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Unit 5 Hiragana exercise sheet

A. Read out the following Japanese words written in Hiragana and write how to
read them in alphabet.



2. (company)
3. (last year)
4. (an iceberg)
5. (hospital)
6. (symptoms)
7. (Japanese tea)
8. (an entrance ceremony)

B. Write the following alphabets into Hiragana.

Example: shu u ji (calligraphy)


sho u yu (soy sauce)

2. sha shi n (a photo)

3. de n sha (train)

4. ko u cha (English tea)

5. ko u cho u (a headmaster)

6. ko n shu u (this week)

7. To u kyo u (Tokyo)

8. ju u ni ji (12 oclock)

9. cho u sho ku (breakfast)

10. chu u sho ku (lunch)

11. Ni ho n ryo u ri (Japanese cuisine)

12. yu u bi n kyo ku (post office)

13. hya ku ma n e n (1,000,000 yen)

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