
project this is a great source that I can use to receive excellent information about the top
ten deadliest cancers, the lives that were affected by these cancers, and the amount of
money that was spent on research. So far with this source there has not been any
weaknesses for my research but only strengths. This source could stand on its own as an
argumentative point because it shows how there are other types of cancers that take more
lives each year than Breast Cancer does, but Breast Cancer is the most funded type of

cancer. This source does allow me to enter the conversation for my research project
because it gives me so much information that I was looking for, for my research. The
writer for this article is not trying to make an argument but for my research project I can
use this information to argue my point about why Breast Cancer should not get the most
funding because it does not take as many lives as some other cancers do. I do think that
this article would be able to stand strong against a critical evaluation because it gives
accurate information. This source will be foreseen in my essay by giving me accurate
information about these top ten deadliest cancers and the reason for this is so where I can
let people know how to decrease their chance of getting these cancers. This source has
already begun to be a building block for my argument because there is so much
information in this article that not many people know about.
Choose Hope. Choose Hope, Inc. 2016. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
My source for is a website that supports cancer research and gives a
calendar of the cancer awareness months. The publication is 2016 and this is relevant
because it gives the most up to date calendar for cancer awareness months. This
publication of this calendar is not that important because it has not changed from past
years. The strengths of this source is that it gives a list of all the different types of cancers
and allows you to click them to find out more information about certain types of cancers
and also gives a calendar of each cancer awareness months and the color of the ribbons
for each cancer. This could not stand alone as an argumentative point because I would
have to include other information from other sources to make it a strong argumentative
point. It does allow me to enter the conversation for my research because with this source
I am able to click on whatever cancer I would like to know more about for my research.
The writer for this source does not present a argument at all I would have to be the one to
make the argument. This source would be able to stand up against a critical evaluation
because it does give a lot of information on different types of cancers and the information
is accurate. This information can be foreseen into my research essay by gathering
information about all of the different types of cancers and the reason for the colors and
months for the specific cancers. The reason for putting this information into my essay is
to allow people to learn about other months that are cancer awareness besides just Breast
Cancer awareness month. This source will become a building block for my research essay
because it allows me to show people that there are other months that support cancer
awareness besides just October.
Thompson Jr., Dennis. Cancer Research: Where the Funding Goes. Everyday Health. (2010):
Everyday Health, Inc. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
This source is an article called Cancer Research: Where the Funding Goes, it is written
by Dennis Thompson Jr. and medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD. The content in
this article talks about where all of the money that has been raised for cancers go and
about the specific types of cancer that get more money. The author is relevant because he
gives specific information on each cancer. The publication of this article is important
because it gives the amount of money for each cancer that was raised in 2007 and 2008.
With this source the only weakness with this is that it is from 2007 and 2008, it would be
better if it was more recent like 2014 and so forth. This source does have some strengths
by giving the exact totals for the cancers that had so much funding and where the money

went. Another strength is that it was medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD. This
information does stand on its own as a valid argumentative point because it gives the total
money spent and funded for certain types of cancers and how every cancer should be
research and funded just as much as others. With this source I am able to enter into the
conversation because there are so many great points made throughout this article. The
writer presents the argument perfectly because he shows with charts the money that is
raised and how some of the most prevalent forms of cancers do not get the most funding
when they should. This source could definitely stand up against critical evaluation
because it gives so much important information and has been reviewed by a MD. This
information could possibly be foreseen in my essay by either using one of the charts in
the article or just by giving information that people should know about from the article.
The reason for this being used in my essay is because a lot of people do not see how
many cancers do not get as much funding as they should. This source will be a building
block for my research because it provides so much information about funding for
different types of cancers and where that money goes.
Parker-Pope, Tara. Cancer Funding: Does It Add Up? New York Times 25 Feb. 2016: Web.
The New York Times newspaper is where this source was located on the web. The
newspaper article is Cancer Funding: Does It Add UP? and written by Tara ParkerPope. This newspaper article is about rather cancer spending and funding should only be
focused on the most common forms of cancers. The author is relevant because she
provides charts and information on why cancer funding does not add up. This sources
publication timing is not important, but the information that is provided is important. The
reason for why it is not important is because it is from 2008 and the information that she
talks about is from 2006. The strengths with this article is that it provides detailed
information and also provides charts on the different types of cancers and the money that
is funded per death and per new case. The information in this article could stand on its
own as a valid argumentative point because it explains why other cancers should get
funding more and why all of these other cancers get so much more funding. This article
does allow me to enter the conversation with my research because I am able to use this
information to show how other cancers should get noticed and funding just like all the
others and it shows that I am not the only one that sees this as an issue. The writer
presents the argument well because the writer uses information that is accurate and uses
charts to provide more of a visual aspect. This source would be able to go stand on its
own through critical evaluation because it provides detailed information and examples.
With this source I could see this information entering into my essay by providing a chart
and reasons for why other cancers should get funding just as much as others do. This will
help me to show how much funding is raised for only specific cancers and where that
money goes. This source will be a building block to provide important information about
funding for different types of cancers.

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