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Paragraph #

1-Sentence Summary of the Main

Focus of the Paragraph

I introduce the audience to what a genre is and

certain conventions that aid an individual in
identifying a genre through the exploration of
the genre that is a journal article when it comes
to studying abroad. I demonstrate certain tools
the columnists employ in their work to bring the
genre to light and support their arguments.

Presentation of the first rhetorical device..The

journalist use different methods of presenting
information to the audience-- statistics and
persuasive quotes-- in order to convince the
audience that studying abroad is a great idea.

I tie the methods of

presentation of the
columnists in regards to one
of the rhetorical features in
my thesis- audience and
demonstrate how they use
these methods to convince
the audience to study abroad.

Further break down of the columnists

presentation to their audience, in this case, they
employ pathos as they present more
information, such as direct quotes and pictures
to convince college students--the audience-about the great investment that is studying

Ties back to the rhetorical

device-- audience-- in my
thesis statement and
provides more support for my

Purpose, another rhetorical device, is used to

bring to light the ways the columnists display
similarities and differences between their
articles and how this helps the audience make
decisions in regards to the topic.

I demonstrate the relationship

between the purpose of the
articles and how this
encourages individuals to
study abroad, it backs up my

What the columnist incorporated in their journal

article is an important tool for the intended
audience as it provides useful information when
deciding to study abroad or not.

Context is another rhetorical

device that can be used to
identify similarities and
differences in each journal
article which in turn helps the
audience figure out
necessary information, in this

How Does This

Paragraph Relate Back
to the Writers
(Thesis Statement)?

case context encourages

studying abroad by providing
important information in all
the articles.

The way the columnists display and say their

information is every bit as important as anything
else, or even more so because it determines
whether an audience will be interested or not.

With the help of style and

tone, the audience is able to
decide whether the topic
interests them or not and
therefore either be
encouraged to study abroad
or not.

Conclusion of how all the rhetorical devices aid

the audience determine if they are interested
and the relevance of knowing what genres are

Restating my thesis and

supporting it by the findings in
the articles and analyzing all
the components.



1-Sentence Summary of the Main

Focus of the Paragraph

Exploration of casual sex among several

disciplines with the help of rhetorical features
such as audience, context, tone/ style, and the
effects it has in those who participate in it, as
well as observing moves the authors
employed in their pieces.

The authors demonstrate knowledge of casual

sex and its long term effects in regards to
different disciplines and show how each author
appeals to its intended audience through things
such as jargon and diction.

Shows how when a specific

audience is targeted, such as
a scholarly audience or
certain diction is utilized in
order to present the effects of
casual sex

Scholarly articles have a particular way of

presenting conventions found within them that
can be used to identify long term effects of

Through the rhetorical device

that is context, the author is
able to present several

How Does This

Paragraph Relate Back
to the Writers
(Thesis Statement)?

casual sex.

conventions such as tables,

format, and text found in their
pieces and

The way information is presented is very

important in distinguishing a formal piece of
writing and a casual piece of writing, and it
affect the audience interested.

Style and tone aid the reader

in identifying certain
conventions in scholarly
articles and mainstream
media sources while
displaying how this affects the
authors message about the
long lasting effects of casual

Conclusion. Tieing the thesis together with the

rest of the body paragraphs and displaying how
being able to find these moves and
conventions in different types of writing is an
important part of becoming an astute writer.

Initially, starting WP1, I knew it would be difficult because I always struggled with
writing so I already dreaded it. I had the most trouble with the thesis statement and tieing the
body parts back to the thesis statement. Zack definitely left comments of my paper telling me to
go back and reread my paragraphs and make sure that they were relevant to my thesis. After my
revision, I changed my thesis and went back to my body paragraphs to make sure that they all
had relevance when it comes to my thesis statement. In addition, Zack left a comment on my
WP1 where he was freaked out by the length of my paragraphs which I didnt even realize I did,
so I tried to cut down my paragraph length by either starting a new paragraph, or by eliminating
ideas that had no relevance to my thesis statement. I deleted quite a bit of stuff that I repeated
over and over again. In Zacks words, I kept it pushing after I made a point and supported it.
Overall, I feel like my WP1 is so much better! I feel like the flow is better and the deletion of a

lot of irrelevant information solidified my support of the authors argument. Im now proud of
my WP1. It is really cool to see the all the differences made and how my writing has improved
within the ten week in writing 2.

Next, after editing my WP2 I realized that length was yet again a big issue. I have super
long paragraphs and I found myself struggling to cut them down or eliminate information
because I felt like each point I made was important. I went back and reread the paragraphs a
couple of times and found some places where reading felt forced and not like it flowed, so I
changed a few sentences or words. Along with this, I went back and made sure that my body
paragraphs supported my thesis statement. Im unsure about the revision of this paper. I felt like
it is still too wordy. I felt like doing the reverse outline definitely helped me clarify my ideas in
this paper, but was unable to help me to minimize such longs paragraphs.

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