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ST Mastery 35%

Strategies Planned
Demonstrations were given in math when the teacher walked around the groups of
desks, measuring with footsteps, and asked students how the class could find the total
number of steps it took to walk entirely around the group of desks. Demonstrations were
also given in science when the teacher showed how shadows move according to the
movement of the light source. The teacher also demonstrated different surface types in
science through a video clip. Demonstrations in reading and writing were presented in the
form of think-alouds so that students could easily follow the through processes leading up
to making connections and identifying different types of voice.
Hands-on experiences focused on measuring life-size crime scenes in math. Hands-on
experiences were also integrated into science instruction through the experimentation of
shadows using flashlights and objects, as well as constructing personal racetracks
according to the most appropriate surface material. In reading, students were able to
participate in hands-on learning activities by constructing a connection chain using strips
of construction paper with individualized student connections listed on strips.
Direct instruction was given regarding perimeters in math, shadow and planet rotations
in science, surface matters in science, making connections in reading, and the manipulation
of voice in writing.
Students were able to categorize the surface material that created the quickest and
straightest route in science. Students were also able to categorize which audience
corresponded to the voice style while working with writing skills.
Multiple Intelligences fostered
Body/Kinesthetic Students were able to participate in kinesthetic activities by
rotating through stations in the science lessons and reading lesson. Students were also able
to physically measure objects and crime scenes in connection to perimeter. During writing,
students were encouraged to walk around the room and match the type of voice to the
corresponding audience.

SF Interpersonal 35%
Strategies Planned
Students were able to work with groups of students at their individual stations in
science, reading, and writing. Students were encouraged to collaborate with others to
decide on a hypothesis and the results.
Students were able to share their science experiment results and perimeter
measurements in the class setting. Students were also able to share their connections with
the class through active discussion, as well as share their written letters created in the
writing lesson in the whole-group setting and through pair and share strategies.

Multiple Intelligences fostered

Musical/Rhythmic During math instruction regarding perimeters, the teacher
presented a perimeter song to the students. The students and teacher sang the song
together as an effort to remember the definition of a perimeter.
Interpersonal Students were able to share hypothesis ideas and experiment results
during the science lessons. The sharing of written letters in a whole-group setting was
integrated into the writing lesson. During reading, students were able to share their
personal connections to text with the class. In math, science, and reading, students were
able to work in groups to collaborate ideas.

NI - Understanding 20%
Strategies Planned
Students were able to relate and connect differing ideas of text through discussion
regarding various personal connections presented during the reading lesson. Students were
also encouraged to share the different methods to solve a single math problem in wholegroup discussion. During science, students were able to connect the idea that the rotation of
the Earth effects shadows shown on the Earth through group collaboration. Each lesson
was discussion-based so that a variety of perspectives could be recognized.
Students were able to gain information through direct instruction given by the teacher.
Students were also able to search for information in the form of books and literature during
the shadows experiment. During reading, students had to search for text clues to
demonstrate the process of making connections.
Students were given the chance to work independently at the technology station in the
shadows lesson. Students were also able to individually experiment shadows using a
flashlight. During math, students were able to measure objects independently.
Students were given the opportunity to compare and contrast student connections in
text. Students were also able to compare and contrast the type of voice according to the
audience. Students were able to compare and contrast the different casting of shadows
according to the Earths and suns position. During math, students were able to compare
and contrast different measurements concerning the use of different sizes and units.
Multiple Intelligences fostered
Intrapersonal Students were able to write reflections in the form of exit slips during
science lessons. Students were also given the opportunity to read and write letters
Verbal/Linguistic Students were able to present their personalized racetracks in the
whole-class setting. They were also able to present their ideas and connections during
instruction in the reading lesson. Students were able to verbally present their letters written
to the U.S. army soldier. Many opportunities for class discussion were integrated into the

NF Self-expressive 10%
Strategies Planned
Class discussions are integrated into each lesson as an opportunity for students to
present questions. Questioning will also be fostered through the material presented in the
reading lesson. Students answer the why behind the what in each lesson.
Discovery learning was fostered through the form of experiments with shadows and
road surfaces. Students were also encouraged to discover the process behind perimeter
before being presented with the written equation.
Students were able to create hypothesis in each science lesson and refer to their
hypotheses after experimentation. Students were able to reflect on the comparison between
their hypotheses and results through guided class-discussion and reflective writing.
Multiple Intelligences fostered
Logical/Mathematical Students were able to create hypotheses and conduct
experiments. Students were able to record data through the form of recording sheets and
analyze the data patterns found.
Visual/Spatial Students were able to draw the varying shadow reflections based off
of the position of the light source. Students were also able to draw pictures of their
personal connections with the text presented in the reading lesson.
Naturalist Students were able to examine how the Earth, sun, and other planets rotate
and how this effects our environment. Students were encouraged each lesson to examine
their personal surroundings. Student-lead discussions were incorporated into the reading
lesson regarding how to create positive surroundings within our personal community.

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