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An Appeal to Venus By JCPS Student

Character: Clara, a young Roman

woman who is the daughter of a
wealthy senator. She is kind,
generous, and willful, but not very
The Situation: Clara loves a young
Roman man, Marcus. He is from a poor
family, and her father forbids them to
marry. In this scene, Clara appeals to
Venus, the goddess of love and
passion, for help. (This takes place
around 105 A.D., before the Romans
converted to Christianity.)
Clara: Oh Venus, Goddess of Love,
hear my plea! Give me insight to what
I should do! (Clara kneels in prayer,
her voice low, her head bowed as a
sign of respect.) My horribly greedy
and stubborn father will not permit me
to marry the man I love, even though
Marcus truly is a man of great honor
and courage. Marcus was
exceptionally valiant to ask Father for
my hand in marriage, not only once,
but several times! As I watched from
behind the window draperies that last
time, I saw Fathers face. He was so
angry, I thought he would explode! If
only Marcus were from a rich and
noble family! Father wishes only that
my marriage bring him more wealth
and land; he cares not that Marcus
would make me happy! Father still
thinks of me as a silly puella, a girl
with nothing but air between her ears.
(Claras face displays scorn for her
stubborn father.) He wants me to
marry Graccius, that horribly fat and
wrinkled old man. A man whos had
more wives than years Ive lived. But
Marcus, now theres a handsome
young man! (Clara smiles dreamily.)
Unlike Graccius, he cares for me, not
just for my wealth and my looks. (She

peers around the room and spies on

the wall a mosaic of the Romans
conquering Britain.) If only you would
send a fiery chariot to take us away to
that new province, Britannia! Please,
oh powerful and merciful Goddess,
help me, for surely this is a just cause!
(Clara stands and, still deep in
thought, bows to the image of Venus.
Then, just as she is about to turn and
leave, her face suddenly lights up.)
Thats it! Why dont we just drive off in
a chariot! What my father doesnt
know cant hurt him. I know he doesnt
want us to marry, but theres nothing
he can do about it if we just run off
before he gets wind of it. Oh, what a
marvelous idea! What I wouldnt give
to see Fathers face when he finds out!
Though Id give more to be safely out
of his control when he does learn that
weve gone! (Clara giggles at the
thought, the corners of her mouth
turning up in a smile. Her eyes shine
with delight and her face flushes with
excitement.) Thank you, Sweet
Goddess, for this precious, divine
inspiration! If we are going to succeed
with this risky scheme, I must make it
as foolproof as possible. So much
depends on my fathers rather
convenient ability to ignore me for
days at a time as if thats a
punishment! Despite all our planning, I
pray nothing will go wrong. This plan
may have some serious flaws, but its
our only hope. Thats why, dear Venus,
we need your help so desperately.
Please guard and keep us on our
journey to Britannia! (Clara bows
respectfully again, the stands up, all
traces of seriousness now gone.) Now,
if youll please excuse me, I have an
elopement to plan and a bridegroom
to surprise! (Clara bows low to the
image of Venus and dashes from the

room, a rare grin illuminating her


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