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Family is a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of

one or two parents and their children.

I believe that family values consist of certain actions and qualities
that are important to a family to uphold. What does family mean to you?
Some may say friendship, love, and joy, while others say pain, agony, and
anger. My family is my support system, my mother and father, aunts and
uncles, cousins and friends. All provide me with some type of guidance.
To me family means love, friendship, and support. The same, important
values are honesty, trust and to have respect for others. Each of these
values is equally important. They played a big role into making me the
person I am now. Moldova's family values are very important to our
citizens. Family values are basically the core of our way of living. People
would only regard each other as just mild acquaintances, there would be
no friends, lovers, or married people anywhere without such values. All
people desire family values, such as love, care, intimacy, acceptance,
commitment and shared responsibility. This is why people from all
religious, political, and social persuasions ...
The most important element of our work is the family. We hope to
create an indissoluble link in the family. The family is the cornerstone of
our entire business.

Essay by:

Gin Denis

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