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PASSIVITY PROPERTIES OF INDUCTION MOTORS: APPLICATION TO FLUX OBSERVER DESIGN Romeo Ortega Dept. of Mechanical nee ‘Sophia University Chivods-Ke, Tokye YAPAN ABSTRACT. In hia paper me use eneray balance cavation of the indacts ode! to establish some passivity properties. The Teprerentation reference frame, thus can be Used to analyse ina unified manner the various fad observation strategies reported a task which typically relies the chosen coordinates particular, we show that the slip frequency, Control variable does net affect the moter Gneray balance equation. Ths fact clarifies to some extent, the stable behavior of Field oriented control sehemes. To illustrate the applicability af the derived properties. we present a general framework for observer design ind derives globally exponentially stable hontinear {lus abserver for am taductlon motor fnodel that inclodes mechanical and electrical Gynamics. Also, me show that ‘open leap" observers are globally stable provided the I. INTRODUCTION Several applications of modern control theory to electrical drives have’ been recently feported. In particular (eld oriented contro} has emerted an th important. approach to the Control of AG drives [1,2). This techalgue may be viewed az an “asymptotic — approximate nonlinear state feedback stratery [8,18] Central the model is assumed with the reference that of the idealized Tield-orfented induction motors Therefore, the anaiysiz ean, in the best cose, only be claimed te be This fact i reconntzed in [4,51 See also (6) for a decoupling scheme for a model neglecting the Bechanical dynamics an¢ [18] for the complete Rodel. Furthermore, key step Ia the: Taplenentation of fiele-eriented schemes Is the cutiaation of roter (or stator) flux from the Current, and rover speed. As pointed oat in [7), tee alae THI, the extimation schemes used for this purpose are typically open-leeo, NOLS. SpIst one HME 6 Gerardo Espinosa DEPFI-UNAM University of Mexico P.O, Box 70-286, D.F. Mexico Added to the intrinsic poor robustness of the epen-loep schemes is the fact that the rotor resistance, which enters into the fluz model, changes considerably with the aachine Temperature. Some Improvement tz obtained high-speed cations using stator ertinacors as described in (91, In spite of the dificaltios and analytes! inconsistencies has proven extremely useful and continues to be dixcuased and developed both in academia and In this paper we are interested in establishing coordinate free enerny dissipation properties for the complete induction setor model with the following objectives: First, prove thet the Induction aotor equations define a mapping from Hater voltares to currents which Is passive (dissipates energy) independent of the choice of the slip frequency. Taiz property, that reported in. the Ia of course aot sucprizing. literature, This clarifies, to some extent, the robustly stable Behaviour of fleld-orlented Sthenes. It ix well Known (161 that under mild (detectability) assumptions passive systems are Therefore, ovr reavit shows that for any choice the slip) frequency Cee, asin Field-oriented control) regulation of the terminal voltages around the etater currents with passive remulators, for instance Pl, will Field a stable evstem.[t ir worth pointing out (hat the aforementioned property Is independent ef the chosen coordinate frame, therefore can on the chosen coordinates: trtablish the global exponential stability of a hodely This result sof tnterest for Tield-oriented control” taws, the recent decoupling. schemes of | (5:6,18] and the controller of [103 the paver i organised ae In tection 2 we closely follow (11) to review the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian model of Fined” connection. inductive systems (ie mere, tynchronout and induction ‘The key passivity property Is derived his level of generatity here. Seetion 3 ted to specialise the previous result to rt with emphasis on the different formulation of the previous IL, PASSIVITY PROPERTIES OF FIXED ‘CONNECTION INDUCTIVE SYSTEKS. jechanical auchines fer) connection anonz other sd tynchroneus a the Tatter include ] that fixed connection machines are ims with holonomic constraints Te connection machines satiety fe (nonintesrable) constraints (131 ourselves to fixed connection Wost of the material contained in this tection Is well known, see e.g. [11,12] end is included A. Lagrangian Formulation Acsume the system consist of peZ+ independent cirewite, the efeeait. E (ke1.2,..-4p). with Current ik, resistance Re fc Fiur Xk and at Pienes tetate an Qe Ras hte on on the other hand, et dk, be generalized mechanical co Eeneralized mechanical forces We will find convenient to define aga, 4, va)" 9,*fa,.0,....0]" Metal” 8 LG yae I” SEER Ap y, The hinetic (2.3) Fe A) ued eC) ao Tele DES he as Fy) Gy) 1) eo lceericaler cus eects ee ieee ger tee, a “gs an B, HantLeontan fermutatton. (13,14) ean be a Rebeca ay find the Mami ttonian a(e.s)trter a 1k a clear that then equation (2.7) becomes the well -kaown Hamilton equations . oe beg ea (2.10 om ea, oe, be easily Fact 2.1, The total derivative of the Mamittonian along the trayectories of (2.10) satisfies feala aay Another important well known property that Follows trom the, fact that the kinetic. eneery Fact 2.2. #7 "E0 Cary ©. Passivity property, Prom integration of (2.11) and (2.12) we have the following input-output property of fixed connection inductive arstems, which is a Straightforward corollary of the enerey belance Corollary 2.1, Along the mot (2.7) Cor @.10)) the incana Ef ayer Eas ders holds for atl G0 Cand Integrable We and Get, E Sager? aan an ) (20 fe ¥ c | a Notice that the interpretation still holds tor torque disturbances which are *propertional” to velocity. e.g. Coulomb friction effects. In the result to the induetion el and disease the effect of the coordinate changes ILI. PASSEVETY OF INDUCTION MOTORS induction motor with la. Ra, Lz and the and rotor respectively snd Lar the mutual inductance. The usual Basie arsuaptions about the mechanical structure are made, namely: the permeability of the stator and roter core is infinite, the Iron losses are neglected fare short-circuited. Jed that the enerey anced in the three dases, The anfular position ef the rotor with Teameei to the stator is # function of time” of the following form outa, an where Gr fe the angular velocity of the Teter this scheme Iz known te the ay Fepresentated. Applying, the lendel"s Cranstormation matriz iven by : 1 2 2 a a4, a on zy we obtain 4 two phase equivalent Feoretentation, hnowa as the ab schemes tn AEC adet, then, Gf cosae iE sera a MCL ad-1, 181, GE sent eosa a. at, tease ison) (30) MG aad-b irk, Cit sena: cosa «ss the subseripts for the currents (i) O) indicate in which ancy it the andthe superscript if the coil belongs to Stator or (0 the rotor. The snxular position a Is still given by (3.1). Notice that” the expressions presented in (3.8) are defined considering a fixed AL ab node electrical coordinates are aw ana the electrical generalized forces are aE eh ht as ant its ao tn tera of (2.0 and (2.8) we ean write 2.29 i” “s gO ith, cares an sere ihe eos sho, tutes .n, 248, ver com sn | on Ter sa etal positive Rencralired mechanical the shart co Indvetion motor iz the angul rotor with respect to the stat fe 7 oS os Foe NC i “OYE A, x, Bh EP ota aan eee ro eT aed ean Of the meter is zero and both, (2.6) and the Ha the Lagrangian n (2.12) coincides with | nae (tte) ; Dyas eas Sb (3.158) Jarman (158) Pee mat ae ea ee a PO ay aCe ae a" met +] aan Similarly to the (3.17) we obtain balance eauation Proposition 3.1 Along the solutions of (3.18) fot tivgiee 2fPP oD ae ab ae ob ae ab a saf Soup brer7 co au holds for alt 130. ‘The following remarks are in order [the proposition shows that fo demping load disturbances (et Trietion) the induction motor cam Currents. Therefore, some “aie” stability Dropertics are eapecied when closing + loop. tround them 2. AL also shows that the “fietielous forces* inal? ‘and TE dono work. This in analesy with the Cortolis and centrifugal forces in robeties us) del and its pe om the fet properties ee the so-called representation, can be ‘ [re] om bee, am that follows directly from Mid is ite. action oe Bi (3.23) and she caulibrium eavetions ‘ake the siapier orm tye, sétigit Deas G20 eye, sa ry GE a a caw (28) and oe is he slip frequency of, (20) wee ihe totociens ef (320 eee yeaa EN ease aE) ers wor! = (a5) "af aan erg Sagat he ant Sdentin we ane ot alr pe a7. a [; ‘| i wayne Li Proposition 9.2, Alene the solutions of (3.20) the ineasal ty Sotvibas Raa anf SteufSraer, co (29 olds for all Une 0 and att values of he ip treguener on ©. Time-tnvartant state transformations. ao tel a0 with @ 4 2 non-singular real mateix. The Tate equations Took like pkrc eg? cas Ja Tu int aa shere ogoges cteges alge oan) it the total eneray Ie Teh tas Toten gn a aay Ie fa easy to verify that the derivative of the total eneray sntitien aa, aw ar Sey, aaa (as) Aigo, it ie clear nat from the symplectic dei we can dircetly abtain the standard. state Sosce “model. At an exemple, chosing the currents as state variables we get ace aif ailtonrt abs onca 25fS oie ity, ca.s60) Bran Daa Gye] Mo ERE beta). tf? 2] ° ai In the next section we will use the enersy » stable observers fer the IV, OBSERVER DESTGN We consider the pr Jem of designing globally fers of the generalized coordina wmessurements of stator y frequency (on) and We assume that the parameters fevexaetly knows, thar the matrices De. Gr neralized coordinates will be sesumed surable. Thin will be precised below We propose « full order observer of the form Dat sv Rt, 200-2, an here (0) stands for eetimate and PERS iso feedback correcting term of the form rk an with eR to be defined. From (3.318) and (4.1) we obtain an observer error equation Dyase,atR aK as where we have introduced the state err nee an To study the stability of (4.3) we propose to use the ‘mechanical kinetic enerey" of the Torte ozo as) seo, ome whose derivate elone the solutions of (4.9) sg Mgt ae He tn clear from (4.6) that the observer stability problem reduces to the positive Gelinitness of the matrix KiGdyeRiy stable for sufficiently slow rotor speeds Proposttion 4.1. If selene an ete the observer (4.1) with F: Stable. That is, There ex! baCDisme™ 1 CoDI for all eo. Proof. Follows inmediately from the equivalence bel RIC E Ce ot oo E teanttnt stability ie To get an observer whose Independent of the rotor speed Vinitattons that reflect the fact that not state variables are available for hich obviates the function of | the Noting thet Rig is diagonal positive and analysing the structure of (3.25) we can aim at chosing a K so 25 0 ain KiGay thew-aymetrie. This objective is si Viehed with mela : 4.10) Cor? whieh yields the skew-symmetric mate Kieeflet | L,0,8 Boece) eiereerad aap tod | tat heeded to implement the correcting term with this choice of KP. The answer depends on which feriables are measurable and whieh are to. be Observed, or equivalently on the specific Choice ef the transformation matrix @ (3.30) Tt we take, for instance, the model with stator currents and” fluxes where the former are cbeerve the latter, aan aan which {a implementable Sapertance (3) 2 the rotor speed end the problem is apparently extremely dif ticut because of the nonlinear dependence of the veriables, It iz worth pointed ost thet in [8]. Ste alse [7], stable flux observers for systems in stator (ized coordinates are derived. Notice that in this representation the slip. frequency torque. 7 is absent, thos the model is linear (treating there fed as an independent bounded Fonction ef time) and 2 linear observer can be Utilise, OF course, this approsimation is Violated when the mechanieal and. electrical Lime sealer are. suffictontiy close of the observer poles are required to be faa

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