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Corporate Profile:

Univision Communications Inc. (UCI), the leading media company serving hispanic america, has
partnered with Onion Inc., the comedy and satirical digital media group, in efforts to extend its
digital reach and strengthen its comedy outlets and attract a much needed millennial audience.
Although the terms of the deal were not disclosed, the UCI transaction was said to be for a 40
percent stake in Onion Inc. The merger will benefit both companies in the current industry
conditions. Comedy has proven to be an engaging format for millennial audiences, and is
expected to play a large part in the 2016 presidential election. For the Onion, Univision offers
financial backing of the ideas The Onion once hoped to implement but had lacked funding to do
so. The deal also gives Univision an immediate expansion of its online presence while executives
also saw the deal as helping Univision develop new comedy and satirical offerings in Spanish
and English. The move comes at a time of transition and change for both organizations. While
Univision seeks to expand their online presence to a satire-seeking millennial audience, Onion
Inc. benefits from the financial security UCI can provide the once independent media company.

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