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Cells required for construction and information

is expressed in cellular expression outside and inside the cell

In cells
this information is stored and expressed from within the cell itself

in the cell is carefully sequenced and timed

an element in nature widely distributed in nucleic acids but seldom found in newly synthesized proteins

an element in nature widely distributed in proteins but never found in nucleic like DNA or RNA

a single portion of a biological sample that is being separated into many such portions as part of a purification

possessing a highly increased ability to cause disease

to change a hereditary characteristic of an organism by introducing new DNA into its genome

a segment of (usually) DNA that controls a single characteristic or trait of an organism

an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of DNA either into small segments of DNA or completely down to its
nucleotide subunit

an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of protein either into smaller segments of peptides or completely down to its
amino acid subunits

an enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of RNA either into smaller segments of RNA or completely down to its
nucleotide subunit

x-rays crystallography
a physical technique in which a purified sample of protein or nucleic acid is exposed to high-powered electromagnetic
radiation to determine its molecular structure

in nucleic acids, describes the appropriately sized nucleotide bases from opposite strands of a double-stranded DNA
(adenine with thymine, guanine with cytosine) that pair via hydrogen bonds, thereby holding the double-stranded
nucleic acid together

fibers within the cell nucleus consisting of DNA periodically stabilized by being wrapped around protein spheres called

a highly coiled and organized arrangement of a single DNA molecule within the nucleus of a cell; used ot transport
DNA to a daughter nucleus

a structural repeat unit within chromatin in which 147 base pair of DNA are wrapped around a spherical protein core
ofr purposes of stability and protection

si 1/1000 of a millimeter; the millimeter is the smallest division visible on a metric ruler

the genetic makeup of the informational specifications for an organism

the physical appearance of an organism resulting from the expression of the organism's genotype

a protein with a quaternary level of structure consisting of four polypeptide chains, 2a chains, and 2b chains. It
transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues

a class of RNA molecules that code for proteins and serve to direct the process of translation on ribosomes in the cell

The process reading a sequence of bases in DNA and generating from it a complementary sequence of amino acids
of bases in RNA

the process of reading a sequence of bases in RNA and generating from it an encoded sequence of amino acids that
comprise a polypeptide chain or protein

RNA polymerase
a protein; an enzyme that builds RNA molecules using free ribonucleotides and using a strand of DNA

a sequence of bases in DNA that guides an RNA polymerase to the precise position where initiation of transcription is
to occur

a structural region of contiguous amino acids within a protein that performs a specific component function within the
overall function the protein performs

the productive binding of RNA polymerase to DNA and the initial alignment of ribonucleotides such that transcription
has begun

a subunit of the nucleic acid polymer RNA; within RNA it is composed of a single phosphate attached to a ribose
sugar that is attached to one of the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, or uracil

elongation (transcription)
the movement of RNA polymerase along the DNA template strand generating a single complementary strand of RNA

the process by which transcription ends, including the disassociation of RNA polymerase from its DNA substrate and
the release of the mRNA or pre-mRNA product

single-stranded nucleic composed using ribose sugars and containing the nitrogenous base uracil instead of thymine.
They form structural parts of ribosomes assisting with alignment of other RNA classes

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