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Discuss the differences between the Cognitive Approach and the Affective
Humanistic Approach.

In the 1960s thanks to breakthroughs in different scientific fields like Psychology,

Sociology and Medicine a lot of research was carried out in order to decode how the
brain worked; particularly, how humans acquire languages. The results of these studies
influenced the way teachers taught languages and the cognitive approach was born. The
cognitive approach is not really a classroom approach instead of It is way of understand
learners, and as a result scientists developed several strategies grammar rules to help
students retrieve and use an effective language. On the other hand, in the early 1960s a
new movement of freedom influenced the way teachers taught, which was mainly focus
on the students feelings and theirs conscious and subconscious mind. These strategies
tried to get rid of the language barriers of communication among students, which
delayed the natural process of language acquisition. Teachers made students feel
comfortable in their learning environments by using different elements like music,
plays, maps, photos and so on. Positive reinforcement, creative and spontaneous use of
language was encouraged by teachers in their class rooms.

b. Which approach most closely aligns with your current teaching style?
As English teacher, I align with the Cognitive approach; because, I strongly believe that
the involvement of science in the field of linguistic was a huge and beneficial
breakthrough. For the first time we learned how the process of acquiring a language
was carried out in our brains; and as a result, several theories and strategies like TPR,
which stands for total physical response developed by Professor James J. Asher gave us
different perspectives about this fascinating process in our mind.

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