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It is the companys people that make it what it is.

Many of the young men who started working in a

little workshop located in Muro del Alcoy, Spain spent their entire careers in Alhambra, and have
since retired, having invested all their lives and talent in the company, along these 50 years. Others
are still working in the same company where they began their careers. This team and the experience
they have gained over the years are of inestimable value to Alhambra.
El capital humano de nuestra empresa son aquellos jvenes que comenzaron a trabajar en un
pequeo taller de Muro del Alcoy, Espaa. A lo largo de estos 50 aos han ido desarrollando toda su
vida profesional con nosotros hasta el punto de que muchos de ellos se han jubilado en la compaa.
Otros de aquellos profesionales an continan trabajando desde sus orgenes y constituyen un gran
equipo con muchsima experiencia y representan un valor inestimable para Alhambra.

Mahogany and Rosewood models

have been made especially for this
occasion using the new technologies
and the best quality woods to create
two renewed models based in the
former models made in the 70s.
Inspired in the past, designed and
handmade in the present, to be
always in the highest guitar world

The purpose of the

commemorative models is to
share with Alhambra customers
and fans the joy of this special
year. For that reason, we wanted
to make affordable anniversary
models to make sure as many as
possible people are able to enjoy
their unique sound and comfort.



El motivo de estos modelos

conmemorativos es poder
compartir con nuestros clientes
y amigos la alegra de este ao
tan especial. Por esta razn,
queramos ofrecer modelos muy
competitivos para que lleguen
al mximo de gente posible y
puedan disfrutar de su sonido
inconfundible y comodidad.





Los modelos Mahogany y

Rosewood se han construido
especialmente para esta ocasin
utilizando la tecnologa y las
maderas de la mejor calidad para
crear dos modelos renovados
basados en dos modelos antiguos
de los aos 70. Inspirados en el
pasado, diseados y hechos a mano
en el presente, para estar siempre
en lo ms alto dentro del mundo de
la construccin de guitarra.



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