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Synthetic grafts or autogenous vein may be interposed between the portal and systemic venous circulations at a variety of locations (see Fig. 518 ). A
major disadvantage of prosthetic interposition shunts is a high graft thrombosis rate that approaches 35% during the late postoperative interval. This
problem can be avoided by using autogenous vein (internal jugular vein) rather than a prosthetic graft. On the other hand, advantages of these shunts are
that they are relatively easy to construct; the hepatic hilum is avoided, thereby making subsequent liver transplantation less complicated; and they can
be easily occluded if intractable postshunt encephalopathy develops.
The conventional splenorenal shunt consists of anastomosis of the proximal splenic vein to the renal vein. Splenectomy is also done. Because the
smaller proximal rather than the larger distal end of the splenic vein is used, shunt thrombosis is more common after this procedure than after the distal
splenorenal shunt. Although early series noted that postshunt encephalopathy was less common after the conventional splenorenal shunt than after the
portacaval shunt, subsequent analyses have suggested that this low frequency of encephalopathy was probably a result of restoration of hepatic portal
perfusion after shunt thrombosis developed in many patients. A conventional splenorenal shunt that is of sufficient caliber to remain patent gradually
dilates and eventually causes complete portal decompression and portal flow diversion. A purported advantage of the procedure is that hypersplenism is
eliminated by splenectomy. The thrombocytopenia and leukopenia that accompany portal hypertension, however, are rarely of clinical significance,
making splenectomy an unnecessary procedure in most patients.
In summary, nonselective shunts effectively decompress varices. Because of complete portal flow diversion, however, they are complicated by frequent
postoperative encephalopathy and accelerated hepatic failure. Side-to-side nonselective shunts effectively relieve ascites and prevent variceal
hemorrhage. Presently, the only indications for nonselective shunts are in the emergency setting when nonoperative means to control bleeding have
failed, in patients with both variceal hemorrhage and medically intractable ascites, and as a bridge to hepatic transplantation in patients in whom
bleeding is not controlled by endoscopic treatment or TIPS.
Selective Shunts.

The hemodynamic and clinical shortcomings of nonselective shunts stimulated development of the concept of selective variceal decompression. In
1967, Warren and colleagues introduced the distal splenorenal shunt; and in the following year, Inokuchi and associates[29] reported their initial results
with the left gastric vena caval shunt. The latter procedure consists of interposition of a vein graft between the left gastric (coronary) vein and the
inferior vena cava and, thus, directly and selectively decompresses esophagogastric varices. Only a few patients with portal hypertension, however, have
appropriate anatomy for this operation; experience with it has been limited to Japan, and no controlled trials have been conducted.
The distal splenorenal shunt consists of anastomosis of the distal end of the splenic vein to the left renal vein and interruption of all collateral vessels,
such as the coronary and gastroepiploic veins, connecting the superior mesenteric and gastrosplenic components of the splanchnic venous circulation
( Fig. 5110 ). This results in separation of the portal venous circulation into a decompressed gastrosplenic venous circuit and a high-pressure superior
mesenteric venous system that continues to perfuse the liver. Although the procedure is technically demanding, it can be mastered by most well-trained
surgeons who are knowledgeable in the principles of vascular surgery.
Not all patients are candidates for the distal splenorenal shunt. Because sinusoidal and mesenteric hypertension is maintained and important lymphatic
pathways are transected during dissection of the left renal vein, the distal splenorenal shunt tends to aggravate rather than relieve ascites. Thus, patients
with medically intractable ascites should not undergo this procedure. However, the larger population of patients who develop transient ascites after
resuscitation from a variceal hemorrhage are candidates for a selective shunt. Another contraindication to a distal splenorenal shunt is prior
splenectomy. A splenic vein diameter of less than 7 mm is a relative contraindication to the procedure because the incidence of shunt thrombosis is high
when using a small-diameter vein.
Although selective variceal decompression is a sound physiologic concept, the distal splenorenal shunt remains

Figure 51-10 The distal splenorenal shunt provides selective variceal decompression through the short gastric veins, spleen, and splenic vein to the left renal vein. Hepatic portal
perfusion is maintained by interrupting the umbilical vein, coronary vein, gastroepiploic vein, and any other prominent collaterals. (From Salam AA: Distal splenorenal shunts:
Hemodynamics of total versus selective shunting. In Baker RJ, Fischer JE [eds]: Mastery of Surgery, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 13571366.)


controversial after an extensive clinical experience spanning more than 35 years. [30] [31] The key questions regarding this procedure are, How effective is
it in preserving hepatic portal perfusion? Is it superior to nonselective shunts with respect to duration or quality of survival?
Although the distal splenorenal shunt results in portal flow preservation in more than 85% of patients during the early postoperative interval, the highpressure mesenteric venous system gradually collateralizes to the low-pressure shunt, resulting in loss of portal flow in about half of patients by 1 year.
The degree and duration of portal flow preservation depend on both the cause of portal hypertension and the technical details of the operation (extent to
which mesenteric and gastrosplenic venous circulations are separated). Henderson and coworkers[32] have shown that portal flow is maintained in most
patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis and noncirrhotic portal hypertension (e.g., portal vein thrombosis). In contrast, portal flow rapidly collateralizes to
the shunt in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.
Modification of the distal splenorenal shunt by purposeful or inadvertent omission of coronary vein ligation results in early loss of portal flow. Even
when all major collateral vessels are interrupted, portal flow may be gradually diverted through a pancreatic collateral network (pancreatic siphon). This
pathway can be discouraged by dissecting the full length of the splenic vein from the pancreas (splenopancreatic disconnection), which results in better

preservation of hepatic portal perfusion, especially in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. However, this extension of the procedure makes it technically
more challenging, which may be a significant disadvantage in an era when fewer shunts are being done because of increased use of endoscopic therapy,
TIPS, and hepatic transplantation.
Six of the seven controlled comparisons of the distal splenorenal shunt with nonselective shunts have included predominantly alcoholic cirrhotic
patients.[14] [31] None of these trials has demonstrated an advantage to either procedure with respect to long-term survival. Three of the studies have found
a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the distal splenorenal shunt, whereas the other trials have shown no difference in the incidence of this
postoperative complication. In contrast to survival, encephalopathy is a subjective endpoint that was assessed with a variety of methods in the different
trials. Another important endpoint in comparing treatments for variceal hemorrhage is the effectiveness with which recurrent bleeding is prevented. In
nearly all uncontrolled and controlled series of the distal splenorenal shunt, this procedure has been equivalent to nonselective shunts in preventing
recurrent hemorrhage.[31] Mainly because of these inconsistent results of the controlled trials, there is no consensus as to which shunting procedure is
superior in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Because the quality of life (encephalopathy rate) was significantly better in the distal splenorenal shunt
group in three of the trials, however, there appears to be an advantage to selective variceal decompression even in this population.[33]
Considerably fewer data are available regarding selective shunting in nonalcoholic cirrhosis and in noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Because hepatic
portal perfusion after the distal splenorenal shunt is better preserved in these disease categories, one might expect improved results. A single controlled
trial in patients with schistosomiasis (presinusoidal portal hypertension) demonstrated a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the distal splenorenal
shunt than after a conventional splenorenal shunt (nonselective).[34] The large Emory University series of the distal splenorenal shunt has demonstrated
better survival in patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis than in those with alcoholic cirrhosis.[30] However, this has not been a consistent finding in all
centers in which the distal splenorenal shunt is performed.
Several controlled trials have also compared the distal splenorenal shunt with chronic endoscopic therapy.[35] In these investigations, recurrent
hemorrhage was more effectively prevented by selective shunting than by sclerotherapy, but hepatic portal perfusion was maintained in a significantly
higher fraction of patients undergoing sclerotherapy. Despite this hemodynamic advantage, encephalopathy rates have been similar after both therapies.
The two North American trials were dissimilar with respect to the effect of these treatments on long-term survival. Sclerotherapy with surgical rescue
for the one third of sclerotherapy failures resulted in significantly better survival than selective shunt alone in one study.[23] In this investigation, 85% of
sclerotherapy failures could be salvaged by surgery.
In contrast, a similar investigation conducted in a sparsely populated area (Intermountain West and Plains) showed superior survival after the distal
splenorenal shunt.[24] Only 31% of sclerotherapy failures could be salvaged by surgery in this trial. The survival results of these two studies suggest that
endoscopic therapy is a rational, initial treatment for patients who bleed from varices if sclerotherapy failure is recognized and such patients promptly
undergo surgery or TIPS. However, patients living in remote areas are less likely to be salvaged by shunt surgery when endoscopic treatment fails, and a
selective shunt may be preferable initial treatment for such patients.
In a nonrandomized comparison to TIPS, the distal splenorenal shunt had lower rates of recurrent bleeding, encephalopathy, and shunt thrombosis.[36]
Ascites was less prevalent after TIPS. A multicenter randomized trial comparing TIPS and the distal splenorenal shunt for the elective treatment of
variceal bleeding in good-risk cirrhotic patients is ongoing, but results are not yet available.
Partial Shunts.

The objectives of partial and selective shunts are the same: (1) effective decompression of varices, (2) preservation of hepatic portal perfusion, and (3)
maintenance of some residual portal hypertension. Initial attempts at partial shunting consisted of smalldiameter vein-to-vein anastomoses, but these
generally either thrombosed or dilated with time, thereby becoming nonselective shunts.
More recently, a small-diameter interposition portacaval shunt using a polytetrafluoroethylene graft, combined with ligation of the coronary vein and
other collateral vessels, has been described ( Fig. 5111 ). When

Figure 51-11 A small-diameter (8- to 10-mm) interposition portacaval shunt partially decompresses the portal venous system and may preserve hepatic portal perfusion. (From Sarfeh
IJ, Rypins EB, Mason GR: A systematic appraisal of portacaval H-graft diameters: Clinical and hemodynamic perspectives. Ann Surg 204:356363, 1986.)

the prosthetic graft is 10 mm or less in diameter, hepatic portal perfusion is preserved in most patients, at least during the early postoperative interval.[37]
Early experience with this small-diameter prosthetic shunt is that fewer than 15% of shunts have thrombosed, and most of these have been successfully

opened by interventional radiologic techniques. A prospective, randomized trial of partial (8 mm in diameter) and nonselective (16 mm in diameter)
interposition portacaval shunts has shown a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the partial shunt but similar survival after both types of shunts.[38]
The number of patients included in this investigation was small, however, and further trials need to be done to confirm this finding. In another
controlled trial, the small-diameter interposition shunt was discovered to have a lower overall failure rate than TIPS.[39]
Nonshunt Operations

The objectives of nonshunt procedures are either ablation of varices or, more commonly, extensive interruption of collateral vessels connecting the
high-pressure portal venous system with the varices. One exception is splenectomy, which is effective in left-sided portal hypertension caused by
splenic vein thrombosis.
The simplest nonshunt operation is transection and reanastomosis of the distal esophagus with a stapling device. This operation, which has generally
been used in the emergency setting, is frequently followed by recurrent hemorrhage. The most effective nonshunt operation is extensive esophagogastric
devascularization combined with esophageal transection and splenectomy ( Fig. 5112 ). The Sugiura procedure preserves the coronary and
paraesophageal veins to maintain a portosystemic collateral pathway and thus discourage re-formation of varices. In Japan, the results with this
operation have been excellent, with rebleeding rates of less than 10%.[40] Extensive devascularization procedures, however, have generally been less
successful in North American patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Long-term follow-up in American series has revealed rebleeding rates of 35% to 55%,
which are similar to the endoscopic therapy experience.[41] In many centers, esophagogastric devascularization procedures are mainly used for
unshuntable patients with diffuse splanchnic venous thrombosis and for patients with distal splenorenal shunt thrombosis.
Hepatic Transplantation

Liver transplantation is not a treatment for variceal bleeding, per se, but rather needs to be considered for all patients who present with end-stage hepatic
failure whether or not it is accompanied by bleeding. Transplantation in patients who have bled secondary to portal hypertension is the only therapy that
addresses the underlying liver disease in addition to providing reliable portal decompression. Because of economic factors and a limited supply of donor
organs, liver transplantation is not available to all patients. Additionally, transplantation is not indicated for some of the more common causes of
variceal bleeding, such as schistosomiasis (normal liver function) and active alcoholism (noncompliance).
There is accumulating evidence that variceal bleeders with well-compensated hepatic functional reserve (Childs classes A and B+) are better served by
nontransplantation strategies initially.[42] [43] The first-line treatment for such patients should be pharmacologic and endoscopic therapy, with portal
decompression by means of an operative shunt or TIPS reserved for those who fail first-line therapy and for circumstances in which pharmacologic or
endoscopic treatment would be risky (e.g., patients with gastric varices and those geographically separated from tertiary medical care).
Patients with variceal bleeding who are transplantation candidates include nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients and abstinent alcoholic cirrhotic patients with
either limited hepatic functional reserve (Childs classes B and C) or a poor quality of life secondary to their disease (e.g., encephalopathy, fatigue, or
bone pain). In these patients, the acute hemorrhage should be treated with endoscopic therapy and the patients transplantation candidacy should be
immediately activated. If sclerotherapy is ineffective, a TIPS should be inserted as a short-term bridge to transplantation.
If a nontransplantation operation (e.g., shunt) is performed initially, these patients should be carefully assessed at 6-month to 1-year intervals and
hepatic transplantation considered when other complications of cirrhosis

Figure 51-12 The Sugiura procedure combines esophageal transection, extensive esophagogastric devascularization, and splenectomy. The paraesophageal collateral vessels are
preserved to discourage re-formation of varices. (Modified from Sugiura M, Futagawa S: Further evaluation of the Sugiura procedure in the treatment of esophageal varices. Arch
Surg 112:1317, 1977.)

develop or hepatic functional decompensation is evident either clinically or by careful assessment with quantitative tests of liver function.

Overall Treatment Plan

An algorithm for definitive management of variceal hemorrhage is shown in Figure 5113. Patients are first grouped according to their transplantation
candidacy. This decision is based on multiple factors: etiology of portal hypertension, abstinence for alcoholic cirrhotic patients, the presence or absence
of other diseases, and physiologic rather than chronologic age. Transplantation candidates with either decompensated hepatic function or a poor quality
of life secondary to their liver disease should undergo transplantation as soon as possible. Most future transplantation and nontransplantation candidates
should undergo initial endoscopic treatment and/or pharmacotherapy unless they bleed from gastric varices or PHG or live in remote geographic
locations and have limited access to emergency tertiary care. Patients who live in remote locations and those who fail endoscopic and drug therapy
should receive a selective shunt if they meet the criteria for this operation. Whether TIPS may be just as effective in this setting is presently undergoing
investigation. Patients with medically intractable ascites in addition to variceal bleeding are best treated with either a TIPS or a side-to-side
portosystemic shunt. If the TIPS eventually fails, an open side-to-side type shunt can then be constructed if the patient has reasonable hepatic function
and is not a transplantation candidate. TIPS is clearly indicated for patients with endoscopic treatment failure who may require transplantation in the
near future and for nontransplantation candidates with advanced hepatic functional deterioration. Future transplantation candidates should be carefully
monitored so that they undergo transplantation at the appropriate time before they become poor operative risks.
The treatment algorithm for variceal bleeding has changed considerably since the 1970s, during which time endoscopic therapy, liver transplantation,
and TIPS have become available to these patients. Nontransplantation operations are now necessary less frequently, the survival results are better
because high operative risk patients are managed by other means, and emergency surgery has nearly been eliminated.[44]
Prevention of Initial Variceal Hemorrhage (Prophylactic Therapy)

The rationale for treating patients with varices before they bleed is the high mortality rate associated with the initial hemorrhage. Because only one third
of patients with varices eventually bleed, unless potential bleeders

Figure 51-13 Algorithm for definitive therapy of variceal hemorrhage (see text). TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. (Modified from Rikkers LF: Portal hypertension.
In Levine BA, Copeland E, Howard R, et al [eds]: Current Practice of Surgery, Vol. 3. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1995.)

are more reliably identified, about two thirds of patients undergoing prophylactic therapy would be treated unnecessarily.
The first trials of prophylaxis for variceal hemorrhage compared the portacaval shunt to conventional medical therapy. In these investigations, survival
of shunted patients was actually less than that of medically treated patients because of accelerated hepatic failure secondary to complete portal
diversion.[14] In addition, a significant fraction of shunted patients developed postshunt encephalopathy.

The major impetus for reconsideration of prophylactic therapy was the development of relatively noninvasive treatments (endoscopic therapy and
pharmacotherapy), which should be associated with less morbidity than major operative procedures, and the development of better methods to identify
varices that are likely to bleed.[12] Endoscopic treatment, however, cannot be advocated for prophylaxis because controlled trials have shown no
consistent benefit, and some have demonstrated a higher rebleeding rate and a lower survival rate in the sclerotherapy group than in medically treated
controls.[14] In

contrast, most trials of blockade as prophylactic therapy have found a reduced incidence of initial variceal hemorrhage in treated patients.[14] In several
of these studies, the decreased bleeding rate in the treatment group was statistically significant, and in one study, survival was prolonged in patients
receiving blockade. Because blockade has been associated with few adverse side effects, it can be recommended for reliable patients with varices
that have never bled. Experience with TIPS as a prophylactic procedure is limited.
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Ascites is usually an indicator of advanced cirrhosis and is associated with a 1-year survival rate of approximately 50% compared to a 1-year survival
rate of greater than 90% for patients with cirrhosis but without ascites.[45] Patients with ascites refractory to medical management, those who develop
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and those who evolve to the hepatorenal syndrome have a particularly poor prognosis.
Portal hypertensive ascites is initiated by altered hepatic and splanchnic hemodynamics, which cause transudation of fluid into the interstitial space.
When the rate of interstitial fluid formation exceeds the lymph drainage capacity, ascites accumulates. This pathophysiologic process results in an
intravascular volume deficit, which initiates compensatory mechanisms such as aldosterone secretion, to restore plasma volume. Both the liver and
intestine are important sites of ascites formation, and clinically significant ascites is rare in patients with extrahepatic portal hypertension. The
hypoalbuminemia that often accompanies advanced chronic liver disease may also contribute to ascites formation.
Since avid sodium retention by the kidneys is one of the key mechanisms in the development of ascites, a central goal of treatment is to achieve a
negative sodium balance. A small percentage of patients with ascites can be effectively treated by dietary salt restriction and bed rest alone. More
commonly, diuretic therapy is required and will resolve this complication of portal hypertension in greater than 90% of patients. Since secondary
hyperaldosteronism is a key pathogenetic mechanism in the formation of ascites, a rational first-line diuretic is spironolactone. A combination of salt
restriction (2 g/day) and spironolactone in a dose of 100 to 400 mg/day results in effective diuresis in about two thirds of patients. Clinical trials have
shown that spironolactone alone is just as effective as the combination of spironolactone and furosemide.[46] However, diuretic combination therapy
should be used in those patients who fail to diurese with spironolactone alone. Diuretic therapy can be associated with significant complications since it
can lead to a reduction in intravascular volume and, potentially, renal dysfunction. Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine values should
be followed closely in patients on diuretics, which should be discontinued if azotemia develops.
As a general guideline, patients with new-onset ascites that is barely detectable on physical examination should be placed on salt restriction alone.
However, patients with more advanced or tense ascites usually require the combination of sodium restriction and diuretic therapy. The preferred initial
spironolactone dose is 100 mg/day, and this can be advanced to a maximum dose of 400 mg/day until effective diuresis is achieved. If treatment with
spironolactone alone is ineffective or results in hyperkalemia, furosemide in an initial dose of 40 mg/day should be added to the regimen. During
diuresis, body weight should be carefully monitored and not allowed to decrease at a rate of more than 1 lb/day in patients with ascites alone and no
peripheral edema. More aggressive diuresis usually results in contraction of the intravascular volume and azotemia.
From 5% to 10% of patients with ascites are refractory to medical treatment and require more invasive measures. The two mainstays of therapy in this
group of patients are large-volume paracentesis combined with intravenous albumin administration and TIPS. Because it can be done in the outpatient
setting and is less invasive, the generally preferred initial treatment for patients with ascites refractory to medical treatment is large-volume paracentesis
combined with intravenous albumin infusion in a dose of 6 to 8 g/L of ascites removed.[47] TIPS, which is more effective for the long-term control of
ascites than large-volume paracentesis, should be used in patients who require frequent paracentesis for management of their ascites. After large-volume
paracentesis, ascites is less likely to recur in patients treated with spironolactone than in those not on a diuretic. Controlled trials have shown either
complete or partial resolution of ascites after placement of TIPS in more than 80% of patients with medically intractable ascites.[48] As in patients treated
with TIPS for variceal bleeding, major disadvantages of this therapy are a fairly high rate of encephalopathy and eventual TIPS dysfunction in the
majority of patients.
Although initially effective in the majority of patients, a surgically placed peritoneovenous shunt is seldom used in the management of medically
refractory ascites because of its associated complications such as occlusion, infection, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Additionally,
controlled trials have shown that this relatively simple operation, which can be done under local anesthesia, is no more effective than medical
management in prolonging patient survival. A surgically constructed side-to-side portal systemic shunt is also effective in relieving ascites. However,
because of the associated morbidity and mortality, these operations are infrequently done and should be used only in ascitic patients who have bled from
esophagogastric varices and in whom TIPS is either not indicated or has failed.
Cirrhotic patients with ascites who develop fever, abdominal tenderness, or worsening hepatic and/or renal function should undergo a diagnostic
paracentesis to rule out spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. This complication of ascites is associated with a mortality rate of approximately 25% per
episode. The diagnosis is made with an ascitic fluid polymorphonuclear leukocyte count of greater than 250/mm3 or a positive ascites culture. The most
common organisms causing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are aerobic gram-negative ones, which likely

come from the bowel via bacterial translocation. Before culture results are available, antibiotic therapy should be initiated when spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis is suspected. A 5- to 10-day course of either cefotaxime or a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have been shown to be effective
treatment.[49] Since spontaneous bacterial peritonitis recurs in more than 70% of patients, prophylactic therapy with oral norfloxacin should be initiated
as soon as intravenous therapy is completed and continued until ascites is resolved.[50]
Another life-threatening complication of portal hypertension is the hepatorenal syndrome that develops almost exclusively in patients with tense ascites
and declining hepatic function. When renal failure is rapidly progressive, the prognosis is poor, with a median survival of approximately 2 weeks. In
other patients, renal failure develops more gradually and the prognosis is somewhat better. The only reliable treatment for the hepatorenal syndrome is
liver transplantation. Because the renal failure is functional rather than structural, once hepatic function is improved and portal hypertension is relieved,
the kidneys recover. A few small series have suggested that renal function may improve in patients with the hepatorenal syndrome after insertion of a
TIPS. However, in this setting, TIPS should be regarded as a bridge to liver transplantation in the near future.
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Portal systemic encephalopathy is a psychoneurologic syndrome that may have a variety of manifestations, including alterations in the level of
consciousness, intellectual deterioration, personality changes, and neurologic findings such as the flapping tremor, asterixis. Although the pathogenesis
of these alterations is unclear, they occur in patients with either significant hepatocellular dysfunction or portal systemic shunting. The shunts may be
congenital, spontaneously form secondary to portal hypertension, or surgically or radiologically (TIPS) constructed. The most common setting for the
development of encephalopathy is in patients with cirrhosis who undergo a procedural shunt. Nonselective shunts such as the operative portacaval shunt
and TIPS are frequently followed by encephalopathy (20% to 40% of patients), whereas this complication is less common in patients who receive a
selective shunt, such as the distal splenorenal shunt.
Most theories of the pathogenesis of encephalopathy are based on circulating cerebral toxins that are intestinally absorbed and bypass the liver by means
of shunts or fail to be inactivated by the livers decreased metabolic capacity. Purported cerebral toxins include ammonia, mercaptans, and aminobutyric acid. The false neurotransmitter hypothesis, based on the high ratio of aromatic to branched chain amino acids present in the blood of
patients with chronic liver disease, has also been proposed to explain the psychoneurologic disturbances observed. Almost certainly the syndrome is
multifactorial, with the bulk of evidence supporting ammonia as the main cerebral toxin. However, the severity of encephalopathy does not correlate
well with blood ammonia levels.
Encephalopathy develops spontaneously in less than 10% of patients, and this form of the syndrome is almost entirely confined to those patients who
undergo a procedural shunt. More commonly, one or more of the following precipitating factors induce the syndrome: gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
excessive diuresis, azotemia, constipation, sedatives, infection, and excess dietary protein. In fact, when encephalopathy develops in a patient with
cirrhosis who is otherwise stable, gastrointestinal bleeding or a subtle infection should be suspected. Most of the precipitating factors cause an increase
in blood ammonia.
Key to the management of encephalopathy is identifying and then eliminating whatever precipitating factors are responsible. Dietary protein should be
restricted, infections should be treated, all sedatives should be discontinued, and intestinal catharsis should be accomplished.
Most episodes of encephalopathy are acute and develop over a period of hours to days. Such episodes may first present with subtle personality changes
and sleep disturbances. As encephalopathy progresses, disorientation, slurred speech, confusion, and eventually coma may develop. The characteristic
flapping tremor asterixis is commonly present and represents an inability to actively maintain posture or position. Neither asterixis nor the
psychoneurologic manifestations of this syndrome are specific to portal systemic encephalopathy and may also be present in other types of metabolic
dysfunction such as renal failure. Nearly all cases of acute encephalopathy are induced by one or more precipitating factors that should be identified and
eliminated. Chronic encephalopathy is considerably less common than acute encephalopathy and generally occurs in patients with either a surgical
nonselective portal systemic shunt or TIPS.
Pharmacologic treatment of encephalopathy is indicated for patients with chronic, intermittent symptoms and for those with persistent, acute
psychoneurologic disturbances despite elimination of precipitating factors. The only drugs with proven effectiveness are neomycin, a poorly absorbed
antibiotic that suppresses ureasecontaining bacteria, and lactulose, a nonabsorbable disaccharide that acidifies colonic contents and also has a cathartic
effect. A likely mechanism of action of both of these drugs is a decrease in the amount of intestinal ammonia and inhibition of its absorption. Acute
episodes of encephalopathy can be treated equally effectively with neomycin and lactulose. Neomycin should be orally administered in a dose of 1.5 g
every 6 hours. In the acute setting, lactulose should be given in a dose of 30 g every 1 or 2 hours until a cathartic effect is noted. The patient should then
be maintained with 20 to 30 g of lactulose two to four times a day or as needed to result in two soft bowel movements daily. Comatose patients can be
treated with lactulose enemas. Lactulose is the mainstay of therapy for chronic encephalopathy because long-term use of neomycin may cause
nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity in some patients. Protein restriction is also a component of the therapeutic regimen. The comatose patient should be
initially treated exclusively with glucose supplements as intravenous fluids. As encephalopathy lessens, 0.5 to 1.2 g/kg

per day of amino acids or proteins should be provided. When an oral diet is resumed, it should initially consist of 40 to 60 g/day of protein, which can
then be gradually increased to a maintenance level of 60 to 80 g/day.
Unproven therapies for encephalopathy include the enteral or parenteral administration of branched-chain amino acids and the drug flumazenil, a
selective antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors. Neither of these treatments have been clearly established in randomized, controlled trials.
Interventional procedures and surgery have improved cerebral function in some patients with encephalopathy by interrupting a surgically constructed
portal systemic shunt or TIPS. Likewise, in isolated cases, occlusion of a major portal systemic collateral, such as the coronary vein, has reversed
encephalopathy after the selective distal splenorenal shunt. Although both total colectomy and colonic exclusion have resolved encephalopathy in some
patients, the high morbidity and mortality rates after these operations in patients with decompensated hepatic disease have prevented their widespread
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Selected References
DAmico G, Pagliaro L, Bosch J: The treatment of portal hypertension: A meta-analytic review. Hepatology 22:332354, 1995.
Since the 1960s, countless controlled trials comparing the various treatments for variceal bleeding have been conducted throughout the world. These authors have
painstakingly tabulated the results of all these trials and applied meta-analysis when appropriate.
Garcia-Tsao G: Current management of the complications of cirrhosis and portal hypertension: Variceal hemorrhage, ascites, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Gastroenterology.
120:726748, 2001.
This is a superb review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the major life-threatening complications of portal hypertension.
Henderson JM, Barnes DS, Geisinger MA: Portal hypertension. Curr Probl Surg 35:379452, 1998.
This is a superb and complete monograph on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of complications of portal hypertension. The expertise of the authors represents
the disciplines of surgery, gastroenterology, and interventional radiology.
Langer B (ed): World progress in surgerytreatment of portal hypertension, 1994: State of the art. World J Surg 18:169258, 1994.
Included in this issue is a compendium of 14 articles on state-of-the-art treatment of the complications of portal hypertension. Eight articles are devoted to surgical
treatment (shunts, nonshunt operations, and liver transplantation) of variceal bleeding. Other entries deal with endoscopic treatment, pharmacotherapy, portal
hypertension in children, surgical treatment of ascites, and prophylactic therapy for varices that have not bled.
Rikkers LF: The changing spectrum of treatment for variceal bleeding. Ann Surg 228:536546, 1998.
A series of 263 consecutive patients undergoing a variety of operations for variceal bleeding from 1978 to 1996 is presented. Four eras, separated by the times when
endoscopic treatment, liver transplantation, and TIPS were introduced, are analyzed. The author concludes that these innovations have decreased the need for and
improved the results of portal hypertension surgery, which is still indicated for selected patients.
Sharara AI, Rockey DC. Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. N Engl J Med 345:669681, 2001.
This is a concise review article devoted to the emergency, elective, and prophylactic treatment of variceal bleeding. Excellent algorithms for treatment are provided.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


Chapter 52 - Biliary Tract

Steven A. Ahrendt M.D.
Henry A. Pitt M.D.

Although signs and symptoms of gallstones and extrahepatic biliary obstruction have been recognized for centuries, the surgical management of biliary
tract disorders has evolved recently. The introduction of general anesthesia and antisepsis in 1848 and 1868, respectively, laid the foundation for the
remarkable series of advances that occurred in abdominal surgery during the latter part of the 19th century. Surgery of the biliary tract was no exception.
John Stough Bobb of Indianapolis is credited with performing the first operation on the biliary tract. In 1867, Bobb explored a 32-year-old woman with
a large abdominal mass and discovered a massive gallbladder hydrops. Bobb made a cholecystotomy, removed the gallstones, and sutured the
gallbladder closed. Carl Langenbuch of Berlin is credited with the first cholecystectomy in 1882. Langenbuch performed the cholecystectomy in a 43year-old man with a 16-year history of biliary colic. His patient survived the operation and was discharged from the hospital 8 weeks following the
The operative management of extrahepatic biliary obstruction also evolved rapidly in the late 19th century. The first bilioenteric anastomosis was
performed by Alexander von Winiwarter (a pupil of Theodore Billroth) in Lige in 1880.[1] Von Winiwarter performed a cholecystocolostomy in a 34year-old man with choledocholithiasis and common bile duct obstruction. A palliative biliary tract bypass (cholecystojejunostomy) was first performed
for malignant biliary obstruction in a patient with periampullary cancer in 1887 by Monastryski. Choledochotomy with stone extraction from the
common bile duct was first performed in 1889. However, the high mortality initially associated with this procedure led to the common use of
cholecystojejunostomy for biliary obstruction. Ludwig Courvoisier reported his first 10 cases of cholecystojejunostomy in 1890 with an operative
mortality rate of 20% and advocated its use over cholecystostomy for cases of common bile duct obstruction. Choledochoduodenostomy was initially
attempted for an impacted common duct stone by Oskar Sprengel in Germany in 1891 and following resection of a periampullary cancer in 1898 by
William Stewart Halsted. The use of a Roux-en-Y jejunal limb to create a hepaticojejunostomy as commonly used today was first reported by Robert
Dahl of Stockholm in 1909.[1]
A variety of diagnostic and nonoperative modalities have been developed this century that have further refined the management of patients with biliary
tract disease. The diagnosis of gallstones was improved considerably by oral cholecystography in 1924. In the 1950s, cholescintigraphy and endoscopic
and transhepatic cholangiography were developed permitting nonoperative imaging of the biliary tract. More recently, ultrasonography, computed
tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have vastly improved the ability to image the biliary tract.
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Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
Normal Anatomy

The extrahepatic biliary tract consists of the bifurcation of the left and right hepatic ducts, the common hepatic duct and common bile duct, and the
cystic duct and gallbladder ( Fig. 521 ). The left hepatic duct is formed by the ducts draining segments II, III, and IV of the liver, courses horizontally
along the base of segment IV, and has an extrahepatic length of 2 cm or more. The right hepatic

Figure 52-1 Anatomy of the biliary system and its relationship to surrounding structures.

duct is formed by the right posterior (segments VI and VII) and right anterior (segments V and VIII) hepatic ducts and has a short extrahepatic length.
The hepatic duct bifurcation is usually extrahepatic and anterior to the portal vein bifurcation. The common hepatic duct lies anteriorly in the
hepatoduodenal ligament and joins the cystic duct to from the common bile duct. The common bile duct extends from the cystic duct common hepatic
duct junction inferiorly to the papilla of Vater, where it empties into the duodenum. The common bile duct varies in length from 5 to 9 cm depending on
its junction with the cystic duct and is divided into three segments: supraduodenal, retroduodenal, and intrapancreatic. The distal common bile duct and
pancreatic duct may join outside the duodenal wall to form a long common channel, within the duodenal wall to form a short common channel, or they
may enter the duodenum through two distinct ostia.
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped reservoir in continuity with the common hepatic and common bile ducts via the cystic duct. The gallbladder lies on the
inferior surface of the liver partially enveloped in a layer of peritoneum. The gallbladder is anatomically divided into the fundus, body, infundibulum,
and neck, which empties into the cystic duct. Both the gallbladder neck and the cystic duct contain spirally oriented mucosal folds known as the valves
of Heister. The cystic duct varies in length from 1 to 4 cm usually joining the common hepatic duct at an acute angle.
Common Anomalies and Variations

Anatomic variations in the cystic duct and hepatic ducts are common. Relatively frequent variations in hepatic ductal anatomy include the right
posterior hepatic duct joining the common hepatic duct distal to the union of the right anterior and left hepatic ducts (12%) and the right anterior
hepatic duct joining the common hepatic duct distal to the union of the right posterior and left hepatic ducts (16%) ( Fig. 522 ). [2] The cystic duct
usually enters the common bile duct at an acute angle. However, the cystic duct may run parallel to the common hepatic duct for a variable distance
before joining it on its right side or pass anterior or posterior to the common hepatic duct before joining it on its left side. In addition, the cystic duct
may join either the right hepatic duct or a segmental right hepatic duct. An accessory hepatic duct or cholecystohepatic duct may also enter the
gallbladder through the gallbladder fossa and, if encountered during a cholecystectomy, should be ligated to prevent a biliary fistula.
Anomalies of the gallbladder are much less frequent than variations in ductal anatomy. Agenesis of the gallbladder is rare (200 reported cases), and
duplication of

Figure 52-2 Main variations in the confluence of the left and right hepatic ducts. A, Typical anatomy of the confluence. B, Trifurcation of left, right anterior, and right posterior
hepatic ducts. C, Aberrant drainage of a right anterior (C1) or posterior (C2) sectoral hepatic duct into the common hepatic duct. DF, Less common variations in hepatic ductal
anatomy. (AF, From Smadja C, Blumgart L: The biliary tract and the anatomy of biliary exposure. In Blumgart L [ed]: Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tract. New York, Churchill
Livingstone, 1994, pp 1124.)

the gallbladder (two separate gallbladders each with its own cystic duct) occurs in 1 of 4000 births.
Vascular Anatomy
Normal Anatomy and Variations

The gallbladder is supplied by the cystic artery, which most commonly is a single branch of the right hepatic artery. The cystic artery may also originate
from the left hepatic, common hepatic, gastroduodenal, or superior mesenteric arteries. The cystic artery is usually located parallel and medial to the
cystic duct, but its course varies with its origin. The cystic artery divides into superficial and deep branches before entering the gallbladder.
The blood supply to the extrahepatic biliary tree originates distally from the gastroduodenal, retroduodenal, and posterior superior pancreatoduodenal
arteries and proximally from the right hepatic and cystic arteries. These arteries supply the common bile and common hepatic ducts through branches
running parallel to the duct in the 3 and 9 oclock positions.
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Biliary Physiology
Bile Ducts

The bile ducts, gallbladder, and sphincter of Oddi act in concert to modify, store, and regulate the flow of bile. During its passage through the bile
ductules and hepatic duct, canalicular bile is modified by the absorption and secretion of electrolytes and water. The gastrointestinal hormone, secretin,
increases bile flow primarily by increasing the active secretion of chloride-rich fluid by the bile ducts and ductules. Bile ductular secretion is also
stimulated by other hormones such as cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin. The bile duct epithelium is also capable of water and electrolyte absorption,
which may be of primary importance in the storage of bile during fasting in patients who have previously undergone cholecystectomy.

The main functions of the gallbladder are to concentrate and store hepatic bile during the fasting state and deliver bile into the duodenum in response to
a meal. The usual capacity of the human gallbladder is only about 40 to 50 mL. Only a small fraction of the 600 mL of bile produced each day would be
stored were it not for its remarkable absorptive capacity. The gallbladder mucosa has the greatest absorptive capacity per unit area of any structure in
the body. Bile is usually concentrated 5-fold to 10-fold by the absorption of water and electrolytes leading to a marked change in bile composition
( Table 521 ). [3]
Active NaCl transport by the gallbladder epithelium is the driving force for the concentration of bile. Water is passively absorbed in response to the
osmotic force generated by solute absorption. The concentration of bile may affect the solubilities of two important components of gallstones: calcium
and cholesterol. Although the gallbladder mucosa does absorb calcium, this process is not nearly as efficient as for sodium or water, leading to greater
relative increase in calcium concentration. As the gallbladder bile becomes concentrated, several changes occur in the capacity of bile to solubilize
cholesterol. The solubility in the micellar fraction is increased, but the

TABLE 52-1 -- Composition of Hepatic and Gallbladder Bile


Hepatic *

Gallbladder *


















Bile acids







Total solids





* All amounts, except pH, are expressed in milliequivalents per liter.

stability of phospholipid-cholesterol vesicles is greatly decreased. Because cholesterol crystal precipitation occurs preferentially by vesicular rather than
micellar mechanisms, the net effect of concentrating bile is an increased tendency to nucleate cholesterol (see Gallstone Pathogenesis).[3]
The gallbladder epithelial cell secretes at least two important products into the gallbladder lumen: glycoproteins and hydrogen ions. Secretion of mucus
glycoproteins occurs primarily from the glands of the gallbladder neck and cystic duct. The resultant mucin gel is believed to constitute an important
part of the unstirred layer (diffusion-resistant barrier) that separates the gallbladder cell membrane from the luminal bile. This mucus barrier may be
very important in protecting the gallbladder epithelium from the strong detergent effect of the highly concentrated bile salts found in the gallbladder.
However, considerable evidence also suggests that mucin glycoproteins play a role as a pronucleating agent for cholesterol crystallization. The transport
of hydrogen ions by the gallbladder epithelium leads to a decrease in gallbladder bile pH through a sodium-exchange mechanism. Acidification of bile
promotes calcium solubility, thereby preventing its precipitation as calcium salts. The gallbladders normal acidification process lowers the pH of
entering hepatic bile from 7.5 to 7.8 down to 7.1 to 7.3.[3]
Biliary Motility

Gallbladder filling is facilitated by tonic contraction of the ampullary sphincter, which maintains a constant pressure in the common bile duct (10 to 15
mm Hg). The gallbladder does not, however, simply fill passively and continuously during fasting. Rather, periods of filling are punctuated by brief
periods of partial emptying (10% to 15% of its volume) of concentrated gallbladder bile that are coordinated with each passage through the duodenum
of phase III of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC). This process is mediated, at least in part, by the hormone motilin. Following a meal, the
release of stored bile from the gallbladder requires a coordinated motor response of gallbladder contraction and sphincter of Oddi relaxation. One of the

main stimuli to gallbladder emptying is the hormone CCK, which is released from the duodenal mucosa in response to a meal. When stimulated by
eating, the gallbladder empties 50% to 70% of its contents within 30 to 40 minutes. Gallbladder refilling then occurs gradually over the next 60 to 90
minutes. Many other hormonal and neural pathways are also necessary for the coordinated action of the gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi. Defects in
gallbladder motility, which increase the residence time of bile in the gallbladder, play a central role in the pathogenesis of gallstones.[3]
Sphincter of Oddi

The human sphincter of Oddi is a complex structure that is functionally independent from the duodenal musculature. Endoscopic manometric studies
have demonstrated that the human sphincter of Oddi creates a high-pressure zone between the bile duct and the duodenum. The sphincter regulates the
flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum, prevents the regurgitation of duodenal contents into the biliary tract, and also diverts bile into the
gallbladder. This latter function is achieved by keeping pressure within the bile and pancreatic ducts higher than duodenal pressure. The sphincter of
Oddi also has very high-pressure phasic contractions. The exact functions of these phasic waves in humans is not known, but they may play a role in
preventing the regurgitation of duodenal contents into the biliary tract.
Both neural and hormonal factors influence the sphincter of Oddi. In humans, sphincter of Oddi pressure and phasic wave activity diminish in response
to CCK. Thus, sphincter pressure relaxes after a meal, allowing the passive flow of bile into the duodenum. During fasting, high-pressure phasic
contractions of the sphincter of Oddi persist through all phases of the MMC. Recent animal studies suggest, however, that sphincter of Oddi phasic
waves do vary to some degree in concert with the MMC. Thus, sphincter of Oddi activity is undoubtedly coordinated with the partial gallbladder
emptying and increases in bile flow that occur during phase III of the MMC. This activity may be a preventative mechanism against the accumulation of
biliary crystals during fasting.[3]
Neurally mediated reflexes link the sphincter of Oddi with the gallbladder and stomach to coordinate the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the
duodenum. The cholecystosphincter of Oddi reflex allows the human sphincter to relax as the gallbladder contracts. Similarly, antral distention causes
both gallbladder contraction and sphincter relaxation.



Bile in the gallbladder or bile ducts in the absence of gallstones or any other biliary tract disease is normally sterile. In the presence of gallstones or
biliary obstruction the prevalence of bactibilia increases. The presence of positive bile cultures is influenced by several factors including the severity or
type of biliary disease and the patients age. The percentage of positive gallbladder bile cultures among patients with symptomatic gallstones and
chronic cholecystitis ranges from 11% to 30%. The prevalence of positive gallbladder bile cultures is higher in patients with acute cholecystitis than
chronic cholecystitis (46% vs. 22%) and increases further in the presence of common bile duct stones. In a recent study, 46% of patients with acute
cholecystitis had positive gallbladder bile cultures.[4] In addition, 58% of patients with gallstones and common bile duct stones but without cholangitis
had positive gallbladder and common duct bile cultures, whereas 94% of patients with gallstones, common bile duct stones, and cholangitis had positive
bile cultures.[4] All patients with common bile duct stones after cholecystectomy had bactibilia. Positive bile cultures were significantly more common in
elderly (>60 years) patients with symptomatic gallstones than in younger patients (45% vs. 16%). Patients with cholangitis due to malignant biliary
obstruction are also more likely to have a positive bile culture than patients with a benign cause of biliary obstruction (stones, stricture, sclerosing
Gram-negative aerobes are the organisms most frequently isolated from bile in patients with symptomatic gallstones, acute cholecystitis, or cholangitis.
Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species are the most common gram-negative bacteria isolated. However, the more resistant organisms Pseudomonas and
Enterobacter are being seen with increased frequency, particularly in patients with malignant biliary obstruction, who may have been treated with
antibiotics previously for a biliary tract infection ( Table 522 ). [5] Other common isolates include the gram-positive aerobes, Enterococcus, and
Streptococcus viridans. Anaerobes, such as Bacteroides species and Clostridium, continue to play a small but significant role in biliary infections. The
prevalence of anaerobic bacteria is 10% to 13% in patients with acute cholecystitis or cholangitis. Candida species are also being increasingly
recognized as a significant biliary pathogen particularly in critically ill patients. The majority of patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis, acute
cholecystitis, or common bile duct stones in the absence of cholangitis have a single organism isolated in bile cultures. Polymicrobial infections are
more common in patients with cholangitis. In analyzing response to therapy, the isolation of Candida, panresistant bacteria, and more than two bacteria
are associated with treatment failures.
The source of bacteria in patients with biliary tract infections is controversial. The majority of evidence favors an ascending route via the duodenum as
the main source of biliary bacteria. The bacterial flora in the small intestine is similar to that detected in the biliary tract. In addition, in the majority of
patients gallbladder and common bile duct cultures yield a similar result. Furthermore, the
TABLE 52-2 -- Organisms Isolated from Bile of Patients with Either a Benign or Malignant Etiology of Cholangitis
Benign Cause (%)(n= 42)

Malignant Cause (%)(n =


Klebsiella species


72 *

Escherichia coli



Enterobacter species


48 *

Pseudomonas species



Citrobacter species



Proteus species






Streptococcus species



Bacteroides species



Clostridium species





Candida species

28 *



At least one organism isolated



Adapted from Thompson JE Jr, Pitt HA, Doty JE, et al: Broad-spectrum penicillin as an adequate therapy for acute cholangitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet
171:275282, 1990.
* P < 0.005 vs. benign.
P < 0.025 vs. benign.

prevalence of bactibilia is highest in the elderly in whom biliary motility and clearance have decreased.[4]
Antibiotic Selection

Antibiotics should be used prophylactically in most patients undergoing elective biliary tract surgery or other biliary tract manipulations such as
endoscopic or percutaneous cholangiography ( Box 521 ).[6] The risk of postoperative infectious complications corresponds to the presence of
bactibilia, which occurs in 11% to 30% of patients with gallstones, but is difficult to determine preoperatively. In low-risk patients undergoing
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis, the incidence of wound infections is low (1%), and several prospective randomized trials have
not demonstrated any benefit to prophylactic antibiotics. In high-risk patients (elderly, recent acute cholecystitis, high risk of conversion to open
cholecystectomy) a single dose of the first-generation cephalosporin, cefazolin, provides good coverage against the gram-negative aerobes commonly
isolated from bile and skin flora.
Therapeutic antibiotics are used in patients with acute cholecystitis and acute cholangitis. In both diseases gram-negative aerobes play a major role and
are well covered by the second- or third-generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, ureidopenicillins, carbapenems, and the fluoroquinolones.
Ureidopenicillins, such as piperacillin, offer the advantage of gram-positive coverage, including the

Box 52-1. Recommended Antibiotics for Use in Biliary Tract Surgery

Open Cholecystectomy
Cefazolin (12 g single dose)
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Low risk
High-risk *
Cefazolin (12 g single dose)
Other Open Biliary Tract Operations
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Cefoperazone, cefotetan, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone
ERCPLow Risk
ERCPHigh Risk /Percutaneous Biliary Drainage
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Cefoperazone, cefotetan, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone

Acute Cholecystitis
Cefotetan, cefoxitin, ceftizoxime
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Acute Cholangitis
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem
ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
Adapted from Cox J, Ahrendt S: Antibiotic selection in biliary tract surgery. In
Cameron J (ed): Current Surgical Therapy. St. Louis, Mosby, 2001, p 494.
* Elderly patients, recent acute cholecystitis, jaundiced, increased risk of conversion to
open procedure.
Presence of biliary obstruction or high-risk for developing infective endocarditis.

enterococci and of anaerobic coverage. When combined with a -lactamase inhibitor such as tazobactam, piperacillin offers extended and improved
coverage against organisms with acquired resistance. Most fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin do not cover the anaerobes and should be used in
combination with an agent with anaerobic coverage (i.e., metronidazole). Pseudomonas has been recovered with increased frequency in patients with
cholangitis, particularly with chronic indwelling stents, and should be covered in severely ill patients. Both mezlocillin and piperacillin have performed
as well as combination therapy including an aminoglycoside in prospective, randomized trials in patients with cholangitis.
Obstructive Jaundice

Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders, and the evaluation and management of the jaundiced patient are common problems facing
the general surgeon. Normal serum bilirubin ranges from 0.5 to 1.3 mg/dL; when levels exceed 2.0 mg/dL, the bilirubin staining of the tissues becomes
clinically apparent as jaundice. In addition, the presence of conjugated bilirubin in the urine is one of the first changes noted by patients.
Bilirubin is the normal breakdown product of hemoglobin produced from senescent red blood cells by the reticuloendothelial system. Insoluble
unconjugated bilirubin is transported to the liver bound to albumin. Bilirubin is transported across the sinusoidal membrane of the hepatocyte into the
cytoplasm. The enzyme uridine diphosphateglucuronyl transferase then conjugates the insoluble unconjugated bilirubin with glucuronic acid to form
the water-soluble conjugated forms, bilirubin monoglucuronide and bilirubin diglucuronide. Conjugated bilirubin is then actively secreted into the bile
canaliculus. In the terminal ileum and colon, bilirubin is converted to urobilinogen, 10% to 20% of which is reabsorbed into the portal circulation. This
urobilinogen is either re-excreted into the bile or excreted by the kidneys into the urine.
Diagnostic Evaluation

The differential diagnosis of jaundice parallels the metabolism of bilirubin ( Table 523 ). Disorders resulting in jaundice can be divided into those
causing medical jaundice such as increased production, decreased hepatocyte transport or conjugation, or impaired excretion of bilirubin or into those
causing surgical jaundice through impaired delivery of bilirubin into the intestine. Common causes of increased bilirubin production include the
hemolytic anemias and acquired causes of hemolysis including sepsis, burns, and transfusion reactions. Bilirubin uptake and conjugation can be affected
by drugs, sepsis, and the aftermath of viral hepatitis. Impaired excretion of bilirubin leads to intrahepatic cholestasis and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
Common causes of impaired excretion include viral or alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and drug-induced cholestasis. Extrahepatic biliary obstruction can
be caused by a variety of disorders including choledocholithiasis, benign biliary strictures, periampullary cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, or primary
sclerosing cholangitis.
While diagnosing jaundice, the physician must be able to distinguish among defects in bilirubin uptake, conjugation, or excretion that are usually
managed medically from extrahepatic biliary obstruction, which is usually handled by a surgeon, interventional radiologist, or endoscopist ( Fig. 523 ).
In most cases, a careful history,

TABLE 52-3 -- Differential Diagnosis of Jaundice

Abnormality in Bilirubin Metabolism



Increased production


Multiple transfusions, transfusion reaction, sepsis, burns, congenital

hemoglobinopathies, hemolysis

Impaired hepatocyte uptake or



Gilberts disease, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, neonatal jaundice, viral

hepatitis, drug inhibition, sepsis

Impaired transport and excretion


Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotors syndrome, cirrhosis, amyloidosis, cancer,

hepatitis (viral, drug induced, or alcoholic), pregnancy

Biliary obstruction


Choledocholithiasis, benign stricture, periampullary cancer,

cholangiocarcinoma, chronic pancreatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis

Figure 52-3 Diagnostic algorithm for the jaundiced patient. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; MRCP, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; PTC,
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.


physical examination, routine laboratory tests, and noninvasive radiologic imaging differentiate extrahepatic biliary obstruction from other causes of
jaundice. Cholelithiasis is often associated with right upper quadrant pain and indigestion. Jaundice from common bile duct stones is usually transient
and associated with pain and often fever (cholangitis). The gradual onset of painless jaundice with associated weight loss is suggestive of a malignancy.
If jaundice occurs after cholecystectomy, retained bile duct stones or an injury to the bile duct should be suspected.
Laboratory tests that should be performed in all jaundiced patients include serum direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases,
amylase, and a complete blood cell count. Unconjugated (indirect) hyperbilirubinemia occurs when there is an increase in bilirubin production or a
decrease in hepatocyte uptake and conjugation. Defects in bilirubin excretion (intrahepatic cholestasis) or extrahepatic biliary obstruction result in a
predominantly conjugated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia. The highest elevations in serum bilirubin are usually found in patients with malignant
obstruction, in whom levels exceeding 15 mg/dL are observed. Common bile duct stones are usually associated with a more moderate increase in serum
bilirubin (4 to 8 mg/dL). Alkaline phosphatase is a more sensitive marker of biliary obstruction and may be elevated first in patients with partial biliary
The goals of radiologic evaluation of the jaundiced patient include (1) the confirmation of clinically suspected biliary obstruction by the demonstration
of intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic bile duct dilation; (2) the identification of the site and cause of the obstruction; and (3) selection of the appropriate
treatment modality for managing the jaundice. Ultrasonography is often the initial screening test in patients with suspected extrahepatic biliary
obstruction. Dilation of the extrahepatic (>10 mm) or intrahepatic (>4 mm) bile ducts suggests biliary obstruction. Ultrasound is also accurate at
identifying gallstones, liver metastases, and occasionally masses of the liver and pancreas as possible causes of jaundice. CT scanning is also very
sensitive at identifying biliary dilation ( Fig. 524 ). CT scanning is less sensitive than ultrasound at detecting gallstones; however, it is more accurate
than ultrasound at identifying the site and cause of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Spiral CT scanning provides additional staging information
including vascular involvement in patients with periampullary tumors. In patients in whom biliary obstruction from gallstones is suspected ultrasound is
the appropriate initial radiologic evaluation, whereas in patients with a suspected periampullary tumor, a CT scan is the appropriate initial imaging
Cholangiography is often necessary to delineate the site and cause of biliary obstruction. MR cholangiography (MRC) is noninvasive and provides
excellent anatomic detail. Both endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) are invasive
procedures with a 2% to 5% risk of complications but offer the opportunity for a therapeutic intervention (see later). ERC is most useful in imaging
patients with periampullary tumors and choledocholithiasis. Occasionally, ERC is not feasible in patients with altered gastroduodenal

Figure 52-4 Abdominal CT scan in jaundiced patient with pancreatic cancer. The scan shows dilation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts as well as the common bile duct and pancreatic
duct, suggestive of distal common bile duct obstruction.

anatomy. PTC is the preferred technique in patients with proximal biliary obstruction or in patients in whom ERC is not technically possible.
Endoscopic Management

Several conditions causing jaundice can also be treated at the time of endoscopic cholangiography. The common bile duct can be cleared of stones using
endoscopically passed balloon catheters or baskets following a sphincterotomy. The success of endoscopic techniques at clearing retained common bile
duct stones ranges from 85% to 90%.[7] Malignant biliary strictures involving the mid or distal common bile duct are also amenable to endoscopically
placed stents to internally decompress the biliary tract and relieve jaundice. Both polyurethane and expandable metallic stents are available for
endoscopic use. Metallic stents remain patent longer; however, they are more difficult to exchange once they occlude.
Percutaneous Management

The percutaneous route is also available for access to the biliary tract and the treatment of obstructing jaundice. This approach is favored in patients
with more proximal bile duct obstruction involving or proximal to the hepatic duct bifurcation. Percutaneously placed polyurethane or metallic stents
can usually be passed across an obstructing biliary lesion into the duodenum to permit internal biliary drainage. Serial dilation of the stent tract can also
facilitate passage of a flexible choledochoscope into the biliary tree for direct visualization, biopsy, or management of any obstructing lesions or stones.
Operative Risk Factors

A careful evaluation of the overall general medical condition of the patient as well as an accurate staging evaluation

are necessary prior to selecting the appropriate management for the patient with obstructive jaundice. The preoperative assessment should include the
usual evaluation of cardiac risk factors, respiratory status, and renal function, as well as overall performance status measured by one of several
performance scales. In addition, patients with obstructive jaundice have several further physiologic abnormalities, which require careful evaluation.
These abnormalities include alterations in hepatic and pancreatic function, the gastrointestinal barrier, immune function, hemostatic mechanisms, and
wound healing. Hepatic protein synthesis, hepatic reticuloendothelial function, and other aspects of hepatic metabolism may be significantly altered in
patients with obstructive jaundice. In addition, endotoxemia, which occurs frequently with obstructive jaundice, may contribute to renal, cardiac, and
pulmonary insufficiency observed in patients with obstructive jaundice.
Altered cell-mediated immunity increases the risk of infection, whereas coagulation disorders make these patients prone to bleeding problems. Several
studies have defined preoperative risk factors associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing treatment for malignant
biliary obstruction. Malnutrition (hypoalbuminemia), the presence of sepsis (cholangitis), and renal insufficiency all are associated with an increase in
operative morbidity and mortality in biliary tract surgery. Control of sepsis and intensive nutritional support should be undertaken preoperatively in the
malnourished patient with cholangiocarcinoma.
Preoperative Biliary Drainage

The preoperative relief of jaundice and the reversal of its systemic effects by either endoscopic or transhepatic biliary decompression have been
proposed as a method to decrease the risk of surgery in jaundiced patients. However, several prospective, randomized studies have shown that the
routine use of preoperative biliary drainage does not reduce operative morbidity or mortality in patients with obstructive jaundice. In addition, a recent
meta-analysis also concluded that preoperative biliary drainage increased rather than decreased overall complications (from surgery and the drainage
procedure) and provided no benefit in terms of reduced mortality or decreased hospital stay.[8] In fact, several studies have documented a higher
incidence of infectious complications (wound infection, pancreatic fistula) and even mortality in patients undergoing pancreatic or biliary tract resection
after preoperative biliary decompression.[8] [9] Although preoperative biliary drainage should not be used routinely in the jaundiced patient, it may be
useful in carefully selected patients with advanced malnutrition or biliary sepsis.[8] [9] Preoperatively placed transhepatic catheters can also be of
significant technical help to the surgeon in identifying the intrahepatic ducts in cases of difficult hilar dissections for bile duct strictures or
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Gallstone Pathogenesis

Bile facilitates the intestinal absorption of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins and represents the route of excretion for certain organic solids, such as
bilirubin and cholesterol. The major organic solutes in bile are bilirubin, bile salts, phospholipids, and cholesterol. Bilirubin is the breakdown product of
spent red blood cells and is conjugated with glucuronic acid prior to being excreted. Bile salts solubilize lipids and facilitate their absorption.
Phospholipids are synthesized in the liver in conjunction with bile salt synthesis. The final major solute of bile is cholesterol, which is also produced
primarily by the liver with little contribution from dietary sources. Cholesterol is highly nonpolar and insoluble in water and, thus, in bile. The normal
volume of bile secreted daily by the liver is 500 to 1000 mL.
Gallstones represent a failure to maintain certain biliary solutes, primarily cholesterol and calcium salts, in a solubilized state. Gallstones are classified
by their cholesterol content as either cholesterol or pigment stones. Pigment stones are further classified as either black or brown. Pure cholesterol
gallstones are uncommon (10%), with most cholesterol stones containing calcium salts in their center, or nidus. In most American populations, 70% to
80% of gallstones are cholesterol, and black pigment stones account for most of the remaining 20% to 30%.
An important biliary precipitate in gallstone pathogenesis is biliary sludge, which refers to a mixture of cholesterol crystals, calcium bilirubinate
granules, and a mucin gel matrix. Biliary sludge has been observed clinically in prolonged fasting states or with the use of long-term total parenteral
nutrition. Both of these conditions are also associated with gallstone formation. The finding of macromolecular complexes of mucin and bilirubin,
similar to biliary sludge in the central core of most cholesterol gallstones, suggests that sludge may serve as the nidus for gallstone growth.
Cholesterol Gallstones

The pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstones is clearly multifactorial but essentially involves three stages: (1) cholesterol supersaturation in bile, (2)
crystal nucleation, and (3) stone growth. For many years, gallstones were thought to result primarily from a defect in the hepatic secretion of biliary
lipids. More recently, it has become increasingly clear that gallbladder mucosal and motor function also play key roles in gallstone formation. The key
to maintaining cholesterol in solution is the formation of both micelles, a bile salt-phospholipid-cholesterol complex, and cholesterol-phospholipid
vesicles. Present theory suggests that in states of excess cholesterol production, these large vesicles may also exceed their capability to transport
cholesterol, and crystal precipitation may occur. Cholesterol solubility depends on the relative concentration of cholesterol, bile salts, and phospholipid.
By plotting the percentages of each component on triangular coordinates,

Figure 52-5 Triangular-phase diagram with axes plotted in percent cholesterol, lecithin (phospholipid), and the bile salt sodium taurocholate. Below the solid line, cholesterol is
maintained in solution in micelles. Above the solid line, bile is supersaturated with cholesterol and precipitation of cholesterol crystals can occur. Ch, cholesterol. (From Donovan JM,
Carey MC: Separation and quantitation of cholesterol carriers in bile. Hepatology 12:94S, 1990.)

the micellar zone in which cholesterol is completely soluble can be demonstrated ( Fig. 525 ). In the area above the curve, bile is supersaturated with
cholesterol, and precipitation of cholesterol crystals can occur.
Cholesterol supersaturation is present in many normal humans without gallstones, and a significant overlap exists in cholesterol saturation in patients
with and without gallstones. Thus, cholesterol supersaturation results in a metastable state in which cholesterol precipitation may or may not take place
and additional factors in bile must be present, therefore, to either enhance or inhibit the nucleation of cholesterol leading to the next stage in gallstone
Nucleation refers to the process in which solid cholesterol monohydrate crystals form and conglomerate. Nucleation occurs more rapidly in gallbladder
bile of patients with cholesterol stones than in individuals with cholesterol-saturated bile without stones. As bile is concentrated in the gallbladder, a net
transfer of phospholipids and cholesterol from vesicles to micelles occurs. The phospholipids are transferred more efficiently than cholesterol, leading
to cholesterol enrichment of the remaining vesicles. These cholesterol-rich vesicles aggregate to form large multilamellar liquid vesicles that then
precipitate cholesterol monohydrate crystals. Several pronucleating factors including mucin glycoproteins, immunoglobulins, and transferrin accelerate
the precipitation of cholesterol in bile.
For gallstones to cause clinical symptoms, they must obtain a size sufficient to produce mechanical injury to the gallbladder or obstruction of the biliary
tree. Growth of stones may occur in two ways: (1) progressive enlargement of individual crystals or stones by deposition of additional insoluble

precipitate at the bile-stone interface or (2) fusion of individual crystals or stones to form a larger conglomerate. In addition, defects in gallbladder
motility increase the residence time of bile in the gallbladder, thereby playing a role in stone formation. Gallstone formation occurs in clinical states
with gallbladder stasis, as seen with prolonged fasting, the use of long-term parenteral nutrition, after vagotomy, and in patients with somatostatinproducing tumors or in those receiving long-term somatostatin therapy.[3]
Pigment Gallstones

With the recognition that calcium salts are present in most, if not all, cholesterol gallstones, renewed interest has developed in the events leading to the
precipitation of calcium with the anions, bilirubin, carbonate, phosphate, or palmitate. Precipitation of these anions as insoluble calcium salts serves as a
nidus for cholesterol stone formation. Furthermore, calcium bilirubinate and calcium palmitate also form major components of pigment gallstones.
Pigment gallstones are classified as either black or brown pigment stones. Black pigment stones are typically tarry and are associated frequently with
hemolytic conditions or cirrhosis. In hemolytic states, the bilirubin load and concentration of unconjugated bilirubin increases. These stones are usually
not associated with infected bile and are located almost exclusively in the gallbladder. In contrast, brown pigment stones are earthy in texture and are
typically found in the bile ducts, especially in Asian populations. Brown stones often contain more cholesterol and calcium palmitate and occur as
primary common duct stones in Western patients with disorders of biliary motility and associated bacterial infection. In these settings, bacteriaproducing slime and those containing the enzyme-glucuronidase cause enzymatic hydrolysis of soluble conjugated bilirubin glucuronide to form free
bilirubin, which then precipitates with calcium.[3]
Natural History of Gallstone Disease

Once gallstones develop, they remain silent (asymptomatic) or they can produce biliary pain by obstructing the cystic duct. Additional complications
related to gallstones

Figure 52-6 Influence of age and gender on the incidence of cholelithiasis. Gallstones are more common in females and increase in incidence with aging. (Adapted from Bateson MC:
Gallbladder disease and cholecystectomy rate are independently variable. Lancet 2:621624, 1984.)

include acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis with or without cholangitis, gallstone pancreatitis, gallstone ileus, and even gallbladder carcinoma. The
prevalence of gallstones is related to a number of factors including age, gender, weight, family history, and ethnic background. The age-related
incidence of gallstones among men and women is shown in Figure 526 .[10] In addition, common dietary factors and medications can also influence the
risk of developing symptomatic gallstones. For example, coffee consumption lowers and hormone therapy increases the risk of developing symptomatic
Gallstones are common and are frequently identified at laparotomy or on sonography or with other radiologic studies in patients without typical
symptoms of biliary tract disease. Several studies have examined the likelihood of developing biliary colic, more significant complications of gallstone
disease, or of undergoing cholecystectomy. Approximately 1% to 2% of asymptomatic individuals with gallstones develop serious symptoms or
complications related to their gallstones per year, and a similar percentage require cholecystectomy. Over a 20-year period, two thirds of asymptomatic
patients with gallstones remain symptom free. The longer stones remain quiescent, the less likely symptoms are to develop.
Patients with mild symptoms (intermittent right upper quadrant pain) have a higher risk of developing gallstone-related complications or requiring
cholecystectomy than asymptomatic patients with gallstones. Approximately 1% to 3% of mildly symptomatic patients develop gallstone-related
complications per year, and at least 6% to 8% require a cholecystectomy per year to manage their gallbladder symptoms. However, as the magnitude of
symptoms attributable to the gallbladder increases, so does the likelihood that those symptoms will persist or recur or that complications of gallstones
will develop. For patients with ongoing episodes of biliary colic, 70% will have further episodes of gallbladder pain within the following 1 year.[11]
Delay in managing symptomatic gallstones with laparoscopic cholecystectomy may contribute to the high prevalence of gallstone-related complications.
Forty-four percent of cholecystectomies done in California in 1996 were performed for complications of gallstones (acute cholecystitis 36%, gallstone
pancreatitis 4%, choledocholithiasis 3%, other 1%), and half of these patients had biliary symptoms and ultrasound confirmation of gallstones prior to
developing these complications ( Table 524 ).[3]
Diagnosis of Gallbladder Disease
Abdominal Radiograph

The abdominal plain film is often the initial radiologic study performed in patients presenting with acute abdominal pain. In general, abdominal plain
films have a low yield in diagnosing biliary tract problems. Gallstones are predominantly cholesterol, which is radiolucent. Only 10% to 15% of
gallstones contain sufficient calcium to be radiopaque on abdominal radiographs. Rarely, additional useful information may be obtained (i.e.,
pneumobilia, calcified gallbladder, and so forth). Abdominal films are most useful in diagnosing or excluding the diagnosis of other causes of acute
abdominal pain.


Ultrasound has become the procedure of choice for documenting gallstones and is also extremely useful at identifying biliary dilation. Ultrasound
images are based on reflected high frequency sound waves, which are formed at the interface of two tissues or structures with different acoustic
properties. Gallstones have several distinguishing characteristics that are employed in their ultrasonographic diagnosis. The most useful include highamplitude echodensity, which leaves an acoustic shadow or absence of reflected sound waves behind the gallstone ( Fig. 527 ). In addition, gravitydependent movement of the gallstones with patient repositioning is also a highly specific finding

TABLE 52-4 -- Effect of Gallstone Presentation on Treatment Outcome


Uncomplicated *
Percentage of cases

Gallstone Presentation



Delay: onset symptoms until surgery (days)




Delay: first ultrasound until surgery (days)




Percentage of patients with biliary colic as first symptom




Length of hospital stay (days)




LC/OC ratio










Hospital cost ($)

Hospital mortality (%)
LC, laparoscopic cholecystectomy; OC, open cholecystectomy.

Adapted from Glasgow RE, Cho M, Hutter MM, et al: The spectrum and cost of complicated gallstone disease in California. Arch Surg 135:1021
1027, 2000.
* Uncomplicated gallstone disease includes patients with biliary colic.
Complicated gallstone disease includes patients with acute cholecystitis, acute gallstone pancreatitis, choledocholithiasis, gallbladder cancer, and cholangitis.

Figure 52-7 Gallbladder ultrasound in patient with biliary colic demonstrating multiple dependent echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing consistent with gallstones.

for gallstones. When these two features are present, the accuracy of ultrasound at diagnosing gallstones approaches 100%.
Several features lower the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in detecting gallstones. Small gallstones may not demonstrate an acoustic shadow.
Furthermore, a lack of fluid (bile) around the gallstones (stone impacted in cystic duct, gallbladder filled with gallstones) also impairs their detection. In
addition, an ileus with increased abdominal gas as occurs with acute cholecystitis may hamper gallbladder visualization. Overall, the falsenegative rate
for ultrasound in detecting gallstones is approximately 5%.

Cholescintigraphy provides a noninvasive evaluation of the liver, gallbladder, bile duct, and duodenum with both anatomic and functional information.
Technetium-labeled analogues of iminodiacetic acid are currently used for imaging and are excreted into the biliary tract shortly after injection. Uptake
by the liver, gallbladder, common bile duct, and duodenum all should be present after 1 hour. Slow uptake of the tracer by the liver suggests hepatic
parenchymal disease. Nonvisualization of the gallbladder with prompt filling of the common bile duct and small intestine is consistent with cystic duct
obstruction. Filling of the gallbladder and common bile duct with delayed or absent filling of the intestine suggests an obstruction at the ampulla.
The primary use of cholescintigraphy is in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Although used less frequently for this indication than in the past because
of the availability and accuracy of ultrasound, cholescintigraphy demonstrates the presence of cystic duct obstruction, which is invariably present in
acute cholecystitis. Nonvisualization of the gallbladder 1 hour after the injection of the radioisotope with filling of the common bile duct and duodenum
is consistent with total or partial cystic duct obstruction. Increasing sphincter of Oddi and, thus, biliary pressures with morphine may enhance
gallbladder filling and lower the incidence of false-positive examinations. The sensitivity and specificity of cholescintigraphy for diagnosing acute
cholecystitis are each about 95%. False-positive results are increased in the setting of gallbladder stasis as in critically ill patients or in patients on
parenteral nutrition.


Abdominal CT scans are more useful in the evaluation of gallbladder cancer than calculous disease. However, like plain abdominal films, calcified
gallstones are also

identified on CT scans in approximately one half of patients. CT is also a sensitive test for diagnosing acute cholecystitis.
Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis

The term chronic cholecystitis implies an ongoing or recurrent inflammatory process involving the gallbladder. In the majority of patients (>90%),
gallstones are the causative factor and lead to recurrent episodes of cystic duct obstruction manifest as biliary pain or colic. Over time, these recurrent
attacks can lead to scarring and a nonfunctioning gallbladder. Histopathologically, chronic cholecystitis is characterized by an increase in subepithelial
and subserosal fibrosis and a mononuclear cell infiltrate.
Clinical Presentation

The primary symptom associated with chronic cholecystitis or symptomatic cholelithiasis is pain often labeled biliary colic. The term biliary colic is
inaccurate and suggests that the pain related to gallstones is intermittent and spasmodic like other colicky pain. However, this pattern is rarely the case.
Obstruction of the cystic duct results in a progressive increase in tension in the gallbladder wall, leading to constant pain in most patients. The pain is
usually located in the right upper quadrant and/or epigastrium and frequently radiates to the right upper back, right scapula, or between the scapulae.
The intensity of the pain is often severe enough to seek immediate medical attention with the first episode. Classically, the pain of biliary colic occurs
following a greasy meal, although this situation does not occur in most cases. An association with meals is present in only 50% of patients, and in these
patients, the pain often develops more than an hour after eating. In the remaining patients, the pain is not temporally related to meals and often begins at
night-time, waking the patient from sleep.
The duration of pain is typically 1 to 5 hours. The attacks rarely persist for more than 24 hours and are rarely shorter than 1 hour. Pain lasting beyond 24
hours suggests that acute inflammation or cholecystitis is present. The attacks are often discrete and severe enough that the patient can accurately recall
and number them. The episodes of biliary colic are usually less frequent than one episode per week. Other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting often
accompany each episode (60% to 70% of cases). Bloating and belching are also present in 50% of patients. Fever and jaundice occur much less
frequently with simple biliary colic.
The physical examination is usually completely normal in patients with chronic cholecystitis, particularly if they are pain free. During an episode of
biliary colic, mild right upper quadrant tenderness may be present. Laboratory values such as serum bilirubin, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase
are also usually normal in patients with uncomplicated gallstones.

The diagnosis of symptomatic cholelithiasis or chronic calculous cholecystitis requires two findings: (1) abdominal pain consistent with biliary colic
and (2) the presence of gallstones. The presence of symptoms (usually pain) attributable to the gallbladder is necessary to consider any treatment for
gallstones. Patients without symptoms () two thirds of patients with gallstones) develop symptoms at a low rate and complications of gallstones at an
even lower rate (see Natural History of Gallstone Disease). In most cases treatment is not necessary in these asymptomatic patients. In patients without
the episodic pain characteristic of biliary colic, alternate diagnoses should be sought. Other conditions with acute upper abdominal pain that should be
included in the differential diagnosis include gastroesophageal reflux disease, acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.
Further studies to exclude these conditions should be performed in patients with gallstones and atypical symptoms.
The presence of gallstones should also be documented. Ultrasound is quite sensitive (95% to 98%) for documenting the presence of gallstones and also
provides additional anatomic informationpresence of polyps, common bile duct diameter, or any hepatic parenchymal abnormalities. Gallstones are
occasionally identified on abdominal radiographs (15%) or CT scans (50%) as gallstones contain enough calcium to be visualized.

The treatment of choice for patients with symptomatic gallstones is elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The morbidity and mortality of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy are similar to recent large series of patients undergoing elective open cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. The mortality rate for
both procedures is approximately 0.1% with cardiovascular complications being the most frequent cause of death. The most significant complication
following laparoscopic cholecystectomy is injury to the biliary tract. Overall, complications occur in fewer than 10% of patients. Conversion to an open
cholecystectomy is necessary in less than 5% of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. Conversion rates are
increased in elderly, obese, and male patients.
The long-term results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in appropriately selected patients with chronic cholecystitis are excellent. More than 90% of
patients with typical biliary pain and gallstones are rendered symptom free following cholecystectomy. For patients with atypical symptoms or painless
dyspepsia (fatty food intolerance, flatulence, belching, or bloating), the percentage of patients experiencing relief of symptoms falls.
Acute Calculous Cholecystitis

In 90% to 95% of cases, acute cholecystitis is related to gallstones. Obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone

leads to biliary colic and is also the first event in acute cholecystitis. If the cystic duct remains obstructed, the gallbladder distends, and the gallbladder
wall becomes inflamed and edematous. In the most severe cases (5% to 18%), this process can lead to ischemia and necrosis of the gallbladder wall.
More frequently, the gallstone is dislodged and the inflammation gradually resolves. Initially, acute cholecystitis is an inflammatory process.
Approximately 50% of patients with uncomplicated acute cholecystitis have positive bile cultures at the time of cholecystectomy. In the most severe
cases, generalized sepsis may be present.
Clinical Presentation

Right upper quadrant abdominal pain is the most common complaint in patients with acute cholecystitis. The pain may be similar to previous episodes
of biliary colic, but the pain of acute cholecystitis persists for longer than an uncomplicated episode of biliary colic (days vs. several hours). Other
common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and fever. On physical examination, focal tenderness and guarding are usually present inferior to the right
costal margin, distinguishing the episode from simple biliary colic. A mass may be present in the right upper quadrant (gallbladder with adherent
omentum), and a Murphys sign (inspiratory arrest with deep palpation in the right upper quadrant) may also be elicited. A mild leukocytosis is usually
present (12,000 to 14,000 cells/mm3 ). In addition, mild elevations in serum bilirubin (>4 mg/dL), alkaline phosphatase, the transaminases, and amylase
may be present.

Ultrasound is the most useful radiologic examination in the patient with suspected cholecystitis ( Fig. 528 ). First, in the patient without known
gallstones, ultrasound is a sensitive test for establishing the presence or absence of gallstones. Additional findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis
include thickening of the gallbladder wall (>4 mm) and pericholecystic fluid. Focal tenderness directly over the gallbladder (sonographic Murphys
sign) is also suggestive of acute cholecystitis. Ultrasound has a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 95%, respectively, for diagnosing acute
Radionuclide scanning is used less frequently for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis but may provide additional information in the atypical case.
Nonfilling of the gallbladder with the radiotracer (99 Tc-HIDA) indicates an obstructed cystic duct and, in the right clinical setting, is highly sensitive
(95%) and specific (95%) for acute cholecystitis.

Once the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis is made, the patient should have oral intake limited and be started on intravenous antibiotics. An antibiotic
appropriate for the common biliary tract pathogens isolated from the bile in patients with acute cholecystitis should be selected (see

Figure 52-8 A, Gallbladder ultrasound in patient with acute cholecystitis demonstrating gallbladder wall thickening (4.2 mm as indicated), and pericholecystic fluid. B, Abdominal
CT scan in same patient showing distended, thick-walled gallbladder with pericholecystic fluid.

Antibiotic Selection in Biliary Tract Surgery). Parenteral analgesia should also be administered. Unfortunately, narcotics increase biliary pressure,
whereas nonsteroidal analgesics, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, reduce gallbladder mucin production and therefore relieve pressure and pain.
Open cholecystectomy has been the standard treatment for acute cholecystitis for many years. At the time laparoscopic cholecystectomy was
introduced, acute cholecystitis was a relative contraindication. However, with increased experience laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the
preferred approach for most patients with acute cholecystitis. The morbidity rate, hospital stay, and time to return to work all have been lower in
patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy than open cholecystectomy in prospective, randomized trials.[12] However, the conversion rate in the
setting of acute cholecystitis (4% to 35%) is higher than with chronic cholecystitis.
The timing of cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis has been studied for several decades and has been further evaluated recently using laparoscopic
cholecystectomy as the primary therapy. Two prospective, randomized trials have compared immediate laparoscopic cholecystectomy

versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy after a period of initial medical treatment (6 weeks) to cool off the gallbladder.[13] [14] Approximately 20% of
patients in the delayed surgery arm failed initial medical therapy and had to be operated on during the initial admission or before the end of the planned
cooling off period. No significant differences were observed in the conversion rate to open cholecystectomy among patients undergoing early
cholecystectomy versus those managed with delayed surgery. No significant differences in the complication rate were observed among early and
delayed surgery. However, hospital stay, and therefore cost, was significantly reduced in both trials in the early laparoscopic cholecystectomy group.

Several retrospective series have demonstrated advantages to proceeding with laparoscopic cholecystectomy soon after the diagnosis of acute
cholecystitis is made. In one series, patients operated on early in the course of their illness (within 48 hours of presentation) were more likely to have the
procedure completed laparoscopically (4% vs. 23%) than patients with a longer duration of symptoms and also had a shorter hospital stay.[15] Additional
factors predicting the need to convert to an open cholecystectomy include increased patient age, male gender, elevated American Society of
Anesthesiologists class, obesity, and thickened gallbladder wall (>4 mm). Thus, in most patients with acute cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy
should be attempted soon (24 to 48 hours) after the diagnosis is made. Conversion to an open procedure should be made if the inflammation prevents
adequate visualization of important structures.

Acute cholecystitis may progress to empyema of the gallbladder, emphysematous cholecystitis, or perforation of the gallbladder despite antibiotic
therapy. In each case, emergency cholecystectomy is warranted, if the patient can withstand an anesthetic. Empyema occurs with bacterial proliferation
in an obstructed gallbladder and results in a pus-filled organ. Patients with empyema of the gallbladder may be toxic with more marked fever and
leukocytosis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be attempted, but the conversion rate is high.
Emphysematous cholecystitis develops more commonly in men and patients with diabetes mellitus. Severe right upper quadrant pain and generalized
sepsis are frequently present. Abdominal films or CT scans may demonstrate air within the gallbladder wall or lumen. Prompt antibiotic therapy to
cover the common biliary pathogens (E. coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, and so forth) as well as Clostridium species and emergency cholecystectomy are
appropriate treatments.
Perforation of the gallbladder occurs in up to 10% of cases of acute cholecystitis. Perforation is a sequelae of ischemia and gangrene of the gallbladder
wall and occurs most commonly in the gallbladder fundus. The perforation is most frequently (50% of cases) contained within the subhepatic space by
the omentum, duodenum, liver, and hepatic flexure of the colon, and a localized abscess forms. Less commonly, the gallbladder perforates into and
adjacent viscus (duodenum or colon) resulting in a cholecystoenteric fistula (see Gallstone Ileus). Rarely, the gallbladder perforates freely into the
peritoneal cavity leading to generalized peritonitis. With gallbladder perforation, the abdominal tenderness, fever, and white blood cell count are more
pronounced or higher than in uncomplicated acute cholecystitis. Localized right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, which becomes diffuse and
generalized, should raise the suspicion of free gallbladder perforation. Intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and emergency cholecystectomy are the treatment
of choice in patients with gallbladder perforation.
In most patients, cholecystectomy can be performed and is the best treatment of complicated acute cholecystitis. Occasionally, the inflammatory process
obscures the structures in the triangle of Calot precluding safe dissection or ligation of the cystic duct. In these patients partial cholecystectomy,
cauterization of the remaining gallbladder mucosa, and drainage avoids injury to the common bile duct. In patients considered too unstable to undergo
laparotomy because of concurrent medical comorbidities, percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy can drain the gallbladder. Success rates
approaching 90% have been reported with percutaneous cholecystostomy in managing critically ill patients thought to have acute cholecystitis.
However, this procedure leaves in the gallbladder, which may be partially gangrenous and a source of ongoing sepsis. Interval laparoscopic
cholecystectomy should then be performed after a delay of 3 to 4 months to allow the patient to recover and the acute inflammation to resolve.
Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis

Acute acalculous cholecystitis accounts for 5% to 10% of all patients with acute cholecystitis and is the diagnosis in approximately 1% to 2% of patients
undergoing cholecystectomy. The disease often has a more fulminant course than acute calculous cholecystitis and frequently progresses to gangrene,
empyema, or perforation. Acute acalculous cholecystitis usually occurs in the critically ill patient following trauma, burns, long-term parenteral
nutrition, and major nonbiliary operations such as abdominal aneurysm repair and cardiopulmonary bypass. The etiology of acute acalculous
cholecystitis remains unclear, although gallbladder stasis and ischemia have been most often implicated as causative factors. Stasis is common in
critically ill patients not being fed enterally and may lead to colonization of the gallbladder with bacteria. Visceral ischemia is also a common
denominator in patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis and may explain the high incidence of gallbladder gangrene. Decreased arteriolar and
capillary filling is present in acute acalculous cholecystitis in contrast with the dilation of these vessels observed in acute calculous cholecystitis.
The symptoms and signs of acute acalculous cholecystitis are similar to acute calculous cholecystitis with right upper quadrant pain and tenderness,
fever, and leukocytosis most frequently present. However, these findings are often masked by other conditions in the critically ill patient. CT scan and
ultrasound findings are similar to calculous

cholecystitis and include gallbladder wall thickening and pericholecystic fluid in the absence of gallstones. Cholescintigraphy demonstrates absent
gallbladder filling in acute acalculous cholecystitis. However, the falsepositive rate (absent gallbladder filling without acute acalculous cholecystitis)
may be as high as 40%. Morphine cholescintigraphy has improved the accuracy of this study in the critically ill patient.
Emergency cholecystectomy is the appropriate treatment once the diagnosis is established or the suspicion is high. The incidence of gangrene,
perforation, and empyema exceeds 50%; therefore, open cholecystectomy usually is required in this setting. The mortality rate for acute acalculous
cholecystitis in recent series remains high (40%) in large part due to the concomitant illnesses in patients who develop this disease.
Biliary Dyskinesia

A subgroup of patients presenting with typical symptoms of biliary colic (postprandial right upper quadrant pain, fatty food intolerance, and nausea) do
not have any evidence of gallstones on ultrasound examination. Further investigations have usually been performed in these patients to exclude any
other pathology. This work-up often includes an abdominal CT scan, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or even an ERC. In these patients, the diagnosis of
biliary dyskinesia or chronic acalculous cholecystitis should be considered. The CCK-Tc-HIDA scan has been useful in identifying patients with this
disorder. CCK is infused intravenously after the gallbladder has filled with the 99 Tc-labeled radionuclide. Twenty minutes after the administration of
CCK, a gallbladder ejection fraction is calculated. An ejection fraction less than 35% at 20 minutes is considered abnormal.
Patients with symptoms of biliary colic and an abnormal gallbladder ejection fraction should be managed with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Between
85% and 94% of patients with a low gallbladder ejection fraction and symptoms of biliary colic will be asymptomatic or improved by cholecystectomy.
Most of these patients will have histopathologic evidence of chronic cholecystitis.
Cholecystectomy: Indications and Technique

Cholecystectomy is the most common gastrointestinal operation performed in the United States. Since the introduction of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, the number of cholecystectomies performed in the United States has increased from approximately 500,000 per year to 700,000 per
year. Most of these procedures can be safely completed using the laparoscopic technique. Most conditions initially considered to be relative

contraindications early in the laparoscopic experience are no longer thought to mandate an open cholecystectomy. Uncontrolled coagulopathy is one of
the few current contraindications to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In addition, patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive
heart failure may not tolerate the pneumoperitoneum required for performing laparoscopic surgery. Currently, the major contraindication to completing
a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is an inability to clearly identify all of the anatomic structures. A liberal policy of converting to an open operation when
important anatomic structures cannot be clearly defined represents good surgical judgment rather than a complication. The conversion rate for elective
laparoscopic cholecystectomy ranges up to 5%, whereas the conversion rate in the emergency setting for acute cholecystitis may be as high as 30%.[12]
[13] [14]

The technical difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is increased in several clinical settings. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be performed safely
in acute cholecystitis, albeit with a higher conversion rate and operative time than in the elective setting. Morbid obesity, once thought to be a relative
contraindication to the laparoscopic approach, is not associated with a higher conversion rate. Longer trocars and instruments and an increase in intraabdominal pressure may be helpful in these patients. Prior upper abdominal surgery may increase the difficulty of or preclude laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. However, placement of a Hasson cannula often reveals few adhesions or adhesions that can be dissected laparoscopically, permitting
completion of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy has also been completed safely in patients with wellcompensated cirrhosis (Childs classes A and B), although difficulty retracting the firm liver and increased bleeding from collaterals have been noted.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy are prepared and draped in a similar fashion to open cholecystectomy. Conversion to an open
operation should be discussed with the patient, included in the operative consent, and is necessary in up to 5% of patients undergoing elective
cholecystectomy and up to 30% of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. A Foley catheter and orogastric tube are
inserted to avoid inadvertent injury and improve exposure. Laparoscopic surgery requires a space for visualization and instrument manipulation, and
this space is usually created by establishing a pneumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide. Both open and closed methods have been used to establish a
pneumoperitoneum. With the open technique, a small incision is made above the umbilicus into the peritoneal cavity. A special blunt-tipped cannula
(Hasson) with a gas-tight sleeve is inserted into the peritoneal cavity and anchored to the fascia. This technique is often used following previous
abdominal surgery and should avoid infrequent, but potentially life-threatening trocar injuries. In the closed technique a special hollow insufflation
needle (Veress) with a retractable cutting sheath is inserted into the peritoneal cavity through a supraumbilical incision and used for insufflation.[16] [17]
Once an adequate pneumoperitoneum has been established, an 11-mm trocar is inserted through the supraumbilical incision. The laparoscope with
attached video camera is then inserted through the umbilical port, and an examination of the peritoneal cavity is performed. Both

forward viewing (0-degree) and angled (30-degree) laparoscopes are available. With either the open or closed techniques, additional trocars are inserted
under direct vision. Most surgeons use a second 11-mm trocarplaced subxiphoid and two additional 5-mm trocars positioned subcostally in the right
upper quadrant in the midclavicular and anterior axillary lines ( Fig. 529 ). Also available are 5-mm cameras and 3-mm instruments.[16] [17]

Figure 52-9 Trocar placement for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The laparoscope is placed through a 10-mm port just above the umbilicus. Additional ports are placed in the
epigastrium and subcostally in the mid-clavicular and near the anterior axillary lines. (From Cameron J: Atlas of Surgery, Vol 2. Philadelphia, BC Decker, 1994.)

The two smaller ports are used for grasping the gallbladder and placing it in the ideal position for an antegrade cholecystectomy. The lateral port is used
to retract the gallbladder cephalad elevating the inferior edge of the liver and exposing the gallbladder and cystic duct ( Fig. 5210 ). The medial 5-mm
cannula is used to grasp the gallbladder infundibulum and retract it laterally to further expose the triangle of Calot. This maneuver may require bluntly
taking down any adhesions between the omentum or duodenum and the gallbladder. The junction of the gallbladder and cystic duct is identified by
stripping the peritoneum off the gallbladder neck and removing any tissue surrounding the gallbladder neck and proximal cystic duct. This dissection is
continued until the triangle of Calot is cleared of all fatty and lymphatic tissue and the gallbladder infundibulum is elevated off the liver bed ( Fig. 52
11 ). [18] At this point two structures (cystic artery and cystic duct) should be seen entering the gallbladder.
Once the cystic duct is identified, an intraoperative cholangiogram may be performed by placing a hemoclip proximally on the cystic duct, incising the
anterior surface of the duct, and passing a cholangiogram catheter into the cystic duct. Once the cholangiogram is completed, two clips are placed
distally on the cystic duct, which is then divided ( Fig. 5212 ). Alternatively, the common bile duct may be evaluated for stones using laparoscopic
ultrasound. The sensitivity of laparoscopic ultrasound for detecting common bile duct stones is comparable to intraoperative cholangiography (80% to
96% vs. 75% to 99%). A large cystic duct may require placement of a pretied loop ligature to provide a secure closure.[16] [17]
The next step is the division of the cystic artery. The artery is usually encountered running parallel to and behind the cystic duct. Once identified and

Renal failure, hepatic abscess, and malignancy all are associated with higher morbidity and mortality. The success of the initial antibiotic therapy and
biliary drainage is significantly lower in patients with malignant biliary obstruction, and these patients frequently require changes in antibiotic therapy
and repeat biliary manipulations to adequately decompress the biliary tract ( Fig. 5221 ).[5] Hepatic abscesses are frequently observed in patients with
biliary pathology and should be considered in patients who do not respond to therapy. Patients with gallstone cholangitis should undergo interval
laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 6 to 12 weeks. The incidence of recurrent biliary symptoms is significantly higher if the gallbladder is left in situ
(6% vs. 25%).[32]
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a cholestatic liver disease characterized by fibrotic strictures involving the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree in
the absence of any known precipitating cause. In cases where diffuse biliary strictures are caused by acute cholangitis, common bile duct stones,
operative trauma, or other toxic agents, the term secondary sclerosing cholangitis is used. The clinical course of patients with sclerosing cholangitis is
highly variable, with some patients remaining asymptomatic for years, whereas in others the obliterative biliary tract changes may progress rapidly to
secondary biliary cirrhosis and liver failure. Recent studies suggest that genetic and immunologic factors are important in the pathogenesis of this
disorder. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Figure 52-21 Cure, failure, and relapse rates among patients with cholangitis caused by either benign or malignant biliary obstruction. The results were significantly worse in patients
with malignant obstruction. (From Thompson JE Jr, Pitt HA, Doty JE, et al: Broad-spectrum penicillin as an adequate therapy for acute cholangitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet 171:275
282, 1990.)


is more common in certain HLA haplotypes such as B8/DR3 which is also common in patients with other autoimmune diseases such as insulindependent diabetes mellitus, Graves disease, Sjgrens syndrome, and myasthenia gravis.
Associated Diseases

Several diseases have been associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis. The strongest association exists between inflammatory bowel disease,
primarily ulcerative colitis, and sclerosing cholangitis. The incidence of ulcerative colitis in patients with sclerosing cholangitis ranges from 60% to
72%. Patients with sclerosing cholangitis are also at increased risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma.[33] Cholangiocarcinoma can present early in the
clinical course of primary sclerosing cholangitis and is often diagnosed simultaneously with this disease. The risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma is
approximately 1% per year in patients with sclerosing cholangitis. Most patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis developing cholangiocarcinoma do
not have cirrhosis.[33] Between 10% and 15% of patients undergoing liver transplant have an unsuspected cholangiocarcinoma in the hepatectomy
Clinical Presentation

The natural history of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis is highly variable with some patients progressing rapidly to hepatic failure and others
remaining asymptomatic for years. The mean age at presentation for patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ranges from 40 to 45 years, and two
thirds of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis are male.[34] Patients present either with signs and symptoms of cholestatic liver disease (jaundice,
pruritus, fatigue) or with abnormal serum liver function tests. Approximately 75% of patients are symptomatic at presentation. Symptoms of bacterial
cholangitis (pain, fever, and jaundice) are uncommon, especially without preceding biliary tract manipulations. A small percentage of patients present
with signs and symptoms of advanced liver disease including ascites, variceal bleeding, and/or splenomegaly. The median survival for patients with
primary sclerosing cholangitis from the time of diagnosis ranges from 10 to 12 years.

The diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis is usually made by ERCP. Diffuse multifocal strictures are most commonly found in both the
intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ( Fig. 5222 ). Involvement of the extrahepatic ducts alone
without intrahepatic duct involvement occurs in 5% to 10% of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Despite the presence of diffuse disease in
most patients with sclerosing cholangitis, the hepatic duct bifurcation is often the most severely strictured segment of the biliary tree. A liver biopsy to
determine the degree of hepatic fibrosis or the presence of cirrhosis is also critical in selecting therapy.

Figure 52-22 Percutaneous cholangiogram demonstrating hepatic bifurcation (lower right) and right hepatic ducts in patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Cholangiogram
demonstrates diffuse strictures of the intrahepatic bile ducts.

Medical therapy for primary sclerosing cholangitis has been disappointing to date. Ursodeoxycholate lowers serum bilirubin and transaminases but has
not improved symptoms or delayed disease progression. Biliary strictures in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis have been dilated or stented
using either the percutaneous or endoscopic route. These nonoperative procedures have produced short-term improvements in symptoms and serum
bilirubin levels. Symptomatic patients with persistent jaundice are also candidates for surgical therapy. Resection of the extrahepatic biliary tree with
bilateral hepaticojejunostomies has yielded reasonable short-term results in patients with significant extrahepatic or bifurcation strictures. Surgical
resection should be performed only in patients without cirrhosis or significant hepatic fibrosis on liver biopsy. In addition, patients in whom a
cholangiocarcinoma cannot be excluded should also be explored.
Ahrendt and associates recently reported 146 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis managed with either operative resection or nonoperative
biliary dilation.[34] Overall survival was significantly longer in the noncirrhotic patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis managed with surgical
resection than in the group of patients managed nonoperatively. Similarly, patients without cirrhosis managed with resection survived significantly
longer before needing a liver transplant than patients managed nonoperatively ( Table 526 ).[34]

TABLE 52-6 -- Transplant-Free Survival by Treatment Method: Actuarial Survival in Years (%)
No. of Years










36 *

Percutaneous stenting





Combined nonoperative




40 *









56 *

42 *

Percutaneous stenting





Combined nonoperative



59 *

46 *


n, number of patients; ES/BD endoscopic sphincterotomy plus balloon dilation.

Adapted from Ahrendt SA, Pitt HA, Kalloo AN, et al: Primary sclerosing cholangitis: Resect, dilate, or transplant? Ann Surg 227:412423, 1998.
P < 0.05 vs. resection.
* P < 0.01 vs. resection.
Combined nonoperative includes patients managed with endoscopic balloon dilation or percutaneous stenting.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a progressive disease that eventually results in biliary cirrhosis. Liver transplantation has produced excellent results in
patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and end-stage liver disease. Overall 5-year actuarial patient survival is as high as 85%, and 5-year graft
survival of 72% has been reported. Recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis has been reported in up to 10% of patients and may require
retransplantation. Biliary tract surgery prior to liver transplantation does not affect survival following transplantation. Long-term survival in patients
with a small incidental cholangiocarcinoma (>1 cm) is similar to patients without cholangiocarcinoma.
Biliary Cysts

Choledochal cyst is a rare congenital dilation of the extrahepatic and/or intrahepatic biliary tract. Although choledochal cysts frequently present in
infancy and childhood, the disease is more commonly diagnosed in adults. The incidence of choledochal cyst is only between 1 in 100,000 and 1 in
150,000 people in Western countries but is much more common in Japan. Choledochal cysts are three to eight times more common in women than men.
Etiology and Classification

The frequent presentation of choledochal cysts in infancy supports a congenital origin. An anomalous pancreatobiliary duct junction (APBDJ) has also

been documented in between 90% and 100% of patients with choledochal cysts. In APBDJ, the pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct more than 1
cm proximal to the ampulla, resulting in a long common channel and free reflux of pancreatic secretions into the biliary tract. This reflux of pancreatic
juice into the biliary tract results in increased biliary pressures and inflammatory changes in the biliary

Figure 52-23 Todani modification of Alonso-Lej classification of choledochal cysts. (From Chijiiwa K, Koga A: Surgical management and long-term follow-up of patients with
choledochal cysts. Am J Surg 165:238242, 1993.)

epithelium and may be related to the formation of choledochal cysts.

The current classification of choledochal cysts was initially proposed by Alonso-Lej and was subsequently modified by Todani ( Fig. 5223 ).[35] Type I
cysts (fusiform or cystic dilations of the extrahepatic biliary tract) are the most common and comprise 50% of choledochal cysts. Type IV cysts (cystic
dilation of both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tract) also occur frequently (35% of patients). Type II (saccular diverticulum of extrahepatic
bile duct), type III (bile duct dilation within the duodenal wall [choledochocele]), and type V cysts (intrahepatic cysts [Carolis disease]) are much less
common, with each type being diagnosed in fewer than 10% of patients with choledochal cysts.
Clinical Presentation

The classic clinical triad associated with choledochal cysts includes right upper quadrant pain, jaundice, and an abdominal mass; however, this
presentation occurs in fewer than 10% of patients. The clinical presentation differs among children and adults. In adults, abdominal pain (87%) and
jaundice (42%) are present frequently. Less common clinical findings include nausea (29%), cholangitis (26%), pancreatitis (23%), and an abdominal
mass (13%).[36]
Laboratory evaluation may demonstrate mild liver function abnormalities in 60% of adult patients with choledochal cysts, and these findings are not
specific. The diagnosis can be established with ultrasound or CT scanning but may be overlooked if the diagnosis is not considered. Cholangiography
(endoscopic, transhepatic, or MR) is required to determine the type of choledochal cyst and plan the extent of operative treatment.

Appropriate management of types I and II choledochal cysts should include cholecystectomy, resection of the extrahepatic biliary tract including the
choledochal cyst, and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Internal drainage of

the cyst into a Roux-en-Y jejunal limb was commonly performed in the past but is associated with a prohibitive risk of cholangitis and hepatolithiasis.
In addition, cystenterostomy may increase the risk of cholangiocarcinoma developing in the cyst. Cholangiocarcinoma is uncommon in children with
choledochal cysts, but the risk of cholangiocarcinoma may be as high as 30% in adults and supports the role of resection in the management.[36]
Resection of the extrahepatic biliary tract is also recommended for type IV cysts. If the intrahepatic cysts are confined to one lobe, hepatic lobectomy
may also be considered. Bilobar intrahepatic cysts are associated with a high risk of intrahepatic stones and are managed with long-term transhepatic
stenting to provide continuous access to the intrahepatic biliary tree for stone retrieval.
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Gallbladder Cancer

Cancer of the gallbladder is an aggressive malignancy that occurs predominantly in the elderly. With the exception of early-stage cases detected
incidentally at the time of cholecystectomy for gallstone disease, the prognosis for most patients is poor. Many of these tumors are unresectable at
presentation, and most can be managed nonoperatively. Recently, an aggressive surgical approach for patients with localized gallbladder cancer has
produced encouraging results with an acceptable morbidity.

Gallbladder cancer is the fifth most common gastrointestinal malignancy.[37] Cancer of the gallbladder is two to three times more common in women
than men, in part due to the higher incidence of gallstones in women.[38] More than 75% of patients with this malignancy are older than 65 years of age.
[38] Approximately 5000 new cases are diagnosed annually in the United States, and the overall incidence of gallbladder cancer is 2.5 cases per 100,000
residents. The incidence of gallbladder cancer varies considerably with both ethnic background and geographic location. In the United States,
gallbladder cancer is more common in Native Americans. Similarly, in Chile, the incidence of gallbladder cancer is particularly high.

Several factors have been associated with an increased risk of developing gallbladder cancer. Among these factors, gallstones are the most common
because of the high prevalence in the general population. The association between an APBDJ, a porcelain gallbladder, and other biliary disorders such
as choledochal cysts and primary sclerosing cholangitis and gallbladder cancer has been recognized more recently.
A strong association has long been noted between gallbladder cancer and cholelithiasis, which is present in 75% to 90% of cases. The incidence of
gallstones increases with age, and by age 75, about 35% of women and 20% of men in the United States have developed gallstones.[10] The incidence of
gallbladder cancer is approximately seven times more common in the presence of cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis than in people without
gallstones. In addition, the risk of developing gallbladder cancer is higher in patients with symptomatic gallstones than in patients with asymptomatic
gallstones. Approximately 1% of all elective cholecystectomies performed for cholelithiasis harbor an occult gallbladder cancer.
Pathology and Staging

Ninety percent of cancers of the gallbladder are classified as adenocarcinoma. Squamous cell, oat cell, undifferentiated, and adenosquamous cancers
and carcinoid tumors are much less frequent. Six percent of gallbladder adenocarcinomas demonstrate papillary features histopathologically; these
tumors are commonly diagnosed while localized to the gallbladder and are also associated with an improved overall survival. At diagnosis, 25% of
cancers are localized to the gallbladder wall, 35% have associated metastases to regional lymph nodes or extension into adjacent organs, and 40% have
already metastasized to distant sites.[38]
Lymphatic drainage from the gallbladder occurs in a predictable fashion and correlates with the pattern of lymph node metastases seen in gallbladder
cancer. Lymph flow from the gallbladder initially drains to the cystic duct node and then descends along the common bile duct to pericholedochal
lymph nodes. Flow then proceeds to nodes posterior to the head of the pancreas and then to interaortocaval lymph nodes. Secondary routes of lymphatic
drainage include the retroportal and right celiac lymph nodes. Hepatic involvement with gallbladder cancer can occur by direct invasion through the
gallbladder bed, angiolymphatic portal tract invasion, or distant hematogenous spread. The current TNM classification of the American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCC) is shown in Table 527 .[39] The appropriate management and overall prognosis are strongly dependent on tumor stage.
Clinical Presentation

Gallbladder cancer most often presents with right upper quadrant abdominal pain often mimicking other more common biliary and nonbiliary disorders.
Weight loss, jaundice, and an abdominal mass are less common presenting symptoms. Five different clinical syndromes have been used to describe the
presentation of patients with gallbladder cancer ( Table 528 ). The largest group of patients present with symptoms of chronic cholecystitis, often with
a recent change in the quality or frequency of the painful episodes. Another common presentation is similar to acute cholecystitis with a short duration
of pain associated with vomiting, fever, and tenderness. Signs and symptoms of malignant biliary obstruction with jaundice, weight loss, and right upper
quadrant pain are also common. Patients can also present with symptoms of a nonbiliary malignancy with anorexia and weight loss in the absence of
jaundice or, least commonly, with signs of

gastrointestinal bleeding or obstruction. Gallbladder cancer is often misdiagnosed as chronic cholecystitis, pancreatic cancer, acute cholecystitis,
choledocholithiasis, or gallbladder hydrops.

Ultrasonography is often the first diagnostic modality used in the evaluation of patients with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. A heterogeneous
mass replacing the gallbladder lumen and an irregular gallbladder wall are
TABLE 52-7 -- TNM Staging for Gallbladder Cancer

Tumor invades lamina propria (T1a) or muscular (T1b) layer


Tumor invades perimuscular connective tissue, no extension beyond the serosa or into the liver


Tumor perforates the serosa (visceral peritoneum) and/or directly invades into liver and/or one other adjacent organ or structure
such as the stomach, duodenum, colon, pancreas, omentum, or extrahepatic bile ducts


Tumor invades main portal vein or hepatic artery or invades multiple extrahepatic organs and/or structures


No lymph node metastases


Regional lymph node metastases


No distant metastases


Distant metastases


Stage Grouping


T1 N0 M0


T2 N0 M0


T3 N0 M0


T1 N1 M0
T2 N1 M0
T3 N1 M0


T4 Any N M0


Any T Any N M1

Adapted from Greene F, Page D, Fleming I, et al (eds): AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 6th ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
common sonographic features of gallbladder cancer. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the detection of gallbladder cancer ranges from 70% to 100%. CT
scan usually demonstrates a mass replacing the gallbladder or extending into adjacent organs ( Fig. 5224 ). Spiral CT also demonstrates the adjacent
vascular anatomy. With newer MR techniques, gallbladder cancers may be differentiated from the adjacent liver and biliary obstruction and/or
encasement of the portal vein may also be easily visualized.
Cholangiography also may be helpful in diagnosing jaundiced patients with gallbladder cancer. The typical cholangiographic finding in gallbladder
cancer is a long stricture of the common hepatic duct. Angiography, spiral CT, or MR imaging may identify encasement of the portal vein or hepatic
artery. If radiologic studies suggest that the tumor is unresectable (liver or peritoneal metastases, portal vein encasement, or extensive hepatic invasion),
a biopsy of the tumor is warranted and can be performed under ultrasound or CT guidance.

The appropriate operative procedure for the patient with localized gallbladder cancer is determined by the pathologic stage. Patients with tumors
confined to the gallbladder

Figure 52-24 CT scan demonstrating large gallbladder cancer with extension into duodenum. Gallstones (calcifications) are present within the mass.

TABLE 52-8 -- Clinical Presentation of Gallbladder Cancer

Presenting Syndrome

Signs and Symptoms

Percentage of Patients with

Gallbladder Cancer *

Chronic cholecystitis (biliary


Postprandial RUQ pain, often with recent change in character


Acute cholecystitis

Short-duration RUQ pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, tenderness


Malignant biliary obstruction

Jaundice, weakness, weight loss, anorexia, pain


Malignant, nonbiliary tract


Anorexia, weight loss, weakness


Other gastrointestinal problem Gastrointestinal bleeding or obstruction


RUQ, right upper quadrant.

* Some overlap among different clinical syndromes present.


mucosa or submucosa (T1a) or confined to the gallbladder muscularis (T1b) are usually identified following cholecystectomy for gallstone disease and
have an overall 5-year survival approaching 100% and 85%, respectively. Therefore, cholecystectomy is adequate therapy for patients with T1 tumors.
Recurrent cancer at port sites and peritoneal carcinomatosis have been reported following laparoscopic cholecystectomy even for patients with in situ
disease. Bile spillage occurs in 26% to 36% of laparoscopic cholecystectomies and appears to be even more common (50%) in cases of gallbladder
cancer.[40] Bile spillage is associated with poor survival even in early stage (T1 and T2) gallbladder cancer. Thus, patients with preoperatively suspected
gallbladder cancer should undergo open cholecystectomy to minimize the chance of bile spillage and tumor dissemination.[40]
Cancer of the gallbladder with invasion beyond (stages II and III) the gallbladder muscularis is associated with an increasing incidence of regional

lymph node metastases and should be managed with an extended cholecystectomy, including lymphadenectomy of the cystic duct, pericholedochal,
portal, right celiac, and posterior pancreatoduodenal lymph nodes. Adequate clearance of the pericholedochal lymph nodes is facilitated by resection of
the common bile duct. Extension into the hepatic parenchyma is common, and extended cholecystectomy should incorporate at least a 2-cm margin
beyond the palpable or sonographic extent of the tumor. For smaller tumors, this goal can be achieved with a wedge resection of the liver. For larger
tumors an anatomic liver resection may be required to achieve a histologically negative margin. Staging laparoscopy should be performed prior to
attempted resection in patients with gallbladder cancer because of the high (48% to 55%) incidence of hepatic and peritoneal metastases not detected by
noninvasive staging modalities.[41]
In most cases, therapy for gallbladder cancer is palliative. If a tissue diagnosis can be established in patients with an unresectable tumor, nonoperative
palliation should be considered. Many of these patients have obstructive jaundice that can be managed with either an endoscopic or percutaneously
placed biliary stent. Pain is another problem that should be treated aggressively to improve quality of life. Percutaneous celiac ganglion nerve block may
reduce the need for narcotics.
The results of chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with gallbladder cancer have been quite poor. Recently, gemcitabine has demonstrated activity
in patients with gallbladder cancer.[42] External beam and intraoperative radiation therapy have both been used in the management of patients with
gallbladder cancer.[42] However, no randomized data have demonstrated improved survival with either technique. Trials of chemoradiation in patients
with stages II and III disease need to be performed.

Survival in patients with gallbladder cancer is strongly influenced by the pathologic stage at presentation.[43] Patients with cancer limited to the
gallbladder mucosa and submucosa (T1a) have a uniformly excellent prognosis.[43] Invasion into the muscular wall (T1b) of the gallbladder increases the
risk of recurrent cancer after curative resection. However, no difference in 10-year survival has been demonstrated following simple cholecystectomy
(100%) and extended cholecystectomy (75%) among patients with T1b gallbladder cancer.[44] Invasion into the subserosa (T2) increases the risk of
regional lymph node metastases to 33% to 50%.[37] [43] Five-year survival in patients with T2 tumors is improved following extended cholecystectomy
with lymphadenectomy/liver resection (59% to 61%) versus simple cholecystectomy (17% to 19%) ( Fig. 5225 ).[37] [43] Several groups have recently
reported 5-year overall survival for resected patients with stages IIA and IIB gallbladder cancer of 28% to 63% and 19% to 25%, respectively.[43]
However, most patients with gallbladder cancer have advanced, unresectable disease at the time of presentation. As a result, fewer than 15% of all
patients with gallbladder cancer are alive after 5 years.[38] The median survival for stage IV patients at the time of presentation is only 1 to 3 months.

Figure 52-25 Survival following surgical resection for T2 gallbladder cancer. Patients undergoing radical resection (boxes) are compared with patients undergoing simple
cholecystectomy (circles) (P > 0.05). (From Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Blumgart LH: Gallbladder cancer: Comparison of patients presenting initially for definitive operation with those
presenting after prior noncurative intervention. Ann Surg 232:557569, 2000.)



Cholangiocarcinoma is an uncommon tumor, which may occur anywhere along the intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary tree. These tumors are located
most commonly at the hepatic duct bifurcation (60% to 80% of cases). Less commonly, cholangiocarcinomas originate in the distal common bile duct or
in the intrahepatic bile ducts. Most cholangiocarcinomas present with jaundice, and the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma should be considered in every
patient with obstructive jaundice. When possible, surgical resection does offer a chance for long-term disease-free survival. Many patients, however,
will be candidates only for palliative bypass or operative or nonoperative intubation aimed to provide biliary drainage and prevent cholangitis and
hepatic failure.

Between 2500 and 3000 new cases of cholangiocarcinoma are diagnosed annually in the United States. The incidence of cholangiocarcinoma increases
with age, and these tumors occur with similar frequency in men and women. Overall, the incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in the United States is
approximately 1.0 per 100,000 people per year.[38]
Risk Factors

A number of diseases have been linked to cholangiocarcinoma, including primary sclerosing cholangitis, choledochal cysts, and hepatolithiasis.[25] [33] [36]
Characteristics common to these diseases include bile duct stones, biliary stasis, and infection. Bile duct cancers in patients with primary sclerosing
cholangitis are most often extrahepatic, commonly occur near the hepatic duct bifurcation and are difficult to differentiate from the multiple, benign
strictures associated with this disease.[33] The mean age at presentation in patients with cholangiocarcinoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis is in the
5th decade of life, and the risk of cholangiocarcinoma does not appear related to the duration of the primary sclerosing cholangitis. Similarly,
choledochal cysts are usually diagnosed in childhood or early adult life, and the risk of cholangiocarcinoma increases steadily with patient age.[36]
Hepatolithiasis is also a definite risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma, which will develop in 5% to 10% of the patients with intrahepatic stones.[25]

Prior biliary-enteric anastomosis may also increase the future risk of cholangiocarcinoma. Five percent of patients in a large Italian series developed
cholangiocarcinoma between 11 and 18 years following a biliary-enteric anastomosis.[45] The risk of bile duct cancer was higher following transduodenal
sphincteroplasty and choledochoduodenostomy than hepaticojejunostomy and was most strongly associated with recurrent episodes of cholangitis.[45]
Multiple other risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma have been identified including liver flukes, Thorotrast, dietary nitrosamines, and exposure to dioxin.
Staging and Classification

Cholangiocarcinoma is best classified anatomically into three broad groups: (1) intrahepatic, (2) perihilar, and (3) distal ( Fig. 5226 ).[46] Intrahepatic
tumors are treated like hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatectomy, when possible. The perihilar tumors make up the largest group and are managed
with resection of the bile duct preferably with hepatic resection. Distal tumors are managed in a fashion similar to other periampullary malignancies
with pancreatoduodenectomy.
Cancers of the hepatic duct bifurcation have also been classified according to their anatomic location ( Fig. 5227 ). In this system, type I tumors are
confined to the common hepatic duct, and type II tumors involve the bifurcation without involvement of secondary intrahepatic ducts. Types IIIa and
IIIb tumors extend into either the right or left secondary intrahepatic ducts, respectively, and type IV tumors involve the secondary intrahepatic ducts on
both sides.
Cholangiocarcinoma is also staged according to the tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) classification of the AJCC ( Table 529 ).[39] Using this system,
stage IA tumors are limited to the bile duct, whereas stage IB tumors invade periductal tissues. Stage IIA tumors are locally advanced without lymph
node metastases, and stage IIB tumors have regional lymph node metastases. Stage III tumors are locally advanced and unresectable, and stage IV
tumors have distant metastases.[39]
Clinical Presentation

More than 90% of patients with perihilar or distal tumors present with jaundice.[46] Patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

Figure 52-26 Classification of cholangiocarcinoma into intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal subgroups, including the percentage of patients with cholangiocarcinoma in each subgroup.
(From Nakeeb A, Pitt HA, Sohn TA, et al: Cholangiocarcinoma: A spectrum of intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal tumors. Ann Surg 224:463475, 1996.)


Figure 52-27 Bismuth classification of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma by anatomical extent. Type I tumors (upper, left) are confined to the common hepatic duct, and type II tumors
(upper, right) involve the bifurcation without involvement of secondary intrahepatic ducts. Type IIIa and IIIb tumors (lower, left) extend into either the right or left secondary
intrahepatic ducts, respectively. Type IV tumors (lower, right) involve the secondary intrahepatic ducts on both sides.

are rarely jaundiced until late in the course of the disease. Less common presenting clinical features include pruritus, fever, mild abdominal pain,
fatigue, anorexia, and weight loss. Cholangitis is not a frequent presenting finding but most commonly develops after biliary manipulation. Except for
jaundice, the physical examination is usually normal in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.

At the time of presentation, most patients with perihilar and distal cholangiocarcinoma have a total serum bilirubin level greater than 10 mg/dL. Marked
elevations are also routinely observed in alkaline phosphatase. Serum CA 199 may also be elevated in patients with cholangiocarcinoma, although
levels may fall once biliary obstruction is relieved.

The radiologic evaluation of patients with cholangiocarcinoma should delineate the overall extent of the tumor, including involvement of the bile ducts,
liver, portal vessels, and distant metastases. The initial radiographic studies consist of either abdominal ultrasound or CT scanning. Intrahepatic
cholangiocarcinomas are easily visualized on CT scans; however, perihilar and distal tumors are often difficult to visualize on ultrasound and standard
CT scan. A hilar cholangiocarcinoma gives a picture of a dilated intrahepatic biliary tree and a normal or collapsed gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary
TABLE 52-9 -- TNM Staging for Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

Tumor confined to bile duct


Tumor invades beyond the wall of the bile duct


Tumor invades the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and/or unilateral branches of the portal vein (right or left) or hepatic artery (right
or left)


Tumor invades any of the following: main portal vein or its branches bilaterally, common hepatic artery, or other adjacent
structures, such as the colon, stomach, duodenum, or abdominal wall


No regional lymph node metastasis


Regional lymph node metastasis


No distant metastasis


Distant metastasis


Stage Grouping


T1 N0 M0


T2 N0 M0


T3 N0 M0


T1 N1 M0
T2 N1 M0
T3 N1 M0


T4 Any N M0


Any T Any N M1

Adapted from Greene F, Page D, Fleming I, et al (eds): AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 6th ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Distal tumors lead to dilation of the gallbladder and both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree.
After documentation of bile duct dilation, biliary anatomy has been traditionally defined cholangiographically through either the percutaneous
transhepatic or the endoscopic retrograde routes. The most proximal extent of the tumor is the most important feature in determining resectability in
patients with perihilar tumors, and the percutaneous route is favored in these patients because it defines the proximal extent of tumor involvement most
reliably ( Fig. 5228 ). Recently, MRC has documented diagnostic accuracy comparable to percutaneous and endoscopic cholangiography.
Prolonged efforts to establish a tissue diagnosis are not indicated unless the patient is not an operative candidate. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration
biopsy, brush and scrape biopsy, and cytologic examination of bile all have been used; however, the sensitivity in detecting a malignancy is low, and a
benign result should be considered unreliable. Seven percent to 15% of patients with preoperative symptoms and imaging studies and intraoperative
findings consistent with malignant biliary obstruction will ultimately have benign lesions on histologic analysis of resection specimens. However, these
patients cannot be reliably identified preoperatively using current imaging or pathologic evaluation.


Figure 52-28 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram demonstrating a perihilar cholangiocarcinoma involving secondary intrahepatic branches on the right as well as the common
hepatic duct. The left hepatic duct is not visualized.

Curative treatment of patients with cholangiocarcinoma is possible only with complete resection. The operative approach depends on the site and extent
of the tumor. For patients with anatomically resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and without advanced cirrhosis, partial hepatectomy is the
procedure of choice.[42] [46] Patients with perihilar tumors involving the bifurcation or proximal common hepatic duct (Bismuth type I or II) that have no
vascular invasion are candidates for local tumor excision. Biliary enteric continuity is restored with bilateral hepaticojejunostomies.[46] [47] If preoperative
evaluation suggests involvement of the right or left hepatic duct (Bismuth type IIIa or IIIb), right or left hepatic lobectomy, respectively, should be
planned ( Fig. 5229 ).[46] [47] To achieve negative margins, resection of the adjacent caudate lobe may be required.[47] A greater percentage of margin
negative resections has been achieved with an increased use of combined bile duct and hepatic resection.[47] However, these more extensive procedures
have been associated with an increase in operative morbidity and mortality. For patients with resectable distal cholangiocarcinoma,
pancreatoduodenectomy is the optimal procedure.

Figure 52-29 A, Diagram illustrates left hepatic and hilar resection of Bismuth type IIIb cholangiocarcinoma with preoperatively placed transhepatic stents.B, Diagram demonstrates
resected left hepatic lobe and hilum with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (top) and right hepatic lobe with divided right hepatic duct prior to reconstruction (bottom). C, Silastic
transhepatic stent is placed through a right Roux-en-Y cholangiojejunostomy after left hepatic lobectomy. (AC, From Cameron J: Atlas of Surgery, Vol 1. Philadelphia, BC Decker,


Surgical exploration should be undertaken in good-risk patients without evidence of metastatic or locally unresectable disease; however,
intraoperatively more than half of these patients are found to have either peritoneal or hepatic metastases or, more likely, locally unresectable disease.[42]
[46] Selective use of laparoscopy in patients with locally advanced but potentially resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma may avoid laparotomy in some
patients with metastatic disease.[41] In patients with extensive metastatic disease preoperative biliary stents may be left in place. However, a
cholecystectomy should be performed to avoid the risk of acute cholecystitis, which occurs in patients with long-term indwelling biliary stents. In
patients with locally advanced unresectable perihilar tumors, several operative approaches are available for palliation including a Roux-en-Y
choledochojejunostomy with intraoperative placement of Silastic biliary catheters or a segment III or V cholangiojejunostomy. Most distal bile duct
tumors are resectable; but if resection is not possible due to vascular encasement, cholecystectomy, Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy proximal to the
tumor, and a gastrojejunostomy to prevent gastric outlet obstruction should be performed.
Patients with unequivocal evidence of unresectable cholangiocarcinoma at initial evaluation are palliated nonoperatively. Nonoperative palliation can be
achieved both endoscopically and percutaneously. Percutaneous biliary drainage has several advantages over endoscopic management in patients with
perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, whereas endoscopic palliation is the preferred approach in patients with distal cholangiocarcinoma. More recently,
metallic stents have been used to palliate patients with malignant biliary obstruction. These stents remain patent longer than plastic stents and require
fewer subsequent manipulations.
Numerous reports have suggested that radiation therapy improves survival for patients with cholangiocarcinoma, especially when resection is
impossible. External-beam radiotherapy has been delivered using a variety of innovative techniques, including intraoperative radiotherapy and
brachytherapy with iridium 192 via percutaneous or endoscopic stents. However, no prospective, randomized trials

have been reported, and a well-controlled, but not randomized, trial reported no benefit for postoperative adjuvant radiation.[48] A survival benefit for
postoperative radiation therapy may be limited to patients with local extension into the liver parenchyma and microscopic residual disease following
resection.[49] Chemotherapy has also not been shown to improve survival in patients with either resected or unresected cholangiocarcinoma. Given the
potential radiosen-sitization effect of 5-fluorouracil or gemcitabine, the combination of radiation and chemotherapy may be more effective than either
agent alone.[42] As with gallbladder cancer, the role of adjuvant chemoradiation needs to be tested in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
Long-term survival in patients with cholangiocarcinoma is highly dependent on the stage of disease at presentation and on whether the patient is treated
by a palliative procedure or complete tumor resection. For resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, overall 5-year survival ranges from 30% to 40%.
In comparison, overall 5-year survival for patients with resectable perihilar tumors has been only 10% to 20% but may be as high as 24% to 46% in
patients with negative microscopic margins ( Fig. 5230 ). [47] [50] Patients with resectable distal bile duct cancer have the highest rate of resection. Those
with resectable distal bile duct cancer have a median survival of 32 to 38 months and a 5-year survival rate of 28% to 45%. [46] Even with multimodality
adjuvant therapy, median survival for unresectable intrahepatic tumors has been only 6 to 7 months. Similarly, median survival for patients with
unresectable perihilar tumors varies between 5 and 8 months.
Metastatic and Other Tumors

Hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases can cause obstructive jaundice by direct extension into the perihilar bile ducts. Hepatocellular and
metastatic colorectal carcinoma have also both been reported to embolize into the biliary tree. This rare phenomenon occurs when tumor cells are

shed into the biliary tract and implant distally, leading to biliary obstruction when the tumor embolus increases in size. Hepatic cystadenomas and
cystadenocarcinomas arise from the biliary epithelium, and these tumors or the mucin they produce, may also cause bile duct obstruction.
Primary and secondary hepatic tumors can also produce biliary obstruction by metastasizing to hilar or pericholedochal lymph nodes. Hepatocellular

Figure 52-30 Actuarial survival following surgical resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Five-year survival following margin negative resection is significantly longer than
following margin positive resection, no resection, or palliative stenting. (From Tsao JI, Nimura Y, Kamiya J, et al: Management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison of an
American and a Japanese experience. Ann Surg 232:166174, 2000.)

colorectal carcinoma, and pancreatic carcinoma are the most common primary sites associated with biliary tract obstruction from lymph node
metastases, although nodal metastases from a number of tumors including breast and ovarian cancer have been reported to cause bile duct obstruction.
Lymphoma can also result in biliary obstruction and mimic either pancreatic cancer or perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Although commonly extensive,
lymphomas usually respond to chemotherapy, leading to resolution of the biliary obstruction.
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Selected References
Boerma D, Rauws W, Keulemans Y, et al: Wait-and-see policy or laparoscopic cholecystectomy after endoscopic cholecystectomy for bile-duct stones: A randomized trial. Lancet
360:761765, 2002.
Prospective, randomized trial comparing observation versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy following the endoscopic removal of common bile duct stones. Recurrent biliary
symptoms developed in 47% of patients in the observation arm, and one third of these patients required cholecystectomy.
Fletcher D, Hobbs M, Tan P, et al: Complications of cholecystectomy: Risks of the laparoscopic approach and protective effects of operative cholangiographya population-based
study. Ann Surg 229:449457, 1999.
Large population-based study demonstrating an increased risk of bile duct injury associated with acute cholecystitis, male gender, and procedures done by surgical
trainees. Intraoperative cholangiography was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of bile duct injury.
Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Blumgart L: Gallbladder cancer: Comparison of patients presenting initially for definitive operation with those presenting after prior noncurative operation. Ann
Surg 232:557569, 2000.
Single-institution series demonstrating long-term survival following extensive resections for patients with advanced gallbladder cancer. Prior noncurative surgery did not
preclude long-term survival.
Glasgow R, Cho M, Hutter M, et al: The spectrum and cost of complicated gallstone disease in California. Arch Surg 135:10211027, 2000.
Retrospective series illustrating the continued high rate (44% of all cholecystectomies) of complicated gallstone cases in California in 1996. Half of all patients developing
complications of gallstones had symptomatic, radiologically proven gallstones.
Lillemoe K, Melton G, Cameron J, et al: Postoperative bile duct strictures: Management and outcome in the 1990s. Ann Surg 232:430441, 2000.
Large series reviewing surgical and radiological methods for managing laparoscopic bile duct injuries. Excellent long term results were achieved with both techniques.
Liu T, Consorti E, Kawashima A, et al: Patient evaluation and management with selective use of magnetic resonance cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ann Surg 234:3340, 2001.
Single-institution study evaluating a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for managing choledocholithiasis.
Rhodes M, Sussman L, Cohen L, et al: Randomized trial of laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct versus postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography for common
bile duct stones. Lancet 351:159, 1998.
Prospective, randomized trial of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and stone extraction performed postoperatively.
Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration was successful in 75% of patients and significantly shortened overall hospitalization.


Strasberg S, Hertl M, Soper N: An analysis of the problem of biliary injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Am Coll Surg 180:101, 1995.
Review article outlining classification, diagnosis, and management of bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Tocchi A, Mazzoni G, Liotta G, et al: Late development of bile duct cancer in patients who had biliary-enteric drainage for benign disease: A follow-up study of more than 1000
patients. Ann Surg 234:210214, 2001.
Large series of Italian patients followed over 10 years after biliary enteric drainage. Biliary enteric drainage led to an alarming rate of cholangiocarcinoma (5%),
particularly in patients with ongoing cholangitis.
Tsao J, Nimura Y, Kamiya J, et al: Management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison of an American and a Japanese experience. Ann Surg 232:166174, 2000.
Large retrospective review of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma managed in an American and a Japanese tertiary care center. A more aggressive operative strategy in
the Japanese center led to more extensive resections with a higher rate of negative surgical margins and higher long-term survival rate.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

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J, Ridder GJ, von Wasielewski R, et al: Resectional surgery of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: A multivariate analysis of prognostic factors. J Clin Oncol 15:947954,

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Chapter 53 - Exocrine Pancreas

Michael L. Steer M.D.

The pancreas was first mentioned in the writings of Eristratos (310250 BC) and given its name by Rufus of Ephesus (c.100 AD). The name pancreas
(Greek pan: all, kreas: flesh or meat) was used because the organ contains neither cartilage nor bone. Its main duct was described by Wirsung in 1642,
whereas the enlargement of that duct at its junction with the common bile duct and its projection into the duodenum as a papilla were first described by
Vater in 1720. Santorini, in 1734, described the accessory duct that bears his name.
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The pancreas lies posterior to the stomach and lesser omentum in the retroperitoneum of the upper abdomen. It extends obliquely, rising slightly as it
passes from the medial edge of the duodenal C loop to the hilum of the spleen. It lies anterior to the inferior vena cava, aorta, splenic vein, and left
adrenal gland.

The pancreas is divided into four regions: the head/uncinate process, neck, body, and tail. The head lies within the duodenal C loop, and its uncinate
process extends posteriorly and medially to lie behind the portal/superior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric artery. The neck of the gland extends
medially from the head to lie anterior to those vessels. The body extends laterally from the neck toward the spleen, whereas the tail extends into the
splenic hilum.
Blood Supply and Lymph Nodes

Both the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery provide the arterial supply to the pancreas. Variations are common but, for the most part, the
body and tail are supplied by branches of the splenic artery while the head and uncinate process receive their supply via arcades originating from the
hepatic/gastroduodenal branch of the celiac artery and from the first branch of the superior mesenteric artery (Fig.531A). Venous drainage is to the
splenic, superior mesenteric, and portal veins ( Fig. 531 B). The pancreas is drained by multiple lymph node groups. The major drainage of the
pancreatic head and uncinate process is to the subpyloric, portal, mesenteric, mesocolic, and aortocaval nodes. The pancreatic body and tail, for the most
part, are drained via nodes in the celiac, aortocaval, mesenteric, and mesocolic groups and via nodes in the splenic hilum.

The pancreas is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system. The principal, and possibly only,
pathway for pancreatic pain involves nociceptive fibers arising in the pancreas. They pass through the celiac ganglia to form the greater, lesser, and least
splanchnic nerves that pass to cell bodies in the thoracic sympathetic chain. Efferent visceral motor supply to the pancreas is provided by both the
sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The latter involves preganglionic fibers arising from cell bodies in the vagal nuclei that travel through the
posterior vagal trunk to the celiac plexus. Postganglionic fibers then innervate pancreatic islets, acini, ducts, and blood vessels. In general,

Figure 53-1 Arterial supply to the pancreas (A) and venous drainage of the pancreas (B). The pancreatic head is supplied by branches of the gastroduodenal and superior mesenteric

arteries while the body and tail are supplied by branches of the splenic artery. Venous drainage is to the splenic and superior mesenteric/portal veins. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW,
Rowe JS Jr, et al: Anatomical complications of pancreatic surgery. Contemp Surg 15:1750, 1979.)

the nerves of the pancreas travel with the blood vessels supplying the organ.

The main pancreatic duct, or duct of Wirsung, arises in the tail of the pancreas and terminates at the papilla of Vater in the duodenum. It crosses the
vertebral column between T-12 and L-2. Within the body and tail of the pancreas, the duct lies slightly cephalad to a line drawn midway between the
superior and inferior edges. The duct is also more posterior than anterior. In adults, the duct within the head measures 3.1 to 4.8 mm in diameter and it
gradually tapers, to measure 0.9 to 2.4 mm in the tail. With age, the duct diameter can increase. The duct of Santorini (i.e., the minor, or accessory,
pancreatic duct) is smaller than the main duct. It extends from the main duct to enter the duodenum at the lesser papilla. That papilla lies approximately
2 cm proximal and slightly anterior to the major papilla.
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During the 4th week of gestation, two endodermal buds arise from the duodenumthe hepatic diverticulum, which is destined to form the liver,
gallbladder, and bile ducts, and the dorsal pancreatic bud that forms the body

Figure 53-2 Organogenesis of the pancreas. A, Formation of dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds. B, Rotation of the ventral pancreas, distal bile duct, and major papilla. C, Fusion of
the dorsal and ventral pancreata to form the adult pancreas. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Rowe JS Jr et al: Anatomical complications of pancreatic surgery. Contemp Surg 15:17
50, 1979.)

and tail of the pancreas ( Fig. 532 ). On the 32nd day of gestation, this hepatic diverticulum gives rise to a ventral pancreatic bud that eventually
develops into the uncinate process and inferior part of the head of the pancreas. The dorsal pancreatic bud extends transversely across the abdomen, to
lie anterior to the portal and mesenteric vessels. With time, as the duodenum rotates to form a C-loop configuration, the ventral pancreas and distal bile
duct undergo clockwise rotation around the back of the duodenum to, finally, lie on the medial side of the duodenum, inferior and slightly posterior to
the dorsal pancreas and posterior to the portal and mesenteric vessels. On the 37th day of gestation, the two pancreatic buds fuse and, in 90% of
individuals, their duct systems also join.

The mature pancreas is an endocrine organ made up of the islets of Langerhans and an exocrine organ consisting of acinar and ductal cells. The acinar
cells, so named because they are clustered like grapes on the stem of a vine, discharge their secretions into a centrally located acinar space that
communicates with the main pancreatic duct. Most of the cells in the pancreas are acinar cells, and duct cells make up only 5% of pancreatic mass.
Histologically, acinar cells have a high content of endoplasmic reticulum and an abundance of apically located eosinophilic zymogen granules. The cells
lining the main pancreatic duct are tall columnar cells, and many contain mucin granules. With progression from the large ducts to the smaller
intralobular and interlobular ducts, the lining cells become flatter, assuming a cuboidal configuration, and mucin granules are no longer seen.
Centroacinar cells, located at the junction between ducts and acini, resemble acinar cells in size and shape but lack zymogen granules.
Cell Differentiation

The cells comprising the pancreatic buds are homogeneous and indistinguishable from other endodermal cells of the primitive gut. These endodermal
cells undergo step-wise differentiation, from an undifferentiated precursor into committed islet and exocrine cell precursors and then into either acinar
cells or ductal cells. Some recently presented evidence has also suggested that transdifferentiation can occurthat differentiated duct cells may give rise
to islet and/or acinar cells.
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Pancreas Divisum

Failure of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic duct systems to join during embryogenesis (see Fig. 532 ) is referred to as pancreas divisum. It results in a
pancreas with divided

drainage because the dorsal pancreas drains, via the duct of Santorini, to empty at the lesser papilla while the ventral pancreas, composed of the head
and uncinate process, drains via Vaters papilla. Pancreas divisum has been noted in as many as 11% of autopsy cases. The significance of pancreas
divisum remains controversial. Some have suggested that it may contribute to the development of pancreatitis by establishing a condition of relative
outflow obstruction because the major fraction of pancreatic exocrine secretion is obliged to exit through the relatively small orifice of the lesser papilla.
On the other hand, the presence of pancreas divisum and the development of pancreatitis are, in most patients, not related to each other in a cause-effect
manner and the corollary of this may also be true; that is, attempts to widen the orifice of the dorsal duct at the lesser papilla in patients with pancreas
divisum and pancreatitis are unlikely to be of benefit.
Ectopic and Accessory Pancreas

Pancreatic tissue at ectopic sites is not unusual, and most ectopic pancreatic tissue is functional. The most common sites are in the walls of the stomach,
duodenum or ileum, in a Meckels diverticulum, or at the umbilicus. Less common sites include the colon, appendix, gallbladder, omentum, and
mesentery. Islet tissue is frequently present when ectopic pancreas is located in the stomach and duodenum but not when it is present elsewhere. For the
most part, ectopic pancreatic tissue is a submucosal, irregular nodule of firm, yellow tissue that may have a central umbilication. Pancreatic secretions
often exit through this umbilication into the lumen of the stomach or intestine. Ulceration and, on occasion, bleeding can be associated with these
lesions. They may also be associated with obstruction or be the lead point for intussusception. Resection or bypass is indicated in such cases.
Annular Pancreas

Annular pancreas refers to the presence of a band of normal pancreatic tissue that partially or completely encircles the second portion of the duodenum
and extends into the head of the pancreas. It usually contains a duct that joins the main pancreatic duct. The basis for annular pancreas is uncertain. It
may result from failure of normal clockwise rotation of the ventral pancreas, or it may result from expansion of ectopic pancreatic tissue in the duodenal
wall. It presents with varying degrees of duodenal obstruction that, in children, is often associated with other congenital anomalies. It may be totally
asymptomatic or present later in life with obstructive symptoms if pancreatitis develops in the annular segment. Treatment usually involves bypass, via
duodenojejunostomy, rather than resection.
Developmental Pancreatic Cysts

Solitary (congenital, duplication, or dermoid) cysts of the pancreas are rare. In contrast, multiple pancreatic cysts, lined with cuboidal epithelium, are
more common. They are frequently associated with polycystic disease of the liver and/or kidney, and they can be seen in up to half of patients with von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Pancreatic cysts only rarely become symptomatic and, in general, no treatment is indicated.
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Figure 53-7 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatic duct and its side branches are irregularly dilated.

Box 53-5. Pancreatic Function Tests

Tubeless Tests
Fecal tests
Fat stain
72-hour fat content
Chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase content
Indirect tests
Bentiromide test
Pancreolauryl test
Breath tests
Tube Tests
Lundh test meal
Secretin/cholecystokinin test

have major ducts that have the appearance of a chain of lakes or a string of pearls that is the result of segments of dilated duct separated by areas of
ductal stricture. Transcutaneous and endoscopic ultrasound can also be used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis if duct dilation, calcifications, pseudocysts,
or parenchymal fibrosis are seen. Ultrasound examination is more operator dependent and perhaps less sensitive than either CT or MRI.
Pancreatic Function Tests

The pancreas has considerable functional reserve, and more than 90% of exocrine function must be lost before steatorrhea develops. More subtle losses
may be identified by performance of pancreatic function tests that can be either noninvasive (tubeless tests) or invasive (tube tests) ( Box 535 ).
Tubeless tests involve measuring the stool content of fat, measuring stool content of digestive enzymes, or orally administering a pancreatic digestive
enzyme substrate and quantitating enzyme activity in the gut by measuring metabolic product in either the urine or exhaled gases. These tests, although
nonintrusive, are notoriously insensitive and, therefore, normal results are not too helpful. The more invasive tube tests involve placement of a
collecting tube in the duodenum and measuring pancreatic bicarbonate or enzyme output after meal or hormone stimulation of the pancreas. These tests
are more specific and sensitive than the tubeless tests, but they are still relatively insensitive and they have a relatively high rate of false-negative results
Natural History

Some patients with chronic pancreatitis have a painless disease that remains unrecognized until complications or loss of pancreatic function lead to the
diagnosis. Most patients, however, have intermittent or constant pain that may limit lifestyle and/or mandate repeated hospitalizations. Ammann and
coworkers[31] have suggested that the painful pancreatitis experienced by many of these patients evolves into a painless disease as pancreatic function is
lost, but the existence of this burn-out phenomenon is highly controversial. More often, the disease remains painful, addicting doses of narcotics are
required, and loss of function results in diabetes, steatorrhea, and profound weight loss.
Treatment of Pancreatic Malabsorption

The loss of pancreatic exocrine function in chronic pancreatitis affects the output of all pancreatic digestive enzymes, but it is mostly fat absorption that
is abnormal, and it is the delivery of lipolytic enzyme activity to the small intestine that determines the success of treatment. In health, roughly 300,000
IU of lipase is secreted by the pancreas within 4 hours of ingesting a typical meal, but only 10% (30,000 IU) of secreted lipase is needed to allow for
normal fat digestion/absorption. Theoretically, pancreatic malabsorption of fat should be corrected by oral administration of exogenous lipase.
Unfortunately, most orally administered lipase is inactivated as it traverses the acidic environment of the stomach, allowing only 8% to 15% of ingested
lipase activity to reach the duodenum. Some of that lipase may be ineffective, either because of low duodenal pH (caused by inadequate pancreatic
secretion of bicarbonate) or because the exogenously administered lipase arrives in the duodenum before or after the ingested fat. The use of acidinhibiting agents (e.g., proton-pump inhibitors) and enterically coated microsphere delivery systems can partially compensate for these problems. Thus,
treatment involves acid suppression, a low-fat diet, and lipase doses of 90 to 150,000 IU per meal, although control of steatorrhea is often incomplete

even with this treatment.

Treatment of Pain in Chronic Pancreatitis
Medical Management

Complete abstinence from ethanol is advised for patients with alcohol-induced pancreatitis, but symptoms may persist even after complete abstinence.
Attacks of hyperlipidemia-induced pancreatitis can be prevented by normalizing

lipid levels with medication and/or dietary changes. Some patients with autoimmune pancreatitis are cured by administration of steroids. For most
patients with painful chronic pancreatitis, intermittent or persistent pain remains a major issue and analgesics of increasing potency are needed. Toskes
and coworkers[32] have noted that some of their patients with painful chronic pancreatitis have diminished pain if pancreatic secretion is reduced either
by oral administration of pancreatic enzymes or by administration of the inhibitory hormone somatostatin. However, the clinical results achieved using
exogenous pancreatic enzymes to reduce the pain of chronic pancreatitis have been variable and, at this time, the role of enzyme administration for pain
relief in these patients is highly controversial.
Endoscopic Management

The endoscopic treatment of chronic pancreatitis has not been tested by well-designed prospective, randomized trials; therefore, the ultimate value of
these treatments remains to be established. Several endoscopic approaches have been described. Endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy has been
reported to benefit some patients with elevated sphincter of Oddi pressures. Endoscopic minor pancreatic sphincterotomy has been used to treat patients
with pancreatitis and pancreas divisum. Pancreatic duct stones have also been removed or fragmented using an endoscopic approach with reported
benefits. Finally, some patients with pancreatic duct strictures have been treated with endoscopically placed stents that pass across the stricture, but the
value of this treatment is unclear since the stents themselves can cause strictures.
Neuroablative Procedures

Pain from the pancreas is carried in sympathetic fibers that traverse the celiac ganglia, reach the sympathetic chain through the splanchnic nerves, and
then ascend to the cortex. Celiac plexus nerve blocks performed either percutaneously or endoscopically have been employed to abolish this pain with
inconsistent results. Recently, splanchnicectomy performed in the chest via a thoracoscopic approach has been used with reports of transient
improvement in 70% of patients and long-lasting pain control in 50%.[33] Experience with thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy has been only anecdotal, and
randomized, prospective trials will be needed to determine its ultimate value.
Surgical Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis

The two indications for surgical intervention are pain and concern over the possible presence of cancer. After the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis has
been established, surgical intervention should be considered when (1) the pain is severe enough to limit the patients lifestyle and/or reduce productivity
and (2) the pain persists in spite of complete abstinence from alcohol and administration of non-narcotic analgesics. Imaging studies should be
performed to define pancreatic and ductal anatomy since that will determine the surgical options. Finally, the risks and benefits of planned procedures
should be clearly explained to the patient because, even with a technically successful operation, the pain may persist and further deterioration in
exocrine and endocrine function can still occur.
Drainage Procedures for Patients With Small Ducts

Patients with small (>4- to 5-mm) pancreatic ducts, particularly those whose pancreatitis is caused by obstruction at the ampullary level, may benefit
from transduodenal sphincteroplasty of the common bile duct with division of the septum that lies between the pancreatic duct and bile duct (pancreatic
septotomy). Sphincteroplasty of the lesser papilla might be appropriate for patients with pancreas divisum. On the other hand, most patients with
chronic pancreatitis have multiple areas of duct stricture throughout the pancreas and are unlikely to benefit from these transduodenal procedures.
Drainage Procedures for Patients With Dilated Ducts

The ideal treatment for these patients involves creating an anastomotic connection between the dilated duct and the intestinal lumen. There is little
agreement concerning the minimum duct size needed to perform these anastomoses. Ducts larger than 1 cm in diameter are, clearly, large enough, but
many surgeons perform duct-to-intestine drainage procedures with ducts as small as 5 mm. Duct drainage operations were pioneered by Duval, who
described a procedure that involved splenectomy, resection of the pancreatic tail, and then creation of an end-to-end anastomosis between the transected
end of the pancreas and a Roux-en-Y limb of jejunum. This procedure often failed because the presence of multiple pancreatic duct strictures interfered
with complete ductal decompression. Puestow and Gillesby, in 1958, described an operation that involved longitudinally opening the entire duct and
then invaginating the opened pancreas into a Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum. This allowed for more complete decompression but still required
splenectomy. Later, Partington and Rochelle[34] modified the Puestow procedure by creating a side-to-side anastomosis between the opened duct and
jejunum, thus eliminating the need for splenectomy ( Fig. 538 ). In appropriately selected patients (i.e., those with large ducts and those with
intraductal stones), longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy, performed according to the Partington and Rochelle modification of the Puestow procedure,
has been reported to result in immediate pain relief in more than 80% of patients and long-term pain relief in roughly 60% of patients. More recently,
Ho and Frey[35] further modified the procedure by including removal of part of the pancreatic head, thereby marsupializing the duct as it dives deeply in
the pancreas to reach the ampulla of Vater. This allows for an even more complete duct decompression and a longer longitudinal
pancreaticojejunostomy. Both short- and long-term pain relief appear to be improved, and the procedure can be performed when the duct is only
moderately dilated.

Figure 53-8 Partington and Rochelle modification of the Puestow procedure. The pancreatic duct is opened from the tail of the pancreas to the edge of the duodenum and a side-toside anastomosis is created joining a Roux-en-Y limb of jejunum to the opened pancreatic duct. (From Carey LC: Pancreaticojejunostomy with cystoduodenostomy. In Malt RA [ed]:
Surgical Techniques Illustrated. New York, WB Saunders, 1985, 396405.)
Resective Procedures

Painful chronic pancreatitis can be treated with resection of the body and tail of the pancreas (distal pancreatectomy), resection of the head and uncinate
process of the pancreas (Whipple procedure), with subtotal pancreatectomy that spares a rim of pancreas along the inner curve of the duodenum, and
with total pancreatectomy. Each of these procedures can either cause or worsen pancreatic exocrine and endocrine insufficiency and, in the case of total
pancreatectomy, a brittle form of diabetes can occur. Most experts believe that it is the inflammatory process in the pancreatic head that controls both
the severity of symptoms and the further progression of the disease in the remainder of the gland. Perhaps because of this, resection of the pancreatic
head has been shown to completely relieve the pain of chronic pancreatitis in 70% to 80% of patients. Resection of the pancreatic head can be
accomplished by a standard pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) or by its pylorus-preserving modification (pylorus-preserving Whipple
procedure) ( Fig. 539 ).[36] Relief of symptoms by either procedure is comparable, but some claim that the quality of life and gastrointestinal function
are better after the pyloruspreserving operation. Beger and colleagues have modified the Whipple procedure even further by coring out the head of the
pancreas and preserving the duodenum and distal bile duct.[37] They claim that this duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection yields results that
are as good as or better than those achieved with the standard Whipple procedure.
Distal pancreatectomy is the ideal surgical procedure for patients whose chronic pancreatitis is confined to the pancreatic tail. This occurs in patients
who develop a mid-duct stricture either as a result of necrotizing acute pancreatitis or as a result of trauma that injures the gland and duct as they cross
the spine. Usually, distal pancreatectomy is combined with splenectomy for technical reasons but, in fact, the spleen can be preserved if its vascular
supply is secure. Distal pancreatectomy should not be performed for patients with diffuse, chronic pancreatitis that involves the entire gland, even if the
pancreatic tail is the area most severely involved, since recurrence of pancreatitis in the head can be anticipated and further resection

Figure 53-9 Standard and pylorus-preserving Whipple procedure. The standard Whipple (A) involves resection of the gastric antrum, head of pancreas, distal bile duct, and entire
duodenum with reconstruction as shown. The pylorus-preserving Whipple (B) does not include resection of the distal stomach, pylorus, or proximal duodenum. Gl. bl., gallbladder;
duod., duodenum; stom., stomach; trans., transverse. (From Cameron, JL: Current status of the Whipple operation for periampullary carcinoma. Surg Rounds 7787, 1988.)

of the pancreas, in that case, would leave the patient without functioning pancreatic endocrine tissue.
The role of total or near-total pancreatectomy in the treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis is not clear. These procedures may represent the only
surgical option for patients who have failed drainage procedures or those with small ducts who have already undergone distal pancreatectomy. Some
patients continue to experience severe pancreatic pain even after total pancreatectomy, and, for this reason, the effects of total pancreatectomy on pain
in chronic pancreatitis cannot be accurately predicted. On the other hand, it can be expected that patients undergoing total or near-total pancreatectomy
will have brittle diabetes and severe steatorrhea. In combination with ongoing ethanol or drug abuse, the brittle diabetes and malnutrition may be
unmanageable problems, and a high late mortality rate in these patients has been reported. In an attempt to avoid brittle diabetes in these patients, some
surgeons have advocated harvesting and autotransplanting islets of Langerhans from the resected specimen. Modest success at insulin independence has
been achieved using this approach, but the ultimate role of islet reimplantation remains to be established. In the past, some surgeons have reimplanted

Figure 57-10 Regional lymph node station location. AO, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery. (From Mountain CF, Libshitz HI, Hermes KE: Lung Cancer: A Handbook for Staging,
Imaging, and Lymph Node Classification. Houston, TX, Mountain, 1999, pp 171.)

Figure 57-11 A, Postoperative guidelines for follow-up of patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer based on TNM grouping. CBC, complete blood count; CT, computed tomography;
CXR, chest x-ray; ECG, electrocardiogram; LDH, lactase dehydrogenase; SGPT, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase). (Copyright The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1999.)B, Postoperative guidelines for follow-up of patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer based on TNM grouping.




Box 57-3. Lymph Node Map Definitions *

N2 NodesAll N2 nodes lie within the mediastinal pleural envelope.
1. Highest mediastinal nodes: Nodes lying above a horizontal line at the upper rim of the bracheocephalic (left innominate) vein where it ascends
to the left, crossing in front of the trachea at its midline.
2. Upper paratracheal nodes: Nodes lying above a horizontal line drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and below the inferior
boundary of number 1 nodes.
3. Prevascular and retrotracheal nodes: Pretracheal and retrotracheal nodes may be designated 3A and 3P. Midline nodes are considered to be
4. Lower paratracheal nodes: The lower paratracheal nodes on the right lie to the right of the midline of the trachea between a horizontal line
drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and a line extending across the right main bronchus at the upper margin of the upper lobe
bronchus and contained within the mediastinal pleural envelope; the lower paratracheal nodes on the left lie to the left of the midline of the
trachea between a horizontal line drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and a line extending across the left main bronchus at
the level of the upper margin of the left upper lobe bronchus, medial to the ligamentum arteriosum and contained within the mediastinal pleural
Researchers may wish to designate the lower paratracheal nodes as number 4S (superior) and number 4I (inferior) subsets for study purposes;
the number 4S nodes may be defined by a horizontal line extending across the trachea and drawn tangential to the cephalic border of the azygos


vein; the number 4I nodes may be defined by the lower boundary of number 4S and the lower boundary of number 4, as described above.
Regional lymph node classification
Subaortic (aortopulmonary window): Subaortic nodes are lateral to the ligamentum arteriosum or the aorta or left pulmonary artery and
proximal to the first branch of the left pulmonary artery and lie within the mediastinal pleural envelope.
Para-aortic nodes (ascending aorta or phrenic): Nodes lying anterior and lateral to the ascending aorta and the aortic arch or the innominate
artery, beneath a line tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch.
Subcarinal nodes: Nodes lying caudad to the carina of the trachea, but not associated with the lower lobe bronchi or arteries within the lung.
Paraesophageal nodes (below carina): Nodes lying adjacent to the wall of the esophagus and to the right or left of the midline, excluding
subcarinal nodes.
Pulmonary ligament nodes: Nodes lying within the pulmonary ligament, including those in the posterior wall and lower part of the inferior
pulmonary vein.
N1 NodesAll N1 nodes lie distal to the mediastinal pleural reflection and within the visceral pleura.
Hilar nodes: The proximal lobar nodes, distal to the mediastinal pleural reflection and the nodes adjacent to the bronchus intermedius on the
right; radiographically, the hilar shadow may be created by enlargement of both hilar and interlobar nodes.
Interlobar nodes: Nodes lying between the lobar bronchi.
Lobar nodes: Nodes adjacent to the distal lobar bronchi.
Segmental nodes: Nodes adjacent to segmental bronchi.
Subsegmental nodes: Nodes around the subsegmental bronchi.

* Data from Mountain CF: Revisions in the International System for Staging Lung Cancer. Chest 111:17101717, 1997; and Mountain CF, Dressler CM: Regional lymph node
classification for lung cancer staging. Chest 111:17181723, 1997.

Preoperative Assessment of the Patient With Lung Cancer

The preoperative assessment includes the patients history and physical examination with particular attention paid to the presence or absence of
paraneoplastic syndromes and to the presence of cervical or supraclavicular lymph nodes. It is these lymph nodes in the cervical or supraclavicular areas
that may provide, to the discerning physician, evidence of extrathoracic nodal metastasis (N3 disease). This extrathoracic nodal disease suggests
treatment with nonsurgical means such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Patients with lung cancer are usually 50 to 70 years of age; lung cancer is rarely seen in patients younger than 30 years old. Few patients are
asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Most patients have bronchopulmonary symptoms such as cough, 75%; dyspnea, 60%; chest pain, 50%; and
hemoptysis, 30%. Fever, wheezing, or stridor may also be present. Some patients have asymptomatic pulmonary nodules identified by screening chest
radiography obtained either for routine physical examination or for a related pulmonary problem.
Other symptoms may include hoarseness, superior vena cava syndrome, chest wall pain, Horners syndrome, dysphagia, pleural effusion, or phrenic
nerve paralysis. Nonspecific symptoms such as anorexia, malaise, fatigue, and weight loss may occur in up to 70% of patients. Paraneoplastic
syndromes are distant manifestations of lung cancer (not metastases) as revealed in extrathoracic nonmetastatic symptoms ( Box 574 ). The lung
cancer causes an effect on these extrathoracic sites by producing one or more biological/biochemical substances. These various

Box 57-4. Extrathoracic Nonmetastatic Symptoms (Paraneoplastic

Weight loss/cachexia
General malaise
Cushings syndrome from adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone causing hyponatremia
Carcinoid syndrome
Rarely, hypoglycemia or ectopic gonadotropins
Clubbing, 10% to 20%
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy5% painful periosteal
proliferation at the ends of long bones

Neuromuscular (approximately 15% and most common with small cell

Myasthenia-like syndrome (Eaton-Lambert)
Peripheral neuropathy
Subacute cerebellar degeneration
Vascular thrombophlebitis

effects are grouped into paraneoplastic syndromes. Various criteria for nonresectability have been proposed as listed in Box 575 .
Radiographic Staging of Lung Cancer

The standard chest radiograph and CT scan of the chest and upper abdomen (to include the adrenals) are the most frequent diagnostic imaging studies
performed in patients with lung cancer. The chest radiograph provides information on the size, shape, density, and location of the tumor in relationship
to the mediastinal structures. The chest radiograph is performed to evaluate the location of the mass, the presence or absence of thoracic
lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, pulmonary infiltrates, pneumonia, or consolidation. Changes in the contour of the mediastinum
secondary to lymphadenopathy and metastasis to ribs or other bone structure may be visualized. Clues to the histology may also be provided. Squamous
carcinomas have a tendency to be large and central in location, adenocarcinoma tends to be more peripheral in its initial presentation, and a small cell
carcinoma tends to have bulky mediastinal lymphadenopathy as well as large hilar and central tumors.

Box 57-5. Criteria for Nonresectability

Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
Superior vena cava syndrome
Involvement of main pulmonary artery
Contralateral or supraclavicular node involvement
Ipsilateral mediastinal nodes if high (2R)
Malignant (or bloody) pleural effusion, which may cause dyspnea
or pleuritic chest pain or may be asymptomatic
Malignant pericardial effusion
Phrenic nerve paralysis (relative contraindication)
Extrathoracic metastatic disease typically involving the brain, bone,
adrenals, or liver
Involvement of trachea, heart, great vessel
Insufficient pulmonary reserve
Other signs may suggest a more advanced tumor:
Chest wall pain that may be described by the patient as dull,
deep, and persistent
Horners syndrome causing compression of the splanchnic
nerve with unilateral ptosis, meiosis, anhidrosis, and
Phrenic nerve paralysis, with elevation of a hemidiaphragm
from nerve paralysis
Esophageal compression, yielding symptoms of dysphagia
from extrinsic compression from enlarged subcarinal left
nodes or direct invasion into the left mainstem/carina
junction yielding a tracheoesophageal fistula

Specific attention should be paid to whether the mass has cavitation or not and its relationship to the thoracic structures and mediastinum, and whether it
is limited or diffuse in appearance. Also sought is the presence or absence of segmental or lobar collapse or consolidation, hilar and mediastinal
enlargement, or evidence of intrathoracic metastasis or extrapulmonary intrathoracic extension.
CT of the chest provides more detail than chest radiography on the surface characteristics of the tumor, relationships of the tumor to the mediastinum
and mediastinal structures, and metastasis to lung, bone, liver, and adrenals. Enlargement of the mediastinal lymph nodes can be identified if present.
Although CT cannot accurately or consistently predict invasion, it can identify size and the density of mediastinal nodes. CT of the chest has a 65%
specificity and a 79% sensitivity for identifying positive mediastinal lymphadenopathy. When lymph nodes are greater than 1.5 cm in diameter, CT is
approximately 85% specific in identifying metastasis to mediastinal lymph nodes.
A high-quality CT evaluation of the chest and upper abdomen to include the adrenals is mandatory. This examination evaluates the presence or absence
of enlarged (1 1 cm) mediastinal lymph nodes and evaluates the liver, adrenals, and kidneys for metastasis. If mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged (1
1 cm), invasive staging is required

to define the extent of involvement of these lymph nodes with metastases from lung cancer. The evaluation may consist of cervical mediastinoscopy,
extended cervical mediastinoscopy, video-assisted thoracoscopy, fine-needle aspiration, or other staging modalities. These enlarged lymph nodes must
be sampled and the pathology report reviewed before initiation of treatment. Other causes for enlarged lymph nodes include various infections and
inflammatory processes.
Invasive Staging and Other Tests

Invasive staging such as bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, or fine-needle aspiration is usually considered after obtaining a chest radiograph or CT scan.
These staging procedures may be required for diagnosis to assist in the pretreatment planning for patients with a lung mass. Invasive staging of lung
cancer is part of the clinical staging work-up (cTNM) and typically includes bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy, or other intrathoracic
staging, as well as the complementary pathologic and histologic examinations that are done before definitive surgical resection. Surgical or pathologic
staging (pTNM) provides the most accurate staging of the TNM status of the tumor. Invasive staging identifies those patients with high likelihood of
complete resection and those patients with metastases to mediastinal nodes for prospective clinical studies (protocols) or for definitive chemotherapy
and radiation therapy.
Bronchoscopy is recommended before any planned pulmonary resection if the sputum is positive with a negative chest radiograph or if atelectasis or an
infiltrate fails to clear with medical management. The surgeon always performs a bronchoscopy before resection to independently assess the
endobronchial anatomy, exclude secondary endobronchial primary tumors, and ensure that all known cancer will be encompassed by the planned
pulmonary resection. Bronchoscopy may be positive based on the location of the lesion. For example, more centrally located lung cancers are more
likely to be biopsy positive by bronchoscopy, whereas smaller and more peripheral lung cancers are more likely to be negative on bronchoscopy. The
surgeon always performs a bronchoscopy just before thoracotomy unless the same surgeon has performed the bronchoscopy previously.
The surgeon must take a personal responsibility to ensure that no additional occult endobronchial lesions exist before resection. In addition, the precise
location of the endobronchial tumor may modify the planned operation. For example, if the tumor is located in the right upper lobe orifice and involves
a portion of the right mainstem bronchus or portion of the right bronchus intermedius, a sleeve lobectomy may be required to conserve the right middle
and lower lobe, thereby avoiding a pneumonectomy.
Transbronchial biopsy may be performed with a special 21-gauge needle through the flexible bronchoscope. This technique may be used to biopsy
mediastinal nodes or other masses adjacent to the larger bronchi. As well, a transbronchial biopsy may obtain pulmonary parenchyma by forcing the
flexible bronchoscope biopsy forceps through the terminal bronchioles into the lung parenchyma. Potential for hemorrhage and a pneumothorax exists.
Use of fluorescence bronchoscopy after intravenous injection of hematoporphyrin derivatives localizes in situ and superficial tumors. These tumors
fluoresce when illuminated with the light from a special laser.
Positron-emission tomography evaluation is being investigated as an alternative to mediastinoscopy for defining metastatic involvement of mediastinal
nodes with lung cancer and other occult sites of metastases.[29]
Various other studies are indicated selectively. Sputum cytology may yield a diagnosis if the patient is a poor operative risk or has suggestive symptoms
of cancer or if a transthoracic needle biopsy may cause increased risk. A fine-needle aspiration via a transthoracic route may be approximately 95%
accurate in patients with a poor operative risk. Fine-needle aspiration is not always needed in the patient with good physiologic reserve who is otherwise
an appropriate candidate for surgery (e.g., stages I and II patients). If the patient does have hard palpable lymph nodes in the cervical or supraclavicular
area, fine-needle aspiration or biopsy may provide an accurate diagnosis of metastatic (N3) involvement. Otherwise, a superficial lymph node biopsy or
a scalene node biopsy could be performed to obtain tissue for further evaluation. If this N3 lymph node is positive, the patient is stage IIIB and surgery
is not recommended.
A mediastinoscopy or anterior mediastinotomy (Chamberlain procedure) or VATS should be performed in all patients with enlarged (1 1 cm) lymph
nodes based on the location of the enlarged lymph nodes. This specific staging (pathologic staging) of mediastinal nodes is required before initiating
surgical or medical management. Enlarged lymph nodes (1 1 cm) are more likely to be involved with metastases from lung cancer. Other causes of
mediastinal lymphadenopathy include mediastinal inflammation, peripheral pulmonary obstruction, atelectasis, consolidation, bronchitis, pneumonitis,
or pneumonia, or some patients may have normally enlarged lymph nodes. In one series of patients with N2-positive lymph nodes, the 5-year survival
rate with enlarged lymph nodes on CT scan was 6.6%; with a negative scan, it was 13.5%.[30]
Large mediastinal lymph nodes are more likely to be associated with metastasis (>70%); however, normal size lymph nodes (<1 cm) have a 7% to 15%
chance of being involved.[30] Some thoracic surgeons use CT to select patients for mediastinoscopy with enlarged lymph nodes (1 1 cm) because 90% of
patients with a normal mediastinum have negative N2 lymph nodes after mediastinoscopy and pathologic examination. Some thoracic surgeons perform
mediastinoscopy on every patient with lung cancer because small lymph nodes sometimes harbor metastasis (approximately 11%); for example, reliance
on radiologic staging may miss occult nodal metastases in 11% of patients with a radiographically negative mediastinum.[31]
Mediastinoscopy is recommended before the planned resection if the cancer is proximal, if pneumonectomy may be required, if the patient is at
increased risk for the

planned surgery or resection, if enlarged lymph nodes are noted on CT scan, or if neoadjuvant therapy is planned. Mediastinoscopy provides a means to

assess the mediastinal lymph nodes by palpation and by biopsy for histologic diagnosis.[32] The surgeon may decide to perform mediastinoscopy in all
patients undergoing cervical mediastinoscopy or may decide to select patients for mediastinoscopy based on the CT identification of lymph nodes
greater than 1.0 cm or greater in diameter. Sensitivity for mediastinoscopy in this situation is 89%, and specificity is 100%. Anterior mediastinotomy or
Chamberlain procedure provides adequate assessment of the left-sided para-aortic and aortopulmonary window lymph nodes. VATS or VATS
techniques may also be used to biopsy left hilar lymph nodes and to evaluate the intrathoracic manifestations of a cancer.
Mediastinoscopy can evaluate levels 2R and 2L, 4R and 4L, and 7 nodal stations. Aortopulmonary window (level 5) or anterior mediastinum (level 6)
can be evaluated using a left parasternal incision, the Chamberlain procedure, or extended mediastinoscopy anterior to the innominate artery. VATS
techniques can evaluate enlarged level 5 or 6 lymph nodes and enlarged level 8 or 9 or low level 7 lymphadenopathy.
In the patient with a right upper lobe cancer, pathologically confirmed metastasis to region 5 (aortopulmonary window) or 6 (left anterior mediastinal)
mediastinal lymph nodes (clinical stage IIIB) in the absence of extensive subcarinal adenopathy is extremely unlikely. However, region 4R
lymphadenopathy may occur in 10% of patients with left lower lobe cancers. Left upper lobe cancers are unlikely to have 4R (right paratracheal)
adenopathy in the absence of extensive subcarinal disease.
Transesophageal ultrasound may assist the clinician in evaluating lung cancer that may abut the esophagus, heart, or aorta. Directed transesophageal
biopsies of subcarinal lymph nodes may also be obtained.
In resectable lung cancer patients (with stages I and II disease), a bone scan or a CT scan of the brain is not recommended in the absence of related
symptoms such as bone pain or neurologic findings. A bone scan should be performed only if the patient complains of bone pain. Plain films of the
affected area should supplement this examination. If questions still exist after the studies are completed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of this area
may also be performed. Finally, biopsy of the involved bony area may be required. Similarly, a CT scan or MR image of the brain should be performed
only if the patient has neurologic symptoms or if the diagnosis of small cell carcinoma is suspected. It is not cost effective to perform CT of the brain in
an otherwise asymptomatic patient who is physiologically fit and stage-appropriate for surgery.
MRI is frequently used to complement CT in evaluating the location of tumors within the chest.[33] Specifically, MRI is helpful for evaluating bony
invasion of the chest wall or of other mediastinal structures. In patients with superior sulcus tumors or patients with tumors involving the first and
second or third ribs, MRI may provide additional information as to the extent of the tumors involvement with the brachial plexus, thoracic inlet, great
vessels, or other mediastinal structures.[34]
Positron-emission tomography (PET) determines the presence or absence of cancer based on the differential metabolism of glucose in cancer cells
(increased) compared to normal tissues.[29] [35] [36] Using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) intravenously as a substrate, cancer cells phosphorylate this
compound, and FDG-phosphate with tracer is trapped within the cell. It is subsequently imaged with various nuclear scanning devices. Areas of
increased uptake are commonly associated with cancer metastasis. The American College of Surgeons Oncology Group evaluated the role of PET after
routine staging of lung cancer.[37] PET was better than CT for detection of N1 and N2/N3 disease (42% vs. 13%, p=0.0177; and 58% vs. 32%,
p=0.0041). Negative predictive value for mediastinal disease (nodal metastases) was 87%. Unsuspected FDG-avid lesions were confirmed as metastases
in 6.3% of patients and benign in 6.6% of patients. PET coupled with CT may yield increased sensitivity and specificity in determining the stage of
patients with lung cancer before treatment interventions. Active inflammation may yield false positives, and such areas must be histologically evaluated.
FDG PET scanning may assist in distinguishing recurrent or persistent lung cancer and radiation fibrosis in patients having previous radiation therapy
for their disease.
Despite the widespread use of CT and MRI, questions may still arise: Does the lung cancer involve structures of the mediastinum, chest wall, and
vertebral bodies? Chest CT and MRI can describe the location of the primary tumor with respect to the other mediastinal structures; however, it is
difficult to determine whether lung cancer invades specific structures on some scans. Frank invasion may not be determined with accuracy. When there
is a question of invasion the patient should undergo exploration. Frequently, these tumors may simply abut the structure without invasion.
Patients with local extension of lung cancer at the apex of the lung into the thoracic inlet may have characteristics of shoulder and arm pain, Horners
syndrome, and, occasionally, paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution of the hand (fourth and fifth fingers). Patients with all these characteristics may
be classified as having Pancoasts syndrome.[38] [39] [40] [41] Pain comes from the C8 and T1 nerve roots. Sympathetic nerve involvement may result in
Horners syndrome (miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis, and enophthalmos). Typically, the first, second, and third ribs are involved and require resection.
Reconstruction of the defect is not required because the scapula and arm protect the defect. CT and MRI are used to assist in selecting treatment options.
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule

A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is frequently a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma.[42] [43] [44] An SPN may be defined as an asymptomatic mass
within the lung parenchyma that is less than 3 cm and is circumscribed. Overall, 33% of these masses are malignant; 50% are malignant if the patients
age is older than 50 years. In general, a patient with an SPN should undergo resection for definitive

diagnosis and treatment. The exceptions to this general statement are (1) those patients who have a mass unchanged for greater than 2 years
(documented on serial radiographic examinations), (2) patients with benign patterns of calcification such as in hamartoma, (3) patients with masses
clearly caused by an inflammatory process such as tuberculosis, (4) those patients with prohibitive operative risk, or (5) those patients in whom small
cell carcinoma is suspected. If the mass represents active tuberculosis or other infectious process, the lesion may disappear after therapy.
A fine-needle aspiration for diagnosis of a new SPN in a patient who is otherwise physiologically fit is often not needed or superfluous. A fine-needle
aspiration should only be done if the surgeon is trying to identify a reason not to operate (especially in high-risk patients) or if small cell carcinoma is
expected. If the fine-needle aspiration is positive, resection of the nodule is recommended; if the result is nondiagnostic, the results should not always be
trusted and surgery should be recommended. Sputum cytology is frequently nondiagnostic in this situation, whereas the sensitivity of transthoracic fineneedle aspiration approaches 100%.
A wedge resection may not always be possible, particularly if an SPN is located centrally within the lobe. For an SPN in the absence of a cancer
diagnosis, a lobectomy is appropriate for a diagnosis (and treatment) in the patient who is physiologically fit to undergo a lobectomy. If a cancer
diagnosis is obtained, a mediastinal lymph node resection should be performed. A pneumonectomy should not be performed without a cancer diagnosis.
I perform a mediastinal lymph node dissection, not sampling, to optimize pathologic staging of the mediastinal lymph nodes ( Box 576 ).

Box 57-6. Mediastinal Nodes to Be Dissected During Pulmonary

Resection for Lung Cancer

The following mediastinal nodal stations should be inspected and
dissected, and identified lymph nodes resected during a pulmonary
resection for lung cancer.
Right side (level)

If possible







Pulmonary ligament

Left side (level)


If possible


If possible

Aortopulmonary window

Anterior mediastinal, anterior to the ligamentum






Pulmonary ligament

Molecular Markers

Various molecular characteristics may be associated with a worse prognosis in patients with lung cancer.[45] DNA aneuploidy is associated with poor
survival rate. Oncogenes (KRAS, MYC, NEU) serve to regulate, in a positive sense, growth of tumors. KRAS mutation is the most frequent mutation,
accounting for 90% of genetic mutations in ACA. This oncogene codes for a protein associated with signal transduction. Mutations in KRAS are
associated with poor survival outlook.[46] Overexpression of HER2 oncogenes is associated with worse survival rate in patients with lung cancer.
Tumor suppressor genes, such as p53, normally provide a negative influence on cell growth. If a tumor suppressor gene, such as p53, is mutated, then
this negative influence is removed and the tumor growth occurs unchecked. Gene therapy trials to replace or modify this mutation have been shown to
be safe when used in a clinical environment.[47] [48] Mutations in the retinoblastoma (RB) gene are also associated with poor survival. If both p53 and RB
mutations are present, survival expectation is only 12 months compared with 46 months in patients with normal expression of these proteins.
Treatment of Lung Cancer

Treatment options include surgery for localized disease, chemotherapy for metastatic disease, and radiation therapy for local control in patients whose
condition is not amenable to surgery. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy together are better than chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone for primary
treatment of advanced-stage lung cancer. Protocols evaluating chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for advanced stage lung cancer are ongoing.
Small cell lung cancer is frequently disseminated at diagnosis. Surgery is not the primary treatment for small cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy can provide
patients with a survival advantage over no treatment. In patients with an SPN and no evidence of metastatic disease, resection (with wedge resection and
frozen section) may reveal cancer. Lobectomy would be appropriate along with mediastinal lymph node dissection. If a wedge resection cannot be
performed, lobectomy for diagnosis would be appropriate in a physiologically fit individual.
The clinician treats nonsmall cell lung cancer based on the clinical stage at presentation. Survival depends on the cumulative mechanical and biological
effects of that treatment on the primary tumor and micrometastases. Despite the clinicians best efforts, survival expectations for advanced-stage lung
cancer remain dismal for most patients. Even in earlier stage cases (stages IB, 2A, and 2B), 5-year survival may only reach 55%, 50%, and 40%,
respectively. In selected patients, combinations of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may provide better survival results than a single
modality alone. The choice of initial therapy (whether single modality or multimodality therapy) depends on the patients clinical stage at presentation
and the availability of prospective protocols.

TABLE 57-3 -- Results of Randomized Trials for Advanced Stage Lung Cancer
Patients (n)

Resection Rate

Median Survival

3-Yr Survival




Chemosurgery (+ radiation therapy)


























Rosell et al, 1994[52] Surgery (+ radiation therapy)

Roth et al, 1994[53]
Pass et al, 1992[51]

Chemotherapy + surgery

However, treatment options may vary even among different subsets of patients within the same clinical stage. Pretreatment staging remains the critical
step before initiating therapy.

Treatment of Early-Stage Lung Cancer: Stages IA, IB, IIA, IIB, and Early IIIA

Early stage lung cancer (stages I and II) may successfully be treated with surgery alone and, in most patients, yields long-term survival rates.
Lobectomy is the procedure of choice for lung cancer confined to one lobe. Certain patients with lung cancer with chest wall involvement (T3N0M0)
may be treated well with surgery alone as a local control modality. En bloc resection of the lung and involved chest wall with mediastinal
lymphadenectomy results in approximately a 50% 5-year survival rate. In addition, T3N0M0 patients (with tumors < 2 cm from the carina) have a 36%
5-year survival rate with surgical resection alone. Such improved survival rates based on the 1986 staging system have prompted the AJCC and UICC to
propose the current (1997) staging system to account for such survival. This stage (T3N0M0) has been designated stage IIB.
Based on the favorable results of trials with advanced-stage disease, application of chemotherapy in earlier stages of lung cancer may improve survival
expectations. Depierre and colleagues[49] conducted a randomized trial evaluating whether preoperative chemotherapy would improve survival in
patients with resectable non-small-cell lung cancer (clinical stage IB, II, and IIIA) compared to surgery alone. The preoperative chemotherapy was two
cycles of mitomycin (6 mg/m2 , day 1), ifosfamide (1.5 g /m2 , days 1 to 3) and cisplatin (30 mg/m2 , days 1 to 3). Responding patients received an
additional two cycles of chemotherapy after resection. Postoperative radiation for enhanced local control was used for patients with pT3 or pN2 status.
Three hundred and sixty-five patients were randomized. Overall response rate was 64%. Mortality was similar in both arms (6.7% chemotherapy arm;
4.5% resection arm, p=0.38). Median survival was 37 months (chemotherapy) and 26.0 months (surgery alone), p=0.15. Although earlier-stage disease
had a decrease in the relative risk in the chemotherapy group compared to the surgery alone group (RR=0.68; p=0.027), overall disease-free survival
time was significantly longer in the chemotherapy group (p=0.033). In this study, observable but not statistically significant differences in survival were
noted, except for stage I and II disease. Additional studies are warranted. Recently, a randomized trial identified a 4% survival advantage and decreased
hazard ratio for death (0.86, 95% C.I. 0.760.98, p<0.003) in patients receiving post-resection chemotherapy (cisplatin-based) to observation alone.[50]
Treatment of Advanced Stage Lung Cancer (Stages IIIA [N2], IIIB, IV)

Treatment decisions require accurate and complete staging as an integral component of pulmonary resection for lung cancer. For postoperative
treatment decisions, mediastinal lymphadenectomy determines pathologic stage and provides information to the clinician as to potential survival and the
need for postresection therapy. For nodal stations to be identified and dissected during each lung cancer operation, see Box 576 .
Most patients with histologically confirmed N2 disease have a biologically aggressive tumor with probable occult metastatic disease. While pulmonary
resection and mediastinal lymphadenectomy can provide some patients with improved survival rate and enhanced local control, most patients will not
benefit from surgery as a sole modality for the treatment of p-stage IIIa nonsmall cell lung cancer. Neoadjuvant therapy (platinum based) before
surgery for p-stage IIIA (N2) disease improves survival expectations over surgery alone ( Table 573 ). [51] [52] [53] Currently, a prospective trial for stage
IIIA (N2) patients (RTOG 9309) comparing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and surgical resection with definitive chemotherapy and radiation therapy
is being analyzed.
Advanced-stage lung cancer, particularly with nodal spread, cannot typically be considered a disease effectively treated with a single modality (i.e.,
chemotherapy or radiation therapy). Surgery alone for stage IIIA (N2), IIIB, or IV lung cancer is infrequently performed because the risks of surgery
usually exceed the benefits of surgery. The surgeon must balance the value of mechanical extirpation of the local disease (local disease control, pain
relief, potential for improved survival) with the risks of a surgical procedure and potential improvement in survival length or quality of life. Typically,
the risks exceed the benefits and surgery is not considered; however, in some patients, surgery for advanced-stage lung cancer may

receive benefit by local tumor control, palliation of symptoms, improved quality of life, and the potential for longer survival. Resection for isolated
brain metastasis is warranted for improvement in quality of life and survival rate.[54] [55] The primary lung tumor can then be treated according to T and N

Combination chemotherapy has been well tolerated and associated with a modest improvement in survival rate. Quality of life analysis in patients
undergoing chemotherapy has demonstrated maintenance or improvement in quality of life.
Induction chemotherapy followed by radiation appears to improve survival rate in patients with locally advanced lung cancer, as shown in prospective
randomized studies.[56] [57] [58] [59] In these studies cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy has been shown to improve survival expectation over and
above that achieved with radiation alone.
Dillman and colleagues[56] [57] showed that patients given cisplatin at 100 mg/m2 body surface area and vinblastine, 5 mg/m2 , before radiation therapy (60
Gy over 6 weeks) were better off than patients who received the same radiation therapy but began it immediately and received no chemotherapy. This
study was reviewed again in 1996. Dillman and colleagues provided data for 7 years of follow-up of induction chemotherapy before radiation therapy.
The radiographic response was 56% for the chemotherapy and radiation therapy group and only 43% for the radiation therapy alone group (P = .092).
Median survival rate was greater for the chemotherapy-radiation therapy group at 13.7 months compared with the radiation alone group at 9.6 months
(P = .012). The authors concluded that sequential chemotherapy radiation increased survival rate compared with radiation alone.
Le Chevalier and colleagues[58] reported the results of a large prospective study evaluating radiation therapy (65 Gy) compared with radiation therapy
and chemotherapy of cisplatin, vindesine, cyclophosphamide, and lomustine. The 2-year survival rate was 14% for radiation therapy alone and 21% for
chemotherapy and radiation therapy (P = .08). Distant metastasis was significantly lower in the combined treatment group. Local control at 1 year was
poor in both groups (17% in radiation therapy alone and 15% in those receiving combined therapy).
Sause and colleagues[59] examined three treatment groups of locally advanced, surgically unresectable lung cancer patients: (1) standard radiation
therapy, (2) induction chemotherapy followed by standard radiation therapy, and (3) twice-daily radiation therapy. They observed that chemotherapy
plus radiation was superior to the other treatment arms (log rank P = .03). One-year survival and median survival rates were 46% and 11.4 months,
respectively, for standard radiation therapy; 51% and 12.3 months for hyperfractionated radiation therapy; and 60% and 13.8 months for chemotherapy
plus radiotherapy.
Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy may provide better patient tolerance and improved survival rate compared with sequential
chemotherapy and radiation therapy. A prospective multi-institutional trial is ongoing to evaluate chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery versus
chemotherapy and radiation only to define the role of surgery in improving local control beyond that obtained with radiation alone.
Radiation Therapy

Like surgery, radiation therapy is a local control treatment modality. Prospective studies of preoperative radiation therapy alone in clinically resectable
cases show that postoperative survival rates do not improve over surgery alone.[60] [61]

Postoperative radiation therapy may provide a local control advantage but no survival advantage in patients with complete resection of lung cancer.
Postoperative radiation therapy has no significant survival benefit for patients without evidence of lymphatic metastasis. In a prospective randomized
trial by the Lung Cancer Study Group (LCSG) (LCSG 773), local recurrence rates were reduced; however, survival rate was not improved.[62] Radiation
therapy can be effective palliative therapy in patients with symptomatic disease such as metastases to the bones or brain.
Complications of radiation therapy include esophagitis and fatigue. Radiation-induced myelitis of the spinal cord is devastating and can be minimized or
eliminated by careful administration of the radiotherapy to avoid the spinal cord. Three-dimensional (conformal) radiotherapy may further concentrate
dose to the treated area while minimizing radiation injury to surrounding tissues.
Lung Cancer Summary

The histologic (not radiologic) diagnosis of metastatic involvement of the enlarged (1 1 cm) mediastinal lymph nodes for lung cancer is the single most
important piece of information to determine before treatment decisions are made. For lung cancer patients with negative mediastinal lymph nodes,
anatomic pulmonary resection and intrathoracic mediastinal lymph node dissection should be performed. For lung cancer patients with positive
mediastinal lymph nodes, pulmonary resection is not performed alone, nor is it performed as the initial intervention in a combined treatment program.
Rather, a combined program of chemotherapy and radiation therapy would provide these patients with the best chance of improved survival. Entry of
these patients into prospective protocols is preferred.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

Isolated pulmonary metastases represent a unique manifestation of systemic spread of a primary neoplasm. These patients, with metastases isolated only
within the lungs, may have biologic make-up more amenable to local or local and systemic treatment options than do other patients with multiorgan
metastases. Although primary tumors can be locally controlled with surgery or radiation, extraregional metastases are usually treated with systemic
chemotherapy. Radiation therapy may be used to treat or

palliate the local manifestations of metastatic disease, particularly when metastases occur within the bony skeleton and cause pain.
One of the first long-term survivors of any pulmonary metastasectomy was reported by Barney and Churchill[63] after resection of a metastasis from a
patient with renal cell carcinoma. Local control of the primary tumor was achieved and the patient survived for 23 years after resection of the
metastasis; the patient died of unrelated causes. Other authors have noted that certain clinical characteristics (prognostic indicators) may enable
clinicians to identify patients with more favorable disease-free and overall survival expectations. Resection of solitary and multiple pulmonary
metastases from sarcomas and various other primary neoplasms have been performed with improved long-term survival rates in up to 40% of patients so
Isolated pulmonary metastases, therefore, should not be viewed as untreatable. Patients who have complete resection of all metastases have associated
longer survival expectations than those patients whose metastases are unresectable. Long-term survival (greater than 5 years) may be expected in 20%
to 30% of all patients with resectable pulmonary metastases ( Box 577 ). Optimal (and more consistent) survival statistics await improvements in local
control, systemic therapy, or regional drug delivery to the lungs.[65]

Symptoms rarely occur from pulmonary metastases; therefore, diagnosis of metastases is routinely made on chest radiographs after primary tumor
resection. Few (<5%) patients with metastases are first seen with symptoms of dyspnea, pain, cough, or hemoptysis. Rarely, pneumothorax from
disruption of the peripheral pulmonary parenchyma develops in patients with peripheral sarcomatous metastases.

Box 57-7. Criteria for Resection of Pulmonary Metastases

Pulmonary parenchymal nodules or changes consistent with
Absence of uncontrolled extrathoracic metastases
Control of the patients primary tumor
Potential for complete resection
Sufficient pulmonary parenchymal reserve following resection
Additional criteria for partial or complete resection
Provide a diagnosis
Evaluate the effects of chemotherapy on residual disease
Obtain tumor for markers, immunohistochemical studies, vaccine,
and so on
Palliate symptoms
Decrease tumor burden

Diagnosis and Identification of Pulmonary Metastases

Routinely, clinicians may evaluate patients for pulmonary metastases based on screening chest radiographs. Although the specificity of chest
radiographs exceeds 95% when nodules consistent with metastases are identified, their sensitivity (compared with chest CT) has prompted some
clinicians to screen patients at high risk of recurrent metastases with chest CT. CT of the chest is quite sensitive and identifies smaller nodules earlier
than conventional linear tomography, although these nodules may or may not be a metastasis.
MRI is not routinely helpful for the radiographic diagnosis of pulmonary metastases; rather, CT of the chest is preferred. MRI may assist the surgeon in
planning the approach needed for resection of these complex intrathoracic neoplasms.
Benign granulomatous diseases may mimic metastases; however, in patients with a prior diagnosis of malignancy, these nodules are most likely
metastases (>95%). Clinical stage I or II primary lung carcinoma may be indistinguishable from a solitary metastasis, particularly if the original tumor
was SCCA or ACA. For these two histologies with solitary lesions, thoracotomy and lobectomy may be the procedure of choice. Mediastinal lymph
node dissection would complete the staging. Fine-needle aspiration of thoracoscopic wedge excision may be helpful for diagnosis or staging of

pulmonary changes in high-risk patients. In patients with lymphangitic spread of cancer, biopsy may be required to differentiate neoplasm from
Selection of Patients for Surgery

Predictors for improved survival rate have been studied retrospectively for various tumor types. These predictors may allow the clinician to identify
selected patients who will optimally benefit from pulmonary metastasectomy. These prognostic indicators are clinical, biologic, and molecular
criteria, which describe the biologic interaction between the metastases and the patient and their association with prolonged survival. Pastorino and
colleagues[64] retrospectively reviewed more than 5000 patients with metastases treated with resection. Overall, actuarial 5-year survival rate was 36%,
10-year survival rate was 26%, and 15-year survival rate was 22%. Cancer could generally be staged by the presence of favorable clinical indicators.
These indicators included a disease-free interval of greater than 3 years, an SPN, and germ cell histology.
Surgical Incisions

Surgical procedures for resection include single thoracotomy, staged bilateral thoracotomy, and median sternotomy. These procedures have almost no
associated mortality rate and minimal morbidity. There are various advantages and disadvantages inherent to each incision. Patients with pulmonary
metastases may also undergo multiple procedures for re-resection of metastases with prolonged survival expectations after complete resection.[66]


Thoracoscopy may readily be used for diagnosis of metastatic disease; however, its use in treatment of metastatic disease is more controversial.[67] In an
elegant study, McCormack and colleagues[68] conducted a prospective study of VATS resection for treatment of pulmonary metastases. Patients were
screened with CT, followed by VATS, followed by open exploration. The authors found more nodules by thoracotomy and noted that VATS failed to
identify all nodules. VATS is not the standard approach for resection in patients with pulmonary metastases. At present, VATS can be advocated only
for diagnosis or staging of the extent of metastases. Follow-up on all patients is necessary at regular intervals because the likelihood of recurrence
remains for a period of years.
Various prognostic indicators have been studied ( Box 578 ). Regardless of histology, patients with pulmonary metastases isolated to the lungs that are
completely resected have improved survival rates when compared with patients with unresectable metastases. Resectability consistently correlates with
improved post-thoracotomy survival rates for patients with pulmonary metastases.
Molecular and Genetic Strategies

Restoration of normal WT-p53 (wild-type) in soft tissue sarcomas may provide for more controlled cell growth or
Box 57-8. Prognostic Indicators for Pulmonary Metastases
1. Age and gender do not usually influence post-thoracotomy survival
and, generally, should not be considered as prognostic factors.
2. Use of multivariate analysis may allow more accurate prediction of
postresection survival expectations and allow better patient
3. Separate prognostic variables may be combined to enhance the
predictive value for survival:
Histology, location, and stage of the primary tumor
Disease-free interval (from primary to initial evidence of
Number of nodules on preoperative imaging studies:
unilateral or bilateral metastases
Number of metastases resected
Tumor doubling time (TDT) (see formula). TDT only reflects
the growth rate during the interval measured and may be
affected by the size of the tumor or ongoing chemotherapy. A
formula may be used to precisely calculate TDT:

where M1 = first measurement, M2 = second measurement,

and T = number of days between measurements.

even programmed cell death (apoptosis). In one in vitro study, transduction of wild-type (wt) p53 into soft tissue sarcomas bearing mutated p53 genes
altered the malignant potential of the tumor. After transduction, transfected cells expressed wild-type p53 and decreased cell proliferation occurred.[69]
Novel drug delivery systems may enhance chemotherapy treatment effects by increasing drug concentration in lung tissues and minimizing systemic
effects of such treatment. Regional drug delivery to the lungs minimizes systemic drug delivery, preventing systemic toxicity; however, this technique
requires a significant concentration of drug delivered to the lung over a short time period.
Preclinical studies in rodents with experimental pulmonary metastases have shown that chemotherapy may be delivered to pulmonary tissue in

significantly higher concentrations than with systemic delivery. Minimal to no systemic toxicity was noted. In this model, isolated single lung perfusion
with doxorubicin (Adriamycin) was safe and effective.[70] The technique was also effective as follows: 9 of 10 animals given 320 g/L had complete
eradication of metastases from an implanted methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma.[70]
Previous clinical studies of lung perfusion have shown higher drug concentrations in pulmonary tissue, although clinical tumor response has been
mixed. Johnston and colleagues[71] described a continuous perfusion of the lungs with doxorubicin (single lung, continuous perfusion) as a safe
technique and subsequently applied their technique clinically. Drug concentrations in normal lung and tumor generally increased with higher drug
dosages. No objective responses occurred (0/4 patients with sarcomas). Phase I studies of isolated lung perfusion in patients with unresectable
pulmonary metastases from soft tissue sarcomas are underway at various national and international centers.
Surgery alone for treatment of pulmonary metastases will fail in a significant number of patients. Use of neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy may allow for
further prolonged survival or cure. Novel therapies such as identification of molecular events for therapy, gene transfer, or regional delivery of
therapeutic agents to the lung by way of an isolated pulmonary system (isolated lung perfusion) may provide better and more directed therapy for
patients with metastases. Cure in most patients represents a serendipitous occurrence in which the host biology, spread of tumor, response to
chemotherapy, and surgical resection, together render the patient disease free.
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Slow-growing lung tumors may arise from the epithelium, ducts, and glands of the bronchial tree. Most are of low-grade malignant potential and
account for 1% to 2% of all lung neoplasms.
Carcinoid tumors (1% of lung neoplasms) arise from Kulchitsky (APUD) cells in bronchial epithelium. They have positive histologic reactions to silver
staining and to chromogranin. Special stains and examination can identify

neurosecretory granules by electron microscopy. These typical carcinoid tumors (least malignant) are the most indolent of the spectrum of pulmonary
neuroendocrine tumors that include atypical carcinoid, large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma (most malignant). Histologic
findings include less than 2 to 10 mitoses/10 high-power fields (HPF).
Peripheral tumors are usually without symptoms, although central tumors may produce cough, hemoptysis, recurrent infection or pneumonia,
bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pain, or wheezing. Symptoms may persist for many years without diagnosis, particularly if only an endobronchial
component partially obstructs the airway. Stridor is often the presenting symptom of adenoid cystic tumors because they are most often found in the
trachea and mainstem bronchi. Carcinoid syndrome itself is not frequent and occurs with large tumors or extensive metastatic disease. The chest
radiograph may reveal the tumor mass or the results of tracheobronchial traction, but approximately 25% are normal. CT may assist in localizing the
tumor. Bronchoscopy is usually positive unless the nodule or mass is peripheral. Ninety-eight percent of adenoid cystic carcinomas can be identified
with CT and bronchoscopy with biopsy. Seventy-five percent of carcinoids can be identified in this manner; and although they tend to bleed, they can
usually be sampled safely.
Atypical carcinoid may have lymph node or vascular invasion with metastasis. The location is in the mainstem bronchi (20%), lobar bronchi (70% to
75%), or peripheral bronchi (5% to 10%). They rarely occur in the trachea. There is often some local invasion with involvement of peribronchial tissue.
At bronchoscopy, most carcinoids are sessile, although a few are polypoid. The histology is that of small uniform cells with oval nuclei and interlacing
cords of vascular connective tissue stroma. Mitoses are infrequent but occasionally bizarre cells are noted. Atypical carcinoids are more pleomorphic
and have more mitoses (>2 to 10 mitoses/HPF) than typical carcinoid. They have more prominent nucleoli but are more monotonous and have more
cytoplasm than oat cell carcinoma. These tumors are more aggressive with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 60%. These tumors tend to
metastasize to the liver, bone, or adrenal. Electron microscopy can be used to identify neurosecretory granules.
Carcinoid syndrome is uncommon with lung carcinoids, although it might occur with very large or metastatic tumors. Carcinoid syndrome is related to
the bodys reaction to various vasoactive amines such as serotonin, substance P, bradykinin, and histamine. Clinical manifestations include flushing,
tachycardia, wheezing, or diarrhea. These tumors can produce other substances such as adrenocorticotropic hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone,
and antidiuretic hormone.
Surgical resection of typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid is standard, with complete removal of the tumor and as much preservation of lung as
possible. Lobectomy is the most common procedure; endoscopic removal is performed only for rare polypoid tumors if thoracotomy is contraindicated.
Survival rate is typically 85% at 5 to 10 years. Patients with metastases tend to die of their disease. Large cell neuroendocrine tumors and small cell
cancer are not typically treated with surgery and may be best treated with combinations of chemotherapy and radiation; survival of these patients is
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a slow-growing malignancy involving the trachea and mainstem bronchi that is similar to salivary gland tumors.[72] Adenoid
cystic carcinoma is more malignant than carcinoid tumors and has a slight female preponderance. The tumor typically involves the lower trachea,
carina, and takeoff of the mainstem bronchi. One third of tumors may occur in the major bronchi; it is rarely peripheral. One third of patients have
tumors that have metastasized at the time of treatment. These patients typically have involvement of the perineural lymphatics, regional nodes, or liver,
bone, or kidneys. The tumor arises from ducts in the submucosa and spread in that plane. Microscopic examination demonstrates cells with large nuclei
and a small cytoplasm and surrounding cystic spaces (pseudoacinar type) and a Swiss cheese appearance for medullary type.
Treatment is wide en bloc resection with conservation of as much lung tissue as possible. Mediastinal lymph node dissection and frozen section control
may be required to resect all tumor. Radiation treatment alone may cure approximately one third of patients who are not amenable to surgical resection.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is rare in the bronchi, although the location is the same as carcinoid. This tumor may be of either high-or low-grade
malignancy. Most are polypoid avascular submucosal masses that are gray to pink. Histologic examination reveals epidermoid cells with keratinization,
mucin-producing cells lining cystic spaces, and intermediate cells in the cords. Treatment of these low-grade tumors is like that for carcinoid. The tumor
is locally resected. High-grade tumors are treated like lung cancer with equivalent survival rates.
Benign tumors of the lung account for less than 1% of all lung neoplasms and arise from mesodermal origins ( Box 579 ). Hamartomas are the most
frequent benign lung tumor; hamartomas consist of normal tissue elements found in an abnormal location. Most commonly, hamartomas are manifested
by overgrowth of cartilage. Hamartomas are typically identified at 40 to 60 years of age and have a 2:1 male-to-female predominance. They are usually
peripheral. They slowly grow in the lung. The chest radiograph usually demonstrates a 2- to 3-cm mass that is sharply demarcated and frequently
lobulated. It is usually not calcified, but the popcorn appearance on chest radiography may provide the diagnosis of hamartoma. Cystic adenomatoid
malformation may represent adenomatous hamartoma. The lesion usually occurs in infants as cysts or immature elements in the lung.
Very low-grade malignancies include hemangiopericytoma or pulmonary blastoma that arises from embryonic lung tissue. Treatment is resection.
Tumorlets are epithelial proliferative lesions that may resemble oat cell or carcinoid. These are typically incidental findings noted on examination of
resected lung specimens. They rarely metastasize.
Primary sarcomas of the lung occur rarely. They rarely break through the bronchial epithelium, and a cytologic evaluation by sputum is typically
negative. The tumors are

Box 57-9. Miscellaneous Lung Tumors

Epithelial origin tumors
Papilloma: Single or multiple, squamous epithelium, occurs in
childhood, probably viral, may require bronchial resection but
frequently recur
Polyp: Inflammatorysquamous metaplasia on a stalk; bronchial
resection may be needed; these do not usually recur
Mesodermal Origin Tumors
Fibroma: Most frequent mesodermal tumor
Leiomyoma: Intrabronchial or peripheral; conservative resection
Granular cell tumor
Hemangioma: Subglottic larynx or upper trachea of infants;
radiation therapy
Lymphangioma: Similar to cystic hygromaupper airway
obstruction in neonates
Hemangioendothelioma: Newborn lungs, often progressive and
Lymphangiomyomatosis: Rare, slowly progressivedeath from
pulmonary insufficiency; fine, multinodular lesions, loss of
parenchyma and honeycombing; usually women in their
reproductive years
Arteriovenous fistula: Congenital, right to left shunt; cyanosis,
dyspnea on exertion, clubbing, brain abscess; associated with
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia of lower lobes
Plasma cell granuloma

usually well circumscribed, asymptomatic, and solitary. Local invasion most frequently occurs, with blood-borne metastasis or lymphatic metastasis
occurring less commonly. Resection, similar to lung carcinoma, is feasible in 50% to 60% of patients. The prognosis of patients with leiomyosarcoma is
excellent, with approximately 50% survival rate at 5 years; all others have poor survival expectations.
Lymphoma of the lung most commonly occurs as disseminated lymphoma involving the lung. The disseminated lymphoma occurs in 40% of patients
with Hodgkins disease and 7% in non-Hodgkins disease. Primary lymphoma of the lung is rare. The diagnosis is usually made at surgery. A thorough
evaluation for other primary sites of lymphoma should be made if primary pulmonary lymphoma is suspected preoperatively.
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The trachea is about 11.8 cm long and ranges from 10 to 13 cm. There are 18 to 22 cartilaginous rings with each ring being about 0.5 cm wide. The
internal diameter in adults is 2.3 cm laterally and 1.8 cm anteroposteriorly. The larynx ends with the inferior edge of cricoid cartilage. The cricoid is the
only complete cartilaginous ring in the trachea. The trachea begins about 1.5 cm below the vocal cords and is not rigidly fixed to surrounding tissues.
Vertical movement is easily possible. The most rigid point of fixation is where the aortic arch forms a sling over the left mainstem bronchus. The
innominate artery crosses over the anterior trachea in a left inferolateral to high right anterolateral direction. The azygous vein arches over the proximal
right mainstem bronchus as it travels from posterior to anterior to empty into the superior vena cava. The esophagus is closely applied to the
membranous trachea throughout its course. The esophagus is not a midline structure but more frequently lies just to the left from the midline of the
trachea. The recurrent laryngeal nerves run in the tracheoesophageal groove on both the right and the left. Most commonly, the left recurrent laryngeal
nerve lies close to the tracheoesophageal groove on the left and is a bit more laterally displaced on the right.
The trachea is up to 50% cervical with hyperextension in the young patient. The location of the carina is at the level of the angle of Louis anteriorly and
the T4 vertebra posteriorly.
The blood supply to the trachea is lateral and segmental from the inferior thyroid, the internal thoracic, the supreme intercostal, and the bronchial
arteries. One should never circumferentially dissect more than 1 to 2 cm of trachea that will remain in the patient before or after reconstruction. The
potential for tracheal necrosis is increased with circumferential dissection.
Stenosis of the trachea implies significant functional impairment. A normal, 2-cm trachea has a 100% peak expiratory flow rate. A 10-mm opening
provides an 80% peak expiratory flow rate. At 5 to 6 mm, only a 30% expiratory flow rate is obtained.
Congenital lesions of the trachea may be lethal (e.g., tracheal atresia) or may provide significant functional impairment, depending on the extent of the
stenosis. Stenosis may be generalized, funnel type, segmental (which is most common), or weblike. Treatment consists of dilation for resection of webs.
For localized or segmental stenosis, resection and reanastomosis should be performed. One should limit resection to one third or less of the trachea. A
pericardial patch for a generalized or funnel-type stenosis may be required.
Vascular rings such as double aortic arch (right aortic arch with left ligamentum) may cause pulmonary insufficiency or dyspnea. The trachea is normal,
and release of the ring provides relief of symptoms. This is in contrast to pulmonary artery sling, consisting of the left pulmonary artery coming from
the right pulmonary artery traveling between the trachea and esophagus, which is identified by anterior indentation of the esophagus on barium swallow
and by compression of the trachea. Approximately 50% of patients have a separate tracheal stenotic

problem (most commonly circumferential rings) and correction of the vascular sling alone would not correct the respiratory distress: the tracheal
stenosis must also be treated. Treatment of congenital tracheomalacia, identified as a collapsible wall seen on bronchoscopy, may be related to chronic
compression by the innominate artery and treated with aortopexy.
Tracheostomy is one of the most commonly performed operations. The technique is shown in Figure 5712 . For an elective procedure, the incision
should be made 1 to 2 cm above the sternal notch. The strap muscles are separated

Figure 57-12 Technique of tracheostomy. A, An endotracheal airway is in place. With the patients neck extended and centered in the midline, a short horizontal incision is made over
the second or third tracheal ring after the level of the cricoid cartilage has been carefully palpated. The first and fourth tracheal cartilages are numbered. B, After horizontal division of
the platysma, the strap muscles are separated in the midline, the cricoid is identified, and the thyroid isthmus usually is divided and sutured to allow easy access to the second and third
tracheal rings. The second and third rings are incised vertically. Occasionally, an additional partial incision of the fourth ring is necessary. C, Smooth thyroid pole retractors are used
to spread the opening in the trachea. The endotracheal tube is withdrawn to a point just above the incision. The tracheostomy tube is introduced with a small amount of water-soluble
lubricant and with its large-volume cuff collapsed. The endotracheal airway is not removed until it is demonstrated that the tracheostomy tube is properly seated and permits suitable
gas exchange. Closure is made with simple skin sutures. The flange of the tracheostomy tube is both sutured to the skin and tied with the usual tapes around the neck. On a rare

occasion when an airway cannot be established from above, an emergency incision may be necessary over the cricothyroid membrane for rapid establishment of a temporary airway.

in the midline to expose the trachea. Division of two tracheal cartilages (usually rings 2 and 3) is performed in a longitudinal (vertical) manner to insert
the tracheostomy appliance. Occasionally, the thyroid isthmus must be divided. Rarely, a high innominate artery is encountered and should be protected.
Primary neoplasms of trachea include squamous cell carcinoma in approximately two thirds of patients and adenoid cystic carcinoma in other patients.
Squamous cell carcinoma may be focal, diffuse, or multiple. The physical appearance may be exophytic or ulcerative. One third of these primary
tracheal tumors have extensive local spread or metastases at initial presentation. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (previously called cylindroma) has a
propensity for intramural and perineural spread. In adenoid cystic carcinoma, negative margins are important. Margin evaluation with frozen section
control should be performed with stricture resection. Clinical features include dyspnea on exertion, wheezing, cough with or without hemoptysis, and
recurrent pulmonary infections.
Secondary neoplasms of the trachea may include those related to laryngeal carcinomas with distal or inferior extension, recurrence of these laryngeal
carcinomas at the tracheal stomal site, or other skip metastases. In patients with previous laryngectomy, anterior mediastinal tracheostomy may be
required. Five centimeters of uninvolved trachea (i.e., negative margins at a minimum of 5 cm above the carina) is the minimal length of trachea that
should remain to ensure optimal potential for recovery. To minimize innominate artery fistula, the trachea may be moved under the innominate artery.
Cervical exenteration, with resection of tumor recurrence and portion of trachea, requires resection of the breastplate (manubrium, first rib, clavicles to
the angle of Louis) before anterior mediastinal tracheostomy.
Involvement of the trachea because of local extension from bronchogenic carcinoma may contraindicate resection. Involvement of the trachea because
of local extension of esophageal carcinoma may require palliative external-beam radiation therapy or endoscopic palliation with laser, bronchoscopy, or
esophagoscopy, or perhaps intraluminal brachytherapy. For thyroid carcinoma, resection of a short segment of trachea in continuity with thyroid may be
performed with primary repair. However, resection is contraindicated for extensive anaplastic thyroid tumors because recurrence is rapid and risks often
exceed anticipated benefits.
Infection and inflammation are uncommon causes of tracheal obstruction.
Tracheal Trauma

Penetrating injuries to the trachea are usually cervical; penetrating injuries that involve the mediastinal trachea are often lethal. Penetrating cervical
injuries often involve the esophagus, and concurrent esophageal injury should be excluded by barium esophagram or esophagoscopy. Neck exploration
may be required.
Blunt trauma to the neck or trachea can produce lacerations, transections, or shattering injuries of both the cervical and mediastinal trachea.


Clinical features of a cervical injury are suggested by subcutaneous air in neck, respiratory distress, and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is made by
Injury to the mediastinal trachea may be suggested by mediastinal or subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax of the lung that fails to expand after
chest tube insertion, or a large air leak. Other clinical signs include respiratory distress and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is made by bronchoscopy. A chest
tube may be inserted as initial management of a pneumothorax on screening trauma chest radiography. If the lung does not completely inflate, a second
chest tube may be inserted. If the pneumothorax or a continuous air leak persists, a bronchoscopy is recommended to exclude a mediastinal tracheal or
bronchial injury. Anesthetic management with laryngeal mask airway may be helpful for initial examination for full visualization of the airway before
endotracheal intubation.
Management of tracheal injuries includes control of airway, endotracheal intubation (using flexible bronchoscopy as a guide), or emergency
tracheostomy. If emergency tracheostomy is considered, it should be performed through the area of the tracheal tear (because this area is likely to be
resected during the definitive reconstruction procedure). Cervical injuries may be treated conservatively. The endotracheal tube is placed distal to the
lesion, and the cuff is kept inflated for approximately 2 days. This approach is indicated only if a small partial laceration is identified, there is little
subcutaneous air, there is good apposition of lacerated tissue, and there are no other associated injuries. Cervical injury to trachea may also be treated
with primary repair without tracheostomy. This approach is indicated with most knife wounds, many gunshot wounds, and occasional cases of blunt
Primary repair of tracheal injury may be accomplished with tracheostomy, if the tracheostomy is performed distal to the repair. This approach is
indicated for some blunt transections and some gunshot wounds. Alternatively, one may consider initial tracheostomy along with delayed repair. The
tracheostomy may be best done through the damaged trachea. This approach is indicated for complex shattering injuries of the trachea, especially with
significant laryngeal involvement.
For injuries to the mediastinal trachea, the surgical approach is thoracotomy through the right fourth intercostal space. Tracheostomy is rarely needed.
Most patients have selective intubation of the left mainstem bronchus, double lumen tube, or jet ventilation. Associated esophageal injuries should be
repaired primarily. Some tissue (e.g., the sternocleidomastoid or strap muscle) should be interposed between the two structures.
Postintubation injuries occur because of laryngeal or tracheal irritation from an indwelling endotracheal tube. This condition is usually reversible. Vocal
cord fusion must occasionally be treated by division of the fissure. The cricoid is rarely injured but is difficult to repair if injury does occur. For patients
with a tracheostomy stoma, postintubation injuries are common. Granulation tissue occurs, as does anterolateral stricture of the trachea. There are
various predisposing factors, including too large a stoma, infection in the stoma, and excessive pressure from connecting systems. The cricoid may be
damaged either by cricothyroidostomy or by too proximal a tracheostomy.
Low-pressure cuffs on the endotracheal tube have reduced cuff injuries. Pathogenesis is directly proportional to pressure necrosis. A wide spectrum of
injury may occur, depending on depth of damage, to include mucosal-tracheal stenosis, tracheomalacia, and full-thickness stricture. Clinical features of
tracheal stenosis include dyspnea on exertion, stridor or wheezing, which is easily noted, and perhaps episodes of obstruction with small amounts of
Acquired tracheoesophageal fistula is the result of prolonged erosion posteriorly. Patients also usually have an indwelling nasogastric tube posteriorly.
The most common clinical appearance is that of a sudden appearance of copious secretions from the tracheobronchial tree or of methylene bluecolored
tube feedings promptly appearing in the airway along with increasing difficulty ventilating the patient. Gastric distention also may occur.

The tracheoinnominate fistula may result from prolonged cuff erosion inferiorly and anteriorly to the trachea. Inappropriate low stoma may further
increase the likelihood of a direct erosion of the trachea by the innominate artery. The tip of the endotracheal tube may predispose to erosions or
granulomas within the trachea. Tracheoinnominate fistula may present as sudden exsanguinating hemorrhage. The patient usually has had one or more
previous sentinel hemorrhages. Investigation of these sentinel hemorrhage episodes is imperative.
The principles of management of tracheal problems include a full evaluation of the larynx to ensure its integrity before tracheal repair. Direct or indirect
endoscopy as well as fluoroscopy may be needed. A tracheal stenosis rarely demands a definitive procedure, either electively or emergently. However,
emergency management of obstruction may include sedation, humidified air, or racemic epinephrine by nebulizer. In addition, dilation under general
anesthesia may be helpful. The first choice of placement of the tracheostomy is through the stricture, then through the old tracheostomy site, then
remote from the lesion. Exceptions include those stenoses immediately above the carina, because they cannot readily be stented. Conservative measures
can be supplemented on a chronic basis with a stent, especially if the patient is considered poor risk or if the patient has a partial thickness lesion with
potential for regression.
Contraindications to trachea repair include (1) inadequately treated laryngeal problem (which does not include single vocal cord paralysis), (2) need for
ventilatory support or permanent tracheostomy for patients with amyotropic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, or quadriplegia, (3) use of high-dose
steroids, or (4) inflamed or recent tracheostomy. Poor pulmonary reserve is not a contraindication for repair in patients who have been weaned from the
Various techniques may be considered for diagnosis of tracheal abnormalities. Plain films of the trachea and routine chest roentgenograms
(posteroanterior, lateral, and obliques) are critical first steps. CT of the trachea is good for examining luminal compromise; however, it is

less suitable than linear tomograms for longitudinal abnormalities. Fluoroscopy may be helpful for the diagnosis of tracheomalacia. A contrast
tracheogram is not always necessary. If the patient has symptoms of dysphagia or if an esophageal cancer is suspected, a barium swallow is helpful to
evaluate the extent of esophageal involvement.
Bronchoscopy is generally best deferred to the time of the proposed treatment. This approach avoids precipitating an acute episode of tracheal
obstruction in an outpatient area. Exceptions to this rule may include highly complicated situations such as attempted previous repair or the need for
urgent dilation. Both flexible and rigid bronchoscopes should be available, and the surgeon should be adept at their use.
The surgical management of tracheal problems may be complex. General inhalational anesthesia is used and induction may take a long time if the
stenosis is tight. If the stenosis is less than 5 to 6 mm, dilation may be required before passing the endotracheal tube. This may be performed with rigid
bronchoscopy. If the stenosis is greater than 5 to 6 mm, the endotracheal tube may be positioned to a point above the stricture for induction. Stenoses
that are subglottic must be dilated for intubation. The endotracheal tube often goes alongside tumors.
Surgical approaches to the trachea include (1) purely cervical for the upper third, (2) cervicothoracic (with upper sternal split) ( Fig. 5713 ), and (3)
cervical approach plus upper sternal split plus right fourth anterior thoracotomy to expose the entire trachea posteriorly and inferiorly. (This approach is
rarely used.) The right fourth posterolateral thoracotomy provides the best exposure of the lower trachea and carina ( Fig. 5714 ).
The cervical approach with or without an upper sternal split is usually used for tumors of the upper half of the trachea plus all benign tracheal stenoses
(because these usually occur as a result of endotracheal tube placement). The posterolateral thoracotomy is used for tumors of the lower half of the
trachea plus carinal reconstruction. Rigid

Figure 57-13 A, Exposure of the midtrachea through a cervical and partial sternal-splitting incision. The extent of the resection has been marked by sutures. After distal division, a
sterile, armored endotracheal tube is placed. B, After proximal resection, two mattress sutures are placed in the edges of the cartilaginous rings. A simple, running suture completes the
membranous anastomosis. C, At this point, the original endotracheal tube is positioned in the distal trachea so that the anastomosis can be completed with interrupted, simple sutures
between cartilaginous rings.


Figure 57-14 A right serratus-sparing posterolateral thoracotomy is extended behind the scapula. Proximal and distal exposure shows a tracheal tumor near the bifurcation. A, After
division of the azygos vein and the distal trachea, a sterile, armored endotracheal tube is placed into the left mainstem bronchus. After proximal resection, the interrupted mattress
sutures are placed at the edges of the tracheal rings. B, After completion of the anastomosis (see Fig. 5713 ), a vascularized intercostal muscle flap is placed around the anastomosis.

bronchoscopy for diagnosis, biopsy, dilation, or treatment may be required if the tumor cannot be immediately resected ( Fig. 5715 ).
In general, the amount of trachea that can be resected is about 5 cm but varies from person to person. Various techniques can be used to achieve this
resection without undue tension on the anastomosis. The anterior cervical approach plus mobilization of the trachea and neck flexion can allow for 4 to
5 cm of trachea resection. A suprahyoid release may achieve 1 cm of additional length, and mobilization of the right hilum, together with division of the
pericardium around the right hilum, may achieve an additional 1.4 cm.
The reconstruction of the upper trachea may be performed through a collar incision through an old tracheostomy site, which is convenient. Skin flaps
are created superiorly to the thyroid prominence and inferiorly to the suprasternal notch. The sternal split is performed whenever indicated. The entire
anterior length of the trachea is exposed, close to the tracheal wall. Limited circumferential dissection is performed around the trachea just below the
lesion. Silk stay sutures are placed on either side below and later above the lesion. The trachea is transected just below the stricture or tumor. The
endotracheal tube is placed across the operative field into the distal trachea. The diseased trachea is dissected superiorly and then transected above the
lesion. Posterior mobilization and neck flexion are performed. Posterior sutures are placed with knots on the outside, and then the patient is reintubated
through the trachea. Anterior sutures are then placed and tied. No tracheostomy is performed. If ventilation is necessary, an endotracheal tube is used
with the cuff away from the anastomosis.
A suprahyoid release as described by Montgomery achieves a little over 1 cm of length by cutting the mylohyoid, the geniohyoid, and genioglossus
muscles from the superior surface of the hyoid bone. The hyoid bone is transected on either side just medial to the digastric muscles. This technique
probably yields less dysphagia or aspiration than the thyrohyoid release procedure.
Stenosis of the subglottic larynx or cricoid stenosis is a challenging technical procedure. The recurrent nerves innervate the larynx just superior to the
posterolateral cricoid on each side. If the tracheal lesions only involve the anterior surface, the anterior cricoid can be removed and the distal trachea
beveled to match the defect. This maneuver spares the recurrent laryngeal nerves. With circumferential involvement, it may be necessary to perform a
laryngectomy. Otherwise, an attempt to preserve the larynx could be made. The anterior cricoid is removed with a rectangle of posterior cricoid. This
leaves the posterolateral portions of the cricoid intact to protect the recurrent laryngeal nerves. The beveled trachea may be brought up to this level
along with a flap of membranous trachea posteriorly to match the posterior defect.
Reconstruction of the lower trachea is performed in the right fourth intercostal space. Intubation of the distal trachea or the left mainstem is performed.
Carinal reconstruction is usually performed for tumor and is the most feasible of alternative reconstructions chosen.
The technique of tracheostomy is best approached through cervical incision and a vertical incision through the second and third or the third and fourth
tracheal rings. The tracheostomy should not be placed too low because erosion of the innominate artery by the tracheostomy prosthesis may occur.
If a tracheoinnominate fistula occurs, this fistula may be controlled initially by inflating the cuff on the endotracheal tube to tamponade and decrease the
bleeding. The innominate artery is divided, ligated, and covered

Figure 57-15 A, Proper technique for rigid bronchoscopy in a patient with a tracheal mass. Top, Pharyngeal packing is used to protect the esophagus. Middle, A nearly obstructing
tumor is shown. Bottom, A flexible bronchoscope is placed into the rigid scope for the biopsy. This protects the airway. B, A technique for endoscopic resection of a tracheal mass
with a rigid bronchoscope without (top) and with (bottom) use of the laser. (From Sugarbaker DJ, Mentzer SJ, Strauss G, Fried MP: Laser resection of endobronchial lesions: Use of
the rigid and flexible bronchoscopes. Oper Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 3:93, 1992.)

with muscle, thymus, or fat. Resection of the damaged trachea with primary reanastomosis is performed. The endotracheal tube is placed with the cuff
away from the anastomosis. If the tracheoinnominate fistula occurs from tube erosion, the surgeon tamponades the bleeding with digital pressure or
packing anterior and inferior to the tube or tracheostomy prosthesis. This maneuver is easier with an endotracheal tube placed through the mouth or
stoma. One may simply perform a median sternotomy, divide the innominate artery, and cover as described earlier. Potential for a neurologic event does
A tracheoesophageal fistula from cuff erosion may also occur. If the patient is ventilator dependent, then delayed repair may be necessary. The
nasogastric tube should be removed, a gastrostomy and jejunostomy should be placed, and a low-pressure cuff should be used and placed

below the lesion. If the patient is off the ventilator, then immediate repair should be performed. A cervical approach is used. The esophagus is separated
from the trachea, and the esophageal defect is closed in layers. A muscle is interposed between the two structures. The damaged trachea is resected and
primary anastomosis is performed.
The results as described by Grillo and colleagues[73] have been good for benign stenoses. Mortality rate is approximately 2% with 93% of patients having
good results. With malignant tumors above the carina, 5-year survival rate may range from 25% to 40%.
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Emphysema is defined as dilation and destruction of the terminal air spaces. These air cavities may be defined as blebssubpleural air space separated
from the lung by a thin pleural covering with only minor alveolar communicationsor bullaelarger than a bleb with some destruction of the
underlying lung parenchyma.
Bullous emphysema is either congenital without general lung disease or a complication of COPD with more or less generalized lung disease. The
challenge is to separate the disability related to the bullae from that caused by the chronic emphysema or chronic bronchitis. The DLCO is a good index
of the state of severity of the generalized lung disease. On pulmonary angiography, bullae are cold and do not contain vessels. The bullae may compress
normal lung with crowding of the relatively normal pulmonary vasculature. COPD may show abrupt narrowing and tapering of vessels. The surgical
option includes resection of the bullae to leave functioning lung tissue.
Symptomatic patients with progressive dyspnea may undergo removal of the bullae with good results. The disease must be localized with the air space
occupying at least 40% to 50% of one hemithorax. The remaining good lung parenchyma is compressed by the bulla. Simple removal of the bulla
alone is required. Lobectomy is seldom indicated because good lung tissue is removed, which is frequently needed for independent function by these
patients with significant lung impairment. Operative mortality rate varies from 1.5% to 10%, depending on the patients age and degree of emphysema.
Pulmonary sepsis and prolonged air leaks are the most common nonfatal major complications. Proper treatment and preparation with pulmonary therapy
before surgery, exercise programs, and thin strips to reinforce surgically stapled suture lines are helpful in preventing these complications.
Cysts are congenital air spaces lined by epithelium; pneumatoceles are acquired postinflammatory air spaces with an epithelial lining. The cause is
probably the result of biochemical alterations that permit alveolar wall destruction.
. 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency is an autosomal recessive trait that affects 1% to 2% of all emphysema patients and commonly begins before the age of 40
years. Women are more likely to have this syndrome than men. Antitrypsin inhibits neutrophil elastase and other serine proteinases. This homeostatic
function controls major proteolytic cascades. Absence of this serine proteinase inhibitor allows intrapulmonary elastase activity and neutrophil elastase
activity (released from inflammatory cells) to act without control, thereby causing panacinar emphysema. Smoking significantly worsens . 1 -antitrypsin
deficiency actions and worsens this panacinar emphysema.
Pneumothorax may occur with emphysema. Conservative therapy often requires days to weeks of suction with chest tubes to obtain pleural symphysis.
Resection of the bleb may be required ( Fig. 5716 ). If respiratory failure for pneumonia develops, tracheostomy will help in some

Figure 57-16 A, Thoracoscopic view of a typical apical bleb in a young patient who was first seen with spontaneous pneumothorax. B, Initial application of a linear stapler in excision
of an apical bleb.


patients but makes it impossible for the patient to cough. Respiratory care and pulmonary hygiene are critical components of successful outcome.
Indications for surgical intervention include a significantly large bulla (one third to one half of a hemithorax) with symptoms and only mild diffuse lung
disease. The surgical treatment must be individualized, because no criteria exist for predicting with certainty which patients will benefit from resection.
Asymptomatic patients are generally observed, and infected bullae are resected. The mortality rate varies and the patients experience variable
Surgical therapy for emphysema exists. Although emphysema is diffuse within the lung, some areas may be worse than others. These areas may be
identified by CT and subsequently resected. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) removes areas of greater emphysematous involvement. The
remaining lung tissue expands with improved elastic recoil and improved aeration and perfusion of the remaining lung. A recent prospective trial
compared LVRS to medical treatment. Patients with predominantly upper lobe emphysema and low exercise capacity had lower mortality with LVRS
than medical therapy (RR=0.47; p=0.005). In patients with non-upper lobe emphysema and high exercise capacity, mortality was higher in the LVRS
group (RR=2.06, p=0.02).[74]
Lung transplantation is performed for COPD, including . 1 -antitrypsin deficiency. Pulmonary fibrosis, primary pulmonary hypertension, and cystic
fibrosis are other indications for lung transplantation. The recipient is required to have a significant functional disability but be ambulatory. The
recipient should be free of chronic and debilitating disease (e.g., no hepatic, renal, or cardiac disease), have no other effective therapy available, have a
stable nutritional status, have good social and psychological support, and have several years of life potentially remaining. Survival rate after lung
transplantation is approximately 75% at 1 year, 60% at 2 years, and 50% at 5 years. The annual lung transplantation rate has begun to level off, and
waiting times for lung transplants are currently approximately 18 months. Chronic immunosuppression with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone

is required. Routine follow-up and screening for rejection is required. Transbronchial biopsy may be performed for diagnosis of acute rejection. Acute
rejection usually occurs within 3 months of transplantation and is manifested with dyspnea, chest radiography with perihilar infiltrates, leukocytosis,
and mild fever. FEV1 is reduced. High-dose corticosteroids may be used for treatment. Chronic lung rejection problems include bronchiolitis obliterans
and reduction in FEV1 .
Unilateral lung transplantation is more readily tolerated than double lung transplant. Early mortality rate ranges from 8% to 21% as a result of infection
or organ failure. The 5-year survival rate approaches 60%.[75]
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The surgeons role in diffuse lung disease is to obtain a diagnosis, typically by open lung biopsy. The patient has usually undergone several diagnostic
bronchoscopies and often a transbronchial biopsy. The chest radiograph may demonstrate an alveolar pattern (fluffy with air bronchograms) or an
interstitial pattern (ground-glass or granular appearance, indicating a diffuse increase in interstitial tissue) ( Box 5710 ).
Sarcoidosis affects the lungs in 90% of patients with this diagnosis, causing symptoms of dyspnea and dry cough. Foci of noncaseating epithelioid
granulomas may be found in any part of the body. Ten to 20 percent of patients are asymptomatic, 20% to 40% are first seen with an acute form with
fever and other significant symptoms, and 40% to 50% have insidious respiratory complaints without constitutional symptoms. Severe progressive
pulmonary fibrosis may develop in 10% to 20%. Bilateral hilar mediastinal lymph nodes are involved in 60% to 80% of patients. Biopsy of these
mediastinal lymph nodes may be required for diagnosis and often may be the only surgical procedure that is needed. Skin lesions such as erythema
nodosum, plaques, squamous nodules, and maculopapular eruption occur in approximately 25% of patients, and eye involvement (uveitis) may occur in
25% of patients.
For diagnosis, clinical criteria and biopsy are needed. Bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy are good, and open lung biopsy is rarely needed.
Corticosteroids may be used for treatment. An open lung biopsy is generally not necessary when the lung picture is typical of a previously known cause;
however, open lung biopsy is generally necessary for those diseases for which the cause is not known.
In an acute setting, an open lung biopsy is often not warranted for diffuse lung disease or patients with chronic ventilatory requirements. The value of
open lung biopsy in this clinical setting is low and typically no better than the best medical management in intensive care. An open lung biopsy should
not be performed unless the results of open lung biopsy will modify subsequent treatment, such as the initiation of protocol-based treatment for
experimental antibiotics.
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The acute, or adult, respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex biologic and clinical process. This acute deterioration of pulmonary function
occurs exclusive of pulmonary edema, pneumonia, or exacerbation of COPD. Approximately 50,000 cases occur each year in the United States, with a
mortality rate of 30% to 70%. Some causes of ARDS are listed in Box 5711 .
The initial clinical presentation of dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia, and mild hypocapnia is nonspecific. A chest radiograph may show diffuse bilateral
infiltrates secondary to increased interstitial fluid. Pathologically, vascular congestion occurs with alveolar collapse, edema, and inflammatory cell
infiltration. The underlying mechanism is increased pulmonary capillary permeability with extravasation of intravascular fluid and protein into the
interstitium and alveoli. The leukocyte is the most prominent mediator of this injury. Stimuli such as sepsis activate the complement pathway, causing
recruitment of leukocytes to the site of the infection. The lung releases potent

Box 57-10. Classification of Diffuse Lung Diseases

Infections (more commonly cause focal disease, granuloma formation)
Virusesespecially influenza, cytomegalovirus
Bacteriatuberculosis, all kinds of regular bacteria, Rocky
Mountain spotted fever
Fungiall types can cause diffuse disease
ParasitesPneumocystis, toxoplasmosis, paragonimiasis, among
Occupational causes
Mineral dusts
Chemical fumesNO2 (silo fillers disease), Cl, NH3 , SO2 , CCl4 ,
Br, HF, HCl, HNO3 , kerosene, acetylene
Neoplastic disease
Lymphangitic spread
Hematogenous metastases
Leukemia, lymphoma, broncholoalveolar cell cancer
Niemann-Pick, Gauchers, neurofibromatosis, and tuberous fibrosis
Liver disease, uremia, inflammatory bowel disease
Physical agents
Radiation, O2 toxicity, thermal injury, blast injury
Heart failure/multiple pulmonary emboli
Immunologic causes
Hypersensitivity pneumonia
Inhaled antigens
Farmers lung (actinomycosis)
Bagassosis (sugar cane)

Malt workers (Aspergillus)

Byssinosis (cotton)
Drug reactions
Hydralazine, busulfan, nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin),
hexamethonium, methysergide, bleomycin
Collagen diseases
Scleroderma, rheumatoid, systemic lupus erythematosus,
dermatomyositis, Wegeners granulomatosis, Goodpastures
Idiopathic hemosiderosis
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
Eosinophilic pneumonia (Note: some are caused by drugs,
actinomycosis, parasites)

Box 57-11. Causes of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Extrathoracic sepsis
Blunt chest trauma
Nonthoracic trauma
Aspiration pneumonia
Diffuse infectious pneumonia
Nonbacterial pneumonia (viral, mycoplasma, legionnaires disease,
Pneumocystis carinii)
Miscellaneous events
Smoke inhalation
Oxygen toxicity
Neurogenic pulmonary edema
Ingestion of toxic drugs
Acute hypersensitivity reactions

mediators such as oxygen free radicals, arachidonic acid metabolites, and proteases. If the underlying disease is not controlled, these changes progress
to vascular thromboses and interstitial fibrosis and to hyaline membrane deposition in the alveoli. This process causes hypoxemia, pulmonary
hypertension, CO2 retention, secondary infections, and eventually right-sided heart failure, hypoxia, and death. Other criteria include impaired
oxygenation with the PaO2 /FIO2 ratio less than 200 mm Hg. As well, pulmonary edema is present without cardiac failure and a pulmonary capillary

wedge pressure is less than 18 mm Hg (noncardiac pulmonary edema).

The outcome of ARDS is related to the initial injury stimulus. Treatment is directed to improve oxygenation with optimal pulmonary hygiene,
intubation, and pressure ventilation. Maintaining an inspired oxygen concentration as low as possible and positive end-expiratory pressure as low as
possible to maintain adequate oxygenation and CO2 exchange is helpful. A Swan-Ganz catheter to optimize hemodynamics, to reduce pulmonary artery
pressure, and to improve coronary perfusion can be considered. Inotropes, corticosteroids, prostaglandin inhibitors, and oxygen free radical scavengers
have been examined, yet, to date, they have failed to consistently improve pulmonary function or mortality rate for patients with ARDS.
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High-pressure jet ventilation can be used during bronchoscopy and carinal resection and to improve oxygenation in patients with bronchopleural fistula
or in the noncompliant lung in patients with respiratory failure. Complications include pneumothorax, hypotension at high driving pressures, blocked
endotracheal tube from encrustation at the end of the tube, and a decrease in cardiac output, which may be prevented with inotropes.

Its most frequent use is in managing respiratory failure in neonates.

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Bronchiectasis is an infection of the bronchial wall and surrounding lung with sufficient severity to cause destruction and dilation of the air passages.
This condition is decreasing in frequency and severity because of the use of antibiotics. There are numerous predisposing factors, including cystic
fibrosis, . 1 -antitrypsin deficiency, various immunodeficiency states, Kartageners syndrome (sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus, and hypomotile
cilia), and bronchial obstruction from foreign body, extrinsic lymph nodes that compress the bronchus, neoplasm, or mucous plug. The distribution is
primarily in the basal segments of the lower lobes. Destructive changes and dilation of the bronchi accompany the infection.
With use of antibiotics, it has become rare to see an emaciated febrile patient coughing up large amounts of foul sputum accompanied by clubbing,
cyanosis, and hemoptysis. Currently, frequent respiratory infections are typical and sputum production is minimal except during exacerbations and acute
infections. Mild hemoptysis may occur; massive hemoptysis is rare. Frequently, symptoms can be controlled with medical management. Patients can be
evaluated with chest radiography and CT. CT of the chest is good at showing bronchiectasis.
Bronchoscopy cannot differentiate bronchitis from bronchiectasis. Bronchoscopy can be performed to clear secretions and, when the diagnosis is
suspected, to rule out cancer, foreign body, or stricture. Cultures may be obtained to facilitate antibiotic treatment. Bronchography is a method of
diagnosis and may be required when surgery is being considered, although it ( Fig. 5717 ) has generally been replaced by CT. Dilation of the bronchi
and no feathering of distal airways can be visualized. Medical treatment should be optimized; this includes discontinuation of smoking and institution of
postural drainage, bronchodilator medications, and oral antibiotics.
Surgical management may be performed if the disease is irreversible or if there is failure of medical therapy with recurrent pneumonia, hemoptysis
affecting a normal lifestyle, or persistent sputum production greater than 1 to 2 ounces daily. The disease should be localized and the patient should be
physiologically suitable for resection. One segment of involvement with bronchiectasis is not enough to consider resection. Disease limited to but
involving one lobe is best treated surgically. If bilateral bronchiectasis exists, medical management should continue. Results of treatment are good in
80% to 90% of patients.
Lung Abscess

The incidence of lung abscess is decreasing in frequency as a result of use of antibiotics.[76] A lung abscess may occur from an infection behind a
blocked bronchus. The infection is usually anaerobic and may be associated with alcohol abuse, a debilitated or elderly individual, or esophageal disease
with aspiration. Lung abscess used to occur after tonsillectomy or tooth extraction, but this has become a rare event. Hematogenous spread from
bacteremia may occur if congestive heart failure or debilitating disease is present, such as in the very old, the very young, patients who use intravenous
drugs, and patients on corticosteroids. These areas of infection are usually multiple and rarely require operative intervention. Staphylococcus bacteremia
is frequently associated with lung abscess. Necrotizing pneumonia from Klebsiella may rapidly destroy the involved lung with minimal surrounding
reaction. This cause is decreasing with use of antibiotics. Rupture of a lung abscess may yield empyema and pneumothorax. Lung abscess may also be
superimposed on structural abnormalities, for example, as a bronchogenic cyst, sequestration, bleb, or tuberculosis or fungal cavities.
In patients with aspiration progressing to lung abscess, the location is more commonly found on the right than the left. The location may occur in the
lateral divisions of the anterior and posterior segments of the upper lobe, the axillary subsegment, or the superior segment of the lower lobe. Clinical
features are similar to those of pneumonia, including fever, cough, leukocytosis, pleuritic pain, and sputum production. The chest radiograph and the CT
scan of the chest may demonstrate a rounded area of consolidation early and an air-fluid level on upright or decubitus chest radiography later.
The differential diagnosis includes loculated empyema, which may be treated with drainage, epiphrenic diverticulum (in which the patient is not septic),
or tuberculosis or fungus cavity. These cavities do not retain fluid, so no air-fluid level is present; however, they may contain debris or a fungus ball.
Aspergillus may present in this manner ( Fig. 5718 ). Medical management is with antibiotics and pulmonary care (e.g., re-expansion). Bronchoscopy
may be performed for diagnosis to rule out foreign body, stenosis, or cancer. It also may be used for treatment to assist in drainage of the cavity either
directly or by way of transbronchial catheterization of the cavity. Most patients (85% to 95%) respond to medical management with rapid decrease in
fluid, collapse of the walls, and complete healing in 3 to 4 months. Patients with long-standing symptoms greater than 3 months before treatment or
cavities greater than 4 to 6 cm are less likely to respond.
Surgical therapy is indicated for persistent cavity (>2 cm and thick walled) after 8 weeks of medical therapy, failure to clear sepsis, hemoptysis (often
small sentinel hemorrhage before a massive hemorrhage), and to exclude cancer. If a lung abscess ruptures into the pleural cavity, simple drainage may
suffice, with the patient being managed for empyema or bronchopleural fistula. Lobectomy is typically required; the mortality rate is 1% to 5%.
Occasionally, external drainage may be required in critically ill patients if pleural symphysis has occurred.
Other Bronchopulmonary Disorders

Bronchopulmonary disorders caused by inflammatory lymph node disease are usually caused by tuberculosis or

Figure 57-17 A, Contrast bronchography in a patient with saccular bronchiectasis (arrow) in the middle lobe. B, Computed tomogram of the chest of a 30-year-old man with
multisegmental bronchiectasis involving both lungs. Note the abnormally dilated airways extending into the lung parenchyma bilaterally. C, Lung specimen demonstrating grossly
dilated subsegmental bronchi caused by bronchiectasis. (C From Bolman RM, Wolfe WG: Bronchiectasis and bronchopulmonary sequestration. Surg Clin North Am 60:867, 1980.)

histoplasmosis. Lobar atelectasis, hemoptysis, or broncholithiasis can occur. Bronchial compressive disease typically occurs most commonly in the
middle lobe. More than 20% is caused by cancer. This condition results in repeated infection in the same area of the lung, which usually responds to
antibiotics. The differential diagnosis includes endobronchial tumors in adults and foreign body aspiration in children. Bronchoscopy is essential to rule
out cancer and foreign body and to evaluate for stricture. Medical management is required to treat infection. Surgery is indicated to treat
bronchostenosis, irreversible bronchiectasis, or severe recurrent infection.
Broncholithiasis is a calcified node tightly adherent to a bronchus. Innocent hemoptysis may occur even with a negative chest radiograph. Sudden
bleeding caused by erosion of a small bronchial artery and mucosa by a spicule in the calcified node causes this hemoptysis. Bright red blood occurs,
ranging from 5 to 500 mL and generally always stops with sedation. This hemoptysis is almost never massive (>600 mL in 24 hours). Bronchoscopy is
possible during a bleeding episode to locate the lobe or site of the bleeding. Nasal or pharyngeal lesions should be excluded.
Organizing pneumonia may replace lung parenchyma with scar tissue or persistent atelectasis or consolidation. Initially, an acute pneumonia develops
and then a persistent shadow. If the shadow or mass does not clear in 6 to 8 weeks, then resection should be performed to exclude carcinoma. The
differential diagnosis includes pneumonia, congenital abnormality, and aneurysm of the aorta.
Mycobacterial Infections

Tuberculosis infects approximately 7% of patients exposed, and it develops in 5% to 10% of those patients infected. A primary infection develops. The

Figure 57-18 A, Linear tomogram of the lung demonstrates an aspergilloma (fungus ball) within a large cavitary lesion within the lung parenchyma. The fungus ball is often

unattached within the cavity and is located in the most gravity-dependent area of the cavity. It can alter its position as the patient changes position. B, The coarse, fragmented, septate
mycelia of Aspergillus fumigatus. (A from Aslam PA, Larkin J, Eastridge CA, Hughes FA Jr: Endocavitary infusion through percutaneous endobronchial catheter. Chest 57:94, 1970.
B from Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic infections. In Lewis Practice of Surgery. New York, Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row, 1968.)

response progresses to caseous necrosis. Postprimary tuberculosis tends to occur in apical and posterior segments of the upper lobes and superior
segments of the lower lobes. Healing occurs with fibrosis and contracture. Extensive caseation with cavitation may occur early. Coalescing areas of
caseous necrosis may form cavities. There are frequently incomplete septations and lobulations. Septations supplied by bronchial arteries can cause
hemoptysis if eroded and may be secondarily infected by other organisms.[77]
Bronchoscopy may be required for patients not responding to medical management. Cancer should be excluded with a newly identified mass on chest
radiography even with a positive TB skin test and acid-fast bacillusnegative sputum. Medical management is with isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol,
streptomycin, or pyrazinamide. The initial treatment for the disease is combination therapy (e.g., isoniazid plus rifampin or other drugs).
Surgical therapy may be considered when medical therapy fails and persistent tuberculosis-positive sputum remains as well as when surgically
correctable residua of tuberculosis may be of potential danger to the patient.[78] [79] This is not the same management as for atypical mycobacteria; many
of these patients remain clinically well even with positive sputum. Some indications for surgery are listed in Box 5712 .
Surgical options include resection, which is the procedure of choice in most instances. Pleural adhesions and granulomas in peribronchial nodes and
chronic inflammation make resection difficult. Preservation of lung tissue should be a goal of the treatment. Surgical complications are doubled if the
sputum is positive for mycobacteria tuberculosis and decreased if remaining lung tissue is fully expanded. Infectious complications include empyema,
bronchopleural fistula, endobronchial spread of the disease, and higher mortality.
Thoracoplasty or collapse therapy is infrequently required. Thoracoplasty may be used to control the postresection empyema space and, rarely, if ever,
to manage parenchymal disease alone. This technique may be used in patients who fail medical management and who were not otherwise candidates for
resection. Patients with extensive disease and positive sputum or chronic active endobronchial disease may also be considered. Plombage may be
preferred over staged conventional thoracoplasty, because it requires only one operation; there is no paradoxical chest motion and chest wall deformity.
Cavernostomy, or external drainage of a tuberculous cavity with a

Box 57-12. Potential Indications for Surgery for Pulmonary

Open positive cavity after 3 to 6 months of chemotherapy,
especially if resistant mycobacteria
Persistent positive sputum with pathology (destroyed lung,
atelectasis, bronchiectasis, bronchostenosis) amenable to resection
Negative sputum but destroyed lung, blocked cavity,
tuberculomaconsider for resection
Localized infection with atypical mycobacteria
Tuberculous bronchiectasis of lower and middle lobes (usually
occurs in upper lobesgood drainage; lower and middle lobes do
not drain well)
Open negative cavities if thick walled, slow response, or unreliable
To exclude cancer
Recurrent or persistent hemoptysis: resection if greater than 600 mL
of blood is lost in 24 hours or less
Pleural disease where indicated

chest tube or open drainage, may be used to control a large cavity with positive sputum or massive bleeding in a patient who was unable to tolerate
resection or collapse therapy.
Fungal and Parasitic Infections

The surgical management of fungal infections includes diagnosis and management of complications of fungal disease. Frequently, cancer has to be
excluded or other infectious or benign conditions confirmed. Medical management may be considered an initial treatment for fungal diseases in the lung
and as part of the patients overall management.
Immunocompromised patients suffer from aspergillosis as the most frequent opportunistic infection, followed by candidiasis, nocardiosis, and
mucormycosis. Normal, or immunocompetent, patients may be affected by histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, or blastomycosis. Both groups may be
affected by actinomycosis and cryptococcosis. Diagnosis is most often made by sputum examination using potassium hydroxide preparations. Cultures
are poor and may take some time for results to be obtained; Papanicolaou smear cytology may be best. Silver methenamine stain is key to the
evaluation. Extrapulmonary involvement of various fungal diseases is listed in Table 574 . Most infections are self-limited and do not require
treatment. Intravenous or oral antifungal agents may be used for treatment of the diseases.
Histoplasmosis is the most common of all fungal infections in the United States and is most frequently a serious systemic fungal disease.[80] Histoplasma
capsulatum is endemic to the Mississippi Valley as well as portions of the southwestern United States. A high percentage of

TABLE 57-4 -- Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Fungal Infections


Cervicofacial, chest wall


Chest wall, central nervous system (CNS)


Marrow, adrenal


Bone (however, usually just lung)


Skin > genitourinary system




CNS, blood vessels


Rhinocerebral, blood vessels

patients are affected, usually with a subclinical form of this disease. An inoculum (from the mycelial form found in soil, decaying materials, and bat or
bird guano) can produce an acute pneumonic illness in immunocompetent hosts and usually resolves without specific treatment. The yeast form exists in
macrophages or within the cytoplasm of the alveoli. Pathologic examination demonstrates granulomas (like tuberculosis) or caseating epithelioid
granulomas. Calcified nodes in the lung, mediastinum, spleen, and liver may occur. The chest radiograph may demonstrate central or target calcification
or concentric laminar calcification. Any form can have arthralgias or erythema nodosum or erythema multiforme. The localized form is usually an acute
pneumonia, self-limited, and rarely severe. A solitary pulmonary nodule may be a residual finding of acute pneumonia and should be resected unless
proper calcification is identified. The lymphogenous reaction to Histoplasma causes mediastinal lymph node enlargement and may cause middle lobe
syndrome, bronchiectasis, esophageal traction diverticulum, tracheoesophageal fistula, constrictive pericarditis, or fibrosing mediastinitis with superior
vena cava syndrome, or other problems relating to compression of mediastinal structures.
Coccidioidomycosis is endemic to the Southwest and is localized in the soil. It is second only to histoplasmosis in frequency. Inhaling the organism
results in a primary lung disease that is usually self-limited ( Fig. 5719 ).
Actinomyces is a bacterium that is not found free in nature. It produces a chronic anaerobic endogenous infection, actinomycosis, deep within a wound.
Sulfur granules draining from infected sinuses are microcolonies ( Fig. 5720 ). The cervicofacial form is the most common. The thoracic form
usually occurs as pulmonary parenchymal disease resembling cancer. The treatment is most commonly penicillin. Surgery may occasionally be required
for radical excision of the chest wall disease and empyema.
Nocardia is an aerobic bacterium widely disseminated in soil and domestic animals; it was formerly rare, although it is increasing in
immunocompromised patients. Nocardiosis resembles actinomycosis in invading the chest wall and produces subcutaneous abscesses and

Figure 57-19 Microscopic sections of a coccidioidal granuloma (400) show spherules packed with endospores. (From Scott S, Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic and actinomycotic
infections. In Shields TW [ed]: General Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.)

Figure 57-20 Actinomycotic granule shows branching filaments of a microscopic colony of Actinomyces israelii. Gomori stain, 250.

sinuses draining sulfur granules. Surgery is performed to exclude cancer, to obtain a diagnosis, or to treat complications of the disease.
Treatment is often with amphotericin for those patients who are severely ill, such as those who are immunocompromised and have positive sputum
cultures. Other options include ketoconazole or itraconazole for nonlife-threatening disease.
Surgery may be considered for treatment of cavitary disease or complications of cavitary disease. Amphotericin should be used perioperatively.
Indications for surgery include thick-walled or greater than 2-cm cavities, enlarging cavities, ruptured cavities, secondary bacterial infections, and
severe recurrent hemoptysis.
Open lung biopsy may be required to make a diagnosis of cryptococcosis, which is widely disseminated in soil, dust, and pigeon guano. Pathologically,
the organism appears as round, budding yeasts, with wide capsules and granulomas. It is the second most frequent lethal fungus after histoplasmosis.
Lungs are frequently involved. The disease is usually mild. Meningitis is the most frequent cause of death. Surgery may be required for open lung
biopsy for diagnosis or to exclude lung cancer.
Aspergillosis is an opportunistic infection, characterized by coarse fragmented septa; hyphae are noted. The chest radiograph may demonstrate a
crescent radiolucency next to a rounded mass. Cavities may form because of destruction of the underlying pulmonary parenchyma; and debris and

hyphae may coalesce and form a fungus ball, which lies free in the cavity and can roll around. Prophylactic resection is controversial, although some
recommend resection if isolated disease is present in good risk patients.
Surgery is infrequently used in the management of mucormycosis other than to establish a diagnosis. Mucormycosis is rare, opportunistic, and rapidly
progressive. The appearance is that of a black mold; it has wide nonseptate branching hyphae. The infection causes blood vessels to thrombose and lung
tissue to infarct. Clinically, the rhinocerebral form occurs much more frequently than the pulmonary form of consolidation and cavities. Medical
management is with cessation of corticosteroids and antineoplastic drugs and initiation of amphotericin, and control of diabetes is undertaken. The
disease is often too advanced for effective treatment.
Candida is a small, thin-walled budding yeast that occurs in immunocompromised patients ( Fig. 5721 ). Lung involvement alone is rare. Surgery may
be required to confirm the diagnosis of the infection.
Surgery may also be used to manage the sequelae and complications of parasitic infections. Infections with

Figure 57-21 Candida albicans with both the mycelial and the yeast forms. (From Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic infections. In Lewis Practice of Surgery. New York, Hoeber Medical
Division, Harper & Row, 1968.)


Entamoeba histolytica are usually confined to the right lower thorax and are related to extension from a liver abscess below the diaphragm by way of
direct extension or lymphatics to the right thorax. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is usually effective, although Flagyl and tube drainage may be required for
treatment of empyema. Open resection is infrequently required. Similarly, infection with Echinococcus may occur. The hydatid cyst may rupture,
flooding the lung or producing a severe hypersensitivity reaction. A lung abscess could occur with compression of the airway, great vessels, or
esophagus. Surgery, if feasible, may include simple enucleation by way of a cleavage of planes between the cyst and the normal tissue. Aspiration and
hypertonic saline 10% may be performed before enucleation. Positive pressure on the lung should be maintained until the cyst is out to prevent
contamination, soilage, or hypersensitivity reaction. Nonoperative therapy for small asymptomatic calcified cyst may be considered. Paragonimiasis is
another common infection and common cause of hemoptysis in Asia.[81] In endemic areas, prevalence may reach 5%, and hemoptysis from
paragonimiasis in one Asian population (16%) exceeded that from tuberculosis (3%).[82] [83]
Pneumocystis carinii is an opportunistic infection that is positive on silver methenamine stain. Bronchoalveolar lavage obtains the diagnosis in more
than 90% of patients. However, lung biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis.
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Massive hemoptysis may be defined as greater than 500 to 600 mL of blood loss from the lungs in 24 hours.[84] The current mortality rate is
approximately 13% and is related to drowning or suffocation rather than exsanguination. Causes of hemoptysis are listed in Box 5713 .
Diagnosis and treatment of massive hemoptysis typically include a chest radiograph and emergency bronchoscopy. Rigid bronchoscopy with an 8.5-mm
or larger bronchoscope is needed. A 10-mm scope is preferred.
Box 57-13. Causes of Hemoptysis
Lung cancer
Lung abscess
Cavitary aspergillosis
Swan-Ganz catheterization
Cystic fibrosis
Foreign body
Transbronchial lung biopsy

Flexible bronchoscopy is usually inadequate for treatment of hemoptysis, but it may be considered for observation if active bleeding has stopped. Blood
should be drawn for type and crossmatch, and the interventional radiologist should be notified if angiographic embolization is anticipated. Often,
patients have been seen previously with slight hemoptysis and have undergone diagnostic evaluation consisting of a chest radiograph and CT of the
chest. These studies may provide additional information to guide the surgeon in palliating hemoptysis.
Treatment options must be guided by the clinical situation and findings. Bronchoscopy under general anesthesia is performed, and bleeding is controlled
so as to prevent soiling the contralateral (uninvolved) lung. Conservative management may consist simply of bronchoscopy, clearing the airway of
blood, cough suppression (with codeine), and rest ( Box 5714 ).
Patients with hemoptysis from cystic fibrosis may do well with expectant treatment of hemoptysis, which may require tamponade using a balloon
catheter. Patients with aspergilloma fungus balls are at high risk for fatal hemorrhage and should be treated aggressively and undergo resection when
Angiographic catheterization for massive hemoptysis may be considered for patients with hemoptysis and inability to localize a bleeding site.[85] A
relative contraindication to angiographic catheterization and embolization is the contribution of the bronchial arteries to the blood supply of the spinal
cord or a common origin of the blood supply to the bronchi and the spinal cord. The risk of quadriplegia must be considered in light of the overall
patient condition. Embolization is carried out with small particles of polyvinyl alcohol or other synthetic embolic material to occlude vessels at a
peripheral level. Some reports show that bleeding is controlled in 70% of patients, but 50% rebleed. Re-embolization may be
Box 57-14. Treatment Options for Massive Hemoptysis
Treatment of intrabronchial lesion by laser or topical epinephrine
(transient effect only)
Definitive surgical resection (probably most applicable)
Expectant management (observation, cough suppression, rest)
Bronchoscopic lavage with iced saline
Fogarty catheter tamponade
Intracavitary instillation of antimicrobial medications for poor-risk
patients with mycetomas
Cavernostomy with packing for patients too sick to undergo
Plombage (for active cavitary tuberculosis)

Bronchial arterial embolization by interventional radiology

Mass resection with large stapler (last resort)


Box 57-15. Potential Indications for Angiographic Catheterization

Cystic fibrosis
Bilateral chronic pulmonary disease and inability to localize a
bleeding site
Nonresectable malignancy, primary or metastatic
Vital capacity of less than 40% of predicted value
Recurrent hemoptysis after surgery

repeated. Angiographic catheterization indications are given in Box 5715 .

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Pulmonary embolism is a spectrum of disease that ranges from the clinically insignificant pulmonary microembolus to a catastrophic instantaneously
fatal massive pulmonary thrombus obstructing both pulmonary arteries.[86] Thrombi most commonly develop in the veins of the lower leg from stasis
and a hypercoagulable state, and they propagate proximally to the deep veins of the leg and pelvis. As these clots become larger and as the veins
become larger, the propensity for these clots to dislodge and embolize to the lungs increases. When this occurs, a chain reaction of events takes place:
the pulmonary artery blood supply to those sections of the lung is occluded, vasoactive agents are released with elevation of pulmonary vascular
resistance, a shunt develops as the pulmonary blood flow is redistributed, and pulmonary edema may occur. Alveolar dead space is increased and gas
exchange is impaired. Depending on the size of the thrombus or the patients reaction to the embolic event, right ventricular work is increased. With
increased afterload, right ventricular dysfunction or failure may occur. Right ventricular hypokinesis with a normal arterial blood pressure is a poor
prognostic indicator. Paradoxical embolus from a patent foramen ovale may occur.
Pulmonary embolism may account for up to 3% of postoperative surgical deaths and has been found in 24% of 5477 patients in an autopsy series.[87]
Untreated pulmonary embolism has a 30% hospital mortality rate, whereas treated patients have a mortality rate estimated at approximately 2%.[88] In the
general population, the incidence of pulmonary embolus is estimated to be 1 in 1000 per year. Pulmonary embolism may occur in more than 250,000
patients annually in the United States with mortality rate of 15% to 17%.[86]
Risk factors for pulmonary embolus may include high body-mass index, cigarette smoking, hypertension, and surgery. Activated protein C is an
extremely potent anticoagulant. Resistance to activated protein C may be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait in some patients with a propensity
for venous thrombosis.[89] Routine laboratory tests in the past for a hypercoagulable state or pulmonary embolus included an assay of antithrombin III,
protein C, and protein S; however, deficiencies in these proteins rarely occur.[86] Currently, recommended testing should include (1) factor V Leiden
mutation (the most common hypercoagulable state), (2) hyperhomocystinemia (readily treated with B vitamins), and (3) lupus anticoagulant (because
intensive anticoagulation may be required).
Activated protein C is a potent endogenous anticoagulant. The genetic changes responsible for resistance to activated protein C are transmitted in an
autosomal dominant manner. A point mutation occurs in the gene coding for coagulation factor V (which is responsible for activated protein C
resistance). This is the factor V Leiden mutation, which makes activated factor V more difficult for activated protein C to cleave and inactivate. The
risk of venous thrombosis in patients with this trait is increased twofold to fourfold. Plasma hyperhomocystinemia is caused by deficiencies of folate
and an inadequate supply of B vitamins (B6 and B12 ). Risk of deep vein thrombosis is increased two to three times in patients with
hyperhomocystinemia. When both hyperhomocystinemia and factor V Leiden mutation are present, the risk of venous thrombosis is increased 10-fold.
As well, patients with antiphospholipid antibodies or the lupus anticoagulant are associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. These patients
may not have systemic lupus.
The clinical presentation of pulmonary embolus ranges from dyspnea, tachypnea, and chest pain to instant death. Chest pain, hypotension, hemoptysis,
or cyanosis may occur. Physical examination may include signs of right ventricular dysfunction such as enlarged neck veins and an accentuated second
pulmonary sound on cardiac examination. About 40% of patients with pulmonary embolism have right ventricular dysfunction.[90] The normal right
ventricle with acute pulmonary embolism cannot tolerate a sustained mean positive air pressure of more than 40 mm Hg. These patients may be
unresponsive to medical therapy with persistent hypotension, hypoxia, and mean positive airway pressure greater than 25 to 30 mm Hg despite
anticoagulation and inotropes. Initial studies to be obtained include arterial blood gases, electrocardiogram, and chest roentgenograms.
The electrocardiogram may demonstrate right ventricular hypertrophy with strain, right bundle branch block, tachycardia, and T-wave inversion in the
anterior chest leads (V1 to V4 ). Chest radiographic results are frequently normal. A Westermark sign (decreased pulmonary vascular markings
peripherally) or a Palla sign (enlarged right descending pulmonary artery) may be present.
If the clinical likelihood is low, then a D-dimer enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ultrasound study of the lower extremities may be performed.
The D-dimer is elevated in a number of conditions other than pulmonary embolism; however, a negative D-dimer assay suggests that the likelihood of
pulmonary embolism is low. As well, hypoxia or hypercapnia is suggestive but not diagnostic of pulmonary embolism.
Other studies include ultrasound examination or impedance plethysmography of the lower extremities, ventilation-perfusion lung scan,
echocardiography, high-resolution

spiral CT of the chest, and pulmonary angiogram.

Ultrasound study of leg veins, even if negative, does not rule out pulmonary embolism. Ventilation-perfusion lung scans are usually performed for any
hemodynamically stable patient with suspicion of pulmonary embolism. If normal, the likelihood of pulmonary embolism is low. If decreased perfusion
is matched by normal ventilation, a high probability of pulmonary embolism exists and the patient should receive treatment. Nondiagnostic results are
difficult to interpret, and further studies may be required. The pulmonary arteriogram remains the gold standard for diagnosis. High-resolution helical
CT of the chest with contrast may assist in defining the presence of thrombus in the proximal pulmonary arteries. The use of magnetic resonance
pulmonary angiography is being studied.
The definitive study for pulmonary embolism is pulmonary arteriography, particularly for patients with cardiovascular collapse and hypotension, or
when other studies are inconclusive. Lower extremity deep venous thrombosis itself may be an indication for treatment with anticoagulants.
Treatment of Pulmonary Embolus

Treatment of pulmonary embolus includes anticoagulation, oxygen, and analgesia. Intravenous fluids, monitoring of central venous pressures, or use of
inotropes may be required as dictated by the clinical situation. Heparin is the mainstay of treatment for pulmonary embolus. Heparin enhances
antithrombin III activity to prevent propagation of the clot and to facilitate fibrinolysis. A bolus of heparin of 5000 to 10,000 units intravenously is
given and followed by a continuous infusion of heparin (18 U/kg/hr; not to exceed 1600 U/hr). After therapeutic partial thromboplastin times have been
achieved (ratio of activated partial thromboplastin time to the control ranges from 1.5 to 2.5), oral anticoagulation may be started with warfarin. At least
3 to 5 days of therapy with heparin and warfarin (Coumadin) are needed before adequate oral anticoagulation is achieved with the warfarin to remove
the intravenous heparin. Warfarin should be started at 5 mg/day to achieve an international normalized ratio (INR) of 2.0 to 3.0 (unfractionated heparin
usually adds 0.5 to the INR). Routine anticoagulation monitoring is required. The duration of warfarin therapy should be 3 months or longer.[91]

Treatment greater than 6 months may carry increased risk.[92]

Use of an inferior vena cava filter should be considered in patients with pulmonary embolism where anticoagulation would carry increased risk (e.g.,
recent surgery, < 24 hours post operation, brain metastasis) or in patients with recurrent pulmonary emboli. The filter is placed below the renal veins at
approximately the L3 vertebra level by way of the femoral or right jugular vein. The efficacy is 95%, and the risk of recurrent pulmonary embolism is
2% to 4%.
In patients with a serious hemodynamic and hypoxic response to pulmonary embolism (cardiogenic shock or hemodynamic instability) who do respond
to resuscitation, heparin is initiated as standard therapy. In addition, thrombolytics (streptokinase or urokinase) may be given. Thrombolysis of clots
occurs more quickly with thrombolytics than with heparin.[93] Multivariate analysis suggests that thrombolysis and anticoagulation have better clinical
outcomes than anticoagulation alone; however, the value of such treatment must be weighed against the risk of major hemorrhage.[94] No prospective
study has shown that the benefits of thrombolytic therapy in acute pulmonary embolism exceed the risks. Intracranial bleeding may occur in 3% of
treated patients.[95] Other authors propose thrombolytic therapy in patients with right ventricular dysfunction.[96]
Further therapy may include catheter suction embolectomy for patients in whom thrombolytic therapy is ineffective. Venous (suction) or open (surgical)
embolectomy may be performed to extract or obliterate the clot. Intravenous pressors are frequently required. The open technique is infrequently
performed and requires sternotomy (with consideration of femoral vein to femoral artery extracorporeal support before sternotomy) and bicaval
cannulation, if possible, after sternotomy. The pulmonary artery is opened with a longitudinal incision, and gallstone forceps are used to extract
proximal emboli followed by use of Fogarty balloon catheters to extract emboli that are more distal.
Inferior vena cava interruption may be considered if all alternatives have been exhausted. Complications include chronic venous insufficiency of the
lower extremities.
Chronic pulmonary embolism may develop with failure of the usual resolution of acute pulmonary emboli. Whereas most emboli will lyse, some
become fibrotic and adhere to the pulmonary arterial wall. Symptoms of cor pulmonale, chronic dyspnea, right ventricular hypertrophy, and high rightsided pressures are all indications of chronic pulmonary embolism. Indications for surgery include (1) proximal pulmonary artery occlusion, (2)
adequate collaterals with filling of distal pulmonary artery, (3) high right-sided cardiac pressures and hypoxia, and (4) minimally impaired lung
function. The surgical approaches include (1) unilateral thoracotomy without cardiopulmonary bypass, (2) standard cardiopulmonary bypass with
proximal and distal control of pulmonary arteries, and (3) cardiopulmonary bypass with total circulatory arrest (intermittent). Incisions are patched with
pericardium unless they are on the main pulmonary artery.

Prevention of pulmonary embolism should be considered in all patients having a major surgical procedure. All hospitalized patients must be evaluated
and stratified for their risk of pulmonary embolism and the appropriate prophylaxis applied. Unfractionated heparin is most commonly used for
perioperative prophylaxis and effectively reduces

the rate of fatal pulmonary embolism. The dose is typically 5000 units twice daily and is continued until the patient is discharged and ambulatory. Lowmolecular-weight heparins are an alternative to unfractionated heparin because of their characteristics of improved bioavailability, improved absorption,
once-daily injection, and reduced rates of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Mechanical compression devices to stimulate fibrinolysis (from
stimulation of the venous endothelium) are effective in patients who are bed-bound; however, ambulatory patients are usually not compliant in their use
within a general ward environment.
Pulmonary embolus, even in its treatable form, carries high morbidity and potential mortality risks. Patients with pulmonary embolism are given
heparin, oral anticoagulants, or fractionated low-molecular-weight heparin. Subsequent anticoagulation after discharge is required for periods up to 6
months. Patients with specific genetic characteristics are at increased risk for venous thrombolic events. Prevention of pulmonary embolism with some
type of prophylaxis should be initiated in all patients having major surgical procedures.
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Thoracic outlet syndrome may occur in 5% of the population in a mild form. Vascular compression may be documented; neurogenic compression and
pain or paresthesias may require electromyelogram for diagnosis. The syndrome occurs more frequently in women than in men. The anatomy of
thoracic outlet syndrome includes compression of the subclavian artery, the subclavian vein, or the brachial plexus where it passes between the scalene
muscles and over the first rib. Anomalous fibromuscular bands and cervical ribs may also compress the brachial plexus or subclavian vessels.[11]
Clinical features of thoracic outlet syndrome include intermittent symptoms of nerve compression in most patients, which include pain, paresthesias,
and weakness. If the upper brachial plexus is involved, symptoms may be increased by turning or tilting the head. If the lower brachial plexus (C8 to
T1) is involved, pain may be noted in the supraclavicular fossa extending to the inner arm and involving the ring and small fingers.
Diagnosis is primarily clinical. A history and physical examination as well as a cervical spine radiographic series can be performed to evaluate for
cervical spine disease. Electromyelogram or nerve conduction studies are helpful to rule out carpal tunnel syndrome. A venogram may be performed for
significant venous symptoms. Noninvasive arterial studies may be helpful. Angiography may be performed if aneurysm, thrombus, or emboli are
Treatment is physical therapy for 2 to 12 months. Exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle, neck stretching, hot and cold packs, and muscle relaxants
are used. Repetitive mechanical and muscular trauma is avoided. Surgery is used as a last resort for severe pain, impaired motor function or atrophy,
treatment failure, or need to improve quality of life.
If surgery is required, transaxillary first rib resection allows complete resection with a good cosmetic result.[97] Cervical ribs are also removed. The
assistant must relax the arm and shoulders intermittently (every 5 minutes for at least 30 seconds). An anterior scalenectomy (total) may be performed
through an anterior supraclavicular approach and is usually indicated for significant symptoms of upper plexus involvement. The results of surgical
treatment are mixed, with 50% to 60% of patients having a good to excellent result, 20% to 30% having a fair or improved result, and 10% having no
improvement. Recurrent symptoms may prompt surgical treatment in approximately one third of patients.[98]
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Selected References
Arriagada R, Bergman B, Dunant A, et al: Cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med 350:351360, 2004.
Recently, a randomized trial identified a 4% survival advantage and decreased hazard ratio for death (0.86, 95% C.I. 0.760.98, p < 0.003) in patients receiving
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Depierre A, Milleron B, Moro-Sibilot D, et al: Preoperative chemotherapy followed by surgery compared with primary surgery in resectable stage I (except T1N0), II, and IIIA nonsmall-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 20:247253, 2002.
This prospective randomized trial demonstrated an observable survival difference using preoperative chemotherapy followed by resection, compared to resection alone, but
the difference was not statistically significant. In a subset analysis of early-stage disease (IB and II) patients with preoperative chemotherapy followed by resection had a
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estimated median survival of 64 months compared with 11 months for patients who had surgery alone (p < 0.008 by long-rank test; p < 0.018 by Wilcoxon text). Both
studies conclude that preoperative chemotherapy increases the median survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer.

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Chapter 58 - Congenital Heart Disease

Roger B B. Mee M.B. Ch.B.
Jonathan J. Drummond-Webb M.B.B.Ch.

In this brief review, the impressive historical contributions are not discussed. The knowledge base of congenital cardiac disease has undergone a
quantum leap impossible to detail in this chapter. The development of pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery as a separate specialty has resulted in
superior outcomes in institutions adopting this policy. Congenital cardiac disease accounts for 0.8% to 1.0% of all live births. The spectrum of
anomalies ranges from isolated defects to complex lesions, with or without associated systemic abnormalities. Documentation of chromosomal
abnormalities has opened new vistas in this field, especially chromosome 22 microdeletions (velocardiofacial syndrome and DiGeorges syndrome
variants) as well as the association of many syndromes (e.g., Turners, Marfans, Williams) with congenital cardiac abnormalities.[1]
Diagnosis relies on noninvasive methods, especially transthoracic echocardiography. This technology has advanced to such a degree that catheterization
is required in only certain circumstances, that is, when pressure measurement and specific morphologic details are required or for intervention. Prenatal
echocardiographic diagnosis of congenital lesions allows preemptive planning. Developments in echocardiography include three-dimensional and spinecho capabilities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear scanning have enhanced noninvasive diagnosis. Interventional catheterization has
become established as a management option, with balloon atrial septostomy, pulmonary and aortic valve dilation, device closure of defects, and major
blood vessel dilation and stenting.
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The assessment of congenital heart disease involves a systematic approach to the heart and its connections. The segmental approach involves
description and analysis of three elements (atria, ventricles, and outlet) and analysis of the nature of the junctions ( Fig. 581 ). Connections are
described as concordant or discordant (abnormal); chambers as left or right sided (morphologically); and the valve connections between chambers as
normal, absent, overriding, or straddling. Abnormal communications and specific morphologic anomalies are then described. The shorthand
nomenclature of Van Praagh[2] allows some detail to be communicated effectively and succinctly. The system utilizes a name followed by a sequence of
three letters. The first letter denotes the situs of atrial chambers and usually the abdominal and thoracic organs: S, solitus or normal; I, inversus or
inverse; and A, ambiguus or unknown. The second letter denotes the ventricular loop: d, right-hand topology and l, left-hand topology. The third letter
denotes the aortic valve position relative to the pulmonary valve position: d, right-sided and l, left-sided. The possible combinations are shown in Figure
582 .
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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in congenital heart surgery is very different from that used in adult cardiac surgery, which relates to the smaller size and
the minimization

Figure 58-1 Cartoon illustrates how the cardiac segments (atria, ventricles, great arteries) are analogous to a train and how the segmental approach analyzes the connection and
alignment of these segments. (From Freedom RM: The application of a segmental nomenclature. In Freedom RM, Culham JAG, Moes CAF [eds]: Angiocardiography of Congenital
Heart Disease. New York, Macmillan, 1984, p 18. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

Figure 58-2 Model of four normal hearts (excluding situs ambiguus) in the convention of Van Praagh. See text for details. A, anterior; L, left; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; P,
posterior; R, right; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (From Kirklin JW, Barratt-Boyes BG: General considerations: Anatomy, dimensions, and terminology. In Cardiac Surgery,
2nd ed. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1993.)

of technology and circuitry needed to achieve appropriate flows. Vulnerability of immature, neonatal organ systems to the stresses imposed by the heart
lesion, the insult of nonphysiologic CPB flow, and the inflammatory response of CPB require highly specialized techniques of perfusion and
postoperative management.[3] Differences in neonates, infants, and children do not translate into linear reductions of adult protocols; rather, these are
very specific, individualized needs.
Neonates have different myocardial metabolic properties than those of older children and adults.[4] These differences require alternative myocardial
protection strategies. Cardioplegia infusion pressures are adjusted to patient size and weight. In neonates, immaturity of myocardial calcium
sequestration leads to a dependency on extracellular calcium for calcium-dependent excitation-contraction coupling, as does the exclusive dependency
of neonatal myocardium on glucose for metabolic substrate. Complex reconstruction and small patient size may require deep hypothermic circulatory
arrest (DHCA). The consequences of low-flow CPB and DHCA in infants are now becoming apparent, and neurologic outcomes are of concern in
congenital heart surgery.[5]
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Lesions Resulting in Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow

Increased pulmonary blood flow, particularly at high pressure, decreases lung compliance. Pulmonary congestion can be added when there is increased
resistance to adequate pulmonary venous outflow. The amount of increased pulmonary blood flow will depend on the absolute size of the defect, the
resistances of the pulmonary and systemic vascular beds, and the total pumping capacity of the ventricular mass.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Aorticopulmonary Window
Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common isolated defect affecting 1 in 2000 births, with an increased incidence in premature neonates. In complex
lesions, the PDA may be the only source of pulmonary blood supply. This discussion is limited to isolated PDA.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The ductus arteriosus is a fetal structure that allows blood to divert away from the lungs and into the descending aorta. The PDA arises from the
junction between the left and the main pulmonary artery and joins the underside of the distal aortic arch beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is intimately related to the PDA ( Fig. 583 ). Right-sided, bilateral PDAs and connections to the subclavian artery have
been described. After birth, closure of the ductus is an important transition. Functional closure occurs first, mediated by the removal of the placental
source of prostaglandin and its metabolism in the lungs. Functional closure is due to muscular contraction and is reversible. Anatomic closure is
irreversible and develops

Figure 58-3 The anatomic relationships of a patent ductus arteriosus, exposed from a left thoracotomy. The parietal pleura is incised and reflected medially. The course of the
recurrent laryngeal nerve is shown. (From Castaneda AR, Jonas RA, Mayer JE Jr, Hanley FL: Patent ductus arteriosus. In Cardiac Surgery of the Neonate and Infant. Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1994.)

over weeks, involving degenerative changes. Spontaneous closure is rare before birth. A ductus that fails to close after 3 months of age is considered
pathologic. Any PDA causing congestive cardiac failure or preventing ventilator weaning is also pathologic. The physiology of a PDA is left-to-right
shunting and increased pulmonary blood flow with left atrial and ventricular volume overload. Complications of a PDA in older patients include
aneurysm formation, infective endocarditis, calcification, and the risk of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease.
Diagnosis and Intervention

The typical machinery murmur is heard in older children. In neonates and infants, pulmonary congestion and failure to thrive and, in premature
infants, difficulty in weaning from ventilatory support should prompt echocardiographic examination. In premature infants, surgical closure is
considered after medical failure (three doses of indomethacin). In older infants, closure of the PDA should be considered in the first 6 months of life.
Echocardiography is diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is reserved for patients in whom irreversible pulmonary hypertension is suspected.
Closure of the PDA

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in premature infants by indomethacin induces ductal closure. Transcutaneous catheter closure of the PDA is
achieved in older children using coils and occluder devices. Patients with large, calcified, and aneurysmal ducts are not suitable for this approach. Small
patients pose vascular access difficulties. Surgery is through a left posterolateral thoracotomy. The recurrent laryngeal nerve is preserved. The duct is
ligated or, in the case of premature infants, either clipped with a metal clip or ligated. Video-assisted thoracoscopic closure of the PDA has been
described.[6] A very large PDA may require division. In calcified, infected, or aneurysmal PDAs, CPB and patch closure from the aortic or pulmonary
artery side are safer. The mortality rate for uncomplicated PDA ligation approaches 0%. [7] Complications relate to duct trauma with bleeding, recurrent

laryngeal nerve injury, pneumothoraces, and chylothorax.

Aorticopulmonary Window

Aorticopulmonary window, a rare defect, is a conotruncal anomaly, producing a window or communication between the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

A defect of the conotruncal ridges results in this communication between the great vessels. The window is variable in size and situation. Three types of
aorticopulmonary window are recognized ( Fig. 584 ). Associated lesions include ventricular septal defect (VSD), coarctation of the aorta, and aortic
arch interruption.[8] Physiology of the defect is similar to that of a large PDA with pulmonary overcirculation, pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular
volume overload, and possible diastolic steal from the coronary circulation.
Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

Patients present in heart failure when the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) falls after birth. Pulmonary vascular disease is an early risk because of
the usual nonrestrictive size of the defect. Echocardiography is diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is not indicated, unless high PVR is suspected.
Intervention is indicated at the time of diagnosis, unless irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease is already established.

Surgical intervention usually requires a median sternotomy and CPB. After aortic cross-clamping

Figure 58-4 The types of aorticopulmonary window. Type A is the simplest. In type B, both the main pulmonary artery and the left pulmonary artery are involved. In type C, the right
pulmonary artery arises separately from the aorta. (From Chang AC, Wells W: Aorticopulmonary window. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric Cardiac
Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

and cardioplegic arrest, the defect is incised and exposed. Direct suture closure or patch closure with branch pulmonary artery reconstruction is
performed ( Fig. 585 ). Postoperative management requires monitoring of the pulmonary artery pressures (PAPs) and alertness to possible pulmonary
hypertensive episodes. The operative mortality rate should approach 0%. Distortion of the repaired pulmonary artery is possible in the long term.[9]
Atrial Septal Defects

Isolated atrial septal defects (ASDs) are the most commonly encountered congenital cardiac anomalies, occurring in 10% to 15% of patients. These are
the most common isolated cardiac defects encountered in the adult population. ASDs are also associated with complex congenital cardiac anomalies.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The atrial septum consists of the septum primum and the septum secundum. These structures merge superiorly and inferiorly with the caval orifices.
Defects are caused by failure of the septum primum to develop or regression of the interatrial folds at the level of the superior or inferior vena cavae.
Developmentally, a patent foramen ovale allows the placentofetal circulation to function. A defect of the septum primum is classified as an ostium
secundum defect. The ostium primum type of ASD is a form of atrioventricular (AV) canal defect. Other ASDs are either the sinus venosus typewith
the defect at the level of the superior vena cava or inferior vena cavaor the coronary sinus type of ASD. Sinus venosus defects occur in association
with partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. Coronary sinus ASD is rare and is due to a defect in the wall between the coronary sinus and the
left atrium. The types of ASDs are shown in Figure 586 .

Figure 58-5 Repair of a type A aorticopulmonary window, exposed through a longitudinal aortotomy. Closure is by means of a patch. In infants, a patch is usually unnecessary. Types

B and C may require pulmonary artery reconstruction. (From Chang AC, Wells W: Aorticopulmonary window. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric
Cardiac Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

Figure 58-6 Types of atrial septal defects (ASDs). The anatomy of various ASDs is shown from the right atrial perspective. A, Ostium secundum defect. B, Superior vena caval, sinus
venosus type of ASD. C, Ostium primum with partial atrial ventricular canal defect. D, The site of the coronary sinus in the right atrium. (From Chang AC, Jacobs J: Atrial septal
defect. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

The direction and amount of shunting depends on the size of the defect as well as the relative diastolic compliance of the ventricles. The shunt is left to
right, resulting in increased flow to the right side of the heart and increased pulmonary blood flow. Congestive heart failure usually occurs after the
second or third decade of life. Pulmonary hypertension is rare in children, but it can occur. The risks of ASD in older patients include paradoxical
embolism and stroke, atrial fibrillation and flutter, sinus node dysfunction, as well as pulmonary vascular

obstructive disease. Bacterial endocarditis is very rare.[10]

Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

Younger patients are asymptomatic, and the defect is found on routine physical examination. Older patients tend to be symptomatic with subtle signs of
heart failure, exercise intolerance, palpitations, and arrhythmias. Complications such as cryptogenic stroke or pulmonary hypertension may be the
presenting feature. Transthoracic echocardiography is usually diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is needed to assess pulmonary pressure and PVR in
patients with suspected significant pulmonary hypertension and to exclude coronary artery disease in older patients.

Indications for closure of small defects remain controversial. Spontaneous closure of a small patent foramen ovale occurs in up to 80% of infants within
the first year. Closure is indicated in all symptomatic patients and all children with a significant ASD. Adults with a left-to-right shunt greater than 1.5:1
are candidates for closure, provided comorbid conditions do not add excessive risk to the procedure. Severe pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
(resistance greater than 8.0 Wood units/m2 )[11] is a contraindication to closure.
An ASD may be closed surgically or, if appropriate, by percutaneous transcatheter device closure. Surgery requires CPB. A median sternotomy is used,
although a bilateral submammary incision or right anterolateral thoracotomy have all been used. Port access and limited (mini) median sternotomies
have gained popularity. Most surgeons utilize aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegia to operate on a motionless heart, whereas others prefer to fibrillate
the heart. The defect is closed by direct suture or pericardial or other prosthetic patch. For sinus venosus defects, techniques that route the anomalous
veins to the left atrium are used. The surgical risk for death approaches 0% in isolated ASDs. Postoperative complications include pericardial effusions,
postpericardiotomy syndrome, postoperative dysrhythmias, and residual ASDs.
Ventricular Septal Defects

Congenital defects of the interventricular septum may be single, multiple, or part of more complex cardiac anomalies. Congenital VSDs occur in 1 to 2
per 1000 live births, and of those requiring surgical repair, 50% will have another cardiac anomaly.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

VSDs are classified by the position they occupy in the ventricular septum. This classification is important because, by defining the position of the
defect, the path of the conducting system can be reliably predicted and avoided during surgery.[12] In addition, the probability of spontaneous closure or
of the predisposition to secondary cardiac pathology can be factored into the management decision making. The ventricular septum is described from
the morphologic right side. The septum is divided into four parts: the membranous septum, the inlet, the trabecular, and the outlet parts of the muscular
septum (the outlet septum is also called the conal or infundibular septum).
Perimembranous or Paramembranous Defects

Perimembranous or paramembranous defects occur around the membranous septum and the fibrous trigone of the heart. The defect is near the aortic
valve, and the annulus of the tricuspid valve contributes to the rim of the defect. The defect may extend into any of the other components of the septum.
The conduction tissue passes along the posteroinferior rim of the defect.
Muscular Defects

Muscular defects have muscular rims. They may be single, but they are commonly multiple. Most commonly, multiple defects occur in the apical
trabecular septum. The term Swiss cheese septum is used for associated spongiform myocardium and not for multiple muscular defects alone.[13]
Prediction of the conducting system depends on whether the defect extends to the membranous septum.
Subarterial, Outlet, or Conal Defects

Subarterial, outlet, or conal defects are located in the outlet portions of the left and right ventricles. The superior edge of the VSD is the conjoined
annulus of the aortic and pulmonary valves. These are also called juxta-arterial or supracristal defects. This VSD is associated with prolapse of the
unsupported aortic valve cusps and progressive aortic regurgitation.
Malalignment Defects

Malalignment defects are created by malalignment between the infundibular and the trabecular muscular septum. This malalignment can be anterior, as
in tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), or posterior. Associated defects occur frequently and include PDA, pulmonary stenosis, ASD, persistent left superior vena
cava, and coarctation of the aorta.
The hemodynamic effect of a VSD is left-to-right shunting leading to increased pulmonary blood flow, left atrial dilation, and left ventricular volume
overload. The size of the shunt is determined by the size of the defect (restrictive is smaller than the aortic root diameter) and the PVR. Compared with
an ASD, the shunting in a VSD occurs mainly during systole. It is useful to quantify the shunt by the ratio of systemic to pulmonary blood flow
(Qp:Qs). At cardiac catheterization, the Qp:Qs can be estimated from the equation:

The severity of pulmonary vascular disease correlates with the size of the shunt. In time, as the PVR increases, histologic changes occur within the
pulmonary vascular bed, which may be irreversible. The time of onset and the severity of pulmonary vascular disease correlate with the size of the shunt
but are also subject to considerable individual variation. As the PVR increases, the left-to-right shunt decreases, causing unloading of the left ventricle.
Congestive heart failure improves, and the patient feels better! If untreated, a reversal of the flow occurs, leading to a right-to-left shunt with the
development of increasing cyanosis (Eisenmengers syndrome).
Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

The clinical presentation depends on the size of the shunt and the PVR. The clinical picture varies from an asymptomatic patient with a murmur, to a
patient in fulminant heart failure, to a cyanosed patient with irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Associated abnormalities determine the
findings, especially if aortic regurgitation is present.

The echocardiogram is diagnostic, and the defect, as well as associated cardiac abnormalities, can be assessed. The echocardiogram can also provide an
estimation of RV pressure (and PAP in the absence of pulmonary stenosis) by obtaining the Doppler velocity (V) of the jet through the VSD and/or the
regurgitant jet through the tricuspid valve, using the modified Bernoulli equation:

Cardiac catheterization is indicated when reversibility of the PAP is questionable. The Qp:Qs can be documented, and a dynamic assessment is possible,
obtaining the PVR before and after pulmonary vasodilation. A PVR of more than 8.0 Wood units/m2 with vasodilation is inoperable.

The ideal is to intervene when the likelihood of spontaneous VSD closure is lowest and the risk of irreversible pulmonary vascular disease and
ventricular dysfunction are minimized. Perimembranous and muscular defects tend to close with time. Eighty percent of VSDs seen at 1 month of age
will close spontaneously. Spontaneous closure of malalignment and subarterial defects is unlikely. Bacterial endocarditis is more common with small
and moderate-sized VSDs with an incidence of 0.15% to 3% per year. In subarterial VSDs, the risk of irreversible aortic valve damage owing to cusp
prolapse leads to earlier intervention.[14] Single-stage closure is recommended early, when the defect is large and symptoms and signs of congestive heart
failure and failure to thrive are found.[15] With perimembranous and muscular defects, if the infant is thriving and it is known that the PAP is near
normal, surgery may be delayed reasonably up to 1 year or more. Other defects should be closed. The younger patient with a small defect may be
followed. The ideal management of a small defect (Qp:Qs < 1.5:1; normal PAP) in a patient older than 10 years of age is controversial. Multiple VSDs
present a different problem: if a large shunt is present and persists beyond 6 to 8 weeks, pulmonary artery banding and removal after 2 years of age with
an attempt at septation is reasonable. Banding is also reasonable in VSDs complicated by straddling or overriding of the AV valves. In VSDs associated
with coarctation, aortic arch hypoplasia, or interruption, single-stage repair of both defects through the midline is recommended, provided this can be
achieved with low risk.

VSDs are closed using CPB with bicaval cannulation. Circulatory arrest may be required for simultaneous arch reconstruction. Most VSDs can be
repaired through a right atrial approach, except for subarterial defects, which are approached through the pulmonary valve, and multiple apical
trabecular defects, which are sometimes easier to approach through a small apical right ventriculotomy.[13] Prosthetic patch closure using Dacron, Teflon,
or Gore-Tex is recommended ( Fig. 587 ). Transcatheter device closure and intraoperative device placement have been used in unusual circumstances
to achieve VSD closure. Postoperatively, monitoring the left atrial and PAP simplifies management in those with large defects, preexisting heart failure,
and known pulmonary hypertension. Precautions are taken to limit the responsiveness of the pulmonary vascular bed, and ventilatory

Figure 58-7 The location of various ventricular septal defects (VSDs) in the ventricular septum. (This is a view of the ventricular septum from the right side.) 1, Perimembranous
VSD. 2, Subarterial VSD. 3, Atrioventricular canal-type VSD. 4, Muscular VSD. (From Tchervenkov CI, Shum-Tim D: Ventricular septal defect. In Baue AE, Geha AS, Hammond GL
[eds]: Glenns Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 6th ed. Stamford, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1996. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

management becomes an important tool. With persistent, severe pulmonary hypertension, nitric oxide is available.[16]
For uncomplicated VSD repair, the operative mortality rate should approach 0%. The overall risk for VSD repair is less than 5%. Mortality and
morbidity increase with multiple VSDs, pulmonary hypertension, and complex associated anomalies. Postoperative problems are residual VSDs that
may require reoperation if hemodynamically significant. Heart block is infrequent and approaches zero in many centers.
Atrioventricular Canal Defects

AV canal defects are also known as endocardial cushion defects or AV septal defects. There is a high incidence of Downs syndrome with endocardial
cushion defects. A spectrum of anomalies occurs depending on the presence of atrial and ventricular defects. AV canal defects are either partial (PAVC)
or complete (CAVC). Intermediate types occur. Additionally, hypoplasia of either the left or the right ventricular chamber can lead to an unbalanced
AV canal, which may preclude biventricular repair. Associated anomalies include heterotaxy syndromes, TOF, double-outlet right ventricle (DORV),
and total anomalous venous return.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The actual embryologic origin of this defect remains unclear. Three principal components are found in CAVC: a defect of the AV septum, a defect of
the interventricular septum, and an abnormal AV valve.
An ostium primum defect or PAVC consists of an ASD associated with abnormal AV valve anatomy, a cleft leaflet of the left-sided and right-sided AV
valves. Left-sided AV valve regurgitation is not uncommon. Two separate AV valve orifices are present ( Fig. 588 ). There is in fact also

Figure 58-8 The position of the conducting system in complete atrioventricular canal defect (CAVC). The anatomic relationships and morphology of the common atrioventricular
(AV) valve are shown. The view is through a right atriotomy. Ao, aorta; BB, left bundle branch; CS, coronary sinus; LIL, left inferior leaflet; LLL, left lateral leaflet; LSL, left
superior leaflet; PA, pulmonary artery; PB, penetrating bundle; RBB, right bundle branch; RIL, right inferior leaflet; RLL, right lateral leaflet; RSL, right superior leaflet. (From
Bharati S, Lev M, Kirklin JW: Cardiac Surgery and the Conduction System. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1983.)

a deficiency of the interventricular septum similar to that of CAVC, but in the PAVC the tissues of both AV valves are continuously adherent to the
septal crest. A transitional or intermediate AV canal defect is an ostium primum defect, with the AV valve only partially adherent to the septal crest.
Classification of CAVC into Rastelli types A, B, and C relates to the superior AV valve leaflet chordal attachments to the ventricular septum. In type A,
the superior leaflet chords are attached to the septum; in type B, the superior leaflet is attached to an abnormal papillary muscle in the right ventricle;
and in type C, the superior leaflet is free floating ( Fig. 589 ). Pathophysiology depends on whether all three components are present. In PAVC, the
pathophysiology is that of an ASD, with or without left-sided AV valve regurgitation. In CAVC, the pathophysiology is that of a VSD with an
associated ASD. This results in a large left-to-right shunt at two levels, equalization of right ventricular and left ventricular pressures, and volume
overload of all cardiac chambers. With additional AV valve regurgitation, there is further volume overload.

These children usually present in congestive heart failure. In PAVC, this is uncommon before 6 months of age but is quite common in CAVC by the age
of 2 months. Of concern is the development of irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, which may occur before 1 year of age. Downs
syndrome children with chronic upper airway obstruction have a predilection for pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Echocardiography is
diagnostic with demonstration of the typical cleft in the anterior leaflet of the AV valve. Cardiac catheterization

Figure 58-9 The Rastelli classification type A, B, or C. A to C, The difference in valve morphology in a normal, partial canal and complete canal defect is illustrated. AL, anterior
leaflet; A-V, atrioventricular; MV, mitral valve; PL, posterior leaflet; RIL, right interior leaflet; RLL, right lateral leaflet; RSL, right superior leaflet; TV, tricuspid valve. (From
Kirklin JW, Pacifico AD, Kirklin JK: The surgical treatment of atrioventricular canal defects. In Arciniegas E [ed]: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Chicago, Year Book Medical, 1985.)

is indicated in patients older than 3 to 4 months of age in whom elevated PVR is suspected. On left ventriculography, the goose-necked deformity of
the elongated left ventricular outflow tract is seen.

For PAVC, surgery has been recommended at preschool age. This may be performed earlier, usually after the age of 8 to 12 months. For CAVC, the
ideal age for surgery relates to the risk for the development of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Elective repair in patients by 3 months of age is a
reasonable compromise between heart size and risk of irreversible complications. A median sternotomy and CPB are used. The common denominator in
all forms of endocardial cushion defect is that the fibrous center of the heart is deficient and the conduction system is thus found in an abnormal
position. Careful suture placement for the ASD and VSD patch is essential to avoid heart block ( Fig. 5810 ). For PAVC, the ASD is closed with an
autologous pericardial patch, leaving the coronary sinus ostium in the right atrium. In CAVC, a one- or two-patch technique is used. The two-patch
technique may be advantageous in a small heart, by minimizing loss of leaflet tissue in the suture line.[17] The VSD portion of the patch is completed
first, with care taken to avoid obstructing the left ventricular outflow tract. The valve leaflets are then attached to the patch, and the ASD is closed with
the pericardial patch (see Fig. 5810 ).
For PAVC, the mortality approaches zero. CAVC mortality rates in the last 5 to 10 years have been reported between 0 and 10%.[18] Other surgical
procedures include

Figure 58-10 The two-patch closure of CAVC. A ventricular septal patch is placed first (A), and a separate patch is used to close the ASD component (B). Note the position of the
coronary sinus and conducting system relative to the ASD patch suture line, to avoid injury to the AV node. (From Kirklin JW, Barratt-Boyes BG: Cardiac Surgery. New York,
Churchill Livingstone, 1986.)

Figure 58-11 Classification of truncus arteriosus according to Van Praagh. Type A, with a VSD; Type B, without a VSD. A1, Partially separate main pulmonary artery. A2, Absent
aorticopulmonary septum, both branch pulmonary arteries arise from the common trunk. A3, Absence of either branch pulmonary artery. A4, Hypoplasia, coarctation, atresia, or
absence of the aortic isthmus in association with a large patent ductus arteriosus. (From Hernanz-Schulman M, Fellows KE: Persistent truncus arteriosus: Pathologic, diagnostic and
therapeutic considerations. Semin Roentgenol 20:121129, 1985.)

pulmonary artery banding, which has a role in patients with respiratory compromise from viral illness, extremely small babies, and patients who have an
unbalanced AV canal with excessive pulmonary blood flow in whom a biventricular repair may or may not be possible.
Truncus Arteriosus

A single arterial trunk arises from both ventricles, from which the coronary and pulmonary arteries originate. It is usually associated with a conotruncal
VSD. There is an association with microdeletion of chromosome 22q11 and the DiGeorge syndrome.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The classification of Van Praagh is useful from a surgical perspective ( Fig. 5811 ). Failure of the embryologic truncus arteriosus to septate into the
aorta and the pulmonary artery gives rise to the characteristic single arterial trunk from both ventricles. Associated lesions include aortic arch
obstruction, right aortic arch, interrupted aortic arch, and ASDs. The single truncal valve is often dysmorphic and can be either stenotic or regurgitant or
both. Variability of the leaflets is common, and the number of leaflets can vary from two to six, with truncal valve incompetence more common with
four or more leaflets.[19] Associated coronary artery abnormalities may be present. Pathophysiology relates to a pressure and volume overload to both
right and left ventricles, with pulmonary overflow dependent on the PVR. The effect of volume and pressure overload is worsened by truncal valve
stenosis or regurgitation. The fall in PVR after birth causes significant pulmonary overflow and congestive heart failure. Heart failure is more severe
with truncal valve regurgitation. These patients are at risk of early development of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and of subendocardial
ischemia from coronary diastolic steal.

Diagnosis and Presentation

Echocardiography is diagnostic. In addition to the obvious conotruncal defect, attention should be focused on the number of VSDs, the anatomy of the
truncal valve, and coronary artery anomalies. These patients should be assumed as having a component of DiGeorges syndrome, and only irradiated
blood products are used. Cardiac catheterization is indicated in older infants when pulmonary vascular disease is suspected. Presentation is usually in
the neonatal period.

Complete repair is recommended in the neonatal period for severe heart failure, but this can be safely delayed up to 3 months in patients with easily
controlled heart failure. Again, this is a compromise between attaining increased heart size and the development of irreversible complications. The only
absolute contraindication for surgery is the presence of Eisenmenger physiology. Palliative pulmonary artery banding is difficult and is high risk.[20]
Median sternotomy with CPB and DHCA is limited to the period of arch repair if required. The pulmonary arteries are detached from the truncal root,
and the defect is closed. Through a right ventriculotomy, the VSD is closed and a conduit is placed from the right ventricle to the transected pulmonary
arteries ( Fig. 5812 ). Mortality in truncus arteriosus depends on the associated

Figure 58-12 Surgical repair of truncus arteriosus. A, Origin of truncus arteriosus is excised and the truncal defect closed with direct suture. The incision is made high in the right

ventricle (RV). LPA, left pulmonary artery; RPA, right pulmonary artery. B, Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is closed with a prosthetic patch. C, Placement of a valved conduit into
the pulmonary arteries. D, Proximal end of conduit is anastomosed to the RV. (From Wallace RB: Truncus arteriosus. In Sabiston DC Jr, Spencer FC [eds]: Gibbons Surgery of the
Chest, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1976.)

conditions. The most important factor for nonsurvival is severe incompetence of the truncal valve. Uncomplicated truncus mortality should be less than
5% and perhaps higher in patients with arch obstruction, severe truncal valve stenosis or regurgitation, and coronary artery abnormalities. Low birth
weight is an independent predictor of nonsurvival. Conduit obstruction requiring replacement or revision is usual.[21]
Abnormalities of Venous Return: Systemic and Pulmonary
Abnormal Systemic Venous Return

Abnormal systemic venous return is a frequent finding in complex congenital disease and in the normal population. A persistent left superior vena cava
draining to the coronary sinus may be associated with hypoplasia or atresia of the mitral valve but is harmless in isolation. Absence of an innominate
vein is a clue to this anomaly. More complex variations are found in the heterotaxy (isomeric) syndromes with interrupted inferior vena cava and azygos
or hemiazygos continuations. Implications of these abnormalities are that they complicate cannulation for CPB and may preclude septation of the heart.
Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return

Anomalous pulmonary venous return may be either partial or complete.


The most common anomalies are right upper pulmonary veins draining to the superior vena cava (associated with a superior sinus venosus ASD); the
scimitar syndrome with partial or complete drainage of the right-sided pulmonary veins to the inferior vena cava; and isolated left upper pulmonary
veins draining to the left innominate vein via a vertical vein.
Diagnosis and Presentation

Diagnosis depends on the magnitude of the associated shunt, the degree of systemic desaturation, and the presence or absence of pulmonary vein
obstruction. Echocardiography is often diagnostic, but catheter study may be required.

Redirection of the pulmonary venous return with closure of the ASD or reconnecting the pulmonary veins to the left atrium and division of the systemic
venous connection are performed. Surgery is low risk, and late complications are stenosis of the reconnected pulmonary vein or baffle obstruction.
Cor Triatriatum

Cor triatriatum is a rare anomaly that has a diaphragm or membrane separating either the right or left atrium into two chambers. On the left side the
superior chamber connects all four pulmonary veins and the inferior chamber contains the orifice of the left atrial appendage and the orifice of the mitral
valve. The pathophysiology is similar to mitral stenosis and is affected by the size of the communication between the chambers and the size and position
of the ASD if present. Operative correction involves excision of the obstructing membrane through the fossa ovalis or existing ASD, followed by
closure of the ASD. On the right side the membrane represents a filling in of the Chiari network presumably derived from the venous valves and mimics
tricuspid valve

Figure 58-13 Types of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC). A, Supracardiac type with a vertical vein joining the left innominate vein. CS, coronary sinus; LA,
left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. B, Intracardiac type with connection to the coronary sinus. C, Infracardiac type with drainage through the
diaphragm via an inferior connecting vein. (From Hammon JW Jr, Bender HW Jr: Anomalous venous connections: Pulmonary and systemic. In Baue AE [ed]: Glenns Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 5th ed. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1991. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

stenosis. Operative mortality approaches zero with good long-term results.[22]

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) results in abnormal drainage of all the pulmonary veins directly or indirectly to the systemic
venous atrium. Thirty percent of patients will have associated cardiac defects. Classification of TAPVC is based on the site of the connection to the
systemic venous system and may be supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, or mixed ( Fig. 5813 ). Supracardiac is the most common (approximately 50%)
and mixed the rarest.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

According to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) National Cardiac Surgery Database, approximately 70,000 valve operations are performed in the
United States annually.[38] The operative mortality rate for valve replacement

Figure 60-13 A to E, Example of mitral valve repair. In this example, the specific pathology is a flail posterior leaflet. It is repaired by resection of the flail segment, reapproximations
of the leaflet, and reduction of the mitral annulus circumference using an annuloplasty ring. (From Perier P, Clausnizer B, Mistarz K: Carpentier sliding leaflet technique for
repair of mitral valve: Early results. Ann Thorac Surg 57:383, 1994.)

TABLE 60-1 -- Operative Mortality Rates





Society of Thoracic





New York Cardiac Surgery

Reporting System





Department of Veterans





AVR, Aortic valve replacement; MVR, mitral valve replacement; CAB, coronary artery bypass grafting.
From Grover FL, Edwards FH: Similarity between STS and New York State databases for valvular heart disease. Ann Thorac Surg 70:1143, 2000.
surgery is influenced by several variables, including which valve is replaced, whether coronary bypass surgery is performed at the same operation, and
other patient-specific variables.
As shown in Table 601 , the operative mortality rate in the STS Database for isolated aortic valve replacement is approximately 4%. On the other hand,
the operative mortality rate for combined mitral valve replacement and coronary bypass grafting is much higher at 13%.[39] [40] Other databases, including
the New York State Department of Health Cardiac Surgery Reporting System and the Department of Veteran Affairs Cardiac Surgery Database, have
found very similar mortality rates for cardiac valve operations.
The inherent risks all surgical procedures is influenced by patient-specific risk factors, and large databases such as those just mentioned provide the
statistical power to identify patient-specific factors contributing to the risks of valve surgery. Table 602 lists some the major patientspecific risk factors
for the most common valve operations from the STS Database.[38]

TABLE 60-2 -- Independent Risk Factors for Operative Mortality (Odds Ratios) for Valve Replacements
Risk Factor





Salvage status





Dialysis-dependent renal





Emergency status





renal failure




First reoperation





AVR, Aortic valve replacement; MVR, mitral valve replacement; CAB, coronary artery bypass grafting.
Copyright 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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hemorrhage. Electrodes attached to the scalp for electroencephalogram and along the spinal cord for somatosensory-evoked potential assess cerebral
and spinal cord function. A radial artery catheter checks arterial pressures. A Swan-Ganz catheter floated through a catheter placed in the internal
jugular or subclavian vein monitors the central venous and pulmonary artery pressures. Large-bore central and peripheral venous lines are inserted for
fluid and blood replacement therapy. Probes placed in the patients nasopharynx, bladder, and rectum record temperatures.
During the period of aortic cross-clamp, the spinal perfusion pressure is markedly decreased due to interruption of aortic flow and increased
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure. We use distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage to provide spinal cord protection.[24] Distal aortic perfusion, or left
atrial to femoral bypass, partially combats the effect of the clamp by raising the distal aortic pressure, thereby increasing the spinal perfusion pressure
( Fig. 6120 ). CSF drainage complements distal aortic perfusion by lowering CSF pressure and further improving spinal cord perfusion. A CSF
catheter is placed in the 3rd or 4th lumbar space ( Fig. 6121 ). CSF pressure is monitored and kept below 10 mm Hg throughout the procedure.
The patient is positioned in the right lateral decubitus position with the hip flexed 45 degrees for accessibility of the left and right groins. The common
femoral artery is dissected out and isolated with umbilical tape. We tailor the chest incision to complement the extent of the aneurysm ( Fig. 6122 )a
modified thoracoabdominal incision to below the costal margin for the descending thoracic aorta, extent I, and extent V thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm, and full thoracoabdominal exploration to the umbilicus for extent I and V, and to the pubis for extent II, III, and IV. The sixth rib is removed
for all aneurysms except extent IV, and the left lung is collapsed. Taking care to avoid injury to the phrenic nerve, the aortic hiatus and the muscular
portion of the diaphragm are cut for passage of the aortic graft.
The patient is anticoagulated with 1 mg/kg of heparin. The pericardium posterior to the left phrenic nerve is opened, and the left atrium is cannulated
through the left lower pulmonary vein or atrial appendage for distal aortic perfusion. The perfusionist attaches the cannula to a BioMedicus pump,
which has an in-line heat exchanger for postoperative rewarming. Arterial inflow is established through the left common femoral artery, or the
descending thoracic or abdominal aorta if the femoral artery is not accessible. The descending thoracic aorta is dissected from the level of the hilum of
the lung, cephalad to the proximal descending thoracic aorta. We identify the ligamentum arteriosum and transect it, taking care to avoid injury to the
left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Distal aortic perfusion is initiated. The aorta is cross-clamped in sequential segments to minimize organ ischemic time,
beginning either proximal or distal to the left subclavian artery and then again at the mid-descending thoracic aorta ( Fig. 6123 ). We no longer use the
inclusion technique of wrapping the graft with the aneurysmal aortic wall in the proximal anastomosis because of the danger of esophageal fistula.
Instead, we completely transect the aorta to separate it from the underlying esophagus.
We prefer a woven Dacron graft for aortic replacement. We suture the graft in end-to-end fashion to the descending thoracic aorta, using a running 30
or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. We check the anastomosis for bleeding and use pledgeted sutures for reinforcement, if necessary. The lower
clamp is then moved down to the distal thoracic aorta at the diaphragm level, and the remainder of the aneurysm is opened. For descending thoracic
aortic aneurysms, the graft is cut in a beveled fashion and sewn to the distal thoracic aorta, using 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture,
incorporating the patent lower intercostal arteries that are in close proximity to the graft.
Before the use of the adjuncts distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage, during the period sometimes referred to as cross-clamp and go, the speed of
the operation was intricately linked to probability of good neurologic outcome. Reimplantation of intercostal arteries was controversial because it
prolonged clamp time. After analyzing data collected over several years of thoracoabdominal surgery, we found that ligation of patent lower intercostal
arteries (T9 to T12) increased the risk of paraplegia.[25] Therefore we reattach all patent lower intercostal arteries from T9 to T12, either together as a
patch to a side hole made in the Dacron graft or individually. Substantial back-bleeding from patent intercostal arteries can be minimized with
temporary placement and inflation of balloon

Figure 61-20 Distal aortic perfusion. Outflow is from the left atrium, and inflow is to the left femoral artery. (Redrawn from illustration by Carl Clingman.)

Figure 61-21 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage is initiated intraoperatively and maintained for 3 days postoperatively to keep CSF pressure below 10 mm Hg. (Redrawn from
illustration by Carl Clingman.)


Figure 61-22 Incision is tailored to the extent of the thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA). DTAA, descending thoracic aortic aneurysm; SMA, superior mesenteric artery.
(2002 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

catheters (3 French) prior to reimplantation. The upper intercostal arteries are generally ligated. However, if the lower intercostal arteries are occluded,
any patent upper intercostal arteries are reimplanted instead, having assumed a more important role in supplying blood to the spinal cord. Once the
intercostal arteries are reattached, pulsatile flow is restored to the spinal cord with the proximal clamp repositioned across the graft distal to the
intercostal anastomosis.
For thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms, after reimplantation of the lower intercostal arteries the distal clamp is moved to the infrarenal abdominal aorta
and the remainder of the aneurysm is opened. The celiac axis, superior mesenteric, right renal, and left renal arteries are identified, cannulated with 9
French Pruitt catheters, perfused and cooled using either Ringers lactate solution or blood at a flow rate of 300 to 600 mL/minute. The temperature of
the left kidney is directly monitored and kept below 15C. At the same time, we maintain the patients body temperature at about 33C by warming the
lower circulation. If we are unable to warm the lower body, we do not cool the viscera due to the risk of severe hypothermia (<32C core body
temperature) and ventricular fibrillation.
The visceral anastomosis has to be evaluated intraoperatively. If the celiac axis, superior mesenteric, and both renal arteries are in close proximity, they
can be reimplanted as a single patch to a side hole made in the aortic graft, using running 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. Not
infrequently, however, the left or right renal artery is more caudad and is reattached as a Carrel patch or use of a short interposition bypass graft. Patent
lumbar arteries are usually ligated. After completion of the visceral anastomosis, the graft is clamped distal to the anastomosis and pulsatile flow is
restored to the viscera. The distal clamp is removed and the pump is stopped temporarily. The distal anastomosis is completed at the aortic bifurcation,
using running 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. When the final anastomosis is completed pulsatile flow is restored to the legs and the
pump is restarted to continue warming the patient to a nasopharyngeal temperature of 36C to 37C. A representative example of an extent II
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair is shown in Figure 6124 .
The operative techniques for acute or chronic type B dissection and aneurysm of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aorta are similar.[26]
However, dissection requires identification of the true lumen versus the false lumen. The partition or septum between the two lumina must be excised to
redirect the flow of blood into the true lumen of the distal aorta. In acute aortic dissection, both the proximal and distal ends of the dissected aorta are

first reinforced with running 40 polypropylene suture before


Figure 61-23 Sequential clamping, thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. A, The upper descending thoracic is clamped and the proximal aneurysm opened while the lower aorta
and peripheral arteries continue to be perfused. B, The distal clamp is moved down the aorta. Bleeding from intercostal arteries can be controlled using 3 French balloon catheters,
while the patent lower intercostal arteries are reattached. Visceral and renal perfusion is maintained using 9 French Pruitt catheters during reimplantation of the visceral and renal
arteries. C, Distal anastomosis is completed and the lower extremities remain perfused with the distal clamp on the aortic bifurcation. (A-C,1995 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

attaching the graft. Additional interrupted pledgeted polypropylene sutures are then sewn into the posterior and anterior walls for reinforcement. In
chronic dissection, patent lower intercostal arteries are reattached. For acute dissection, however, because of the friability of the aortic tissue we
advocate ligatures of all intercostal and lumbar arteries to avoid catastrophic bleeding.
Results: Descending and Thoracoabdominal Aorta

Mortality rates for repair of descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms currently range between 5% and 21%. Multivariable analyses
by different groups, including ours, have found age, renal failure, symptomatic, and extent II aneurysms to be significant

Figure 61-24 Repair of extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with chronic dissection. A, Status postdescending thoracic aortic aneurysm repair (type C); the patient presented
with aneurysmal enlargement of the remaining thoracoabdominal aorta to below the renal arteries; artists diagram of the thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm extent II (left) and
corresponding CT axial images (right). B, Postoperative complete graft replacement of the thoracoabdominal aorta from the left subclavian artery to the aortic bifurcation, with
reattachment of the lower intercostal arteries, and reimplantation of the celiac axis, superior mesenteric, right and left renal arteries, using separate interposition bypass grafts (center,
artists diagram); corresponding CT axial images (left) and reformatted three-dimensional sagittal view (right). (A and B, 2002 Carl Clingman.)


risk factors for mortality.[27] [28] [29] [30] [31] Patients who undergo elective graft replacement at high-volume centers of excellence fare best, with mortality
rates between 5% and 15%.[32] Our current mortality rate for elective repair is between 5% and 12%, as opposed to rates of 20% to 25% in the early
Spinal Cord Complications

Adjuncts (distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage) have reduced our overall incidence of spinal cord complications to 0.9% for descending thoracic
aortic aneurysm repair and to 3.3% for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. With adjuncts our rate of neurologic deficit for the most troublesome
extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms has also declined and is now between 7% and 12% compared with rates between 30% and 40% in the era
of cross-clamp and go ( Fig. 6125 ).
Immediate neurologic deficit is defined as paraplegia or paraparesis that occurs as the patient awakens from anesthesia. Delayed-onset neurologic deficit
refers to paraplegia or paraparesis that develops after a period of normal neurologic function. We have observed delayed neurologic deficit as early as 2
hours and as late as 2 weeks following surgery (median, 3 days), in 2.4% of patients.[33] No single risk factor explains the onset of either deficit, but
researchers have become more and more interested in how a patient can emerge from surgery neurologically intact but later develop paraplegia. Using
multivariable analysis, we found that acute dissection, extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, and renal insufficiency were independent
preoperative predictors.[34] In another

Figure 61-25 The probability of neurologic deficit increases as clamp time increases in extent II thoracoabdominal repair: cross-clamp and go repair (solid line) versus repair with
adjuncts, distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage (dashed line).

study examining postoperative factors independent of preoperative risk factors, we found lowest postoperative mean arterial pressure (<60 mm Hg) and
CSF drain complications to be significant predictors.[35] We speculate that delayed neurologic deficit after thoracoabdominal aortic repair may result
from a second-hit phenomenon. Although adjuncts may protect the spinal cord intraoperatively and reduce the incidence of immediate neurologic
deficit, the spinal cord remains vulnerable during the early postoperative period. Additional ischemic insult caused by hemodynamic instability and CSF
drainage catheter malfunction may constitute a second hit, causing delayed neurologic deficit. Because postoperative factors associated with delayed
neurologic deficit are likely related to arterial blood pressure and oxygen delivery, we keep the mean arterial pressure above 90 to100 mm Hg,
hemoglobin above 10 mg/dL, and cardiac index greater than 2.0 L/min. If delayed neurologic deficit occurs while the CSF drain is in place, the patient
is placed supine, and CSF is drained freely until the CSF pressure drops below 10 mm Hg. If the drain has been removed and delayed neurologic deficit
occurs, the CSF drainage catheter is reinserted and drained for 72 hours. With this protocol, we have observed partial recovery from neurologic deficit
in more than 50% of patients and complete recovery in 40%.
Renal Failure

The incidence of renal failure after thoracoabdominal aortic repair ranges between 4% and 29%. Renal failure increases morbidity, length of stay, and
mortality. We have shown that the presence of preoperative renal insufficiency and the development of postoperative renal failure are associated with
increased 30-day mortality and neurologic deficit.[36] Our current incidence of renal failure varies between 7% and 15%, depending on the extent of the
aneurysm and the patients preoperative renal function. About 15% of patients with postoperative renal failure require hemodialysis. Risk factors
associated with renal failure are increased preoperative creatinine level (>2.0 mg/dL), direct left renal artery reattachment, and the use of simple crossclamp technique. Good strategies to protect renal function during thoracoabdominal aortic repair remain elusive. The goals of perioperative renal
protection are to maintain adequate renal oxygen delivery, reduce renal oxygen utilization, and reduce direct renal tubular injury. Thus far these goals
have been addressed most effectively by active renal cooling, directly maintaining renal perfusion, suppressing renal vasoconstriction, preventing
micro-occlusion by particulate emboli, and preventing postischemic reperfusion injury.
Impact of Dissection

Acute aortic dissection substantially raises the risk of paraplegia following graft replacement of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aorta.
Because dissection

patients are critically ill and undergo surgery emergently with little time for preparation, the method of spinal cord protection during surgery for acute
dissection is often less than optimal. Reported in-hospital death rates vary from 30% to 50% compared to 10% to 20% of patients treated medically.
Survival outcome for uncomplicated patients treated with early surgical repair resembles the outcome of patients treated medically. However, surgery
during the acute phase is associated with more significant bleeding from the dissected aorta and a higher rate of paraplegia (14% to 32%).
Chronic dissection was previously considered a risk factor for paraplegia or paraparesis in patients undergoing repair of the descending thoracic and
thoracoabdominal aorta, particularly during the era of cross-clamp and go. However, when we analyzed recent data we found no appreciable difference
in the rate of neurologic deficit for patients with or without chronic dissection who underwent descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic repair
(3.6% vs. 4.7%, respectively).[37] Chronic dissection undoubtedly makes surgical repair of descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
more difficult, but survival and neurologic outcome do not differ from that of aneurysm surgery without dissection. Several factors are likely
responsible for the good neurologic outcome of our patients with chronic dissection, including better surgical techniques and anesthetic care, the use of
moderate hypothermia, and reimplantation of intercostal arteries. However, the key element in improved spinal cord protection is the use of the adjuncts
distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage.
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Aneurysmal disease occurs in more than one part of the aorta in approximately 20% of cases. Extensive aortic aneurysm (also known as mega-aorta)
refers to aneurysmal involvement of the entire ascending, transverse aortic arch and thoracoabdominal aorta. Although associated factors include
Marfan syndrome and chronic aortic dissection, the cause of extensive aortic aneurysm remains unknown. Single-stage repair of extensive aneurysms
can greatly increase risks. The patient is submitted to a lengthy procedure that requires multiple incisions, a daunting array of protective surgical
adjuncts, protracted clamp times, and considerable blood loss. Staged repair would seem to be a logical solution. But prior to the introduction of the
elephant trunk technique by Borst in 1983, staged repair was fraught with complications, particularly excessive bleeding in the second stage. Because
the elephant trunk technique permits the surgeon to avoid cross-clamping the proximal native descending thoracic aorta in the second stage, this
problem was resolved.
Since 1991 we have routinely used the elephant trunk technique for extensive aortic aneurysm repair ( Fig. 6126 ). [38] The ascending aorta and
transverse arch are usually operated first and, following a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks, repair of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm is performed. The first stage is performed in a similar fashion to standard surgery of the ascending aorta and transverse arch (see earlier
section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Proximal Thoracic Aorta) except for graft replacement of the aortic arch. The replacement graft is partially
inverted on itself and the doubled graft is positioned 7 to 10 cm into the descending aorta. The folded edge of the graft is sutured to the descending
thoracic aorta just distal to the left subclavian artery. When this anastomosis is completed, the inner portion of the tube graft is pulled out toward the
ascending aorta and the outer portion is left to dangle in the descending aorta, (resembling an elephants trunk). The brachiocephalic, left common
carotid, and left subclavian arteries are then reimplanted to a side hole made in the superior arch portion of the graft.
Following a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks, the patient undergoes second-stage repair. The second stage of the elephant trunk technique is much like
standard repair of descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (see earlier section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Distal Thoracic
Aorta). CSF drainage is utilized. Distal aortic perfusion is established from the left atrial appendage or pulmonary vein to the left common femoral
artery. The proximal descending thoracic aorta is opened, and the elephant trunk portion of the graft (inserted in the descending thoracic aorta during
stage 1), is promptly grasped and clamped. A new graft is sutured to the elephant trunk. The elephant trunk technique obviates the need to clamp the
proximal descending thoracic aorta and reduces the risk of excessive bleeding.
Results: Elephant Trunk Technique

We have performed the elephant trunk procedure in nearly 200 patients. Mortality rates range from 5% to 9% after stage 1, and 6% to 7% for stage 2.
During the interval between surgeries, or approximately 31 days to 6 weeks after stage 1, mortality has averaged around 6.5%. When we performed a 5year follow-up of patients who failed to return for second-stage repair, we found that 32% had died. Although we were able to obtain the cause of death
in only a small percentage of patients, most of these were due to aneurysm rupture. Major complications for both stages have been relatively low, with
stroke rates of about 2% in the first stage and no neurologic deficits in the second. Determining the optimum length of recovery time between stages has
been difficult. Because these patients are vulnerable to rupture, we currently recommend no more than a 6-week period of recovery.

Figure 61-26 Repair of extensive aortic aneurysm and chronic dissection. A, Artists diagram (left), and corresponding CT axial images (right) of preoperative aneurysm. B, Stage 1
elephant trunk repair with graft replacement of ascending/arch, reimplantation of great vessels, bypass of the right coronary artery, and Carrel patch of the left coronary artery; the
trunk is inside the descending thoracic aorta (left); stage 2 completion of elephant trunk repair with extent II thoracoabdominal aortic graft replacement, reattachment of lower
intercostal arteries, reimplantation of visceral and renal arteries (center), and corresponding CT axial images (right). (A and B, 1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

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We are grateful to Dr. Dianna M. Milewicz for her contribution to the genetic section of this chapter, and we thank our editor, Amy Wirtz Newland, and
our illustrator, Carl Clingman.


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Selected References
Clouse WD, Hallett JW Jr, Schaff HV, et al: Improved prognosis of thoracic aortic aneurysms: A population-based study. JAMA 280:19261929, 1998.
In this update of Bickerstaffs classic study on the natural history of thoracic aortic aneurysms, Clouse and associates examine the possible causes of the poor prognosis of
this disease when untreated. From their population-based cohort study of 133 patients, they found an increased incidence of thoracic aortic aneurysm compared to
Bickerstaffs study, but they also observed improved survival. They discuss the causes for these phenomena and provide a good look at a difficult and underexplored
Hagan PG, Nienaber CA, Isselbacher EM, et al: The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD): New insights into an old disease. JAMA 283:897903, 2000.
Acute aortic dissection is a life-threatening medical emergency associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
culled the data of 464 patients from 12 international referral centers to increase our knowledge of the effect of recent technical advances on patient care and outcome.
Physical findings previously regarded as typical are noted in only a third of patients, and clinicians are alerted to the wide range of manifestations in acute aortic dissection.
A detailed analysis of data for type A and type B acute and chronic aortic dissection treated surgically or medically affords an excellent overview of the outcome of modern
dissection patients.
Hasham SN, Guo DC, Milewicz DM: Genetic basis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. Curr Opin Cardiol 17:677683, 2002.
Hasham and colleagues have extensively studied the molecular genetics of cardiovascular disease, particularly in the Marfan syndrome. This article explores the identity of
genes that predispose patients without known syndromes to aortic aneurysms and dissections. The article provides a look at the future and how characterization of these
genes will enhance our ability to determine persons at risk for aortic aneurysms and dissections.
Safi HJ, Miller CC III, Estrera AL, et al: Staged repair of extensive aortic aneurysms: Morbidity and mortality in the elephant trunk technique. Circulation 104:29382942, 2001.
Borst introduced the elephant trunk techniquethe two-stage repair of extensive aortic aneurysms that involve the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and descending or
thoracoabdominal aortain the 1980s. This article describes one of the largest series of elephant trunk patients from the group that continues to study the peculiar
characteristics and surgical requirements of the patients with extensive aortic aneurysm or mega-aorta. The article investigates patient outcome and provides a sound
argument in favor of two-stage versus single-stage repair of the entire aorta.
Svensson LG, Crawford ES, Hess KR, et al: Experience with 1509 patients undergoing thoracoabdominal aortic operations. J Vasc Surg 17:357368, 1993; discussion 368370.
Svensson and coworkers study of E. Stanley Crawfords extensive patient series closely examines a wide range of risk factors associated with early death and postoperative
complications in patients undergoing thoracoabdominal aortic operations. The size of the series permits solid comparisons of Crawfords four types of thoracoabdominal
aortic aneurysm and analysis of the effect of aneurysm extent on complications such as paraplegia and renal failure. The study is a classic and continues to be cited by
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm researchers.

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Chapter 62 - Endovascular Surgery

Ross Milner M.D.
Elliot L. Chaikof M.D.

Endovascular surgery occupies an increasingly central role in the management of patients with peripheral vascular disease as the preeminent form of
minimally invasive vascular therapy, with associated reductions in periprocedural morbidity and mortality as well as in hospital stays. Although the
efficacy and durability of catheter-based image-guided therapy varies with approach, application of adjunctive techniques, and disease entity, there is
little doubt that the continued development of innovative technologies will extend the accepted indications for these techniques, through improvements
in early technical success and long-term outcome.[1] In this chapter a framework is provided for the technical aspects of endovascular therapy with an
emphasis on the fundamentals of percutaneous techniques pertinent to a range of arterial and venous disorders. Appropriate indications for catheterbased therapy and current outcomes are discussed in detail elsewhere in this textbook.
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Percutaneous access can be achieved by a single- or double-wall puncture technique. In the former approach a beveled needle is introduced and a guide
wire is passed after confirmation of arterial or venous access by visual inspection of backbleeding with or without use of direct pressure measurement
and inspection of arterial or venous waveforms.[2] As a routine, we initially gain vascular access using a 21-gauge micropuncture needle and an 0.018inch wire ( Fig. 621 ). The double-wall technique requires the use of a blunt needle with an inner cannula. The needle is inserted through the vessel,
after which the inner cannula is removed, the introducer needle then withdrawn until backbleeding is obtained, and a wire introduced. Although
percutaneous access can be routinely achieved in nearly all patients, those with scarred access sites from prior interventions or patients with decreased
pulses due to occlusive disease represent an especially challenging subset that may benefit from ultrasound guidance with Doppler insonation or Bmode visualization of the target vessel.[3] Indeed, access site needles have been developed with integrated Doppler probes.
The initial goal of vascular access is to facilitate wire placement for subsequent insertion of an introducer sheath. At this stage of an endovascular
procedure, the most commonly used wire is a 0.035-inch Benston guide wire that has an atraumatic floppy tip, which decreases the risk of an arterial
dissection, and a stiff main body that allows passage of a sheath. Fluoroscopic visualization of free wire passage confirms appropriate placement and
likewise minimizes the risk of inadvertent vessel wall dissection.[4] Characteristically, a 5-French sheath is adequate for most diagnostic procedures,
whereas larger sheaths are often required for catheter-based interventions ( Fig. 622 ). Although closure devices[5] [6] have been used to facilitate the
percutaneous introduction of large sheaths, we advocate direct arterial or venous cutdown for insertion of sheaths that exceed 12 French in outer
The femoral artery is the most commonly used site of arterial entry and allows access to almost any arterial bed with an associated low complication
rate. In addition to palpation of an arterial pulse, bony landmarks, as opposed to skin creases, are most helpful in achieving femoral access. Specifically,
when imaged fluoroscopically, the common femoral artery typically overlies the middle third of the femoral head. Skin puncture over the lower portion
of the femoral head is recommended. In the absence of femoral pulses or for those patients in need of visceral

Figure 62-1 Micropuncture needle with dilator and wire system shown below the introducer needle. The needle is 21 gauge and the dilator is 5 French.

Figure 62-2 A hemostatic arterial sheath showing the inner dilator and hemostatic valve.

or arch vessel intervention, the brachial artery may provide a preferable point of entry.[7] This approach is especially advantageous for the patient with
acute downward angulation of renal or visceral arteries. However, care is required when accessing the brachial artery to minimize the risk of median
nerve injury, owing to brachial sheath hematoma or, rarely, needle-induced nerve trauma.
Retrograde femoral artery puncture with passage of sheaths, wires, and catheters in a cephalad direction is the standard approach for access to the
suprainguinal arterial circulation, whereas antegrade puncture with caudal orientation of the puncture needle is often used when the intended site of
treatment is at a distal infrainguinal location.[8] Fluoroscopic visualization of guide wire passage into the superficial femoral artery is mandatory for
planned antegrade cannulation to avoid unintended catheterization of the profunda femoris artery.
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Once arterial access is obtained, the success of an endoluminal intervention is based, in part, on proper selection of guide wires and catheters. After
arterial cannulation, guide wires are used to navigate the diseased arterial bed. Multipurpose angled (MPA) or Berenstein catheters are often used to
assist passage of a wire across a stenosis or occlusion or into a branch vessel. If unable to cross a stenosis with a standard wire, use of guide wires or
catheters with hydrophilic coatings is indicated, although the use of these systems carries a greater risk of arterial dissection. Guide wires range from
0.014 to 0.035 inch in diameter, with a recent trend toward increased use of systems that utilize 0.014 inch or 0.018-inch wires.
Significantly, although hydrophilic wires may be critical in achieving access to a target location, they are not suitable for performing interventions
because they are easily dislodged during placement or withdrawal of angioplasty balloons or vascular stents. Thus, exchange is usually made for a
Bentson or other stiff wire, such as an Amplatz, Meier, or Lunderquist wire.[9] It is important to fluoroscopically visualize placement of these wires
because their stiffness increases the risk of arterial perforation. Stiff wires are especially useful when inserting large sheaths or devices required for the
endovascular management of aortoiliac aneurysms. Other stiff wires exist for specific interventions. For example, the Rosen wire has a stiff body and
floppy J-tip, which is used for renal artery angioplasty and stenting.[10] The J-tip design prevents the wire from perforating the renal parenchyma as the
wire is advanced into the terminal arterial branches. More recently, 0.014- and 0.018-inch wires are being used with increasing frequency for renal
artery interventions. The smaller-diameter design allows balloons and stents to be placed using lower-profile delivery systems that more easily traverse
tortuous anatomy or a high-grade stenosis. As a final rule of thumb, when using a coaxial balloon catheter or stent delivery system in which the wire
passes through a central lumen, the lengths of the guide wires should be twice that of the intended catheter. In contrast, use of a monorail system in
which the wire passes through a distal side lumen of the balloon catheter or stent deployment device allows employment of shorter wires.
A plethora of catheters have been designed for specific arterial beds and designated by configuration, length, and French size ( Fig. 623 ). Most
catheters range from 4 to 8 French with smaller catheters used for smaller vessels. As previously mentioned, MPA or Berenstein catheters have a
slightly angled tip and are used for straightforward vessel cannulation or guide wire exchange. A Kumpe (KMP) catheter can serve a similar purpose but
has a slightly greater degree of angulation at the tip. Additional selective catheters include the Contra, SOS Omni, and Motarjeme catheters, which may
be used for cannulating the contralateral iliac artery, ipsilateral hypogastric artery, or other visceral vessel. We prefer to use the SOS Omni or
Motarjeme catheters for an over the horn maneuver into the contralateral iliac artery. By cannulating the contralateral iliac artery a variety
interventions can be performed,

Figure 62-3 A variety of selective catheters that are used for peripheral interventions.

including hypogastric artery embolization in preparation for endovascular aneurysm repair with an aneurysmal common iliac artery, pull-back pressure
measurements to determine if an intervention is needed, and treatment of proximal disease in a common or superficial femoral artery.
As endoluminal techniques have improved and more durable results are being demonstrated, angioplasty and stenting are now more commonly used for
the management of visceral vessel lesions, as well as renovascular disease.[11] [12] In addition to the SOS Omni and Motarjeme catheters, Cobra or renal
double curve catheters may also be used for selective catheterization of the celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries.
Aortic arch branch vessels can be accessed via femoral or brachial artery puncture sites with catheterization of subclavian or innominate arteries using a
Kumpe or MPA catheter. Placement of a stent within the subclavian artery mandates careful identification of branch vessels so as to avoid
compromising antegrade flow through the internal mammary or vertebral artery. The carotid artery, when approached by the femoral artery, is selected
using a Headhunter (H1) or Vitek catheter. Angioplasty and stenting of carotid lesions and use of adjunctive embolization protection devices are areas
of active investigation.
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Once the diseased arterial bed has been selected with the appropriate catheter and wire, the presence of the anticipated lesion needs to be confirmed and,
where appropriate, its hemodynamic significance determined. An arteriogram is obtained by hand injection of contrast agent through the selective
catheter and a road map acquired that creates a virtual image of the effected arterial segment through which repeated passes of catheters, wires, or
stents can be visualized.
The contrast load is always minimized and tailored to the specific patient according to the intervention being performed. For patients with an elevated
serum creatinine level (1 1.4 mg/dL), pre-intervention hydration, minimization of contrast load, and/or use of fenoldopam have been advocated to limit
the nephrotoxic effects of the contrast agent. Fenoldopam is administered as a continuous infusion at a rate of 0.01 to 1.6 g/kg/min. A steady-state
concentration is usually reached within 20 minutes. Other options for lesion localization when the baseline serum creatinine exceeds 2 mg/dL include
use of gadolinium, CO2 contrast, or intravascular ultrasound. Of note, the total administered volume of gadolinium should not exceed 0.2 to 0.4
mmol/kg, which is equivalent to 30 to 60 mL in a 75-kg person.
There is no consensus as to whether an intervention should be based on a pressure gradient difference measured by an intra-arterial catheter. We suggest
that a mean pressure gradient greater than 10 mm Hg is sufficiently significant to require treatment. If no difference is detected in the resting state, then
100 g of nitroglycerin can be infused intra-arterially to mimic the increased demand that occurs with walking. A gradient can be checked after the
infusion is complete. It has been suggested that accuracy may be improved by simultaneous measurement of aortic pressure through a guide catheter
and pressure distal to the stenosis with a pressure wire (Radi Medical Systems, 0.014 inch, 175 cm).
Whereas systemic anticoagulation or use of antiplatelet agents is not required for diagnostic procedures, appropriate pre-interventional therapy is a
prerequisite for optimizing the likelihood of a successful treatment outcome. Patients are routinely hydrated overnight and no oral intake is permitted 8
hours before the procedure. Aspirin (81 mg) is initiated 24 hours before intervention and, in the case of renal artery interventions, all antihypertensive
medications are held the morning of the procedure to avoid a precipitous decrease in blood pressure that may occur after angioplasty. Before
angioplasty or stenting, we administer 5000 units of heparin intravenously and a single dose of cefazolin or vancomycin is given if a vascular stent or
prosthesis is to be inserted. Once the intervention is completed and the activated clotting time falls below 150 to 160 seconds, the arterial sheath can
safely be removed. Our current practice is to place all patients on aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavix) with an initial 300-mg loading dose followed by 75
mg/day for 3 to 6 months. Most studies involving the use of thienopyridines, such as clopidogrel or ticlopidine, and arterial stents have focused on their
application in coronary artery disease. In the STARS trial, 1965 patients undergoing coronary stenting were randomized to aspirin alone, aspirin and
warfarin, and aspirin and ticlopidine.[13] Patients who received aspirin and ticlopidine had a significantly lower rate of stent thrombosis compared with
the other two groups. The clinical benefit was noticed for up to 12 months, although no reduction in restenosis was observed.
For a given lesion, a balloon catheter is selected on the basis of balloon diameter (millimeters) and length (centimeters), as well as the length of the
catheter shaft, which

Figure 62-4 An inflated angioplasty balloon catheter.

is dictated by lesion location and chosen access site ( Fig. 624 ). Characteristically, angioplasty balloons are produced from a noncompliant plastic,
such as polyethylene, which facilitates high-pressure inflation to a predetermined maximum shape and size. Pressure required for inflation may vary
widely from 4 to 16 atmospheres and is dependent on the compliance of the vascular lesion to be dilated. Higher pressures are typically required for
relatively stiff venous stenoses. The ability to respond to an inflation pressure without balloon disruption is dictated by the material properties of a given
balloon and, as a consequence, is also a factor in selection of an appropriate balloon catheter. Balloons that are composed of a compliant plastic, such as
Silastic, have a much greater range of potential final diameters, with continued balloon expansion dictated as a function of the inflated volume.
Embolectomy balloons fall in this category, as well as occlusion balloons that may be used to seat an aortic stent graft or temporarily facilitate proximal
aortic occlusion in the presence of a ruptured aneurysm. Both balloon types are capable of inadvertently perforating a vessel wall. Cutting balloon
technology has been primarily utilized in the coronary circulation. A recent report from England demonstrated the short-term efficacy of a 6-mm cutting
balloon in the periphery.[14] Further studies of cutting balloons for applications in peripheral arterial disease are underway.
Selection of the appropriate balloon size is primarily dictated by the diameter of the normal vessel in which a given lesion is located. Iliac and
subclavian arteries, for example, may range in diameter from 6 to 10 mm and are typically smaller in women than in men. The infrarenal aorta varies
from 14 to 20 mm, and renal and superficial femoral arteries are usually 4 to 5 mm in diameter. The diameters of infrageniculate vessels are often 3 mm.
Stenotic lesions in the iliac and subclavian veins and inferior vena cava may also require angioplasty; and whereas these vessels are generally larger
than their accompanying arteries, similar rules apply. With experience, balloon selection can be made on the basis of the appearance of

Figure 62-5 Two sizes of intravascular stents.

the arteriogram, but more accurate measurement techniques exist, including use of integrated image-based software programs referenced to a
fluoroscopically visualized catheter of known French size. Alternatively, intravascular ultrasound[15] also provides a very accurate means for defining
vessel size, and marker catheters that contain radiopaque marks at known intervals can also be used for a more accurate assessment of vessel diameter.
Balloon shaft lengths are commonly 75 cm or 120 cm, and, depending on the system, can be coaxial or monorail and designed to be inserted over 0.014inch, 0.018-inch, or 0.035-inch wires.
The balloon inflating solution is usually a mixture of saline and contrast solution. Whereas most balloons are best imaged using a 5050 mix, larger
aortic balloons can be easily visualized using 20% to 30% (v/v) of contrast agent, which decreases viscosity of the solution and allows the balloon to be
more rapidly inflated or deflated. To accurately pre-position an angioplasty catheter before inflation, balloons are designed with a radiopaque marker at
each end at the cylindrical portion of the balloon. However, balloons may be designed with differing degrees of taper, and a significant shoulder may
protrude past these marks. In this regard, when treating a lesion that lies near a branch point, it is important to account for balloon taper and limit
inadvertent extension of the terminal portion of the balloon into a smaller branch vessel with attendant risk or vessel rupture or dissection.
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Vascular stents are commonly used after an inadequate angioplasty with dissection or elastic recoil of an arterial stenosis ( Fig. 625 ). Appropriate
indications for primary stenting of a lesion without an initial trial of angioplasty alone are evolving in a manner that are dependent on the extent and site
of the lesion. Vascular stents are classified

into two basic categories: balloon-expandable and self-expanding. Balloon-expandable stents are usually composed of stainless steel, mounted on an
angioplasty balloon, and deployed by balloon inflation. They can be manually placed on a chosen balloon catheter or obtained premounted on a balloon
catheter. The capacity of a balloon expandable stent to shorten in length during deployment depends on both stent geometry and the final diameter to
which the balloon is expanded. Self-expanding stents are deployed by retracting a restraining sheath and usually consist of Elgiloy, a cobalt, chromium,
nickel alloy, or Nitinol, a shape memory alloy composed of nickel and titanium, which will contract and assume a heat-treated shape above a transition
temperature that depends on the composition of the alloy. Self-expanding stents will expand to a final diameter that is determined by stent geometry,
hoop strength, and vessel size. In particular, if the vessel diameter is significantly less than that of the stent, final stent length may be longer than the
anticipated unconstrained length.
Several recent innovations in stent technology are worthy of comment. Covered stents have been designed with either a surrounding
polytetrafluoroethylene or polyester fabric[16] and have been used predominantly for treatment of traumatic vascular lesions, including arterial disruption
and arteriovenous fistulas. However, these devices may well find a growing role in treatment of iliac or femoral arterial occlusive disease as well as of
popliteal aneurysms.[17] A second important development has been the development of drug-eluting stents, which transiently release antiproliferative
agents into the vessel wall so as to reduce intimal hyperplasia and restenosis.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] Efficacy has been demonstrated for local delivery of selected
agents, such as rapamycin and paclitaxel, in the coronary circulation. Data remain limited for the benefit of these agents in the peripheral circulation.[23]
Brachytherapy has played a significant role in the management of restenosis in the coronary circulation. One trial thus far has demonstrated a benefit of
brachytherapy in the periphery,[24] and two additional brachytherapy trials, the PARIS trial and the Vienna 3 trial, are ongoing. The impact of any of
these evolving technologies will require further evaluation in the peripheral circulation.
Endovascular aneurysm repair was initiated by Parodi in 1991.[25] Since that time, a large number of endografts have been inserted under the auspice of
clinical trials at first and now as Food and Drug Administration approved devices. The AneuRx (Medtronic AVE, Santa Rosa, CA), Ancure (Guidant
Corp., Menlo Park, CA), Excluder (W.L.Gore & Associates, Flagstaff, AZ), and Zenith (Cook Inc., Bloomington, IN) devices have all been approved
for clinical use. All of these devices require that patients have an infrarenal aneurysm with at least a 1-cm neck and not greater than 60 degrees of
angulation. For those patients with associated common iliac artery aneurysmal disease, endovascular treatment can be achieved by initial coil
embolization of the ipsilateral hypogastric artery with extension of the endovascular device into the external iliac artery. Clinical trials are underway
with devices that will expand indications to aneurysms involving the visceral segment of the abdominal aorta.
Commercially available endografts for treatment of thoracic aortic disease are not yet available. However, experience with experimental devices is
rapidly accumulating.[26] Thoracic aortic devices have been used to treat descending thoracic aneurysms, traumatic aortic transections, and aortic
dissections. A larger experience with these devices exists in both Europe and Asia, and trials are underway in the United States with several devices.
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Excellent imaging is the key to endoluminal therapies regardless of whether the intervention is performed in an imaging suite or an operating room.
Fluoroscopy is the modality used for digital subtraction angiography. Fluoroscopy functions via an image intensifier that receives, concentrates, and
brightens an x-ray image to produce an electronic image that can be displayed on a screen. The larger size of an image intensifier usually allows for
better quality imaging. A standard imaging suite image intensifier is 15 inches in diameter, whereas a standard image intensifier on a portable C arm is
12 inches in diameter. Both portable and stationary equipment have specialized functions that are commonly used during interventions. Magnified
views are obtained when focusing on a limited area such as the aortic bifurcation for kissing stent deployment. Another feature is the road map
technique. This allows for a representation of the arterial tree by contrast angiography on one digital screen with real-time fluoroscopy on another
screen. Road mapping facilitates crossing high-grade stenosis or occlusions. It is also useful when deploying vascular stents.
Fluoroscopic images can be obtained in many different angles. Anteroposterior (AP), right anterior oblique (RAO), and left anterior oblique (LAO) are
the most common views. The oblique views allow better visualization of portions of the vascular tree, such as the internal iliac arteries. For example, the
oblique angles allows the origin of this vessel to be visualized so that it does not overlap with the common iliac artery. This is especially important with
iliac arterial interventions to prevent stenting across the origin of the internal iliac artery. Additional views such as craniocaudal correction can also be
obtained. This is particularly useful for correcting angulation in difficult aortic necks during endovascular aneurysm repair.
It is important for all vascular surgeons working with fluoroscopy to be aware of its potential deleterious effects. Radiation exposure can lead to shortterm effects on the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems, which can be lethal if the exposure is high. Long-term radiation effects
include sterility and the development of malignancies. It is important that everyone exposed to the radiation field be protected by appropriate lead
gowns. Some surgeons routinely wear lead glasses as well as lead gloves to minimize their exposures and risks from the radiation.
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Selected References
Mackrell PJ, Langan EM III, Sullivan TM, et al: Management of renal artery stenosis: Effects of a shift from surgical to percutaneous therapy on indications and outcomes. Ann Vasc
Surg 17:5459, 2003.
This article demonstrates the change in thought in treating renal artery occlusive disease. Percutaneous therapy has broadened the patient population that can be safely
Parodi JC, Palmaz JC, Barone HD: Transfemoral intraluminal graft implantation for abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ann Vasc Surg 5:491499, 1991.
This pioneering work revolutionized the field of vascular surgery.
Sousa JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: I. Circulation 107:22742279, 2003.
Sousa JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: II. Circulation 107:23832389, 2003.
The two articles by Sousa and coworkers demonstrate the tremendous impact that drug-eluting stents have had on the coronary circulation. Trials are underway to
investigate their potential efficacy in the peripheral circulation.
Steinmetz E, Tatou E, Favier-Blavoux C, et al: Endovascular treatment as first choice in chronic intestinal ischemia. Ann Vasc Surg 16:693699, 2002.
This report highlights the paradigm shift that is occurring in the management of chronic intestinal ischemia. Patients who were previously too high risk for a surgical
intervention are considered candidates for an endoluminal approach.
Tielliu IF, Verhoeven EL, Prins TR, et al: Treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms with the Hemobahn stent-graft. J Endovasc Ther 10:111116, 2003.
This technology requires further investigation but is a promising approach to the management of peripheral arterial aneurysmal disease.

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1. Faries

P, Morrissey NJ, Teodorescu V, et al: Recent advances in peripheral angioplasty and stenting. Angiology 53:617626, 2002.

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JD, Eikens PH, Smith TP, et al: A stepless needle-dilator for expedient percutaneous catheterization: Technical note. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 13:329332, 1990.

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12. Steinmetz
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16. Rzucidlo
17. Tielliu

EM, Powell RJ, Zwolak RM, et al: Early results of stent-grafting to treat diffuse aortoiliac occlusive disease. J Vasc Surg 37:11751180, 2003.

IF, Verhoeven EL, Prins TR, et al: Treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms with the Hemobahn stent-graft. J Endovasc Ther 10:111116, 2003.

18. Sonoda S, Honda Y, Kataoka T, et al: Taxol-based eluting stents from theory to human validation: Clinical and intravascular ultrasound observations. J Invasive Cardiol 15:109
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19. Finkelstein
20. Virmani

A, McClean D, Kar S, et al: Local drug delivery via a coronary stent with programmable release pharmacokinetics. Circulation 107:777784, 2003.

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21. Sousa

JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: II. Circulation 107:23832389, 2003.

22. Sousa

JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: I. Circulation 107:22742279, 2003.

23. Duda

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24. Minar

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25. Parodi

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26. Milner

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Chapter 63 - Cerebrovascular Disease

G. Patrick Clagett M.D.

Stroke mortality is the third leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for one in every 15 deaths in 1992.[1] There has been a dramatic and
striking 60% decline in United States stroke mortality between 1960 and 1990. Despite this decline, nearly 150,000 Americans died of stroke during
1995, which corresponds to one death every 3.5 minutes. The distribution of stroke morbidity and mortality is heterogeneous in the United States
population, and the burden of stroke is greater among elderly men and African Americans. In the southeastern United States, stroke risk is
approximately 1.4 times that of other regions. The mortality after stroke remains substantial in that about 25% of those who have strokes die in the year
following the stroke.
Besides mortality, morbidity in the more than 3 million surviving stroke victims is substantial. Stroke is the leading cause of serious disability in the
United States and accounts for approximately half of the patients hospitalized for acute neurologic disease. Among long-term stroke survivors, 48%
have hemiparesis, 22% cannot walk, 24% to 53% are completely or partially dependent for normal daily activities, 12% to 18% are aphasic, and 32%
are clinically depressed.[1] The average health care cost in the United States exceeds $10 billion annually. Inpatient and outpatient costs for each of the
following conditions are as follows: cerebral infarction, $8,000 to $16,500; subarachnoid hemorrhage, $27,000 to $33,000; and intracerebral
hemorrhage, $11,000 to $13,000.
Strong risk factors for stroke that are modifiable include hypertension, cigarette smoking, sickle cell disease, transient ischemic attack (TIA),
asymptomatic carotid stenosis, and cardiac diseases, including atrial fibrillation, infective endocarditis, mitral stenosis, and recent large myocardial
infarction. Hypertension is the single most important modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke. Most estimates for hypertension indicate a relative risk
of stroke of approximately four times normal when hypertension is defined as systolic pressure of 160 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure of 95 mm
Hg.[1] Meta-analysis of trials of hypertension throughout the world have demonstrated a 38% reduction in all strokes and a 40% reduction in fatal strokes
with systematic treatment of hypertension.
Atrial fibrillation is the most powerful and treatable cardiac precursor of stroke. It is estimated that almost half of the cardioembolic strokes occur in the
setting of atrial fibrillation. Warfarin anticoagulation reduces the risk of stroke by 68% in pooled analyses of atrial fibrillation trials.[2] Cigarette smoking
increases the relative risk of ischemic stroke nearly two times, with a clear dose-response relation. Major trials of smoking cessation have documented a
prompt reduction in stroke risk. Moderate consumption of alcohol may reduce cardiovascular disease, including stroke; however, heavy alcohol
consumption increases the risk of stroke, particularly from brain hemorrhage.
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Atherosclerosis of arteries supplying the brain is a leading cause of ischemic stroke in North America and Europe ( Figs. 631 and 632 ). Large-artery
atherosclerosis, most often involving the carotid bifurcations, causes stroke by three principal mechanisms: embolization of atherosclerotic and
thrombotic material (artery-to-artery emboli); thrombotic occlusion; and hypoperfusion from advanced, hemodynamically significant stenoses (see Fig.
632 ).

Figure 63-1 Proportion of strokes caused by different etiologies.

Figure 63-2 Cardiogenic and arterial atherosclerotic sources for stroke.

Aortic arch atherosclerosis may also be a source of cerebral emboli and is increasingly being implicated with wider application of transesophageal
echography in the evaluation of stroke patients. Small-vessel atherosclerosis, also called lipohyalinosis, leading to occlusion of small penetrating brain
arteries is the leading cause of subcortical or lacunar infarcts. About 20% of ischemic strokes are due to cardiogenic embolism, most commonly from
atrial fibrillation (see Figs. 631 and 632 ). Despite thorough evaluation, the exact cause of about 30% of ischemic strokes is unknown, and these are
termed cryptogenic strokes. Serial cerebral angiography in patients with cryptogenic stroke often reveals occlusions of intracranial arteries that resolve
within days. This implicates embolic occlusion, although the source of embolism is unknown.
Localization of advanced atherosclerosis along the outer wall of the carotid sinus has been noted in postmortem specimens, on angiograms of patients
with carotid stenosis, and in carotid bifurcation plaques removed during carotid endarterectomy. In rheologic studies involving glass models of the
carotid bifurcation, fluid-flow patterns along the outer wall of the sinus are complex and include regions of flow separation and reversal of axial flow as
well as the development of counter-rotating helical trajectories ( Fig. 633 ).[3] Wall shear stress is low in this region. In contrast, regions of moderate-tohigh shear stress, along the inner border of the carotid sinus, are relatively free of atherosclerosis and intimal thickening. Atherosclerosis develops

largely in regions of relatively low wall shear stress, flow separation, and departure from axially aligned, unidirectional flow. Such studies suggest that
the unique and stereotyped location of atherosclerosis at the carotid bifurcation is due to the

Figure 63-3 A, Simplified flow patterns at the carotid bifurcation demonstrate complex reversal of flow along the posterior wall of the carotid sinus. This region is most vulnerable to
plaque development. B, Established plaque at the carotid bifurcation. C, Soft, central necrotic core with an overlying thin fibrous cap. This area is prone to plaque rupture. D,
Disruption of the fibrous cap allows necrotic cellular debris and lipid material from the central core to enter the lumen of the internal carotid artery, thus becoming atherogenic emboli.
The patient may experience symptoms (transient ischemia, stroke, or amaurosis fugax) or remain asymptomatic depending on the site of lodgment and the extent of tissue
compromise. E, The empty necrotic core becomes a deep ulcer in the plaque. The walls of the ulcer are highly thrombogenic and reactive with platelets. This leads to
thromboembolism in the internal carotid artery circulation.

unusual geometry of this area that gives rise to hemodynamic and rheologic disturbances.[3] The relatively sluggish flow in such areas may lead to vessel
wall metabolic disturbances that are cumulative over time. In contrast to high-shear areas, these areas might be more likely to have prolonged exposure
to plasma lipids, circulating white blood cells and platelets, activated coagulation factors, and other mitogenic stimuli.
Established carotid bifurcation plaques have features in common with other complex atherosclerotic lesions. There is a soft central core of necrotic
cellular elements and lipid material sometimes associated with fibrin thrombus, red blood cells, hemosiderin, and other evidence of previous
hemorrhage into the plaque (see Fig. 633 ). A fibrous cap of varying thickness that is composed of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, vascular smooth
muscle cells, and fibroblasts covers the central core and is a vulnerable region of the plaque. The remainder of the plaque consists of vascular smooth
muscle cells, fibroblasts, collagen, and scattered regions of calcification. Lipid-laden macrophages may be found in several areas of the plaque but are
usually concentrated in the central core.
Plaque destabilization with rupture of the plaque results in embolization of debris from the central core, producing symptoms of TIA, amaurosis fugax,
and stroke (see Fig. 633 ). Atherosclerotic plaque rupture occurs as a result of interactions between external mechanical triggers and vulnerable regions
of the plaque when force is acting on the plaque and its fibrous cap exceeds the tensile strength of these structures. Along with causing symptoms,
plaque rupture with dissection of blood into its interior can lead to dramatic growth of the plaque.
In addition to external mechanical forces, the integrity of the fibrous cap is a balance between synthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix.
Inflammatory cells consisting mainly of macrophages and T lymphocytes appear at the borders of the necrotic core and of the fibrous cap; these cells
secrete metalloproteinases, cysteine proteases, growth factors, and cytokines that degrade matrix and make the fibrous cap vulnerable to rupture.[4] [5]
Cytokines released by inflammatory cells may also contribute to this process by inducing adjacent smooth muscle cells to secrete proteases. A
substantial percentage of cells within the plaque have been found to have positive markers of apoptosis, and most apoptotic cells are found near or
within the necrotic core and in the fibrous cap.[6] Inflammatory cytokines from macrophages may also contribute to induction of apoptosis. Loss of cells
in the fibrous cap along with matrix degradation may accelerate fibrous cap disruption.
Once the fibrous cap has ruptured and the debris from the central core has escaped, a deep ulcer remains in the plaque (see Fig. 633 ). The surface
lining the ulcer is highly thrombogenic and stimulates platelet aggregation and blood coagulation. This process is promoted by stasis of blood within the
depths of the ulcer. Platelet thrombogenesis at this site is a dynamic process, with platelets accumulating and embolizing into the internal carotid artery.
These events may be microembolic, causing TIA and amaurosis fugax, or they may lead to large emboli or thrombosis of the entire internal carotid
artery, causing major stroke.
Tracer studies in animal models employing radioactive microemboli have documented that emboli introduced at the carotid bifurcation lodge
preferentially in the ophthalmic

and middle cerebral arteries.[7] Furthermore, there is a predictable regularity in the distribution of the paths taken by these emboli due to the laminar
nature of blood flow. These findings account for the repetition of similar TIA symptoms in an individual patient. If the contralateral internal carotid
artery is ligated, emboli introduced at the ipsilateral carotid bifurcation are found in the ipsilateral and contralateral anterior cerebral territories. Emboli
introduced into the cardiac circulation are equally distributed throughout the brain. Based on these experimental findings, one can conclude that cardiac
sources of emboli can produce TIAs anywhere in the brain. In contrast, those of the carotid artery cause predominantly middle cerebral or ophthalmic
artery territory TIAs unless the contralateral carotid artery is severely stenosed or occluded.
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Symptomatic patients present with TIAs, amaurosis fugax, or stroke. TIAs are defined as brief episodes of focal loss of brain function due to ischemia
that can usually be localized to that portion of the brain supplied by one vascular system (left or right carotid or vertebrobasilar).[8] By convention,
episodes lasting less than 24 hours are classified as TIAs, although the longer the episode, the greater the likelihood of finding a cerebral infarct on
computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). TIAs commonly last 2 to 15 minutes and are rapid in onset (no symptoms to
maximal symptoms in < 5 minutes and usually in < 2 minutes). Fleeting episodes lasting only a few seconds are not likely to be TIAs. Each TIA leaves
no persistent deficit, and there are often multiple attacks.
Left carotid system TIAs manifest as (1) motor dysfunction (dysarthria, weakness, paralysis, or clumsiness of the right extremities and/or face); (2) loss
of vision in the left eye (amaurosis fugax), or, rarely, the right field of vision (homonymous hemianopsia); (3) sensory symptoms (numbness, including
loss of sensation or paresthesia involving the right upper and/or lower extremity and/or face); and (4) aphasia (language disturbance).
Right carotid system TIAs produce similar symptoms on the opposite side, except that aphasia occurs only when the right hemisphere is dominant for
speech (left-handed individual).
Vertebrobasilar system TIAs are characterized by the rapid onset of (1) motor dysfunction (weakness, paralysis, or clumsiness) of any combination of
upper and lower extremities and face (left and/or right); (2) sensory symptoms (loss of sensation, numbness, or paresthesia involving the left, right, or
both sides); (3) loss of vision in one or both homonymous visual fields; and (4) loss of balance, vertigo, unsteadiness or disequilibrium, diplopia, or
dysarthria.[8] These last symptoms are characteristic but are not considered as a TIA when any of these symptoms are alone. Dysarthria can accompany
either carotid or vertebrobasilar TIAs.
Most patients have TIAs that include motor symptoms. Sensory symptoms involving only part of one extremity or only one side of the face during a
single attack not accompanied by other symptoms are difficult to interpret with certainty. Occasionally, patients have only episodes of aphasia. An
attack that does not include either motor defect, visual loss, or aphasia is unusual and should be reviewed carefully before accepting TIA as the
The following symptoms are not to be considered as TIAs: (1) march of a sensory deficit; (2) unconsciousness without other symptoms; (3) vertigo
alone; (4) dizziness alone; (5) dysarthria alone; (6) diplopia alone; (7) incontinence of bowel or bladder; (8) loss of vision associated with alteration of
level of consciousness; (9) focal symptoms associated with migraines; (10) confusion alone; (11) amnesia alone; and (12) drop attacks alone.
A reversible ischemic neurologic deficit or small stroke has similar symptomatic components to TIA but lasts longer than 24 hours. Full neurologic
function returns within 48 to 72 hours. On careful neurologic examination, there may be some lingering deficits, in which case the patient is said to have
suffered a small stroke.
Amaurosis fugax is best defined as a transient monocular visual disturbance. Symptoms are sudden in onset and last for minutes. They are usually
shorter in duration than cortical TIAs. Patients often describe the visual disturbance as being like a curtain shade descending to the horizontal mid-visual
field and then ascending. The opposite can occur with the curtain shade ascending to the mid-horizontal visual field and then descending. Whether the
curtain shade involves the top or bottom half of the visual field depends on whether the inferior or superior retinal artery is embolized with the
corresponding portion of retina rendered ischemic. If the entire central retinal artery is transiently occluded, patients will complain of almost complete
loss of vision in the eye. Because the macula lutea and fovea centralis have a separate blood supply, they often retain this small portion of the visual
field and patients describe their vision as telescoped or as looking out of a tunnel. The visual impairment itself may be complete absence of vision in the
involved portion or blurriness or graying of vision.
The diagnosis of TIA and amaurosis fugax is based on history. It is rare for a physician to actually witness one of these episodes. It is therefore
incumbent on the physician to carefully probe and document the characteristics of the event. Often it is helpful to question the patients spouse or friend
who may have been present during the episode.
Once the diagnosis of TIA, amaurosis fugax, or small stroke is established, urgent work-up is required because these are warning symptoms of major
stroke. The first priority is to rule out carotid artery occlusive disease, and this can be effectively done with duplex ultrasonography ( Fig. 634 ).
Duplex ultrasonography allows determination of whether or not significant carotid occlusive disease is present and the severity of the stenosis at the
origin of the internal carotid artery. If advanced carotid stenosis is present ipsilateral to the symptoms, carotid endarterectomy is generally indicated and
no further testing is required except for a brain imaging study (CT scan or MRI) to rule out intracranial pathology. Contrast arteriography is helpful for
lesser degrees of stenosis because duplex ultrasonography frequently underestimates or overestimates levels of stenosis in the moderate (40% to 59%)
range.[9] Contrast arteriography is also indicated when

Figure 63-4 A duplex scan combines two diagnostic modalities. Anatomic information from the B-mode scan and the physiologic information of flow velocities from the Doppler
scan define morphologic and hemodynamic abnormalities at the carotid bifurcation. Pulsed Doppler technology allows sampling of flow velocities within a particular area of the
vessel lumen. Color-flow imaging allows determination of blood flow direction and velocity within the vessel lumen and is projected as colors displayed within the vessel image
formed from the B-mode scan. Thus, vessels with blood flowing in the arterial direction are displaced as one color, generally red, and blood flow in the opposite direction (venous
flow) is displayed as blue. Variations of color shading indicate changes in velocity, with lighter shades of color indicating higher velocities. This technology is useful in allowing the
examiner to choose the areas of greatest disease and flow disturbance in the real-time B-mode image to measure velocities and perform spectral analysis at the point of maximal
stenosis. Further information is derived from spectral waveform analysis. The returning Doppler signal consists of multiple frequencies that are representative of the velocities of the
cellular elements of the blood within the sample volume. If the cells are moving at similar velocities and in similar directions, the resulting frequencies when displayed graphically as
velocities on the Y axis produce a narrow waveform. This type of waveform is seen with unidirectional, laminar flow. Luminal irregularities, such as plaque, not only increase the
peak velocities within the sample volume but also increase the range of frequencies within it, as the resulting flow disturbances cause variations in the velocity and direction of the
cellular components of the blood. This results in broadening of the spectral waveform and is characteristic of significant stenosis of the lumen. A, Arterial flow (red) is displayed in
the internal (ICA) and common (CCA) carotid arteries. Sampling for flow velocities and spectral waveform analysis is carried out in the center stream of the internal carotid artery, as
displayed on the diagram, and the waveform is shown below. Peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities are measured on a representative wave, and in the example, these are 0.58
m/sec (58 cm/sec) and 0.25 m/sec (25 cm/sec), respectively. These are well within normal limits. B, The same general area is being interrogated in a diseased internal carotid artery.
The lumen appears to narrow and the red color becomes variegated and lighter. Arterial flow is sampled in the area of maximal disturbance and narrowing, and the resultant waveform
is displayed below. The peak systolic velocities approach 4 m/sec (400 cm/sec) and the end-diastolic velocity is 1.41 m/sec (141 cm/sec). These values are elevated, indicating
abnormally increased flow velocities in the area of stenosis. In addition, spectral analysis shows broadening from nonlaminar flow. These findings are characteristic of significant
stenosis. By applying validated criteria, the severity of the stenosis can be estimated accurately.


more proximal atherosclerotic disease is suspected involving the branches coming off the aortic arch. In patients with negative findings on duplex
ultrasonography, arteriography is useful to eliminate intracranial vascular disease and unusual arteriopathies such as fibromuscular dysplasia. If the
source for TIA has not been identified after duplex ultrasonography, brain imaging tests, and complete arteriography, cardiac sources must be ruled out
with echography and arrhythmia monitoring. Work-up for hypercoagulable disorder may also be indicated. A full algorithm for a diagnostic work-up of
patients presenting with TIA is shown in Figure 635 .
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The goal of surgical therapy for cerebrovascular disease in general and carotid endarterectomy in particular is to prevent stroke. The first individual to
realize the potential of surgical therapy was a neurologist. In seminal papers in the early 1950s, Fisher focused attention on the relationship between
extracranial carotid disease and cerebral

Figure 63-5 Diagnostic algorithm for patients presenting with transient ischemic attack (TIA) and/or amaurosis fugax (AF). The dashed line indicates that cerebral angiography is
unnecessary in most patients presenting with clear-cut symptoms and high-grade stenosis on duplex ultrasonography. However, under certain circumstances (see text), angiography
may be necessary.

infarction and made several important observations about the nature of carotid occlusive disease that led directly to the development of the concept of
surgical reconstruction of the extracranial vessels.[10] [11] He defined the basic nature of the lesion as atherosclerosis of the extracranial vessels, pointing
out the predilection for atheroma to occur at the carotid bifurcation in the neck, and he also observed that the internal carotid artery distal to the
bifurcation and the intracranial vessels were usually free of disease. To Fisher, these observations not only indicated that extracranial carotid disease
was, indeed, an important cause of strokes but also suggested the possible form of therapy to prevent stroke. He speculated that it is even conceivable
that someday vascular surgery will find a way to bypass the occluded portion of the artery during the period of ominous, fleeting symptoms.
Anastomosis of the external carotid artery with the internal carotid artery above the area of narrowing should be feasible.
As a result of Fishers publications, Carrea, Mollins, and Murphy performed the first successful surgical reconstruction of the carotid artery in Buenos
Aires on October 20, 1951.[12] The first successful carotid endarterectomy was performed by DeBakey on August 7, 1953. The operation that gave the
greatest impetus to development of surgery for carotid occlusive disease was that of Eastcott, Pickering, and Robb, which was performed in London on
May 19, 1954.[12] The case was a woman who had recurrent TIAs associated with stenosis of the left carotid bifurcation. She underwent resection of the
bifurcation with restoration of blood flow by anastomosis of the internal carotid artery to the common carotid artery. The patient was completely
relieved of symptoms, and the operation dramatically demonstrated that removal of carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis could halt TIAs and, presumably,
prevent strokes.
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In the decades following the seminal developments in the 1950s, carotid endarterectomy became one of the most common cardiovascular operations
performed. The number of patients undergoing endarterectomy in hospitals in the United States rose from 15,000 in 1971 to 107,000 in 1985 ( Fig. 63
6 ).[13] However, the efficacy and appropriateness of carotid endarterectomy sustained severe criticism in the mid 1980s.[14] Concerns centered on the
effectiveness of the operation and marked geographic variation in rates of endarterectomy. Adding to this uncertainty was the decline in the number of
nonfatal and fatal strokes, the influence of risk factor management in reducing strokes, and the emerging recognition of aspirin and other antiplatelet
drugs in preventing stroke.[15] Early randomized trials in the 1970s evaluating carotid endarterectomy yielded negative results, most likely because of a
combination of poor selection criteria and high perioperative morbidity and mortality.[16] When a contemporary randomized trial demonstrated that
extracranial-intracranial bypass was ineffective in preventing stroke,[17] this presented an opportunity to re-examine the efficacy of carotid
endarterectomy, and several randomized trials were begun in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.


Figure 63-6 Number of carotid endarterectomies performed annually in the United States.

A summary of the most important randomized trials is presented in Figure 637 .[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] In all trials, carotid endarterectomy was
compared with best medical therapy. Trials involving symptomatic patients are displayed in the top and middle panels, and trials dealing with
asymptomatic patients are displayed in the bottom panel. Several important points are apparent by examining the results in Figure 637 . First, the risk
of stroke and death with medical therapy was much greater in symptomatic patients than in asymptomatic patients, thereby yielding a more striking
relative risk reduction with endarterectomy. Second, because of the more benign prognosis with medical therapy in asymptomatic patients, it was much
more difficult to demonstrate a clear-cut, positive benefit of operation. In fact, only one trial, the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS),
was able to show conclusive benefit of carotid endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients.[21] In contrast, almost all trials in symptomatic patients
demonstrated an important benefit of carotid endarterectomy that was most apparent in patients with advanced, high-grade stenoses. Although the stroke
and death rate with medical therapy in asymptomatic patients was similar in all three trials, the significant benefit of endarterectomy in the ACAS study
was the result of a low, perioperative stroke and death rate. These data underscore the need for careful selection for operation of relatively fit patients
with asymptomatic disease as well as the critical importance of skill and experience in performing this operation.
The most influential trial was the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET).[18] [24] Patients randomized either to medical
or surgical therapy for TIA or mild, disabling stroke ipsilateral to a 70% to 99% narrowing of the internal carotid artery were unequivocally shown to be
best treated by surgical therapy. Among the symptomatic patients with high-grade stenosis, carotid endarterectomy reduced the overall risk of fatal and

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Chapter 64 - Aneurysmal Vascular Disease

Christopher K. Zarins M.D.
Maarit A. Heikkinen M.D., Ph.D.
Bradley B. Hill M.D.

An arterial aneurysm is defined as a permanent localized enlargement of an artery to more than 1.5 times its expected diameter.[1] Aneurysms can
develop at any location in the arterial tree but are most commonly found in the human aorta, iliac, popliteal, and femoral arteries, in decreasing order of
frequency. The carotid, renal, visceral, and upper extremity arteries can also develop aneurysms. Intracranial cerebrovascular aneurysms are distinct
from extracranial arterial aneurysms with regard to age, risk factors, manifestations, and treatment, and they are not considered here.
Arterial ectasia refers to localized arterial enlargement less than 50% of normal diameter. Arteriomegaly refers to generalized arterial enlargement
including the aorta, iliac, and femoral arteries and usually includes arteries that are normally not prone to develop aneurysms, such as the external iliac
artery and the profunda femoris artery. Although arteriomegalic arteries can become quite large, they are usually not prone to rupture.
The primary clinical significance of centrally located aneurysms (intrathoracic and intra-abdominal) is related to the risk of aneurysm rupture, whereas
the primary clinical significance of peripheral aneurysms is related to the risk of thrombosis or embolism.
Aneurysms are classified according to anatomic site, morphology, and etiology. The most common aneurysm morphology is a fusiform, symmetrical
circumferential enlargement involving all layers of the artery wall. Aneurysms may also be saccular with aneurysmal degeneration affecting only part of
the arterial circumference.
The most common etiology of aneurysms is atherosclerotic degeneration of the arterial wall. The pathogenesis is a multifactorial process involving
genetic predisposition, aging, atherosclerosis, inflammation, and localized proteolytic enzyme activation. Most aneurysms occur in elderly people, and
the prevalence of aneurysms increases with increasing age. Aneurysms can also occur in younger, genetically susceptible individuals with EhlersDanlos and Marfan syndromes. Other etiologies include localized infection that results in mycotic aneurysms and the rare tertiary stage of syphilis.
Aortic aneurysms may also occur with aortic dissection. Aortic dissections usually occur in the thoracic aorta with an intimal tear and separation of the
layers of the aortic wall. This results in the creation of a false lumen within the aortic wall with compression of the true lumen. The term dissecting
aneurysm is applied to aortic dissections with aneurysmal dilation of the false lumen. This can result in rupture of the aorta.
Aneurysmal enlargement can also result from hemodynamic causes such as poststenotic arterial dilation or arteriovenous fistulas. Long-standing
poststenotic dilation at sites such as in the subclavian artery distal to a cervical rib or thoracic outlet compression, or in the aorta distal to coarctation or
aortic valvular stenosis, may result in aneurysmal degeneration. Once the artery becomes

aneurysmal, reversal of the hemodynamic aberration does not result in regression of the aneurysm. Similarly, arteries supplying a long-standing highflow arteriovenous fistula, either congenital or acquired, can become aneurysmal. Additional types of aneurysms include those associated with
pregnancy and childhood or congenital aneurysms.
Pseudoaneurysms (false aneurysms) are localized arterial disruptions caused by blunt or penetrating trauma, vascular intervention, or anastomotic
disruption. Blood is contained by adjoining tissues and fibrous reaction. Pseudoaneurysms are distinguished from true aneurysms involving a pathologic
process of the arterial wall.
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Early attempts at repairing aneurysms included (1) ligation (Cooper, 1817); (2) induction of thrombosis by inserting steel wire (Moore, 1864); (3)
passing an electrical current within the vessel wall; (4) cellophane wrapping (Rea, 1948); and (5) endoaneurysmorrhaphy, which consisted of
imbrication of the opened aneurysm edges (Matas, 1906).
The first modern repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm was performed in 1951 in Paris by Charles Dubost, who used the retroperitoneal approach and
replaced the aneurysm with a freeze-dried thoracic aortic homograft. Repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm was first reported by Bahnson at
Johns Hopkins in 1953. Initially, aneurysm repair involved excision of the aneurysm and replacement of the aorta with a graft. The term
aneurysmectomy persists in the surgical lexicon to denote aortic aneurysm repair, although aneurysms are rarely excised. In the late 1950s, it was
realized that removal of the aneurysm was unnecessary, and aortic aneurysm repair is currently performed intrasaccularly by opening the aneurysm
sac and suturing a prosthetic graft to the nonaneurysmal proximal aorta and distal vessels. Numerous technical advances have been made since the
1960s and have resulted in improvement in grafts, sutures, instruments, clamps, and techniques. Furthermore, significant advances have been made in
areas of anesthesia, blood transfusion, and preoperative and postoperative care. Surgical repair of aneurysms can be performed safely and is effective in
preventing death from rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms.[2]
The unreliable early aortic homografts were replaced through pioneering efforts of Vorhees, DeBakey, and others using a variety of prosthetic cloth
grafts, of which the crimped Dacron polyester graft has proven to be the most durable and is still used.
Repair of a thoracoabdominal aneurysm was first reported in 1954 by Etheredge, followed by four cases in 1956 by DeBakey and colleagues.
Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Crawford laid the foundation for the treatment of thoracoabdominal aneurysm, Marfan syndrome, and the
surgical treatment of aortic dissection.[3] [4] Ongoing evolutionary changes in patient management included improvement in perioperative
cardiopulmonary management, modification of the approach to coronary artery comorbidity, and improvement in the ways to reduce spinal cord
ischemia and paraplegia after thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair.
In 1991, Parodi introduced a revolutionary minimally invasive endovascular approach to the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. This involved
transfemoral endoluminal placement of a stented prosthesis within the aneurysm sac to exclude the aneurysm from the circulation. Endovascular stent
graft repair offers the advantage of reduced patient morbidity by avoiding direct transabdominal or transthoracic aneurysm surgical exposure. A number
of commercial bifurcated stent graft devices have been developed for the abdominal aorta, and these have largely replaced the early homemade
devices. Three commercially available devices have received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for clinical use for abdominal aortic
aneurysms. Several thoracic stent graft devices are in clinical trials for thoracic aneurysms.
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The pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms is complex and not well defined. A number of theories have been proposed, but no single theory has been
universally accepted. It is likely that aneurysm formation is the consequence of the interaction of multiple factors rather than a single process.
Histologically, the aneurysm wall is thinned with a marked decrease in the amount of medial and adventitial elastin. An inflammatory infiltrate has been
observed in some abdominal aneurysms, with a relative preponderance of plasma cells in the media of some and a chronic infiltrate with a
preponderance of T cells in the adventitia in others. Because of the frequent coexistence with generalized atherosclerosis, degenerative aneurysms are
often referred to as atherosclerotic aneurysms. Although aneurysmal and occlusive disease demonstrate common pathologic features and share common
risk factors, a common pathogenesis has not been proved. The etiologic role of atherosclerosis in the development of these aneurysms has been
questioned, and alternative or additional mechanisms have been proposed. However, the similarity of the pathologic processes involving artery
degeneration suggests that common disease mechanisms between atherosclerotic occlusive disease and aneurysmal disease will be found ( Fig. 641 ).
The following mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, and, most likely, all of them play a part in the formation of aneurysms.

Abdominal as well as thoracic aneurysms exhibit familial clustering and occur in 10% to 20% of first-degree relatives. Specific genetic abnormalities
have been linked to aneurysm formation in patients with Marfan syndrome (fibrillin) and in patients with Ehlers-Danlos type 4 (procollagen type III).
However, the aneurysms in these patients appear at an earlier age and are often different from the usual variety of degenerative aneurysms, and the
relevance of these abnormalities to the latter is doubtful.

Figure 64-1 Cross section of abdominal aortic aneurysm reveals dilated arterial wall with posterior atherosclerotic plaque and laminated mural thrombus.

Less specific genetic abnormalities include decreased type III collagen in the aortic media of familial aneurysms and more common polymorphisms on
the gene for pro-alpha1 (III) chain of type III collagen and the haptoglobin alpha allele in patients with aneurysms. In addition, abnormalities on the
long arm of chromosome 16 have been found. Because most patients with aneurysms do not have a known family history, a genetic predisposition as
the sole or principal cause of degenerative aneurysms is unlikely.

The primary determinants of aortic structural integrity and stability are the musculoelastic fascicles in the media and the collagen scaffold structure of
the adventitia. Degradation of these structures is expected to result in aneurysmal degeneration and, indeed, experimental enzymatic destruction of the
aortic wall results in the formation of aneurysms. Many changes in aneurysm wall have been described, including a marked decrease in the quantity of
elastin in the aneurysm wall while the quantity of collagen remains unchanged. There is increased activity of elastase in the aneurysm wall, which may
be related to matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 or other proteases. Increased collagenase activity (MMP-1) has also been found in abdominal aortic
aneurysm wall as well as MMP-3 (an activator of MMP-9 and MMP-1) and plasmin. A decrease in the concentration of protease inhibitors tissue
inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2 has also been reported. Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-. , which are secreted by
inflammatory cells, were also found to be elevated in aneurysm wall. The causative role of these and other derangements has not been proved, and they
may represent secondary changes related to degeneration of the arterial wall.

Atherosclerosis is epidemiologically linked to aneurysmal disease. Both occur in older individuals, predominantly in men and in smokers.
Pathologically, atherosclerosis is characterized by focal intimal thickening encroaching on the lumen and consequent compensatory arterial dilation.
This remodeling occurs by thinning of the media underneath the plaque and loss of normal arterial architecture, a change identical to the process
underlying aneurysmal degeneration.[5] [6] Experimentally, aneurysms can be induced in nonsusceptible primates by exogenous cholesterol feeding and
induction of atherosclerosis, and their formation can be further enhanced by plaque regression.
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Distribution of Aortic Aneurysms

Aortic aneurysms are most commonly located in the infrarenal aorta ( Fig. 642 ). The segment immediately below the renal arteries is usually spared.
Aneurysms involving the immediate infrarenal segment are known as juxtarenal aneurysms. Suprarenal aneurysms are those that extend above the renal
arteries. Thoracoabdominal aneurysms occur in a minority of cases (2%) and involve the thoracic aorta in addition to the abdominal aorta, including the
segment involving the celiac, superior mesenteric, and renal arteries.
The iliac arteries are involved in 40% of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. In 90% of these, the common iliac arteries are involved, whereas
10% involve the hypogastric arteries. The external iliac arteries are almost never involved. Occasionally, iliac aneurysms occur in an isolated fashion.
Prevalence of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms at autopsy is 1.8% to 6.6%. In one large autopsy study, the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in
men was 4.3%, increasing rapidly after the age of 55 years and peaking at the age of 80 years, whereas the prevalence in women was 2.1%, increasing
after age 70 years and continuing to do so beyond age 90 years.[7] The most common location of aortic aneurysms is in the abdominal aorta, and up to
40% of patients with infrarenal aneurysms have an aneurysm elsewhere in the aorta. The incidence of newly diagnosed aortic aneurysms is 21 in
100,000 patient-years. Since 1970, there has been a more than threefold increase in overall as well as age-specific prevalence of abdominal

Figure 64-2 Human anatomic specimen containing thoracic and abdominal aorta. Note the 5.5-cm abdominal aortic aneurysm (arrow) at a typical location below the renal arteries

aneurysms, whereas death rates from strokes and heart disease have been declining.
The average age of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms is 75 years, about 10 years older than the average age of patients with clinically significant
arterial occlusive disease. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are more common in men than in women, with a male-to-female ratio of approximately 8:1.
White men have a higher prevalence than black men or women. In 50- to 75-year-old men, aneurysms larger than 4 cm occur at a rate of 1.4%; in
patients older than 60 years of age, the prevalence of aneurysms larger than 3 cm is 3%. Smoking is the most important risk factor and is associated with
78% of aneurysms discovered on screening.[8] [9] Prevalence of aneurysms is approximately 10% in men with hypertension or with clinical evidence of
peripheral, carotid, or coronary arterial disease. There is a definite familial incidence, with a rate of 10% to 20% and an 11.6-fold increase in relative
risk in first-degree relatives of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Familial aneurysms affect patients at a younger age, and more women are
Aneurysm rupture is the cause of death in 1.2% of men and 0.6% of women in the United States. It is the 13th most common cause of death in the
United States and is the cause of deaths in 15,000 people annually. In 12% of the ruptured aneurysms, the aneurysm has not been previously diagnosed.
About 46,000 abdominal aneurysms were repaired in 1992 in the United States and, of these, approximately 10% were ruptured.
Thoracic aortic aneurysms are diagnosed at a rate of 5.9 in 100,000 per year. In 12% to 25%, they are multisegmental, and the most common
combination (44% of cases) is a descending thoracic and an infrarenal aortic aneurysm. Thoracic aneurysms are more equally distributed between the
genders than are abdominal aortic aneurysms, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. There is familial clustering, and patients with a family history tend to
be younger.
Aortic dissection has an incidence of approximately 10 in 100,000 per year; as a cause of death, 2 in 100,000 are listed annually for men and 0.8 in

100,000 for women. The incidence is declining, possibly because of better control of hypertension. It is estimated that only one third to two thirds of
aortic dissections are diagnosed before death and that this may be the most common aortic catastrophe. The median age for dissection is 60 years (range
13 to 87 years), and 77% of the patients are men. It may occur in younger women during the third trimester of pregnancy.
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

The natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysms is to enlarge and rupture. Treatment strategies are designed to prevent this complication. The survival
statistics after rupture of an aortic aneurysm have not changed significantly since the 1980s. Following rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, only
50% of patients arrive at the hospital alive. Of these, 24% or more die before surgery and 42% die after the operation, for an overall mortality rate of
78% to 94%.
Aneurysms enlarge at an average rate of 0.4 cm per year, with a high individual variability.[10] Enlargement may be discontinuous, and 25% of
aneurysms remain stationary over prolonged periods. Higher enlargement rates have been associated with arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive lung
disease, family history, and increased aneurysmal thrombus.
In less than 5% of abdominal aneurysms, the first clinical manifestation is embolization to the lower extremity. This complication is not related to the
size of the aneurysm and constitutes an independent indication for repair.
Risk of Rupture

The single most important factor associated with rupture is maximal cross-sectional aneurysm diameter. Maximal aneurysm diameter correlates best to
the probability of rupture. Equal in significance is maximal cross-sectional area.[11] The fate of large aneurysms was initially investigated in the 1950s
and 1960s. Overall survival rate and the risk of rupture were related to maximal transverse diameter, and 50% of those with large aneurysms (>6 cm)
died of rupture whereas the other half died from underlying diseases, most commonly ischemic heart disease. The risk of rupture is estimated at 1% to
3% per year for aneurysms 4 to 5 cm, 6% to 11% per year for 5- to 7-cm aneurysms,

and 20% per year for aneurysms larger than 7 cm. Aneurysms smaller than 4 cm appear to be at a very low risk of rupture. The most powerful factors
that increase the risk of rupture are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pain. Even vague and uncharacteristic pain has been found to be
significantly associated with subsequent rupture. Advanced age, female gender, and renal failure have been linked to an increased risk of rupture.[1] [2] [3]
[4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27]

Thoracic Aneurysms

The natural history of thoracic aortic aneurysms is less well defined. Dissecting aneurysms carry a worse prognosis and expand more rapidly than
degenerative aneurysms. Ascending and arch aneurysms fare worse than descending aortic aneurysms of either the dissecting or degenerative variety.
The expansion rate is 0.42 cm per year for descending thoracic aneurysms and 0.56 cm per year for arch aneurysms. In a population-based study, 95%
of patients with dissecting aneurysms and 51% of patients with degenerative aneurysms eventually ruptured.[28] Following rupture, only 11% underwent
surgery (with a mortality rate of 43%) for an overall mortality rate of 94%.
Natural history data on thoracoabdominal aneurysms are sparse. The natural history seems to parallel that of thoracic and abdominal aneurysms. In the
largest series, 24% of unoperated patients with large thoracoabdominal aneurysms were alive at 2 years and more than 50% died of aneurysm rupture,
whereas of those who underwent surgical repair, 59% survived 5 years.[29]
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Clinical Presentation

Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic before rupture. Because no large-scale screening programs for abdominal aortic aneurysm are in
place, most aneurysms are discovered on routine physical examination with the palpation of a pulsatile abdominal mass or on imaging while
investigating an unrelated problem. Approximately 80% of aneurysms are identified incidentally on abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or plain abdominal radiograph.
Aneurysms can be associated with vague abdominal and back discomfort. Occasionally, spinal erosion is the cause of back pain, and large aneurysms
may be associated with early satiety and occasionally vomiting. Acutely expanding aneurysms produce severe, deep back pain or abdominal pain
radiating to the back. This may be accompanied by tenderness to palpation of the aneurysm. This presentation often precedes rupture and urgent
treatment is required. Less than 5% of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm have evidence of embolization, usually small, to the distal arteries of the
lower extremities. As many as 12% of aneurysms present for the first time with acute aneurysm rupture.
About 5% of aneurysms present with nonspecific, idiopathic retroperitoneal inflammation and fibrosis. These aneurysms are referred to as inflammatory
aneurysms. They are often associated with pain, fever, and fibrosis, which may involve the ureters and cause ureteral obstruction.

Physical examination is useful for the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms, especially in thin patients and patients with large aneurysms. An
important feature on physical examination is detection of expansile pulsation, where the gap between both hands placed on either side of the aneurysm
widens with each systole. This finding separates the aneurysm from normal aortic pulsations, which can be normally palpated in thin subjects,
particularly those with lordotic spines, and young women, and whenever a mass overlies the aorta and transmits them.
However, most patients with aneurysms are not thin, and most aneurysms are less than 6 cm. Under these circumstances, physical examination may be
unreliable, resulting in 50% false-positive and 50% false-negative results. Extension of an aortic aneurysm into the iliac arteries or the presence of
isolated iliac aneurysms cannot be appreciated on physical examination. Large hypogastric aneurysms can sometimes be palpated on rectal examination.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms are occasionally discovered on plain abdominal or on a lumbar spine radiograph by the characteristic eggshell pattern of
calcification. However, most aneurysms are not sufficiently calcified to be identified on these films, and this is not a reliable method for diagnosis or
Abdominal ultrasound is the most widely used noninvasive test for diagnosing and following up abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ultrasound is accurate in
demonstrating the presence of an aortic aneurysm and in measuring transverse aneurysmal diameter ( Fig. 643 ). Diameter measurements correlate well
with dimensions measured on CT scan and at operation. The quality of the examination may be influenced by patient factors such as obesity and bowel
gas and by the expertise of the examiner. Because of its low cost, wide availability, and lack of risk, ultrasound is particularly useful for screening and
for surveillance of small aneurysms and may prove useful for follow-up after endovascular repair. Duplex ultrasound is inconsistent in visualization of
the renal and iliac arteries and is not reliable in demonstrating accessory renal arteries or other anomalies; it is, therefore, less useful as a preoperative
planning tool.
CT is the most precise test for imaging aortic aneurysms ( Fig. 644 ). CT scanning with a timed intravenous contrast infusion provides good images of
the aorta, aortic lumen, branch vessels, and adjacent retroperitoneal structures. Modern spiral CT scanners acquire complete volumetric data and may be
reproduced as serial cross sections at specified intervals, as well as a full data set, which can be used for special image processing. The data set can be
used for three-dimensional image rendering, which may

Figure 64-3 A, Ultrasonography demonstrates an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Note the posterior mural thrombus within the aneurysm sac. B, Three-dimensional CT image illustrates
the presence of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney; RA, renal artery; IN, infrarenal neck; An, aneurysm; CIA, common iliac artery; IIA,
internal iliac artery; EIA, external iliac artery.


Figure 64-4 CT image illustrates an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm from lateral (top, right), anterior (bottom, left), and posterior (bottom, right) views.

be important for understanding the particular arterial anatomy and for planning treatment ( Fig. 645 ). CT scanning clearly demonstrates the size and
extent of aortic aneurysms and their relation to renal and iliac arteries. Renal artery stenoses, accessory renal arteries, and renal and renal vein anomalies
are clearly evident. CT scanning demonstrates the thickened wall typical of inflammatory aneurysms and demonstrates a contained rupture. At this time,
CT is the most versatile of the noninvasive tests and has largely replaced arteriography for evaluation of aortic aneurysmal disease.
MRI is the newest of the noninvasive imaging techniques used for evaluation of aortic aneurysmal disease. Technologic advances such as fast
acquisition times short enough for suspended respiration and use of intravenous contrast agents (gadolinium chelates) have made it possible to produce
high-quality images of the aorta that rival the quality CT scan. MR angiography accurately demonstrates aortoiliac aneurysmal disease and is useful for
planning and for follow-up of endovascular repair. It is less sensitive than CT scanning in identifying accessory renal arteries and grading renal artery


Figure 64-5 Three-dimensional CT image showing an aneurysmal aortic wall in the descending thoracic aorta, abdominal aorta, and right common iliac artery. Asc aorta, ascending
aorta; TAA, thoracic aortic aneurysm; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney; CIAA, common iliac artery aneurysm; AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Arteriography provides reliable information on artery lumen caliber and branch vessel disease. However, because most aneurysms contain a variable
amount of thrombus lining the aneurysm wall, assessment of the size of the aneurysm by arteriography is unreliable. Even so, arteriography is widely
used in planning treatment strategies, particularly in evaluating the renal arteries, visceral branch vessels, and iliac and femoral arteries. With the
availability of high-quality contrast CT scanning that can demonstrate branch vessels, arteriography is beginning to be replaced for preoperative
planning. Arteriography is important in the investigation of aortic dissection and, in conjunction with CT, can demonstrate the area of the intimal tear,
delineate the true and false lumen, and assist in planning interventional or operative treatment.
Preoperative Evaluation

Patients with aneurysms are most often elderly and frequently have coexisting cardiac, pulmonary, or renal disease, which increases the risk of
aneurysm repair. Complete preoperative evaluation and careful patient selection can reduce perioperative risk. With current perioperative management
strategies, even individuals with significant comorbidities can undergo endovascular or surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with very low
morbidity and mortality rates. Especially endovascular repair can be safely performed in very old patients, and repair is not denied on the basis of
chronologic age alone.
The most important step in preparing for invasive treatment of aortic disease is the cardiac evaluation. Severe coronary artery disease is present in 50%
of patients in whom it is suspected and in 20% of patients without clinical indications of the disease. The presence of uncorrected coronary artery
disease raises the risk of death from less than 3% to 5% to 10%, the risk of fatal myocardial infarction to 4.7%, and the risk of nonfatal myocardial
infarction to 16%. In comparison, the perioperative mortality rate in patients without coronary artery disease is 1.1% and in those after coronary
revascularization is 0.4%.[18]
Because history, physical examination, and electrocardiography (ECG) do not identify all patients at risk, noninvasive tests have been used to identify
patients who may benefit from a change in strategy or from coronary revascularization. Exercise ECG testing has been largely superseded by stress or
dipyridamole thallium cardiac scintillation scan and the dobutamine echocardiogram. Other tests include measurement of the ejection fraction by
echocardiogram or multigated acquisition scan and continuous portable ECG monitoring. These tests are applied to patients at risk, including older
patients and those with a history of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, abnormal baseline ECG, and diabetes mellitus.
Selection of patients for preoperative cardiac screening may be based on a variety of indices, including the Detsky modified Goldman risk index,
Eagles criteria, and the recommendations of the American Heart Association.
Patients who are found to have significant coronary artery disease may be referred for catheter-based or surgical coronary revascularization before
surgical repair of the aneurysm. In addition to decreasing perioperative cardiac morbidity, this approach may decrease the 39% 5-year mortality rate
associated with underlying coronary disease in these patients.
Other important risk factors for surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and impaired renal
function. Pulmonary function studies can serve as a rough prognostic guide and should be optimized before surgical intervention. Preoperative renal
function is an important determinant of perioperative morbidity and influences the use of contrast agents in diagnostic tests or at the time of
endovascular repair.
Selection of Patients for Aneurysm Repair

The selection of patients for aneurysm repair of aortic aneurysms is based on assessments of the risks of rupture and of the procedure. When the
maximal diameter reaches 5.5 cm, risk of rupture increases rapidly and aneurysm repair is indicated. Anatomy of the aneurysm, infrarenal aorta, and
iliac arteries usually determines the type of reconstruction: open surgical repair or endovascular repair. Patients with significant comorbidities should

be treated with endovascular graft. However, if anatomy is unsuitable for endovascular repair in high-risk patients, an open surgical procedure may be
considered if the aneurysm is large (>6 to 7 cm). Patients with aneurysms between 4 and 5 cm are candidates for repair if there is evidence of more than

a 0.5-cm enlargement over a 6-month period. Patients with evidence of rapid expansion, tenderness in the region of the aneurysm, and back or
abdominal pain, which may originate in the aneurysm, should undergo urgent aneurysm repair. Peripheral embolization originating from the aneurysm
is an indication for repair, regardless of aneurysm size.
Endovascular repair does introduce morphologic criteria for patient selection in that only aneurysms with a suitable infrarenal neck and iliac arteries can
be treated with endovascular stent grafts. Patients requiring additional abdominal or pelvic revascularization procedures, patients with narrow femoral
and external iliac access vessels, and patients with a short or tortuous neck and common iliac aneurysms are not candidates for endovascular repair and
should undergo open surgical repair.
Operative Technique of Open Surgical Repair

Open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is performed through a transperitoneal or retroperitoneal exposure of the aorta under general
endotracheal anesthesia. Preoperative preparation to optimize cardiopulmonary function, administration of operative antibiotics, and careful
intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring with fluid management and appropriate blood transfusion can significantly reduce the risks of surgery. Patients
with cardiac disease should be monitored throughout surgery with a pulmonary artery catheter, cardiac output monitoring, and transesophageal
echocardiography. Epidural anesthesia may be combined with general anesthesia to decrease drug dosage intraoperatively, and it may be used for
postoperative pain management. Before aortic cross-clamping, volume loading is combined with vasodilation and lost blood may be returned to the
patient with an autotransfusion system to prevent declamping hypotension.
The aortic aneurysm may be exposed through a long midline incision for transperitoneal approach, an oblique flank incision for retroperitoneal
exposure, or an upper abdominal transverse incision for either transperitoneal or retroperitoneal exposure. Equivalent results can be obtained using each
of these approaches. The transabdominal approach is preferred when exposure of the right renal artery is required, when access to intra-abdominal
organs is necessary, or when extensive access to the distal right iliac system is required. The retroperitoneal exposure offers advantages when there are
extensive peritoneal adhesions, intestinal stomas, underlying pulmonary disease, or the need for suprarenal exposure. The retroperitoneal approach may
be associated with a shorter duration of ileus, reduced pulmonary complications, and a shorter stay in the intensive care unit.
When using the transperitoneal approach, the small bowel is mobilized to the right and the posterior peritoneum overlying the aortic aneurysm is
divided to the left of the midline ( Fig. 646 ). The duodenum is mobilized and the left renal vein is identified and exposed. The nonaneurysmal
infrarenal neck, immediately below the left renal vein, is exposed and encircled to obtain proximal control. The common iliac arteries are then
mobilized and controlled, taking care to avoid the underlying iliac veins and ureters that cross over the iliac bifurcation. If the common iliac arteries are
aneurysmal, control of the internal and external iliac arteries is obtained. The inferior mesenteric artery arising from the anterior aspect of the aneurysm
is exposed and controlled for possible reimplantation into the graft after aneurysm repair ( Fig. 647 ). The retroperitoneal approach involves a
transverse left abdominal or flank incision and reflection of the peritoneal sac anteriorly. The left kidney may be left in place or mobilized anteriorly to
expose the posterolateral aspect of the aorta. Exposure of the right iliac system is facilitated by division of the inferior mesenteric artery. Control of the
infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries and aneurysm repair are the same regardless of abdominal incision or approach.
After systemic anticoagulation with intravenous heparin, the infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries are cross-clamped. The aneurysm is opened
longitudinally; mural thrombus is removed and backbleeding lumbar arteries are oversewn. Depending on its backflow and on patency of hypogastric
arteries, the inferior mesenteric artery may be ligated or clamped and left with a rim of aortic wall for subsequent reimplantation. The aneurysm neck is
partially or completely transected, and an appropriately sized tubular or bifurcated prosthetic graft is sutured to the normal infrarenal aorta with
monofilament, permanent nonabsorbable suture. In the case of juxtarenal aneurysms in which there is a very short or absent neck, suprarenal aortic
clamping may be necessary to perform the proximal anastomosis. The distal graft anastomosis is performed to the aortic bifurcation when the aneurysm
is confined to the aorta. This is known as tube graft reconstruction. Tube grafts are used in 30% to 50% of patients. Patients with iliac aneurysms are
reconstructed with bifurcated grafts anastomosed to the distal common iliac arteries or to the common femoral arteries in the case of significant
associated external iliac disease. The open aneurysm sac is sutured closed over the aortic graft to separate the graft from the duodenum and viscera,
preventing the possibility of late aortoenteric fistula formation.[30]
Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair

Endovascular aneurysm repair differs from open surgical repair in that the prosthetic graft is introduced into the aneurysm through the femoral arteries
and fixed in place to the nonaneurysmal infrarenal neck and iliac arteries with self-expanding or balloon-expandable stents rather than sutures ( Fig. 64
8 ). A major abdominal incision is thus avoided, and patient morbidity related to the procedure is much reduced. The first endovascular abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair was carried out by Parodi and associates in 1991 using a Dacron graft sutured onto balloon-expandable Palmaz stents.[24] The
effectiveness of endovascular repair was demonstrated in the 1990s using a variety of

Figure 64-6 Operative technique of open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. A, The aneurysm is approached through a midline or transverse transabdominal incision or a left flank
retroperitoneal incision. B, Transabdominal exposure with incision of peritoneum overlying aneurysm. C, The left renal vein is an important landmark indicating the approximate
location of renal arteries; the proximal aneurysm neck is mobilized and encircled. D to F, Proximal and distal control is obtained, the aneurysm is opened, mural thrombus is removed,
and backbleeding lumbar orifices are oversewn. G to J, The proximal anastomosis is started along the back wall of the aorta as shown, or the proximal neck is transected and an endto-end anastomosis is created. K, The distal anastomosis is constructed in a similar fashion; if backbleeding from the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is pulsatile and the hypogastric
arteries are patent, the IMA may be oversewn. L, The aneurysm sac is sewn over the tube graft, thereby completing the repair. M and N, If the iliac arteries are aneurysmal, a
bifurcated prosthetic graft is used.

homemade devices. A number of commercially manufactured stent grafts have since been developed. Early tubular grafts have been replaced by
modular bifurcated grafts that have expanded the applicability of this therapy. Clinical trials comparing endovascular repair to open surgical repair are
underway with favorable short-term results. Presently, there are three FDA-approved endovascular devices for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm
(Medtronic, AneuRx; Gore, Excluder; Cook, Zenith) in the United States, and approval of additional devices is anticipated soon.
The technical details of endovascular repair vary with each specific device, but the general principles are similar. In most cases, a self-expanding stent
graft is inserted into the aorta by way of the femoral arteries. Presently, the insertion requires surgical exposure of another or both common femoral
arteries. The arteries are cannulated and guide wires are inserted into the aorta. Most stent grafts are made of two pieces: (1) a main module, including
the body, and (2) one of the limbs with a gate for the separate contralateral limb. The appropriately sized primary module is inserted under fluoroscopic
guidance and deployed just below the renal arteries. The opening in the bifurcated module for the contralateral limb is cannulated by way of the other
femoral artery, and the contralateral limb is deployed to create a bifurcated stent graft that excludes the aneurysm from the circulation. Technical
success rate is 99% to 100%.[31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37]
Candidates for this procedure include patients with a proximal infrarenal neck at least 1.5 to 2 cm in length and common iliac arteries for proximal and
distal fixation of an endograft, without excessive tortuosity and with appropriate iliofemoral access. The benefits of this procedure are decreased blood
loss, quicker recovery, and lesser morbidity with shorter stay in the hospital, and it may be applicable to high-risk patients,[31] [34] [35] [36] so mid-term
recovery (3 months after surgery) has been found to be significantly better after endovascular repair compared to open surgical repair.[31] There are few
studies with long-term follow-up, up to 5-years, comparing endovascular and surgical procedures. Long-term survival after endovascular aneurysm
repair has been comparable to that with open repair.[32] [33] [38] [39]
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The most dreaded complication of abdominal aortic aneurysms is aneurysm rupture. Aneurysms can rupture freely into the peritoneal cavity or into the
retroperitoneum. Free intraperitoneal rupture is usually an anterior rupture and is usually accompanied by immediate hemodynamic

Figure 64-7 A to C, The inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is reimplanted into the side of the aortic graft with a button of surrounding aorta or reconstructed with an interposition
autologous vein, artery, or prosthetic graft. Reimplantation is particularly important if the IMA is large (>3 mm in diameter), if collateral blood flow is compromised (hypogastric
artery occluded or oversewn), or if backbleeding from the artery is poor.

collapse and a very high mortality rate. Retroperitoneal ruptures are usually posterior and may be contained by the psoas muscle and adjacent periaortic
and perivertebral tissue. This type of rupture may occur without significant blood loss initially, and the patient may be hemodynamically stable. Both
types of rupture present with acute excruciating back and abdominal pain, accompanied by pallor, diaphoresis, syncope, and other symptoms and signs
related to blood loss and hypovolemic shock. Occasionally, patients may have chest pain induced by retroperitoneal blood loss or hypovolemia,
misleading the physician to suspect primary myocardial ischemia. Rarely, an aortic aneurysm may rupture into the inferior vena cava to produce an
acute massive arteriovenous fistula or into the duodenum with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In all its variations, rupture of the aorta, unless corrected,
is fatal.
Patients with ruptured aortic aneurysms require immediate surgical repair. If the patient is unstable and an abdominal aortic aneurysm has been
previously diagnosed or a pulsatile abdominal mass is present, no further evaluation

Figure 64-8 Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair involves aneurysm exclusion with an endoluminal aortic stent-graft introduced remotely, usually through the femoral
artery. An endovascular graft extends from the infrarenal aorta to both common iliac arteries, preserving the flow to the internal iliac arteries. SA, suprarenal aorta; IN, infrarenal
aortic neck; CIA, common iliac artery; IIA, internal iliac artery; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney.

is performed and the patient is transferred to the operating room without additional tests. Stable patients with a questionable diagnosis may undergo CT
scanning, which can confirm the presence of an aneurysm as well as demonstrate its extent, the site of rupture, and the degree of iliac involvement. In
patients not stable enough to undergo CT scanning, the presence of an aneurysm can be confirmed by bedside ultrasound. This does not demonstrate
aortic rupture but does confirm the presence of an aortic aneurysm. Acutely expanding aneurysms may present with abdominal pain and tenderness on
palpation. These are prone to rupture and should be repaired on an emergent basis.
Surgical repair of ruptured aneurysms is most commonly undertaken transperitoneally. In cases of contained rupture, supraceliac control should be
achieved before infrarenal dissection and, once the aneurysm neck is dissected, the aortic clamp can be moved to the infrarenal level. In cases of free
rupture, an attempt at obtaining control may include compression of the aorta at the hiatus and infrarenal control with a clamp or an intraluminal
balloon. Heparin is not usually given in these cases. Once proximal and distal control is achieved, the operation is conducted in a manner similar to
elective aneurysm repair.
Results after open repair of ruptured aneurysm vary. For patients in stable condition with a contained rupture, the mortality rate is less than 50%. For
patients with free

intraperitoneal rupture who arrive in shock with possible cardiac arrest, the outlook is grim and mortality rates exceed 90%.[17] Most patients do not die
on the operating table; rather, they succumb to the sequelae of shock and resuscitation with progressive multiorgan dysfunction that occurs in the
intensive care unit.
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm is thought to be less suitable for endovascular repair, because it needs preoperative measurements of the aneurysm
and adjacent arterial anatomy to determine the appropriate size and type of graft and also because of the inherent delay to obtain proximal occlusion.
Veith and Ohki reported the results of 25 endovascular repairs of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms.[40] Patients were treated with restricted fluid
resuscitation (hypotensive hemostasis), rapid transportation to operating room, placement of transbrachial or transfemoral guide wire under local
anesthesia, and urgent arteriography. In this small series, total operative mortality was 9.7%. Also, high-risk patients were treated successfully.
Operative mortality rates after endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm vary from 10% to 45%.[40] [41] [42] The number of studies and
patients is low so far, and the final role of endovascular treatment in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms will be seen in the future.
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The perioperative mortality rate for elective surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysms was 14% to 19% in the 1960s. The mortality rate for open
aneurysm repair has been greatly reduced by improvements in preoperative evaluation and perioperative care, and published series report a mortality
rate of 0 to 5% in leading centers.[43] The overall population-wide mortality rate for open aneurysm repair is estimated to be higher, in the range of 5% to
10%. Mortality rates following repair of inflammatory aneurysms and emergent repair for symptomatic, nonruptured aneurysms remain higher at 5% to
10%, primarily as a result of less thorough preoperative evaluation. The current perioperative mortality rate for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
repair is 8.5% to 15%. Mortality rate after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is 1% to 3%, not different from open surgical repair of
selected patients.
The overall morbidity rate after elective aneurysm repair is 10% to 30%. The most frequent complication is myocardial ischemia, which occurs in 3% to
16% (mean 7%) of cases, usually within the first 2 days after surgery. Myocardial infarction is also the most common cause of postoperative death.[15]
Mild renal failure is the second most frequent complication and occurs following 6% of elective open aneurysm repairs. It is more frequent with
preexisting renal disease and may occur as a result of hypoperfusion, contrast administration, and, occasionally, atheroembolism. Severe renal failure
requiring dialysis is rare. The third most common group of complications is pulmonary, and the postoperative pneumonia rate is approximately 5%.
However, with proper patient selection and care, pulmonary failure as the principal cause of death is rare.
Postoperative bleeding may occur occasionally and may be related to the anastomotic suture lines, to inadequately recognized venous injuries, and to
coagulopathy that may result from intraoperative hypothermia or excessive blood loss. Evidence of ongoing postoperative bleeding should lead to early
re-exploration. Lower limb ischemia may occur secondary to emboli or thrombosis of the graft and may require reoperation and thrombectomy.
Occasionally, microemboli propagated to the distal circulation result in a trash foot, which manifests with pain, muscle tenderness, and patchy skin
changes without loss of the peripheral pulse.
Postoperative paralytic ileus may last for 3 to 4 days, but occasionally duodenal or small bowel obstruction persists longer. Colon ischemia occurs after
1% of aneurysm repairs and presents with bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and distention and leukocytosis with findings of mucosal sloughing on
sigmoidoscopy. In case of transmural colonic necrosis, colon resection and exteriorization of stomas are warranted. Mortality rate in patients with colon
ischemia is 50% and increases to 90% when full-thickness gangrene and peritonitis have developed.
Paraplegia is rare after infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair, with an incidence of 0.2%. Most of the cases occur after repair of ruptured aneurysms or when
the pelvis has been devascularized. Approximately 50% of patients recover some neurologic function.
Postoperative sexual dysfunction is frequent and may manifest with impotence, which may be psychogenic, neurologic, or related to hypogastric artery
perfusion, or with retrograde ejaculation, which is related to nerve injury in the vicinity of the left common iliac artery.
Late complications are rare but may include pseudoaneurysms at the proximal or distal suture lines, graft or graft limb thrombosis, and graft infection,
which may become manifest months to years after aneurysm repair. It may be associated with graft enteric fistula and is notoriously difficult to diagnose
and treat.
Long-term survival rate following successful aortic aneurysm repair is less than that in the general population, primarily because of associated coronary
artery disease. Late deaths are generally due to cardiac causes. Five-year survival rate after repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is 67% with a range of
49% to 84% compared with a rate of 80% to 85% in age-matched control subjects. The mean duration of survival has been reported to be 7.4 years after
aortic aneurysm repair.
Endovascular aneurysm repair is associated with a unique set of complications. Incomplete exclusion of the aneurysm sac with continued perfusion is
referred to as endoleak and occurs in 9% to 44% of cases. There are several types of endoleaks. Endoleaks related to the endovascular stent graft or its
attachment sites (type I) may be associated with continued aneurysm expansion and risk of rupture. Such endoleaks can often be fixed by endovascular
methods. Other complications include graft migration and stent-graft occlusion. Migration can cause graft kinking and occlusion and endoleaks and lead
to conversion to open aneurysm repair. In early devices

migration was more common, but in development of new devices, attention has been paid to stability. In current devices, 1-year migration rates have
varied between 0 and 4% during the first 2 years after endografting.[33] [34] [44] Endograft limb occlusion usually presents with acute, severe ischemic
symptoms. Cumulative risk for limb occlusion is about 4% at 2 years after the procedure.[44] Postoperative persistent renal impairment has occurred in
9% after endovascular repair, and preoperative renal dysfunction has been found to be the only predictive factor for that.[45] Conversion to open repair
has to be done sometimes during or immediately after endovascular repair (primary conversion) owing to access problems or improper graft position,
and the rate has varied between 0 and 3.8%.[33] [46] Late conversion rates vary from 1.5% to 4% during 2-year follow-up and the most common reasons
have been endoleaks.[47] [48] [49] Late aneurysm ruptures are rare and are associated with types I and III endoleaks.[46] Kaplan-Meier estimates for the
freedom from all-cause rupture has been 99.5% at 1 year, 98.5% at 2 years, and 98.4% at 3 and 4 years.[37]
Iliac Aneurysms

Iliac aneurysms occur in conjunction with aortic aneurysms in 40% of patients. Isolated iliac aneurysms are uncommon (<2% of aortoiliac aneurysms)
and affect the common iliac or the hypogastric arteries ( Figs. 649 and 6410 ). Most of these aneurysms are atherosclerotic in origin. Because of their
location, they are not easily palpable and are not readily identified on ultrasound. Consequently, most go undetected and as many as 50% present with
rupture. Iliac aneurysm rupture is associated with a 50% to 60% mortality rate. Elective repair of iliac artery aneurysm prevents aneurysm rupture.
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Occasionally, repair of abdominal aneurysms is complicated by a concurrent disease process. Successful treatment requires careful evaluation and a
correct decision whether to treat the two entities sequentially or concurrently. The most common disease entities that coexist with aortic aneurysms
include hepatobiliary, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, gynecologic, and genitourinary disorders and structural abnormalities of the abdominal wall. As a

Figure 64-9 Three-dimensional CT image from a right internal iliac artery aneurysm of 6.4 cm in diameter. CIA, common iliac artery; IIAA, internal iliac artery aneurysm; EIA,
external iliac artery aneurysm.

Figure 64-10 A, Three-dimensional CT image illustrates a fusiformal aneurysm in the right common iliac artery. B, Aneurysm is treated with an endovascular graft, which excludes
the aneurysm from circulation. RK, right kidney; LK, kidney.


rule, the most life-threatening process is treated first, and if both processes are symptomatic, they both should be treated concomitantly.
The following principles are applicable when managing patients with aortic aneurysms and concurrent diseases:
1. Preoperative diagnostic work-up usually delineates unusual anatomic variants and concomitant diseases
2. In emergency situations such as a ruptured or symptomatic aneurysm when preoperative images (CT scan) are unavailable, the aneurysm always
takes priority unless the other condition is life threatening and the aneurysm is clearly not the cause of the patients symptoms
3. A retroperitoneal approach to the abdominal aorta can avoid concomitant intraperitoneal conditions, including adhesions and scarring from
previous operations
4. Endovascular aneurysm repair can avoid concomitant intra-abdominal problems, but it will not resolve intestinal obstruction or other lifethreatening conditions
Anatomic variants that may be encountered during repair of abdominal aneurysms include horseshoe kidney, accessory renal arteries, and venous
Horseshoe Kidney

Less than 0.3% of the general population have horseshoe kidneys. Papins autopsy study of 139 horseshoe kidneys served as the basis for a
classification system consisting of three groups[23] : Group 1 kidneys have normal renal arteries and account for 20% of all horseshoe kidneys; group 2

kidneys have three to five renal arteries and account for 66% of cases; and group 3 kidneys have more than five renal arteries and account for 14%. To
preserve renal function, renal arteries arising from the aneurysm should be reimplanted. Horseshoe kidneys with more than five renal arteries often have
multiple small accessory arteries, some of which originate from the aneurysm or the iliac arteries, or both. In this situation, repair of the aneurysm with
preservation of renal function may be difficult or even impossible. Creatinine clearance should be determined preoperatively for evaluation of renal
function. To help prevent significant renal tubular damage, furosemide and mannitol may be administered before renal ischemia, and renal arteries
should be reimplanted quickly after aortic reconstruction.
Endovascular repair can be performed in the normal way to these patients ( Fig. 6411 ). However, if the patient is unsuitable for endovascular repair,
the presence of a horseshoe kidney may complicate but does not preclude an anterior approach for repairing an infrarenal aortic aneurysm.[49] The left
retroperitoneal approach, however, is preferable and can provide excellent exposure of the infrarenal aorta in these patients. This approach requires that
the surgeon dissect the space between the aneurysm and the left portion and isthmus of the kidney. The entire kidney can then be reflected to the right
and the aneurysm thereby fully exposed. The left ureter crosses the iliac arteries from the right with the kidney in this position,

Figure 64-11 Three-dimensional CT image showing a horseshoe kidney and an abdominal aortic aneurysm treated with an endovascular graft.

and duplication of ureters may be present. The surgeon must carefully mobilize the ureters and renal arteries. Damage to the ureters, renal pelvis, or
calices can cause urinary leak in the region of the vascular reconstruction, a complication that must be avoided. If a urinary leak is detected during the
course of operation, the source must be identified and repaired with absorbable suture.
Accessory Renal Arteries

Accessory renal arteries are present in 20% to 40% of patients. They are important considerations when planning aortic reconstructions. If a portion of
one kidney is devascularized, glomerular filtration rate decreases and renal insufficiency or hyper-reninemia with associated hypertension may occur.
Accessory renal arteries can be detected by duplex ultrasound, CT scanning, MR angiography, and conventional invasive angiography. The decision to
use one imaging modality over another may depend on the imaging resources that are available and on which modality is best for evaluating additional
features. For instance, a patient with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortoiliac artery occlusive disease who is noted to have an accessory renal
artery on duplex ultrasonography might best be evaluated by conventional angiography in one institution, whereas at another institution, CT scanning or
MR angiography might be sufficient.
Accessory renal arteries should be preserved when possible during aortic reconstruction. This can usually be achieved by either incorporating the artery
into a beveled proximal graft anastomosis, by reimplanting the artery onto the aortic graft distal to the proximal anastomosis, or

by placing an interposition graft between the aortic graft and the accessory renal artery.
Venous Anomalies

The surgeon must be aware of anatomic variations and abnormalities. Left-sided vena cava and retroaortic left renal vein are the most common
anomalies. Trigaux and colleagues[50] reviewed more than 1000 abdominal spiral CT scans and detected left renal vein variants in 10% of patients (4%
were retroaortic left renal veins and 6% were circumaortic venous rings). Azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava was seen in one patient (0.1%)
and bilateral inferior vena cava was detected in three patients (0.3%). Preoperative CT scanning and angiographic imaging may reveal these variants;
however, the surgeon can avoid unnecessary bleeding without prior knowledge by adhering to the principles of careful dissection and meticulous
Inflammatory Aneurysms

Inflammatory aneurysms represent approximately 5% of all infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms.[11] They typically have a dense fibroinflammatory
rind that is usually adherent to the fourth portion of the duodenum and often involves the inferior vena cava and left renal vein. One or more ureters may
also be involved.
The etiology of the inflammatory tissue is not clearly understood. One theory is that lymphatic obstruction occurs during aneurysm expansion,
producing stasis, edema, and secondary fibrosis.[24] Other possible etiologies include inflammation as a result of remodeling within the aortic wall during
aneurysm expansion, autoimmune disorder, infection, and reaction from chronic, contained aortic rupture.
Patients with inflammatory aneurysms frequently are seen with abdominal or flank pain; they often have associated weight loss, and erythrocyte

sedimentation rate is elevated in 75% of cases. Rupture of inflammatory aneurysms is unusual. This is likely because most inflammatory aneurysms are
symptomatic and are treated before rupture. Whether the inflammatory process provides a protective effect is not known.
Diagnosis is best made by CT scanning. Timed contrast injection for CT angiography provides the highest resolution images. Typically, four separate
layers are identified, including the aortic lumen, mural thrombus, thickened aortic wall, and periaortic inflammatory tissue.
Repair of these aneurysms can be challenging from a technical standpoint because of the involvement of adjacent structures. A retroperitoneal approach
to repairing inflammatory aneurysms has been advocated.
Associated Abdominal Malignancy

As previously stated, when an abdominal malignancy or other intra-abdominal process coexists with a symptomatic or ruptured aortic aneurysm,
treatment of the aneurysm must take priority if the immediate survival of the patient is to be ensured.
Liver tumors that coexist with aortic aneurysms should be treated on an independent basis, and judgment regarding treatment must be guided by the
relative risk of the two diseases. Incidental discovery of a liver mass at the time of elective abdominal aneurysm repair should be documented and the
planned aneurysm repair should be carried out. After retroperitonealizing the graft, the liver mass may be biopsied, at the discretion of the surgeon, and
small liver tumors may be resected as long as blood loss does not complicate the aneurysm repair.
When a colonic neoplasm coexists with abdominal aortic aneurysm, the most life-threatening problem should be treated first. An obstructing, bleeding,
or perforated colon cancer should be resected before electively repairing a stable, asymptomatic 4.5-cm aneurysm, and a symptomatic or ruptured
aneurysm should be treated before an elective colon resection is undertaken. When both entities are asymptomatic, treatment generally should be based
on the size of the aneurysm. If large (1 5 cm in diameter), the aneurysm should be repaired initially, and, if small, the colonic lesion should be resected
first. If a symptomatic or ruptured aneurysm and an obstructing colon cancer are encountered concurrently, one acceptable treatment strategy would be
aneurysm repair and externalization of a colonic loop proximal to the tumor at the same operation, gastrointestinal nasogastric tube decompression, and
colostomy maturation the next day to avoid vascular graft contamination.
Concurrent renal or bladder neoplasm and abdominal aortic aneurysm deserve independent assessment and treatment by their respective specialists. The
most life-threatening entity should be treated first. Partial, total, or radical nephrectomy may be indicated in cases of renal malignancy, and the vascular
surgeon should involve urologic and oncologic colleagues preoperatively to facilitate a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. When an incidental
renal mass is encountered during repair of a symptomatic or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, the aneurysm should be repaired and the renal mass
addressed on its own merits as soon as the patient has recovered.
Incidental ovarian cysts and tumors are occasionally encountered during abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Simple ovarian cysts can be safely
excised; however, women with abdominal aortic aneurysm are almost always postmenopausal or have had hysterectomy, and the lifetime risk of
development of ovarian cancer is approximately 1.8%. Bilateral oophorectomy is justified if a solid ovarian abnormality is encountered, and staging of
the tumor should include peritoneal washings for cytologic testing and biopsy of periaortic lymph nodes, omentum, and undersurface of the diaphragm.
Positive findings may be an indication for postoperative chemotherapy. Hysterectomy is indicated in cases of solid ovarian tumors, but this should not
be performed in conjunction with aneurysm repair because of the increased risk of graft contamination and additional blood loss. Uterine tumors found
incidentally at the time of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair should be documented and treated later. Tubulo-ovarian abscess and pelvic inflammatory
disease are rare in

the aortic aneurysm population; however, these disorders may cause symptoms and should be treated before elective repair of abdominal aortic
Other neoplasms that may be encountered during evaluation or treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm include lymphoma, adrenal neurogenic lesions,
soft tissue tumors, metastatic lesions, and small bowel neoplasms. Small tumors can be excised and diagnosis of larger tumors can be made by true-cut
or incisional biopsy with later definitive treatment as indicated.
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Aortic aneurysms isolated to the thoracic aorta are becoming increasingly prevalent as the population ages. Slightly less common than abdominal aortic
aneurysms, thoracic aortic aneurysms may involve the ascending, arch, or descending thoracic aorta, or a combination of these segments ( Fig. 6412 ).
Thoracic aortic aneurysms are classified as being atherosclerotic or degenerative. Atherosclerotic aneurysms result from aortic wall remodeling and
dilation, whereas degenerative aneurysms result from abnormal collagen metabolism. The two main degenerative types seen are associated with Marfan
syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with variable penetrance. It has been found to be
associated with an abnormal synthesis of fibrillin, a major constituent of microfibrils, and a defective gene on the long arm of chromosome 15.
The rupture rate in unoperated patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm has been 40% to 70%. Most of the other deaths are related to cardiovascular
disease. Mortality of the ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm is almost 100%. Most patients die before reaching the operating room. Results of elective
open thoracic aortic aneurysm repair are influenced by surgeons or team case load volume and patient selection. Published series are often selected
single institutional reports, which have lower mortality than unselected multicenter series. Mortality rates of open elective aneurysm repair vary
between 10% and 20%, and the mortality rate of emergency operation for ruptured aneurysm is about 50%.[22] [25]
Most thoracic aneurysms are discovered incidentally during evaluation for other medical problems. Most frequently, calcium in the aneurysm wall is
detected on a plain chest radiograph. CT angiography can be used to measure aneurysm dimensions and to determine the aneurysm location relative to
the arch vessels and celiac axis. The presence and extent of aortic dissection and mural thrombus can be evaluated. MR angiography is also available at
many hospitals, and three-dimensional reconstruction of both CT and MR data can provide additional information about tortuosity and angulation of the
aorta, which is especially important when planning endovascular repair. Conventional angiography is sometimes needed to define arch vessel disease
and can best delineate intercostal arteries and the relationship between the true and false lumen of aortic dissection if CT findings are unclear.
The goal of thoracic aortic aneurysm repair is to prevent death from rupture. Open repair of these aneurysms carries a higher risk of significant
complications than does open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Because most patients have associated comorbidities, including chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease, elective repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm should involve

Figure 64-12 Three-dimensional MR images showing anterior (left) and lateral (right) views of tandem thoracic aortic aneurysms. Aneurysmatic changes in the aortic arch and
descending thoracic aorta are seen.


a thorough preoperative evaluation, and steps should be taken to optimize cardiac and pulmonary function. Signs and symptoms of aneurysm expansion
or rupture including syncope, hypotension, unexplained chest pain, hoarseness, stridor, dysphagia, hemoptysis, or hematemesis should prompt
immediate evaluation and aneurysm repair. Elective aneurysm repair may be warranted when an aneurysm reaches a diameter equal to or greater than
2.5 times the diameter of adjacent normal aorta or when the aneurysm becomes more than 6 to 7 cm in diameter.
The technique of open surgical repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms varies depending on the location and histologic type of the aneurysmdegenerative
versus atherosclerotic. Woven polyester tube grafts are most commonly used for replacing the aneurysmal aortic segment, and monofilament
polypropylene suture is used for suturing the anastomoses. Degenerative aneurysms of the thoracic aorta as seen in patients with Marfan syndrome
typically involve the entire aorta, including the aortic root beginning at the aortic annulus. Repair of these aneurysms requires replacement of the entire
aortic root with a valved conduit and reimplantation of the coronary ostia or a bypass to them with a separate graft. Atherosclerotic aneurysms involving
the ascending aorta are repaired through a median sternotomy incision, and the aorta is replaced from the sinotubular ridge to the innominate artery or to
the undersurface of the aortic arch under conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass, full heparin anticoagulation, and moderate systemic hypothermia.
Aortic arch aneurysms are typically repaired during a period of circulatory arrest and profound hypothermia (18C). Atherosclerotic aneurysms of the
descending thoracic aorta are repaired through a posterolateral thoracotomy with double-lumen endotracheal intubation. The proximal cross-clamp is
usually applied distal to the left common carotid artery. A properly sized graft is interposed between full-thickness aortic cuffs created proximal and
distal to the aneurysm. Descending aortic aneurysms can be performed under conditions of full cardiopulmonary bypass or partial bypass, with a
clamp-and-go technique, or with heparin bonded shunts. Left atrial to femoral artery bypass with a centrifugal pump and minimal heparin is another
method to provide distal perfusion. Further steps designed to avoid paraplegia include cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage, localized spinal cord cooling,
administration of corticosteroids and free radical scavengers, and somatosensory evoked potential monitoring. None of these measures provides
complete protection, however. Ensuring adequate resuscitation and avoiding perioperative hypotension are critical for minimizing the risk of paraplegia
and other complications.
Remarkable progress has been made in the treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Many advances in cardiovascular anesthesia and critical care have

contributed to the improved success with lower operative mortality rates and reduced perioperative morbidity, including paraplegia. A 5-year study that
concluded in 1996 included 45 patients who underwent aortic root replacement with composite valve grafts for Marfan syndrome. There were no
intraoperative deaths, two early deaths (4.4%), and no postoperative strokes.[20] LeMaire and Coselli studied 198 consecutive descending thoracic aortic
aneurysm repairs over an 8-year period: 62% of patients had aneurysmal disease involving at least two thirds of the descending aorta. Repair was
achieved by the simple-clamp technique in 77% with a mean clamping time of 25 minutes. High-risk patients underwent atrium-to-femoral bypass
(13%), and profound hypothermia with circulatory arrest occurred in 10%. Operative mortality rate was 5.1% (n = 10). Postoperative paraplegia
occurred in three patients (1.5%) and renal failure, pulmonary complications, and paraplegia were determined to be important predictors of death by
regression analysis.
In 1997, Mitchell and colleagues[21] reported the results of 108 patients receiving thoracic aortic stent grafts at Stanford University Medical Center. Mean
aneurysm diameter was 6.3 cm. Twenty percent of patients had stent-grafts placed in conjunction with abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ten patients
(9%) died within 30 days from the time of surgery, and four deaths were directly attributable to the procedure. Four patients had postoperative
paraplegia and four had strokes. Patients in whom paraplegia developed either had stent-graft repair of thoracic aneurysms in conjunction with
suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair or had deployment of the thoracic stent-graft across the orifices of intercostal arteries at the T10 level. An
Austrian comparative study of endovascular versus open repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms was reported by Ehrlich and colleagues[16] in 1997. Sixtyeight patients were deemed good candidates for stent-graft repair. Because of limited device availability, 10 patients (15%) underwent stent-graft repair
and 58 (85%) had open repair. The 30-day mortality rate was 30% for patients who underwent open surgery and 10% for endovascular repair. Mean
procedural time was 320 minutes in the conventional group and 150 minutes in the stent-graft group. Paraplegia developed in five patients (12%) in the
open surgical group compared with no paraplegia or neurologic sequelae in the stent-graft group. Hospital stay was 26 days in the open surgical group
versus 10 days in the stent-graft group.
Endovascular repair appears to have a promising role in the treatment of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms. Refinement of techniques and devices
will continue; however, many patients will have morphology not amenable to endovascular treatment, and aneurysms involving the aortic root,
ascending aorta, and arch will require open surgical repair. Maintaining the highly specialized open surgical skills necessary to correct complex thoracic
aortic aneurysms is therefore critical for continued progress in the current era of endovascular intervention. Devices for use in thoracic aortic aneurysm
are available in Europe. In the United States they are currently in clinical trials, and it is anticipated that they will soon be available for clinical use.
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Etheredge and colleagues[17] reported the first thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair in 1955. The tremendous advances in surgical technique, anesthetic

and intensive care technology since that time have greatly improved the surgeons ability to extend the success of these challenging operations beyond
the operating room. A program capable of thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair with good results on a consistent basis depends on the integrity of an
organized and dedicated team that includes highly skilled surgeons, cardiovascular anesthesiologists, and a state-of-the-art intensive care unit. Outside
academic centers, these procedures are rarely undertaken because of the extraordinary effort required by the surgeons and critical care physicians during
the perioperative period both to avoid complications and to successfully manage them when they arise.
Crawford and associates[12] proposed a classification scheme for thoracoabdominal aneurysms that has become widely recognized. All varieties of
aneurysms are described, including atherosclerotic, degenerative, and dissecting, as follows:
Type I aneurysms involve most of the descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta proximal to the renal arteries.
Type II aneurysms involve most of the descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta distal to the renal arteries.
Type III aneurysms involve the distal half or less of the descending aorta and the abdominal aorta distal to the renal arteries.
Type IV aneurysms involve all or most of the abdominal aorta, including the paravisceral segment.
The Crawford classification has facilitated stratification for risk assessment and type-specific comparison of results including paraplegia and mortality
Most thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms are discovered incidentally during evaluation for other medical problems or they are palpated on routine
physical examination if the aneurysm extends below the renal arteries. As with isolated abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, CT scanning and MR
angiography are useful for measuring aneurysm dimensions and determining the extent of aortic involvement relative to important branch vessels.
Conventional angiography is helpful for defining arch vessel disease and delineating intercostal arteries.
As with other aortic aneurysms, selection of patients for repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms is dependent on a thorough risk assessment, with
emphasis given to preexisting cardiac and pulmonary comorbidities. The risk of rupture must be weighed against the risk of serious operative morbidity
and death, and patients who undergo repair must have optimization of their cardiac and pulmonary function preoperatively. Patients with signs and
symptoms of aneurysm expansion or rupture should prompt immediate evaluation and aneurysm repair. Elective repair may be warranted when an
aneurysm reaches a diameter two times or more than the diameter of adjacent normal aorta.
The technique of open surgical repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms varies depending on the extent of the aneurysm. Double-lumen
endotracheal intubation is performed. The patient is positioned on a bean bag with shoulders at 60 degrees and hips at 30 degrees, and operative
exposure is obtained through a thoracoabdominal incision with the level of the incision determined by the proximal extent of the aneurysm in the
thoracic aorta. Aneurysms that extend from the proximal and mid descending thoracic aorta to the infrarenal aorta (types II and III) are approached
through the 6th intercostal space, with the incision carried through the costal margin into the abdomen, whereas type I aneurysms can be approached
through a thoracic incision and type IV aneurysms can be approached retroperitoneally through a left flank incision made from the 9th or 10th
interspace toward the umbilicus. After exposure of the thoracic and abdominal aorta as well as the visceral and renal arteries, the proximal cross-clamp
is applied with careful control of blood pressure to avoid hypertension proximal to the clamp. A properly sized graft is selected and sewn end-to-end to
a full-thickness cuff of normal aorta above the aneurysm. After completing the proximal anastomosis, reimplantation of intercostal, visceral, and renal
arteries is carried out in a sequential fashion. The distal end of the graft is typically sewn to the distal aorta in an end-to-end fashion, although a
bifurcated extension is sometimes required to the bilateral iliac or femoral arteries. Dissecting aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta that are
considered chronic or mature are treated similarly to nondissecting aneurysms. However, during surgical repair, the septum between true and false
lumina is excised, and care is taken to ensure the patency of branch vessels.
As with descending thoracic aortic aneurysms, repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms can be performed under conditions of full cardiopulmonary
bypass or partial bypass, with a clamp-and-go technique, with heparin-bonded shunts, or with left atrial to femoral artery centrifugal pump bypass. CSF
drainage, localized spinal cord cooling, administration of corticosteroids and free radical scavengers, and somatosensory-evoked potential monitoring
have also been advocated to minimize paraplegia risk. Adequate resuscitation must be ensured and perioperative hypotension must be avoided to
minimize the risk of paraplegia and other serious complications.
The results of E. Stanley Crawfords series of more than 1500 thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repairs greatly improved modern understanding of
surgical outcome following these operations. Survival rate for all patients was 90% or higher, regardless of the extent of aneurysm involvement. The
risk of paraplegia was highest in patients with types I and II (15% and 31%) and lowest in patients with types III and IV (7% and 4%). Overall, renal
failure occurred in 9% of patients with less dramatic differences between aneurysm types.[51]
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Popliteal aneurysms are the most frequent peripheral aneurysms, accounting for 70% of all such aneurysms. They are followed in frequency by femoral
aneurysms, and together they constitute 90% of the peripheral aneurysms not involving the aortoiliac arteries. The majority of these aneurysms are of
the degenerative type. Men outnumber

women 20 to 30:1, and the mean age at presentation is 65 years. More than 50% are bilateral, and 75% of those with femoral aneurysm and 33% of
those with popliteal aneurysm also have an aortic aneurysm. The susceptibility of popliteal arteries to aneurysm formation is unclear, and factors such as
turbulence beyond a relative stenosis at the tendinous hiatus of the adductor magnus and repeated flexion at the knee have been considered. However,
these do not account for the association with other aneurysms elsewhere or the striking male preponderance.
Popliteal and femoral aneurysms are commonly asymptomatic when discovered. The most important manifestation of femoral and popliteal aneurysms
is distal embolization. In 10% of femoral aneurysms, evidence of distal embolization is found. Evidence of embolization is found in 25% of popliteal
aneurysms, and the most common symptom is distal ischemia, which is limb threatening in 44% of cases. Thrombosis of the aneurysm is more common
in popliteal aneurysms (40%) than in femoral aneurysms (1% to 16%). Approximately 25% of patients with distal thromboembolism arising in femoral
popliteal aneurysms come to amputation primarily because of progressive chronic occlusion of the runoff vessels before thrombosis. Rupture of these
aneurysms is rare and occurs at a rate of 1% to 14% in femoral aneurysms and at a rate less than 5% in popliteal aneurysms. Other symptoms include
local pain related to nerve compression and compression of adjacent veins with resultant venous thrombosis or edema.
Femoropopliteal aneurysms can usually be diagnosed on physical examination. In the groin, appreciation of aneurysm size is easier, whereas over the
popliteal fossa, because of the deep location of the artery, only an abnormally pronounced pulse is palpated and may be confused with a Bakers cyst or
a tumor. Duplex ultrasonography is the best initial study for evaluation of femoropopliteal aneurysm. It offers the ability to accurately measure diameter
and determine the extent of mural thrombus. This is also the examination of choice for acute femoropopliteal occlusion when previously undiagnosed
popliteal aneurysmal disease is suspected. Both CT and MR scanning can demonstrate femoropopliteal aneurysms but are usually unnecessary.
Angiography is important to demonstrate the extent of the involved segment, to evaluate the patency and quality of the runoff vessels, and to detect
distal embolic occlusions. Further evaluation should include a search for aneurysmal disease elsewhere because 40% of patients have abdominal aortic
aneurysm and 70% have contralateral femoral popliteal aneurysms.
Indications for treatment include acute lower limb ischemia resulting from acute occlusion, distal emboli, and a transverse diameter larger than 2 cm for
popliteal aneurysms and larger than 2.5 cm for common femoral aneurysms. Treatment of femoral and popliteal aneurysms consists of exclusion of the
aneurysm and restoration of blood supply. In case of multiple aneurysms, the one posing the biggest threat is repaired first. Femoral aneurysms are often
replaced with a prosthetic graft in conjunction with other procedures. Popliteal aneurysms can be approached medially or posteriorly. They are
preferentially replaced with an autogenous conduit such as the greater saphenous vein when available. Resection of the aneurysm is unnecessary and
may be hazardous. When the aneurysm is thrombosed or when part of the distal runoff bed has been obliterated by emboli, thromboembolectomy or
thrombolysis may be necessary for establishing distal and arterial runoff. Endovascular treatment of femoral and popliteal aneurysms is being evaluated
and may become an available treatment modality.
Following repair of femoral and popliteal aneurysms, death is rare and, for asymptomatic patients, limb salvage rate is 90% to 98%. For symptomatic
patients, the early graft patency rate is 59% to 85% and the limb salvage rate 70% to 80%.
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Aneurysms of the upper extremities are rare compared with aneurysms in other peripheral locations. However, they are important, and their presence
should be evaluated and treated promptly because of the potential for serious complications, including digit and limb loss, stroke from embolization into
more proximal vertebral and right carotid arteries, and exsanguinating hemorrhage depending on the location and nature of the aneurysm.
Subclavian artery aneurysms are the most common of the upper extremity aneurysms. They are caused by atherosclerosis, compression at the thoracic
outlet, and trauma. Aneurysms involving the proximal subclavian artery most commonly are associated with atherosclerosis, and as many as 50% of
patients have aortoiliac or other peripheral aneurysms. Aneurysms involving the distal subclavian artery are typically associated with a cervical rib or
other causes of thoracic outlet syndrome.
Patients with subclavian aneurysms may have neck, chest, and shoulder pain from aneurysm expansion or rupture; acute and chronic ischemic
symptoms, transient ischemic attacks, or stroke from thromboembolism; or hoarseness, impaired motor or sensory function, or respiratory insufficiency
from recurrent laryngeal nerve, brachial plexus, or tracheal compression, respectively. Patients may also have Horners syndrome from compression of
the stellate ganglion or hemoptysis from erosion into the lung. Patients may also complain of a pulsating sensation in the neck or shoulder region
without pain or other compelling symptoms. The diagnosis can be established by duplex ultrasound or CT. Aortic arch and upper extremity angiography
is necessary to define the extent of the aneurysm and its position relative to the vertebral artery, common carotid artery (right side), and thoracic outlet
structures and to evaluate the nature and extent of thromboembolitic arterial occlusion if present. Surgical repair of subclavian artery aneurysms
involves resection of the aneurysm and re-establishment of arterial continuity, usually with an arterial interposition graft. A median sternotomy with
extension of the incision into the supraclavicular fossa provides excellent exposure for repair of proximal right subclavian aneurysms, and a left anterior
thoracotomy may be required for repair of proximal left subclavian aneurysms. Aneurysms involving the

mid and distal subclavian artery can usually be repaired through combined supraclavicular and infraclavicular incisions, although some surgeons
advocate resecting the middle one third of the clavicle for exposure. Decompression of the thoracic outlet may also be necessary depending on the
etiology, and reimplantation of a vertebral artery may be prudent if the origin arises from the aneurysm. If recent extremity thromboembolism has
occurred, balloon thromboembolectomy should be performed to restore distal perfusion.
An aberrant right subclavian artery originating from the proximal descending thoracic aorta is sometimes associated with aneurysmal change at the
origin of the artery (Kommerells diverticulum). Complications associated with this abnormality include dysphagia from esophageal compression,
dyspnea from tracheal compression, pain from expansion and rupture, and ischemic symptoms in the extremity from thromboembolism. Elective repair
of aberrant right subclavian arteries with Kommerells diverticulum is recommended regardless of aneurysm size because of the risk of rupture and
other serious complications.
Aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms of the axillary arteries are typically associated with a history of previous blunt or penetrating trauma, although rare
congenital cases do occur. Symptoms are related to nerve compression and ischemia from thrombosis or thromboembolism. Repair involves resection of
the aneurysmal artery and primary repair, if a short segment is involved, or reconstruction with an interposition vein graft using, preferably, greater
saphenous vein.
The ulnar artery also occasionally gives rise to upper extremity aneurysms. Such aneurysms are typically associated with repetitive trauma to the
dominant hand, a disease entity termed the hypothenar hammer syndrome. Complications include ulnar artery thrombosis and distal thromboembolism
with associated rest pain, numbness, cyanosis, and gangrene of the hand or digits (usually third and fourth) and ulnar nerve compression symptoms.
Treatment consists of resection of the aneurysm and microvascular reconstruction with a vein interposition graft.
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Visceral or splanchnic artery aneurysms are relatively uncommon, but they are important to recognize and treat because roughly 25% present as
emergencies and 8.5% result in death. Involved arteries and their relative frequencies include the splenic (60%), hepatic (20%), superior mesenteric
(5.5%), and other arterial (each < 5%).
Splenic artery aneurysms occur most frequently in women, with a female-to-male ratio of 4:1 ( Fig. 6413 ). This unusual sex predilection is likely
related to acquired derangements of the arterial wall influenced by a number of processes, including medial fibrodysplasia, portal hypertension, repeated
pregnancy, penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma, pancreatitis, and infection. Women of childbearing age who have splenic artery aneurysms are at
particularly high risk of death as a result of aneurysm

Figure 64-13 Multiple aneurysms of the splenic artery (arrowheads). SPA, splenic artery; SMA, superior mesenteric artery; RA, renal artery; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney.

rupture and should have elective repair. Symptomatic or ruptured aneurysms also warrant immediate repair. Surgical techniques for treating splenic
artery aneurysms include simple proximal and distal ligation without arterial reconstruction for proximal aneurysms and splenectomy versus aneurysm
exclusion and vascular reconstruction for salvage of the spleen.
Hepatic artery aneurysms are more common in men, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. There are multiple causes of hepatic artery aneurysm, including
previous abdominal trauma, history of intravenous drug abuse, medial degeneration of the arterial wall, and periarterial inflammatory process. An
aggressive approach to treating these aneurysms regardless of size appears justified because of a high risk of eventual rupture and a mortality rate of
more than 35% when rupture occurs. Aneurysm repair can be carried out by simple excision and interposition vein graft repair or by aortohepatic bypass
to restore normal hepatic arterial perfusion.
Other splanchnic artery aneurysms generally warrant surgical repair because of the high mortality rate associated with rupture as long as the patient is
not a prohibitive risk. Patients who are deemed to be at prohibitive risk for operation may undergo transluminal embolization to ablate the aneurysm.
However, this approach is not definitive and may not prevent aneurysm rupture.
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Mycotic aneurysms result from localized infection, which may be blood-borne or associated with a localized infectious process. They can occur
anywhere, but the most common location is the femoral artery, followed by the aorta. The most common pathogens for blood-borne infection are
Salmonella and Staphylococcus. Syphilitic

aneurysms, which were common at the turn of the 20th century, are currently extremely rare. Localized infection is often the result of direct injury with
superimposed infection and may follow intravascular drug abuse.
The classic presentation is pain in the region of the aneurysm and a pulsatile mass accompanied by fever and chills. Often, particularly in aortic
infection, presentation is nonspecific with fever of unknown origin. Peripheral evidence of septic emboli such as petechial skin lesions and splinter
hemorrhages in the fingers or toenails may be seen. CT and MR studies may demonstrate a saccular aneurysm often of lobulated and irregular
configuration. In the groin, duplex ultrasonography is the preferred diagnostic modality.
Management goals are eradication of the infection and preservation of adequate blood supply. Infected tissue should be dbrided and, if arterial,
reconstruction should be performed when the integrity of the artery or distal arterial perfusion is compromised. Depending on the location and extent of
infection, arterial reconstruction may precede excision. Reconstruction and excision can be carried out simultaneously, taking care to avoid
contamination of the reconstruction, or arterial reconstruction can be performed after excision. Previously, avoidance of the region of infection was a
basic principle of management and conduits were routed through extra-anatomic planes (e.g., lateral thigh or transobturator for femoral infections).
More recently, several groups have shown that in situ reconstruction following aggressive dbridement and wound care can have good results. The
conduits of choice are autologous veins including superficial femoral veins. When no autologous conduit can be used, homografts may be considered.
Patients are placed on long-term, or in case of aortic Salmonella infection, lifelong antibiotic therapy.
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Pseudoaneurysms are contained arterial disruptions that can be categorized to two main types: those that result from a perforation of an artery by
traumatic or iatrogenic injury and those that result from dehiscence of a surgical vascular anastomosis. Both types are most prevalent in the femoral
Traumatic pseudoaneurysms may occur acutely or, more commonly, they may be discovered following unrecognized arterial injury. In all such cases,
infection has to be ruled out. Management includes direct surgical repair or, in selected instances involving less accessible large arteries, exclusion of
the pseudoaneurysm with a stent-graft. Pseudoaneurysms arising in small, nonvital arteries may be treated with ligation, compression, or coil
Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms occur most commonly after arterial puncture for angiography or for vascular intervention, and the most frequently affected
site is the common femoral artery. With the increasing number of interventional procedures that involve large-bore devices and full anticoagulation, the
incidence is not decreasing and occurs after 0.05% to 0.4% of punctures, depending on the complexity of the procedure. The common site for the
development of pseudoaneurysms is at the bifurcation of the superficial and the deep femoral artery, where compression is less effective.
Pseudoaneurysms manifest with pain, a pulsatile mass, and compression of adjacent structures. The natural history of these is variable. Large,
expanding, and painful pseudoaneurysms are at significant risk of rupture and should be repaired, whereas smaller, stable ones can be observed. The
imaging modality of choice is duplex ultrasonography, which can define the size, morphology, and location of the pseudoaneurysm compression while
preserving flow in the common femoral artery. Pseudoaneurysms less than 2 cm in diameter have a 70% likelihood of spontaneous thrombosis with
compression therapy, whereas larger ones and those in anticoagulated patients are likely to persist. During the last decade, ultrasound-guided thrombin
injection has become a treatment option. During injection of thrombin into a pseudoaneurysm, immediate thrombosis can be demonstrated. Surgery is
required in some patients with infected and rapidly expanding pseudoaneurysms. Surgical repair involves exposing the arterial defect or puncture and
repairing it, usually with one or two stitches.
Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms occur as a result of partial or complete disruption of a vascular anastomotic suture line. They occur most commonly in
the femoral anastomosis of aortofemoral bypass grafts and are most common with prosthetic conduits. Pseudoaneurysms develop in 3% of all femoral
anastomoses after a mean interval of 6 years. Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms may result from material fatigue of the suture (formerly silk) or graft or
from pull-through of the suture from the arterial wall. Infection is an important cause of anastomotic disruption and needs to be ruled out. Common
femoral pseudoaneurysms manifest as pulsatile groin masses. In deeper locations, pseudoaneurysms may be associated with pain or free rupture or they
may be discovered incidentally. All graft anastomoses should be evaluated by CT, duplex ultrasound, or MR scanning, and the presence of multiple
pseudoaneurysms increases the likelihood of an infectious etiology. Preoperative work-up should include arteriography to define inflow and outflow
anatomy. Surgical repair of anastomotic pseudoaneurysms is indicated and consists of patching or, preferentially, graft replacement of the disrupted
region. Bacterial cultures should be obtained at the time of reconstruction, and, if gross evidence of infection exists, proper dbridement and an
appropriately planned reconstruction must be performed. Mortality after repair of pseudoaneurysm is rare, and the recurrence rate is lower after graft
interposition than after primary repair. Graft patency at 2 years is 98%, and the amputation rate is 2%.
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Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related aneurysms are typically young and lack the usual risk factors associated with vascular
diseases. HIV-related aneurysms are often multiple and occur at unusual sites, particularly in the common carotid and superficial femoral

arteries. Abdominal aorta has been the third most frequent site.[52] On angiography, they may appear saccular or have the appearance of large
pseudoaneurysms.[52] In ultrasound, features are typical of pseudoaneurysms with a blow-out defect, thickening, and hyperechoic spotting of the vessel
wall.[53] Microscopically, the features of HIV vasculopathy are typical of a leukocytoclastic vasculitis that affects vasa vasorum.[54] The inflammatory
infiltrate is restricted to the adventitia, with sparing of the inner layers of the artery.
If the disease is limited to seropositivity only, patient should be offered the same treatment as a seronegative patient. In patients with advanced HIV
infection and short life expectancy, the use of minimal or no surgical intervention may be justifiable. Severely symptomatic aneurysms or lifethreatening complications should be treated. Reconstructions should be made with autogenous graft if available.
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Selected References
Beckman JA, OGara PT: Diseases of the aorta. Adv Intern Med 44:267291, 1999.
This article reviews the current knowledge of aortic diseases, including etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis. Special emphasis is given to aortic aneurysms.
Gewertz BL, Schwartz LB (eds): Surgery of the Aorta and Its Branches. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000.
This text addresses the full range of aortic pathology with special sections dedicated to branch vessel disease and endoluminal grafting. It is particularly useful for
physicians interested in the intricacies of various treatment strategies.
Rehm JP, Grange JJ, Baxter BT: The formation of aneurysms. Semin Vasc Surg 11:193202, 1998.
The authors summarize the dynamic interactions within a diseased vessel in the fields of immunology, biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. The roles of local
inflammatory infiltrates and their destructive proteolytic enzymes are reviewed. New therapeutic measures are presented that may control the critical matrix changes that
contribute to the formation of aortic aneurysms.
Svensson LD, Crawford ES: Aortic dissection and aortic aneurysm surgery: Clinical observations, experimental observations, and statistical analyses. Part I, Curr Probl Surg 29:817
911, 1992; Part II, Curr Probl Surg 29:9131057, 1992; Part III, Curr Probl Surg 30:1163, 1993.
This three-part review provides a broad perspective on aneurysmal disease of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, from etiology and demographics to treatment and longterm outcome.
White RA, Fogarty TJ (eds): Peripheral Endovascular Interventions, 2nd ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
This text is a comprehensive review of the numerous technologies now available for treating vascular diseases in a minimally invasive fashion. It is a valuable reference for
the endovascular specialist.
Zarins CK, Glagov S. Artery wall pathology in atherosclerosis. In Rutherford RB (ed): Vascular Surgery, 5th ed, Vol. 1. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000, pp 313333.
This book chapter reviews the problem of atherosclerosis and its effects on the functional biomechanical properties of the artery wall. The evolution of atherosclerotic
lesions and the associated arterial wall responses, normal and pathologic, are outlined. Local differences that may account for the propensity of certain areas to form
extensive and complex plaques or aneurysms are also explored.

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Chapter 65 - Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

Michael Belkin M.D.
Anthony D. Whittemore M.D.
Magruder C. Donaldson M.D.
Michael S. Conte M.D.
Edwin Gravereaux M.D.

Arterial occlusive diseases are highly prevalent in Western societies, where they constitute the leading overall cause of death. Adverse events are due to
the effects of impaired circulation on critical end organs (e.g., brain, heart, abdominal viscera) or extremities. In addition to death, which is most
commonly caused by myocardial infarction or stroke, significant disability and loss of function is incurred at a substantial cost to society.
Atherosclerosis accounts for the overwhelming majority of causative lesions and, with the increasing longevity and changing demographics of the U.S.
population, assumes top priority as a national health issue.
General Observations and Risk Factors

Atherosclerosis is a complex, chronic inflammatory process that affects the elastic and muscular arteries. The disease is both systemic and segmental,
with clear predilections for certain locations within the arterial tree and relative sparing of others. The earliest lesions (i.e., fatty streaks) may be
detected in childhood in susceptible individuals. Lesions progress through a series of wellcharacterized pathologic stages before clinical manifestations
develop. Population-based studies have demonstrated a number of important risk factors that have become targets for preventive therapy as well as
potential clues into the pathogenesis of the disease ( Box 651 ). The most important independent risk factors for atherosclerosis are
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, cigarette smoking, and diabetes mellitus.
Hypercholesterolemia (e.g., total serum cholesterol greater than 200 mg/dL) is clearly associated with increased risk. Of great prognostic significance is
the relative apportioning between the subclasses of cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins: the low density fraction (LDL), which is atherogenic, and the
high-density lipoprotein fraction (HDL), which exerts an atheroprotective effect by reverse transport of cholesterol. Studies have demonstrated a
strong positive correlation between atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and elevated total and LDL cholesterol and an equally strong negative
correlation with HDL levels. Despite these known relationships between serum lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk, the association with dietary intake
remains complex in that individual metabolism is highly variable. Genetic variability in cholesterol metabolism provides one important mechanism for
the well-known familial clustering of premature atherosclerotic disease. An important role for diet is strongly suggested by the variation in prevalence
noted among different nations and ethnic groups, with a clear increase associated with consumption of the so-called Western diet (i.e., high fat, low
fiber). The potential effects of numerous dietary components, both protective and atherogenic, have been intensely investigated with only limited
consensus. Of these, a causative role of dietary lipid, particularly cholesterol and saturated fats, has been most well defined.


Box 65-1. Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis

Firmly Established
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus
Relative Factors
Advanced age
Male gender

Sedentary lifestyle
Family history

Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with the incidence of atherosclerosis, as well as with increased morbidity and mortality rates from its coronary,
cerebral, and peripheral manifestations. The mechanism for the effects of smoking is likely to involve direct toxicity of tobacco metabolites on the
vascular endothelium, probably by creating oxidant stress. Diabetic patients are also at markedly increased risk for atherosclerosis, often manifesting a
particularly virulent form of the disease, leading to higher rates of myocardial events, stroke, and amputation. Hypertension is another important
independent risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis, with a continuous increase in relative risk associated with each increment of pressure.
Age and gender also demonstrate an important influence. The implications of age as a risk factor are clear: prevalence will continue to increase with the
advancing age of the U.S. population. In addition, initial end organ manifestations tend to cluster at different ages, with coronary events often presaging
peripheral disease by a decade or more. The increased risk associated with male gender and postmenopausal states in women has led to tremendous
interest in the potential atheroprotective effects of estrogen. Hypertriglyceridemia, elevated serum fibrinogen, and hyperhomocysteinemia have also
been associated with cardiovascular risk. Moderate amounts of daily physical activity appear to induce a protective effect, whereas a sedentary lifestyle
has been associated with higher incidence of clinical disease. Guidelines for risk factor modification have been published and regularly updated by the
American Heart Association ( Box 652 ).
Pathology and Theories of Atherogenesis

The pathologic hallmark of atherosclerosis is the atherosclerotic plaque. There are several major components of plaque: smooth muscle cells, connective
tissue (matrix), lipid, and inflammatory cells (predominantly macrophages). The presence of lipid within these lesions is a prominent distinguishing
feature in comparison to other arteriopathies. Atherosclerotic lesions have been categorized by the varying extent of each of these components in
addition to complicating features such as calcification
Box 65-2. Guidelines for Risk Factor Modification *
Lipid Management
Goal: Primaryserum LDL <100 mg/dL; secondaryHDL >35
mg/dL, TG <200 mg/dL
Approach: Diet <30% fat, <7% saturated fat, <200 mg/day
cholesterol; specific drug therapy targeted to lipid profile
Weight Reduction
Goal: <120% of ideal body weight
Approach: Physical activity, diet as outlined
Goal: Complete cessation
Approach: Behavior modification, counseling, nicotine analogues
Blood Pressure
Goal: <140/90
Approach: Weight control, physical activity, sodium restriction,
antihypertensive drugs
Physical Activity
Goal: At least 30 min of moderate exercise 3 to 4 times/wk
Approach: Walking, cycling, jogging, lifestyle and work activities
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TG,
* Data from the American Heart Association Council Newsletter, Fall 1995.

and ulceration, which can occur in advanced plaques. An important concept linking plaque morphology with clinical events is the relationship between
the fibrous capa layer of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue of variable thicknessand the underlying necrotic lipid core, composed of
amorphous extracellular lipid, plasma proteins, and hemostatic factors.[17] The contents of this central region are markedly thrombogenic when exposed
to circulating blood, such as occurs when a thin fibrous cap ruptures or ulcerates. This phenomenon is thought to be an important mechanism whereby

If the consequence of DVT, in terms of pulmonary embolism and CVI, is to be prevented, the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of DVT must be
Clinical Diagnosis

The diagnosis of DVT requires, to use an overused phrase, a high index of suspicion. Most are familiar with Homans sign, which refers to pain in the
calf on dorsiflexion of the foot. It is certainly true that although the absence of this sign is not a reliable indicator of the absence of venous thrombus, the
finding of a positive Homans sign should prompt one to attempt to confirm the diagnosis. Certainly, the extent of venous thrombosis in the lower
extremity is an important factor in the manifestation of symptoms. For instance, most calf thrombi may be asymptomatic unless there is proximal
propagation. This is one of the reasons that radiolabeled fibrinogen testing demonstrates a higher incidence of DVT than incidence studies using
imaging modalities. Only 40% of patients with venous thrombosis have any clinical manifestations of the condition.
Major venous thrombosis involving the iliofemoral venous system results in a massively swollen leg with pitting edema, pain, and blanching, a
condition known as phlegmasia alba dolens. With further progression of disease, there may be such massive edema that arterial inflow can be
compromised. This condition results in a painful blue leg, the condition called phlegmasia cerulea dolens. With this evolution of the condition, unless
flow is restored, venous gangrene can develop.

Injection of contrast material into the venous system is obviously and understandably the most accurate method of confirming DVT and the location.
The superficial venous system has to be occluded with tourniquet, and the veins in the foot are injected for visualization of the deep venous system.
Although this is a good test for finding occlusive and nonocclusive thrombus, it is also invasive, subject to risks of contrast, and requires interpretation
with 5% to 10% error rate.
Impedance Plethysmography.

Impedance plethysmography measures the change in venous capacitance and rate of emptying of the venous volume on temporary occlusion and release
of the occlusion of the venous system. A cuff is inflated around the upper thigh until the electrical signal has plateaued. Once the cuff is deflated, there
should be rapid outflow and reduction of volume. With a venous thrombosis, one notes a prolongation of the outflow wave. It is not very useful
clinically for the detection of calf venous thrombosis and in patients with prior venous thrombosis.
Fibrin Fibrinogen Assays.

The basis of fibrin and/or fibrinogen can be assayed by measuring the degradation of intravascular fibrin. The D-dimer test measures cross-linked
degradation products, which is a surrogate of plasmins activity on fibrin. It is shown that in combination with clinical evaluation and assessment, the
sensitivity exceeds 90% to 95%. The negative predictive value is 99.3% for proximal evaluation and 98.6% for distal evaluation. In the postoperative
patient, D-dimer is causally elevated due to surgery, and, as such, a positive D-dimer assay for evaluating for DVT is of no use. However, a negative Ddimer test in patients with suspected DVT has a high negative predictive value, ranging from 97% to 99%.[37]
Duplex Ultrasound.

The modern diagnostic test of choice for the diagnosis of DVT is the duplex ultrasound, a modality that combines Doppler ultrasound and color-flow
imaging. The advantage of this test is that it is noninvasive, comprehensive, and without any risk of contrast angiography. This test is also highly
operator dependent, and this is one of the potential drawbacks.


The Doppler ultrasound is based on the principle of the impairment of an accelerated flow signal due to an intraluminal thrombus. A detailed
interrogation begins at the calf with imaging of the tibial veins and then proximally over the popliteal and femoral veins. A properly done examination
evaluates flow with distal compression that should result in augmentation of flow and with proximal compression that should interrupt flow. If any
segment of the venous system being examined should fail to demonstrate augmentation on compression, venous thrombosis should be suspected.
Real time B-mode ultrasonography with color-flow imaging has improved the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound scanning. With color-flow duplex
imaging, blood flow can be imaged in the presence of a partially occluding thrombus. The probe is also used to compress the vein: A normal vein
should be easily compressed, whereas in the presence of a thrombus, there is resistance to compression. In addition, the chronicity of the thrombus can
be evaluated based on its imaging characteristics, namely, increased echogenicity and heterogeneity. Duplex imaging is significantly more sensitive
than indirect physiologic testing.
Magnetic Resonance Venography.

With major advances in technology of imaging, magnetic resonance venography has come to the forefront of imaging for proximal venous disease. The
cost and the issue of patient tolerance due to claustrophobia limit the widespread application, but this is changing. It is a useful test for imaging the iliac
veins and the inferior vena cava, an area where duplex ultrasound is limited in its usefulness.

The patient who has undergone either major abdominal surgery, major orthopedic surgery, has sustained major trauma, or has prolonged immobility (>3
days) represents a patient who has an elevated risk for the development of venous thromboembolism. The specific risk factor analysis and
epidemiologic studies dissecting the etiology of venous thromboembolism are beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader is referred to more extensive
analysis of this problem.[38]
The methods of prophylaxis can be mechanical or pharmacologic. The simplest method is for the patient to be able to walk. Activation of the calf pump
mechanism is an effective means of prophylaxis as evidenced by the fact that few active people without underlying risk factors develop venous
thrombosis. A patient who is expected to be up and walking within 24 to 48 hours is at low risk of developing venous thrombosis. The practice of
having a patient out of bed into a chair is one of the most thrombogenic positions that one could order a patient into. Sitting in a chair with the legs in
a dependent position causes venous pooling, which in the postoperative milieu could be easily a predisposing factor in the development of
The most common method of prophylaxis in the surgical universe has traditionally revolved around sequential compression devices, which periodically
compress the calves and essentially replicate the calf bellows mechanism. This has clearly reduced the incidence of venous thromboembolism in the
surgical patient. The most likely mechanism for the efficacy of this device is most likely from prevention of venous stasis. There is some literature that

suggests that fibrinolytic activity systemically is enhanced by sequential compression device. However, this is by no means established, because there
are a considerable number of studies demonstrating no enhancement of fibrinolytic activity.[39]
Another traditional method of thromboprophylaxis is the use of fixed minidose heparin. The dose traditionally used is 5000 units of unfractionated
heparin every 12 hours. However, analysis of trials comparing placebo versus fixed-dose heparin shows that the stated dose of 5000 units
subcutaneously every 12 hours is no more effective than placebo. When subcutaneous heparin is used on an every-8-hour dosing, rather than every 12
hours, there is a reduction in the development of venous thromboembolism.
More recently, a wealth of literature has revealed the efficacy of fractionated low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) for prophylaxis and treatment of
venous thromboembolism. LMWH inhibits factors Xa and IIA activity, with the ratio of antifactor Xa to antifactor IIA activity ranging from 1:1 to 4:1.
LMWH has a longer plasma half-life and has significantly higher bioavailability. There is much more predictable anticoagulant response than in
fractionated heparin. No laboratory monitoring is necessary because the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is unaffected. A variety of analyses,
including a major meta-analysis, have clearly shown that LMWH results in equivalent, if not better, efficacy with significantly less bleeding
Comparison of LMWH with mechanical prophylaxis demonstrates superiority of LMWH in reduction of the development of venous thromboembolic
disease.[40] [41] [42] Prospective trials evaluating LMWH in head-injured and trauma patients have also proven the safety of LMWH, with no increase in
intracranial bleeding or major bleeding at other sites.[43] In addition, LMWH shows significant reduction in the development of venous
thromboembolism compared to other methods.
In short, LMWH should be considered the optimal method of prophylaxis in moderate and high-risk patients. Even the traditional reluctance to use
heparin in high-risk groups such as the multiply injured trauma patient and the head-injured patient must be re-examined, given the efficacy and safety
profile of LMWH in multiple prospective trials.
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Once a diagnosis of venous thrombosis is made, a decision must be made about whether to treat it or not. The treatment of calf venous thrombosis is
controversial in most circles. It is true that the risk of pulmonary embolism from calf venous thrombosis is extremely low. However, propagation of calf
venous thrombi occurs in up to 30% of hospitalized patients. The long-term sequelae of venous thrombosis involving

more proximal venous segments certainly is reason enough to consider anticoagulation. If untreated, recurrent venous thromboembolism occurs in up to
30% of patients. For this reason, we would strongly advocate anticoagulant therapy of the patient with calf venous thrombosis, especially if the cause of
the DVT has not been eliminated. If a decision not to anticoagulate is made, repeat duplex in 3 days is recommended, and if proximal propagation is
noted, anticoagulation should be instituted.
Any venous thrombosis involving the femoropopliteal system should be treated with full anticoagulation. Traditionally, the treatment of DVT centers
around heparin treatment to maintain the PTT at 60 to 80 seconds, followed by warfarin therapy to obtain an International Normalized Ratio (INR) of
2.5 to 3.0. If unfractionated heparin is used, it is important to use a nomogram-based dosing therapy. The incidence of recurrent venous
thromboembolism increases if the time to therapeutic anticoagulation is prolonged. For this reason, it is important to reach therapeutic levels within 24
hours. A widely used regimen is 80 U/kg bolus of heparin, followed by a 15 U/kg infusion. The PTT should be checked 6 hours after any change in
heparin dosing. Warfarin is started the same day. If warfarin is initiated without heparin, the risk of a transient hypercoagulable state exists, because
proteins C and S levels fall before the other vitamin Kdependent factors are depleted. With the advent of LMWH, it is no longer necessary to admit the
patient for intravenous heparin therapy. It is now accepted practice to administer LMWH to the patient as an outpatient, as a bridge to warfarin therapy,
which also is monitored on an outpatient basis.
The recommended duration of anticoagulant therapy continues to undergo evolution. A minimum treatment time of 3 months is advocated in most
cases. The recurrence rate is the same with 3 versus 6 months of warfarin therapy. If, however, the patient has a known hypercoagulable state or has
experienced episodes of venous thrombosis, then lifetime anticoagulation is required, in the absence of contraindications. The accepted INR range is 2.0
to 3.0; a recent randomized, double-blind study confirmed that a goal INR of 2.0 to 3.0 was more effective in preventing recurrent venous
thromboembolism than a low-intensity regimen with a goal INR of 1.0 to 1.9.[44] Additionally, the low-intensity regimen did not reduce the risk of
clinically important bleeding.
Oral anticoagulants are teratogenic and thus cannot be used during pregnancy. In the case of the pregnant woman with venous thrombosis, LMWH is
the treatment of choice, and this is continued through delivery and can be continued postpartum if needed.

The advent of thrombolysis has resulted in increased interest in thrombolysis for DVT. The purported benefit is preservation of valve function with
subsequently lesser chance of developing CVI. However, to date, little definitive, convincing data exist to support the use of thrombolytic therapy for
One exception is the patient with phlegmasia in whom thrombolysis is advocated for relief of significant venous obstruction. In this condition,
thrombolytic therapy probably results in better relief of symptoms and less long-term sequelae than heparin anticoagulation alone. The alternative for
this condition is surgical venous thrombectomy. No matter which treatment is chosen, long-term anticoagulation is indicated. The incidence of major
bleeding is higher with lytic therapy.
Vena Caval Filter

The most worrisome and potentially lethal complication of DVT is pulmonary embolism. The symptoms of pulmonary embolism, ranging from
dyspnea, chest pain, and hypoxia to acute cor pulmonale are nonspecific and require a vigilant eye for the diagnosis to be made. The gold standard
remains the pulmonary angiogram, but increasingly this is being displaced by the computed tomographic angiogram.
Adequate anticoagulation is usually effective in stabilizing venous thrombosis, but if a patient should develop a pulmonary embolism in the presence of
adequate anticoagulation, a vena cava filter is indicated. The general indications for a caval filter are listed in Box 675 . The modern filters are placed
percutaneously over a guide wire. The Greenfield filter, with the most extensive use and data, has a 95% patency rate and a 4% recurrent embolism rate.
This high patency rate allows for safe suprarenal placement if there is involvement of the inferior vena cava up to the renal veins or if it is placed in a
woman of childbearing potential.
The device-related complications are wound hematoma, migration of the device into the pulmonary artery, and caval occlusion due to trapping of a
large embolus. In the latter situation, the dramatic hypotension that accompanies acute caval occlusion can be mistaken for a massive pulmonary
embolism. The distinction between the hypovolemia of caval occlusion versus the right heart failure from pulmonary embolism can be arrived at by
measuring filling pressures of the right side of the heart. The treatment of caval occlusion is volume resuscitation.
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Venous disease, in a surgical perspective, is unglamorous and frustrating. However, the consequence of both
Box 67-5. Indications for a Vena Cava Filter
Recurrent thromboembolism despite adequate anticoagulation
Deep venous thrombosis in a patient with contraindications to
Chronic pulmonary embolism and resultant pulmonary
Complications of anticoagulation
Propagating iliofemoral venous thrombus in anticoagulation


venous insufficiency as well as venous thrombosis is debilitating, expensive, and associated with significant morbidity in terms of the initial condition
as well as its sequelae. A thorough knowledge of the disease, the risk factors, and treatment will hopefully result in more effective prevention and
treatment of this pervasive disease in the near future. The last 20 years have seen major advances in our diagnostic abilities, in terms of imaging, as well
as our understanding of hypercoagulable states. Surgical advances, such as subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, have had mixed results, but the
general trajectory is forward, albeit with small steps.
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Selected References
American Venous Forum: Classification and grading of chronic venous disease in the lower limb: A consensus statement. Vasc Surg 30:5, 1996.
Interpretation based on external evidence alone, with regard to chronic venous disease, can be highly error prone, and this consensus statement by an international group
of experts in chronic venous disease is an attempt to clearly identify the etiologic, anatomic, pathophysiologic, and clinical features of the limb with chronic venous disease.
Caggiati A, Bergan JJ, Gloviczki P, et al: Nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs: An international interdisciplinary consensus statement. J Vasc Surg 36:416422, 2002.
A revision in the nomenclature of the venous system that seeks to eliminate some confusion about the superficial and the deep venous system, as commonly understood. It is
unclear whether this advances the cause, but it is an attempt to standardize the nomenclature.
Christopolous D, Nicolaides AN, Cook A, et al: Pathogenesis of venous ulceration in relation to the calf muscle pump function. Surgery 106:829, 1989.
Ulceration due to venous insufficiency is accompanied by increasing reflux and decreasing calf ejection fraction. The authors elegantly demonstrate that the combination of
venous reflux and ejection fraction with exercise, expressed as the residual volume fraction, correlated well with the incidence of ulceration and the measurement of
ambulatory venous pressure.
Lippman HI, Fishman LM, Farrar RH, et al: Edema control in the management of disabling chronic venous insufficiency. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 75:436, 1994.
A 15-year experience demonstrating the efficacy of compression therapy, in particular Unnas boot, in healing ulceration of the limb, with 90% success in healing in
compliant patients.
Rutgers PH, Kitslaar PJ: Randomized trial of stripping versus high ligation combined with sclerotherapy in the treatment of the incompetent saphenous vein. Am J Surg 168:311,
This study demonstrated convincingly that the saphenous vein ligation and stripping in combination with stab avulsions were superior to high ligation without stripping
and sclerotherapy with regard to cosmetic, functional, and duplex outcome criteria.

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1. Caggiati
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Chapter 68 - The Lymphatics

Iraklis I. Pipinos M.D.
B. Timothy Baxter M.D.


The primordial lymphatic system is first seen during the sixth week of development in the form of lymph sacs located next to the jugular veins. During
the eighth week, the cisterna chyli forms just dorsal to the aorta, and, at the same time, two additional lymphatic sacs corresponding to the iliofemoral
vascular pedicles begin forming. Communicating channels connecting the lymph sacs, which will become the thoracic duct, develop during the ninth
From this primordial lymphatic system sprout endothelial buds that grow with the venous system to form the peripheral lymphatic plexus ( Fig. 681 ).
Failure of one of the initial jugular lymphatic sacs to develop proper connections and drainage with the lymphatic and, subsequently, venous system
may produce focal lymph cysts (cavernous lymphangiomas) also known as cystic hygromas.[1] Similarly, failure of embryologic remnants of lymphatic
tissues to connect to efferent channels leads to the development of cystic lymphatic formations (simple capillary lymphangiomas) that, depending on
their location, are classified as truncal, mesenteric, intestinal, and retroperitoneal lymphangiomas. Hypoplasia or failure of development of drainage
channels connecting the lymphatic systems of extremities to the main primordial lymphatic system of the torso may result in primary lymphedema of
the extremities.
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The lymphatic system is composed of three elements: (1) the initial or terminal lymphatic capillaries, which absorb lymph; (2) the collecting vessels,
which serve primarily as conduits for lymph transport; and (3) the lymph nodes, which are interposed in the pathway of the conducting vessels, filtering
the lymph and serving a primary immunologic role.
The terminal lymphatics have special structural characteristics that allow entry not only of large macromolecules but even cells and microbes. Their
most important structural feature is a high porosity resulting from a very small number of tight junctions between endothelial cells, a limited and
incomplete basement membrane, and anchoring filaments tethering the interstitial matrix to the endothelial cells. These filaments, once the turgor of the
tissue increases, are able to pull on the endothelial cells and essentially introduce large gaps between them, which then allow for very low resistance
influx of interstitial fluid and macromolecules in the lymphatic channels. The collecting vessels ascend alongside the primary blood vessels of the organ
or limb, pass through the regional lymph nodes, and drain into the main lymph channels of the torso. These channels eventually empty into the venous
system through the thoracic duct. There are additional communications between the lymphatic and the venous system. These smaller lymphovenous
shunts mostly occur at the level of lymph nodes and around major venous structures, such as the jugular, subclavian, and iliac veins. Several structures
in the body contain no lymphatics. Specifically, lymphatics have not been found in the epidermis, cornea, central nervous system, cartilage, tendon, and
The lymphatic system has three main functions. First, tissue fluid and macromolecules ultrafiltrated at the level of the arterial capillaries are reabsorbed
and returned to the circulation through the lymphatic system. Every day,

Figure 68-1 Major anatomic pathways and lymph node groups of the lymphatic system.

50% to 100% of the intravascular proteins are filtered this way in the interstitial space. Normally they then enter the terminal lymphatics and are
transported through the collecting lymphatics back into the venous circulation. Second, microbes arriving in the interstitial space enter the lymphatic
system and are presented to the lymph nodes, which represent the first line of the immune system. Last, at the level of the gastrointestinal tract, lymph
vessels are responsible for the uptake and transport of most of the fat absorbed from the bowel.
In contrast to what happens with venous forward flow, lymphs centripetal transport occurs mainly through intrinsic contractility of the individual
lymphatic vessels, which in concert with competent valvular mechanisms is effective in establishing constant forward flow of lymph. In addition to the
intrinsic contractility, other factors, such as surrounding muscular activity, negative pressure secondary to breathing, and transmitted arterial pulsations,
have a lesser role in the forward lymph flow. These secondary factors appear to become more important under conditions of lymph stasis and
congestion of the lymphatic vessels.
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Lymphedema is the result of an inability of the existing lymphatic system to accommodate the protein and fluid entering the interstitial compartment at
the tissue level.[2] In the first stage of lymphedema, impaired lymphatic drainage results in protein-rich fluid accumulation in the interstitial
compartment. Clinically, this manifests as soft pitting edema. In the second stage of lymphedema, the clinical condition is further exacerbated by
accumulation of fibroblasts, adipocytes, and, perhaps most importantly, macrophages in the affected tissues, which culminate in a local inflammatory
response. This results in important structural changes from the deposition of connective tissue and adipose elements at the skin and subcutaneous level.
In the second stage of lymphedema, tissue edema is more pronounced, is nonpitting, and has a spongy consistency. In the third and most advanced stage
of lymphedema, the affected tissues sustain further injury as a result of both the local inflammatory response as well as recurrent infectious episodes that
typically result from minimal subclinical skin breaks in the skin. Such repeated episodes injure the incompetent, remaining lymphatic

channels, progressively worsening the underlying insufficiency of the lymphatic system. This eventually results in excessive subcutaneous fibrosis and
scarring with associated severe skin changes characteristic of lymphostatic elephantiasis ( Fig. 682 ).
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In most patients with second- or third-stage lymphedema, the characteristic findings on physical examination can usually establish the diagnosis. The
edematous limb has a firm and hardened consistency. There is loss of the normal perimalleolar shape, resulting in a tree trunk pattern. The dorsum of
the foot is characteristically swollen, resulting in the appearance of the buffalo hump, and the toes become thick and squared ( Fig. 682 ). In
advanced lymphedema, the skin undergoes characteristic changes, such as lichenification, development of peau dorange, and hyperkeratosis.[3]
Additionally, the patients give a history of recurrent episodes of cellulitis and lymphangitis after trivial trauma and frequently present with fungal
infections affecting the forefoot and toes. Patients with isolated lymphedema usually do not have the hyperpigmentation or ulceration one typically sees
in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. Lymphedema does not respond significantly to overnight elevation, whereas edema secondary to central
organ failure or venous insufficiency does.
The evaluation of a swollen extremity should start with a detailed history and physical examination. The most common causes of bilateral extremity
edema are of systemic origin. The most common etiology is cardiac failure,

Figure 68-2 Lymphedema with characteristic loss of the normal perimalleolar shape resulting in a tree trunk pattern. Dorsum of the foot is characteristically swollen, resulting in the
appearance of the buffalo hump.

followed by renal failure.[4] Hypoproteinemia secondary to cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, and malnutrition can also produce bilateral lower extremity
edema. Another important cause to consider with bilateral leg enlargement is lipedema. Lipedema is not true edema but rather excessive subcutaneous
fat found in obese women. It is bilateral, nonpitting, and greatest at the ankle and legs, with characteristic sparing of the feet. There are no skin changes,
and the enlargement is not affected by elevation. The history usually indicates that this has been a lifelong problem that runs in the family.
Once the systemic causes of edema are excluded, in the patient with unilateral extremity involvement, edema secondary to venous and lymphatic
pathology should be entertained. Venous pathology is overwhelmingly the most common cause of unilateral leg edema. Leg edema secondary to venous
disease is usually pitting and is greatest at the legs and ankles with a sparing of the feet. The edema responds promptly to overnight leg elevation. In the
later stages, the skin is atrophic with brawny pigmentation. Ulceration associated with venous insufficiency occurs above or posterior and beneath the
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Chapter 71 - Neurosurgery
Lawrence S. Chin M.D.
E. Francois Aldrich M.D.
Arthur J. DiPatri M.D.
Howard M. Eisenberg M.D.

In this chapter, we consider diseases or conditions of the central nervous system and spine that are commonly managed by neurosurgeons. In some
cases, these conditions can be considered solely neurosurgical; in others, depending on the style of individual practices, there is an overlap with
specialty areas of neurointensivists, neuroradiologists, radiation and medical oncologists, neurootologists, plastic surgeons, and orthopedic surgeons.
The chapter is divided into subsections: cerebrovascular disorders, which includes subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, aneurysm, and
arteriovenous malformation (AVM); central nervous system tumors, which includes neoplasms of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord and their
coverings, and lesions of the skull base; traumatic head injury; degenerative diseases of the spine; functional neurosurgery, which includes stereotaxis,
epilepsy surgery, surgery for the management of pain and movement disorder, and stereotactic radiosurgery; surgery for congenital abnormalities of the
brain, skull, facial bones, spinal cord, and spine; and neurosurgical management of central nervous system infections.
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The term brain attack has been coined to increase the awareness of stroke among not only physicians but also the general public. As a public health
concern, this disease is the third leading cause of death in the United States. A brain attack is defined as the sudden onset of neurologic worsening,
including a loss of consciousness and focal neurologic deficits. The etiology can be classified as either ischemic or hemorrhagic depending on whether
or not blood is seen on a computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain. Among the ischemic causes for brain attack is thromboembolism, which leads to
cerebral infarction, but this is a disease traditionally treated by neurologists and is beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, the focus here is on the
management of hemorrhagic stroke, of which there are two types: subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage.
Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is defined as bleeding into the subarachnoid space, particularly the basal cisterns of the brain, which is
not caused by trauma. It can range from a small, focal amount of blood to a large, diffuse clot throughout the basal cisterns. Extensive SAH can be
associated with intracerebral hematomas and/or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). The most common cause of SAH is the rupture of an intracranial
aneurysm; other causes include hypertension and AVMs ( Table 711 ). Subarachnoid hemorrhage accounts for approximately 10% of all strokes, with
an annual incidence of 10 per 100,000 population, resulting in an estimated 30,000 cases in the United States per year. It affects adults of all ages but
peaks in the 4th to 5th decades of life; 60% of patients are women.
Signs and Symptoms

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is characterized by the sudden onset of very severe headaches that patients often describe as the worse headache of their life.
Other symptoms may include nausea and vomiting, loss of

consciousness, and seizures.[1] Depending on the severity of the bleed, the patients neurologic condition may vary from awake and oriented to moribund
with severe neurologic deficits. In the first few hours following SAH, the subarachnoid blood causes an aseptic meningitis characterized by nuchal
rigidity, low-grade fever, and photophobia. Warning symptoms preceding SAH from aneurysmal rupture have been reported in up to 40% of patients
and are usually attributed to aneurysm enlargement or a minor bleed (sentinel hemorrhage). These symptoms are usually headaches or dizziness, and
unfortunately many go unrecognized. Various activities, including heavy lifting and bending (12%), emotional strain (4%), defecation (4%), and coitus
(4%), have been blamed for initiating SAH, but approximately 30% of cases occur during sleep. It is estimated that smoking increases the chances of a
subarachnoid hemorrhage by a factor of four.[2] Cardiac abnormalities are common after SAH: most
TABLE 71-1 -- Causes of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage






Arteriovenous malformation

Other (blood diseases, coagulopathies, tumors, angiopathy, etc.)

No cause found


patients are hypertensive, and frequent electrocardiographic (ECG) changes such as prolonged QT intervals, elevated or depressed ST segments, and
ventricular arrhythmias are present. It is believed that these ECG findings are caused by increased serum levels of catecholamines after SAH, thus
resulting in subendocardial ischemia.
Diagnosis and Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

If the clinical history suggests that a patient may have suffered an SAH, the diagnosis should be confirmed by CT scan, or lumbar puncture (LP) if the
CT scan is negative. A high index of suspicion by the primary care physician or emergency physician is necessary because misdiagnosis on presentation
is the most common preventable factor leading to a poor outcome after a ruptured aneurysm. A delay in diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs in
up to 25% of patients and is most likely in alert patients who have only a headache or in patients with no mental status changes or focal neurologic
An unenhanced CT scan is the preferred procedure for detection of subarachnoid hemorrhage and is positive in more than 90% of patients in the first 24
hours and more than 50% in the first week.[3] The sensitivity of CT scan for SAH drops off dramatically after the first week. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
appears as areas of increased density in the subarachnoid spaces along the base of the skull and within the sylvian fissure ( Fig. 711 A). The location of
the subarachnoid hemorrhage may frequently suggest the site of the aneurysm, and, rarely, the aneurysm itself might be

Figure 71-1 A, CT scan of brain showing subarachnoid blood in the basal cisterns. A focal deposition of blood in the distal sylvian fissure (arrow) suggests a middle cerebral artery
aneurysm. Dilated temporal horns (arrowhead) indicate the presence of hydrocephalus. B, Cerebral angiogram shows a right middle cerebral artery aneurysm (arrow).


visible ( Fig. 711 B). Other abnormalities, such as intracerebral hematomas, IVH, and hydrocephalus, can also be diagnosed by CT scans. CT
angiography is rapidly becoming an important screening tool in the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms.[4] Its advantages are the avoidance of arterial
puncture, high sensitivity, and three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization. Unlike catheter angiography, however, hemodynamic information on
aneurysm filling is not available.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not recommended in the acute management of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage because it is difficult to
manage acutely sick patients within the environment of an MRI suite, and SAH is poorly seen on MRI. For patients with unruptured aneurysms,
however, MRI and magnetic resonance angiography are excellent screening procedures to detect and follow intracranial aneurysms, and aneurysms as
small as 3 mm have been identified in high-quality MRI studies.[5]
If SAH is suspected but the CT scan is negative, an LP should be performed, provided the patient does not have an intracerebral hematoma or other
lesion causing mass effect. When an LP is performed, a few milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) should be saved for centrifugation, and the
appearance of the supernatant fluid should be noted. Oxyhemoglobin appears in the CSF a few hours after the hemorrhage, followed by the appearance
of bilirubin, which persists for 2 to 3 weeks and causes the centrifuged CSF to appear yellow. These blood breakdown products result in CSF
xanthochromia, which indicate that bleeding has occurred, and that bloody CSF is not the result of a traumatic LP. Similarly, when CSF is obtained
more than 1 to 3 weeks after hemorrhage, red blood cells are not usually present, and xanthochromia may be the only proof that bleeding occurred.
Further indications of SAH are an elevated CSF pressure and a low glucose content.
Once the diagnosis of a subarachnoid hemorrhage has been established, it is best for the patient to be transferred to a neurosurgical center where
surgical treatment can be offered. An angiogram is optional before transfer because it is preferable for the angiogram to be performed at the institution
where the surgical management will be provided to ensure good-quality studies and adequate views of the aneurysm. To minimize the risk of missing an
aneurysm, a complete four-vessel cerebral angiogram should be performed, including the origin of both posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. If an
aneurysm is found, special views are necessary to identify the anatomy of the aneurysm neck and the surrounding blood vessels ( Fig. 712 A). With
modern techniques, more than 85% of aneurysms are identified on the first study, but if the study is negative, a second angiogram is usually performed
within 7 to 10 days after the initial study, yielding an additional 10%. If both angiograms are negative, other causes of SAH need to be excluded.
Additional studies to order may include a contrast-enhanced brain MRI to exclude an intracranial tumor, as well as a thorough medical work-up to
exclude a bleeding disorder or vasculitis. After the diagnosis of aneurysmal SAH, the patient should receive strict bed rest, calcium-channel blockers
(nimodipine) to combat vasospasm, anticonvulsants, blood pressure control, and pain relief, but oversedation should be avoided.
Cerebral Aneurysms

The normal cerebral artery consists of three layers: (1) an outer adventitia consisting of loosely woven collagen; (2) a smooth muscle layer called the
media; and (3) an inner layer called the intima, which includes the internal elastic lamina, a thin collagen layer, and the endothelium. Cerebral artery
aneurysms (also known as berry or saccular aneurysms) typically develop at vessel bifurcations,

Figure 71-2 A, Subtracted carotid angiogram shows a 4 6-mm berry aneurysm (arrow) originating from the distal internal carotid artery. B, Postoperative carotid angiogram shows
clip placement (arrow) with total obliteration of the aneurysm.


where defects in the media are common, and have been postulated to arise from degenerative changes in the wall of the vessel. As an aneurysm
enlarges, the internal elastic lamina becomes fragmented and defects in the media enlarge, resulting in an aneurysm dome that consists primarily of the
residual intima and the adventitia. Turbulent blood flow entering the aneurysm through its relatively narrow neck contributes to its enlargement and to
the laminations of thrombus that are frequently deposited within its sac. Berry aneurysms can occur anywhere along the arterial circle of Willis, but they
are most common in the anterior circulation: at the junction of the posterior communicating artery and the internal carotid artery, at the junction of the
anterior communicating artery and anterior cerebral artery, or at the first major branch of the middle cerebral artery. In the posterior circulation, the
most common location is at the terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery. Multiple aneurysms are found in approximately 20% of patients with
The natural history of intracranial aneurysms has been the focus of numerous studies. Approximately 10% to 15% of patients die from aneurysmal SAH
before reaching the hospital. If the patient survives the initial hemorrhage, rebleeding is the most likely cause of death, with a peak incidence in the first
24 hours after the initial event. If the aneurysm is left unsecured, the rebleed rate is 20% in the first 2 weeks, 50% in the first 6 months, and thereafter
3% to 4% per year.[6] Compared to ruptured aneurysms, incidentally found or unruptured aneurysms have a lower risk of bleeding that depends on
aneurysm size. The yearly risk is approximately 0.05% to 0.5% for aneurysms smaller than 1 cm in diameter and 1% to 2% for aneurysms larger than 1
Besides rebleeding, cerebral vasospasm is the main cause of complications and death in patients with aneurysmal SAH. The peak incidence for
vasospasm is between the 3rd and 10th day following SAH. Once it develops, it can persist for weeks. Vasospasm is caused by a cascade of events
initiated by blood breakdown products in the subarachnoid space leading to narrowing of the arterial lumen. This results in decreased blood flow
through the involved arteries, and depending on the severity, it may manifest as cerebral ischemia or infarction. The risk for developing vasospasm is
proportional to the amount of clot in the subarachnoid space and can be estimated from the thickness of blood in the basal cisterns as seen on the CT
Blood and proteinaceous debris in the subarachnoid space can occlude the arachnoid villi and other arachnoidal channels that facilitate the normal
absorption of CSF. This causes a communicating hydrocephalus that can last for days to weeks until the blood has been absorbed. The blood can also
cause scarring in the subarachnoid space, which can lead to permanent communicating hydrocephalus in approximately 20% of cases.
Surgical Treatment of Aneurysms

After an aneurysm has been identified, a surgical decision must be made regarding the technique and timing of obliteration. In the past, surgery was
often delayed until the 2nd or 3rd week after the initial hemorrhage to avoid the complications of operating on a swollen brain. With delayed surgery the
surgical morbidity and mortality rates were acceptable, but the overall results were not always good because of a high incidence of rebleeding and
difficulty in managing vasospasm.[8] Currently, most experts advocate early surgical intervention preferably within the first 48 hours after hemorrhage.[9]
The standard approach for an anterior circulation aneurysm is a pterional craniotomy, which exposes the frontal and temporal lobes and allows access to
the sylvian fissure. The operating microscope provides illumination and magnification for the neurosurgeon to dissect the aneurysm free from its parent
vessels and to allow a definitive clip to be placed across the neck, thus obliterating blood flow into the aneurysm. Aneurysm clips are manufactured in a
variety of shapes, sizes, and lengths and are MRI compatible. Temporary aneurysm clips have less closing force than permanent clips, and when placed
on the surrounding blood vessels provide safety during dissection and are indispensable during an intraoperative aneurysm rupture. Intraoperative
evoked potential monitoring and advanced neuroanesthesia techniques are critical to avoid ischemic complications from temporary clipping. Ideally, the
end result is an aneurysm that is excluded from the normal circulation without compromise of the adjacent vessels or the small perforating vessels,
which provide blood for critical deep brain structures such as the internal capsule ( Fig. 712 B). With experienced surgeons, the operative mortality
rate is less than 5%. After surgery, a postoperative angiogram can confirm good clip placement with total obliteration of the aneurysm and patent
surrounding vessels. Alternatively, though technically challenging, an intraoperative angiogram can be performed, which allows the neurosurgeon to
reposition the aneurysm clip without requiring reoperation.
During the past decade, endovascular methods have been refined to treat intracranial aneurysms. Initially, only endovascular balloon occlusion of a
feeding artery was feasible. Now, the direct obliteration of an aneurysm lumen using either balloons or microcoils is possible. The most popular
technique, initially described by Guglielmi and colleagues, uses a platinum microcoil that is soft and can be detached from the stainless-steel guide by
passing a very small direct current that causes electrolysis at the solder junction.[10] [11] This technique is most successful in aneurysms with a small neck
( Fig. 713 A and B). In current practice, endovascular techniques are best suited for posterior fossa aneurysms because of the higher surgical risks
associated with these aneurysms. No direct comparisons are now available between surgical and endovascular therapy and long-term follow-up with
aneurysm coiling is still lacking.
Despite successful obliteration of the aneurysm, patients remain at significant risk for vasospasm, hydrocephalus, and medical complications and should
be treated in an intensive care setting for at least 7 to 10 days. Operative complications represent only a small portion of the morbidity and mortality
rates associated with ruptured intracranial aneurysms.[12] Vasospasm most commonly presents as a deterioration in mental status or the development

Figure 71-3 A, Subtracted vertebral angiogram shows a basilar tip aneurysm. B, Subtracted vertebral angiogram after the placement of coils demonstrates excellent obliteration of the
aneurysm and preservation of adjacent vessels.

of focal neurologic deficits, most commonly hemiparesis or dysphasia. A CT scan should be performed to exclude hydrocephalus, rebleed, stroke, or
cerebral edema, but it is unable to provide proof of vasospasm. The transcranial Doppler is a frequently used noninvasive diagnostic tool that is
sensitive to caliber changes in the larger vessels of the circle of Willis, and in vasospasm it can detect an increase in cerebral blood flow velocity. When
in doubt, a cerebral angiogram can confirm the diagnosis. Vasospasm must be aggressively managed and avoided if possible because it causes ischemia
and can lead to infarction resulting in permanent disability or death. On admission, all patients are placed on the calcium-channel blocker nimodipine
for 21 days to prevent and treat vasospasm. Once the aneurysm is secured, all patients are treated aggressively with hypertension, hypervolemia, and
hemodilution (also known as HHH) therapy, which counteracts vasospasm by maintaining cerebral blood flow. In refractory cases, endovascular
treatments using transluminal balloon angioplasty or intra-arterial papaverine injection may be beneficial ( Box 711 ).
Acute hydrocephalus, which raises the intracranial pressure (ICP) and causes neurologic deterioration, should be treated by insertion of an
intraventricular catheter (IVC) to provide CSF drainage. Permanent communicating hydrocephalus can develop in approximately 20% of patients and
requires a shunting procedure, usually a ventriculoperitoneal or lumboperitoneal shunt.
Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

A spontaneous intracerebral hematoma (SICH) is a blood clot in brain parenchyma that arises in the absence of
Box 71-1. Management of Vasospasm
Prevention of arterial narrowing
Subarachnoid blood removal
Prevention of dehydration and hypotension
Calcium-channel blockers (nimodipine)
Reversal of arterial narrowing
Intra-arterial papaverine
Transluminal balloon angioplasty
Prevention and reversal of ischemic neurologic deficit
Hypertension, hypervolemia, and hemodilution

trauma and has a variety of causes, the most important being hypertension ( Box 712 ). SICH accounts for 10% of all strokes, and there are
approximately 40,000 cases of SICH annually in the United States.[1] Age is an important predisposing factor, as illustrated by the fact that at age 45,
there is a 2 per 100,000 population per year incidence, whereas at age 80 or older, there is a 350 per 100,000 population per year incidence. In young
adults, SICH is most likely due to AVM, aneurysm, or drug abuse, whereas in the elderly, hypertension, tumor, or amyloid angiopathy is most common.
Diagnosis of the underlying lesion causing the intracerebral hematoma is critical, particularly if the hematoma causes significant mass effect and the
patient needs surgery. The surgical approach, instrumentation, and postoperative follow-up need to be tailored to the specific etiology. The remainder of
this section covers the management of hypertensive SICH.

Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage

In order of frequency, hypertensive hemorrhage occurs in the putamen, thalamus, cerebellum, or pons.[13] These hemorrhages result from bleeding along
the small perforating arteries of the brain such as the lenticulostriates, thalamoperforators, or midline basilar artery perforators. When subjected to longstanding hypertension, the walls of these arteries undergo fibrinoid necrosis, and miliary microaneurysms known as Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms
appear. Rebleeding seldom occurs, although patients may deteriorate several days after presentation as cerebral edema develops around the hematoma.

Patients with a hypertensive hematoma in the putamen typically experience a rapidly progressive hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and hemianopsia
contralateral to the side of the hemorrhage. When the dominant hemisphere is involved, aphasia is usually present. Thalamic hemorrhages usually cause
a greater hemisensory loss than motor weakness. Other characteristic findings include small reactive pupils and downward eye deviation. Pontine
Box 71-2. Causes of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Vascular anomaly
Cerebral aneurysm
Arteriovenous malformation
Cavernous malformation
Cerebral infarction (stroke) transformation
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Drug abuse

hemorrhages present with headache, vertigo, motor weakness, and ocular findings and carry a mortality rate of at least 75%.[14] Poor prognostic signs
include small pupils, bilateral pyramidal dysfunction, and a rapid loss of consciousness.
The classic symptoms of a cerebellar hypertensive hemorrhage are headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. On neurologic examination, patients may
demonstrate an ipsilateral dysmetria and gait imbalance. Focal motor, sensory, visual field deficits, and aphasias are conspicuously absent. Neurologic
deterioration occurs secondary to progressive brain stem compression and obstructive hydrocephalus and should be suspected in patients that
demonstrate obtundation, motor weakness, and difficulty with conjugate eye movement. Treatment of hydrocephalus by ventriculostomy and emergent
clot evacuation must be considered in these cases.[15]
The radiographic diagnosis of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma is made by a CT scan of the brain, which reveals not only the size and location of
the hematoma but also the presence of hydrocephalus, brain shift, and brain stem compression ( Fig. 714 A). In elderly patients with a well-known
history of hypertension and a classic CT appearance of a hematoma in the putamen, thalamus, cerebellum, or pons, further diagnostic studies are usually
not indicated, and treatment plans can be based on the CT scan. However, in patients younger than 40 years; those without hypertension; those with a
history of neoplasm, blood dyscrasias, or bacterial endocarditis; and specifically those with blood in the subarachnoid space or an atypical location or
appearance of the blood clot, further diagnostic studies are indicated. An MRI with contrast medium is preferred because it can reveal tumors, AVMs,
and aneurysms larger than 3 mm. If a vascular cause for the intracerebral hematoma is suspected, a four-vessel cerebral angiogram should be performed,
which may be positive in more than 50% of younger patients. In cases with negative imaging results, a thorough medical work-up for coagulopathy and
vasculitis should be performed.

Figure 71-4 Nonenhanced CT scan of the head. A, Spontaneous hypertensive intracerebral hematoma in the nondominant hemisphere. B, Immediate postoperative CT scan shows
near-total removal of intracerebral hematoma.


Neurologic deficit caused by damaged brain tissue cannot be reversed; however, treatment can be directed at preventing and reversing secondary brain
damage caused by edema, intracranial hypertension, brain shift, and direct pressure on the surrounding brain parenchyma. Most patients need to be
managed in an intensive care unit where close neurologic examinations can be performed and cardiopulmonary complications minimized. ICP may need
monitoring via an intraparenchymal fiberoptic probe or an IVC, which has the advantage of both providing pressure readings as well as being able to
drain CSF to lower ICP. Arterial hypertension should be controlled, but care should be taken to preserve cerebral perfusion pressure to at least 70 to 80
mm Hg.
The role and timing of surgical intervention for a hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage remain controversial. The patients age, medical condition,
level of consciousness, and neurologic examination must be considered while making a decision for surgery. Furthermore, the CT

discogenic back pain, which must be distinguished from lumbar radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication, lumbar facet arthropathy, and myofascial
lumbar strain. The most

Figure 71-19 Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study in a patient with neurogenic claudication. Degenerative changes are noted at multiple levels with severe spinal stenosis at the L34 and
L45 levels.

common indications for fusion and instrumentation are spondylolisthesis (slippage of a vertebral body on an adjacent level) and intractable pain
associated with disc degeneration.[36] The preoperative evaluation includes plain films to evaluate bony anatomy, a CT scan to determine the size and
shape of the pedicles and vertebral bodies, and an MRI scan to evaluate disc degeneration and neural compression. The lumbar spine exposure is more
generous than usually performed for a simple laminectomy or discectomy: the entire facet joint and transverse process complex is identified. A generous
laminectomy, which may include a partial or complete facetectomy, is performed to relieve neural compression followed by a complete discectomy.
The interspace is then distracted and filled with bone or a biomechanical spacer. Under fluoroscopic guidance, and using the position of the transverse
process as a landmark, screws are inserted through the pedicles into the vertebral body and attached to rods ( Fig. 7120 A and B). Finally, autologous
bone is placed along the lateral gutters between the transverse processes to form a posterolateral fusion mass.
Degenerative Cervical Lesions

Neck pain and radiculopathy are among the most common symptoms seen by primary care practitioners. Lesions of the cervical intervertebral discs are
in many ways analogous to those affecting the lumbar area, but important anatomic differences introduce variations in symptoms, signs, and treatment.

The cervical disc, like the lumbar disc, is composed of a tough outer annulus fibrosis and a softer inner nucleus pulposus. It is separated from the
vertebral bodies above and below it by cartilaginous endplates. An important distinction from the lumbar spine is that the spinal canal in the cervical
area contains the spinal cord rather than the lumbar nerve roots, so a reduction in the size of the spinal canal by spondylosis or a midline disc herniation
causes compression of the spinal cord, which results in significantly more dangerous complications. The cervical spine contains the joints of Luschka,
which are not present elsewhere in the spine. These joints, one on each side of the disc, can give rise to bony spurs or ridges (osteophytes), as can the
main facet joints (apophyseal joints) and the edges of the vertebral bodies adjacent to the intervertebral disc. The exiting nerve root on each side travels
between these joints and can be compressed by osteophytes extending into the intervertebral foramen from any or all of these three sources or from a
posterolateral soft disc herniation.
In the cervical area, the nerves exit transversely. There are seven cervical vertebrae but eight pairs of cervical nerves. The nerve roots exit on each side
at the level of the intervertebral disc, and the number of the nerve root corresponds to the vertebral body below the foramen (e.g., at the C56 foramen,
the C6 nerve root exits), except for C7T1, where the C8 nerve root exits.

Figure 71-20 Plain lumbar films of a patient who underwent L45, L5S1 laminectomy with pedicle screw instrumentation and posterolateral bony fusion. A, Lateral film showing
pedicle screws in the L4, L5, and S1 vertebral bodies. B, Anteroposterior view of the pedicle screw and rod construct.

Disc degeneration is a dynamic process that begins early in life and progresses at a variable rate. Degenerative changes in the cervical intervertebral disc
can take two main forms: (1) the nucleus pulposus can herniate out of its normal confined space (soft disc) or (2) the entire disc can slowly lose
substance, with loss of disc height resulting in osteoarthritis of the facet joints and the joints of Luschka. The combination of degenerative disc disease
and osteophyte formation is called cervical spondylosis.
Three pathologic entities are recognized in the cervical area: (1) mechanical neck pain, (2) cervical radiculopathy, and (3) cervical myelopathy. Any of
these can occur in isolation or in combination with each other. Compression of a nerve root in the intervertebral foramina by either a soft disc herniation
or osteophyte can lead to cervical radiculopathy. Motor root dysfunction leads to weakness and atrophy, whereas sensory root compression causes pain,
sensory loss, and paresthesias in the nerve root distribution. Anterior compression of the spinal cord can be caused by acute or chronic central disc
herniation, osteophytic ridges, or posterior compression by thickening of the ligamentum flavum and hypertrophic facet joints. This stenosis leads to
spinal cord compression manifesting as cervical myelopathy. A congenitally narrow spinal canal predisposes patients to developing cervical
Cervical Radiculopathy

A patients history is of great importance in the evaluation of neck and arm pain. Symptoms usually develop acutely with the usual posterolateral disc
rupture but more gradually and chronically in spondylosis. The usual history is that of a proximal radiating arm pain with numbness and paresthesias
distally in the nerve root distribution. The pain and paresthesias may be intensified by neck movement, especially by extension or by lateral flexion of
the side of the compression and by coughing or straining. In severe cases, patients notice a motor weakness in the same nerve root distribution.
On examination, the patients usually exhibit restriction of neck movement, especially in extension. Downward head compression by the examiner, as
well as flexing the neck to the side of the involvement, usually aggravates the pain. Nerve root compression in the upper cervical spine is unusual.
Compression of C2 causes occipital neuralgia, but if C3 and C4 are compressed, it usually causes nonspecific neck and shoulder pain without any
muscle weakness. Compression of the C5 root leads to shoulder and deltoid pain with weakness in the deltoid muscle (abduction of the arm). The most
common root compression syndromes are those involving the sixth and seventh cervical roots. With C6 root compression, the pain is in a radicular
distribution down the arm, distal to the elbow, with paresthesias or sensory loss over the thumb and index finger. Biceps weakness (flexion of the
elbow), as well as

weakness in extension of the wrist, is present, and diminution of the biceps and brachioradialis reflex may be present. With C7 root compression, the
pain radiates down the back of the arm distal to the elbow. Paresthesias in the middle finger that also involve the index finger or ring finger or both may
be present. Because of overlapping of the C6 and C8 roots, the sensory loss may be minimal or absent. Triceps muscle weakness (extension of the
elbow), as well as weakness in flexion of the wrist, is a hallmark of this nerve root compression. The triceps reflex may be diminished or absent. Eighth
nerve root compression causes pain down the arm as well as sensory changes that involve the ulnar side of the hand, but they usually present with
intrinsic hand muscle weakness.

Compression of the spinal cord can lead to cervical myelopathy, which is manifested by motor neuron dysfunction at the level of compression and upper
motor neuron dysfunction (spasticity, clonus, increased deep tendon reflexes, Babinskis sign, and Hoffmanns sign) below that level. In cases of acute
central disc herniation, these symptoms may occur acutely, but in cases caused by cervical spondylitic stenosis, the onset is much more gradual and
insidious. These patients usually complain of poor muscle coordination, especially in their hands and when walking. In chronic and severe cases,
symptoms of spasticity become clear and quadriparesis can follow.[37]

Diagnostic Studies

Plain radiographs of the cervical spine are obtained to assess the presence and degree of spondylosis but especially to identify a cause of neck and arm
pain other than disc disease such as neoplasm or infection. If conservative treatment fails, other diagnostic studies are indicated to make a diagnosis of
the cause of the patients symptoms.
MRI is the procedure of choice as an initial diagnostic tool to evaluate cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. In some cases where the diagnosis is not
immediately apparent, a cervical myelogram followed by CT scanning could yield definitive information. In cases where the clinical diagnosis is in
doubt and other causes, such as plexopathies or peripheral nerve compressions must be excluded, electromyography and nerve conduction studies are

The initial treatment of a patient with acute radiculopathy is conservative and consists of restriction of activity, soft cervical collar, and medication for
pain and muscle spasm. After the acute phase, physical therapy with intermittent cervical halter traction may be beneficial. Anti-inflammatory and
antispasmodic medication may be of value over a prolonged period to reduce the discomfort of cervical spondylosis. Most of the patients symptoms
improve with conservative treatment.
There are two indications to perform surgery in patients with cervical radiculopathy: (1) failed medical management with intolerable arm pain and (2)
progressive and significant motor loss. The aim of surgery is to provide nerve root decompression, and this can be accomplished by either a posterior
approach through a foraminotomy or by an anterior approach through the intervertebral disc. Both approaches lead to excellent results, and the choice of
which to use is tailored by the patients specific pathology.[38]
With anterior pathology (paracentral disc herniation or large uncovertebral osteophytes), an anterior cervical discectomy, nerve root decompression, and
fusion are indicated. This approach is performed through the plane between the carotid sheath laterally and the esophagus and trachea medially. The
procedure is performed with the aid of the operating microscope, and after the disc is removed, the foramen is widely opened from the anterior. A fusion
is then performed with a bone plug obtained either from the patients iliac crest or fibular allograft. Most neurosurgeons place an anterior locking plate,
especially if two or more levels are performed ( Fig. 7121 A to C).[39] [40] The rationale of a locking plate is that it offers immediate rigid fixation,
diminishes the patients neck pain, avoids complication with the bone plug, and causes a solid fusion in virtually all cases. If an anterior locking plate is
not placed, the patient should be kept in a cervical collar for 6 weeks, and regular follow-up radiographs are necessary to monitor the fusion. The results
obtained from this procedure are excellent, causing resolution of the patients pain and paresthesias and normalization of the neurologic deficit.[41]
A posterior approach is indicated in patients with unilateral radicular symptoms without significant neck pain where the pathology can be resected from
the posterior. This includes foraminal disc herniations or foraminal stenosis caused by thickening of the ligamentum flavum and from hypertrophic facet
joints. An approach similar to a lumbar microdiscectomy is used with a small unilateral approach. With the aid of the operating microscope, a small
foraminotomy is performed with a high-speed drill, thereby decompressing the affected nerve root and allowing the removal of small foraminal discs.
This procedure does not require any fusions, and equally excellent results can be obtained.[42] [43]
In contrast to cervical radiculopathy, cervical myelopathy poses a far greater surgical challenge. Conservative therapy plays only a minor role in these
patients, and surgery is indicated far more urgently than radiculopathy because compression of the spinal cord poses a significant risk to the patients
spinal cord function. Acute central disc herniations are always treated through an anterior approach as described, and if the patient can be operated on
before permanent damage occurs, the prognosis is usually good.
In patients with chronic spondylosis in whom there is compression from anterior as well as posterior, complex surgery might be necessary. A significant
number of these patients have already sustained some permanent spinal cord damage, and the results of surgical decompression can be less optimal. The
decompression can be performed either from anterior or posterior, or in some cases, from a combination of both ( Fig. 7122 A to C). Anterior vertebral

Figure 71-21 A patient with a right C56 disc herniation and C6 radiculopathy. A, Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study shows a disc herniation with compression of the spinal
subarachnoid space. B, A large paramedian disc herniation is shown compressing the right C6 nerve root and spinal cord (arrow). C, A postoperative lateral plain film shows a fibular
allograft in the C56 disc space and an anterior plate with screws in the C5 and C6 bodies.

osteophytic ridges or chronic disc herniations must be decompressed anteriorly, and because multiple levels might be involved, multilevel discectomies
or even corpectomies (removal of the central 18 mm of vertebral body) to achieve decompression might be necessary. After spinal cord decompression,
a fibula or an iliac crest bone graft is positioned, followed by an anterior locking plate.[44]
If the patient has a congenitally narrow canal and most of the compression is from posterior, cervical laminectomies can be performed to decompress
the spinal canal. This can be accomplished with or without lateral mass plate fusion for stability. Because of the intrinsic spinal cord damage, the
multilevel involvement, and the chronic nature of the disease, the results are sometimes less satisfactory than those for cervical radiculopathy. However,
with modern microsurgical techniques, the prognosis has improved, and in most patients, improvement in the neurologic function can be accomplished.

Figure 71-22 A patient with multilevel cervical stenosis who presented with myelopathy. A, T2-weighted sagittal MRI study shows severe cervical spinal stenosis at the C34, C45,
and C56 levels. B, T2-weighted axial image shows chronic disc and osteophyte protrusion causing anterior compression. C, Postoperative lateral radiograph. A two-staged procedure
was performed: a C5 corpectomy with an iliac bone graft and anterior locking plating, followed by a cervical laminectomy of C3C7 with additional stabilization by lateral mass

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

This section includes a discussion of the principles of stereotactic surgery and its application to brain biopsy, radiosurgical ablation of lesions, lesion
generation and electrode implantation for movement disorder, and the surgical management of epilepsy and pain.
Stereotactic Neurosurgery

Stereotactic neurosurgery is defined as the use of a coordinate system to provide accurate navigation to a point or region in space. The coordinates for
any point in the brain are determined by a fixed stereotactic frame that is rigidly attached to the skull, or they may be based on a frameless system that
uses fiducial markers placed on the scalp that are then correlated with MRI or CT results. The most commonly used frame-based systems are the Leksell
Model G and the Cosman-Roberts-Wells frames ( Fig. 7123 ). Both frames are rigidly attached to the skull, usually under local anesthesia, by four
threaded pins that penetrate only the outer table of the skull. A box containing fiducial markers that appear on MRI or CT is then attached to the frame,
which allows precise determination of X, Y, and Z coordinates of any point within the frame. Finally, a stereotactic arc is mounted on the frame, and the
proper coordinates are positioned before the procedure is performed.

Figure 71-23 The Leksell stereotactic coordinate frame is rigidly attached to the head by four threaded pins. The fiducial box is mounted on the frame during the imaging (MRI or
CT) study. X, Y, and Z coordinates are determined directly from the imaging study. The center of the frame is arbitrarily given the coordinates 100, 100, 100.
Frame-Based Stereotactic Procedures

Frame-based stereotactic surgery provides the most accurate and stable method for accessing deep targets within the brain. This is most commonly used
to perform biopsies, implant electrodes or make lesions, and as guidance for radiation delivery. By attaching a guide mounted on an arc to the
stereotactic frame, any point within the brain may be approached from a wide variety of entry points and angles. Drill and biopsy guides are rigidly
attached to the arc and allow accurate positioning. Suspected tumors or infections deep to the surface make ideal targets for stereotactic biopsies.
Complications after biopsy are unusual, but care must be taken to avoid biopsy of a vascular lesion. A small hematoma at the biopsy site is not unusual
and is rarely clinically significant.[45] The morbidity rate for a stereotactic biopsy is less than 5%, and the mortality rate is less than 1%.[46] The diagnostic
yield is approximately 90%.[47]
Deep Brain Lesion and Stimulation.

The original rationale for stereotactic surgery was to create deep brain lesions in patients with movement disorders.[48] Early stereotactic localization was
based on the use of ventriculography to outline the anterior and posterior boundaries of the third ventricle (AC-PC line); this line was then used as the
reference for determining the location of surrounding deep brain structures such as the ventro-intermediate nucleus (VIM) of the thalamus and the
medial globus pallidus (GPi). Because anatomic and physiologic target confirmation and lesioning techniques remained crude, the results were
inconsistent, and when pharmacologic therapy with L-dopa was found to be effective, stereotactic surgery quickly fell out of favor.[49] Long-term followup of patients treated with dopamine agonists has revealed limitations with these drugs, and modern stereotactic surgery, due largely to refinements in
intracranial imaging and microelectrode recording, once again plays a prominent role in the treatment of patients with tremors, rigidity, and dyskinesias.
[50] In the early 1990s, a resurgence of interest by neurosurgeons in Parkinsons disease was led by the rediscovery of Leksells technique of making
radiofrequency lesions in the posteroventral GPi for dyskinesias and rigidity.[51] The accuracy and safety of creating these lesions have been improved
with the development of reliable microelectrode recording that provides instant feedback on the position of the electrode tip by detecting characteristic
neuronal bursting patterns in different brain structures. Deep brain lesion procedures are limited by their inherent irreversibility and prohibitive
complications with bilateral lesions (e.g., severe psychomotor retardation in GPi). The evolution of surgical treatment for Parkinsons disease has led to
the development of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to replace lesion making and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as a target.[52] Despite its central role in
modulating the GPi, the STN was avoided as a potential target because hemiballismus was observed in patients with STN damage. By using DBS,
which induces a reversible inhibition of neuronal activity, instead of ablation, the STN became a viable target and is now substantiated as the preferred
target for Parkinsons disease. In addition, bilateral DBS can used in a patient allowing treatment of bilateral symptoms without risk of the deficits seen
in bilateral GPi lesions.[53] [54] When tremor alone is the primary symptom, DBS of the VIM thalamus is the most effective treatment.[55]
Stereotactic Radiosurgery.

Stereotactic radiosurgery, first proposed by Leksell in 1951, uses the stereotactic frame to determine the coordinates of a lesion and then delivers a
concentrated dose of radiation to that point.[56] Gamma knife and modified linear accelerator systems are the most widely used radiosurgery devices, and
they use photons to deliver their effect. Indications for stereotactic radiosurgery include metastatic tumors, malignant gliomas, benign brain tumors,
AVMs, and trigeminal neuralgia. More than 90% of metastatic tumors are initially controlled with stereotactic radiosurgery, and 80% are controlled
long term.[34] Stereotactic radiosurgery has the greatest impact on survival in patients with single brain metastases, but it is also suitable for patients with
multiple lesions and controlled primary disease and also for patients with recurrence in the brain at distant sites. According to preliminary results from a
recent Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study, stereotactic radiosurgery as part of the initial treatment does not prolong survival in patients with
GBM; however, it may play a role in patients with recurrent gliomas. Approximately 95% of benign tumors are controlled with stereotactic
radiosurgery, and it is useful in the treatment of postsurgical residual disease. Patients with trigeminal neuralgia are frequently elderly and are often not

fit for conventional surgery. Of the different stereotactic radiosurgery techniques, only Gamma knife has the documented accuracy and clinical results to

support its use in treating trigeminal neuralgia. Eighty percent to 85% of patients have significant improvement in their pain following Gamma knife,
but as many as 40% recur within 5 years.[57] The primary risk of radiosurgery is radiation necrosis, which occurs 6 to 24 months after treatment and is
related to the dose delivered and the volume treated.[58] There is essentially no mortality associated with stereotactic radiosurgery.
Frameless Stereotactic Procedures

The new generation of frameless stereotactic devices allows the neurosurgeon to correlate MRI and CT images with pointing devices that may be a
simple probe, a robotic arm, or an actual surgical instrument such as an endoscope or biopsy probe.[59] Furthermore, these images may be fused with the
display in a surgical microscope.[60] These devices allow the surgeon to efficiently plan skin incisions, bone openings, and location within the brain
during a procedure. Without a rigidly attached frame, the surgeon no longer has to deal with the physical obstruction from the frame, but there may be a
sacrifice in accuracy.
Epilepsy Surgery

Because epilepsy is a complex condition not associated with a single cause, the definition must to some extent be arbitrary. A useful definition,
however, is recurrent seizures not due to an active provoked cause. With this definition, recurrent seizures during acute head injury are not considered
epilepsy, but chronic recurrent seizures as a sequela of head injury are considered epilepsy. Regardless of the definition used, the condition is pervasive;
the prevalence in North America of chronic use of an antiepileptic drug is 70 per 100,000 population. The prevalence is higher in childhood and in
elderly persons, when cerebrovascular disease becomes an important cause. The risk of developing epilepsy is 3% over a lifetime; in the United States,
there are more than 100,000 new cases a year. Of these, 60,000 are temporal lobe epilepsy, characterized most frequently by partial complex seizures,
and of these, 25% are medically intractableeither not controlled by antiepileptic drugs or controlled with unacceptable side effects. Of this intractable
group, one third are probably candidates for seizure surgery, in this particular case a partial anterior temporal lobectomy. This equates to 5000 new
cases per year. Other types of epilepsy can be managed by other types of operations, such as partial excision at sites other than the temporal lobe,
hemispherectomy, and section of the corpus callosum (corpus callosotomy). These other cases add to the cohort of surgical candidates but in much
smaller numbers.
The implantation of vagal nerve stimulators was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the control of seizures. Although this device
(discussed later) virtually never results in complete cessation of all seizures, it is gaining acceptance and the indications are expanding, so a large
percentage of patients with intractable seizures without, or even some with, anatomically defined single foci may be candidates. It is conceivable then,
that although this methodology does not replace ablative surgery, which is potentially curative, it may become the most frequent operation for
intractable seizures.
The consequences of epilepsy that lead a patient and physician to consider seizure surgery when medical therapy is not efficacious include injuries due
to falls and other accidents occurring during the seizures, seizures as a cause of sudden death, limitations of employability, restrictions against driving,
limitation of social interactions, and problems related to learning and education due either to the seizures themselves or the side effects of drugs. In
addition, novel drugs appear with regular frequency and obviously should be tried on patients intractable to conventional therapy, but none have
resulted in a therapeutic breakthrough, so for many patients, surgery remains the ultimate hope.
The symptoms of seizures and the side effects of drugs vary greatly in severity, and there are no nationally accepted guidelines for direct referral of
intractable patients for surgery. For some patients, the inability to legally drive is incentive enough. Also, there is a growing tendency to refer young
patients for surgery rather than wait for the condition to burn out. The rationale is that seizures frequently persist after adolescence; mirror foci can
become established as independent foci, making ablative surgery impossible. Perhaps more important, epilepsy establishes psychological problems and
dependency during childhood that might not be significantly mitigated even if later surgery results in a major decrease in seizures or even a seizure-free
life. Furthermore, drug side effects that are tolerable to adults may interfere with learning, education, and socialization in children.
The Work-Up

The initial work-up is the search for remediable or treatable causes for chronic, recurrent seizures. To surgeons, most important is the diagnosis of
structural lesions, particularly brain tumors and cerebrovascular abnormalities such as AVMs or cavernous malformations. When seizures are associated
with structural lesions, removal of the lesion itself, or lesionectomy (early in the course of the seizures), is frequently sufficient to result in a seizurefree life. However, later, once seizures become more established, the removal of adjacent brain may be required.
As part of the initial work-up, the neurologist must establish that the events are associated with paroxysmal electrical events in the brainthat they are
not pseudoseizures. Although many of these pseudoseizures can be diagnosed by the medical history or by witnessing an event, other cases mimic real
seizures so well that diagnosis can be made only by video monitoring the patient with simultaneous electroencephalographic recording. (Phase I
monitoring is considered in more detail later.)


CT or, in most cases, MRI is an important part of the initial work-up. As structure, lesions can be identified, as can areas of atrophy related to past
trauma or infection. In temporal lobe epilepsy, particularly with partial, complex seizures, special attention is paid to the mesial temporal structures to
locate gliosis and atrophy of the hippocampus. Unilateral atrophy or gliosis is frequently indicative of the side of the focus and is a predictor of a good
outcome after surgery. Examination of these structures requires special MR slices and imaging techniques. T2-weighted images are most sensitive to
focal gliosis ( Fig. 7124 ), as are low-grade tumors and small hamartomas. Thin sections of even 5 to 7 mm also increase the sensitivity. Enhancement
with a paramagnetic contrast agent (gadolinium) using T1-weighted images helps in the detection of structural lesions. Finally, MR volume
measurements showing a reduction in hippocampal volume on the side of resection strongly predict outcome.
Positron-emission tomographic (PET) imaging has aided the work-up of patients with focal seizures. Interictal studies show hypometabolism and
reduced cerebral blood flow in the area of the focus, whereas ictal studies show a relative increase in metabolism and flow. Single-photon emission CT
is less expensive and more widely available than PET. Commercially available stable isotopes are used. Most important, ictal single-photon emission
CT scans can be obtained much more easily than ictal PET because markers with much longer half-lives can be held at the bedside and given during an
event and then imaged after the seizure is over.

Figure 71-24 T2-weighted coronal MRI study shows gliosis of mesial temporal structures (arrow).
Correlation of Electroencephalography and Clinical Seizures: Phase 1 Monitoring

Phase I monitoring is used as an initial part of the work-up of patients suspected as having a single focus, most frequently in the temporal lobe. Chronic
electroencephalographic recording performed while patients are actively surveyed by television monitors allows simultaneous comparison of clinical
events and electroencephalograms. This establishes that the patients clinical seizures are related to paroxysmal electrical discharges from the brain. In
most cases, laterality (i.e., the side of the brain), and in some cases, further localization (e.g., temporal versus frontal lobe) can be established. Multiple
seizures are recorded in the hospital after the patients antiepileptic drugs are reduced or discontinued. The correlation is simplest when the patients
seizures are stereotyped. Patients with more than one type of clinical seizure are more difficult to evaluate, but in these cases, this type of monitoring is
particularly important. As mentioned earlier, this method can be used to distinguish real seizures from pseudoseizures.
Establishment of Hemispheric Dominance of Language and Memory.

The intracarotid amobarbital test (Wada test) is the most widely used and best established method for determining the dominant hemisphere for
language and memory. The test is used most frequently for patients under consideration for a temporal lobectomy. Each carotid artery is injected in turn
using a catheter passed from the femoral artery as is done for standard carotid arteriograms. Language and memory are individually assessed while each
hemisphere is exposed to small injections of amobarbital. The patient is carefully monitored during testing to make certain that recirculation has not
affected both sides simultaneously during testing. Many centers insist on Wada tests even when a clearly right-handed patient is diagnosed with a right
temporal focus.
Other methods that are less invasive have shown promise with regard to the localization of cortical function, even language. Magnetoencephalography
records electrical events as dipoles and therefore can be used to localize function, even to the extent of mapping language. However, these methods
should be considered experimental, and the availability is severely limited. It seems possible that language mapping would also be feasible with
functional MRI.
Intracranial Electrical Recording.

The most common of these methods involve stereotactically implanted depth electrodes ( Fig. 7125 ), implanted strip electrodes, and implanted grids
( Fig. 7126 ). All are used to further localize the focus. Electrode grids can also be used to map language ( Fig. 7127 ). The indications for use of
these arrays varies from center to center, particularly depending on whether the surgeon is willing to operate on awake patients; language mapping and
resection can then take place during the same craniotomy.
Stereotactic-implanted depth electrodes are frequently placed in each frontal and temporal lobe to provide information about side and sometimes site,
frontal versus temporal lobe, in cases in which site and side have not been

Figure 71-25 Skull radiograph shows implanted depth electrodes.

Figure 71-26 Skull radiograph shows an implanted grid.

resolved by phase I monitoring (see earlier). Language mapping using grids or a movable dipole electrode on the exposed cortex of awake patients
establishes cortical sites involved in language. The grids require a separate craniotomy for implantation. The method, however, is essentially the same:
A current passes between two electrodes. If the current blocks language, the underlying cortex is considered eloquent for language and spared at the
time of resection. Negative results are obviously harder to interpret than are positive results that cause language arrest, and when language is not
blocked, the current strength is progressively increased to, if possible, the threshold for afterdischarges. The risk of implanted electrodes is a hematoma,
particularly with depth electrodes, for which the risk is

Figure 71-27 Language and sensory motor map.

approximately 1%. In addition, there is a low risk of infection as the electrode wires are let out through the skin.
Resection of a Focus

The most frequent operation of this kind is temporal lobectomy. Usually, the lateral and inferior cortices are removed after a temporal craniotomy
exposes the anterior temporal lobe. The mesiotemporal structures, including the amygdala and hippocampus, are excised. The extent of the resection is
guided by the location of the focus and language mapping in the dominant lobe. At some centers, surgeons do not map language in the dominant
temporal lobe and then perform a more lateral limited resection. The extent of the hippocampal resection can be influenced by a depth electrode
implanted at the time the hippocampus is exposed and by the extent to which the hippocampus supports memory as determined by the Wada test (see
earlier). However, a hippocampal resection of at least 2.0 to 2.5 cm from the anterior tip appears to be correlated with better outcomes than are smaller
resections. The medial temporal structures can also be resected without removal of lateral temporal cortex by developing a plane for exposure through
opening of the sylvian fissure and resection of the amygdala and hippocampus from that vantage point.
Cortical resections can also be made to remove a focus in other parts of the hemisphere. The second most common site after a temporal lobectomy is the
frontal cortex. The results here, however, are in general less predictable than with temporal lobe resections. Although eloquent cortex is spared, a focus
that includes motor or sensory cortex still can be surgically treated. Instead of resection, multiple gyral cortical incisions perpendicular to the axis of the
involved gyrus are made, interrupting the local association fibers but sparing the deeper projecting fibers.
Other Cranial Operations for Generalized Seizures

Section of the corpus callosum is used to interrupt the spread of severe seizures and mitigate generalization.

Indications are otherwise not specific, but the operation is usually reserved for severe cases, frequently where there are drop attacks (atonic seizures)
and thereby a significant risk of injury. However, the presence of atonic attacks does not ensure a good outcome from this operation.
The corpus callosum is approached through the interhemispheric fissure. Usually, the operation is staged so that the anterior two thirds of the corpus
callosum are divided at the first operation. The section is completed at a second craniotomy only if the initial section does not provide a satisfactory
result. Complications include hydrocephalus and, in some cases, a serious disconnection syndrome with language and behavioral impairment.
Hemispherectomy is an operation usually restricted to children with extensive unilateral epileptiform activity. Many or most of these children have
developmental abnormalities of the brain, including abnormal cellular migration and hemiplegia. Although initially the entire cortex of the hemisphere
was removed, sparing the basal ganglion, the operative technique has been modified so that portions of the hemisphere are left with their vascular
connections intact but disconnected from the remainder of the brain by sectioning of adjacent white matter.
The results of this operation can be rewarding with regard not only to seizures but also to function, because the seizures may have caused functional

impairment. However, the operation is associated with a high morbidity rate, including hydrocephalus, aseptic meningitis, and superficial cerebral
hemosiderosis, which is thought to significantly contribute to mortality and morbidity rates, although the cause remains obscure. Partial
hemispherectomy or functional hemispherectomy as described earlier is thought to mitigate this problem.
Vagal Nerve Stimulator

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, vagal nerve stimulators are novel and are a newly approved method to manage intractable seizures. The
mechanism of action is not entirely clear, but it is well known that most vagal nerve fibers are afferent. These fibers project to many structures in the
brain, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus. The efficacy in vagal nerve stimulation has been shown in animal models of epilepsy.
Although stimulation of either vagus nerve is effective in animal models, the left nerve is always chosen because stimulation is less likely to cause
cardiac effects than is stimulation of the right nerve. Like a cardiac pacemaker, the stimulator can be programmed after insertion. The predominant side
effect is hoarseness during stimulation. Reduction in seizure frequency is usually 50%, which is similar to the result of many drugs but without drug
side effects. Long-term stimulation, for 6 months or longer, seems to be associated with a greater rather than a lesser effect. However, unlike ablative
operations, such as temporal lobectomy, only 1% of patients with vagal nerve stimulators become seizure free.
Neurosurgical Treatments for Pain

Pain is the most common symptom that prompts patients to see a physician. Unfortunately, it is still poorly understood, and many patients are
inadequately treated as a result. Further complicating treatment is the lack of an objective measure of pain. There are two broad categories of pain:
nociceptive and neuropathic. Nociceptive pain is caused by the activation of peripheral sensory receptors from an unusually strong stimulus. Examples
include low back pain or cancer infiltration in bone. Neuropathic pain is poorly understood and is characterized by a lack of peripheral sensory
stimulation, such as central pain that occurs after a stroke or phantom limb pain after amputation. It frequently contains elements of burning, tingling, or
electric shocks and is poorly responsive to narcotic medications. Neurosurgical treatments may be either neuroablative or neuroaugmentative. Ablation
involves making a lesion, whereas augmentation usually takes the form of electrical stimulation or infusion of opioids. Both types of treatment may be
performed at any point along the pain pathway.
Sensation occurs with the activation of peripheral receptors by external stimuli. Nociceptors consist primarily of free nerve endings that transmit signals
through small unmyelinated A delta and C nerve fibers. The cell bodies of these first-order neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglia and send their
axons into the dorsal gray of the spinal cord to synapse with second-order neurons. These neurons comprise the spinothalamic tract, which decussates at
the spinal cord level and ascends to the thalamus. The parallel paleospinothalamic tract includes connections with multiple interneurons in the
periaqueductal gray of the brain stem and is involved in the perception of poorly localized, longer-lasting pain.
Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by brief attacks of a severe, lancinating pain experienced in one or a combination of the three branches of the
trigeminal nerve. Also known as tic douloureux, it causes a patients face to wince and spasm in pain. Typically unilateral and without sensory deficits,
it is more prevalent in older patients except for patients who have multiple sclerosis, in whom it may present earlier and bilaterally. The pathogenesis is
believed to be arterial compression of the trigeminal nerve, which causes demyelination and axonal crosstalk, along its root entry zone near the pons
( Fig. 7128 ). The initial treatment is medical; carbamazepine (Tegretol) and gabapentin (Neurontin) are effective in most patients, although a
significant percentage develop resistance to their medication or have intolerable side effects. Three forms of surgical therapy are effective:
microvascular decompression, percutaneous nerve ablation, and Gamma knife surgery. Microvascular decompression is performed through a
retromastoid craniectomy that exposes the transverse and sigmoid sinus junction. Arterial compression on the trigeminal nerve is relieved, and the nerve
is protected from further indentation by interposed, shredded Teflon pledgets.[61] Immediate pain relief is seen in

Figure 71-28 An intraoperative photograph through the operative microscope in a patient with typical trigeminal neuralgia. The left trigeminal nerve is compressed superiorly by an
arterial branch of the superior cerebellar artery (arrow).

nearly all patients, but pain recurrence is seen in 10% to 30% by 10 years. The percutaneous approaches avoid anesthesia and craniotomy risks
associated with microvascular decompression but have slightly lower success rates. A spinal needle is directed to the foramen ovale under fluoroscopic
guidance, and a radiofrequency lesion, glycerol injection, or balloon compression is performed on the trigeminal ganglion ( Fig. 7129 ).[62] In
conjunction with pain relief, most patients experience facial numbness. Gamma knife surgery uses 201 beams of cobalt 60derived photons focused on
the trigeminal nerve to interrupt pain impulses.[57] This procedure is effective in 80% of patients.
Neuroablation Procedures

Transection of a peripheral nerve results in numbness and may temporarily relieve pain, but it is not a viable long-term therapy. The pain may recur and

become neuropathic in nature. Because most peripheral nerves are mixed sensorimotor, neurectomy will result in motor loss as well.

Open ablation of the sensory root can be performed via an intradural or extradural approach or percutaneously using radiofrequency coagulation or
phenol injection.[63] The lesion should be made proximal to the dorsal root ganglion, and multiple roots need to be resected because of sensory overlap
between adjacent dermatomes. Rhizotomy may be useful for pain with distribution in a limited number of dermatomes.
Dorsal Root Entry Zone Lesion.

Using a specially designed radiofrequency electrode, multiple lesions are made along the dorsal roots that ablate the dorsal horn gray matter, including
the second-order neurons. This treatment is most successful for nerve root or brachial plexus avulsion and spinal cord injury.[64] It has also been used for
postherpetic neuralgia and post-thoracotomy pain. The most

Figure 71-29 A lateral skull film in a patient undergoing glycerol rhizotomy for typical trigeminal neuralgia. A 20-gauge spinal needle is directed to the foramen ovale and nonionic
contrast agent is injected to outline the trigeminal ganglion (arrow).

common complication is ipsilateral motor weakness caused by injury to the adjacent corticospinal tract. Extension of this concept to the trigeminal
nucleus caudalis, where second-order neurons from cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X carry pain and temperature information, has been used to treat
anesthesia dolorosa, atypical facial pain, and postherpetic neuralgia.[65] Lesions are made from the C2 dorsal roots moving rostrally along the medial
edge of cranial nerve XI rootlets to the level of the obex. The most significant risk is ataxia caused by injury to the spinocerebellar tract, which overlies
the nucleus caudalis. Good to excellent pain relief has been reported in 74% of patients, with a 39% risk of ataxia.

This procedure is performed percutaneously with radiofrequency lesioning of the spinothalamic tract in the anterior portion of the cervical spinal cord.
Localization is performed with radiographic guidance, myelography, and an impedance change when the cord is penetrated.[66] Stimulation of a properly
placed electrode results in paresthesias on the contralateral side with no ipsilateral motor responses. Cordotomy is primarily indicated for cancer patients
who have unilateral pain. Bilateral cordotomy is not advised because of the risk of Ondines curse (loss of involuntary respiratory drive).

Splitting the spinal cord at and above the level of pain divides the spinothalamic tract as it crosses in the anterior spinal cord. This procedure is most
often used for bilateral, nociceptive pain due to cancer.
Midbrain Tractotomy.

This procedure ablates the spinothalamic tract in the brain stem with the use of stereotactic guidance. The periaqueductal gray is often included in the
lesion to also affect the paleospinothalamic pathway. The most common indication is for face and shoulder pain from head and neck cancer.


This type of lesion is now rarely used. Thalamic stimulation has proved to be more effective.

Using stereotactic guidance, bilateral radiofrequency lesions are made in the white matter deep to the cingulate gyrus, resulting in interference to
Papezs limbic circuit. This procedure is most useful when depression is the dominant feature of the pain syndrome.

Sympathectomy is indicated for the treatment of causalgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or Raynauds phenomenon, but the specific mechanism of
pain relief is not clear. To avoid a Horners syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, and apparent enophthalmos), the T1 sympathetic ganglion should not
be resected. The endoscopic approach is preferred to supraclavicular, transaxillary, and posterior costotransversectomy.[67]
Neuroaugmentation Procedures
Spinal Cord Stimulation.

Spinal cord or dorsal column stimulation as a treatment for pain is based on the gate control theory, which postulates that nonpainful stimuli carried
through large, myelinated nerves in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord modulate perception of painful stimuli through unmyelinated fibers.[68] In
general, spinal cord stimulation is indicated for neuropathic pain syndromes, including peripheral nerve injury, reflex sympathetic dystrophy,
deafferentation pain, and postherpetic neuralgia. Patients should be screened by temporary test electrode stimulation that produces a paresthesia over the
painful area. Lower extremity pain is best treated with a low thoracic placement. Short-term success is seen in 80% of patients, with 50% having longterm pain relief.[69]
Deep Brain Stimulation.

Two primary deep brain sites have been used for the relief of pain: periaqueductal gray and the sensory thalamus. Periaqueductal gray has been used
primarily for nociceptive pain and likely activates endogenous opioids.[70] Thalamic stimulation is based on the gate control theory and is used for
neuropathic pain.
Intrathecal Narcotic Infusion.

The direct application of narcotics provides a more potent activation of opioid receptors in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord. The onset of
action is rapid (5 to 10 minutes), and serum levels are negligible. Continuous delivery of intrathecal morphine is made possible by an implantable,
programmable pump.[71] Most patients are able to decrease or eliminate oral narcotics, and the quality of life improvement is frequently significant. This
treatment modality is usually used for nociceptive cancer pain. Drug tolerance can develop with use.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier



Neural tube defects are common congenital disorders that can affect any portion of the neuraxis. A basic understanding of the development of the
nervous system is helpful when trying to understand the structural characteristics of a particular malformation and its associated neurologic findings.
During the 2nd week of gestation, ectodermal cells proliferate near the midline of the embryo, forming the neural plate. At approximately day 17 of
gestation, the neural plate invaginates and the lateral portions thicken, forming the neural folds. As the neural folds move closer together in the midline,
adhesion occurs and the neural tube closes. At the cephalic end, the cranial neuropore closes on approximately day 24 of gestation. The caudal
neuropore is thought to close a short time later. Immediately after neural tube closure, the superficial ectoderm joins in the midline and then separates
from the underlying neural tube. Mesenchymal tissue will migrate between these two layers and will later form the skull, vertebral column, meninges,
and paraspinal musculature. This process has been termed primary neurulation and is usually complete by day 25.
Formation of the neural tube below the caudal neuropore occurs via a process termed canalization or secondary neurulation. In this process, an
undifferentiated aggregate of pluripotential cells termed the caudal cell mass forms in close proximity to the developing hindgut and genitourinary
structures. Within this cell mass, vacuoles form, enlarge, coalesce, and eventually make contact with the central canal of the neural tube formed during
primary neurulation. A process of retrogressive differentiation then continues for approximately 7 weeks and is responsible for the formation of the
most caudal portions of the spinal cordthe conus medullaris and the filum terminale.
Disordered primary neurulation results in defects in the axial skeleton, meninges, and overlying dermal structures. Examples include craniorachischisis
totalis, the total failure of neural tube closure, as well as anencephaly, encephalocele, and myelomeningocele. Disorders of caudal neural tube formation
result in occult dysraphic states. These abnormalities of the sacral and coccygeal segments form beneath intact dermal elements and have no exposed
neural tissue. Examples include lipomyelomeningocele, diastematomyelia, and congenital dermal sinus. These caudal spinal anomalies may be
associated with other abnormalities, such as imperforate anus, malformed genitalia, and renal dysplasias as part of a broader caudal regression

Myelomeningoceles represent the most important clinical examples of disordered neurulation because most affected infants survive. The essential defect
is a failure of closure of the caudal neuropore. The resulting lesion by definition involves the spinal cord, a deficient axial skeleton, and an incomplete
meningeal and dermal covering. Instead of forming into a tube, the neural folds persist as a flat plate of tissue referred to as the neural placode. This
structure has the appearance of a filleted spinal cord with an often visibly open central canal ( Fig. 7130 ). The ventral half of the spinal cord is usually
less affected than the dorsal half that incompletely neurulated, and the dorsal roots exit from the anterior surface of the spinal cord just lateral to the
ventral roots. Spinal defects include a lack of fusion of

Figure 71-30 Two examples of myelomeningoceles. The neural placode, a flat plate of dysraphic neural elements, is exposed.

the vertebral arches, laterally displaced pedicles, and a widened spinal canal. Nondisjunction of the superficial ectoderm from the neural tube results in
the neural placode and meninges being continuous laterally with the dermal elements. An enlarged subarachnoid space ventral to the placode usually
results in a dorsally protruding sac on which the neural placode is visible. The thoracolumbar junction is the most common level affected (45%),
followed by lumbar (20%), lumbosacral (20%), and sacral (10%). More rostral locations are involved in only 5% of cases. The cause of
myelomeningocele has not been determined precisely, but both environmental and genetic factors have been implicated. Improvements in prenatal
screening for neural tube defects and folic acid supplementation around the time of conception have contributed to a worldwide decline in the birth
prevalence of myelomeningocele. In the United States, the incidence is approximately 1 per 1000 live births.
Virtually all children born with a myelomeningocele also have a constellation of associated anomalies of the skull, brain, spine, and spinal cord that
have been collectively described as the Chiari II malformation. The exact cause of this anomaly is unknown, but the failure of neural tube closure with
drainage of CSF through the open neural tube into the amniotic fluid has been implicated. According to this hypothesis, collapse of the primitive
ventricular system results in a decrease in the inductive influences on the overlying axial mesenchyme, a defect that ultimately affects development of
the skull. Major features of this complex include a small posterior fossa with inferior displacement of the medulla, fourth ventricle, and cerebellar
vermis through the foramen magnum; formation of a medullary kink within the cervical spinal canal; and various midbrain anomalies such as a beaked
tectum and abnormalities of the ventricular system. Between 80% and 90% of children born with myelomeningocele develop hydrocephalus and require
shunting. Fourth ventricular outlet obstruction and obliteration of the posterior fossa subarachnoid cisterns are the likely causes of hydrocephalus in
these children, although abnormalities of the cerebral aqueduct are also known to occur.
The first step in the management of a newborn with myelomeningocele is a careful clinical assessment with particular emphasis on motor, sensory,
reflex, and sphincter function. A complete system review should also be completed to determine the presence of associated anomalies, and orthopedic
and urologic consultations are requested. Daily occipital-frontal circumference measurements should be recorded, and a baseline ultrasound
examination of the brain is obtained. Open defects should be covered with a saline-moistened nonadherent dressing to prevent injury to and desiccation
of the neural placode. Neurotoxic substances are avoided, and the child should be kept prone or in a lateral recumbent position until surgery. If the

initial assessment has excluded other systemic disorders, and the child is not critically ill, the myelomeningocele is repaired shortly after birth, usually
within the first 48 hours. Surgical goals include elimination of CSF leakage, preservation of neurologic function, and prevention of infection. The
general procedure for closure includes separation of the neural placode from the surrounding epithelial tissue followed by identification and
mobilization of the dura mater. Some surgeons advocate reconstruction of the neural placode to prevent retethering when the dura is closed. Fascial
closure followed by multilayer skin closure completes the procedure.
In most cases, hydrocephalus develops rapidly after myelomeningocele closure, with many children becoming symptomatic within the first few weeks
after closure. Although most children with myelomeningocele are ambulatory, many require braces or crutches. Children with S1 motor levels can
usually walk unaided, whereas children with lesions at or above L2 are usually wheelchair

dependent. Approximately 75% of children with the myelomeningocele/Chiari II complex have normal intelligence. This figure decreases to near 60%
in children requiring shunts. Owing to the complexity of the problems presented by the management of these children, their care is best addressed
through a multidisciplinary team approach that involves pediatricians, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and urologists.

Disordered closure of the cranial neuropore can also result in various defects that are known to cause substantial neurologic dysfunction. One of the
more extreme forms, anencephaly, results from failure of cranial neuropore closure. This affects both the forebrain and brain stem and is not compatible
with survival. Encephaloceles are also thought to occur due to a defect in cranial neuropore closure, but the precise cause is not known. One widely held
hypothesis attributes their formation to a failure of the development of the overlying mesenchymal tissue with local cerebral herniation occurring at
approximately 8 to 12 weeks of gestation. The worldwide incidence is nearly 1 in 5000 live births. Encephaloceles are usually classified by their
location over the skull and can occur either over the convexities or through the skull base. In Western populations, 85% of these lesions occur in the
occipital region, whereas in Southeast Asian populations, frontal lesions are relatively more common. Occipital encephaloceles are often large and have
variable contents ( Fig. 7131 A and B). The brain contained within these defects is usually dysplastic, and encephaloceles that contain a large amount
of neural tissue have a poor prognosis. Frontal encephaloceles are frequently located near the nasion, and the prognosis is usually better in these more
anteriorly located lesions. Regardless of the location, encephaloceles are frequently associated with other intracranial abnormalities, such as partial or
complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dandy-Walker malformations, hydrocephalus, or holoprosencephaly. Neurosurgical intervention is indicated
in most situations, with the exception of patients with large defects and associated microcephaly. At surgery, the contents of the encephalocoele are
relocated into the cranium or they are resected. A watertight dural closure is then performed, and the skull and skin is reconstructed for an acceptable
cosmetic result.
Occult Spinal Dysraphism

The term occult spinal dysraphism refers to those embryologic defects that occur due to disordered retrogressive differentiation. Owing to an increasing
clinical awareness of these conditions as well as improvements in imaging techniques, the occurrence of these abnormalities is becoming increasingly
important in clinical practice. Most of these disorders occur in the lumbar region and are frequently associated with abnormal cutaneous markings such
as hemangiomas, focal hirsutism, soft tissue masses, or a sinus tract. Although most cases of spina bifida occulta have no clinical significance, the
presence of these markings often signal an underlying dysraphic state in an infant. In an older child, the finding of various orthopedic, urologic, or
neurologic signs may suggest the presence of one of these states. Children with highly arched feet, leg-length discrepancies, and scoliosis require a more
detailed investigation. Persistent urinary tract infections in a child, or the new onset of incontinence in a child who was previously toilet trained, as well
as lower extremity weakness, sensory abnormalities, or radicular pain, is also

Figure 71-31 An infant with a large occipital encephalocoele. A, The large skin-covered encephalocoele is visible. B, A sagittal MRI study in a newborn with a large occipital
encephalocele. At surgery, the sac contained herniated dysplastic cerebellar tissue as well as cerebrospinal fluid.


associated with an occult dysraphic disorder. In a child suspected of having a dysraphic lesion, MRI has become the imaging modality of choice.
Although the radiologic findings vary depending on the particular abnormality, tethering of the spinal cord can lead to worsened neurologic function
due to repeated trauma with flexion and extension of the spine. Surgery is usually indicated in patients with occult spinal dysraphism to prevent later
neurologic deterioration.

Lipomyelomeningoceles are skin-covered malformations in which a subcutaneous lipoma is connected through a fibroadipose stalk to an
intramedullary, intradural lipoma. These defects are thought to occur when the superficial ectoderm separates prematurely from the underlying neural

ectoderm, allowing the migration of mesenchymal tissue into the neural tube. This intramedullary adipose tissue remains continuous with the
subcutaneous tissue and results in one of the more common clinical causes of spinal cord tethering. Most children present with a midline soft tissue
mass that may or may not distort the gluteal crease. Dimples and hemangiomas are frequently present. Scoliosis, foot deformities, motor or sensory
deficits, and neurogenic bladder are common presentations. Neurologic deterioration is thought to be secondary to either direct injury by stretching of
the spinal cord or vascular compromise. Most surgeons advocate releasing the tethered cord before the development of neurologic symptoms. The goals
of treatment include the release of the tethering elements, preservation of neurologic function, debulking of the intramedullary mass, dural
reconstruction, and acceptable cosmesis.

Diastematomyelia is an uncommon dysraphic lesion in which the spinal cord is split longitudinally at one or more continuous levels and separated by a
bony, cartilaginous, or fibrous spur. These abnormalities are frequently associated with an overlying cutaneous marker such as a hairy patch. The
precise embryogenesis is not well understood. Presenting complaints are similar to those seen in children with other forms of occult spinal dysraphism
such as abnormal cutaneous markings, orthopedic deformities, or neurologic dysfunction. Surgical goals include untethering the spinal cord by
removing the bony or fibrous median septum and reconstructing the dural sac.
Dermal Sinus Tracts

Congenital dermal sinus tracts are often inconspicuous-appearing lesions that can occur in either the lumbosacral or occipital regions and may be
associated with significant neurologic complications. These defects typically appear as a small ostium or dimple near the midline and represent the
superficial extent of an epithelium-lined tract that can extend intradurally ( Fig. 7132 ). They can be associated with intracranial or intraspinal dermoid
or epidermoid tumors and may also allow passage of bacteria into the subarachnoid space with resulting meningitis. When indicated, the entire tract is
removed by following the cutaneous ostium to its termination, which may extend into the intradural space. Shallow pits at the tip of the coccyx are
normal variants detected in some infants and have no clinical significance.

Figure 71-32 A, Dermal sinus tract in a 10-year-old girl who presented with purulent drainage. B, Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study shows a connection of the sinus tract with the
thecal sac.



Hydrocephalus is a condition that results from an imbalance between the production and absorption of CSF. This mismatch leads to the accumulation of
CSF within the intracranial compartment, and, ultimately, ventricular enlargement and intracranial hypertension. Historically, hydrocephalus has been
classified into broad categories. In the most clinically useful classification, communicating hydrocephalus is present when an obstruction to the flow of
CSF occurs outside of the ventricular system, usually at the level of the basal subarachnoid cisterns or at the arachnoid granulations. Noncommunicating
hydrocephalus results from lesions that create an obstruction to CSF flow within the ventricular system. This most commonly occurs at the level of the
aqueduct of Sylvius but is also seen at the foramina of Monro or at the foramina of Luschka and Magendie in the fourth ventricle. In nearly all cases,
hydrocephalus results from the decreased absorption of CSF. Only in the rare case of a choroid plexus papilloma has increased CSF production been
Hydrocephalus can occur in either congenital or acquired forms. Although the true incidence of hydrocephalus in children is difficult to determine, as an
isolated congenital form, it is estimated to occur in approximately 1 per 1000 live births. When one considers all types of hydrocephalus that present in
infancy, the incidence is nearly 3 or 4 per 1000. Aqueductal stenosis is a major cause of hydrocephalus in the newborn and is responsible for nearly one
third of congenital cases. True narrowing of the aqueduct lumen, subependymal gliosis secondary to in utero infection or hemorrhage, or a malformed
aqueduct may be responsible. Children born with myelomeningocele have a high incidence of hydrocephalus due to the associated Chiari II
malformation, a complex malformation that involves the hindbrain, spine, and supratentorial structures. Nearly 80% to 90% of these children develop
hydrocephalus due to fourth ventricular outlet obstruction and compromise of the posterior fossa subarachnoid cisterns. The Dandy-Walker
malformation is another cause of congenital hydrocephalus and is characterized by the absence of the cerebellar vermis, cystic expansion of the fourth
ventricle, and hydrocephalus. Viral and parasitic exposure in utero is a well-known cause of congenital hydrocephalus, with cytomegalovirus and
toxoplasmosis having been implicated in many cases. Intracranial tumors, arachnoid cysts, and other abnormalities such as vein of Galen malformations
can also lead to congenital hydrocephalus.
Acquired forms of hydrocephalus usually occur after IVH or after an episode of meningitis. Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus is most commonly seen in
the premature infant after a germinal matrix/IVH. Meningitis in the newborn period may induce leptomeningeal fibrosis and, ultimately, hydrocephalus.
Tumors or other mass lesions can also cause hydrocephalus in older children ( Fig. 7133 A and B).

The clinical features of hydrocephalus are related to the development of elevated ICP. In the newborn, excessive head enlargement with an enlarged,
tense anterior fontanelle and open cranial sutures are common presentations. Irritability, vomiting, and lethargy may also be present. The presentation in
an older child is more acute because the moderating effects of open cranial sutures are not present. Severe headache, vomiting, and lethargy are the
usual presenting signs in these children.

Figure 71-33 MRI studies in a 12-year-old boy with hydrocephalus. A, Sagittal T1-weighted MRI study demonstrates a small tectal glioma (arrow) causing aqueductal stenosis and
the typical pattern of triventricular hydrocephalus. B, Axial MRI study demonstrating a dilated third ventricle and enlarged temporal horns.


In the newborn period, ultrasonography can easily determine the presence of ventriculomegaly. CT scanning remains the most commonly used imaging
technique for screening or emergent indications and is preferred when a more detailed assessment of intracranial morphology is required. MRI
frequently provides a much clearer depiction of the intracranial structures and is becoming the imaging modality of choice in many clinical situations.
The goal of any treatment for hydrocephalus is to prevent or possibly reverse the neurologic injury that may occur from distortion of the normal
intracranial structures or from elevated ICP. Most cases are treated by diversion of CSF from the cerebral ventricles to the peritoneal cavity via a
ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Other less favored sites for diversion include the pleural cavity and the superior vena cava. Although shunts are responsible
for improving the quality of life for many patients with hydrocephalus, they are also associated with significant complication rates. Approximately 5%
to 10% of shunt operations are complicated by infection. Most are caused by skin flora, which infect the device at the time of implantation. Other
complications include obstruction of the shunt, disconnection or fracture of the hardware, intracerebral hematomas, and peritonitis.
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is another technique used in the treatment of hydrocephalus that has come into much wider use due to advances in
endoscopic equipment and techniques. In this procedure, a small fenestration is created in the floor of the anterior third ventricle under endoscopic
guidance, thus allowing CSF to directly enter the subarachnoid space. This technique is indicated only in certain forms of noncommunicating
hydrocephalus and has the added benefit of avoiding a lifetime of shunt dependency if successful.
The prognosis in a child diagnosed with hydrocephalus varies and is more likely to depend on the etiologic mechanism that led to the hydrocephalus
than on the hydrocephalus itself. Cognitive abilities appear to be best in those children with communicating forms and the myelomeningocele/Chiari II
complex. In children with congenital aqueductal stenosis or Dandy-Walker malformations, the high degree of cerebral dysgenesis in these conditions is
associated with significant cognitive impairment in most cases. Most children with hydrocephalus due to a congenital central nervous system infection
have a grim developmental prognosis due to the significant degree of parenchymal destruction. The outcome in hydrocephalus associated with
meningitis in the newborn period varies and depends on the organism and the degree of injury to the cerebrum.

The term craniosynostosis refers to the premature closure or fusion of a cranial suture. Usually, the cranial sutures serve as a site of bone deposition in
the growing calvarium. This separation of the calvarial bones allows for progressive enlargement of the skull with growth of the brain. When one or
more of these sutures close prematurely, cranial deformity can occur. Primary nonsyndromic forms of craniosynostosis are the most common and affect
nearly 1 in 2500 children. Craniosynostosis can also occur as part of a recognized syndrome or secondary to a systemic disorder. The diagnosis of
nonsyndromic craniosynostosis is based on recognition of the characteristic abnormal skull shape. The demonstration of a prematurely fused suture on
plain skull radiography or CT scanning with bone windows is helpful in confirming the diagnosis. Not all abnormalities of skull shape are caused by
craniosynostosis. Asymmetry of the calvarium can also occur when deformational forces are applied to the growing calvarium over a prolonged period.
These children with positional molding must be distinguished from those with true craniosynostosis because they will improve with time and will not
require surgery.
Isolated sagittal synostosis is the most common form of craniosynostosis and accounts for approximately 40% to 60% of craniosynostoses. Closure of
the sagittal suture typically results in scaphocephaly, with a long, narrow skull and varying degrees of compensatory frontal and occipital bossing.
Premature closure of the coronal suture accounts for approximately 20% to 30% of all cases and is characterized by asymmetry of the forehead,
flattening of the ipsilateral frontal and parietal bones, bulging of the contralateral frontal region, and bulging of the ipsilateral temporal bone. The orbits
are asymmetrical, and the nasal root is deviated toward the fused suture. Unilateral cases outnumber bilateral forms by 2:1. Metopic synostosis accounts
for fewer than 10% of all cases of craniosynostosis. Premature fusion of the metopic suture results in a skull with a characteristic triangular shape, or
trigonocephaly, with a prominent midline frontal ridge, recessed orbital rims, and hypotelorism. True lambdoid synostosis is rare and must be
distinguished from posterior positional molding.
Parents of children with single-suture synostosis should understand that aesthetics or cosmesis is the only consideration. There is little evidence to
support claims of an increased incidence of seizures, mental retardation, or other neurologic deficits in children with simple forms of craniosynostosis.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


Chapter 73 - Hand Surgery

T. M. Sunil M.S. Orth., D.N.B. Orth.
Harold E. Kleinert M.D.
John H. Miller M.D.
Sandeep S. Jejurikar M.D.

The human hand represents the evolutionary pinnacle of appendages in all living organisms. Whereas it is no surprise that the hand is far more intricate
than the shapeless pseudopodia of a humble ameba, it is amazing to note the enormous gap that separates the human hand from our immediate living
predecessor, the ape. Functions such as writing, playing musical instruments and handling of tools that we take for granted are well nigh impossible
even for the most well trained of apes. The functions of the human hand range from the tangible to the intangible. They may broadly be divided into
motor, sensory, stereognostic, and expressive. The motor component enables one to manipulate the external environment while the sensory component
permits recognition of the same. Stereognosis is a higher mental function that involves the amalgamation of both motor and sensory skills, permitting
recognition of objects without visual assistance. Indeed, this latter function is honed to an exquisite degree in blind people whose hands are their
windows to the external world. The use of hands as organs of expression is uniquely human and is a component that is yet to be fully understood.
The field of hand surgery may have evolved as a separate specialty only recently, but its birth is lost somewhere in the dim past of medicine. The first
writings on tendon repair come from Avicenna, an Arabian surgeon of the 10th century who advocated suturing of ruptured tendons. However, this was
rarely followed in Europe because of the strong influence of Galen, who taught that tendons and nerves had the same characteristics and repair of either
would result in gangrene and convulsions. These misconceptions stemmed from a poor and often fanciful understanding of anatomy. The exhaustive
and amazingly accurate treatises on anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) and Andreas Vesalius (15141564) paved the way for modern
scientific surgery. Interest in the hand as a separate entity can be traced to the pioneering works of Allen Kanavel in the early part of the 20th century,
who wrote extensively on the anatomy of the hand, highlighting its intricacy and beauty. He established the worlds first dedicated hand care unit at the
Northwestern University Medical School, which, with the efforts of his disciples, Sumner Koch, Michael Mason, and Harvey Allen, would soon go on
to become famous as the Chicago School of Hand Surgery. The creation of hand surgery as a separate specialty can be credited to Sterling Bunnel. His
monumental experience and excellent organizational skills led to the organization of specialized hand care centers in various military hospitals
throughout the United States. He was also responsible for the birth of the worlds first hand surgical society, the American Society for Surgery of the
Hand, in 1946. The next few decades saw the birth of hand societies all over the world, and the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the
Hand (IFSSH) was established in 1966. Currently, the IFSSH has more than 40 member hand societies, representing in excess of 5000 physicians
worldwide. The birth of hand surgery as a specialty was followed by the need for a specialized training in the field; and, soon,

fellowship programs arose all over the world. In 1973, the American Board for Medical Specialties recognized a certification in hand surgery as an
added qualification to basic training in general, orthopedic, or plastic surgery. Currently, Sweden, Singapore, and India have recognized hand surgery as
an entirely independent specialty.
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Internationally, the nomenclature of digits has been standardized. The hand has five digits, namely, the thumb and four fingers (note that the thumb is
not called a finger). The four fingers are called the index, long, ring, and small fingers. The use of numbers to designate digits is no longer acceptable.
The anatomic structures of the hand can be broadly classified into six groups depending on the principal function they perform. These are covering
structures, supporting structures, restraining structures, feeding structures, controlling structures, and moving structures. The skin and nails are covering
structures that serve the principal function of protecting the hand from external elements. The bones, joints, as well as capsuloligamentous elements
provide support, while aponeuroses, retinacula, and tendon sheaths act as restraints, retaining structures within their anatomic confines. Vascular
structures primarily nourish the hand, while the neural elements including nerves and their specialized end organs permit the brain to exercise exquisite
control on the functioning of the hand. Lastly, the muscular elements are the organs that move the hand in all its intricate and complex activities.
Covering Structures

The skin of the hand is highly specialized. It is thin and pigmented on the dorsum but is thick, glabrous, and extremely sensitive on the palmar surface.
The palmar skin, especially at the fingertips, is endowed with a profusion of sensory end organs, such as pacinian bodies, Merkel discs, and Meissner
corpuscles. Furthermore, the palmar skin is fixed to the underlying aponeurosis by retinacula cutis at the skin creases. These represent skin joints and
enable efficient gripping of objects. The nail is a hardened keratinous outgrowth from skin and protects the dorsal aspect of the sensitive fingertip.
Supporting Structures

The skeletal elements of the hand comprise the distal radius and ulna, eight carpal bones, five metacarpals, and 14 phalanges. The thumb has only two
phalanges whereas the other four digits have three each. The bones of the hands form a number of joints that are connected in series. The significance of
this arrangement is described later in the section dealing with muscles.
The wrist joint is the foundation on which the hand rests. It is a complex articulation of the distal radius and ulna with the carpal bones. The carpal
bones are arranged in two transverse rows. These rows are concave volarward and form the floor of the carpal tunnel. The proximal carpal row
comprising the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum (with the exception of the outlying pisiform) is devoid of any muscular insertion. It hence forms an
intercalated segment between the distal forearm and distal carpal row, which is formed by the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate. Recognition of
this arrangement is of significance in understanding the various patterns of wrist instability. Flexion and extension of the wrist principally occur at the
midcarpal joint whereas radial and ulnar deviations occur mainly at the radiocarpal articulation.
The carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ) of the thumb is the most mobile of all joints in the hand. It takes the form of a double saddle joint between the
trapezium and first metacarpal and permits a wide range of movements in all three dimensions, making the human thumb unique in the living world.
The index and long finger metacarpals are essentially devoid of independent mobility. The metacarpals of the ring and small fingers are capable of
rotating axially at their respective carpometacarpal joints (CMCJ). This enables cupping of the hand, thus increasing efficiency of grip. The
metacarpophalangeal joints (MCPJ) are condyloid joints and can move in three planes. Flexion-extension occur on a transverse axis in the sagittal plane,
abduction-adduction take place on an anteroposterior axis in the coronal plane, and a small amount of rotation occurs on the longitudinal axis of each
metacarpal in the transverse plane. This enables the hand to grasp objects of all shapes and sizes. This is best illustrated by grasping a spherical object
and looking at the fingers end on (Fig. 731 (Figure Not Available) ). The interphalangeal joints (IPJ) are essentially hinge joints and principally permit
flexion and extension. The capsules of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are reinforced on either side by collateral ligaments. In
addition, the volar capsules of these joints display a specialized fibrocartilaginous thickening termed the volar plate. These plates are firmly attached to
the base of the distal bone of each joint and loosely attached proximally. This arrangement permits them to freely glide over the head of the proximal
bone during flexion-extension, effectively increasing the area of articulation between the adjacent bones.
Restraining Structures

The palmar aponeurosis consists mainly of three components: a central triangular portion with thenar and hypothenar slips on either side. The thenar
slip overlies the ball of the thumb, providing support as well as attachment to the thenar intrinsic muscles. Similarly, the hypothenar slip covers as well
as provides attachment to the hypothenar muscles. The central triangular part of the palmar aponeurosis accounts for the hollow of the palm and from its
distal end sends out four fibrous slips. These individually enter each finger, blending on their deep aspect with the corresponding fibrous flexor sheath.
The fibrous flexor sheath is a specialized osteofibrous tunnel through which the long flexor tendons of the digits pass. The flexor sheath of each finger
displays localized

Figure 73-1 (Figure Not Available) The ability of the fingers to abduct and rotate at the MCP joint permits grasping of spherical objects. Rotation of the digits is appreciated by
looking at the plane of the nails.
Figure 73-2 (Figure Not Available) Cruciate and annular pulleys of the fibrous flexor sheath.

thickenings known as pulleys that are particularly important in preventing bowstringing of the tendons. These pulleys may be annular or cruciate. The
annular pulleys are formed by transversely running collagen fibers and are five in number. The odd-numbered annular pulleysA1, A3, and A5
overlie the volar plates of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints, respectively. The A2
and A4 pulleys overlie the shafts of the proximal and middle phalanges. There are three cruciate pulleys, C1, C2, and C3, which lie between A2-A3,
A3-A4, and A4-A5, respectively. These are formed by collagen fibers that are oriented in a criss-cross pattern and permit longitudinal foreshortening of
the fibrous flexor sheath during flexion of the fingers (Fig. 732 (Figure Not Available) ).
The flexor retinaculum spans the transverse arch of the carpus and forms the roof of the carpal tunnel. It prevents bowstringing of the long flexor
tendons during flexion of the wrist. On the dorsal side, this function is taken over by the extensor retinaculum, which restrains the long extensors of the
wrist and digits. The extensor retinaculum in addition sends down septa between the extensor tendons, dividing them into six distinct compartments.
This is discussed in detail in the section on extensor muscles.
Feeding Structures

The blood supply to the hand is principally from the radial and ulnar arteries (Fig. 733 (Figure Not Available) ). In about 0.5% of the population,

a persistent median artery may be seen. The radial and ulnar arteries each divide in the proximal part of the wrist into superficial and deep branches. The
corresponding branches then unite to form the superficial and deep palmar arches. The superficial palmar arch is usually dominated by the ulnar artery.
From it arise common metacarpal arteries that go on to divide into digital arteries, supplying adjacent digits of the second, third, and fourth web spaces.
The ulnar digital artery of the small finger also arises from the superficial palmar arch. In contrast, the deep palmar arch is usually dominated by the
radial artery. It gives rise to the principal arteries of the thumb and radial border of the index finger. The digital arteries of the thumb are located entirely
on the volar aspect of the thumb. On the other hand, the digital arteries of the fingers are located on either side of the flexor sheath. In this location, they
lie deeper and more central to their respective digital nerves.
Controlling Structures

The median, ulnar, and radial nerves are the principal nerves of the hand (Fig. 734 (Figure Not Available) ). The median and ulnar nerves supply the
long flexors of the wrist and fingers in the forearm while the radial nerve supplies all the extensors
Figure 73-3 (Figure Not Available) The major arterial arcades of the hand.

(Fig. 735 (Figure Not Available) ). Within the hand proper, the radial nerve is purely sensory and supplies the dorsal aspect of the first web space as
well as the proximal two thirds of the radial three and a half digits. The median nerve supplies motor fibers to the thenar muscles and the first two
Figure 73-4 (Figure Not Available) Sensory areas of the median (M), ulnar (U), and radial (R) nerves of the hand.
Figure 73-5 (Figure Not Available) Muscles of the forearm and hand, colored according to their innervation.


It also carries sensory fibers from the entire volar aspect as well as the distal thirds of the dorsal aspects of the radial three and a half digits. The ulnar
nerve supplies motor fibers to the hypothenar muscles, all the interossei, the third and fourth lumbricals, the adductor pollicis, and the deep belly of the
flexor pollicis brevis. It also carries all the sensory fibers from the ulnar one and a half digits and ulnar border of the hand.
Moving Structures

The musculotendinous units of the hand are classified into extrinsic and intrinsic groups. Precise knowledge of their anatomy allows the surgeon to
formulate an accurate clinical assessment.
Extrinsic Muscles

The extrinsic muscles originate proximal to the wrist and comprise the long flexors and extensors of the wrist and digits (see Fig. 735 (Figure Not
Available) ). As they pass distally toward their respective insertions, these musculotendinous units may cross one or more proximally located joints. It
may be recollected at this stage that the joints of the hand are arrayed proximodistally in series. Consequent to this arrangement, any muscle that moves
a distally located joint will also have a corresponding effect on the more proximally located joints that they have crossed.
The extensors are located dorsally and can be divided into three subgroups. The lateral subgroup is termed the mobile wad and consists of the
brachioradialis (BR), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB). The ECRL and ECRB extend and deviate the
wrist radially. The second subgroup forms a superficial layer and comprises three muscles: the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), the extensor digiti quinti
(EDQ), and the extensor digitorum communis (EDC). The ECU extends and deviates the wrist toward the ulna, while the EDQ and EDC act primarily
to extend the MCP joints of the small and remaining fingers, respectively. The third subgroup is deep and consists of four muscles, all of which act on
the thumb and index finger. The abductor pollicis longus (APL), extensor pollicis longus (EPL), and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) act on the thumb,
whereas the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) extends the MCP joint of the index finger. The supinator is the last of the deep muscles and is located
proximally in the forearm. All of these muscles are supplied either directly by the radial nerve or by its principal motor division, the posterior
interosseous nerve.
The extensor tendons pass through six compartments under the extensor retinaculum. From radial to ulnar, they are as follows: The first compartment
contains the APL and EPB, which form the radial boundary of the anatomic snuff box. The second compartment contains the radial wrist extensors, the
ECRL and ECRB. The third compartment contains the EPL, which forms the ulnar boundary of the anatomic snuff box. The EIP and EDC pass through
the fourth compartment whereas the EDQ passes through the fifth compartment, overlying the distal radioulnar joint. The final and sixth compartment
contains the ECU.
The long finger extensor tendons broaden out to form a hood over the MCP joints. At this level, the proximal part of the hood, termed the sagittal band,
loops around the MCP joint and blends into its volar plate. It thus forms a lasso around the base of the proximal phalanx through which it extends the
MCP joint. Distal and dorsal to the axis of the MCP joint, the extensor hood receives the insertions of the interossei and lumbricals. Then, through a
complex arrangement of fibers on the dorsal aspect of the fingers, the extensor hood drops an insertion to the base of the middle phalanx. This is termed
the central slip and extends the PIP joint. Finally, the extensor hood inserts through its terminal slip into the base of the distal phalanx, thus extending
the DIP joint.
The flexor muscles are located volarly and are arranged in three layers (see Fig. 735 (Figure Not Available) ). The superficial layer consists of four
muscles: pronator teres (PT), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), and palmaris longus (PL). The intermediate layer consists of the
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), which provides independent flexion at the PIP joints of each finger. The deep group contains three muscles: flexor
pollicis longus (FPL), which flexes the IP joint of the thumb; flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), which flexes the DIP joints of the fingers; and pronator
quadratus, which lies in the distal part of the forearm and supports pronation of the forearm. The FCU and ulnar half of the FDP (moving the ring and
small fingers) are supplied by the ulnar nerve whereas all the other muscles on the volar side of the forearm are supplied by the median nerve.
Intrinsic Muscles

The intrinsic muscles originate within the hand at or distal to the wrist. The thenar eminence consists of the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), flexor
pollicis brevis (FPB), and opponens pollicis (OP). There are four dorsal interossei that arise from adjacent sides of each metacarpal and provide

abduction of the MCP joints of the index, middle, and ring fingers. There are three palmar interossei that adduct the index, ring, and small fingers
toward the middle finger. Four lumbricals originate on the FDP tendons in the palm and insert on the radial sides of the extensor hoods. They, along
with the interossei, bring about flexion at the MCP and extension at the IP joints of the fingers. A small muscle termed the palmaris brevis is located
transversely in the skin at the base of the hypothenar eminence. It is innervated by the ulnar nerve and helps in cupping the skin of the palm during grip.
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The first rule of evaluating an injured hand is to remember that there is a human being attached to it. It is very easy for one to be distracted by the
dramatic appearance of a mangled extremity and miss other more serious injuries elsewhere in the body. Once this possibility has

been ruled out, examination proceeds in a systematic manner.

An accurate history is imperative to fully understand the extent of injury sustained. The importance of this is best illustrated by taking the example of
machinery injuries, which are usually the most common cause of major hand injuries. They can, however, cause a wide spectrum of damage depending
on how sharp or blunt the working tool is, whether it rotates or presses, and whether it is hot or not while in use. The mere fact that a machine tool is hot
while in use adds the element of thermal damage to the injury spectrum. The presence of toxic chemicals in the machine further complicates issues. The
type of work that a machine is used for determines the amount of contamination, as for instance, a piece of farmyard equipment is obviously more
contaminated than one used to cut metal.
The first step of examination is visual inspection of the entire upper extremity. The color of the hand can provide valuable information about its vascular
status whereas deformities suggest underlying skeletal injuries. The fingers are normally held in slight flexion while at rest, and the amount of flexion
progressively increases from the index to the small fingers. Loss of this normal cascade of flexion can indicate flexor tendon injury. Exposure of vital
structures needs to be carefully assessed and loss of any soft tissue cover noted. Prolonged exposure of vital structures such as nerves, arteries, tendons,
and joints to the exterior can lead to their desiccation and death.
First, assess for vascularity of the hand because its very survival depends on this. Pressure on the tip of the nail causes blanching of the nail bed, and
release of the pressure should result in a prompt return of color. Inadequate or sluggish return of color suggests arterial injury whereas a very rapid
return of color or a persistent dusky coloration suggests venous obstruction. Obstruction of major arterial trunks usually leads to diminished or absent
pulses distally. On occasion, however, collateral flow may result in the preservation of peripheral pulses. Active bleeding should be controlled with
pressure and elevation. Partial transaction of vessels results in prolonged active bleeding because the protective spasm of the vessel walls ends up
opening the rent. Ligation or clamping of vessels in the emergency department should be avoided. The radial and ulnar arteries can be assessed for
patency by the Allen test, in which they are occluded by the examiner and the patient is asked to open and close the hand a few times. Pressure on one
of the arteries is then released and perfusion is assessed. Capillary refill should occur throughout the entire hand within 5 seconds. The test is then
repeated for the other artery.
It is imperative to rule out compartment syndrome of the forearm or hand. The interstitial pressure of the tissues in the body is usually below 30 mm Hg.
Any rise in this pressure can potentially block capillary blood flow, leading to ischemia. The forearm and intrinsic compartments of the hands are
unyielding osteofascial chambers, bounded deeply by bone and interosseous membranes and superficially by investing fascial layers. Any increase in
volume of the contents of these compartmentsas can occur after muscle swelling, mass lesions, or bleeding into the compartmentcan cause the
intracompartmental pressure to rise with consequent capillary shutdown. This is termed compartment syndrome and is a surgical emergency. The most
reliable test for this condition is the stretch test. Passive flexion or extension of the digits stretches the antagonistic group of muscles. Pain indicates an
increased pressure in the compartment housing that group of muscles. Similarly, placing the fingers in the intrinsic minus position of hyperextension at
the MCP and flexion at the IP joints stretches the intrinsic muscles, indicating a corresponding rise in compartmental pressure of the hand. These
conditions require emergency fasciotomy to relieve the pressure or else serious vascular compromise may ensue.
Bones and joints should be evaluated carefully. Deformities are noted, and each joint is assessed for its passive and active range of motion. The opposite
hand, if uninjured, is the best guide to assess this. All fingers when flexed at the MCP and PIP joints point toward the scaphoid tubercle. Gross deviation
or crossing of fingers, also known as scissoring, signifies a rotational deformity of the metacarpal or phalanges of that ray. Abnormal or excessive
mobility of joints may be the result of injury to the collateral ligaments or capsule.
Nerves are assessed for both sensory and motor function. Sensibility is assessed separately on both the ulnar and radial halves of the pulp by the twopoint discrimination test. A bent paper clip can be used to perform this test, and the minimum distance between the two points of the clip that the patient
can distinguish as separate is recorded. A two-point sensibility greater than 8 mm suggests nerve injury.[1] [2] [3] Knowledge of the sensory distribution of
the various nerves of the hand helps localize the lesion. Regeneration of sensory nerves can be clinically assessed by eliciting Tinels sign. The injured
nerve is percussed along its course from distal to proximal. At the site of regeneration, the patient feels paresthesia along the distal distribution of the
nerve. Because nerves regenerate at the rate of a millimeter a day (or about an inch a month), the site at which Tinels sign is elicited also progresses
distally. Such a distal progression of Tinels sign is taken as clinical evidence of nerve regeneration.
Assessing the muscles of the hand helps detect injuries of musculotendinous units as well as nerves. The integrity of the FDP is assessed by asking the
patient to flex the DIP joint while passively stabilizing the PIP joint in extension. The FTP tendons to the long, ring, and small fingers arise from
intimately interconnected muscle bellies and hence cannot function independent of one another. This is useful when assessing the action of the FDS to
these digits. Asking the patient to flex any one of these three fingers while passively stabilizing the PIP and DIP joints of the other two in extension
immobilizes the FDP. The patient can now only use the FDS and thus flexes the tested finger only at the PIP joint. Inability to flex the finger indicates
loss of FDS activity. Examination of the EDC is usually straightforward and can be assessed by asking the patient to extend the MCP joints of the
fingers. The tendons of the EDC are interconnected over the dorsum of the hand by juncturae tendinae and hence cannot move entirely independent of
one another. This property is used to test

for the integrity of the EIP and EDM muscles, which are additional extensors of the index and small fingers, respectively. The integrity of these tendons
is assessed by having the patient flex the middle and ring fingers while maintaining the index and small fingers in extension at their MCP joints. The
integrity of the flexor and extensor tendons can also be tested objectively by squeezing the corresponding muscle bellies more proximally in the
forearm. This should cause the digits to passively flex or extend, respectively. Along the same lines, passive flexion or extension of the wrist tightens
the extensor or flexor muscles, respectively, causing the fingers to either extend or flex. The thenar muscles are tested by abducting or opposing the
thumb against resistance while feeling for contraction of the muscle belly. The intrinsics, if functioning, can hold the fingers in the intrinsic plus
position of flexion at the MCP and of extension at the IP joints.

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The standard views for hand imaging are the posteroanterior and lateral views. Viewing the radiograph begins with a systematic assessment of soft
tissue shadows. The presence of foreign bodies or air is looked for. Metal and glass are radiopaque whereas wood and similar vegetable matter may be
radiolucent. Subtle fractures result in small hematomas that lift the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues off the surface of the injured bone. This is
evident in some areas like the distal radius as an indirect indicator of a fracture and is termed the fat pad sign. Attention is next turned to the structural
integrity of individual bones. Fractures are usually obvious, and the direction of deformity is noted. Angulations are named after the direction in which
the apex lies. Rotatory deformities show up as a mismatch of the diameters of bones at the fracture line. Undisplaced crack fractures can be detected
either by looking for indirect soft tissue signs, as described earlier, or by looking for breaks in individual trabeculae under a magnifying glass. Attention
is finally turned to assessing the alignment of bones with respect to one another. Loss of joint congruity suggests a luxation. Widening of spaces
between bones is an indicator of ligamentous disruption or laxity. This is of particular significance with respect to the carpal bones and is often the only
indicator of instability. Comparison with radiograms of the opposite uninvolved hand helps distinguish injury-induced instability from congenital laxity.
Additional special views can be obtained depending on the pathologic process that is suspected. Sometimes, dynamic or stress views are taken to
unmask ligamentous injuries.

This modality is now limited in its application to the detection of subtle vascular anomalies or injuries. It is being increasingly replaced by MR
angiography, which is proving to be a valuable noninvasive alternative.
CT and MRI

Injuries of carpal bones can be missed in conventional radiographs because the carpal bones are quite twisted and small in their structure. CT helps pick
up most of these fractures. In addition, intraosseous lesions are best delineated by CT. Sometimes, three-dimensional CT is used to help assess the exact
extent of deformity of a bone before reconstruction.
Soft tissue lesions, subtle ligamentous disruptions, and early avascular necrosis of bones and tumors can often be detected only by MRI. MR
angiography is now increasingly being relied on to detect vascular malformations. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI helps pick up inflammatory lesions.
Ultrasound and Doppler Scans

On occasion, ultrasound scans can help detect soft tissue lesions. Their use in picking up occult ganglia and intramuscular masses is well known but
suffers from being very observer specific.
A hand-held Doppler unit is an invaluable tool in the armamentarium of the hand surgeon. It can be used to detect obstructions to blood flow in vessels
as well as to help look for potential feeding vessels while planning flaps for reconstruction.
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Most upper extremity anesthesia is performed under local or regional anesthesia. Lidocaine (1%) often combined with a long-acting agent such as
bupivacaine (0.25%) is used for digital nerve blocks.[4] It is important to ensure that vasoconstrictive agents such as norepinephrine are not used with
local anesthetics, lest they cause shutdown of distal circulation with disastrous consequences. Digital anesthesia distal to the PIP joint can be obtained
by injection of the anesthetic agent into the tendon sheath at the A1 pulley. The entire hand can be anesthetized by a wrist block whereas the entire
upper extremity can be anesthetized by interscalene, supraclavicular, or axillary blocks.[5] [6]
Prolonged surgery requires the patient to remain immobile for extended periods of time, and this can get very uncomfortable. In such circumstances, it
may be wise to appropriately sedate patients as well as catheterize their bladders before draping.

Virtually all hand and upper extremity surgery is performed under tourniquet control. This not only minimizes blood loss but also provides for a clear
visualization of the operative field. A rubber ring rolled down from distal to proximal can be used to exsanguinate a digit and then be left on at the base
as a digital tourniquet. Tourniquets around the wrist and forearm are not very popular because they increase flexion of the digits and make surgery
difficult. Upper extremity tourniquets can remain

inflated for no longer than 2 hours. If required for longer periods, they can be deflated for a period of 20 minutes and reinflated again. The interval
between deflation and reinflation should be at least 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of tourniquet ischemia. This minimizes the ischemic effects of
tourniquet pressure on muscle and nerve.[7] Tourniquet pressures should be maintained at 80 to 100 mm Hg above the patients systolic blood pressure.
Never fail to remove a tourniquet at the conclusion of surgery. The consequences of not doing so can be catastrophic.
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Fingertip Injuries

Fingertip injuries are the most common of all hand injuries. They often appear innocuous but, owing to the fact that they involve the most sensitive part
of the digit, can lead to significant disability.[8] A thorough knowledge of anatomy of the fingertip is necessary for appropriate treatment.[9] [10] [11] The
fingertip is covered by a richly innervated glabrous skin, which contains many sensory end organs. The pulp skin is firmly anchored to the underlying
distal phalanx by fibrous septa, which enables efficient grasp. The dorsum of the fingertip is protected by the nail plate, which lies on a bed of nail
matrix. The proximal third of the nail matrix contributes to nail growth and is called the germinal matrix. The distal two thirds of the matrix is largely
supportive and is called the sterile matrix. Injury to the nail matrix is often accompanied by an associated avulsion of the nail plate. Sometimes,
however, the nail plate may remain intact and the nail matrix injury presents as a subungual hematoma. If this hematoma occupies more than 50% of the
surface of the nail plate, it is better to surgically remove the nail and repair the matrix tear.[12] Nail bed injuries are repaired with 7-0 absorbable sutures
under loupe magnification. Adequate bone support must be present under the nail matrix, or else it leads to the development of a hook-nail deformity.[13]
Any surgical technique used to restore soft tissue coverage of a fingertip must take into account the nature of injury and the patients age. Goals of
treatment include maintaining length, sensibility, motion, and contour. Primary closure of open wounds can be performed if adequate soft tissue is
present.[14] Most fingertip defects smaller than 1 cm2 heal by secondary intention, provided no bone is exposed. Sometimes, amputated fingertips can be
defatted and replaced as composite tissue grafts. These tend to do well in children, but their survival is often a matter of chance in adults. Defects larger
than 1 cm2 can be covered with full-thickness skin grafts. Good color matching can be achieved by harvesting such grafts from the hypothenar eminence
or from the radial aspect of the thumb MCP joint. On occasion, the distal phalanx can be shortened to achieve a tension-free closure. Local flaps, such
as the V-Y advancement flap, are frequently used to cover exposed bone of the fingertip (Fig. 736 (Figure Not Available) ). [15] This flap is created by
Figure 73-6 (Figure Not Available) V-Y advancement flap for coverage of the fingertip.

making a V- shaped incision over the remaining pulp. It is then raised by freeing the fibrous septa from the underlying phalanx, taking care to preserve
the neurovascular bundles on either side of the digit. The flap is then advanced distally to cover the exposed tip. Other options for fingertip coverage
include lateral V-Y flaps, cross-finger flaps, thenar flaps, and hypothenar flaps.[16] [17] Specialized flap coverage for thumb-tip amputation includes the
Moberg advancement flap.[18] Loss of the entire pulp skin requires replacement by a sensate glabrous tissue. This is achieved by harvesting a part of the
pulp of the great toe along with its neurovascular pedicle and transferring it to the injured digit as a microvascular free flap. A significant complication
of fingertip injury is residual hypersensitivity. This may be due to the formation of end-neuromas or as a result of entrapment of injured nerve endings
in scar tissue. Restoration of adequate soft tissue coverage and institution of early sensory re-education programs can minimize this problem.
Flexor Tendon Injuries

Flexor tendon injuries are most commonly caused by lacerations or puncture wounds on the palmar surface of the hand.[19] On occasion, flexor tendons
can be avulsed from their bony insertions by sudden violent contractions. Flexor tendon injuries should ideally be treated by a surgeon experienced in
the management of these injuries.[20] It is important to look for associated injuries to adjacent neurovascular and skeletal structures. Severed

flexor tendons generally retract proximally because of reflex muscle contraction. Consequently, the cut ends of the tendon do not lie at the site of skin
injury. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to extend the skin wound by making incisions either proximally or distally to retrieve the tendon
ends. This will have to be informed to the patient before surgery lest the surgeon be accused of making the wound bigger than it was! If the tendon ends
have withdrawn into the flexor sheath, additional exposure is obtained by incising cruciate pulleys, taking care to avoid injury to the critical A2 and A4
pulleys. During repair, the tendon should be grasped only in the central portion of the cut end to avoid traumatizing the smooth external gliding surface
of the tendon.
At the wrist, the four FDS tendons lie superficial to the four FDP tendons. As it passes through the flexor sheath, each FDS tendon divides into two
slips. The FDP tendon passes through this decussation of the FDS tendon and continues into the finger toward its final insertion at the base of the
distal phalanx. The slips of the FDS tendon then wrap around the FDP tendon and reunite deep to it at the chiasma before finally inserting on either side
of the shaft of the middle phalanx. Thus, in the finger the FDS tendon actually lies deep to the FDP tendon, which is hence more vulnerable to injury at
this location.
The basic technique of tendon repair involves the placement of a core suture within the substance of the tendon. Although there are many techniques
for placing the core suture, our preferred method is the six-stranded loop suture (Fig. 737 (Figure Not Available) ). [21] A core suture primarily bridges
the injury gap and provides most of the strength of the repair. Nonabsorbable 4-0 Prolene or Ti-Cron sutures are the preferred material. After placing a
core suture, the approximated ends of the tendon can be smoothed out by placing running epitendinous sutures of 6-0 nylon or Prolene. This suture also
contributes to the strength of the repair. Depending on when a flexor tendon is sutured, the repair is termed primary, delayed primary, early secondary,
or late secondary. Primary repair is usually carried out within 24 hours of injury. This is the best time for repair because the wound is free of scar tissue
and there is less risk of infection. Delayed primary repairs are those that are performed after 24 hours but before 10 days of injury whereas early
secondary repairs are performed between 10 days and 6 weeks after injury. By 6 weeks, the muscle-tendon unit has shortened, making direct repair
difficult. In such circumstances a staged tendon repair with the use of interposition tendon grafts may be required.
Flexor tendon injuries are divided into five zones (Fig. 738 (Figure Not Available) ). [22] Treatment and prognosis are influenced by the zone of injury.
Zone I lies distal to the insertion of the FDS tendon and affects only the FDP tendon. If adequate tendon length is available distally, a conventional
repair as described earlier can be performed. Sometimes, the tendon ruptures very near to its insertion into the distal phalanx, leaving no or insufficient
distal tendon for a conventional repair. In such situations, a core suture is placed in the proximal cut end of the tendon and pulled through drill holes in
the distal phalanx onto the dorsal surface of the digit. The suture is secured here by tying it over a button on the dorsal surface of the nail plate.
Zone II is the zone of the pulleys and extends from the beginning of the fibrous flexor sheath at the distal palmar crease to the insertion of the FDS. It
contains the FDS and FDP tendons enclosed in a narrow fibrous canal. Zone II was in the past referred to as no-mans land because it was thought
that primary repairs should not be performed here and most surgeons favored secondary repair with tendon grafting. This is no longer the case today,
and conventional tendon repair techniques are recommended. Favorable results can be consistently obtained in zone II injuries by meticulous primary
repair and early controlled motion.[20] [23] [24] [25]

Figure 73-7 (Figure Not Available) The six-stranded Tsai suture technique. A, Placement of superficial locking suture at medial palmar quadrant of proximal tendon. B, Placement of
core suture in medial palmar quadrant with needle inserted close to the locking suture and parallel to the tendon fibers. C, Placement of superficial locking suture at lateral palmar
quadrant of distal tendon. D, Placement of running epitenon sutures in posterior wall of tendon. E, Placement of locking sutures at ends of first set of core sutures. F, Locking the
suture in E by placing the needle through the loop suture. G, Intratendinous knotting of the loop sutures. H, Running epitenon sutures (anterior wall).


Figure 73-8 (Figure Not Available) Zones of flexor tendon injury.

Zone III is located between the distal carpal ligament and the distal palmar crease. This is the area of the lumbrical muscles, which take origin from the
tendons of the FDP. These injuries heal favorably because of good blood supply and the absence of a tight osteofibrous tunnel.
Zone IV is the area of the carpal tunnel and lies deep to the transverse carpal ligament. These injuries can be problematic because of the passage of
many structures through a confined space. It may be necessary to repair the transverse carpal ligament and maintain the wrist in flexion until healing
occurs to prevent bowstringing of the flexor tendons.
Zone V is located in the forearm. Tendon repairs in this zone almost universally have a favorable prognosis. Technical difficulties may be experienced
in suturing injuries at the musculotendinous junction.
It is imperative to institute an intensive postoperative physiotherapy regimen after a flexor tendon repair. The principal goal is to keep the tendons
moving. This prevents adhesions from developing between the repaired tendons and surrounding structures. Currently, there are three basic regimens in
practice. Our preferred method in Louisville is one of passive flexion followed by active extension. The other two methods are the passive
flexion/passive extension regimen of Duran and Houser and the active extension/active extension method also known as the Belfast method. These
different methods with many subtle variations of the same theme are all in current use throughout the world. No one method has been shown to be better
or worse than the other.
The Louisville method incorporates active extension and passive flexion of the fingers with protection from hyperextension. The injured limb is placed
in a dorsal below-elbow splint with the wrist in slight flexion and the MCP joint in 60 degrees of flexion. This allows for full extension of the IP joints.
Hooks are then glued to the nail plates and rubber bands of predetermined tension are attached to them. These rubber bands then pass under a transverse
bar in the palm and are attached to a tension device. The patient is encouraged to actively extend his or her fingers to the limits of the splint while the
rubber bands passively flex the tendons. This permits a continuous motion of the tendons and prevents the development of contracture of the flexor
muscle fibers. The passive force exerted by the rubber bands protects the repair from forceful active flexion. Clinical and laboratory studies have
demonstrated that dynamic splinting aids in flexor tendon healing by improving tensile strength, remodeling scar tissue, and minimizing adhesion, thus
improving range of motion.[26] [27]
Extensor Tendon Injuries

The subcutaneous location of extensor tendons makes them susceptible to crush, laceration, and avulsion injuries. The presence of juncturae tendinae
prevents proximal retraction of severed EDC tendons.[28] Extensor tendons have been divided into nine zones that ascend numerically from the nail bed
to the forearm. The odd-numbered zones begin at the DIP joint and are located over the joints, whereas the even-numbered zones are located between
the joints.[25]
Extensor tendons are anatomically thinner than flexor tendons and over the digits are spread out in the form of a hood. Although it may be possible to
use conventional tendon repair techniques in the proximal parts of the tendons, this may not be the case in the extensor hood. Here, horizontal mattress
sutures, figure-of-eight mattress sutures, or a weaving Kirchmayr suture may be needed.
Rehabilitation after repair of extensor tendons follows similar principles as for repair of the flexors. Adhesions and scar formation are notorious on the
dorsal aspect of the metacarpals that responds to zone VI of extensor tendons. Injuries located in this zone require particular care to avoid tethering of
the tendons, which can lead to loss of active extension and restriction of flexion. Distal injuries of the extensor tendons over the DIP and PIP joints can
be protected in small finger-based splints. Injuries of the terminal slip of the extensor tendon affect only movement of the DIP joint. Repairs at this level
can be immobilized in a dorsal splint that holds the DIP joint in extension. Injuries of the central slip affect primarily PIP motion and these repairs are
immobilized in a Capener splint. This is a finger-based dynamic splint that permits active flexion of the PIP while passively extending it. More proximal
extensor tendon injuries are protected by dynamic extensor outrigger splints that permit active flexion while passively extending the digits at the MCP
joints. Immediately after repair there is a transient loss of

tensile strength and gliding of the tendon. Early protected motion can increase tensile strength through collagen remodeling and improve tendon glide
by preventing adhesions.[29] [30] [31]
Nerve Injuries

Nerve injuries have been variously classified depending on the extent of injury.[32] [33] The time-honored method is the Seddon classification of injuries
into three types: neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis. Neurapraxia is a physiological block of impulse conduction without anatomic disruption of
the nerve fiber. A certain amount of demyelination may however be present. Neurapraxia is seen after prolonged pressure on a nerve, as may occur after
prolonged use of a tourniquet or compression in confined places such as the carpal tunnel. Once the offending cause has been removed, spontaneous
recovery is the rule but may take up to 6 weeks or more. Axonotmesis refers to injuries in which the axonal fibers are completely divided but the
covering neural tubes are intact. Such injuries usually accompany traction injuries of nerves that rupture the weaker axons, leaving the stronger nerve
sheaths intact. Unless precluded by unfavorable surroundings, these divided axons regenerate in a reliable and predictable fashion through the retained
neural tubes, and a distal march of Tinels sign can always be elicited. Neurotmesis is the highest degree of nerve injury and refers to a complete
transection of the nerve. This is usually the result of direct sharp trauma or a very violent traction injury. Accurate approximation of the cut nerve ends
and a meticulous repair is mandatory for good recovery. A distally progressing Tinel sign is indicative of a successful repair.
An important factor for functional recovery after nerve injury is the state of the nerve end organs. This is of particular significance in motor nerves
where the muscle end plates start to undergo atrophy after loss of neural stimulation. Unless reinnervated, their number progressively dwindles with
time and by 12 to 18 months may be insufficient to restore adequate function of a muscle. This factor combined with the expected time it takes a nerve
to grow from the site of injury to the affected muscle determines the expected functional outcome after nerve repair.
A good nerve repair can only be accomplished under magnification. Use of an operating microscope makes it possible to approximate individual nerve

fascicles and suture them together with extremely fine sutures. Repairs should be tension free and are accomplished by epineurial or perineurial repair,
or both.[34] If direct repair of the cut ends cannot be accomplished without tension, an interposition nerve graft is used. The sural nerve and terminal
branch of the posterior interosseous nerve are good sources of donor nerves.[35] In small nerves like the digital nerves, gaps of less than 2 cm can be
bridged with vein grafts.[36]
The mechanism of nerve injury can influence the results of repair. Sharp transactions tend to do better than crushing or avulsion nerve injuries. Age of
the patient also plays a role, and children do much better than adults. It has also been noted that pure motor nerves tend to regenerate better than mixed
nerves and these do better than pure sensory nerves.
Vascular Injuries

Vascular injuries of the extremities can occur as a result of direct or indirect trauma. Direct trauma can be mechanical, thermal, or chemical. Mechanical
trauma, in turn, can take the form of penetrations, lacerations, crushing injuries, or contusions of the vessel. This may be caused by external objects or
by internal structures, such as the sharp spike of a fractured bone. Penetrating injuries can give rise to two additional injury patterns. If only the
adventitia and outer part of the media are injured, the vessel wall is considerably weakened and with time the vessel may balloon out to form a
pseudoaneurysm. Penetrating injuries can also on occasion lead to the development of arteriovenous fistulas. These can cause significant shunting of
blood, resulting in a steal syndrome with chronic ischemic effects on the extremity. Indirect vascular trauma is caused either by traction injuries, which
can avulse vessels, or repetitive microtrauma from vibratory tools, which can lead to thrombosis. The latter usually affects the ulnar artery in Guyons
canal at the wrist and is called the ulnar hammer syndrome. Irrespective of their cause, vascular injuries may lead to a critical compromise of circulation
in the extremity and hence need to be treated on an emergent basis.
Arterial repair is indicated to prevent ischemic complications and is best accomplished under magnification. The transected vessels are examined under
the operating microscope and sequentially resected until normal-looking intima is obtained. This often results in fairly large gaps between the cut ends
of the vessels. As in nerves, the primary goal is a tension-free repair. To achieve this in the presence of a gap defect, interposition reversed-vein grafts
are used. The saphenous vein is the preferred donor for larger vessels like the brachial, radial, or ulnar arteries. Veins on the volar surface of the forearm
or dorsum of the foot are harvested to bridge gaps in digital vessels.
Major injuries that cause damage to both the radial and ulnar arteries can lead to dangerous vascular compromise. Restoration of circulation in such
situations is a surgical emergency and is termed revascularization. This is in contrast to the term replantation, which is used to describe reattachment of
a completely amputated part. The classic surgical sequence is to first restore stability of the limb by fixing skeletal injuries and only then repair soft
tissues, including vessels. Sometimes, however, the duration may be beyond the 2 to 3 hours of warm ischemia that muscles can tolerate. In such
circumstances, an immediate vascular conduit is established with the help of a vein graft to restore temporary circulation. Surgery then proceeds in the
routine sequence of fixing bones followed by repair of tendons. At this stage, the temporary

conduit can be resected and a definitive vascular repair performed.

Muscles often swell after prolonged periods of ischemia. This can lead to an increase of pressures within the closed compartments of the forearm,
resulting in a compartment syndrome. It is hence the practice of most surgeons to perform a routine fasciotomy to decompress the forearm
compartments after revascularization. Under ischemic conditions, muscle tissue switches over to anaerobic respiration, and this can result in a build-up
of dangerous levels of toxic substances such as lactic acid. Furthermore, myonecrosis might occur, leading to the release of myoglobin from within the
muscle cells. Restoration of circulation to such a limb can cause a sudden flooding of the circulation by these toxic substances. This is termed
reperfusion syndrome and can lead to multiorgan failure, especially affecting the renal and cardiac systems.
Emboli may lodge in arteries at points where the vessel branches and obstruct blood flow. Such emboli usually originate from the heart or proximal
arterial aneurysms. This requires embolectomy followed by anticoagulant therapy to prevent propagation of the clot. Embolectomy in larger vessels can
be achieved through endovascular balloon catheters, but smaller vessels require an arteriotomy. Thrombolytic enzymes such as urokinase can also be
used to dissolve emboli or thrombi but require careful monitoring in the presence of open wounds.
Digital arterial injury may accompany frostbite.[37] This is caused by both a direct injury to the endothelial cells as well as hemoconcentration with
consequent hypercoagulability. Division of the sympathetic innervation of these vessels, termed digital sympathectomy, may improve blood flow in
these conditions.
Venous injuries in the hand or upper extremity often result from intravenous cannulations with subsequent thrombophlebitis. Treatment consists of
elevation, antibiotics, and warm compresses. Injuries of large veins with severe bleeding require ligation or repair of the offending vessel. Chronic
compression syndromes can produce venous thrombosis in the subclavian or axillary veins, causing venous edema in the extremity. This can usually be
treated by elevation, anticoagulation, and even thrombolytic therapy. Severe cases of compression of the subclavian vein at the thoracic outlet require
excision of the first rib with resection of the scalene muscles.
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Fractures are categorized according to their anatomic location within each bone.[38] Accordingly, they may occur in the head, neck, shaft, or base of a
bone and may be intra-articular or extra-articular. They may be open or closed depending on whether they communicate with the exterior. Fractures can
be further classified by the shape of the fracture line as transverse, oblique, spiral, or comminuted. Bending forces produce transverse or oblique
fractures whereas torsional forces produce spiral fractures. Axial forces tend to cause fractures at the ends of bones, and these are often comminuted.
Distal Phalanx Fractures

Fractures of the distal phalanx are the most commonly encountered fractures in the hand.[39] They may involve the tuft, shaft, or base and are most often
associated with nail bed injuries. If undisplaced or minimally displaced, they can be treated with a gutter or thimble splint for a period of 3 to 4
weeks. Unstable transverse shaft fractures require fixation with 0.035-inch diameter Kirschner wires.
Mallet Finger

A mallet finger can result from an avulsion fracture of the attachment terminal slip of the extensor mechanism at the base of the distal phalanx. The
distal phalanx adopts a dropped attitude and cannot be actively extended ( Fig. 739 ). Most closed mallet injuries are managed by splinting the DIP
joint in extension, provided the fracture involves less than 30% of the joint surface and is displaced by less than 2 mm.[40] Grossly displaced or large
intraarticular fragments may require internal fixation with a Kirschner wire.[41]
Jersey Finger

This is an avulsion fracture of the insertion of the FDP tendon into the distal phalanx. It occurs after a violent pull of the FDP against resistance, as can
occur when a footballer catches onto the jersey of an opponent and forcefully pulls. The avulsed fragment may lie rarely as far proximally as in the
palm. This fracture generally requires open reduction and internal fixation with a mini-screw or Kirschner wires.

Figure 73-9 A and B, Mallet finger deformity.


Middle Phalanx, Proximal Phalanx, and Metacarpal Fractures

These fractures may involve the head, neck, shaft, or base of the bone. Head and base fractures are usually intraarticular. Fractures of the head are
usually due to axial compression forces. If undisplaced, they can be treated by splinting. Phalangeal fractures can be immobilized in finger splints
whereas metacarpal fractures are treated in a splint with the wrist in 20 to 30 degrees of dorsiflexion, the MCP joints in 70 degrees of flexion, and the IP
joints fully extended. This is termed the universal position of immobilization of the hand. Gross displacement requires accurate restoration of the
articular surface by surgery. Reduction can then be maintained by traction through an external device or by fixing the fragments with mini-screws or
Kirschner wires.
Neck fractures are generally due to a combination of axial compression and bending. They are also called booby-trap fractures in the middle phalanx
and boxers fracture if involving the metacarpal of the little finger. If undisplaced, these fractures can be splinted, but if displaced or angulated more
than 10 degrees, they require open reduction and internal fixation with crossed Kirschner wires or plates and screws. Dorsal angulation at the fracture
with associated palmar prominence of the metacarpal head may lead to pain in the palm when gripping.[42] Angular deformities also lead to extensor lag
deformity. The index and long finger metacarpals are less mobile than the ring and small finger metacarpals. Therefore, a maximum of 15 degrees of
angular deformities can be tolerated in the index and long metacarpals while up to 20 to 40 degrees may be acceptable in the ring and small fingers.
Shaft fractures are caused by bending, torsional, or crushing forces. In the middle phalanx, displacement occurs as a result of forces exerted by the
insertions of the FDS and the central slip ( Fig. 7310 ). If the fracture lies distal to the FDS insertion, the proximal fragment is flexed by this muscle,
resulting in a volar angulation. In contrast, if the fracture occurs proximal to the FDS insertion, the proximal fragment is extended by the central slip of
the extensor mechanism while the distal part is flexed by the FDS. This results in a dorsal angulation. Most shaft fractures of the proximal phalanx
fractures tend to angulate volarward ( Fig. 7311 ). This is caused by the interossei, which flex the proximal fragment, and the central slip, which, via
the PIP joint, extends the distal fragment. Shaft fractures that are undisplaced or those that are stable after reduction can be treated by splints.
Sometimes, buddy taping the finger to the adjacent uninjured one suffices. This protects the interphalangeal joints and allows collateral ligaments to
heal. It also permits early motion, thus preventing tendon adhesions.[43] Metacarpal fractures, however, require immobilization in the universal
position. Displaced and unstable fractures require open reduction followed by fixation with Kirschner wires or plates and screws.
Base fractures are caused by axial forces with or without an associated bending component and may be intra-articular. An abducted fracture of the base
of the proximal phalanx of the little finger is called the extra octave injury. A special fracture in this category is an

Figure 73-10 Middle phalanx fracture.

Figure 73-11 Intra-articular fracture of proximal phalanx.


intra-articular fracture of the base of the thumb metacarpal, called Bennetts injury. Here, the large distal fragment is pulled proximally and into
adduction by the abductor pollicis longus and adductor pollicis acting in tandem. The small proximal fragment is held in its anatomic location by the
ulnar collateral ligament.[44] An intra-articular comminuted fracture of the base of the thumb metacarpal is known as Rolandos fracture. If undisplaced,
most of the just-mentioned fractures can be treated by percutaneous pinning with Kirschner wires followed by appropriate splinting. Displaced intraarticular fractures require accurate open reduction followed by fixation with mini-screws and Kirschner wires (see Fig. 7311 ). Often, isolated fractures
of the bases of middle and ring finger metacarpals do not require splinting because they are immobilized quite adequately by the other intact
Complications that may occur after phalangeal or metacarpal fractures include malrotation, malunion, nonunion, and stiffness of the digit owing to
tendon adhesions and joint contractures.
Carpal Fractures
Scaphoid Fracture

The scaphoid is the most common carpal fracture and accounts for nearly 60% of all carpal injuries. The patient may present with a diffuse pain over the
radial side of the wrist. Examination reveals tenderness over the anatomic snuff box and also over the scaphoid tubercle. If a scaphoid fracture is
suspected, initial radiographic examination must include posteroanterior, lateral, and a special scaphoid view, which is a posteroanterior view with the
wrist in full ulnar deviation. Quite often, immediate postinjury radiographs may not reveal a fracture. CT may help in such situations, or one may opt to
apply an empirical splint and repeat radiographs after 2 weeks. Blood vessels enter the scaphoid mainly through its distal half, and fractures through the
waist may deprive the proximal half of its blood supply, leading to avascular necrosis in as many as 30% of cases.[45] Treatment of nondisplaced
fractures is with a long-arm cast including the base of the thumb. This is called a thumb spica and is maintained for 6 weeks, followed by a short-arm
cast for an additional 6 weeks. Displaced fractures require open reduction with screw fixation. Nonunion is a notorious problem in the scaphoid and is
seen in a third of cases. These can be treated with cancellous bone grafts or pedicled vascularized bone grafts. Electrical stimulation has also been
shown to be effective in tackling this problem.[46]
Hook of Hamate Fracture

An often overlooked carpal fracture is the hook of the hamate fracture, which produces hypothenar pain and tenderness. This injury has to be suspected
in patients with persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain after a blow to the palm. The fracture can be demonstrated by special radiographic views or CT scans.
Long-standing hook of the hamate fractures are usually treated with resection of the hook.
Fractures in Children

Fractures in children differ from adults in many ways. The growth plates are still open and injuries affecting the physis can alter bone growth. The fact
that the pediatric bones are still growing also permits greater remodeling. Hence, moderate angular or translational displacements at fractures tend to
correct with age. Rotational deformities never correct and are hence totally unacceptable. The pediatric skeleton is more elastic, and fractures are
generally less common and less likely to be displaced. The epiphyses are located proximally in the phalanges and distally in the metacarpals, with the
exception of the thumb metacarpal, where it is located proximally. The Salter-Harris classification describes five types of epiphyseal injuries (Fig. 73
12 (Figure Not Available) ). [47] Accurate reduction and stabilization either in splints or by internal fixation is required for treatment. It is important to
remember that implants that cross the physeal must cause minimal damage; hence, smooth Kirschner wires are usually preferred to threaded devices
such as screws.

A dislocation is described according to the direction of displacement of the distal bone in the involved joint. They are more frequently seen in the PIP
joint than any other joint in the hand. An important dislocation is a dorsal dislocation of the MCP joint. Here, the proximal phalanx displaces dorsally
and the metacarpal head volarward. Often the metacarpal head buttonholes through and gets trapped in a fibrous space bounded by the longitudinally
oriented fibers of the palmar fascia and flexor tendons on either side, the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament proximally, and the natatory
ligament distally. This is
Figure 73-12 (Figure Not Available) Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal injuries.


called Kaplans lesion and is most common in the index finger. The condition invariably requires open reduction by surgical release of the offending
structures. Dislocations of the carpal bones are relatively uncommon but, owing to the fact that the carpal bones are so deeply located, do not cause
visible deformities. They are hence easily missed in the clinic. This problem is further compounded by the fact that the carpal bones are so twisted in
their normal shapes that malalignments are not very obvious on radiographs. Dislocations need to be reduced at the earliest and immobilized in
appropriate splints. Delayed recognition and inadequate treatment of these injuries can have long-term repercussions in the form of secondary
degenerative arthropathy.
Traumatic Joint Instabilities

Disruption or laxity of the capsuloligamentous supports of joints can lead to various instability patterns. These can occur in the PIP and DIP joints as a
result of collateral ligament and volar plate tears. Most injuries are incomplete and can be treated in a protective splint for 3 weeks, followed by buddy
splinting to an adjacent normal finger for an additional 3 weeks. Infrequently, complete collateral ligament tears are seen and may require open repair.
Gamekeepers Thumb

This injury results from rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb MCP joint. The collateral ligament lies immediately deep to the insertion
of the adductor pollicis aponeurosis at this location. Often, the avulsed collateral ligament folds back on itself and at that moment the adductor
aponeurosis gets interposed between it and the bone. This is called the Stener lesion and invariably requires surgery because healing is impossible
without open reduction and reattachment of the ligament.[48]
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Increasing industrialization and mechanization has led to a proportional increase in the number of severe hand injuries seen. Total amputation of parts or
whole of the upper extremity at various levels is seen quite often and requires reattachment. Such a procedure is termed replantation, and its feasibility
depends on various factors, including the level and type of amputation; the patients age, occupation, and medical history; and associated risk factors.
Another obvious factor is the surgical expertise of the treating surgeon. Clean-cut or sharp amputations are easier to replant, whereas crushing or
avulsion injuries are less amenable to salvage. Nerve regeneration is better in children and accordingly better functional recovery can be expected. It has
also been noted that replantations at more distant levels like the wrist or at the level of the digits tend to recover better because nerves can reinnervate
their end organs faster, before atrophy sets in. At the digital levels, replantation should always be attempted if the thumb is involved in view of its
importance in hand function. Multiple digital amputations also require serious attempt at replantation. Single digital amputations and ring avulsion
amputations are relative indications because functional recovery is often suboptimal even if the replanted part survives.
Contraindications to replantation include medical conditions that are not compatible with a long duration of anesthesia. Relative contraindications
include vascular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, multiple injury levels, gross contamination, ring avulsion injuries, prolonged ischemia, and advanced
age. Before embarking on replantation, the patient must be made aware of the many months of postoperative care and rehabilitation that are mandatory
to recover useful function.
Transportation of the amputated part to the replantation center is of paramount importance and significantly affects the success of surgery. The severed
part is cleaned with a sterile isotonic solution, wrapped in moist sterile gauze, and then sealed in a waterproof bag. This bag is placed in a container of
ice and sent to the replantation center. Muscle is very poorly tolerant of ischemia and hence the more proximal the amputation, the lesser the permissible
ischemia time before replantation. With proper preservation and cooling, the permissible ischemia time can be extended to 8 hours for proximal
amputations, whereas in digits it can be as long as 12 hours or more.
The sequence of replantation has been standardized and but for minor variations is the same all over the world ( Fig. 7313 ). The first step is to
meticulously dissect and dbride the amputated part under magnification and identify all structures. It is essential to find at least one good artery and
two good veins for a problem-free replantation. Next, the proximal stump is dbrided, explored, and corresponding structures identified. Restoration of
skeletal stability is then restored by stable fixation. Often, it is essential to shorten the skeleton to achieve a tension-free vascular repair. This is then
followed by repair of the flexor tendons, arteries, nerves, veins, and, finally, skin. In more proximal replantations, a forearm fasciotomy is usually
performed to preclude a compartment syndrome from developing. Sometimes, ischemia is very prolonged and it becomes imperative to restore
perfusion before all else. In such circumstances, a table-top arterial conduit can be established with an interposition vein graft. Surgery then proceeds
in the usual fashion. It is also helpful in such circumstances to flush out the amputated part with isotonic intravenous solutions to get rid of potential
toxic metabolites, as described earlier in the section on vascular trauma.
After a replantation, a bulky dressing is applied to the limb, which is then placed in a well-padded splint. The limb is kept warm, and anticoagulant
therapy in the form of a mixture of 5000 units of heparin in 500 mL of low-molecular-weight dextran is administered over 24 hours. The replanted part
is then scrupulously monitored for adequacy of circulation by regularly checking its turgor, color, and capillary refill. Thermocouples can be used to
monitor the temperature while plethysmography helps in monitoring the circulatory status of the replant.
Excessive turgor, dusky purple discoloration, and a very rapid capillary refill indicate venous obstruction. Treatment

Figure 73-13 Replantation. A, Radiograph of hand with multiple-digit amputation. B, Radiograph of severed digits. C, Severed digits with fairly sharp amputation edges. D,
Immediately after replantation (palmar view). E, Immediately after replantation (dorsal view). F, Three-year follow-up showing extension. G, Three-year follow-up showing flexion.
(A to G, Courtesy of Tsu-Min Tsai, M.D.)


includes releasing tight dressings and sutures, removing the nail plate, and applying heparin-soaked pledgets to the nail bed. Sometimes, medicinal
leeches are used to aid in decongestion. Blood loss should be monitored when using any of these methods. Medicinal leeches, although usually safe, can
harbor Aeromonas hydrophila, requiring prophylactic antimicrobial treatment. A cold, flaccid, pale part with poor or no capillary refill suggests arterial
occlusion. This usually requires immediate reexploration under magnification. It has been our experience that 50% of replantations with subsequent
vascular compromise can be salvaged by prompt and appropriate intervention.
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Nerves pass through several anatomic bottlenecks along their course in the upper extremity (Fig. 7314 (Figure Not Available) ). These are potential
sites of nerve compression syndromes and lead to sensory and motor deficits distal to the site of entrapment.
Median Nerve Compression

The median nerve can potentially be compressed at five sites in the upper extremity. From distal to proximal these are the carpal tunnel at the wrist, the
fibrous arch between the two heads of FDS in the proximal forearm, the two heads of the pronator teres just distal to the elbow, the lacertus fibrosus at
the elbow, and the ligament of Struthers in the lower arm. Compression under the carpal tunnel produces carpal tunnel syndrome whereas compression
at any of the other four sites is loosely grouped under pronator syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal tunnel is a tight osseofibrous tunnel at the wrist traversed by the median nerve and all nine long digital flexor tendons. Its floor is formed by
the carpal bones and
Figure 73-14 (Figure Not Available) Potential sites of nerve compression. TOC, thoracic outlet compression.

its roof by the flexor retinaculum. Normal pressures in this tunnel are 20 to 30 mm Hg. Any rise in pressure above this causes progressive conduction
blocks in the nerve with subsequent sensory and motor dysfunction. Pain and paresthesia are the earliest symptoms and are characteristically more at
night or after prolonged activity. The patient may also complaint of clumsiness of his or her hands with a proclivity for dropping objects.
Flexor synovitis is the most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, but it may also follow traumatic derangement of the carpal alignment. Other less
common causes include space-occupying lesions in the carpal tunnel or a persistent median artery.
Sensory evaluation may reveal a widened two-point discrimination and a positive Tinel sign over the wrist. Holding the wrist in acute flexion may elicit
paresthesia along the median nerve distribution. This is called the Phalen test and is considered positive if symptoms develop in less than a minute.[49]
Thenar weakness or wasting is usually a late finding and suggests a severe degree of compression. Nerve conduction studies and electromyography can
be useful adjuncts to clinical examination.
Initial treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome is nonoperative and includes the use of wrist splints or local corticosteroid injections. Modifications in work
patterns help, such as avoiding vibratory machinery and repetitive motion. Persistence of symptoms is an indication for surgical decompression. This is
achieved by longitudinally dividing the flexor retinaculum by open or endoscopic means. Synovectomy and removal of any mass lesion is also
necessary if that is the cause for the problem.
Pronator Syndrome

Compression of the median nerve at any of the four sites proximal to the wrist produces symptoms that are largely similar to those of carpal tunnel
syndrome. However, nocturnal symptoms are relatively uncommon although the palm may feel more numb because the palmar cutaneous branch is also
involved. Symptoms are reproduced or worsened by attempting pronation against resistance, the so-called pronator stress test. Resisted flexion of the
long finger may also worsen symptoms, indicating compression under the FDS arch. Nevertheless, it is difficult to be categorical of the exact site that is
causing the pronator syndrome and, hence, surgical decompression may involve release of all the four potential sites of compression.
Ulnar Nerve Compression

The ulnar nerve has three potential sites of compression. Starting distally, these are Guyons canal at the wrist, the cubital tunnel at the elbow, or the
medial intermuscular septum in the distal arm.
Guyons Canal

Guyons canal is bounded by the hook of the hamate, pisiform, pisohamate ligament, and palmar carpal ligament.[50]

Compression of the ulnar nerve known to occur at this site is most often idiopathic.[51] Trauma, mass lesions, and synovitis are some of the other causes.
Motor and sensory deficits of the ulnar nerve develop. A positive Tinel sign and worsening of symptoms by direct compression are clinical means of
detecting Guyons canal syndrome. Treatment is surgical and consists of dividing the palmar carpal ligament as well as removing any offending mass in
the region.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

As it passes into the forearm, the ulnar nerve curves tightly around the grooved posterior and inferior surfaces of the medial humeral epicondyle. This
groove is bridged by Osbornes ligament proximally and the two heads of the FCU distally. Compression of the ulnar nerve in this osteo-fibrous tunnel
is termed the cubital tunnel syndrome. Motor and sensory symptoms develop along the distribution of the ulnar nerve and are worsened by adopting a
flexed attitude at the elbow. Examination reveals a positive Tinel sign over the tunnel and aggravation of symptoms by sustained hyperflexion of the
Initial treatment is nonoperative and consists of splinting of the elbow in extension at night followed during the day by soft extension pads to prevent
elbow flexion or direct pressure on the nerve. Failure of nonoperative means is an indication for surgical decompression. The fascia overlying the
cubital tunnel is divided either by open or endoscopic means. If this also fails, the ulnar nerve is freed of all fibrous restraints around the elbow and
transposed anterior to the medial epicondyle into a subcutaneous or submuscular position.
Radial Nerve Compression

Sites of radial nerve compression starting proximally include the triangular space in the axilla, the spiral groove in the arm, and the lateral intermuscular

septum proximal to the elbow. More distally, the posterior interosseous nerve, which is the principal motor division of the radial nerve, can get
compressed near the annular ligament of the radial head or within the substance of the supinator muscle. This may result in variable degrees of paresis
of muscles innervated by the radial nerve.[52] Initial treatment is splinting the arm; and, if this fails, the nerve is surgically decompressed.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

All the neurovascular structures that enter the upper extremity do so through the thoracic outlet. This is a narrow space at the base of the neck bounded
by the first rib medially, the scalenus anticus muscle and clavicle anteriorly, and the scalenus medius muscle posteriorly.[53] All the elements of the
brachial plexus as well as the subclavian artery and vein can be potentially compressed at this site. Thoracic outlet syndrome usually occurs in women
between the ages of 18 and 35 years. It can be idiopathic or triggered by injuries and repetitive strains. Symptoms include easy fatigability as well as
diffuse pains radiating down the entire upper extremity.
Clinical examination may be unremarkable or reveal a confusing mass of findings. A positive Tinel sign can often be elicited at both the supraclavicular
and infraclavicular regions. Roos test is performed by asking the patient to hold both the arms overhead in a surrender position while opening and
closing the fist. This reproduces symptoms within 1 minute. Adsons test involves palpating the radial pulse while the patient turns the chin toward the
same side, inhales deeply, and holds his or her breath. The test is termed positive if the radial pulse disappears or diminishes in volume and if the
maneuver reproduces symptoms. The costoclavicular compression test involves sustained downward pressure on the clavicle and is positive if
symptoms are reproduced. An anteroposterior radiogram of the lower cervical spine may reveal a cervical rib. Nerve conduction studies are often
normal but may reveal slowing of nerve conduction velocities at more peripheral sites of compression, a condition termed double-crush syndrome.
Treatment of the thoracic outlet syndrome is primarily nonoperative. Neck and thoracic muscle exercises are instituted, and activities that precipitate the
symptoms are modified or curtailed. Injection of a local anesthetic agent with corticosteroid into the anterior scalene muscles may relieve symptoms in
some cases. Persistent symptoms particularly if supported by electrophysiologic and radiologic evidence of potential compression require surgical
decompression. This is accomplished by a transcervical or transaxillary resection of the first rib, often with release of the scalene muscles.
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Tumors are uncommon in the hand, and nearly 95% are benign.
Ganglion Cyst

Ganglions account for 70% of all tumors in the hand. They are formed by an outpouching of the synovial membrane from a joint or tendon sheath and
contain a thick jelly-like mucinous substance, similar in composition to synovial fluid. Sixty percent of ganglions occur on the dorsal aspect of the wrist
and arise in the region of the scapholunate ligament. Volar wrist ganglions are fewer and tend to arise in the region of the scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint.
Another frequent site for these tumors is the flexor sheath, especially at the level of the A1 pulley where they can be felt to move with flexion of the
finger. They can also occur after osteoarthritis of the DIP joints and are erroneously called mucus cysts. In this location, a ganglion cyst can exert
pressure on the germinal matrix of the nail bed, resulting in a deformed or grooved nail.
Ganglions are more common in women and occur usually around the third decade of life. By themselves, these tumors are innocuous and can be left

Treatment is required only for cosmetic purposes or to relieve pressure effects on adjacent structures. Aspiration of the mucinous substance with a largebore needle followed by instillation of a corticosteroid into the sac may suffice. If this fails, the ganglion is surgically excised. Particular care is taken to
trace and resect the root or pedicle of the tumor right down from the joint or sheath from which it arises. The volar wrist ganglion is often very closely
related to the radial artery. The Allen test is performed before surgery to determine the adequacy of ulnar arterial flow, lest accidental injury to the radial
artery during excision lead to ischemia of the hand. Sometimes it may be necessary to leave behind a cuff of ganglion wall attached to the radial artery
to avoid injuring it. At the level of the DIP joint, optimal treatment includes meticulous excision followed by removal of osteophytes from the joint.[54]
Giant Cell Tumor

Giant cell tumor, also known as pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), is the second most common hand tumor and arises from the synovial
membrane of joints or tendon sheaths. It is yellow-brown on gross appearance and contains multinucleated giant cells on microscopy. The tumor is
almost invariably benign in the hand and generally asymptomatic, although it may produce notching of adjacent bones by pressure. Giant cell tumors
can also envelop digital neurovascular bundles or extend along the tendon sheaths. Treatment is surgical and consists of excision of the tumor along
with any involved synovium.
Epidermal Inclusion Cyst

Epidermal inclusion cysts are also known as implantation dermoids and occur after trauma. Epidermal cells become accidentally lodged in the
subcutaneous tissue and continue to grow there. They occur more often in men and are usually found fixed to the palmar skin. Symptoms are related to
the size and location of the cyst. Treatment is surgical excision, and recurrence is rare.

Lipomas make up 3% of hand tumors and can be located anywhere, although the thenar eminence is the most frequent site. They are usually painless
but may become symptomatic by compressing on adjacent nerves. Recurrence is rare, but resection can be tedious if the tumor is large.
Pyogenic Granuloma

Pyogenic granuloma is a misnomer for an exuberant outgrowth of granulation tissue at sites of previous trauma. The lesions are highly vascular with a
thin epithelial cover and are friable, bleed easily, and can grow rapidly. They occur most commonly on the fingertips and respond to either curettage or
simple excision.
Verruca Vulgaris

Verruca vulgaris are viral warts and occur usually on the digits especially in the nail bed region. They are treated most effectively by coagulation,
curettage, or excision. Recurrence is not uncommon, especially in the region of the nail bed.
Vascular Malformations

These may be hemangiomas or arteriovenous malformations and may present at any time before or after birth. They are frequently associated with
massive hypertrophy of the involved area and can invade and envelop virtually all tissue planes of the hand. Compression garments can be tried but give
unpredictable results. Injury can result in uncontrolled bleeding, and involved digits can be so massive as to hamper hand function. Selective
embolization has been tried in cases in which a definite feeder vessel could be identified. More often than not, amputation of the involved ray may be
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Infection of the hand is fairly common and assumes significance because of the severe functional compromise that may result from improper or
inadequate treatment.

Paronychia refers to infection of the lateral nail folds and usually results from a penetrating injury. The most common causative organism is
Staphylococcus aureus. Treatment for early cases is with antibiotics, preferably a penicillin in combination with a -lactamase inhibitor such as
sulbactam or clavulanic acid. Once an abscess develops, surgical drainage is required. Traditionally, this has been achieved by making a longitudinal
incision just lateral and parallel to the nail fold; however, recent recommendations are to merely remove the nail and let the pus drain out from under the
nail fold.

A felon is an abscess of the pulp space and usually accompanies paronychia. Because the pulp space contains rigid fibrous septa fixing the skin to the
periosteum of the distal phalanx, collections in this region can lead to a build-up of high pressures that can be severely painful. Appropriate treatment is
surgical incision and drainage of the abscess followed by appropriate antibiotics. Complications include septic tenosynovitis, skin necrosis, and
osteomyelitis of the distal phalanx.
Suppurative Tenosynovitis (Acute and Chronic)

Acute suppurative tenosynovitis most commonly affects the flexor tendon sheaths. They usually arise after

penetrating trauma and are caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Kanavel described four cardinal signs in the digit: a fusiform swelling, a flexed attitude,
tenderness over the tendon sheath, and pain on passive extension.[55] Early cases may respond to nonoperative treatment, including elevation, warm
soaks, and intravenous antibiotics. Unresponsive or late cases require surgical drainage. The flexor sheath is opened through two separate incisions
proximally at the level of the A1 pulley and distally at the level of the A5 pulley. A small catheter or infant feeding tube is passed down the flexor
sheath through these incisions and continuously irrigated with isotonic saline or lactated Ringers solution for 36 to 48 hours. Antibiotics are required
for at least 1 or 2 weeks. More severe infections or a delay in treatment may lead to necrosis of the tendon sheath, osteomyelitis, and abscesses. These
are best treated by thorough dbridement through an extensive exposure.
Chronic tenosynovitis is usually of a granulomatous type and is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, or fungi. Treatment
includes administration of appropriate antimicrobial agents combined with surgical excision of the involved synovium. Chronic infective synovitis
needs to be differentiated from other causes of chronic granulomatous synovitis, such as sarcoidosis and amyloidosis.
Deep Space Infections

Kanavel described fascial spaces in the hand where infections tend to localize.[55] There are three palmar spaces lying deep to the palmar aponeurosis,
namely, the midpalmar, thenar, and hypothenar spaces. A fourth space, termed Paronas space, is in the distal forearm and overlies the pronator
quadratus muscle. On the dorsal aspect of the hand, the subaponeurotic space lies deep to the extensor tendons over the dorsal interosseous muscles.
Deep infections can lead to the collection of pus in any of these areas and require surgical drainage followed by appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Web space fissures, cuts, or blisters can become infected. This may progress dorsally, involving the space between the superficial and deep transverse
metacarpal ligaments. The web space assumes an hourglass shape, which is referred to as a collar-stud abscess. The abscess is best drained by both
dorsal and palmar incisions. Transverse incisions should be avoided because they may lead to contracture and narrowing of the web space.
Herpes Infection

Herpetic infection or whitlow of a digit is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is frequently seen in health care personnel in which the source is
usually orotracheal secretions of patients. The organism incubates for 2 to 14 days before forming fluid-filled vesicles on the fingertip. These lesions
can sometimes mimic paronychia or felons. The diagnosis is made from a potassium hydroxide prep and Tzanck smear. Viral cultures and
immunofluorescence with radioisotope-tagged antibodies can be helpful. Clinically, herpetic infections must be differentiated from bacterial infections.
Herpetic infections are self-limiting, and treatment is nonoperative. Surgical incision and drainage can lead to systemic involvement and possible viral

Animal and human bites are quite common on the hand. Of them, human bites carry the worst prognosis. Human bites are contaminated by mixed oral
flora and if untreated can lead to severe infection with rapid destruction of local tissue. Common organisms infecting human bites are Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus, Bacteroides, and Eikenella corrodens. [56] Most human bite injuries on the hand occur when an individual strikes another person in the
mouth with a clenched fist. A tooth produces a puncture wound that may even penetrate into the MCP joint. Clinical examination should focus on the
possibility of extensor tendon injury and joint penetration. Surgical exploration, dbridement, and lavage are mandatory in the treatment of these
injuries. Human bite wounds should not be closed primarily and are treated with penicillins or cephalosporins after surgery.
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Congenital hand anomalies are sporadic in their incidence. Their causes may be genetic, teratogenic, or idiopathic and may have syndromic association
with anomalies elsewhere in the body. The most common hand anomalies are syndactyly and polydactyly.

Syndactyly is most prevalent in the Western Hemisphere and is classified as failure of differentiation of parts or structures. It is characterized as fusion
of adjacent digits and can involve part or whole of the length of involved digits ( Fig. 7315 ). If fusion is limited to skin and soft tissues only, the
syndactyly is termed simple and if skeletal fusion occurs, it is called complex. Aperts syndrome is a severe form of syndactyly. Treatment is a
surgical separation of the digits within the first year of life. Local flaps and full-thickness skin grafts are necessary to achieve full coverage of the
separated digits.

Polydactyly is more prevalent in the African continent and is classified as a duplication of digits. It is very variable in its clinical presentation and ranges
from simple skin tags to a complete supernumerary digit, most often the thumb ( Fig. 7316 ). Treatment is removal of the extra appendage. Tissue parts
from the excised appendage can be used to reconstruct the resected region.


Figure 73-15 Syndactyly. A, Radiograph showing hidden polydactyly between third and fourth digits. B, Marking the planned incisions to prevent scar contractures. C, Intraoperative
photography showing excision of hidden extra digit. D, Immediate postoperative photograph.
Growth Arrests

Growth arrests can affect parts or whole of the upper extremity. Brachydactyly is failure of longitudinal growth of digits. Partial or complete
longitudinal growth deficits affecting the radius or ulna produce radial and ulnar club hands, respectively. Radial club hand, or manus valgus, is the
more common of the two and can be associated with other anomalies, such as thrombocytopenia, Fanconis anemia, or the VACTERL complex
(Vertebral defects, Anorectal malformation, Cardiac anomalies, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Renal dysplasia, and Limb anomalies).

Polands syndrome is a condition characterized by ipsilateral chest wall and limb hypoplasia. Treatment of any of these problems involves lengthening
and realignment of existing structures.
Constriction Band Syndrome

Constriction band syndrome is secondary to intrauterine amniotic bands. These can act like tourniquets and threaten the viability of digits, limbs, and
other parts. This condition often results in congenital amputation. It is important to differentiate congenital amniotic bands from acquired bands that
may occur in infants because of neglected external ligatures, termed the hair-thread-tourniquet syndrome.

Clinodactyly is a deviation of digits toward the radial or ulnar direction. This usually involves the distal phalanx

Figure 73-16 Thumb duplication. A, Preoperative view. B, Immediate postoperative view. C, At 5-year follow-up, normal thumb function.

and is commonly seen with the presence of a triangular middle phalanx termed the delta phalanx. Treatment is required if the problem is affecting
function and involves corrective osteotomy.

Camptodactyly is a congenital flexion deformity of digits occurring in the sagittal plane. It is most common and severe in the small finger at the PIP
joint. Initial treatment is by serial splinting or distraction histogenesis with an external fixator. If this does not correct the deformity, surgical correction
by Z-plasties of the skin is performed. It is important to remember that camptodactyly is usually accompanied by deficient skin, and surgical correction
may require the additional use of skin grafts.
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De Quervains Disease

De Quervains disease is a constricting tenosynovitis affecting the tendons of EPB and APL in the first extensor compartment. The main symptom is
pain worsened by activity. There may be a fusiform swelling of the tendon sheath, and the region is tender to palpate. Finkelstein described a test in
which ulnar deviation of the wrist with the thumb grasped in a fist causes pain.[57] The opposite hand should also be tested to unmask subclinical
De Quervains disease is initially treated nonoperatively by local corticosteroid injection and rest in a thumb spica splint. If these measures fail, surgical
decompression of

the first dorsal compartment is performed. Care is taken to protect the radial sensory nerve branches, which course just under the skin in this area
because trauma or transection leads to painfully disabling neuromas.
Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a constricting tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons at the level of the A1 pulley. The condition is divided into four grades of increasing
severity. Grade I is characterized by pain and tenderness at the A1 pulley. Grade II is associated with the development of a palpable nodule in the flexor
tendon, but the tendon still glides in and out of the flexor sheath. Grade III is when the characteristic triggering occurs. The patient can flex the digit,
but the nodule catches at the proximal edge of the A1 pulley, locking the PIP joint in this flexed position. Attempts at extending the digit cause it to
suddenly snap back, much like the trigger of a gun. Often, the patient needs to use the opposite hand to unlock and extend the digit. Grade IV is when
the constriction is so tight that the patient either cannot flex the digit or it gets fixed in the flexed position and can no longer be fully extended.
Nonoperative treatment includes local injection of a corticosteroid preparation. Ultrasound massage of the A1 pulley has also been tried to help increase
its viscoelasticity and thus expand it to some extent. If this regimen fails, the A1 pulley is longitudinally divided under direct vision. Triggering can also
occur in the thumb and is treated similarly. The annular pulley is divided longitudinally on its radial side to avoid accidental division of the oblique
pulley that lies immediately distal to the ulnar border of the annular pulley.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tenosynovitis

The ECU tendon and its subsheath are important dorsal supports of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC).
Inflammation of this tendon may occur after repetitive strain and forms an important cause of the enigmatic ulnar-sided wrist pain syndrome (USWP).
Differential diagnosis includes TFCC tears as well as arthropathy and sprains of the DRUJ and pisotriquetral and lunotriquetral joints. Diagnosis is
made by eliciting tenderness along the ECU tendon as well as pain on resisted ulnar extension of the wrist. Treatment includes splinting and local
corticosteroid injection.
Intersection Syndrome

This is an ill-understood condition characterized by pain and crepitus at the point where the APL and EPB tendons intersect the tendons of ECRL and
ECRB. Initial treatment is by splinting, local corticosteroid injection, and anti-inflammatory medication. Refractory cases require surgical excision of
involved tenosynovial membranes and local fascial thickening, which is frequently seen.
Other sites of tenosynovitis include the FCR and FCU tendons. These can be treated by splinting and local corticosteroid injection.
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Osteoarthritis (Primary and Secondary)

Primary osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that generally occurs later in life and is seen in 90% of women and 80% of men by the eighth
decade of life. An injury to a joint that leaves the articular surfaces incongruous can precipitate a secondary osteoarthritis within 5 to 6 years after
injury. The condition is relentlessly progressive and usually affects the hands and large weight-bearing joints.
Osteoarthritis begins with a biochemical alteration of the water content of articular cartilage. Soon the cartilage weakens and develops small cracks, a
condition termed fibrillation. Progressive erosion and thinning of the cartilage leads to increased stress on the subchondral bone, which becomes highly
sclerotic and polished like ivory. This is termed eburnation. The overloaded joint tries to compensate by forming new bone around the edges of the
articular cartilage. These bony outcroppings are called osteophytes.
Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the DIP and PIP joints in the fingers and the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Osteophytes at the DIP joints are
called Heberdens nodes, and those at the PIP joint are called Bouchards nodes. The involved joints are painful and stiff. They may be deformed or
may subluxate. Compression with a rotatory movement along the long axis of the digit is called the grinding test and produces pain. Radiography
reveals narrowing of the joint space, sclerosis of subchondral bone, and the presence of osteophytes.
Initial treatment consists of local corticosteroid injection and splinting. Chondroprotective agents such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have
demonstrated ability to reduce symptoms if started early. If this does not provide relief, surgical intervention is required. Synovectomy and joint
dbridement are often all that may be required. In very advanced cases, the DIP joints respond best to resection of osteophytes, followed by arthrodesis
(surgical fusion) of the joint. PIP joints require replacement by silicone prosthesis, although arthrodesis can also be selectively used. The thumb CMC
joint is treated by arthrodesis in the young because it provides greater stability and can tolerate loads better. In the elderly, excision of the trapezium
followed by a suspension-interposition arthroplasty is preferred. The arthroplasty consists of interposing a length of tendon, rolled into a ball, in the
space created by excising the trapezium. In addition, the first metacarpal is suspended from the second with the help of a surgically constructed
tendinous sling. This provides greater stability but is less tolerant of heavy activity, a factor that should not be of great concern in the elderly.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disorder of uncertain origin.[58] The condition can affect all connective tissue elements and leads
to damage of joints, tendons, and ligaments. About 2 million people are affected by this disorder in the United States. Women are two to three times
more susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis, and the disease usually begins in the fourth decade of life. Management of this disorder requires a team effort
and is primarily at two levels. The rheumatoid disease process needs medical management by a rheumatologist whereas the mechanical deformities are
managed by orthopedic and hand surgeons. Psychiatrists, physiotherapists, orthotists, and prosthetists form the remaining members of the team. In the
hand, surgical intervention is required for basically two purposes: reduction of pain and restoration of normal mechanics.
Synovial hypertrophy can be severely painful, and the patient presents with swollen, inflamed joints. Local corticosteroid injections may help, but,
sometimes, synovectomy is indicated. Excising unhealthy synovium also can protect the joint from destruction by reducing pannus formation.
Treatment of the disease process continues at the same time with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as well as disease-modifying
antirheumatoid drugs (DMARDs).
Mechanical derangements occur at all joints and usually follow characteristic patterns. At the wrist this usually takes the form of radial deviation,
whereas in the digits more complex deformity patterns occur.
Boutonnire Deformity

This deformity of digits is characterized by a flexion at the PIP and hyperextension at the DIP joints ( Fig. 7317 ). It is usually caused by attenuation
and eventual rupture of the central slip of the extensor mechanism. The head of the proximal phalanx then luxates dorsally and buttonholes between
the lateral bands of the extensor mechanism. This causes an over-pull on the terminal slip, leading to hyperextension of the DIP joint. If seen early, the
condition can be treated by dynamic splinting. Late cases require surgical correction.

Figure 73-17 Boutonnire deformity.

Swan-Neck Deformity

Swan-neck deformity is the mechanical opposite of a boutonniere deformity and is characterized by hyperextension at the PIP joint and flexion at the
DIP joint ( Fig. 7318 ). The deformity can be caused by a variety of factors, including synovitis and volar plate inadequacy at the PIP joint, tightness of
the intrinsic muscles, and adhesions of the FDS tendon in the flexor sheath with subsequent loss of volar support of the PIP joint. Attenuation or rupture
of the terminal slip of the extensor mechanism can cause a mallet deformity with secondary over-pull of the central slip producing the deformity. As in
boutonnire deformity, swan neck deformity may respond to splinting if seen early. Late cases require surgical correction.
Ulnar Drift

This deformity occurs typically at the MCP joints and is accompanied by an ulnar subluxation of the long extensor tendons. In combination with a radial

deviation of the wrist, ulnar drift of the fingers produces a characteristic Z deformity of the hand ( Fig. 7319 ). The radial collateral ligaments of the
MCP joints are grossly attenuated whereas the ulnar collateral ligaments shorten, maintaining the deformity. Often, the joints are volarly luxated as
well. If seen early, dynamic splinting helps correct the deformity and also decreases synovial inflammation. Late cases require surgery. If the MCP
joints are not eroded or grossly volar luxated, soft tissue realignment suffices. Eroded and grossly luxated MCP joints require additional prosthetic
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Mobility is the most important prerequisite for normal hand function. Various conditions cause stiffness and contractures of hand joints and include
post-traumatic contractures, Dupuytrens disease, and Volkmanns ischemic contracture. Post-traumatic contractures are by far the

Figure 73-18 Swan neck deformity.


Figure 73-19 Z deformity with radial deviation of wrist and ulnar drift of fingers. A, Rheumatoid arthritis of uncorrected right hand. The left hand, which was more severely
deformed, is shown after surgical correction. B, After bilateral surgical correction, both hands functioned normally.

most common and need to be prevented by appropriate treatment of the primary injury, followed by an intensive course of physiotherapy to minimize
scarring as well as maintain the suppleness of soft tissues and joints. Once they develop, contractures, if mild, can be stretched out by rigorous
physiotherapy, including exercises, ultrasound massage, and splinting at night. If severe, surgical release of the contracture is indicated.
Dupuytrens Disease

Dupuytrens disease is a contracture of the palmar aponeurosis, extending into the digits. It is more common in men and is largely of familial origin
typically affecting those with Scandinavian ancestry. It is usually seen after 50 years of age and is autosomal dominant with variable penetrance. There
is some evidence to suggest that it may be more common in patients with a history of epilepsy, alcoholism, diabetes, and myocardial infarction.[59] The
disease usually begins in the ring and small fingers, with the index being the least involved of all digits.
McFarlane, in a landmark article, analyzed in great detail the patterns of fascial involvement in Dupuytrens disease.[60] Accordingly, the disease mainly
involves the longitudinally oriented fibers of the palmar aponeurosis, sparing the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament. Contracture of the natatory
ligaments leads to adduction contractures of the web spaces. In the fingers, the spiral band of Gosset, the lateral digital sheath, and varying parts of
Clelands and Graysons ligaments get involved in a common contracted mass termed the spiral cord. This produces flexion contractures at the MCP
and PIP joints as well as displaces the digital neurovascular bundles into a more superficial and midline position. The latter fact has to be borne in mind
during surgical correction and extreme caution exercised to avoid injuring the neurovascular bundles.
Mere thickening of the palmar fascia into cords or nodules does not require treatment. There is anecdotal evidence that stretching exercises and high
doses of vitamin E (800 mg/day) may help slow down the progression of deformity. Fasciectomy is the surgery of choice and is reserved for patients
with greater than 30


degrees of MCP joint flexion contracture or any degree of PIP joint flexion contracture. In the palm, this is best carried out through a transverse
incision, whereas in the digits vertical incisions are used. After removal of the offending cords, the transverse palmar incisions can be left open or partly
closed while the longitudinal digital incisions are converted into Z-plasties and closed in a tension-free manner. Frequently, local flaps or skin grafts
may be required. Postoperative management includes static night splinting with joint mobilization and stretching exercises. Complications include
hematoma, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and recurrence of contracture.
Volkmanns Ischemic Contracture

Volkmanns ischemic contracture develops as a result of myofascial contractures in response to prolonged ischemia. The most common cause for this is
an unattended compartment syndrome of the forearm or hand, which has been discussed earlier in the chapter. The involved muscles become necrotic
and are replaced by fibrous tissue, which produces contractures that are refractory to passive stretch.
The FDP and FPL muscles are the most commonly and severely affected ones in the forearm. The digits are characteristically flexed, and passive
extension of the wrist worsens the flexion deformity. This is termed Volkmanns sign. In the hand, intrinsic contractures are assessed by Bunnels test,
in which passive extension of the MCP joints produces flexion of the PIP and DIP joints.
If the contracture is mild, passive stretching exercises and serial splinting may solve the problem. If it is severe, the contracture can be released by Z
lengthening of tendons or by performing a muscle slide operation. This latter procedure involves subperiosteal elevation of the common flexor origin
from the humerus and allowing it to slide distally until the contracture is corrected. Rarely, a relative lengthening of the flexor muscles can be achieved
by shortening the skeleton. This is done by performing a carpectomy or by resecting a segment of forearm bones and fixing them in the shortened
position with plates and screws. In its most severe form, Volkmanns ischemic contracture may involve all muscles of a group, leaving no functioning
muscle units behind. In such cases, tendon transfers from adjacent uninvolved groups can provide some return of function.
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The hand is a human beings most effective mechanical tool, and any compromise in its function can have serious repercussions on day-to-day
activities. Increasing mechanization of the world has led to a dramatic increase in the incidence of hand injuries, accounting for almost 25% of all
emergency department visits. Seventy percent of major hand injuries occur as a result of machinery injuries and are most often preventable. It has been
reported that in as many as 81% of industrial injuries, appropriate safety precautions were either not available or were ignored.[61] This raises serious
questions because such injuries occur in the controlled environment of an industrial workshop, which should make them eminently preventable. In the
United States, about 18 million new hand injuries are reported annually, accounting for one fourth of all work-related disabilities. The financial burden
of these injuries is obvious and is caused both by money spent for treatment as well as in lost days of work.
The future of hand surgery is exciting. The absolute explosion of scientific development in the last century has blurred the lines between scientific fact
and fiction. Allograft hand transplantation has been successful and, with continued improvement in immunosuppressive therapy, may become a routine
procedure. Genetic engineering has led to the synthesis of various tissue substitutes, increasing the limits of reconstructive possibilities. Arthroscopicguided laser surgery has already shown its advantages as a minimally invasive method for large joint synovectomy and may soon play a role in the
smaller joints of the hand. Telecommunications and computerization have caused national borders to disappear overnight and have made accurate and
instant recall of information possible. Specialized centers are springing up all over the world to perpetuate spread of knowledge. It is up to the future
generations of surgeons to dedicate themselves to this growing field of hand surgery and help keep its torch burning brightly in the world of medicine.
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Selected References
Ashbell TS, Kleinert HE, Putcha SM, Kutz JE: The deformed finger nail, a frequent result of failure to repair nail bed injuries. J Trauma 7:177190, 1967.
Excellent article on the consequences of neglecting the common fingertip injury.
Kleinert HE, Kutz JE, Ashbell TS, Martinez E: Primary repair of lacerated flexor tendon in no mans land [Abstract]. J Bone Joint Surg Am 49:577, 1967.
Excellent abstract on flexor tendon injuries and early mobilization.
Kleinert HE, Verdan C: Report of the Committee on Tendon. J Hand Surg 8:794798, 1983.
Excellent article on classification of flexor and extensor tendon injuries by zones.
McFarlane RM: Patterns of diseased fascia in the fingers in Dupuytrens contracture: Displacement of the neurovascular bundle. Plast Reconstr Surg 54:3144, 1974.
A citation classic for patterns of fascial contracture in Dupuytrens disease.
Millesi H: Nerve grafting. Clin Plast Surg 11:105113, 1984.
This article describes the anatomic compression sites and clinical classifications of radical nerve compression.
Seddon HJ: Three types of nerve injury. Brain 66:237, 1943.
Landmark article and information on nerve injury types and classification.

Wilgis EF: Observations on the effects of tourniquet ischemia. J Bone Joint Surg Am 53:13431346, 1971.
Thorough review of the principles of tourniquet use, risks, and potential complications.

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Chapter 74 - Gynecologic Surgery

Stephen S. Entman M.D.
Cornelia R. Graves M.D.
Barry K. Jarnagin M.D.
Lynn P. Parker M.D.

Gynecology, along with the co-specialty of obstetrics, represents the art and science of the female reproductive tract. The global knowledge base for the
specialty demands an understanding of embryology and anatomy of female pelvic organs, the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormonal axis, ovulation,
the endometrial response to the hormonal milieu, oocyte fertilization and implantation, embryogenesis, fetal health and development, maternal
adaptation to pregnancy, and labor and delivery. Additionally, obstetric and gynecologic care requires knowledge of functional and pathologic
variations and abnormalities in these processes, including dysfunctional hormonal and endometrial cycling, ovarian accidents, pelvic infection, benign
and malignant neoplasms, abnormal pregnancy implantation, teratogenesis, fetal and maternal complications of pregnancy, and abnormal labor. The full
range of this knowledge is beyond the scope of one chapter. Instead, the focus here is to provide the surgeon with sufficient understanding of the basic
information for effective care of the female patient in need of surgical evaluation and care. The potential settings for this care include the following:
Evaluation of women with abdominopelvic complaints in the emergency setting
Request for intraoperative assistance or consultation by a gynecologic surgeon
Unanticipated pelvic pathologic processes in the operative setting
Emergency surgical care in the absence of an obstetrician-gynecologist
Surgical care of the pregnant patient
To these ends, the chapter is structured to provide the following information:

Anatomy, with attention to surgical anatomic relationships

Reproductive physiology
Clinical evaluation of the female patient, including important elements of history, physical examination and ancillary tests
Special considerations related to gynecologic malignancies
Medical alternatives to surgical management of common gynecologic conditions
Surgical technique for common gynecologic procedures, vulnerabilities for surgical injury, and specific issues related to surgical judgment
Physiologic changes in pregnancy and perioperative and intraoperative care of the pregnant patient
Surgical technique for obstetrical procedures

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The female external genitalia are derived embryologically from the genital tubercle, which in the absence of testosterone fails to undergo fusion and
devolves to the vulvar structures. The labial structures are of ectodermal origin. The urethra, the vaginal introitus, and the vulvar vestibule are derived
from uroepithelial entoderm. The lower third

of the vagina develops from the invagination of the urogenital sinus.

The internal genitalia are derived from the genital ridge. The ovaries develop from the incorporation of primordial germ cells into coelomic epithelium
of the mesonephric (wolffian) duct, and the tubes, uterus, cervix, and upper two thirds of the vagina develop from the paramesonephric (mllerian) duct.
The embryologic ovaries migrate caudad to the true pelvis. Primordial ovarian follicles develop but remain dormant until stimulation in adolescence by
gonadotropins. The paired mllerian ducts migrate caudad and medially to form the fallopian tubes and fuse in the midline to form the uterus, cervix,
and upper vagina. The wolffian ducts regress. Failure or partial failure of these processes can result in distortions of anatomy and potential diagnostic
dilemmas ( Table 741 ).
External Genitalia

The external genitalia consist of the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vulvar vestibule, urethral meatus, and the ostia of the accessory
glandular structures ( Fig. 741 ). These structures overlie the fascial and muscle layers of the perineum. The perineum is the most caudal region of the
trunk and includes the pelvic floor and those structures occupying the pelvic outlet. It is bounded superiorly by the funnel-shaped pelvic diaphragm and
inferiorly by the skin covering the external genitalia, the anus, and adjacent structures. Laterally, the perineum is bounded by the medial surface of the
inferior pubic rami, the obturator internus muscle below the origin of the levator ani muscle, the coccygeus muscle, the medial surface of the
sacrotuberous ligaments, and the overlapping margins of the gluteus maximus muscles ( Fig. 742 ).
The pelvic outlet can be divided into two triangles separated by a line drawn between the ischial tuberosities. The anterior or urogenital triangle has its
apex anteriorly at the symphysis pubis, and the posterior or anal triangle has its apex at the coccyx.
The urogenital triangle contains the urogenital diaphragm, a muscular shelf extending between the pubic
TABLE 74-1 -- Selected Anatomic Abnormalities as a Result of Disrupted Embryogenesis



Duplication of ovary; secondary ovarian rests; paraovarian cysts (wolffian remnants)


Congenital absence; paratubal cyst (hydatid of Morgagni)


Agenesis; complete or partial duplication of the uterine fundus


Agenesis; complete or partial duplication of the cervix


Agenesis; transverse or longitudinal septum; paravaginal (Gartners duct) cyst


Fusion; hermaphroditism; cyst of the canal of Nuck (round ligament cyst)

Synthetic grafts or autogenous vein may be interposed between the portal and systemic venous circulations at a variety of locations (see Fig. 518 ). A
major disadvantage of prosthetic interposition shunts is a high graft thrombosis rate that approaches 35% during the late postoperative interval. This
problem can be avoided by using autogenous vein (internal jugular vein) rather than a prosthetic graft. On the other hand, advantages of these shunts are
that they are relatively easy to construct; the hepatic hilum is avoided, thereby making subsequent liver transplantation less complicated; and they can
be easily occluded if intractable postshunt encephalopathy develops.
The conventional splenorenal shunt consists of anastomosis of the proximal splenic vein to the renal vein. Splenectomy is also done. Because the
smaller proximal rather than the larger distal end of the splenic vein is used, shunt thrombosis is more common after this procedure than after the distal
splenorenal shunt. Although early series noted that postshunt encephalopathy was less common after the conventional splenorenal shunt than after the
portacaval shunt, subsequent analyses have suggested that this low frequency of encephalopathy was probably a result of restoration of hepatic portal
perfusion after shunt thrombosis developed in many patients. A conventional splenorenal shunt that is of sufficient caliber to remain patent gradually
dilates and eventually causes complete portal decompression and portal flow diversion. A purported advantage of the procedure is that hypersplenism is
eliminated by splenectomy. The thrombocytopenia and leukopenia that accompany portal hypertension, however, are rarely of clinical significance,
making splenectomy an unnecessary procedure in most patients.
In summary, nonselective shunts effectively decompress varices. Because of complete portal flow diversion, however, they are complicated by frequent
postoperative encephalopathy and accelerated hepatic failure. Side-to-side nonselective shunts effectively relieve ascites and prevent variceal
hemorrhage. Presently, the only indications for nonselective shunts are in the emergency setting when nonoperative means to control bleeding have
failed, in patients with both variceal hemorrhage and medically intractable ascites, and as a bridge to hepatic transplantation in patients in whom
bleeding is not controlled by endoscopic treatment or TIPS.
Selective Shunts.

The hemodynamic and clinical shortcomings of nonselective shunts stimulated development of the concept of selective variceal decompression. In
1967, Warren and colleagues introduced the distal splenorenal shunt; and in the following year, Inokuchi and associates[29] reported their initial results
with the left gastric vena caval shunt. The latter procedure consists of interposition of a vein graft between the left gastric (coronary) vein and the
inferior vena cava and, thus, directly and selectively decompresses esophagogastric varices. Only a few patients with portal hypertension, however, have
appropriate anatomy for this operation; experience with it has been limited to Japan, and no controlled trials have been conducted.
The distal splenorenal shunt consists of anastomosis of the distal end of the splenic vein to the left renal vein and interruption of all collateral vessels,
such as the coronary and gastroepiploic veins, connecting the superior mesenteric and gastrosplenic components of the splanchnic venous circulation
( Fig. 5110 ). This results in separation of the portal venous circulation into a decompressed gastrosplenic venous circuit and a high-pressure superior
mesenteric venous system that continues to perfuse the liver. Although the procedure is technically demanding, it can be mastered by most well-trained
surgeons who are knowledgeable in the principles of vascular surgery.
Not all patients are candidates for the distal splenorenal shunt. Because sinusoidal and mesenteric hypertension is maintained and important lymphatic
pathways are transected during dissection of the left renal vein, the distal splenorenal shunt tends to aggravate rather than relieve ascites. Thus, patients
with medically intractable ascites should not undergo this procedure. However, the larger population of patients who develop transient ascites after
resuscitation from a variceal hemorrhage are candidates for a selective shunt. Another contraindication to a distal splenorenal shunt is prior
splenectomy. A splenic vein diameter of less than 7 mm is a relative contraindication to the procedure because the incidence of shunt thrombosis is high
when using a small-diameter vein.
Although selective variceal decompression is a sound physiologic concept, the distal splenorenal shunt remains

Figure 51-10 The distal splenorenal shunt provides selective variceal decompression through the short gastric veins, spleen, and splenic vein to the left renal vein. Hepatic portal
perfusion is maintained by interrupting the umbilical vein, coronary vein, gastroepiploic vein, and any other prominent collaterals. (From Salam AA: Distal splenorenal shunts:
Hemodynamics of total versus selective shunting. In Baker RJ, Fischer JE [eds]: Mastery of Surgery, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp 13571366.)


controversial after an extensive clinical experience spanning more than 35 years. [30] [31] The key questions regarding this procedure are, How effective is
it in preserving hepatic portal perfusion? Is it superior to nonselective shunts with respect to duration or quality of survival?
Although the distal splenorenal shunt results in portal flow preservation in more than 85% of patients during the early postoperative interval, the highpressure mesenteric venous system gradually collateralizes to the low-pressure shunt, resulting in loss of portal flow in about half of patients by 1 year.
The degree and duration of portal flow preservation depend on both the cause of portal hypertension and the technical details of the operation (extent to
which mesenteric and gastrosplenic venous circulations are separated). Henderson and coworkers[32] have shown that portal flow is maintained in most
patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis and noncirrhotic portal hypertension (e.g., portal vein thrombosis). In contrast, portal flow rapidly collateralizes to
the shunt in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.
Modification of the distal splenorenal shunt by purposeful or inadvertent omission of coronary vein ligation results in early loss of portal flow. Even
when all major collateral vessels are interrupted, portal flow may be gradually diverted through a pancreatic collateral network (pancreatic siphon). This
pathway can be discouraged by dissecting the full length of the splenic vein from the pancreas (splenopancreatic disconnection), which results in better

preservation of hepatic portal perfusion, especially in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. However, this extension of the procedure makes it technically
more challenging, which may be a significant disadvantage in an era when fewer shunts are being done because of increased use of endoscopic therapy,
TIPS, and hepatic transplantation.
Six of the seven controlled comparisons of the distal splenorenal shunt with nonselective shunts have included predominantly alcoholic cirrhotic
patients.[14] [31] None of these trials has demonstrated an advantage to either procedure with respect to long-term survival. Three of the studies have found
a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the distal splenorenal shunt, whereas the other trials have shown no difference in the incidence of this
postoperative complication. In contrast to survival, encephalopathy is a subjective endpoint that was assessed with a variety of methods in the different
trials. Another important endpoint in comparing treatments for variceal hemorrhage is the effectiveness with which recurrent bleeding is prevented. In
nearly all uncontrolled and controlled series of the distal splenorenal shunt, this procedure has been equivalent to nonselective shunts in preventing
recurrent hemorrhage.[31] Mainly because of these inconsistent results of the controlled trials, there is no consensus as to which shunting procedure is
superior in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Because the quality of life (encephalopathy rate) was significantly better in the distal splenorenal shunt
group in three of the trials, however, there appears to be an advantage to selective variceal decompression even in this population.[33]
Considerably fewer data are available regarding selective shunting in nonalcoholic cirrhosis and in noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Because hepatic
portal perfusion after the distal splenorenal shunt is better preserved in these disease categories, one might expect improved results. A single controlled
trial in patients with schistosomiasis (presinusoidal portal hypertension) demonstrated a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the distal splenorenal
shunt than after a conventional splenorenal shunt (nonselective).[34] The large Emory University series of the distal splenorenal shunt has demonstrated
better survival in patients with nonalcoholic cirrhosis than in those with alcoholic cirrhosis.[30] However, this has not been a consistent finding in all
centers in which the distal splenorenal shunt is performed.
Several controlled trials have also compared the distal splenorenal shunt with chronic endoscopic therapy.[35] In these investigations, recurrent
hemorrhage was more effectively prevented by selective shunting than by sclerotherapy, but hepatic portal perfusion was maintained in a significantly
higher fraction of patients undergoing sclerotherapy. Despite this hemodynamic advantage, encephalopathy rates have been similar after both therapies.
The two North American trials were dissimilar with respect to the effect of these treatments on long-term survival. Sclerotherapy with surgical rescue
for the one third of sclerotherapy failures resulted in significantly better survival than selective shunt alone in one study.[23] In this investigation, 85% of
sclerotherapy failures could be salvaged by surgery.
In contrast, a similar investigation conducted in a sparsely populated area (Intermountain West and Plains) showed superior survival after the distal
splenorenal shunt.[24] Only 31% of sclerotherapy failures could be salvaged by surgery in this trial. The survival results of these two studies suggest that
endoscopic therapy is a rational, initial treatment for patients who bleed from varices if sclerotherapy failure is recognized and such patients promptly
undergo surgery or TIPS. However, patients living in remote areas are less likely to be salvaged by shunt surgery when endoscopic treatment fails, and a
selective shunt may be preferable initial treatment for such patients.
In a nonrandomized comparison to TIPS, the distal splenorenal shunt had lower rates of recurrent bleeding, encephalopathy, and shunt thrombosis.[36]
Ascites was less prevalent after TIPS. A multicenter randomized trial comparing TIPS and the distal splenorenal shunt for the elective treatment of
variceal bleeding in good-risk cirrhotic patients is ongoing, but results are not yet available.
Partial Shunts.

The objectives of partial and selective shunts are the same: (1) effective decompression of varices, (2) preservation of hepatic portal perfusion, and (3)
maintenance of some residual portal hypertension. Initial attempts at partial shunting consisted of smalldiameter vein-to-vein anastomoses, but these
generally either thrombosed or dilated with time, thereby becoming nonselective shunts.
More recently, a small-diameter interposition portacaval shunt using a polytetrafluoroethylene graft, combined with ligation of the coronary vein and
other collateral vessels, has been described ( Fig. 5111 ). When

Figure 51-11 A small-diameter (8- to 10-mm) interposition portacaval shunt partially decompresses the portal venous system and may preserve hepatic portal perfusion. (From Sarfeh
IJ, Rypins EB, Mason GR: A systematic appraisal of portacaval H-graft diameters: Clinical and hemodynamic perspectives. Ann Surg 204:356363, 1986.)

the prosthetic graft is 10 mm or less in diameter, hepatic portal perfusion is preserved in most patients, at least during the early postoperative interval.[37]
Early experience with this small-diameter prosthetic shunt is that fewer than 15% of shunts have thrombosed, and most of these have been successfully

opened by interventional radiologic techniques. A prospective, randomized trial of partial (8 mm in diameter) and nonselective (16 mm in diameter)
interposition portacaval shunts has shown a lower frequency of encephalopathy after the partial shunt but similar survival after both types of shunts.[38]
The number of patients included in this investigation was small, however, and further trials need to be done to confirm this finding. In another
controlled trial, the small-diameter interposition shunt was discovered to have a lower overall failure rate than TIPS.[39]
Nonshunt Operations

The objectives of nonshunt procedures are either ablation of varices or, more commonly, extensive interruption of collateral vessels connecting the
high-pressure portal venous system with the varices. One exception is splenectomy, which is effective in left-sided portal hypertension caused by
splenic vein thrombosis.
The simplest nonshunt operation is transection and reanastomosis of the distal esophagus with a stapling device. This operation, which has generally
been used in the emergency setting, is frequently followed by recurrent hemorrhage. The most effective nonshunt operation is extensive esophagogastric
devascularization combined with esophageal transection and splenectomy ( Fig. 5112 ). The Sugiura procedure preserves the coronary and
paraesophageal veins to maintain a portosystemic collateral pathway and thus discourage re-formation of varices. In Japan, the results with this
operation have been excellent, with rebleeding rates of less than 10%.[40] Extensive devascularization procedures, however, have generally been less
successful in North American patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Long-term follow-up in American series has revealed rebleeding rates of 35% to 55%,
which are similar to the endoscopic therapy experience.[41] In many centers, esophagogastric devascularization procedures are mainly used for
unshuntable patients with diffuse splanchnic venous thrombosis and for patients with distal splenorenal shunt thrombosis.
Hepatic Transplantation

Liver transplantation is not a treatment for variceal bleeding, per se, but rather needs to be considered for all patients who present with end-stage hepatic
failure whether or not it is accompanied by bleeding. Transplantation in patients who have bled secondary to portal hypertension is the only therapy that
addresses the underlying liver disease in addition to providing reliable portal decompression. Because of economic factors and a limited supply of donor
organs, liver transplantation is not available to all patients. Additionally, transplantation is not indicated for some of the more common causes of
variceal bleeding, such as schistosomiasis (normal liver function) and active alcoholism (noncompliance).
There is accumulating evidence that variceal bleeders with well-compensated hepatic functional reserve (Childs classes A and B+) are better served by
nontransplantation strategies initially.[42] [43] The first-line treatment for such patients should be pharmacologic and endoscopic therapy, with portal
decompression by means of an operative shunt or TIPS reserved for those who fail first-line therapy and for circumstances in which pharmacologic or
endoscopic treatment would be risky (e.g., patients with gastric varices and those geographically separated from tertiary medical care).
Patients with variceal bleeding who are transplantation candidates include nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients and abstinent alcoholic cirrhotic patients with
either limited hepatic functional reserve (Childs classes B and C) or a poor quality of life secondary to their disease (e.g., encephalopathy, fatigue, or
bone pain). In these patients, the acute hemorrhage should be treated with endoscopic therapy and the patients transplantation candidacy should be
immediately activated. If sclerotherapy is ineffective, a TIPS should be inserted as a short-term bridge to transplantation.
If a nontransplantation operation (e.g., shunt) is performed initially, these patients should be carefully assessed at 6-month to 1-year intervals and
hepatic transplantation considered when other complications of cirrhosis

Figure 51-12 The Sugiura procedure combines esophageal transection, extensive esophagogastric devascularization, and splenectomy. The paraesophageal collateral vessels are
preserved to discourage re-formation of varices. (Modified from Sugiura M, Futagawa S: Further evaluation of the Sugiura procedure in the treatment of esophageal varices. Arch
Surg 112:1317, 1977.)

develop or hepatic functional decompensation is evident either clinically or by careful assessment with quantitative tests of liver function.

Overall Treatment Plan

An algorithm for definitive management of variceal hemorrhage is shown in Figure 5113. Patients are first grouped according to their transplantation
candidacy. This decision is based on multiple factors: etiology of portal hypertension, abstinence for alcoholic cirrhotic patients, the presence or absence
of other diseases, and physiologic rather than chronologic age. Transplantation candidates with either decompensated hepatic function or a poor quality
of life secondary to their liver disease should undergo transplantation as soon as possible. Most future transplantation and nontransplantation candidates
should undergo initial endoscopic treatment and/or pharmacotherapy unless they bleed from gastric varices or PHG or live in remote geographic
locations and have limited access to emergency tertiary care. Patients who live in remote locations and those who fail endoscopic and drug therapy
should receive a selective shunt if they meet the criteria for this operation. Whether TIPS may be just as effective in this setting is presently undergoing
investigation. Patients with medically intractable ascites in addition to variceal bleeding are best treated with either a TIPS or a side-to-side
portosystemic shunt. If the TIPS eventually fails, an open side-to-side type shunt can then be constructed if the patient has reasonable hepatic function
and is not a transplantation candidate. TIPS is clearly indicated for patients with endoscopic treatment failure who may require transplantation in the
near future and for nontransplantation candidates with advanced hepatic functional deterioration. Future transplantation candidates should be carefully
monitored so that they undergo transplantation at the appropriate time before they become poor operative risks.
The treatment algorithm for variceal bleeding has changed considerably since the 1970s, during which time endoscopic therapy, liver transplantation,
and TIPS have become available to these patients. Nontransplantation operations are now necessary less frequently, the survival results are better
because high operative risk patients are managed by other means, and emergency surgery has nearly been eliminated.[44]
Prevention of Initial Variceal Hemorrhage (Prophylactic Therapy)

The rationale for treating patients with varices before they bleed is the high mortality rate associated with the initial hemorrhage. Because only one third
of patients with varices eventually bleed, unless potential bleeders

Figure 51-13 Algorithm for definitive therapy of variceal hemorrhage (see text). TIPS, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt. (Modified from Rikkers LF: Portal hypertension.
In Levine BA, Copeland E, Howard R, et al [eds]: Current Practice of Surgery, Vol. 3. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1995.)

are more reliably identified, about two thirds of patients undergoing prophylactic therapy would be treated unnecessarily.
The first trials of prophylaxis for variceal hemorrhage compared the portacaval shunt to conventional medical therapy. In these investigations, survival
of shunted patients was actually less than that of medically treated patients because of accelerated hepatic failure secondary to complete portal
diversion.[14] In addition, a significant fraction of shunted patients developed postshunt encephalopathy.

The major impetus for reconsideration of prophylactic therapy was the development of relatively noninvasive treatments (endoscopic therapy and
pharmacotherapy), which should be associated with less morbidity than major operative procedures, and the development of better methods to identify
varices that are likely to bleed.[12] Endoscopic treatment, however, cannot be advocated for prophylaxis because controlled trials have shown no
consistent benefit, and some have demonstrated a higher rebleeding rate and a lower survival rate in the sclerotherapy group than in medically treated
controls.[14] In

contrast, most trials of blockade as prophylactic therapy have found a reduced incidence of initial variceal hemorrhage in treated patients.[14] In several
of these studies, the decreased bleeding rate in the treatment group was statistically significant, and in one study, survival was prolonged in patients
receiving blockade. Because blockade has been associated with few adverse side effects, it can be recommended for reliable patients with varices
that have never bled. Experience with TIPS as a prophylactic procedure is limited.
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Ascites is usually an indicator of advanced cirrhosis and is associated with a 1-year survival rate of approximately 50% compared to a 1-year survival
rate of greater than 90% for patients with cirrhosis but without ascites.[45] Patients with ascites refractory to medical management, those who develop
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and those who evolve to the hepatorenal syndrome have a particularly poor prognosis.
Portal hypertensive ascites is initiated by altered hepatic and splanchnic hemodynamics, which cause transudation of fluid into the interstitial space.
When the rate of interstitial fluid formation exceeds the lymph drainage capacity, ascites accumulates. This pathophysiologic process results in an
intravascular volume deficit, which initiates compensatory mechanisms such as aldosterone secretion, to restore plasma volume. Both the liver and
intestine are important sites of ascites formation, and clinically significant ascites is rare in patients with extrahepatic portal hypertension. The
hypoalbuminemia that often accompanies advanced chronic liver disease may also contribute to ascites formation.
Since avid sodium retention by the kidneys is one of the key mechanisms in the development of ascites, a central goal of treatment is to achieve a
negative sodium balance. A small percentage of patients with ascites can be effectively treated by dietary salt restriction and bed rest alone. More
commonly, diuretic therapy is required and will resolve this complication of portal hypertension in greater than 90% of patients. Since secondary
hyperaldosteronism is a key pathogenetic mechanism in the formation of ascites, a rational first-line diuretic is spironolactone. A combination of salt
restriction (2 g/day) and spironolactone in a dose of 100 to 400 mg/day results in effective diuresis in about two thirds of patients. Clinical trials have
shown that spironolactone alone is just as effective as the combination of spironolactone and furosemide.[46] However, diuretic combination therapy
should be used in those patients who fail to diurese with spironolactone alone. Diuretic therapy can be associated with significant complications since it
can lead to a reduction in intravascular volume and, potentially, renal dysfunction. Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine values should
be followed closely in patients on diuretics, which should be discontinued if azotemia develops.
As a general guideline, patients with new-onset ascites that is barely detectable on physical examination should be placed on salt restriction alone.
However, patients with more advanced or tense ascites usually require the combination of sodium restriction and diuretic therapy. The preferred initial
spironolactone dose is 100 mg/day, and this can be advanced to a maximum dose of 400 mg/day until effective diuresis is achieved. If treatment with
spironolactone alone is ineffective or results in hyperkalemia, furosemide in an initial dose of 40 mg/day should be added to the regimen. During
diuresis, body weight should be carefully monitored and not allowed to decrease at a rate of more than 1 lb/day in patients with ascites alone and no
peripheral edema. More aggressive diuresis usually results in contraction of the intravascular volume and azotemia.
From 5% to 10% of patients with ascites are refractory to medical treatment and require more invasive measures. The two mainstays of therapy in this
group of patients are large-volume paracentesis combined with intravenous albumin administration and TIPS. Because it can be done in the outpatient
setting and is less invasive, the generally preferred initial treatment for patients with ascites refractory to medical treatment is large-volume paracentesis
combined with intravenous albumin infusion in a dose of 6 to 8 g/L of ascites removed.[47] TIPS, which is more effective for the long-term control of
ascites than large-volume paracentesis, should be used in patients who require frequent paracentesis for management of their ascites. After large-volume
paracentesis, ascites is less likely to recur in patients treated with spironolactone than in those not on a diuretic. Controlled trials have shown either
complete or partial resolution of ascites after placement of TIPS in more than 80% of patients with medically intractable ascites.[48] As in patients treated
with TIPS for variceal bleeding, major disadvantages of this therapy are a fairly high rate of encephalopathy and eventual TIPS dysfunction in the
majority of patients.
Although initially effective in the majority of patients, a surgically placed peritoneovenous shunt is seldom used in the management of medically
refractory ascites because of its associated complications such as occlusion, infection, and disseminated intravascular coagulation. Additionally,
controlled trials have shown that this relatively simple operation, which can be done under local anesthesia, is no more effective than medical
management in prolonging patient survival. A surgically constructed side-to-side portal systemic shunt is also effective in relieving ascites. However,
because of the associated morbidity and mortality, these operations are infrequently done and should be used only in ascitic patients who have bled from
esophagogastric varices and in whom TIPS is either not indicated or has failed.
Cirrhotic patients with ascites who develop fever, abdominal tenderness, or worsening hepatic and/or renal function should undergo a diagnostic
paracentesis to rule out spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. This complication of ascites is associated with a mortality rate of approximately 25% per
episode. The diagnosis is made with an ascitic fluid polymorphonuclear leukocyte count of greater than 250/mm3 or a positive ascites culture. The most
common organisms causing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are aerobic gram-negative ones, which likely

come from the bowel via bacterial translocation. Before culture results are available, antibiotic therapy should be initiated when spontaneous bacterial
peritonitis is suspected. A 5- to 10-day course of either cefotaxime or a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have been shown to be effective
treatment.[49] Since spontaneous bacterial peritonitis recurs in more than 70% of patients, prophylactic therapy with oral norfloxacin should be initiated
as soon as intravenous therapy is completed and continued until ascites is resolved.[50]
Another life-threatening complication of portal hypertension is the hepatorenal syndrome that develops almost exclusively in patients with tense ascites
and declining hepatic function. When renal failure is rapidly progressive, the prognosis is poor, with a median survival of approximately 2 weeks. In
other patients, renal failure develops more gradually and the prognosis is somewhat better. The only reliable treatment for the hepatorenal syndrome is
liver transplantation. Because the renal failure is functional rather than structural, once hepatic function is improved and portal hypertension is relieved,
the kidneys recover. A few small series have suggested that renal function may improve in patients with the hepatorenal syndrome after insertion of a
TIPS. However, in this setting, TIPS should be regarded as a bridge to liver transplantation in the near future.
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Portal systemic encephalopathy is a psychoneurologic syndrome that may have a variety of manifestations, including alterations in the level of
consciousness, intellectual deterioration, personality changes, and neurologic findings such as the flapping tremor, asterixis. Although the pathogenesis
of these alterations is unclear, they occur in patients with either significant hepatocellular dysfunction or portal systemic shunting. The shunts may be
congenital, spontaneously form secondary to portal hypertension, or surgically or radiologically (TIPS) constructed. The most common setting for the
development of encephalopathy is in patients with cirrhosis who undergo a procedural shunt. Nonselective shunts such as the operative portacaval shunt
and TIPS are frequently followed by encephalopathy (20% to 40% of patients), whereas this complication is less common in patients who receive a
selective shunt, such as the distal splenorenal shunt.
Most theories of the pathogenesis of encephalopathy are based on circulating cerebral toxins that are intestinally absorbed and bypass the liver by means
of shunts or fail to be inactivated by the livers decreased metabolic capacity. Purported cerebral toxins include ammonia, mercaptans, and aminobutyric acid. The false neurotransmitter hypothesis, based on the high ratio of aromatic to branched chain amino acids present in the blood of
patients with chronic liver disease, has also been proposed to explain the psychoneurologic disturbances observed. Almost certainly the syndrome is
multifactorial, with the bulk of evidence supporting ammonia as the main cerebral toxin. However, the severity of encephalopathy does not correlate
well with blood ammonia levels.
Encephalopathy develops spontaneously in less than 10% of patients, and this form of the syndrome is almost entirely confined to those patients who
undergo a procedural shunt. More commonly, one or more of the following precipitating factors induce the syndrome: gastrointestinal hemorrhage,
excessive diuresis, azotemia, constipation, sedatives, infection, and excess dietary protein. In fact, when encephalopathy develops in a patient with
cirrhosis who is otherwise stable, gastrointestinal bleeding or a subtle infection should be suspected. Most of the precipitating factors cause an increase
in blood ammonia.
Key to the management of encephalopathy is identifying and then eliminating whatever precipitating factors are responsible. Dietary protein should be
restricted, infections should be treated, all sedatives should be discontinued, and intestinal catharsis should be accomplished.
Most episodes of encephalopathy are acute and develop over a period of hours to days. Such episodes may first present with subtle personality changes
and sleep disturbances. As encephalopathy progresses, disorientation, slurred speech, confusion, and eventually coma may develop. The characteristic
flapping tremor asterixis is commonly present and represents an inability to actively maintain posture or position. Neither asterixis nor the
psychoneurologic manifestations of this syndrome are specific to portal systemic encephalopathy and may also be present in other types of metabolic
dysfunction such as renal failure. Nearly all cases of acute encephalopathy are induced by one or more precipitating factors that should be identified and
eliminated. Chronic encephalopathy is considerably less common than acute encephalopathy and generally occurs in patients with either a surgical
nonselective portal systemic shunt or TIPS.
Pharmacologic treatment of encephalopathy is indicated for patients with chronic, intermittent symptoms and for those with persistent, acute
psychoneurologic disturbances despite elimination of precipitating factors. The only drugs with proven effectiveness are neomycin, a poorly absorbed
antibiotic that suppresses ureasecontaining bacteria, and lactulose, a nonabsorbable disaccharide that acidifies colonic contents and also has a cathartic
effect. A likely mechanism of action of both of these drugs is a decrease in the amount of intestinal ammonia and inhibition of its absorption. Acute
episodes of encephalopathy can be treated equally effectively with neomycin and lactulose. Neomycin should be orally administered in a dose of 1.5 g
every 6 hours. In the acute setting, lactulose should be given in a dose of 30 g every 1 or 2 hours until a cathartic effect is noted. The patient should then
be maintained with 20 to 30 g of lactulose two to four times a day or as needed to result in two soft bowel movements daily. Comatose patients can be
treated with lactulose enemas. Lactulose is the mainstay of therapy for chronic encephalopathy because long-term use of neomycin may cause
nephrotoxicity or ototoxicity in some patients. Protein restriction is also a component of the therapeutic regimen. The comatose patient should be
initially treated exclusively with glucose supplements as intravenous fluids. As encephalopathy lessens, 0.5 to 1.2 g/kg

per day of amino acids or proteins should be provided. When an oral diet is resumed, it should initially consist of 40 to 60 g/day of protein, which can
then be gradually increased to a maintenance level of 60 to 80 g/day.
Unproven therapies for encephalopathy include the enteral or parenteral administration of branched-chain amino acids and the drug flumazenil, a
selective antagonist of benzodiazepine receptors. Neither of these treatments have been clearly established in randomized, controlled trials.
Interventional procedures and surgery have improved cerebral function in some patients with encephalopathy by interrupting a surgically constructed
portal systemic shunt or TIPS. Likewise, in isolated cases, occlusion of a major portal systemic collateral, such as the coronary vein, has reversed
encephalopathy after the selective distal splenorenal shunt. Although both total colectomy and colonic exclusion have resolved encephalopathy in some
patients, the high morbidity and mortality rates after these operations in patients with decompensated hepatic disease have prevented their widespread
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Selected References
DAmico G, Pagliaro L, Bosch J: The treatment of portal hypertension: A meta-analytic review. Hepatology 22:332354, 1995.
Since the 1960s, countless controlled trials comparing the various treatments for variceal bleeding have been conducted throughout the world. These authors have
painstakingly tabulated the results of all these trials and applied meta-analysis when appropriate.
Garcia-Tsao G: Current management of the complications of cirrhosis and portal hypertension: Variceal hemorrhage, ascites, and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Gastroenterology.
120:726748, 2001.
This is a superb review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the major life-threatening complications of portal hypertension.
Henderson JM, Barnes DS, Geisinger MA: Portal hypertension. Curr Probl Surg 35:379452, 1998.
This is a superb and complete monograph on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of complications of portal hypertension. The expertise of the authors represents
the disciplines of surgery, gastroenterology, and interventional radiology.
Langer B (ed): World progress in surgerytreatment of portal hypertension, 1994: State of the art. World J Surg 18:169258, 1994.
Included in this issue is a compendium of 14 articles on state-of-the-art treatment of the complications of portal hypertension. Eight articles are devoted to surgical
treatment (shunts, nonshunt operations, and liver transplantation) of variceal bleeding. Other entries deal with endoscopic treatment, pharmacotherapy, portal
hypertension in children, surgical treatment of ascites, and prophylactic therapy for varices that have not bled.
Rikkers LF: The changing spectrum of treatment for variceal bleeding. Ann Surg 228:536546, 1998.
A series of 263 consecutive patients undergoing a variety of operations for variceal bleeding from 1978 to 1996 is presented. Four eras, separated by the times when
endoscopic treatment, liver transplantation, and TIPS were introduced, are analyzed. The author concludes that these innovations have decreased the need for and
improved the results of portal hypertension surgery, which is still indicated for selected patients.
Sharara AI, Rockey DC. Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage. N Engl J Med 345:669681, 2001.
This is a concise review article devoted to the emergency, elective, and prophylactic treatment of variceal bleeding. Excellent algorithms for treatment are provided.

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Chapter 52 - Biliary Tract

Steven A. Ahrendt M.D.
Henry A. Pitt M.D.

Although signs and symptoms of gallstones and extrahepatic biliary obstruction have been recognized for centuries, the surgical management of biliary
tract disorders has evolved recently. The introduction of general anesthesia and antisepsis in 1848 and 1868, respectively, laid the foundation for the
remarkable series of advances that occurred in abdominal surgery during the latter part of the 19th century. Surgery of the biliary tract was no exception.
John Stough Bobb of Indianapolis is credited with performing the first operation on the biliary tract. In 1867, Bobb explored a 32-year-old woman with
a large abdominal mass and discovered a massive gallbladder hydrops. Bobb made a cholecystotomy, removed the gallstones, and sutured the
gallbladder closed. Carl Langenbuch of Berlin is credited with the first cholecystectomy in 1882. Langenbuch performed the cholecystectomy in a 43year-old man with a 16-year history of biliary colic. His patient survived the operation and was discharged from the hospital 8 weeks following the
The operative management of extrahepatic biliary obstruction also evolved rapidly in the late 19th century. The first bilioenteric anastomosis was
performed by Alexander von Winiwarter (a pupil of Theodore Billroth) in Lige in 1880.[1] Von Winiwarter performed a cholecystocolostomy in a 34year-old man with choledocholithiasis and common bile duct obstruction. A palliative biliary tract bypass (cholecystojejunostomy) was first performed
for malignant biliary obstruction in a patient with periampullary cancer in 1887 by Monastryski. Choledochotomy with stone extraction from the
common bile duct was first performed in 1889. However, the high mortality initially associated with this procedure led to the common use of
cholecystojejunostomy for biliary obstruction. Ludwig Courvoisier reported his first 10 cases of cholecystojejunostomy in 1890 with an operative
mortality rate of 20% and advocated its use over cholecystostomy for cases of common bile duct obstruction. Choledochoduodenostomy was initially
attempted for an impacted common duct stone by Oskar Sprengel in Germany in 1891 and following resection of a periampullary cancer in 1898 by
William Stewart Halsted. The use of a Roux-en-Y jejunal limb to create a hepaticojejunostomy as commonly used today was first reported by Robert
Dahl of Stockholm in 1909.[1]
A variety of diagnostic and nonoperative modalities have been developed this century that have further refined the management of patients with biliary
tract disease. The diagnosis of gallstones was improved considerably by oral cholecystography in 1924. In the 1950s, cholescintigraphy and endoscopic
and transhepatic cholangiography were developed permitting nonoperative imaging of the biliary tract. More recently, ultrasonography, computed
tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have vastly improved the ability to image the biliary tract.
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Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
Normal Anatomy

The extrahepatic biliary tract consists of the bifurcation of the left and right hepatic ducts, the common hepatic duct and common bile duct, and the
cystic duct and gallbladder ( Fig. 521 ). The left hepatic duct is formed by the ducts draining segments II, III, and IV of the liver, courses horizontally
along the base of segment IV, and has an extrahepatic length of 2 cm or more. The right hepatic

Figure 52-1 Anatomy of the biliary system and its relationship to surrounding structures.

duct is formed by the right posterior (segments VI and VII) and right anterior (segments V and VIII) hepatic ducts and has a short extrahepatic length.
The hepatic duct bifurcation is usually extrahepatic and anterior to the portal vein bifurcation. The common hepatic duct lies anteriorly in the
hepatoduodenal ligament and joins the cystic duct to from the common bile duct. The common bile duct extends from the cystic duct common hepatic
duct junction inferiorly to the papilla of Vater, where it empties into the duodenum. The common bile duct varies in length from 5 to 9 cm depending on
its junction with the cystic duct and is divided into three segments: supraduodenal, retroduodenal, and intrapancreatic. The distal common bile duct and
pancreatic duct may join outside the duodenal wall to form a long common channel, within the duodenal wall to form a short common channel, or they
may enter the duodenum through two distinct ostia.
The gallbladder is a pear-shaped reservoir in continuity with the common hepatic and common bile ducts via the cystic duct. The gallbladder lies on the
inferior surface of the liver partially enveloped in a layer of peritoneum. The gallbladder is anatomically divided into the fundus, body, infundibulum,
and neck, which empties into the cystic duct. Both the gallbladder neck and the cystic duct contain spirally oriented mucosal folds known as the valves
of Heister. The cystic duct varies in length from 1 to 4 cm usually joining the common hepatic duct at an acute angle.
Common Anomalies and Variations

Anatomic variations in the cystic duct and hepatic ducts are common. Relatively frequent variations in hepatic ductal anatomy include the right
posterior hepatic duct joining the common hepatic duct distal to the union of the right anterior and left hepatic ducts (12%) and the right anterior
hepatic duct joining the common hepatic duct distal to the union of the right posterior and left hepatic ducts (16%) ( Fig. 522 ). [2] The cystic duct
usually enters the common bile duct at an acute angle. However, the cystic duct may run parallel to the common hepatic duct for a variable distance
before joining it on its right side or pass anterior or posterior to the common hepatic duct before joining it on its left side. In addition, the cystic duct
may join either the right hepatic duct or a segmental right hepatic duct. An accessory hepatic duct or cholecystohepatic duct may also enter the
gallbladder through the gallbladder fossa and, if encountered during a cholecystectomy, should be ligated to prevent a biliary fistula.
Anomalies of the gallbladder are much less frequent than variations in ductal anatomy. Agenesis of the gallbladder is rare (200 reported cases), and
duplication of

Figure 52-2 Main variations in the confluence of the left and right hepatic ducts. A, Typical anatomy of the confluence. B, Trifurcation of left, right anterior, and right posterior
hepatic ducts. C, Aberrant drainage of a right anterior (C1) or posterior (C2) sectoral hepatic duct into the common hepatic duct. DF, Less common variations in hepatic ductal
anatomy. (AF, From Smadja C, Blumgart L: The biliary tract and the anatomy of biliary exposure. In Blumgart L [ed]: Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tract. New York, Churchill
Livingstone, 1994, pp 1124.)

the gallbladder (two separate gallbladders each with its own cystic duct) occurs in 1 of 4000 births.
Vascular Anatomy
Normal Anatomy and Variations

The gallbladder is supplied by the cystic artery, which most commonly is a single branch of the right hepatic artery. The cystic artery may also originate
from the left hepatic, common hepatic, gastroduodenal, or superior mesenteric arteries. The cystic artery is usually located parallel and medial to the
cystic duct, but its course varies with its origin. The cystic artery divides into superficial and deep branches before entering the gallbladder.
The blood supply to the extrahepatic biliary tree originates distally from the gastroduodenal, retroduodenal, and posterior superior pancreatoduodenal
arteries and proximally from the right hepatic and cystic arteries. These arteries supply the common bile and common hepatic ducts through branches
running parallel to the duct in the 3 and 9 oclock positions.
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Biliary Physiology
Bile Ducts

The bile ducts, gallbladder, and sphincter of Oddi act in concert to modify, store, and regulate the flow of bile. During its passage through the bile
ductules and hepatic duct, canalicular bile is modified by the absorption and secretion of electrolytes and water. The gastrointestinal hormone, secretin,
increases bile flow primarily by increasing the active secretion of chloride-rich fluid by the bile ducts and ductules. Bile ductular secretion is also
stimulated by other hormones such as cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin. The bile duct epithelium is also capable of water and electrolyte absorption,
which may be of primary importance in the storage of bile during fasting in patients who have previously undergone cholecystectomy.

The main functions of the gallbladder are to concentrate and store hepatic bile during the fasting state and deliver bile into the duodenum in response to
a meal. The usual capacity of the human gallbladder is only about 40 to 50 mL. Only a small fraction of the 600 mL of bile produced each day would be
stored were it not for its remarkable absorptive capacity. The gallbladder mucosa has the greatest absorptive capacity per unit area of any structure in
the body. Bile is usually concentrated 5-fold to 10-fold by the absorption of water and electrolytes leading to a marked change in bile composition
( Table 521 ). [3]
Active NaCl transport by the gallbladder epithelium is the driving force for the concentration of bile. Water is passively absorbed in response to the
osmotic force generated by solute absorption. The concentration of bile may affect the solubilities of two important components of gallstones: calcium
and cholesterol. Although the gallbladder mucosa does absorb calcium, this process is not nearly as efficient as for sodium or water, leading to greater
relative increase in calcium concentration. As the gallbladder bile becomes concentrated, several changes occur in the capacity of bile to solubilize
cholesterol. The solubility in the micellar fraction is increased, but the

TABLE 52-1 -- Composition of Hepatic and Gallbladder Bile


Hepatic *

Gallbladder *


















Bile acids







Total solids





* All amounts, except pH, are expressed in milliequivalents per liter.

stability of phospholipid-cholesterol vesicles is greatly decreased. Because cholesterol crystal precipitation occurs preferentially by vesicular rather than
micellar mechanisms, the net effect of concentrating bile is an increased tendency to nucleate cholesterol (see Gallstone Pathogenesis).[3]
The gallbladder epithelial cell secretes at least two important products into the gallbladder lumen: glycoproteins and hydrogen ions. Secretion of mucus
glycoproteins occurs primarily from the glands of the gallbladder neck and cystic duct. The resultant mucin gel is believed to constitute an important
part of the unstirred layer (diffusion-resistant barrier) that separates the gallbladder cell membrane from the luminal bile. This mucus barrier may be
very important in protecting the gallbladder epithelium from the strong detergent effect of the highly concentrated bile salts found in the gallbladder.
However, considerable evidence also suggests that mucin glycoproteins play a role as a pronucleating agent for cholesterol crystallization. The transport
of hydrogen ions by the gallbladder epithelium leads to a decrease in gallbladder bile pH through a sodium-exchange mechanism. Acidification of bile
promotes calcium solubility, thereby preventing its precipitation as calcium salts. The gallbladders normal acidification process lowers the pH of
entering hepatic bile from 7.5 to 7.8 down to 7.1 to 7.3.[3]
Biliary Motility

Gallbladder filling is facilitated by tonic contraction of the ampullary sphincter, which maintains a constant pressure in the common bile duct (10 to 15
mm Hg). The gallbladder does not, however, simply fill passively and continuously during fasting. Rather, periods of filling are punctuated by brief
periods of partial emptying (10% to 15% of its volume) of concentrated gallbladder bile that are coordinated with each passage through the duodenum
of phase III of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC). This process is mediated, at least in part, by the hormone motilin. Following a meal, the
release of stored bile from the gallbladder requires a coordinated motor response of gallbladder contraction and sphincter of Oddi relaxation. One of the

main stimuli to gallbladder emptying is the hormone CCK, which is released from the duodenal mucosa in response to a meal. When stimulated by
eating, the gallbladder empties 50% to 70% of its contents within 30 to 40 minutes. Gallbladder refilling then occurs gradually over the next 60 to 90
minutes. Many other hormonal and neural pathways are also necessary for the coordinated action of the gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi. Defects in
gallbladder motility, which increase the residence time of bile in the gallbladder, play a central role in the pathogenesis of gallstones.[3]
Sphincter of Oddi

The human sphincter of Oddi is a complex structure that is functionally independent from the duodenal musculature. Endoscopic manometric studies
have demonstrated that the human sphincter of Oddi creates a high-pressure zone between the bile duct and the duodenum. The sphincter regulates the
flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum, prevents the regurgitation of duodenal contents into the biliary tract, and also diverts bile into the
gallbladder. This latter function is achieved by keeping pressure within the bile and pancreatic ducts higher than duodenal pressure. The sphincter of
Oddi also has very high-pressure phasic contractions. The exact functions of these phasic waves in humans is not known, but they may play a role in
preventing the regurgitation of duodenal contents into the biliary tract.
Both neural and hormonal factors influence the sphincter of Oddi. In humans, sphincter of Oddi pressure and phasic wave activity diminish in response
to CCK. Thus, sphincter pressure relaxes after a meal, allowing the passive flow of bile into the duodenum. During fasting, high-pressure phasic
contractions of the sphincter of Oddi persist through all phases of the MMC. Recent animal studies suggest, however, that sphincter of Oddi phasic
waves do vary to some degree in concert with the MMC. Thus, sphincter of Oddi activity is undoubtedly coordinated with the partial gallbladder
emptying and increases in bile flow that occur during phase III of the MMC. This activity may be a preventative mechanism against the accumulation of
biliary crystals during fasting.[3]
Neurally mediated reflexes link the sphincter of Oddi with the gallbladder and stomach to coordinate the flow of bile and pancreatic juice into the
duodenum. The cholecystosphincter of Oddi reflex allows the human sphincter to relax as the gallbladder contracts. Similarly, antral distention causes
both gallbladder contraction and sphincter relaxation.



Bile in the gallbladder or bile ducts in the absence of gallstones or any other biliary tract disease is normally sterile. In the presence of gallstones or
biliary obstruction the prevalence of bactibilia increases. The presence of positive bile cultures is influenced by several factors including the severity or
type of biliary disease and the patients age. The percentage of positive gallbladder bile cultures among patients with symptomatic gallstones and
chronic cholecystitis ranges from 11% to 30%. The prevalence of positive gallbladder bile cultures is higher in patients with acute cholecystitis than
chronic cholecystitis (46% vs. 22%) and increases further in the presence of common bile duct stones. In a recent study, 46% of patients with acute
cholecystitis had positive gallbladder bile cultures.[4] In addition, 58% of patients with gallstones and common bile duct stones but without cholangitis
had positive gallbladder and common duct bile cultures, whereas 94% of patients with gallstones, common bile duct stones, and cholangitis had positive
bile cultures.[4] All patients with common bile duct stones after cholecystectomy had bactibilia. Positive bile cultures were significantly more common in
elderly (>60 years) patients with symptomatic gallstones than in younger patients (45% vs. 16%). Patients with cholangitis due to malignant biliary
obstruction are also more likely to have a positive bile culture than patients with a benign cause of biliary obstruction (stones, stricture, sclerosing
Gram-negative aerobes are the organisms most frequently isolated from bile in patients with symptomatic gallstones, acute cholecystitis, or cholangitis.
Escherichia coli and Klebsiella species are the most common gram-negative bacteria isolated. However, the more resistant organisms Pseudomonas and
Enterobacter are being seen with increased frequency, particularly in patients with malignant biliary obstruction, who may have been treated with
antibiotics previously for a biliary tract infection ( Table 522 ). [5] Other common isolates include the gram-positive aerobes, Enterococcus, and
Streptococcus viridans. Anaerobes, such as Bacteroides species and Clostridium, continue to play a small but significant role in biliary infections. The
prevalence of anaerobic bacteria is 10% to 13% in patients with acute cholecystitis or cholangitis. Candida species are also being increasingly
recognized as a significant biliary pathogen particularly in critically ill patients. The majority of patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis, acute
cholecystitis, or common bile duct stones in the absence of cholangitis have a single organism isolated in bile cultures. Polymicrobial infections are
more common in patients with cholangitis. In analyzing response to therapy, the isolation of Candida, panresistant bacteria, and more than two bacteria
are associated with treatment failures.
The source of bacteria in patients with biliary tract infections is controversial. The majority of evidence favors an ascending route via the duodenum as
the main source of biliary bacteria. The bacterial flora in the small intestine is similar to that detected in the biliary tract. In addition, in the majority of
patients gallbladder and common bile duct cultures yield a similar result. Furthermore, the
TABLE 52-2 -- Organisms Isolated from Bile of Patients with Either a Benign or Malignant Etiology of Cholangitis
Benign Cause (%)(n= 42)

Malignant Cause (%)(n =


Klebsiella species


72 *

Escherichia coli



Enterobacter species


48 *

Pseudomonas species



Citrobacter species



Proteus species






Streptococcus species



Bacteroides species



Clostridium species





Candida species

28 *



At least one organism isolated



Adapted from Thompson JE Jr, Pitt HA, Doty JE, et al: Broad-spectrum penicillin as an adequate therapy for acute cholangitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet
171:275282, 1990.
* P < 0.005 vs. benign.
P < 0.025 vs. benign.

prevalence of bactibilia is highest in the elderly in whom biliary motility and clearance have decreased.[4]
Antibiotic Selection

Antibiotics should be used prophylactically in most patients undergoing elective biliary tract surgery or other biliary tract manipulations such as
endoscopic or percutaneous cholangiography ( Box 521 ).[6] The risk of postoperative infectious complications corresponds to the presence of
bactibilia, which occurs in 11% to 30% of patients with gallstones, but is difficult to determine preoperatively. In low-risk patients undergoing
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis, the incidence of wound infections is low (1%), and several prospective randomized trials have
not demonstrated any benefit to prophylactic antibiotics. In high-risk patients (elderly, recent acute cholecystitis, high risk of conversion to open
cholecystectomy) a single dose of the first-generation cephalosporin, cefazolin, provides good coverage against the gram-negative aerobes commonly
isolated from bile and skin flora.
Therapeutic antibiotics are used in patients with acute cholecystitis and acute cholangitis. In both diseases gram-negative aerobes play a major role and
are well covered by the second- or third-generation cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, ureidopenicillins, carbapenems, and the fluoroquinolones.
Ureidopenicillins, such as piperacillin, offer the advantage of gram-positive coverage, including the

Box 52-1. Recommended Antibiotics for Use in Biliary Tract Surgery

Open Cholecystectomy
Cefazolin (12 g single dose)
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Low risk
High-risk *
Cefazolin (12 g single dose)
Other Open Biliary Tract Operations
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Cefoperazone, cefotetan, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone
ERCPLow Risk
ERCPHigh Risk /Percutaneous Biliary Drainage
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Cefoperazone, cefotetan, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone

Acute Cholecystitis
Cefotetan, cefoxitin, ceftizoxime
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Acute Cholangitis
Piperacillin/tazobactam, ampicillin/sulbactam, ticarcillin/
Ciprofloxacin + metronidazole
Imipenem/cilastatin, meropenem
ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
Adapted from Cox J, Ahrendt S: Antibiotic selection in biliary tract surgery. In
Cameron J (ed): Current Surgical Therapy. St. Louis, Mosby, 2001, p 494.
* Elderly patients, recent acute cholecystitis, jaundiced, increased risk of conversion to
open procedure.
Presence of biliary obstruction or high-risk for developing infective endocarditis.

enterococci and of anaerobic coverage. When combined with a -lactamase inhibitor such as tazobactam, piperacillin offers extended and improved
coverage against organisms with acquired resistance. Most fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin do not cover the anaerobes and should be used in
combination with an agent with anaerobic coverage (i.e., metronidazole). Pseudomonas has been recovered with increased frequency in patients with
cholangitis, particularly with chronic indwelling stents, and should be covered in severely ill patients. Both mezlocillin and piperacillin have performed
as well as combination therapy including an aminoglycoside in prospective, randomized trials in patients with cholangitis.
Obstructive Jaundice

Jaundice is a frequent manifestation of biliary tract disorders, and the evaluation and management of the jaundiced patient are common problems facing
the general surgeon. Normal serum bilirubin ranges from 0.5 to 1.3 mg/dL; when levels exceed 2.0 mg/dL, the bilirubin staining of the tissues becomes
clinically apparent as jaundice. In addition, the presence of conjugated bilirubin in the urine is one of the first changes noted by patients.
Bilirubin is the normal breakdown product of hemoglobin produced from senescent red blood cells by the reticuloendothelial system. Insoluble
unconjugated bilirubin is transported to the liver bound to albumin. Bilirubin is transported across the sinusoidal membrane of the hepatocyte into the
cytoplasm. The enzyme uridine diphosphateglucuronyl transferase then conjugates the insoluble unconjugated bilirubin with glucuronic acid to form
the water-soluble conjugated forms, bilirubin monoglucuronide and bilirubin diglucuronide. Conjugated bilirubin is then actively secreted into the bile
canaliculus. In the terminal ileum and colon, bilirubin is converted to urobilinogen, 10% to 20% of which is reabsorbed into the portal circulation. This
urobilinogen is either re-excreted into the bile or excreted by the kidneys into the urine.
Diagnostic Evaluation

The differential diagnosis of jaundice parallels the metabolism of bilirubin ( Table 523 ). Disorders resulting in jaundice can be divided into those
causing medical jaundice such as increased production, decreased hepatocyte transport or conjugation, or impaired excretion of bilirubin or into those
causing surgical jaundice through impaired delivery of bilirubin into the intestine. Common causes of increased bilirubin production include the
hemolytic anemias and acquired causes of hemolysis including sepsis, burns, and transfusion reactions. Bilirubin uptake and conjugation can be affected
by drugs, sepsis, and the aftermath of viral hepatitis. Impaired excretion of bilirubin leads to intrahepatic cholestasis and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.
Common causes of impaired excretion include viral or alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and drug-induced cholestasis. Extrahepatic biliary obstruction can
be caused by a variety of disorders including choledocholithiasis, benign biliary strictures, periampullary cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, or primary
sclerosing cholangitis.
While diagnosing jaundice, the physician must be able to distinguish among defects in bilirubin uptake, conjugation, or excretion that are usually
managed medically from extrahepatic biliary obstruction, which is usually handled by a surgeon, interventional radiologist, or endoscopist ( Fig. 523 ).
In most cases, a careful history,

TABLE 52-3 -- Differential Diagnosis of Jaundice

Abnormality in Bilirubin Metabolism



Increased production


Multiple transfusions, transfusion reaction, sepsis, burns, congenital

hemoglobinopathies, hemolysis

Impaired hepatocyte uptake or



Gilberts disease, Crigler-Najjar syndrome, neonatal jaundice, viral

hepatitis, drug inhibition, sepsis

Impaired transport and excretion


Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotors syndrome, cirrhosis, amyloidosis, cancer,

hepatitis (viral, drug induced, or alcoholic), pregnancy

Biliary obstruction


Choledocholithiasis, benign stricture, periampullary cancer,

cholangiocarcinoma, chronic pancreatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis

Figure 52-3 Diagnostic algorithm for the jaundiced patient. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; MRCP, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography; PTC,
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography.


physical examination, routine laboratory tests, and noninvasive radiologic imaging differentiate extrahepatic biliary obstruction from other causes of
jaundice. Cholelithiasis is often associated with right upper quadrant pain and indigestion. Jaundice from common bile duct stones is usually transient
and associated with pain and often fever (cholangitis). The gradual onset of painless jaundice with associated weight loss is suggestive of a malignancy.
If jaundice occurs after cholecystectomy, retained bile duct stones or an injury to the bile duct should be suspected.
Laboratory tests that should be performed in all jaundiced patients include serum direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases,
amylase, and a complete blood cell count. Unconjugated (indirect) hyperbilirubinemia occurs when there is an increase in bilirubin production or a
decrease in hepatocyte uptake and conjugation. Defects in bilirubin excretion (intrahepatic cholestasis) or extrahepatic biliary obstruction result in a
predominantly conjugated (direct) hyperbilirubinemia. The highest elevations in serum bilirubin are usually found in patients with malignant
obstruction, in whom levels exceeding 15 mg/dL are observed. Common bile duct stones are usually associated with a more moderate increase in serum
bilirubin (4 to 8 mg/dL). Alkaline phosphatase is a more sensitive marker of biliary obstruction and may be elevated first in patients with partial biliary
The goals of radiologic evaluation of the jaundiced patient include (1) the confirmation of clinically suspected biliary obstruction by the demonstration
of intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic bile duct dilation; (2) the identification of the site and cause of the obstruction; and (3) selection of the appropriate
treatment modality for managing the jaundice. Ultrasonography is often the initial screening test in patients with suspected extrahepatic biliary
obstruction. Dilation of the extrahepatic (>10 mm) or intrahepatic (>4 mm) bile ducts suggests biliary obstruction. Ultrasound is also accurate at
identifying gallstones, liver metastases, and occasionally masses of the liver and pancreas as possible causes of jaundice. CT scanning is also very
sensitive at identifying biliary dilation ( Fig. 524 ). CT scanning is less sensitive than ultrasound at detecting gallstones; however, it is more accurate
than ultrasound at identifying the site and cause of extrahepatic biliary obstruction. Spiral CT scanning provides additional staging information
including vascular involvement in patients with periampullary tumors. In patients in whom biliary obstruction from gallstones is suspected ultrasound is
the appropriate initial radiologic evaluation, whereas in patients with a suspected periampullary tumor, a CT scan is the appropriate initial imaging
Cholangiography is often necessary to delineate the site and cause of biliary obstruction. MR cholangiography (MRC) is noninvasive and provides
excellent anatomic detail. Both endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERC) and percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) are invasive
procedures with a 2% to 5% risk of complications but offer the opportunity for a therapeutic intervention (see later). ERC is most useful in imaging
patients with periampullary tumors and choledocholithiasis. Occasionally, ERC is not feasible in patients with altered gastroduodenal

Figure 52-4 Abdominal CT scan in jaundiced patient with pancreatic cancer. The scan shows dilation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts as well as the common bile duct and pancreatic
duct, suggestive of distal common bile duct obstruction.

anatomy. PTC is the preferred technique in patients with proximal biliary obstruction or in patients in whom ERC is not technically possible.
Endoscopic Management

Several conditions causing jaundice can also be treated at the time of endoscopic cholangiography. The common bile duct can be cleared of stones using
endoscopically passed balloon catheters or baskets following a sphincterotomy. The success of endoscopic techniques at clearing retained common bile
duct stones ranges from 85% to 90%.[7] Malignant biliary strictures involving the mid or distal common bile duct are also amenable to endoscopically
placed stents to internally decompress the biliary tract and relieve jaundice. Both polyurethane and expandable metallic stents are available for
endoscopic use. Metallic stents remain patent longer; however, they are more difficult to exchange once they occlude.
Percutaneous Management

The percutaneous route is also available for access to the biliary tract and the treatment of obstructing jaundice. This approach is favored in patients
with more proximal bile duct obstruction involving or proximal to the hepatic duct bifurcation. Percutaneously placed polyurethane or metallic stents
can usually be passed across an obstructing biliary lesion into the duodenum to permit internal biliary drainage. Serial dilation of the stent tract can also
facilitate passage of a flexible choledochoscope into the biliary tree for direct visualization, biopsy, or management of any obstructing lesions or stones.
Operative Risk Factors

A careful evaluation of the overall general medical condition of the patient as well as an accurate staging evaluation

are necessary prior to selecting the appropriate management for the patient with obstructive jaundice. The preoperative assessment should include the
usual evaluation of cardiac risk factors, respiratory status, and renal function, as well as overall performance status measured by one of several
performance scales. In addition, patients with obstructive jaundice have several further physiologic abnormalities, which require careful evaluation.
These abnormalities include alterations in hepatic and pancreatic function, the gastrointestinal barrier, immune function, hemostatic mechanisms, and
wound healing. Hepatic protein synthesis, hepatic reticuloendothelial function, and other aspects of hepatic metabolism may be significantly altered in
patients with obstructive jaundice. In addition, endotoxemia, which occurs frequently with obstructive jaundice, may contribute to renal, cardiac, and
pulmonary insufficiency observed in patients with obstructive jaundice.
Altered cell-mediated immunity increases the risk of infection, whereas coagulation disorders make these patients prone to bleeding problems. Several
studies have defined preoperative risk factors associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing treatment for malignant
biliary obstruction. Malnutrition (hypoalbuminemia), the presence of sepsis (cholangitis), and renal insufficiency all are associated with an increase in
operative morbidity and mortality in biliary tract surgery. Control of sepsis and intensive nutritional support should be undertaken preoperatively in the
malnourished patient with cholangiocarcinoma.
Preoperative Biliary Drainage

The preoperative relief of jaundice and the reversal of its systemic effects by either endoscopic or transhepatic biliary decompression have been
proposed as a method to decrease the risk of surgery in jaundiced patients. However, several prospective, randomized studies have shown that the
routine use of preoperative biliary drainage does not reduce operative morbidity or mortality in patients with obstructive jaundice. In addition, a recent
meta-analysis also concluded that preoperative biliary drainage increased rather than decreased overall complications (from surgery and the drainage
procedure) and provided no benefit in terms of reduced mortality or decreased hospital stay.[8] In fact, several studies have documented a higher
incidence of infectious complications (wound infection, pancreatic fistula) and even mortality in patients undergoing pancreatic or biliary tract resection
after preoperative biliary decompression.[8] [9] Although preoperative biliary drainage should not be used routinely in the jaundiced patient, it may be
useful in carefully selected patients with advanced malnutrition or biliary sepsis.[8] [9] Preoperatively placed transhepatic catheters can also be of
significant technical help to the surgeon in identifying the intrahepatic ducts in cases of difficult hilar dissections for bile duct strictures or
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Gallstone Pathogenesis

Bile facilitates the intestinal absorption of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins and represents the route of excretion for certain organic solids, such as
bilirubin and cholesterol. The major organic solutes in bile are bilirubin, bile salts, phospholipids, and cholesterol. Bilirubin is the breakdown product of
spent red blood cells and is conjugated with glucuronic acid prior to being excreted. Bile salts solubilize lipids and facilitate their absorption.
Phospholipids are synthesized in the liver in conjunction with bile salt synthesis. The final major solute of bile is cholesterol, which is also produced
primarily by the liver with little contribution from dietary sources. Cholesterol is highly nonpolar and insoluble in water and, thus, in bile. The normal
volume of bile secreted daily by the liver is 500 to 1000 mL.
Gallstones represent a failure to maintain certain biliary solutes, primarily cholesterol and calcium salts, in a solubilized state. Gallstones are classified
by their cholesterol content as either cholesterol or pigment stones. Pigment stones are further classified as either black or brown. Pure cholesterol
gallstones are uncommon (10%), with most cholesterol stones containing calcium salts in their center, or nidus. In most American populations, 70% to
80% of gallstones are cholesterol, and black pigment stones account for most of the remaining 20% to 30%.
An important biliary precipitate in gallstone pathogenesis is biliary sludge, which refers to a mixture of cholesterol crystals, calcium bilirubinate
granules, and a mucin gel matrix. Biliary sludge has been observed clinically in prolonged fasting states or with the use of long-term total parenteral
nutrition. Both of these conditions are also associated with gallstone formation. The finding of macromolecular complexes of mucin and bilirubin,
similar to biliary sludge in the central core of most cholesterol gallstones, suggests that sludge may serve as the nidus for gallstone growth.
Cholesterol Gallstones

The pathogenesis of cholesterol gallstones is clearly multifactorial but essentially involves three stages: (1) cholesterol supersaturation in bile, (2)
crystal nucleation, and (3) stone growth. For many years, gallstones were thought to result primarily from a defect in the hepatic secretion of biliary
lipids. More recently, it has become increasingly clear that gallbladder mucosal and motor function also play key roles in gallstone formation. The key
to maintaining cholesterol in solution is the formation of both micelles, a bile salt-phospholipid-cholesterol complex, and cholesterol-phospholipid
vesicles. Present theory suggests that in states of excess cholesterol production, these large vesicles may also exceed their capability to transport
cholesterol, and crystal precipitation may occur. Cholesterol solubility depends on the relative concentration of cholesterol, bile salts, and phospholipid.
By plotting the percentages of each component on triangular coordinates,

Figure 52-5 Triangular-phase diagram with axes plotted in percent cholesterol, lecithin (phospholipid), and the bile salt sodium taurocholate. Below the solid line, cholesterol is
maintained in solution in micelles. Above the solid line, bile is supersaturated with cholesterol and precipitation of cholesterol crystals can occur. Ch, cholesterol. (From Donovan JM,
Carey MC: Separation and quantitation of cholesterol carriers in bile. Hepatology 12:94S, 1990.)

the micellar zone in which cholesterol is completely soluble can be demonstrated ( Fig. 525 ). In the area above the curve, bile is supersaturated with
cholesterol, and precipitation of cholesterol crystals can occur.
Cholesterol supersaturation is present in many normal humans without gallstones, and a significant overlap exists in cholesterol saturation in patients
with and without gallstones. Thus, cholesterol supersaturation results in a metastable state in which cholesterol precipitation may or may not take place
and additional factors in bile must be present, therefore, to either enhance or inhibit the nucleation of cholesterol leading to the next stage in gallstone
Nucleation refers to the process in which solid cholesterol monohydrate crystals form and conglomerate. Nucleation occurs more rapidly in gallbladder
bile of patients with cholesterol stones than in individuals with cholesterol-saturated bile without stones. As bile is concentrated in the gallbladder, a net
transfer of phospholipids and cholesterol from vesicles to micelles occurs. The phospholipids are transferred more efficiently than cholesterol, leading
to cholesterol enrichment of the remaining vesicles. These cholesterol-rich vesicles aggregate to form large multilamellar liquid vesicles that then
precipitate cholesterol monohydrate crystals. Several pronucleating factors including mucin glycoproteins, immunoglobulins, and transferrin accelerate
the precipitation of cholesterol in bile.
For gallstones to cause clinical symptoms, they must obtain a size sufficient to produce mechanical injury to the gallbladder or obstruction of the biliary
tree. Growth of stones may occur in two ways: (1) progressive enlargement of individual crystals or stones by deposition of additional insoluble

precipitate at the bile-stone interface or (2) fusion of individual crystals or stones to form a larger conglomerate. In addition, defects in gallbladder
motility increase the residence time of bile in the gallbladder, thereby playing a role in stone formation. Gallstone formation occurs in clinical states
with gallbladder stasis, as seen with prolonged fasting, the use of long-term parenteral nutrition, after vagotomy, and in patients with somatostatinproducing tumors or in those receiving long-term somatostatin therapy.[3]
Pigment Gallstones

With the recognition that calcium salts are present in most, if not all, cholesterol gallstones, renewed interest has developed in the events leading to the
precipitation of calcium with the anions, bilirubin, carbonate, phosphate, or palmitate. Precipitation of these anions as insoluble calcium salts serves as a
nidus for cholesterol stone formation. Furthermore, calcium bilirubinate and calcium palmitate also form major components of pigment gallstones.
Pigment gallstones are classified as either black or brown pigment stones. Black pigment stones are typically tarry and are associated frequently with
hemolytic conditions or cirrhosis. In hemolytic states, the bilirubin load and concentration of unconjugated bilirubin increases. These stones are usually
not associated with infected bile and are located almost exclusively in the gallbladder. In contrast, brown pigment stones are earthy in texture and are
typically found in the bile ducts, especially in Asian populations. Brown stones often contain more cholesterol and calcium palmitate and occur as
primary common duct stones in Western patients with disorders of biliary motility and associated bacterial infection. In these settings, bacteriaproducing slime and those containing the enzyme-glucuronidase cause enzymatic hydrolysis of soluble conjugated bilirubin glucuronide to form free
bilirubin, which then precipitates with calcium.[3]
Natural History of Gallstone Disease

Once gallstones develop, they remain silent (asymptomatic) or they can produce biliary pain by obstructing the cystic duct. Additional complications
related to gallstones

Figure 52-6 Influence of age and gender on the incidence of cholelithiasis. Gallstones are more common in females and increase in incidence with aging. (Adapted from Bateson MC:
Gallbladder disease and cholecystectomy rate are independently variable. Lancet 2:621624, 1984.)

include acute cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis with or without cholangitis, gallstone pancreatitis, gallstone ileus, and even gallbladder carcinoma. The
prevalence of gallstones is related to a number of factors including age, gender, weight, family history, and ethnic background. The age-related
incidence of gallstones among men and women is shown in Figure 526 .[10] In addition, common dietary factors and medications can also influence the
risk of developing symptomatic gallstones. For example, coffee consumption lowers and hormone therapy increases the risk of developing symptomatic
Gallstones are common and are frequently identified at laparotomy or on sonography or with other radiologic studies in patients without typical
symptoms of biliary tract disease. Several studies have examined the likelihood of developing biliary colic, more significant complications of gallstone
disease, or of undergoing cholecystectomy. Approximately 1% to 2% of asymptomatic individuals with gallstones develop serious symptoms or
complications related to their gallstones per year, and a similar percentage require cholecystectomy. Over a 20-year period, two thirds of asymptomatic
patients with gallstones remain symptom free. The longer stones remain quiescent, the less likely symptoms are to develop.
Patients with mild symptoms (intermittent right upper quadrant pain) have a higher risk of developing gallstone-related complications or requiring
cholecystectomy than asymptomatic patients with gallstones. Approximately 1% to 3% of mildly symptomatic patients develop gallstone-related
complications per year, and at least 6% to 8% require a cholecystectomy per year to manage their gallbladder symptoms. However, as the magnitude of
symptoms attributable to the gallbladder increases, so does the likelihood that those symptoms will persist or recur or that complications of gallstones
will develop. For patients with ongoing episodes of biliary colic, 70% will have further episodes of gallbladder pain within the following 1 year.[11]
Delay in managing symptomatic gallstones with laparoscopic cholecystectomy may contribute to the high prevalence of gallstone-related complications.
Forty-four percent of cholecystectomies done in California in 1996 were performed for complications of gallstones (acute cholecystitis 36%, gallstone
pancreatitis 4%, choledocholithiasis 3%, other 1%), and half of these patients had biliary symptoms and ultrasound confirmation of gallstones prior to
developing these complications ( Table 524 ).[3]
Diagnosis of Gallbladder Disease
Abdominal Radiograph

The abdominal plain film is often the initial radiologic study performed in patients presenting with acute abdominal pain. In general, abdominal plain
films have a low yield in diagnosing biliary tract problems. Gallstones are predominantly cholesterol, which is radiolucent. Only 10% to 15% of
gallstones contain sufficient calcium to be radiopaque on abdominal radiographs. Rarely, additional useful information may be obtained (i.e.,
pneumobilia, calcified gallbladder, and so forth). Abdominal films are most useful in diagnosing or excluding the diagnosis of other causes of acute
abdominal pain.


Ultrasound has become the procedure of choice for documenting gallstones and is also extremely useful at identifying biliary dilation. Ultrasound
images are based on reflected high frequency sound waves, which are formed at the interface of two tissues or structures with different acoustic
properties. Gallstones have several distinguishing characteristics that are employed in their ultrasonographic diagnosis. The most useful include highamplitude echodensity, which leaves an acoustic shadow or absence of reflected sound waves behind the gallstone ( Fig. 527 ). In addition, gravitydependent movement of the gallstones with patient repositioning is also a highly specific finding

TABLE 52-4 -- Effect of Gallstone Presentation on Treatment Outcome


Uncomplicated *
Percentage of cases

Gallstone Presentation



Delay: onset symptoms until surgery (days)




Delay: first ultrasound until surgery (days)




Percentage of patients with biliary colic as first symptom




Length of hospital stay (days)




LC/OC ratio










Hospital cost ($)

Hospital mortality (%)
LC, laparoscopic cholecystectomy; OC, open cholecystectomy.

Adapted from Glasgow RE, Cho M, Hutter MM, et al: The spectrum and cost of complicated gallstone disease in California. Arch Surg 135:1021
1027, 2000.
* Uncomplicated gallstone disease includes patients with biliary colic.
Complicated gallstone disease includes patients with acute cholecystitis, acute gallstone pancreatitis, choledocholithiasis, gallbladder cancer, and cholangitis.

Figure 52-7 Gallbladder ultrasound in patient with biliary colic demonstrating multiple dependent echogenic foci with posterior acoustic shadowing consistent with gallstones.

for gallstones. When these two features are present, the accuracy of ultrasound at diagnosing gallstones approaches 100%.
Several features lower the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in detecting gallstones. Small gallstones may not demonstrate an acoustic shadow.
Furthermore, a lack of fluid (bile) around the gallstones (stone impacted in cystic duct, gallbladder filled with gallstones) also impairs their detection. In
addition, an ileus with increased abdominal gas as occurs with acute cholecystitis may hamper gallbladder visualization. Overall, the falsenegative rate
for ultrasound in detecting gallstones is approximately 5%.

Cholescintigraphy provides a noninvasive evaluation of the liver, gallbladder, bile duct, and duodenum with both anatomic and functional information.
Technetium-labeled analogues of iminodiacetic acid are currently used for imaging and are excreted into the biliary tract shortly after injection. Uptake
by the liver, gallbladder, common bile duct, and duodenum all should be present after 1 hour. Slow uptake of the tracer by the liver suggests hepatic
parenchymal disease. Nonvisualization of the gallbladder with prompt filling of the common bile duct and small intestine is consistent with cystic duct
obstruction. Filling of the gallbladder and common bile duct with delayed or absent filling of the intestine suggests an obstruction at the ampulla.
The primary use of cholescintigraphy is in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Although used less frequently for this indication than in the past because
of the availability and accuracy of ultrasound, cholescintigraphy demonstrates the presence of cystic duct obstruction, which is invariably present in
acute cholecystitis. Nonvisualization of the gallbladder 1 hour after the injection of the radioisotope with filling of the common bile duct and duodenum
is consistent with total or partial cystic duct obstruction. Increasing sphincter of Oddi and, thus, biliary pressures with morphine may enhance
gallbladder filling and lower the incidence of false-positive examinations. The sensitivity and specificity of cholescintigraphy for diagnosing acute
cholecystitis are each about 95%. False-positive results are increased in the setting of gallbladder stasis as in critically ill patients or in patients on
parenteral nutrition.


Abdominal CT scans are more useful in the evaluation of gallbladder cancer than calculous disease. However, like plain abdominal films, calcified
gallstones are also

identified on CT scans in approximately one half of patients. CT is also a sensitive test for diagnosing acute cholecystitis.
Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis

The term chronic cholecystitis implies an ongoing or recurrent inflammatory process involving the gallbladder. In the majority of patients (>90%),
gallstones are the causative factor and lead to recurrent episodes of cystic duct obstruction manifest as biliary pain or colic. Over time, these recurrent
attacks can lead to scarring and a nonfunctioning gallbladder. Histopathologically, chronic cholecystitis is characterized by an increase in subepithelial
and subserosal fibrosis and a mononuclear cell infiltrate.
Clinical Presentation

The primary symptom associated with chronic cholecystitis or symptomatic cholelithiasis is pain often labeled biliary colic. The term biliary colic is
inaccurate and suggests that the pain related to gallstones is intermittent and spasmodic like other colicky pain. However, this pattern is rarely the case.
Obstruction of the cystic duct results in a progressive increase in tension in the gallbladder wall, leading to constant pain in most patients. The pain is
usually located in the right upper quadrant and/or epigastrium and frequently radiates to the right upper back, right scapula, or between the scapulae.
The intensity of the pain is often severe enough to seek immediate medical attention with the first episode. Classically, the pain of biliary colic occurs
following a greasy meal, although this situation does not occur in most cases. An association with meals is present in only 50% of patients, and in these
patients, the pain often develops more than an hour after eating. In the remaining patients, the pain is not temporally related to meals and often begins at
night-time, waking the patient from sleep.
The duration of pain is typically 1 to 5 hours. The attacks rarely persist for more than 24 hours and are rarely shorter than 1 hour. Pain lasting beyond 24
hours suggests that acute inflammation or cholecystitis is present. The attacks are often discrete and severe enough that the patient can accurately recall
and number them. The episodes of biliary colic are usually less frequent than one episode per week. Other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting often
accompany each episode (60% to 70% of cases). Bloating and belching are also present in 50% of patients. Fever and jaundice occur much less
frequently with simple biliary colic.
The physical examination is usually completely normal in patients with chronic cholecystitis, particularly if they are pain free. During an episode of
biliary colic, mild right upper quadrant tenderness may be present. Laboratory values such as serum bilirubin, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase
are also usually normal in patients with uncomplicated gallstones.

The diagnosis of symptomatic cholelithiasis or chronic calculous cholecystitis requires two findings: (1) abdominal pain consistent with biliary colic
and (2) the presence of gallstones. The presence of symptoms (usually pain) attributable to the gallbladder is necessary to consider any treatment for
gallstones. Patients without symptoms () two thirds of patients with gallstones) develop symptoms at a low rate and complications of gallstones at an
even lower rate (see Natural History of Gallstone Disease). In most cases treatment is not necessary in these asymptomatic patients. In patients without
the episodic pain characteristic of biliary colic, alternate diagnoses should be sought. Other conditions with acute upper abdominal pain that should be
included in the differential diagnosis include gastroesophageal reflux disease, acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.
Further studies to exclude these conditions should be performed in patients with gallstones and atypical symptoms.
The presence of gallstones should also be documented. Ultrasound is quite sensitive (95% to 98%) for documenting the presence of gallstones and also
provides additional anatomic informationpresence of polyps, common bile duct diameter, or any hepatic parenchymal abnormalities. Gallstones are
occasionally identified on abdominal radiographs (15%) or CT scans (50%) as gallstones contain enough calcium to be visualized.

The treatment of choice for patients with symptomatic gallstones is elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The morbidity and mortality of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy are similar to recent large series of patients undergoing elective open cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. The mortality rate for
both procedures is approximately 0.1% with cardiovascular complications being the most frequent cause of death. The most significant complication
following laparoscopic cholecystectomy is injury to the biliary tract. Overall, complications occur in fewer than 10% of patients. Conversion to an open
cholecystectomy is necessary in less than 5% of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for chronic cholecystitis. Conversion rates are
increased in elderly, obese, and male patients.
The long-term results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in appropriately selected patients with chronic cholecystitis are excellent. More than 90% of
patients with typical biliary pain and gallstones are rendered symptom free following cholecystectomy. For patients with atypical symptoms or painless
dyspepsia (fatty food intolerance, flatulence, belching, or bloating), the percentage of patients experiencing relief of symptoms falls.
Acute Calculous Cholecystitis

In 90% to 95% of cases, acute cholecystitis is related to gallstones. Obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone

leads to biliary colic and is also the first event in acute cholecystitis. If the cystic duct remains obstructed, the gallbladder distends, and the gallbladder
wall becomes inflamed and edematous. In the most severe cases (5% to 18%), this process can lead to ischemia and necrosis of the gallbladder wall.
More frequently, the gallstone is dislodged and the inflammation gradually resolves. Initially, acute cholecystitis is an inflammatory process.
Approximately 50% of patients with uncomplicated acute cholecystitis have positive bile cultures at the time of cholecystectomy. In the most severe
cases, generalized sepsis may be present.
Clinical Presentation

Right upper quadrant abdominal pain is the most common complaint in patients with acute cholecystitis. The pain may be similar to previous episodes
of biliary colic, but the pain of acute cholecystitis persists for longer than an uncomplicated episode of biliary colic (days vs. several hours). Other
common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and fever. On physical examination, focal tenderness and guarding are usually present inferior to the right
costal margin, distinguishing the episode from simple biliary colic. A mass may be present in the right upper quadrant (gallbladder with adherent
omentum), and a Murphys sign (inspiratory arrest with deep palpation in the right upper quadrant) may also be elicited. A mild leukocytosis is usually
present (12,000 to 14,000 cells/mm3 ). In addition, mild elevations in serum bilirubin (>4 mg/dL), alkaline phosphatase, the transaminases, and amylase
may be present.

Ultrasound is the most useful radiologic examination in the patient with suspected cholecystitis ( Fig. 528 ). First, in the patient without known
gallstones, ultrasound is a sensitive test for establishing the presence or absence of gallstones. Additional findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis
include thickening of the gallbladder wall (>4 mm) and pericholecystic fluid. Focal tenderness directly over the gallbladder (sonographic Murphys
sign) is also suggestive of acute cholecystitis. Ultrasound has a sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 95%, respectively, for diagnosing acute
Radionuclide scanning is used less frequently for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis but may provide additional information in the atypical case.
Nonfilling of the gallbladder with the radiotracer (99 Tc-HIDA) indicates an obstructed cystic duct and, in the right clinical setting, is highly sensitive
(95%) and specific (95%) for acute cholecystitis.

Once the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis is made, the patient should have oral intake limited and be started on intravenous antibiotics. An antibiotic
appropriate for the common biliary tract pathogens isolated from the bile in patients with acute cholecystitis should be selected (see

Figure 52-8 A, Gallbladder ultrasound in patient with acute cholecystitis demonstrating gallbladder wall thickening (4.2 mm as indicated), and pericholecystic fluid. B, Abdominal
CT scan in same patient showing distended, thick-walled gallbladder with pericholecystic fluid.

Antibiotic Selection in Biliary Tract Surgery). Parenteral analgesia should also be administered. Unfortunately, narcotics increase biliary pressure,
whereas nonsteroidal analgesics, which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis, reduce gallbladder mucin production and therefore relieve pressure and pain.
Open cholecystectomy has been the standard treatment for acute cholecystitis for many years. At the time laparoscopic cholecystectomy was
introduced, acute cholecystitis was a relative contraindication. However, with increased experience laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the
preferred approach for most patients with acute cholecystitis. The morbidity rate, hospital stay, and time to return to work all have been lower in
patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy than open cholecystectomy in prospective, randomized trials.[12] However, the conversion rate in the
setting of acute cholecystitis (4% to 35%) is higher than with chronic cholecystitis.
The timing of cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis has been studied for several decades and has been further evaluated recently using laparoscopic
cholecystectomy as the primary therapy. Two prospective, randomized trials have compared immediate laparoscopic cholecystectomy

versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy after a period of initial medical treatment (6 weeks) to cool off the gallbladder.[13] [14] Approximately 20% of
patients in the delayed surgery arm failed initial medical therapy and had to be operated on during the initial admission or before the end of the planned
cooling off period. No significant differences were observed in the conversion rate to open cholecystectomy among patients undergoing early
cholecystectomy versus those managed with delayed surgery. No significant differences in the complication rate were observed among early and
delayed surgery. However, hospital stay, and therefore cost, was significantly reduced in both trials in the early laparoscopic cholecystectomy group.

Several retrospective series have demonstrated advantages to proceeding with laparoscopic cholecystectomy soon after the diagnosis of acute
cholecystitis is made. In one series, patients operated on early in the course of their illness (within 48 hours of presentation) were more likely to have the
procedure completed laparoscopically (4% vs. 23%) than patients with a longer duration of symptoms and also had a shorter hospital stay.[15] Additional
factors predicting the need to convert to an open cholecystectomy include increased patient age, male gender, elevated American Society of
Anesthesiologists class, obesity, and thickened gallbladder wall (>4 mm). Thus, in most patients with acute cholecystitis, laparoscopic cholecystectomy
should be attempted soon (24 to 48 hours) after the diagnosis is made. Conversion to an open procedure should be made if the inflammation prevents
adequate visualization of important structures.

Acute cholecystitis may progress to empyema of the gallbladder, emphysematous cholecystitis, or perforation of the gallbladder despite antibiotic
therapy. In each case, emergency cholecystectomy is warranted, if the patient can withstand an anesthetic. Empyema occurs with bacterial proliferation
in an obstructed gallbladder and results in a pus-filled organ. Patients with empyema of the gallbladder may be toxic with more marked fever and
leukocytosis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be attempted, but the conversion rate is high.
Emphysematous cholecystitis develops more commonly in men and patients with diabetes mellitus. Severe right upper quadrant pain and generalized
sepsis are frequently present. Abdominal films or CT scans may demonstrate air within the gallbladder wall or lumen. Prompt antibiotic therapy to
cover the common biliary pathogens (E. coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, and so forth) as well as Clostridium species and emergency cholecystectomy are
appropriate treatments.
Perforation of the gallbladder occurs in up to 10% of cases of acute cholecystitis. Perforation is a sequelae of ischemia and gangrene of the gallbladder
wall and occurs most commonly in the gallbladder fundus. The perforation is most frequently (50% of cases) contained within the subhepatic space by
the omentum, duodenum, liver, and hepatic flexure of the colon, and a localized abscess forms. Less commonly, the gallbladder perforates into and
adjacent viscus (duodenum or colon) resulting in a cholecystoenteric fistula (see Gallstone Ileus). Rarely, the gallbladder perforates freely into the
peritoneal cavity leading to generalized peritonitis. With gallbladder perforation, the abdominal tenderness, fever, and white blood cell count are more
pronounced or higher than in uncomplicated acute cholecystitis. Localized right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, which becomes diffuse and
generalized, should raise the suspicion of free gallbladder perforation. Intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and emergency cholecystectomy are the treatment
of choice in patients with gallbladder perforation.
In most patients, cholecystectomy can be performed and is the best treatment of complicated acute cholecystitis. Occasionally, the inflammatory process
obscures the structures in the triangle of Calot precluding safe dissection or ligation of the cystic duct. In these patients partial cholecystectomy,
cauterization of the remaining gallbladder mucosa, and drainage avoids injury to the common bile duct. In patients considered too unstable to undergo
laparotomy because of concurrent medical comorbidities, percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy can drain the gallbladder. Success rates
approaching 90% have been reported with percutaneous cholecystostomy in managing critically ill patients thought to have acute cholecystitis.
However, this procedure leaves in the gallbladder, which may be partially gangrenous and a source of ongoing sepsis. Interval laparoscopic
cholecystectomy should then be performed after a delay of 3 to 4 months to allow the patient to recover and the acute inflammation to resolve.
Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis

Acute acalculous cholecystitis accounts for 5% to 10% of all patients with acute cholecystitis and is the diagnosis in approximately 1% to 2% of patients
undergoing cholecystectomy. The disease often has a more fulminant course than acute calculous cholecystitis and frequently progresses to gangrene,
empyema, or perforation. Acute acalculous cholecystitis usually occurs in the critically ill patient following trauma, burns, long-term parenteral
nutrition, and major nonbiliary operations such as abdominal aneurysm repair and cardiopulmonary bypass. The etiology of acute acalculous
cholecystitis remains unclear, although gallbladder stasis and ischemia have been most often implicated as causative factors. Stasis is common in
critically ill patients not being fed enterally and may lead to colonization of the gallbladder with bacteria. Visceral ischemia is also a common
denominator in patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis and may explain the high incidence of gallbladder gangrene. Decreased arteriolar and
capillary filling is present in acute acalculous cholecystitis in contrast with the dilation of these vessels observed in acute calculous cholecystitis.
The symptoms and signs of acute acalculous cholecystitis are similar to acute calculous cholecystitis with right upper quadrant pain and tenderness,
fever, and leukocytosis most frequently present. However, these findings are often masked by other conditions in the critically ill patient. CT scan and
ultrasound findings are similar to calculous

cholecystitis and include gallbladder wall thickening and pericholecystic fluid in the absence of gallstones. Cholescintigraphy demonstrates absent
gallbladder filling in acute acalculous cholecystitis. However, the falsepositive rate (absent gallbladder filling without acute acalculous cholecystitis)
may be as high as 40%. Morphine cholescintigraphy has improved the accuracy of this study in the critically ill patient.
Emergency cholecystectomy is the appropriate treatment once the diagnosis is established or the suspicion is high. The incidence of gangrene,
perforation, and empyema exceeds 50%; therefore, open cholecystectomy usually is required in this setting. The mortality rate for acute acalculous
cholecystitis in recent series remains high (40%) in large part due to the concomitant illnesses in patients who develop this disease.
Biliary Dyskinesia

A subgroup of patients presenting with typical symptoms of biliary colic (postprandial right upper quadrant pain, fatty food intolerance, and nausea) do
not have any evidence of gallstones on ultrasound examination. Further investigations have usually been performed in these patients to exclude any
other pathology. This work-up often includes an abdominal CT scan, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or even an ERC. In these patients, the diagnosis of
biliary dyskinesia or chronic acalculous cholecystitis should be considered. The CCK-Tc-HIDA scan has been useful in identifying patients with this
disorder. CCK is infused intravenously after the gallbladder has filled with the 99 Tc-labeled radionuclide. Twenty minutes after the administration of
CCK, a gallbladder ejection fraction is calculated. An ejection fraction less than 35% at 20 minutes is considered abnormal.
Patients with symptoms of biliary colic and an abnormal gallbladder ejection fraction should be managed with a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Between
85% and 94% of patients with a low gallbladder ejection fraction and symptoms of biliary colic will be asymptomatic or improved by cholecystectomy.
Most of these patients will have histopathologic evidence of chronic cholecystitis.
Cholecystectomy: Indications and Technique

Cholecystectomy is the most common gastrointestinal operation performed in the United States. Since the introduction of laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, the number of cholecystectomies performed in the United States has increased from approximately 500,000 per year to 700,000 per
year. Most of these procedures can be safely completed using the laparoscopic technique. Most conditions initially considered to be relative

contraindications early in the laparoscopic experience are no longer thought to mandate an open cholecystectomy. Uncontrolled coagulopathy is one of
the few current contraindications to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In addition, patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive
heart failure may not tolerate the pneumoperitoneum required for performing laparoscopic surgery. Currently, the major contraindication to completing
a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is an inability to clearly identify all of the anatomic structures. A liberal policy of converting to an open operation when
important anatomic structures cannot be clearly defined represents good surgical judgment rather than a complication. The conversion rate for elective
laparoscopic cholecystectomy ranges up to 5%, whereas the conversion rate in the emergency setting for acute cholecystitis may be as high as 30%.[12]
[13] [14]

The technical difficulty of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is increased in several clinical settings. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be performed safely
in acute cholecystitis, albeit with a higher conversion rate and operative time than in the elective setting. Morbid obesity, once thought to be a relative
contraindication to the laparoscopic approach, is not associated with a higher conversion rate. Longer trocars and instruments and an increase in intraabdominal pressure may be helpful in these patients. Prior upper abdominal surgery may increase the difficulty of or preclude laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. However, placement of a Hasson cannula often reveals few adhesions or adhesions that can be dissected laparoscopically, permitting
completion of a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy has also been completed safely in patients with wellcompensated cirrhosis (Childs classes A and B), although difficulty retracting the firm liver and increased bleeding from collaterals have been noted.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy are prepared and draped in a similar fashion to open cholecystectomy. Conversion to an open
operation should be discussed with the patient, included in the operative consent, and is necessary in up to 5% of patients undergoing elective
cholecystectomy and up to 30% of patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. A Foley catheter and orogastric tube are
inserted to avoid inadvertent injury and improve exposure. Laparoscopic surgery requires a space for visualization and instrument manipulation, and
this space is usually created by establishing a pneumoperitoneum with carbon dioxide. Both open and closed methods have been used to establish a
pneumoperitoneum. With the open technique, a small incision is made above the umbilicus into the peritoneal cavity. A special blunt-tipped cannula
(Hasson) with a gas-tight sleeve is inserted into the peritoneal cavity and anchored to the fascia. This technique is often used following previous
abdominal surgery and should avoid infrequent, but potentially life-threatening trocar injuries. In the closed technique a special hollow insufflation
needle (Veress) with a retractable cutting sheath is inserted into the peritoneal cavity through a supraumbilical incision and used for insufflation.[16] [17]
Once an adequate pneumoperitoneum has been established, an 11-mm trocar is inserted through the supraumbilical incision. The laparoscope with
attached video camera is then inserted through the umbilical port, and an examination of the peritoneal cavity is performed. Both

forward viewing (0-degree) and angled (30-degree) laparoscopes are available. With either the open or closed techniques, additional trocars are inserted
under direct vision. Most surgeons use a second 11-mm trocarplaced subxiphoid and two additional 5-mm trocars positioned subcostally in the right
upper quadrant in the midclavicular and anterior axillary lines ( Fig. 529 ). Also available are 5-mm cameras and 3-mm instruments.[16] [17]

Figure 52-9 Trocar placement for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The laparoscope is placed through a 10-mm port just above the umbilicus. Additional ports are placed in the
epigastrium and subcostally in the mid-clavicular and near the anterior axillary lines. (From Cameron J: Atlas of Surgery, Vol 2. Philadelphia, BC Decker, 1994.)

The two smaller ports are used for grasping the gallbladder and placing it in the ideal position for an antegrade cholecystectomy. The lateral port is used
to retract the gallbladder cephalad elevating the inferior edge of the liver and exposing the gallbladder and cystic duct ( Fig. 5210 ). The medial 5-mm
cannula is used to grasp the gallbladder infundibulum and retract it laterally to further expose the triangle of Calot. This maneuver may require bluntly
taking down any adhesions between the omentum or duodenum and the gallbladder. The junction of the gallbladder and cystic duct is identified by
stripping the peritoneum off the gallbladder neck and removing any tissue surrounding the gallbladder neck and proximal cystic duct. This dissection is
continued until the triangle of Calot is cleared of all fatty and lymphatic tissue and the gallbladder infundibulum is elevated off the liver bed ( Fig. 52
11 ). [18] At this point two structures (cystic artery and cystic duct) should be seen entering the gallbladder.
Once the cystic duct is identified, an intraoperative cholangiogram may be performed by placing a hemoclip proximally on the cystic duct, incising the
anterior surface of the duct, and passing a cholangiogram catheter into the cystic duct. Once the cholangiogram is completed, two clips are placed
distally on the cystic duct, which is then divided ( Fig. 5212 ). Alternatively, the common bile duct may be evaluated for stones using laparoscopic
ultrasound. The sensitivity of laparoscopic ultrasound for detecting common bile duct stones is comparable to intraoperative cholangiography (80% to
96% vs. 75% to 99%). A large cystic duct may require placement of a pretied loop ligature to provide a secure closure.[16] [17]
The next step is the division of the cystic artery. The artery is usually encountered running parallel to and behind the cystic duct. Once identified and

Renal failure, hepatic abscess, and malignancy all are associated with higher morbidity and mortality. The success of the initial antibiotic therapy and
biliary drainage is significantly lower in patients with malignant biliary obstruction, and these patients frequently require changes in antibiotic therapy
and repeat biliary manipulations to adequately decompress the biliary tract ( Fig. 5221 ).[5] Hepatic abscesses are frequently observed in patients with
biliary pathology and should be considered in patients who do not respond to therapy. Patients with gallstone cholangitis should undergo interval
laparoscopic cholecystectomy within 6 to 12 weeks. The incidence of recurrent biliary symptoms is significantly higher if the gallbladder is left in situ
(6% vs. 25%).[32]
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a cholestatic liver disease characterized by fibrotic strictures involving the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree in
the absence of any known precipitating cause. In cases where diffuse biliary strictures are caused by acute cholangitis, common bile duct stones,
operative trauma, or other toxic agents, the term secondary sclerosing cholangitis is used. The clinical course of patients with sclerosing cholangitis is
highly variable, with some patients remaining asymptomatic for years, whereas in others the obliterative biliary tract changes may progress rapidly to
secondary biliary cirrhosis and liver failure. Recent studies suggest that genetic and immunologic factors are important in the pathogenesis of this
disorder. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Figure 52-21 Cure, failure, and relapse rates among patients with cholangitis caused by either benign or malignant biliary obstruction. The results were significantly worse in patients
with malignant obstruction. (From Thompson JE Jr, Pitt HA, Doty JE, et al: Broad-spectrum penicillin as an adequate therapy for acute cholangitis. Surg Gynecol Obstet 171:275
282, 1990.)


is more common in certain HLA haplotypes such as B8/DR3 which is also common in patients with other autoimmune diseases such as insulindependent diabetes mellitus, Graves disease, Sjgrens syndrome, and myasthenia gravis.
Associated Diseases

Several diseases have been associated with primary sclerosing cholangitis. The strongest association exists between inflammatory bowel disease,
primarily ulcerative colitis, and sclerosing cholangitis. The incidence of ulcerative colitis in patients with sclerosing cholangitis ranges from 60% to
72%. Patients with sclerosing cholangitis are also at increased risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma.[33] Cholangiocarcinoma can present early in the
clinical course of primary sclerosing cholangitis and is often diagnosed simultaneously with this disease. The risk of developing cholangiocarcinoma is
approximately 1% per year in patients with sclerosing cholangitis. Most patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis developing cholangiocarcinoma do
not have cirrhosis.[33] Between 10% and 15% of patients undergoing liver transplant have an unsuspected cholangiocarcinoma in the hepatectomy
Clinical Presentation

The natural history of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis is highly variable with some patients progressing rapidly to hepatic failure and others
remaining asymptomatic for years. The mean age at presentation for patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ranges from 40 to 45 years, and two
thirds of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis are male.[34] Patients present either with signs and symptoms of cholestatic liver disease (jaundice,
pruritus, fatigue) or with abnormal serum liver function tests. Approximately 75% of patients are symptomatic at presentation. Symptoms of bacterial
cholangitis (pain, fever, and jaundice) are uncommon, especially without preceding biliary tract manipulations. A small percentage of patients present
with signs and symptoms of advanced liver disease including ascites, variceal bleeding, and/or splenomegaly. The median survival for patients with
primary sclerosing cholangitis from the time of diagnosis ranges from 10 to 12 years.

The diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis is usually made by ERCP. Diffuse multifocal strictures are most commonly found in both the
intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis ( Fig. 5222 ). Involvement of the extrahepatic ducts alone
without intrahepatic duct involvement occurs in 5% to 10% of patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Despite the presence of diffuse disease in
most patients with sclerosing cholangitis, the hepatic duct bifurcation is often the most severely strictured segment of the biliary tree. A liver biopsy to
determine the degree of hepatic fibrosis or the presence of cirrhosis is also critical in selecting therapy.

Figure 52-22 Percutaneous cholangiogram demonstrating hepatic bifurcation (lower right) and right hepatic ducts in patient with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Cholangiogram
demonstrates diffuse strictures of the intrahepatic bile ducts.

Medical therapy for primary sclerosing cholangitis has been disappointing to date. Ursodeoxycholate lowers serum bilirubin and transaminases but has
not improved symptoms or delayed disease progression. Biliary strictures in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis have been dilated or stented
using either the percutaneous or endoscopic route. These nonoperative procedures have produced short-term improvements in symptoms and serum
bilirubin levels. Symptomatic patients with persistent jaundice are also candidates for surgical therapy. Resection of the extrahepatic biliary tree with
bilateral hepaticojejunostomies has yielded reasonable short-term results in patients with significant extrahepatic or bifurcation strictures. Surgical
resection should be performed only in patients without cirrhosis or significant hepatic fibrosis on liver biopsy. In addition, patients in whom a
cholangiocarcinoma cannot be excluded should also be explored.
Ahrendt and associates recently reported 146 patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis managed with either operative resection or nonoperative
biliary dilation.[34] Overall survival was significantly longer in the noncirrhotic patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis managed with surgical
resection than in the group of patients managed nonoperatively. Similarly, patients without cirrhosis managed with resection survived significantly
longer before needing a liver transplant than patients managed nonoperatively ( Table 526 ).[34]

TABLE 52-6 -- Transplant-Free Survival by Treatment Method: Actuarial Survival in Years (%)
No. of Years










36 *

Percutaneous stenting





Combined nonoperative




40 *









56 *

42 *

Percutaneous stenting





Combined nonoperative



59 *

46 *


n, number of patients; ES/BD endoscopic sphincterotomy plus balloon dilation.

Adapted from Ahrendt SA, Pitt HA, Kalloo AN, et al: Primary sclerosing cholangitis: Resect, dilate, or transplant? Ann Surg 227:412423, 1998.
P < 0.05 vs. resection.
* P < 0.01 vs. resection.
Combined nonoperative includes patients managed with endoscopic balloon dilation or percutaneous stenting.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis is a progressive disease that eventually results in biliary cirrhosis. Liver transplantation has produced excellent results in
patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis and end-stage liver disease. Overall 5-year actuarial patient survival is as high as 85%, and 5-year graft
survival of 72% has been reported. Recurrent primary sclerosing cholangitis has been reported in up to 10% of patients and may require
retransplantation. Biliary tract surgery prior to liver transplantation does not affect survival following transplantation. Long-term survival in patients
with a small incidental cholangiocarcinoma (>1 cm) is similar to patients without cholangiocarcinoma.
Biliary Cysts

Choledochal cyst is a rare congenital dilation of the extrahepatic and/or intrahepatic biliary tract. Although choledochal cysts frequently present in
infancy and childhood, the disease is more commonly diagnosed in adults. The incidence of choledochal cyst is only between 1 in 100,000 and 1 in
150,000 people in Western countries but is much more common in Japan. Choledochal cysts are three to eight times more common in women than men.
Etiology and Classification

The frequent presentation of choledochal cysts in infancy supports a congenital origin. An anomalous pancreatobiliary duct junction (APBDJ) has also

been documented in between 90% and 100% of patients with choledochal cysts. In APBDJ, the pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct more than 1
cm proximal to the ampulla, resulting in a long common channel and free reflux of pancreatic secretions into the biliary tract. This reflux of pancreatic
juice into the biliary tract results in increased biliary pressures and inflammatory changes in the biliary

Figure 52-23 Todani modification of Alonso-Lej classification of choledochal cysts. (From Chijiiwa K, Koga A: Surgical management and long-term follow-up of patients with
choledochal cysts. Am J Surg 165:238242, 1993.)

epithelium and may be related to the formation of choledochal cysts.

The current classification of choledochal cysts was initially proposed by Alonso-Lej and was subsequently modified by Todani ( Fig. 5223 ).[35] Type I
cysts (fusiform or cystic dilations of the extrahepatic biliary tract) are the most common and comprise 50% of choledochal cysts. Type IV cysts (cystic
dilation of both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tract) also occur frequently (35% of patients). Type II (saccular diverticulum of extrahepatic
bile duct), type III (bile duct dilation within the duodenal wall [choledochocele]), and type V cysts (intrahepatic cysts [Carolis disease]) are much less
common, with each type being diagnosed in fewer than 10% of patients with choledochal cysts.
Clinical Presentation

The classic clinical triad associated with choledochal cysts includes right upper quadrant pain, jaundice, and an abdominal mass; however, this
presentation occurs in fewer than 10% of patients. The clinical presentation differs among children and adults. In adults, abdominal pain (87%) and
jaundice (42%) are present frequently. Less common clinical findings include nausea (29%), cholangitis (26%), pancreatitis (23%), and an abdominal
mass (13%).[36]
Laboratory evaluation may demonstrate mild liver function abnormalities in 60% of adult patients with choledochal cysts, and these findings are not
specific. The diagnosis can be established with ultrasound or CT scanning but may be overlooked if the diagnosis is not considered. Cholangiography
(endoscopic, transhepatic, or MR) is required to determine the type of choledochal cyst and plan the extent of operative treatment.

Appropriate management of types I and II choledochal cysts should include cholecystectomy, resection of the extrahepatic biliary tract including the
choledochal cyst, and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Internal drainage of

the cyst into a Roux-en-Y jejunal limb was commonly performed in the past but is associated with a prohibitive risk of cholangitis and hepatolithiasis.
In addition, cystenterostomy may increase the risk of cholangiocarcinoma developing in the cyst. Cholangiocarcinoma is uncommon in children with
choledochal cysts, but the risk of cholangiocarcinoma may be as high as 30% in adults and supports the role of resection in the management.[36]
Resection of the extrahepatic biliary tract is also recommended for type IV cysts. If the intrahepatic cysts are confined to one lobe, hepatic lobectomy
may also be considered. Bilobar intrahepatic cysts are associated with a high risk of intrahepatic stones and are managed with long-term transhepatic
stenting to provide continuous access to the intrahepatic biliary tree for stone retrieval.
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Gallbladder Cancer

Cancer of the gallbladder is an aggressive malignancy that occurs predominantly in the elderly. With the exception of early-stage cases detected
incidentally at the time of cholecystectomy for gallstone disease, the prognosis for most patients is poor. Many of these tumors are unresectable at
presentation, and most can be managed nonoperatively. Recently, an aggressive surgical approach for patients with localized gallbladder cancer has
produced encouraging results with an acceptable morbidity.

Gallbladder cancer is the fifth most common gastrointestinal malignancy.[37] Cancer of the gallbladder is two to three times more common in women
than men, in part due to the higher incidence of gallstones in women.[38] More than 75% of patients with this malignancy are older than 65 years of age.
[38] Approximately 5000 new cases are diagnosed annually in the United States, and the overall incidence of gallbladder cancer is 2.5 cases per 100,000
residents. The incidence of gallbladder cancer varies considerably with both ethnic background and geographic location. In the United States,
gallbladder cancer is more common in Native Americans. Similarly, in Chile, the incidence of gallbladder cancer is particularly high.

Several factors have been associated with an increased risk of developing gallbladder cancer. Among these factors, gallstones are the most common
because of the high prevalence in the general population. The association between an APBDJ, a porcelain gallbladder, and other biliary disorders such
as choledochal cysts and primary sclerosing cholangitis and gallbladder cancer has been recognized more recently.
A strong association has long been noted between gallbladder cancer and cholelithiasis, which is present in 75% to 90% of cases. The incidence of
gallstones increases with age, and by age 75, about 35% of women and 20% of men in the United States have developed gallstones.[10] The incidence of
gallbladder cancer is approximately seven times more common in the presence of cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis than in people without
gallstones. In addition, the risk of developing gallbladder cancer is higher in patients with symptomatic gallstones than in patients with asymptomatic
gallstones. Approximately 1% of all elective cholecystectomies performed for cholelithiasis harbor an occult gallbladder cancer.
Pathology and Staging

Ninety percent of cancers of the gallbladder are classified as adenocarcinoma. Squamous cell, oat cell, undifferentiated, and adenosquamous cancers
and carcinoid tumors are much less frequent. Six percent of gallbladder adenocarcinomas demonstrate papillary features histopathologically; these
tumors are commonly diagnosed while localized to the gallbladder and are also associated with an improved overall survival. At diagnosis, 25% of
cancers are localized to the gallbladder wall, 35% have associated metastases to regional lymph nodes or extension into adjacent organs, and 40% have
already metastasized to distant sites.[38]
Lymphatic drainage from the gallbladder occurs in a predictable fashion and correlates with the pattern of lymph node metastases seen in gallbladder
cancer. Lymph flow from the gallbladder initially drains to the cystic duct node and then descends along the common bile duct to pericholedochal
lymph nodes. Flow then proceeds to nodes posterior to the head of the pancreas and then to interaortocaval lymph nodes. Secondary routes of lymphatic
drainage include the retroportal and right celiac lymph nodes. Hepatic involvement with gallbladder cancer can occur by direct invasion through the
gallbladder bed, angiolymphatic portal tract invasion, or distant hematogenous spread. The current TNM classification of the American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCC) is shown in Table 527 .[39] The appropriate management and overall prognosis are strongly dependent on tumor stage.
Clinical Presentation

Gallbladder cancer most often presents with right upper quadrant abdominal pain often mimicking other more common biliary and nonbiliary disorders.
Weight loss, jaundice, and an abdominal mass are less common presenting symptoms. Five different clinical syndromes have been used to describe the
presentation of patients with gallbladder cancer ( Table 528 ). The largest group of patients present with symptoms of chronic cholecystitis, often with
a recent change in the quality or frequency of the painful episodes. Another common presentation is similar to acute cholecystitis with a short duration
of pain associated with vomiting, fever, and tenderness. Signs and symptoms of malignant biliary obstruction with jaundice, weight loss, and right upper
quadrant pain are also common. Patients can also present with symptoms of a nonbiliary malignancy with anorexia and weight loss in the absence of
jaundice or, least commonly, with signs of

gastrointestinal bleeding or obstruction. Gallbladder cancer is often misdiagnosed as chronic cholecystitis, pancreatic cancer, acute cholecystitis,
choledocholithiasis, or gallbladder hydrops.

Ultrasonography is often the first diagnostic modality used in the evaluation of patients with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. A heterogeneous
mass replacing the gallbladder lumen and an irregular gallbladder wall are
TABLE 52-7 -- TNM Staging for Gallbladder Cancer

Tumor invades lamina propria (T1a) or muscular (T1b) layer


Tumor invades perimuscular connective tissue, no extension beyond the serosa or into the liver


Tumor perforates the serosa (visceral peritoneum) and/or directly invades into liver and/or one other adjacent organ or structure
such as the stomach, duodenum, colon, pancreas, omentum, or extrahepatic bile ducts


Tumor invades main portal vein or hepatic artery or invades multiple extrahepatic organs and/or structures


No lymph node metastases


Regional lymph node metastases


No distant metastases


Distant metastases


Stage Grouping


T1 N0 M0


T2 N0 M0


T3 N0 M0


T1 N1 M0
T2 N1 M0
T3 N1 M0


T4 Any N M0


Any T Any N M1

Adapted from Greene F, Page D, Fleming I, et al (eds): AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 6th ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
common sonographic features of gallbladder cancer. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the detection of gallbladder cancer ranges from 70% to 100%. CT
scan usually demonstrates a mass replacing the gallbladder or extending into adjacent organs ( Fig. 5224 ). Spiral CT also demonstrates the adjacent
vascular anatomy. With newer MR techniques, gallbladder cancers may be differentiated from the adjacent liver and biliary obstruction and/or
encasement of the portal vein may also be easily visualized.
Cholangiography also may be helpful in diagnosing jaundiced patients with gallbladder cancer. The typical cholangiographic finding in gallbladder
cancer is a long stricture of the common hepatic duct. Angiography, spiral CT, or MR imaging may identify encasement of the portal vein or hepatic
artery. If radiologic studies suggest that the tumor is unresectable (liver or peritoneal metastases, portal vein encasement, or extensive hepatic invasion),
a biopsy of the tumor is warranted and can be performed under ultrasound or CT guidance.

The appropriate operative procedure for the patient with localized gallbladder cancer is determined by the pathologic stage. Patients with tumors
confined to the gallbladder

Figure 52-24 CT scan demonstrating large gallbladder cancer with extension into duodenum. Gallstones (calcifications) are present within the mass.

TABLE 52-8 -- Clinical Presentation of Gallbladder Cancer

Presenting Syndrome

Signs and Symptoms

Percentage of Patients with

Gallbladder Cancer *

Chronic cholecystitis (biliary


Postprandial RUQ pain, often with recent change in character


Acute cholecystitis

Short-duration RUQ pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, tenderness


Malignant biliary obstruction

Jaundice, weakness, weight loss, anorexia, pain


Malignant, nonbiliary tract


Anorexia, weight loss, weakness


Other gastrointestinal problem Gastrointestinal bleeding or obstruction


RUQ, right upper quadrant.

* Some overlap among different clinical syndromes present.


mucosa or submucosa (T1a) or confined to the gallbladder muscularis (T1b) are usually identified following cholecystectomy for gallstone disease and
have an overall 5-year survival approaching 100% and 85%, respectively. Therefore, cholecystectomy is adequate therapy for patients with T1 tumors.
Recurrent cancer at port sites and peritoneal carcinomatosis have been reported following laparoscopic cholecystectomy even for patients with in situ
disease. Bile spillage occurs in 26% to 36% of laparoscopic cholecystectomies and appears to be even more common (50%) in cases of gallbladder
cancer.[40] Bile spillage is associated with poor survival even in early stage (T1 and T2) gallbladder cancer. Thus, patients with preoperatively suspected
gallbladder cancer should undergo open cholecystectomy to minimize the chance of bile spillage and tumor dissemination.[40]
Cancer of the gallbladder with invasion beyond (stages II and III) the gallbladder muscularis is associated with an increasing incidence of regional

lymph node metastases and should be managed with an extended cholecystectomy, including lymphadenectomy of the cystic duct, pericholedochal,
portal, right celiac, and posterior pancreatoduodenal lymph nodes. Adequate clearance of the pericholedochal lymph nodes is facilitated by resection of
the common bile duct. Extension into the hepatic parenchyma is common, and extended cholecystectomy should incorporate at least a 2-cm margin
beyond the palpable or sonographic extent of the tumor. For smaller tumors, this goal can be achieved with a wedge resection of the liver. For larger
tumors an anatomic liver resection may be required to achieve a histologically negative margin. Staging laparoscopy should be performed prior to
attempted resection in patients with gallbladder cancer because of the high (48% to 55%) incidence of hepatic and peritoneal metastases not detected by
noninvasive staging modalities.[41]
In most cases, therapy for gallbladder cancer is palliative. If a tissue diagnosis can be established in patients with an unresectable tumor, nonoperative
palliation should be considered. Many of these patients have obstructive jaundice that can be managed with either an endoscopic or percutaneously
placed biliary stent. Pain is another problem that should be treated aggressively to improve quality of life. Percutaneous celiac ganglion nerve block may
reduce the need for narcotics.
The results of chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with gallbladder cancer have been quite poor. Recently, gemcitabine has demonstrated activity
in patients with gallbladder cancer.[42] External beam and intraoperative radiation therapy have both been used in the management of patients with
gallbladder cancer.[42] However, no randomized data have demonstrated improved survival with either technique. Trials of chemoradiation in patients
with stages II and III disease need to be performed.

Survival in patients with gallbladder cancer is strongly influenced by the pathologic stage at presentation.[43] Patients with cancer limited to the
gallbladder mucosa and submucosa (T1a) have a uniformly excellent prognosis.[43] Invasion into the muscular wall (T1b) of the gallbladder increases the
risk of recurrent cancer after curative resection. However, no difference in 10-year survival has been demonstrated following simple cholecystectomy
(100%) and extended cholecystectomy (75%) among patients with T1b gallbladder cancer.[44] Invasion into the subserosa (T2) increases the risk of
regional lymph node metastases to 33% to 50%.[37] [43] Five-year survival in patients with T2 tumors is improved following extended cholecystectomy
with lymphadenectomy/liver resection (59% to 61%) versus simple cholecystectomy (17% to 19%) ( Fig. 5225 ).[37] [43] Several groups have recently
reported 5-year overall survival for resected patients with stages IIA and IIB gallbladder cancer of 28% to 63% and 19% to 25%, respectively.[43]
However, most patients with gallbladder cancer have advanced, unresectable disease at the time of presentation. As a result, fewer than 15% of all
patients with gallbladder cancer are alive after 5 years.[38] The median survival for stage IV patients at the time of presentation is only 1 to 3 months.

Figure 52-25 Survival following surgical resection for T2 gallbladder cancer. Patients undergoing radical resection (boxes) are compared with patients undergoing simple
cholecystectomy (circles) (P > 0.05). (From Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Blumgart LH: Gallbladder cancer: Comparison of patients presenting initially for definitive operation with those
presenting after prior noncurative intervention. Ann Surg 232:557569, 2000.)



Cholangiocarcinoma is an uncommon tumor, which may occur anywhere along the intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary tree. These tumors are located
most commonly at the hepatic duct bifurcation (60% to 80% of cases). Less commonly, cholangiocarcinomas originate in the distal common bile duct or
in the intrahepatic bile ducts. Most cholangiocarcinomas present with jaundice, and the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma should be considered in every
patient with obstructive jaundice. When possible, surgical resection does offer a chance for long-term disease-free survival. Many patients, however,
will be candidates only for palliative bypass or operative or nonoperative intubation aimed to provide biliary drainage and prevent cholangitis and
hepatic failure.

Between 2500 and 3000 new cases of cholangiocarcinoma are diagnosed annually in the United States. The incidence of cholangiocarcinoma increases
with age, and these tumors occur with similar frequency in men and women. Overall, the incidence of cholangiocarcinoma in the United States is
approximately 1.0 per 100,000 people per year.[38]
Risk Factors

A number of diseases have been linked to cholangiocarcinoma, including primary sclerosing cholangitis, choledochal cysts, and hepatolithiasis.[25] [33] [36]
Characteristics common to these diseases include bile duct stones, biliary stasis, and infection. Bile duct cancers in patients with primary sclerosing
cholangitis are most often extrahepatic, commonly occur near the hepatic duct bifurcation and are difficult to differentiate from the multiple, benign
strictures associated with this disease.[33] The mean age at presentation in patients with cholangiocarcinoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis is in the
5th decade of life, and the risk of cholangiocarcinoma does not appear related to the duration of the primary sclerosing cholangitis. Similarly,
choledochal cysts are usually diagnosed in childhood or early adult life, and the risk of cholangiocarcinoma increases steadily with patient age.[36]
Hepatolithiasis is also a definite risk factor for cholangiocarcinoma, which will develop in 5% to 10% of the patients with intrahepatic stones.[25]

Prior biliary-enteric anastomosis may also increase the future risk of cholangiocarcinoma. Five percent of patients in a large Italian series developed
cholangiocarcinoma between 11 and 18 years following a biliary-enteric anastomosis.[45] The risk of bile duct cancer was higher following transduodenal
sphincteroplasty and choledochoduodenostomy than hepaticojejunostomy and was most strongly associated with recurrent episodes of cholangitis.[45]
Multiple other risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma have been identified including liver flukes, Thorotrast, dietary nitrosamines, and exposure to dioxin.
Staging and Classification

Cholangiocarcinoma is best classified anatomically into three broad groups: (1) intrahepatic, (2) perihilar, and (3) distal ( Fig. 5226 ).[46] Intrahepatic
tumors are treated like hepatocellular carcinoma with hepatectomy, when possible. The perihilar tumors make up the largest group and are managed
with resection of the bile duct preferably with hepatic resection. Distal tumors are managed in a fashion similar to other periampullary malignancies
with pancreatoduodenectomy.
Cancers of the hepatic duct bifurcation have also been classified according to their anatomic location ( Fig. 5227 ). In this system, type I tumors are
confined to the common hepatic duct, and type II tumors involve the bifurcation without involvement of secondary intrahepatic ducts. Types IIIa and
IIIb tumors extend into either the right or left secondary intrahepatic ducts, respectively, and type IV tumors involve the secondary intrahepatic ducts on
both sides.
Cholangiocarcinoma is also staged according to the tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) classification of the AJCC ( Table 529 ).[39] Using this system,
stage IA tumors are limited to the bile duct, whereas stage IB tumors invade periductal tissues. Stage IIA tumors are locally advanced without lymph
node metastases, and stage IIB tumors have regional lymph node metastases. Stage III tumors are locally advanced and unresectable, and stage IV
tumors have distant metastases.[39]
Clinical Presentation

More than 90% of patients with perihilar or distal tumors present with jaundice.[46] Patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

Figure 52-26 Classification of cholangiocarcinoma into intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal subgroups, including the percentage of patients with cholangiocarcinoma in each subgroup.
(From Nakeeb A, Pitt HA, Sohn TA, et al: Cholangiocarcinoma: A spectrum of intrahepatic, perihilar, and distal tumors. Ann Surg 224:463475, 1996.)


Figure 52-27 Bismuth classification of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma by anatomical extent. Type I tumors (upper, left) are confined to the common hepatic duct, and type II tumors
(upper, right) involve the bifurcation without involvement of secondary intrahepatic ducts. Type IIIa and IIIb tumors (lower, left) extend into either the right or left secondary
intrahepatic ducts, respectively. Type IV tumors (lower, right) involve the secondary intrahepatic ducts on both sides.

are rarely jaundiced until late in the course of the disease. Less common presenting clinical features include pruritus, fever, mild abdominal pain,
fatigue, anorexia, and weight loss. Cholangitis is not a frequent presenting finding but most commonly develops after biliary manipulation. Except for
jaundice, the physical examination is usually normal in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.

At the time of presentation, most patients with perihilar and distal cholangiocarcinoma have a total serum bilirubin level greater than 10 mg/dL. Marked
elevations are also routinely observed in alkaline phosphatase. Serum CA 199 may also be elevated in patients with cholangiocarcinoma, although
levels may fall once biliary obstruction is relieved.

The radiologic evaluation of patients with cholangiocarcinoma should delineate the overall extent of the tumor, including involvement of the bile ducts,
liver, portal vessels, and distant metastases. The initial radiographic studies consist of either abdominal ultrasound or CT scanning. Intrahepatic
cholangiocarcinomas are easily visualized on CT scans; however, perihilar and distal tumors are often difficult to visualize on ultrasound and standard
CT scan. A hilar cholangiocarcinoma gives a picture of a dilated intrahepatic biliary tree and a normal or collapsed gallbladder and extrahepatic biliary
TABLE 52-9 -- TNM Staging for Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma

Tumor confined to bile duct


Tumor invades beyond the wall of the bile duct


Tumor invades the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and/or unilateral branches of the portal vein (right or left) or hepatic artery (right
or left)


Tumor invades any of the following: main portal vein or its branches bilaterally, common hepatic artery, or other adjacent
structures, such as the colon, stomach, duodenum, or abdominal wall


No regional lymph node metastasis


Regional lymph node metastasis


No distant metastasis


Distant metastasis


Stage Grouping


T1 N0 M0


T2 N0 M0


T3 N0 M0


T1 N1 M0
T2 N1 M0
T3 N1 M0


T4 Any N M0


Any T Any N M1

Adapted from Greene F, Page D, Fleming I, et al (eds): AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 6th ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Distal tumors lead to dilation of the gallbladder and both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree.
After documentation of bile duct dilation, biliary anatomy has been traditionally defined cholangiographically through either the percutaneous
transhepatic or the endoscopic retrograde routes. The most proximal extent of the tumor is the most important feature in determining resectability in
patients with perihilar tumors, and the percutaneous route is favored in these patients because it defines the proximal extent of tumor involvement most
reliably ( Fig. 5228 ). Recently, MRC has documented diagnostic accuracy comparable to percutaneous and endoscopic cholangiography.
Prolonged efforts to establish a tissue diagnosis are not indicated unless the patient is not an operative candidate. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration
biopsy, brush and scrape biopsy, and cytologic examination of bile all have been used; however, the sensitivity in detecting a malignancy is low, and a
benign result should be considered unreliable. Seven percent to 15% of patients with preoperative symptoms and imaging studies and intraoperative
findings consistent with malignant biliary obstruction will ultimately have benign lesions on histologic analysis of resection specimens. However, these
patients cannot be reliably identified preoperatively using current imaging or pathologic evaluation.


Figure 52-28 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogram demonstrating a perihilar cholangiocarcinoma involving secondary intrahepatic branches on the right as well as the common
hepatic duct. The left hepatic duct is not visualized.

Curative treatment of patients with cholangiocarcinoma is possible only with complete resection. The operative approach depends on the site and extent
of the tumor. For patients with anatomically resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and without advanced cirrhosis, partial hepatectomy is the
procedure of choice.[42] [46] Patients with perihilar tumors involving the bifurcation or proximal common hepatic duct (Bismuth type I or II) that have no
vascular invasion are candidates for local tumor excision. Biliary enteric continuity is restored with bilateral hepaticojejunostomies.[46] [47] If preoperative
evaluation suggests involvement of the right or left hepatic duct (Bismuth type IIIa or IIIb), right or left hepatic lobectomy, respectively, should be
planned ( Fig. 5229 ).[46] [47] To achieve negative margins, resection of the adjacent caudate lobe may be required.[47] A greater percentage of margin
negative resections has been achieved with an increased use of combined bile duct and hepatic resection.[47] However, these more extensive procedures
have been associated with an increase in operative morbidity and mortality. For patients with resectable distal cholangiocarcinoma,
pancreatoduodenectomy is the optimal procedure.

Figure 52-29 A, Diagram illustrates left hepatic and hilar resection of Bismuth type IIIb cholangiocarcinoma with preoperatively placed transhepatic stents.B, Diagram demonstrates
resected left hepatic lobe and hilum with perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (top) and right hepatic lobe with divided right hepatic duct prior to reconstruction (bottom). C, Silastic
transhepatic stent is placed through a right Roux-en-Y cholangiojejunostomy after left hepatic lobectomy. (AC, From Cameron J: Atlas of Surgery, Vol 1. Philadelphia, BC Decker,


Surgical exploration should be undertaken in good-risk patients without evidence of metastatic or locally unresectable disease; however,
intraoperatively more than half of these patients are found to have either peritoneal or hepatic metastases or, more likely, locally unresectable disease.[42]
[46] Selective use of laparoscopy in patients with locally advanced but potentially resectable perihilar cholangiocarcinoma may avoid laparotomy in some
patients with metastatic disease.[41] In patients with extensive metastatic disease preoperative biliary stents may be left in place. However, a
cholecystectomy should be performed to avoid the risk of acute cholecystitis, which occurs in patients with long-term indwelling biliary stents. In
patients with locally advanced unresectable perihilar tumors, several operative approaches are available for palliation including a Roux-en-Y
choledochojejunostomy with intraoperative placement of Silastic biliary catheters or a segment III or V cholangiojejunostomy. Most distal bile duct
tumors are resectable; but if resection is not possible due to vascular encasement, cholecystectomy, Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy proximal to the
tumor, and a gastrojejunostomy to prevent gastric outlet obstruction should be performed.
Patients with unequivocal evidence of unresectable cholangiocarcinoma at initial evaluation are palliated nonoperatively. Nonoperative palliation can be
achieved both endoscopically and percutaneously. Percutaneous biliary drainage has several advantages over endoscopic management in patients with
perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, whereas endoscopic palliation is the preferred approach in patients with distal cholangiocarcinoma. More recently,
metallic stents have been used to palliate patients with malignant biliary obstruction. These stents remain patent longer than plastic stents and require
fewer subsequent manipulations.
Numerous reports have suggested that radiation therapy improves survival for patients with cholangiocarcinoma, especially when resection is
impossible. External-beam radiotherapy has been delivered using a variety of innovative techniques, including intraoperative radiotherapy and
brachytherapy with iridium 192 via percutaneous or endoscopic stents. However, no prospective, randomized trials

have been reported, and a well-controlled, but not randomized, trial reported no benefit for postoperative adjuvant radiation.[48] A survival benefit for
postoperative radiation therapy may be limited to patients with local extension into the liver parenchyma and microscopic residual disease following
resection.[49] Chemotherapy has also not been shown to improve survival in patients with either resected or unresected cholangiocarcinoma. Given the
potential radiosen-sitization effect of 5-fluorouracil or gemcitabine, the combination of radiation and chemotherapy may be more effective than either
agent alone.[42] As with gallbladder cancer, the role of adjuvant chemoradiation needs to be tested in patients with cholangiocarcinoma.
Long-term survival in patients with cholangiocarcinoma is highly dependent on the stage of disease at presentation and on whether the patient is treated
by a palliative procedure or complete tumor resection. For resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, overall 5-year survival ranges from 30% to 40%.
In comparison, overall 5-year survival for patients with resectable perihilar tumors has been only 10% to 20% but may be as high as 24% to 46% in
patients with negative microscopic margins ( Fig. 5230 ). [47] [50] Patients with resectable distal bile duct cancer have the highest rate of resection. Those
with resectable distal bile duct cancer have a median survival of 32 to 38 months and a 5-year survival rate of 28% to 45%. [46] Even with multimodality
adjuvant therapy, median survival for unresectable intrahepatic tumors has been only 6 to 7 months. Similarly, median survival for patients with
unresectable perihilar tumors varies between 5 and 8 months.
Metastatic and Other Tumors

Hepatocellular carcinoma and liver metastases can cause obstructive jaundice by direct extension into the perihilar bile ducts. Hepatocellular and
metastatic colorectal carcinoma have also both been reported to embolize into the biliary tree. This rare phenomenon occurs when tumor cells are

shed into the biliary tract and implant distally, leading to biliary obstruction when the tumor embolus increases in size. Hepatic cystadenomas and
cystadenocarcinomas arise from the biliary epithelium, and these tumors or the mucin they produce, may also cause bile duct obstruction.
Primary and secondary hepatic tumors can also produce biliary obstruction by metastasizing to hilar or pericholedochal lymph nodes. Hepatocellular

Figure 52-30 Actuarial survival following surgical resection for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Five-year survival following margin negative resection is significantly longer than
following margin positive resection, no resection, or palliative stenting. (From Tsao JI, Nimura Y, Kamiya J, et al: Management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison of an
American and a Japanese experience. Ann Surg 232:166174, 2000.)

colorectal carcinoma, and pancreatic carcinoma are the most common primary sites associated with biliary tract obstruction from lymph node
metastases, although nodal metastases from a number of tumors including breast and ovarian cancer have been reported to cause bile duct obstruction.
Lymphoma can also result in biliary obstruction and mimic either pancreatic cancer or perihilar cholangiocarcinoma. Although commonly extensive,
lymphomas usually respond to chemotherapy, leading to resolution of the biliary obstruction.
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Selected References
Boerma D, Rauws W, Keulemans Y, et al: Wait-and-see policy or laparoscopic cholecystectomy after endoscopic cholecystectomy for bile-duct stones: A randomized trial. Lancet
360:761765, 2002.
Prospective, randomized trial comparing observation versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy following the endoscopic removal of common bile duct stones. Recurrent biliary
symptoms developed in 47% of patients in the observation arm, and one third of these patients required cholecystectomy.
Fletcher D, Hobbs M, Tan P, et al: Complications of cholecystectomy: Risks of the laparoscopic approach and protective effects of operative cholangiographya population-based
study. Ann Surg 229:449457, 1999.
Large population-based study demonstrating an increased risk of bile duct injury associated with acute cholecystitis, male gender, and procedures done by surgical
trainees. Intraoperative cholangiography was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of bile duct injury.
Fong Y, Jarnagin W, Blumgart L: Gallbladder cancer: Comparison of patients presenting initially for definitive operation with those presenting after prior noncurative operation. Ann
Surg 232:557569, 2000.
Single-institution series demonstrating long-term survival following extensive resections for patients with advanced gallbladder cancer. Prior noncurative surgery did not
preclude long-term survival.
Glasgow R, Cho M, Hutter M, et al: The spectrum and cost of complicated gallstone disease in California. Arch Surg 135:10211027, 2000.
Retrospective series illustrating the continued high rate (44% of all cholecystectomies) of complicated gallstone cases in California in 1996. Half of all patients developing
complications of gallstones had symptomatic, radiologically proven gallstones.
Lillemoe K, Melton G, Cameron J, et al: Postoperative bile duct strictures: Management and outcome in the 1990s. Ann Surg 232:430441, 2000.
Large series reviewing surgical and radiological methods for managing laparoscopic bile duct injuries. Excellent long term results were achieved with both techniques.
Liu T, Consorti E, Kawashima A, et al: Patient evaluation and management with selective use of magnetic resonance cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography before laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Ann Surg 234:3340, 2001.
Single-institution study evaluating a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for managing choledocholithiasis.
Rhodes M, Sussman L, Cohen L, et al: Randomized trial of laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct versus postoperative endoscopic retrograde cholangiography for common
bile duct stones. Lancet 351:159, 1998.
Prospective, randomized trial of laparoscopic common bile duct exploration and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography and stone extraction performed postoperatively.
Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration was successful in 75% of patients and significantly shortened overall hospitalization.


Strasberg S, Hertl M, Soper N: An analysis of the problem of biliary injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. J Am Coll Surg 180:101, 1995.
Review article outlining classification, diagnosis, and management of bile duct injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Tocchi A, Mazzoni G, Liotta G, et al: Late development of bile duct cancer in patients who had biliary-enteric drainage for benign disease: A follow-up study of more than 1000
patients. Ann Surg 234:210214, 2001.
Large series of Italian patients followed over 10 years after biliary enteric drainage. Biliary enteric drainage led to an alarming rate of cholangiocarcinoma (5%),
particularly in patients with ongoing cholangitis.
Tsao J, Nimura Y, Kamiya J, et al: Management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: Comparison of an American and a Japanese experience. Ann Surg 232:166174, 2000.
Large retrospective review of patients with hilar cholangiocarcinoma managed in an American and a Japanese tertiary care center. A more aggressive operative strategy in
the Japanese center led to more extensive resections with a higher rate of negative surgical margins and higher long-term survival rate.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

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Chapter 53 - Exocrine Pancreas

Michael L. Steer M.D.

The pancreas was first mentioned in the writings of Eristratos (310250 BC) and given its name by Rufus of Ephesus (c.100 AD). The name pancreas
(Greek pan: all, kreas: flesh or meat) was used because the organ contains neither cartilage nor bone. Its main duct was described by Wirsung in 1642,
whereas the enlargement of that duct at its junction with the common bile duct and its projection into the duodenum as a papilla were first described by
Vater in 1720. Santorini, in 1734, described the accessory duct that bears his name.
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The pancreas lies posterior to the stomach and lesser omentum in the retroperitoneum of the upper abdomen. It extends obliquely, rising slightly as it
passes from the medial edge of the duodenal C loop to the hilum of the spleen. It lies anterior to the inferior vena cava, aorta, splenic vein, and left
adrenal gland.

The pancreas is divided into four regions: the head/uncinate process, neck, body, and tail. The head lies within the duodenal C loop, and its uncinate
process extends posteriorly and medially to lie behind the portal/superior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric artery. The neck of the gland extends
medially from the head to lie anterior to those vessels. The body extends laterally from the neck toward the spleen, whereas the tail extends into the
splenic hilum.
Blood Supply and Lymph Nodes

Both the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery provide the arterial supply to the pancreas. Variations are common but, for the most part, the
body and tail are supplied by branches of the splenic artery while the head and uncinate process receive their supply via arcades originating from the
hepatic/gastroduodenal branch of the celiac artery and from the first branch of the superior mesenteric artery (Fig.531A). Venous drainage is to the
splenic, superior mesenteric, and portal veins ( Fig. 531 B). The pancreas is drained by multiple lymph node groups. The major drainage of the
pancreatic head and uncinate process is to the subpyloric, portal, mesenteric, mesocolic, and aortocaval nodes. The pancreatic body and tail, for the most
part, are drained via nodes in the celiac, aortocaval, mesenteric, and mesocolic groups and via nodes in the splenic hilum.

The pancreas is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system. The principal, and possibly only,
pathway for pancreatic pain involves nociceptive fibers arising in the pancreas. They pass through the celiac ganglia to form the greater, lesser, and least
splanchnic nerves that pass to cell bodies in the thoracic sympathetic chain. Efferent visceral motor supply to the pancreas is provided by both the
sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. The latter involves preganglionic fibers arising from cell bodies in the vagal nuclei that travel through the
posterior vagal trunk to the celiac plexus. Postganglionic fibers then innervate pancreatic islets, acini, ducts, and blood vessels. In general,

Figure 53-1 Arterial supply to the pancreas (A) and venous drainage of the pancreas (B). The pancreatic head is supplied by branches of the gastroduodenal and superior mesenteric

arteries while the body and tail are supplied by branches of the splenic artery. Venous drainage is to the splenic and superior mesenteric/portal veins. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW,
Rowe JS Jr, et al: Anatomical complications of pancreatic surgery. Contemp Surg 15:1750, 1979.)

the nerves of the pancreas travel with the blood vessels supplying the organ.

The main pancreatic duct, or duct of Wirsung, arises in the tail of the pancreas and terminates at the papilla of Vater in the duodenum. It crosses the
vertebral column between T-12 and L-2. Within the body and tail of the pancreas, the duct lies slightly cephalad to a line drawn midway between the
superior and inferior edges. The duct is also more posterior than anterior. In adults, the duct within the head measures 3.1 to 4.8 mm in diameter and it
gradually tapers, to measure 0.9 to 2.4 mm in the tail. With age, the duct diameter can increase. The duct of Santorini (i.e., the minor, or accessory,
pancreatic duct) is smaller than the main duct. It extends from the main duct to enter the duodenum at the lesser papilla. That papilla lies approximately
2 cm proximal and slightly anterior to the major papilla.
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During the 4th week of gestation, two endodermal buds arise from the duodenumthe hepatic diverticulum, which is destined to form the liver,
gallbladder, and bile ducts, and the dorsal pancreatic bud that forms the body

Figure 53-2 Organogenesis of the pancreas. A, Formation of dorsal and ventral pancreatic buds. B, Rotation of the ventral pancreas, distal bile duct, and major papilla. C, Fusion of
the dorsal and ventral pancreata to form the adult pancreas. (From Skandalakis JE, Gray SW, Rowe JS Jr et al: Anatomical complications of pancreatic surgery. Contemp Surg 15:17
50, 1979.)

and tail of the pancreas ( Fig. 532 ). On the 32nd day of gestation, this hepatic diverticulum gives rise to a ventral pancreatic bud that eventually
develops into the uncinate process and inferior part of the head of the pancreas. The dorsal pancreatic bud extends transversely across the abdomen, to
lie anterior to the portal and mesenteric vessels. With time, as the duodenum rotates to form a C-loop configuration, the ventral pancreas and distal bile
duct undergo clockwise rotation around the back of the duodenum to, finally, lie on the medial side of the duodenum, inferior and slightly posterior to
the dorsal pancreas and posterior to the portal and mesenteric vessels. On the 37th day of gestation, the two pancreatic buds fuse and, in 90% of
individuals, their duct systems also join.

The mature pancreas is an endocrine organ made up of the islets of Langerhans and an exocrine organ consisting of acinar and ductal cells. The acinar
cells, so named because they are clustered like grapes on the stem of a vine, discharge their secretions into a centrally located acinar space that
communicates with the main pancreatic duct. Most of the cells in the pancreas are acinar cells, and duct cells make up only 5% of pancreatic mass.
Histologically, acinar cells have a high content of endoplasmic reticulum and an abundance of apically located eosinophilic zymogen granules. The cells
lining the main pancreatic duct are tall columnar cells, and many contain mucin granules. With progression from the large ducts to the smaller
intralobular and interlobular ducts, the lining cells become flatter, assuming a cuboidal configuration, and mucin granules are no longer seen.
Centroacinar cells, located at the junction between ducts and acini, resemble acinar cells in size and shape but lack zymogen granules.
Cell Differentiation

The cells comprising the pancreatic buds are homogeneous and indistinguishable from other endodermal cells of the primitive gut. These endodermal
cells undergo step-wise differentiation, from an undifferentiated precursor into committed islet and exocrine cell precursors and then into either acinar
cells or ductal cells. Some recently presented evidence has also suggested that transdifferentiation can occurthat differentiated duct cells may give rise
to islet and/or acinar cells.
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Pancreas Divisum

Failure of the dorsal and ventral pancreatic duct systems to join during embryogenesis (see Fig. 532 ) is referred to as pancreas divisum. It results in a
pancreas with divided

drainage because the dorsal pancreas drains, via the duct of Santorini, to empty at the lesser papilla while the ventral pancreas, composed of the head
and uncinate process, drains via Vaters papilla. Pancreas divisum has been noted in as many as 11% of autopsy cases. The significance of pancreas
divisum remains controversial. Some have suggested that it may contribute to the development of pancreatitis by establishing a condition of relative
outflow obstruction because the major fraction of pancreatic exocrine secretion is obliged to exit through the relatively small orifice of the lesser papilla.
On the other hand, the presence of pancreas divisum and the development of pancreatitis are, in most patients, not related to each other in a cause-effect
manner and the corollary of this may also be true; that is, attempts to widen the orifice of the dorsal duct at the lesser papilla in patients with pancreas
divisum and pancreatitis are unlikely to be of benefit.
Ectopic and Accessory Pancreas

Pancreatic tissue at ectopic sites is not unusual, and most ectopic pancreatic tissue is functional. The most common sites are in the walls of the stomach,
duodenum or ileum, in a Meckels diverticulum, or at the umbilicus. Less common sites include the colon, appendix, gallbladder, omentum, and
mesentery. Islet tissue is frequently present when ectopic pancreas is located in the stomach and duodenum but not when it is present elsewhere. For the
most part, ectopic pancreatic tissue is a submucosal, irregular nodule of firm, yellow tissue that may have a central umbilication. Pancreatic secretions
often exit through this umbilication into the lumen of the stomach or intestine. Ulceration and, on occasion, bleeding can be associated with these
lesions. They may also be associated with obstruction or be the lead point for intussusception. Resection or bypass is indicated in such cases.
Annular Pancreas

Annular pancreas refers to the presence of a band of normal pancreatic tissue that partially or completely encircles the second portion of the duodenum
and extends into the head of the pancreas. It usually contains a duct that joins the main pancreatic duct. The basis for annular pancreas is uncertain. It
may result from failure of normal clockwise rotation of the ventral pancreas, or it may result from expansion of ectopic pancreatic tissue in the duodenal
wall. It presents with varying degrees of duodenal obstruction that, in children, is often associated with other congenital anomalies. It may be totally
asymptomatic or present later in life with obstructive symptoms if pancreatitis develops in the annular segment. Treatment usually involves bypass, via
duodenojejunostomy, rather than resection.
Developmental Pancreatic Cysts

Solitary (congenital, duplication, or dermoid) cysts of the pancreas are rare. In contrast, multiple pancreatic cysts, lined with cuboidal epithelium, are
more common. They are frequently associated with polycystic disease of the liver and/or kidney, and they can be seen in up to half of patients with von
Hippel-Lindau syndrome. Pancreatic cysts only rarely become symptomatic and, in general, no treatment is indicated.
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Approximately 2.5 L of clear, colorless, bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice, containing 6 to 20 g of protein, is secreted by the human pancreas each day. It
plays a critical role in duodenal alkalinization and in food digestion.
Protein Secretion

With the possible exception of the lactating mammary gland, the exocrine pancreas synthesizes protein at a greater rate, per gram of tissue, than any
other organ. More than 90% of that protein consists of digestive enzymes. Most of the digestive enzymes are synthesized and secreted by acinar cells as
inactive proenzymes or zymogens that, in health, are activated only after they reach the duodenum where enterokinase activates trypsinogen and the
trypsin catalyses the activation of the other zymogens. Some of the pancreatic digestive enzymes are synthesized and secreted in their active forms
without the need for an activation step (e.g., amylase, lipase, ribonuclease). Acinar cells also synthesize proteins, including enzymes, that are not
destined for secretion but, rather, are intended for use within the acinar cell itself. Examples of this latter group of proteins include the various structural
proteins and lysosomal hydrolases.
Newly synthesized proteins are assembled within the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the Golgi where they are modified
by glycosylation. Those destined for secretion pass through the Golgi stacks and are packaged within condensing vacuoles that evolve into zymogen
granules as they migrate toward the luminal surface of the acinar cell. By a process involving membrane fusion and fission, the contents of the zymogen
granules are then released into the acinar lumen.[1] Other proteins that are not destined for secretion are segregated away from the secretory pathway as
they pass through the Golgi, and they are then targeted to their appropriate intracellular site.[2]
Secretion of protein from acinar cells is a regulated process. At rest, secretion occurs at a low or basal rate, but this rate can be markedly increased by
secretory stimulation that, in the pancreas, is both hormonal and neural. Pancreatic acinar cells can express receptors for acetylcholine, cholecystokinin,
secretin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide. Stimulation of secretion by either acetylcholine or cholecystokinin has been shown to involve activation of
phospholipase C, generation of inositol triphosphate and diacyl glycerol, and a rise in intracellular ionized calcium levels that, by yet unidentified
mechanisms, upregulates the rate of secretory protein discharge at the apical cell membrane. In contrast, secretin and vasoactive intestinal peptide
activate adenylate cyclase, increase cellular levels of cyclic adenosine

Figure 53-3 Secretion of bicarbonate-rich juice by duct cells. CO2 diffuses into duct cells and is converted to H2 CO3 by carbonic anhydrase. H2 CO3 dissociates into HCO3 and H+ ,
which exits at the basal side of the cell. Secretin stimulation increases cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which accelerates apical chloride secretion through the cystic fibrosis
transmembrane regulator (CFTR) chloride channel. The exchange of luminal Cl for cellular HCO3 results in net HCO3 secretion.

monophosphate (AMP), and activate protein kinase A. This also leads to protein secretion at the apical pole. Recent studies indicate that human acinar
cells may not possess receptors for cholecystokinin and that, in humans, cholecystokinin stimulation of secretion is mediated by intrapancreatic nerves
that express cholecystokinin receptors.
Electrolyte Secretion

Although stimulation of acinar cells results in the secretion of a small amount of serum-like fluid, most of the fluid and electrolytes secreted from the
pancreas arise from duct cells ( Fig. 533 ). [3] The earliest step in duct cell electrolyte secretion involves diffusion of circulating carbon dioxide into the
duct cell and that carbon dioxide is hydrated by carbonic anhydrase to yield carbonic acid. Subsequently, the carbonic acid dissociates into protons and
bicarbonate ions. The protons diffuse out of the cell and are carried away in the circulation while the bicarbonate remains inside the cell. The fluid and
electrolyte secretagogue secretin acts, via a cyclic AMP mediated process, to stimulate chloride secretion, at the apical cell surface, via cystic fibrosis
transmembrane regulator (chloride) channels. Then, via an apical chloride-bicarbonate exchanger, that actively secreted chloride is re-taken up by the
duct cell in exchange for bicarbonate. Taken together, the result of these events is the secretion of a bicarbonate-rich fluid into the duct and the
discharge, into the circulation, of protons (see Fig. 533 ). In the absence of secretin stimulation, pancreatic juice has a more plasma-like composition

since it is comprised primarily of acinar cell secretions and there is little duct cell secretion of chloride to permit exchange with bicarbonate. With
secretin stimulation, chloride secretion is increased, flow rates rise, and chloride-bicarbonate exchange results in juice that is rich in bicarbonate and
poor in chloride.
Integrated Physiology

During the resting (interdigestive) phase of gastrointestinal function, pancreatic secretion is minimal and may be as low as 2% of that noted with
maximal stimulation. The pancreatic response to a meal is a three-phase process that includes a cephalic phase, a gastric phase, and an intestinal phase.
The cephalic phase, accounting for 10% to 15% of meal-stimulated pancreatic secretion, reflects the response to the sight, smell, or taste of food. It is
believed to be almost exclusively mediated by peripherally released acetylcholine, which directly stimulates pancreatic secretion of enzymes and gastric
secretion of acid. The acid indirectly stimulates pancreatic secretion of fluid and electrolytes by causing duodenal acidification and secretin release. The
gastric phase of pancreatic secretion, accounting for 10% to 15% of meal-stimulated pancreatic secretion, reflects the response to gastric distention and
the entry of food into the stomach. These events can cause release of gastrin and stimulate vagal afferents. By binding to cholecystokinin receptors,
gastrin is itself a weak stimulant of pancreatic enzyme secretion. Vagal stimulation also increases enzyme secretion. More important, however, gastrin
and vagal stimulation cause gastric acid secretion, and this leads to duodenal acidification, release of secretin from the duodenum, and pancreatic
secretion of fluid and electrolytes. The intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion reflects the response to food and gastric secretions entering the proximal
intestine. Acidification of the duodenum and the presence of bile in the duodenum promote secretin release. In addition, in the duodenum and proximal
small intestine, the presence of fat

and protein, as well as their partial breakdown products, stimulates the release of cholecystokinin, and this cholecystokinin stimulates enzyme secretion
from acinar cells. The intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion accounts for 70% to 75% of meal-stimulated pancreatic secretion.
Feedback Loop

Luminal proteins, referred to as releasing factors, have been described that can also stimulate cholecystokinin and secretin release. The most well
characterized are the releasing factors for cholecystokinin.[4] Two forms are known, one apparently synthesized by duodenal cells (cholecystokininreleasing factor) and the other secreted by the pancreas (monitor peptide). Both forms are subject to degradation by trypsin. Thus, with high-protein
meals that quench intraduodenal tryptic activity, the releasing factor remains intact, cholecystokinin release is increased, and pancreatic secretion is
stimulated. In contrast, when food is absent from the duodenum, the proteolytic activity that remains unquenched within the lumen degrades the
releasing factor and, as a result, cholecystokinin release and pancreatic secretion are reduced. Some have argued that this feedback loop may, at least in
part, explain the pain of chronic pancreatitis since, with pancreatic insufficiency, intraluminal proteolytic activity would be low and cholecystokinin
release would increase. Based on this concept, some have advocated administration of exogenous pancreatic enzymes as a treatment for the chronic pain
of pancreatitis. Presumably, administration of exogenous enzymes to such patients would result in degradation of the releasing factor and reduce
pancreatic stimulation. However, evidence supporting a physiologic role for these releasing factors comes almost exclusively from experiments using
rodents, and the actual existence of a physiologic feedback loop in humans has not been established.
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Definition and Classification

Pancreatitis can be classified as either acute or chronic based on its clinical characteristics, pathologic changes, and natural history. Clinically, acute
pancreatitis is usually characterized by the acute onset of symptoms in a previously healthy individual and the disappearance of those symptoms as the
attack resolves. In contrast, patients with chronic pancreatitis may have had prior attacks or symptoms of either exocrine or endocrine insufficiency
prior to the current attack, and their symptoms may persist even after resolution of the current attack. From a clinical standpoint, however, attacks of
either acute or chronic pancreatitis can be characterized by the abrupt onset of symptoms that are often similar. Thus, without the test of time or a tissue
sample, it may be difficult or impossible to determine if a first attack is one of acute or chronic pancreatitis.

The pathologic changes of acute pancreatitis include parenchymal and peripancreatic fat necrosis and an associated inflammatory reaction. The extent of
these changes is directly related to the severity of an attack. In mild pancreatitis, changes frequently include interstitial edema and infiltration of
inflammatory cells with relatively little necrosis, whereas in severe pancreatitis, extensive necrosis, thrombosis of intrapancreatic vessels, vascular
disruption, and intraparenchymal hemorrhage can be seen. With infection, intrapancreatic or peripancreatic abscesses involving areas of necrosis can
also develop. The major changes of chronic pancreatitis include fibrosis and loss of both endocrine and exocrine elements. In addition, an acute
inflammatory reaction may be superimposed on a background of chronic inflammation. There may be enlargement of pancreatic nerves, and perineural
inflammation has also been described.

Both acute and chronic pancreatitis are frequently associated with other disease entities collectively referred to as the etiologies of pancreatitis ( Box
531 ). In developed countries, roughly 70% to 80% of patients with pancreatitis have their pancreatitis in association with either biliary tract stone
disease or ethanol abuse. For the most part, biliary tract stone disease is associated with acute pancreatitis, whereas chronic pancreatitis is associated
with the intake of large amounts of ethanol over protracted
Box 53-1. Etiologies of Pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis
Biliary tract stones
Ethanol abuse
Scorpion sting
Chronic Pancreatitis
Duct obstruction
Ethanol abuse

ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.


periods. In 10% to 15% of pancreatitis cases, no etiology can be identified, and those individuals are said to have idiopathic pancreatitis. In the
remaining 10% to 15% of patients, pancreatitis is associated with one of many possible miscellaneous etiologies. In underdeveloped countries,
particularly in Africa and Southeast Asia, pancreatitis is frequently termed either tropical or nutritional. Recent reports indicate that many patients with
tropical pancreatitis have a form of hereditary pancreatitis caused by mutations of the genes that code for pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitors.[5]
Affected individuals often complain of painful attacks, and they frequently develop pancreatic calcifications as well as diabetes. Ketoacidosis is
Biliary Tract Stones

The onset of acute pancreatitis is frequently associated with the passage of biliary tract stones through the terminal biliopancreatic duct into the
duodenum. Stones can be retrieved from the stools of roughly 90% of patients with stone-induced pancreatitis. There has been much speculation
regarding the mechanisms by which such stones might cause pancreatitis. In 1901, Opie, a pathologist at Johns Hopkins University, noted a stone
lodged in the terminal biliopancreatic duct of a patient who had died of severe pancreatitis. He suggested that the stone might have caused outflow
obstruction from a common biliopancreatic channel, allowing bile to reflux into the pancreatic duct.[6] In a second publication based on observations
made at another autopsy, Opie suggested that biliary pancreatitis could also occur when a stone, or the edema and inflammation caused by its passage,
caused outflow obstruction of the pancreatic duct even in the absence of bile reflux. Although the bile reflux theory, often referred to as the common
channel theory, was originally favored, subsequent studies have cast doubt on its validity, and most observers now believe that it is stone-induced
pancreatic duct obstruction and ductal hypertension, rather than bile reflux, that triggers acute pancreatitis. Recent data derived from experiments using
a model of pancreatitis induced in opossums also support the duct obstruction theory. Those experiments indicate that pancreatic duct obstruction,
without bile duct obstruction or bile reflux, can cause pancreatitis and that the severity of pancreatitis is not worsened by bile reflux into the pancreatic
Abuse of Ethanol

The most frequent cause of morphologically defined chronic pancreatitis is ethanol abuse, but occasionally ethanol can also induce acute pancreatitis.
There is no threshold rate of consumption below which ethanol consumption is not associated with an increased incidence of pancreatitis. The mean
ethanol consumption among patients with ethanol-induced pancreatitis is 150 to 175 g/day. The mean duration of ethanol abuse for men is 18 11 years
and, for women, it is 11 8 years. Ethanol-induced pancreatitis, like ethanol abuse itself, is more common in men than in women. Dietary factors, such
as consumption of a high-protein diet with either high- or low-fat content, may contribute to the development of pancreatitis. Most observers currently
believe that the chronic pancreatitis that follows prolonged ethanol abuse reflects repeated, but subclinical, episodes of acute pancreatic injury. These
repeated episodes of pancreatic injury with necrosis eventually lead to the fibrosis that characterizes chronic pancreatitis.[8] A number of theories have
been advanced to explain the mechanism by which ethanol might cause pancreatic injury. According to one theory, ethanol consumption causes
hypertriglyceridemia and the generation of fatty acids as well as their ethyl ester metabolites that can injure the pancreas. Another theory suggests that
ethanol ingestion causes intrapancreatic generation of oxygen-derived free radicals that can injure the pancreas. Others believe that ethanol acts directly
on pancreatic acinar cells to cause injury or that it promotes secretion of pancreatic juice that is high in proteolytic enzyme content but low in enzyme
inhibitor content. Theoretically, enzyme activation could occur under these conditions and that activation could cause pancreatic injury. Secretion of an
enzyme-rich fluid deficient in enzyme inhibitors could also lead to protein precipitation and the formation of intraductal plugs. Those plugs, by causing
duct obstruction and ductal hypertension, could subsequently trigger pancreatic injury. Ethanol ingestion has also been reported to cause sphincter of
Oddi spasm, and this could also contribute to ethanol-induced pancreatitis if it resulted in ductal hypertension. Each of these various theories has
attractive features and its own proponents, but, at present, the actual mechanisms by which ethanol causes pancreatitis remain unclear.

Exposure to certain drugs is, perhaps, the third most frequent cause of pancreatitis ( Box 532 ), but the mechanisms by which those drugs cause
pancreatitis is not known. Although many different drugs have been implicated, the strength of the data supporting a cause-effect relationship in
pancreatitis varies considerably. Drugs associated with pancreatitis can be divided into the following three groups: (1) those considered to be definite
causes of pancreatitis because their use has been associated with the onset of pancreatitis and the disease has recurred when patients have been
rechallenged with the drug; (2) those considered to be probable causes of pancreatitis because the incidence of disease is increased in individuals
exposed to the drug; and (3) those whose relationship to pancreatitis is just suspected because only anecdotal evidence has been presented to support
such a relationship. In the past, there have been claims that steroids as well as H2 -histamine antagonists can cause pancreatitis, but there is little
evidence to support those claims.

Even in the absence of biliary tract stones, pancreatic duct obstruction can cause pancreatitis. Thus, pancreatitis has been associated with duodenal
lesions such as duodenal

Box 53-2. Drugs Associated with Pancreatitis

Definite Cause

Cytosine arabinoside
Valproic acid
Probable Cause
. -Methyl-DOPA


DOPA, dihydroxyphenylalanine.
ulcers, duodenal Crohns disease, and periampullary tumors. It can also be triggered by a periampullary diverticulum, particularly if that diverticulum is
filled with debris or food particles. Pancreatitis can also be the result of a pancreatic duct stricture or disruption following blunt pancreatic trauma or
duct obstruction caused by a pancreatic tumor. Most patients with obstruction-induced pancreatitis have chronic, rather than acute, pancreatitis. That
chronic pancreatitis affects only the obstructed portion of the pancreas, and it can be cured by removing that part of the pancreas. Post-traumatic
strictures, the result of blunt abdominal trauma, can cause pancreatitis. They usually occur where the pancreas passes over the vertebral column.
Parasites such as Ascaris and Clonorchis can also cause pancreatitis by obstructing the pancreatic duct. Pancreas divisum has also been described as a
cause of obstructive pancreatitis. Presumably, that pancreatitis results from the relative obstruction that might occur at the lesser papilla when the
major fraction of pancreatic secretion is forced to exit via that orifice. Most observers believe that pancreas divisum, which occurs in roughly 10% of
individuals, is rarely the cause of pancreatitis.
Hereditary and Autoimmune Pancreatitis

There has been considerable recent interest in the few patients who develop pancreatitis on a hereditary basis.[9] It is generally believed that spontaneous
trypsinogen activation normally occurs to a slight degree within the pancreas but that, in health, the pancreas is protected from injury by the presence of
trypsin inhibitors. In hereditary pancreatitis, genetic mutations are believed to cause this protective process to fail either because a trypsin that is
resistant to inhibition is synthesized or because the trypsin inhibitors themselves are defective. In either case, the end result could be expected to be
further intrapancreatic activation of trypsin and, possibly, other digestive enzymes, eventually leading to repeated episodes of pancreatitis. In hereditary
pancreatitis, those attacks begin at a young age and lead to chronic changes including fibrosis, calcifications, and loss of both exocrine and endocrine
function. The incidence of pancreatic cancer is also markedly increased in patients with hereditary pancreatitis. Hereditary pancreatitis is an autosomal
dominant disease with incomplete penetrance. Pancreatic cancer most frequently develops in those with a paternal pattern of inheritance.
Pancreatitis can be the result of an autoimmune process, and, in those patients, it is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases such as
primary sclerosing cholangitis, Sjgrens syndrome, and primary biliary cirrhosis. Recently, a distinct form of autoimmune pancreatitis has been
described in which there is a severe, sclerosing process characterized by intense lymphocyte and plasmacyte infiltration. It is frequently associated with
bile as well as pancreatic duct strictures, pancreatic inflammation, and a pancreatic mass. Some refer to the disease as lymphoplasmacytic autoimmune
pancreatitis. Most patients with this form of pancreatitis have elevated circulating IgG levels, and that elevation is mostly due to an elevation in the
levels of IgG4. [10] Perhaps the most important feature of this form of autoimmune pancreatitis is the fact that it frequently presents as an otherwise
unexplained mass in the head of the pancreas and the sclerotic process can result in bile as well as pancreatic duct strictures (i.e., a double-duct sign).
Thus, it can easily be confused with pancreatic cancer. If correctly diagnosed, the mass as well as the strictures can completely resolve with steroid
Other Miscellaneous Causes of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can result from pancreatic trauma even without major duct disruption or stricture. In those cases, the inflammatory process is usually related
to contusion or laceration of the gland and possibly disruption of small ducts. Pancreatitis can occur during the postoperative period in patients
undergoing procedures on or near the pancreas or procedures associated with either hypoperfusion or atheroembolism (cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac
transplantation, renal transplantation). The injection of the pancreatic duct that occurs during endoscopic retrograde pancreatography or during sphincter
of Oddi manometry can also cause pancreatitis. Both acute and chronic pancreatitis can be caused by metabolic abnormalities, especially those leading

to hypercalcemia (i.e., hyperparathyroidism) and those leading to hyperlipidemia (type I, IV, or V hyperlipoproteinemias). Hypercalcemia

may result in pancreatitis by facilitating intrapancreatic digestive enzyme activation. Hyperlipidemia may lead to pancreatitis if the accompanying
hyperchylomicronemia interferes with the pancreatic microcirculation or results in release of free fatty acids in the pancreatic microcirculation. Both
hypercalcemia-induced pancreatitis and hyperlipidemia-induced pancreatitis can be prevented if the underlying metabolic abnormality is corrected by
either parathyroidectomy or by drug and dietary management of the hyperlipidemia. In places such as Trinidad, scorpion stings are a frequent cause of
pancreatitis. Scorpion toxin contains a potent pancreatic secretagogue and, presumably, the excessive pancreatic stimulation that follows exposure to
this toxin leads to pancreatic injury.
Idiopathic Pancreatitis

In most series, roughly 20% of patients have pancreatitis without an identifiable etiology. Some of those individuals have gallbladder sludge or
microcrystals, and further attacks can be prevented by either cholecystectomy or biliary sphincterotomy. Other patients have been found to have
sphincter of Oddi malfunction, sometimes associated with increased pressures in the pancreatic duct system, and they can be effectively treated by
sphincterotomy with pancreatic septotomy. Therefore, these patients have forms of biliary pancreatitis rather than truly idiopathic pancreatitis. There
remains, however, a significant group of patients with no identifiable cause for their pancreatitis. Recent studies by several independent groups have
suggested that some of these patients may have subclinical mutations of the cystic fibrosis gene.[11] In its most severe form, cystic fibrosis can cause
pancreatic fibrosis and the loss of both exocrine and endocrine function as a result of the blockade of ducts with inspissated secretions. However, the
patients with idiopathic pancreatitis related to cystic fibrosis have subclinical mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene. They do
not have inspissated secretion and their pancreatitis probably develops on another basis.
Pathophysiology of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis

It is generally believed that acute pancreatitis is triggered by obstruction of the pancreatic duct and that the injury begins within pancreatic acinar cells.
That injury is believed to include, and possibly be the result of, intra-acinar cell activation of digestive enzyme zymogens including trypsinogen.
Chronic pancreatitis is believed to reflect repeated episodes of subclinical acute pancreatitis with unrecognized pancreatic necrosis evolving into
pancreatic fibrosis.
One of the central issues in our understanding of the cellular events leading to acute pancreatitis is how duct obstruction could result in intra-acinar cell
enzyme activation. Perhaps one of the most widely accepted theories to explain this coupling is the so-called colocalization hypothesis.[12] This
hypothesis is based on a number of studies that have used experimental models of pancreatitis induced in laboratory animals. In those studies, one of the
earliest changes noted has been the colocalization of digestive enzyme zymogens such as trypsinogen with lysosomal hydrolases such as cathepsin B
inside cytoplasmic vacuoles. Under these conditions, cathepsin B can activate trypsinogen and trypsin can activate the other zymogens. According to
the colocalization hypothesis, cathepsin Bmediated intra-acinar cell activation of the digestive enzymes leads to acinar cell injury and triggers an
intrapancreatic inflammatory response. The intensity of that inflammatory response appears to regulate the severity of the pancreatitis and to couple
pancreatitis to extrapancreatic events such as lung and renal injury.
Presentation of an Acute Attack

The clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of an acute attack of pancreatitis are similar regardless of whether that attack is acute or chronic
pancreatitis. In fact, many describe patients with chronic pancreatitis who present with acute symptoms as having acute on chronic pancreatitis. On the
other hand, the long-term management of patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis may differ considerably. The former primarily involves
elimination of the inciting cause whereas, for chronic pancreatitis, irreversible changes have usually occurred prior to diagnosis and long-term
management primarily involves treatment of pain and pancreatic exocrine/endocrine insufficiency. For these reasons, this discussion of clinical
presentation focuses on issues relevant to an acute attack and does not make distinctions based on whether that is an attack of acute or chronic

Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are the dominant symptoms of pancreatitis. Typically, the pain is located in the epigastrium, but it may also
involve both upper quadrants, the lower abdomen, or the lower chest. It may have a pleuritic component and be felt in one or both shoulders. Most
patients describe the pain as being knifelike and radiating straight through to the mid-central back. It is usually abrupt in onset and slowly increases in
magnitude to reach a maximal level. The pain is usually constant, although it may be somewhat relieved by leaning forward or lying on the side with the
knees drawn upward. Patients with chronic pancreatitis frequently describe similar prior attacks that are often noted to occur within 12 to 24 hours of
ethanol consumption. The nausea and vomiting of pancreatitis usually persists even after the stomach has been emptied. The vomiting may lead to
gastroesophageal tears (i.e., Mallory-Weiss syndrome) and upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Although vomiting and retching may be relieved by passage
of a nasogastric tube, the pain usually persists even after gastric decompression. Some patients, especially those with postoperative pancreatitis who are
already receiving analgesic medications, may not experience abdominal pain and, therefore, the diagnosis of pancreatitis may be particularly difficult.

Physical Findings

Pancreatitis patients are frequently noted to be rolling or moving around in search of a more comfortable position and, in this sense, they are unlike
patients with a perforated viscus who often remain motionless because movement worsens their pain. Patients with severe pancreatitis usually appear ill
and anxious. Hyperthermia is common and may be explained by the release of proinflammatory factors, including cytokines and chemokines, from the
injured pancreas. Tachycardia, tachypnea, and hypotension caused by hypovolemia are common. Hypovolemia can also result in collapsed neck veins,
dry skin, dry mucous membranes, and diminished subcutaneous elasticity. Because pleuritic and abdominal pain may make breathing difficult, breath
sounds in the lower lung fields are usually diminished and atelectasis may be present. A pleural effusion can often be detected on either side, although it
is more commonly found on the left. Patients with severe pancreatitis frequently develop an acute lung injury that can clinically present as the adult
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Occasionally, patients with pancreatitis have alterations in their mental status as a result of drug or ethanol
exposure, hypotension, hypoxemia, or release of circulating toxic agents from the inflamed pancreas. Some degree of jaundice is common. In gallstoneinduced acute pancreatitis, the jaundice may reflect distal bile duct obstruction, but jaundice can also occur in nonbiliary pancreatitis either as a result of
duct obstruction caused by the inflamed pancreas or as a result of cholestasis induced by the severe illness itself. As a result of ileus, bowel sounds are
usually diminished during an attack of pancreatitis and the abdomen may become distended and tympanitic. Direct, percussion, and rebound abdominal
tenderness as well as both voluntary and involuntary guarding are common. These findings may be localized to the epigastrium or they may be diffusely
present throughout the abdomen. An epigastric mass, reflecting the inflamed pancreas and surrounding tissues, may be felt in the upper abdomen or left

upper quadrant. On rare occasions, flank ecchymoses (Grey Turners sign) or periumbilical ecchymoses (Cullens sign), which result from
retroperitoneal hemorrhage, can be seen during severe pancreatitis. Occasionally, patients develop areas of tender subcutaneous induration and erythema
that resemble erythema nodosum but that, in the case of pancreatitis, are caused by subcutaneous fat necrosis.
Routine Blood Tests

Pancreatitis can induce a diffuse capillary leak syndrome that, when combined with vomiting, can result in significant fluid losses. The resulting
hypovolemia can be marked. It usually leads to an increased hematocrit, hemoglobin, blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine. Serum albumin levels may be
markedly depressed, particularly if fluid losses are corrected by administration of albumin-free crystalloid solutions. The serum electrolytes may be
normal but, with significant vomiting, a hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis can develop. The white blood cell count is usually elevated with an
associated left shift in the differential count. Blood glucose may be elevated either due to associated diabetes mellitus or as a result of increased
glucagon and catecholamine release combined with diminished insulin release. Hyperbilirubinemia is relatively common during the early stages of
pancreatitis. It can be caused by either a biliary tract stone or by the inflamed (and possibly fibrotic) pancreas causing bile duct obstruction and, in this
setting, cholangitis with positive blood cultures can be superimposed on the pancreatitis. On the other hand, the hyperbilirubinemia of pancreatitis can
also reflect the nonobstructive cholestasis that often accompanies any severe illness. Hypertriglyceridemia is routinely noted in patients who have
hyperlipidemia-induced pancreatitis. Hypertriglyceridemia can also be induced by exposure to ethanol and therefore, the diagnosis of pancreatitis
should always be suspected when lactescent serum is found when evaluating an alcoholic patient with abdominal pain. Many patients with pancreatitis
appear to have hypocalcemia but, for the most part, that hypocalcemia can be explained by the hypoalbuminemia that accompanies pancreatitis.
Occasionally however, patients with severe pancreatitis have a reduction in their free, ionized calcium that is not a reflection of hypoalbuminemia. This
type of hypocalcemia is associated with a poor prognosis. Some of these patients manifest tetany and carpopedal spasm, making treatment with calcium
mandatory. The mechanisms responsible for this type of pancreatitis-associated hypocalcemia are not clear. Most likely, it occurs because bone calcium
stores do not respond to circulating parathormone. Patients with severe pancreatitis can also develop disseminated intravascular coagulation. In those
cases, thrombocytopenia, elevated levels of fibrin degradation products, a decreased fibrinogen level, prolonged partial thromboplastin time, and a
prolonged prothrombin time can be observed.
Amylase Measurement

Serum amylase activity is usually, but not always, elevated during pancreatitis, but the magnitude of that elevation does not parallel the severity of the
attack. In fact, as many as 10% of patients with lethal pancreatitis may have near-normal or normal amylase levels. This could reflect the fact that
pancreatitis-associated hyperamylasemia can be transient. Typically, amylase levels rise 2 to 12 hours after the onset of symptoms and then decline so
that, 3 to 6 days after the onset of an attack, the serum amylase levels are usually normal. Elevations that persist beyond a week suggest either ongoing
inflammation or the development of a complication such as pseudocyst, abscess, or pancreatic ascites. Urinary amylase levels remain elevated longer
than serum amylase levels and, thus, measurement of urinary amylase levels may be of diagnostic help in patients who present long after the onset of
symptoms. Although amylase can enter the circulation from nonpancreatic sites, including the salivary glands, lung, prostate, and ovary, it is pancreatic
amylase that

accounts for the rise in circulating amylase activity during pancreatitis.

The mechanisms responsible for the hyperamylasemia of pancreatitis are not clear. Some have suggested that, during pancreatitis, amylase and other
digestive enzymes may be secreted from the basolateral, as opposed to the apical, surface of acinar cells and, in this manner, they could gain access to
the lymphatic and vascular system. On the other hand, some recent studies have indicated that cell-cell contacts are loosened during pancreatitis.[13] This
could allow enzymes in the duct to reach periacinar, lymphatic, and intravascular spaces.
The overall sensitivity and specificity of serum amylase determination in the diagnosis of pancreatitis depend on both the clinical presentation and the
cut-off value chosen for the upper limit of normal. In some series, sensitivity and specificity values in the low-to-mid 90% range have been reported.
Hyperamylasemia can be associated with acute cholecystitis, perforated viscus, bowel obstruction, and bowel infarction. These states can also be
clinically confused with pancreatitis since they are also characterized by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal tenderness. In most cases,
patients with hyperamylasemia that is not due to pancreatitis have only mild elevations in the circulating amylase level (i.e., twofold to threefold
elevations from the normal value), whereas those with pancreatitis usually have greater elevations. At one time, measurement of the clearance ratio
between amylase and creatinine was advocated as a method by which pancreatitis-associated hyperamylasemia could be distinguished from non
pancreatitis-associated elevations of amylase activity. It was claimed that an elevated clearance rate was diagnostic of pancreatitis. Unfortunately, the
so-called amylase-to-creatinine clearance ratio has not proven to be clinically useful since changes in this ratio are not specific to pancreatitis and
elevated clearance ratios can be seen in other diseases. Occasionally, serum amylase activity may be normal, even during the early stages of an attack.
The basis for this phenomenon is not certain. In some cases, it may reflect overwhelming necrosis of the gland. Some patients with acute pancreatitis
superimposed on advanced chronic pancreatitis do not develop hyperamylasemia because there is little residual and functional pancreatic exocrine tissue
and, therefore, little pancreatic amylase to be released into the circulation. In some patients with hyperlipidemia-induced pancreatitis, hyperamylasemia
may be masked by circulating amylase inhibitors. This is particularly true of patients with lactescent serum in whom the circulating amylase activity
may appear to be normal.
Macroamylasemia is a form of pancreatitis-independent hyperamylasemia that affects 0.5% of individuals. It occurs when amylase binds to an abnormal
circulating albumin-like protein. Because of its large size, this protein prevents the normal clearance of amylase and, as a result, circulating levels of
amylase rise. In some patients, episodes of abdominal pain can also occur raising the suspicion that they have pancreatitis. In this situation,
macroamylasemia can be distinguished from the hyperamylasemia of pancreatitis by simple measurement of urinary amylase activity. In the former,
urinary amylase levels are very low.
Other Blood Tests

In addition to amylase, other enzymes and inflammatory mediators are released into the circulation during pancreatitis, and many have been the target of
diagnostic or prognostic tests. Circulating lipase levels usually increase during pancreatitis. That increase usually parallels the rise in amylase activity,
but the elevations of lipase activity may persist even after amylase activity has returned to normal. Thus, serum lipase measurement may be particularly
helpful when patients are first seen several days after the onset of symptoms. Circulating levels of other pancreatic enzymes including trypsinogen,
phospholipase, elastase, and chymotrypsinogen increase during pancreatitis, but measurement of these circulating enzymes is usually not performed
since they add little to the information gained by the easier and more straightforward measurement of amylase activity. The activation peptides released
during either trypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, or prophospholipase activation are increased in the urine of patients with acute pancreatitis, and several
studies have indicated that measurement of those activation peptides may aid in predicting the severity of an attack.[14] Although methemalbumin levels
sometimes rise during attacks of severe pancreatitis, and methemalbuminemia is indicative of a poor prognosis, methemalbumin levels are usually not
measured. Circulating levels of several inflammatory mediators and acute-phase reactants (e.g., interleukin [IL]-1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha,

and C-reactive protein) also increase during pancreatitis, and the magnitude of those increases can be used to predict the severity of an attack.
Imaging Studies

In general, the plain chest and abdominal radiographs are not particularly helpful in the diagnosis of pancreatitis, although they may be useful in patient
management by revealing other causes for the patients symptoms (e.g., pneumonia, perforated hollow viscus, mechanical bowel obstruction). In
patients with pancreatitis, radiographs of the chest frequently reveal basal atelectasis and elevation of the diaphragm caused by splinting of respiration.
Pleural effusions, most common on the left, can also be seen. Plain abdominal films usually show the gas pattern of a paralytic ileus but, occasionally,
retroperitoneal gas bubbles indicating infection with gas-forming organisms can be seen. Pancreatic calcifications that are pathognomonic of chronic
pancreatitis and are caused by the formation of calcified intraductal protein plugs may be seen on the routine abdominal films. Transcutaneous
ultrasound may be useful in demonstrating the presence of gallbladder stones and/or dilated bile ducts, but ultrasound examination has limited value
because of the presence of intestinal gas in the upper abdomen.
Computed tomography (CT) has been shown to be particularly helpful in the diagnosis and management of

patients with pancreatitis. During the early stages of an attack, CT can image the upper abdomen and pancreas without being obscured by overlying or
surrounding intestinal gas. When combined with bolus administration of intravenous contrast material, helical CT can detect the subtle changes of mild
pancreatitis (i.e., pancreatic swelling and edema) as well as the changes of more severe pancreatitis (i.e., varying degrees of pancreatic necrosis and the
presence of peripancreatic or intrapancreatic fluid collections). Both clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated the close parallel that exists
between nonperfused pancreas seen on CT examination and necrosis seen on morphologic examination of the pancreas. At later times during the
evolution of an attack, CT can be used to detect and follow pseudocysts and to permit fine-needle aspiration of areas suspected of harboring pancreatic
infection. The timing of CT during an attack of pancreatitis is a matter of considerable controversy. One study, using an experimental model of
pancreatitis in rodents, suggested that early CT with administration of intravenous contrast material could adversely affect the course of pancreatitis and
worsen outcome,[15] but this conclusion has not been borne out by other studies,[16] and, at present, it is generally believed that early performance of
contrast-enhanced CT does not worsen pancreatitis. On the other hand, there may be little or no value in obtaining a CT in patients with obvious
pancreatitis since early CT is unlikely to alter treatment. Early CT may be particularly helpful when the diagnosis of pancreatitis is in doubt. A normal
pancreas imaged in a patient thought to have severe pancreatitis would prompt further diagnostic studies. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which
has the same sensitivity and specificity as CT in pancreatitis, has also been used in these patients. It provides information that is similar to that obtained
by CT but, because of its ease of interpretation and ready availability, most clinicians prefer to use CT, rather than MRI, for the diagnosis and
management of patients with pancreatitis.
Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of acute pancreatitis includes any process that can cause upper abdominal pain and tenderness, nausea, and vomiting ( Box
533 ). Usually, but not always, the serum amylase and/or lipase levels are elevated in pancreatitis, but those enzymes can also be elevated in other
conditions including cholecystitis/ cholangitis, perforated hollow viscus, bowel obstruction, and bowel infarction. In those patients, the CT does not
Box 53-3. Differential Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis
Bowel obstruction
Mesenteric ischemia/infarction
Perforated hollow viscus

suggest pancreatitis and, for the most part, enzyme elevations in those conditions are usually only twofold or threefold above normal. Occasionally,
however, it may be difficult or even impossible to be certain that the patient actually has pancreatitis and, in those cases, a diagnostic exploratory
laparotomy may be indicated.
Prognosis of an Acute Attack

The ultimate severity of an attack appears to be determined by events that occur within the first 24 to 48 hours. Most patients experience only a mild
self-limited illness that can be expected to resolve with only supportive care, but approximately 10% of patients experience a severe attack. Severe
attacks are more common in acute pancreatitis, but they can also occur when an acute attack is superimposed on chronic pancreatitis, that is, the socalled acute on chronic pancreatitis. Severe attacks are also more common in patients older than 60 years of age; those experiencing a first attack; those
with postoperative pancreatitis; and those with methemalbuminemia, hypocalcemia, Grey Turners sign, or Cullens sign. The observation that the
ultimate severity is determined by events that occur during the early stages of pancreatitis has prompted several groups of investigators to undertake
studies designed to determine which clinical, chemical, or radiologic parameters might be used to identify those patients destined to experience a severe
illness. As a result, a number of prognostic schemes have been developed. Among the clinical scoring systems, the most widely used are those
developed in New York by Ransons group[17] ( Table 531 ), and, in Glasgow, by Imries group.[18] Patients with fewer than three of the prognostic
criteria can be expected to have a mild attack with little morbidity and a mortality rate of less than 1%. On the other hand,
TABLE 53-1 -- Ransons Prognostic Signs

Initial 48 Hours

Gallstone Pancreatitis
Age > 70 yr

Hct fall > 10

WBC > 18,000/mm3

BUN elevation > 2 mg/100 mL

Glucose > 220 mg/100 mL

Ca2+ > 8 mg/100 mL

LDH > 40 IU/L

Base deficit > 5 mEq/L

AST > 250 U/100 mL

Fluid sequestration > 4 L

Non-Gallstone Pancreatitis

Age > 55 yr

Hct fall > 10

WBC > 16,000/mm3

BUN elevation > 5 mg/100 mL

Glucose > 200 mg/100 mL

Ca2+ > 8 mg/100 mL

LDH > 350 IU/L

Pao2 > 55 mm Hg

AST > 250 U/100 mL

Base deficit > 4 mEq/L

Fluid sequestration > 6 L

WBC, white blood count; LDH, lactic dehydrogenase; AST, aspartate transaminase; HCT, hematocrit; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Ca2+ , calcium;
Pao2 , arterial oxygen.
Adapted from Ranson JHC, Rifkind KM, Roses DF, et al: Prognostic signs and the role of operative management in acute pancreatitis. Surg Gynecol
Obstet 139:6981, 1974 and Ranson JHC. Etiological and prognostic factors in human acute pancreatitis: A review. Am J Gastroenterol 77:633,


with the presence of more prognostic factors, increased morbidity and mortality can be expected so that, with three or four of Ransons criteria, the
mortality rate may reach 15%, and 50% of patients may need to be treated in an intensive care unit. Most patients with five or six signs will require
intensive care and, with seven or eight of Ransons signs, the mortality rate may reach 90%. As an alternative to using clinical criteria, Balthazar and
coworkers developed radiologic criteria for predicting a severe attack. In a prospective study employing contrast-enhanced CT examination,[19] they
noted that the severity of an attack was related to the number of pancreatic fluid collections and the extent of pancreatic nonperfusion (i.e., necrosis)
seen on CT examination. In addition to clinical and radiologic criteria, high levels of certain circulating factors can also be used to predict the evolution
of a severe attack. Those factors include the following: Creactive protein, phospholipase A2 , polymorphonuclear elastase, immunoreactive trypsin, IL6, and pancreatitis-associated protein. High urinary levels of the activation peptides for trypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, and prophospholipase also
indicate a severe attack. The second version of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE-II) scoring system has also been used to
predict the severity of a pancreatitis attack. An APACHE-II score of 8 or more is generally indicative of a severe attack. The APACHE-II scoring
system has the advantage of continually quantifying disease severity. Although the APACHE-II system can be used at the time of admission, recent
studies have suggested that an admission score that worsens over the initial 48 hours of hospitalization in spite of aggressive treatment, or the score
itself 48 hours after admission, may be particularly accurate in predicting the severity of the attack and a poor outcome.[20]
Although each of these scoring systems may predict the severity of an attack, there is also evidence that a good examination by an experienced clinician
can accurately discriminate between mild and severe pancreatitis. Furthermore, none of the prognostic schemes are intended for use as a diagnostic tool
in pancreatitis. Their ultimate value is in triaging patients to their appropriate care settings. In addition, they may be useful in clinical studies by
permitting comparison of therapeutic outcomes for comparable patients stratified to different treatments.
Treatment of an Acute Attack

An acute attack of pancreatitis evolves in two, somewhat overlapping, phases. The initial phase, which lasts for 1 to 2 weeks, involves an acute
inflammatory and autodigestive process that takes place within and around the pancreas. It may have systemic effects as well. In patients with severe
pancreatitis, this initial phase of pancreatitis seamlessly evolves into a later phase that may last for weeks or months. This later phase of pancreatitis is
primarily characterized by the development of local complications that are, themselves, the result of necrosis, infection, and pancreatic duct rupture.
Initial Treatment

The initial management of patients with pancreatitis should focus on establishing the diagnosis, estimating its severity, addressing the major symptoms
(i.e., pain, nausea, vomiting, and hypovolemia), and limiting its progression. Ideally, the diagnosis should be established without exploratory surgery
since exploration may increase the incidence of later pancreatic infection. On occasion, however, exploration may be required to establish the diagnosis
with certainty, especially when the diagnosis is uncertain and the patient has not responded favorably to aggressive nonoperative treatment. For the most
part, patients with predicted severe pancreatitis should be treated in an intensive care setting since it is in this group that fluid and respiratory
management may be particularly challenging and both morbidity and mortality are, essentially, confined to this group.
Management of Pain

The pain of pancreatitis may be severe and difficult to control. Most patients require narcotic medications. Meperidine or its analogues are probably
preferable to morphine in this setting since morphine can induce spasm of the sphincter of Oddi and that could, at least theoretically, worsen biliary
Fluid and Electrolyte Management

Aggressive fluid and electrolyte repletion is the most important element in the initial management of pancreatitis. Fluid losses can be enormous and can
lead to marked hemoconcentration as well as hypovolemia. Inadequate fluid resuscitation during the early stages of pancreatitis can worsen the severity
of an attack and lead to subsequent complications. The fluid depletion that occurs in pancreatitis results from the additive effects of losing fluid both
externally and internally. The external fluid losses are caused by repeated episodes of vomiting and worsen by nausea that limits fluid intake. Repeated
vomiting can result in a hypochloremic alkalosis. Internal fluid losses, which are usually even greater than the external losses, are caused by fluid
sequestration into areas of inflammation (i.e., the peripancreatic retroperitoneum) and into the pulmonary parenchyma and soft tissues elsewhere in the
body. These latter losses result from the diffuse capillary leak phenomenon that is triggered by proinflammatory factors released during pancreatitis.
Total fluid losses may be so great that they lead to hypovolemia and hypoperfusion and, as a result, a metabolic acidosis can develop. Many of the
patients with chronic pancreatitis are alcoholics who, even before the onset of pancreatitis, had hypoalbuminemia and hypomagnesemia. Those
problems are exacerbated by the losses of pancreatitis. The measured values for serum albumin may be even further depressed as fluid losses are treated
with albumin-free crystalloid solutions. Although hypocalcemia is common particularly during a severe attack, the low total serum calcium is usually
attributable to the low levels of circulating albumin and no treatment is needed when ionized calcium is normal. Occasionally, however, ionized

calcium levels may also be depressed and tetany as well as carpopedal spasm can occur. Under those circumstances, aggressive calcium repletion is

During the first several days of a severe attack, circulating levels of many proinflammatory factors, including cytokines and chemokines, are elevated.
This cytokine storm, in many cases, triggers the systemic immune response syndrome and, as a result, the hemodynamic parameters of these patients
may resemble those of sepsis associated with other disease states. Heart rate, cardiac output, and cardiac index usually rise and total peripheral
resistance falls. Hypoxemia can also occur as a result of the combined effects of increased intrapulmonary shunting and a pancreatitis-associated lung
injury that closely resembles that seen in other forms of the ARDS. Fluid management, although critical, may be particularly difficult when
hypovolemia is combined with the respiratory failure of ARDS.
Treatment requires meticulous replacement of fluid and electrolyte losses. A fluid balance flow sheet is helpful, but parameters such as pulse rate, blood
pressure, oxygen saturation, and urine output are notoriously unreliable for determining fluid needs in this setting. The hematocrit, however, can be
quite useful as increased levels usually are accurate indicators of the magnitude of extracellular fluid loss. However, in a setting of blood loss or
hemolysis, hematocrit measurements may lose their value in fluid management. Measurement of central filling pressures, using a Swan-Ganz or central
venous pressure catheter, can be helpful in guiding fluid management, particularly when hypovolemia is combined with lung injury.
Role of Nasogastric Decompression

The nausea and vomiting of pancreatitis can result in significant fluid as well as electrolyte losses. Furthermore, retching can lead to gastroesophageal
mucosal tears and result in upper gastrointestinal bleeding (i.e., the Mallory-Weiss syndrome). To increase patient comfort, nasogastric decompression
may be needed, although the institution of nasogastric drainage has not been shown to alter the eventual outcome of an attack.
Role of Prophylactic Antibiotics

Over the past decade, three separate studies have indicated that prophylactic antibiotics are useful in the management of patients with severe pancreatitis
[21] [22] [23] but no benefit was observed when prophylactic antibiotics were given to patients with mild pancreatitis. They postulated that patients with mild
pancreatitis almost invariably recover quickly and without infectious complications. In patients with severe pancreatitis, benefit was observed with
regimens that included imipenem alone, imipenem with cilastatin, and cefuroxime. Selective gut decontamination with a combination of norfloxacin,
colistin, and amphotericin has also been found to be beneficial,[24] although that approach is labor intensive and not readily available. Although these
recent studies argue strongly for administration of prophylactic antibiotics to patients with severe pancreatitis, there is an opposing view that is
becoming increasingly widespread. According to that school of thought, administration of prophylactic antibiotics favors emergence of resistant
organisms in the area of pancreatic injury. That may be particularly true for fungal strains such as Candida. Some have advocated adding antifungal
agents such as fluconazole to the prophylactic antibiotic regimen, whereas others have argued that, because of the risk of infection with resistant
organisms or fungi, antibiotics should not be prophylactically used in the management of a severe attack.
Nutritional Support

Patients with severe pancreatitis may be unable to eat for prolonged periods and an alternative route for providing nutrition is required. Traditionally,
these patients have been given parenteral nutrition administered via a central venous catheter. Widely differing opinions exist regarding the time that
total parenteral nutrition should be started. Some advocate starting within the first day or two, whereas others delay starting total parenteral nutrition
until the early phase of pancreatitis, characterized by extensive fluid shifts and high fluid requirements, has been completed. I favor the latter approach.
Several investigative groups have recently demonstrated that most patients with pancreatitis, including those with severe pancreatitis, can actually
tolerate small amounts of enterally administered nutrients. They have shown that those nutrients can be tolerated if given either into the stomach (via a
nasogastric tube) or into the small intestine (via a nasojejunal tube). Pancreatic infections are believed to occur because gut bacteria are translocated
across the injured bowel wall adjacent to areas of pancreatic injury. Theoretically, enteral nutrition exerts a trophic effect on the injured bowel wall that
could reduce this translocation and, thus, reduce the incidence of pancreatic infections. Studies evaluating this concept are currently underway, but, even
in the absence of definitive results, I favor administration of trophic amounts of nutrients to patients with severe pancreatitis and begin that treatment
within 72 hours of hospitalization.
Treatments of Limited or Unproved Value

Peritoneal dialysis, designed to eliminate the proinflammatory factors released into the abdomen during pancreatitis, might theoretically be expected to
reduce the severity of pancreatitis. Indeed, early anecdotal studies did support the use of peritoneal dialysis in patients with severe pancreatitis, but a
more recent, prospective, randomized multi-institutional study showed that peritoneal dialysis was of no benefit. Nasogastric decompression does not
appear to alter the course or outcome of a pancreatitis attack, although it may provide for greater patient comfort during the early stages when nausea
and vomiting are common. Other attempts to reduce gastrointestinal and/or pancreatic secretion (i.e., H2 blockers, proton-pump inhibitors, antacids,
atropine, somatostatin, glucagon, calcitonin) have not been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of pancreatitis. Similarly, the use of antiinflammatory agents (i.e., steroids, prostaglandins, and indomethacin) has not been helpful although recent experimental studies have suggested that
specific inhibition

of cyclooxygenase-2 might be beneficial. Many attempts to treat pancreatitis with agents designed to inhibit activated proteolytic enzymes (e.g.,
aprotinin, gabexate mesylate) have failed to alter the course of pancreatitis unless their use is begun prior to the onset of the attack. Hypothermia,
thoracic duct drainage, and plasmapheresis have been evaluated in experimental models of pancreatitis but, to date, there is little evidence that these
modes of therapy are clinically useful. Many other approaches have also been tried (e.g., procainamide, isoproterenol, heparin, dextran, vasopressin).
Although these forms of treatment have been supported by experimental animal studies, particularly when the treatment is begun prior to the onset of
pancreatitis, human clinical trials have failed to show a beneficial effect on the course of patients with established pancreatitis and, at present, none of
these treatments are commonly employed. Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is a proinflammatory factor that has been shown to promote worsening of
experimental pancreatitis in animal models. Recently, several clinical trials have evaluated the effects of interfering with PAF action during severe
clinical pancreatitis, but they have failed to show these anti-PAF agents beneficially alter the outcome of patients with severe pancreatitis. Therefore,
anti-PAF agents are not currently used.
Treatment of Early Systemic Complications of Pancreatitis

The pathogenesis and management of the cardiovascular collapse, respiratory failure, renal failure, metabolic encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding,
and disseminated intravascular coagulation that complicate severe pancreatitis appear to be identical to those involved when these processes are
superimposed on other disease states that are characterized by peritonitis and hypovolemia. Cardiovascular collapse is largely caused by hypovolemia,
and its management requires aggressive fluid and electrolyte repletion. This may necessitate placement of a central venous or Swan-Ganz monitoring
catheter. Changes in hematocrit, filling pressures, and cardiac output can be used to monitor the adequacy of treatment, but changes in blood pressure,
pulse, and urine output do not accurately and reliably reflect the adequacy of fluid replacement.
The pulmonary manifestations of pancreatitis include atelectasis and acute lung injury. The latter appears to be similar to the acute lung injury caused by

other systemic processes including septic shock, ischemia/reperfusion, and massive blood transfusion. Management includes good pulmonary toilet
combined with close monitoring of pulmonary function. For many patients, intubation and respiratory support may be required. Renal failure in
pancreatitis is usually prerenal and is associated with a poor prognosis. In severe cases, dialysis, usually hemodialysis, may be required. Stress-induced
gastroduodenal erosions account for most of the gastrointestinal bleeding in pancreatitis and prophylaxis with antacids, H2 receptor antagonists, or
proton-pump inhibitors may be appropriate. Rarely, massive bleeding can result from injury to peripancreatic vascular structures leading to hemorrhage
into the retroperitoneum. The peripancreatic inflammatory process can also cause thrombosis of major gastrointestinal vessels and result in ischemic
lesions involving the stomach, small intestine, or colon that can cause bleeding. Management of these complications of pancreatitis is similar to that
involved when they occur in the absence of pancreatitis. Some patients with severe pancreatitis develop disseminated intravascular coagulation, but it
rarely causes bleeding and prophylactic heparinization is usually not indicated.
Role of Early Endoscopy and Stone Extraction

Patients with mild pancreatitis may ultimately require endoscopic duct clearance to prevent recurrent attacks, but they rarely benefit from early
endoscopy because their pancreatitis generally resolves spontaneously within several days. On the other hand, the role of early endoscopic duct
clearance in the initial management of patients with severe biliary pancreatitis is more controversial. Three randomized, controlled, prospective studies
have differing results.[25] [26] [27] One study indicated that early stone clearance reduced the severity and mortality of biliary pancreatitis, whereas a second
study indicated that early duct clearance reduced the incidence of infectious complications. The third study concluded that early endoscopy and duct
clearance actually adversely affected the course of pancreatitis because it was associated with a high incidence of complications. At the present time,
most experts would favor early (i.e., < 48 hours after the onset of symptoms) endoscopic intervention in severe biliary pancreatitis, but further studies
are needed.
Role and Timing of Cholecystectomy in Patients with Gallstone Pancreatitis

In general, patients with gallstone pancreatitis should undergo some form of definitive treatment prior to discharge from the hospital, and that
intervention should take place as soon as possible after resolution of their attack. Further delaying the intervention would increase the chances that
additional stones might be passed and another attack of pancreatitis might be triggered. Intervening sooner, on the other hand, could introduce infection
into the inflamed peripancreatic area and/or worsen the pancreatitis.
For purposes of therapeutic decision making, patients with gallstone pancreatitis can be divided into two groups: those who have or have had
gallbladder-derived problems (cholecystitis or biliary colic) and those whose only problems are purely related to stones in the biliary ductal system (i.e.,
cholangitis and pancreatitis). Patients in the first group should undergo cholecystectomy since that operation will prevent additional gallbladder attacks
as well as eliminating the source of stones that might trigger another attack of pancreatitis. Patients in the second group, however, do not necessarily
require cholecystectomy since their problem relates only to ductal stones. Theoretically they could be treated simply by endoscopic stone clearance
combined with endoscopic sphincterotomy so that future stones are passed without becoming impacted in the ampulla and triggering either

pancreatitis or cholangitis. Indeed, for poor surgical risk patients, the endoscopic approach is generally recommended. On the other hand, roughly 25%
of patients treated in this manner will go on to develop gallbladder symptoms over the next 3 to 5 years. Thus, good surgical risk patients are better
managed by cholecystectomy.
Treatment of Later Complications

In 1992, an international symposium was held to resolve the confusion that had arisen concerning the terminology used to describe the local
complications of pancreatitis and the value of specific treatments for those complications.[28] The following definitions were agreed on at that
1. Acute fluid collections. These occur during the early stages of severe pancreatitis in 30% to 50% of patients, lack a wall of granulation or fibrous
tissue, and more than half regress spontaneously. Most are peripancreatic, but some are intrapancreatic. Those that do not regress may evolve into
pseudocysts or involve areas of necrosis.
2. Pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis. These are areas of nonviable pancreatic or peripancreatic tissue that may be either sterile or infected.
They typically include areas of fat necrosis, and the necrotic tissue has a putty-like or paste-like consistency. Some necrotic regions may evolve
into pseudocysts, whereas others may be replaced by fibrous tissue.
3. Pancreatic pseudocyst. These are collections of pancreatic juice, usually rich in digestive enzymes, that are enclosed by a nonepithelialized wall
composed of fibrous and granulation tissue ( Fig. 534 ). Pseudocysts can be intrapancreatic but are more commonly extrapancreatic and occupy
the lesser peritoneal sac. Pseudocysts are usually round or oval in shape and are not present before 4 to 6 weeks after the onset of an attack. Prior
to that time, the fluid collection lacks a defined wall and is usually either an acute fluid collection or a localized area of necrosis (see earlier).
Pseudocysts may be colonized by microorganisms, but infection, as evidenced by the presence of pus, is less common. When pus is present, the
infected pseudocyst is referred to as a pancreatic abscess. Leakage or rupture of a pseudocyst into the peritoneal cavity results in pancreatic
ascites. A pancreaticopleural fistula results from erosion of a pseudocyst into the pleural space.
4. Pancreatic abscess. These are circumscribed intra-abdominal collections of pus, usually in proximity to the pancreas, which contain little or no
necrotic tissue but arise as a consequence of pancreatitis. An infected pseudocyst should be considered a pancreatic abscess. Pancreatic abscess
and infected pancreatic necrosis represent the extremes of a spectrum that include lesions with varying amounts of necrosis. Thus, in a pancreatic
abscess, there is little necrosis and the material has a liquid consistency, whereas in infected pancreatic necrosis, necrosis predominates and the
material is paste or putty-like.

Figure 53-4 CT scan of pancreatic pseudocyst.


Contrast-enhanced CT is particularly valuable as a means of quantifying the extent of pancreatic necrosis (i.e., nonenhancement). The maturation of a
pseudocyst can be followed by both contrast-enhanced CT and endoscopic ultrasound. Management of local pancreatitis complications is dependent on
whether the lesion is sterile or infected (see later). Occasionally, infection can be diagnosed when plain abdominal films or CT scans reveal
extraintestinal gas bubbles or air either within the area of inflammation or elsewhere in the retroperitoneum. When the clinical suspicion of infection is
high, fine-needle aspiration of peripancreatic or intrapancreatic fluid for culture and Gram stain analysis may be particularly helpful.[29] The procedure is
most frequently done with CT guidance, and it is safe when performed by experienced radiologists.
Management of Sterile and Infected Acute Fluid Collections

Sterile acute fluid collections usually resolve spontaneously and no specific treatment is indicated. Attempts to drain acute fluid collections, either by
using percutaneously placed drains or by intervening surgically, should be discouraged as they are usually unnecessary, and, furthermore, they are likely
to lead to infection. Even without instrumentation, these fluid collections can become infected but, since they contain liquid pus with little or no necrotic
tissue, they are amenable to transcutaneous catheter drainage along with antibiotic therapy. It is generally believed that aspirating fluid from any site
near the pancreas yields information that is relevant to all of the fluid collections and that sampling multiple sites is unnecessary.
Management of Sterile and Infected Necrosis

The role of surgical intervention in the management of patients with sterile pancreatic or peripancreatic necrosis

has been the subject of considerable controversy. Opinions range from those advocating aggressive dbridement for patients with sterile necrosis who
fail to rapidly improve on nonoperative treatment to those who claim that surgical intervention is virtually never indicated when the necrosis is sterile.
Those taking the former position claim that removing the necrotic tissue (i.e., necrosectomy) reduces morbidity and speeds recovery, whereas those
taking the latter position, including me, base their position on the fact that most people treated nonoperatively will eventually recover and some who
undergo operation may actually be made worse by the operation.
There is, however, a general consensus that patients with infected necrosis require some form of intervention. Prospective studies have indicated that
infection of areas of necrosis can occur at any time but that it usually occurs during the initial 3 to 4 weeks of an attack. Although some recent reports
have indicated that highly selected patients might be adequately treated with antibiotics alone,[30] simple antibiotic therapy is generally considered to be
inadequate because the necrotic tissue acts as a foreign body, making it impossible to sterilize the area with antibiotics alone. Combining antibiotic
therapy with percutaneous catheter drainage may also not be adequate treatment because the pastelike necrotic tissue does not pass through the smallbore drainage catheters and, therefore, drainage is usually incomplete. Other methods of removing the necrotic tissue, either via a transpapillary
endoscopic route or using minimally invasive surgical approaches with an operating nephroscope, have been tried, but experience with these techniques
has been limited and essentially anecdotal. The conventional approach to managing infected necrosis involves laparotomy and surgical dbridement of
the infected, devitalized tissue. Repeated operations and dbridement may be needed. The timing of the initial dbridement appears to be closely related
to the outcome; that is, those undergoing later operations do better and require fewer repeat operations than those undergoing early operation.
The goal of operation in patients with infected necrosis is to remove as much as possible of the infected, necrotic tissue and to provide drainage for the
remaining viable exocrine tissue. Many different ways of achieving these goals have been described ( Box 534 ) and, although each has its advocates,
none has been proven to be superior to the others. My practice is to perform repeated operations, each of which involves dbridement and abdominal
wall closure. At the time of the final dbridement, drains and a feeding jejunostomy are placed. For the most part, the repeated laparotomies are
performed every 2 to 3 days until no further dbridement is possible or necessary.
Management of Pancreatic Pseudocysts

Most pseudocysts communicate with the pancreatic ductal system and contain a watery fluid that is rich in pancreatic digestive enzymes. Typically,
patients with pseudocysts have persistent elevations of circulating pancreatic enzymes. Recent reports have shown that many pseudocysts eventually
resolve without complications and
Box 53-4. Management Options for Infected Pancreatic Necrosis
Conventional Approach
Dbridement with reoperation when clinically indicated or at
planned intervals
Dbridement with open or closed packing and reoperation when
clinically indicated or at planned intervals
Dbridement with continuous lavage
Unconventional Approach
Antibiotics alone
Antibiotics with percutaneous drainage
Antibiotics with endoscopic drainage
Antibiotics with surgical drainage but not dbridement
Antibiotics with dbridement via minimally invasive surgery

that intervention is not mandatory in all cases unless the pseudocysts are symptomatic, enlarging, or associated with complications. The likelihood that a
pseudocyst will resolve spontaneously, however, is dependent on its size. Large pseudocysts (i.e., > 6 cm in diameter) are more likely to become
symptomatic either because they are tender or because of their mass effect on adjacent organs. Those that compress the stomach or duodenum may
cause gastric outlet obstruction with nausea and vomiting. Those that reduce the capacity of the stomach frequently cause early satiety, whereas those
impinging on the bile duct can cause obstructive jaundice. Pancreatic pseudocysts that erode into a neighboring vessel can result in formation of a
pseudoaneurysm with hemosuccus pancreaticus and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Symptomatic or enlarging pseudocysts can be treated by several methods. Those in the tail can be treated by excision (i.e., distal pancreatectomy) but
excision in the setting of recent acute inflammation may be hazardous. Most patients who develop symptomatic pseudocysts are best managed by
pseudocyst drainage. In poor surgical risk patients, percutaneous catheter drainage can be considered, but in my experience, that approach leads to
considerable morbidity because of catheter-induced infection and the development of a prolonged external pancreatic fistula. Internal drainage can
avoid these problems and seems preferable. Internal drainage can be accomplished either endoscopically (via transpapillary drainage, cyst-gastrostomy
or cyst-duodenostomy) or surgically (via cyst-gastrostomy, cyst-duodenostomy, or Roux-en-Y cyst-jejunostomy). The approach chosen depends
primarily on the locally available expertise as well as the location of the pseudocyst, but endoscopic drainage may be preferable in poor surgical risk
Pseudocysts that are directly adjacent to either the stomach or duodenum can be safely drained endoscopically if there are no intervening vessels. After
endoscopic ultrasound and preliminary aspiration of the cyst fluid to confirm the diagnosis and exclude intervening vessels, endoscopic drainage is
achieved by making an incision into the pseudocyst through the wall of the stomach or

duodenum. To facilitate decompression, the opening should be relatively large and a pigtail catheter may be placed. Transpapillary drainage might be
more appropriate for patients with pancreatic head pseudocysts whose CT and endoscopic ultrasound suggest that incising into the pseudocyst could be
hazardous. At the time of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), a stent is passed into the pseudocyst through the papilla of Vater.
Unfortunately, transpapillary drainage, particularly when incomplete, can allow bacteria to enter the pseudocyst and lead to development of an infected
pseudocyst. Another transpapillary approach involves placing a stent across the duct defect rather than into the cyst through the defect. By excluding
pancreatic juice from the pseudocyst, this bridging intraductal stent may permit the duct disruption to heal and the pseudocyst to resolve without
drainage. Further experience with this technique will be needed before its ultimate use can be determined.
Surgical internal drainage of pseudocysts is usually accomplished by creating either a Roux-en-Y cyst-jejunostomy, a side-to-side cyst-gastrostomy, or a
side-to-side cyst duodenostomy. The former is usually accomplished by directly anastomosing a defunctionalized Roux-en-Y limb of jejunum to the
opened pseudocyst. Surgical cystgastrostomy (or cyst-duodenostomy) has traditionally been accomplished by laparotomy and anterior gastrotomy (or
lateral duodenotomy). A generous incision is then made through the posterior wall of the stomach (or medial wall of the duodenum) into the pseudocyst.
Some surgeons now perform cyst-gastrostomy using a laparoscopic approach.
Management of Pancreatic Ascites and Pancreaticopleural Fistulas

Pancreatic ascites occurs when pancreatic juice gains entry into the peritoneal cavity either from a pancreatic duct disruption or from a leaking
pseudocyst. The diagnosis can usually be made when high amylase levels are found in the ascitic fluid. The initial treatment usually is nonoperative and
involves attempts to decrease pancreatic secretion by elimination of enteral feeding, institution of nasogastric drainage, and administration of the
antisecretory hormone somatostatin. Repeated paracentesis may also be helpful. Roughly 50% to 60% of patients can be expected to respond to this
treatment with resolution of pancreatic ascites within 2 to 3 weeks. Persistent or recurrent ascites can be treated either endoscopically or surgically.
Endoscopic treatment involves endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy with or without placement of a transpapillary pancreatic duct stent. By reducing
the resistance to drainage into the duodenum, and by bridging the site of duct disruption, this approach is designed to allow the site of leakage to seal.
Surgical treatment of pancreatic ascites, usually preceded by performance of an ERCP to identify the site of duct disruption, involves either resection
(for leaks in the pancreatic tail) or internal Roux-en-Y drainage (for leaks in the head/neck region). It seems most appropriate to attempt endoscopic
treatment initially and to reserve surgical treatment for those patients who do not respond to endoscopic therapy.
The genesis of pancreaticopleural fistula is similar to that of pancreatic ascites, but in this case the duct disruption is usually posterior and the
extravasated juice travels in a cephalad direction through the retroperitoneum to reach the thoracic cavity. Although the incidence of pancreaticopleural
fistula is lower than that of pancreatic ascites, the management of both is similar.
Management of Pancreatitis-Induced False Aneurysms

Rarely, pancreatic pseudocysts or areas of pancreatic necrosis can erode into pancreatic or peripancreatic vascular structures. This results in the
formation of a false aneurysm since the vessel communicates with the pseudocyst. That false aneurysm may either communicate with the ductal system
or rupture into the free peritoneal cavity. The former leads to bleeding into the pancreatic duct (hemosuccus pancreaticus) and presents as transpapillary
upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Rupture into the peritoneal cavity can lead to hemoperitoneum. Therapeutic angiographic embolization is most
appropriate for the unstable patient, and this approach may also provide definitive treatment, particularly for those patients whose false aneurysm is in
the pancreatic head. For those whose false aneurysm is in the tail of the pancreas, subsequent distal pancreatectomy, once the patient is stabilized, may
provide more secure hemostasis.
Management of Pancreaticoenteric Fistulas

Pancreatic pseudocysts or areas of pancreatic necrosis can erode into the small intestine, duodenum, stomach, bile duct, or splenic flexure of the colon.
Occasionally, this results in resolution of the pseudocyst and no further treatment is needed. More often, however, such an event is accompanied by
significant bleeding and/or signs of sepsis, and surgical intervention is usually required. Management of these fistulas is determined by the
gastrointestinal organ involved.
Management of Pancreatitis-Induced Splenic Vein Thrombosis

Because of the close proximity of the splenic vein to the pancreas, splenic vein thrombosis is not unusual in cases of severe pancreatitis. For the most
part, it does not result in early symptoms, but it may eventually result in the formation of gastroesophageal varices. Splenectomy provides effective and
definitive treatment when these sinistral varices bleed, but because bleeding occurs in fewer than 10% of these patients, prophylactic splenectomy is not
generally performed.
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Pathology and Etiology of Chronic Pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by irreversible changes including pancreatic fibrosis and the loss of functional pancreatic exocrine and/or
endocrine tissue. Most patients develop chronic pancreatitis as a result of prolonged

ethanol abuse. It is generally believed that, in its earliest stages, chronic pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory process and that repeated episodes of
subclinical acute pancreatic injury and necrosis lead to the fibrosis of chronic pancreatitis.
Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis

There has been considerable confusion concerning the clinical distinction between chronic and acute pancreatitis. To a great extent, this confusion
results from the fact that, from a clinical standpoint, attacks of chronic pancreatitis may be indistinguishable from those of acute pancreatitis.
Fortunately, the initial management of acute or chronic pancreatitis attacks is identical, as is the management of complications such as infection,
necrosis, and pseudocyst (see Treatment section, earlier). On the other hand, the two forms of pancreatitis have natural histories that differ considerably,
and the long-term management of chronic pancreatitis presents challenges that are not inherent to the management of acute pancreatitis.

Patients with chronic pancreatitis may describe prior episodes of pancreatic-type abdominal pain, and 60% to 80% of patients have a long history of
ethanol abuse. There may be a family history of pancreatitis suggestive of the presence of hereditary pancreatitis or a history of autoimmune diseases
including primary sclerosing cholangitis and Sjgrens syndrome that should raise suspicion of pancreatitis on an autoimmune basis. Diabetes mellitus
and/or a history suggestive of malabsorption (i.e., steatorrhea) indicate that significant pancreatic endocrine and/or exocrine function has been lost and
this is most compatible with the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Typically, patients with chronic pancreatitis have upper abdominal pain radiating to
the back. It can be constant or episodic and triggered by drinking alcohol or eating. Repeated use of heating pads or hot water bottles to treat the chronic
pain may result in skin lesions (erythema ab igne) that define the distribution of the pain ( Fig. 535 ). Some patients experience no pain.
Imaging Studies

Radiographs or CT scans showing pancreatic calcifications are diagnostic of chronic pancreatitis ( Fig. 536 ). Those calcifications reflect the
deposition of calcium carbonate in the intraductal protein plugs that frequently, but not invariably, occur in chronic pancreatitis. Thus, the absence of
pancreatic calcifications does not rule out a diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Perhaps the most sensitive methods for diagnosing chronic pancreatitis are
those that provide images of the pancreatic ductal system. ERCP, CT cholangiopancreatography, or MR cholangiopancreatography may be particularly
valuable in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by irregularities of the pancreatic ducts, ductal strictures, and
areas of duct dilation ( Fig. 537 ). The

Figure 53-5 Erythema ab igne. Skin injury, characterized by keratinocyte injury and melanocyte activation, is induced by mild and repeated exposure to infrared sources. This patient
with chronic pancreatitis repeatedly applied a heating pad to the painful area on his back.

Figure 53-6 Pancreatic calcifications. CT scan showing multiple, calcified, intraductal stones in a patient with hereditary chronic pancreatitis.

major as well as the side-branch ducts may be involved. For unexplained reasons, some patients with chronic pancreatitis develop dilated main
pancreatic ducts (large duct disease), whereas others retain ducts of normal or even smaller than normal caliber (small duct disease). Some patients
with chronic pancreatitis can be shown to


Figure 53-7 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in chronic pancreatitis. The pancreatic duct and its side branches are irregularly dilated.

Box 53-5. Pancreatic Function Tests

Tubeless Tests
Fecal tests
Fat stain
72-hour fat content
Chymotrypsin, trypsin, elastase content
Indirect tests
Bentiromide test
Pancreolauryl test
Breath tests
Tube Tests
Lundh test meal
Secretin/cholecystokinin test

have major ducts that have the appearance of a chain of lakes or a string of pearls that is the result of segments of dilated duct separated by areas of
ductal stricture. Transcutaneous and endoscopic ultrasound can also be used to diagnose chronic pancreatitis if duct dilation, calcifications, pseudocysts,
or parenchymal fibrosis are seen. Ultrasound examination is more operator dependent and perhaps less sensitive than either CT or MRI.
Pancreatic Function Tests

The pancreas has considerable functional reserve, and more than 90% of exocrine function must be lost before steatorrhea develops. More subtle losses
may be identified by performance of pancreatic function tests that can be either noninvasive (tubeless tests) or invasive (tube tests) ( Box 535 ).
Tubeless tests involve measuring the stool content of fat, measuring stool content of digestive enzymes, or orally administering a pancreatic digestive
enzyme substrate and quantitating enzyme activity in the gut by measuring metabolic product in either the urine or exhaled gases. These tests, although
nonintrusive, are notoriously insensitive and, therefore, normal results are not too helpful. The more invasive tube tests involve placement of a
collecting tube in the duodenum and measuring pancreatic bicarbonate or enzyme output after meal or hormone stimulation of the pancreas. These tests
are more specific and sensitive than the tubeless tests, but they are still relatively insensitive and they have a relatively high rate of false-negative results
Natural History

Some patients with chronic pancreatitis have a painless disease that remains unrecognized until complications or loss of pancreatic function lead to the
diagnosis. Most patients, however, have intermittent or constant pain that may limit lifestyle and/or mandate repeated hospitalizations. Ammann and
coworkers[31] have suggested that the painful pancreatitis experienced by many of these patients evolves into a painless disease as pancreatic function is
lost, but the existence of this burn-out phenomenon is highly controversial. More often, the disease remains painful, addicting doses of narcotics are
required, and loss of function results in diabetes, steatorrhea, and profound weight loss.
Treatment of Pancreatic Malabsorption

The loss of pancreatic exocrine function in chronic pancreatitis affects the output of all pancreatic digestive enzymes, but it is mostly fat absorption that
is abnormal, and it is the delivery of lipolytic enzyme activity to the small intestine that determines the success of treatment. In health, roughly 300,000
IU of lipase is secreted by the pancreas within 4 hours of ingesting a typical meal, but only 10% (30,000 IU) of secreted lipase is needed to allow for
normal fat digestion/absorption. Theoretically, pancreatic malabsorption of fat should be corrected by oral administration of exogenous lipase.
Unfortunately, most orally administered lipase is inactivated as it traverses the acidic environment of the stomach, allowing only 8% to 15% of ingested
lipase activity to reach the duodenum. Some of that lipase may be ineffective, either because of low duodenal pH (caused by inadequate pancreatic
secretion of bicarbonate) or because the exogenously administered lipase arrives in the duodenum before or after the ingested fat. The use of acidinhibiting agents (e.g., proton-pump inhibitors) and enterically coated microsphere delivery systems can partially compensate for these problems. Thus,
treatment involves acid suppression, a low-fat diet, and lipase doses of 90 to 150,000 IU per meal, although control of steatorrhea is often incomplete

even with this treatment.

Treatment of Pain in Chronic Pancreatitis
Medical Management

Complete abstinence from ethanol is advised for patients with alcohol-induced pancreatitis, but symptoms may persist even after complete abstinence.
Attacks of hyperlipidemia-induced pancreatitis can be prevented by normalizing

lipid levels with medication and/or dietary changes. Some patients with autoimmune pancreatitis are cured by administration of steroids. For most
patients with painful chronic pancreatitis, intermittent or persistent pain remains a major issue and analgesics of increasing potency are needed. Toskes
and coworkers[32] have noted that some of their patients with painful chronic pancreatitis have diminished pain if pancreatic secretion is reduced either
by oral administration of pancreatic enzymes or by administration of the inhibitory hormone somatostatin. However, the clinical results achieved using
exogenous pancreatic enzymes to reduce the pain of chronic pancreatitis have been variable and, at this time, the role of enzyme administration for pain
relief in these patients is highly controversial.
Endoscopic Management

The endoscopic treatment of chronic pancreatitis has not been tested by well-designed prospective, randomized trials; therefore, the ultimate value of
these treatments remains to be established. Several endoscopic approaches have been described. Endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy has been
reported to benefit some patients with elevated sphincter of Oddi pressures. Endoscopic minor pancreatic sphincterotomy has been used to treat patients
with pancreatitis and pancreas divisum. Pancreatic duct stones have also been removed or fragmented using an endoscopic approach with reported
benefits. Finally, some patients with pancreatic duct strictures have been treated with endoscopically placed stents that pass across the stricture, but the
value of this treatment is unclear since the stents themselves can cause strictures.
Neuroablative Procedures

Pain from the pancreas is carried in sympathetic fibers that traverse the celiac ganglia, reach the sympathetic chain through the splanchnic nerves, and
then ascend to the cortex. Celiac plexus nerve blocks performed either percutaneously or endoscopically have been employed to abolish this pain with
inconsistent results. Recently, splanchnicectomy performed in the chest via a thoracoscopic approach has been used with reports of transient
improvement in 70% of patients and long-lasting pain control in 50%.[33] Experience with thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy has been only anecdotal, and
randomized, prospective trials will be needed to determine its ultimate value.
Surgical Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis

The two indications for surgical intervention are pain and concern over the possible presence of cancer. After the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis has
been established, surgical intervention should be considered when (1) the pain is severe enough to limit the patients lifestyle and/or reduce productivity
and (2) the pain persists in spite of complete abstinence from alcohol and administration of non-narcotic analgesics. Imaging studies should be
performed to define pancreatic and ductal anatomy since that will determine the surgical options. Finally, the risks and benefits of planned procedures
should be clearly explained to the patient because, even with a technically successful operation, the pain may persist and further deterioration in
exocrine and endocrine function can still occur.
Drainage Procedures for Patients With Small Ducts

Patients with small (>4- to 5-mm) pancreatic ducts, particularly those whose pancreatitis is caused by obstruction at the ampullary level, may benefit
from transduodenal sphincteroplasty of the common bile duct with division of the septum that lies between the pancreatic duct and bile duct (pancreatic
septotomy). Sphincteroplasty of the lesser papilla might be appropriate for patients with pancreas divisum. On the other hand, most patients with
chronic pancreatitis have multiple areas of duct stricture throughout the pancreas and are unlikely to benefit from these transduodenal procedures.
Drainage Procedures for Patients With Dilated Ducts

The ideal treatment for these patients involves creating an anastomotic connection between the dilated duct and the intestinal lumen. There is little
agreement concerning the minimum duct size needed to perform these anastomoses. Ducts larger than 1 cm in diameter are, clearly, large enough, but
many surgeons perform duct-to-intestine drainage procedures with ducts as small as 5 mm. Duct drainage operations were pioneered by Duval, who
described a procedure that involved splenectomy, resection of the pancreatic tail, and then creation of an end-to-end anastomosis between the transected
end of the pancreas and a Roux-en-Y limb of jejunum. This procedure often failed because the presence of multiple pancreatic duct strictures interfered
with complete ductal decompression. Puestow and Gillesby, in 1958, described an operation that involved longitudinally opening the entire duct and
then invaginating the opened pancreas into a Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum. This allowed for more complete decompression but still required
splenectomy. Later, Partington and Rochelle[34] modified the Puestow procedure by creating a side-to-side anastomosis between the opened duct and
jejunum, thus eliminating the need for splenectomy ( Fig. 538 ). In appropriately selected patients (i.e., those with large ducts and those with
intraductal stones), longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy, performed according to the Partington and Rochelle modification of the Puestow procedure,
has been reported to result in immediate pain relief in more than 80% of patients and long-term pain relief in roughly 60% of patients. More recently,
Ho and Frey[35] further modified the procedure by including removal of part of the pancreatic head, thereby marsupializing the duct as it dives deeply in
the pancreas to reach the ampulla of Vater. This allows for an even more complete duct decompression and a longer longitudinal
pancreaticojejunostomy. Both short- and long-term pain relief appear to be improved, and the procedure can be performed when the duct is only
moderately dilated.

Figure 53-8 Partington and Rochelle modification of the Puestow procedure. The pancreatic duct is opened from the tail of the pancreas to the edge of the duodenum and a side-toside anastomosis is created joining a Roux-en-Y limb of jejunum to the opened pancreatic duct. (From Carey LC: Pancreaticojejunostomy with cystoduodenostomy. In Malt RA [ed]:
Surgical Techniques Illustrated. New York, WB Saunders, 1985, 396405.)
Resective Procedures

Painful chronic pancreatitis can be treated with resection of the body and tail of the pancreas (distal pancreatectomy), resection of the head and uncinate
process of the pancreas (Whipple procedure), with subtotal pancreatectomy that spares a rim of pancreas along the inner curve of the duodenum, and
with total pancreatectomy. Each of these procedures can either cause or worsen pancreatic exocrine and endocrine insufficiency and, in the case of total
pancreatectomy, a brittle form of diabetes can occur. Most experts believe that it is the inflammatory process in the pancreatic head that controls both
the severity of symptoms and the further progression of the disease in the remainder of the gland. Perhaps because of this, resection of the pancreatic
head has been shown to completely relieve the pain of chronic pancreatitis in 70% to 80% of patients. Resection of the pancreatic head can be
accomplished by a standard pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple procedure) or by its pylorus-preserving modification (pylorus-preserving Whipple
procedure) ( Fig. 539 ).[36] Relief of symptoms by either procedure is comparable, but some claim that the quality of life and gastrointestinal function
are better after the pyloruspreserving operation. Beger and colleagues have modified the Whipple procedure even further by coring out the head of the
pancreas and preserving the duodenum and distal bile duct.[37] They claim that this duodenum-preserving pancreatic head resection yields results that
are as good as or better than those achieved with the standard Whipple procedure.
Distal pancreatectomy is the ideal surgical procedure for patients whose chronic pancreatitis is confined to the pancreatic tail. This occurs in patients
who develop a mid-duct stricture either as a result of necrotizing acute pancreatitis or as a result of trauma that injures the gland and duct as they cross
the spine. Usually, distal pancreatectomy is combined with splenectomy for technical reasons but, in fact, the spleen can be preserved if its vascular
supply is secure. Distal pancreatectomy should not be performed for patients with diffuse, chronic pancreatitis that involves the entire gland, even if the
pancreatic tail is the area most severely involved, since recurrence of pancreatitis in the head can be anticipated and further resection

Figure 53-9 Standard and pylorus-preserving Whipple procedure. The standard Whipple (A) involves resection of the gastric antrum, head of pancreas, distal bile duct, and entire
duodenum with reconstruction as shown. The pylorus-preserving Whipple (B) does not include resection of the distal stomach, pylorus, or proximal duodenum. Gl. bl., gallbladder;
duod., duodenum; stom., stomach; trans., transverse. (From Cameron, JL: Current status of the Whipple operation for periampullary carcinoma. Surg Rounds 7787, 1988.)

of the pancreas, in that case, would leave the patient without functioning pancreatic endocrine tissue.
The role of total or near-total pancreatectomy in the treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis is not clear. These procedures may represent the only
surgical option for patients who have failed drainage procedures or those with small ducts who have already undergone distal pancreatectomy. Some
patients continue to experience severe pancreatic pain even after total pancreatectomy, and, for this reason, the effects of total pancreatectomy on pain
in chronic pancreatitis cannot be accurately predicted. On the other hand, it can be expected that patients undergoing total or near-total pancreatectomy
will have brittle diabetes and severe steatorrhea. In combination with ongoing ethanol or drug abuse, the brittle diabetes and malnutrition may be
unmanageable problems, and a high late mortality rate in these patients has been reported. In an attempt to avoid brittle diabetes in these patients, some
surgeons have advocated harvesting and autotransplanting islets of Langerhans from the resected specimen. Modest success at insulin independence has
been achieved using this approach, but the ultimate role of islet reimplantation remains to be established. In the past, some surgeons have reimplanted

Figure 57-10 Regional lymph node station location. AO, aorta; PA, pulmonary artery. (From Mountain CF, Libshitz HI, Hermes KE: Lung Cancer: A Handbook for Staging,
Imaging, and Lymph Node Classification. Houston, TX, Mountain, 1999, pp 171.)

Figure 57-11 A, Postoperative guidelines for follow-up of patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer based on TNM grouping. CBC, complete blood count; CT, computed tomography;
CXR, chest x-ray; ECG, electrocardiogram; LDH, lactase dehydrogenase; SGPT, serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase). (Copyright The University of
Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1999.)B, Postoperative guidelines for follow-up of patients with nonsmall-cell lung cancer based on TNM grouping.




Box 57-3. Lymph Node Map Definitions *

N2 NodesAll N2 nodes lie within the mediastinal pleural envelope.
1. Highest mediastinal nodes: Nodes lying above a horizontal line at the upper rim of the bracheocephalic (left innominate) vein where it ascends
to the left, crossing in front of the trachea at its midline.
2. Upper paratracheal nodes: Nodes lying above a horizontal line drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and below the inferior
boundary of number 1 nodes.
3. Prevascular and retrotracheal nodes: Pretracheal and retrotracheal nodes may be designated 3A and 3P. Midline nodes are considered to be
4. Lower paratracheal nodes: The lower paratracheal nodes on the right lie to the right of the midline of the trachea between a horizontal line
drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and a line extending across the right main bronchus at the upper margin of the upper lobe
bronchus and contained within the mediastinal pleural envelope; the lower paratracheal nodes on the left lie to the left of the midline of the
trachea between a horizontal line drawn tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch and a line extending across the left main bronchus at
the level of the upper margin of the left upper lobe bronchus, medial to the ligamentum arteriosum and contained within the mediastinal pleural
Researchers may wish to designate the lower paratracheal nodes as number 4S (superior) and number 4I (inferior) subsets for study purposes;
the number 4S nodes may be defined by a horizontal line extending across the trachea and drawn tangential to the cephalic border of the azygos


vein; the number 4I nodes may be defined by the lower boundary of number 4S and the lower boundary of number 4, as described above.
Regional lymph node classification
Subaortic (aortopulmonary window): Subaortic nodes are lateral to the ligamentum arteriosum or the aorta or left pulmonary artery and
proximal to the first branch of the left pulmonary artery and lie within the mediastinal pleural envelope.
Para-aortic nodes (ascending aorta or phrenic): Nodes lying anterior and lateral to the ascending aorta and the aortic arch or the innominate
artery, beneath a line tangential to the upper margin of the aortic arch.
Subcarinal nodes: Nodes lying caudad to the carina of the trachea, but not associated with the lower lobe bronchi or arteries within the lung.
Paraesophageal nodes (below carina): Nodes lying adjacent to the wall of the esophagus and to the right or left of the midline, excluding
subcarinal nodes.
Pulmonary ligament nodes: Nodes lying within the pulmonary ligament, including those in the posterior wall and lower part of the inferior
pulmonary vein.
N1 NodesAll N1 nodes lie distal to the mediastinal pleural reflection and within the visceral pleura.
Hilar nodes: The proximal lobar nodes, distal to the mediastinal pleural reflection and the nodes adjacent to the bronchus intermedius on the
right; radiographically, the hilar shadow may be created by enlargement of both hilar and interlobar nodes.
Interlobar nodes: Nodes lying between the lobar bronchi.
Lobar nodes: Nodes adjacent to the distal lobar bronchi.
Segmental nodes: Nodes adjacent to segmental bronchi.
Subsegmental nodes: Nodes around the subsegmental bronchi.

* Data from Mountain CF: Revisions in the International System for Staging Lung Cancer. Chest 111:17101717, 1997; and Mountain CF, Dressler CM: Regional lymph node
classification for lung cancer staging. Chest 111:17181723, 1997.

Preoperative Assessment of the Patient With Lung Cancer

The preoperative assessment includes the patients history and physical examination with particular attention paid to the presence or absence of
paraneoplastic syndromes and to the presence of cervical or supraclavicular lymph nodes. It is these lymph nodes in the cervical or supraclavicular areas
that may provide, to the discerning physician, evidence of extrathoracic nodal metastasis (N3 disease). This extrathoracic nodal disease suggests
treatment with nonsurgical means such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Patients with lung cancer are usually 50 to 70 years of age; lung cancer is rarely seen in patients younger than 30 years old. Few patients are
asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Most patients have bronchopulmonary symptoms such as cough, 75%; dyspnea, 60%; chest pain, 50%; and
hemoptysis, 30%. Fever, wheezing, or stridor may also be present. Some patients have asymptomatic pulmonary nodules identified by screening chest
radiography obtained either for routine physical examination or for a related pulmonary problem.
Other symptoms may include hoarseness, superior vena cava syndrome, chest wall pain, Horners syndrome, dysphagia, pleural effusion, or phrenic
nerve paralysis. Nonspecific symptoms such as anorexia, malaise, fatigue, and weight loss may occur in up to 70% of patients. Paraneoplastic
syndromes are distant manifestations of lung cancer (not metastases) as revealed in extrathoracic nonmetastatic symptoms ( Box 574 ). The lung
cancer causes an effect on these extrathoracic sites by producing one or more biological/biochemical substances. These various

Box 57-4. Extrathoracic Nonmetastatic Symptoms (Paraneoplastic

Weight loss/cachexia
General malaise
Cushings syndrome from adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone causing hyponatremia
Carcinoid syndrome
Rarely, hypoglycemia or ectopic gonadotropins
Clubbing, 10% to 20%
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy5% painful periosteal
proliferation at the ends of long bones

Neuromuscular (approximately 15% and most common with small cell

Myasthenia-like syndrome (Eaton-Lambert)
Peripheral neuropathy
Subacute cerebellar degeneration
Vascular thrombophlebitis

effects are grouped into paraneoplastic syndromes. Various criteria for nonresectability have been proposed as listed in Box 575 .
Radiographic Staging of Lung Cancer

The standard chest radiograph and CT scan of the chest and upper abdomen (to include the adrenals) are the most frequent diagnostic imaging studies
performed in patients with lung cancer. The chest radiograph provides information on the size, shape, density, and location of the tumor in relationship
to the mediastinal structures. The chest radiograph is performed to evaluate the location of the mass, the presence or absence of thoracic
lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, pulmonary infiltrates, pneumonia, or consolidation. Changes in the contour of the mediastinum
secondary to lymphadenopathy and metastasis to ribs or other bone structure may be visualized. Clues to the histology may also be provided. Squamous
carcinomas have a tendency to be large and central in location, adenocarcinoma tends to be more peripheral in its initial presentation, and a small cell
carcinoma tends to have bulky mediastinal lymphadenopathy as well as large hilar and central tumors.

Box 57-5. Criteria for Nonresectability

Recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
Superior vena cava syndrome
Involvement of main pulmonary artery
Contralateral or supraclavicular node involvement
Ipsilateral mediastinal nodes if high (2R)
Malignant (or bloody) pleural effusion, which may cause dyspnea
or pleuritic chest pain or may be asymptomatic
Malignant pericardial effusion
Phrenic nerve paralysis (relative contraindication)
Extrathoracic metastatic disease typically involving the brain, bone,
adrenals, or liver
Involvement of trachea, heart, great vessel
Insufficient pulmonary reserve
Other signs may suggest a more advanced tumor:
Chest wall pain that may be described by the patient as dull,
deep, and persistent
Horners syndrome causing compression of the splanchnic
nerve with unilateral ptosis, meiosis, anhidrosis, and
Phrenic nerve paralysis, with elevation of a hemidiaphragm
from nerve paralysis
Esophageal compression, yielding symptoms of dysphagia
from extrinsic compression from enlarged subcarinal left
nodes or direct invasion into the left mainstem/carina
junction yielding a tracheoesophageal fistula

Specific attention should be paid to whether the mass has cavitation or not and its relationship to the thoracic structures and mediastinum, and whether it
is limited or diffuse in appearance. Also sought is the presence or absence of segmental or lobar collapse or consolidation, hilar and mediastinal
enlargement, or evidence of intrathoracic metastasis or extrapulmonary intrathoracic extension.
CT of the chest provides more detail than chest radiography on the surface characteristics of the tumor, relationships of the tumor to the mediastinum
and mediastinal structures, and metastasis to lung, bone, liver, and adrenals. Enlargement of the mediastinal lymph nodes can be identified if present.
Although CT cannot accurately or consistently predict invasion, it can identify size and the density of mediastinal nodes. CT of the chest has a 65%
specificity and a 79% sensitivity for identifying positive mediastinal lymphadenopathy. When lymph nodes are greater than 1.5 cm in diameter, CT is
approximately 85% specific in identifying metastasis to mediastinal lymph nodes.
A high-quality CT evaluation of the chest and upper abdomen to include the adrenals is mandatory. This examination evaluates the presence or absence
of enlarged (1 1 cm) mediastinal lymph nodes and evaluates the liver, adrenals, and kidneys for metastasis. If mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged (1
1 cm), invasive staging is required

to define the extent of involvement of these lymph nodes with metastases from lung cancer. The evaluation may consist of cervical mediastinoscopy,
extended cervical mediastinoscopy, video-assisted thoracoscopy, fine-needle aspiration, or other staging modalities. These enlarged lymph nodes must
be sampled and the pathology report reviewed before initiation of treatment. Other causes for enlarged lymph nodes include various infections and
inflammatory processes.
Invasive Staging and Other Tests

Invasive staging such as bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, or fine-needle aspiration is usually considered after obtaining a chest radiograph or CT scan.
These staging procedures may be required for diagnosis to assist in the pretreatment planning for patients with a lung mass. Invasive staging of lung
cancer is part of the clinical staging work-up (cTNM) and typically includes bronchoscopy, mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy, or other intrathoracic
staging, as well as the complementary pathologic and histologic examinations that are done before definitive surgical resection. Surgical or pathologic
staging (pTNM) provides the most accurate staging of the TNM status of the tumor. Invasive staging identifies those patients with high likelihood of
complete resection and those patients with metastases to mediastinal nodes for prospective clinical studies (protocols) or for definitive chemotherapy
and radiation therapy.
Bronchoscopy is recommended before any planned pulmonary resection if the sputum is positive with a negative chest radiograph or if atelectasis or an
infiltrate fails to clear with medical management. The surgeon always performs a bronchoscopy before resection to independently assess the
endobronchial anatomy, exclude secondary endobronchial primary tumors, and ensure that all known cancer will be encompassed by the planned
pulmonary resection. Bronchoscopy may be positive based on the location of the lesion. For example, more centrally located lung cancers are more
likely to be biopsy positive by bronchoscopy, whereas smaller and more peripheral lung cancers are more likely to be negative on bronchoscopy. The
surgeon always performs a bronchoscopy just before thoracotomy unless the same surgeon has performed the bronchoscopy previously.
The surgeon must take a personal responsibility to ensure that no additional occult endobronchial lesions exist before resection. In addition, the precise
location of the endobronchial tumor may modify the planned operation. For example, if the tumor is located in the right upper lobe orifice and involves
a portion of the right mainstem bronchus or portion of the right bronchus intermedius, a sleeve lobectomy may be required to conserve the right middle
and lower lobe, thereby avoiding a pneumonectomy.
Transbronchial biopsy may be performed with a special 21-gauge needle through the flexible bronchoscope. This technique may be used to biopsy
mediastinal nodes or other masses adjacent to the larger bronchi. As well, a transbronchial biopsy may obtain pulmonary parenchyma by forcing the
flexible bronchoscope biopsy forceps through the terminal bronchioles into the lung parenchyma. Potential for hemorrhage and a pneumothorax exists.
Use of fluorescence bronchoscopy after intravenous injection of hematoporphyrin derivatives localizes in situ and superficial tumors. These tumors
fluoresce when illuminated with the light from a special laser.
Positron-emission tomography evaluation is being investigated as an alternative to mediastinoscopy for defining metastatic involvement of mediastinal
nodes with lung cancer and other occult sites of metastases.[29]
Various other studies are indicated selectively. Sputum cytology may yield a diagnosis if the patient is a poor operative risk or has suggestive symptoms
of cancer or if a transthoracic needle biopsy may cause increased risk. A fine-needle aspiration via a transthoracic route may be approximately 95%
accurate in patients with a poor operative risk. Fine-needle aspiration is not always needed in the patient with good physiologic reserve who is otherwise
an appropriate candidate for surgery (e.g., stages I and II patients). If the patient does have hard palpable lymph nodes in the cervical or supraclavicular
area, fine-needle aspiration or biopsy may provide an accurate diagnosis of metastatic (N3) involvement. Otherwise, a superficial lymph node biopsy or
a scalene node biopsy could be performed to obtain tissue for further evaluation. If this N3 lymph node is positive, the patient is stage IIIB and surgery
is not recommended.
A mediastinoscopy or anterior mediastinotomy (Chamberlain procedure) or VATS should be performed in all patients with enlarged (1 1 cm) lymph
nodes based on the location of the enlarged lymph nodes. This specific staging (pathologic staging) of mediastinal nodes is required before initiating
surgical or medical management. Enlarged lymph nodes (1 1 cm) are more likely to be involved with metastases from lung cancer. Other causes of
mediastinal lymphadenopathy include mediastinal inflammation, peripheral pulmonary obstruction, atelectasis, consolidation, bronchitis, pneumonitis,
or pneumonia, or some patients may have normally enlarged lymph nodes. In one series of patients with N2-positive lymph nodes, the 5-year survival
rate with enlarged lymph nodes on CT scan was 6.6%; with a negative scan, it was 13.5%.[30]
Large mediastinal lymph nodes are more likely to be associated with metastasis (>70%); however, normal size lymph nodes (<1 cm) have a 7% to 15%
chance of being involved.[30] Some thoracic surgeons use CT to select patients for mediastinoscopy with enlarged lymph nodes (1 1 cm) because 90% of
patients with a normal mediastinum have negative N2 lymph nodes after mediastinoscopy and pathologic examination. Some thoracic surgeons perform
mediastinoscopy on every patient with lung cancer because small lymph nodes sometimes harbor metastasis (approximately 11%); for example, reliance
on radiologic staging may miss occult nodal metastases in 11% of patients with a radiographically negative mediastinum.[31]
Mediastinoscopy is recommended before the planned resection if the cancer is proximal, if pneumonectomy may be required, if the patient is at
increased risk for the

planned surgery or resection, if enlarged lymph nodes are noted on CT scan, or if neoadjuvant therapy is planned. Mediastinoscopy provides a means to

assess the mediastinal lymph nodes by palpation and by biopsy for histologic diagnosis.[32] The surgeon may decide to perform mediastinoscopy in all
patients undergoing cervical mediastinoscopy or may decide to select patients for mediastinoscopy based on the CT identification of lymph nodes
greater than 1.0 cm or greater in diameter. Sensitivity for mediastinoscopy in this situation is 89%, and specificity is 100%. Anterior mediastinotomy or
Chamberlain procedure provides adequate assessment of the left-sided para-aortic and aortopulmonary window lymph nodes. VATS or VATS
techniques may also be used to biopsy left hilar lymph nodes and to evaluate the intrathoracic manifestations of a cancer.
Mediastinoscopy can evaluate levels 2R and 2L, 4R and 4L, and 7 nodal stations. Aortopulmonary window (level 5) or anterior mediastinum (level 6)
can be evaluated using a left parasternal incision, the Chamberlain procedure, or extended mediastinoscopy anterior to the innominate artery. VATS
techniques can evaluate enlarged level 5 or 6 lymph nodes and enlarged level 8 or 9 or low level 7 lymphadenopathy.
In the patient with a right upper lobe cancer, pathologically confirmed metastasis to region 5 (aortopulmonary window) or 6 (left anterior mediastinal)
mediastinal lymph nodes (clinical stage IIIB) in the absence of extensive subcarinal adenopathy is extremely unlikely. However, region 4R
lymphadenopathy may occur in 10% of patients with left lower lobe cancers. Left upper lobe cancers are unlikely to have 4R (right paratracheal)
adenopathy in the absence of extensive subcarinal disease.
Transesophageal ultrasound may assist the clinician in evaluating lung cancer that may abut the esophagus, heart, or aorta. Directed transesophageal
biopsies of subcarinal lymph nodes may also be obtained.
In resectable lung cancer patients (with stages I and II disease), a bone scan or a CT scan of the brain is not recommended in the absence of related
symptoms such as bone pain or neurologic findings. A bone scan should be performed only if the patient complains of bone pain. Plain films of the
affected area should supplement this examination. If questions still exist after the studies are completed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of this area
may also be performed. Finally, biopsy of the involved bony area may be required. Similarly, a CT scan or MR image of the brain should be performed
only if the patient has neurologic symptoms or if the diagnosis of small cell carcinoma is suspected. It is not cost effective to perform CT of the brain in
an otherwise asymptomatic patient who is physiologically fit and stage-appropriate for surgery.
MRI is frequently used to complement CT in evaluating the location of tumors within the chest.[33] Specifically, MRI is helpful for evaluating bony
invasion of the chest wall or of other mediastinal structures. In patients with superior sulcus tumors or patients with tumors involving the first and
second or third ribs, MRI may provide additional information as to the extent of the tumors involvement with the brachial plexus, thoracic inlet, great
vessels, or other mediastinal structures.[34]
Positron-emission tomography (PET) determines the presence or absence of cancer based on the differential metabolism of glucose in cancer cells
(increased) compared to normal tissues.[29] [35] [36] Using 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) intravenously as a substrate, cancer cells phosphorylate this
compound, and FDG-phosphate with tracer is trapped within the cell. It is subsequently imaged with various nuclear scanning devices. Areas of
increased uptake are commonly associated with cancer metastasis. The American College of Surgeons Oncology Group evaluated the role of PET after
routine staging of lung cancer.[37] PET was better than CT for detection of N1 and N2/N3 disease (42% vs. 13%, p=0.0177; and 58% vs. 32%,
p=0.0041). Negative predictive value for mediastinal disease (nodal metastases) was 87%. Unsuspected FDG-avid lesions were confirmed as metastases
in 6.3% of patients and benign in 6.6% of patients. PET coupled with CT may yield increased sensitivity and specificity in determining the stage of
patients with lung cancer before treatment interventions. Active inflammation may yield false positives, and such areas must be histologically evaluated.
FDG PET scanning may assist in distinguishing recurrent or persistent lung cancer and radiation fibrosis in patients having previous radiation therapy
for their disease.
Despite the widespread use of CT and MRI, questions may still arise: Does the lung cancer involve structures of the mediastinum, chest wall, and
vertebral bodies? Chest CT and MRI can describe the location of the primary tumor with respect to the other mediastinal structures; however, it is
difficult to determine whether lung cancer invades specific structures on some scans. Frank invasion may not be determined with accuracy. When there
is a question of invasion the patient should undergo exploration. Frequently, these tumors may simply abut the structure without invasion.
Patients with local extension of lung cancer at the apex of the lung into the thoracic inlet may have characteristics of shoulder and arm pain, Horners
syndrome, and, occasionally, paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution of the hand (fourth and fifth fingers). Patients with all these characteristics may
be classified as having Pancoasts syndrome.[38] [39] [40] [41] Pain comes from the C8 and T1 nerve roots. Sympathetic nerve involvement may result in
Horners syndrome (miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis, and enophthalmos). Typically, the first, second, and third ribs are involved and require resection.
Reconstruction of the defect is not required because the scapula and arm protect the defect. CT and MRI are used to assist in selecting treatment options.
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule

A solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is frequently a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma.[42] [43] [44] An SPN may be defined as an asymptomatic mass
within the lung parenchyma that is less than 3 cm and is circumscribed. Overall, 33% of these masses are malignant; 50% are malignant if the patients
age is older than 50 years. In general, a patient with an SPN should undergo resection for definitive

diagnosis and treatment. The exceptions to this general statement are (1) those patients who have a mass unchanged for greater than 2 years
(documented on serial radiographic examinations), (2) patients with benign patterns of calcification such as in hamartoma, (3) patients with masses
clearly caused by an inflammatory process such as tuberculosis, (4) those patients with prohibitive operative risk, or (5) those patients in whom small
cell carcinoma is suspected. If the mass represents active tuberculosis or other infectious process, the lesion may disappear after therapy.
A fine-needle aspiration for diagnosis of a new SPN in a patient who is otherwise physiologically fit is often not needed or superfluous. A fine-needle
aspiration should only be done if the surgeon is trying to identify a reason not to operate (especially in high-risk patients) or if small cell carcinoma is
expected. If the fine-needle aspiration is positive, resection of the nodule is recommended; if the result is nondiagnostic, the results should not always be
trusted and surgery should be recommended. Sputum cytology is frequently nondiagnostic in this situation, whereas the sensitivity of transthoracic fineneedle aspiration approaches 100%.
A wedge resection may not always be possible, particularly if an SPN is located centrally within the lobe. For an SPN in the absence of a cancer
diagnosis, a lobectomy is appropriate for a diagnosis (and treatment) in the patient who is physiologically fit to undergo a lobectomy. If a cancer
diagnosis is obtained, a mediastinal lymph node resection should be performed. A pneumonectomy should not be performed without a cancer diagnosis.
I perform a mediastinal lymph node dissection, not sampling, to optimize pathologic staging of the mediastinal lymph nodes ( Box 576 ).

Box 57-6. Mediastinal Nodes to Be Dissected During Pulmonary

Resection for Lung Cancer

The following mediastinal nodal stations should be inspected and
dissected, and identified lymph nodes resected during a pulmonary
resection for lung cancer.
Right side (level)

If possible







Pulmonary ligament

Left side (level)


If possible


If possible

Aortopulmonary window

Anterior mediastinal, anterior to the ligamentum






Pulmonary ligament

Molecular Markers

Various molecular characteristics may be associated with a worse prognosis in patients with lung cancer.[45] DNA aneuploidy is associated with poor
survival rate. Oncogenes (KRAS, MYC, NEU) serve to regulate, in a positive sense, growth of tumors. KRAS mutation is the most frequent mutation,
accounting for 90% of genetic mutations in ACA. This oncogene codes for a protein associated with signal transduction. Mutations in KRAS are
associated with poor survival outlook.[46] Overexpression of HER2 oncogenes is associated with worse survival rate in patients with lung cancer.
Tumor suppressor genes, such as p53, normally provide a negative influence on cell growth. If a tumor suppressor gene, such as p53, is mutated, then
this negative influence is removed and the tumor growth occurs unchecked. Gene therapy trials to replace or modify this mutation have been shown to
be safe when used in a clinical environment.[47] [48] Mutations in the retinoblastoma (RB) gene are also associated with poor survival. If both p53 and RB
mutations are present, survival expectation is only 12 months compared with 46 months in patients with normal expression of these proteins.
Treatment of Lung Cancer

Treatment options include surgery for localized disease, chemotherapy for metastatic disease, and radiation therapy for local control in patients whose
condition is not amenable to surgery. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy together are better than chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone for primary
treatment of advanced-stage lung cancer. Protocols evaluating chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for advanced stage lung cancer are ongoing.
Small cell lung cancer is frequently disseminated at diagnosis. Surgery is not the primary treatment for small cell carcinoma. Chemotherapy can provide
patients with a survival advantage over no treatment. In patients with an SPN and no evidence of metastatic disease, resection (with wedge resection and
frozen section) may reveal cancer. Lobectomy would be appropriate along with mediastinal lymph node dissection. If a wedge resection cannot be
performed, lobectomy for diagnosis would be appropriate in a physiologically fit individual.
The clinician treats nonsmall cell lung cancer based on the clinical stage at presentation. Survival depends on the cumulative mechanical and biological
effects of that treatment on the primary tumor and micrometastases. Despite the clinicians best efforts, survival expectations for advanced-stage lung
cancer remain dismal for most patients. Even in earlier stage cases (stages IB, 2A, and 2B), 5-year survival may only reach 55%, 50%, and 40%,
respectively. In selected patients, combinations of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may provide better survival results than a single
modality alone. The choice of initial therapy (whether single modality or multimodality therapy) depends on the patients clinical stage at presentation
and the availability of prospective protocols.

TABLE 57-3 -- Results of Randomized Trials for Advanced Stage Lung Cancer
Patients (n)

Resection Rate

Median Survival

3-Yr Survival




Chemosurgery (+ radiation therapy)


























Rosell et al, 1994[52] Surgery (+ radiation therapy)

Roth et al, 1994[53]
Pass et al, 1992[51]

Chemotherapy + surgery

However, treatment options may vary even among different subsets of patients within the same clinical stage. Pretreatment staging remains the critical
step before initiating therapy.

Treatment of Early-Stage Lung Cancer: Stages IA, IB, IIA, IIB, and Early IIIA

Early stage lung cancer (stages I and II) may successfully be treated with surgery alone and, in most patients, yields long-term survival rates.
Lobectomy is the procedure of choice for lung cancer confined to one lobe. Certain patients with lung cancer with chest wall involvement (T3N0M0)
may be treated well with surgery alone as a local control modality. En bloc resection of the lung and involved chest wall with mediastinal
lymphadenectomy results in approximately a 50% 5-year survival rate. In addition, T3N0M0 patients (with tumors < 2 cm from the carina) have a 36%
5-year survival rate with surgical resection alone. Such improved survival rates based on the 1986 staging system have prompted the AJCC and UICC to
propose the current (1997) staging system to account for such survival. This stage (T3N0M0) has been designated stage IIB.
Based on the favorable results of trials with advanced-stage disease, application of chemotherapy in earlier stages of lung cancer may improve survival
expectations. Depierre and colleagues[49] conducted a randomized trial evaluating whether preoperative chemotherapy would improve survival in
patients with resectable non-small-cell lung cancer (clinical stage IB, II, and IIIA) compared to surgery alone. The preoperative chemotherapy was two
cycles of mitomycin (6 mg/m2 , day 1), ifosfamide (1.5 g /m2 , days 1 to 3) and cisplatin (30 mg/m2 , days 1 to 3). Responding patients received an
additional two cycles of chemotherapy after resection. Postoperative radiation for enhanced local control was used for patients with pT3 or pN2 status.
Three hundred and sixty-five patients were randomized. Overall response rate was 64%. Mortality was similar in both arms (6.7% chemotherapy arm;
4.5% resection arm, p=0.38). Median survival was 37 months (chemotherapy) and 26.0 months (surgery alone), p=0.15. Although earlier-stage disease
had a decrease in the relative risk in the chemotherapy group compared to the surgery alone group (RR=0.68; p=0.027), overall disease-free survival
time was significantly longer in the chemotherapy group (p=0.033). In this study, observable but not statistically significant differences in survival were
noted, except for stage I and II disease. Additional studies are warranted. Recently, a randomized trial identified a 4% survival advantage and decreased
hazard ratio for death (0.86, 95% C.I. 0.760.98, p<0.003) in patients receiving post-resection chemotherapy (cisplatin-based) to observation alone.[50]
Treatment of Advanced Stage Lung Cancer (Stages IIIA [N2], IIIB, IV)

Treatment decisions require accurate and complete staging as an integral component of pulmonary resection for lung cancer. For postoperative
treatment decisions, mediastinal lymphadenectomy determines pathologic stage and provides information to the clinician as to potential survival and the
need for postresection therapy. For nodal stations to be identified and dissected during each lung cancer operation, see Box 576 .
Most patients with histologically confirmed N2 disease have a biologically aggressive tumor with probable occult metastatic disease. While pulmonary
resection and mediastinal lymphadenectomy can provide some patients with improved survival rate and enhanced local control, most patients will not
benefit from surgery as a sole modality for the treatment of p-stage IIIa nonsmall cell lung cancer. Neoadjuvant therapy (platinum based) before
surgery for p-stage IIIA (N2) disease improves survival expectations over surgery alone ( Table 573 ). [51] [52] [53] Currently, a prospective trial for stage
IIIA (N2) patients (RTOG 9309) comparing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and surgical resection with definitive chemotherapy and radiation therapy
is being analyzed.
Advanced-stage lung cancer, particularly with nodal spread, cannot typically be considered a disease effectively treated with a single modality (i.e.,
chemotherapy or radiation therapy). Surgery alone for stage IIIA (N2), IIIB, or IV lung cancer is infrequently performed because the risks of surgery
usually exceed the benefits of surgery. The surgeon must balance the value of mechanical extirpation of the local disease (local disease control, pain
relief, potential for improved survival) with the risks of a surgical procedure and potential improvement in survival length or quality of life. Typically,
the risks exceed the benefits and surgery is not considered; however, in some patients, surgery for advanced-stage lung cancer may

receive benefit by local tumor control, palliation of symptoms, improved quality of life, and the potential for longer survival. Resection for isolated
brain metastasis is warranted for improvement in quality of life and survival rate.[54] [55] The primary lung tumor can then be treated according to T and N

Combination chemotherapy has been well tolerated and associated with a modest improvement in survival rate. Quality of life analysis in patients
undergoing chemotherapy has demonstrated maintenance or improvement in quality of life.
Induction chemotherapy followed by radiation appears to improve survival rate in patients with locally advanced lung cancer, as shown in prospective
randomized studies.[56] [57] [58] [59] In these studies cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy has been shown to improve survival expectation over and
above that achieved with radiation alone.
Dillman and colleagues[56] [57] showed that patients given cisplatin at 100 mg/m2 body surface area and vinblastine, 5 mg/m2 , before radiation therapy (60
Gy over 6 weeks) were better off than patients who received the same radiation therapy but began it immediately and received no chemotherapy. This
study was reviewed again in 1996. Dillman and colleagues provided data for 7 years of follow-up of induction chemotherapy before radiation therapy.
The radiographic response was 56% for the chemotherapy and radiation therapy group and only 43% for the radiation therapy alone group (P = .092).
Median survival rate was greater for the chemotherapy-radiation therapy group at 13.7 months compared with the radiation alone group at 9.6 months
(P = .012). The authors concluded that sequential chemotherapy radiation increased survival rate compared with radiation alone.
Le Chevalier and colleagues[58] reported the results of a large prospective study evaluating radiation therapy (65 Gy) compared with radiation therapy
and chemotherapy of cisplatin, vindesine, cyclophosphamide, and lomustine. The 2-year survival rate was 14% for radiation therapy alone and 21% for
chemotherapy and radiation therapy (P = .08). Distant metastasis was significantly lower in the combined treatment group. Local control at 1 year was
poor in both groups (17% in radiation therapy alone and 15% in those receiving combined therapy).
Sause and colleagues[59] examined three treatment groups of locally advanced, surgically unresectable lung cancer patients: (1) standard radiation
therapy, (2) induction chemotherapy followed by standard radiation therapy, and (3) twice-daily radiation therapy. They observed that chemotherapy
plus radiation was superior to the other treatment arms (log rank P = .03). One-year survival and median survival rates were 46% and 11.4 months,
respectively, for standard radiation therapy; 51% and 12.3 months for hyperfractionated radiation therapy; and 60% and 13.8 months for chemotherapy
plus radiotherapy.
Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy may provide better patient tolerance and improved survival rate compared with sequential
chemotherapy and radiation therapy. A prospective multi-institutional trial is ongoing to evaluate chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery versus
chemotherapy and radiation only to define the role of surgery in improving local control beyond that obtained with radiation alone.
Radiation Therapy

Like surgery, radiation therapy is a local control treatment modality. Prospective studies of preoperative radiation therapy alone in clinically resectable
cases show that postoperative survival rates do not improve over surgery alone.[60] [61]

Postoperative radiation therapy may provide a local control advantage but no survival advantage in patients with complete resection of lung cancer.
Postoperative radiation therapy has no significant survival benefit for patients without evidence of lymphatic metastasis. In a prospective randomized
trial by the Lung Cancer Study Group (LCSG) (LCSG 773), local recurrence rates were reduced; however, survival rate was not improved.[62] Radiation
therapy can be effective palliative therapy in patients with symptomatic disease such as metastases to the bones or brain.
Complications of radiation therapy include esophagitis and fatigue. Radiation-induced myelitis of the spinal cord is devastating and can be minimized or
eliminated by careful administration of the radiotherapy to avoid the spinal cord. Three-dimensional (conformal) radiotherapy may further concentrate
dose to the treated area while minimizing radiation injury to surrounding tissues.
Lung Cancer Summary

The histologic (not radiologic) diagnosis of metastatic involvement of the enlarged (1 1 cm) mediastinal lymph nodes for lung cancer is the single most
important piece of information to determine before treatment decisions are made. For lung cancer patients with negative mediastinal lymph nodes,
anatomic pulmonary resection and intrathoracic mediastinal lymph node dissection should be performed. For lung cancer patients with positive
mediastinal lymph nodes, pulmonary resection is not performed alone, nor is it performed as the initial intervention in a combined treatment program.
Rather, a combined program of chemotherapy and radiation therapy would provide these patients with the best chance of improved survival. Entry of
these patients into prospective protocols is preferred.
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Isolated pulmonary metastases represent a unique manifestation of systemic spread of a primary neoplasm. These patients, with metastases isolated only
within the lungs, may have biologic make-up more amenable to local or local and systemic treatment options than do other patients with multiorgan
metastases. Although primary tumors can be locally controlled with surgery or radiation, extraregional metastases are usually treated with systemic
chemotherapy. Radiation therapy may be used to treat or

palliate the local manifestations of metastatic disease, particularly when metastases occur within the bony skeleton and cause pain.
One of the first long-term survivors of any pulmonary metastasectomy was reported by Barney and Churchill[63] after resection of a metastasis from a
patient with renal cell carcinoma. Local control of the primary tumor was achieved and the patient survived for 23 years after resection of the
metastasis; the patient died of unrelated causes. Other authors have noted that certain clinical characteristics (prognostic indicators) may enable
clinicians to identify patients with more favorable disease-free and overall survival expectations. Resection of solitary and multiple pulmonary
metastases from sarcomas and various other primary neoplasms have been performed with improved long-term survival rates in up to 40% of patients so
Isolated pulmonary metastases, therefore, should not be viewed as untreatable. Patients who have complete resection of all metastases have associated
longer survival expectations than those patients whose metastases are unresectable. Long-term survival (greater than 5 years) may be expected in 20%
to 30% of all patients with resectable pulmonary metastases ( Box 577 ). Optimal (and more consistent) survival statistics await improvements in local
control, systemic therapy, or regional drug delivery to the lungs.[65]

Symptoms rarely occur from pulmonary metastases; therefore, diagnosis of metastases is routinely made on chest radiographs after primary tumor
resection. Few (<5%) patients with metastases are first seen with symptoms of dyspnea, pain, cough, or hemoptysis. Rarely, pneumothorax from
disruption of the peripheral pulmonary parenchyma develops in patients with peripheral sarcomatous metastases.

Box 57-7. Criteria for Resection of Pulmonary Metastases

Pulmonary parenchymal nodules or changes consistent with
Absence of uncontrolled extrathoracic metastases
Control of the patients primary tumor
Potential for complete resection
Sufficient pulmonary parenchymal reserve following resection
Additional criteria for partial or complete resection
Provide a diagnosis
Evaluate the effects of chemotherapy on residual disease
Obtain tumor for markers, immunohistochemical studies, vaccine,
and so on
Palliate symptoms
Decrease tumor burden

Diagnosis and Identification of Pulmonary Metastases

Routinely, clinicians may evaluate patients for pulmonary metastases based on screening chest radiographs. Although the specificity of chest
radiographs exceeds 95% when nodules consistent with metastases are identified, their sensitivity (compared with chest CT) has prompted some
clinicians to screen patients at high risk of recurrent metastases with chest CT. CT of the chest is quite sensitive and identifies smaller nodules earlier
than conventional linear tomography, although these nodules may or may not be a metastasis.
MRI is not routinely helpful for the radiographic diagnosis of pulmonary metastases; rather, CT of the chest is preferred. MRI may assist the surgeon in
planning the approach needed for resection of these complex intrathoracic neoplasms.
Benign granulomatous diseases may mimic metastases; however, in patients with a prior diagnosis of malignancy, these nodules are most likely
metastases (>95%). Clinical stage I or II primary lung carcinoma may be indistinguishable from a solitary metastasis, particularly if the original tumor
was SCCA or ACA. For these two histologies with solitary lesions, thoracotomy and lobectomy may be the procedure of choice. Mediastinal lymph
node dissection would complete the staging. Fine-needle aspiration of thoracoscopic wedge excision may be helpful for diagnosis or staging of

pulmonary changes in high-risk patients. In patients with lymphangitic spread of cancer, biopsy may be required to differentiate neoplasm from
Selection of Patients for Surgery

Predictors for improved survival rate have been studied retrospectively for various tumor types. These predictors may allow the clinician to identify
selected patients who will optimally benefit from pulmonary metastasectomy. These prognostic indicators are clinical, biologic, and molecular
criteria, which describe the biologic interaction between the metastases and the patient and their association with prolonged survival. Pastorino and
colleagues[64] retrospectively reviewed more than 5000 patients with metastases treated with resection. Overall, actuarial 5-year survival rate was 36%,
10-year survival rate was 26%, and 15-year survival rate was 22%. Cancer could generally be staged by the presence of favorable clinical indicators.
These indicators included a disease-free interval of greater than 3 years, an SPN, and germ cell histology.
Surgical Incisions

Surgical procedures for resection include single thoracotomy, staged bilateral thoracotomy, and median sternotomy. These procedures have almost no
associated mortality rate and minimal morbidity. There are various advantages and disadvantages inherent to each incision. Patients with pulmonary
metastases may also undergo multiple procedures for re-resection of metastases with prolonged survival expectations after complete resection.[66]


Thoracoscopy may readily be used for diagnosis of metastatic disease; however, its use in treatment of metastatic disease is more controversial.[67] In an
elegant study, McCormack and colleagues[68] conducted a prospective study of VATS resection for treatment of pulmonary metastases. Patients were
screened with CT, followed by VATS, followed by open exploration. The authors found more nodules by thoracotomy and noted that VATS failed to
identify all nodules. VATS is not the standard approach for resection in patients with pulmonary metastases. At present, VATS can be advocated only
for diagnosis or staging of the extent of metastases. Follow-up on all patients is necessary at regular intervals because the likelihood of recurrence
remains for a period of years.
Various prognostic indicators have been studied ( Box 578 ). Regardless of histology, patients with pulmonary metastases isolated to the lungs that are
completely resected have improved survival rates when compared with patients with unresectable metastases. Resectability consistently correlates with
improved post-thoracotomy survival rates for patients with pulmonary metastases.
Molecular and Genetic Strategies

Restoration of normal WT-p53 (wild-type) in soft tissue sarcomas may provide for more controlled cell growth or
Box 57-8. Prognostic Indicators for Pulmonary Metastases
1. Age and gender do not usually influence post-thoracotomy survival
and, generally, should not be considered as prognostic factors.
2. Use of multivariate analysis may allow more accurate prediction of
postresection survival expectations and allow better patient
3. Separate prognostic variables may be combined to enhance the
predictive value for survival:
Histology, location, and stage of the primary tumor
Disease-free interval (from primary to initial evidence of
Number of nodules on preoperative imaging studies:
unilateral or bilateral metastases
Number of metastases resected
Tumor doubling time (TDT) (see formula). TDT only reflects
the growth rate during the interval measured and may be
affected by the size of the tumor or ongoing chemotherapy. A
formula may be used to precisely calculate TDT:

where M1 = first measurement, M2 = second measurement,

and T = number of days between measurements.

even programmed cell death (apoptosis). In one in vitro study, transduction of wild-type (wt) p53 into soft tissue sarcomas bearing mutated p53 genes
altered the malignant potential of the tumor. After transduction, transfected cells expressed wild-type p53 and decreased cell proliferation occurred.[69]
Novel drug delivery systems may enhance chemotherapy treatment effects by increasing drug concentration in lung tissues and minimizing systemic
effects of such treatment. Regional drug delivery to the lungs minimizes systemic drug delivery, preventing systemic toxicity; however, this technique
requires a significant concentration of drug delivered to the lung over a short time period.
Preclinical studies in rodents with experimental pulmonary metastases have shown that chemotherapy may be delivered to pulmonary tissue in

significantly higher concentrations than with systemic delivery. Minimal to no systemic toxicity was noted. In this model, isolated single lung perfusion
with doxorubicin (Adriamycin) was safe and effective.[70] The technique was also effective as follows: 9 of 10 animals given 320 g/L had complete
eradication of metastases from an implanted methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma.[70]
Previous clinical studies of lung perfusion have shown higher drug concentrations in pulmonary tissue, although clinical tumor response has been
mixed. Johnston and colleagues[71] described a continuous perfusion of the lungs with doxorubicin (single lung, continuous perfusion) as a safe
technique and subsequently applied their technique clinically. Drug concentrations in normal lung and tumor generally increased with higher drug
dosages. No objective responses occurred (0/4 patients with sarcomas). Phase I studies of isolated lung perfusion in patients with unresectable
pulmonary metastases from soft tissue sarcomas are underway at various national and international centers.
Surgery alone for treatment of pulmonary metastases will fail in a significant number of patients. Use of neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy may allow for
further prolonged survival or cure. Novel therapies such as identification of molecular events for therapy, gene transfer, or regional delivery of
therapeutic agents to the lung by way of an isolated pulmonary system (isolated lung perfusion) may provide better and more directed therapy for
patients with metastases. Cure in most patients represents a serendipitous occurrence in which the host biology, spread of tumor, response to
chemotherapy, and surgical resection, together render the patient disease free.
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Slow-growing lung tumors may arise from the epithelium, ducts, and glands of the bronchial tree. Most are of low-grade malignant potential and
account for 1% to 2% of all lung neoplasms.
Carcinoid tumors (1% of lung neoplasms) arise from Kulchitsky (APUD) cells in bronchial epithelium. They have positive histologic reactions to silver
staining and to chromogranin. Special stains and examination can identify

neurosecretory granules by electron microscopy. These typical carcinoid tumors (least malignant) are the most indolent of the spectrum of pulmonary
neuroendocrine tumors that include atypical carcinoid, large cell undifferentiated carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma (most malignant). Histologic
findings include less than 2 to 10 mitoses/10 high-power fields (HPF).
Peripheral tumors are usually without symptoms, although central tumors may produce cough, hemoptysis, recurrent infection or pneumonia,
bronchiectasis, lung abscess, pain, or wheezing. Symptoms may persist for many years without diagnosis, particularly if only an endobronchial
component partially obstructs the airway. Stridor is often the presenting symptom of adenoid cystic tumors because they are most often found in the
trachea and mainstem bronchi. Carcinoid syndrome itself is not frequent and occurs with large tumors or extensive metastatic disease. The chest
radiograph may reveal the tumor mass or the results of tracheobronchial traction, but approximately 25% are normal. CT may assist in localizing the
tumor. Bronchoscopy is usually positive unless the nodule or mass is peripheral. Ninety-eight percent of adenoid cystic carcinomas can be identified
with CT and bronchoscopy with biopsy. Seventy-five percent of carcinoids can be identified in this manner; and although they tend to bleed, they can
usually be sampled safely.
Atypical carcinoid may have lymph node or vascular invasion with metastasis. The location is in the mainstem bronchi (20%), lobar bronchi (70% to
75%), or peripheral bronchi (5% to 10%). They rarely occur in the trachea. There is often some local invasion with involvement of peribronchial tissue.
At bronchoscopy, most carcinoids are sessile, although a few are polypoid. The histology is that of small uniform cells with oval nuclei and interlacing
cords of vascular connective tissue stroma. Mitoses are infrequent but occasionally bizarre cells are noted. Atypical carcinoids are more pleomorphic
and have more mitoses (>2 to 10 mitoses/HPF) than typical carcinoid. They have more prominent nucleoli but are more monotonous and have more
cytoplasm than oat cell carcinoma. These tumors are more aggressive with a 5-year survival rate of approximately 60%. These tumors tend to
metastasize to the liver, bone, or adrenal. Electron microscopy can be used to identify neurosecretory granules.
Carcinoid syndrome is uncommon with lung carcinoids, although it might occur with very large or metastatic tumors. Carcinoid syndrome is related to
the bodys reaction to various vasoactive amines such as serotonin, substance P, bradykinin, and histamine. Clinical manifestations include flushing,
tachycardia, wheezing, or diarrhea. These tumors can produce other substances such as adrenocorticotropic hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone,
and antidiuretic hormone.
Surgical resection of typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid is standard, with complete removal of the tumor and as much preservation of lung as
possible. Lobectomy is the most common procedure; endoscopic removal is performed only for rare polypoid tumors if thoracotomy is contraindicated.
Survival rate is typically 85% at 5 to 10 years. Patients with metastases tend to die of their disease. Large cell neuroendocrine tumors and small cell
cancer are not typically treated with surgery and may be best treated with combinations of chemotherapy and radiation; survival of these patients is
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a slow-growing malignancy involving the trachea and mainstem bronchi that is similar to salivary gland tumors.[72] Adenoid
cystic carcinoma is more malignant than carcinoid tumors and has a slight female preponderance. The tumor typically involves the lower trachea,
carina, and takeoff of the mainstem bronchi. One third of tumors may occur in the major bronchi; it is rarely peripheral. One third of patients have
tumors that have metastasized at the time of treatment. These patients typically have involvement of the perineural lymphatics, regional nodes, or liver,
bone, or kidneys. The tumor arises from ducts in the submucosa and spread in that plane. Microscopic examination demonstrates cells with large nuclei
and a small cytoplasm and surrounding cystic spaces (pseudoacinar type) and a Swiss cheese appearance for medullary type.
Treatment is wide en bloc resection with conservation of as much lung tissue as possible. Mediastinal lymph node dissection and frozen section control
may be required to resect all tumor. Radiation treatment alone may cure approximately one third of patients who are not amenable to surgical resection.
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma is rare in the bronchi, although the location is the same as carcinoid. This tumor may be of either high-or low-grade
malignancy. Most are polypoid avascular submucosal masses that are gray to pink. Histologic examination reveals epidermoid cells with keratinization,
mucin-producing cells lining cystic spaces, and intermediate cells in the cords. Treatment of these low-grade tumors is like that for carcinoid. The tumor
is locally resected. High-grade tumors are treated like lung cancer with equivalent survival rates.
Benign tumors of the lung account for less than 1% of all lung neoplasms and arise from mesodermal origins ( Box 579 ). Hamartomas are the most
frequent benign lung tumor; hamartomas consist of normal tissue elements found in an abnormal location. Most commonly, hamartomas are manifested
by overgrowth of cartilage. Hamartomas are typically identified at 40 to 60 years of age and have a 2:1 male-to-female predominance. They are usually
peripheral. They slowly grow in the lung. The chest radiograph usually demonstrates a 2- to 3-cm mass that is sharply demarcated and frequently
lobulated. It is usually not calcified, but the popcorn appearance on chest radiography may provide the diagnosis of hamartoma. Cystic adenomatoid
malformation may represent adenomatous hamartoma. The lesion usually occurs in infants as cysts or immature elements in the lung.
Very low-grade malignancies include hemangiopericytoma or pulmonary blastoma that arises from embryonic lung tissue. Treatment is resection.
Tumorlets are epithelial proliferative lesions that may resemble oat cell or carcinoid. These are typically incidental findings noted on examination of
resected lung specimens. They rarely metastasize.
Primary sarcomas of the lung occur rarely. They rarely break through the bronchial epithelium, and a cytologic evaluation by sputum is typically
negative. The tumors are

Box 57-9. Miscellaneous Lung Tumors

Epithelial origin tumors
Papilloma: Single or multiple, squamous epithelium, occurs in
childhood, probably viral, may require bronchial resection but
frequently recur
Polyp: Inflammatorysquamous metaplasia on a stalk; bronchial
resection may be needed; these do not usually recur
Mesodermal Origin Tumors
Fibroma: Most frequent mesodermal tumor
Leiomyoma: Intrabronchial or peripheral; conservative resection
Granular cell tumor
Hemangioma: Subglottic larynx or upper trachea of infants;
radiation therapy
Lymphangioma: Similar to cystic hygromaupper airway
obstruction in neonates
Hemangioendothelioma: Newborn lungs, often progressive and
Lymphangiomyomatosis: Rare, slowly progressivedeath from
pulmonary insufficiency; fine, multinodular lesions, loss of
parenchyma and honeycombing; usually women in their
reproductive years
Arteriovenous fistula: Congenital, right to left shunt; cyanosis,
dyspnea on exertion, clubbing, brain abscess; associated with
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia of lower lobes
Plasma cell granuloma

usually well circumscribed, asymptomatic, and solitary. Local invasion most frequently occurs, with blood-borne metastasis or lymphatic metastasis
occurring less commonly. Resection, similar to lung carcinoma, is feasible in 50% to 60% of patients. The prognosis of patients with leiomyosarcoma is
excellent, with approximately 50% survival rate at 5 years; all others have poor survival expectations.
Lymphoma of the lung most commonly occurs as disseminated lymphoma involving the lung. The disseminated lymphoma occurs in 40% of patients
with Hodgkins disease and 7% in non-Hodgkins disease. Primary lymphoma of the lung is rare. The diagnosis is usually made at surgery. A thorough
evaluation for other primary sites of lymphoma should be made if primary pulmonary lymphoma is suspected preoperatively.
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The trachea is about 11.8 cm long and ranges from 10 to 13 cm. There are 18 to 22 cartilaginous rings with each ring being about 0.5 cm wide. The
internal diameter in adults is 2.3 cm laterally and 1.8 cm anteroposteriorly. The larynx ends with the inferior edge of cricoid cartilage. The cricoid is the
only complete cartilaginous ring in the trachea. The trachea begins about 1.5 cm below the vocal cords and is not rigidly fixed to surrounding tissues.
Vertical movement is easily possible. The most rigid point of fixation is where the aortic arch forms a sling over the left mainstem bronchus. The
innominate artery crosses over the anterior trachea in a left inferolateral to high right anterolateral direction. The azygous vein arches over the proximal
right mainstem bronchus as it travels from posterior to anterior to empty into the superior vena cava. The esophagus is closely applied to the
membranous trachea throughout its course. The esophagus is not a midline structure but more frequently lies just to the left from the midline of the
trachea. The recurrent laryngeal nerves run in the tracheoesophageal groove on both the right and the left. Most commonly, the left recurrent laryngeal
nerve lies close to the tracheoesophageal groove on the left and is a bit more laterally displaced on the right.
The trachea is up to 50% cervical with hyperextension in the young patient. The location of the carina is at the level of the angle of Louis anteriorly and
the T4 vertebra posteriorly.
The blood supply to the trachea is lateral and segmental from the inferior thyroid, the internal thoracic, the supreme intercostal, and the bronchial
arteries. One should never circumferentially dissect more than 1 to 2 cm of trachea that will remain in the patient before or after reconstruction. The
potential for tracheal necrosis is increased with circumferential dissection.
Stenosis of the trachea implies significant functional impairment. A normal, 2-cm trachea has a 100% peak expiratory flow rate. A 10-mm opening
provides an 80% peak expiratory flow rate. At 5 to 6 mm, only a 30% expiratory flow rate is obtained.
Congenital lesions of the trachea may be lethal (e.g., tracheal atresia) or may provide significant functional impairment, depending on the extent of the
stenosis. Stenosis may be generalized, funnel type, segmental (which is most common), or weblike. Treatment consists of dilation for resection of webs.
For localized or segmental stenosis, resection and reanastomosis should be performed. One should limit resection to one third or less of the trachea. A
pericardial patch for a generalized or funnel-type stenosis may be required.
Vascular rings such as double aortic arch (right aortic arch with left ligamentum) may cause pulmonary insufficiency or dyspnea. The trachea is normal,
and release of the ring provides relief of symptoms. This is in contrast to pulmonary artery sling, consisting of the left pulmonary artery coming from
the right pulmonary artery traveling between the trachea and esophagus, which is identified by anterior indentation of the esophagus on barium swallow
and by compression of the trachea. Approximately 50% of patients have a separate tracheal stenotic

problem (most commonly circumferential rings) and correction of the vascular sling alone would not correct the respiratory distress: the tracheal
stenosis must also be treated. Treatment of congenital tracheomalacia, identified as a collapsible wall seen on bronchoscopy, may be related to chronic
compression by the innominate artery and treated with aortopexy.
Tracheostomy is one of the most commonly performed operations. The technique is shown in Figure 5712 . For an elective procedure, the incision
should be made 1 to 2 cm above the sternal notch. The strap muscles are separated

Figure 57-12 Technique of tracheostomy. A, An endotracheal airway is in place. With the patients neck extended and centered in the midline, a short horizontal incision is made over
the second or third tracheal ring after the level of the cricoid cartilage has been carefully palpated. The first and fourth tracheal cartilages are numbered. B, After horizontal division of
the platysma, the strap muscles are separated in the midline, the cricoid is identified, and the thyroid isthmus usually is divided and sutured to allow easy access to the second and third
tracheal rings. The second and third rings are incised vertically. Occasionally, an additional partial incision of the fourth ring is necessary. C, Smooth thyroid pole retractors are used
to spread the opening in the trachea. The endotracheal tube is withdrawn to a point just above the incision. The tracheostomy tube is introduced with a small amount of water-soluble
lubricant and with its large-volume cuff collapsed. The endotracheal airway is not removed until it is demonstrated that the tracheostomy tube is properly seated and permits suitable
gas exchange. Closure is made with simple skin sutures. The flange of the tracheostomy tube is both sutured to the skin and tied with the usual tapes around the neck. On a rare

occasion when an airway cannot be established from above, an emergency incision may be necessary over the cricothyroid membrane for rapid establishment of a temporary airway.

in the midline to expose the trachea. Division of two tracheal cartilages (usually rings 2 and 3) is performed in a longitudinal (vertical) manner to insert
the tracheostomy appliance. Occasionally, the thyroid isthmus must be divided. Rarely, a high innominate artery is encountered and should be protected.
Primary neoplasms of trachea include squamous cell carcinoma in approximately two thirds of patients and adenoid cystic carcinoma in other patients.
Squamous cell carcinoma may be focal, diffuse, or multiple. The physical appearance may be exophytic or ulcerative. One third of these primary
tracheal tumors have extensive local spread or metastases at initial presentation. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (previously called cylindroma) has a
propensity for intramural and perineural spread. In adenoid cystic carcinoma, negative margins are important. Margin evaluation with frozen section
control should be performed with stricture resection. Clinical features include dyspnea on exertion, wheezing, cough with or without hemoptysis, and
recurrent pulmonary infections.
Secondary neoplasms of the trachea may include those related to laryngeal carcinomas with distal or inferior extension, recurrence of these laryngeal
carcinomas at the tracheal stomal site, or other skip metastases. In patients with previous laryngectomy, anterior mediastinal tracheostomy may be
required. Five centimeters of uninvolved trachea (i.e., negative margins at a minimum of 5 cm above the carina) is the minimal length of trachea that
should remain to ensure optimal potential for recovery. To minimize innominate artery fistula, the trachea may be moved under the innominate artery.
Cervical exenteration, with resection of tumor recurrence and portion of trachea, requires resection of the breastplate (manubrium, first rib, clavicles to
the angle of Louis) before anterior mediastinal tracheostomy.
Involvement of the trachea because of local extension from bronchogenic carcinoma may contraindicate resection. Involvement of the trachea because
of local extension of esophageal carcinoma may require palliative external-beam radiation therapy or endoscopic palliation with laser, bronchoscopy, or
esophagoscopy, or perhaps intraluminal brachytherapy. For thyroid carcinoma, resection of a short segment of trachea in continuity with thyroid may be
performed with primary repair. However, resection is contraindicated for extensive anaplastic thyroid tumors because recurrence is rapid and risks often
exceed anticipated benefits.
Infection and inflammation are uncommon causes of tracheal obstruction.
Tracheal Trauma

Penetrating injuries to the trachea are usually cervical; penetrating injuries that involve the mediastinal trachea are often lethal. Penetrating cervical
injuries often involve the esophagus, and concurrent esophageal injury should be excluded by barium esophagram or esophagoscopy. Neck exploration
may be required.
Blunt trauma to the neck or trachea can produce lacerations, transections, or shattering injuries of both the cervical and mediastinal trachea.


Clinical features of a cervical injury are suggested by subcutaneous air in neck, respiratory distress, and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is made by
Injury to the mediastinal trachea may be suggested by mediastinal or subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax of the lung that fails to expand after
chest tube insertion, or a large air leak. Other clinical signs include respiratory distress and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is made by bronchoscopy. A chest
tube may be inserted as initial management of a pneumothorax on screening trauma chest radiography. If the lung does not completely inflate, a second
chest tube may be inserted. If the pneumothorax or a continuous air leak persists, a bronchoscopy is recommended to exclude a mediastinal tracheal or
bronchial injury. Anesthetic management with laryngeal mask airway may be helpful for initial examination for full visualization of the airway before
endotracheal intubation.
Management of tracheal injuries includes control of airway, endotracheal intubation (using flexible bronchoscopy as a guide), or emergency
tracheostomy. If emergency tracheostomy is considered, it should be performed through the area of the tracheal tear (because this area is likely to be
resected during the definitive reconstruction procedure). Cervical injuries may be treated conservatively. The endotracheal tube is placed distal to the
lesion, and the cuff is kept inflated for approximately 2 days. This approach is indicated only if a small partial laceration is identified, there is little
subcutaneous air, there is good apposition of lacerated tissue, and there are no other associated injuries. Cervical injury to trachea may also be treated
with primary repair without tracheostomy. This approach is indicated with most knife wounds, many gunshot wounds, and occasional cases of blunt
Primary repair of tracheal injury may be accomplished with tracheostomy, if the tracheostomy is performed distal to the repair. This approach is
indicated for some blunt transections and some gunshot wounds. Alternatively, one may consider initial tracheostomy along with delayed repair. The
tracheostomy may be best done through the damaged trachea. This approach is indicated for complex shattering injuries of the trachea, especially with
significant laryngeal involvement.
For injuries to the mediastinal trachea, the surgical approach is thoracotomy through the right fourth intercostal space. Tracheostomy is rarely needed.
Most patients have selective intubation of the left mainstem bronchus, double lumen tube, or jet ventilation. Associated esophageal injuries should be
repaired primarily. Some tissue (e.g., the sternocleidomastoid or strap muscle) should be interposed between the two structures.
Postintubation injuries occur because of laryngeal or tracheal irritation from an indwelling endotracheal tube. This condition is usually reversible. Vocal
cord fusion must occasionally be treated by division of the fissure. The cricoid is rarely injured but is difficult to repair if injury does occur. For patients
with a tracheostomy stoma, postintubation injuries are common. Granulation tissue occurs, as does anterolateral stricture of the trachea. There are
various predisposing factors, including too large a stoma, infection in the stoma, and excessive pressure from connecting systems. The cricoid may be
damaged either by cricothyroidostomy or by too proximal a tracheostomy.
Low-pressure cuffs on the endotracheal tube have reduced cuff injuries. Pathogenesis is directly proportional to pressure necrosis. A wide spectrum of
injury may occur, depending on depth of damage, to include mucosal-tracheal stenosis, tracheomalacia, and full-thickness stricture. Clinical features of
tracheal stenosis include dyspnea on exertion, stridor or wheezing, which is easily noted, and perhaps episodes of obstruction with small amounts of
Acquired tracheoesophageal fistula is the result of prolonged erosion posteriorly. Patients also usually have an indwelling nasogastric tube posteriorly.
The most common clinical appearance is that of a sudden appearance of copious secretions from the tracheobronchial tree or of methylene bluecolored
tube feedings promptly appearing in the airway along with increasing difficulty ventilating the patient. Gastric distention also may occur.

The tracheoinnominate fistula may result from prolonged cuff erosion inferiorly and anteriorly to the trachea. Inappropriate low stoma may further
increase the likelihood of a direct erosion of the trachea by the innominate artery. The tip of the endotracheal tube may predispose to erosions or
granulomas within the trachea. Tracheoinnominate fistula may present as sudden exsanguinating hemorrhage. The patient usually has had one or more
previous sentinel hemorrhages. Investigation of these sentinel hemorrhage episodes is imperative.
The principles of management of tracheal problems include a full evaluation of the larynx to ensure its integrity before tracheal repair. Direct or indirect
endoscopy as well as fluoroscopy may be needed. A tracheal stenosis rarely demands a definitive procedure, either electively or emergently. However,
emergency management of obstruction may include sedation, humidified air, or racemic epinephrine by nebulizer. In addition, dilation under general
anesthesia may be helpful. The first choice of placement of the tracheostomy is through the stricture, then through the old tracheostomy site, then
remote from the lesion. Exceptions include those stenoses immediately above the carina, because they cannot readily be stented. Conservative measures
can be supplemented on a chronic basis with a stent, especially if the patient is considered poor risk or if the patient has a partial thickness lesion with
potential for regression.
Contraindications to trachea repair include (1) inadequately treated laryngeal problem (which does not include single vocal cord paralysis), (2) need for
ventilatory support or permanent tracheostomy for patients with amyotropic lateral sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, or quadriplegia, (3) use of high-dose
steroids, or (4) inflamed or recent tracheostomy. Poor pulmonary reserve is not a contraindication for repair in patients who have been weaned from the
Various techniques may be considered for diagnosis of tracheal abnormalities. Plain films of the trachea and routine chest roentgenograms
(posteroanterior, lateral, and obliques) are critical first steps. CT of the trachea is good for examining luminal compromise; however, it is

less suitable than linear tomograms for longitudinal abnormalities. Fluoroscopy may be helpful for the diagnosis of tracheomalacia. A contrast
tracheogram is not always necessary. If the patient has symptoms of dysphagia or if an esophageal cancer is suspected, a barium swallow is helpful to
evaluate the extent of esophageal involvement.
Bronchoscopy is generally best deferred to the time of the proposed treatment. This approach avoids precipitating an acute episode of tracheal
obstruction in an outpatient area. Exceptions to this rule may include highly complicated situations such as attempted previous repair or the need for
urgent dilation. Both flexible and rigid bronchoscopes should be available, and the surgeon should be adept at their use.
The surgical management of tracheal problems may be complex. General inhalational anesthesia is used and induction may take a long time if the
stenosis is tight. If the stenosis is less than 5 to 6 mm, dilation may be required before passing the endotracheal tube. This may be performed with rigid
bronchoscopy. If the stenosis is greater than 5 to 6 mm, the endotracheal tube may be positioned to a point above the stricture for induction. Stenoses
that are subglottic must be dilated for intubation. The endotracheal tube often goes alongside tumors.
Surgical approaches to the trachea include (1) purely cervical for the upper third, (2) cervicothoracic (with upper sternal split) ( Fig. 5713 ), and (3)
cervical approach plus upper sternal split plus right fourth anterior thoracotomy to expose the entire trachea posteriorly and inferiorly. (This approach is
rarely used.) The right fourth posterolateral thoracotomy provides the best exposure of the lower trachea and carina ( Fig. 5714 ).
The cervical approach with or without an upper sternal split is usually used for tumors of the upper half of the trachea plus all benign tracheal stenoses
(because these usually occur as a result of endotracheal tube placement). The posterolateral thoracotomy is used for tumors of the lower half of the
trachea plus carinal reconstruction. Rigid

Figure 57-13 A, Exposure of the midtrachea through a cervical and partial sternal-splitting incision. The extent of the resection has been marked by sutures. After distal division, a
sterile, armored endotracheal tube is placed. B, After proximal resection, two mattress sutures are placed in the edges of the cartilaginous rings. A simple, running suture completes the
membranous anastomosis. C, At this point, the original endotracheal tube is positioned in the distal trachea so that the anastomosis can be completed with interrupted, simple sutures
between cartilaginous rings.


Figure 57-14 A right serratus-sparing posterolateral thoracotomy is extended behind the scapula. Proximal and distal exposure shows a tracheal tumor near the bifurcation. A, After
division of the azygos vein and the distal trachea, a sterile, armored endotracheal tube is placed into the left mainstem bronchus. After proximal resection, the interrupted mattress
sutures are placed at the edges of the tracheal rings. B, After completion of the anastomosis (see Fig. 5713 ), a vascularized intercostal muscle flap is placed around the anastomosis.

bronchoscopy for diagnosis, biopsy, dilation, or treatment may be required if the tumor cannot be immediately resected ( Fig. 5715 ).
In general, the amount of trachea that can be resected is about 5 cm but varies from person to person. Various techniques can be used to achieve this
resection without undue tension on the anastomosis. The anterior cervical approach plus mobilization of the trachea and neck flexion can allow for 4 to
5 cm of trachea resection. A suprahyoid release may achieve 1 cm of additional length, and mobilization of the right hilum, together with division of the
pericardium around the right hilum, may achieve an additional 1.4 cm.
The reconstruction of the upper trachea may be performed through a collar incision through an old tracheostomy site, which is convenient. Skin flaps
are created superiorly to the thyroid prominence and inferiorly to the suprasternal notch. The sternal split is performed whenever indicated. The entire
anterior length of the trachea is exposed, close to the tracheal wall. Limited circumferential dissection is performed around the trachea just below the
lesion. Silk stay sutures are placed on either side below and later above the lesion. The trachea is transected just below the stricture or tumor. The
endotracheal tube is placed across the operative field into the distal trachea. The diseased trachea is dissected superiorly and then transected above the
lesion. Posterior mobilization and neck flexion are performed. Posterior sutures are placed with knots on the outside, and then the patient is reintubated
through the trachea. Anterior sutures are then placed and tied. No tracheostomy is performed. If ventilation is necessary, an endotracheal tube is used
with the cuff away from the anastomosis.
A suprahyoid release as described by Montgomery achieves a little over 1 cm of length by cutting the mylohyoid, the geniohyoid, and genioglossus
muscles from the superior surface of the hyoid bone. The hyoid bone is transected on either side just medial to the digastric muscles. This technique
probably yields less dysphagia or aspiration than the thyrohyoid release procedure.
Stenosis of the subglottic larynx or cricoid stenosis is a challenging technical procedure. The recurrent nerves innervate the larynx just superior to the
posterolateral cricoid on each side. If the tracheal lesions only involve the anterior surface, the anterior cricoid can be removed and the distal trachea
beveled to match the defect. This maneuver spares the recurrent laryngeal nerves. With circumferential involvement, it may be necessary to perform a
laryngectomy. Otherwise, an attempt to preserve the larynx could be made. The anterior cricoid is removed with a rectangle of posterior cricoid. This
leaves the posterolateral portions of the cricoid intact to protect the recurrent laryngeal nerves. The beveled trachea may be brought up to this level
along with a flap of membranous trachea posteriorly to match the posterior defect.
Reconstruction of the lower trachea is performed in the right fourth intercostal space. Intubation of the distal trachea or the left mainstem is performed.
Carinal reconstruction is usually performed for tumor and is the most feasible of alternative reconstructions chosen.
The technique of tracheostomy is best approached through cervical incision and a vertical incision through the second and third or the third and fourth
tracheal rings. The tracheostomy should not be placed too low because erosion of the innominate artery by the tracheostomy prosthesis may occur.
If a tracheoinnominate fistula occurs, this fistula may be controlled initially by inflating the cuff on the endotracheal tube to tamponade and decrease the
bleeding. The innominate artery is divided, ligated, and covered

Figure 57-15 A, Proper technique for rigid bronchoscopy in a patient with a tracheal mass. Top, Pharyngeal packing is used to protect the esophagus. Middle, A nearly obstructing
tumor is shown. Bottom, A flexible bronchoscope is placed into the rigid scope for the biopsy. This protects the airway. B, A technique for endoscopic resection of a tracheal mass
with a rigid bronchoscope without (top) and with (bottom) use of the laser. (From Sugarbaker DJ, Mentzer SJ, Strauss G, Fried MP: Laser resection of endobronchial lesions: Use of
the rigid and flexible bronchoscopes. Oper Tech Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 3:93, 1992.)

with muscle, thymus, or fat. Resection of the damaged trachea with primary reanastomosis is performed. The endotracheal tube is placed with the cuff
away from the anastomosis. If the tracheoinnominate fistula occurs from tube erosion, the surgeon tamponades the bleeding with digital pressure or
packing anterior and inferior to the tube or tracheostomy prosthesis. This maneuver is easier with an endotracheal tube placed through the mouth or
stoma. One may simply perform a median sternotomy, divide the innominate artery, and cover as described earlier. Potential for a neurologic event does
A tracheoesophageal fistula from cuff erosion may also occur. If the patient is ventilator dependent, then delayed repair may be necessary. The
nasogastric tube should be removed, a gastrostomy and jejunostomy should be placed, and a low-pressure cuff should be used and placed

below the lesion. If the patient is off the ventilator, then immediate repair should be performed. A cervical approach is used. The esophagus is separated
from the trachea, and the esophageal defect is closed in layers. A muscle is interposed between the two structures. The damaged trachea is resected and
primary anastomosis is performed.
The results as described by Grillo and colleagues[73] have been good for benign stenoses. Mortality rate is approximately 2% with 93% of patients having
good results. With malignant tumors above the carina, 5-year survival rate may range from 25% to 40%.
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Emphysema is defined as dilation and destruction of the terminal air spaces. These air cavities may be defined as blebssubpleural air space separated
from the lung by a thin pleural covering with only minor alveolar communicationsor bullaelarger than a bleb with some destruction of the
underlying lung parenchyma.
Bullous emphysema is either congenital without general lung disease or a complication of COPD with more or less generalized lung disease. The
challenge is to separate the disability related to the bullae from that caused by the chronic emphysema or chronic bronchitis. The DLCO is a good index
of the state of severity of the generalized lung disease. On pulmonary angiography, bullae are cold and do not contain vessels. The bullae may compress
normal lung with crowding of the relatively normal pulmonary vasculature. COPD may show abrupt narrowing and tapering of vessels. The surgical
option includes resection of the bullae to leave functioning lung tissue.
Symptomatic patients with progressive dyspnea may undergo removal of the bullae with good results. The disease must be localized with the air space
occupying at least 40% to 50% of one hemithorax. The remaining good lung parenchyma is compressed by the bulla. Simple removal of the bulla
alone is required. Lobectomy is seldom indicated because good lung tissue is removed, which is frequently needed for independent function by these
patients with significant lung impairment. Operative mortality rate varies from 1.5% to 10%, depending on the patients age and degree of emphysema.
Pulmonary sepsis and prolonged air leaks are the most common nonfatal major complications. Proper treatment and preparation with pulmonary therapy
before surgery, exercise programs, and thin strips to reinforce surgically stapled suture lines are helpful in preventing these complications.
Cysts are congenital air spaces lined by epithelium; pneumatoceles are acquired postinflammatory air spaces with an epithelial lining. The cause is
probably the result of biochemical alterations that permit alveolar wall destruction.
. 1 -Antitrypsin deficiency is an autosomal recessive trait that affects 1% to 2% of all emphysema patients and commonly begins before the age of 40
years. Women are more likely to have this syndrome than men. Antitrypsin inhibits neutrophil elastase and other serine proteinases. This homeostatic
function controls major proteolytic cascades. Absence of this serine proteinase inhibitor allows intrapulmonary elastase activity and neutrophil elastase
activity (released from inflammatory cells) to act without control, thereby causing panacinar emphysema. Smoking significantly worsens . 1 -antitrypsin
deficiency actions and worsens this panacinar emphysema.
Pneumothorax may occur with emphysema. Conservative therapy often requires days to weeks of suction with chest tubes to obtain pleural symphysis.
Resection of the bleb may be required ( Fig. 5716 ). If respiratory failure for pneumonia develops, tracheostomy will help in some

Figure 57-16 A, Thoracoscopic view of a typical apical bleb in a young patient who was first seen with spontaneous pneumothorax. B, Initial application of a linear stapler in excision
of an apical bleb.


patients but makes it impossible for the patient to cough. Respiratory care and pulmonary hygiene are critical components of successful outcome.
Indications for surgical intervention include a significantly large bulla (one third to one half of a hemithorax) with symptoms and only mild diffuse lung
disease. The surgical treatment must be individualized, because no criteria exist for predicting with certainty which patients will benefit from resection.
Asymptomatic patients are generally observed, and infected bullae are resected. The mortality rate varies and the patients experience variable
Surgical therapy for emphysema exists. Although emphysema is diffuse within the lung, some areas may be worse than others. These areas may be
identified by CT and subsequently resected. Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) removes areas of greater emphysematous involvement. The
remaining lung tissue expands with improved elastic recoil and improved aeration and perfusion of the remaining lung. A recent prospective trial
compared LVRS to medical treatment. Patients with predominantly upper lobe emphysema and low exercise capacity had lower mortality with LVRS
than medical therapy (RR=0.47; p=0.005). In patients with non-upper lobe emphysema and high exercise capacity, mortality was higher in the LVRS
group (RR=2.06, p=0.02).[74]
Lung transplantation is performed for COPD, including . 1 -antitrypsin deficiency. Pulmonary fibrosis, primary pulmonary hypertension, and cystic
fibrosis are other indications for lung transplantation. The recipient is required to have a significant functional disability but be ambulatory. The
recipient should be free of chronic and debilitating disease (e.g., no hepatic, renal, or cardiac disease), have no other effective therapy available, have a
stable nutritional status, have good social and psychological support, and have several years of life potentially remaining. Survival rate after lung
transplantation is approximately 75% at 1 year, 60% at 2 years, and 50% at 5 years. The annual lung transplantation rate has begun to level off, and
waiting times for lung transplants are currently approximately 18 months. Chronic immunosuppression with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisone

is required. Routine follow-up and screening for rejection is required. Transbronchial biopsy may be performed for diagnosis of acute rejection. Acute
rejection usually occurs within 3 months of transplantation and is manifested with dyspnea, chest radiography with perihilar infiltrates, leukocytosis,
and mild fever. FEV1 is reduced. High-dose corticosteroids may be used for treatment. Chronic lung rejection problems include bronchiolitis obliterans
and reduction in FEV1 .
Unilateral lung transplantation is more readily tolerated than double lung transplant. Early mortality rate ranges from 8% to 21% as a result of infection
or organ failure. The 5-year survival rate approaches 60%.[75]
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The surgeons role in diffuse lung disease is to obtain a diagnosis, typically by open lung biopsy. The patient has usually undergone several diagnostic
bronchoscopies and often a transbronchial biopsy. The chest radiograph may demonstrate an alveolar pattern (fluffy with air bronchograms) or an
interstitial pattern (ground-glass or granular appearance, indicating a diffuse increase in interstitial tissue) ( Box 5710 ).
Sarcoidosis affects the lungs in 90% of patients with this diagnosis, causing symptoms of dyspnea and dry cough. Foci of noncaseating epithelioid
granulomas may be found in any part of the body. Ten to 20 percent of patients are asymptomatic, 20% to 40% are first seen with an acute form with
fever and other significant symptoms, and 40% to 50% have insidious respiratory complaints without constitutional symptoms. Severe progressive
pulmonary fibrosis may develop in 10% to 20%. Bilateral hilar mediastinal lymph nodes are involved in 60% to 80% of patients. Biopsy of these
mediastinal lymph nodes may be required for diagnosis and often may be the only surgical procedure that is needed. Skin lesions such as erythema
nodosum, plaques, squamous nodules, and maculopapular eruption occur in approximately 25% of patients, and eye involvement (uveitis) may occur in
25% of patients.
For diagnosis, clinical criteria and biopsy are needed. Bronchoscopy and transbronchial biopsy are good, and open lung biopsy is rarely needed.
Corticosteroids may be used for treatment. An open lung biopsy is generally not necessary when the lung picture is typical of a previously known cause;
however, open lung biopsy is generally necessary for those diseases for which the cause is not known.
In an acute setting, an open lung biopsy is often not warranted for diffuse lung disease or patients with chronic ventilatory requirements. The value of
open lung biopsy in this clinical setting is low and typically no better than the best medical management in intensive care. An open lung biopsy should
not be performed unless the results of open lung biopsy will modify subsequent treatment, such as the initiation of protocol-based treatment for
experimental antibiotics.
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The acute, or adult, respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex biologic and clinical process. This acute deterioration of pulmonary function
occurs exclusive of pulmonary edema, pneumonia, or exacerbation of COPD. Approximately 50,000 cases occur each year in the United States, with a
mortality rate of 30% to 70%. Some causes of ARDS are listed in Box 5711 .
The initial clinical presentation of dyspnea, tachypnea, hypoxemia, and mild hypocapnia is nonspecific. A chest radiograph may show diffuse bilateral
infiltrates secondary to increased interstitial fluid. Pathologically, vascular congestion occurs with alveolar collapse, edema, and inflammatory cell
infiltration. The underlying mechanism is increased pulmonary capillary permeability with extravasation of intravascular fluid and protein into the
interstitium and alveoli. The leukocyte is the most prominent mediator of this injury. Stimuli such as sepsis activate the complement pathway, causing
recruitment of leukocytes to the site of the infection. The lung releases potent

Box 57-10. Classification of Diffuse Lung Diseases

Infections (more commonly cause focal disease, granuloma formation)
Virusesespecially influenza, cytomegalovirus
Bacteriatuberculosis, all kinds of regular bacteria, Rocky
Mountain spotted fever
Fungiall types can cause diffuse disease
ParasitesPneumocystis, toxoplasmosis, paragonimiasis, among
Occupational causes
Mineral dusts
Chemical fumesNO2 (silo fillers disease), Cl, NH3 , SO2 , CCl4 ,
Br, HF, HCl, HNO3 , kerosene, acetylene
Neoplastic disease
Lymphangitic spread
Hematogenous metastases
Leukemia, lymphoma, broncholoalveolar cell cancer
Niemann-Pick, Gauchers, neurofibromatosis, and tuberous fibrosis
Liver disease, uremia, inflammatory bowel disease
Physical agents
Radiation, O2 toxicity, thermal injury, blast injury
Heart failure/multiple pulmonary emboli
Immunologic causes
Hypersensitivity pneumonia
Inhaled antigens
Farmers lung (actinomycosis)
Bagassosis (sugar cane)

Malt workers (Aspergillus)

Byssinosis (cotton)
Drug reactions
Hydralazine, busulfan, nitrofurantoin (Macrodantin),
hexamethonium, methysergide, bleomycin
Collagen diseases
Scleroderma, rheumatoid, systemic lupus erythematosus,
dermatomyositis, Wegeners granulomatosis, Goodpastures
Idiopathic hemosiderosis
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
Eosinophilic pneumonia (Note: some are caused by drugs,
actinomycosis, parasites)

Box 57-11. Causes of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Extrathoracic sepsis
Blunt chest trauma
Nonthoracic trauma
Aspiration pneumonia
Diffuse infectious pneumonia
Nonbacterial pneumonia (viral, mycoplasma, legionnaires disease,
Pneumocystis carinii)
Miscellaneous events
Smoke inhalation
Oxygen toxicity
Neurogenic pulmonary edema
Ingestion of toxic drugs
Acute hypersensitivity reactions

mediators such as oxygen free radicals, arachidonic acid metabolites, and proteases. If the underlying disease is not controlled, these changes progress
to vascular thromboses and interstitial fibrosis and to hyaline membrane deposition in the alveoli. This process causes hypoxemia, pulmonary
hypertension, CO2 retention, secondary infections, and eventually right-sided heart failure, hypoxia, and death. Other criteria include impaired
oxygenation with the PaO2 /FIO2 ratio less than 200 mm Hg. As well, pulmonary edema is present without cardiac failure and a pulmonary capillary

wedge pressure is less than 18 mm Hg (noncardiac pulmonary edema).

The outcome of ARDS is related to the initial injury stimulus. Treatment is directed to improve oxygenation with optimal pulmonary hygiene,
intubation, and pressure ventilation. Maintaining an inspired oxygen concentration as low as possible and positive end-expiratory pressure as low as
possible to maintain adequate oxygenation and CO2 exchange is helpful. A Swan-Ganz catheter to optimize hemodynamics, to reduce pulmonary artery
pressure, and to improve coronary perfusion can be considered. Inotropes, corticosteroids, prostaglandin inhibitors, and oxygen free radical scavengers
have been examined, yet, to date, they have failed to consistently improve pulmonary function or mortality rate for patients with ARDS.
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High-pressure jet ventilation can be used during bronchoscopy and carinal resection and to improve oxygenation in patients with bronchopleural fistula
or in the noncompliant lung in patients with respiratory failure. Complications include pneumothorax, hypotension at high driving pressures, blocked
endotracheal tube from encrustation at the end of the tube, and a decrease in cardiac output, which may be prevented with inotropes.

Its most frequent use is in managing respiratory failure in neonates.

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Bronchiectasis is an infection of the bronchial wall and surrounding lung with sufficient severity to cause destruction and dilation of the air passages.
This condition is decreasing in frequency and severity because of the use of antibiotics. There are numerous predisposing factors, including cystic
fibrosis, . 1 -antitrypsin deficiency, various immunodeficiency states, Kartageners syndrome (sinusitis, bronchiectasis, situs inversus, and hypomotile
cilia), and bronchial obstruction from foreign body, extrinsic lymph nodes that compress the bronchus, neoplasm, or mucous plug. The distribution is
primarily in the basal segments of the lower lobes. Destructive changes and dilation of the bronchi accompany the infection.
With use of antibiotics, it has become rare to see an emaciated febrile patient coughing up large amounts of foul sputum accompanied by clubbing,
cyanosis, and hemoptysis. Currently, frequent respiratory infections are typical and sputum production is minimal except during exacerbations and acute
infections. Mild hemoptysis may occur; massive hemoptysis is rare. Frequently, symptoms can be controlled with medical management. Patients can be
evaluated with chest radiography and CT. CT of the chest is good at showing bronchiectasis.
Bronchoscopy cannot differentiate bronchitis from bronchiectasis. Bronchoscopy can be performed to clear secretions and, when the diagnosis is
suspected, to rule out cancer, foreign body, or stricture. Cultures may be obtained to facilitate antibiotic treatment. Bronchography is a method of
diagnosis and may be required when surgery is being considered, although it ( Fig. 5717 ) has generally been replaced by CT. Dilation of the bronchi
and no feathering of distal airways can be visualized. Medical treatment should be optimized; this includes discontinuation of smoking and institution of
postural drainage, bronchodilator medications, and oral antibiotics.
Surgical management may be performed if the disease is irreversible or if there is failure of medical therapy with recurrent pneumonia, hemoptysis
affecting a normal lifestyle, or persistent sputum production greater than 1 to 2 ounces daily. The disease should be localized and the patient should be
physiologically suitable for resection. One segment of involvement with bronchiectasis is not enough to consider resection. Disease limited to but
involving one lobe is best treated surgically. If bilateral bronchiectasis exists, medical management should continue. Results of treatment are good in
80% to 90% of patients.
Lung Abscess

The incidence of lung abscess is decreasing in frequency as a result of use of antibiotics.[76] A lung abscess may occur from an infection behind a
blocked bronchus. The infection is usually anaerobic and may be associated with alcohol abuse, a debilitated or elderly individual, or esophageal disease
with aspiration. Lung abscess used to occur after tonsillectomy or tooth extraction, but this has become a rare event. Hematogenous spread from
bacteremia may occur if congestive heart failure or debilitating disease is present, such as in the very old, the very young, patients who use intravenous
drugs, and patients on corticosteroids. These areas of infection are usually multiple and rarely require operative intervention. Staphylococcus bacteremia
is frequently associated with lung abscess. Necrotizing pneumonia from Klebsiella may rapidly destroy the involved lung with minimal surrounding
reaction. This cause is decreasing with use of antibiotics. Rupture of a lung abscess may yield empyema and pneumothorax. Lung abscess may also be
superimposed on structural abnormalities, for example, as a bronchogenic cyst, sequestration, bleb, or tuberculosis or fungal cavities.
In patients with aspiration progressing to lung abscess, the location is more commonly found on the right than the left. The location may occur in the
lateral divisions of the anterior and posterior segments of the upper lobe, the axillary subsegment, or the superior segment of the lower lobe. Clinical
features are similar to those of pneumonia, including fever, cough, leukocytosis, pleuritic pain, and sputum production. The chest radiograph and the CT
scan of the chest may demonstrate a rounded area of consolidation early and an air-fluid level on upright or decubitus chest radiography later.
The differential diagnosis includes loculated empyema, which may be treated with drainage, epiphrenic diverticulum (in which the patient is not septic),
or tuberculosis or fungus cavity. These cavities do not retain fluid, so no air-fluid level is present; however, they may contain debris or a fungus ball.
Aspergillus may present in this manner ( Fig. 5718 ). Medical management is with antibiotics and pulmonary care (e.g., re-expansion). Bronchoscopy
may be performed for diagnosis to rule out foreign body, stenosis, or cancer. It also may be used for treatment to assist in drainage of the cavity either
directly or by way of transbronchial catheterization of the cavity. Most patients (85% to 95%) respond to medical management with rapid decrease in
fluid, collapse of the walls, and complete healing in 3 to 4 months. Patients with long-standing symptoms greater than 3 months before treatment or
cavities greater than 4 to 6 cm are less likely to respond.
Surgical therapy is indicated for persistent cavity (>2 cm and thick walled) after 8 weeks of medical therapy, failure to clear sepsis, hemoptysis (often
small sentinel hemorrhage before a massive hemorrhage), and to exclude cancer. If a lung abscess ruptures into the pleural cavity, simple drainage may
suffice, with the patient being managed for empyema or bronchopleural fistula. Lobectomy is typically required; the mortality rate is 1% to 5%.
Occasionally, external drainage may be required in critically ill patients if pleural symphysis has occurred.
Other Bronchopulmonary Disorders

Bronchopulmonary disorders caused by inflammatory lymph node disease are usually caused by tuberculosis or

Figure 57-17 A, Contrast bronchography in a patient with saccular bronchiectasis (arrow) in the middle lobe. B, Computed tomogram of the chest of a 30-year-old man with
multisegmental bronchiectasis involving both lungs. Note the abnormally dilated airways extending into the lung parenchyma bilaterally. C, Lung specimen demonstrating grossly
dilated subsegmental bronchi caused by bronchiectasis. (C From Bolman RM, Wolfe WG: Bronchiectasis and bronchopulmonary sequestration. Surg Clin North Am 60:867, 1980.)

histoplasmosis. Lobar atelectasis, hemoptysis, or broncholithiasis can occur. Bronchial compressive disease typically occurs most commonly in the
middle lobe. More than 20% is caused by cancer. This condition results in repeated infection in the same area of the lung, which usually responds to
antibiotics. The differential diagnosis includes endobronchial tumors in adults and foreign body aspiration in children. Bronchoscopy is essential to rule
out cancer and foreign body and to evaluate for stricture. Medical management is required to treat infection. Surgery is indicated to treat
bronchostenosis, irreversible bronchiectasis, or severe recurrent infection.
Broncholithiasis is a calcified node tightly adherent to a bronchus. Innocent hemoptysis may occur even with a negative chest radiograph. Sudden
bleeding caused by erosion of a small bronchial artery and mucosa by a spicule in the calcified node causes this hemoptysis. Bright red blood occurs,
ranging from 5 to 500 mL and generally always stops with sedation. This hemoptysis is almost never massive (>600 mL in 24 hours). Bronchoscopy is
possible during a bleeding episode to locate the lobe or site of the bleeding. Nasal or pharyngeal lesions should be excluded.
Organizing pneumonia may replace lung parenchyma with scar tissue or persistent atelectasis or consolidation. Initially, an acute pneumonia develops
and then a persistent shadow. If the shadow or mass does not clear in 6 to 8 weeks, then resection should be performed to exclude carcinoma. The
differential diagnosis includes pneumonia, congenital abnormality, and aneurysm of the aorta.
Mycobacterial Infections

Tuberculosis infects approximately 7% of patients exposed, and it develops in 5% to 10% of those patients infected. A primary infection develops. The

Figure 57-18 A, Linear tomogram of the lung demonstrates an aspergilloma (fungus ball) within a large cavitary lesion within the lung parenchyma. The fungus ball is often

unattached within the cavity and is located in the most gravity-dependent area of the cavity. It can alter its position as the patient changes position. B, The coarse, fragmented, septate
mycelia of Aspergillus fumigatus. (A from Aslam PA, Larkin J, Eastridge CA, Hughes FA Jr: Endocavitary infusion through percutaneous endobronchial catheter. Chest 57:94, 1970.
B from Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic infections. In Lewis Practice of Surgery. New York, Hoeber Medical Division, Harper & Row, 1968.)

response progresses to caseous necrosis. Postprimary tuberculosis tends to occur in apical and posterior segments of the upper lobes and superior
segments of the lower lobes. Healing occurs with fibrosis and contracture. Extensive caseation with cavitation may occur early. Coalescing areas of
caseous necrosis may form cavities. There are frequently incomplete septations and lobulations. Septations supplied by bronchial arteries can cause
hemoptysis if eroded and may be secondarily infected by other organisms.[77]
Bronchoscopy may be required for patients not responding to medical management. Cancer should be excluded with a newly identified mass on chest
radiography even with a positive TB skin test and acid-fast bacillusnegative sputum. Medical management is with isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol,
streptomycin, or pyrazinamide. The initial treatment for the disease is combination therapy (e.g., isoniazid plus rifampin or other drugs).
Surgical therapy may be considered when medical therapy fails and persistent tuberculosis-positive sputum remains as well as when surgically
correctable residua of tuberculosis may be of potential danger to the patient.[78] [79] This is not the same management as for atypical mycobacteria; many
of these patients remain clinically well even with positive sputum. Some indications for surgery are listed in Box 5712 .
Surgical options include resection, which is the procedure of choice in most instances. Pleural adhesions and granulomas in peribronchial nodes and
chronic inflammation make resection difficult. Preservation of lung tissue should be a goal of the treatment. Surgical complications are doubled if the
sputum is positive for mycobacteria tuberculosis and decreased if remaining lung tissue is fully expanded. Infectious complications include empyema,
bronchopleural fistula, endobronchial spread of the disease, and higher mortality.
Thoracoplasty or collapse therapy is infrequently required. Thoracoplasty may be used to control the postresection empyema space and, rarely, if ever,
to manage parenchymal disease alone. This technique may be used in patients who fail medical management and who were not otherwise candidates for
resection. Patients with extensive disease and positive sputum or chronic active endobronchial disease may also be considered. Plombage may be
preferred over staged conventional thoracoplasty, because it requires only one operation; there is no paradoxical chest motion and chest wall deformity.
Cavernostomy, or external drainage of a tuberculous cavity with a

Box 57-12. Potential Indications for Surgery for Pulmonary

Open positive cavity after 3 to 6 months of chemotherapy,
especially if resistant mycobacteria
Persistent positive sputum with pathology (destroyed lung,
atelectasis, bronchiectasis, bronchostenosis) amenable to resection
Negative sputum but destroyed lung, blocked cavity,
tuberculomaconsider for resection
Localized infection with atypical mycobacteria
Tuberculous bronchiectasis of lower and middle lobes (usually
occurs in upper lobesgood drainage; lower and middle lobes do
not drain well)
Open negative cavities if thick walled, slow response, or unreliable
To exclude cancer
Recurrent or persistent hemoptysis: resection if greater than 600 mL
of blood is lost in 24 hours or less
Pleural disease where indicated

chest tube or open drainage, may be used to control a large cavity with positive sputum or massive bleeding in a patient who was unable to tolerate
resection or collapse therapy.
Fungal and Parasitic Infections

The surgical management of fungal infections includes diagnosis and management of complications of fungal disease. Frequently, cancer has to be
excluded or other infectious or benign conditions confirmed. Medical management may be considered an initial treatment for fungal diseases in the lung
and as part of the patients overall management.
Immunocompromised patients suffer from aspergillosis as the most frequent opportunistic infection, followed by candidiasis, nocardiosis, and
mucormycosis. Normal, or immunocompetent, patients may be affected by histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, or blastomycosis. Both groups may be
affected by actinomycosis and cryptococcosis. Diagnosis is most often made by sputum examination using potassium hydroxide preparations. Cultures
are poor and may take some time for results to be obtained; Papanicolaou smear cytology may be best. Silver methenamine stain is key to the
evaluation. Extrapulmonary involvement of various fungal diseases is listed in Table 574 . Most infections are self-limited and do not require
treatment. Intravenous or oral antifungal agents may be used for treatment of the diseases.
Histoplasmosis is the most common of all fungal infections in the United States and is most frequently a serious systemic fungal disease.[80] Histoplasma
capsulatum is endemic to the Mississippi Valley as well as portions of the southwestern United States. A high percentage of

TABLE 57-4 -- Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Fungal Infections


Cervicofacial, chest wall


Chest wall, central nervous system (CNS)


Marrow, adrenal


Bone (however, usually just lung)


Skin > genitourinary system




CNS, blood vessels


Rhinocerebral, blood vessels

patients are affected, usually with a subclinical form of this disease. An inoculum (from the mycelial form found in soil, decaying materials, and bat or
bird guano) can produce an acute pneumonic illness in immunocompetent hosts and usually resolves without specific treatment. The yeast form exists in
macrophages or within the cytoplasm of the alveoli. Pathologic examination demonstrates granulomas (like tuberculosis) or caseating epithelioid
granulomas. Calcified nodes in the lung, mediastinum, spleen, and liver may occur. The chest radiograph may demonstrate central or target calcification
or concentric laminar calcification. Any form can have arthralgias or erythema nodosum or erythema multiforme. The localized form is usually an acute
pneumonia, self-limited, and rarely severe. A solitary pulmonary nodule may be a residual finding of acute pneumonia and should be resected unless
proper calcification is identified. The lymphogenous reaction to Histoplasma causes mediastinal lymph node enlargement and may cause middle lobe
syndrome, bronchiectasis, esophageal traction diverticulum, tracheoesophageal fistula, constrictive pericarditis, or fibrosing mediastinitis with superior
vena cava syndrome, or other problems relating to compression of mediastinal structures.
Coccidioidomycosis is endemic to the Southwest and is localized in the soil. It is second only to histoplasmosis in frequency. Inhaling the organism
results in a primary lung disease that is usually self-limited ( Fig. 5719 ).
Actinomyces is a bacterium that is not found free in nature. It produces a chronic anaerobic endogenous infection, actinomycosis, deep within a wound.
Sulfur granules draining from infected sinuses are microcolonies ( Fig. 5720 ). The cervicofacial form is the most common. The thoracic form
usually occurs as pulmonary parenchymal disease resembling cancer. The treatment is most commonly penicillin. Surgery may occasionally be required
for radical excision of the chest wall disease and empyema.
Nocardia is an aerobic bacterium widely disseminated in soil and domestic animals; it was formerly rare, although it is increasing in
immunocompromised patients. Nocardiosis resembles actinomycosis in invading the chest wall and produces subcutaneous abscesses and

Figure 57-19 Microscopic sections of a coccidioidal granuloma (400) show spherules packed with endospores. (From Scott S, Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic and actinomycotic
infections. In Shields TW [ed]: General Thoracic Surgery, 4th ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1994.)

Figure 57-20 Actinomycotic granule shows branching filaments of a microscopic colony of Actinomyces israelii. Gomori stain, 250.

sinuses draining sulfur granules. Surgery is performed to exclude cancer, to obtain a diagnosis, or to treat complications of the disease.
Treatment is often with amphotericin for those patients who are severely ill, such as those who are immunocompromised and have positive sputum
cultures. Other options include ketoconazole or itraconazole for nonlife-threatening disease.
Surgery may be considered for treatment of cavitary disease or complications of cavitary disease. Amphotericin should be used perioperatively.
Indications for surgery include thick-walled or greater than 2-cm cavities, enlarging cavities, ruptured cavities, secondary bacterial infections, and
severe recurrent hemoptysis.
Open lung biopsy may be required to make a diagnosis of cryptococcosis, which is widely disseminated in soil, dust, and pigeon guano. Pathologically,
the organism appears as round, budding yeasts, with wide capsules and granulomas. It is the second most frequent lethal fungus after histoplasmosis.
Lungs are frequently involved. The disease is usually mild. Meningitis is the most frequent cause of death. Surgery may be required for open lung
biopsy for diagnosis or to exclude lung cancer.
Aspergillosis is an opportunistic infection, characterized by coarse fragmented septa; hyphae are noted. The chest radiograph may demonstrate a
crescent radiolucency next to a rounded mass. Cavities may form because of destruction of the underlying pulmonary parenchyma; and debris and

hyphae may coalesce and form a fungus ball, which lies free in the cavity and can roll around. Prophylactic resection is controversial, although some
recommend resection if isolated disease is present in good risk patients.
Surgery is infrequently used in the management of mucormycosis other than to establish a diagnosis. Mucormycosis is rare, opportunistic, and rapidly
progressive. The appearance is that of a black mold; it has wide nonseptate branching hyphae. The infection causes blood vessels to thrombose and lung
tissue to infarct. Clinically, the rhinocerebral form occurs much more frequently than the pulmonary form of consolidation and cavities. Medical
management is with cessation of corticosteroids and antineoplastic drugs and initiation of amphotericin, and control of diabetes is undertaken. The
disease is often too advanced for effective treatment.
Candida is a small, thin-walled budding yeast that occurs in immunocompromised patients ( Fig. 5721 ). Lung involvement alone is rare. Surgery may
be required to confirm the diagnosis of the infection.
Surgery may also be used to manage the sequelae and complications of parasitic infections. Infections with

Figure 57-21 Candida albicans with both the mycelial and the yeast forms. (From Takaro T: Thoracic mycotic infections. In Lewis Practice of Surgery. New York, Hoeber Medical
Division, Harper & Row, 1968.)


Entamoeba histolytica are usually confined to the right lower thorax and are related to extension from a liver abscess below the diaphragm by way of
direct extension or lymphatics to the right thorax. Metronidazole (Flagyl) is usually effective, although Flagyl and tube drainage may be required for
treatment of empyema. Open resection is infrequently required. Similarly, infection with Echinococcus may occur. The hydatid cyst may rupture,
flooding the lung or producing a severe hypersensitivity reaction. A lung abscess could occur with compression of the airway, great vessels, or
esophagus. Surgery, if feasible, may include simple enucleation by way of a cleavage of planes between the cyst and the normal tissue. Aspiration and
hypertonic saline 10% may be performed before enucleation. Positive pressure on the lung should be maintained until the cyst is out to prevent
contamination, soilage, or hypersensitivity reaction. Nonoperative therapy for small asymptomatic calcified cyst may be considered. Paragonimiasis is
another common infection and common cause of hemoptysis in Asia.[81] In endemic areas, prevalence may reach 5%, and hemoptysis from
paragonimiasis in one Asian population (16%) exceeded that from tuberculosis (3%).[82] [83]
Pneumocystis carinii is an opportunistic infection that is positive on silver methenamine stain. Bronchoalveolar lavage obtains the diagnosis in more
than 90% of patients. However, lung biopsy may be required to confirm the diagnosis.
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Massive hemoptysis may be defined as greater than 500 to 600 mL of blood loss from the lungs in 24 hours.[84] The current mortality rate is
approximately 13% and is related to drowning or suffocation rather than exsanguination. Causes of hemoptysis are listed in Box 5713 .
Diagnosis and treatment of massive hemoptysis typically include a chest radiograph and emergency bronchoscopy. Rigid bronchoscopy with an 8.5-mm
or larger bronchoscope is needed. A 10-mm scope is preferred.
Box 57-13. Causes of Hemoptysis
Lung cancer
Lung abscess
Cavitary aspergillosis
Swan-Ganz catheterization
Cystic fibrosis
Foreign body
Transbronchial lung biopsy

Flexible bronchoscopy is usually inadequate for treatment of hemoptysis, but it may be considered for observation if active bleeding has stopped. Blood
should be drawn for type and crossmatch, and the interventional radiologist should be notified if angiographic embolization is anticipated. Often,
patients have been seen previously with slight hemoptysis and have undergone diagnostic evaluation consisting of a chest radiograph and CT of the
chest. These studies may provide additional information to guide the surgeon in palliating hemoptysis.
Treatment options must be guided by the clinical situation and findings. Bronchoscopy under general anesthesia is performed, and bleeding is controlled
so as to prevent soiling the contralateral (uninvolved) lung. Conservative management may consist simply of bronchoscopy, clearing the airway of
blood, cough suppression (with codeine), and rest ( Box 5714 ).
Patients with hemoptysis from cystic fibrosis may do well with expectant treatment of hemoptysis, which may require tamponade using a balloon
catheter. Patients with aspergilloma fungus balls are at high risk for fatal hemorrhage and should be treated aggressively and undergo resection when
Angiographic catheterization for massive hemoptysis may be considered for patients with hemoptysis and inability to localize a bleeding site.[85] A
relative contraindication to angiographic catheterization and embolization is the contribution of the bronchial arteries to the blood supply of the spinal
cord or a common origin of the blood supply to the bronchi and the spinal cord. The risk of quadriplegia must be considered in light of the overall
patient condition. Embolization is carried out with small particles of polyvinyl alcohol or other synthetic embolic material to occlude vessels at a
peripheral level. Some reports show that bleeding is controlled in 70% of patients, but 50% rebleed. Re-embolization may be
Box 57-14. Treatment Options for Massive Hemoptysis
Treatment of intrabronchial lesion by laser or topical epinephrine
(transient effect only)
Definitive surgical resection (probably most applicable)
Expectant management (observation, cough suppression, rest)
Bronchoscopic lavage with iced saline
Fogarty catheter tamponade
Intracavitary instillation of antimicrobial medications for poor-risk
patients with mycetomas
Cavernostomy with packing for patients too sick to undergo
Plombage (for active cavitary tuberculosis)

Bronchial arterial embolization by interventional radiology

Mass resection with large stapler (last resort)


Box 57-15. Potential Indications for Angiographic Catheterization

Cystic fibrosis
Bilateral chronic pulmonary disease and inability to localize a
bleeding site
Nonresectable malignancy, primary or metastatic
Vital capacity of less than 40% of predicted value
Recurrent hemoptysis after surgery

repeated. Angiographic catheterization indications are given in Box 5715 .

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Pulmonary embolism is a spectrum of disease that ranges from the clinically insignificant pulmonary microembolus to a catastrophic instantaneously
fatal massive pulmonary thrombus obstructing both pulmonary arteries.[86] Thrombi most commonly develop in the veins of the lower leg from stasis
and a hypercoagulable state, and they propagate proximally to the deep veins of the leg and pelvis. As these clots become larger and as the veins
become larger, the propensity for these clots to dislodge and embolize to the lungs increases. When this occurs, a chain reaction of events takes place:
the pulmonary artery blood supply to those sections of the lung is occluded, vasoactive agents are released with elevation of pulmonary vascular
resistance, a shunt develops as the pulmonary blood flow is redistributed, and pulmonary edema may occur. Alveolar dead space is increased and gas
exchange is impaired. Depending on the size of the thrombus or the patients reaction to the embolic event, right ventricular work is increased. With
increased afterload, right ventricular dysfunction or failure may occur. Right ventricular hypokinesis with a normal arterial blood pressure is a poor
prognostic indicator. Paradoxical embolus from a patent foramen ovale may occur.
Pulmonary embolism may account for up to 3% of postoperative surgical deaths and has been found in 24% of 5477 patients in an autopsy series.[87]
Untreated pulmonary embolism has a 30% hospital mortality rate, whereas treated patients have a mortality rate estimated at approximately 2%.[88] In the
general population, the incidence of pulmonary embolus is estimated to be 1 in 1000 per year. Pulmonary embolism may occur in more than 250,000
patients annually in the United States with mortality rate of 15% to 17%.[86]
Risk factors for pulmonary embolus may include high body-mass index, cigarette smoking, hypertension, and surgery. Activated protein C is an
extremely potent anticoagulant. Resistance to activated protein C may be transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait in some patients with a propensity
for venous thrombosis.[89] Routine laboratory tests in the past for a hypercoagulable state or pulmonary embolus included an assay of antithrombin III,
protein C, and protein S; however, deficiencies in these proteins rarely occur.[86] Currently, recommended testing should include (1) factor V Leiden
mutation (the most common hypercoagulable state), (2) hyperhomocystinemia (readily treated with B vitamins), and (3) lupus anticoagulant (because
intensive anticoagulation may be required).
Activated protein C is a potent endogenous anticoagulant. The genetic changes responsible for resistance to activated protein C are transmitted in an
autosomal dominant manner. A point mutation occurs in the gene coding for coagulation factor V (which is responsible for activated protein C
resistance). This is the factor V Leiden mutation, which makes activated factor V more difficult for activated protein C to cleave and inactivate. The
risk of venous thrombosis in patients with this trait is increased twofold to fourfold. Plasma hyperhomocystinemia is caused by deficiencies of folate
and an inadequate supply of B vitamins (B6 and B12 ). Risk of deep vein thrombosis is increased two to three times in patients with
hyperhomocystinemia. When both hyperhomocystinemia and factor V Leiden mutation are present, the risk of venous thrombosis is increased 10-fold.
As well, patients with antiphospholipid antibodies or the lupus anticoagulant are associated with an increased risk of venous thrombosis. These patients
may not have systemic lupus.
The clinical presentation of pulmonary embolus ranges from dyspnea, tachypnea, and chest pain to instant death. Chest pain, hypotension, hemoptysis,
or cyanosis may occur. Physical examination may include signs of right ventricular dysfunction such as enlarged neck veins and an accentuated second
pulmonary sound on cardiac examination. About 40% of patients with pulmonary embolism have right ventricular dysfunction.[90] The normal right
ventricle with acute pulmonary embolism cannot tolerate a sustained mean positive air pressure of more than 40 mm Hg. These patients may be
unresponsive to medical therapy with persistent hypotension, hypoxia, and mean positive airway pressure greater than 25 to 30 mm Hg despite
anticoagulation and inotropes. Initial studies to be obtained include arterial blood gases, electrocardiogram, and chest roentgenograms.
The electrocardiogram may demonstrate right ventricular hypertrophy with strain, right bundle branch block, tachycardia, and T-wave inversion in the
anterior chest leads (V1 to V4 ). Chest radiographic results are frequently normal. A Westermark sign (decreased pulmonary vascular markings
peripherally) or a Palla sign (enlarged right descending pulmonary artery) may be present.
If the clinical likelihood is low, then a D-dimer enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ultrasound study of the lower extremities may be performed.
The D-dimer is elevated in a number of conditions other than pulmonary embolism; however, a negative D-dimer assay suggests that the likelihood of
pulmonary embolism is low. As well, hypoxia or hypercapnia is suggestive but not diagnostic of pulmonary embolism.
Other studies include ultrasound examination or impedance plethysmography of the lower extremities, ventilation-perfusion lung scan,
echocardiography, high-resolution

spiral CT of the chest, and pulmonary angiogram.

Ultrasound study of leg veins, even if negative, does not rule out pulmonary embolism. Ventilation-perfusion lung scans are usually performed for any
hemodynamically stable patient with suspicion of pulmonary embolism. If normal, the likelihood of pulmonary embolism is low. If decreased perfusion
is matched by normal ventilation, a high probability of pulmonary embolism exists and the patient should receive treatment. Nondiagnostic results are
difficult to interpret, and further studies may be required. The pulmonary arteriogram remains the gold standard for diagnosis. High-resolution helical
CT of the chest with contrast may assist in defining the presence of thrombus in the proximal pulmonary arteries. The use of magnetic resonance
pulmonary angiography is being studied.
The definitive study for pulmonary embolism is pulmonary arteriography, particularly for patients with cardiovascular collapse and hypotension, or
when other studies are inconclusive. Lower extremity deep venous thrombosis itself may be an indication for treatment with anticoagulants.
Treatment of Pulmonary Embolus

Treatment of pulmonary embolus includes anticoagulation, oxygen, and analgesia. Intravenous fluids, monitoring of central venous pressures, or use of
inotropes may be required as dictated by the clinical situation. Heparin is the mainstay of treatment for pulmonary embolus. Heparin enhances
antithrombin III activity to prevent propagation of the clot and to facilitate fibrinolysis. A bolus of heparin of 5000 to 10,000 units intravenously is
given and followed by a continuous infusion of heparin (18 U/kg/hr; not to exceed 1600 U/hr). After therapeutic partial thromboplastin times have been
achieved (ratio of activated partial thromboplastin time to the control ranges from 1.5 to 2.5), oral anticoagulation may be started with warfarin. At least
3 to 5 days of therapy with heparin and warfarin (Coumadin) are needed before adequate oral anticoagulation is achieved with the warfarin to remove
the intravenous heparin. Warfarin should be started at 5 mg/day to achieve an international normalized ratio (INR) of 2.0 to 3.0 (unfractionated heparin
usually adds 0.5 to the INR). Routine anticoagulation monitoring is required. The duration of warfarin therapy should be 3 months or longer.[91]

Treatment greater than 6 months may carry increased risk.[92]

Use of an inferior vena cava filter should be considered in patients with pulmonary embolism where anticoagulation would carry increased risk (e.g.,
recent surgery, < 24 hours post operation, brain metastasis) or in patients with recurrent pulmonary emboli. The filter is placed below the renal veins at
approximately the L3 vertebra level by way of the femoral or right jugular vein. The efficacy is 95%, and the risk of recurrent pulmonary embolism is
2% to 4%.
In patients with a serious hemodynamic and hypoxic response to pulmonary embolism (cardiogenic shock or hemodynamic instability) who do respond
to resuscitation, heparin is initiated as standard therapy. In addition, thrombolytics (streptokinase or urokinase) may be given. Thrombolysis of clots
occurs more quickly with thrombolytics than with heparin.[93] Multivariate analysis suggests that thrombolysis and anticoagulation have better clinical
outcomes than anticoagulation alone; however, the value of such treatment must be weighed against the risk of major hemorrhage.[94] No prospective
study has shown that the benefits of thrombolytic therapy in acute pulmonary embolism exceed the risks. Intracranial bleeding may occur in 3% of
treated patients.[95] Other authors propose thrombolytic therapy in patients with right ventricular dysfunction.[96]
Further therapy may include catheter suction embolectomy for patients in whom thrombolytic therapy is ineffective. Venous (suction) or open (surgical)
embolectomy may be performed to extract or obliterate the clot. Intravenous pressors are frequently required. The open technique is infrequently
performed and requires sternotomy (with consideration of femoral vein to femoral artery extracorporeal support before sternotomy) and bicaval
cannulation, if possible, after sternotomy. The pulmonary artery is opened with a longitudinal incision, and gallstone forceps are used to extract
proximal emboli followed by use of Fogarty balloon catheters to extract emboli that are more distal.
Inferior vena cava interruption may be considered if all alternatives have been exhausted. Complications include chronic venous insufficiency of the
lower extremities.
Chronic pulmonary embolism may develop with failure of the usual resolution of acute pulmonary emboli. Whereas most emboli will lyse, some
become fibrotic and adhere to the pulmonary arterial wall. Symptoms of cor pulmonale, chronic dyspnea, right ventricular hypertrophy, and high rightsided pressures are all indications of chronic pulmonary embolism. Indications for surgery include (1) proximal pulmonary artery occlusion, (2)
adequate collaterals with filling of distal pulmonary artery, (3) high right-sided cardiac pressures and hypoxia, and (4) minimally impaired lung
function. The surgical approaches include (1) unilateral thoracotomy without cardiopulmonary bypass, (2) standard cardiopulmonary bypass with
proximal and distal control of pulmonary arteries, and (3) cardiopulmonary bypass with total circulatory arrest (intermittent). Incisions are patched with
pericardium unless they are on the main pulmonary artery.

Prevention of pulmonary embolism should be considered in all patients having a major surgical procedure. All hospitalized patients must be evaluated
and stratified for their risk of pulmonary embolism and the appropriate prophylaxis applied. Unfractionated heparin is most commonly used for
perioperative prophylaxis and effectively reduces

the rate of fatal pulmonary embolism. The dose is typically 5000 units twice daily and is continued until the patient is discharged and ambulatory. Lowmolecular-weight heparins are an alternative to unfractionated heparin because of their characteristics of improved bioavailability, improved absorption,
once-daily injection, and reduced rates of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Mechanical compression devices to stimulate fibrinolysis (from
stimulation of the venous endothelium) are effective in patients who are bed-bound; however, ambulatory patients are usually not compliant in their use
within a general ward environment.
Pulmonary embolus, even in its treatable form, carries high morbidity and potential mortality risks. Patients with pulmonary embolism are given
heparin, oral anticoagulants, or fractionated low-molecular-weight heparin. Subsequent anticoagulation after discharge is required for periods up to 6
months. Patients with specific genetic characteristics are at increased risk for venous thrombolic events. Prevention of pulmonary embolism with some
type of prophylaxis should be initiated in all patients having major surgical procedures.
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Thoracic outlet syndrome may occur in 5% of the population in a mild form. Vascular compression may be documented; neurogenic compression and
pain or paresthesias may require electromyelogram for diagnosis. The syndrome occurs more frequently in women than in men. The anatomy of
thoracic outlet syndrome includes compression of the subclavian artery, the subclavian vein, or the brachial plexus where it passes between the scalene
muscles and over the first rib. Anomalous fibromuscular bands and cervical ribs may also compress the brachial plexus or subclavian vessels.[11]
Clinical features of thoracic outlet syndrome include intermittent symptoms of nerve compression in most patients, which include pain, paresthesias,
and weakness. If the upper brachial plexus is involved, symptoms may be increased by turning or tilting the head. If the lower brachial plexus (C8 to
T1) is involved, pain may be noted in the supraclavicular fossa extending to the inner arm and involving the ring and small fingers.
Diagnosis is primarily clinical. A history and physical examination as well as a cervical spine radiographic series can be performed to evaluate for
cervical spine disease. Electromyelogram or nerve conduction studies are helpful to rule out carpal tunnel syndrome. A venogram may be performed for
significant venous symptoms. Noninvasive arterial studies may be helpful. Angiography may be performed if aneurysm, thrombus, or emboli are
Treatment is physical therapy for 2 to 12 months. Exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle, neck stretching, hot and cold packs, and muscle relaxants
are used. Repetitive mechanical and muscular trauma is avoided. Surgery is used as a last resort for severe pain, impaired motor function or atrophy,
treatment failure, or need to improve quality of life.
If surgery is required, transaxillary first rib resection allows complete resection with a good cosmetic result.[97] Cervical ribs are also removed. The
assistant must relax the arm and shoulders intermittently (every 5 minutes for at least 30 seconds). An anterior scalenectomy (total) may be performed
through an anterior supraclavicular approach and is usually indicated for significant symptoms of upper plexus involvement. The results of surgical
treatment are mixed, with 50% to 60% of patients having a good to excellent result, 20% to 30% having a fair or improved result, and 10% having no
improvement. Recurrent symptoms may prompt surgical treatment in approximately one third of patients.[98]
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Selected References
Arriagada R, Bergman B, Dunant A, et al: Cisplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med 350:351360, 2004.
Recently, a randomized trial identified a 4% survival advantage and decreased hazard ratio for death (0.86, 95% C.I. 0.760.98, p < 0.003) in patients receiving
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Depierre A, Milleron B, Moro-Sibilot D, et al: Preoperative chemotherapy followed by surgery compared with primary surgery in resectable stage I (except T1N0), II, and IIIA nonsmall-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 20:247253, 2002.
This prospective randomized trial demonstrated an observable survival difference using preoperative chemotherapy followed by resection, compared to resection alone, but
the difference was not statistically significant. In a subset analysis of early-stage disease (IB and II) patients with preoperative chemotherapy followed by resection had a
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Fishman A, Martinez F, Naunheim K, et al: A randomized trial comparing lung-volume-reduction surgery with medical therapy for severe emphysema. N Engl J Med 348:20592073,
This recent prospective trial compared lung-volumereduction surgery (LVRS) to medical treatment. Patients with predominantly upper lobe emphysema and low exercise
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Long-term results of lung metastasectomy: Prognostic analyses based on 5206 cases. The International Registry of Lung Metastases. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 113:3749, 1997.
The results of this international registry confirmed the survival benefit associated with complete resection of pulmonary metastases. Multiple histologies were examined and
complete resection was consistently identified as a critical factor in post-thoracotomy survival. The actuarial 5-year and 10-year survival was 36% and 26%, respectively.
Multivariate analysis revealed a better prognosis for patients with germ cell tumor histology, a disease-free interval of 36 months or greater, and single metastasis.
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The authors examined the feasibility of perioperative chemotherapy (paclitaxel and carboplatin) in patients with early-stage (IB, IIA, IIB, and selected IIIA [T3N1]) nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma. Ninety-four percent of patients underwent surgical exploration and 86% underwent complete resection. Preoperative chemotherapy was well
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The American College of Surgeons Oncology Group evaluated the role of positron emission tomography with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (PET) in detecting lesions that would
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mediastinal nodal disease was 86%. Distant FDG-avid lesions required histologic confirmation as some were benign.
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Natl Cancer Inst 86:673680, 1994.
These two small, single-institution, prospective randomized studies demonstrated the value of perioperative chemotherapy in patients with advanced stage (IIIA and
selected IIIB) lung cancer. Although small numbers of patients were entered (60 in each study), a survival advantage was demonstrated in patients having perioperative
chemotherapy compared to surgery alone. In the Rosell study, the median period of survival was 26 months in patients treated with chemotherapy plus surgery as
compared with 8 months in patients treated with surgery alone (p < 0.001). In the Roth et al. study, patients treated with perioperative chemotherapy and surgery had an
estimated median survival of 64 months compared with 11 months for patients who had surgery alone (p < 0.008 by long-rank test; p < 0.018 by Wilcoxon text). Both
studies conclude that preoperative chemotherapy increases the median survival in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer.

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Chapter 58 - Congenital Heart Disease

Roger B B. Mee M.B. Ch.B.
Jonathan J. Drummond-Webb M.B.B.Ch.

In this brief review, the impressive historical contributions are not discussed. The knowledge base of congenital cardiac disease has undergone a
quantum leap impossible to detail in this chapter. The development of pediatric and congenital cardiac surgery as a separate specialty has resulted in
superior outcomes in institutions adopting this policy. Congenital cardiac disease accounts for 0.8% to 1.0% of all live births. The spectrum of
anomalies ranges from isolated defects to complex lesions, with or without associated systemic abnormalities. Documentation of chromosomal
abnormalities has opened new vistas in this field, especially chromosome 22 microdeletions (velocardiofacial syndrome and DiGeorges syndrome
variants) as well as the association of many syndromes (e.g., Turners, Marfans, Williams) with congenital cardiac abnormalities.[1]
Diagnosis relies on noninvasive methods, especially transthoracic echocardiography. This technology has advanced to such a degree that catheterization
is required in only certain circumstances, that is, when pressure measurement and specific morphologic details are required or for intervention. Prenatal
echocardiographic diagnosis of congenital lesions allows preemptive planning. Developments in echocardiography include three-dimensional and spinecho capabilities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear scanning have enhanced noninvasive diagnosis. Interventional catheterization has
become established as a management option, with balloon atrial septostomy, pulmonary and aortic valve dilation, device closure of defects, and major
blood vessel dilation and stenting.
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The assessment of congenital heart disease involves a systematic approach to the heart and its connections. The segmental approach involves
description and analysis of three elements (atria, ventricles, and outlet) and analysis of the nature of the junctions ( Fig. 581 ). Connections are
described as concordant or discordant (abnormal); chambers as left or right sided (morphologically); and the valve connections between chambers as
normal, absent, overriding, or straddling. Abnormal communications and specific morphologic anomalies are then described. The shorthand
nomenclature of Van Praagh[2] allows some detail to be communicated effectively and succinctly. The system utilizes a name followed by a sequence of
three letters. The first letter denotes the situs of atrial chambers and usually the abdominal and thoracic organs: S, solitus or normal; I, inversus or
inverse; and A, ambiguus or unknown. The second letter denotes the ventricular loop: d, right-hand topology and l, left-hand topology. The third letter
denotes the aortic valve position relative to the pulmonary valve position: d, right-sided and l, left-sided. The possible combinations are shown in Figure
582 .
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Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in congenital heart surgery is very different from that used in adult cardiac surgery, which relates to the smaller size and
the minimization

Figure 58-1 Cartoon illustrates how the cardiac segments (atria, ventricles, great arteries) are analogous to a train and how the segmental approach analyzes the connection and
alignment of these segments. (From Freedom RM: The application of a segmental nomenclature. In Freedom RM, Culham JAG, Moes CAF [eds]: Angiocardiography of Congenital
Heart Disease. New York, Macmillan, 1984, p 18. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

Figure 58-2 Model of four normal hearts (excluding situs ambiguus) in the convention of Van Praagh. See text for details. A, anterior; L, left; LA, left atrium; LV, left ventricle; P,
posterior; R, right; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. (From Kirklin JW, Barratt-Boyes BG: General considerations: Anatomy, dimensions, and terminology. In Cardiac Surgery,
2nd ed. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1993.)

of technology and circuitry needed to achieve appropriate flows. Vulnerability of immature, neonatal organ systems to the stresses imposed by the heart
lesion, the insult of nonphysiologic CPB flow, and the inflammatory response of CPB require highly specialized techniques of perfusion and
postoperative management.[3] Differences in neonates, infants, and children do not translate into linear reductions of adult protocols; rather, these are
very specific, individualized needs.
Neonates have different myocardial metabolic properties than those of older children and adults.[4] These differences require alternative myocardial
protection strategies. Cardioplegia infusion pressures are adjusted to patient size and weight. In neonates, immaturity of myocardial calcium
sequestration leads to a dependency on extracellular calcium for calcium-dependent excitation-contraction coupling, as does the exclusive dependency
of neonatal myocardium on glucose for metabolic substrate. Complex reconstruction and small patient size may require deep hypothermic circulatory
arrest (DHCA). The consequences of low-flow CPB and DHCA in infants are now becoming apparent, and neurologic outcomes are of concern in
congenital heart surgery.[5]
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Lesions Resulting in Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow

Increased pulmonary blood flow, particularly at high pressure, decreases lung compliance. Pulmonary congestion can be added when there is increased
resistance to adequate pulmonary venous outflow. The amount of increased pulmonary blood flow will depend on the absolute size of the defect, the
resistances of the pulmonary and systemic vascular beds, and the total pumping capacity of the ventricular mass.
Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Aorticopulmonary Window
Patent Ductus Arteriosus

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common isolated defect affecting 1 in 2000 births, with an increased incidence in premature neonates. In complex
lesions, the PDA may be the only source of pulmonary blood supply. This discussion is limited to isolated PDA.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The ductus arteriosus is a fetal structure that allows blood to divert away from the lungs and into the descending aorta. The PDA arises from the
junction between the left and the main pulmonary artery and joins the underside of the distal aortic arch beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is intimately related to the PDA ( Fig. 583 ). Right-sided, bilateral PDAs and connections to the subclavian artery have
been described. After birth, closure of the ductus is an important transition. Functional closure occurs first, mediated by the removal of the placental
source of prostaglandin and its metabolism in the lungs. Functional closure is due to muscular contraction and is reversible. Anatomic closure is
irreversible and develops

Figure 58-3 The anatomic relationships of a patent ductus arteriosus, exposed from a left thoracotomy. The parietal pleura is incised and reflected medially. The course of the
recurrent laryngeal nerve is shown. (From Castaneda AR, Jonas RA, Mayer JE Jr, Hanley FL: Patent ductus arteriosus. In Cardiac Surgery of the Neonate and Infant. Philadelphia,
WB Saunders, 1994.)

over weeks, involving degenerative changes. Spontaneous closure is rare before birth. A ductus that fails to close after 3 months of age is considered
pathologic. Any PDA causing congestive cardiac failure or preventing ventilator weaning is also pathologic. The physiology of a PDA is left-to-right
shunting and increased pulmonary blood flow with left atrial and ventricular volume overload. Complications of a PDA in older patients include
aneurysm formation, infective endocarditis, calcification, and the risk of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease.
Diagnosis and Intervention

The typical machinery murmur is heard in older children. In neonates and infants, pulmonary congestion and failure to thrive and, in premature
infants, difficulty in weaning from ventilatory support should prompt echocardiographic examination. In premature infants, surgical closure is
considered after medical failure (three doses of indomethacin). In older infants, closure of the PDA should be considered in the first 6 months of life.
Echocardiography is diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is reserved for patients in whom irreversible pulmonary hypertension is suspected.
Closure of the PDA

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in premature infants by indomethacin induces ductal closure. Transcutaneous catheter closure of the PDA is
achieved in older children using coils and occluder devices. Patients with large, calcified, and aneurysmal ducts are not suitable for this approach. Small
patients pose vascular access difficulties. Surgery is through a left posterolateral thoracotomy. The recurrent laryngeal nerve is preserved. The duct is
ligated or, in the case of premature infants, either clipped with a metal clip or ligated. Video-assisted thoracoscopic closure of the PDA has been
described.[6] A very large PDA may require division. In calcified, infected, or aneurysmal PDAs, CPB and patch closure from the aortic or pulmonary
artery side are safer. The mortality rate for uncomplicated PDA ligation approaches 0%. [7] Complications relate to duct trauma with bleeding, recurrent

laryngeal nerve injury, pneumothoraces, and chylothorax.

Aorticopulmonary Window

Aorticopulmonary window, a rare defect, is a conotruncal anomaly, producing a window or communication between the aorta and the pulmonary artery.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

A defect of the conotruncal ridges results in this communication between the great vessels. The window is variable in size and situation. Three types of
aorticopulmonary window are recognized ( Fig. 584 ). Associated lesions include ventricular septal defect (VSD), coarctation of the aorta, and aortic
arch interruption.[8] Physiology of the defect is similar to that of a large PDA with pulmonary overcirculation, pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular
volume overload, and possible diastolic steal from the coronary circulation.
Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

Patients present in heart failure when the pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) falls after birth. Pulmonary vascular disease is an early risk because of
the usual nonrestrictive size of the defect. Echocardiography is diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is not indicated, unless high PVR is suspected.
Intervention is indicated at the time of diagnosis, unless irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease is already established.

Surgical intervention usually requires a median sternotomy and CPB. After aortic cross-clamping

Figure 58-4 The types of aorticopulmonary window. Type A is the simplest. In type B, both the main pulmonary artery and the left pulmonary artery are involved. In type C, the right
pulmonary artery arises separately from the aorta. (From Chang AC, Wells W: Aorticopulmonary window. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric Cardiac
Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

and cardioplegic arrest, the defect is incised and exposed. Direct suture closure or patch closure with branch pulmonary artery reconstruction is
performed ( Fig. 585 ). Postoperative management requires monitoring of the pulmonary artery pressures (PAPs) and alertness to possible pulmonary
hypertensive episodes. The operative mortality rate should approach 0%. Distortion of the repaired pulmonary artery is possible in the long term.[9]
Atrial Septal Defects

Isolated atrial septal defects (ASDs) are the most commonly encountered congenital cardiac anomalies, occurring in 10% to 15% of patients. These are
the most common isolated cardiac defects encountered in the adult population. ASDs are also associated with complex congenital cardiac anomalies.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The atrial septum consists of the septum primum and the septum secundum. These structures merge superiorly and inferiorly with the caval orifices.
Defects are caused by failure of the septum primum to develop or regression of the interatrial folds at the level of the superior or inferior vena cavae.
Developmentally, a patent foramen ovale allows the placentofetal circulation to function. A defect of the septum primum is classified as an ostium
secundum defect. The ostium primum type of ASD is a form of atrioventricular (AV) canal defect. Other ASDs are either the sinus venosus typewith
the defect at the level of the superior vena cava or inferior vena cavaor the coronary sinus type of ASD. Sinus venosus defects occur in association
with partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage. Coronary sinus ASD is rare and is due to a defect in the wall between the coronary sinus and the
left atrium. The types of ASDs are shown in Figure 586 .

Figure 58-5 Repair of a type A aorticopulmonary window, exposed through a longitudinal aortotomy. Closure is by means of a patch. In infants, a patch is usually unnecessary. Types

B and C may require pulmonary artery reconstruction. (From Chang AC, Wells W: Aorticopulmonary window. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric
Cardiac Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

Figure 58-6 Types of atrial septal defects (ASDs). The anatomy of various ASDs is shown from the right atrial perspective. A, Ostium secundum defect. B, Superior vena caval, sinus
venosus type of ASD. C, Ostium primum with partial atrial ventricular canal defect. D, The site of the coronary sinus in the right atrium. (From Chang AC, Jacobs J: Atrial septal
defect. In Chang AC, Lee FL, Wernovsky G, Wessel DL [eds]: Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998.)

The direction and amount of shunting depends on the size of the defect as well as the relative diastolic compliance of the ventricles. The shunt is left to
right, resulting in increased flow to the right side of the heart and increased pulmonary blood flow. Congestive heart failure usually occurs after the
second or third decade of life. Pulmonary hypertension is rare in children, but it can occur. The risks of ASD in older patients include paradoxical
embolism and stroke, atrial fibrillation and flutter, sinus node dysfunction, as well as pulmonary vascular

obstructive disease. Bacterial endocarditis is very rare.[10]

Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

Younger patients are asymptomatic, and the defect is found on routine physical examination. Older patients tend to be symptomatic with subtle signs of
heart failure, exercise intolerance, palpitations, and arrhythmias. Complications such as cryptogenic stroke or pulmonary hypertension may be the
presenting feature. Transthoracic echocardiography is usually diagnostic. Cardiac catheterization is needed to assess pulmonary pressure and PVR in
patients with suspected significant pulmonary hypertension and to exclude coronary artery disease in older patients.

Indications for closure of small defects remain controversial. Spontaneous closure of a small patent foramen ovale occurs in up to 80% of infants within
the first year. Closure is indicated in all symptomatic patients and all children with a significant ASD. Adults with a left-to-right shunt greater than 1.5:1
are candidates for closure, provided comorbid conditions do not add excessive risk to the procedure. Severe pulmonary vascular obstructive disease
(resistance greater than 8.0 Wood units/m2 )[11] is a contraindication to closure.
An ASD may be closed surgically or, if appropriate, by percutaneous transcatheter device closure. Surgery requires CPB. A median sternotomy is used,
although a bilateral submammary incision or right anterolateral thoracotomy have all been used. Port access and limited (mini) median sternotomies
have gained popularity. Most surgeons utilize aortic cross-clamping and cardioplegia to operate on a motionless heart, whereas others prefer to fibrillate
the heart. The defect is closed by direct suture or pericardial or other prosthetic patch. For sinus venosus defects, techniques that route the anomalous
veins to the left atrium are used. The surgical risk for death approaches 0% in isolated ASDs. Postoperative complications include pericardial effusions,
postpericardiotomy syndrome, postoperative dysrhythmias, and residual ASDs.
Ventricular Septal Defects

Congenital defects of the interventricular septum may be single, multiple, or part of more complex cardiac anomalies. Congenital VSDs occur in 1 to 2
per 1000 live births, and of those requiring surgical repair, 50% will have another cardiac anomaly.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

VSDs are classified by the position they occupy in the ventricular septum. This classification is important because, by defining the position of the
defect, the path of the conducting system can be reliably predicted and avoided during surgery.[12] In addition, the probability of spontaneous closure or
of the predisposition to secondary cardiac pathology can be factored into the management decision making. The ventricular septum is described from
the morphologic right side. The septum is divided into four parts: the membranous septum, the inlet, the trabecular, and the outlet parts of the muscular
septum (the outlet septum is also called the conal or infundibular septum).
Perimembranous or Paramembranous Defects

Perimembranous or paramembranous defects occur around the membranous septum and the fibrous trigone of the heart. The defect is near the aortic
valve, and the annulus of the tricuspid valve contributes to the rim of the defect. The defect may extend into any of the other components of the septum.
The conduction tissue passes along the posteroinferior rim of the defect.
Muscular Defects

Muscular defects have muscular rims. They may be single, but they are commonly multiple. Most commonly, multiple defects occur in the apical
trabecular septum. The term Swiss cheese septum is used for associated spongiform myocardium and not for multiple muscular defects alone.[13]
Prediction of the conducting system depends on whether the defect extends to the membranous septum.
Subarterial, Outlet, or Conal Defects

Subarterial, outlet, or conal defects are located in the outlet portions of the left and right ventricles. The superior edge of the VSD is the conjoined
annulus of the aortic and pulmonary valves. These are also called juxta-arterial or supracristal defects. This VSD is associated with prolapse of the
unsupported aortic valve cusps and progressive aortic regurgitation.
Malalignment Defects

Malalignment defects are created by malalignment between the infundibular and the trabecular muscular septum. This malalignment can be anterior, as
in tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), or posterior. Associated defects occur frequently and include PDA, pulmonary stenosis, ASD, persistent left superior vena
cava, and coarctation of the aorta.
The hemodynamic effect of a VSD is left-to-right shunting leading to increased pulmonary blood flow, left atrial dilation, and left ventricular volume
overload. The size of the shunt is determined by the size of the defect (restrictive is smaller than the aortic root diameter) and the PVR. Compared with
an ASD, the shunting in a VSD occurs mainly during systole. It is useful to quantify the shunt by the ratio of systemic to pulmonary blood flow
(Qp:Qs). At cardiac catheterization, the Qp:Qs can be estimated from the equation:

The severity of pulmonary vascular disease correlates with the size of the shunt. In time, as the PVR increases, histologic changes occur within the
pulmonary vascular bed, which may be irreversible. The time of onset and the severity of pulmonary vascular disease correlate with the size of the shunt
but are also subject to considerable individual variation. As the PVR increases, the left-to-right shunt decreases, causing unloading of the left ventricle.
Congestive heart failure improves, and the patient feels better! If untreated, a reversal of the flow occurs, leading to a right-to-left shunt with the
development of increasing cyanosis (Eisenmengers syndrome).
Diagnosis and Indications for Intervention

The clinical presentation depends on the size of the shunt and the PVR. The clinical picture varies from an asymptomatic patient with a murmur, to a
patient in fulminant heart failure, to a cyanosed patient with irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Associated abnormalities determine the
findings, especially if aortic regurgitation is present.

The echocardiogram is diagnostic, and the defect, as well as associated cardiac abnormalities, can be assessed. The echocardiogram can also provide an
estimation of RV pressure (and PAP in the absence of pulmonary stenosis) by obtaining the Doppler velocity (V) of the jet through the VSD and/or the
regurgitant jet through the tricuspid valve, using the modified Bernoulli equation:

Cardiac catheterization is indicated when reversibility of the PAP is questionable. The Qp:Qs can be documented, and a dynamic assessment is possible,
obtaining the PVR before and after pulmonary vasodilation. A PVR of more than 8.0 Wood units/m2 with vasodilation is inoperable.

The ideal is to intervene when the likelihood of spontaneous VSD closure is lowest and the risk of irreversible pulmonary vascular disease and
ventricular dysfunction are minimized. Perimembranous and muscular defects tend to close with time. Eighty percent of VSDs seen at 1 month of age
will close spontaneously. Spontaneous closure of malalignment and subarterial defects is unlikely. Bacterial endocarditis is more common with small
and moderate-sized VSDs with an incidence of 0.15% to 3% per year. In subarterial VSDs, the risk of irreversible aortic valve damage owing to cusp
prolapse leads to earlier intervention.[14] Single-stage closure is recommended early, when the defect is large and symptoms and signs of congestive heart
failure and failure to thrive are found.[15] With perimembranous and muscular defects, if the infant is thriving and it is known that the PAP is near
normal, surgery may be delayed reasonably up to 1 year or more. Other defects should be closed. The younger patient with a small defect may be
followed. The ideal management of a small defect (Qp:Qs < 1.5:1; normal PAP) in a patient older than 10 years of age is controversial. Multiple VSDs
present a different problem: if a large shunt is present and persists beyond 6 to 8 weeks, pulmonary artery banding and removal after 2 years of age with
an attempt at septation is reasonable. Banding is also reasonable in VSDs complicated by straddling or overriding of the AV valves. In VSDs associated
with coarctation, aortic arch hypoplasia, or interruption, single-stage repair of both defects through the midline is recommended, provided this can be
achieved with low risk.

VSDs are closed using CPB with bicaval cannulation. Circulatory arrest may be required for simultaneous arch reconstruction. Most VSDs can be
repaired through a right atrial approach, except for subarterial defects, which are approached through the pulmonary valve, and multiple apical
trabecular defects, which are sometimes easier to approach through a small apical right ventriculotomy.[13] Prosthetic patch closure using Dacron, Teflon,
or Gore-Tex is recommended ( Fig. 587 ). Transcatheter device closure and intraoperative device placement have been used in unusual circumstances
to achieve VSD closure. Postoperatively, monitoring the left atrial and PAP simplifies management in those with large defects, preexisting heart failure,
and known pulmonary hypertension. Precautions are taken to limit the responsiveness of the pulmonary vascular bed, and ventilatory

Figure 58-7 The location of various ventricular septal defects (VSDs) in the ventricular septum. (This is a view of the ventricular septum from the right side.) 1, Perimembranous
VSD. 2, Subarterial VSD. 3, Atrioventricular canal-type VSD. 4, Muscular VSD. (From Tchervenkov CI, Shum-Tim D: Ventricular septal defect. In Baue AE, Geha AS, Hammond GL
[eds]: Glenns Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 6th ed. Stamford, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1996. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

management becomes an important tool. With persistent, severe pulmonary hypertension, nitric oxide is available.[16]
For uncomplicated VSD repair, the operative mortality rate should approach 0%. The overall risk for VSD repair is less than 5%. Mortality and
morbidity increase with multiple VSDs, pulmonary hypertension, and complex associated anomalies. Postoperative problems are residual VSDs that
may require reoperation if hemodynamically significant. Heart block is infrequent and approaches zero in many centers.
Atrioventricular Canal Defects

AV canal defects are also known as endocardial cushion defects or AV septal defects. There is a high incidence of Downs syndrome with endocardial
cushion defects. A spectrum of anomalies occurs depending on the presence of atrial and ventricular defects. AV canal defects are either partial (PAVC)
or complete (CAVC). Intermediate types occur. Additionally, hypoplasia of either the left or the right ventricular chamber can lead to an unbalanced
AV canal, which may preclude biventricular repair. Associated anomalies include heterotaxy syndromes, TOF, double-outlet right ventricle (DORV),
and total anomalous venous return.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The actual embryologic origin of this defect remains unclear. Three principal components are found in CAVC: a defect of the AV septum, a defect of
the interventricular septum, and an abnormal AV valve.
An ostium primum defect or PAVC consists of an ASD associated with abnormal AV valve anatomy, a cleft leaflet of the left-sided and right-sided AV
valves. Left-sided AV valve regurgitation is not uncommon. Two separate AV valve orifices are present ( Fig. 588 ). There is in fact also

Figure 58-8 The position of the conducting system in complete atrioventricular canal defect (CAVC). The anatomic relationships and morphology of the common atrioventricular
(AV) valve are shown. The view is through a right atriotomy. Ao, aorta; BB, left bundle branch; CS, coronary sinus; LIL, left inferior leaflet; LLL, left lateral leaflet; LSL, left
superior leaflet; PA, pulmonary artery; PB, penetrating bundle; RBB, right bundle branch; RIL, right inferior leaflet; RLL, right lateral leaflet; RSL, right superior leaflet. (From
Bharati S, Lev M, Kirklin JW: Cardiac Surgery and the Conduction System. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1983.)

a deficiency of the interventricular septum similar to that of CAVC, but in the PAVC the tissues of both AV valves are continuously adherent to the
septal crest. A transitional or intermediate AV canal defect is an ostium primum defect, with the AV valve only partially adherent to the septal crest.
Classification of CAVC into Rastelli types A, B, and C relates to the superior AV valve leaflet chordal attachments to the ventricular septum. In type A,
the superior leaflet chords are attached to the septum; in type B, the superior leaflet is attached to an abnormal papillary muscle in the right ventricle;
and in type C, the superior leaflet is free floating ( Fig. 589 ). Pathophysiology depends on whether all three components are present. In PAVC, the
pathophysiology is that of an ASD, with or without left-sided AV valve regurgitation. In CAVC, the pathophysiology is that of a VSD with an
associated ASD. This results in a large left-to-right shunt at two levels, equalization of right ventricular and left ventricular pressures, and volume
overload of all cardiac chambers. With additional AV valve regurgitation, there is further volume overload.

These children usually present in congestive heart failure. In PAVC, this is uncommon before 6 months of age but is quite common in CAVC by the age
of 2 months. Of concern is the development of irreversible pulmonary vascular obstructive disease, which may occur before 1 year of age. Downs
syndrome children with chronic upper airway obstruction have a predilection for pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Echocardiography is
diagnostic with demonstration of the typical cleft in the anterior leaflet of the AV valve. Cardiac catheterization

Figure 58-9 The Rastelli classification type A, B, or C. A to C, The difference in valve morphology in a normal, partial canal and complete canal defect is illustrated. AL, anterior
leaflet; A-V, atrioventricular; MV, mitral valve; PL, posterior leaflet; RIL, right interior leaflet; RLL, right lateral leaflet; RSL, right superior leaflet; TV, tricuspid valve. (From
Kirklin JW, Pacifico AD, Kirklin JK: The surgical treatment of atrioventricular canal defects. In Arciniegas E [ed]: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Chicago, Year Book Medical, 1985.)

is indicated in patients older than 3 to 4 months of age in whom elevated PVR is suspected. On left ventriculography, the goose-necked deformity of
the elongated left ventricular outflow tract is seen.

For PAVC, surgery has been recommended at preschool age. This may be performed earlier, usually after the age of 8 to 12 months. For CAVC, the
ideal age for surgery relates to the risk for the development of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Elective repair in patients by 3 months of age is a
reasonable compromise between heart size and risk of irreversible complications. A median sternotomy and CPB are used. The common denominator in
all forms of endocardial cushion defect is that the fibrous center of the heart is deficient and the conduction system is thus found in an abnormal
position. Careful suture placement for the ASD and VSD patch is essential to avoid heart block ( Fig. 5810 ). For PAVC, the ASD is closed with an
autologous pericardial patch, leaving the coronary sinus ostium in the right atrium. In CAVC, a one- or two-patch technique is used. The two-patch
technique may be advantageous in a small heart, by minimizing loss of leaflet tissue in the suture line.[17] The VSD portion of the patch is completed
first, with care taken to avoid obstructing the left ventricular outflow tract. The valve leaflets are then attached to the patch, and the ASD is closed with
the pericardial patch (see Fig. 5810 ).
For PAVC, the mortality approaches zero. CAVC mortality rates in the last 5 to 10 years have been reported between 0 and 10%.[18] Other surgical
procedures include

Figure 58-10 The two-patch closure of CAVC. A ventricular septal patch is placed first (A), and a separate patch is used to close the ASD component (B). Note the position of the
coronary sinus and conducting system relative to the ASD patch suture line, to avoid injury to the AV node. (From Kirklin JW, Barratt-Boyes BG: Cardiac Surgery. New York,
Churchill Livingstone, 1986.)

Figure 58-11 Classification of truncus arteriosus according to Van Praagh. Type A, with a VSD; Type B, without a VSD. A1, Partially separate main pulmonary artery. A2, Absent
aorticopulmonary septum, both branch pulmonary arteries arise from the common trunk. A3, Absence of either branch pulmonary artery. A4, Hypoplasia, coarctation, atresia, or
absence of the aortic isthmus in association with a large patent ductus arteriosus. (From Hernanz-Schulman M, Fellows KE: Persistent truncus arteriosus: Pathologic, diagnostic and
therapeutic considerations. Semin Roentgenol 20:121129, 1985.)

pulmonary artery banding, which has a role in patients with respiratory compromise from viral illness, extremely small babies, and patients who have an
unbalanced AV canal with excessive pulmonary blood flow in whom a biventricular repair may or may not be possible.
Truncus Arteriosus

A single arterial trunk arises from both ventricles, from which the coronary and pulmonary arteries originate. It is usually associated with a conotruncal
VSD. There is an association with microdeletion of chromosome 22q11 and the DiGeorge syndrome.
Anatomy and Pathophysiology

The classification of Van Praagh is useful from a surgical perspective ( Fig. 5811 ). Failure of the embryologic truncus arteriosus to septate into the
aorta and the pulmonary artery gives rise to the characteristic single arterial trunk from both ventricles. Associated lesions include aortic arch
obstruction, right aortic arch, interrupted aortic arch, and ASDs. The single truncal valve is often dysmorphic and can be either stenotic or regurgitant or
both. Variability of the leaflets is common, and the number of leaflets can vary from two to six, with truncal valve incompetence more common with
four or more leaflets.[19] Associated coronary artery abnormalities may be present. Pathophysiology relates to a pressure and volume overload to both
right and left ventricles, with pulmonary overflow dependent on the PVR. The effect of volume and pressure overload is worsened by truncal valve
stenosis or regurgitation. The fall in PVR after birth causes significant pulmonary overflow and congestive heart failure. Heart failure is more severe
with truncal valve regurgitation. These patients are at risk of early development of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease and of subendocardial
ischemia from coronary diastolic steal.

Diagnosis and Presentation

Echocardiography is diagnostic. In addition to the obvious conotruncal defect, attention should be focused on the number of VSDs, the anatomy of the
truncal valve, and coronary artery anomalies. These patients should be assumed as having a component of DiGeorges syndrome, and only irradiated
blood products are used. Cardiac catheterization is indicated in older infants when pulmonary vascular disease is suspected. Presentation is usually in
the neonatal period.

Complete repair is recommended in the neonatal period for severe heart failure, but this can be safely delayed up to 3 months in patients with easily
controlled heart failure. Again, this is a compromise between attaining increased heart size and the development of irreversible complications. The only
absolute contraindication for surgery is the presence of Eisenmenger physiology. Palliative pulmonary artery banding is difficult and is high risk.[20]
Median sternotomy with CPB and DHCA is limited to the period of arch repair if required. The pulmonary arteries are detached from the truncal root,
and the defect is closed. Through a right ventriculotomy, the VSD is closed and a conduit is placed from the right ventricle to the transected pulmonary
arteries ( Fig. 5812 ). Mortality in truncus arteriosus depends on the associated

Figure 58-12 Surgical repair of truncus arteriosus. A, Origin of truncus arteriosus is excised and the truncal defect closed with direct suture. The incision is made high in the right

ventricle (RV). LPA, left pulmonary artery; RPA, right pulmonary artery. B, Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is closed with a prosthetic patch. C, Placement of a valved conduit into
the pulmonary arteries. D, Proximal end of conduit is anastomosed to the RV. (From Wallace RB: Truncus arteriosus. In Sabiston DC Jr, Spencer FC [eds]: Gibbons Surgery of the
Chest, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1976.)

conditions. The most important factor for nonsurvival is severe incompetence of the truncal valve. Uncomplicated truncus mortality should be less than
5% and perhaps higher in patients with arch obstruction, severe truncal valve stenosis or regurgitation, and coronary artery abnormalities. Low birth
weight is an independent predictor of nonsurvival. Conduit obstruction requiring replacement or revision is usual.[21]
Abnormalities of Venous Return: Systemic and Pulmonary
Abnormal Systemic Venous Return

Abnormal systemic venous return is a frequent finding in complex congenital disease and in the normal population. A persistent left superior vena cava
draining to the coronary sinus may be associated with hypoplasia or atresia of the mitral valve but is harmless in isolation. Absence of an innominate
vein is a clue to this anomaly. More complex variations are found in the heterotaxy (isomeric) syndromes with interrupted inferior vena cava and azygos
or hemiazygos continuations. Implications of these abnormalities are that they complicate cannulation for CPB and may preclude septation of the heart.
Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return

Anomalous pulmonary venous return may be either partial or complete.


The most common anomalies are right upper pulmonary veins draining to the superior vena cava (associated with a superior sinus venosus ASD); the
scimitar syndrome with partial or complete drainage of the right-sided pulmonary veins to the inferior vena cava; and isolated left upper pulmonary
veins draining to the left innominate vein via a vertical vein.
Diagnosis and Presentation

Diagnosis depends on the magnitude of the associated shunt, the degree of systemic desaturation, and the presence or absence of pulmonary vein
obstruction. Echocardiography is often diagnostic, but catheter study may be required.

Redirection of the pulmonary venous return with closure of the ASD or reconnecting the pulmonary veins to the left atrium and division of the systemic
venous connection are performed. Surgery is low risk, and late complications are stenosis of the reconnected pulmonary vein or baffle obstruction.
Cor Triatriatum

Cor triatriatum is a rare anomaly that has a diaphragm or membrane separating either the right or left atrium into two chambers. On the left side the
superior chamber connects all four pulmonary veins and the inferior chamber contains the orifice of the left atrial appendage and the orifice of the mitral
valve. The pathophysiology is similar to mitral stenosis and is affected by the size of the communication between the chambers and the size and position
of the ASD if present. Operative correction involves excision of the obstructing membrane through the fossa ovalis or existing ASD, followed by
closure of the ASD. On the right side the membrane represents a filling in of the Chiari network presumably derived from the venous valves and mimics
tricuspid valve

Figure 58-13 Types of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC). A, Supracardiac type with a vertical vein joining the left innominate vein. CS, coronary sinus; LA,
left atrium; LV, left ventricle; RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle. B, Intracardiac type with connection to the coronary sinus. C, Infracardiac type with drainage through the
diaphragm via an inferior connecting vein. (From Hammon JW Jr, Bender HW Jr: Anomalous venous connections: Pulmonary and systemic. In Baue AE [ed]: Glenns Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 5th ed. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1991. Reproduced with permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies.)

stenosis. Operative mortality approaches zero with good long-term results.[22]

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection

Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) results in abnormal drainage of all the pulmonary veins directly or indirectly to the systemic
venous atrium. Thirty percent of patients will have associated cardiac defects. Classification of TAPVC is based on the site of the connection to the
systemic venous system and may be supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, or mixed ( Fig. 5813 ). Supracardiac is the most common (approximately 50%)
and mixed the rarest.

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According to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) National Cardiac Surgery Database, approximately 70,000 valve operations are performed in the
United States annually.[38] The operative mortality rate for valve replacement

Figure 60-13 A to E, Example of mitral valve repair. In this example, the specific pathology is a flail posterior leaflet. It is repaired by resection of the flail segment, reapproximations
of the leaflet, and reduction of the mitral annulus circumference using an annuloplasty ring. (From Perier P, Clausnizer B, Mistarz K: Carpentier sliding leaflet technique for
repair of mitral valve: Early results. Ann Thorac Surg 57:383, 1994.)

TABLE 60-1 -- Operative Mortality Rates





Society of Thoracic





New York Cardiac Surgery

Reporting System





Department of Veterans





AVR, Aortic valve replacement; MVR, mitral valve replacement; CAB, coronary artery bypass grafting.
From Grover FL, Edwards FH: Similarity between STS and New York State databases for valvular heart disease. Ann Thorac Surg 70:1143, 2000.
surgery is influenced by several variables, including which valve is replaced, whether coronary bypass surgery is performed at the same operation, and
other patient-specific variables.
As shown in Table 601 , the operative mortality rate in the STS Database for isolated aortic valve replacement is approximately 4%. On the other hand,
the operative mortality rate for combined mitral valve replacement and coronary bypass grafting is much higher at 13%.[39] [40] Other databases, including
the New York State Department of Health Cardiac Surgery Reporting System and the Department of Veteran Affairs Cardiac Surgery Database, have
found very similar mortality rates for cardiac valve operations.
The inherent risks all surgical procedures is influenced by patient-specific risk factors, and large databases such as those just mentioned provide the
statistical power to identify patient-specific factors contributing to the risks of valve surgery. Table 602 lists some the major patientspecific risk factors
for the most common valve operations from the STS Database.[38]

TABLE 60-2 -- Independent Risk Factors for Operative Mortality (Odds Ratios) for Valve Replacements
Risk Factor





Salvage status





Dialysis-dependent renal





Emergency status





renal failure




First reoperation





AVR, Aortic valve replacement; MVR, mitral valve replacement; CAB, coronary artery bypass grafting.
Copyright 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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For replacement of either the aortic or the mitral valve, there are two principal choices of cardiac valve prostheses: mechanical and bioprosthetic.
Bioprosthetic valves are either porcine valves or bovine pericardial valves. The hemodynamic performances of the valves are similar. The operative
risks associated with cardiac valve replacement are unassociated with the choice of prosthesis.
The choice of prosthetic valve must be patient specific. Mechanical valves have excellent durability and will perform indefinitely without structural
deterioration, but because they are thrombogenic, mechanical valves obligate the patient to lifelong anticoagulation (warfarin sodium). Hence, the
patient with a mechanical valve incurs the risks of chronic anticoagulation. Bioprosthetic valves do not require anticoagulation but will undergo
structural deterioration. The durability of a bioprosthetic valve is inversely related to the patients age at the time the valve is implanted. Should a
bioprosthetic valve structurally deteriorate, the patient will require reoperation and valve re-replacement. It is important to recognize that approximately
80% of all aortic and mitral valve replacements in the United States are performed in patients above the age of 60 years. The patients age should be
considered because it may be dangerous to commit a geriatric patient to chronic anticoagulation.
The 10-year survival for patients after aortic valve replacement ranges from 40% to 70%, with an average in the literature of 50%.[42] The type of
prosthesis does not impact survival, but other patient-specific factors such as age at operation and presence or absence of coronary artery disease do
impact survival after valve replacement. Regardless of the type of prosthetic valve implanted, approximately one third of patients die of valve-related
causes. An important consideration for the choice of valve for any patient is therefore how the individual patient may be affected by valve-related
morbidity or mortality.
As shown in Figure 6014 , the principal causes of valve-related death after valve implantation include thromboembolism, reoperation, bleeding, and
prosthetic valve endocarditis. The leading cause of valve-related death is thromboembolism. Largely because mechanical valves are

Figure 60-14 Causes of valve-related deaths after valve replacement surgery. Of all deaths after valve surgery 29% are valve related and 71% are not valve related. Valve-related
deaths are attributable to thromboembolism, reoperation, bleeding, and prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE).

thrombogenic, the risk of thromboembolism is greater with mechanical valves. At 10 years after aortic valve replacement, the risk of thromboembolism
is 20% for mechanical valves[43] and 9% for bioprosthetic valves.[44]
The risk of prosthetic valve endocarditis is not different between mechanical or tissue valves. It is approximately 4% spread over the patients lifetime.
However, if prosthetic valve endocarditis does occur, it is associated with a 50% mortality rate.[45]
The choice of prosthetic valve must consider the risks of anticoagulation (mechanical valve) and the likelihood and risks of reoperation for structural
valve deterioration (bioprosthetic valve). The risk of bleeding complications from chronic anticoagulation is between 1% and 2% per year. In fact, 4%
of valve-related deaths result from bleeding (see Fig. 6014 ). Bioprosthetic valves are indicated in patients with contraindications to anticoagulation
because of occupation or because of coexistent medical conditions. Likewise, patients who are medically noncompliant or whose level of
anticoagulation may not be closely monitored should not receive mechanical valves. Ten percent of valve-related deaths result from reoperation, and
this fact steers some patients and physicians away from bioprosthetic valves. However, data demonstrate that if actual rather that actuarial statistical
methodology is used to evaluate the likelihood of reoperation for structural valve deterioration of a bioprosthetic valve, the incidence of reoperation is
less than 15% for patients older than 60 years ( Fig. 6015 ). [46] A joint task force from the American Heart Association and the American College of
Cardiology has provided some recommendations to help balance these risks. The task force recommended that tissue valves be placed in the aortic
position in patients older than 65 years and in the mitral position in patients older than 70 years.[20]
An advance in the treatment of aortic valve disease in young patients is the pulmonary autograft procedure (Ross procedure).[46] Initially performed by
Ross in 1967,

Figure 60-15 After aortic valve replacement with a bovine pericardial bioprosthesis, the risk of undergoing reoperation for structural valve deterioration (SVD) is less than 15% at 15
years. (From Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, White JA, et al: Age and valve size effect on the long-term durability of the Carpentier-Edwards aortic pericardial bioprosthesis. Ann
Thorac Surg 72:753, 2001.)

Figure 60-16 A to C, Pulmonary autograft (Ross) procedure. The diseased aortic valve and proximal aortic root are excised. The pulmonary valve and the main pulmonary artery
(autograft) are excised, and the autograft is used to replace the aortic root. The coronary artery buttons are reimplanted into the pulmonary root. A pulmonary homograft is then used
to reconstruct the right ventricular outflow tract. (From Kouchoukos NT, Davila-Roman VG, Spray TL, et al: Replacement of the aortic root with a pulmonary autograft in children
and young adults with aortic-valve disease. N Engl J Med 330:1, 1994.)

the procedure has gained wider acceptance during the past two decades. The procedure entails use of the patients own pulmonary root as an autograft to
replace the diseased aortic valve and root. A cryopreserved pulmonary homograft is then used to replace the patients pulmonary root ( Fig. 6016 ).
Although it is a technically demanding procedure, the operative mortality rate associated with the Ross procedure is 5% or less and is not different from
that associated with isolated aortic valve replacement when performed by experienced surgeons.[48] Intermediate-term data suggest excellent function of
the pulmonary autograft; need for autograft reoperation is rare within the first postoperative decade.[49] The durability of the pulmonary homograft is
excellent; 80% of patients are free of homograft dysfunction at 16 years.[49] Chronic anticoagulation is not required, and the risk of valve-related
complications is extremely low.[50]
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Selected References
Banbury MK, Cosgrove DM III, White JA, et al: Age and valve size effect on the long-term durability of the Carpentier-Edwards aortic pericardial bioprosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg
72:753, 2001.
This study highlights the importance of using actual rather than actuarial statistical methodology in the assessment valve-related events after prosthetic valve implantation.
The paper highlights the fact that even though bioprosthetic valves may structurally deteriorate, the likelihood of reoperation is low because a majority of patients may die
before that.
Bonow RO, Carabello B, De Leon AC, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with valvular heart disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 32:1486, 1998.
This is a very comprehensive reference that addresses virtually all aspects of valvular heart disease, including indications for surgery.
Jamieson WRE, Edwards FH, Bero J, et al: Cardiac valve replacement surgery: The Society of Thoracic Surgeons national database experience. Ann Thorac Surg 67:43, 1999.
Using the power of the STS database, this report provides the foundation for risk-stratification for valve replacement surgery.
Ross J Jr, Braunwald E: Aortic stenosis. Circulation 38:V61, 1968.
This classic study provides the natural history of aortic stenosis.
Zellner JL, Kratz JM, Crumbly AJ III, et al: Long-term experience with the St. Jude Medical valve prosthesis. Ann Thorac Surg 68:1210, 1999.
The majority of valves implanted are mechanical valves. This report provides a comprehensive picture of valve-related morbidity and mortality after mechanical valve

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Section XII - Vascular


Chapter 61 - Thoracic Vasculature (with Emphasis on the Thoracic Aorta)

Tam T T. Huynh M.D.
Anthony L. Estrera M.D.
Charles C. Miller III Ph.D.
Hazim J. Safi M.D.

During embryonic development, the thoracic vasculature undergoes many stages of formation. Vascular connections may form and then vanish,
capillaries fuse and produce veins or arteries, and blood flow may reverse direction several times. None of the major vessels of the adult, other than the
aorta, manifest as single trunks in the embryo. During this period aortic anomalies may arise as a result of structures that fail to regress or to develop.[1]
The systemic arterial system originates from the heart and aortic sac as six pairs of ventrally situated arteries, or aortic arches, that pass laterally around
the gut to form paired dorsal vessels, or dorsal aortae ( Fig. 611 ). The two dorsal aortae are initially separated by the neural tube and notochord, which
is in contact with the gut. With separation from the gut, cross connections develop between the two dorsal aortae until a plexus of vessels is formed.
Progression of this plexus leads to coalescence and then fusion of the aorta dorsally.
The six paired embryonic aortic arches develop and regress during maturation to eventually become distinct structures of the thoracic aorta. The first
and second arches are nearly gone by the time the third arch appears. The dorsal end of the second arch becomes the stem of the stapedial artery, while
the remainder of this arch also disappears. The third pair of arches becomes the common carotid and proximal portion of the internal carotid arteries.
The right fourth arch becomes the proximal portion of the right subclavian artery, while the left fourth arch constitutes a portion of the aortic arch
between the left common carotid and left subclavian arteries. The fifth embryonic arch ultimately disappears on both sides. The right sixth arch becomes
the proximal part of the right pulmonary artery, and the left sixth arch becomes the proximal part of the left pulmonary artery while the distal portion
persists as the ductus arteriosus.
Toward the end of the fourth week the connection between the bulbus cordis, the foremost of the three parts of the primitive heart of the embryo, and
the first pair of arches extends and becomes the truncus arteriosus. The truncus arteriosus becomes the aortic and pulmonary roots. The aortic sac
becomes the ascending aorta, brachiocephalic artery, and aortic arch up to the origin of the left common carotid. The cranial portion of the right dorsal
aorta becomes the right subclavian artery, and the left dorsal aorta becomes the distal arch. The remaining

Figure 61-1 A diagram of the various components of the aortic arch in the human embryo (A). Portions that regress are shown in outline; portions that develop into adult human aorta
and branches (B) correspond by cross-hatching and gray tones. (Redrawn from illustration by Carl Clingman after Barry A: Aortic arch derivatives in the human adult. Anat Rec
111:221228, 1951.)

right and left dorsal aortae fuse to create the descending thoracic and abdominal aorta. The right and left seventh intersegmental arteries develop into the
respective subclavian arteries.
Early embryonic veins can be segregated into three main groups: the vitelline, umbilical, and cardinal vein complexes. At about the same time as the
arterial system develops, the venous system arises from a capillary network that eventually coalesces to form channels, then distinct vessels. The
primitive cardinal system, from which the veins of the thorax arise, is formed by anastomoses with umbilical veins and vitelline veins at the posterior
end of the developing heart. The early symmetrical disposition of the common cardinal vein, right and left precardinal, postcardinal, subcardinal, and
supracardinal veins eventually enlarge, combine, or retrogress to become the asymmetrical arrangement of the inferior and superior vena cavae,
brachiocephalic, azygos, and hemiazygos veins.
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The base or root of the aorta begins in the ventricular outflow tract of the heart and ends in the abdomen at the aortic bifurcation, which divides into the
right and left common iliac arteries. The aortic root houses the aortic valve, sinuses of Valsalva, and the right and left coronary arteries. The anterior
tubular segment or ascending aorta emerges from the root. The ascending aorta curves posteriorly

and to the left as the aortic arch, from which emerge the brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and left subclavian arteries. The descending thoracic
aorta begins distal to the left subclavian artery and ends at the 12th intercostal space. Branches of the descending thoracic aorta are the intercostal,
bronchial, and esophageal arteries. The artery of Adamkiewicz is the main source of blood to the lower part of the anterior spinal artery, which in turn
supplies much of the blood to the spinal cord. There is significant variability in the origin of this critical artery, but it usually branches from an
intercostal artery that connects to the aorta between the 9th and 12th intercostal space. As the aorta exits the thorax, it enters the abdomen through the
aortic hiatus. The thoracoabdominal aorta refers to the entire descending thoracic and abdominal aorta.
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Aortic anomalies are often multiple and frequently occur in siblings. The most common right-to-left branching pattern of the aortic arch is
brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery (75%). Less frequently, (20%), the brachiocephalic and left common
carotid artery share a common origin from the arch proximal to the left subclavian artery (bovine arch). Least common (3%) are separate starting points
for the brachiocephalic, left common carotid, left vertebral, and left subclavian arteries. Fourteen other configurations have been described in cadavers,
with as many as four primary branches or as few as two primary branches.[2]
A vascular ring is a condition in which the anomalous configuration of the arch and/or associated vessels forms a partial or complete ring around the
trachea or esophagus, causing compression. Anomalies of the aortic arch may be characterized as left, right, or double aortic arch. These arch
configurations may be associated with a left or right ligamentum arteriosum and a left or right retroesophageal subclavian artery. Patients with a right
aortic arch and left ligamentum frequently develop a diverticulum known as Kommerells diverticulum associated with the left retroesophageal
subclavian artery. A retroesophageal or aberrant right subclavian artery forms as the result of a persistent right eighth segmental artery and regression of
the right fourth aortic arch, which is the opposite of normal development. The aberrant right subclavian artery arises from the descending thoracic aorta,
distal to the left subclavian artery, traversing posterior to the trachea and esophagus in front of the vertebral column. As originally described by the
English surgeon, David Bayford, in 1787, this anomaly may lead to compression of the esophagus by the right subclavian artery, promoting obstructed
deglutition, or dysphagia lusoria.
Patent ductus arteriosus is the most common vascular anomaly. The ductus arteriosus, which carries fetal blood from the left ventricle to the aorta,
constricts at birth due to raised oxygen tension. At 1 month the ductus arteriosus is usually obliterated, ultimately forming the fibrous ligamentum
arteriosum. A patent ductus arteriosus can prompt shunting from the systemic to the pulmonary circulation, leading to pulmonary hypertension.
Coarctation refers to a narrowing of the aortic wall and lumen. The most common of these anomalies is the postductal type, which occurs distal to the
ligamentum, compared to the preductal type that occurs just proximal to a patent ductus arteriosus. The etiologic mechanism of coarctation is unknown,
but constriction is thought to occur as the result of the incorporation of oxygensensitive ductal tissue into the wall of the thoracic aorta. Chronic
coarctation generates extensive formation of intercostal artery collaterals, proximal hypertension, and rib notching.
Venous Anomalies

Venous anomalies can occur in connections of either the systemic or pulmonary veins. The most common is persistent left superior vena cava, which
drains into the right atrium through an enlarged orifice of the coronary sinus. The persistent left superior vena cava forms when the left anterior cardinal
vein fails to regress, but it communicates with the right atrium via the left horn of the sinus venosus, which becomes the coronary sinus. The absence of
a left brachiocephalic vein (innominate vein) and a small right superior vena cava can signal the presence of persistent left superior vena cava. The most
common anomaly of the inferior vena cava is an interruption of its abdominal course with drainage to the heart via the azygos or hemiazygos venous
system. Anomalies of the pulmonary veins connect to sites individually or in combination. A totally anomalous connection is usually a confluence of
veins behind the left atrium that joins either to the superior vena cava, the coronary sinus, or the portal venous system crossing the diaphragm.
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Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection

The most common diseases of the aorta are aneurysm and dissection, which are classified by anatomic location ( Figs. 612 , 613 , 614 ). An aortic
aneurysm is defined as a localized or diffuse aortic dilation that exceeds 50% of the normal aortic diameter. Factors associated with aneurysm formation
include advanced age, hypertension, smoking, arteriosclerosis, and aortic dissection. Acute aortic dissection is the most common catastrophic event
involving the aorta. A tear in the intima allows blood to escape from the true lumen of the aorta, dissects the aortic layers, and reroutes some of the
blood through a newly formed false channel. The weakened aortic wall is highly susceptible to acute rupture and chronically prone to progressive
dilation. Arterial hypertension and connective tissue disorders (particularly Marfan syndrome) may predispose patients to dissection. The cause of the
initial tear remains unknown, but the histology of the aortic wall typically exhibits medial degeneration.

Figure 61-2 Classification of descending thoracic aortic aneurysm: Type A, distal to the left subclavian artery to the 6th intercostal space. Type B, 6th intercostal space to above the
diaphragm (12th intercostal space). Type C, entire descending thoracic aorta, distal to the left subclavian artery to above the diaphragm (12th intercostal space). (2002 Carl

Figure 61-3 Normal thoracoabdominal aorta (far left) and aneurysm classification: Extent I, distal to the left subclavian artery to above the renal arteries; extent II, distal to the left
subclavian artery to below the renal arteries; extent III, from the 6th intercostal space to below the renal arteries; extent IV, the 12th intercostal space to below the renal arteries (total
abdominal aortic aneurysm); and extent V, below the 6th intercostal space to just above the renal arteries. (Redrawn from illustration by Carl Clingman.)


Figure 61-4 Aortic dissection classification based on the site of the intimal tear. Left, Stanford type A, DeBakey types I and II. Right, Stanford type B, DeBakey type III. (Redrawn
from illustration by Carl Clingman.)

Conventionally, aortic dissection is termed acute when a clinical diagnosis is made within 14 days following the onset of symptoms and chronic after 14
days. When a dissection involves the ascending aorta, it is commonly referred to as a Stanford type A. Dissection without involvement of the ascending
aortamost often with the intimal tear in the descending thoracic aortais referred to as a Stanford type B or DeBakey type III. DeBakey classification
further distinguishes ascending aortic dissection with involvement of the descending thoracic aorta (DeBakey type I) from ascending aortic dissection
without involvement of the descending thoracic aorta (DeBakey type II).
Approximately 20% of aortic aneurysms and dissections are related to hereditary connective tissue disorders.[3] Marfan syndrome is the most common of
these disorders, occurring in the worldwide population at a frequency of 1 in 5000.[4] Skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular complications characterize
Marfan syndrome, with aortic aneurysm and dissection as the major cause of morbidity and mortality.
Aortic dilation observed in Marfan patients is the result of defects in a specific component of elastic fibers known as fibrillin-1 (FBN1). Although
inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, one fourth of patients do not have a family history and have the syndrome as the result of a new mutation.[5]
One hundred thirty-seven mutations have been entered in the international Marfan database ( Some patients who do not
fulfill the usual diagnostic criteria may still have FBN1 mutations and thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection.[6]
A number of other known genetic syndromes predispose individuals to thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection, such as Turners syndrome, EhlersDanlos syndrome, and polycystic kidney disease. Mutations in fibrillin-2, or FBN2, cause congenital contractural arachnodactyly, a syndrome closely
related to Marfan syndrome. Familial aggregation studies have indicated that up to 19% of thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection patients without one
of the genetic syndromes described earlier have other affected family members.[7] [8] These studies support the hypothesis that genetic factors predispose
individuals who do not have a known genetic syndrome to thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection.[9]
Families in which multiple members have thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection have been reported in the

literature. Aortic imaging of family members of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection has provided us with the best overview of the
inheritance and features of this syndrome.[10] In most of these families, the phenotype for thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection is inherited in an
autosomal dominant manner with marked variability in age at the onset of aortic disease and decreased penetrance. Most often the condition is not due
to mutations in FBN1 or other known genes.
Aortic Tumors

Primary tumors of the aorta are extremely rare, with fewer than 100 cases reported in the English literature.[11] Although tumors may be composed of
varying histologic types, most tumors are sarcomas with malignant fibrous histiocytoma predominating. Most primary sarcomas of the aorta and
pulmonary artery (the elastic arteries) arise from the intima, growing along the lumen, forming polypoidal masses.[12] Intimal tumors may present with
symptoms related to vascular obstruction or distal embolization. Tumors that arise from the medial and adventitial layers occur less frequently.
Symptoms are often nonspecific and include chest pain and dyspnea. Because tumors may mimic aneurysm or aortic occlusive disease, diagnoses are
often made postmortem or intraoperatively. Primary aortic tumors most commonly present between the 6th and 7th decades of life and involve the
thoracic and abdominal aorta equally. Malignant tumors, such as sarcomas, are generally associated with a poor prognosis and respond poorly to
chemotherapy or radiation. However, surgical resection of any sarcoma of the vasculature, when feasible, may result in cure or palliation of symptoms.

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Before computed tomography (CT) scanning and, later, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging became widely available, aortography was performed
routinely in aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection patients. In acute traumatic aortic injury, aortography typically can identify irregularity of the aorta,
focal outpouching, and accumulation of contrast medium at the region of irregularity. The aortogram can detect aortic root dilation and define the
condition of the coronary arteries. Aortography used to be the gold standard imaging modality for confirming the diagnosis of aortic dissection, because
it can identify the aortas true and false lumen and determine tear sites and the extent of dissection. However, false-negative aortograms may occur
when the false lumen is not opacified, when there is simultaneous opacification of the true and false lumen, or when the intimal flap is not seen. CT scan
has replaced aortography for the evaluation of the thoracic aorta and its branches. Aortography is currently reserved for patients with suspected aortic
branch occlusive disease and is often performed in conjunction with cardiac catheterization.
Over the past decade technical advances in CT and MR have vastly improved thoracic vasculature imaging. CT, a digitally based radiographic
technique, can quickly produce images of multiple slices of the bodys soft tissue, neurovasculature, and internal organs. CT is our preferred technique
for imaging the thoracic aorta. It is less invasive, faster, and less costly than aortography. CT evaluates systemic vasculature, defining aortic anomalies,
dissection aneurysm, clots, and calcification; and pulmonary vasculature, depicting lung disease and thoracic venous anomalies such as pulmonary
arteriovenous malformation. Multidetector helical (spiral) CT has virtually supplanted conventional CT and provides three-dimensional reconstruction
of the acquired CT images ( Fig. 615 ). CT scan determines aneurysm extent by recording the aortic diameter serially, from the ascending aorta to the
arch and thoracoabdominal aorta. CT angiography (CTA) acquires axial images during the arterial phase following a bolus of intravenous (IV) contrast
medium. CTA can distinguish the difference between the false and true lumen in aortic dissection ( Figs. 616 and 617 ) and accurately detect the
proximal location of the intimal tear. It can also reveal associated thrombus and/or inflammatory changes in the aortic wall. CT scans are indispensable
for patient follow-up and tracking of aortic aneurysm growth rate. Some patients may require additional preparation before undergoing CT scan, such as
adequate hydration and premedication for renal insufficiency and contrast allergy.

Figure 61-5 Reformatted three-dimensional CT image of the aorta and its major branches in a patient with large ascending aortic aneurysm.


Figure 61-6 CT scan of type A aortic dissection with intimal flap in the ascending (A) and descending (B) segments of the aorta.

Figure 61-7 CT scan of type B aortic dissection with normal ascending aorta (A) and multiple partitions of the lumen in the descending thoracic aorta (B).

MR does not require iodinated contrast medium and can be performed safely in patients with impaired renal function. An image is detected by
radiofrequency signals when the bodys hydrogen atoms react to the MRs strong magnetic field. MR, particularly three-dimensional gadoliniumenhanced MR angiography, can clearly identify the morphology of the aortic and pulmonary vasculature. MR can reliably assess the site and extent of
nonvalvular obstructive lesions of the aorta (i.e., coarctation, interruption of the aortic arch, and supravalvular stenosis). MR is the imaging modality of
choice for aortic tumors because of its diverse capabilities, which include multiplanar imaging for excellent anatomic definition of the heart,
pericardium, mediastinum, and lungs and improved morphologic differentiation between tumor tissue and surrounding cardiovascular, mediastinal, or
pulmonary tissues. Patients with internal metallic hardware (such as pacemakers and orthopedic rods) cannot undergo MR. Higher cost and longer
examination times are other limitations of MR.
Other imaging modalities for thoracic vasculature include transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), and intraoperative
epiaortic ultrasound (IEUS). IVUS can provide an image of the anatomy within the aortic walls. A miniature catheter tip inserted percutaneously,
incorporated with an ultrasound device, can identify intimal defects, atheromatous plaques, calcification, and laminated thrombi. TEE uses a miniature
high-frequency ultrasound transducer placed on a probe and inserted into the lower esophagus. Because the lower esophagus is located close to the
posterior of the heart, there is no image interruption by lung tissue. TEE has the advantage of portability and quick execution. TEE is highly sensitive in
aortic pathology diagnosis ( Fig. 618 ) and is an excellent intraoperative tool, able to report cardiac structure and function. It can assess ventricular
function and reliably survey aortic valve disease, aortic dilation, ascending aortic aneurysm, dissection, thrombi, atherosclerotic disease, and mitral
valve disease. Of particular value during cardiac operations that employ cardiopulmonary bypass, TEE and IEUS can detect atheromas of the thoracic
aorta. Aortic aneurysms of the transverse aortic arch cannot be identified by TEE because of the interposition of the air-filled trachea and bronchi.
Although TEE can be done at the bedside or intraoperatively, the technique requires a skilled anesthesiologist or cardiologist to interpret study data.
Contraindications are esophageal obstruction, diverticulum, or varices, active upper gastrointestinal bleed, or cervical spine disease.
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Natural History and Incidence

Population screening for thoracic aneurysm is not a practical endeavor; consequently, we have no prospective or randomized analyses of the natural
history of aortic aneurysms or dissection. However, population rates can be estimated by monitoring a defined population for health system utilization,
which was the approach taken by Bickerstaff and associates[14] in the well-described population of Rochester, Minnesota.[15] The study was conducted on
a population-based historical cohort from records collected between 1951 and 1980. Only 11% underwent surgical treatment. The time of diagnosis was
abstracted from medical records, and patients were

Figure 61-8 Transesophageal echocardiography of dissection of the ascending aortic aorta in cross-section (A) and saggital color-Doppler mode view demonstrate no flow in the large
false lumen (B).(A and B, Courtesy of Mihai Croitaru, MD, University of TexasHouston.)

followed historically until death. This study reported a population incidence of detected thoracic aortic aneurysms estimated to be 5.9 new aneurysms
per 100,000 person-years in 1982. In a follow-up to Bickerstaff, Clouse and colleagues studied the same Rochester, Minnesota, cohort starting in 1980,
where the previous study had left off, through 1994.[16] These authors estimated the incidence to be 10.4 per 100,000 person-years, or twice higher than
the 1951 to 1980 rate after age adjustment. The significant difference from the 1982 study was almost certainly due to improved case ascertainment
brought about by the increased use of thoracic CT scanning after 1980.
Untreated, 75% to 80% of thoracic aortic aneurysms will eventually rupture ( Fig. 619 ). Five-year untreated survival ranges between 10% and 20%,
with a median time to rupture in nondissecting aneurysms between 2 and 3 years. Although women develop thoracic aortic aneurysms 10 to 15 years
later than men, rupture occurs more frequently in women. Age has also been associated with increased risk of rupture. Aneurysm size significantly
influences the rate of rupture. When an ascending aortic aneurysm reaches a diameter of 6 cm, the risk of rupture is 31%. For the descending thoracic
aorta the critical size is around 7 cm with a 43% risk of rupture.[17]
Clinical Presentation

The clinical manifestations of thoracic aortic aneurysms vary widely. In most patients an aortic aneurysm is discovered incidentally without specific
symptoms, because the slow growth of aneurysms is typically silent. Chronic

Figure 61-9 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm: comparison of survival rates in untreated (Bickerstaff and associates[15] ) versus surgically treated patients (Safi and colleagues40 ).

back pain is a frequent complaint in patients, but pain related to musculoskeletal causes is usually difficult to differentiate from pain related to
aneurysm. Large aortic aneurysms can put pressure on adjacent structures and can create symptoms such as hoarseness due to vocal cord paralysis
related to compression of the left recurrent laryngeal

or vagus nerves, dyspnea from mild to severe upper airway compromise from compression of the tracheobronchial tree, pulmonary hypertension due to
pressure on the pulmonary artery, and dysphagia caused by compression of the esophagus. Direct erosion of the aneurysm into the adjacent
tracheobronchial tree and/or esophagus results in fistulization and bleeding (hemoptysis or hematemesis). A thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm may
press against the stomach and cause weight loss related to early satiety. Associated atherosclerotic occlusive disease of the visceral or renal arteries may
cause intestinal angina or arterial hypertension, respectively. A widened pulse pressure with a diastolic murmur may alert the physician to an ascending
aortic aneurysm with aortic valve insufficiency.
When to Operate

Patients who are diagnosed with aneurysms greater than 5 cm or larger or with rapid aneurysm enlargement are considered for surgical repair. A sudden
change in the characteristics or the severity of the pain is significant and should alert clinicians to the possibility of rapid aneurysm expansion, leakage,
or rupture. When considering aneurysm growth rate and the risk of rupture, the Marfan patient or other patients with inherited collagen vascular
disorders or familial patterns of aortic dissection must be given special attention. More than 90% of deaths in Marfan patients are related to
complications of aneurysms or dissections of the thoracic aorta. Marfan patients are often considered for surgery at an earlier stage of aneurysm
development due to faster rates of aneurysm growth and rupture at smaller diameters.[18]
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Clinical Presentation

Abrupt excruciating pain epitomizes the onset of acute aortic dissection.[19] Chest pain is present in about two thirds of patients and back pain invariably
accompanies dissections that begin distal to the aortic arch. Pain may migrate as the dissection progresses distally. Patients with ascending aortic
dissections may have associated aortic valve insufficiency with dyspnea and a diagnostic loud pansystolic murmur. Other acute symptoms and signs
related to aortic branch occlusion can cause cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, abdominal malperfusion, limb ischemia, and paraplegia. The
distinctions between acute and chronic aortic dissections, types A and B, have important clinical implications ( Fig. 6110 ). The 14-day period after
onset of dissection has been empirically designated the acute phase because mortality and morbidity rates are highest, and surviving patients usually
stabilize at the end of this period. Serious life-threatening complications typically occur during the acute phase, and surgery on the acutely dissected
aorta is high risk, associated with considerable bleeding due to the friability of the aortic wall.
Acute Phase

Acute type A dissection most often requires emergency surgical repair because of the associated high risk of death due to rupture, tamponade, and/or
aortic valve insufficiency (see later section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Proximal Thoracic Aorta).[20] The patient who is unstable with suspected
type A acute aortic dissection is immediately transferred to the operating room and evaluated by TEE. If dissection is confirmed then repair is
undertaken at once ( Fig. 6111 ). Surgery in the case of the hemodynamically stable patient is less urgent, and the patient is first transferred to an acute
care setting until confirmation of the diagnosis is made.
For acute type B aortic dissection the treatment of choice is generally medical therapy aimed at pain control and the correction of hypertension (see later
section, Medical Treatment). Patients are admitted to an intensive care unit and observed closely. Surgical repair is most often reserved for dissection
complicated by aortic rupture, abdominal malperfusion, limb ischemia, intractable pain, or uncontrollable hypertension. Approximately 20% of patients
with acute type B aortic dissection require surgical therapy (see later section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Distal Thoracic Aorta).

We initiate antihypertensive or so-called anti-impulse therapy for all patients with acute dissection, whether type A or type B. An arterial line is placed
for close monitoring of the systemic arterial blood pressure. We use esmolol for IV blockade (range 50 to 300 g/kg/min) titrated to heart rate (60 to
80 beats/min), systolic blood pressure (<120 mm Hg), and mean arterial blood (80 mm Hg). We prefer esmolol, a 1 selective agent, because of its ease
of titration due to its short-acting nature. Blockade can also be achieved with propranolol, nonselective 1 and 2 blocker, (2 to 5 mg IV every 4 to 6
hours) or labetolol, a nonselective 1 and 1 as well as . 1 blocker (20 mg IV slow injection followed by 40 mg IV every 10 minutes).
Patients whose hypertension is refractory to blockade may require combination therapy with other agents. Our choice with combination therapy
includes a calcium-channel blocker, nicardipine (5 to 15 mg/hour IV infusion), nitroglycerin (5 g/min IV infusion), and sodium nitroprusside (0.5 to 5
g/kg/min IV infusion). Since potent unloading agents such as sodium nitroprusside may actually cause an increase in the dp/dt (rate of rise of aortic
pressure) when used alone, it is important to use it in combination with a -blocking agent. In addition, sodium nitroprusside must be used with caution
since it may be associated with cyanide toxicity and paraplegia.

Figure 61-10 Algorithm for treatment of aortic dissection. MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; DTAA, descending thoracic aortic aneurysm; TAAA, thoracoabdominal aortic
Chronic Phase

All patients who survive the acute phase of aortic dissection, whether type A or type B, must be followed closely. Serial imaging of the dissected aorta
should be obtained prior to discharge from the acute-care hospital, and then at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and yearly thereafter.
Compliance with chronic antihypertensive therapy decreases the incidence of subsequent hospitalization and may reduce the progression of aortic
dilation. In most patients, acute pain resolves and symptoms subside. Recurrent chest and back pain may indicate sudden aortic expansion and/or
impending rupture. All symptomatic patients should be evaluated for surgical repair. Approximately 20% to 40% of patients who survive the acute
phase of aortic dissection will develop significant aneurysmal dilation of the aorta within 2 to 5 years, requiring surgical graft replacement when the
maximal aortic diameter reaches 5 to 6 cm to prevent rupture. The extent of surgical graft replacement depends on the extent of the aortic aneurysm. In
general, we replace all aneurysmal aortic segments, leaving the nonaneurysmal part (with or without dissection) in situ.
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Aortic Root

The technical innovations of the early 1950s permitted the first successful operations of the aortic root. Cardiopulmonary bypass, which replaces the
pumping action of the heart and the gas exchange function of the lungs, was essential. The patient is placed on cardiopulmonary bypass after the chest is
opened with a median sternotomy ( Fig. 6112 ) and either the femoral artery or ascending aorta is cannulated. Retrograde cardioplegic perfusion via
the coronary sinus provides myocardial protection throughout the procedure, keeping the myocardial temperature below 15C. Venting through the left

Figure 61-11 A, Operative photograph of acute type A aortic dissection with hematoma in the aortic wall. B, After opening the aorta, a large clot was cleared from the false lumen;
true lumen (L) is seen after division of the intimal flap. RA, right atrium; the asterisks indicate Rumel tourniquet around superior vena cava.

Figure 61-12 Median sternotomy. (1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)


pulmonary vein prevents ventricular distention and allows optimal decompression of the left ventricle. Profound hypothermia and circulatory arrest are
required in cases of acute aortic dissection or aneurysms that extend into the aortic arch; otherwise, the ascending aorta can be safely clamped without
profound hypothermia.
The extent of prosthetic valve and/or graft replacement depends on patient presentation and is determined at the time of surgery. Patients who have
intrinsic abnormalities in the valve leaflets, bicuspid aortic valve, or Marfan syndrome often require aortic valve replacement. Separate valve and graft
replacement, or the Wheat technique ( Fig. 6113 ), rather than a composite valve/graft may be applicable for older patients with minor to moderate
sinus dilation. Unlike the Bentall, Cabrol, or button techniques described later, the Wheat technique does not require reattachment of the coronary
arteries. The sinuses are excised, the tissue surrounding the coronary arteries is left intact, and the aortic graft is cut in a scalloped fashion to

accommodate reattachment of the coronary arteries and replacement of the sinuses. Although two suture lines in the proximal aorta increase the
potential for bleeding, the Wheat technique avoids the problem of sinus of Valsalva dilation that can lead to rupture into the right or left ventricle of the
heart. Allograft replacement may be suitable for physically active patients who do not wish to take anticoagulants or patients with native or prosthetic
valve endocarditis. Valve resuspension, rather than replacement, may be adequate in cases of acute aortic dissection and a normal aortic valve. Patients
who have Marfan syndrome and/or aortic root dilation most often require a composite valve graft.
Bentall and de Bono in 1968 and Edwards and Kerr in 1970 created the composite valve graft. In the Bentall technique ( Fig. 6114 ) a composite valve
graft is placed in the aortic annulus after the walls of the aorta have been opened longitudinally and the aortic valve leaflets excised. The distal end of
the graft is cut and sewn end-to-end to the distal ascending aorta. Openings are cut in the graft opposite the right and left coronary arteries. The coronary
ostia are tightly sutured to their corresponding openings in the composite graft and wrapped with aortic aneurysmal wall to prevent immediate
postoperative bleeding (the inclusion technique). However, the side-to-side attachment of the coronary arteries to the valve prosthesis can bring the
anastomosis under tension, which can lead to pseudoaneurysm. Although a few groups continue to use the Bentall technique, the report of
pseudoaneurysm in 7% to 25% of patients prompted many surgeons to adopt new techniques for coronary artery reattachment.[21]
Christian Cabrol in 1981 devised an ingenious method for replacing the aortic root without having to mobilize the coronary arteries ( Fig. 6115 ). A
small Dacron tube graft is sutured to the left coronary ostium, passed behind the larger ascending aortic graft, and anastomosed to the right coronary
ostium. The small Dacron graft is then anastomosed side-to-side to the composite graft. Bleeding is minimized because suture line tension is
significantly reduced, but kinking can occur at the side-to-side anastomosis

Figure 61-13 Wheat technique: The coronary sinuses are excised, leaving a triangular tongue surrounding the right and the left coronary arteries. The aortic valve is replaced, then the
Dacron graft is cut in two wedge shapes and sutured above the coronary arteries. (1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)


Figure 61-14 Bentall technique: The coronary ostia are tightly sutured to openings in the graft. (1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

or right ostium. Modification of the Cabrol technique consists of an end-to-side anastomosis of the left main coronary Dacron graft, with a button
attachment of the right coronary artery directly to the composite graft or replaced by separate vein or Dacron graft ( Fig. 6116 ). Graft kinks or graft
occlusion at the angle of the right coronary artery ostium are avoided because the smaller graft is not restrained by a side-to-side anastomosis. We most
often use the button technique ( Fig. 6117 ) or Carrel patch for right and left coronary artery reattachment. It is more time consuming than the Cabrol
technique but complications are fewer. The right and left coronary artery ostia are dissected from the aorta, preserving a circle of tissue or button, and
anastomosed directly to the composite graft.
Results: Aortic Root

A lack of reporting standards in the literature makes interpretation of aortic root surgical results difficult to summarize. In general, both etiology
(dilation, Marfan syndrome, aortic dissection) and reconstructive technique (Cabrol, Wheat, Bentall, button) appear to influence outcome. Repair of a
diseased aortic root can be accomplished safely, depending on risk factors, with an overall operative mortality rate in the range of 2% to 15%. Major
operative complications of the surgery are bleeding at the anastomotic siterequiring reoperationand thromboembolism. Long-term complications
include endocarditis, thromboembolic events, and pseudoaneurysm.
Ascending Aorta and Arch

If aneurysmal disease is limited to the tubular portion of the ascending aorta profound hypothermia is not required and we use the closed technique (i.e.,
with aorta clamped). If, however, the aneurysm extends beyond the ascending aorta into the arch or there is acute dissection, we use the open distal
anastomosis techniquewith profound hypothermic circulatory arrest. The dry surgical field of the open technique permits the surgeon to clearly view
all diseased portions of the ascending aorta to within a few millimeters of the great vessels. Cardiopulmonary bypass, circulatory arrest, and retrograde
cerebral perfusion are also used. Retrograde cerebral perfusion is begun after the patient has been cooled to between 15C and 20C (nasopharyngeal
temperature) and the electroencephalogram monitor shows an isoelectric flat line. Oxygenated blood is perfused in a retrograde direction through the
superior vena cava to the brain. Another technique that has been used for cerebral protection during the circulatory arrest period is antegrade cerebral
perfusion. This technique employs cannulae inserted directly into the ostia of the innominate and left common carotid arteries during the period of

Figure 61-15 Cabrol technique: A graft is sutured to the left coronary ostium, passed behind the ascending aortic graft, and anastomosed to the right coronary ostium. The coronary
graft is then sewn side-to-side to the composite aortic graft. (1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

The brachiocephalic, left common carotid, and left subclavian arteries are preserved as a patch while the ascending aorta and transverse arch are
excised. After a graft is sutured to the descending thoracic aorta just distal to the left subclavian artery, the brachiocephalic arteries are anastomosed to a
side hole cut in the superior arch portion of the graft. The aortic valve and aortic sinuses are inspected and repaired if necessary (see earlier section,
Aortic Root). The graft is then sutured to the supracoronary ascending aorta.
Surgery for type A dissection and for aneurysms of the root, ascending aorta, and arch is similar except for the additional suturing necessitated by false
lumen in aortic dissection ( Fig. 6118 ). The partition between the true and false lumen is cut. The false lumen is obliterated by sewing together the
dissected walls using running 40 polypropylene suture. The graft is sutured to the proximal aortic arch. The aortic arch is replaced if a hematoma,
fragmentation of the aortic wall, or free rupture is identified. Intimal tears are either excised or repaired. The aortic root is reconstructed by placing 40
Prolene pledgeted sutures along the sinotubular junction to prevent retrograde dissection.
Results: Ascending and Arch

Before profound hypothermic circulatory arrest became a regular part of aortic surgery, arch replacement carried an extremely high mortality rate of up
to 75%. The introduction of profound hypothermia and circulatory arrest reduced operative mortality to between 10% and 15%. The development of
additional circulatory adjuncts has reduced operative mortality to around 5%. Retrograde cerebral perfusion has been shown to decrease the incidence of
stroke ( Fig. 6119 ) and is currently the most widely adopted perfusion adjunct. There exists a renewed interest in antegrade perfusion at some centers.
[23] The major risk factors associated with stroke and encephalopathy following ascending/arch repair are circulatory arrest time and involvement of the
transverse arch.
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Despite remarkable improvements in morbidity and mortality rates, surgical repair of the descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aorta remains one
of the most

Figure 61-16 Modified Cabrol technique: The left coronary graft is anastomosed end-to-side to the composite aortic graft, and the right coronary artery attached as a button. (1996
Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

Figure 61-17 Button reattachment of the right coronary artery (left coronary artery reattachment done in a similar fashion not shown).


Figure 61-18 Ascending aortic dissection repair. A, Proximal tear site, aortic valve inspection, intima and adventitial suture, inner distal anastomosis with pledgeted polypropylene
suture reinforcement. B, Outer distal anastomosis with pledgeted polypropylene suture reinforcement, aortic valve resuspension, and proximal reinforced anastomosis. (A and
B,1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)


Figure 61-19 Probability of stroke according to pump time, with and without retrograde cerebral perfusion (RCP).

formidable tasks in cardiovascular surgery. Following induction of general anesthesia, the patient is intubated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube to
permit right lung ventilation during surgery. Monitoring cardiac function, oxygenation, blood pressure, urine output, and coagulation is critical to the
prevention of intraoperative and postoperative complications related to cardiac dysfunction, renal failure, paraplegia, pulmonary failure, and

hemorrhage. Electrodes attached to the scalp for electroencephalogram and along the spinal cord for somatosensory-evoked potential assess cerebral
and spinal cord function. A radial artery catheter checks arterial pressures. A Swan-Ganz catheter floated through a catheter placed in the internal
jugular or subclavian vein monitors the central venous and pulmonary artery pressures. Large-bore central and peripheral venous lines are inserted for
fluid and blood replacement therapy. Probes placed in the patients nasopharynx, bladder, and rectum record temperatures.
During the period of aortic cross-clamp, the spinal perfusion pressure is markedly decreased due to interruption of aortic flow and increased
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure. We use distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage to provide spinal cord protection.[24] Distal aortic perfusion, or left
atrial to femoral bypass, partially combats the effect of the clamp by raising the distal aortic pressure, thereby increasing the spinal perfusion pressure
( Fig. 6120 ). CSF drainage complements distal aortic perfusion by lowering CSF pressure and further improving spinal cord perfusion. A CSF
catheter is placed in the 3rd or 4th lumbar space ( Fig. 6121 ). CSF pressure is monitored and kept below 10 mm Hg throughout the procedure.
The patient is positioned in the right lateral decubitus position with the hip flexed 45 degrees for accessibility of the left and right groins. The common
femoral artery is dissected out and isolated with umbilical tape. We tailor the chest incision to complement the extent of the aneurysm ( Fig. 6122 )a
modified thoracoabdominal incision to below the costal margin for the descending thoracic aorta, extent I, and extent V thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm, and full thoracoabdominal exploration to the umbilicus for extent I and V, and to the pubis for extent II, III, and IV. The sixth rib is removed
for all aneurysms except extent IV, and the left lung is collapsed. Taking care to avoid injury to the phrenic nerve, the aortic hiatus and the muscular
portion of the diaphragm are cut for passage of the aortic graft.
The patient is anticoagulated with 1 mg/kg of heparin. The pericardium posterior to the left phrenic nerve is opened, and the left atrium is cannulated
through the left lower pulmonary vein or atrial appendage for distal aortic perfusion. The perfusionist attaches the cannula to a BioMedicus pump,
which has an in-line heat exchanger for postoperative rewarming. Arterial inflow is established through the left common femoral artery, or the
descending thoracic or abdominal aorta if the femoral artery is not accessible. The descending thoracic aorta is dissected from the level of the hilum of
the lung, cephalad to the proximal descending thoracic aorta. We identify the ligamentum arteriosum and transect it, taking care to avoid injury to the
left recurrent laryngeal nerve. Distal aortic perfusion is initiated. The aorta is cross-clamped in sequential segments to minimize organ ischemic time,
beginning either proximal or distal to the left subclavian artery and then again at the mid-descending thoracic aorta ( Fig. 6123 ). We no longer use the
inclusion technique of wrapping the graft with the aneurysmal aortic wall in the proximal anastomosis because of the danger of esophageal fistula.
Instead, we completely transect the aorta to separate it from the underlying esophagus.
We prefer a woven Dacron graft for aortic replacement. We suture the graft in end-to-end fashion to the descending thoracic aorta, using a running 30
or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. We check the anastomosis for bleeding and use pledgeted sutures for reinforcement, if necessary. The lower
clamp is then moved down to the distal thoracic aorta at the diaphragm level, and the remainder of the aneurysm is opened. For descending thoracic
aortic aneurysms, the graft is cut in a beveled fashion and sewn to the distal thoracic aorta, using 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture,
incorporating the patent lower intercostal arteries that are in close proximity to the graft.
Before the use of the adjuncts distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage, during the period sometimes referred to as cross-clamp and go, the speed of
the operation was intricately linked to probability of good neurologic outcome. Reimplantation of intercostal arteries was controversial because it
prolonged clamp time. After analyzing data collected over several years of thoracoabdominal surgery, we found that ligation of patent lower intercostal
arteries (T9 to T12) increased the risk of paraplegia.[25] Therefore we reattach all patent lower intercostal arteries from T9 to T12, either together as a
patch to a side hole made in the Dacron graft or individually. Substantial back-bleeding from patent intercostal arteries can be minimized with
temporary placement and inflation of balloon

Figure 61-20 Distal aortic perfusion. Outflow is from the left atrium, and inflow is to the left femoral artery. (Redrawn from illustration by Carl Clingman.)

Figure 61-21 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage is initiated intraoperatively and maintained for 3 days postoperatively to keep CSF pressure below 10 mm Hg. (Redrawn from
illustration by Carl Clingman.)


Figure 61-22 Incision is tailored to the extent of the thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm (TAAA). DTAA, descending thoracic aortic aneurysm; SMA, superior mesenteric artery.
(2002 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

catheters (3 French) prior to reimplantation. The upper intercostal arteries are generally ligated. However, if the lower intercostal arteries are occluded,
any patent upper intercostal arteries are reimplanted instead, having assumed a more important role in supplying blood to the spinal cord. Once the
intercostal arteries are reattached, pulsatile flow is restored to the spinal cord with the proximal clamp repositioned across the graft distal to the
intercostal anastomosis.
For thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms, after reimplantation of the lower intercostal arteries the distal clamp is moved to the infrarenal abdominal aorta
and the remainder of the aneurysm is opened. The celiac axis, superior mesenteric, right renal, and left renal arteries are identified, cannulated with 9
French Pruitt catheters, perfused and cooled using either Ringers lactate solution or blood at a flow rate of 300 to 600 mL/minute. The temperature of
the left kidney is directly monitored and kept below 15C. At the same time, we maintain the patients body temperature at about 33C by warming the
lower circulation. If we are unable to warm the lower body, we do not cool the viscera due to the risk of severe hypothermia (<32C core body
temperature) and ventricular fibrillation.
The visceral anastomosis has to be evaluated intraoperatively. If the celiac axis, superior mesenteric, and both renal arteries are in close proximity, they
can be reimplanted as a single patch to a side hole made in the aortic graft, using running 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. Not
infrequently, however, the left or right renal artery is more caudad and is reattached as a Carrel patch or use of a short interposition bypass graft. Patent
lumbar arteries are usually ligated. After completion of the visceral anastomosis, the graft is clamped distal to the anastomosis and pulsatile flow is
restored to the viscera. The distal clamp is removed and the pump is stopped temporarily. The distal anastomosis is completed at the aortic bifurcation,
using running 30 or 20 monofilament polypropylene suture. When the final anastomosis is completed pulsatile flow is restored to the legs and the
pump is restarted to continue warming the patient to a nasopharyngeal temperature of 36C to 37C. A representative example of an extent II
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair is shown in Figure 6124 .
The operative techniques for acute or chronic type B dissection and aneurysm of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aorta are similar.[26]
However, dissection requires identification of the true lumen versus the false lumen. The partition or septum between the two lumina must be excised to
redirect the flow of blood into the true lumen of the distal aorta. In acute aortic dissection, both the proximal and distal ends of the dissected aorta are

first reinforced with running 40 polypropylene suture before


Figure 61-23 Sequential clamping, thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. A, The upper descending thoracic is clamped and the proximal aneurysm opened while the lower aorta
and peripheral arteries continue to be perfused. B, The distal clamp is moved down the aorta. Bleeding from intercostal arteries can be controlled using 3 French balloon catheters,
while the patent lower intercostal arteries are reattached. Visceral and renal perfusion is maintained using 9 French Pruitt catheters during reimplantation of the visceral and renal
arteries. C, Distal anastomosis is completed and the lower extremities remain perfused with the distal clamp on the aortic bifurcation. (A-C,1995 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

attaching the graft. Additional interrupted pledgeted polypropylene sutures are then sewn into the posterior and anterior walls for reinforcement. In
chronic dissection, patent lower intercostal arteries are reattached. For acute dissection, however, because of the friability of the aortic tissue we
advocate ligatures of all intercostal and lumbar arteries to avoid catastrophic bleeding.
Results: Descending and Thoracoabdominal Aorta

Mortality rates for repair of descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms currently range between 5% and 21%. Multivariable analyses
by different groups, including ours, have found age, renal failure, symptomatic, and extent II aneurysms to be significant

Figure 61-24 Repair of extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with chronic dissection. A, Status postdescending thoracic aortic aneurysm repair (type C); the patient presented
with aneurysmal enlargement of the remaining thoracoabdominal aorta to below the renal arteries; artists diagram of the thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm extent II (left) and
corresponding CT axial images (right). B, Postoperative complete graft replacement of the thoracoabdominal aorta from the left subclavian artery to the aortic bifurcation, with
reattachment of the lower intercostal arteries, and reimplantation of the celiac axis, superior mesenteric, right and left renal arteries, using separate interposition bypass grafts (center,
artists diagram); corresponding CT axial images (left) and reformatted three-dimensional sagittal view (right). (A and B, 2002 Carl Clingman.)


risk factors for mortality.[27] [28] [29] [30] [31] Patients who undergo elective graft replacement at high-volume centers of excellence fare best, with mortality
rates between 5% and 15%.[32] Our current mortality rate for elective repair is between 5% and 12%, as opposed to rates of 20% to 25% in the early
Spinal Cord Complications

Adjuncts (distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage) have reduced our overall incidence of spinal cord complications to 0.9% for descending thoracic
aortic aneurysm repair and to 3.3% for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair. With adjuncts our rate of neurologic deficit for the most troublesome
extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms has also declined and is now between 7% and 12% compared with rates between 30% and 40% in the era
of cross-clamp and go ( Fig. 6125 ).
Immediate neurologic deficit is defined as paraplegia or paraparesis that occurs as the patient awakens from anesthesia. Delayed-onset neurologic deficit
refers to paraplegia or paraparesis that develops after a period of normal neurologic function. We have observed delayed neurologic deficit as early as 2
hours and as late as 2 weeks following surgery (median, 3 days), in 2.4% of patients.[33] No single risk factor explains the onset of either deficit, but
researchers have become more and more interested in how a patient can emerge from surgery neurologically intact but later develop paraplegia. Using
multivariable analysis, we found that acute dissection, extent II thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, and renal insufficiency were independent
preoperative predictors.[34] In another

Figure 61-25 The probability of neurologic deficit increases as clamp time increases in extent II thoracoabdominal repair: cross-clamp and go repair (solid line) versus repair with
adjuncts, distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage (dashed line).

study examining postoperative factors independent of preoperative risk factors, we found lowest postoperative mean arterial pressure (<60 mm Hg) and
CSF drain complications to be significant predictors.[35] We speculate that delayed neurologic deficit after thoracoabdominal aortic repair may result
from a second-hit phenomenon. Although adjuncts may protect the spinal cord intraoperatively and reduce the incidence of immediate neurologic
deficit, the spinal cord remains vulnerable during the early postoperative period. Additional ischemic insult caused by hemodynamic instability and CSF
drainage catheter malfunction may constitute a second hit, causing delayed neurologic deficit. Because postoperative factors associated with delayed
neurologic deficit are likely related to arterial blood pressure and oxygen delivery, we keep the mean arterial pressure above 90 to100 mm Hg,
hemoglobin above 10 mg/dL, and cardiac index greater than 2.0 L/min. If delayed neurologic deficit occurs while the CSF drain is in place, the patient
is placed supine, and CSF is drained freely until the CSF pressure drops below 10 mm Hg. If the drain has been removed and delayed neurologic deficit
occurs, the CSF drainage catheter is reinserted and drained for 72 hours. With this protocol, we have observed partial recovery from neurologic deficit
in more than 50% of patients and complete recovery in 40%.
Renal Failure

The incidence of renal failure after thoracoabdominal aortic repair ranges between 4% and 29%. Renal failure increases morbidity, length of stay, and
mortality. We have shown that the presence of preoperative renal insufficiency and the development of postoperative renal failure are associated with
increased 30-day mortality and neurologic deficit.[36] Our current incidence of renal failure varies between 7% and 15%, depending on the extent of the
aneurysm and the patients preoperative renal function. About 15% of patients with postoperative renal failure require hemodialysis. Risk factors
associated with renal failure are increased preoperative creatinine level (>2.0 mg/dL), direct left renal artery reattachment, and the use of simple crossclamp technique. Good strategies to protect renal function during thoracoabdominal aortic repair remain elusive. The goals of perioperative renal
protection are to maintain adequate renal oxygen delivery, reduce renal oxygen utilization, and reduce direct renal tubular injury. Thus far these goals
have been addressed most effectively by active renal cooling, directly maintaining renal perfusion, suppressing renal vasoconstriction, preventing
micro-occlusion by particulate emboli, and preventing postischemic reperfusion injury.
Impact of Dissection

Acute aortic dissection substantially raises the risk of paraplegia following graft replacement of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aorta.
Because dissection

patients are critically ill and undergo surgery emergently with little time for preparation, the method of spinal cord protection during surgery for acute
dissection is often less than optimal. Reported in-hospital death rates vary from 30% to 50% compared to 10% to 20% of patients treated medically.
Survival outcome for uncomplicated patients treated with early surgical repair resembles the outcome of patients treated medically. However, surgery
during the acute phase is associated with more significant bleeding from the dissected aorta and a higher rate of paraplegia (14% to 32%).
Chronic dissection was previously considered a risk factor for paraplegia or paraparesis in patients undergoing repair of the descending thoracic and
thoracoabdominal aorta, particularly during the era of cross-clamp and go. However, when we analyzed recent data we found no appreciable difference
in the rate of neurologic deficit for patients with or without chronic dissection who underwent descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic repair
(3.6% vs. 4.7%, respectively).[37] Chronic dissection undoubtedly makes surgical repair of descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms
more difficult, but survival and neurologic outcome do not differ from that of aneurysm surgery without dissection. Several factors are likely
responsible for the good neurologic outcome of our patients with chronic dissection, including better surgical techniques and anesthetic care, the use of
moderate hypothermia, and reimplantation of intercostal arteries. However, the key element in improved spinal cord protection is the use of the adjuncts
distal aortic perfusion and CSF drainage.
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Aneurysmal disease occurs in more than one part of the aorta in approximately 20% of cases. Extensive aortic aneurysm (also known as mega-aorta)
refers to aneurysmal involvement of the entire ascending, transverse aortic arch and thoracoabdominal aorta. Although associated factors include
Marfan syndrome and chronic aortic dissection, the cause of extensive aortic aneurysm remains unknown. Single-stage repair of extensive aneurysms
can greatly increase risks. The patient is submitted to a lengthy procedure that requires multiple incisions, a daunting array of protective surgical
adjuncts, protracted clamp times, and considerable blood loss. Staged repair would seem to be a logical solution. But prior to the introduction of the
elephant trunk technique by Borst in 1983, staged repair was fraught with complications, particularly excessive bleeding in the second stage. Because
the elephant trunk technique permits the surgeon to avoid cross-clamping the proximal native descending thoracic aorta in the second stage, this
problem was resolved.
Since 1991 we have routinely used the elephant trunk technique for extensive aortic aneurysm repair ( Fig. 6126 ). [38] The ascending aorta and
transverse arch are usually operated first and, following a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks, repair of the descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysm is performed. The first stage is performed in a similar fashion to standard surgery of the ascending aorta and transverse arch (see earlier
section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Proximal Thoracic Aorta) except for graft replacement of the aortic arch. The replacement graft is partially
inverted on itself and the doubled graft is positioned 7 to 10 cm into the descending aorta. The folded edge of the graft is sutured to the descending
thoracic aorta just distal to the left subclavian artery. When this anastomosis is completed, the inner portion of the tube graft is pulled out toward the
ascending aorta and the outer portion is left to dangle in the descending aorta, (resembling an elephants trunk). The brachiocephalic, left common
carotid, and left subclavian arteries are then reimplanted to a side hole made in the superior arch portion of the graft.
Following a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks, the patient undergoes second-stage repair. The second stage of the elephant trunk technique is much like
standard repair of descending thoracic or thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (see earlier section, Surgical Treatment and Results: Distal Thoracic
Aorta). CSF drainage is utilized. Distal aortic perfusion is established from the left atrial appendage or pulmonary vein to the left common femoral
artery. The proximal descending thoracic aorta is opened, and the elephant trunk portion of the graft (inserted in the descending thoracic aorta during
stage 1), is promptly grasped and clamped. A new graft is sutured to the elephant trunk. The elephant trunk technique obviates the need to clamp the
proximal descending thoracic aorta and reduces the risk of excessive bleeding.
Results: Elephant Trunk Technique

We have performed the elephant trunk procedure in nearly 200 patients. Mortality rates range from 5% to 9% after stage 1, and 6% to 7% for stage 2.
During the interval between surgeries, or approximately 31 days to 6 weeks after stage 1, mortality has averaged around 6.5%. When we performed a 5year follow-up of patients who failed to return for second-stage repair, we found that 32% had died. Although we were able to obtain the cause of death
in only a small percentage of patients, most of these were due to aneurysm rupture. Major complications for both stages have been relatively low, with
stroke rates of about 2% in the first stage and no neurologic deficits in the second. Determining the optimum length of recovery time between stages has
been difficult. Because these patients are vulnerable to rupture, we currently recommend no more than a 6-week period of recovery.

Figure 61-26 Repair of extensive aortic aneurysm and chronic dissection. A, Artists diagram (left), and corresponding CT axial images (right) of preoperative aneurysm. B, Stage 1
elephant trunk repair with graft replacement of ascending/arch, reimplantation of great vessels, bypass of the right coronary artery, and Carrel patch of the left coronary artery; the
trunk is inside the descending thoracic aorta (left); stage 2 completion of elephant trunk repair with extent II thoracoabdominal aortic graft replacement, reattachment of lower
intercostal arteries, reimplantation of visceral and renal arteries (center), and corresponding CT axial images (right). (A and B, 1996 Hazim J. Safi, MD.)

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We are grateful to Dr. Dianna M. Milewicz for her contribution to the genetic section of this chapter, and we thank our editor, Amy Wirtz Newland, and
our illustrator, Carl Clingman.


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Selected References
Clouse WD, Hallett JW Jr, Schaff HV, et al: Improved prognosis of thoracic aortic aneurysms: A population-based study. JAMA 280:19261929, 1998.
In this update of Bickerstaffs classic study on the natural history of thoracic aortic aneurysms, Clouse and associates examine the possible causes of the poor prognosis of
this disease when untreated. From their population-based cohort study of 133 patients, they found an increased incidence of thoracic aortic aneurysm compared to
Bickerstaffs study, but they also observed improved survival. They discuss the causes for these phenomena and provide a good look at a difficult and underexplored
Hagan PG, Nienaber CA, Isselbacher EM, et al: The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection (IRAD): New insights into an old disease. JAMA 283:897903, 2000.
Acute aortic dissection is a life-threatening medical emergency associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The International Registry of Acute Aortic Dissection
culled the data of 464 patients from 12 international referral centers to increase our knowledge of the effect of recent technical advances on patient care and outcome.
Physical findings previously regarded as typical are noted in only a third of patients, and clinicians are alerted to the wide range of manifestations in acute aortic dissection.
A detailed analysis of data for type A and type B acute and chronic aortic dissection treated surgically or medically affords an excellent overview of the outcome of modern
dissection patients.
Hasham SN, Guo DC, Milewicz DM: Genetic basis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. Curr Opin Cardiol 17:677683, 2002.
Hasham and colleagues have extensively studied the molecular genetics of cardiovascular disease, particularly in the Marfan syndrome. This article explores the identity of
genes that predispose patients without known syndromes to aortic aneurysms and dissections. The article provides a look at the future and how characterization of these
genes will enhance our ability to determine persons at risk for aortic aneurysms and dissections.
Safi HJ, Miller CC III, Estrera AL, et al: Staged repair of extensive aortic aneurysms: Morbidity and mortality in the elephant trunk technique. Circulation 104:29382942, 2001.
Borst introduced the elephant trunk techniquethe two-stage repair of extensive aortic aneurysms that involve the ascending aorta, aortic arch, and descending or
thoracoabdominal aortain the 1980s. This article describes one of the largest series of elephant trunk patients from the group that continues to study the peculiar
characteristics and surgical requirements of the patients with extensive aortic aneurysm or mega-aorta. The article investigates patient outcome and provides a sound
argument in favor of two-stage versus single-stage repair of the entire aorta.
Svensson LG, Crawford ES, Hess KR, et al: Experience with 1509 patients undergoing thoracoabdominal aortic operations. J Vasc Surg 17:357368, 1993; discussion 368370.
Svensson and coworkers study of E. Stanley Crawfords extensive patient series closely examines a wide range of risk factors associated with early death and postoperative
complications in patients undergoing thoracoabdominal aortic operations. The size of the series permits solid comparisons of Crawfords four types of thoracoabdominal
aortic aneurysm and analysis of the effect of aneurysm extent on complications such as paraplegia and renal failure. The study is a classic and continues to be cited by
thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm researchers.

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Chapter 62 - Endovascular Surgery

Ross Milner M.D.
Elliot L. Chaikof M.D.

Endovascular surgery occupies an increasingly central role in the management of patients with peripheral vascular disease as the preeminent form of
minimally invasive vascular therapy, with associated reductions in periprocedural morbidity and mortality as well as in hospital stays. Although the
efficacy and durability of catheter-based image-guided therapy varies with approach, application of adjunctive techniques, and disease entity, there is
little doubt that the continued development of innovative technologies will extend the accepted indications for these techniques, through improvements
in early technical success and long-term outcome.[1] In this chapter a framework is provided for the technical aspects of endovascular therapy with an
emphasis on the fundamentals of percutaneous techniques pertinent to a range of arterial and venous disorders. Appropriate indications for catheterbased therapy and current outcomes are discussed in detail elsewhere in this textbook.
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Percutaneous access can be achieved by a single- or double-wall puncture technique. In the former approach a beveled needle is introduced and a guide
wire is passed after confirmation of arterial or venous access by visual inspection of backbleeding with or without use of direct pressure measurement
and inspection of arterial or venous waveforms.[2] As a routine, we initially gain vascular access using a 21-gauge micropuncture needle and an 0.018inch wire ( Fig. 621 ). The double-wall technique requires the use of a blunt needle with an inner cannula. The needle is inserted through the vessel,
after which the inner cannula is removed, the introducer needle then withdrawn until backbleeding is obtained, and a wire introduced. Although
percutaneous access can be routinely achieved in nearly all patients, those with scarred access sites from prior interventions or patients with decreased
pulses due to occlusive disease represent an especially challenging subset that may benefit from ultrasound guidance with Doppler insonation or Bmode visualization of the target vessel.[3] Indeed, access site needles have been developed with integrated Doppler probes.
The initial goal of vascular access is to facilitate wire placement for subsequent insertion of an introducer sheath. At this stage of an endovascular
procedure, the most commonly used wire is a 0.035-inch Benston guide wire that has an atraumatic floppy tip, which decreases the risk of an arterial
dissection, and a stiff main body that allows passage of a sheath. Fluoroscopic visualization of free wire passage confirms appropriate placement and
likewise minimizes the risk of inadvertent vessel wall dissection.[4] Characteristically, a 5-French sheath is adequate for most diagnostic procedures,
whereas larger sheaths are often required for catheter-based interventions ( Fig. 622 ). Although closure devices[5] [6] have been used to facilitate the
percutaneous introduction of large sheaths, we advocate direct arterial or venous cutdown for insertion of sheaths that exceed 12 French in outer
The femoral artery is the most commonly used site of arterial entry and allows access to almost any arterial bed with an associated low complication
rate. In addition to palpation of an arterial pulse, bony landmarks, as opposed to skin creases, are most helpful in achieving femoral access. Specifically,
when imaged fluoroscopically, the common femoral artery typically overlies the middle third of the femoral head. Skin puncture over the lower portion
of the femoral head is recommended. In the absence of femoral pulses or for those patients in need of visceral

Figure 62-1 Micropuncture needle with dilator and wire system shown below the introducer needle. The needle is 21 gauge and the dilator is 5 French.

Figure 62-2 A hemostatic arterial sheath showing the inner dilator and hemostatic valve.

or arch vessel intervention, the brachial artery may provide a preferable point of entry.[7] This approach is especially advantageous for the patient with
acute downward angulation of renal or visceral arteries. However, care is required when accessing the brachial artery to minimize the risk of median
nerve injury, owing to brachial sheath hematoma or, rarely, needle-induced nerve trauma.
Retrograde femoral artery puncture with passage of sheaths, wires, and catheters in a cephalad direction is the standard approach for access to the
suprainguinal arterial circulation, whereas antegrade puncture with caudal orientation of the puncture needle is often used when the intended site of
treatment is at a distal infrainguinal location.[8] Fluoroscopic visualization of guide wire passage into the superficial femoral artery is mandatory for
planned antegrade cannulation to avoid unintended catheterization of the profunda femoris artery.
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Once arterial access is obtained, the success of an endoluminal intervention is based, in part, on proper selection of guide wires and catheters. After
arterial cannulation, guide wires are used to navigate the diseased arterial bed. Multipurpose angled (MPA) or Berenstein catheters are often used to
assist passage of a wire across a stenosis or occlusion or into a branch vessel. If unable to cross a stenosis with a standard wire, use of guide wires or
catheters with hydrophilic coatings is indicated, although the use of these systems carries a greater risk of arterial dissection. Guide wires range from
0.014 to 0.035 inch in diameter, with a recent trend toward increased use of systems that utilize 0.014 inch or 0.018-inch wires.
Significantly, although hydrophilic wires may be critical in achieving access to a target location, they are not suitable for performing interventions
because they are easily dislodged during placement or withdrawal of angioplasty balloons or vascular stents. Thus, exchange is usually made for a
Bentson or other stiff wire, such as an Amplatz, Meier, or Lunderquist wire.[9] It is important to fluoroscopically visualize placement of these wires
because their stiffness increases the risk of arterial perforation. Stiff wires are especially useful when inserting large sheaths or devices required for the
endovascular management of aortoiliac aneurysms. Other stiff wires exist for specific interventions. For example, the Rosen wire has a stiff body and
floppy J-tip, which is used for renal artery angioplasty and stenting.[10] The J-tip design prevents the wire from perforating the renal parenchyma as the
wire is advanced into the terminal arterial branches. More recently, 0.014- and 0.018-inch wires are being used with increasing frequency for renal
artery interventions. The smaller-diameter design allows balloons and stents to be placed using lower-profile delivery systems that more easily traverse
tortuous anatomy or a high-grade stenosis. As a final rule of thumb, when using a coaxial balloon catheter or stent delivery system in which the wire
passes through a central lumen, the lengths of the guide wires should be twice that of the intended catheter. In contrast, use of a monorail system in
which the wire passes through a distal side lumen of the balloon catheter or stent deployment device allows employment of shorter wires.
A plethora of catheters have been designed for specific arterial beds and designated by configuration, length, and French size ( Fig. 623 ). Most
catheters range from 4 to 8 French with smaller catheters used for smaller vessels. As previously mentioned, MPA or Berenstein catheters have a
slightly angled tip and are used for straightforward vessel cannulation or guide wire exchange. A Kumpe (KMP) catheter can serve a similar purpose but
has a slightly greater degree of angulation at the tip. Additional selective catheters include the Contra, SOS Omni, and Motarjeme catheters, which may
be used for cannulating the contralateral iliac artery, ipsilateral hypogastric artery, or other visceral vessel. We prefer to use the SOS Omni or
Motarjeme catheters for an over the horn maneuver into the contralateral iliac artery. By cannulating the contralateral iliac artery a variety
interventions can be performed,

Figure 62-3 A variety of selective catheters that are used for peripheral interventions.

including hypogastric artery embolization in preparation for endovascular aneurysm repair with an aneurysmal common iliac artery, pull-back pressure
measurements to determine if an intervention is needed, and treatment of proximal disease in a common or superficial femoral artery.
As endoluminal techniques have improved and more durable results are being demonstrated, angioplasty and stenting are now more commonly used for
the management of visceral vessel lesions, as well as renovascular disease.[11] [12] In addition to the SOS Omni and Motarjeme catheters, Cobra or renal
double curve catheters may also be used for selective catheterization of the celiac axis, superior mesenteric artery, and renal arteries.
Aortic arch branch vessels can be accessed via femoral or brachial artery puncture sites with catheterization of subclavian or innominate arteries using a
Kumpe or MPA catheter. Placement of a stent within the subclavian artery mandates careful identification of branch vessels so as to avoid
compromising antegrade flow through the internal mammary or vertebral artery. The carotid artery, when approached by the femoral artery, is selected
using a Headhunter (H1) or Vitek catheter. Angioplasty and stenting of carotid lesions and use of adjunctive embolization protection devices are areas
of active investigation.
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Once the diseased arterial bed has been selected with the appropriate catheter and wire, the presence of the anticipated lesion needs to be confirmed and,
where appropriate, its hemodynamic significance determined. An arteriogram is obtained by hand injection of contrast agent through the selective
catheter and a road map acquired that creates a virtual image of the effected arterial segment through which repeated passes of catheters, wires, or
stents can be visualized.
The contrast load is always minimized and tailored to the specific patient according to the intervention being performed. For patients with an elevated
serum creatinine level (1 1.4 mg/dL), pre-intervention hydration, minimization of contrast load, and/or use of fenoldopam have been advocated to limit
the nephrotoxic effects of the contrast agent. Fenoldopam is administered as a continuous infusion at a rate of 0.01 to 1.6 g/kg/min. A steady-state
concentration is usually reached within 20 minutes. Other options for lesion localization when the baseline serum creatinine exceeds 2 mg/dL include
use of gadolinium, CO2 contrast, or intravascular ultrasound. Of note, the total administered volume of gadolinium should not exceed 0.2 to 0.4
mmol/kg, which is equivalent to 30 to 60 mL in a 75-kg person.
There is no consensus as to whether an intervention should be based on a pressure gradient difference measured by an intra-arterial catheter. We suggest
that a mean pressure gradient greater than 10 mm Hg is sufficiently significant to require treatment. If no difference is detected in the resting state, then
100 g of nitroglycerin can be infused intra-arterially to mimic the increased demand that occurs with walking. A gradient can be checked after the
infusion is complete. It has been suggested that accuracy may be improved by simultaneous measurement of aortic pressure through a guide catheter
and pressure distal to the stenosis with a pressure wire (Radi Medical Systems, 0.014 inch, 175 cm).
Whereas systemic anticoagulation or use of antiplatelet agents is not required for diagnostic procedures, appropriate pre-interventional therapy is a
prerequisite for optimizing the likelihood of a successful treatment outcome. Patients are routinely hydrated overnight and no oral intake is permitted 8
hours before the procedure. Aspirin (81 mg) is initiated 24 hours before intervention and, in the case of renal artery interventions, all antihypertensive
medications are held the morning of the procedure to avoid a precipitous decrease in blood pressure that may occur after angioplasty. Before
angioplasty or stenting, we administer 5000 units of heparin intravenously and a single dose of cefazolin or vancomycin is given if a vascular stent or
prosthesis is to be inserted. Once the intervention is completed and the activated clotting time falls below 150 to 160 seconds, the arterial sheath can
safely be removed. Our current practice is to place all patients on aspirin and clopidogrel (Plavix) with an initial 300-mg loading dose followed by 75
mg/day for 3 to 6 months. Most studies involving the use of thienopyridines, such as clopidogrel or ticlopidine, and arterial stents have focused on their
application in coronary artery disease. In the STARS trial, 1965 patients undergoing coronary stenting were randomized to aspirin alone, aspirin and
warfarin, and aspirin and ticlopidine.[13] Patients who received aspirin and ticlopidine had a significantly lower rate of stent thrombosis compared with
the other two groups. The clinical benefit was noticed for up to 12 months, although no reduction in restenosis was observed.
For a given lesion, a balloon catheter is selected on the basis of balloon diameter (millimeters) and length (centimeters), as well as the length of the
catheter shaft, which

Figure 62-4 An inflated angioplasty balloon catheter.

is dictated by lesion location and chosen access site ( Fig. 624 ). Characteristically, angioplasty balloons are produced from a noncompliant plastic,
such as polyethylene, which facilitates high-pressure inflation to a predetermined maximum shape and size. Pressure required for inflation may vary
widely from 4 to 16 atmospheres and is dependent on the compliance of the vascular lesion to be dilated. Higher pressures are typically required for
relatively stiff venous stenoses. The ability to respond to an inflation pressure without balloon disruption is dictated by the material properties of a given
balloon and, as a consequence, is also a factor in selection of an appropriate balloon catheter. Balloons that are composed of a compliant plastic, such as
Silastic, have a much greater range of potential final diameters, with continued balloon expansion dictated as a function of the inflated volume.
Embolectomy balloons fall in this category, as well as occlusion balloons that may be used to seat an aortic stent graft or temporarily facilitate proximal
aortic occlusion in the presence of a ruptured aneurysm. Both balloon types are capable of inadvertently perforating a vessel wall. Cutting balloon
technology has been primarily utilized in the coronary circulation. A recent report from England demonstrated the short-term efficacy of a 6-mm cutting
balloon in the periphery.[14] Further studies of cutting balloons for applications in peripheral arterial disease are underway.
Selection of the appropriate balloon size is primarily dictated by the diameter of the normal vessel in which a given lesion is located. Iliac and
subclavian arteries, for example, may range in diameter from 6 to 10 mm and are typically smaller in women than in men. The infrarenal aorta varies
from 14 to 20 mm, and renal and superficial femoral arteries are usually 4 to 5 mm in diameter. The diameters of infrageniculate vessels are often 3 mm.
Stenotic lesions in the iliac and subclavian veins and inferior vena cava may also require angioplasty; and whereas these vessels are generally larger
than their accompanying arteries, similar rules apply. With experience, balloon selection can be made on the basis of the appearance of

Figure 62-5 Two sizes of intravascular stents.

the arteriogram, but more accurate measurement techniques exist, including use of integrated image-based software programs referenced to a
fluoroscopically visualized catheter of known French size. Alternatively, intravascular ultrasound[15] also provides a very accurate means for defining
vessel size, and marker catheters that contain radiopaque marks at known intervals can also be used for a more accurate assessment of vessel diameter.
Balloon shaft lengths are commonly 75 cm or 120 cm, and, depending on the system, can be coaxial or monorail and designed to be inserted over 0.014inch, 0.018-inch, or 0.035-inch wires.
The balloon inflating solution is usually a mixture of saline and contrast solution. Whereas most balloons are best imaged using a 5050 mix, larger
aortic balloons can be easily visualized using 20% to 30% (v/v) of contrast agent, which decreases viscosity of the solution and allows the balloon to be
more rapidly inflated or deflated. To accurately pre-position an angioplasty catheter before inflation, balloons are designed with a radiopaque marker at
each end at the cylindrical portion of the balloon. However, balloons may be designed with differing degrees of taper, and a significant shoulder may
protrude past these marks. In this regard, when treating a lesion that lies near a branch point, it is important to account for balloon taper and limit
inadvertent extension of the terminal portion of the balloon into a smaller branch vessel with attendant risk or vessel rupture or dissection.
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Vascular stents are commonly used after an inadequate angioplasty with dissection or elastic recoil of an arterial stenosis ( Fig. 625 ). Appropriate
indications for primary stenting of a lesion without an initial trial of angioplasty alone are evolving in a manner that are dependent on the extent and site
of the lesion. Vascular stents are classified

into two basic categories: balloon-expandable and self-expanding. Balloon-expandable stents are usually composed of stainless steel, mounted on an
angioplasty balloon, and deployed by balloon inflation. They can be manually placed on a chosen balloon catheter or obtained premounted on a balloon
catheter. The capacity of a balloon expandable stent to shorten in length during deployment depends on both stent geometry and the final diameter to
which the balloon is expanded. Self-expanding stents are deployed by retracting a restraining sheath and usually consist of Elgiloy, a cobalt, chromium,
nickel alloy, or Nitinol, a shape memory alloy composed of nickel and titanium, which will contract and assume a heat-treated shape above a transition
temperature that depends on the composition of the alloy. Self-expanding stents will expand to a final diameter that is determined by stent geometry,
hoop strength, and vessel size. In particular, if the vessel diameter is significantly less than that of the stent, final stent length may be longer than the
anticipated unconstrained length.
Several recent innovations in stent technology are worthy of comment. Covered stents have been designed with either a surrounding
polytetrafluoroethylene or polyester fabric[16] and have been used predominantly for treatment of traumatic vascular lesions, including arterial disruption
and arteriovenous fistulas. However, these devices may well find a growing role in treatment of iliac or femoral arterial occlusive disease as well as of
popliteal aneurysms.[17] A second important development has been the development of drug-eluting stents, which transiently release antiproliferative
agents into the vessel wall so as to reduce intimal hyperplasia and restenosis.[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] Efficacy has been demonstrated for local delivery of selected
agents, such as rapamycin and paclitaxel, in the coronary circulation. Data remain limited for the benefit of these agents in the peripheral circulation.[23]
Brachytherapy has played a significant role in the management of restenosis in the coronary circulation. One trial thus far has demonstrated a benefit of
brachytherapy in the periphery,[24] and two additional brachytherapy trials, the PARIS trial and the Vienna 3 trial, are ongoing. The impact of any of
these evolving technologies will require further evaluation in the peripheral circulation.
Endovascular aneurysm repair was initiated by Parodi in 1991.[25] Since that time, a large number of endografts have been inserted under the auspice of
clinical trials at first and now as Food and Drug Administration approved devices. The AneuRx (Medtronic AVE, Santa Rosa, CA), Ancure (Guidant
Corp., Menlo Park, CA), Excluder (W.L.Gore & Associates, Flagstaff, AZ), and Zenith (Cook Inc., Bloomington, IN) devices have all been approved
for clinical use. All of these devices require that patients have an infrarenal aneurysm with at least a 1-cm neck and not greater than 60 degrees of
angulation. For those patients with associated common iliac artery aneurysmal disease, endovascular treatment can be achieved by initial coil
embolization of the ipsilateral hypogastric artery with extension of the endovascular device into the external iliac artery. Clinical trials are underway
with devices that will expand indications to aneurysms involving the visceral segment of the abdominal aorta.
Commercially available endografts for treatment of thoracic aortic disease are not yet available. However, experience with experimental devices is
rapidly accumulating.[26] Thoracic aortic devices have been used to treat descending thoracic aneurysms, traumatic aortic transections, and aortic
dissections. A larger experience with these devices exists in both Europe and Asia, and trials are underway in the United States with several devices.
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Excellent imaging is the key to endoluminal therapies regardless of whether the intervention is performed in an imaging suite or an operating room.
Fluoroscopy is the modality used for digital subtraction angiography. Fluoroscopy functions via an image intensifier that receives, concentrates, and
brightens an x-ray image to produce an electronic image that can be displayed on a screen. The larger size of an image intensifier usually allows for
better quality imaging. A standard imaging suite image intensifier is 15 inches in diameter, whereas a standard image intensifier on a portable C arm is
12 inches in diameter. Both portable and stationary equipment have specialized functions that are commonly used during interventions. Magnified
views are obtained when focusing on a limited area such as the aortic bifurcation for kissing stent deployment. Another feature is the road map
technique. This allows for a representation of the arterial tree by contrast angiography on one digital screen with real-time fluoroscopy on another
screen. Road mapping facilitates crossing high-grade stenosis or occlusions. It is also useful when deploying vascular stents.
Fluoroscopic images can be obtained in many different angles. Anteroposterior (AP), right anterior oblique (RAO), and left anterior oblique (LAO) are
the most common views. The oblique views allow better visualization of portions of the vascular tree, such as the internal iliac arteries. For example, the
oblique angles allows the origin of this vessel to be visualized so that it does not overlap with the common iliac artery. This is especially important with
iliac arterial interventions to prevent stenting across the origin of the internal iliac artery. Additional views such as craniocaudal correction can also be
obtained. This is particularly useful for correcting angulation in difficult aortic necks during endovascular aneurysm repair.
It is important for all vascular surgeons working with fluoroscopy to be aware of its potential deleterious effects. Radiation exposure can lead to shortterm effects on the hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems, which can be lethal if the exposure is high. Long-term radiation effects
include sterility and the development of malignancies. It is important that everyone exposed to the radiation field be protected by appropriate lead
gowns. Some surgeons routinely wear lead glasses as well as lead gloves to minimize their exposures and risks from the radiation.
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Selected References
Mackrell PJ, Langan EM III, Sullivan TM, et al: Management of renal artery stenosis: Effects of a shift from surgical to percutaneous therapy on indications and outcomes. Ann Vasc
Surg 17:5459, 2003.
This article demonstrates the change in thought in treating renal artery occlusive disease. Percutaneous therapy has broadened the patient population that can be safely
Parodi JC, Palmaz JC, Barone HD: Transfemoral intraluminal graft implantation for abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ann Vasc Surg 5:491499, 1991.
This pioneering work revolutionized the field of vascular surgery.
Sousa JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: I. Circulation 107:22742279, 2003.
Sousa JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: II. Circulation 107:23832389, 2003.
The two articles by Sousa and coworkers demonstrate the tremendous impact that drug-eluting stents have had on the coronary circulation. Trials are underway to
investigate their potential efficacy in the peripheral circulation.
Steinmetz E, Tatou E, Favier-Blavoux C, et al: Endovascular treatment as first choice in chronic intestinal ischemia. Ann Vasc Surg 16:693699, 2002.
This report highlights the paradigm shift that is occurring in the management of chronic intestinal ischemia. Patients who were previously too high risk for a surgical
intervention are considered candidates for an endoluminal approach.
Tielliu IF, Verhoeven EL, Prins TR, et al: Treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms with the Hemobahn stent-graft. J Endovasc Ther 10:111116, 2003.
This technology requires further investigation but is a promising approach to the management of peripheral arterial aneurysmal disease.

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1. Faries

P, Morrissey NJ, Teodorescu V, et al: Recent advances in peripheral angioplasty and stenting. Angiology 53:617626, 2002.

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JD, Eikens PH, Smith TP, et al: A stepless needle-dilator for expedient percutaneous catheterization: Technical note. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 13:329332, 1990.

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12. Steinmetz
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16. Rzucidlo
17. Tielliu

EM, Powell RJ, Zwolak RM, et al: Early results of stent-grafting to treat diffuse aortoiliac occlusive disease. J Vasc Surg 37:11751180, 2003.

IF, Verhoeven EL, Prins TR, et al: Treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms with the Hemobahn stent-graft. J Endovasc Ther 10:111116, 2003.

18. Sonoda S, Honda Y, Kataoka T, et al: Taxol-based eluting stents from theory to human validation: Clinical and intravascular ultrasound observations. J Invasive Cardiol 15:109
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19. Finkelstein
20. Virmani

A, McClean D, Kar S, et al: Local drug delivery via a coronary stent with programmable release pharmacokinetics. Circulation 107:777784, 2003.

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21. Sousa

JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: II. Circulation 107:23832389, 2003.

22. Sousa

JE, Serruys PW, Costa MA: New frontiers in cardiology: Drug-eluting stents: I. Circulation 107:22742279, 2003.

23. Duda

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24. Minar

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25. Parodi

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26. Milner

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Chapter 63 - Cerebrovascular Disease

G. Patrick Clagett M.D.

Stroke mortality is the third leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for one in every 15 deaths in 1992.[1] There has been a dramatic and
striking 60% decline in United States stroke mortality between 1960 and 1990. Despite this decline, nearly 150,000 Americans died of stroke during
1995, which corresponds to one death every 3.5 minutes. The distribution of stroke morbidity and mortality is heterogeneous in the United States
population, and the burden of stroke is greater among elderly men and African Americans. In the southeastern United States, stroke risk is
approximately 1.4 times that of other regions. The mortality after stroke remains substantial in that about 25% of those who have strokes die in the year
following the stroke.
Besides mortality, morbidity in the more than 3 million surviving stroke victims is substantial. Stroke is the leading cause of serious disability in the
United States and accounts for approximately half of the patients hospitalized for acute neurologic disease. Among long-term stroke survivors, 48%
have hemiparesis, 22% cannot walk, 24% to 53% are completely or partially dependent for normal daily activities, 12% to 18% are aphasic, and 32%
are clinically depressed.[1] The average health care cost in the United States exceeds $10 billion annually. Inpatient and outpatient costs for each of the
following conditions are as follows: cerebral infarction, $8,000 to $16,500; subarachnoid hemorrhage, $27,000 to $33,000; and intracerebral
hemorrhage, $11,000 to $13,000.
Strong risk factors for stroke that are modifiable include hypertension, cigarette smoking, sickle cell disease, transient ischemic attack (TIA),
asymptomatic carotid stenosis, and cardiac diseases, including atrial fibrillation, infective endocarditis, mitral stenosis, and recent large myocardial
infarction. Hypertension is the single most important modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke. Most estimates for hypertension indicate a relative risk
of stroke of approximately four times normal when hypertension is defined as systolic pressure of 160 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure of 95 mm
Hg.[1] Meta-analysis of trials of hypertension throughout the world have demonstrated a 38% reduction in all strokes and a 40% reduction in fatal strokes
with systematic treatment of hypertension.
Atrial fibrillation is the most powerful and treatable cardiac precursor of stroke. It is estimated that almost half of the cardioembolic strokes occur in the
setting of atrial fibrillation. Warfarin anticoagulation reduces the risk of stroke by 68% in pooled analyses of atrial fibrillation trials.[2] Cigarette smoking
increases the relative risk of ischemic stroke nearly two times, with a clear dose-response relation. Major trials of smoking cessation have documented a
prompt reduction in stroke risk. Moderate consumption of alcohol may reduce cardiovascular disease, including stroke; however, heavy alcohol
consumption increases the risk of stroke, particularly from brain hemorrhage.
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Atherosclerosis of arteries supplying the brain is a leading cause of ischemic stroke in North America and Europe ( Figs. 631 and 632 ). Large-artery
atherosclerosis, most often involving the carotid bifurcations, causes stroke by three principal mechanisms: embolization of atherosclerotic and
thrombotic material (artery-to-artery emboli); thrombotic occlusion; and hypoperfusion from advanced, hemodynamically significant stenoses (see Fig.
632 ).

Figure 63-1 Proportion of strokes caused by different etiologies.

Figure 63-2 Cardiogenic and arterial atherosclerotic sources for stroke.

Aortic arch atherosclerosis may also be a source of cerebral emboli and is increasingly being implicated with wider application of transesophageal
echography in the evaluation of stroke patients. Small-vessel atherosclerosis, also called lipohyalinosis, leading to occlusion of small penetrating brain
arteries is the leading cause of subcortical or lacunar infarcts. About 20% of ischemic strokes are due to cardiogenic embolism, most commonly from
atrial fibrillation (see Figs. 631 and 632 ). Despite thorough evaluation, the exact cause of about 30% of ischemic strokes is unknown, and these are
termed cryptogenic strokes. Serial cerebral angiography in patients with cryptogenic stroke often reveals occlusions of intracranial arteries that resolve
within days. This implicates embolic occlusion, although the source of embolism is unknown.
Localization of advanced atherosclerosis along the outer wall of the carotid sinus has been noted in postmortem specimens, on angiograms of patients
with carotid stenosis, and in carotid bifurcation plaques removed during carotid endarterectomy. In rheologic studies involving glass models of the
carotid bifurcation, fluid-flow patterns along the outer wall of the sinus are complex and include regions of flow separation and reversal of axial flow as
well as the development of counter-rotating helical trajectories ( Fig. 633 ).[3] Wall shear stress is low in this region. In contrast, regions of moderate-tohigh shear stress, along the inner border of the carotid sinus, are relatively free of atherosclerosis and intimal thickening. Atherosclerosis develops

largely in regions of relatively low wall shear stress, flow separation, and departure from axially aligned, unidirectional flow. Such studies suggest that
the unique and stereotyped location of atherosclerosis at the carotid bifurcation is due to the

Figure 63-3 A, Simplified flow patterns at the carotid bifurcation demonstrate complex reversal of flow along the posterior wall of the carotid sinus. This region is most vulnerable to
plaque development. B, Established plaque at the carotid bifurcation. C, Soft, central necrotic core with an overlying thin fibrous cap. This area is prone to plaque rupture. D,
Disruption of the fibrous cap allows necrotic cellular debris and lipid material from the central core to enter the lumen of the internal carotid artery, thus becoming atherogenic emboli.
The patient may experience symptoms (transient ischemia, stroke, or amaurosis fugax) or remain asymptomatic depending on the site of lodgment and the extent of tissue
compromise. E, The empty necrotic core becomes a deep ulcer in the plaque. The walls of the ulcer are highly thrombogenic and reactive with platelets. This leads to
thromboembolism in the internal carotid artery circulation.

unusual geometry of this area that gives rise to hemodynamic and rheologic disturbances.[3] The relatively sluggish flow in such areas may lead to vessel
wall metabolic disturbances that are cumulative over time. In contrast to high-shear areas, these areas might be more likely to have prolonged exposure
to plasma lipids, circulating white blood cells and platelets, activated coagulation factors, and other mitogenic stimuli.
Established carotid bifurcation plaques have features in common with other complex atherosclerotic lesions. There is a soft central core of necrotic
cellular elements and lipid material sometimes associated with fibrin thrombus, red blood cells, hemosiderin, and other evidence of previous
hemorrhage into the plaque (see Fig. 633 ). A fibrous cap of varying thickness that is composed of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, vascular smooth
muscle cells, and fibroblasts covers the central core and is a vulnerable region of the plaque. The remainder of the plaque consists of vascular smooth
muscle cells, fibroblasts, collagen, and scattered regions of calcification. Lipid-laden macrophages may be found in several areas of the plaque but are
usually concentrated in the central core.
Plaque destabilization with rupture of the plaque results in embolization of debris from the central core, producing symptoms of TIA, amaurosis fugax,
and stroke (see Fig. 633 ). Atherosclerotic plaque rupture occurs as a result of interactions between external mechanical triggers and vulnerable regions
of the plaque when force is acting on the plaque and its fibrous cap exceeds the tensile strength of these structures. Along with causing symptoms,
plaque rupture with dissection of blood into its interior can lead to dramatic growth of the plaque.
In addition to external mechanical forces, the integrity of the fibrous cap is a balance between synthesis and degradation of the extracellular matrix.
Inflammatory cells consisting mainly of macrophages and T lymphocytes appear at the borders of the necrotic core and of the fibrous cap; these cells
secrete metalloproteinases, cysteine proteases, growth factors, and cytokines that degrade matrix and make the fibrous cap vulnerable to rupture.[4] [5]
Cytokines released by inflammatory cells may also contribute to this process by inducing adjacent smooth muscle cells to secrete proteases. A
substantial percentage of cells within the plaque have been found to have positive markers of apoptosis, and most apoptotic cells are found near or
within the necrotic core and in the fibrous cap.[6] Inflammatory cytokines from macrophages may also contribute to induction of apoptosis. Loss of cells
in the fibrous cap along with matrix degradation may accelerate fibrous cap disruption.
Once the fibrous cap has ruptured and the debris from the central core has escaped, a deep ulcer remains in the plaque (see Fig. 633 ). The surface
lining the ulcer is highly thrombogenic and stimulates platelet aggregation and blood coagulation. This process is promoted by stasis of blood within the
depths of the ulcer. Platelet thrombogenesis at this site is a dynamic process, with platelets accumulating and embolizing into the internal carotid artery.
These events may be microembolic, causing TIA and amaurosis fugax, or they may lead to large emboli or thrombosis of the entire internal carotid
artery, causing major stroke.
Tracer studies in animal models employing radioactive microemboli have documented that emboli introduced at the carotid bifurcation lodge
preferentially in the ophthalmic

and middle cerebral arteries.[7] Furthermore, there is a predictable regularity in the distribution of the paths taken by these emboli due to the laminar
nature of blood flow. These findings account for the repetition of similar TIA symptoms in an individual patient. If the contralateral internal carotid
artery is ligated, emboli introduced at the ipsilateral carotid bifurcation are found in the ipsilateral and contralateral anterior cerebral territories. Emboli
introduced into the cardiac circulation are equally distributed throughout the brain. Based on these experimental findings, one can conclude that cardiac
sources of emboli can produce TIAs anywhere in the brain. In contrast, those of the carotid artery cause predominantly middle cerebral or ophthalmic
artery territory TIAs unless the contralateral carotid artery is severely stenosed or occluded.
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Symptomatic patients present with TIAs, amaurosis fugax, or stroke. TIAs are defined as brief episodes of focal loss of brain function due to ischemia
that can usually be localized to that portion of the brain supplied by one vascular system (left or right carotid or vertebrobasilar).[8] By convention,
episodes lasting less than 24 hours are classified as TIAs, although the longer the episode, the greater the likelihood of finding a cerebral infarct on
computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). TIAs commonly last 2 to 15 minutes and are rapid in onset (no symptoms to
maximal symptoms in < 5 minutes and usually in < 2 minutes). Fleeting episodes lasting only a few seconds are not likely to be TIAs. Each TIA leaves
no persistent deficit, and there are often multiple attacks.
Left carotid system TIAs manifest as (1) motor dysfunction (dysarthria, weakness, paralysis, or clumsiness of the right extremities and/or face); (2) loss
of vision in the left eye (amaurosis fugax), or, rarely, the right field of vision (homonymous hemianopsia); (3) sensory symptoms (numbness, including
loss of sensation or paresthesia involving the right upper and/or lower extremity and/or face); and (4) aphasia (language disturbance).
Right carotid system TIAs produce similar symptoms on the opposite side, except that aphasia occurs only when the right hemisphere is dominant for
speech (left-handed individual).
Vertebrobasilar system TIAs are characterized by the rapid onset of (1) motor dysfunction (weakness, paralysis, or clumsiness) of any combination of
upper and lower extremities and face (left and/or right); (2) sensory symptoms (loss of sensation, numbness, or paresthesia involving the left, right, or
both sides); (3) loss of vision in one or both homonymous visual fields; and (4) loss of balance, vertigo, unsteadiness or disequilibrium, diplopia, or
dysarthria.[8] These last symptoms are characteristic but are not considered as a TIA when any of these symptoms are alone. Dysarthria can accompany
either carotid or vertebrobasilar TIAs.
Most patients have TIAs that include motor symptoms. Sensory symptoms involving only part of one extremity or only one side of the face during a
single attack not accompanied by other symptoms are difficult to interpret with certainty. Occasionally, patients have only episodes of aphasia. An
attack that does not include either motor defect, visual loss, or aphasia is unusual and should be reviewed carefully before accepting TIA as the
The following symptoms are not to be considered as TIAs: (1) march of a sensory deficit; (2) unconsciousness without other symptoms; (3) vertigo
alone; (4) dizziness alone; (5) dysarthria alone; (6) diplopia alone; (7) incontinence of bowel or bladder; (8) loss of vision associated with alteration of
level of consciousness; (9) focal symptoms associated with migraines; (10) confusion alone; (11) amnesia alone; and (12) drop attacks alone.
A reversible ischemic neurologic deficit or small stroke has similar symptomatic components to TIA but lasts longer than 24 hours. Full neurologic
function returns within 48 to 72 hours. On careful neurologic examination, there may be some lingering deficits, in which case the patient is said to have
suffered a small stroke.
Amaurosis fugax is best defined as a transient monocular visual disturbance. Symptoms are sudden in onset and last for minutes. They are usually
shorter in duration than cortical TIAs. Patients often describe the visual disturbance as being like a curtain shade descending to the horizontal mid-visual
field and then ascending. The opposite can occur with the curtain shade ascending to the mid-horizontal visual field and then descending. Whether the
curtain shade involves the top or bottom half of the visual field depends on whether the inferior or superior retinal artery is embolized with the
corresponding portion of retina rendered ischemic. If the entire central retinal artery is transiently occluded, patients will complain of almost complete
loss of vision in the eye. Because the macula lutea and fovea centralis have a separate blood supply, they often retain this small portion of the visual
field and patients describe their vision as telescoped or as looking out of a tunnel. The visual impairment itself may be complete absence of vision in the
involved portion or blurriness or graying of vision.
The diagnosis of TIA and amaurosis fugax is based on history. It is rare for a physician to actually witness one of these episodes. It is therefore
incumbent on the physician to carefully probe and document the characteristics of the event. Often it is helpful to question the patients spouse or friend
who may have been present during the episode.
Once the diagnosis of TIA, amaurosis fugax, or small stroke is established, urgent work-up is required because these are warning symptoms of major
stroke. The first priority is to rule out carotid artery occlusive disease, and this can be effectively done with duplex ultrasonography ( Fig. 634 ).
Duplex ultrasonography allows determination of whether or not significant carotid occlusive disease is present and the severity of the stenosis at the
origin of the internal carotid artery. If advanced carotid stenosis is present ipsilateral to the symptoms, carotid endarterectomy is generally indicated and
no further testing is required except for a brain imaging study (CT scan or MRI) to rule out intracranial pathology. Contrast arteriography is helpful for
lesser degrees of stenosis because duplex ultrasonography frequently underestimates or overestimates levels of stenosis in the moderate (40% to 59%)
range.[9] Contrast arteriography is also indicated when

Figure 63-4 A duplex scan combines two diagnostic modalities. Anatomic information from the B-mode scan and the physiologic information of flow velocities from the Doppler
scan define morphologic and hemodynamic abnormalities at the carotid bifurcation. Pulsed Doppler technology allows sampling of flow velocities within a particular area of the
vessel lumen. Color-flow imaging allows determination of blood flow direction and velocity within the vessel lumen and is projected as colors displayed within the vessel image
formed from the B-mode scan. Thus, vessels with blood flowing in the arterial direction are displaced as one color, generally red, and blood flow in the opposite direction (venous
flow) is displayed as blue. Variations of color shading indicate changes in velocity, with lighter shades of color indicating higher velocities. This technology is useful in allowing the
examiner to choose the areas of greatest disease and flow disturbance in the real-time B-mode image to measure velocities and perform spectral analysis at the point of maximal
stenosis. Further information is derived from spectral waveform analysis. The returning Doppler signal consists of multiple frequencies that are representative of the velocities of the
cellular elements of the blood within the sample volume. If the cells are moving at similar velocities and in similar directions, the resulting frequencies when displayed graphically as
velocities on the Y axis produce a narrow waveform. This type of waveform is seen with unidirectional, laminar flow. Luminal irregularities, such as plaque, not only increase the
peak velocities within the sample volume but also increase the range of frequencies within it, as the resulting flow disturbances cause variations in the velocity and direction of the
cellular components of the blood. This results in broadening of the spectral waveform and is characteristic of significant stenosis of the lumen. A, Arterial flow (red) is displayed in
the internal (ICA) and common (CCA) carotid arteries. Sampling for flow velocities and spectral waveform analysis is carried out in the center stream of the internal carotid artery, as
displayed on the diagram, and the waveform is shown below. Peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities are measured on a representative wave, and in the example, these are 0.58
m/sec (58 cm/sec) and 0.25 m/sec (25 cm/sec), respectively. These are well within normal limits. B, The same general area is being interrogated in a diseased internal carotid artery.
The lumen appears to narrow and the red color becomes variegated and lighter. Arterial flow is sampled in the area of maximal disturbance and narrowing, and the resultant waveform
is displayed below. The peak systolic velocities approach 4 m/sec (400 cm/sec) and the end-diastolic velocity is 1.41 m/sec (141 cm/sec). These values are elevated, indicating
abnormally increased flow velocities in the area of stenosis. In addition, spectral analysis shows broadening from nonlaminar flow. These findings are characteristic of significant
stenosis. By applying validated criteria, the severity of the stenosis can be estimated accurately.


more proximal atherosclerotic disease is suspected involving the branches coming off the aortic arch. In patients with negative findings on duplex
ultrasonography, arteriography is useful to eliminate intracranial vascular disease and unusual arteriopathies such as fibromuscular dysplasia. If the
source for TIA has not been identified after duplex ultrasonography, brain imaging tests, and complete arteriography, cardiac sources must be ruled out
with echography and arrhythmia monitoring. Work-up for hypercoagulable disorder may also be indicated. A full algorithm for a diagnostic work-up of
patients presenting with TIA is shown in Figure 635 .
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The goal of surgical therapy for cerebrovascular disease in general and carotid endarterectomy in particular is to prevent stroke. The first individual to
realize the potential of surgical therapy was a neurologist. In seminal papers in the early 1950s, Fisher focused attention on the relationship between
extracranial carotid disease and cerebral

Figure 63-5 Diagnostic algorithm for patients presenting with transient ischemic attack (TIA) and/or amaurosis fugax (AF). The dashed line indicates that cerebral angiography is
unnecessary in most patients presenting with clear-cut symptoms and high-grade stenosis on duplex ultrasonography. However, under certain circumstances (see text), angiography
may be necessary.

infarction and made several important observations about the nature of carotid occlusive disease that led directly to the development of the concept of
surgical reconstruction of the extracranial vessels.[10] [11] He defined the basic nature of the lesion as atherosclerosis of the extracranial vessels, pointing
out the predilection for atheroma to occur at the carotid bifurcation in the neck, and he also observed that the internal carotid artery distal to the
bifurcation and the intracranial vessels were usually free of disease. To Fisher, these observations not only indicated that extracranial carotid disease
was, indeed, an important cause of strokes but also suggested the possible form of therapy to prevent stroke. He speculated that it is even conceivable
that someday vascular surgery will find a way to bypass the occluded portion of the artery during the period of ominous, fleeting symptoms.
Anastomosis of the external carotid artery with the internal carotid artery above the area of narrowing should be feasible.
As a result of Fishers publications, Carrea, Mollins, and Murphy performed the first successful surgical reconstruction of the carotid artery in Buenos
Aires on October 20, 1951.[12] The first successful carotid endarterectomy was performed by DeBakey on August 7, 1953. The operation that gave the
greatest impetus to development of surgery for carotid occlusive disease was that of Eastcott, Pickering, and Robb, which was performed in London on
May 19, 1954.[12] The case was a woman who had recurrent TIAs associated with stenosis of the left carotid bifurcation. She underwent resection of the
bifurcation with restoration of blood flow by anastomosis of the internal carotid artery to the common carotid artery. The patient was completely
relieved of symptoms, and the operation dramatically demonstrated that removal of carotid bifurcation atherosclerosis could halt TIAs and, presumably,
prevent strokes.
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In the decades following the seminal developments in the 1950s, carotid endarterectomy became one of the most common cardiovascular operations
performed. The number of patients undergoing endarterectomy in hospitals in the United States rose from 15,000 in 1971 to 107,000 in 1985 ( Fig. 63
6 ).[13] However, the efficacy and appropriateness of carotid endarterectomy sustained severe criticism in the mid 1980s.[14] Concerns centered on the
effectiveness of the operation and marked geographic variation in rates of endarterectomy. Adding to this uncertainty was the decline in the number of
nonfatal and fatal strokes, the influence of risk factor management in reducing strokes, and the emerging recognition of aspirin and other antiplatelet
drugs in preventing stroke.[15] Early randomized trials in the 1970s evaluating carotid endarterectomy yielded negative results, most likely because of a
combination of poor selection criteria and high perioperative morbidity and mortality.[16] When a contemporary randomized trial demonstrated that
extracranial-intracranial bypass was ineffective in preventing stroke,[17] this presented an opportunity to re-examine the efficacy of carotid
endarterectomy, and several randomized trials were begun in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.


Figure 63-6 Number of carotid endarterectomies performed annually in the United States.

A summary of the most important randomized trials is presented in Figure 637 .[18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] In all trials, carotid endarterectomy was
compared with best medical therapy. Trials involving symptomatic patients are displayed in the top and middle panels, and trials dealing with
asymptomatic patients are displayed in the bottom panel. Several important points are apparent by examining the results in Figure 637 . First, the risk
of stroke and death with medical therapy was much greater in symptomatic patients than in asymptomatic patients, thereby yielding a more striking
relative risk reduction with endarterectomy. Second, because of the more benign prognosis with medical therapy in asymptomatic patients, it was much
more difficult to demonstrate a clear-cut, positive benefit of operation. In fact, only one trial, the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study (ACAS),
was able to show conclusive benefit of carotid endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients.[21] In contrast, almost all trials in symptomatic patients
demonstrated an important benefit of carotid endarterectomy that was most apparent in patients with advanced, high-grade stenoses. Although the stroke
and death rate with medical therapy in asymptomatic patients was similar in all three trials, the significant benefit of endarterectomy in the ACAS study
was the result of a low, perioperative stroke and death rate. These data underscore the need for careful selection for operation of relatively fit patients
with asymptomatic disease as well as the critical importance of skill and experience in performing this operation.
The most influential trial was the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET).[18] [24] Patients randomized either to medical
or surgical therapy for TIA or mild, disabling stroke ipsilateral to a 70% to 99% narrowing of the internal carotid artery were unequivocally shown to be
best treated by surgical therapy. Among the symptomatic patients with high-grade stenosis, carotid endarterectomy reduced the overall risk of fatal and

Figure 63-7 Randomized trials comparing carotid endarterectomy (cross-hatched bars) to medical therapy (open bars) in symptomatic (top and middle graphs) and asymptomatic
(bottom graph) patients. Principal endpoints include ipsilateral stroke and death with operation or initiation of medical treatment. The percentage relative risk reduction from carotid
endarterectomy is indicated by the downward-pointing arrows. The length of follow-up for each trial is indicated below the bars. ACAS, Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis
Study; CASANOVA, Carotid Artery Stenosis with Asymptomatic Narrowing: Operation Versus Aspirin; ECST, European Carotid Surgery Trial; NASCET, North American
Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial; VA, Veterans Administration Trial.


stroke, despite the perioperative risk of stroke or death. After 2 years of follow-up, 26% of the medical group, but only 9% of surgical patients, had
experienced fatal or nonfatal stroke. This represented an absolute risk reduction of 17% in favor of surgery and a relative risk reduction of 65% ( Table
631 ; see Fig. 637 ).
A secondary analysis of NASCET data showed that the finer divisions of the degree of high-grade stenosis, when broken down into deciles, correlated
with the degrees of risk reduction after surgery.[24] The absolute risk reduction for all ipsilateral stroke at 2 years was 26% among patients with a stenosis
of 90% to 99% at entry, 18% among those patients with a stenosis of 80% to 89%, and 12% among patients with stenosis of 70% to 79% (see Table 63
1 ).
Further analyses were conducted to ascertain the importance of commonly recognized risk factors associated with stroke.[24] These included age (>70
years); gender (male); systolic hypertension (>160 mm Hg); diastolic hypertension (>90 mm Hg); how recent was the onset of symptoms (<30 days);
type of cerebrovascular events (stroke, not TIA); degree of stenosis (>80%); presence of ulceration as determined by arteriography; and history of
smoking, hypertension, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, diabetes, intermittent claudication, or elevated blood lipid levels. The proportion
of medically treated patients who had an ipsilateral stroke within 2 years was 17% in the low-risk group (zero to five risk factors), 23% in the moderaterisk group (six risk factors), and 39% in the high-risk group (seven or more risk factors) (see Table 631 ). The ipsilateral stroke prognosis in surgical
patients did not vary according to the number of risk factors present and averaged 9% at 2 years. In other words, after carotid endarterectomy, there
were no significant increases in event rates among patients with increasing numbers of baseline risk factors. Therefore, the degree of benefit that
individual patients received from endarterectomy was directly proportional to the risk that they faced without surgery, and those with the highest risk at
entry gained the most.
The role of carotid endarterectomy in patients with moderately severe, symptomatic carotid stenoses was clarified with publication of further results
from the European Carotid Surgery Trial (ECST)[19] and NASCET (see Fig. 637 ).[18] Although the ECST found no benefit of endarterectomy in patients
with moderate stenoses, the NASCET clearly demonstrated a significant beneficial effect in patients with stenoses greater than 50%. The reason for
these discordant findings in two major international trials is most likely due to differences in methods of measurement of carotid stenoses. The ECST
used a method in which the angiographic point of maximal stenosis is compared with the estimated diameter of the carotid bulb at that level. The
NASCET method compared the minimum lumen diameter at the point of maximal stenosis with the diameter of the distal, nontapering cervical internal
carotid artery. These two methods are illustrated in Figure 638 and do not produce equivalent measurements. For example, a 70% ECST stenosis is

equivalent to a 40% NASCET stenosis. Therefore, it is likely that more patients with lesser degrees of stenosis were present in the ECST, thus making it
more difficult to show a benefit of carotid endarterectomy. When corrections are made for differences in measurement of stenosis, the results of the two
trials are in broad agreement.
Discrepancies among the major carotid endarterectomy trials have been clarified pooling the data from the NASCET and the ECST in the form of metaanalysis.[26] Reanalysis of the trials with the same measurements and definitions yielded highly consistent results. Carotid endarterectomy is of modest
but significant benefit for patients with 50% to 69% symptomatic stenosis and highly beneficial for those with 70% symptomatic stenosis or greater.
Patients with near occlusion (1 95% stenosis) receive less benefit from carotid endarterectomy, possibly due to collateral development.
In the NASCET, symptomatic patients with moderate stenoses were divided into two categories: those with 50% to 69% stenoses (high to moderate)
and those with less
TABLE 63-1 -- Benefit of Carotid Endarterectomy in Different Patient Categories
Ipsilateral Stroke *

Stenosis (%)

Treatment Endarterectomy





No. Needed
to Treat

Symptomatic Disease





7099 + multiple risk factors





7099 + contralateral occlusion






































Asymptomatic Disease

* Includes perioperative stroke and strokes occurring during follow-up period.

This value represents the theoretical number of patients in this category who would have to undergo carotid endarterectomy to prevent one stroke.


Figure 63-8 Measurement of diameters used in calculating percentage of stenosis for three methods. C, common carotid artery; D, distal normal internal carotid artery; E, estimate of
unseen carotid artery bulb wall; N, narrowest portion. Percentage of stenosis was calculated as follows: North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial method = [1
(N/D)] 100%; European Carotid Surgery Trial method = [1 (N/E)] 100%; common carotid artery method = [1 (N/C)] 100%. (From Eliasziw M, Smith RF, Singh N, et al:
Further comments on the measurement of carotid artery stenosis from angiograms. Stroke 25:24452449, 1994.)

than 50% stenoses (low to moderate).[18] Endarterectomy was of significant benefit in preventing ipsilateral stroke in the high-to-moderate patients; in
patients with less than 50% stenoses, medical treatment produced equivalent results (see Fig. 637 ).
In addition to clearly delineating the biologic significance of severity of stenosis in symptomatic patients, the NASCET also has determined that other
factors are important in determining stroke prognosis with medical therapy and the potential benefit of endarterectomy. Contralateral carotid occlusion,
angiographic findings of ulceration, intracranial stenoses, and hemispheric as opposed to retinal ischemic events all increase the risk of stroke with
medical therapy for a given level of stenosis (see Table 631 ).[27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] Elderly patients (>75 years) with 50% to 99% symptomatic stenoses
also benefit more from carotid endarterectomy than younger patients.[33] Furthermore, the long-term benefit of surgery is greater and the risk of stroke
with medical treatment is higher for men than for women and for patients who have had stroke rather than for those with TIAs.[18] NASCET data have
also delineated perioperative risk factors that increase the risk of stroke or death with operation. These include diabetes mellitus, elevated blood

pressure, contralateral occlusion, left-sided disease, or a lesion that is evident on CT or MRI.[34] All of these factors must be taken into account before
recommending carotid endarterectomy in a given patient. Although the severity of stenosis may be the most important determinant in selecting patients
for surgery, the ultimate threshold may be adjusted upward or downward, depending on the absence or presence of other risk factors.
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In clinical settings where the risk of carotid endarterectomy is acceptably low according to published guidelines, the operation can be recommended in
patients with carotid stenosis of 50% or greater with ipsilateral TIAs, amaurosis fugax, a reversible neurologic deficit, or small stroke and in selected
cases of recurrent, symptomatic carotid stenosis.[35] [36] Patients with lesser degrees of symptomatic stenosis may be considered for operation if they have
failed medical therapy (have ongoing symptoms), particularly if there is evidence of ulceration of the lesion or if contralateral occlusion is present.
Individualized patients may require surgery for progressive stroke, progressive retinal ischemia, acute carotid occlusion, symptomatic carotid stump
syndrome (treated with external carotid reconstruction), global cerebral ischemia caused by multiple large-vessel occlusive disease, and in certain cases
of symptomatic carotid dissection and true or false aneurysm. The procedure is generally not indicated in patients presenting with vertebrobasilar
distribution TIAs, or multi-infarct dementia, patients with severe neurologic deficits, and those with evidence of intracranial hemorrhage or large
infarcts. Medical contraindications include the presence of uncontrolled congestive heart failure, recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina,
dementia, advanced malignancy, and uncertain diagnosis.
The indications for endarterectomy in asymptomatic patients remain less clear cut. Although ACAS demonstrated significant benefit for all patients
randomized to operation with 60% to 99% carotid stenoses, it is likely that those with advanced stenoses benefited most. This assumption is based on
the strong, positive correlation between the degree of stenosis and subsequent risk of stroke and death in symptomatic and asymptomatic populations.
Because the benefit-to-risk ratio in asymptomatic patients is much less than that of symptomatic patients, it is appropriate to reserve carotid
endarterectomy only for good risk, asymptomatic patients with advanced stenoses. Once again, the presence of ulceration or contralateral occlusion may
lower the threshold for recommending operation.
In reviewing all the data from randomized trials (see Fig. 637 and Table 631 ), several important points are apparent in weighing the risks versus
benefit of carotid endarterectomy. First, symptomatic patients benefit most from carotid endarterectomy because they are much more likely to
experience stroke or death with medical therapy. Second, symptomatic patients with severe stenoses (70% to 99%) are more at risk than those with
moderate stenoses (50% to 69%); patients with mild stenoses (<50%) are best treated medically. Third, asymptomatic patients with advanced stenoses
(>60% to 70%) have a comparatively benign prognosis, and a significant benefit from carotid endarterectomy can be realized only if the morbidity and
mortality rates with intervention are low.

Finally, the complication rate from carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients is higher than in asymptomatic patients.
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Preoperative Evaluation

Although myocardial infarction is a leading cause of death after carotid endarterectomy, the overall incidence is low (0.3% from NASCET data[34] ), and
extensive preoperative cardiac testing is unnecessary and cost ineffective. A detailed cardiac history and electrocardiogram suffice in most patients.
Patients with frequent, severe, or unstable angina pectoris or other advanced cardiac conditions may require cardiac catheterization independent of the
need for carotid endarterectomy. In these unusual patients, staged or combined operations may be necessary depending on the severity of the coronary
and carotid disease. Patients who have sustained a transmural myocardial infarction within the past 3 months or who have uncontrolled congestive heart
failure should have operation delayed and intensive medical therapy to control failure. If such individuals have preocclusive carotid lesions and frequent
TIAs, operation may be necessary despite the medical risk. In these circumstances, monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter and special anesthetic
techniques to optimize cardiac performance are indicated.
Aspirin therapy should be started at the time of diagnosis of TIA, amaurosis fugax, or stroke.[37] Data from the prospective Aspirin and Carotid
Endarterectomy (ACE) trial has documented that low-dose aspirin (80 to 325 mg/daily) is optimal in preventing thromboembolic events after carotid
endarterectomy.[38] Patients who cannot take aspirin because of allergy or active peptic ulcer disease should be given clopidogrel (Plavix) 75 mg daily. If
patients continue to have frequent TIAs despite antiplatelet therapy and also have severe, preocclusive stenosis, intravenous continuous heparin therapy
keeping the partial thromboplastin time at 1.5 times control is recommended.
Poorly controlled hypertension and diabetes mellitus are risk factors for complications following carotid endarterectomy. Intensive medical treatment of
these conditions is important prior to carotid endarterectomy.

The operating table should be horizontal without head elevation and the head turned partially to the opposite side. In some patients it is helpful to place
a rolled towel under the shoulders to exaggerate neck extension. Gentle preparation of the operative site and minimal manipulation of the carotid
bifurcation area decrease the likelihood of dislodging fragments from a fragile carotid plaque.
Initial Dissection

An oblique incision along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid provides optimal exposure ( Fig. 639 ).

Figure 63-9 Position of incision for optimal exposure of the extracranial carotid artery.

The line of incision begins at the level of the mastoid process, extends anteriorly along the anteriomedial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and
ends about 1 to 2 fingerbreaths above the sternal notch. The incision is about 10 cm in length and can be shifted cephalad or caudad along this line
depending on the location of the carotid bifurcation. The location of the carotid bifurcation can be determined preoperatively by duplex ultrasonography
or arteriography. After sectioning the platysma muscle in the line of the incision, the plane of dissection is anteromedial to the sternocleidomastoid
beginning inferiorly and proceeding superiorly. In the upper mid portion of the incision, the transverse cervical nerve, which is responsible for the skin
innervation medial to the incision and along the lower jaw, is divided. The approach to the carotid sheath begins inferiorly along the anterior border of
the sternocleidomastoid muscle and proceeds superiorly.
The carotid sheath is a fascial sheath formed by extensions of the deep cervical fascia and prevertebral fascia. The sheath contains the carotid artery, the
internal jugular vein, the vagus nerve, and the deep cervical lymphatic chain. To expose the carotid sheath, the medial and inner borders of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle are dissected and retracted posteriorly ( Fig. 6310 ). Dissection and medial mobilization of the sternocleidomastoid should
continue cephalad until the aponeurotic portion of this muscle is clearly visible. The internal jugular vein is next identified, and the carotid sheath is
opened along the anterior and medial border of this vein. Branches of the internal jugular vein coursing anteriorly are ligated and divided throughout the
extent of the incision. It is important to keep the dissection along the anterior border of this vein during this portion of the operation to avoid injury to
the spinal accessory nerve in the superior portion of the

Figure 63-10 The sternocleidomastoid muscle is retracted posteriorly to expose the carotid sheath.

Figure 63-11 The common facial vein branch of the internal jugular vein marks the site of the carotid bifurcation. After dividing the facial vein, the internal jugular vein is retracted
posteriorly to expose the carotid bifurcation.

wound. The internal jugular vein is retracted posteriorly with the sternocleidomastoid muscle ( Fig. 6311 ).
Prevention of Intraoperative Embolization

The major danger in this portion of the operation is embolization produced by excessive manipulation of the carotid bifurcation. One must be intensely
aware of the fragile nature of an atherosclerotic plaque, particularly

Figure 63-12 The common carotid, internal carotid, and external carotid arteries are exposed and mobilized with minimal dissection and manipulation of the disease-bearing segment
of the distal, common, and proximal internal carotid arteries (carotid bulb).

with ulceration or intraluminal thrombus. A no touch technique is employed whereby the common carotid, internal carotid, and external carotid
arteries all are exposed in that sequence and dissected free with minimal manipulation of the disease-bearing carotid bifurcation area ( Fig. 6312 ). The
common facial vein enters the internal jugular vein usually at the level of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery and provides a landmark to

identify the general location of most of the atherosclerotic disease. The common carotid artery is dissected first with sharp technique in the
periadventitial plane to prevent injury to the vagus nerve, which usually is found lateral and posterior to the common carotid artery. On occasion, the
vagus nerve can be found anteriorly on the common carotid artery and, for this reason, the dissection should proceed along the medial border of the
common carotid artery to prevent injury to this nerve.
A major difficulty is encountered in achieving exposure for lesions extending high into the internal carotid artery of patients with high carotid
bifurcations. When exposure is required above the second cervical vertebra or a line drawn between the tip of the mastoid and the angle of the mandible,
special techniques are required. Anterior subluxation of the mandible can extend the exposure to above the body of the first cervical vertebra. This is
almost always accompanied by sectioning of the posterior belly of the digastric muscles and sometimes by styloidectomy. Multiple techniques for
mandibular subluxation have been described, but the most commonly favored is that of circummandibular/transnasal wiring manipulations that fix the
mandible in a subluxated anterior location for the duration of the operation.[39]
Many surgeons routinely use monitoring with electroencephalography (EEG) to determine the need for

shunting and to also detect intraoperative episodes of ischemia produced by embolic debris. If EEG or other monitoring is not performed, most surgeons
routinely introduce an intra-arterial shunt. The shunt may be employed as a straight, common carotid-to-internal carotid shunt or an externally looped
shunt. Embolus as a result of shunt usage may be produced by intimal injury to the proximal, common, or distal internal carotid arteries or even
dissection of the intima. The shunt may undergo occlusion during the procedure, and emboli may be introduced into the shunt at the time of placement.
Most surgeons place the shunt into the internal carotid artery first and allow it to backbleed freely before carefully inserting it into the common carotid
artery. Some have recommended placement of the shunt first into the common carotid artery, making certain that any embolic material has been flushed
from the common carotid artery and the shunt allowed to bleed slightly before placing it into the internal carotid artery. Soaking the shunt in heparinized
saline before use may retard thrombus formation within the shunt and prevent air bubbles from being in the shunt at the time of placement.
Prior to arteriotomy and shunt insertion, Rummel tourniquets are used for vascular control. A large Rummel tourniquet is placed around the common
carotid artery, and small Rummel tourniquets are placed around the external and internal carotid arteries. Again, manipulation of the disease-bearing
segment of the carotid bifurcation is avoided during these maneuvers. Some surgeons temporarily occlude the internal carotid artery with a Silastic
vascular loop or a small aneurysm clip. Instead of Rummel tourniquets, fine vascular clamps are preferred by some surgeons to obtain proximal and
distal control. Whether or not a proximal clamp or Rummel tourniquet is used, every effort should be made to avoid carotid plaque at the bifurcation
and to apply these constricting devices on normal artery. All of these maneuvers are designed to prevent not only damage to normal intima but also
fracture of atherosclerotic plaque with subsequent stenosis or subintimal dissection or a site for thrombus formation with distal embolization
intraoperatively or postoperatively. Prior to application of tourniquets or clamps, the patient is heparinized with 100 to 150 units/kg of intravenous

The arteriotomy begins in the proximal common carotid artery and extends into the internal carotid artery. A No. 11 scalpel blade is used to open the
common carotid artery at the site below the plaque, and angled Potts scissors are used to incise the artery through the plaque into normal internal carotid
artery. It is important to extend the arteriotomy above and below gross intimal disease. If an internal shunt is used, careful backbleeding of the shunt to
completely flush air and other debris, along with placement of the shunt proximally and distally in areas free of gross atherosclerotic debris, minimizes
the potential for embolization during these manipulations.
The plaque is carefully dissected from the arterial wall using a blunt dissector such as a Penfield instrument. When normal intima is reached in the
common carotid artery, the intima is sharply dissected and transected as to allow no loose flap. In some cases, the entire common carotid artery has
eccentric thickening, necessitating leaving a small shelf of plaque. The endarterectomy should proceed proximally as far as possible to reach the portion
of the vessel where plaque is minimal, and the resulting shelf is small at the point where the endarterectomy ends. On occasion, this requires
endarterectomy in the common carotid artery to the level of the clavicle.
At the bifurcation, the plaque is peeled from below upward to the external carotid artery, where it is carefully dissected from the external carotid artery
by everting proximal 2 to 3 cm of the external carotid artery. As this process proceeds up the external carotid artery, it is wise to release the occluded
Rummel tourniquet temporarily to allow the plaque to be carefully removed. It is important to make certain that the external carotid artery is left patent
and free of gross disease. If there is any uncertainty, it may be necessary to fashion a separate arteriotomy on the external carotid artery, remove external
carotid artery plaque, and patch the arteriotomy with vein or prosthetic material. Subsequently, the plaque is peeled out of the internal carotid artery, and
it will usually peel out quite smoothly distally. If the distal intima remains thickened and infiltrated with plaque, it is necessary to remove this to the
point of normal intima. If there is any question about the distal intima being loose, it should be tacked down with 60 double-arm polypropylene sutures
proceeding from within the artery to the outer wall where the suture is tied. The suture should be placed vertically rather than horizontally to avoid
constricting the lumen. It is critical to completely visualize the distal endpoint and the transition area between the endarterectomy site and normal
intima. Blind endarterectomy may invite distal flaps that can lead to postoperative thromboembolic phenomena.
Reconstruction of the Artery

Once the vessel is meticulously cleaned, primary closure or closure with a vein or prosthetic patch ensues. The experience reported in the literature
supports the use of patch over primary closure.[40] [41] In addition to protecting against postoperative occlusion and ischemic events, the incidence of
restenosis may be minimized. In occasional cases in which plaque is focally confined to the carotid bulb with minimal extension into the internal carotid
artery, primary closure can be recommended if the arteriotomy does not extend above the bulb. Just prior to completing closure, the shunt is removed
and all vessels are allowed to flush; the closure is then completed. Flushing is important to remove air and debris. After closure, the external and
common carotid arteries are first opened and then the internal carotid artery is opened to minimize air or particulate embolization into the internal
carotid artery system.


The arterial wall is then palpated to determine the presence of a thrill, which would indicate a loose intimal flap or some obstructive intraluminal mass.
If a thrill is present, an arteriogram should be performed to determine the characteristics of the endarterectomy site. If clot or debris is found inside the
lumen, the vessel must be reoccluded and opened and all debris removed. Many surgeons routinely insonate the carotid bifurcation area with a
continuous-wave Doppler probe. One should hear unimpeded diastolic flow in the internal carotid artery. Irregular and high-pitched flow may indicate
stenosis or other problems and would lead to intraoperative arteriography. Duplex ultrasonography is increasingly being used to assess the flow and
luminal characteristics after endarterectomy, and it has high sensitivity for detecting residual stenoses and flaps.[42] If these are present, the artery should

be reopened and the problem corrected.

Reversal of heparin with protamine sulfate is subject to wide practice variations. Some surgeons stress nonreversal of heparin, or waiting a period of at
least 20 minutes to reverse the heparin with protamine sulfate. Studies in animals suggest that this practice reduces thrombus formation at the
endarterectomy site. Regardless of reversal or nonreversal, meticulous hemostasis is important. Because most of these patients have been medicated
with aspirin, residual heparin effects are accentuated and wound hematomas may result.[43] Although these hematomas are usually minor, airway
compromise can occur with large hematomas. If heparin reversal is used, a 0.5- to 1-mg equivalent reversal of dose is appropriate (0.5 to 1 mg of
protamine sulfate for every 100 units of heparin).
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Stroke or Transient Neurologic Deficit

Neurologic deficits within the first 12 hours of operation are almost always the result of thromboembolic phenomena stemming from the
endarterectomy site or damaged internal, common, or external carotid arteries.[34] Immediate heparinization and exploration are indicated without the
need for confirmatory arteriography or noninvasive tests.[44] Neurologic deficits that begin beyond 12 to 24 hours of operation are usually due to
thromboembolic phenomena stemming from the endarterectomy site, but these deficits may also be caused by postoperative hyperperfusion syndrome
or intracerebral hematoma. These latter conditions may be worsened by immediate heparinization and re-exploration. Therefore, deficits occurring 12 to
24 hours after operation should be promptly investigated with a CT scan and arteriography.
If on reopening the wound, an excellent pulse is present in the internal carotid artery and flow is present on Doppler ultrasound examination, an on-thetable arteriogram is performed. If the arteriogram reveals an intimal flap or irregular mural thrombus at the endarterectomy site, then appropriate vessel
isolation and reopening of the vessel are indicated. Thrombus is removed and backbleeding is allowed. At this point, the mechanical cause of
thrombosis is usually defined as an intimal flap and this is repaired. If there is no pulse on initial inspection of the artery, the vessel is obviously
thrombosed and a preliminary arteriogram is not necessary prior to opening the vessel and extracting thrombus.
Prior to restoration of flow, an internal carotid arteriogram is done by placing a small catheter into the distal internal carotid artery and injecting a small
amount of contrast agent to ensure that the distal internal carotid artery is patent and to determine whether there is an embolus in the middle cerebral
artery. If the vessel is patent with or without middle cerebral artery embolus, flow can be restored after reconstruction of the vessel. If an embolus exists
in the intracranial carotid or middle cerebral artery, local infusion of a lytic agent should be considered.[45]
Hyperperfusion Syndrome and Intracerebral Hematoma

The incidence of hyperperfusion syndrome following carotid endarterectomy is reported to be between 0.3% and 1.0%.[46] The pathophysiology appears
to be secondary to paralysis of autoregulation from chronic ischemia.[47] Restoration of internal carotid flow leads to hyperperfusion in the ipsilateral
cerebrovascular bed. Isotopic regional cerebral blood flow studies and transcranial Doppler examinations have documented marked increases in
ipsilateral cerebral blood flow.[47] Pathologic changes include a spectrum of findings ranging from mild cerebral edema to petechial hemorrhages to
frank intracerebral hemorrhage. This syndrome is often heralded by ipsilateral frontal headache within the first week after endarterectomy. However,
ipsilateral headache is not specific for hyperperfusion syndrome and, in fact, is not uncommon following endarterectomy. In patients with the
hyperperfusion syndrome, headache may be followed by focal motor seizures that are often difficult to control. Even more alarming is the postictal
Todds paralysis that can mimic postendarterectomy stroke from internal carotid artery thrombosis. Angiography, along with CT or MRI, may be
necessary to distinguish between these disorders. Risk factors for the hyperperfusion syndrome include a high-grade (>70%) stenosis; poor collateral
hemispheric flow; contralateral carotid occlusion; evidence of chronic ipsilateral hypoperfusion; preoperataive and postoperative hypertension;
preexisting ipsilateral cerebral infarction; and preoperative anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy.[48]
Seizures from the hyperperfusion syndrome are usually successfully treated with phenytoin (Dilantin). Aspirin and anticoagulants should be avoided,
and hypertension should be carefully controlled. The most catastrophic complication stemming from hyperperfusion is intracerebral hemorrhage that
can be massive and fatal.[49] Intracranial hemorrhage has been reported to occur in 0.5% to 0.7% of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy and may
account for up to 20% of perioperative strokes.[50]

Fluctuations in blood pressure with postoperative hypertension or hypotension are common after endarterectomy,

occurring in up to one third to one half of patients. Fortunately, the postoperative instability in blood pressure usually disappears within 12 to 24 hours.
It is important that the blood pressure be maintained below a maximum systolic level of approximately 140 mm Hg. This may require the intravenous
use of nitroprusside or nitroglycerin. Hypertension has been implicated in the development of the hyperperfusion syndrome, intracerebral hemorrhage,
and cardiac complications. Postoperative hypotension may be as disastrous as postoperative hypertension. The instability of blood pressure is caused by
carotid sinus malfunction. Patients with atherosclerosis of the carotid body often lose effective baroreceptor activity. Following endarterectomy, the
carotid bulb can again distend, and the carotid sinus reflex can over-respond, producing postoperative hypotension. Significant postoperative
hypotension may produce cerebral ischemic complications and can be best treated by ensuring that volume replacement is adequate and by the use of
vasopressors. Phenylephrine increases left ventricular work and myocardial oxygen demands and may be associated with myocardial ischemia.
Dopamine is preferred when a pressor is needed.
Wound Complications

Most patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy have been treated with preoperative aspirin and are continued on antithrombotic therapy in the
postoperative period. Bleeding complications, particularly wound hematomas, occur in 1.4% to 3% of patients undergoing endarterectomy and are
associated with incomplete heparin reversal with protamine, hypertension, and perioperative antiplatelet therapy.[43] If intraoperative heparin is not fully
reversed or continuous heparin anticoagulation is administered postoperatively, perioperative aspirin therapy would potentially increase the incidence of
hematomas and other bleeding complications.[51] The combination of aspirin plus clopidogrel markedly prolongs the bleeding time beyond that of either
antiplatelet agent alone and causes wound hematomas and other bleeding complications. Aspirin plus clopidogrel should be avoided in patients
undergoing carotid endarterectomy, and clopidogrel should be discontinued at least 5 days before operation.
Although most postoperative hematomas are minor and of no clinical consequence, large hematomas cause pain, tracheal deviation, and airway
compromise and require emergency drainage.[34] An important symptom suggesting the presence of a significant hematoma that may lead to airway
embarrassment is the inability to swallow. When the airway is acutely and severely compromised, the wound must be opened in bed but, if possible, the
patient should be returned to the operating room. If the airway is stable, the neck should be prepared and draped and the wound opened under local
anesthesia prior to intubation. Often the hematoma can be evacuated without the necessity of general anesthesia. Rapid induction of anesthesia with
attempt at intubation should be avoided because of major difficulty in placing an endotracheal tube without prior evacuation of the hematoma.
The overall incidence of saphenous vein patch rupture is 0.5% and occurs 1 to 7 days after operation.[50] There appears to be a higher incidence in

women, and it is more common when ankle saphenous vein is used. There is a linear correlation between the diameter of intact veins and rupture
pressure, and biomechanical studies would suggest that saphenous veins smaller than 4 to 5 mm in diameter should not be used for vein patch
reconstruction.[52] This finding may explain the apparent difference in vein patch strength between proximal and distal saphenous veins. The major
stroke and death rate associated with vein patch rupture is 48%.[53]
Operative Damage to Nerves

The sensory branches of the cervical plexus, namely the transverse cervical nerve and the greater auricular nerve, are frequently severed or injured
during the course of carotid endarterectomy. The resulting ipsilateral numbness of the upper face, lower neck, and lower ear is vexing to some patients
but is generally well tolerated. Permanent hypesthesia in this area is common after carotid endarterectomy. Of much greater consequence is injury to
cranial nerves in the field of dissection because the resulting neurologic deficits can produce serious complications ( Fig. 6313 ). Fortunately, cranial
nerve injury is infrequent and is usually reversible, with neurologic deficits lasting weeks to months.[54] The approximate frequencies of clinically
significant injury to cranial nerves are as follows: recurrent laryngeal nerve, 5% to 7%; hypoglossal nerve, 4% to 6%; marginal mandibular nerve,

Figure 63-13 Cranial nerves vulnerable to injury during carotid endarterectomy.


1% to 3%; superior laryngeal nerve, 1% to 3%; and spinal accessory nerve, 0.5% to 1%.[34] [55]
Vagal Nerve Injury

Injury to the main trunk of the vagus trunk is rare. It may be injured in high exposure and by careless use of the cautery. In rare circumstances, the right
recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve arises at the level of the bifurcation and crosses anteriorly. This anatomic variation is termed a
nonrecurrent recurrent laryngeal nerve and is almost always associated with an aberrant origin of the right subclavian artery from the distal aortic
arch. Identification of this vascular anomaly on preoperative arteriography should alert one to the presence of an anomalous recurrent laryngeal nerve.
On occasion, an anterior vagus nerve is present, and the nerve and its recurrent branch are at jeopardy when mobilizing the common carotid artery. The
policy of beginning dissection medially and maintaining circumferential dissection within the periadventitial plane facilitates displacement and
mobilization of the nerve away from the artery. The fibers of the recurrent laryngeal nerve run in the medial aspect of the main trunk of the vagus nerve,
and injury to the medial portions of the vagus nerve can result in recurrent laryngeal nerve injury.
The right recurrent laryngeal nerve arises from the vagus trunk at the root of the neck and loops around the right subclavian artery. The left recurrent
laryngeal nerve arises from the vagal trunk in the mediastinum and loops around the aortic arch at the level of the ligamentum arteriosum. Both the right
and left nerves ascend in the neck behind the common carotid artery in the groove between the trachea and the esophagus. The recurrent laryngeal nerve
supplies intrinsic muscles of the larynx that control the ipsilateral vocal cord. Damage results in unilateral vocal cord paralysis. This nerve is rarely, if
ever, exposed during carotid endarterectomy and is usually damaged by traction or cautery. Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury results in midline
vocal cord apposition that can severely compromise the airway. Because of this possibility, many recommend indirect laryngoscope prior to the second
stage of bilateral staged carotid endarterectomies.
The superior laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve at the lower margin of the first cervical vertebra and runs posteriorly and medially to the
internal and external carotid arteries. The nerve divides into internal and external branches. The internal branch is responsible for the sensory supply of
the epiglottis and the larynx above the vocal cords. The external branch is responsible for the motor supply to the cricothyroid muscle and the inferior
pharyngeal constrictor. The nerve is covered by loose fascia posterior and medial to the carotid arteries and can best be seen just medial and deep to the
carotid bifurcation. It is usually damaged in unusual circumstances when complete mobilization of the carotid bifurcation is required. It also may be
damaged by high exposure of the internal carotid artery at and above C1, where the medial aspect of the vagus nerve may be in jeopardy. Damage to the
superior laryngeal nerve leads to voice fatigue and difficulty in swallowing.
Hypoglossal Nerve Injury

The hypoglossal nerve is responsible for total innervation of the tongue. Paralysis of the nerve produces slight impairment of speech and deviation of
the tongue to the side of the paralysis with subsequent ipsilateral tongue atrophy. The descending hypoglossal branch leaves the nerve at its inferior
curve and runs anterior and medial to the jugular vein and anterior to the internal carotid artery. Section of the descendens hypoglossi above the cervical
branch, which forms the ansa cervicalis, produces no clinical syndrome. This branch, along with the cervical branch, is responsible for the motor supply
of the deep strap muscles of the neck. As an external landmark, the hypoglossal nerve is usually found at the level of the occipital artery. It is invariably
crossed superiorly by the branch of the occipital artery to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Occasionally, the nerve is crossed by an aberrant vein, and
this vein may be closely adherent to the nerve.

Facial Nerve Injury

Total facial nerve paralysis is rare and occurs only when high exposure of the internal carotid artery is required. To expose the internal carotid artery at
C2 and above, some surgeons recommend extending the incision anterior to the tragus of the ear and reflecting the superficial lobe of the parotid
superiorly and anteriorly. In the process of this extensive dissection, traction on the main facial nerve may produce a complete facial nerve paralysis.
This potential complication can be avoided by using alternative methods to gain high exposure of the internal carotid artery such as mandibular
The more common injury involves that of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve, and this usually occurs with anterior and superior
retraction along the angle of the mandible where the marginal mandibular nerve is vulnerable. Injury to this branch produces asymmetry of the mouth
secondary to paralysis of the depressor muscle of the lip. This is annoying to the patient in speech, and when eating the patient may bite the lower lip.
The deficit is usually transient and often clears within 3 months.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve Injury

The glossopharyngeal nerve is usually more remote from the field of dissection during carotid endarterectomy but may be injured during high exposure
of the internal carotid at the base of the skull. It exits the skull via the jugular foramen and passes between the internal and external carotid arteries just
below the stylopharyngeus muscle near its insertion into the styloid

process. This nerve provides sensory fibers to the mucosa of the pharynx and motor fibers to elevate the larynx and pharynx during swallowing. Injury
results in defective swallowing with dysphagia and recurrent aspiration.
Spinal Accessory Nerve Injury

The spinal accessory nerve is a motor nerve that is rarely injured during carotid endarterectomy. After exiting the jugular foramen, the nerve lies
superficial to the internal jugular vein and courses into the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The nerve is usually injured by misdirected exposure of the
carotid artery into the posterior triangle of the neck, by traction, or by cautery injury in superior exposures of the internal carotid artery. Damage results
in complete paralysis of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, which causes a dropped shoulder. This can result in discomfort in the neck and
shoulder and can be debilitating for active individuals.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

Surgical Expertise and Training

With the publication of results from randomized trials demonstrating benefit of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic
disease, the overall rate of this operation performed in the United States has increased dramatically (see Fig. 636 ). [13] Much of the increase is in
patients with asymptomatic disease.[56] [57] However, the benefits of carotid endarterectomy will not be realized if perioperative morbidity and mortality
are excessive. The reported risk of endarterectomy shows wide variation, and concerns have been raised about whether the results from NASCET and
other randomized trials can be extrapolated for the nation as a whole.[58]
In a report published in 1998, the national mortality for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing carotid endarterectomy was found to be 1.6%.[59] Using ratios
derived from NASCET data, one can estimate that the national incidence of combined major, disabling stroke and death is approximately 5% (3 times
the mortality rate) and the incidence of all strokes (major and minor) and death may be as high as 16% (10 times the mortality rate).[60] If the
perioperative morbidity and mortality were this high in NASCET and other trials, these studies would have shown no benefit of endarterectomy. These
considerations are sobering and point to the importance of ongoing quality improvement audits in institutions where patients are subjected to carotid
endarterectomy.[61] [62]
A consensus of a selected committee of neurologists, neurosurgeons, and vascular surgeons made recommendations that carotid endarterectomy should
be performed with low morbidity and mortality in selected patients with appropriate symptoms and that the limits of perioperative morbidity and
mortality should be categorized by clinical presentation.[63] The combined morbidity and mortality of the procedure should not exceed 3% for
asymptomatic patients, 5% for TIAs, and 7% for ischemic stroke. In addition, the 30-day mortality rate from all causes related to endarterectomy should
not exceed 2%. Concomitantly, ongoing audits should be completed in an institution where endarterectomy is being performed to ensure adherence to
these guidelines. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that widespread quality assurance/improvement audits are being conducted in U.S. hospitals.
Because of the failure of the current voluntary system, a group of prominent stroke neurologists and surgeons have editorialized that auditing the
complication rates of carotid endarterectomy should be mandated as a condition of hospital certification by the Joint Commission of Accreditation of
Health Care Organizations.[64]
Many recent studies have documented an inverse relationship between morbidity and mortality with carotid endarterectomy and hospital and surgeon
volumes.[65] [66] [67] [68] In general, the morbidity and mortality rates are higher in small hospitals where the procedures are infrequently performed. More
important, individual surgeon volume has a more direct impact on results. In one study, surgeons performing fewer than 5 carotid endarterectomies per
year had twice the mortality in comparison to surgeons performing more than this number.[67] Other studies have documented that 10 to 12 carotid
endarterectomies per year are necessary to maintain surgical expertise and reduce complications to a minimum.
Surgeons participating in NASCET and ACAS were all board-certified vascular surgeons or neurosurgeons. Does this mean that the performance of this
operation should be restricted to individuals with these credentials to realize the benefits of carotid endarterectomy? There are many surgeons from
other backgrounds, including general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery, who are well trained to perform this operation and have commendable results.
The main point is that regardless of training environment, one must obtain in-depth experience in the management of patients with cerebrovascular
disease and the performance of carotid endarterectomy. Most important, all surgeons must participate in quality assurance programs, submit their results
on an ongoing basis, and be willing to have them reviewed by an independent audit group.[63] [69]
Increasing the Benefit/Cost Ratio of Carotid Endarterectomy

In response to increasing costs of health care, physicians have been challenged to conserve hospital resources, minimize cost, and continue to provide
quality care. The length of stay following carotid endarterectomy has decreased dramatically, with many groups reporting 24-hour admissions for most
of their patients.[70] [71] Traditionally, patients have been observed in an intensive care unit for 12 to 24 hours after the operation. In retrospective
analyses, many have pointed out that only 10% to 20% of patients required this expensive monitoring. Predictors of the need for intensive care unit
observation include preoperative history of hypertension, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, recent stroke, and chronic renal failure.[72] Patients not
having these risk factors have been successfully

observed for short periods (2 to 4 hours) in a postanesthetic recovery room setting.[73] Following this, patients can be monitored on a standard hospital
unit and discharged the next day. Some have pointed out that local anesthesia for the performance of carotid endarterectomy is important in the success
of this approach; however, others have used this care algorithm successfully in patients having general anesthesia.
A more controversial cost-saving approach has relied on duplex ultrasonography alone or in combination with magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
and the elimination of contrast angiography in the preoperative work-up of patients undergoing endarterectomy.[74] [75] [76] In addition to being expensive,
contrast angiography has a 0.5% to 1% incidence of major neurologic complications. Angiography also results in complications at the arterial puncture
site in approximately 5% of patients as well as contrast-induced renal dysfunction in 1% to 5%. Several centers have reported the results of carotid
endarterectomy performed with duplex examination alone or in combination with MRA.
All groups advocating the noninvasive approach stress that optimal results can be realized only with a fully equipped vascular laboratory with welltrained personnel and an established quality control record. Laboratories should maintain ongoing protocols to correlate angiographic and duplex
findings to ensure continued diagnostic accuracy. Although committed vascular laboratories may report excellent results, few prospective studies have
been performed with angiographic validation. Furthermore, excellent results reported from single centers cannot be extrapolated to national practice.
The duplex ultrasound findings from NASCET and ACAS demonstrated that there was significant variability between centers and machinery in the
determination of stenosis severity.[9] [77] Mismanagement of even a small number of patients incorrectly categorized by duplex ultrasonography could
have major economic and medical consequences that would quickly abolish the cost-effectiveness of eliminating angiography.[78] As an example, a
symptomatic patient with a 70% stenosis identified by duplex ultrasonography as having a less than 50% stenosis might be denied carotid
endarterectomy and be at risk of stroke with inappropriate medical therapy.
In addition to validation of individual vascular laboratory results with a high degree of accuracy, all experts recommend limiting carotid endarterectomy
based on duplex ultrasonography alone or coupled with MRA to patients with clear-cut history and physical findings that correlate with duplex findings.
[74] Furthermore, a CT scan or MRI should be obtained to rule out other intracranial explanations for a patients symptoms. Indications for adjunctive
arteriography include the following:

1. Discrepancy among the history, physical examination, duplex scan, and CT scan
2. Patients presenting with vertebrobasilar symptoms, since they often have proximal brachiocephalic disease
3. Patients suspected of proximal disease involving branches of the aortic arch (patients with unequal arm blood pressures or duplex
ultrasonographic evidence of abnormal flow characteristics in the proximal common carotid arteries)
4. Patients presenting with focal cerebrovascular symptoms and a stenosis in the 40% to 59% (moderate) range according to duplex criteria (this is
the range where even slight overestimation or underestimation may inaccurately categorize the patient)
5. Patients with duplex findings suggestive of distal internal carotid artery or carotid siphon disease
6. Patients with duplex evidence of total carotid occlusion in the presence of ongoing ipsilateral hemispheric symptoms (patients may have neartotal occlusion or a string sign)
7. Patients with contralateral carotid occlusion or severe carotid stenosis since ipsilateral duplex results are often overestimated because of increased
ipsilateral flow velocities
8. Patients with nonatherosclerotic disease such as fibromuscular dysplasia and patients with recurrent carotid stenosis because plaque morphology
and extent of disease are sometimes unusual in these patients
9. Patients with duplex scans that are equivocal or of poor quality
Recurrent Carotid Stenosis

Recurrent stenosis is infrequent but not rare.[79] The overall risk appears to be about 10% in the first year after primary endarterectomy, 3% in the second
year, and 2% in the third year.[80] Long-term risk has been estimated to be approximately 1% per year. Symptomatic recurrent carotid disease occurs in
about 0.6% to 3% of patients after endarterectomy. Asymptomatic lesions occur with a much greater frequency (7% to 49%), depending on the method
used in detection. In reported series, the need for reoperative carotid endarterectomy is 0.5% for asymptomatic lesions and 1.4% for symptomatic
lesions.[79] Medical treatment with antiplatelet therapy has no influence on the development of clinical manifestations of recurrent carotid stenosis.[81]
The etiology of recurrent disease can be broadly categorized into local or systemic factors. One of the most important local determinants is residual
defects at the endarterectomy site.[42] [82] The most important risk factor seems to be the degree of residual plaque left at the time of the original
endarterectomy. Flaps or other technical defects may also be important. Systemic factors that have been associated with the development of recurrent
disease include female sex, continued smoking after endarterectomy, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, young age at original
endarterectomy, and associated severe atherosclerotic disease.[83] [84] Female sex is the most consistently reported risk factor for the recurrence of disease.
[85] The high incidence of recurrence in women may be related to the smaller vessel size in these patients.
The histopathology of recurrent lesions is interesting, because late recurrent lesions have atherosclerotic features and are more likely to be symptomatic
than earlier lesions, which are often bland and asymptomatic. Serial

observations in a large number of patients have shown that early and late recurrent lesions are a continuum of atherosclerotic changes.[86] Early lesions
(recurrence < 2 to 3 years) are predominantly neointimal fibromuscular hyperplasia consisting of proliferating smooth muscle cells surrounded by
proteoglycans. Late recurrent lesions (recurrence interval > 2 to 3 years) tend to have elements of atherosclerosis with foam cells, cholesterol crystals,
abundant collagen, and calcium.[86] Late recurrent lesions tend to be easier to endarterectomize in comparison with earlier recurrent lesions.[87]
Reoperation for recurrent disease can be technically challenging; however, the overall incidence of major morbidity and mortality approximates those of
primary endarterectomy except for the incidence of cranial nerve injury. In general, the mean risk of stroke with reoperation is approximately 4%, with
a death rate of approximately 1.2% and cranial nerve injury of approximately 12%.[79] [87]
Closure Technique of Carotid Arteriotomy

The rationale for vein patch closure following carotid endarterectomy is to improve the safety and durability of the procedure.[88] By increasing lumen
size, reconstructing a portion of the endarterectomy site with endothelialized tissue, and altering the hemodynamic configuration of the carotid
bifurcation, vein patch closure theoretically would reduce thrombus accumulation and could prevent perioperative stroke and asymptomatic occlusion of
the internal carotid artery. Recurrent carotid stenosis also might be prevented or delayed in causing hemodynamically significant compromise because
of the increase in lumen size. Despite the attractiveness of these theoretical considerations, vein patch closure has some drawbacks. In addition to
increasing operative time, vein patch closure is associated with its own unique set of complications, including patch rupture, false aneurysm formation,
and thromboembolism stemming from the dilated aneurysmal reconstructed bifurcation. The use of Dacron or other prosthetic material for the patch
avoids some of these complications; however, the potential for infection is present, albeit small, and infection of a prosthetic patch in this location can
lead to catastrophic complications.
The results from randomized, prospective studies would suggest that the routine use of vein or prosthetic patch closure decreases perioperative stroke
morbidity and asymptomatic occlusion only when stroke morbidity and mortality exceed 5% to 7%.[89] In settings where perioperative morbidity and
mortality rates are less than 2% to 3%, there is no significant difference between primary closure and vein or prosthetic patch angioplasty in
perioperative morbidity and mortality.[90] In men, the use of vein patch closure does not significantly reduce the long-term follow-up incidence of
recurrent carotid disease.[91] However, in women, who have a higher incidence of recurrent carotid stenosis, vein patch closure significantly reduces the
incidence of this long-term complication.[92] Whether or not vein is superior to prosthetic material for patch closure has not been answered definitively.
A recent large randomized trial demonstrated equivalence between these two materials[93] ; however, a systematic overview of all randomized trials
demonstrated that carotid endarterectomy patch reconstruction with saphenous vein had better perioperative stroke and restenosis outcomes than those
obtained with Dacron and polytetrafluoroethylene.[40]
Considerations bearing on the decision of whether or not to use patch closure are broadly categorized into three major groups.[89] First, in clinical
settings in which the incidence of perioperative ischemic stroke and carotid thrombosis is unacceptably high, consideration should be given to
employing routine patch closure. Once again, ongoing quality improvement audits are necessary to define unacceptably high results that trigger
reassessment of multiple technical and patient selection factors that may influence these rates. One factor that may reduce these rates is the more liberal
use of vein or prosthetic patch closure.
Next, local or anatomic risk factors need to be considered. These factors require careful intraoperative assessment. Among these, the size of the internal
carotid artery is critical. Some studies have defined 5 mm in external diameter as measured with calipers as being the lower limit acceptable for primary
closure.[90] Redundant carotid arteries with loops or kinks that are at or near the site of endarterectomy are also problematic. Resection or imbrication of
redundant portions of the vessel is necessary under these circumstances, and the long arteriotomy should be closed with a patch. Vein patch closure is
also recommended when extensive disease is present and when a longer arteriotomy in the internal carotid artery is necessary. The need for distal
tacking sutures also implies that diseased intima is left behind. In such cases, the arteriotomy is extended well above the diseased intima, and a vein
patch closure is used. Likewise, if extensive disease is present in the common carotid artery, extending the arteriotomy proximally and closing with a
vein patch may be important to prevent recurrent stenosis at this site. The inability to obtain a smooth transition between an endarterectomized and an

unendarterectomized vessel wall, either proximally or distally, may give rise to unstable, nonlaminar flow phenomena that favor thrombogenesis. The
transition area with a pronounced shelf of intima should be covered with a vein patch if the shelf cannot be removed. Other local problems that would
be helped with a patch closure include a crooked or spiral-shaped arteriotomy and failure to obtain precise and even arteriotomy closure.
Finally, systemic risk factors for recurrent carotid disease have already been mentioned. In all major studies, women have been found to have a much
higher than expected rate of recurrent carotid stenosis. Vein patch closure is recommended in all women unless the internal carotid artery is larger than
5 mm in diameter and the arteriotomy is short and confined to the bulb. In addition, if multiple systemic atherosclerotic risk factors are present in a
patient, one should consider using patch closure to prevent or delay recurrent carotid disease.


Local Versus General Anesthesia for Carotid Endarterectomy

Performance of carotid endarterectomy in awake patients under local or regional anesthesia has the advantage of accurate neurologic assessment of the
patient during surgery and in the early postoperative period.[94] Neurologic deterioration can be detected early and allow appropriate use of selective
shunting. In addition, the cardiac and pulmonary morbidity of general anesthesia is avoided, and there is also a suggestion that operation under local
anesthesia is associated with shorter hospital stays.[73] Blood pressure appears to be more stable under local anesthesia, and wide swings that can occur
during operation and in the early postoperative period may be less than with general anesthesia. However, carotid endarterectomy under local anesthesia
has some disadvantages. The operation may be more hurried and technically more difficult. Patients may also suffer pain and stress during the
operation, and this may increase the risk of myocardial ischemia. Also, some surgeons find performing the operation under local anesthesia stressful.
There are many advantages associated with general anesthesia, including a more stable operative field and salutary effects of some general anesthetics
on cerebral circulation and protection against ischemic damage.
There are many retrospective, nonrandomized series in the literature that support routine general or local anesthesia for carotid endarterectomy.[73] [94]
Critical review of these data document no superiority of either approach over the other.[95] [96] Routine use of general or local anesthesia for carotid
endarterectomy is usually based on training and experience, and either approach is acceptable.
Carotid Shunt and Monitoring

The main benefit of using an internal shunt during carotid endarterectomy is the re-establishment of some blood flow in the few patients who might
need it. A second benefit associated with the use of shunt comes with closure of the arteriotomy. The shunt may serve as a stent over which the
arteriotomy closure, either primary or with a patch, can be facilitated. The principal risk of using a shunt involves technical complications associated
with its placement. With increasing familiarity in the use of a shunt, these risks may be reduced. The major risk is the introduction of emboli into the
internal carotid artery resulting in cerebral embolization. Careful backbleeding of the shunt to completely flush air and other debris, along with
placement of the shunt proximally and distally in areas free of gross atherosclerotic debris, minimizes the potential for this complication. The second
complication that occurs with the shunt is intimal injury. With soft, plastic material specifically designed for use in the internal carotid artery and with
the availability of different sizes of shunts, these complications have also been minimized. Another potential complication associated with shunt use is
that it may interfere with carotid endarterectomy and prevent the surgeon from visualizing the distal endpoint. When a shunt is in place, a longer
arteriotomy is required to ensure adequate visualization of the distal endpoint.
Advocates of routine shunting point to excellent results in large series and argue persuasively that expensive monitoring techniques are unnecessary
because facility and familiarity are enhanced by routine shunting.[97] Those who prefer selective shunting point out that only 10% to 15% of patients who
are intolerant of temporary carotid clamping benefit from an internal shunt.[98] [99] [100] [101] The problem comes in identifying these 10% to 15% of patients
who might require a shunt. Methods used include monitoring neurologic status during temporary carotid occlusion in an awake patient under local
anesthesia, measurement of internal carotid artery back pressure (stump pressure of <50 mm Hg is the generally accepted criterion for need for shunt
placement), isotopic regional blood flow measurements, transcranial Doppler monitoring, somatosensory evoked potential monitoring, and EEG
monitoring. All of these techniques have their limitations, and some are expensive and cumbersome. From data in the literature, patients most
vulnerable to intraoperative cerebral infarct related to hypoperfusion are those who have had prior strokes, those who had a contralateral carotid
occlusion, and those who show changes during intraoperative EEG monitoring. A shunt would be necessary in most patients with prior infarcts and/or
contralateral carotid occlusion and mandatory in all who show EEG changes or who develop a neurologic deficit during regional anesthesia.
The controversy surrounding selective shunt use based on monitoring versus routine shunt use will continue as long as surgeons perform carotid
endarterectomy, and it is unlikely that it will be laid to rest by a randomized trial because of the low incidence of perioperative stroke with either
approach. Both approaches are valid and depend primarily on training, local availability, and the expense of monitoring techniques. The only approach
that is not valid is routine nonshunt use.
Timing of Operation After Stroke

The early experience with carotid endarterectomy resulted in a generally accepted policy to delay the operation for 4 to 6 weeks in patients diagnosed
with acute stroke, regardless of its severity, for fear of clinical deterioration associated with conversion of a bland infarct into a hemorrhagic one. Recent
reports have suggested that an early operation without waiting 4 to 6 weeks is safe in patients with minor, nondisabling stroke.[102] [103] On the other hand,
a higher incidence of perioperative stroke has been reported in patients undergoing operation within 5 to 6 weeks after presenting with stroke.[104] A
compelling reason for not delaying the operation is that patients may be placed at risk for recurrent stroke during the waiting period, particularly in
circumstances where the stenosis is advanced or preocclusive. This reasoning is supported by the fact that, in the NASCET, 4.9% of the medically
treated patients diagnosed with symptoms of stroke on entry had recurrent ipsilateral stroke within 30 days after randomization.[24]


The NASCET database provides further information.[102] Subgroup analysis was carried out on 100 surgical patients with 70% to 99% stenosis who were
diagnosed with nondisabling hemispheric stroke at entry into the trial. Of these patients, 40% had carotid endarterectomy performed within 30 days, and
the remainder had their endarterectomy performed at delayed times. There was no significant difference in the perioperative stroke and death rate and
delayed stroke and death rate, and no association was found between an abnormal preoperative CT scan result and the subsequent risk of stroke when an
early operation was performed. Based on these results, early carotid endarterectomy for severe carotid stenosis after nondisabling stroke can be done
with rates of morbidity and mortality comparable with those who receive a delayed operation. Delaying the procedure for 4 to 6 weeks for patients with
symptomatic high-grade stenosis exposes them to risk of recurrent stroke, which may be avoidable by earlier surgery.
From available data, one can draw the following conclusions about timing of carotid endarterectomy after stroke.[105] Patients with severe neurologic

deficits, including altered consciousness, are not candidates for early carotid endarterectomy or carotid endarterectomy at any time unless they have
considerable clinical recovery and, therefore, have brain tissue that can be preserved. Patients with a stable, nondisabling acute stroke, a normal CT
scan, and a normal level of consciousness can probably undergo carotid endarterectomy shortly after the diagnosis is made and evaluation is complete.
Patients with a small stroke on CT without significant midline shift, a stable neurologic deficit, and a normal level of consciousness have low risk with
early surgery. If these individuals have an advanced (>70%) stenosis, they should undergo early operation. If the stenosis is moderate (50% to 69%)
delaying operation for 4 to 6 weeks may be prudent. Patients with large strokes on CT with a midline shift may be at higher risk, particularly if they
have a depressed level of consciousness. Operation should be delayed until these patients improve and plateau in their clinical recovery.
Simultaneous Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Artery Bypass

It is generally accepted that coronary artery disease is highly prevalent in patients presenting with carotid atherosclerotic stenosis. Many studies have
documented that one fourth to one third of patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy have severe underlying coronary artery disease. The converse,
however, is not true. The incidence of hemodynamically significant carotid stenosis in screening studies of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass
is 5% to 11%.[106] Special problems arise in patients who have advanced disease in both territories. Although many centers have reported favorable
experiences in combined carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery bypass procedures performed simultaneously, others point out that the overall
stroke and death rate with this approach is higher than with either procedure alone. It is not clear whether this is due to the increased magnitude of the
operation or the poor overall risk in such patients with advanced disease in both territories.
Simultaneous operation is generally restricted to patients whose carotid lesions appear to present a real threat in the postoperative period after coronary
artery bypass. It should be considered in patients with precarious coronary artery disease such as unstable angina or high-grade left main lesions who
have symptomatic high-grade carotid stenoses, bilateral high-grade asymptomatic stenoses, or ipsilateral advanced, asymptomatic stenosis and
contralateral occlusion.[107] Staged approaches are appropriate in most patients. Initial carotid endarterectomy followed by coronary artery bypass is
frequently applied to patients who present with symptomatic, high-grade carotid lesions who have stable coronary artery disease. In patients undergoing
urgent or emergent coronary artery bypass grafting who have advanced carotid disease, a reversed staged approach may be employed, whereby carotid
endarterectomy is carried out later. There appears to be an increased morbidity from performing carotid endarterectomy immediately after coronary
artery bypass grafting, and available data would suggest that the operation should be delayed for at least 2 weeks.[107] Little data exist from prospective
studies or randomized trials to guide the decision making for these complex patients, and most require individualized attention.
Eversion Carotid Endarterectomy

Eversion carotid endarterectomy was introduced in the late 1950s. The technique involves division of the common carotid artery below the bifurcation
and eversion endarterectomy of both the external and internal carotid arteries.[108] [109] Most recent modifications of the technique involve transection of
the internal carotid artery at the level of the bifurcation and reimplantation of the internal carotid artery after endarterectomy into the common carotid
artery.[110] Purported advantages of the eversion technique include simplicity, faster operating times, ease of correction of elongated and tortuous internal
carotid arteries and, possibly, a lower rate of carotid restenosis. Disadvantages of the technique include difficulty in shunting, the possibility of
incomplete removal of distal intimal flaps, difficulties in obtaining complete endarterectomy of the external and common carotid arteries when these are
extensively involved with the disease, and frequent need for extensive distal mobilization of the internal carotid artery with a higher rate of cranial nerve
injury in some series. Randomized studies to date demonstrate no differences in the major outcomes of stroke, death, and recurrent stenosis.[111] [112]
Carotid Angioplasty/Stent Placement

During the years that carotid endarterectomy trials were being conducted, the techniques of balloon angioplasty and subsequently of stenting were being
perfected for the coronary and peripheral arteries. Most recently, the technique has been extended to arteries supplying the brain.

This procedure in cerebral arteries is now performed by cardiologists, radiologists, and surgeons with increasing frequency and a reported decline in
periprocedural complications.[113]
Angioplasty/stenting has been reported in many case series with extracranial and intracranial atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic disease affecting the
carotid and the vertebrobasilar arteries. The quality of these studies is variable because of their retrospective nature, the heterogeneity of patients
(asymptomatic and symptomatic patients) and disease processes (atherosclerosis, restenoses, fibromuscular disease, and others), the lack of controls and
independent neurologic assessment, inaccuracy in reporting neurologic outcomes, the absence of long-term follow-up, and the lack of objective
assessment of restenosis.
With these limitations noted, contemporary series of carotid angioplasty and stenting report a technical success rate of 97% to 98% and a stroke and
death rate of 0% to 7.1%.[113] [114] [115] [116] [117] Cerebral protection devices that capture atherothrombotic debris at the time of angioplasty and stent
deployment reduce the overall rate of periprocedural neurologic deficits by 40% to 50%.[114] [118] [119] [120] [121] Four randomized trials have compared carotid
endarterectomy to carotid angioplasty and stenting.[122] [123] [124] [125] Two demonstrated equivalent results with both interventions,[123] [124] and the others
were halted because of the high rate of adverse events from angioplasty and stenting.[122] [125] Cerebral protection devices were not utilized routinely in
any of these trials.
Large-scale, properly designed randomized trials of carotid endarterectomy versus angioplasty/stenting that feature cerebral protection devices are
needed. Just as randomized trials have provided clear guidelines for the selection of patients to be treated with carotid endarterectomy, the same
methodology will be required to define the role of angioplasty/stenting in stroke prevention. Major trials are currently underway. Until data from such
trials are available, the procedure of carotid angioplasty/stenting should be reserved for patients requiring carotid revascularization who are not
candidates for carotid endarterectomy because of anatomic, technical, or medical reasons.[113] [118] [126]
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Selected References
Barnett HJM, Taylor DW, Eliasziw M, et al: Benefit of carotid endarterectomy in patients with symptomatic moderate or severe stenosis. North American Symptomatic Carotid
Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. N Engl J Med 339:14151425, 1998.
This paper presents the NASCET results in symptomatic patients with moderate stenoses (<70%) randomized to carotid endarterectomy plus medical therapy versus
medical therapy alone. In patients with 50% to 69% stenoses, carotid endarterectomy was superior to medical therapy; however, in patients with less than 50% stenoses,
medical and surgical therapy were equivalent. The paper also presents long-term follow-up in patients with severe stenoses (>70%) randomized to carotid endarterectomy.
These patients had sustained benefit over the entire 7-year period of follow-up.
Beneficial effect of carotid endarterectomy in symptomatic patients with high-grade carotid stenosis. North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial Collaborators. N
Engl J Med 325:445453, 1991.
This landmark article was the first major randomized, prospective trial to demonstrate the superiority of carotid endarterectomy over medical therapy for symptomatic
patients with severe carotid stenosis. In addition to confirming the benefit of surgical intervention, the study documented the extraordinary high risk of stroke with medical
Clagett GP: When should I reoperate for recurrent carotid stenosis? In Naylor R, MacKay WC (eds): Carotid Artery Surgery: A Problem-Based Approach. London, Bailliere Tindall,
This chapter reviews the incidence, pathogenesis, indications for intervention, and operative techniques for recurrent carotid stenosis.
Counsell CE, Salinas R, Naylor R, et al: A systematic review of the randomised trials of carotid patch angioplasty in carotid endarterectomy. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 13:345354,
A meta-analysis confirms the superiority of patch angioplasty over primary closure in carotid endarterectomy. Perioperative stroke and recurrent carotid stenosis are
reduced by the use of patch angioplasty to close the arteriotomy. However, there are not sufficient data to judge which patch material (vein, Dacron, and expanded
polytetrafluoroethylene vascular sutures) is superior.
Endarterectomy for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. Executive Committee for the Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study. JAMA 273:14211428, 1995.
Patients with greater than 60% asymptomatic carotid stenosis were shown to benefit from carotid endarterectomy in this study. However, the results remain somewhat
controversial because, although statistically significant, the absolute risk reduction in stroke and death was only 6%.
Ferguson GG, Eliasziw M, Barr HW, et al: The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial: Surgical results in 1415 patients. Stroke 30:17511758, 1999.
A detailed analysis of perioperative morbidity and mortality of surgical patients in the NASCET study is presented. A major conclusion was that thromboembolism
stemming from the endarterectomy site is a major cause of postoperative stroke.
Hsia DC, Moscoe LM, Krushat WM: Epidemiology of carotid endarterectomy among Medicare beneficiaries: 19851996 update. Stroke 29:346350, 1998.
In this sobering analysis, the authors document that the national stroke and death rate among patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy who are also Medicare
beneficiaries remains unacceptably high. The authors question whether the beneficial results of carotid endarterectomy can be extrapolated nationally.
Jackson MR, Clagett GP: Antithrombotic therapy in peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Chest 114:6665, 1998.
This review critically assesses the benefit of antithrombotic therapy for peripheral arterial occlusive disease, including carotid artery disease.

Moore WS, Barnett HJ, Beebe HG, et al: Guidelines for carotid endarterectomy: A multidisciplinary consensus statement from the Ad Hoc Committee, American Heart Association.
Circulation 91:566579, 1995.
A group of prominent vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons, and neurologists details indications for carotid endarterectomy as well as relative contraindications in patients
who may be better treated medically.
Pritz MB: Timing of carotid endarterectomy after stroke. Stroke 28:25632567, 1997.
This thoughtful review addresses the risks/benefits of early versus late carotid endarterectomy for patients presenting with stroke. Early intervention is advocated for
patients who are neurologically stable with relatively minor deficits.
Tangkanakul C, Counsell CE, Warlow CP: Local versus general anaesthesia in carotid endarterectomy: A systematic review of the evidence. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 13:491499,
In this meta-analysis, the authors critically review available data on outcomes following general or local anesthesia for carotid endarterectomy. They conclude that there is
no superiority of either approach over the other.
Thompson JE: Carotid surgery: The past is prologue. The John Homans Lecture. J Vasc Surg 25:131140, 1997.
This is an outstanding account of the history of carotid endarterectomy, as well as the operations current status. The author is one of the pioneers of carotid surgery.

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Use of this content is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the MD Consult web site.

Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

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Chapter 64 - Aneurysmal Vascular Disease

Christopher K. Zarins M.D.
Maarit A. Heikkinen M.D., Ph.D.
Bradley B. Hill M.D.

An arterial aneurysm is defined as a permanent localized enlargement of an artery to more than 1.5 times its expected diameter.[1] Aneurysms can
develop at any location in the arterial tree but are most commonly found in the human aorta, iliac, popliteal, and femoral arteries, in decreasing order of
frequency. The carotid, renal, visceral, and upper extremity arteries can also develop aneurysms. Intracranial cerebrovascular aneurysms are distinct
from extracranial arterial aneurysms with regard to age, risk factors, manifestations, and treatment, and they are not considered here.
Arterial ectasia refers to localized arterial enlargement less than 50% of normal diameter. Arteriomegaly refers to generalized arterial enlargement
including the aorta, iliac, and femoral arteries and usually includes arteries that are normally not prone to develop aneurysms, such as the external iliac
artery and the profunda femoris artery. Although arteriomegalic arteries can become quite large, they are usually not prone to rupture.
The primary clinical significance of centrally located aneurysms (intrathoracic and intra-abdominal) is related to the risk of aneurysm rupture, whereas
the primary clinical significance of peripheral aneurysms is related to the risk of thrombosis or embolism.
Aneurysms are classified according to anatomic site, morphology, and etiology. The most common aneurysm morphology is a fusiform, symmetrical
circumferential enlargement involving all layers of the artery wall. Aneurysms may also be saccular with aneurysmal degeneration affecting only part of
the arterial circumference.
The most common etiology of aneurysms is atherosclerotic degeneration of the arterial wall. The pathogenesis is a multifactorial process involving
genetic predisposition, aging, atherosclerosis, inflammation, and localized proteolytic enzyme activation. Most aneurysms occur in elderly people, and
the prevalence of aneurysms increases with increasing age. Aneurysms can also occur in younger, genetically susceptible individuals with EhlersDanlos and Marfan syndromes. Other etiologies include localized infection that results in mycotic aneurysms and the rare tertiary stage of syphilis.
Aortic aneurysms may also occur with aortic dissection. Aortic dissections usually occur in the thoracic aorta with an intimal tear and separation of the
layers of the aortic wall. This results in the creation of a false lumen within the aortic wall with compression of the true lumen. The term dissecting
aneurysm is applied to aortic dissections with aneurysmal dilation of the false lumen. This can result in rupture of the aorta.
Aneurysmal enlargement can also result from hemodynamic causes such as poststenotic arterial dilation or arteriovenous fistulas. Long-standing
poststenotic dilation at sites such as in the subclavian artery distal to a cervical rib or thoracic outlet compression, or in the aorta distal to coarctation or
aortic valvular stenosis, may result in aneurysmal degeneration. Once the artery becomes

aneurysmal, reversal of the hemodynamic aberration does not result in regression of the aneurysm. Similarly, arteries supplying a long-standing highflow arteriovenous fistula, either congenital or acquired, can become aneurysmal. Additional types of aneurysms include those associated with
pregnancy and childhood or congenital aneurysms.
Pseudoaneurysms (false aneurysms) are localized arterial disruptions caused by blunt or penetrating trauma, vascular intervention, or anastomotic
disruption. Blood is contained by adjoining tissues and fibrous reaction. Pseudoaneurysms are distinguished from true aneurysms involving a pathologic
process of the arterial wall.
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Early attempts at repairing aneurysms included (1) ligation (Cooper, 1817); (2) induction of thrombosis by inserting steel wire (Moore, 1864); (3)
passing an electrical current within the vessel wall; (4) cellophane wrapping (Rea, 1948); and (5) endoaneurysmorrhaphy, which consisted of
imbrication of the opened aneurysm edges (Matas, 1906).
The first modern repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm was performed in 1951 in Paris by Charles Dubost, who used the retroperitoneal approach and
replaced the aneurysm with a freeze-dried thoracic aortic homograft. Repair of a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm was first reported by Bahnson at
Johns Hopkins in 1953. Initially, aneurysm repair involved excision of the aneurysm and replacement of the aorta with a graft. The term
aneurysmectomy persists in the surgical lexicon to denote aortic aneurysm repair, although aneurysms are rarely excised. In the late 1950s, it was
realized that removal of the aneurysm was unnecessary, and aortic aneurysm repair is currently performed intrasaccularly by opening the aneurysm
sac and suturing a prosthetic graft to the nonaneurysmal proximal aorta and distal vessels. Numerous technical advances have been made since the
1960s and have resulted in improvement in grafts, sutures, instruments, clamps, and techniques. Furthermore, significant advances have been made in
areas of anesthesia, blood transfusion, and preoperative and postoperative care. Surgical repair of aneurysms can be performed safely and is effective in
preventing death from rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms.[2]
The unreliable early aortic homografts were replaced through pioneering efforts of Vorhees, DeBakey, and others using a variety of prosthetic cloth
grafts, of which the crimped Dacron polyester graft has proven to be the most durable and is still used.
Repair of a thoracoabdominal aneurysm was first reported in 1954 by Etheredge, followed by four cases in 1956 by DeBakey and colleagues.
Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Crawford laid the foundation for the treatment of thoracoabdominal aneurysm, Marfan syndrome, and the
surgical treatment of aortic dissection.[3] [4] Ongoing evolutionary changes in patient management included improvement in perioperative
cardiopulmonary management, modification of the approach to coronary artery comorbidity, and improvement in the ways to reduce spinal cord
ischemia and paraplegia after thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair.
In 1991, Parodi introduced a revolutionary minimally invasive endovascular approach to the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms. This involved
transfemoral endoluminal placement of a stented prosthesis within the aneurysm sac to exclude the aneurysm from the circulation. Endovascular stent
graft repair offers the advantage of reduced patient morbidity by avoiding direct transabdominal or transthoracic aneurysm surgical exposure. A number
of commercial bifurcated stent graft devices have been developed for the abdominal aorta, and these have largely replaced the early homemade
devices. Three commercially available devices have received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for clinical use for abdominal aortic
aneurysms. Several thoracic stent graft devices are in clinical trials for thoracic aneurysms.
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The pathogenesis of aortic aneurysms is complex and not well defined. A number of theories have been proposed, but no single theory has been
universally accepted. It is likely that aneurysm formation is the consequence of the interaction of multiple factors rather than a single process.
Histologically, the aneurysm wall is thinned with a marked decrease in the amount of medial and adventitial elastin. An inflammatory infiltrate has been
observed in some abdominal aneurysms, with a relative preponderance of plasma cells in the media of some and a chronic infiltrate with a
preponderance of T cells in the adventitia in others. Because of the frequent coexistence with generalized atherosclerosis, degenerative aneurysms are
often referred to as atherosclerotic aneurysms. Although aneurysmal and occlusive disease demonstrate common pathologic features and share common
risk factors, a common pathogenesis has not been proved. The etiologic role of atherosclerosis in the development of these aneurysms has been
questioned, and alternative or additional mechanisms have been proposed. However, the similarity of the pathologic processes involving artery
degeneration suggests that common disease mechanisms between atherosclerotic occlusive disease and aneurysmal disease will be found ( Fig. 641 ).
The following mechanisms are not mutually exclusive, and, most likely, all of them play a part in the formation of aneurysms.

Abdominal as well as thoracic aneurysms exhibit familial clustering and occur in 10% to 20% of first-degree relatives. Specific genetic abnormalities
have been linked to aneurysm formation in patients with Marfan syndrome (fibrillin) and in patients with Ehlers-Danlos type 4 (procollagen type III).
However, the aneurysms in these patients appear at an earlier age and are often different from the usual variety of degenerative aneurysms, and the
relevance of these abnormalities to the latter is doubtful.

Figure 64-1 Cross section of abdominal aortic aneurysm reveals dilated arterial wall with posterior atherosclerotic plaque and laminated mural thrombus.

Less specific genetic abnormalities include decreased type III collagen in the aortic media of familial aneurysms and more common polymorphisms on
the gene for pro-alpha1 (III) chain of type III collagen and the haptoglobin alpha allele in patients with aneurysms. In addition, abnormalities on the
long arm of chromosome 16 have been found. Because most patients with aneurysms do not have a known family history, a genetic predisposition as
the sole or principal cause of degenerative aneurysms is unlikely.

The primary determinants of aortic structural integrity and stability are the musculoelastic fascicles in the media and the collagen scaffold structure of
the adventitia. Degradation of these structures is expected to result in aneurysmal degeneration and, indeed, experimental enzymatic destruction of the
aortic wall results in the formation of aneurysms. Many changes in aneurysm wall have been described, including a marked decrease in the quantity of
elastin in the aneurysm wall while the quantity of collagen remains unchanged. There is increased activity of elastase in the aneurysm wall, which may
be related to matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 or other proteases. Increased collagenase activity (MMP-1) has also been found in abdominal aortic
aneurysm wall as well as MMP-3 (an activator of MMP-9 and MMP-1) and plasmin. A decrease in the concentration of protease inhibitors tissue
inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 and TIMP-2 has also been reported. Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-. , which are secreted by
inflammatory cells, were also found to be elevated in aneurysm wall. The causative role of these and other derangements has not been proved, and they
may represent secondary changes related to degeneration of the arterial wall.

Atherosclerosis is epidemiologically linked to aneurysmal disease. Both occur in older individuals, predominantly in men and in smokers.
Pathologically, atherosclerosis is characterized by focal intimal thickening encroaching on the lumen and consequent compensatory arterial dilation.
This remodeling occurs by thinning of the media underneath the plaque and loss of normal arterial architecture, a change identical to the process
underlying aneurysmal degeneration.[5] [6] Experimentally, aneurysms can be induced in nonsusceptible primates by exogenous cholesterol feeding and
induction of atherosclerosis, and their formation can be further enhanced by plaque regression.
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Distribution of Aortic Aneurysms

Aortic aneurysms are most commonly located in the infrarenal aorta ( Fig. 642 ). The segment immediately below the renal arteries is usually spared.
Aneurysms involving the immediate infrarenal segment are known as juxtarenal aneurysms. Suprarenal aneurysms are those that extend above the renal
arteries. Thoracoabdominal aneurysms occur in a minority of cases (2%) and involve the thoracic aorta in addition to the abdominal aorta, including the
segment involving the celiac, superior mesenteric, and renal arteries.
The iliac arteries are involved in 40% of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms. In 90% of these, the common iliac arteries are involved, whereas
10% involve the hypogastric arteries. The external iliac arteries are almost never involved. Occasionally, iliac aneurysms occur in an isolated fashion.
Prevalence of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms at autopsy is 1.8% to 6.6%. In one large autopsy study, the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in
men was 4.3%, increasing rapidly after the age of 55 years and peaking at the age of 80 years, whereas the prevalence in women was 2.1%, increasing
after age 70 years and continuing to do so beyond age 90 years.[7] The most common location of aortic aneurysms is in the abdominal aorta, and up to
40% of patients with infrarenal aneurysms have an aneurysm elsewhere in the aorta. The incidence of newly diagnosed aortic aneurysms is 21 in
100,000 patient-years. Since 1970, there has been a more than threefold increase in overall as well as age-specific prevalence of abdominal

Figure 64-2 Human anatomic specimen containing thoracic and abdominal aorta. Note the 5.5-cm abdominal aortic aneurysm (arrow) at a typical location below the renal arteries

aneurysms, whereas death rates from strokes and heart disease have been declining.
The average age of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms is 75 years, about 10 years older than the average age of patients with clinically significant
arterial occlusive disease. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are more common in men than in women, with a male-to-female ratio of approximately 8:1.
White men have a higher prevalence than black men or women. In 50- to 75-year-old men, aneurysms larger than 4 cm occur at a rate of 1.4%; in
patients older than 60 years of age, the prevalence of aneurysms larger than 3 cm is 3%. Smoking is the most important risk factor and is associated with
78% of aneurysms discovered on screening.[8] [9] Prevalence of aneurysms is approximately 10% in men with hypertension or with clinical evidence of
peripheral, carotid, or coronary arterial disease. There is a definite familial incidence, with a rate of 10% to 20% and an 11.6-fold increase in relative
risk in first-degree relatives of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Familial aneurysms affect patients at a younger age, and more women are
Aneurysm rupture is the cause of death in 1.2% of men and 0.6% of women in the United States. It is the 13th most common cause of death in the
United States and is the cause of deaths in 15,000 people annually. In 12% of the ruptured aneurysms, the aneurysm has not been previously diagnosed.
About 46,000 abdominal aneurysms were repaired in 1992 in the United States and, of these, approximately 10% were ruptured.
Thoracic aortic aneurysms are diagnosed at a rate of 5.9 in 100,000 per year. In 12% to 25%, they are multisegmental, and the most common
combination (44% of cases) is a descending thoracic and an infrarenal aortic aneurysm. Thoracic aneurysms are more equally distributed between the
genders than are abdominal aortic aneurysms, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. There is familial clustering, and patients with a family history tend to
be younger.
Aortic dissection has an incidence of approximately 10 in 100,000 per year; as a cause of death, 2 in 100,000 are listed annually for men and 0.8 in

100,000 for women. The incidence is declining, possibly because of better control of hypertension. It is estimated that only one third to two thirds of
aortic dissections are diagnosed before death and that this may be the most common aortic catastrophe. The median age for dissection is 60 years (range
13 to 87 years), and 77% of the patients are men. It may occur in younger women during the third trimester of pregnancy.
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

The natural history of abdominal aortic aneurysms is to enlarge and rupture. Treatment strategies are designed to prevent this complication. The survival
statistics after rupture of an aortic aneurysm have not changed significantly since the 1980s. Following rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, only
50% of patients arrive at the hospital alive. Of these, 24% or more die before surgery and 42% die after the operation, for an overall mortality rate of
78% to 94%.
Aneurysms enlarge at an average rate of 0.4 cm per year, with a high individual variability.[10] Enlargement may be discontinuous, and 25% of
aneurysms remain stationary over prolonged periods. Higher enlargement rates have been associated with arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive lung
disease, family history, and increased aneurysmal thrombus.
In less than 5% of abdominal aneurysms, the first clinical manifestation is embolization to the lower extremity. This complication is not related to the
size of the aneurysm and constitutes an independent indication for repair.
Risk of Rupture

The single most important factor associated with rupture is maximal cross-sectional aneurysm diameter. Maximal aneurysm diameter correlates best to
the probability of rupture. Equal in significance is maximal cross-sectional area.[11] The fate of large aneurysms was initially investigated in the 1950s
and 1960s. Overall survival rate and the risk of rupture were related to maximal transverse diameter, and 50% of those with large aneurysms (>6 cm)
died of rupture whereas the other half died from underlying diseases, most commonly ischemic heart disease. The risk of rupture is estimated at 1% to
3% per year for aneurysms 4 to 5 cm, 6% to 11% per year for 5- to 7-cm aneurysms,

and 20% per year for aneurysms larger than 7 cm. Aneurysms smaller than 4 cm appear to be at a very low risk of rupture. The most powerful factors
that increase the risk of rupture are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pain. Even vague and uncharacteristic pain has been found to be
significantly associated with subsequent rupture. Advanced age, female gender, and renal failure have been linked to an increased risk of rupture.[1] [2] [3]
[4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [27]

Thoracic Aneurysms

The natural history of thoracic aortic aneurysms is less well defined. Dissecting aneurysms carry a worse prognosis and expand more rapidly than
degenerative aneurysms. Ascending and arch aneurysms fare worse than descending aortic aneurysms of either the dissecting or degenerative variety.
The expansion rate is 0.42 cm per year for descending thoracic aneurysms and 0.56 cm per year for arch aneurysms. In a population-based study, 95%
of patients with dissecting aneurysms and 51% of patients with degenerative aneurysms eventually ruptured.[28] Following rupture, only 11% underwent
surgery (with a mortality rate of 43%) for an overall mortality rate of 94%.
Natural history data on thoracoabdominal aneurysms are sparse. The natural history seems to parallel that of thoracic and abdominal aneurysms. In the
largest series, 24% of unoperated patients with large thoracoabdominal aneurysms were alive at 2 years and more than 50% died of aneurysm rupture,
whereas of those who underwent surgical repair, 59% survived 5 years.[29]
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Clinical Presentation

Most abdominal aortic aneurysms are asymptomatic before rupture. Because no large-scale screening programs for abdominal aortic aneurysm are in
place, most aneurysms are discovered on routine physical examination with the palpation of a pulsatile abdominal mass or on imaging while
investigating an unrelated problem. Approximately 80% of aneurysms are identified incidentally on abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or plain abdominal radiograph.
Aneurysms can be associated with vague abdominal and back discomfort. Occasionally, spinal erosion is the cause of back pain, and large aneurysms
may be associated with early satiety and occasionally vomiting. Acutely expanding aneurysms produce severe, deep back pain or abdominal pain
radiating to the back. This may be accompanied by tenderness to palpation of the aneurysm. This presentation often precedes rupture and urgent
treatment is required. Less than 5% of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm have evidence of embolization, usually small, to the distal arteries of the
lower extremities. As many as 12% of aneurysms present for the first time with acute aneurysm rupture.
About 5% of aneurysms present with nonspecific, idiopathic retroperitoneal inflammation and fibrosis. These aneurysms are referred to as inflammatory
aneurysms. They are often associated with pain, fever, and fibrosis, which may involve the ureters and cause ureteral obstruction.

Physical examination is useful for the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms, especially in thin patients and patients with large aneurysms. An
important feature on physical examination is detection of expansile pulsation, where the gap between both hands placed on either side of the aneurysm
widens with each systole. This finding separates the aneurysm from normal aortic pulsations, which can be normally palpated in thin subjects,
particularly those with lordotic spines, and young women, and whenever a mass overlies the aorta and transmits them.
However, most patients with aneurysms are not thin, and most aneurysms are less than 6 cm. Under these circumstances, physical examination may be
unreliable, resulting in 50% false-positive and 50% false-negative results. Extension of an aortic aneurysm into the iliac arteries or the presence of
isolated iliac aneurysms cannot be appreciated on physical examination. Large hypogastric aneurysms can sometimes be palpated on rectal examination.
Abdominal aortic aneurysms are occasionally discovered on plain abdominal or on a lumbar spine radiograph by the characteristic eggshell pattern of
calcification. However, most aneurysms are not sufficiently calcified to be identified on these films, and this is not a reliable method for diagnosis or
Abdominal ultrasound is the most widely used noninvasive test for diagnosing and following up abdominal aortic aneurysms. Ultrasound is accurate in
demonstrating the presence of an aortic aneurysm and in measuring transverse aneurysmal diameter ( Fig. 643 ). Diameter measurements correlate well
with dimensions measured on CT scan and at operation. The quality of the examination may be influenced by patient factors such as obesity and bowel
gas and by the expertise of the examiner. Because of its low cost, wide availability, and lack of risk, ultrasound is particularly useful for screening and
for surveillance of small aneurysms and may prove useful for follow-up after endovascular repair. Duplex ultrasound is inconsistent in visualization of
the renal and iliac arteries and is not reliable in demonstrating accessory renal arteries or other anomalies; it is, therefore, less useful as a preoperative
planning tool.
CT is the most precise test for imaging aortic aneurysms ( Fig. 644 ). CT scanning with a timed intravenous contrast infusion provides good images of
the aorta, aortic lumen, branch vessels, and adjacent retroperitoneal structures. Modern spiral CT scanners acquire complete volumetric data and may be
reproduced as serial cross sections at specified intervals, as well as a full data set, which can be used for special image processing. The data set can be
used for three-dimensional image rendering, which may

Figure 64-3 A, Ultrasonography demonstrates an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Note the posterior mural thrombus within the aneurysm sac. B, Three-dimensional CT image illustrates
the presence of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney; RA, renal artery; IN, infrarenal neck; An, aneurysm; CIA, common iliac artery; IIA,
internal iliac artery; EIA, external iliac artery.


Figure 64-4 CT image illustrates an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm from lateral (top, right), anterior (bottom, left), and posterior (bottom, right) views.

be important for understanding the particular arterial anatomy and for planning treatment ( Fig. 645 ). CT scanning clearly demonstrates the size and
extent of aortic aneurysms and their relation to renal and iliac arteries. Renal artery stenoses, accessory renal arteries, and renal and renal vein anomalies
are clearly evident. CT scanning demonstrates the thickened wall typical of inflammatory aneurysms and demonstrates a contained rupture. At this time,
CT is the most versatile of the noninvasive tests and has largely replaced arteriography for evaluation of aortic aneurysmal disease.
MRI is the newest of the noninvasive imaging techniques used for evaluation of aortic aneurysmal disease. Technologic advances such as fast
acquisition times short enough for suspended respiration and use of intravenous contrast agents (gadolinium chelates) have made it possible to produce
high-quality images of the aorta that rival the quality CT scan. MR angiography accurately demonstrates aortoiliac aneurysmal disease and is useful for
planning and for follow-up of endovascular repair. It is less sensitive than CT scanning in identifying accessory renal arteries and grading renal artery


Figure 64-5 Three-dimensional CT image showing an aneurysmal aortic wall in the descending thoracic aorta, abdominal aorta, and right common iliac artery. Asc aorta, ascending
aorta; TAA, thoracic aortic aneurysm; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney; CIAA, common iliac artery aneurysm; AAA, abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Arteriography provides reliable information on artery lumen caliber and branch vessel disease. However, because most aneurysms contain a variable
amount of thrombus lining the aneurysm wall, assessment of the size of the aneurysm by arteriography is unreliable. Even so, arteriography is widely
used in planning treatment strategies, particularly in evaluating the renal arteries, visceral branch vessels, and iliac and femoral arteries. With the
availability of high-quality contrast CT scanning that can demonstrate branch vessels, arteriography is beginning to be replaced for preoperative
planning. Arteriography is important in the investigation of aortic dissection and, in conjunction with CT, can demonstrate the area of the intimal tear,
delineate the true and false lumen, and assist in planning interventional or operative treatment.
Preoperative Evaluation

Patients with aneurysms are most often elderly and frequently have coexisting cardiac, pulmonary, or renal disease, which increases the risk of
aneurysm repair. Complete preoperative evaluation and careful patient selection can reduce perioperative risk. With current perioperative management
strategies, even individuals with significant comorbidities can undergo endovascular or surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms with very low
morbidity and mortality rates. Especially endovascular repair can be safely performed in very old patients, and repair is not denied on the basis of
chronologic age alone.
The most important step in preparing for invasive treatment of aortic disease is the cardiac evaluation. Severe coronary artery disease is present in 50%
of patients in whom it is suspected and in 20% of patients without clinical indications of the disease. The presence of uncorrected coronary artery
disease raises the risk of death from less than 3% to 5% to 10%, the risk of fatal myocardial infarction to 4.7%, and the risk of nonfatal myocardial
infarction to 16%. In comparison, the perioperative mortality rate in patients without coronary artery disease is 1.1% and in those after coronary
revascularization is 0.4%.[18]
Because history, physical examination, and electrocardiography (ECG) do not identify all patients at risk, noninvasive tests have been used to identify
patients who may benefit from a change in strategy or from coronary revascularization. Exercise ECG testing has been largely superseded by stress or
dipyridamole thallium cardiac scintillation scan and the dobutamine echocardiogram. Other tests include measurement of the ejection fraction by
echocardiogram or multigated acquisition scan and continuous portable ECG monitoring. These tests are applied to patients at risk, including older
patients and those with a history of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, abnormal baseline ECG, and diabetes mellitus.
Selection of patients for preoperative cardiac screening may be based on a variety of indices, including the Detsky modified Goldman risk index,
Eagles criteria, and the recommendations of the American Heart Association.
Patients who are found to have significant coronary artery disease may be referred for catheter-based or surgical coronary revascularization before
surgical repair of the aneurysm. In addition to decreasing perioperative cardiac morbidity, this approach may decrease the 39% 5-year mortality rate
associated with underlying coronary disease in these patients.
Other important risk factors for surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and impaired renal
function. Pulmonary function studies can serve as a rough prognostic guide and should be optimized before surgical intervention. Preoperative renal
function is an important determinant of perioperative morbidity and influences the use of contrast agents in diagnostic tests or at the time of
endovascular repair.
Selection of Patients for Aneurysm Repair

The selection of patients for aneurysm repair of aortic aneurysms is based on assessments of the risks of rupture and of the procedure. When the
maximal diameter reaches 5.5 cm, risk of rupture increases rapidly and aneurysm repair is indicated. Anatomy of the aneurysm, infrarenal aorta, and
iliac arteries usually determines the type of reconstruction: open surgical repair or endovascular repair. Patients with significant comorbidities should

be treated with endovascular graft. However, if anatomy is unsuitable for endovascular repair in high-risk patients, an open surgical procedure may be
considered if the aneurysm is large (>6 to 7 cm). Patients with aneurysms between 4 and 5 cm are candidates for repair if there is evidence of more than

a 0.5-cm enlargement over a 6-month period. Patients with evidence of rapid expansion, tenderness in the region of the aneurysm, and back or
abdominal pain, which may originate in the aneurysm, should undergo urgent aneurysm repair. Peripheral embolization originating from the aneurysm
is an indication for repair, regardless of aneurysm size.
Endovascular repair does introduce morphologic criteria for patient selection in that only aneurysms with a suitable infrarenal neck and iliac arteries can
be treated with endovascular stent grafts. Patients requiring additional abdominal or pelvic revascularization procedures, patients with narrow femoral
and external iliac access vessels, and patients with a short or tortuous neck and common iliac aneurysms are not candidates for endovascular repair and
should undergo open surgical repair.
Operative Technique of Open Surgical Repair

Open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is performed through a transperitoneal or retroperitoneal exposure of the aorta under general
endotracheal anesthesia. Preoperative preparation to optimize cardiopulmonary function, administration of operative antibiotics, and careful
intraoperative hemodynamic monitoring with fluid management and appropriate blood transfusion can significantly reduce the risks of surgery. Patients
with cardiac disease should be monitored throughout surgery with a pulmonary artery catheter, cardiac output monitoring, and transesophageal
echocardiography. Epidural anesthesia may be combined with general anesthesia to decrease drug dosage intraoperatively, and it may be used for
postoperative pain management. Before aortic cross-clamping, volume loading is combined with vasodilation and lost blood may be returned to the
patient with an autotransfusion system to prevent declamping hypotension.
The aortic aneurysm may be exposed through a long midline incision for transperitoneal approach, an oblique flank incision for retroperitoneal
exposure, or an upper abdominal transverse incision for either transperitoneal or retroperitoneal exposure. Equivalent results can be obtained using each
of these approaches. The transabdominal approach is preferred when exposure of the right renal artery is required, when access to intra-abdominal
organs is necessary, or when extensive access to the distal right iliac system is required. The retroperitoneal exposure offers advantages when there are
extensive peritoneal adhesions, intestinal stomas, underlying pulmonary disease, or the need for suprarenal exposure. The retroperitoneal approach may
be associated with a shorter duration of ileus, reduced pulmonary complications, and a shorter stay in the intensive care unit.
When using the transperitoneal approach, the small bowel is mobilized to the right and the posterior peritoneum overlying the aortic aneurysm is
divided to the left of the midline ( Fig. 646 ). The duodenum is mobilized and the left renal vein is identified and exposed. The nonaneurysmal
infrarenal neck, immediately below the left renal vein, is exposed and encircled to obtain proximal control. The common iliac arteries are then
mobilized and controlled, taking care to avoid the underlying iliac veins and ureters that cross over the iliac bifurcation. If the common iliac arteries are
aneurysmal, control of the internal and external iliac arteries is obtained. The inferior mesenteric artery arising from the anterior aspect of the aneurysm
is exposed and controlled for possible reimplantation into the graft after aneurysm repair ( Fig. 647 ). The retroperitoneal approach involves a
transverse left abdominal or flank incision and reflection of the peritoneal sac anteriorly. The left kidney may be left in place or mobilized anteriorly to
expose the posterolateral aspect of the aorta. Exposure of the right iliac system is facilitated by division of the inferior mesenteric artery. Control of the
infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries and aneurysm repair are the same regardless of abdominal incision or approach.
After systemic anticoagulation with intravenous heparin, the infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries are cross-clamped. The aneurysm is opened
longitudinally; mural thrombus is removed and backbleeding lumbar arteries are oversewn. Depending on its backflow and on patency of hypogastric
arteries, the inferior mesenteric artery may be ligated or clamped and left with a rim of aortic wall for subsequent reimplantation. The aneurysm neck is
partially or completely transected, and an appropriately sized tubular or bifurcated prosthetic graft is sutured to the normal infrarenal aorta with
monofilament, permanent nonabsorbable suture. In the case of juxtarenal aneurysms in which there is a very short or absent neck, suprarenal aortic
clamping may be necessary to perform the proximal anastomosis. The distal graft anastomosis is performed to the aortic bifurcation when the aneurysm
is confined to the aorta. This is known as tube graft reconstruction. Tube grafts are used in 30% to 50% of patients. Patients with iliac aneurysms are
reconstructed with bifurcated grafts anastomosed to the distal common iliac arteries or to the common femoral arteries in the case of significant
associated external iliac disease. The open aneurysm sac is sutured closed over the aortic graft to separate the graft from the duodenum and viscera,
preventing the possibility of late aortoenteric fistula formation.[30]
Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair

Endovascular aneurysm repair differs from open surgical repair in that the prosthetic graft is introduced into the aneurysm through the femoral arteries
and fixed in place to the nonaneurysmal infrarenal neck and iliac arteries with self-expanding or balloon-expandable stents rather than sutures ( Fig. 64
8 ). A major abdominal incision is thus avoided, and patient morbidity related to the procedure is much reduced. The first endovascular abdominal aortic
aneurysm repair was carried out by Parodi and associates in 1991 using a Dacron graft sutured onto balloon-expandable Palmaz stents.[24] The
effectiveness of endovascular repair was demonstrated in the 1990s using a variety of

Figure 64-6 Operative technique of open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. A, The aneurysm is approached through a midline or transverse transabdominal incision or a left flank
retroperitoneal incision. B, Transabdominal exposure with incision of peritoneum overlying aneurysm. C, The left renal vein is an important landmark indicating the approximate
location of renal arteries; the proximal aneurysm neck is mobilized and encircled. D to F, Proximal and distal control is obtained, the aneurysm is opened, mural thrombus is removed,
and backbleeding lumbar orifices are oversewn. G to J, The proximal anastomosis is started along the back wall of the aorta as shown, or the proximal neck is transected and an endto-end anastomosis is created. K, The distal anastomosis is constructed in a similar fashion; if backbleeding from the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is pulsatile and the hypogastric
arteries are patent, the IMA may be oversewn. L, The aneurysm sac is sewn over the tube graft, thereby completing the repair. M and N, If the iliac arteries are aneurysmal, a
bifurcated prosthetic graft is used.

homemade devices. A number of commercially manufactured stent grafts have since been developed. Early tubular grafts have been replaced by
modular bifurcated grafts that have expanded the applicability of this therapy. Clinical trials comparing endovascular repair to open surgical repair are
underway with favorable short-term results. Presently, there are three FDA-approved endovascular devices for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm
(Medtronic, AneuRx; Gore, Excluder; Cook, Zenith) in the United States, and approval of additional devices is anticipated soon.
The technical details of endovascular repair vary with each specific device, but the general principles are similar. In most cases, a self-expanding stent
graft is inserted into the aorta by way of the femoral arteries. Presently, the insertion requires surgical exposure of another or both common femoral
arteries. The arteries are cannulated and guide wires are inserted into the aorta. Most stent grafts are made of two pieces: (1) a main module, including
the body, and (2) one of the limbs with a gate for the separate contralateral limb. The appropriately sized primary module is inserted under fluoroscopic
guidance and deployed just below the renal arteries. The opening in the bifurcated module for the contralateral limb is cannulated by way of the other
femoral artery, and the contralateral limb is deployed to create a bifurcated stent graft that excludes the aneurysm from the circulation. Technical
success rate is 99% to 100%.[31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37]
Candidates for this procedure include patients with a proximal infrarenal neck at least 1.5 to 2 cm in length and common iliac arteries for proximal and
distal fixation of an endograft, without excessive tortuosity and with appropriate iliofemoral access. The benefits of this procedure are decreased blood
loss, quicker recovery, and lesser morbidity with shorter stay in the hospital, and it may be applicable to high-risk patients,[31] [34] [35] [36] so mid-term
recovery (3 months after surgery) has been found to be significantly better after endovascular repair compared to open surgical repair.[31] There are few
studies with long-term follow-up, up to 5-years, comparing endovascular and surgical procedures. Long-term survival after endovascular aneurysm
repair has been comparable to that with open repair.[32] [33] [38] [39]
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The most dreaded complication of abdominal aortic aneurysms is aneurysm rupture. Aneurysms can rupture freely into the peritoneal cavity or into the
retroperitoneum. Free intraperitoneal rupture is usually an anterior rupture and is usually accompanied by immediate hemodynamic

Figure 64-7 A to C, The inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) is reimplanted into the side of the aortic graft with a button of surrounding aorta or reconstructed with an interposition
autologous vein, artery, or prosthetic graft. Reimplantation is particularly important if the IMA is large (>3 mm in diameter), if collateral blood flow is compromised (hypogastric
artery occluded or oversewn), or if backbleeding from the artery is poor.

collapse and a very high mortality rate. Retroperitoneal ruptures are usually posterior and may be contained by the psoas muscle and adjacent periaortic
and perivertebral tissue. This type of rupture may occur without significant blood loss initially, and the patient may be hemodynamically stable. Both
types of rupture present with acute excruciating back and abdominal pain, accompanied by pallor, diaphoresis, syncope, and other symptoms and signs
related to blood loss and hypovolemic shock. Occasionally, patients may have chest pain induced by retroperitoneal blood loss or hypovolemia,
misleading the physician to suspect primary myocardial ischemia. Rarely, an aortic aneurysm may rupture into the inferior vena cava to produce an
acute massive arteriovenous fistula or into the duodenum with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In all its variations, rupture of the aorta, unless corrected,
is fatal.
Patients with ruptured aortic aneurysms require immediate surgical repair. If the patient is unstable and an abdominal aortic aneurysm has been
previously diagnosed or a pulsatile abdominal mass is present, no further evaluation

Figure 64-8 Endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair involves aneurysm exclusion with an endoluminal aortic stent-graft introduced remotely, usually through the femoral
artery. An endovascular graft extends from the infrarenal aorta to both common iliac arteries, preserving the flow to the internal iliac arteries. SA, suprarenal aorta; IN, infrarenal
aortic neck; CIA, common iliac artery; IIA, internal iliac artery; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney.

is performed and the patient is transferred to the operating room without additional tests. Stable patients with a questionable diagnosis may undergo CT
scanning, which can confirm the presence of an aneurysm as well as demonstrate its extent, the site of rupture, and the degree of iliac involvement. In
patients not stable enough to undergo CT scanning, the presence of an aneurysm can be confirmed by bedside ultrasound. This does not demonstrate
aortic rupture but does confirm the presence of an aortic aneurysm. Acutely expanding aneurysms may present with abdominal pain and tenderness on
palpation. These are prone to rupture and should be repaired on an emergent basis.
Surgical repair of ruptured aneurysms is most commonly undertaken transperitoneally. In cases of contained rupture, supraceliac control should be
achieved before infrarenal dissection and, once the aneurysm neck is dissected, the aortic clamp can be moved to the infrarenal level. In cases of free
rupture, an attempt at obtaining control may include compression of the aorta at the hiatus and infrarenal control with a clamp or an intraluminal
balloon. Heparin is not usually given in these cases. Once proximal and distal control is achieved, the operation is conducted in a manner similar to
elective aneurysm repair.
Results after open repair of ruptured aneurysm vary. For patients in stable condition with a contained rupture, the mortality rate is less than 50%. For
patients with free

intraperitoneal rupture who arrive in shock with possible cardiac arrest, the outlook is grim and mortality rates exceed 90%.[17] Most patients do not die
on the operating table; rather, they succumb to the sequelae of shock and resuscitation with progressive multiorgan dysfunction that occurs in the
intensive care unit.
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm is thought to be less suitable for endovascular repair, because it needs preoperative measurements of the aneurysm
and adjacent arterial anatomy to determine the appropriate size and type of graft and also because of the inherent delay to obtain proximal occlusion.
Veith and Ohki reported the results of 25 endovascular repairs of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms.[40] Patients were treated with restricted fluid
resuscitation (hypotensive hemostasis), rapid transportation to operating room, placement of transbrachial or transfemoral guide wire under local
anesthesia, and urgent arteriography. In this small series, total operative mortality was 9.7%. Also, high-risk patients were treated successfully.
Operative mortality rates after endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm vary from 10% to 45%.[40] [41] [42] The number of studies and
patients is low so far, and the final role of endovascular treatment in ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms will be seen in the future.
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The perioperative mortality rate for elective surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysms was 14% to 19% in the 1960s. The mortality rate for open
aneurysm repair has been greatly reduced by improvements in preoperative evaluation and perioperative care, and published series report a mortality
rate of 0 to 5% in leading centers.[43] The overall population-wide mortality rate for open aneurysm repair is estimated to be higher, in the range of 5% to
10%. Mortality rates following repair of inflammatory aneurysms and emergent repair for symptomatic, nonruptured aneurysms remain higher at 5% to
10%, primarily as a result of less thorough preoperative evaluation. The current perioperative mortality rate for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
repair is 8.5% to 15%. Mortality rate after endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is 1% to 3%, not different from open surgical repair of
selected patients.
The overall morbidity rate after elective aneurysm repair is 10% to 30%. The most frequent complication is myocardial ischemia, which occurs in 3% to
16% (mean 7%) of cases, usually within the first 2 days after surgery. Myocardial infarction is also the most common cause of postoperative death.[15]
Mild renal failure is the second most frequent complication and occurs following 6% of elective open aneurysm repairs. It is more frequent with
preexisting renal disease and may occur as a result of hypoperfusion, contrast administration, and, occasionally, atheroembolism. Severe renal failure
requiring dialysis is rare. The third most common group of complications is pulmonary, and the postoperative pneumonia rate is approximately 5%.
However, with proper patient selection and care, pulmonary failure as the principal cause of death is rare.
Postoperative bleeding may occur occasionally and may be related to the anastomotic suture lines, to inadequately recognized venous injuries, and to
coagulopathy that may result from intraoperative hypothermia or excessive blood loss. Evidence of ongoing postoperative bleeding should lead to early
re-exploration. Lower limb ischemia may occur secondary to emboli or thrombosis of the graft and may require reoperation and thrombectomy.
Occasionally, microemboli propagated to the distal circulation result in a trash foot, which manifests with pain, muscle tenderness, and patchy skin
changes without loss of the peripheral pulse.
Postoperative paralytic ileus may last for 3 to 4 days, but occasionally duodenal or small bowel obstruction persists longer. Colon ischemia occurs after
1% of aneurysm repairs and presents with bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and distention and leukocytosis with findings of mucosal sloughing on
sigmoidoscopy. In case of transmural colonic necrosis, colon resection and exteriorization of stomas are warranted. Mortality rate in patients with colon
ischemia is 50% and increases to 90% when full-thickness gangrene and peritonitis have developed.
Paraplegia is rare after infrarenal aortic aneurysm repair, with an incidence of 0.2%. Most of the cases occur after repair of ruptured aneurysms or when
the pelvis has been devascularized. Approximately 50% of patients recover some neurologic function.
Postoperative sexual dysfunction is frequent and may manifest with impotence, which may be psychogenic, neurologic, or related to hypogastric artery
perfusion, or with retrograde ejaculation, which is related to nerve injury in the vicinity of the left common iliac artery.
Late complications are rare but may include pseudoaneurysms at the proximal or distal suture lines, graft or graft limb thrombosis, and graft infection,
which may become manifest months to years after aneurysm repair. It may be associated with graft enteric fistula and is notoriously difficult to diagnose
and treat.
Long-term survival rate following successful aortic aneurysm repair is less than that in the general population, primarily because of associated coronary
artery disease. Late deaths are generally due to cardiac causes. Five-year survival rate after repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms is 67% with a range of
49% to 84% compared with a rate of 80% to 85% in age-matched control subjects. The mean duration of survival has been reported to be 7.4 years after
aortic aneurysm repair.
Endovascular aneurysm repair is associated with a unique set of complications. Incomplete exclusion of the aneurysm sac with continued perfusion is
referred to as endoleak and occurs in 9% to 44% of cases. There are several types of endoleaks. Endoleaks related to the endovascular stent graft or its
attachment sites (type I) may be associated with continued aneurysm expansion and risk of rupture. Such endoleaks can often be fixed by endovascular
methods. Other complications include graft migration and stent-graft occlusion. Migration can cause graft kinking and occlusion and endoleaks and lead
to conversion to open aneurysm repair. In early devices

migration was more common, but in development of new devices, attention has been paid to stability. In current devices, 1-year migration rates have
varied between 0 and 4% during the first 2 years after endografting.[33] [34] [44] Endograft limb occlusion usually presents with acute, severe ischemic
symptoms. Cumulative risk for limb occlusion is about 4% at 2 years after the procedure.[44] Postoperative persistent renal impairment has occurred in
9% after endovascular repair, and preoperative renal dysfunction has been found to be the only predictive factor for that.[45] Conversion to open repair
has to be done sometimes during or immediately after endovascular repair (primary conversion) owing to access problems or improper graft position,
and the rate has varied between 0 and 3.8%.[33] [46] Late conversion rates vary from 1.5% to 4% during 2-year follow-up and the most common reasons
have been endoleaks.[47] [48] [49] Late aneurysm ruptures are rare and are associated with types I and III endoleaks.[46] Kaplan-Meier estimates for the
freedom from all-cause rupture has been 99.5% at 1 year, 98.5% at 2 years, and 98.4% at 3 and 4 years.[37]
Iliac Aneurysms

Iliac aneurysms occur in conjunction with aortic aneurysms in 40% of patients. Isolated iliac aneurysms are uncommon (<2% of aortoiliac aneurysms)
and affect the common iliac or the hypogastric arteries ( Figs. 649 and 6410 ). Most of these aneurysms are atherosclerotic in origin. Because of their
location, they are not easily palpable and are not readily identified on ultrasound. Consequently, most go undetected and as many as 50% present with
rupture. Iliac aneurysm rupture is associated with a 50% to 60% mortality rate. Elective repair of iliac artery aneurysm prevents aneurysm rupture.
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Occasionally, repair of abdominal aneurysms is complicated by a concurrent disease process. Successful treatment requires careful evaluation and a
correct decision whether to treat the two entities sequentially or concurrently. The most common disease entities that coexist with aortic aneurysms
include hepatobiliary, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, gynecologic, and genitourinary disorders and structural abnormalities of the abdominal wall. As a

Figure 64-9 Three-dimensional CT image from a right internal iliac artery aneurysm of 6.4 cm in diameter. CIA, common iliac artery; IIAA, internal iliac artery aneurysm; EIA,
external iliac artery aneurysm.

Figure 64-10 A, Three-dimensional CT image illustrates a fusiformal aneurysm in the right common iliac artery. B, Aneurysm is treated with an endovascular graft, which excludes
the aneurysm from circulation. RK, right kidney; LK, kidney.


rule, the most life-threatening process is treated first, and if both processes are symptomatic, they both should be treated concomitantly.
The following principles are applicable when managing patients with aortic aneurysms and concurrent diseases:
1. Preoperative diagnostic work-up usually delineates unusual anatomic variants and concomitant diseases
2. In emergency situations such as a ruptured or symptomatic aneurysm when preoperative images (CT scan) are unavailable, the aneurysm always
takes priority unless the other condition is life threatening and the aneurysm is clearly not the cause of the patients symptoms
3. A retroperitoneal approach to the abdominal aorta can avoid concomitant intraperitoneal conditions, including adhesions and scarring from
previous operations
4. Endovascular aneurysm repair can avoid concomitant intra-abdominal problems, but it will not resolve intestinal obstruction or other lifethreatening conditions
Anatomic variants that may be encountered during repair of abdominal aneurysms include horseshoe kidney, accessory renal arteries, and venous
Horseshoe Kidney

Less than 0.3% of the general population have horseshoe kidneys. Papins autopsy study of 139 horseshoe kidneys served as the basis for a
classification system consisting of three groups[23] : Group 1 kidneys have normal renal arteries and account for 20% of all horseshoe kidneys; group 2

kidneys have three to five renal arteries and account for 66% of cases; and group 3 kidneys have more than five renal arteries and account for 14%. To
preserve renal function, renal arteries arising from the aneurysm should be reimplanted. Horseshoe kidneys with more than five renal arteries often have
multiple small accessory arteries, some of which originate from the aneurysm or the iliac arteries, or both. In this situation, repair of the aneurysm with
preservation of renal function may be difficult or even impossible. Creatinine clearance should be determined preoperatively for evaluation of renal
function. To help prevent significant renal tubular damage, furosemide and mannitol may be administered before renal ischemia, and renal arteries
should be reimplanted quickly after aortic reconstruction.
Endovascular repair can be performed in the normal way to these patients ( Fig. 6411 ). However, if the patient is unsuitable for endovascular repair,
the presence of a horseshoe kidney may complicate but does not preclude an anterior approach for repairing an infrarenal aortic aneurysm.[49] The left
retroperitoneal approach, however, is preferable and can provide excellent exposure of the infrarenal aorta in these patients. This approach requires that
the surgeon dissect the space between the aneurysm and the left portion and isthmus of the kidney. The entire kidney can then be reflected to the right
and the aneurysm thereby fully exposed. The left ureter crosses the iliac arteries from the right with the kidney in this position,

Figure 64-11 Three-dimensional CT image showing a horseshoe kidney and an abdominal aortic aneurysm treated with an endovascular graft.

and duplication of ureters may be present. The surgeon must carefully mobilize the ureters and renal arteries. Damage to the ureters, renal pelvis, or
calices can cause urinary leak in the region of the vascular reconstruction, a complication that must be avoided. If a urinary leak is detected during the
course of operation, the source must be identified and repaired with absorbable suture.
Accessory Renal Arteries

Accessory renal arteries are present in 20% to 40% of patients. They are important considerations when planning aortic reconstructions. If a portion of
one kidney is devascularized, glomerular filtration rate decreases and renal insufficiency or hyper-reninemia with associated hypertension may occur.
Accessory renal arteries can be detected by duplex ultrasound, CT scanning, MR angiography, and conventional invasive angiography. The decision to
use one imaging modality over another may depend on the imaging resources that are available and on which modality is best for evaluating additional
features. For instance, a patient with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm and aortoiliac artery occlusive disease who is noted to have an accessory renal
artery on duplex ultrasonography might best be evaluated by conventional angiography in one institution, whereas at another institution, CT scanning or
MR angiography might be sufficient.
Accessory renal arteries should be preserved when possible during aortic reconstruction. This can usually be achieved by either incorporating the artery
into a beveled proximal graft anastomosis, by reimplanting the artery onto the aortic graft distal to the proximal anastomosis, or

by placing an interposition graft between the aortic graft and the accessory renal artery.
Venous Anomalies

The surgeon must be aware of anatomic variations and abnormalities. Left-sided vena cava and retroaortic left renal vein are the most common
anomalies. Trigaux and colleagues[50] reviewed more than 1000 abdominal spiral CT scans and detected left renal vein variants in 10% of patients (4%
were retroaortic left renal veins and 6% were circumaortic venous rings). Azygous continuation of the inferior vena cava was seen in one patient (0.1%)
and bilateral inferior vena cava was detected in three patients (0.3%). Preoperative CT scanning and angiographic imaging may reveal these variants;
however, the surgeon can avoid unnecessary bleeding without prior knowledge by adhering to the principles of careful dissection and meticulous
Inflammatory Aneurysms

Inflammatory aneurysms represent approximately 5% of all infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms.[11] They typically have a dense fibroinflammatory
rind that is usually adherent to the fourth portion of the duodenum and often involves the inferior vena cava and left renal vein. One or more ureters may
also be involved.
The etiology of the inflammatory tissue is not clearly understood. One theory is that lymphatic obstruction occurs during aneurysm expansion,
producing stasis, edema, and secondary fibrosis.[24] Other possible etiologies include inflammation as a result of remodeling within the aortic wall during
aneurysm expansion, autoimmune disorder, infection, and reaction from chronic, contained aortic rupture.
Patients with inflammatory aneurysms frequently are seen with abdominal or flank pain; they often have associated weight loss, and erythrocyte

sedimentation rate is elevated in 75% of cases. Rupture of inflammatory aneurysms is unusual. This is likely because most inflammatory aneurysms are
symptomatic and are treated before rupture. Whether the inflammatory process provides a protective effect is not known.
Diagnosis is best made by CT scanning. Timed contrast injection for CT angiography provides the highest resolution images. Typically, four separate
layers are identified, including the aortic lumen, mural thrombus, thickened aortic wall, and periaortic inflammatory tissue.
Repair of these aneurysms can be challenging from a technical standpoint because of the involvement of adjacent structures. A retroperitoneal approach
to repairing inflammatory aneurysms has been advocated.
Associated Abdominal Malignancy

As previously stated, when an abdominal malignancy or other intra-abdominal process coexists with a symptomatic or ruptured aortic aneurysm,
treatment of the aneurysm must take priority if the immediate survival of the patient is to be ensured.
Liver tumors that coexist with aortic aneurysms should be treated on an independent basis, and judgment regarding treatment must be guided by the
relative risk of the two diseases. Incidental discovery of a liver mass at the time of elective abdominal aneurysm repair should be documented and the
planned aneurysm repair should be carried out. After retroperitonealizing the graft, the liver mass may be biopsied, at the discretion of the surgeon, and
small liver tumors may be resected as long as blood loss does not complicate the aneurysm repair.
When a colonic neoplasm coexists with abdominal aortic aneurysm, the most life-threatening problem should be treated first. An obstructing, bleeding,
or perforated colon cancer should be resected before electively repairing a stable, asymptomatic 4.5-cm aneurysm, and a symptomatic or ruptured
aneurysm should be treated before an elective colon resection is undertaken. When both entities are asymptomatic, treatment generally should be based
on the size of the aneurysm. If large (1 5 cm in diameter), the aneurysm should be repaired initially, and, if small, the colonic lesion should be resected
first. If a symptomatic or ruptured aneurysm and an obstructing colon cancer are encountered concurrently, one acceptable treatment strategy would be
aneurysm repair and externalization of a colonic loop proximal to the tumor at the same operation, gastrointestinal nasogastric tube decompression, and
colostomy maturation the next day to avoid vascular graft contamination.
Concurrent renal or bladder neoplasm and abdominal aortic aneurysm deserve independent assessment and treatment by their respective specialists. The
most life-threatening entity should be treated first. Partial, total, or radical nephrectomy may be indicated in cases of renal malignancy, and the vascular
surgeon should involve urologic and oncologic colleagues preoperatively to facilitate a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. When an incidental
renal mass is encountered during repair of a symptomatic or ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, the aneurysm should be repaired and the renal mass
addressed on its own merits as soon as the patient has recovered.
Incidental ovarian cysts and tumors are occasionally encountered during abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Simple ovarian cysts can be safely
excised; however, women with abdominal aortic aneurysm are almost always postmenopausal or have had hysterectomy, and the lifetime risk of
development of ovarian cancer is approximately 1.8%. Bilateral oophorectomy is justified if a solid ovarian abnormality is encountered, and staging of
the tumor should include peritoneal washings for cytologic testing and biopsy of periaortic lymph nodes, omentum, and undersurface of the diaphragm.
Positive findings may be an indication for postoperative chemotherapy. Hysterectomy is indicated in cases of solid ovarian tumors, but this should not
be performed in conjunction with aneurysm repair because of the increased risk of graft contamination and additional blood loss. Uterine tumors found
incidentally at the time of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair should be documented and treated later. Tubulo-ovarian abscess and pelvic inflammatory
disease are rare in

the aortic aneurysm population; however, these disorders may cause symptoms and should be treated before elective repair of abdominal aortic
Other neoplasms that may be encountered during evaluation or treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm include lymphoma, adrenal neurogenic lesions,
soft tissue tumors, metastatic lesions, and small bowel neoplasms. Small tumors can be excised and diagnosis of larger tumors can be made by true-cut
or incisional biopsy with later definitive treatment as indicated.
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Aortic aneurysms isolated to the thoracic aorta are becoming increasingly prevalent as the population ages. Slightly less common than abdominal aortic
aneurysms, thoracic aortic aneurysms may involve the ascending, arch, or descending thoracic aorta, or a combination of these segments ( Fig. 6412 ).
Thoracic aortic aneurysms are classified as being atherosclerotic or degenerative. Atherosclerotic aneurysms result from aortic wall remodeling and
dilation, whereas degenerative aneurysms result from abnormal collagen metabolism. The two main degenerative types seen are associated with Marfan
syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with variable penetrance. It has been found to be
associated with an abnormal synthesis of fibrillin, a major constituent of microfibrils, and a defective gene on the long arm of chromosome 15.
The rupture rate in unoperated patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm has been 40% to 70%. Most of the other deaths are related to cardiovascular
disease. Mortality of the ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm is almost 100%. Most patients die before reaching the operating room. Results of elective
open thoracic aortic aneurysm repair are influenced by surgeons or team case load volume and patient selection. Published series are often selected
single institutional reports, which have lower mortality than unselected multicenter series. Mortality rates of open elective aneurysm repair vary
between 10% and 20%, and the mortality rate of emergency operation for ruptured aneurysm is about 50%.[22] [25]
Most thoracic aneurysms are discovered incidentally during evaluation for other medical problems. Most frequently, calcium in the aneurysm wall is
detected on a plain chest radiograph. CT angiography can be used to measure aneurysm dimensions and to determine the aneurysm location relative to
the arch vessels and celiac axis. The presence and extent of aortic dissection and mural thrombus can be evaluated. MR angiography is also available at
many hospitals, and three-dimensional reconstruction of both CT and MR data can provide additional information about tortuosity and angulation of the
aorta, which is especially important when planning endovascular repair. Conventional angiography is sometimes needed to define arch vessel disease
and can best delineate intercostal arteries and the relationship between the true and false lumen of aortic dissection if CT findings are unclear.
The goal of thoracic aortic aneurysm repair is to prevent death from rupture. Open repair of these aneurysms carries a higher risk of significant
complications than does open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Because most patients have associated comorbidities, including chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and coronary artery disease, elective repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm should involve

Figure 64-12 Three-dimensional MR images showing anterior (left) and lateral (right) views of tandem thoracic aortic aneurysms. Aneurysmatic changes in the aortic arch and
descending thoracic aorta are seen.


a thorough preoperative evaluation, and steps should be taken to optimize cardiac and pulmonary function. Signs and symptoms of aneurysm expansion
or rupture including syncope, hypotension, unexplained chest pain, hoarseness, stridor, dysphagia, hemoptysis, or hematemesis should prompt
immediate evaluation and aneurysm repair. Elective aneurysm repair may be warranted when an aneurysm reaches a diameter equal to or greater than
2.5 times the diameter of adjacent normal aorta or when the aneurysm becomes more than 6 to 7 cm in diameter.
The technique of open surgical repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms varies depending on the location and histologic type of the aneurysmdegenerative
versus atherosclerotic. Woven polyester tube grafts are most commonly used for replacing the aneurysmal aortic segment, and monofilament
polypropylene suture is used for suturing the anastomoses. Degenerative aneurysms of the thoracic aorta as seen in patients with Marfan syndrome
typically involve the entire aorta, including the aortic root beginning at the aortic annulus. Repair of these aneurysms requires replacement of the entire
aortic root with a valved conduit and reimplantation of the coronary ostia or a bypass to them with a separate graft. Atherosclerotic aneurysms involving
the ascending aorta are repaired through a median sternotomy incision, and the aorta is replaced from the sinotubular ridge to the innominate artery or to
the undersurface of the aortic arch under conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass, full heparin anticoagulation, and moderate systemic hypothermia.
Aortic arch aneurysms are typically repaired during a period of circulatory arrest and profound hypothermia (18C). Atherosclerotic aneurysms of the
descending thoracic aorta are repaired through a posterolateral thoracotomy with double-lumen endotracheal intubation. The proximal cross-clamp is
usually applied distal to the left common carotid artery. A properly sized graft is interposed between full-thickness aortic cuffs created proximal and
distal to the aneurysm. Descending aortic aneurysms can be performed under conditions of full cardiopulmonary bypass or partial bypass, with a
clamp-and-go technique, or with heparin bonded shunts. Left atrial to femoral artery bypass with a centrifugal pump and minimal heparin is another
method to provide distal perfusion. Further steps designed to avoid paraplegia include cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage, localized spinal cord cooling,
administration of corticosteroids and free radical scavengers, and somatosensory evoked potential monitoring. None of these measures provides
complete protection, however. Ensuring adequate resuscitation and avoiding perioperative hypotension are critical for minimizing the risk of paraplegia
and other complications.
Remarkable progress has been made in the treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Many advances in cardiovascular anesthesia and critical care have

contributed to the improved success with lower operative mortality rates and reduced perioperative morbidity, including paraplegia. A 5-year study that
concluded in 1996 included 45 patients who underwent aortic root replacement with composite valve grafts for Marfan syndrome. There were no
intraoperative deaths, two early deaths (4.4%), and no postoperative strokes.[20] LeMaire and Coselli studied 198 consecutive descending thoracic aortic
aneurysm repairs over an 8-year period: 62% of patients had aneurysmal disease involving at least two thirds of the descending aorta. Repair was
achieved by the simple-clamp technique in 77% with a mean clamping time of 25 minutes. High-risk patients underwent atrium-to-femoral bypass
(13%), and profound hypothermia with circulatory arrest occurred in 10%. Operative mortality rate was 5.1% (n = 10). Postoperative paraplegia
occurred in three patients (1.5%) and renal failure, pulmonary complications, and paraplegia were determined to be important predictors of death by
regression analysis.
In 1997, Mitchell and colleagues[21] reported the results of 108 patients receiving thoracic aortic stent grafts at Stanford University Medical Center. Mean
aneurysm diameter was 6.3 cm. Twenty percent of patients had stent-grafts placed in conjunction with abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Ten patients
(9%) died within 30 days from the time of surgery, and four deaths were directly attributable to the procedure. Four patients had postoperative
paraplegia and four had strokes. Patients in whom paraplegia developed either had stent-graft repair of thoracic aneurysms in conjunction with
suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair or had deployment of the thoracic stent-graft across the orifices of intercostal arteries at the T10 level. An
Austrian comparative study of endovascular versus open repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms was reported by Ehrlich and colleagues[16] in 1997. Sixtyeight patients were deemed good candidates for stent-graft repair. Because of limited device availability, 10 patients (15%) underwent stent-graft repair
and 58 (85%) had open repair. The 30-day mortality rate was 30% for patients who underwent open surgery and 10% for endovascular repair. Mean
procedural time was 320 minutes in the conventional group and 150 minutes in the stent-graft group. Paraplegia developed in five patients (12%) in the
open surgical group compared with no paraplegia or neurologic sequelae in the stent-graft group. Hospital stay was 26 days in the open surgical group
versus 10 days in the stent-graft group.
Endovascular repair appears to have a promising role in the treatment of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms. Refinement of techniques and devices
will continue; however, many patients will have morphology not amenable to endovascular treatment, and aneurysms involving the aortic root,
ascending aorta, and arch will require open surgical repair. Maintaining the highly specialized open surgical skills necessary to correct complex thoracic
aortic aneurysms is therefore critical for continued progress in the current era of endovascular intervention. Devices for use in thoracic aortic aneurysm
are available in Europe. In the United States they are currently in clinical trials, and it is anticipated that they will soon be available for clinical use.
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Etheredge and colleagues[17] reported the first thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair in 1955. The tremendous advances in surgical technique, anesthetic

and intensive care technology since that time have greatly improved the surgeons ability to extend the success of these challenging operations beyond
the operating room. A program capable of thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair with good results on a consistent basis depends on the integrity of an
organized and dedicated team that includes highly skilled surgeons, cardiovascular anesthesiologists, and a state-of-the-art intensive care unit. Outside
academic centers, these procedures are rarely undertaken because of the extraordinary effort required by the surgeons and critical care physicians during
the perioperative period both to avoid complications and to successfully manage them when they arise.
Crawford and associates[12] proposed a classification scheme for thoracoabdominal aneurysms that has become widely recognized. All varieties of
aneurysms are described, including atherosclerotic, degenerative, and dissecting, as follows:
Type I aneurysms involve most of the descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta proximal to the renal arteries.
Type II aneurysms involve most of the descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta distal to the renal arteries.
Type III aneurysms involve the distal half or less of the descending aorta and the abdominal aorta distal to the renal arteries.
Type IV aneurysms involve all or most of the abdominal aorta, including the paravisceral segment.
The Crawford classification has facilitated stratification for risk assessment and type-specific comparison of results including paraplegia and mortality
Most thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms are discovered incidentally during evaluation for other medical problems or they are palpated on routine
physical examination if the aneurysm extends below the renal arteries. As with isolated abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, CT scanning and MR
angiography are useful for measuring aneurysm dimensions and determining the extent of aortic involvement relative to important branch vessels.
Conventional angiography is helpful for defining arch vessel disease and delineating intercostal arteries.
As with other aortic aneurysms, selection of patients for repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms is dependent on a thorough risk assessment, with
emphasis given to preexisting cardiac and pulmonary comorbidities. The risk of rupture must be weighed against the risk of serious operative morbidity
and death, and patients who undergo repair must have optimization of their cardiac and pulmonary function preoperatively. Patients with signs and
symptoms of aneurysm expansion or rupture should prompt immediate evaluation and aneurysm repair. Elective repair may be warranted when an
aneurysm reaches a diameter two times or more than the diameter of adjacent normal aorta.
The technique of open surgical repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms varies depending on the extent of the aneurysm. Double-lumen
endotracheal intubation is performed. The patient is positioned on a bean bag with shoulders at 60 degrees and hips at 30 degrees, and operative
exposure is obtained through a thoracoabdominal incision with the level of the incision determined by the proximal extent of the aneurysm in the
thoracic aorta. Aneurysms that extend from the proximal and mid descending thoracic aorta to the infrarenal aorta (types II and III) are approached
through the 6th intercostal space, with the incision carried through the costal margin into the abdomen, whereas type I aneurysms can be approached
through a thoracic incision and type IV aneurysms can be approached retroperitoneally through a left flank incision made from the 9th or 10th
interspace toward the umbilicus. After exposure of the thoracic and abdominal aorta as well as the visceral and renal arteries, the proximal cross-clamp
is applied with careful control of blood pressure to avoid hypertension proximal to the clamp. A properly sized graft is selected and sewn end-to-end to
a full-thickness cuff of normal aorta above the aneurysm. After completing the proximal anastomosis, reimplantation of intercostal, visceral, and renal
arteries is carried out in a sequential fashion. The distal end of the graft is typically sewn to the distal aorta in an end-to-end fashion, although a
bifurcated extension is sometimes required to the bilateral iliac or femoral arteries. Dissecting aneurysms of the thoracic and abdominal aorta that are
considered chronic or mature are treated similarly to nondissecting aneurysms. However, during surgical repair, the septum between true and false
lumina is excised, and care is taken to ensure the patency of branch vessels.
As with descending thoracic aortic aneurysms, repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms can be performed under conditions of full cardiopulmonary
bypass or partial bypass, with a clamp-and-go technique, with heparin-bonded shunts, or with left atrial to femoral artery centrifugal pump bypass. CSF
drainage, localized spinal cord cooling, administration of corticosteroids and free radical scavengers, and somatosensory-evoked potential monitoring
have also been advocated to minimize paraplegia risk. Adequate resuscitation must be ensured and perioperative hypotension must be avoided to
minimize the risk of paraplegia and other serious complications.
The results of E. Stanley Crawfords series of more than 1500 thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repairs greatly improved modern understanding of
surgical outcome following these operations. Survival rate for all patients was 90% or higher, regardless of the extent of aneurysm involvement. The
risk of paraplegia was highest in patients with types I and II (15% and 31%) and lowest in patients with types III and IV (7% and 4%). Overall, renal
failure occurred in 9% of patients with less dramatic differences between aneurysm types.[51]
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Popliteal aneurysms are the most frequent peripheral aneurysms, accounting for 70% of all such aneurysms. They are followed in frequency by femoral
aneurysms, and together they constitute 90% of the peripheral aneurysms not involving the aortoiliac arteries. The majority of these aneurysms are of
the degenerative type. Men outnumber

women 20 to 30:1, and the mean age at presentation is 65 years. More than 50% are bilateral, and 75% of those with femoral aneurysm and 33% of
those with popliteal aneurysm also have an aortic aneurysm. The susceptibility of popliteal arteries to aneurysm formation is unclear, and factors such as
turbulence beyond a relative stenosis at the tendinous hiatus of the adductor magnus and repeated flexion at the knee have been considered. However,
these do not account for the association with other aneurysms elsewhere or the striking male preponderance.
Popliteal and femoral aneurysms are commonly asymptomatic when discovered. The most important manifestation of femoral and popliteal aneurysms
is distal embolization. In 10% of femoral aneurysms, evidence of distal embolization is found. Evidence of embolization is found in 25% of popliteal
aneurysms, and the most common symptom is distal ischemia, which is limb threatening in 44% of cases. Thrombosis of the aneurysm is more common
in popliteal aneurysms (40%) than in femoral aneurysms (1% to 16%). Approximately 25% of patients with distal thromboembolism arising in femoral
popliteal aneurysms come to amputation primarily because of progressive chronic occlusion of the runoff vessels before thrombosis. Rupture of these
aneurysms is rare and occurs at a rate of 1% to 14% in femoral aneurysms and at a rate less than 5% in popliteal aneurysms. Other symptoms include
local pain related to nerve compression and compression of adjacent veins with resultant venous thrombosis or edema.
Femoropopliteal aneurysms can usually be diagnosed on physical examination. In the groin, appreciation of aneurysm size is easier, whereas over the
popliteal fossa, because of the deep location of the artery, only an abnormally pronounced pulse is palpated and may be confused with a Bakers cyst or
a tumor. Duplex ultrasonography is the best initial study for evaluation of femoropopliteal aneurysm. It offers the ability to accurately measure diameter
and determine the extent of mural thrombus. This is also the examination of choice for acute femoropopliteal occlusion when previously undiagnosed
popliteal aneurysmal disease is suspected. Both CT and MR scanning can demonstrate femoropopliteal aneurysms but are usually unnecessary.
Angiography is important to demonstrate the extent of the involved segment, to evaluate the patency and quality of the runoff vessels, and to detect
distal embolic occlusions. Further evaluation should include a search for aneurysmal disease elsewhere because 40% of patients have abdominal aortic
aneurysm and 70% have contralateral femoral popliteal aneurysms.
Indications for treatment include acute lower limb ischemia resulting from acute occlusion, distal emboli, and a transverse diameter larger than 2 cm for
popliteal aneurysms and larger than 2.5 cm for common femoral aneurysms. Treatment of femoral and popliteal aneurysms consists of exclusion of the
aneurysm and restoration of blood supply. In case of multiple aneurysms, the one posing the biggest threat is repaired first. Femoral aneurysms are often
replaced with a prosthetic graft in conjunction with other procedures. Popliteal aneurysms can be approached medially or posteriorly. They are
preferentially replaced with an autogenous conduit such as the greater saphenous vein when available. Resection of the aneurysm is unnecessary and
may be hazardous. When the aneurysm is thrombosed or when part of the distal runoff bed has been obliterated by emboli, thromboembolectomy or
thrombolysis may be necessary for establishing distal and arterial runoff. Endovascular treatment of femoral and popliteal aneurysms is being evaluated
and may become an available treatment modality.
Following repair of femoral and popliteal aneurysms, death is rare and, for asymptomatic patients, limb salvage rate is 90% to 98%. For symptomatic
patients, the early graft patency rate is 59% to 85% and the limb salvage rate 70% to 80%.
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Aneurysms of the upper extremities are rare compared with aneurysms in other peripheral locations. However, they are important, and their presence
should be evaluated and treated promptly because of the potential for serious complications, including digit and limb loss, stroke from embolization into
more proximal vertebral and right carotid arteries, and exsanguinating hemorrhage depending on the location and nature of the aneurysm.
Subclavian artery aneurysms are the most common of the upper extremity aneurysms. They are caused by atherosclerosis, compression at the thoracic
outlet, and trauma. Aneurysms involving the proximal subclavian artery most commonly are associated with atherosclerosis, and as many as 50% of
patients have aortoiliac or other peripheral aneurysms. Aneurysms involving the distal subclavian artery are typically associated with a cervical rib or
other causes of thoracic outlet syndrome.
Patients with subclavian aneurysms may have neck, chest, and shoulder pain from aneurysm expansion or rupture; acute and chronic ischemic
symptoms, transient ischemic attacks, or stroke from thromboembolism; or hoarseness, impaired motor or sensory function, or respiratory insufficiency
from recurrent laryngeal nerve, brachial plexus, or tracheal compression, respectively. Patients may also have Horners syndrome from compression of
the stellate ganglion or hemoptysis from erosion into the lung. Patients may also complain of a pulsating sensation in the neck or shoulder region
without pain or other compelling symptoms. The diagnosis can be established by duplex ultrasound or CT. Aortic arch and upper extremity angiography
is necessary to define the extent of the aneurysm and its position relative to the vertebral artery, common carotid artery (right side), and thoracic outlet
structures and to evaluate the nature and extent of thromboembolitic arterial occlusion if present. Surgical repair of subclavian artery aneurysms
involves resection of the aneurysm and re-establishment of arterial continuity, usually with an arterial interposition graft. A median sternotomy with
extension of the incision into the supraclavicular fossa provides excellent exposure for repair of proximal right subclavian aneurysms, and a left anterior
thoracotomy may be required for repair of proximal left subclavian aneurysms. Aneurysms involving the

mid and distal subclavian artery can usually be repaired through combined supraclavicular and infraclavicular incisions, although some surgeons
advocate resecting the middle one third of the clavicle for exposure. Decompression of the thoracic outlet may also be necessary depending on the
etiology, and reimplantation of a vertebral artery may be prudent if the origin arises from the aneurysm. If recent extremity thromboembolism has
occurred, balloon thromboembolectomy should be performed to restore distal perfusion.
An aberrant right subclavian artery originating from the proximal descending thoracic aorta is sometimes associated with aneurysmal change at the
origin of the artery (Kommerells diverticulum). Complications associated with this abnormality include dysphagia from esophageal compression,
dyspnea from tracheal compression, pain from expansion and rupture, and ischemic symptoms in the extremity from thromboembolism. Elective repair
of aberrant right subclavian arteries with Kommerells diverticulum is recommended regardless of aneurysm size because of the risk of rupture and
other serious complications.
Aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms of the axillary arteries are typically associated with a history of previous blunt or penetrating trauma, although rare
congenital cases do occur. Symptoms are related to nerve compression and ischemia from thrombosis or thromboembolism. Repair involves resection of
the aneurysmal artery and primary repair, if a short segment is involved, or reconstruction with an interposition vein graft using, preferably, greater
saphenous vein.
The ulnar artery also occasionally gives rise to upper extremity aneurysms. Such aneurysms are typically associated with repetitive trauma to the
dominant hand, a disease entity termed the hypothenar hammer syndrome. Complications include ulnar artery thrombosis and distal thromboembolism
with associated rest pain, numbness, cyanosis, and gangrene of the hand or digits (usually third and fourth) and ulnar nerve compression symptoms.
Treatment consists of resection of the aneurysm and microvascular reconstruction with a vein interposition graft.
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Visceral or splanchnic artery aneurysms are relatively uncommon, but they are important to recognize and treat because roughly 25% present as
emergencies and 8.5% result in death. Involved arteries and their relative frequencies include the splenic (60%), hepatic (20%), superior mesenteric
(5.5%), and other arterial (each < 5%).
Splenic artery aneurysms occur most frequently in women, with a female-to-male ratio of 4:1 ( Fig. 6413 ). This unusual sex predilection is likely
related to acquired derangements of the arterial wall influenced by a number of processes, including medial fibrodysplasia, portal hypertension, repeated
pregnancy, penetrating or blunt abdominal trauma, pancreatitis, and infection. Women of childbearing age who have splenic artery aneurysms are at
particularly high risk of death as a result of aneurysm

Figure 64-13 Multiple aneurysms of the splenic artery (arrowheads). SPA, splenic artery; SMA, superior mesenteric artery; RA, renal artery; RK, right kidney; LK, left kidney.

rupture and should have elective repair. Symptomatic or ruptured aneurysms also warrant immediate repair. Surgical techniques for treating splenic
artery aneurysms include simple proximal and distal ligation without arterial reconstruction for proximal aneurysms and splenectomy versus aneurysm
exclusion and vascular reconstruction for salvage of the spleen.
Hepatic artery aneurysms are more common in men, with a male-to-female ratio of 2:1. There are multiple causes of hepatic artery aneurysm, including
previous abdominal trauma, history of intravenous drug abuse, medial degeneration of the arterial wall, and periarterial inflammatory process. An
aggressive approach to treating these aneurysms regardless of size appears justified because of a high risk of eventual rupture and a mortality rate of
more than 35% when rupture occurs. Aneurysm repair can be carried out by simple excision and interposition vein graft repair or by aortohepatic bypass
to restore normal hepatic arterial perfusion.
Other splanchnic artery aneurysms generally warrant surgical repair because of the high mortality rate associated with rupture as long as the patient is
not a prohibitive risk. Patients who are deemed to be at prohibitive risk for operation may undergo transluminal embolization to ablate the aneurysm.
However, this approach is not definitive and may not prevent aneurysm rupture.
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Mycotic aneurysms result from localized infection, which may be blood-borne or associated with a localized infectious process. They can occur
anywhere, but the most common location is the femoral artery, followed by the aorta. The most common pathogens for blood-borne infection are
Salmonella and Staphylococcus. Syphilitic

aneurysms, which were common at the turn of the 20th century, are currently extremely rare. Localized infection is often the result of direct injury with
superimposed infection and may follow intravascular drug abuse.
The classic presentation is pain in the region of the aneurysm and a pulsatile mass accompanied by fever and chills. Often, particularly in aortic
infection, presentation is nonspecific with fever of unknown origin. Peripheral evidence of septic emboli such as petechial skin lesions and splinter
hemorrhages in the fingers or toenails may be seen. CT and MR studies may demonstrate a saccular aneurysm often of lobulated and irregular
configuration. In the groin, duplex ultrasonography is the preferred diagnostic modality.
Management goals are eradication of the infection and preservation of adequate blood supply. Infected tissue should be dbrided and, if arterial,
reconstruction should be performed when the integrity of the artery or distal arterial perfusion is compromised. Depending on the location and extent of
infection, arterial reconstruction may precede excision. Reconstruction and excision can be carried out simultaneously, taking care to avoid
contamination of the reconstruction, or arterial reconstruction can be performed after excision. Previously, avoidance of the region of infection was a
basic principle of management and conduits were routed through extra-anatomic planes (e.g., lateral thigh or transobturator for femoral infections).
More recently, several groups have shown that in situ reconstruction following aggressive dbridement and wound care can have good results. The
conduits of choice are autologous veins including superficial femoral veins. When no autologous conduit can be used, homografts may be considered.
Patients are placed on long-term, or in case of aortic Salmonella infection, lifelong antibiotic therapy.
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Pseudoaneurysms are contained arterial disruptions that can be categorized to two main types: those that result from a perforation of an artery by
traumatic or iatrogenic injury and those that result from dehiscence of a surgical vascular anastomosis. Both types are most prevalent in the femoral
Traumatic pseudoaneurysms may occur acutely or, more commonly, they may be discovered following unrecognized arterial injury. In all such cases,
infection has to be ruled out. Management includes direct surgical repair or, in selected instances involving less accessible large arteries, exclusion of
the pseudoaneurysm with a stent-graft. Pseudoaneurysms arising in small, nonvital arteries may be treated with ligation, compression, or coil
Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms occur most commonly after arterial puncture for angiography or for vascular intervention, and the most frequently affected
site is the common femoral artery. With the increasing number of interventional procedures that involve large-bore devices and full anticoagulation, the
incidence is not decreasing and occurs after 0.05% to 0.4% of punctures, depending on the complexity of the procedure. The common site for the
development of pseudoaneurysms is at the bifurcation of the superficial and the deep femoral artery, where compression is less effective.
Pseudoaneurysms manifest with pain, a pulsatile mass, and compression of adjacent structures. The natural history of these is variable. Large,
expanding, and painful pseudoaneurysms are at significant risk of rupture and should be repaired, whereas smaller, stable ones can be observed. The
imaging modality of choice is duplex ultrasonography, which can define the size, morphology, and location of the pseudoaneurysm compression while
preserving flow in the common femoral artery. Pseudoaneurysms less than 2 cm in diameter have a 70% likelihood of spontaneous thrombosis with
compression therapy, whereas larger ones and those in anticoagulated patients are likely to persist. During the last decade, ultrasound-guided thrombin
injection has become a treatment option. During injection of thrombin into a pseudoaneurysm, immediate thrombosis can be demonstrated. Surgery is
required in some patients with infected and rapidly expanding pseudoaneurysms. Surgical repair involves exposing the arterial defect or puncture and
repairing it, usually with one or two stitches.
Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms occur as a result of partial or complete disruption of a vascular anastomotic suture line. They occur most commonly in
the femoral anastomosis of aortofemoral bypass grafts and are most common with prosthetic conduits. Pseudoaneurysms develop in 3% of all femoral
anastomoses after a mean interval of 6 years. Anastomotic pseudoaneurysms may result from material fatigue of the suture (formerly silk) or graft or
from pull-through of the suture from the arterial wall. Infection is an important cause of anastomotic disruption and needs to be ruled out. Common
femoral pseudoaneurysms manifest as pulsatile groin masses. In deeper locations, pseudoaneurysms may be associated with pain or free rupture or they
may be discovered incidentally. All graft anastomoses should be evaluated by CT, duplex ultrasound, or MR scanning, and the presence of multiple
pseudoaneurysms increases the likelihood of an infectious etiology. Preoperative work-up should include arteriography to define inflow and outflow
anatomy. Surgical repair of anastomotic pseudoaneurysms is indicated and consists of patching or, preferentially, graft replacement of the disrupted
region. Bacterial cultures should be obtained at the time of reconstruction, and, if gross evidence of infection exists, proper dbridement and an
appropriately planned reconstruction must be performed. Mortality after repair of pseudoaneurysm is rare, and the recurrence rate is lower after graft
interposition than after primary repair. Graft patency at 2 years is 98%, and the amputation rate is 2%.
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Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related aneurysms are typically young and lack the usual risk factors associated with vascular
diseases. HIV-related aneurysms are often multiple and occur at unusual sites, particularly in the common carotid and superficial femoral

arteries. Abdominal aorta has been the third most frequent site.[52] On angiography, they may appear saccular or have the appearance of large
pseudoaneurysms.[52] In ultrasound, features are typical of pseudoaneurysms with a blow-out defect, thickening, and hyperechoic spotting of the vessel
wall.[53] Microscopically, the features of HIV vasculopathy are typical of a leukocytoclastic vasculitis that affects vasa vasorum.[54] The inflammatory
infiltrate is restricted to the adventitia, with sparing of the inner layers of the artery.
If the disease is limited to seropositivity only, patient should be offered the same treatment as a seronegative patient. In patients with advanced HIV
infection and short life expectancy, the use of minimal or no surgical intervention may be justifiable. Severely symptomatic aneurysms or lifethreatening complications should be treated. Reconstructions should be made with autogenous graft if available.
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Selected References
Beckman JA, OGara PT: Diseases of the aorta. Adv Intern Med 44:267291, 1999.
This article reviews the current knowledge of aortic diseases, including etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis. Special emphasis is given to aortic aneurysms.
Gewertz BL, Schwartz LB (eds): Surgery of the Aorta and Its Branches. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000.
This text addresses the full range of aortic pathology with special sections dedicated to branch vessel disease and endoluminal grafting. It is particularly useful for
physicians interested in the intricacies of various treatment strategies.
Rehm JP, Grange JJ, Baxter BT: The formation of aneurysms. Semin Vasc Surg 11:193202, 1998.
The authors summarize the dynamic interactions within a diseased vessel in the fields of immunology, biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. The roles of local
inflammatory infiltrates and their destructive proteolytic enzymes are reviewed. New therapeutic measures are presented that may control the critical matrix changes that
contribute to the formation of aortic aneurysms.
Svensson LD, Crawford ES: Aortic dissection and aortic aneurysm surgery: Clinical observations, experimental observations, and statistical analyses. Part I, Curr Probl Surg 29:817
911, 1992; Part II, Curr Probl Surg 29:9131057, 1992; Part III, Curr Probl Surg 30:1163, 1993.
This three-part review provides a broad perspective on aneurysmal disease of the thoracic and abdominal aorta, from etiology and demographics to treatment and longterm outcome.
White RA, Fogarty TJ (eds): Peripheral Endovascular Interventions, 2nd ed. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
This text is a comprehensive review of the numerous technologies now available for treating vascular diseases in a minimally invasive fashion. It is a valuable reference for
the endovascular specialist.
Zarins CK, Glagov S. Artery wall pathology in atherosclerosis. In Rutherford RB (ed): Vascular Surgery, 5th ed, Vol. 1. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000, pp 313333.
This book chapter reviews the problem of atherosclerosis and its effects on the functional biomechanical properties of the artery wall. The evolution of atherosclerotic
lesions and the associated arterial wall responses, normal and pathologic, are outlined. Local differences that may account for the propensity of certain areas to form
extensive and complex plaques or aneurysms are also explored.

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1. Johnston

KW, Rutherford RB, Tilson MD, et al: Suggested standards for reporting on arterial aneurysms. Subcommittee on Reporting Standards for Arterial Aneurysms, Ad Hoc
Committee on Reporting Standards, Society for Vascular Surgery and North American Chapter, International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery [see comments]. J Vasc Surg
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


Chapter 65 - Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease

Michael Belkin M.D.
Anthony D. Whittemore M.D.
Magruder C. Donaldson M.D.
Michael S. Conte M.D.
Edwin Gravereaux M.D.

Arterial occlusive diseases are highly prevalent in Western societies, where they constitute the leading overall cause of death. Adverse events are due to
the effects of impaired circulation on critical end organs (e.g., brain, heart, abdominal viscera) or extremities. In addition to death, which is most
commonly caused by myocardial infarction or stroke, significant disability and loss of function is incurred at a substantial cost to society.
Atherosclerosis accounts for the overwhelming majority of causative lesions and, with the increasing longevity and changing demographics of the U.S.
population, assumes top priority as a national health issue.
General Observations and Risk Factors

Atherosclerosis is a complex, chronic inflammatory process that affects the elastic and muscular arteries. The disease is both systemic and segmental,
with clear predilections for certain locations within the arterial tree and relative sparing of others. The earliest lesions (i.e., fatty streaks) may be
detected in childhood in susceptible individuals. Lesions progress through a series of wellcharacterized pathologic stages before clinical manifestations
develop. Population-based studies have demonstrated a number of important risk factors that have become targets for preventive therapy as well as
potential clues into the pathogenesis of the disease ( Box 651 ). The most important independent risk factors for atherosclerosis are
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, cigarette smoking, and diabetes mellitus.
Hypercholesterolemia (e.g., total serum cholesterol greater than 200 mg/dL) is clearly associated with increased risk. Of great prognostic significance is
the relative apportioning between the subclasses of cholesterol-carrying lipoproteins: the low density fraction (LDL), which is atherogenic, and the
high-density lipoprotein fraction (HDL), which exerts an atheroprotective effect by reverse transport of cholesterol. Studies have demonstrated a
strong positive correlation between atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and elevated total and LDL cholesterol and an equally strong negative
correlation with HDL levels. Despite these known relationships between serum lipid profiles and cardiovascular risk, the association with dietary intake
remains complex in that individual metabolism is highly variable. Genetic variability in cholesterol metabolism provides one important mechanism for
the well-known familial clustering of premature atherosclerotic disease. An important role for diet is strongly suggested by the variation in prevalence
noted among different nations and ethnic groups, with a clear increase associated with consumption of the so-called Western diet (i.e., high fat, low
fiber). The potential effects of numerous dietary components, both protective and atherogenic, have been intensely investigated with only limited
consensus. Of these, a causative role of dietary lipid, particularly cholesterol and saturated fats, has been most well defined.


Box 65-1. Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis

Firmly Established
Cigarette smoking
Diabetes mellitus
Relative Factors
Advanced age
Male gender

Sedentary lifestyle
Family history

Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with the incidence of atherosclerosis, as well as with increased morbidity and mortality rates from its coronary,
cerebral, and peripheral manifestations. The mechanism for the effects of smoking is likely to involve direct toxicity of tobacco metabolites on the
vascular endothelium, probably by creating oxidant stress. Diabetic patients are also at markedly increased risk for atherosclerosis, often manifesting a
particularly virulent form of the disease, leading to higher rates of myocardial events, stroke, and amputation. Hypertension is another important
independent risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis, with a continuous increase in relative risk associated with each increment of pressure.
Age and gender also demonstrate an important influence. The implications of age as a risk factor are clear: prevalence will continue to increase with the
advancing age of the U.S. population. In addition, initial end organ manifestations tend to cluster at different ages, with coronary events often presaging
peripheral disease by a decade or more. The increased risk associated with male gender and postmenopausal states in women has led to tremendous
interest in the potential atheroprotective effects of estrogen. Hypertriglyceridemia, elevated serum fibrinogen, and hyperhomocysteinemia have also
been associated with cardiovascular risk. Moderate amounts of daily physical activity appear to induce a protective effect, whereas a sedentary lifestyle
has been associated with higher incidence of clinical disease. Guidelines for risk factor modification have been published and regularly updated by the
American Heart Association ( Box 652 ).
Pathology and Theories of Atherogenesis

The pathologic hallmark of atherosclerosis is the atherosclerotic plaque. There are several major components of plaque: smooth muscle cells, connective
tissue (matrix), lipid, and inflammatory cells (predominantly macrophages). The presence of lipid within these lesions is a prominent distinguishing
feature in comparison to other arteriopathies. Atherosclerotic lesions have been categorized by the varying extent of each of these components in
addition to complicating features such as calcification
Box 65-2. Guidelines for Risk Factor Modification *
Lipid Management
Goal: Primaryserum LDL <100 mg/dL; secondaryHDL >35
mg/dL, TG <200 mg/dL
Approach: Diet <30% fat, <7% saturated fat, <200 mg/day
cholesterol; specific drug therapy targeted to lipid profile
Weight Reduction
Goal: <120% of ideal body weight
Approach: Physical activity, diet as outlined
Goal: Complete cessation
Approach: Behavior modification, counseling, nicotine analogues
Blood Pressure
Goal: <140/90
Approach: Weight control, physical activity, sodium restriction,
antihypertensive drugs
Physical Activity
Goal: At least 30 min of moderate exercise 3 to 4 times/wk
Approach: Walking, cycling, jogging, lifestyle and work activities
HDL, high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; TG,
* Data from the American Heart Association Council Newsletter, Fall 1995.

and ulceration, which can occur in advanced plaques. An important concept linking plaque morphology with clinical events is the relationship between
the fibrous capa layer of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue of variable thicknessand the underlying necrotic lipid core, composed of
amorphous extracellular lipid, plasma proteins, and hemostatic factors.[17] The contents of this central region are markedly thrombogenic when exposed
to circulating blood, such as occurs when a thin fibrous cap ruptures or ulcerates. This phenomenon is thought to be an important mechanism whereby

lesions of relatively mild hemodynamic significance may be responsible for acute thrombosis and downstream tissue infarction. In fact, this sequence
may be more typical for some clinical endpoints (e.g., myocardial infarction) than slow progression of lesion size, producing hemodynamic failure
downstream. Longitudinal study of plaque morphology has not been possible until recently, and with further refinements in ultrasound and magnetic
resonance imaging these types of data will assume an important role in clinical decision making. For the present, it is sufficiently clear that both the
mechanical characteristics of the plaque as well as the degree of luminal encroachment (stenosis) it produces are of clinical importance.
The anatomic distribution of atherosclerosis is remarkably constant and is thought to reflect an important role

Figure 65-1 Adaptive arterial enlargement in atherosclerosis preserves luminal caliber until a critical plaque mass is reached. (Adapted from Glagov S, Weisenberg E, Zarins CK, et
al: Compensatory enlargement of human atherosclerotic coronary arteries. N Engl J Med 316:13711375, 1987.)

for hemodynamic stresses.[19] An underlying influence of embryologic development (e.g., topographically distinct lineages of arterial smooth muscle
cells in the developing circulatory system) may also be involved in this regional vulnerability. Plaques tend to be concentrated at bifurcations or bends,
where local alterations in shear stress, flow separation, turbulence, and stasis are known to occur. The infrarenal abdominal aorta, proximal coronary
arteries, iliofemoral arteries (especially the superficial femoral artery), carotid bifurcation, and popliteal arteries are commonly involved. Upper
extremity vessels, as well as the common carotid, renal, and mesenteric arteries (beyond their origins), are usually spared.
Atherosclerotic plaques are dynamic lesions that may undergo progression or regression over time. Similarly, the underlying arterial wall also
undergoes adaptive remodeling. Arterial enlargement is a well-established feature of atherosclerosis and often results in relative preservation of luminal
area until plaque volume reaches a threshold size (approximately 40% stenosis) beyond which compensation fails and lumen narrowing becomes
progressive ( Fig. 651 ). [18] Medial atrophy may also occur, in which case mechanical stability of the wall may be impaired. This has been suggested as
one possible mechanism for the known association with aneurysmal disease.
The response to injury hypothesis and its more recent modifications, which include the concept of endothelial cell dysfunction, is the leading theory
of pathogenesis.[31] This hypothesis incorporates important roles for lipid, inflammation, and thrombosis in addition to proliferation and dysfunction of
the residing cells in the arterial wall. In the earlier versions of this theory, the triggering event was thought to be a focal denuding injury to the
endothelium. More recently, a widened definition of endothelial injury has been espoused to include a mechanically intact but phenotypically altered
endothelial monolayer as a substrate. The source of the initial mechanical or toxic injury may be variable, with a partial list including hemodynamic
stress, toxic metabolites (e.g., cigarette smoke, homocysteine), hypoxia, or infectious agents (cytomegalovirus, Chlamydia, herpesvirus). The final
common pathway is a loss of the numerous atheroprotective effects of normal endothelium, which include its barrier function, potent antiadhesive
properties, and antiproliferative influence on the underlying smooth muscle cells.
The vascular smooth muscle cell (SMC) plays a central role in the developing lesion. Migration and proliferation of medial SMCs result in a cellular
neointima. The intimal SMC undergoes a phenotypic change from a contractile to a secretory state, producing the extracellular matrix constituents of
the plaque. Lipid entry and accumulation in the vessel wall is an important early event. Oxidation of lipid, particularly LDL particles, produces
metabolites that potentiate the activated endothelial phenotype characterized by the expression of proinflammatory (e.g., leukocyte adhesion
molecules) and procoagulant (e.g., tissue factor) molecules as well as producing a decrease in protective substances (e.g., nitric oxide). Circulating
monocytes are recruited by adhesion to activated endothelium or to exposed matrix, enter the wall to become macrophages, and scavenge lipid. T
lymphocytes are also recruited, and together these inflammatory cells elaborate an array of cytokines (especially interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-. ,
and transforming growth factor- ), which potentiate the inflammation. In addition, macrophages are important sources of matrix degrading enzymes,
which may be involved in wall remodeling and plaque stability.
Platelets may adhere to dysfunctional endothelium, exposed matrix, and monocytes/macrophages. An important role for platelets and their growthpromoting and vasoactive products has long been espoused. The prototypic growth factor known as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent
stimulator of both migration and proliferation of SMCs, and it has been identified in abundance in atherosclerotic plaques. Platelets are not the only
source of PDGF: different isoforms of PDGF may also be produced by endothelial cells and by SMCs themselves. Other locally produced growth
factors, in particular basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), are likely to play a role in the SMC hyperplasia that occurs. Amplification occurs by means
of numerous potential positive feedback loops between cytokines and growth factors (both autocrine and paracrine) in which persistent inflammatory
activation is the central feature.
An alternative explanation is offered by the monoclonal hypothesis, which hinges on the intriguing observation that many atherosclerotic plaques
appear to contain a clonally expanded population of SMCs.[6] The developing plaque is viewed as a benign SMC neoplasm with an associated alteration
in SMC phenotype to the secretory state. Even though the observation of plaque monoclonality remains intriguing, this theory falls short in explaining
all of the epidemiologic and pathologic features of atherosclerosis and is currently less favored.
Other Arteriopathies

Other causes of arterial occlusive disease, although far less common than atherosclerosis in Western societies, must

also be considered, especially in patients who do not fit the risk factor profile outlined. These include thromboangiitis obliterans (Buergers disease),
Takayasus arteritis, giant cell/temporal arteritis, and other less common vasculitides. Each of these disorders has unique clinical, radiographic, and
anatomic features.[30]
Buergers disease is exclusively associated with cigarette smoking. The disease is more prevalent in the Middle East and Asia. Occlusive lesions are
predominantly seen in the muscular arteries, with a predilection for the tibial vessels. Rest pain, gangrene, and ulceration are the typical presentations.
Recurrent superficial thrombophlebitis (phlebitis migrans) is a characteristic feature. The diagnosis is suspected in younger patients who are heavy

smokers and do not have other atherosclerotic risk factors. Angiography often reveals diffuse occlusion of the distal extremity vessels. The arterial
involvement appears to progress in a distal to proximal fashion. Revascularization options are therefore usually limited. The disease virtually always
shows clinical remission if smoking cessation can be achieved. Sympathectomy has a limited role in patients with ulcerations.
Takayasus arteritis (pulseless disease) commonly afflicts younger female patients and has a higher prevalence in those of Eastern European or Asian
descent. There is often a prodrome marked by systemic inflammatory signs and symptoms. The arterial pathology is focused on the aorta and its major
branches; several patterns of involvement are described. The brachiocephalic vessels of the arch are often diffusely involved, leading to symptoms of
global cerebral hypoperfusion or upper extremity claudication. Initial management focuses on the active inflammation and is predominantly medical.
Surgical treatment is often indicated for ischemic manifestations and should only be undertaken when active inflammation is under control (i.e.,
normalized erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
Temporal arteritis (sometimes referred to as giant cell arteritis) predominantly afflicts patients older than 50 years of age, with a slight (2:1) female
preponderance. The incidence increases for each decade over age 50 years. The superficial temporal, vertebral, and major aortic arch branches may be
involved. As in Takayasus disease, there are often signs of systemic inflammation. Ischemic symptoms are common, including claudication of facial or
extremity muscles and retinal ischemia. Headache is a common symptom. Blindness, usually irreversible, is a dreaded complication. Once the clinical
diagnosis is suspected, treatment must be prompt and consists of high-dose corticosteroid therapy. Surgery is rarely indicated except in cases of major
aortic branch involvement with ischemic symptoms.
Raynauds phenomenon is characterized by recurrent, episodic vasospasm of the digits brought on by cold exposure or emotional stress.[10] Exposure to
cold initially produces pallor of the digits, followed by cyanosis, and is accompanied by pain and paresthesias. Rewarming leads to marked rubor caused
by a hyperemic response. The clinical spectrum of severity is broad and may include ulceration or loss of digits in patients with protracted periods of
ischemia. Progression to tissue loss implies persistent vascular occlusions beyond the vasospastic component. Primary (Raynauds disease) and
secondary causes are recognized. Secondary Raynauds phenomenon has been associated with a variety of rheumatologic, hematologic, and traumatic
disorders, as well as a number of drugs and toxins. Treatment is centered around minimizing exposure to the triggering stimulus and pharmacologic
(calcium channel blockers, sympatholytics) therapy. Sympathectomy may play a role in patients with severe digital ischemia and ulceration.
Diagnostic Modalities in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
Noninvasive Hemodynamic Assessment

Atherosclerotic plaques produce local and downstream alterations in pressure and flow that may be quantitated by a variety of noninvasive methods. A
key principle in the treatment of peripheral atherosclerosis is the hemodynamic assessment of circulatory impairment, which assumes paramount
importance in comparison to the anatomic presence or distribution of lesions. In current practice, the noninvasive vascular laboratory is able to provide a
combination of physiologic measurements and lesion mapping, which is critical for longitudinal surveillance, patient selection for interventions, and
postprocedural follow-up.
In the lower extremities, measurement of pressure plays a central role in the assessment of disease severity. Segmental pressure measurements in the
limb can be used to localize and grade hemodynamically significant lesions, as well as the overall degree of circulatory impairment. The single most
useful index is the ankle pressure, which can be obtained simply at the bedside with a handheld Doppler probe and pressure cuff. The cuff is placed
around the lower calf just above the malleolus and the Doppler probe is positioned over the dorsalis pedis or posterior tibial arteries to obtain a flow
signal. The cuff is inflated and then slowly deflated, and the examiner records the pressure at which the audible signal returns. Because the ankle
pressure varies with central aortic pressure, it is commonly indexed to the brachial artery pressure as a ratio (ankle-brachial index [ABI]). The ABI is
quite reproducible in a given patient and is therefore extremely useful for longitudinal surveillance of obstructive disease. In normal resting subjects, the
ABI is slightly greater than unity (1.0 to 1.2). There is a correlation between the severity of signs and symptoms of arterial insufficiency and the ABI
( Fig. 652 ), such that claudicants usually fall in the 0.5 to 0.7 range, whereas critical ischemia (rest pain or tissue necrosis) most commonly is
associated with an ABI less than 0.4.[40] In addition to preoperative assessment, the ABI can be used to follow up patients after arterial reconstruction as
a measure of technical success or subsequent graft failure. The most common source of error in the ABI is false elevation resulting from extensive
vascular calcification, as is common in diabetic patients or those with chronic renal failure. In these instances, other measures of distal perfusion (e.g.,
toe pressures, transmetatarsal pulse volume recording,

Figure 65-2 Correlation between signs and symptoms of lower extremity arterial insufficiency and the ankle-brachial index (ABI). (Adapted from Yao JST: Hemodynamic studies in
peripheral arterial disease. Br J Surg 57:761, 1970.)

transcutaneous oximetry) may be more reliable indicators of physiologic impairment.

A more complete assessment of infrainguinal arterial disease may be obtained by the segmental pressure technique. Pneumatic cuffs are placed at
several levels in the lower extremity, typically the upper thigh, lower thigh, calf, and ankle. The technique is facilitated by automated systems, which
sequentially inflate and deflate the cuffs, while a Doppler probe is used to record distal flow as in the ABI technique ( Fig. 653 ). Upper thigh pressures
in normal patients exceed brachial pressure, and a high thigh index of less than 1.0 is highly suggestive of aortoiliac disease. Pressure gradients between
adjacent levels of 30 mm Hg or greater are usually indicative of occlusion of the intervening segment. Again, false-positive results may be obtained in
patients with extensive calcification. Digital (finger or toe) pressures may be obtained with appropriately sized cuffs and the use of a
photoplethysmography probe on the pulp of the distal digit. Digital pressures are useful in patients with disease confined to the distal vessels (e.g.,
advanced Raynauds disease with fixed obstructive lesions) or, more commonly, to help predict the likelihood of healing of forefoot procedures,
ulcerations, or toe amputations. A toe pressure of greater than 30 mm Hg is predictive of successful healing in approximately 90% of cases, whereas
values less than

Figure 65-3 Technique of recording segmental limb pressures in the lower extremity. (From Summer DS, Thiele BL: The vascular laboratory. In Rutherford RB [ed]: Vascular
Surgery, 4th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1995, p 54.)

10 mm Hg are highly predictive of poor outcome. Values in the midrange of 10 to 30 mm Hg are not highly predictive and must be interpreted in the
context of careful physical examination and clinical assessment.
Exercise (treadmill) testing may be used in patients with claudication. It is particularly useful in the evaluation of patients with atypical symptoms,
normal resting pulse

Figure 65-4 Example of PVR recordings from a normal lower extremity (left) and a patient with rest pain (right). The tracings on the right are consistent with combined aorto-iliac
and femoropopliteal disease with minimal distal collateralization.

examinations, or clinical suspicion of lumbar spine disease, in which case both neurogenic and arterial causes may be present to varying extents.
Patients with calf claudication resulting from superficial femoral arterial disease uniformly demonstrate a marked decrease in ankle pressure at the time
of symptom occurrence as a result of the increased gradient produced by a fixed resistance in the setting of increased blood flow. A normal exercise test
rules out arterial insufficiency explicitly. In addition, exercise testing has been used to quantify the degree of impairment in arterial claudication; selfreporting of walking distance is notoriously unreliable.
Limb plethysmography, which measures the fluctuation in limb volume during the cardiac cycle, is a useful adjunct to segmental pressure
measurements. The most common technique involves segmental air plethysmograph cuffs, commonly referred to as a pulse volume recording (PVR).
Waveform analysis (contour and amplitude) is highly predictive of upstream arterial stenosis or occlusion ( Fig. 654 ). Transmetatarsal PVRs, obtained
with a cuff across the forefoot, are particularly useful in diabetic patients with falsely elevated segmental limb pressures. In clinical practice, segmental
pressures and PVRs are often obtained simultaneously and the information integrated by comparing adjacent segments as well as corresponding levels
in the contralateral limb. Combined with a careful history and physical examination, these basic noninvasive studies usually provide adequate data for
most clinical decision making regarding the selection of patients for lower extremity revascularization.
Doppler and Duplex Ultrasonography

Ultrasound technology has revolutionized vascular imaging. The availability of high-resolution portable scanners, with scan heads accommodating a
range of tissue depths, allows for noninvasive longitudinal assessment of virtually the entire circulatory tree outside of the thoracic aorta. Duplex
ultrasound combines the traditional B-mode two-dimensional image with Doppler measurement of blood flow parameters. Doppler relies on a measured
frequency shift, which correlates with the velocity of flow. The B-mode image is used to guide placement of the Doppler sampling volume at different
locations, and the resulting frequency or velocity profile can be used to grade the severity of obstructive lesions. A color scale can also be used to
visually assess locations of low velocity, high velocity, or turbulence ( Fig. 655 ).
Duplex ultrasound plays a central role in several areas of vascular practice. The most common application is for carotid bifurcation disease, which is
discussed in Chapter 63 .

Figure 65-5 Color Duplex ultrasound images with Doppler velocity profiles. A, High-grade lesion in the superficial femoral artery as demonstrated by turbulent flow and high peak
systolic velocities (PSV). B, A focal vein graft stenosis is identified by elevated PSV compared with adjacent segment.

In abdominal and extremity vascular disease, its use is continually expanding. Compared with the other noninvasive techniques discussed earlier, duplex
scanning allows for precise anatomic localization of lesions, quantitates their severity, and, with the development of higher-resolution systems, can
assess plaque morphology. Color-flow imaging facilitates the examination by allowing the technician to rapidly identify deeper vessels and by
demonstrating areas of turbulence where high-grade lesions are likely to reside. Although the instrumentation has undergone tremendous technologic
refinement, operator skill and training remains an important variable in accuracy. The abdominal aorta, renal and mesenteric vessels, iliac arteries, and
infrainguinal vessels can all be visualized. Overlying bowel gas is a common technical limitation for the abdominal vessels. Lower extremity duplex
arterial mapping has been touted as an imaging strategy to determine patient suitability for angioplasty or

bypass; however, the examination of an entire extremity is time consuming and has significant operator-dependent variables. It does not provide the
same global measure of limb perfusion as segmental pressures or PVRs, and it remains inferior to angiographic techniques for preoperative planning. In
summary, duplex imaging is most useful to assess the anatomy and severity of native arterial lesions in defined locations within the vascular tree,
particularly the carotid bifurcation and the renal and femoral arteries.
A critical application of duplex scanning is in the postoperative assessment of lower extremity vein bypass grafts. Numerous studies have demonstrated
improved long-term graft patency and limb salvage when failing (i.e., stenotic) grafts are detected and revised before occlusion. Identification of patent
but failing vein grafts by clinical examination alone, including serial ABI measurement, is relatively insensitive. Color-flow imaging of the entire graft,
including proximal and distal arteries and anastomotic regions, provides a complete map of any flow disturbances or developing stenoses. Velocity
criteria have been developed for high-grade lesions that may warrant either more intensive surveillance, arteriography, or intervention to prevent failure.
Focal areas of high velocity (peak systolic velocity >300 cm/sec or velocity ratio [lesion/upstream] >3.5) or overall low velocity (<40 cm/sec)
throughout the graft are usually indicative of a critical hemodynamic lesion.[3] By generating detailed velocity maps of a given graft, individual lesions
can be followed up over time for progression. In most high-volume vascular surgery practices, this technique has proved valuable in identifying and
treating focal hyperplastic lesions with a variety of surgical (patch angioplasty, jump or interposition grafting) or radiologic (angioplasty) techniques,
thereby improving long-term patency and reducing the need for difficult re-do bypass surgery.
Transcutaneous Oximetry

Transcutaneous measurement of oxygen tension (tcPO2 ) is another technique for assessing tissue perfusion. Small polarographic electrodes are applied
to the skin in a number of locations, usually including the torso (control), thigh, calf, and dorsum of the foot. The electrodes measure oxygen diffused to
the skin, which is a reflection of underlying tissue perfusion but is also affected by numerous other variables, including skin temperature, sympathetic
tone, skin conditions such as cellulitis or hyperkeratosis, and edema. These variables limit the reproducibility of the examination. Nonetheless, tcPO2

measurement has a role in the assessment of critical ischemia, particularly in diabetic patients with extensive vascular calcification. Normal tcPO2 levels
in the foot are in the 50 to 60 mm Hg range. Values greater than 40 mm Hg are predictive for healing of foot lesions or primary forefoot amputations;
values less than 10 mm Hg are almost universally associated with failure to heal. As in the case of toe pressures, values in the middle range are not
particularly useful as isolated measurements and must be placed in clinical context.

The modern era of arterial reconstruction was made possible by the development of contrast arteriography (Moniz, 1927; dos Santos, 1929), which
allowed for anatomic localization of aneurysmal and occlusive lesions and their relationship to symptoms. Technologic advances in catheters, contrast
agents, radiographic equipment, and image processing have led to greatly improved safety and high-resolution imaging of virtually the entire circulatory
Aortic and lower extremity arteriograms are generally performed by needle puncture of the femoral or brachial arteries, followed by guide wire
placement and catheter insertion using the Seldinger technique. Most diagnostic studies are performed using catheters passed through 5-French (1.7 mm
outer diameter) sheaths. After fluoroscopic catheter positioning, radiopaque contrast medium is injected by a timed mechanical injector, and images are
obtained rapidly by digital acquisition. Full examination of the abdominal aorta and lower extremities usually requires multiple injections because there
is a need for different catheter positions, projections, and patient stations to obtain optimal images. A large variety of highly specialized guide wires and
catheters have been developed to assist surgeous in selective cannulation of remote vessels (e.g., renal, mesenteric, cerebral, and pulmonary
vasculature). Postprocessing of digital images allows for subtraction of overlying bone and other enhancements to facilitate visualization of the vessels
and lesions in question.
Complications of arteriography can be divided into those related to the catheterization and those related to the injected contrast agent ( Box 653 ). The
major complications of catheter placement are atheroembolization and puncture site problems (bleeding, pseudoaneurysm, or arteriovenous fistula).
Distal embolization may occur by dislodgment of plaque by the catheter as it is passed or manipulated within the arterial system. Atheroemboli from the
proximal (thoracic or upper abdominal) aorta can produce devastating effects if they shower into the
Box 65-3. Complications of Contrast Arteriography
Puncture Site or Catheter Related
Arteriovenous fistula
Local thrombosis
Contrast Agent Related
Major (anaphylactoid) sensitivity reaction
Minor sensitivity reactions
Hypervolemia (osmotic load)


renal or mesenteric circulations where bowel infarction or renal failure may ensue. Debris traveling into the lower extremities usually lodges in the most
distal vessels of the toes, resulting in the classic appearance of blue toe syndrome. The skin lesions produced are usually exquisitely painful and the
extent of tissue loss, which is often overestimated by the initial appearance, may ultimately require toe or even forefoot amputation. This complication
occurs in only a small fraction of cases.
Puncture site complications are relatively infrequent after diagnostic studies, being more commonly associated with the larger-caliber sheaths required
for catheter-based interventions (i.e., angioplasty, stents). The key is prevention, which begins with appropriate selection of the arterial site for
cannulation, a minimally traumatic needle/guide wire/catheter insertion, and adequate management of hemostasis after catheter removal. Significant
bleeding or pseudoaneurysm formation can almost always be attributed to either a technical difficulty or to the need for persistent systemic
anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs. An arteriovenous fistula can result from inadvertent passage of the needle and guide wire through an adjacent vein
en route to the artery. Diagnosis is suggested by the physical findings of a pulsatile mass or continuous bruit and is easily confirmed by duplex imaging.
The management of these various puncture site complications is individualized and depends on the stability of the patient, the requirement for
continuous anticoagulation, and other factors. Patients with hemodynamically significant bleeding, expanding hematomas, large pseudoaneurysms, or
local complications caused by pressure on adjacent nerves or skin or patients requiring intensive continuous anticoagulation are best managed with early
surgery. The vessel is exposed and the puncture site repaired by direct suture. Rarely, a prosthetic patch repair may be required, usually in the setting of
severe injury to a badly calcified atherosclerotic vessel where primary repair is either impossible or would produce narrowing. For stable
pseudoaneurysms in patients without coagulopathy, ultrasound-guided compression has been highly successful as sole therapy. Most recently,
ultrasound-directed thrombin injection into the sac has been reported as a rapid and highly successful technique for pseudoaneurysms.
Contrast agents may produce both minor and major adverse reactions.[1] Conventional iodinated agents have direct toxic effects on endothelium because

of their high osmolarity (five to eight times normal plasma osmolarity). Newer low-osmolarity (nonionic) agents have approximately one third the
osmolarity of the older media. Intravascular injection of contrast agent causes vasodilation (sensation of heat) with a concomitant decrease in blood
pressure. Many patients experience discomfort during injection, which is thought to be attributable to the osmolarity. Idiosyncratic reactions to the
contrast medium occur in approximately 4% of patients. They are not dose related and may be either serious (anaphylaxis) or minor (nausea, urticaria,
pruritus). Major reactions are rare; they must be recognized and treated promptly with airway control, corticosteroids, and cardiopulmonary support.
The incidence of minor reactions appears to be reduced with low-osmolarity agents. Patients with a prior history of allergy to contrast agents or iodine
(e.g., shellfish) or those with asthma are at higher risk.
Renal toxicity is an important adverse consequence of contrast arteriography. The mechanism is unknown and may involve renal ischemia resulting
from the osmotic diuresis produced or direct toxic effects on tubular epithelium. Assessment of risk and preangiography preparation are critical. Factors
associated with elevated risk include chronic renal insufficiency (baseline creatinine >1.5), diabetes, dehydration, age older than 60 years, recent
surgery, and larger doses of contrast medium. The risk factors appear additive. Maintenance of adequate hydration before, during, and after contrast
injection is absolutely critical and is best accomplished by continuous intravenous administration of isotonic crystalloid. Nonionic agents appear to have
less renal toxicity and should be selected in high-risk patients. The major limitation of these agents is their markedly increased cost compared with
conventional media.
Computed tomography (CT) with intravenous contrast medium administration can also delineate vascular anatomy. Specific protocols for timed
injection and rapid image acquisition (i.e., spiral CT angiography) have improved the resolution. Three-dimensional reconstructions are possible that
may be particularly helpful in highly tortuous vessels and aneurysms. The technique has been most useful for the thoracoabdominal aorta and carotid
bifurcations ( Fig. 656 ). Dissection and aneurysmal

Figure 65-6 CT angiogram of lower extremity arteries with three-dimensional reconstruction reveals bilateral popliteal artery aneurysms. (Courtesy of Joseph Schoepf, M.D., and
Edgar K. Yucel, M.D., Brigham and Womens Hospital.)


diseases of the aorta are particularly well suited, in that the pathologic process spans a longer segment and is less likely to be missed between adjacent
slices. It has had limited use in aortoiliac or infrainguinal occlusive disease.
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an important technique that is gaining application by virtue of rapidly improving technology. It offers the
distinct advantages of being noninvasive and avoiding contrast exposure. The most common technique used for obtaining vascular enhancement is timeof-flight (TOF), in which brightness is directly related to the velocity of blood entering the slice. As a result, lesion severity is often overestimated,
which is an important limitation. The technique has had its greatest application thus far in evaluating the carotid and intracranial circulation,
thoracoabdominal aorta, renal arteries, and lower extremity vessels ( Fig. 657 ). It is the test of choice for studying arteriovenous malformations or the
major abdominal veins (e.g., for planning portal decompression procedures). Lower extremity studies are primarily limited by the prolonged acquisition
times required if the equivalent of an aortogram with leg runoff is needed. When the examination can be more limited, as in the preoperative assessment
of distal runoff in a patient with a normal femoral pulse, its utility is increased. MRA is particularly useful in patients who are at high risk for contrastinduced nephropathy, particularly elderly diabetics.
Therapeutic Interventions in Arterial Occlusive Disease

The modern therapeutic armamentarium for treating arterial occlusive diseases is barely half a century old. Its development

Figure 65-7 MR angiogram with gadolinium enhancement of femoropopliteal vessels in a patient with bilateral popliteal artery aneurysm. (Courtesy of Servet Tatli, M.D., and Edgar
K. Yucel, M.D., Brigham and Womens Hospital.)

is marked by several key advances: the discovery of heparin, arteriography (Moniz, 1927), arterial homografts (DeBakey, 1950s), prosthetic grafts
(Voorhees, 1952), balloon angioplasty (Gruntzig, 1974), and stents (Dotter, 1969), combined with a continuous improvement in instruments and suture
materials to facilitate vascular anastomoses.
Medical Management

The medical management of atherosclerosis is targeted to reduce progression, induce regression, and prevent morbid endpoints of lesion formation. Risk
factor management is the primary approach. Lipid-lowering therapy uses both dietary treatment and an increasing pharmacopeia with specific effects on
different lipid subclasses. These drugs include niacin, bile acid-binding resins, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (the statins), clofibrate, and gemfibrozil.
The specific dietary and drug regimen is tailored to the lipid profile abnormality of the individual patient. Smoking cessation is clearly of paramount
importance. Newer nicotine analogues, available in a variety of sustained-release delivery forms, may be helpful, but long-term success hinges on
behavior modification.
Antiplatelet therapy constitutes the other major medical treatment option. The goal is to prevent thrombosis, embolization, and perhaps even the
progression of atherosclerotic disease given the possible role of platelets as an etiologic factor. Aspirin remains the cornerstone of platelet therapy, with
a well-established track record of compliance, low risk, and minimal cost. Large metaanalyses have demonstrated beneficial effects of aspirin in patients
with prior myocardial infarctions, carotid atheroembolism, and peripheral arterial surgery.[2] Newer antiplatelet agents have been developed with
everincreasing potency and more specific antiaggregative effects. These include ticlopidine and clopidogrel, both of which have shown efficacy in
reducing some cardiovascular endpoints. Oral antagonists of the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor for fibrinogen, the critical interaction required for
aggregation, are being extensively studied primarily in patients with coronary interventions. The long-term roles for these newer agents remains to be
defined, especially given their increased cost and lower safety profile as compared with aspirin. For the present, low-dose aspirin (325 mg/day) is the
most widely accepted antiplatelet prophylaxis for patients with cardiovascular disease.
Basic Techniques of Arterial Surgery

Technical success in arterial reconstructive surgery hinges on the meticulous application of basic techniques of handling and suturing blood vessels.
Arterial incisions are preferentially placed in soft areas of the vessel wall spared of disease. The choice of orientation (i.e., longitudinal or transverse) of
the arteriotomy depends on the vessel size, the local extent of disease, and the reconstructive technique being used. Primary closure of longitudinal
incisions may result in narrowing; hence these are often closed with a vein or prosthetic patch. In the case of thromboembolectomy

of otherwise normal arteries, transverse incisions are often used in the larger (e.g., iliofemoral) vessels; longitudinal incisions with patch angioplasty are
more forgiving in smaller vessels. In general, the longitudinal incision offers more flexibility for extension to deal with local disease or to accommodate
a bypass graft anastomosis.
Suture materials for vascular surgery are nonabsorbable (e.g., polypropylene). A practice of minimal handling of the arterial wall, using specially
designed vascular forceps (e.g., DeBakey), minimizes separation or fragmentation of plaque that can complicate the exercise. Suture bites must
incorporate all layers of the vessel wall, with care taken to ensure the intima is included. The needle should pass through the wall at a right angle and
then be gently rotated along its curvature to draw the suture through. Shallow angled bites, levering of the needle, or rough handling of the suture can
produce a localized linear tear in an atherosclerotic vessel. In performing a primary closure of an arteriotomy, the bites are closely spaced and of
appropriate depth to produce hemostasis without narrowing. Slight, gentle eversion of the edges is important and is facilitated by the assistant who
maintains traction on the suture. In the case of a vein or prosthetic patch, the edges must be carefully everted onto the arterial wall to avoid leaks
between sutures. The choice of suturing technique (i.e., continuous or interrupted) is dependent on vessel size and surgical preference. Interrupted
sutures may be preferred in small-caliber vessels because they avoid the pursestring effect of a continuous stitch, which may produce a degree of
narrowing. For larger arteries and in most cases of patch angioplasty or bypass grafting, a carefully done continuous suture works well and is more
efficient. In either case, sutures are usually first placed at either corner of the arteriotomy, then progressively continued to the middle. Flushing and
backbleeding by release of clamps is an important maneuver to be done before completing the anastomosis, to remove any small amounts of thrombus,
air, or debris.
Surgical Bypass Grafting

Surgical bypass grafting has evolved as the most widely applicable technique for the treatment of arterial occlusive lesions. It has found broad
application in the coronary, abdominal, and peripheral vascular beds. In comparison to other techniques such as angioplasty, stenting, or
endarterectomy, bypass is far less restrictive in terms of the anatomic nature of lesions amenable to treatment ( Table 651 ). Although each of these
other modalities is limited in treating longer occlusions and smaller caliber vessels, these areas are precisely those where surgical bypass excels. The
specific choice of percutaneous or surgical approach must be tailored to the individual patient, lesion, and the skill and experience of the operator. In
current practice, a combination of these methods is frequently required to achieve the best therapeutic result; thus, familiarity with all of the techniques
is fundamental to the discipline of vascular surgery. A brief discussion of general techniques and graft materials follows; for more detailed technical
descriptions the reader is referred to one of the standard vascular surgical texts or atlases.[32]
Anatomic exposure of the selected inflow and outflow arteries is obtained through standard incisions in the abdomen or extremities. Complete
circumferential dissection is not always required and, in some situations (e.g., aorta, iliac arteries, reoperative exposures), carries unnecessary additional
risk because of the presence of immediately adjacent major venous structures. Despite arteriographic appearances, the presence of significant plaque or
calcification may require modifying the original operative strategy. Whenever possible, segments bearing minimal disease are selected for anastomotic
sites because this greatly facilitates both vascular occlusion as well as suturing. The outflow site is selected to be downstream from all hemodynamically
significant disease, in the most readily accessible vessel that can provide downstream perfusion. Shorter grafts are preferable, particularly when
autogenous vein conduit is in limited supply. Numerous techniques are available for occlusion and depend to great extent on the size of the vessel, the
arterial pressure, and the presence or severity of plaque (especially calcification). These methods include the application of atraumatic vascular clamps,
elastic vessel loops, intraluminal occluders, or an extremity tourniquet.
Systemic anticoagulation, by intravenous administration of heparin sodium, is achieved before vascular occlusion. Standard heparin doses are in the
range of 70 to 100 units/kg as a bolus. Repeated doses may be necessary depending on the length of the operation and the requirement for additional
periods of flow occlusion. The half-life of heparin ranges from 60 to 90 minutes in most patients, which is a suitable interval for redosing with smaller
TABLE 65-1 -- Comparison of Arterial Reconstructive Techniques by Most Favorable Anatomic Features of Treated Lesions



Stenosis vs. occlusion


Stenosis > occlusion

Stenosis > occlusion

Length of segment

Not a factor

Preferably short

Preferably short

Vessel caliber

>2 mm

Preferably >56 mm

Preferably >4 mm

Anatomic sites most suitable


Aortic arch through distal

Carotid bifurcation, common
femoral, aortic branch lesions

Distal abdominal aorta and iliacs, aortic

branch lesions (?? femoral/popliteal,

PTA, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; ??, controversial application of PTA.


Figure 65-8 Techniques of constructing artery-to-graft anastomoses. A, End-to-end technique employing spatulation and corner sutures. B, End-to-side anastomosis employing a twosuture, continuous technique.

boluses (one third to one half the initial dose is typical). Measurement of the activated clotting time (ACT) is readily accomplished using standard
equipment available in most cardiovascular operating suites and facilitates appropriate heparin dosing during longer procedures. For peripheral vascular
operations, an ACT in the 250- to 350-second range is adequate. At the conclusion of the procedure, when hemostasis is desired, it may be necessary to
reverse the effects of heparin by administration of protamine sulfate (dose: 1 mg/100 units of circulating heparin).
The arteriotomy is preferably made in a disease-free area; poorly chosen sites or ill-advised extension into areas of heavy plaque may greatly complicate
the operation. Anastomoses are most commonly performed either in an end-to-side or end-to-end configuration ( Fig. 658 ). The end-to-side approach
has broader application and is somewhat more forgiving technically. End-to-end anastomoses are facilitated by slightly beveling the two ends (45
degrees) to enlarge the opening and by the use of interrupted sutures to avoid a pursestring effect of continuous suture. End-to-side configurations are
usually made at an entry angle of less than 45 degrees to minimize turbulence. The graft is appropriately beveled, and the heel sutures are placed first.
One or two sutures may be used to complete the anastomosis; in the two-suture technique, a separate stitch is placed at the toe, which is the most critical
point at which one must avoid narrowing.
Intraoperative assessment of the bypass is critical to both short- and long-term outcome. For lower extremity bypass, completion arteriography is the
gold standard. Duplex scanning is finding an ever-increasing role in the operating suite and provides greater resolution of intraluminal defects as well
as flow velocity mapping. In either case, the anastomotic sites, conduit, and distal runoff are examined for intraluminal defects (thrombus, valves,
plaque, emboli), extrinsic compression or kinks (tunneling errors), and technical adequacy.
The optimal choice of graft material depends on the anatomic location, size, and hemodynamic environment of the bypass. The ideal vascular graft
would be characterized by both its mechanical attributes and postimplantation healing responses. Mechanical strength is a paramount issue in that grafts
placed in the arterial circulation must be capable of withstanding long-term hemodynamic stress without material failure, which might be catastrophic.
Availability, suturability, and simplicity of handling are desirable for minimizing operating time, risk, and expense. The graft should be resistant to both

and infection and, optimally, would be completely incorporated by the body to yield a neovessel resembling a native artery in structure and function.
Given the economic considerations, low cost and long-term durability are issues of great importance as well.
For large-caliber arterial reconstructions, currently available synthetic grafts made of either Dacron or expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) offer a
reasonable approximation of these ideals and proven clinical efficacy. Long-term results of synthetic grafts for replacement of the thoracic and

abdominal aorta, arch vessels, and iliac and common femoral arteries for either aneurysmal or occlusive disease are generally excellent using any of a
number of materials and manufacturing processes. Whereas graft infection, occlusion, and dilatation are important clinical problems, the majority of
patients can expect durable patency and a low frequency of repeat procedures. However, prosthetic grafts have generally proven unfavorable as smallcaliber (<6 mm) arterial substitutes. In these demanding, low-flow environments, the primary factor influencing long-term patency is the conduit itself,
and the thromboresistance of endothelialized autogenous materials becomes paramount.
Autogenous vein, particularly the greater saphenous, has proven to be a durable and versatile arterial substitute. In the lower extremity, long-term results
with saphenous vein bypass (used in either the in situ or reversed configurations) to below-knee popliteal, tibial, and even pedal arteries have been
excellent and serve as the standard of reference for other conduits. Ectopic (i.e., lesser saphenous, arm veins) or composite vein grafts for infrapopliteal
bypass are generally inferior to a single segment saphenous vein, although they are still superior to the performance of synthetic grafts in the hands of
most surgeons. Randomized trials of prosthetic grafts in the femoropopliteal position have demonstrated reasonable patency rates, particularly in the
above-knee position, where they provide a viable alternative. Tibial bypass with prosthetics has generally achieved markedly inferior results and should
only be considered in extreme circumstances.
The most important complications of surgical bypass are graft occlusion and infection. Graft occlusion is covered in detail later in this chapter. Infection
of vascular grafts may be catastrophic and poses immediate threat to both life and limb. Death may occur by sudden and massive hemorrhage internally
or externally. Limb loss may result from secondary thrombosis or failure of attempted redo procedures after graft removal. Prosthetic grafts may
become infected by break in sterile technique at implantation, hematogenous seeding from other sources, or wound complications resulting secondarily
in exposure of the graft. By and large, these often require complete excision of the infected prosthetic and alternative revascularization approaches that
avoid the contaminated field. Vein grafts are far less commonly afflicted by infection, which occurs almost exclusively in the context of a local wound
complication resulting in exposed graft. These are best treated aggressively by operative wound dbridement, segmental graft replacement if necessary,
and adequate soft tissue coverage.
Surgical Endarterectomy

Endarterectomy is a direct disobliterative technique that takes advantage of the pathologic localization of atherosclerosis to the intima and inner media.
This allows a cleavage plane to be easily developed between the plaque and the underlying deeper media ( Fig. 659 ). Surprisingly, the residual deep
media and adventitia normally retain sufficient mechanical strength to resist disruption or progressive enlargement under arterial pressure. The various
techniques used all involve blunt separation of the plaque, termination by spontaneous tapering or sharp division, and careful attention to the distal
endpoint, which must be firmly adherent to resist dissection or flap elevation leading to thrombosis. The most common and technically simplest
technique is the open method, performed by way of a longitudinal arteriotomy with direct vision of both endpoints as well as the entire
endarterectomized surface. Extraction, eversion, and semiclosed methods are applicable in specific situations as well.
Endarterectomy is most feasible and durable when applied to focal stenotic lesions in large-caliber, high-flow vessels. The carotid bifurcation, visceral
artery origins, and common femoral artery are particularly well suited to this approach. The use of endarterectomy for longer-segment disease in the
aortoiliac and femoropopliteal systems has fallen into disfavor because of the technical difficulty, higher failure rates, and clear advantages
demonstrated for bypass grafting in these locations. It offers the advantage of an autogenous reconstruction, avoiding the risk of infection associated
with prosthetics.

Figure 65-9 Technique of endarterectomy. A, Initial separation of plaque in the appropriate cleavage plane with mobilization facilitated by a fine spatula. B, Termination of
endarterectomy by feathering to a tapered endpoint.


Figure 65-10 Restenosis after long-segment endarterectomy of the superficial femoral artery (SFA). A, Completion operative angiogram after semi-closed endarterectomy of SFA
using a loop stripper. B, Follow-up arteriogram 8 months later, when symptoms of claudication had recurred. A vigorous intimal hyperplastic response is evident.

Early failures are due to technical problems with the imperfect endpoints or to in situ thrombosis on the exposed nonendothelialized surface. Platelet
aggregation to the collagenous matrix is a particular problem, and antiplatelet therapy is usually used. Late failures are due to exuberant intimal
hyperplasia, which is a more frequent occurrence in longer segments of muscular arteries (e.g., superficial femoral) ( Fig. 6510 ).
Percutaneous Angioplasty, Stenting, and Other Endovascular Techniques

Percutaneous techniques for treating arterial occlusions, including balloon dilatation, stenting, and atherectomy, have undergone tremendous
development in the past quarter century and are assuming an increasingly important role. Whereas the initial concepts of angioplasty and stenting can be
first attributed to Dotter in the 1960s, it was the development of the double-lumen balloon catheter by Gruntzig in 1974 that initiated widespread clinical
application. The use of balloon angioplasty in the treatment of coronary, renal, iliac, and lower extremity disease has come to be accepted as a standard
alternative to open surgical therapy.
The mechanism of dilation in balloon angioplasty is thought to involve fracture and displacement of plaque and overstretch of the media and perhaps
the adventitia as well. Specific guide wires, catheters, and balloons have been designed for different anatomic sites. The initial technical feat is to
accomplish crossing of the lesion with a guide wire, followed by appropriate positioning of the balloon catheter. The balloon must be of adequate length
to encompass the lesion and its diameter matched to that of the normal vessel to avoid overdistention (leading to rupture) or inadequate dilation. Lowprofile balloon systems have allowed for smaller introducer sheaths, reducing puncture site complications.
Similar to endarterectomy, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) has found its greatest success in the treatment of focal stenoses in largecaliber, high-flow arteries. The 5-year patency rate for PTA (without stenting) of common iliac lesions, for example, is in the 70% to 80% range.
Excellent results have also been reported for suitable aortic, arch vessel, renal, and mesenteric lesions. Results in the femoropopliteal system are inferior
to bypass overall, but carefully selected lesions, primarily in claudicants, may be durably treated. In all anatomic locations, both early and late success is
increased for shorter lesions and stenoses as compared with occlusions.
Restenosis after angioplasty may be due to both elastic recoil and intimal hyperplasia. In the coronary circulation, clinically significant restenosis may
develop in as many as 40% of patients within the first year, necessitating repeat revascularization. Promising methods for limiting restenosis include the
more liberal use of stents to minimize elastic recoil and constrictive remodeling and approaches targeting the cellular response by local delivery of
antiproliferative agents (e.g., drug-eluting stents) or ionizing radiation (brachytherapy).
Intravascular stents have secured an important niche in the vascular armamentarium. The mechanical concept is to maintain luminal patency by exerting
persistent radial force on the vessel. Metallic stents come in a variety of design configurations and sizes. For purposes of placement, they may be
grouped into those that require balloon inflation (e.g., the Palmaz stent) and those that do not (e.g., the Wallstent). Stents are most commonly used as an
adjunct to PTA, although their application as a primary modality is increasing. Localized dissections, elastic recoil, or residual stenoses after PTA are
situations in which stent placement can often improve the technical result. The superiority of stents over PTA alone remains to be proven but appears
likely for longer-segment iliac lesions as well as ostial lesions of the aortic branch vessels. Recent interest has developed in the use of stents to treat
carotid bifurcation disease, although long-term data and results from randomized trials are pending. The anatomic sites most suitable for stenting are
similar to those mentioned for endarterectomy. Because stent application is increasing and recurrences are no longer amenable to endarterectomy, the
benefits of either approach must be carefully evaluated to avoid harming patients. Longer-term data are clearly needed to determine the appropriate


Another technique is catheter-directed atherectomy. This involves the use of specially designed catheter devices to remove atherosclerotic plaque from
the arterial wall by shaving, cutting, or high-speed rotational ablation. Laser energy has also been advocated to vaporize and debulk plaque in heavily
stenosed or occluded vessels before PTA. In general, long-term results in the lower extremity vessels have been poor and there does not appear to be an
advantage over PTA alone, which is less expensive and has fewer complications. Atherectomy is sometimes used for debulking of restenotic lesions,
particularly in the coronary circulation, but repeated treatments are not infrequently required as a result of recurrence of the hyperplastic response.
Further applications will require substantial progress in the prevention and treatment of intimal hyperplasia.
Thrombolytic Therapy

Fibrinolytic drugs enhance conversion of plasminogen to plasmin, which is then capable of degrading fibrin clot. These agents have been used in both
systemic and local fashion to achieve lysis of both arterial and venous thrombi. Except for acute embolic events, thrombolytic therapy for arterial
occlusive disease is not a sole modality. Rather, it is used as an important adjunct to PTA or surgical interventions that directly address the underlying
atherosclerotic lesions, restoring perfusion to the downstream bed. The two major drugs in current use are urokinase and tissue plasminogen activator
For arterial occlusions, regional therapy by means of an angiographically guided catheter is most effective. Compared with systemic administration,
directed intra-clot infusion has been shown to reduce the dose and duration of therapy required to achieve complete lysis. The catheter may be
positioned just proximal to or directly into the thrombus. Different dosing regimens and catheters have been espoused for the available agents.
Generally, an initial high-dose infusion (lacing-dose) is followed by a lower-dose regimen, with frequent follow-up angiograms to document
progressive lysis to a satisfactory endpoint. Systemic anticoagulation with continuous heparin administration must be maintained throughout, so that
new thrombus is not formed on, around, or distal to the catheter as lysis is taking place. Because of the significant risks of bleeding as well as the need
for careful monitoring of the infusion catheters, patients requiring extended therapy (in some cases up to 48 hours) are best managed in an intensive care
Appropriate selection of patients is critical for reducing the incidence of serious complications and improving the likelihood of successful lysis. Even
with regional delivery, a state of systemic fibrinolysis is induced; therefore, patients at high risk for serious bleeding are not candidates ( Box 654 ).
These include patients with recent surgery, trauma, gastrointestinal or other internal bleeding, intracranial tumors, pregnancy, or recent stroke. Relative
contraindications include remote gastrointestinal bleeding, hemostatic disorders, severe hypertension, or intracardiac thrombus. The risk of serious
bleeding (5% to 15%) is increased with longer durations of therapy and a
Box 65-4. Contraindications to Thrombolytic Therapy
Recent major bleeding
Recent stroke
Recent major surgery or trauma
Irreversible ischemia of end organ
Intracranial pathology
Recent ophthalmologic procedure
History of gastrointestinal bleeding or active peptic ulcer disease
Underlying coagulation abnormalities
Uncontrolled hypertension
Hemorrhagic retinopathy

decrease in fibrinogen levels to less than 100 mg/dL or to less than 50% of baseline, which is associated with the development of a systemic lytic state.
Fresh thrombi are the most easily lysed. Although no clear upper limit of chronicity has been established, most clinicians believe that thrombotic
occlusions more than 2 weeks old are unlikely to respond well to lytic therapy.
An important consideration in evaluating patients for thrombolytic therapy is the severity of ischemia and the time interval for restoring perfusion
before irreversible tissue injury has occurred. Patients with signs of irreversibility such as major neurologic impairment should not undergo attempted
thrombolysis. In addition, patients with acute, rapid deterioration to advanced ischemia are often poorly collateralized and may not tolerate the time
required to achieve reperfusion with this approach.
Recent large-scale trials have supported a potential useful role for thrombolytic therapy in the treatment of arterial occlusions, although many
controversies remain concerning specific indications.[37] In appropriately selected patients and with a lesion-specific strategy of percutaneous or surgical
intervention, thrombolytic therapy has an important role in the management of arterial occlusive disease.
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The management of acute extremity ischemia remains a major surgical challenge. Even with optimal surgical management, acute lower extremity
ischemia resulting from thromboembolic disease continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality. Limb loss rates of 8% to 22% and perioperative
mortality rates of 10% to 17% continue to be reported.[4] [15] [24] [28] Maximization of limb salvage, while simultaneously minimizing associated morbidity
and mortality, requires expeditious diagnosis and restoration of perfusion.



Compared with other organs and tissues, the extremities are relatively resistant to the effects of ischemia. Unlike the brain, which suffers infarction after
only 4 to 8 minutes of ischemia, or the myocardium, which infarcts after 17 to 20 minutes, the lower extremity may be salvaged after up to 5 to 6 hours
of profound ischemia.
Evaluation of the effect of ischemia on the extremity is complicated by the fact that the various tissues that comprise the extremity have different
susceptibilities to ischemic injury and they manifest this injury in different fashions. Skin and bone are relatively resistant to the effects of ischemia and
may survive injuries that, by their effect on other tissues, have rendered the limb painful and useless. Nervous tissue is generally the most sensitive
component of the extremity to the effects of ischemia. Significant morbidity may therefore result from isolated ischemic nerve injury in an otherwise
intact limb.
Skeletal muscle is the major structural component of the extremity and, for a variety of reasons, plays a key role in the pathophysiology of extremity
ischemia. Skeletal muscle constitutes more than 40% of the body mass and approximately 75% of the lower extremity weight. Although skeletal muscle
has a relatively slow resting metabolic rate compared with other tissues, it accounts for 90% of the metabolic activity of the lower extremity. Skeletal
muscle receives 71% of the resting lower extremity blood flow and a larger proportion during reperfusion hyperemia. Skeletal muscle plays a pivotal
role in the numerous local and systemic manifestations of extremity ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Reperfusion Syndrome

The profound effects of revascularization of the ischemic lower extremity were described as early as the 1950s by Haimovici.[20] As ischemic skeletal
muscles reperfuse, a variety of intracellular ions, structural proteins, enzymes, and other components are released through the damaged sarcolemma into
the circulation. The resulting myonephropathic syndrome, with its associated hemodynamic instability, lactic acidosis, and hyperkalemia, is well
recognized by surgeons. Myoglobin released from injured muscle cells into the circulation is cleared through the kidneys, resulting in dark urine
(without red blood cells). Myoglobinuria may persist for 2 to 4 days after reperfusion. Acute renal failure may ensue from myoglobin casts developing
in the renal tubules as well as direct toxic effects of the myoglobin on the tubules. Serum creatinine phosphokinase levels may increase dramatically (to
greater than 10,000 units) after reperfusion of ischemic muscle. Myocardial contractility may become depressed; increased cardiac irritability in the
setting of electrolyte disturbances (typically hyperkalemia) may lead to life-threatening dysrhythmias.
When a lower extremity is subjected to severe ischemia, cellular membrane dysfunction results. In this setting, the reperfusion phase is marked by the
development of both intracellular and interstitial edema. Intracellular edema results from membrane damage and failure of the membrane-bound
adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase). Interstitial edema results from increased microvascular membrane permeability to ions, water, and proteins. This
edema may appear within minutes, progressing significantly over the next 24 hours. The amount of edema is dependent on the period of ischemia, the
underlying occlusive disease, and the adequacy of revascularization. When muscle edema occurs within the confines of an osseofascial compartment,
interstitial pressure continues to increase. Acute compartment syndrome results as pressure increases beyond capillary perfusion pressure (30 mm Hg)
and tissue perfusion is impaired. Unless recognized and decompressed by fasciotomy, compartment syndromes will lead to prolonged tissue ischemia
despite apparent successful revascularization.
Occasionally, prolongation of the ischemic injury may also occur as a result of microvascular obstruction to blood flow. Endothelial cell edema may
predispose to white blood cell and platelet sludging, leading to the so-called no-reflow phenomenon. Similarly, prolonged vascular occlusion can lead to
small-vessel thrombosis in the muscle and skin, which prevents tissue reperfusion when blood flow is restored to the larger vessels.
Although current understanding of the systemic effects of limb revascularization and compartment syndrome is well developed, understanding of
ischemia-reperfusion injury at the tissue level is only beginning to evolve. The pathophysiology of the ischemic injury is complex and involves a variety
of factors, including decreased cellular energy charge, inadequate oxygen and substrate delivery, altered ion compartmentalization, and membrane
permeability changes. More recently, attention has focused on reperfusion injury (i.e., cellular injury that occurs or is manifested at the time perfusion
is restored to ischemic tissue). Most of this injury is believed to be induced by oxygen-derived free radicals, which are formed as oxygen is reintroduced
into ischemic tissue. These oxygen-derived free radicals are generated by neutrophils through an NADPH oxidase enzyme on the plasma membrane.
These radicals are highly reactive compounds that result from the univalent reduction of molecular oxygen. The most important free radical species
include the superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide, and the extremely reactive hydroxyl radical. These unstable compounds attack the unsaturated bonds
of fatty acids within the phospholipid membranes, causing both mechanical and functional derangements within the reperfused tissue.

Embolic occlusion of a previously unobstructed vessel generally results in the most severe forms of acute ischemia. The most common sources of
arterial emboli are reviewed in Table 652 . Approximately 80% of arterial emboli are cardiac in origin. In the past, the majority of these emboli were
due to complications of rheumatic heart disease, including emboli from diseased valves as well as atrial fibrillation. More recently, atherosclerotic

TABLE 65-2 -- Sources of Peripheral Emboli





Atrial fibrillation


Myocardial infarction






Aneurysmal disease


Proximal artery


Paradoxical emboli


Other or Idiopathic


cardiovascular disease has become the major contributor. Approximately 70% of patients with cardiogenic emboli have atrial fibrillation, with the
emboli arising in atrial mural thrombus. Atrial fibrillation is currently the most common source of cardiogenic emboli. Acute myocardial infarction is
the second most common cause of cardiogenic emboli, preceding approximately one third of peripheral embolic events. Ventricular mural thrombus,
which occurs after acute myocardial injury, is often the source of emboli. Mural thrombus can form within hours of a myocardial infarction but may
develop weeks after myocardial infarction and ultimately occurs in more than a third of cases. Peripheral embolization may often be the first sign of a
previously silent myocardial infarction. Although readily available, standard echocardiographic techniques are often insensitive to the detection of
thrombus within the atrium. Transesophageal echocardiography is more sensitive in the detection of both atrial and ventricular mural thrombus.
Although rheumatic valvular heart disease has declined in importance as a source of emboli, emboli from prosthetic heart valves have become an
increasingly important source of embolization. Patients with prosthetic heart valves who have sudden onset of lower extremity ischemia should be
suspected of having valvular embolization, particularly in the setting of inadequate anticoagulation.
Bacterial or fungal endocarditis can result in peripheral embolization. Such emboli tend to be more peripheral and result in septic complications rather
than large vessel occlusion and ischemia. Intravenous drug abuse remains a major risk factor for endocarditis and subsequent embolic complications.
These smaller emboli often result in digital lesions and peripheral infected pseudoaneurysms. More rare forms of cardiogenic emboli include
embolization from intracardiac tumors, most commonly, atrial myxomas. Pathologic examination of unusual appearing emboli is essential for making
the diagnosis in this situation. An unusual form of peripheral embolization, termed paradoxical embolization, may occur in the setting of patients with
intracardiac defects (e.g., patent foramen ovale) and elevated right-sided cardiac pressures. In such patients, venous emboli to the heart may gain access
to the arterial circulation through the patent foramen ovale and thereby embolize to the distal
TABLE 65-3 -- Site of Peripheral Embolization


Aortic bifurcation


Iliac bifurcation


Femoral bifurcation




Upper extremities





arterial circulation. Although rare, such emboli should be considered in patients with concurrent deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary emboli, or
appropriate cardiac defects.
Arterial to arterial embolization is another cause of extremity ischemia. The majority of such cases arise from atherosclerotic plaque of the aorta. In
most situations, such atheroembolization results in diffuse microembolization, resulting in the picture of painful, bluish discoloration of the toes with
cutaneous gangrene, livedo reticularis, and often transient muscular pain. This so-called blue toe syndrome generally appears in the setting of palpable
peripheral pulses right down to the pedal level. Although this syndrome most frequently occurs after intraluminal catheterization, it may occur
spontaneously. Such microembolization may also affect the renal and mesenteric circulations, resulting in progressive renal failure and intestinal
infarction. More rarely, artery to artery emboli may be sufficiently large to result in macroembolization with distal ischemia. This may occur both from
mural thrombus or plaque from an atherosclerotic aorta or from the mural thrombus lining an aneurysmal artery.
In 10% to 15% of cases, the source of embolization ultimately cannot be determined. Such emboli should not be designated as idiopathic until a detailed
history and physical examination, as well as complete cardiac and peripheral imaging, fail to identify an embolic source.
The most common sites of embolization are reviewed in Table 653 . Cardiogenic emboli most commonly travel to the distal aorta and lower
extremities (70% to 90% of all emboli). Within vessels, the emboli tend to lodge at branch points where vessel diameter decreases. Ten to 15 percent of
large cardiogenic emboli lodge at the aortic bifurcation ( Fig. 6511 ). Such saddle emboli may result in profound bilateral lower extremity ischemia
as well as neurologic ischemic injury. Another 15% embolize to the iliac bifurcation. The most common site of lower extremity embolization is the
femoral bifurcation ( Fig. 6512 ), constituting more than 40% of cases. Smaller emboli lodge at the distal popliteal artery level at the level of the
tibioperoneal artery trunk ( Fig. 6513 ) in 10% to 15% of cases. The upper extremities are affected in approximately 10% of cases in which the
embolus most typically settles in the brachial artery.


Figure 65-11 Large cardiogenic embolus lodged at the aortic bifurcation known as a saddle embolus.

Figure 65-12 This arteriogram demonstrates an occlusive left femoral embolus with a typical rounded meniscus along its upper border.

Cardiogenic emboli are less likely to occur to the cerebral or visceral circulation. Embolization to the cerebral circulation occurs in approximately 13%
of cases with potentially devastating results. Mesenteric and renal embolization to the vessels occurs in approximately 5% of peripheral emboli.
Although often clinically silent, such emboli can result in acute catastrophes, such as mesenteric ischemia secondary to a superior mesenteric artery

Figure 65-13 Distal embolus occluding the right popliteal artery.


Acute thrombosis generally occurs in vessels affected by preexistent atherosclerosis. As such, there is generally some degree of collateral vessel
development and the resultant ischemia is often less severe than with acute embolic disease. The most common extremity vessel affected is the
superficial femoral artery, which is often affected by long segments of atherosclerosis. Popliteal artery aneurysms are also prone to thrombosis and may
result in severe ischemia, particularly when associated with embolization to the tibial vessels.
A particularly severe form of ischemia results from distal vascular thrombosis of the extremities, which may occur in the setting of sepsis or with
hypercoagulable states.[14] The most common hypercoagulable states associated with acute arterial thrombosis are antithrombin III deficiency, lupus
anticoagulant (antiphospholipid antibody), and protein C deficiency. Although usually associated with venous thrombosis, activated protein C resistance
caused by the spontaneous mutations of factor V Leiden may also cause arterial thrombosis. Exposure to heparin may lead to heparin-induced
thrombosis in patients with heparin-induced antibodies. These antibodies cross-react with the platelet surface, leading to granular, white, platelet-laden
thrombi and thrombocytopenia.
Acute thrombosis of a previous arterial bypass graft may also lead to recurrent ischemia. The degree of ischemia depends on the location of the graft
and the original indication for surgery. Early graft occlusions (within 2 months of surgery) are usually caused by technical or judgmental errors.
Intermediate graft occlusions (within 2 years) are generally attributable to the formation of intimal hyperplasia at the anastomoses or within the graft
(for vein grafts).


Presentation and Evaluation

The classic presentation of patients with acute ischemia of the extremities may be recalled by the five Ps: pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesias,
and paralysis.

Pain is the most common complaint in alert patients. The degree of pain depends on the severity of ischemia, which is generally determined by the
location of the occlusion and the degree of collateral flow. Ischemic pain can be severe and difficult to relieve with even large doses of narcotics. The
sudden onset of severe ischemic pain in a previously asymptomatic patient is most suggestive of an embolic occlusion. Patients with spontaneous
thrombosis often have had chronic symptoms of claudication or various degrees of pain before the acute event. Obtunded patients may have severe
ischemia without complaints of pain. This is most commonly encountered in intubated, postoperative patients with spontaneous or iatrogenic arterial
Pallor is a common but relative finding that depends on the degree of ischemia and the underlying skin color. A sudden and complete embolic occlusion
may result in a cool, waxy-appearing white extremity with no signs of cutaneous blood flow. Conversely, a partial occlusion may result in only delayed
capillary refill with pallor on elevation of the extremity and rubor on dependency.
The absence of arterial pulses on examination will alert the surgeon to both the location of the arterial occlusion and the degree of ischemia. Patients
with acute arterial embolism generally have normal palpable pulses above the occlusion with a complete absence below. The pulse immediately above
the occlusion (e.g., the common femoral pulse in a patient with a femoral bifurcation embolus) may be particularly prominent with a water-hammer
quality that results from limited arterial outflow. The presence of normal arterial pulses in the contralateral extremity is most suggestive of an acute
embolus because patients with acute thrombosis generally have some degree of symmetrical pulse deficit, owing to longstanding atherosclerosis. A
handheld continuous-wave Doppler examination plays an important role in the initial evaluation of patients with acute vessel occlusion. The presence of
even monophasic Doppler signals over the pedal vessels affirms distal vascular patency and at least short-term viability of the distal tissues. Conversely,
a complete absence of arterial flow is most suggestive of profound ischemia and calls for immediate revascularization.
As mentioned previously, within the extremities, the peripheral nerve is the tissue that is most sensitive to ischemia. As such, the degree of neurologic
dysfunction is a sensitive barometer of the degree of ischemia. With mild ischemia, the findings may be subjective and subtle. Early paresthesias may be
characterized as a numbness of the toes or a slight decrease of sensation of the foot compared with the contralateral extremity to light touch or pinprick.
With severe ischemia, however, profound sensory loss may lead to complete anesthesia of the foot, indicative of impending tissue loss without early
revascularization. Paradoxically, these patients with the most severe ischemia and complete anesthesia complain of less pain than those with more mild
ischemia and intact sensation.
Weakness of the extremity is another important sign of neurologic ischemia of the extremity. Mild ischemia results in a weakness or subjective
stiffness of the toes and foot, which may be easily appreciated on physical examination. As ischemia becomes more progressively severe, the
weakness may progress to frank paralysis of the effected extremity. It is not unusual for the patient with a sudden complete embolic occlusion to suffer
the immediate onset of paralysis of the affected extremity. Patients with an aortic saddle embolus may have bilateral paralysis and anesthesia from the
waist down. In patients with severe ischemia characterized by anesthesia and paralysis, it is important to distinguish reversible from irreversible
ischemic changes. Patients with prolonged ischemia have palpable firmness to the extremity muscle and stiffness to the extremity indicative of muscle
rigor. Reperfusion of such an extremity does not restore function and can result in severe systemic injury. Primary amputation is the safest form of
management in such cases.
The acute embolic occlusion of an extremity artery can be accurately diagnosed by a careful history and physical examination in most cases; emboli to
the cerebral and visceral bed may be more difficult to identify and treat. The diagnosis in these cases is based on a high index of suspicion based on the
patients complaints and history. For example, a patient with the sudden onset of severe aching abdominal pain coupled with risk factors for cardiogenic
emboli and a relative lack of physical findings should be presumed to have suffered a superior mesenteric artery embolus until proven otherwise.
Because evaluation of patients with acute arterial occlusion generally differs for patients who have suffered embolic versus thrombotic occlusion, it is
important to make the appropriate clinical distinction. As outlined previously, patients with emboli tend to have risk factors (e.g., atrial fibrillation,
recent myocardial infarction, prosthetic heart valve), a more sudden onset of symptoms (no prior claudication), and unilateral findings (normal
contralateral extremity). Despite these guidelines, the distinction can be difficult to make at times. Certainly, patients with recent myocardial infarctions
or atrial fibrillation may have concurrent peripheral vascular occlusive disease and patients with peripheral vascular occlusive disease may suffer
cardiogenic emboli. Thus, the evaluation of each patient must be individualized to supply enough information to effectively treat the patient without
jeopardizing limb salvage or function by delaying revascularization.
When the history and physical examination implicates an embolus as the source of occlusion, the subsequent evaluation should be simple and direct.
Routine preoperative blood work and a chest radiograph are obtained, and a 12-lead electrocardiogram is performed to document atrial fibrillation,
cardiac ischemia, or a previous (and perhaps unsuspected) myocardial infarction. Because arterial emboli are removed by direct arterial cutdown and
removal of the embolus (as described later), there is generally no need for preoperative arteriography. When the diagnosis of embolus is questionable or
the site for simple arterial cutdown and arteriotomy unclear, a preoperative

arteriogram may be useful to define the anatomy and guide the revascularization procedure. The management of distal extremity emboli (below the
brachial or popliteal artery) may be assisted by detailed preoperative angiograms in selected cases. For example, very distal emboli within the distal
tibial or pedal vessels may be best treated by catheter-based thrombolytic therapy (described later) rather than surgical extraction. Arteriograms of intraarterial emboli often demonstrate an abrupt cutoff of the artery with a rounded meniscus at the site of the embolus (see Fig. 6512 ). Conversely, the
embolus may appear as an intraluminal defect with partial flow around it (see Fig. 6511 ). Postoperatively, when the embolus has been removed and
the limb revascularized, and the patient is stable, the evaluation should be completed by documentation of the source of the embolus. In most cases, this
involves transesophageal echocardiography.
The surgical management of patients with acute arterial thrombosis is generally more complex than the simple arteriotomy and clot extraction used for
embolic occlusion. Patients suffering thrombotic occlusion often have diffuse atherosclerotic disease at multiple arterial levels, various degrees of
collateral blood vessel development, and unpredictable levels of distal arterial reconstitution. These patients are best evaluated with complete
arteriography to define the optimal approach to revascularization. Rarely, arterial thrombosis results in such profound ischemia that the patient is taken
immediately to the operating room and intraoperative arteriography is performed after arterial exposure.
Embolic Occlusion

Patients with acute arterial occlusion should be anticoagulated with an intravenous heparin bolus (5000 to 10,000 units) and begun on a continuous
infusion at 1000 units/hr. The primary goal of anticoagulation is to prevent thrombosis resulting from stagnant flow beyond the primary embolic or
thrombotic occlusion. Furthermore, short- and long-term anticoagulation is indicated in patients with cardiogenic emboli to prevent additional embolic
events. Recurrent embolization occurs in approximately 7% of patients who are chronically anticoagulated versus 21% of those who are not.[28]

The most important initial decision focuses on the viability and potential salvage in the ischemic limb. Rarely, patients have such long-standing and
severe ischemia that irreversible ischemic injury to the extremity (manifesting as rigor of the muscles or frank gangrenous changes to the foot) has
occurred. Such cases are best treated with primary extremity amputation.
In most cases, however, early revascularization for restoration of limb function is indicated. As mentioned earlier, immediate progression to the
operating room after minimal and expeditious evaluation is indicated for patients who have suffered occlusive emboli to the extremities. For patients
with emboli to the lower extremity, the entire extremity is prepped and draped into the field. This allows immediate evaluation of success of the
revascularization as well as ready access for more distal arterial exposure if necessary to complete the procedure. Emboli to the iliac and femoral vessels
are approached through a femoral cutdown. Femoral artery cutdowns can be performed under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation. Often,
however, regional or general anesthesia is preferable, particularly when popliteal artery exposure is necessary.
A standard longitudinal or oblique skin incision is made with the common femoral artery as well as profunda femoris and superficial femoral arteries all
independently controlled. Normal arteries, free of significant atherosclerosis, are best incised transversely just above the femoral bifurcation. In patients
with significant atherosclerosis, however, longitudinal arteriotomies afford the best exposure and most reliable closure (often with an arterial patch).
Patients with iliac level emboli often have an absence of a femoral pulse. Inflow is restored by retrograde passage of a No. 4 or 5 balloon thrombectomy
catheter. The catheter is passed in 10-cm increments. Gentle inflation of the catheter as it is withdrawn engages and extracts the thrombus without
causing arterial wall injury. Each passage should extend an additional 10 cm until pulsatile arterial inflow is restored. Passages are continued until no
additional thrombus is recovered. Attention is then turned to the outflow vessels. Antegrade passage of a No. 3 Fogarty catheter, 3 to 5 cm down the
profunda, generally extracts any impacted thrombus and restores good backflow. The catheter is then passed down the superficial femoral artery in
increments until no further thrombus is extracted. This may necessitate passage to the popliteal level or beyond. Blind passage of the Fogarty catheter
from the groin to below the popliteal artery almost always results in cannulation of the peroneal artery. Specific cannulation of the anterior tibial and
posterior tibial arteries requires more distal, below-knee popliteal artery exposure. Alternatively, selective passage of balloon catheters over guide wires
using fluoroscopic control has facilitated selective cannulation of distal vessels. When good inflow and backbleeding has been restored, the transverse
arteriotomy is closed with 50 polypropylene sutures and flow is restored.
For patients with a palpable popliteal pulse and a distal emboli, exposure is best obtained at the level of the below-knee popliteal artery through a
standard medial incision. The soleus muscle is carefully taken down off the tibia, exposing the tibioperoneal trunk. The anterior tibial veins may be
divided to facilitate individual control of the anterior tibial, posterior tibial, and peroneal arteries. A distal popliteal arteriotomy may then be performed
and retrograde passage of a No. 3 catheter used to restore normal inflow to the popliteal level. Selective cannulation of the anterior and posterior tibial
vessels, as well as the peroneal artery, may be performed with a No. 2 or 3 thrombectomy catheter, restoring good backflow. At the conclusion of the
embolectomy and closure of the arteriotomy, reperfusion of the extremity is assessed. In most cases, restoration of palpable pedal pulses and pink, wellperfused toes reassures the surgeon of a successful and complete embolectomy. In some cases, however, spasm

of the distal vessels secondary to passage of the Fogarty catheter may delay the return of normal perfusion. Even in these cases, however, restoration of
strong Doppler signals should be present at the pedal level. After several minutes, palpable pulses and well-perfused skin are re-established. In any case
in which there is a doubt as to the success of the embolectomy, completion arteriography should be performed to assess the distal vasculature for spasm
and retained thrombus. For those rare patients who have restoration of patent vessels down to the mid-tibial level, with occlusions of the distal tibial and
pedal vessels, direct intraoperative arterial infusion of urokinase (50,000 to 250,000 units) may help lyse distal thrombus and restore perfusion to the
foot. Occasionally, direct cutdown and thrombectomy of the distal tibial and pedal levels is necessary to remove distally impacted thrombus.
Patients with a saddle embolus to the aortic bifurcation with bilateral lower extremity ischemia are approached through simultaneous bilateral femoral
artery cutdowns. The femoral arteries are simultaneously clamped and opened, and retrograde thrombectomies are performed to both limbs
simultaneously to prevent fragmentation of the thrombus and distal embolization to the extremity contralateral to the thrombectomy. Once normal
inflow is obtained, the remainder of the procedure is similar to that for an iliac level embolectomy.
Patients with upper extremity emboli are approached in a similar fashion. The entire extremity is prepped and draped into the field. Usually the entire
embolectomy can be performed under local anesthesia through a longitudinal incision performed just above the elbow. The brachial artery is carefully
dissected from its companion structures, and a transverse arteriotomy is performed. Most emboli impact just above the elbow and are easily extracted by
passage of a No. 3 Fogarty catheter both proximally and distally. Emboli that have lodged at the subclavian level are generally easy to remove by
retrograde passage of the No. 3 Fogarty catheter from the elbow proximally to the subclavian level. Arterial closure and assessment are similar to that
performed for the lower extremity.
Recently, several authors have reported on the adjunctive use of fluoroscopy for accurate passage of the thrombectomy catheter. Similarly, others have
found angioscopy to be useful in the evaluation of completeness of the thrombectomy (particularly during thrombectomies of occluded prosthetic
Thrombotic Occlusion

As mentioned previously, patients with thrombotic arterial occlusion undergo an initial arteriogram to delineate the arterial anatomy and define the best
mode of revascularization. In most cases, the site of thrombotic occlusion is well delineated. In patients with a satisfactory inflow and outflow vessel
with a long segment of occluded vessel, the best option is generally to proceed to surgery and perform a surgical bypass procedure. Inflow to the
femoral artery can be restored with either a direct aortofemoral revascularization or various forms of extra-anatomic bypass (femorofemoral bypass,
axillofemoral bypass, or iliofemoral bypass) depending on the patients anatomy. Infrainguinal arterial occlusions are best treated with femoral-distal
bypass operations with autogenous vein. When short-segment thrombotic occlusions are identified, a catheter-directed infusion of thrombolytic therapy
may recanalize the vessel, revealing an appropriate underlying lesion for balloon angioplasty. Recent studies have suggested that aggressive
thrombolytic therapy is most beneficial when the ischemic interval is short and that initial thrombolysis may reduce the magnitude of subsequent
surgical procedures.[29] [37] When the arteriogram reveals no distal arterial reconstitution appropriate for bypass, catheter-based thrombolysis may restore
sufficient perfusion to establish or reveal a distal vessel suitable for bypass.
Compartment Syndrome

As described previously, extremities subjected to prolonged periods of ischemia followed by reperfusion suffer reperfusion injury manifesting as both
intracellular and interstitial edema. This reperfusion injury occurs regardless of the cause of arterial occlusion (embolus or thrombosis) or mode of
revascularization (balloon embolectomy, surgical bypass, or catheter-based thrombolytic recanalization). When muscular swelling occurs within the
confines of an unyielding osseofascial bound space, increased compartmental pressures occur. These increased pressures can occur in either the arm or
leg. In the lower extremity, the calf is the most frequently affected area. The anterior compartment of the calf, followed by the lateral, deep posterior,
and superficial posterior compartments are involved with decreasing frequency. Within the thigh, the anterior quadriceps compartment is the most
frequently involved area. In the upper extremity, the anterior or volar forearm compartment is most frequently involved but the dorsal forearm as well as

hand and upper arm may also be involved by reperfusion edema.

When the intracompartmental pressures increase to more than the level of capillary perfusion pressure, both venous outflow and capillary perfusion may
become impaired. This may result in recurrent and prolonged ischemia unless the affected compartment is decompressed. As with the initial ischemic
injury, the nerve tissue is most susceptible to the effects of compartment syndrome. The diagnosis of compartment syndrome is based on a high degree
of suspicion and careful evaluation for signs and symptoms. Extremities that are revascularized after 4 to 6 hours of severe ischemia are most at risk for
development of compartment syndrome. The early signs and symptoms must be carefully watched for, particularly in patients with decreased
sensorium. The typical clinical findings of early compartment syndrome are severe pain that is disproportionate to the relative paucity of physical
findings. Patients usually have marked tenderness on compression of the edematous calf and severe discomfort on passive extension of the calf with
dorsiflexion or plantarflexion of the foot. Because the anterior compartment is the most commonly affected space within the calf, the first neurologic
findings are

TABLE 65-4 -- Natural History of Intermittent Claudication


Patients (n)

Follow-up (yr)










Amputation (%)

Survival (%)











Adapted from Braunwald E: Atlas of heart diseases. In Craeger MA (ed): Vascular Disease, vol VII. Philadelphia, Current Medicine, 1996, p 3.5.
often numbness in the area of the great toe web space, attributable to pressure on the deep peroneal nerve. Palpable pulses and strong Doppler signals
may be well preserved despite progressive compartment syndrome and should not lead to a false sense of security. When the diagnosis of compartment
syndrome is in question, direct measures of the pressure within the compartment may be performed. A needle cannula placed directly into the
compartment and attached to a pressure transducer gives an accurate measure of the intracompartmental pressure. There are also portable, handheld
devices designed for measurement of intracompartmental pressures. Although somewhat controversial, it is generally agreed that, as compartmental
pressure reaches 30 mm Hg, capillary perfusion is impaired and neurologic and muscular injury occurs.
Although significant calf swelling and increased compartment pressures can often be managed with extreme elevation of the extremity, marked
elevation of compartment pressures with neurologic changes necessitates early and effective decompression to prevent a permanent and disabling
injury. Most vascular surgeons prefer a twoincision, four-compartment fasciotomy. The medial-based longitudinal incision is made just posterior to the
tibia and is carried down through the fascia into the superficial posterior space. The soleus muscle is then incised longitudinally, near its tibial insertion,
and the deep fascia is incised longitudinally to decompress the deep posterior compartment. A second anterolateral calf incision is made longitudinally
and carried down through the fascia into the anterior compartment. A second longitudinal fascial incision is made over the lateral compartment,
decompressing the peroneus muscles. Severe compartment syndrome is manifest by an immediate pouting of the muscles as they swell beyond the
fascial incision. The skin incision should be long enough to prevent any restriction on the underlying muscle.
When patients undergo revascularization after a prolonged interval (6 hours or more) of severe ischemia, consideration for a prophylactic fasciotomy in
anticipation of impending compartment syndrome should be entertained. Such prophylactic fasciotomies may be performed through more limited skin
incisions with blind extension of the fascial incisions by sliding a slightly opened Metzenbaum scissors along the cut edge of the fascia. The skin
incisions can be extended later if full-blown compartment syndrome develops.
An alternative surgical approach to four-compartment fasciotomy, favored by many orthopedic surgeons, involves resection of a portion of the fibula or
parafibular dissection of all soft tissues away from a section of the fibula. Because the fascia of all four compartments inserts on the fibula, disruption of
these fibular attachments may adequately decompress the various calf compartments.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


Presentation and Natural History

Patients with arterial claudication suffer from reproducible ischemic muscle pain resulting from inadequate oxygen delivery during exercise. Studies
suggest that patients with claudication, while having an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality, have a low risk of limb loss ( Table 654 ).[8] [23] [27]
Recent reports using noninvasive studies and multivariate analysis have more accurately defined the natural history of arterial claudication. The annual
risk of mortality and limb loss in patients with claudication is approximately 5% and 1%, respectively. More than half of these patients either remain
stable or have improvement in their symptoms with conservative management, consisting of increased exercise, weight loss, and risk factor
modification. Twenty to 30 percent of patients with claudication come to operation within 5 years because of disease progression.
As opposed to the patient with claudication, who has cramping in the thigh, buttock, or calf with exercise, the patient with more advanced critical
ischemia complains of pain at rest. Rest pain occurs when blood flow is inadequate to meet metabolic requirements. In the lower extremity, ischemic
rest pain is localized to the forefoot and should be easily distinguished from benign nocturnal muscle cramps in the calf, which are also common in
older patients. The patient with rest pain is often awakened by severe discomfort in the forefoot and hangs the affected extremity off the bed for
temporary relief of symptoms. Patients often have trophic changes, such as muscle wasting, thinning of skin, thickening of nails, and hair loss in the
distal affected limb. Rest pain is an ominous symptom and usually requires revascularization because this form of advanced ischemia generally
progresses to tissue loss.


The patient with critical ischemia is at risk for tissue infection or gangrene resulting from arterial insufficiency. Patients with diabetes or renal failure
are more susceptible to the development of ischemic pedal ulcers. Minor trauma to the forefoot leads to ulcer formation and skin breakdown that, with
diminished tissue perfusion, are unable to heal. The simple friction between adjacent ischemic toes may result in breakdown termed kissing ulcers.
Bacterial superinfection of pedal and leg ulcers, as well as osteomyelitis of the underlying bone, frequently complicates the management of these
patients. The depth and pattern of ulcer penetration, the degree of bone involvement, the location of the ulcer, the presence of infection, the presence of
neuropathy, and the degree of arterial insufficiency all may impact on the management of the complex patient with lower extremity arterial
Vascular Laboratory

Noninvasive testing may aid in predicting the location and severity of atherosclerotic occlusive disease. Noninvasive evaluation is also helpful to
establish a preoperative baseline assessment for subsequent comparison postoperatively. Routine segmental Doppler pressure ABI determinations are
the standard studies, but results may be spuriously elevated in diabetics and patients with renal failure. In this select group of patients with heavily
calcified vessels, metatarsal and digital PVRs may be more helpful in evaluating peripheral vascular disease.
Patients with known risk factors and symptoms consistent with occlusive disease pose little diagnostic challenge. However, many patients with
occlusive disease may have normal perfusion at rest and may require provocative testing to reproduce their symptoms and demonstrate abnormal
laboratory findings. Treadmill testing may be used to enhance symptoms of claudication, at which point re-examination of the patient with measurement
of PVRs and Doppler signals should help delineate vascular insufficiency.

The standard angiographic approach for patients with lower extremity occlusive disease should be by transfemoral catheterization. The aorta, iliacs,
femorals, and distal runoff arteries from both lower extremities should be evaluated. The aorta should be imaged in two planes, and views of the celiac
and superior mesenteric arteries are also obtained. If the hemodynamic significance of a lesion is called into question, pressure gradients across the
lesion before and after infusion with a vasodilator (e.g., tolazoline [Priscoline] or nitroglycerin) should be obtained. If the patient is an appropriate
candidate for balloon angioplasty, interventional therapy may be performed at that time.
As discussed earlier, both MRA and duplex ultrasonography are assuming an increased role in the delineation of central and peripheral vascular
anatomy. These noninvasive modalities may be of particular value in minimizing the use or dosage of contrast media in patients at risk for dye-induced
nephropathy. An important limitation as compared with contrast arteriography is the inability to simultaneously treat lesions by catheter-based
techniques (e.g., PTA). The use of duplex scanning or MRA as a screening test to predict the likelihood of a lesion amenable to PTA or stenting is
another potential algorithm aimed at reducing the morbidity of conventional arteriography.
Cardiac Risk Assessment

Risk factors for occlusive disease are similar to those for atherosclerosis in general and include cigarette smoking, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
diabetes, and male sex. Many of these patients have overt cardiac disease, and work-up of these patients has been well described in the literature.
Because myocardial ischemia remains the leading cause of death after vascular surgery, patients should undergo preoperative risk factor assessment and
selective stress testing before undergoing major vascular surgery. The initiation and optimization of medical therapy (particularly -adrenergic
blockade) before elective vascular surgery has been of paramount importance in minimizing perioperative morbidity and death in this group of patients.
Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease

Many patients with aortoiliac occlusive disease (AOD) can be managed conservatively with risk factor modification and an aggressive walking regimen.
Only patients who suffer disabling claudication or limb-threatening ischemia should be considered for arteriography and intervention.

During the 1990s, the indications for PTA have become more liberal as the effectiveness of PTA of the iliac arteries has been increasingly well
documented. PTA is performed under local anesthesia with minimal sedation, as a day surgery admission, with significantly less morbidity and

productivity reduction. Although initially performed only in the common iliac artery for stenosis, PTA is routinely used to treat short-segment
occlusions as well as external iliac lesions. Iliac artery PTA may be particularly useful to help improve inflow before a more distal surgical
The use of iliac artery stents has also begun to play an increasing role in the management of patients with AOD. Iliac artery stents are most useful after
initial suboptimal results from PTA. Occasionally, however, they are used primarily in the treatment of complex lesions. For example, bilateral
proximal common iliac lesions are problematic for standard PTA and are best managed with simultaneous bilateral common iliac stenting (kissing

PTA and stenting technique). Overall, reports from numerous series suggest that the results of percutaneous therapies for aortoiliac disease are more
favorable for common (versus external) iliac lesions and less favorable for long occlusions as opposed to short stenoses; stents appear to improve the
results of isolated PTA in some situations, but the data are less clear. Application of advances in stent design and materials as well as reduction in
delivery profile improved early patency results. Five-year patency rates for common iliac PTA alone are typically in the range of 80% and are notably
inferior (50% to 60%) for external iliac disease. Importantly, complication rates are low and failure rarely changes the available surgical options.
When PTA is not an option, a number of surgical alternatives are available. The technique of combined open surgical common femoral artery exposure
with endovascular recanalization and balloon angioplasty of severely diseased iliac artery segments has been described, primarily in patients with
comorbidities prohibiting major surgery or general anesthesia. This treatment strategy includes femoral endarterectomy and subsequent endoluminal
deployment of a stent-graft to re-line the balloon-dilated artery, with the ability to post-dilate the vessel to a larger caliber and to surgically fashion the
distal anastomosis to the femoral outflow vessels.[50] Depending on the condition of the patient and the patients pathologic anatomy, the options include
aortobifemoral bypass, aortoiliac thromboendarterectomy, axillofemoral bypass, iliofemoral bypass, and femorofemoral bypass.

Aortofemoral bypass is performed under general endotracheal anesthesia. An epidural catheter is placed preoperatively to improve pain control and
facilitate early postoperative extubation. The patient is prepped and draped from the chest to the mid thighs with the groins exposed. The femoral
vessels are exposed first through bilateral longitudinal, oblique incisions. Preliminary exposure of the femoral vessels minimizes the time that the
abdomen is open and improves the efficiency of the operation. In patients with significant occlusive disease of the femoral arteries, a broad exposure of
the profunda femoris for potential profundaplasty should be performed before entry into the abdomen. Once the femoral vessels have been dissected,
retroperitoneal tunnels are gently developed underneath the inguinal ligament on the anterior surface of the external iliac artery. The groins are packed
with antibiotic-soaked sponges and attention is turned to the abdomen. Either a direct transperitoneal or lateral (flank) retroperitoneal aortic exposure
may be used; generally, the anterior approach is preferred because graft tunneling to the right groin is far easier. The abdomen is entered through a
longitudinal midline incision, and the patient is explored for any intra-abdominal abnormalities. The transverse colon is pulled cephalad, and the entire
small bowel is retracted to the right of the patient. The ligament of Treitz is incised, and the duodenum is mobilized to the right for standard infrarenal
aortic exposure. The dissection is carried up to the level of renal vein to allow for optimal cross-clamping and improved conditions for a proximal
anastomosis. The dissection is completed down to the level of the inferior mesenteric artery. Anticoagulation with heparin (5000 to 7000 units) is
performed after creating retroperitoneal tunnels anterior to both iliac arteries and posterior to the ureters. Great care is taken to avoid trauma to the
autonomic nervous plexus (particularly over the proximal left common iliac artery). Atraumatic vascular clamps are placed above the inferior
mesenteric artery and below the renal arteries.
The proximal anastomosis may be completed with either an end-to-end or end-to-side configuration. The end-to-end technique is preferred in most
cases and has the advantage of not requiring flow to be re-established in the more distal aorta, thereby avoiding potential intraoperative emboli to the
lower extremities. The end-to-end technique may also decrease the incidence of aortoenteric fistula postoperatively because retroperitonealization of the
graft is facilitated. To perform an end-to-end proximal anastomosis, the aorta is divided in a beveled fashion just above the distal clamp. The distal aorta
is closed with either a running nonabsorbable monofilament suture or a surgical stapler. If there is associated aneurysmal disease of the aorta, the aorta
may be incised longitudinally and the bifurcation oversewn to achieve complete exclusion of the dilated segment. The end-to-side technique for the
proximal anastomosis of the aortofemoral bypass graft is generally reserved for patients with occlusion of the external iliac arteries who would lack
retrograde perfusion of important collaterals in the pelvis. The proximal anastomosis is completed using a running 30 polypropylene suture.
On completion, the proximal clamps are released and a vascular clamp is placed proximally across the graft limbs. The limbs of the graft are then
passed through the previously created retroperitoneal tunnels to the femoral arteries. The femoral vessels are controlled in the groins with atraumatic
vascular clamps. For those patients with normal femoral vessels and a widely patent profunda, the anastomosis is performed to the common femoral
artery. Many patients with AOD have associated occlusive disease of the femoral arteries, and it is essential that blood flow to the profunda femoris
artery be optimized. In this instance, the toe of anastomosis is placed onto the profunda femoris artery. If necessary, a complete profunda
endarterectomy and profundaplasty may be performed. Before tying down the anastomosis, the inflow and outflow vessels are flushed in an attempt to
remove any atherosclerotic debris or clot that may have collected in the graft or native vessels. On completion of both anastomoses in the groin, the
abdomen and proximal anastomosis are reinspected for evidence of bleeding. Once hemostasis is attained, the proximal anastomosis and graft are
covered with autogenous material. If an end-to-end anastomosis has been performed, the retroperitoneum is closed over the graft. If an end-to-side
anastomosis was performed, the omentum may be used to wrap around the anastomosis and to partially cover the graft. The abdomen and groins are
closed in a standard fashion.
Aortobifemoral bypass grafting has generally resulted in patency rates among the highest reported for any major arterial reconstruction. Primary patency
rates of ABF grafts

at 5 years are reported to be 70% to 88% with 10-year rates of 66% to 78%.[9] Patients operated on for claudication with good infrainguinal outflow have
superior patency rates compared with those operated on for limb-threatening ischemia with associated infrainguinal occlusive disease. Studies have
demonstrated that younger patients (<50 years) and those with smaller aortas have inferior patency rates to older patients and those with larger aortas.[43]
In patients with significant profunda femoris disease, simultaneous profundaplasty improves graft patency. In addition to excellent patency rates after
aortobifemoral bypass grafting, most patients have significant relief of their symptoms. Perioperative mortality rates average about 4% with a 5-year
cumulative survival rate for patients undergoing aortobifemoral bypass grafting of 70% to 75%, which is significantly poorer than an age-matched
control population but typical of claudicant patients in general.
Rarely, patients have isolated terminal aorta and proximal common iliac artery occlusive disease. These patients are primarily female smokers in their
fourth or fifth decade of life. In these patients, when the AOD is localized at the aortic bifurcation, an aortoiliac endarterectomy may be performed. This
procedure offers the advantage of not requiring prosthetic material; however, it is fraught with more numerous potential technical pitfalls and has
largely been replaced by percutaneous options for such localized lesions. Aortoiliac endarterectomy is contraindicated in AOD patients with arterial

ectasia or aneurysmal disease.


Blaisdell[7] and others, using polyester (Dacron) grafts, pioneered the performance of extra-anatomic axillary to ipsilateral femoral artery bypass for
occlusive disease. Originally, the use of extra-anatomic bypasses was used for patients with complications after aortoiliac reconstruction. Currently,
extra-anatomic bypasses are important alternatives in the selective management of AOD. Extra-anatomic bypass is most useful when femoral inflow is
required and a direct transabdominal reconstructive approach is contraindicated because of patient comorbidities or intra-abdominal pathology, or
because the aorta is thought to be an unsatisfactory inflow source. Extra-anatomic bypass grafting may also be preferable in patients with uncontrolled
malignancy or in patients in whom other diseases might limit their life expectancy.
Axillofemoral (or bifemoral) bypass is performed with the patient under general anesthesia. The patient is placed in the supine position with the arm
tucked or abducted no more than 90 degrees. The axillary artery on the side with the least evidence of upper extremity atherosclerosis (higher blood
pressure, strongest pulse) is selected as the donor site. If the disease burden is equal in both upper extremities, the right axillary artery should be used as
the preferred donor vessel because it has a lower risk of developing subclavian occlusive disease than the left. Axillary exposure is gained through a
transverse incision over the deltopectoral groove. The axillary artery, which is deep to the axillary vein and inferior to the brachial plexus, is identified
and dissected free. Occasionally, division of the pectoralis minor tendon aids in axillary artery exposure. The femoral arteries are dissected in the
standard fashion. A subcutaneous tunnel is made between the axillary and femoral artery with a tunneling device. The tunnel should course laterally
from the axillary artery deep to the pectoralis major, inferiorly along the midaxillary line (superficial to the external oblique fascia), and then medial to
the anterior-superior iliac spine because this prevents kinking of the graft when the patient sits up. An extrafascial, suprapubic tunnel is then made
between the two femoral incisions. After completion of the tunnels, the patient is anticoagulated with heparin. A 6- or 8-mm externally supported PTFE
graft is the preferred conduit. The anastomoses are performed in a sequential fashion with the axillary anastomosis first, followed by the ipsilateral
femoral artery and subsequently those of the femorofemoral bypass. If an axillobifemoral graft is to be performed, the inflow for the femorofemoral
bypass originates off the hood of the femoral anastomosis of the axillofemoral graft. Flow is re-established, hemostasis is attained, and the wounds are
irrigated with antibiotic solution and closed with an absorbable suture. Because patients undergoing axillofemoral grafting often have increased
comorbidities, the mortality rate after axillofemoral bypass grafting ranges up to 13%. Five-year primary patency rates vary widely in the literature and
range from 19% to 79%, with secondary patency rates as high as 85%.[16]

In the patient with unilateral iliac occlusive disease, the contralateral femoral artery may serve as a source of inflow. Even though a femorofemoral
bypass is best performed under general or regional anesthesia, it may be completed under local anesthesia in selected circumstances. Bilateral groin
incisions are made parallel to the femoral arteries, and the vessels are isolated. Before heparin is administered, a subcutaneous tunnel superficial to the
external oblique fascia between the two incisions is created. Polyester (Dacron) or PTFE graft material may be used with similar results. If significant
femoral occlusive disease is present, it is important to establish unrestricted flow to the profunda femoris. The graft is anastomosed to the femoral
arteries in the standard fashion with a running monofilament suture. Cumulative patency rates range from 60% to 80% at 5 years after femorofemoral

In addition to femorofemoral bypass, iliofemoral bypass may be used to treat unilateral iliac artery disease. An iliofemoral bypass is best suited for
patients with occluded or stenosed external iliac arteries and a relatively disease-free proximal common iliac artery. This procedure may be performed
under general or regional anesthesia with the patient in the supine position. The common iliac artery is exposed through an oblique lower abdominal
incision. The retroperitoneal plane is entered, the abdominal contents are retracted medially, and the proximal common iliac artery is isolated. A femoral
incision is made as described previously. A tunnel under the inguinal

ligament is created before heparin administration. The iliac artery anastomosis is performed first in an end-to-side fashion. PTFE or polyester (Dacron)
grafts are equally suitable for use. The graft is passed under the inguinal ligament and anastomosed to the femoral artery as described earlier. The
abdominal and femoral artery incisions are closed in a standard fashion after hemostasis is attained. Three-year patency rates for iliofemoral bypass are
90% or greater in several reports.
Infrainguinal Occlusive Disease

Infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease represents the most common manifestation of chronic arterial occlusive disease confronted by the vascular
surgeon. Isolated superficial femoral artery occlusive disease generally presents as claudication of the calf muscles. Patients with multilevel occlusions
of the superficial femoral, popliteal, and tibial arteries generally have rest pain or ischemic tissue loss. These ischemic ulcerations initially present as
small, dry ulcers of the toes or heel area but may progress to frank gangrenous changes of the forefoot or heel. Most smokers initially have isolated
superficial femoral artery occlusive disease and claudication. On the other hand, diabetics more often harbor distal occlusions of the popliteal and tibial
arteries; these patients may initially have frank tissue necrosis with no prior history of claudication if the superficial femoral artery is spared.
Patients with symptoms of claudication are generally managed conservatively with risk factor modification and an aggressive walking regimen. Medical
treatment has had a limited role, although newer agents (e.g., the phosphodiesterase inhibitor cilostazol) currently being marketed may find a potential
niche. Patients with truly disabling claudication, such as those who are unable to perform their occupation because of claudication symptoms, should be
considered for arteriography and interventional therapy. Once the ischemic symptoms have progressed to the point of rest pain or tissue ulceration,
surgical therapy is generally indicated for the purposes of pain relief and limb salvage. In the patient considered a candidate for interventional therapy,
an arteriogram is performed to delineate the anatomy. Occasionally, patients have isolated lesions of the superficial femoral artery that may be
appropriate for PTA (described later). In most cases, however, long-segment occlusions require femoral to distal artery bypass surgery to improve the
distal circulation. Any such infrainguinal bypass operation requires normal inflow to the level of the groin. Patients with associated iliac occlusive
disease should have these lesions corrected with either PTA or surgical bypass before the infrainguinal reconstructive operation. In many cases,
correction of the occlusions within the inflow vessels will relieve the patients symptoms and obviate the need for infrainguinal reconstruction.
In general, infrainguinal bypass surgery is best performed with autogenous vein conduit, preferably the ipsilateral greater saphenous. The superiority of
autogenous vein reconstructions is most evident for bypass grafts performed to the below-knee popliteal, tibial, or pedal vessels. When bypass grafts are
performed to the above-knee popliteal artery for claudication, prosthetic grafts (i.e., Dacron or PTFE) may be used with the expectation of results
approaching those achieved with greater saphenous vein.

The original technique for infrainguinal bypass surgery, an approach still preferred by many surgeons, uses the greater saphenous vein in a reversed

configuration. The operation may be performed under general or regional anesthesia. The patients entire extremity from the umbilicus to the foot is
prepped and draped into the wound. A longitudinal incision is made in the groin and deepened down through the fascia. The femoral vessels are
carefully dissected from their companion veins and individually controlled.
Lymphatic tissue overlying the femoral vessels is best ligated and divided to prevent lymph fistulas or lymphoceles postoperatively. The greater
saphenous vein is then dissected from the saphenofemoral junction and exposed through either a single, continuous, longitudinal incision along the thigh
or through separate, shorter incisions leaving skin bridges between each incision. More recently, endoscopic saphenous vein harvest has allowed vein
preparation through minimal incisions. Sufficient greater saphenous vein is exposed to reach the distal outflow vessel. The above-knee popliteal artery
is exposed through a medial thigh incision and carried anterior to the sartorius muscle and posterior to the vastus medialis muscle entering the aboveknee popliteal space. The popliteal artery is carefully dissected from its companion vein and nerves. Similarly, the below-knee popliteal artery is
dissected through a medial upper calf incision just posterior to the tibia and is carried down through the fascia into the below-knee popliteal space.
There, the below-knee popliteal artery is easily dissected from the companion structures. The tibioperoneal trunk may be exposed by dissecting distally
and dividing the soleus insertion from the tibia. The posterior tibial and peroneal arteries are dissected through a similar, more distal medial incision,
which is deepened down through the investing fascia of the calf. The soleus is then taken off the tibia, exposing the posterior tibial artery within the
deep space of the calf. The peroneal artery is located more laterally and is exposed by reflecting the flexor hallucis longus muscle posteriorly. The
anterior tibial artery is exposed through a separate, anterolateral calf incision, which is carried down through the fascia and just lateral to the anterior
tibialis muscle, thereby exposing the anterior tibial vessels lying directly over the intraosseous membrane. Once the proximal and distal vessels are
exposed, the greater saphenous vein is gently removed from its bed by ligating its side branches with silk ties and gently dilating the vein with
crystalloid solution containing heparin and papaverine. The patient is anticoagulated with 5,000 to 10,000 units of heparin, and the femoral vessels are
clamped and opened longitudinally. Because of the orientation of the greater saphenous vein valves, the vein is reversed such that the distal end of the
vein is sewn to the proximal inflow artery and the proximal end of the

Figure 65-14 A, In the in situ method of infrainguinal reconstruction, the saphenofemoral junction is transected in the groin, the venotomy in the femoral vein is oversewn, and the
proximal end of the saphenous vein is prepared for anastomosis. B, After the first venous valve is excised under direct vision, the graft is anastomosed end-to-side to the femoral
artery. C, Flow is then restored through the vein graft, and the valvotome is inserted through side branches at appropriate intervals to lyse residual valve cusps.

vein is sewn to the outflow distal artery. The vein graft is spatulated appropriately, and the anastomosis is completed with 50 polypropylene suture,
using standard anastomotic techniques. Before completion of the anastomosis, all vessels are flushed and the anastomosis is tied down; flow is restored
to the native vessels, and flow through the graft is assessed. The reversed vein graft may be placed directly in the subcutaneous plane as it travels from
the proximal to distal anastomosis. Conversely, a more anatomic, subsartorial plane may be preferable, particularly in patients in whom wound healing
may be a problem. When bypass grafts are performed at the below-knee popliteal artery, it is often preferable to tunnel the graft directly through the
popliteal fossa to facilitate a favorable distal anastomotic configuration. Bypass grafts to the anterior tibial artery may be tunneled through the
intraosseous membrane or, if preferred, subcutaneously over the anterolateral thigh, lateral to the knee, and directly to the anterior tibial artery exposure
site on the anterolateral calf. The distal vessels are clamped with atraumatic bulldog clamps and opened longitudinally. The vein graft is trimmed to an
appropriate length and bevel, and the anastomosis is completed with 60 or 70 polypropylene suture. It is often preferable to parachute the heel of
the distal anastomosis, particularly when the artery is deep within the calf. Before completion of the anastomosis, all vessels are flushed and patency at
each end of the anastomosis is verified with a fine coronary artery dilator. The anastomosis is tied down, and flow is restored. Recent reported results
with reversed saphenous vein grafting using modern surgical techniques have been excellent, with 5-year primary and secondary patency rates of 75%
and 80%, respectively, and limb salvage rates of 90%.[36]

The in situ greater saphenous vein bypass technique differs in that the saphenous vein is left in its own bed (i.e., in situ) rather than removing it and
reversing its orientation. This approach requires disruption of the competent saphenous vein valves to allow flow down the vein. Although the in situ
greater saphenous vein bypass was originally introduced in the 1960s, the tedious nature of the procedure and mixed results prevented its widespread
adoption. In the early 1970s, however, Leather and Karmody developed a new technique for lysing the valves, leading to new interest and eventual
widespread adoption of this technique.[25] Although there are a number of theoretical advantages to the in situ technique, including maintenance of the
vasa vasorum and the endothelial layer of the vein graft, these have never been proven to offer a clear advantage in terms of patency or vein graft
function. There are several practical advantages to the in situ technique, however, that offer technical benefits to the surgeon. Maintaining the vein graft
in the in situ configuration allows the surgeon to sew the large end of the greater saphenous vein to the larger femoral vessels and to sew the smaller
distal saphenous vein to the smaller tibial vessels. This size match at the proximal and distal ends facilitates the completion of precise technical
anastomoses. Preservation of the saphenous vein hood offers particular advantages when sewing to a thick-walled, diseased femoral artery. Given these
technical advantages, it is possible to successfully use smaller greater saphenous veins, which may not be serviceable for the reversed vein technique.
The preparation and arterial exposure for in situ bypass is similar to that for reversed vein bypass grafting. Most surgeons prefer to expose the entire
greater saphenous vein through a continuous thigh and calf incision. After anticoagulation with heparin and performance of the arteriotomy, the
saphenous vein hood is divided flush with the common femoral vein, using a Satinsky clamp. The common femoral vein is then oversewn with a 50
Prolene suture ( Fig. 6514 ). The proximal valve of the greater saphenous vein can be excised under direct vision with a fine forceps and Potts scissors.
The proximal anastomosis of the saphenous vein hood to the femoral artery (see Fig. 6514 B) is performed with standard surgical techniques. Again,
all vessels are flushed and flow is restored to the femoral vessels after tying down the anastomosis.

Pulsatile flow is restored to the vein graft, and the first site of a competent valve is obvious as the vein graft distends to that point and remains
decompressed below. A valvulotome is then used to lyse the valves and therefore

allow antegrade flow through the graft (see Fig. 6514 C). A number of valvulotomes are currently available. Most surgeons prefer the modified Mills
valvulotome, which is a short, hockey-stick-shaped cutter that is serially introduced through side branches of the greater saphenous vein and pulled
inferiorly, thereby lysing each pair of valves as they are encountered. The consistent orientation of the vein valves parallel to the skin facilitates precise,
atraumatic valve lysis. The most distal valves are lysed by introducing the valvulotome through the open distal end of the vein graft and pulling
inferiorly. A number of modifications of the in situ technique have been introduced to improve the simplicity and precision of the operation while
decreasing morbidity. For example, long, selfcentering valvulotomes, which may be introduced through the distal open end of the vein, may be used to
lyse the valves in a single pass. Once all of the valves have been lysed and excellent pulsatile flow through the graft is ensured, the various side
branches of the greater saphenous vein must be occluded with surgical clips or ties to prevent the formation of arteriovenous fistulas. Most recently,
intra-arterial angioscopy has been combined with specially designed valvulotomes and coil embolization of the side branches to allow the in situ
technique to be performed through limited proximal and distal incisions without exposing the entire length of vein. Recent series using the in situ
greater saphenous vein have reported 5-year cumulative graft patency rates in the 80% range with limb salvage rates of 84% to 90%.[13]
On completion of the bypass with either a reversed or in situ saphenous vein, flow through the graft as well as outflow arteries is assessed with a
continuous-wave Doppler study. A completion arteriogram is performed by direct cannulation of the proximal graft to demonstrate the bypass conduit,
distal anastomosis, and outflow bed. Unsuspected technical defects, such as intraluminal thrombus, kinking or twisting of the graft, or unlysed valves,
should be immediately repaired. More recently, intraoperative duplex ultrasonography has proved to be a sensitive completion study for detecting
hemodynamically significant abnormalities at either anastomosis or within the graft conduit.

As mentioned previously, both polyester (Dacron) and PTFE graft material may be selectively used for infrainguinal arterial reconstructive surgery,
particularly when the distal anastomosis is to the above-knee popliteal artery. Better results can be anticipated when the operations are performed to
large-caliber vessels with good outflow (two to three open tibial vessels). The conduct of the operation is similar to that of reversed vein greater
saphenous vein bypass grafting except that the longitudinal incision for saphenous vein harvest is unnecessary. The ability to perform a prosthetic
bypass graft through two small proximal and distal arterial exposure incisions is a distinct advantage of the technique. The arteriotomy and proximal
anastomosis is performed using standard techniques, and the graft is tunneled through a subsartorial plane down to the above-knee popliteal artery. The
distal anastomosis is then performed. Aggressive flushing of the graft and native vessels is imperative when using prosthetic bypass materials.
Depending on the size of the native vessels, a 6- or 8-mm graft may be desirable. Although prosthetic grafts are occasionally used for bypasses to the
below-knee popliteal or tibial vessels, the results achieved in this setting are clearly inferior to those obtained with greater saphenous vein. A variety of
surgical adjuncts, including the creation of a distal arteriovenous fistula, the patching of the distal prosthetic graft to native artery bypass with a vein
patch, and the creation of a cuff of autogenous vein interposed between the native artery and prosthetic graft at the distal anastomotic site, have all been
proposed as useful techniques for improving the results of prosthetic bypass grafts performed to the below-knee level.

Increasingly, patients are having failure of previous arterial reconstructions and recurrence of their limb-threatening ischemia symptoms. Reoperative
infrainguinal arterial reconstruction offers a number of challenges. In most cases, the ipsilateral greater saphenous vein has previously been used and is
no longer available for the secondary bypass procedure. Extensive scarring around the inflow and outflow vessels resulting from the previous surgical
dissection complicates the surgical exposure. A number of strategies are useful in dealing with these complex cases. Whenever possible, alternative
arterial inflow sites above or below the previous scarred arteries should be used to avoid dissection in areas of previous scarring.
The contralateral greater saphenous vein, if available, constitutes the optimal conduit for secondary bypass surgery. Recent studies have also
demonstrated minimal short- or long-term impact on the contralateral leg in these situations.[44] Depending on the length of the bypass and the size of the
greater saphenous vein, the graft may be used in either the reversed or nonreversed configuration with lysed valves. Frequently, however, because of
contralateral bypass surgery or previous coronary artery bypass surgery, no greater saphenous vein is available for this secondary procedure. In these
situations, a preliminary survey of the arm veins and lesser saphenous veins, using duplex ultrasound, reveals the best autogenous vein available for
reconstruction. Although arm veins may be scarred or small below the elbows, the deeper upper arm veins, including cephalic and basilic veins, are
often of excellent caliber and quality. Although these veins are thin walled and tedious to work with, they are strong and are generally of excellent
caliber and quality. Because these various ectopic veins are usually relatively short, it is often necessary to perform a venovenostomy to create
composite vein grafts of sufficient length to complete the arterial reconstruction.[45] Ample spatulation of each vein and the use of fine monofilament and
sutures facilitate the completion of widely patent anastomoses within these composite vein grafts. Depending on the size and taper of these ectopic
veins, they may be placed in either the reversed configuration or nonreversed configuration with

lysed valves. When autogenous vein is in short supply it is often advantageous to originate the bypass graft from a more distal vessel such as the distal
superficial femoral or popliteal artery. Such distal origin grafts work particularly well in diabetic patients who often have relative preservation of flow to
the knee level.[46]
Despite improvements in operative techniques, the results of redo infrainguinal bypass surgery remain inferior to those obtained with primary operation.
When autogenous vein is available for secondary bypass, 5-year patency rates of 60% and limb salvage rates of 72% have been achieved.[5]
After completion of any autogenous vein bypass graft, potential graft failure remains a major problem. Early failure vein grafts (within 30 days)
generally represents a judgmental or technical error within the conduct of surgery. These include simple technical errors, such as a kink or twist within
the graft, or failure to completely lyse the valves. Judgmental errors include the use of a small or poor-quality vein conduit or the construction of an
anastomosis to an inadequate outflow artery. Intermediate failures (30 days to 2 years) are generally caused by intimal hyperplastic lesions that form at
anastomotic sites or valve sites within the graft. Late graft failures (beyond 2 years) are most often caused by progression of atherosclerotic occlusive
disease within the inflow or outflow vessels. Because of the importance of vein graft patency in maintaining both limb function and salvage, and
because of the inability to restore durable patency to vein grafts once they have thrombosed, it is important to maintain a surveillance program to ensure
that vein grafts are functioning well and not harboring stenotic lesions that threaten graft patency. Serial postoperative examinations with a duplex scan
have proven extremely accurate in identifying significant vein graft lesions that threaten the graft patency. Recognition and repair of such lesions before
graft thrombosis ensures continued durable graft patency in most cases.

The role of PTA in the management of infrainguinal occlusive disease is considerably more limited than in the management of AOD. The smaller vessel
size, more diffuse nature of the disease, and more limited outflow significantly impair the long-term results of infrainguinal angioplasty compared with
those achieved in the larger iliac vessels. Whereas short, isolated, stenotic lesions, or even short-segment occlusions within the superficial femoral
artery, may be successfully treated with PTA, most patients with such isolated lesions are well managed with conservative treatment. Unlike the
management of iliac lesions in which stents have proven to be useful after technically complicated angioplasties, stents have not significantly improved
the patency of femoral or popliteal angioplasties. Newer and more flexible selfexpanding stent design, smaller-caliber delivery systems, and medicated
or drug-eluting stent technology may improve patency.[51] In patients with limited autogenous vein, a short-segment angioplasty of a superficial femoral
artery lesion may allow the bypass graft to originate more distally from the superficial femoral artery or popliteal artery.
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Renovascular Occlusive Disease

Chronic occlusive disease of the main renal artery results in reduced blood flow to the kidney. When the level of occlusion exceeds 60% of the diameter
of the main renal artery, changes in pressure and flow distally result in increased secretion of renin and subsequent shifts in peripheral vasoconstriction
and extracellular fluid volume, which result in hypertension. It has been estimated that less than 5% of hypertensive people have renovascular
hypertension. Patients with clinically apparent atherosclerosis have a somewhat higher prevalence of renal artery disease. For example, among patients
with coronary disease who underwent abdominal arteriography, 11% have significant unilateral renal artery disease with stenosis greater than 50% and
4% have significant bilateral disease.[21] Among patients with diastolic blood pressure greater than 115 mm Hg, the prevalence of renovascular
hypertension is 15% to 20%; and among children younger than 5 years of age, the prevalence approximates 75%.
When there is significant bilateral renal artery involvement, total glomerular filtration rate is reduced sufficiently to decrease creatinine clearance. Renal
insufficiency from reduced renal perfusion is a late manifestation of advanced arterial occlusive disease involving both kidneys. It has been estimated
that up to 30% of patients on dialysis for end-stage renal disease have significant renovascular occlusive disease as a contributing factor.
Nephrosclerosis, diabetic nephropathy, atheroembolism, glomerulonephritis, and other conditions may coexist with renovascular disease in many
patients with chronic renal insufficiency.
Recognition and correction of large artery renal occlusive disease can result in impressive improvement in blood pressure control and preservation of
renal function.

Atherosclerosis accounts for nearly 90% of cases of renovascular hypertension ( Box 655 ). This cause is twice as
Box 65-5. Causes of Renovascular Occlusive Disease
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Takayasus arteritis
Radiation vasculitis


Figure 65-15 Arteriogram demonstrating proximal atherosclerotic involvement of both renal arteries. Most typically aortic plaque encroaches on the renal ostium as is seen in this
example of bilateral orificial renal artery occlusive disease.

common in men as in women, although as age increases, the sex distribution becomes more equal. Most commonly, the atherosclerotic process begins
in the adjacent aorta with spillover plaque that encroaches into the proximal renal artery, resulting in orificial renal artery stenosis ( Fig. 6515 ).
Plaque extends into the proximal third of the artery, but the more distal vessel remains relatively free of disease. Atherosclerosis involves the renal
artery origins bilaterally in more than half of patients. Plaque is subject to fracture and subintimal hemorrhage with associated increase in stenosis or
abrupt occlusion as well as atheroembolism, which produces small branch occlusion in the renal parenchyma. Studies using serial angiography and renal
ultrasound have elucidated the natural history of atherosclerotic renal occlusive disease. Arteries detected to have more than 60% stenosis progress over
the next several years to increased stenosis and ultimate occlusion.[42]
Fibromuscular dysplasia is the second most common type of renal artery disease. Three subtypes are distinguished on the basis of the layer of the
arterial wall most involved. Medial fibroplasia is by far the most common, accounting for 85% of dysplastic lesions. It nearly always affects women,
most commonly appearing between the ages of 25 and 45 years. The etiology is unknown. The condition involves the main renal artery with either a
solitary stenosis or multiple stenoses with intervening dilatations that may appear like a string-of-beads ( Fig. 6516 ). True aneurysms may occur in
approximately 10% of patients with this condition, most often at branch points of the peripheral arterial arcade. Lesions are bilateral in 70%, and medial
fibroplasia can also affect other arteries, most commonly the internal carotid and external iliac arteries. Perimedial dysplasia accounts for about 10% of
dysplastic lesions, also nearly exclusively in women

Figure 65-16 Arteriogram demonstrating bilateral fibromuscular dysplasia with involvement of the left renal artery and anomalous upper and lower pole arteries on the right. Note
typical string of beads appearance in all three vessels.

between 30 and 50 years of age. Intimal fibroplasia accounts for the remaining 5% of dysplastic lesions. This subtype is more common in children and
young adults of either sex. Fibromuscular dysplasia is generally self-limited and does not progress after it reaches a clinically recognizable threshold.
A small number of patients in the pediatric age group have developmental anomalies that result in impaired renal artery flow. These lesions usually
involve the origin of the renal artery with fibrous stricture, sometimes in association with abdominal aortic coarctation.

An association between hypertension and renal disease was noted in 1836. A pressor substance was discovered in the rabbit in 1897 and called renin. In
1934, Goldblatt showed that unilateral renal artery constriction produced hypertension in the dog. Cure of hypertension by nephrectomy was reported in
1937 and by restoration of flow to the kidney using thromboendarterectomy in 1954.
Hypertension occurs after reduction in mean renal artery perfusion pressure by greater than 60% diameter or 75% cross-sectional area of the proximal
renal artery. Renal baroreceptors in the afferent arterioles sense the reduction in mean arterial pressure, leading to release of renin by the
juxtaglomerular apparatus. Renin appears in the renal vein and hydrolyzes angiotensinogen, produced in the liver, to form angiotensin I. This
decapeptide is inactive but is converted to the octapeptide angiotension II in the lungs by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Angiotensin II is a
strong vasoconstrictor with a half-life of 4 minutes and acts directly on vascular smooth muscle. ACE inhibitors such as captopril are particularly
effective in treating hypertension related to high renin and subsequent high angiotensin II levels ( Fig. 6517 ).


Figure 65-17 Consequences of renin hypersecretion as result of renal ischemia. Dotted arrows represent inhibitory influence. (Adapted from Pickering TG: Renal vascular disease. In
Braunwald S, Creager MA [eds]: Atlas of Heart Diseases, vol 7. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1996, p 4.3)

Angiotensin II also facilitates formation of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex. Aldosterone causes conservation of salt and water by the kidney, resulting
in increased extracellular fluid volume contributing to hypertension. Diuretics are beneficial in controlling hypertension because they help correct
When one renal artery is involved with occlusive disease, increased renin secretion from the affected kidney results in hypertension, which suppresses

renin secretion from the contralateral kidney. Increased glomerular filtration occurs in the normal kidney, resulting in relatively normal or low
extracellular volume. When both kidneys are involved, or in circumstances of a solitary affected kidney, overall renal hypoperfusion results in
hypervolemic hypertension. With increasing severity, decreased creatinine clearance occurs and azotemia supervenes.
Renovascular hypertension has a significant impact on the heart and vascular tree. Nephrosclerosis affects renal tissue unprotected by proximal renal
artery disease and thus exposed to hypertension, as in a relatively normal kidney opposite a kidney with significant occlusive disease. Hypertension also
contributes significantly to progression of atherosclerosis in the peripheral, coronary, and carotid arteries as well as to hypertensive retinopathy. The
heart itself is affected with left ventricular hypertrophy and reduced ventricular compliance. In the presence of bilateral renal artery occlusive disease
and resulting hypervolemia superimposed upon hypertension, a sudden hypertensive crisis may occur with acute left ventricular failure precipitating socalled flash pulmonary edema.

The clinical presentation is an important clue to the presence of renovascular occlusive disease ( Box 656 ). Hypertensive patients in the pediatric age
group, among whom renovascular causes are more prevalent, should be investigated for correctable causes. Females between the ages of 25 and 50
years should similarly be considered. Patients in the older age group with recent significant change in blood pressure control or renal function and in
whom there are coexistent risk factors for atherosclerosis should also undergo screening. Patients who respond dramatically to ACE inhibitors are more
likely to have high renin hypertension related to renovascular disease. If azotemia becomes worse on antihypertensive therapy, bilateral renal artery
disease should be suspected. Patients with a hypertensive crisis and flash pulmonary edema and left ventricular failure are highly suspect, particularly if
blood pressure control results in increased renal insufficiency.

Box 65-6. Clinical Correlates of Increased Prevalence of

Renovascular Disease
Severe hypertensiondiastolic >115 mm Hg
Refractory hypertension
New onset of sustained hypertension at age younger than 20 yr,
female age younger than 50, either sex age older than 50
Hypertension and epigastric or flank bruit
Moderate progressive or severe hypertension in patients with
manifestations of systemic atherosclerosis and unexplained stable
or progressive renal insufficiency
Malignant hypertension or hypertensive crisis
Dramatic normalization of blood pressure by angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor
Increase in serum creatinine with blood pressure improvement


Much work has been done in an effort to perfect the use of the renin assay to make the diagnosis of renovascular hypertension. Selective sampling of
blood from each renal vein and comparing each to samples from the infrarenal and suprarenal vena cava can indeed demonstrate unilateral
hypersecretion of renin from the kidney affected by the diseased renal artery. The best accuracy requires cessation of blockers and stimulation of renin
secretion by limiting sodium intake and administering a diuretic for a few days before the assay, as well as tilting the patient into an upright position
during sampling. These logistical problems have made selective renin assay impractical in most centers. Peripheral venous renin assay has also been
used, but values are most helpful only when similarly stimulated and indexed against serum sodium balance. Because many antihypertensive drugs have
an impact on renin and sodium and because such drugs must be stopped for as long as 3 weeks to obtain a precise measurement, this approach has also
been generally impractical.
Demonstration of asymmetrical renal function is another physiologic approach to diagnosis. Split renal function studies use selective ureteral
catheterization to sample urine from each kidney. If decreased amounts of urine with higher concentrations of sodium, creatinine, or administered paminohippuric acid are detected on one side, the involved kidney is likely ischemic. This method is somewhat cumbersome and rarely used.
Hypertensive intravenous pyelography can demonstrate delayed appearance of intravenous contrast dye in the involved kidney, a difference in renal
size, and delayed hyperconcentration of contrast agent in the collecting system as well as occasional nicking of the ureter caused by large periureteral
arterial collaterals.
More currently, radionuclide tracer is used to assess renal blood flow and excretory function. The ACE inhibitor captopril has enhanced the accuracy of
radionuclide scanning. Angiotensin II in the involved kidney leads to selective vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles, resulting in maintenance of
relatively normal glomerular filtration despite proximal renal artery disease. When captopril is used to block angiotensin II, glomerular filtration
decreases significantly. When renal scan is performed before and after captopril with findings of deterioration in filtration after the drug, the findings are
highly suggestive of significant renovascular disease, with accuracy in the 90% to 95% range compared with arteriography.[11] Physiologic tests that rely
on laterality are not applicable in the presence of bilateral disease nor in cases in which the serum creatinine level is elevated above 3 mg/dL.

Renal ultrasound is an important method of determining differential kidney size. In an adult, a kidney less than 10 cm in length is abnormally small,

with proximal renal artery disease being one possible cause. Renal ultrasound is an important means of detecting other contributing causes of azotemia,
such as renal cysts or hydronephrosis. Increasingly, duplex ultrasound has been used successfully to assess flow into the kidney. The renal artery can be
imaged using B-mode ultrasound and Doppler imaging to characterize flow velocities, comparing the flow characteristics of the proximal renal artery
with flow characteristics of the adjacent aorta and more distal renal artery. The so-called tardus-parvus phenomenon is typically observed in arteries
with greater than 60% stenosis, causing delay and diminution in the flow waveform in the distal renal artery. Diastolic flow characteristics reflect
vascular resistance in the renal parenchyma. In some noninvasive laboratories, duplex ultrasound is more than 90% accurate in detecting significant
large vessel renal artery disease.[11]
MRI is becoming the anatomic imaging modality of choice in many centers where gadolinium-enhanced scanning has provided an expeditious,
objective, and safe means of identifying renal artery disease.[47] Although tortuosity and obliquity of the renal artery origins may result in artifacts that
may make images difficult to interpret, scans are generally sufficiently accurate to allow MRI an important role in the initial phases of patient
evaluation. CT is also available, using spiral technique for highresolution imaging of the renal arteries. This method is very accurate but requires use of
intravenous contrast material with a small risk of renal toxicity.
Arteriography is the most precise diagnostic tool. Intravenous digital subtraction arteriography, although less invasive, requires a relatively large dose of
iodinated contrast and often yields comparatively poor images. Selective intra-arterial study using computer enhancement allows precise anatomic
definition, usually with minimal dye exposure. An even safer variant involves use of carbon dioxide as a radiographic contrast medium in patients with
advanced renal insufficiency.
Routine screening using a single laboratory study such as peripheral renin or a single anatomic study such as MRI on the broad population of
hypertensive patients is inappropriate. Evaluation requires consideration of the clinical presentation and setting, followed by a logical sequence of
confirmatory studies designed to uncover the diagnosis

Box 65-7. Screening Studies for Renovascular Occlusive Disease

Renal ultrasound to assess kidney size, alternative diagnoses (cysts,
Renal artery duplex ultrasound
Renal scintigraphy with captopril
Magnetic resonance imaging

with minimal cost and risk. Because they are logistically cumbersome, physiologic studies have increasingly yielded to anatomic diagnosis, relying on
ultrasound and MRI for initial detection of disease and then arteriography for confirmation and possible catheter-based intervention if appropriate ( Box
657 ). In the proper clinical setting, the presence of a small kidney with arterial stenosis greater than 60%, poststenotic dilatation, and evidence of
delayed parenchymal function is highly predictive of therapeutic success after revascularization. Increasingly, percutaneous methods of
revascularization are available with minimal risk to the patient, making absolute precision in diagnosis less compelling than it would be if the only
therapeutic solution involved more risky and arduous surgery.

Initial therapy of renovascular hypertension is medical. -Adrenergic blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, and ACE inhibitors are commonly used with
success. A more aggressive therapeutic approach is justifiable if blood pressure control requires increasing doses of two or three medications or if renal
function deteriorates while on antihypertensive medications, particularly ACE inhibitors ( Fig. 6518 ). Under these circumstances, noninvasive
imaging with ultrasound or MRI should be performed, followed by arteriography as appropriate with plans to proceed at the same sitting with
percutaneous endovascular renal artery therapy if favorable lesions are confirmed.
Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty is an important therapeutic tool. Balloon dilatation is the procedure of choice for patients with
fibromuscular dysplasia involving the main renal artery, reserving surgical revascularization for more complicated lesions involving branches of the
renal artery. Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty is also successfully applicable to patients with focal nonorificial atherosclerotic renal artery
disease. Nonorificial atherosclerosis or dysplasia can be treated with greater than 90% technical success rate and long-term benefit in 70% to 90% of
cases.[33] Orificial atherosclerotic lesions are much less likely to respond to balloon dilatation alone because they are essentially composed of aortic
plaque, which cannot be effectively cracked and remodeled in a durable manner by a balloon alone. Technical success for orificial atherosclerosis is no
greater than 50%, and long-term success rate is 40% among those initially successfully treated by angioplasty.[33] The immediate and long-term success
of balloon angioplasty can be

Figure 65-18 Therapeutic scheme for patients with proven renal artery occlusive disease. Dotted arrows represent secondary therapeutic options.

Figure 65-19 Completion arteriogram after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stenting for orificial left renal artery disease in patient illustrated in Fig. 6515 .

improved by using arterial stenting ( Fig. 6519 ). [39] Although not necessary for most nonorificial lesions, stents have extended the usefulness of
percutaneous therapy to orificial atherosclerosis. The morbidity rate after percutaneous therapy is below 10%, with severe morbidity including arterial
rupture or occlusion occurring in 1% to 2%.
A direct approach to the renal artery is possible using a variety of surgical techniques.[34] Isolated renal endarterectomy may be performed in unusual

to correct unilateral or bilateral renal artery disease. Transaortic endarterectomy is an effective and expeditious method to correct renal orificial disease
at the time of surgery for aneurysmal or occlusive disease of the adjacent aorta. Occlusive lesions may be bypassed with proximal anastomosis on the
aorta, iliac artery, or aortic prosthesis. Prosthetic material or autogenous vein is equally satisfactory for anastomosis to the proximal renal artery.
Autogenous vein is preferred for more distal anastomoses or when small kidneys are involved. Because saphenous vein tends to dilate with time in the
pediatric age group, it is preferable to use autogenous artery such as the internal iliac artery for renal bypass in children. To reduce operative morbidity
in elderly patients who might not tolerate temporary clamping of the aorta during surgery, extra-anatomic alternatives including the hepatic and splenic
arteries may be used as sites for the proximal anastomosis of a bypass graft to the right and left kidneys, respectively. In unusual circumstances,
complicated vascular occlusive disease may require removal of the kidney for ex vivo reconstruction, with reimplantation in situ or in the pelvis using
the iliac artery and vein as in a renal transplant procedure. Major morbidity occurs in 5% to 10% of patients after contemporary surgery. Perioperative
death is unusual in pediatric and dysplastic patients, and mortality rate ranges between 0.9% and 5.8% in the older atherosclerotic group. Although it
was initially thought that combining renal artery surgery with aortic surgery increased morbidity and mortality rates, recent experience indicates that
renal artery endarterectomy can be performed in conjunction with aortic aneurysm resection or aortic bypass without increasing the mortality risk.[12]
The presence of an occluded artery is not necessarily a contraindication to revascularization. Percutaneous therapy may be attempted, and, if a wire can
be passed through the occlusion, balloon angioplasty and stent may succeed. More typically, surgery is necessary, at which time a short segmental
occlusion is usually found with reconstitution of a virtually normal artery within 1 to 2 cm. If the kidney is more than 7 to 8 cm in length, there is a
significant chance of recovery of function and reduction in renin secretion after revascularization. Kidneys that are smaller than 6 cm are generally not
salvageable, and nephrectomy may be considered. Nephrectomy is much less frequent than in past years because of the success of revascularization and
the efficacy of ACE inhibitors for high renin hypertension.
Results of Revascularization

Long-term results after percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty are excellent for patients with fibromuscular dysplasia. Recurrent stenosis occurs in
approximately 10% of patients but is most often amenable to repeat angioplasty. Lesions involving branch arteries or bifurcation areas are less likely to
be successfully treated and more likely to be associated with complications after attempted angioplasty. Among patients with atherosclerotic renal artery
disease, appropriate selective use of balloon angioplasty and stents results in generally excellent success after several years with cure of hypertension in
20% to 25% of cases, improvement or stabilization in 50% to 60%, and failure in 15% to 20%.[38] [39] [52]
Surgical revascularization for fibromuscular dysplasia results in cure or improvement of hypertension at rates similar to percutaneous therapy. Among
children, surgical therapy is highly successful, resulting in cure of hypertension in 70% to 85% of cases and improvement in another 10% to 25%, with
failure in less than 10%. Among patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension is cured in roughly one third and improved in 50%, with failure in 10% to

20%. [12] Endarterectomy of the renal artery orifice is a very durable procedure. Serial study of bypass patency indicates as many as 88% of grafts remain
patent for as long as 20 years after surgery. Vein graft dilatation occurs in 3% to 5%, particularly among the pediatric age group.
Renal function has been reported to improve in 40% of patients who had revascularization for azotemia. Such patients almost always underwent
revascularization bilaterally or had a solitary kidney, with the therapeutic goal of increasing blood flow to as much renal parenchyma as possible.
Follow-up evaluation of natural history indicates that, even among patients with no significant immediate improvement in renal insufficiency, the rate at
which renal function deteriorates appears to be reduced by revascularization. On rare occasions, patients who have been placed on dialysis have been
taken off support after intervention.
Renal artery occlusive disease is responsible for hypertension and renal failure in a significant number of patients. Clinical suspicion and appropriate
diagnostic study may direct patients toward therapy designed to improve flow to the kidneys, increasingly using relatively safe percutaneous methods.
Results of such therapy offer substantial benefit to carefully selected and managed patients.
Mesenteric Ischemia

Vascular occlusive disease of the mesenteric vessels is a relatively rare but often catastrophic problem. When acute occlusion of a major artery occurs,
profound illness usually results and survival is fortunate. Nonocclusive mesenteric insufficiency and mesenteric venous occlusion occur in the presence
of severe concurrent illness of variable causes. Chronic intestinal ischemia often presents a diagnostic challenge, but results are gratifying with timely

Mesenteric arterial anatomy is notable for rich collateral flow ( Fig. 6520 ). As a result, gradual occlusion of one or even two of the main mesenteric
trunks is usually tolerated, as long as there is time for a collateral vessel from uninvolved branches to enlarge. On the other hand, sudden occlusion of a
main branch or more peripherally beyond the largest collateral vessels may be poorly tolerated, with profound consequences. Acute vascular occlusion
results in tissue injury with release of intracellular contents and byproducts of anaerobic metabolism to the

Figure 65-20 Mesenteric arterial anatomy demonstrating extensive collateral channels between major branches. (Adapted from Stoney RJ, Wylie EJ: Surgery of celiac and mesenteric
arteries. In Haimovici HH [ed]: Vascular Surgery: Principles and Techniques. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1976, pp 668679.)

general circulation. Compromised bowel mucosa allows unrestricted influx of toxic materials from the bowel lumen with systemic consequences. If
serosal surfaces are affected by full-thickness necrosis, bowel perforation and peritonitis ensue. Associated heart disease or systemic atherosclerosis
often compounds the complexity of acute arterial occlusion. Nonocclusive ischemia and mesenteric venous occlusion are usually complicated by
significant or life-threatening concurrent abdominal or systemic illness.
Acute mesenteric artery occlusion most frequently results from a cardiogenic embolus and usually involves the superior mesenteric artery. Embolic
occlusion most often occurs distal to the origin of the superior mesenteric artery because the embolus is pushed into the artery to a point where
arborization reduces the lumen to a diameter less than that of the embolus ( Fig. 6521 ). Less commonly, thrombotic occlusion at the site of chronic
atherosclerotic plaque occurs at the origin of the vessel adjacent to ostial disease. In both instances, secondary stasis thrombosis may occur in adjacent
proximal and distal vessels to the point where flow from collaterals is maintained. Acute embolic occlusion is generally a more profound and damaging
insult than thrombosis at the site of chronic disease because of (1) lack of protection by chronically enlarged collaterals from the other mesenteric
arteries, (2) occlusion at levels beyond the point of inflow of larger collaterals, and (3) occlusion of multiple branches to adjacent segments at the point
of arterial arborization.

Acute nonocclusive mesenteric insufficiency accompanies profound illness with sepsis and cardiovascular collapse with consequent vasoconstriction of
the mesenteric vascular bed. Use of vasopressors for hemodynamic support exacerbates the problem. If prolonged, such illness may result in
hemodynamic compromise of nutrient flow to the bowel and mesenteric viscera. Mesenteric venous occlusion results in vascular compromise on the
basis of reduced venous drainage of the bowel.
Chronic mesenteric insufficiency is almost exclusively a problem in the older age group with diffuse atherosclerosis that involves the aorta and the
proximal mesenteric arteries. Because collaterals are usually abundant between the three main mesenteric vessels, at least two, most often the celiac and
superior mesenteric artery, are severely compromised before symptoms arise ( Table 655 ). Relative ischemia occurs after meals when there is
increased demand for flow into the mesenteric bed. Vasodilation after eating reduces peripheral resistance, but flow cannot increase in the presence of
proximal fixed occlusive lesions, creating transient ischemic pain that has been appropriately termed intestinal angina. Chronic abdominal pain occurs
among an unusual group of generally

Figure 65-21 Typical location of superior mesenteric artery obstruction in patients with embolic and thrombotic occlusion. (From Donaldson MC: Mesenteric vascular disease. In
Braunwald S, Creager MA [eds]: Atlas of Heart Diseases. St. Louis, Mosby, 1996, p 5.6.)

TABLE 65-5 -- Extent of Obstruction in Chronic Mesenteric Arterial Insufficiency













IMA, inferior mesenteric artery; SMA, superior mesenteric artery.

younger and otherwise healthy patients who have compression of the celiac artery by the median arcuate ligament of the diaphragm.
Presentation and Management

The most common cause of acute mesenteric arterial occlusion is embolus to the superior mesenteric artery and rarely the celiac artery. Severe pain is
always present and prominent, centered in the periumbilical region ( Box 658 ). Abdominal examination typically reveals relatively little tenderness
during the early stages, only to become more impressive as ischemic bowel produces visceral peritonitis and finally parietal peritonitis. The white blood
cell count is generally elevated, and metabolic acidosis may be present. A plain radiograph of the abdomen may demonstrate fluid-filled bowel loops
with evidence of edema in the bowel wall. Underlying cardiac disease is responsible for the embolus in 90% of cases, and manifestations of arrhythmia,
recent myocardial infarction, or valvular disease may be present.
Early management relies critically on prompt diagnosis, which requires a high index of suspicion. Alternative diagnoses such as acute pancreatitis,
perforated viscus,
Box 65-8. Presentation of Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
Concurrent cardiac or debilitating disease
Pain out of proportion to tenderness
Abdominal distention, gastrointestinal dysfunction
Evidence of third spacingoliguria, hemoconcentration
Blood in stool
Elevated white cell countoften >20,000

Metabolic acidosis
Elevated serum enzymes
Bowel distention, wall thickening on kidney-ureter-bladder imaging
and computed tomography
Endoscopic findings in colon
Specific findings on arteriogram

ruptured aneurysm, or kidney stone should be rapidly excluded while fluid resuscitation and antibiotics are instituted. Arteriography can identify the site
of occlusion but is not crucial if the patient has compelling clinical evidence and if surgical therapy will be inordinately delayed as a result.
Surgery offers the best chance of successful treatment.[26] Exploratory laparotomy allows rapid confirmation of the diagnosis and exclusion of other
conditions. If the entire bowel is frankly necrotic, the likelihood of survival is virtually nil and no further therapy should be pursued in most cases. If
there is patchy or segmental necrosis or generalized ischemia that appears reversible, the proximal superior mesenteric artery is exposed at the base of
the transverse mesocolon. Pulsation and flow are assessed in the main artery and its arcades using intraoperative Doppler ultrasound. In general, an
embolus creates an accessible occlusion distal to the origin of the superior mesenteric artery, lodging in the first bifurcation point of the artery. Most
often, the proximal superior mesenteric artery should be opened longitudinally and thromboembolectomy performed using a patch angioplasty to close
the artery ( Fig. 6522 ).[41] If the artery is soft and free of atherosclerotic

Figure 65-22 Longitudinal arteriotomy of the superior mesenteric artery for thromboembolectomy. Arteriotomy is closed either by patch angioplasty or by anastomosis to a bypass
graft from a suitable source of inflow. (Adapted from Yao JST, Bergan JJ, Pearce WH, Flinn WR: Operative procedures in visceral ischemia. In Bergan JJ, Yao JST [eds]:
Techniques in Arterial Surgery. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1990, pp 284293.)

changes, a transverse arterotomy may be used and closed primarily without a patch. In patients with significant associated chronic arterial disease in
whom thrombosis has occurred, a simple thromboembolectomy may fail to restore normal inflow. In such cases, the superior mesenteric artery
arterotomy is used as the site for distal anastomosis of a bypass. Most often, autogenous vein is preferred to avoid the risk of infection of a prosthetic
graft. The bypass may originate from the aorta or an iliac artery, depending on which is least involved with disease. After flow is established, frankly
necrotic regions of bowel should be resected. Regions where there is potential for recovery may be observed for 24 to 36 hours and reassessed at a
second look operation. The mortality rate reported for patients undergoing surgery for acute intestinal ischemia is as high as 85%, although with
aggressive diagnosis and intervention, mortality rates may be reduced to the range of 25%.[26]

Patients suffering from nonocclusive mesenteric insufficiency are frequently seriously ill and often have been in an intensive support setting before
development of mesenteric insufficiency. If the patient is obtunded, intubated, or heavily narcotized, the presentation may be subtle and the diagnosis
thus delayed. Diffuse abdominal pain is prominent and out of proportion to tenderness. Acidosis may be profound. Abdominal flat plate, ultrasound, and
CT help to exclude other diagnoses such as perforated ulcer or acute cholecystitis. Arteriography is a valuable confirmatory diagnostic step. Classic
arteriographic findings include absence of large vessel occlusion and a pattern of sequential focal vasospasm with beading of the major mesenteric
branches and a pruned tree appearance to the distal vasculature.
In addition to making the diagnosis, arteriography facilitates valuable early therapy with continuous selective infusion of vasodilators such as
papaverine into the superior mesenteric artery. Fluid resuscitation, withdrawal of vasoconstrictors, antibiotics to combat portal transmigration of
bacteria, and angiographic monitoring of vasospasm are important components of patient management. Surgery should be reserved for patients who

experience clinical deterioration or evidence of peritonitis suggesting bowel infarction. Success is possible only with control of the underlying illness
that precipitated the mesenteric insufficiency. Because of the complexity of the illness, patients with nonocclusive mesenteric insufficiency have a grim

Mesenteric venous occlusion occurs in patients with a number of concurrent illnesses, including liver disease and portal hypertension, pancreatitis,
intraperitoneal inflammatory conditions, hypercoagulable states, and systemic low-flow states ( Box 659 ). Venous thrombosis is less dramatic than
arterial occlusion, and early diagnosis is typically difficult because the presentation is subtle ( Table 656 ).[22] Abdominal pain is usually vague, and
tenderness is mild or equivocal. CT may demonstrate thickened bowel wall with delayed passage of intravenous contrast agent into the portal system
and lack of opacification of the portal vein. Arteriography may demonstrate venous congestion and lack of prompt filling of the portal system.
Therapy should consist of hemodynamic support, anticoagulation, and serial examination. If peritonitis develops, exploratory laparotomy is appropriate
to assess bowel viability with segmental bowel resection as necessary. Surgical thrombectomy is not likely to be successful. Fibrinolytic therapy is
hazardous because the congested bowel wall is susceptible to hemorrhage. In general, prognosis is good because collateral venous outflow develops and
partial or even complete recanalization of the mesenteric veins may occur in many instances.

Patients with advanced chronic mesenteric artery disease most commonly have a stereotypical pattern of postprandial pain in a periumbilical location
that occurs within 30 minutes of a meal ( Table 657 ). It gradually resolves thereafter, only to recur with subsequent meals. Because eating causes pain,
patients reduce the size of meals and develop a pattern of food fear abstinence that results in weight

Box 65-9. Conditions Associated With Mesenteric Venous

Portal Hypertension
Congestive splenomegaly
Inflammatory bowel disease
Pelvic or intra-abdominal abscess
Diverticular disease
Postoperative State and Trauma
Splenectomy and other postoperative states
Blunt abdominal trauma
Hypercoagulable States
Neoplasms (colon, pancreas)
Oral contraceptives
Migratory thrombophlebitis
Antithrombin III, protein C/S deficiency
Peripheral deep vein thrombosis
Polycythemia vera
Other Conditions
Renal disease (nephrotic syndrome)

Cardiac disease (congestive failure)

TABLE 65-6 -- Presentation of Mesenteric Venous Thrombosis Pancreatic Cancer

Pain (insidious)


Gastrointestinal bleed


Guaiac + stool




Previous deep vein thrombosis


Pancreatic cancer






Increased fibrinogen


Decreased proteins C, S


loss. Malabsorption is rarely, if ever, a component of this disease.

Diagnosis requires a careful history and exclusion of other illnesses such as malignancy, chronic pancreatitis, and gastric ulcer. Often, a series of
diagnostic studies is performed to exclude these entities and the diagnosis of chronic mesenteric ischemia is made late by exclusion. Duplex ultrasound
has been used with increasing success to document occlusive disease in the proximal superior
TABLE 65-7 -- Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Mesenteric Arterial Insufficiency


Weight loss


Abdominal bruit


Nausea, vomiting






Hemoccult + stool


Figure 65-23 Arteriogram of patient with chronic intestinal ischemia demonstrating large meandering artery forming collateral within the mesentery of the colon.

mesenteric artery and celiac arteries. The definitive diagnostic study is arteriography, which invariably reveals occlusion of at least two of the three
major mesenteric arteries. Patterns of collateral vessels are often prominent, including a large meandering artery in the mesentery of the colon ( Fig. 65
23 ).
In selected circumstances, revascularization by balloon angioplasty or stent placement may be successful, a strategy particularly applicable among
elderly patients who may be poor candidates for surgery. More commonly,[48] definitive therapy requires surgery using either a direct approach to
proximal arterial occlusions through transaortic endarterectomy or bypass grafting. Bypass may be performed using a prosthetic graft originating in the

supraceliac aorta and connecting to both the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries. Alternatively, retrograde bypass from the infrarenal aorta or iliac
artery may be used. Surgical exploration and therapy is usually facilitated because the patient has lost a significant amount of weight preoperatively.
Results of surgery are generally highly gratifying in properly selected patients, with rapid resolution of symptoms and return of weight. Long-term
patency of the grafts is excellent, exceeding 90%.
A small subset of patients without atherosclerosis and generally of younger age experience postprandial pain on the basis of celiac artery compression
from the median arcuate ligament of the diaphragm. In general, such patients have a long history of chronic complaints. They often have been evaluated
by numerous physicians and may have developed dependency on pain medications. Evaluation using MRI or arteriography reveals extrinsic
compression of the proximal celiac artery with poststenotic dilatation. Images during inspiration and expiration demonstrate a dynamic constriction of
the artery. Therapy should be directed at highly selected patients. Percutaneous methods are not successful in relieving extrinsic compression. Surgery
involves release of the median arcuate ligament. A minority of patients may have secondary fibrous thickening of the proximal celiac artery, which
should be treated with a short bypass or patch angioplasty. A hemodynamic cause for pain is not always clear, and some therapeutic benefit may result

from ablation of the celiac nerve plexus during surgery. Results of surgery are generally favorable in carefully selected patients.
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Selected References
Antiplatelet Trialists Collaboration: Collaborative overview of randomised trials of antiplatelet therapy: II. Maintenance of vascular graft or arterial patency by antiplatelet therapy.
BMJ 308:159168, 1994.
Second of a series of meta-analyses of published trials of antiplatelet therapy, focused on the issues of peripheral vascular disease and bypass grafts.
Boley SJ, Brandt LJ, Veith FJ: Ischemic disorders of the intestines. Curr Prob Surg 14, 1978.
This excellent overview emphasizes the important role of angiographic diagnosis and therapy, particularly for nonocclusive mesenteric disease.
Glagov S, Zarins C, Giddens DP, Ku DN: Hemodynamics and atherosclerosis: Insights and perspectives gained from studies of human arteries. Arch Pathol Lab Med 112:10181031,
Authored by a pioneer in this field, this is an excellent introduction to the conceptual and experimental framework linking hemodynamic forces and atherosclerosis.
Goldblatt H: Studies on experimental hypertension. J Exp Med 59:347, 1934.
This classic paper first describes the mechanism behind renovascular hypertension.
Haimovici H: Muscular, renal and metabolic complications of acute arterial occlusions: Myonephropathic-metabolic syndrome. Surgery 85:461473, 1979.
A classic description of the systemic effects of revascularization of the severely ischemic extremity.
Pohl MA: The ischemic kidney and hypertension. Am J Kidney Dis 21(Suppl 2):2228, 1993.
This paper is an excellent review of renovascular disease from the kidneys point of view.
Ross R: Atherosclerosis: An inflammatory disease. N Engl J Med 340:115126, 1999.
A concise, updated overview of current hypotheses of atherogenesis with an excellent reference list.
Sos T, Pickering T, Sniderman K, et al: Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty in renovascular hypertension due to atheroma or fibromuscular dysplasia. N Engl J Med 309:274,
This paper was the first to carefully describe techniques and results of percutaneous therapy for renovascular disease, differentiating between ostial and nonostial disease.
STILE Investigators: Results of a prospective randomized trial evaluating surgery versus thrombolysis for ischemia of the lower extremity. The STILE Trial. Ann Surg 220:251268,
A large randomized evaluation of the role of thrombolysis in the management of acute lower extremity ischemia.
Stoney RJ, Cunningham CG: Acute mesenteric ischemia. Surgery 114:489490, 1993.
An authoritative review of a challenging subgroup of patients with mesenteric disease.

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Chapter 66 - Vascular Trauma

Asher Hirshberg M.D.
Kenneth L. Mattox M.D.

Despite dramatic advances in trauma care during the two last decades of the 20th century, injuries to blood vessels present some of the most challenging
problems to the trauma surgeon. The effective management of vascular injuries hinges on successfully merging the principles of modern trauma care
with the current approach to vascular therapy as outlined in the previous chapters of this section.
The fundamental difference between elective vascular surgery and vascular trauma is the physiology of the wounded patient. A lacerated major vessel is
typically only one component of multiorgan trauma. These patients are often critically ill and rapidly approaching a point of physiologic irreversibility.[1]
In these situations, the key to a favorable outcome is maintaining correct priorities.
The surgeon must keep in mind that while major hemorrhage (typical of truncal vascular injuries) is an immediate threat to the patients life, ischemia
(commonly from peripheral arterial injury) is a threat to limb viability, a much lower priority. Furthermore, although control of hemorrhage is usually
mandatory, rapid, and life saving, the detailed reconstruction of an injured vessel may be neither. As the injured patient is approaching the boundaries of
his or her physiologic envelope, a simpler, sometimes temporary technical solution will often be a much safer option than a complex and timeconsuming reconstruction.[2] In the severely traumatized patient, all that is technically feasible is not always in the patients best interest.
The first part of this chapter focuses on key concepts and fundamental principles in the diagnosis and management of vascular trauma. The second part
deals with injuries to specific vessels based on their anatomic location. A special emphasis is placed on the convergence of innovative surgical strategies
with cutting-edge technology, offering the surgeon an expanded array of management options in the management of injuries to major vessels.
Patterns of Injury

Vascular trauma occurs in a limited number of patterns, which are determined primarily by the mechanism of injury.[3] Penetrating trauma typically
results in varying degrees of laceration or transection of the vessel. The severed ends of a completely transected artery often retract and undergo spasm
with subsequent thrombosis. Therefore, a lacerated or incompletely transected vessel typically bleeds more profusely than a completely transected one.
Blunt trauma results in disruption of the arterial wall, ranging in severity from small intimal flaps to extensive transmural damage with either
extravasation or thrombosis. Deceleration injury causes deformation of the arterial wall. In a small vessel (e.g., the renal artery) this leads to intimal
disruption and subsequent thrombosis, while in a large vessel the result will be full-thickness injury with only a thin layer of adventitia temporarily
bridging the gap, as typically occurs in the descending thoracic aorta.


Bleeding from a lacerated vessel can be free or contained, the latter leading to pseudoaneurysm formation. An arteriovenous fistula is the result of a
traumatic communication between an injured artery and vein.
Limb loss is more likely to result from blunt trauma and high-velocity gunshot injuries, mainly because of the significantly greater damage to bone and
soft tissue of the injured extremity. Low-velocity gunshot injuries and stab wounds rarely lead to limb loss.
The rapidly increasing use of invasive diagnostic, monitoring, and therapeutic modalities in many fields of medicine brought with it a corresponding
dramatic increase in iatrogenic vascular trauma. Every cardiac catheterization or arterial line insertion is, in fact, a form of vascular injury, where the
physician relies on the patients hemostatic mechanism to plug the hole and repair the damage. Iatrogenic injury may occur either at the target site of the
intervention (e.g., a coronary artery) or at the access site (e.g., the common femoral artery). The latter is more common and sometimes requires surgical
Minimal Injury and Nonoperative Management

Not all arterial injuries require operative management. During the past decade, a series of studies have convincingly demonstrated that nonocclusive
intimal flaps, segmental narrowing, small false aneurysms, and small arteriovenous fistulas generally have a benign natural history and are very likely to
either heal or improve without intervention. These asymptomatic angiographic findings have been named minimal arterial injuries. Contrary to previous
belief, only about 10% of minimal injuries progress with time and eventually require a surgical intervention.[4] Nonoperative management and careful
follow-up is therefore a safe and cost-effective course of action for these patients. However, currently there are no objective criteria to precisely define
what constitutes a minimal lesion. The size of the angiographic defect and the patients overall trauma burden and, most importantly, the patients
availability for follow-up are factors to consider in making the decision to treat a minimal lesion nonoperatively. In rare instances when a nonocclusive
minimal injury progresses and eventually requires surgical intervention, morbidity is not increased by the delay.
Endovascular Therapy

With recent amazingly rapid progress in the field of endovascular therapy of arterial disease, it is not surprising that endovascular stent-grafts are
gaining in popularity as an alternative to open repair in selected patients with arterial injuries. In the hemodynamically stable patient with a nonbleeding
traumatic arterial lesion, percutaneous placement of an endovascular stent-graft across a defect in the arterial wall is a low-morbidity solution to a

problem that may otherwise require a technically challenging surgical procedure in a patient with a severely compromised physiology. In fact,
endovascular therapy has revolutionized the management of delayed complications of trauma such as arteriovenous fistulas and pseudoaneurysms,
especially in inaccessible sites.[5]
For some arterial injuries, the endovascular option is proving to be the preferred approach. The technical difficulties of gaining access to the vertebral
artery in the bony canal or obtaining distal control of a distal injury to the internal carotid artery make the endovascular one an extremely attractive
alternative. In nonocclusive blunt injuries to the renal artery, endovascular stenting offers great expediency as compared with an open repair, albeit at
the risk of yet unknown long-term patency. Similarly, blunt subclavian artery injury is often part of multiorgan trauma and an endovascular stent-graft
may well be the quickest and least hazardous solution for the patient.
The endovascular approach to blunt injuries to the descending thoracic aorta is currently the focus of much interest.[6] The clinical experience with
endovascular stent-grafting of the aorta is showing promise and is rapidly accumulating. The procedure provides an effective solution for a potentially
lethal type of trauma and is especially applicable in patients with multiple associated injuries who are poor candidates for a major aortic reconstruction.
It may well become the procedure of choice for the repair of blunt aortic injuries in the near future.
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Access, Exposure, and Control

Initial control of hemorrhage is achieved by direct pressure over the bleeding site typically using digital or manual compression. Blind clamping of a
bleeding vessel is usually ineffective and may damage adjacent structures in the neurovascular bundle. The surgeon can then choose which definitive
hemostatic technique to deploy from the wide array of hemostatic options. These include, among others, the insertion of a hemostatic suture, ligation,
reconstruction of the vessel, and temporary shunt insertion.[7] [8] [9] Balloon catheter tamponade using a Foley catheter inserted into the missile tract is a
very useful adjunct to obtaining rapid temporary control of torrential bleeding from relatively inaccessible sites, such as high in the neck, deep in the
pelvis, and in the groin ( Fig. 661 ).
A cardinal operative principle in managing major vascular trauma is to first obtain proximal (and if possible also distal) control of the injured vessel
before entering the surrounding hematoma. In the extremities and in the neck, control is achieved using standard extensile vascular exposure techniques.
[9] [10] In the chest, control of a vascular injury hinges on correct selection of a thoracotomy incision, because each incision provides access to a different
thoracic visceral compartment. In the abdomen, the major vessels are located in the retroperitoneum, and therefore exposure is based on operative
maneuvers that mobilize the intraperitoneal viscera off the underlying retroperitoneal structures.[11] [12]
Assessing the Injury and the Patient

The anatomic extent of injury is revealed only when the traumatized vessel is carefully dissected, isolated, and opened. External inspection often does
not reflect the full

Figure 66-1 Use of a balloon tamponade for temporary hemostasis of subclavian artery injury. (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

extent of intimal damage, especially in blunt trauma. An important principle in the operative management of vascular trauma is that selection of the
vascular repair technique is heavily influenced not only by the anatomic situation but also by the patients physiologic condition, associated injuries, and
overall clinical trajectory.
The massively bleeding patient rapidly develops a self-propagating triad of hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acidosis that leads to an irreversible
physiologic insult and death. From the vascular perspective, coagulopathy means a suture line that will continue to bleed after completion as well as
diffuse oozing all over the operative field. The hypothermia-coagulopathy-acidosis syndrome effectively marks the boundaries of the patients
physiologic envelope beyond which there is diffuse coagulopathic bleeding, persistent ventricular arrhythmias, and death from irreversible shock. The
operative management of a vascular injury must focus not only on restoration of anatomy but also on the patients physiologic envelope: The
complexity and duration of the planned repair should be inversely proportional to the physiologic insult that the patient has already sustained.
Simple and Complex Repairs

Based on these considerations, it is important to distinguish between two categories of vascular repairs. Simple repairs are very rapid and include
ligation, lateral repair, and shunt insertion. Complex repairs are patch angioplasty, end-to-end anastomosis, and graft interposition, all of which are time
consuming and typically entail the creation of a long suture line. Simple repairs are feasible even under adverse physiologic circumstances, whereas
complex repairs are usually not.
Ligation of an injured vessel in a critically injured patient is a marker of good surgical judgment rather than an admission of defeat. All peripheral veins
and the majority of truncal veins can be ligated with impunity. The external carotid, celiac axis, and internal iliac arteries are

examples of arteries that can be ligated with no adverse effects. The risk of amputation after ligation of the femoral vessels was 81% for the common

femoral and 55% for the superficial femoral artery during World War II (before the advent of fasciotomy). The upper extremity is even more tolerant to
ligation of the subclavian artery.
Temporary Intraluminal Shunts

A shunt is a temporary means of maintaining distal perfusion through an injured artery.[13] A commercially available carotid shunt, endotracheal suction
catheter, or sterile intravenous tubing trimmed to the appropriate length is inserted into both ends of a disrupted vessel and held in place with vessel
loops or ligatures ( Fig. 662 ). An intraluminal shunt can be used in three clinical situations:
1. Transfer of a patient with peripheral arterial injury from the field (or from a remote facility) for vascular reconstruction at a trauma center
2. Repair of combined vascular and orthopedic extremity injuries, when skeletal alignment is accomplished before vascular repair in an ischemic
3. As a damage control technique in a critically injured patient who is unlikely to survive a complex repair because physiologic reserves have been
There are reports of temporary shunts remaining patent for more than 24 hours after insertion. Blood flow through the shunt is approximately half of the
normal flow, enough to maintain limb viability.

Figure 66-2 Temporary intravascular shunt. (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

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The Neck

In the neck, two large neurovascular bundles within the carotid sheaths are closely adherent to midline aerodigestive structures in a very compact
arrangement. It is therefore not surprising that injuries to major cervical vessels are frequently associated with trauma to adjacent structures. An
expanding cervical hematoma presents an immediate threat to the patients airway. Major vascular injury occurs in one of every four patients with
penetrating cervical trauma.[9] The most commonly injured vascular structure is the internal jugular vein, which is amenable to simple lateral repair or
Clinical Presentation and Immediate Concerns

Major cervical vascular injury may present as vigorous external bleeding, an expanding or stable cervical hematoma, or a hemispheric neurologic
deficit. However, a major arterial injury may also remain asymptomatic, so physical examination alone cannot reliably exclude it. Blunt carotid artery
injury is an uncommon but potentially devastating injury.[14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] The only initial clinical clue may be a gross hemispheric neurologic deficit
without computed tomographic (CT) evidence of cerebral trauma.
Two immediate concerns are the focus of clinical attention during the initial evaluation. A rapidly expanding hematoma requires rapid intubation before
the upper airway is shifted and compressed, making an orotracheal intubation difficult or impossible. Severe ongoing hemorrhage may lead to
exsanguination and requires temporary control by manual pressure or balloon tamponade using a Foley catheter until proximal control is obtained in the
operating room.
Diagnostic Studies

The actively bleeding unstable patient with a penetrating neck injury is immediately taken to the operating room for neck exploration. Management of
the hemodynamically stable patient with a suspected vascular injury depends on the zone of cervical penetration. Asymptomatic patients with
penetrating injuries to the base of the neck (zone I) require a four-vessel arch angiography either to exclude major arterial injury or to plan the operative
approach if an injury is present. The same applies to penetrating injuries above the angle of the mandible (zone III), where both exploration and distal
control are technically difficult; therefore, an endovascular solution, if feasible, may be the safest option.
Patients with asymptomatic midcervical injuries (zone II) may undergo either formal neck exploration (a straightforward procedure associated with very
low morbidity) or a combination of four-vessel angiography, esophagoscopy, and barium swallow to rule out significant arterial and esophageal injury.
Both alternatives are acceptable, and thus choice reflects individual preferences and/or institutional policies.
Duplex ultrasonography is an excellent imaging modality for major cervical arterial trauma. However, lack of

immediate availability around the clock in the trauma resuscitation area prevents it from being widely used as a substitute for angiography in most
emergency centers.
Operative Management

Safe exploration of an anatomically hostile neck distorted by an expanding hematoma hinges on a systematic progression from one key structure to the
next. The standard cervical incision is along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. After division of the platysma, dissection proceeds
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid to identify the internal jugular vein. Dissection along the anterior border of this large vein identifies
the facial vein, which is divided between ligatures to gain access to the carotid bifurcation.
The carotid arteries are reconstructed using standard vascular techniques. There are no good data to support preference for vein or synthetic
interposition grafts in the neck, nor is there evidence to support routine shunting. A synthetic graft has the advantage of immediate availability, and a
shunt can be threaded through the graft and then inserted into the internal and common carotids to facilitate construction of the anastomoses with the
shunt in place. Control of the distal internal carotid artery at the base of the neck may be impossible even with adjunctive measures such as dividing the
posterior belly of the digastric muscle. Balloon catheter tamponade through the missile tract followed by ligation and division of the internal carotid
artery at the carotid bifurcation, with removal of the balloon 3 days later, affords a simple solution to a very difficult technical problem ( Fig. 663 ).
The need to reconstruct the carotid artery of a patient with a clear preoperative hemispheric neurologic deficit has been the subject of debate. Current
evidence supports revascularization regardless of the patients neurologic status, accepting that prognosis is poor in the presence of

Figure 66-3 A to C, Balloon tamponade of inaccessible internal carotid artery injury. (A to C, Baylor College of Medicine, 1980.)

a profound neurologic deficit (i.e., coma) with or without revascularization.

Vertebral artery injuries present in the operative field as vigorous bleeding emanating from a hole between the transverse processes of the cervical
vertebrae, posterolateral to the carotid sheath.[21] [22] [23] [24] Although several elaborate techniques have been described for operative exposure of the
extracranial vertebral artery, none is a practical option in the presence of severe and life-threatening hemorrhage. The artery is best controlled by simple
means, such as tightly filling the bleeding hole in the transverse process with bone wax. If extravasation from the vertebral artery is encountered during
arteriography, angiographic control of this inaccessible vessel is clearly the preferred course of action.
Blunt Carotid and Vertebral Artery Injury

The estimated incidence of clinically important blunt injury to the carotid and vertebral arteries is 1 to 3 patients per 1000 admitted to major trauma
centers.[14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [25] However, with increased awareness and screening of asymptomatic patients it is possible to identify these injuries in up to
1% of blunt trauma admissions. The typical mechanism is either hyperextension and contralateral rotation of the neck or a direct blow to the neck, but in
some patients no such mechanism can be elicited. The key pathophysiologic event is an intimal tear that can remain asymptomatic or progress to local
thrombosis, embolization, or distal dissection.
The clinical hallmark of blunt carotid artery injury is a hemispheric neurologic deficit that is incompatible with CT findings. A salient clinical feature of
this injury is that in approximately one half of the patients there is a latent period of hours or days before neurologic deficit appears. Maintaining a high
index of suspicion in patients with severe maxillofacial trauma, a mechanism of cervical hyperextension, and evidence of direct trauma to the neck or
fractures of the skull base or cervical spine in proximity to the relevant vessels should enable early diagnosis of these lesions. The standard diagnostic
modality is angiography, because duplex scanning is not sensitive enough. The treatment of blunt carotid and vertebral artery injury remains
controversial and primarily nonoperative. Most patients are treated with systemic anticoagulation (if not prohibited by associated injuries), although the
benefits of intravenous heparin are less clear in low-grade nonobstructing luminal irregularities. Hemodynamically significant dissection or inaccessible
pseudoaneurysms are amenable to endovascular therapy.
Penetrating Thoracic Vascular Trauma

The patient with a major penetrating thoracic vascular injury typically presents in shock, with either a massive hemothorax or an expanding hematoma
at the thoracic inlet. The need for urgent operation is usually obvious. Less commonly, the patient may be hemodynamically stable and a nonbleeding
injury (e.g., a pseudoaneurysm, an arteriovenous fistula, or an occluded artery) is

suspected on clinical grounds and then delineated angiographically.

Choice of Incision

Patient positioning and the choice of thoracotomy incision are central considerations in the management of thoracic vascular injuries because an
incorrectly placed incision will often convert a straightforward procedure into a difficult one. In stable patients, the choice of thoracotomy incision is
dictated by angiographic findings. In the actively bleeding, hemodynamically unstable patient, the incision is based on the presumed location of the
vascular injury. As a general rule, an anterolateral thoracotomy on the injured side is the incision of choice for patients with ongoing bleeding into the
pleural cavity. This incision, performed immediately below the nipple in men or below the manually retracted breast in women, does not require special
patient positioning, nor does it limit access to the contralateral hemithorax or to the abdomen. The only exception is a penetrating injury to the right
lower chest (below the nipple) where bleeding will most commonly emanate from an injured liver, so the initial operative approach should be through a
midline laparotomy. An anterolateral thoracotomy can be rapidly extended across the sternum to provide access to the mediastinal great vessels and the
contralateral hemithorax, albeit at the cost of additional morbidity associated with this clam shell incision.
Penetrating injuries to the base of the neck (thoracic outlet) present special access problems. Right-sided injuries to the base of the neck are approached
through a median sternotomy, which provides access to the innominate artery and the proximal right carotid and subclavian arteries. The proximal part
of the left subclavian artery is intrapleural and posterior, so the most expeditious way to obtain proximal control is through a separate left anterolateral
thoracotomy incision through the third intercostal space (above the nipple).
A supraclavicular incision is used to gain access to the more distal parts of both subclavian arteries. The incision entails careful division of two muscle
layers, the sternocleidomastoid and the anterior scalene muscle posterior to it. The phrenic nerve, which crosses the latter muscle, is the key to the
dissection and must be identified and preserved. Exposure of the subclavian vessels can be facilitated by subperiosteal resection of the medial half of the
Management of Specific Injuries

Penetrating injuries to the innominate vessels and proximal carotid arteries present intraoperatively as a mediastinal hematoma. Much like any other
hematoma resulting from a major vascular injury, plunging into it without proximal control is a recipe for disaster. Proximal control can be obtained
from within the pericardium where the anatomy is not obscured by the hematoma. Exposure is enhanced by division of the innominate vein. The bypass
exclusion technique for innominate artery injuries is described in the next section.
In patients who are massively bleeding from pulmonary hilar injuries, the mortality rate is in excess of 70%. In practice, these injuries usually involve
more than one element of the pulmonary hilum. Instead of attempting vascular repair of the pulmonary artery or vein in these exsanguinating patients, a
rapid pneumonectomy using a linear stapler may prove lifesaving.
For injuries of the subclavian arteries the exposure required is almost always more extensive than initially anticipated, and the incision can be extended
laterally to expose the proximal axillary artery. Special care must be taken to avoid injury to the phrenic nerve and brachial plexus. Most subclavian
artery injuries are repaired using a synthetic interposition graft. Subclavian vein injuries are repaired with lateral venorrhaphy or are ligated. Penetrating
injuries to the intrapericardial great vessels and to the vena cava are very rare, and repair requires cardiopulmonary bypass. In practice, these injuries are
almost invariably fatal.
Blunt Thoracic Vascular Trauma
The Aorta

Blunt aortic injury is the great nemesis of blunt trauma, having caused or contributed to 10% to 15% of motor vehicle-related deaths for nearly 30 years.
[26] It is a lethal injury that provides the surgeon with a window of opportunity for effective surgical intervention. This window may be missed because
the injury remains asymptomatic until catastrophic bleeding suddenly occurs. In most cases (54% to 65%), the involved aortic segment is the proximal
descending aorta just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. Less common is involvement of the aortic arch (10% to 14%), the distal thoracic
aorta at the diaphragm (12%), or multiple sites (13% to 18%).
The dominant pathophysiologic event in blunt aortic injury is sudden deceleration with creation of a shear force between a relatively mobile part of the
thoracic aorta and an adjacent fixed segment. The three major points of fixation are the atrial attachments of the pulmonary veins and vena cava, the
ligamentum arteriosum, and the diaphragm. The resulting tear may involve either part of the aortic wall or may be a full-thickness disruption that is
contained by periadventitial and surrounding tissues. Eighty-five percent of patients with a full-thickness blunt thoracic aortic injury die before arrival at
a hospital. Most of the remaining 15% have a contained rupture and are candidates for operative repair. However, 15% of patients with blunt aortic
injury who arrive at a trauma center die before operative intervention. It has been reported that the overall free rupture rate of an untreated contained
rupture is approximately 1% per hour during the first 48 hours after presentation. The majority of these deaths occur within the first few hours, thus
underscoring the urgency of a timely diagnosis and a prompt operative repair.[18] [27] [28]
The classic mechanism of blunt aortic injury is sudden deceleration during a frontal impact motor vehicle collision or a fall from height. However,
recent data show a considerable number of cases secondary to other

mechanisms, such as side-impact collisions, vehicular-pedestrian accidents, and crush and blast injuries. Certainly, the possibility of blunt aortic injury
should be considered in all victims of motor vehicle collision, regardless of the point of impact.
As a general rule, a contained blunt aortic injury is not an explanation for hemodynamic instability. If the patient with a suspected or proven blunt aortic
injury is hemodynamically unstable, the explanation almost always lies in other associated injuries, typically in the abdomen. This source of active
bleeding is an immediate threat to the patients life and should be addressed before the aortic injury. Very rarely, the aortic disruption itself may present
as an ongoing nonexsanguinating hemorrhage causing hemodynamic instability. The window of opportunity to salvage these patients is extremely
narrow, and the surgeon is often forced to operate without an angiographic definition of the injury. The mortality rate in these patients is 90%.
Physical examination of the patient with blunt aortic injury is rarely helpful because the classically described signs such as upper extremity
hypertension, diminished femoral pulses (pseudo-coarctation), and an intrascapular murmur are distinctly uncommon. The most important aspect of
the physical examination is not to miss associated injuries that may either have priority over the aortic injury or may have a major impact on the
operative risk.
Several radiographic findings on a supine chest radiograph should suggest the diagnosis of blunt aortic injury. The most significant ones are a widened
mediastinum (>8 cm), an obscured or indistinct aortic knob, deviation of the left main stem bronchus, an off-midline position of a nasogastric tube, and
obliteration of the aortopulmonary window. The diagnosis of blunt aortic injury remains notoriously elusive. In 5% of patients, the mechanism of injury
is, in fact, the only clue to the diagnosis; and, in others, radiographic signs may be so subtle that even an experienced interpreter will not discern them.
The role of CT in the diagnosis of blunt aortic injury has been the focus of debate. Spiral or helical scans of the chest have a high negative predictive
value and can be used to rule out an aortic injury.[25] [29] [30] [31] [32] However, demonstration of a mediastinal hematoma does not obviate the need for
subsequent aortography to clearly define the site and extent of injury. At least 10 aortic arch anomalies exist that are not demonstrated by CT, and the
surgeon is best advised to know of these anomalies before thoracotomy.
Helical CT angiography is rapidly becoming an imaging modality that rivals aortography as being more expedient and noninvasive. Three-dimensional
reconstructions of the aorta provide accurate anatomic detail that obviates the need for a subsequent aortography. However, these reconstructions are
time consuming and use massive computing resources. As this technology matures, it may replace aortography as the imaging modality of choice.
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a bedside procedure that can rapidly diagnose blunt aortic injury in the emergency center, operating room
(during surgery in another visceral cavity), and intensive care unit. TEE is contraindicated in patients with suspected cervical spine injury, and
diagnostic accuracy is compromised in the presence of atherosclerotic disease and pneumomediastinum. Injuries to the ascending aorta and arch are not
well visualized. All these considerations limit the usefulness of TEE in the diagnosis of blunt aortic injury.
The correct and timely identification of blunt aortic injury hinges on a low threshold for aortography when the mechanism of injury, relevant physical
findings, or an abnormal chest radiograph suggests the diagnosis. Aortography remains the gold standard imaging modality to which all other
modalities are compared. It provides valuable information, not only about precise location and extent of the injury but also about other details that may
affect the operative plan. Two classic pitfalls in interpretation of aortograms are ductus diverticulum and vascular ring remnant.
The management of blunt aortic injury is prompt operative repair of the injured aortic segment. However, in some patients, a purposeful delay or even
nonoperative management may be indicated.[26] [27] [33] Patients with severe head injury or complex multisystem injury and those about to breach their
physiologic envelope are bad candidates for an aortic reconstruction. The estimated risk of free rupture of 1% per hour pales into insignificance when

compared with the risk of aortic surgery under these circumstances. Patients with severe comorbid factors are also poor candidates for aortic
reconstruction. Evidence is now accumulating that in stable patients purposeful delay of surgery combined with pharmacologic control of the blood
pressure (similar to a nontraumatic type B aortic dissection) and careful monitoring of the mediastinal hematoma may be an acceptable course of action.
This purposeful delay allows the surgeon to assess the total injury burden of the patient and select the optimal timing for operative intervention.
Minimal blunt aortic injuries, such as a small intimal flap or a small pseudoaneurysm, may be amenable to nonoperative management. However, the
long-term behavior of these lesions is still not well defined, so careful follow-up by serial imaging is mandatory whenever nonoperative management is
selected for a nonthreatening lesion.
The use of endovascular stent-grafts to treat blunt aortic injury is under intense scrutiny.[6] One major concern has been the close proximity of the classic
aortic tear to the takeoff of the left subclavian artery. As a result, the orifice of the left subclavian artery is covered during deployment of the device.
However, only approximately 1 in 10 patients develops left upper extremity ischemia that requires revascularization. The current worldwide experience
is less than 100 cases, but the concept is certainly valid. With further experience and refinement of the technique, it is rapidly becoming a standard
alternative to operative repair.
The descending thoracic aorta is approached through a left posterolateral thoracotomy in the fourth intercostal space. A midline sternotomy with full
cardiopulmonary bypass is used for repair of the ascending aorta. The standard operative repair of aortic injuries uses clamp and direct reconstruction
and can be achieved by using one of three adjuncts: pharmacologic control of central hypertension, a temporary passive shunt, or pump-assisted
atriofemoral bypass. The latter can be achieved either by

a traditional pump bypass (which requires full heparinization) or by using a centrifugal pump without heparin.
The use of temporary shunts or pump bypass is more complex than direct reconstruction with pharmacologic control. While some reports suggest that
preservation of distal perfusion by using a shunt or partial bypass may improve morbidity and mortality, no clear-cut advantage over the clamp-repair
technique has been demonstrated in a prospective study.[26] [28]
Proximal control of the injury is obtained by encircling the subclavian artery and the aortic arch (between the carotid and left subclavian arteries). The
latter is the most difficult part of the dissection. The pleura between the vagus and phrenic nerves is incised, and using a combination of blunt and sharp
dissection a plane is developed between the pulmonary artery and the inferior aspect of the aortic arch. A large curved vascular clamp can then be
carefully brought around the aorta, making just enough space for an aortic clamp. The distal descending aorta is encircled after opening the mediastinal
pleura, taking care not to injure an intercostal vessel. Clamps are placed on the isolated vessels, and extreme blood pressure fluctuations are avoided by
careful pharmacologic control. After clamping, the hematoma is entered and the extent and configuration of the tear is assessed through a careful
longitudinal aortotomy. Direct primary repair is possible in only 15% of patients, while the rest require an interposition graft.
The reported operative mortality of blunt aortic injury repair is 5% to 25% and is related not only to the procedure itself but also to the presence of
associated injuries and their late sequelae. The most dreaded complication is paraplegia or paraparesis, which occurs in approximately 8% of patients.
The incidence of spinal cord damage is affected neither by choice of operative technique nor by the method chosen to deal with central hypertension and
distal ischemia. There is also no direct proven correlation between aortic cross clamp time and the incidence of spinal cord damage.
The Innominate Artery

The second most common blunt thoracic vascular injury is a tear at the origin of the innominate artery. The artery is either sheared off the aortic arch, as
with blunt aortic injury, or pinched between the sternum and the spine during frontal impact. Blunt innominate artery injury is akin to a side hole in
the thoracic aorta because operative repair requires obtaining control at the aortic arch.
The clinical presentation is similar to that of blunt aortic injury in that most patients are hemodynamically stable and asymptomatic. Radiologic
evidence of mediastinal widening at the aortic outlet and leftward deviation of the trachea suggest the diagnosis, but angiography is the definitive
diagnostic modality.
The operative repair of blunt innominate artery injury is based on the bypass and exclusion principle, thus eliminating the need for cardiopulmonary
bypass, shunts, or the use of heparin.[20] [26] After median sternotomy the ascending aorta is exposed inside the pericardium while deliberately avoiding
the traumatized segment. Using a partially occluding clamp on a segment of normal aorta, a graft is sewn to it in an end-to-side configuration, away
from the injury. The distal innominate artery is exposed and clamped proximal to the bifurcation, and the distal anastomosis is constructed ( Fig. 664 ).
Only then is the injured segment of the aortic arch addressed and repaired.
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Most abdominal vascular injuries result from penetrating trauma and are associated with other abdominal injuries.[3] Vascular injuries are much more
common after abdominal gunshot wounds (25% of patients) as compared with stab wounds (10%). Major abdominal vascular trauma presents clinically
either as free intraperitoneal hemorrhage or as a contained retroperitoneal hematoma.[34] [35] The patient with free hemorrhage usually presents in shock,
whereas the patient with a contained retroperitoneal hematoma may be hemodynamically stable or unstable but responsive to fluids. The latter
presentation is typical of patients with a single venous injury and usually carries a better prognosis.
Occasionally there are clinical hints to the presence of an abdominal vascular injury. Examples are a bullet trajectory across the abdominal midline in a
hypotensive patient or rarely an absent femoral pulse. In most patients, the indication for urgent celiotomy is obvious and the diagnosis is made at
operation. Time should not be wasted on unnecessary diagnostic tests or on futile attempts to stabilize the patient because volume loading before
achieving surgical control of the bleeding vessel may augment bleeding and adversely affect the outcome.
Immediate Concerns

The typical situation encountered at celiotomy is vigorous bleeding or an expanding hematoma at a relatively inaccessible site, combined with other
abdominal visceral injuries. Temporary control of hemorrhage is the obvious first priority. Direct manual or digital pressure achieves initial control of
ongoing hemorrhage, whereas formal proximal and distal control is obtained later. Once bleeding has been temporarily controlled, the surgeon should
stop and organize the operative attack on the injury. The natural urge to immediately proceed with definitive repair is the worst possible mistake at this
point. Instead, the time interval should be used to transfuse and resuscitate the patient, to obtain additional instruments and an autotransfusion device, to
optimize exposure, and to organize the operating room team. Only then should the definitive repair begin.
Once the total injury burden of the patient is determined, the surgeon must choose between the traditional operative profile of definitive repair and a
damage control profile. The latter consists of a rapid initial operation wherein only temporary bail out measures to control hemorrhage and spillage
are employed. The patient is then transferred to the surgical intensive care unit for rewarming and stabilization, with definitive repair performed at a
planned reoperation after 24 to 48 hours.

Figure 66-4 The bypass and exclusion technique for repair of innominate artery injuries. (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

The damage control approach temporarily sacrifices anatomic integrity so as to avoid the irreversible physiologic insult that presents as the
hypothermiacoagulopathy-acidosis syndrome. This operative strategy is particularly suitable for the patient with major abdominal vascular injury in
conjunction with hollow or solid abdominal visceral trauma, in whom formal repair of all injuries will not be tolerated by the patients fragile
physiology. In these circumstances, the surgeon may decide to address the vascular injury using only simple repair techniques such as ligation or
temporary shunt placement. Another option is to perform a definitive repair of the vascular injury and use bail out techniques for the hollow visceral
Aortic Clamping

Aortic cross-clamping is both an adjunct to resuscitation and a means of obtaining global proximal control to reduce torrential hemorrhage in the
abdomen. The supraceliac aorta is most expediently clamped at the diaphragmatic hiatus. Rapid blunt creation of an opening in the lesser omentum
allows the surgeon to approach the left diaphragmatic crus and open it longitudinally in the direction of its fibers. This is done by finger dissection, and
the purpose is to create just enough space on both sides of the aorta to accommodate an aortic clamp. This transcrural route avoids the dense periaortic
tissue of the suprarenal abdominal aorta. Alternatively, the aorta can be clamped in the lower chest (through a left anterolateral thoracotomy). Clamping
the aorta through the lesser sac is typically performed blindly in a pool of blood. It is therefore often much safer to compress the aorta manually at the
hiatus than to risk iatrogenic damage to the celiac axis, esophagus, or even the aorta itself by a blindly and incorrectly placed clamp.
Aortic clamping has profound physiologic consequences. Although the maneuver elevates the patients


blood pressure, it also causes sudden afterload augmentation and visceral and peripheral ischemia, all of which may be detrimental to the patients
borderline physiology. Thus, aortic clamping, while at times a life-saving maneuver in a rapidly deteriorating patient, should be used judiciously and
performed carefully.
Maneuvers for Retroperitoneal Exposure

The major abdominal vessels are retroperitoneal structures that lie posterior to the content of the peritoneal sac and close to the midline. Rapid exposure
of these relatively inaccessible structures hinges on two mobilization maneuvers that rotate the abdominal visceral content off the midline
retroperitoneal structures.
Left-sided medial visceral rotation (Mattox maneuver) exposes the entire length of the abdominal aorta and its branches (except the right renal artery).[12]
The correct plane is entered by incising the lateral peritoneal attachment of the sigmoid and left colon, and the hand is swept upward lateral to the left
colon, kidney, and spleen ( Fig. 665 ). The presence of a retroperitoneal hematoma greatly facilitates the dissection. The plane of dissection is
developed bluntly in front of the left common iliac vessels and behind the kidney, with the back of the dissecting hand sliding on the posterior
abdominal wall muscles. The left-sided viscera (left colon, kidney, spleen, and pancreas) are brought to the midline, and the entire length of the
abdominal aorta is thus exposed.
Right-sided medial visceral rotation (extended Kocher maneuver) consists of medial reflection of the right colon and duodenum by incising their

Figure 66-5 Left-sided medial visceral rotation (Mattox maneuver). (Illustration by Jan Redden after Jim Schmidt. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

peritoneal attachments ( Fig. 666 ). This exposure can be extended farther medially by detaching the posterior attachments of the small bowel
mesentery toward the duodenojejunal ligament (Cattell-Braasch maneuver) ( Fig. 667 ). The small bowel and the colon can be reflected onto the lower
chest, providing the widest possible exposure of the retroperitoneum, including the aorta, inferior vena cava, and iliac and renal vessels.
Approach to Retroperitoneal Hematoma

The location of a retroperitoneal hematoma and mechanism of injury guide the decision to explore the hematoma. The retroperitoneum is divided into
three anatomic zones: the midline retroperitoneum (zone 1), ( Fig. 668 ), the perinephric space (zone 2), and the pelvic retroperitoneum (zone 3).
Any hematoma in zone 1 mandates exploration for both penetrating and blunt injury because of the high likelihood and unforgiving nature of major
vascular injury in this area. The transverse mesocolon is the dividing line between the supramesocolic and inframesocolic compartments. A central
supramesocolic hematoma presents behind the lesser omentum, pushing the stomach forward, whereas an inframesocolic hematoma pushes the root of
the small bowel mesentery and presents as a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm.[2] [36]
This distinction has critical implications on proximal control and exposure. A supramesocolic hematoma is the result of injury to the suprarenal aorta,
celiac axis, proximal superior mesenteric artery, or the proximal part of a renal artery. Proximal control is obtained by clamping or

Figure 66-6 Right-sided medial visceral rotation (extended Kocher maneuver). (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

Figure 66-7 Extensive retroperitoneal exposure by the Cattell-Braasch maneuver. (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

compressing the aorta at the diaphragmatic hiatus, and exposure of the injured vessels is provided by left-sided medial visceral rotation. A central
inframesocolic hematoma is the result of injury to the infrarenal aorta or inferior vena cava. Proximal control is achieved at the supraceliac aorta, and
exposure is provided by opening the midline posterior peritoneum, in much the same way as for an infrarenal aortic aneurysm.
A hematoma in zone 2 is the result of injury to the renal vessels and/or parenchyma and mandates exploration for penetrating trauma. A nonexpanding
stable hematoma resulting from a blunt trauma is better left unexplored because opening Gerotas fascia may result in further damage to the traumatized
renal parenchyma and subsequent loss of the kidney. In the critically injured patient with a stable hematoma from a penetrating injury, it may

Figure 66-8 Retroperitoneal hematoma, zone 1. (Illustration by Jan Redden after Jim Schmidt. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

be advisable not to explore the injured kidney because the patient may not have the physiologic reserves to tolerate an elaborate and time-consuming
Traditional teaching advocates proximal control of a perinephric hematoma by midline looping of the ipsilateral artery and vein at the midline.
However, this dissection is time consuming and often unnecessary. In the presence of active hemorrhage, the injured kidney can be rapidly mobilized by
incising the posterior peritoneum and Gerotas fascia lateral to it, rotating the injured kidney medially and up and then clamping the entire renal hilum.
A pelvic retroperitoneal hematoma (zone 3) secondary to penetrating trauma mandates exploration because of the likelihood of iliac vessel injury.
However, zone 3 hematomas resulting from blunt trauma are usually associated with a pelvic fracture and should not be explored because the effective
management of this type of bleeding is based not on operative control (which rarely proves effective) but on external fixation and/or angiographic
embolization of the bleeding vessels. The only exception is a rapidly expanding hematoma where the surgeon suspects a major iliac vascular injury that
requires operative repair.
Specific Abdominal Vascular Injuries

A high-grade penetrating injury to the abdominal aorta with near-transection is rarely seen in the operating room because it usually results in immediate
exsanguination and death. The mortality rates for abdominal aortic injuries range between 50% and 90%, with injuries to the perirenal aortic segment
being the most lethal (>80% mortality), followed by suprarenal (50% to 70%) and infrarenal injuries (50% to 60%).[26] Clean lacerations of the aorta can
sometimes be primarily repaired by transverse approximation of the lumen, but more often extensive destruction of the aortic wall mandates prosthetic
graft interposition. Despite theoretical concerns that spillage of intestinal content may cause synthetic graft infection, a synthetic graft is the only
practical option, and graft infections after placement for penetrating trauma to the aorta have not been reported.
Blunt trauma to the abdominal aorta is very rare, usually the result of motor vehicle collision with impingement of the steering wheel or a seatbelt. The
most common location is the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery, and clinical presentation is that of acute aortic thrombosis

secondary to intimal disruption. The diagnosis is made at angiography, and operative repair usually requires a synthetic interposition graft.
Penetrating injuries to the iliac vessels carry high mortality rates (25% to 40%), because exposure and control can be difficult and associated injuries to
adjacent abdominal organs are the rule rather than the exception.[37] [38] [39] [40] Initial proximal control is obtained on the inframesocolic aorta and vena
cava, and distal control is achieved on the external iliac vessels at the inguinal ligament by towing in with a large retractor over the inferior edge of
the abdominal incision, thus compressing the iliac vessels against the edge of the bony pelvis. Reflection of the colon from its lateral peritoneal
attachment on the relevant side unroofs the pelvic hematoma, and control can then be optimized by sequentially advancing the clamps closer to the
injury as dissection proceeds. The damage control approach reduces mortality from iliac vessel injuries because the vessels are amenable to bail out
solutions such as temporary shunt insertion, balloon tamponade of a venous injury, or arterial ligation with a delayed extra-anatomical reconstruction.
Occasionally, the only way to gain access to an injured iliac vein is to divide the overlying common iliac artery and then reconstruct it after the venous
repair has been completed.
The use of a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft for iliac artery reconstruction in the presence of peritoneal contamination is a cause for concern.[41] In
the presence of limited spillage of small bowel content, use of a PTFE graft (after the bowel injury has been repaired and the field irrigated) is an
acceptable option. However, with gross fecal contamination, ligation of the injured iliac artery and a subsequent femorofemoral bypass is a safe course
of action.
A low threshold for fasciotomy should be maintained after iliac vessel injuries because leg edema is common (particularly with iliac vein ligation) and
ischemia from iliac artery trauma can be prolonged. The hypotensive critically injured patient is particularly susceptible to the devastating effects of
elevated compartment pressures.
Injuries to the superior mesenteric vessels present as either exsanguinating hemorrhage from the root of the mesentery, a supra-mesocolic central
retroperitoneal hematoma, or ischemic bowel. The origin of the superior mesenteric artery is exposed by left-sided medial visceral rotation, whereas the
infrapancreatic part of the vessel is accessed by pulling the small bowel down and to the left and incising the peritoneum of the root of the mesentery.
Another option for exposure of the infrapancreatic part is the Cattell-Braasch maneuver. The anatomic location of the mesenteric vessels in close
proximity to the pancreatoduodenal complex, inferior vena cava, and the right renal pedicle means that severe associated injuries are the rule with
mesenteric vascular trauma, opportunities for complex reconstructions are rare, and mortality is very high. The successful use of a temporary shunt in
the superior mesenteric artery as a damage control technique has been reported. If graft interposition is required to reconstruct the superior mesenteric
artery, a takeoff from the distal aorta above the bifurcation keeps the suture line away from an injured pancreas. A second-look exploratory laparotomy

is mandatory to assess the viability of the bowel. The injured superior mesenteric vein should be repaired by lateral venorrhaphy when possible. Often
the only technical option is ligation, which requires aggressive postoperative fluid resuscitation to compensate for ensuing massive splanchnic
sequestration and may lead to venous gangrene of the bowel. A second-look laparotomy is mandatory.
Penetrating injuries to the renal arteries usually result in nephrectomy, because associated injuries make complex vascular reconstruction of the renal
artery an unattractive option. Blunt renovascular deceleration trauma is usually asymptomatic and is discovered when a kidney does not opacify on
excretory urography or CT. Arteriography is required for diagnosis and may document a spectrum of injuries ranging from intimal tear to complete
renal artery thrombosis. Because blunt renovascular trauma is characteristically associated with more life-threatening injuries, a significant diagnostic
delay is common, and attempted renal salvage by major vascular reconstruction is usually not an option. For possible suitable operative candidates, the
time limit that precludes a successful revascularization remains controversial. If 4 to 6 hours have elapsed since the injury and the renal artery is
occluded, repair should not be undertaken.
Injuries to the inferior vena cava (IVC) remain highly lethal, with mortality rates consistently in excess of 50%, particularly for the least accessible
segments of the vein (iliac bifurcation, suprarenal and retrohepatic IVC).[2] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] The IVC is exposed by a right-sided medial visceral rotation
( Fig. 669 ), and initial control is achieved by direct pressure above and below the injury ( Fig. 6610 ). The technical options for the infrarenal IVC
are lateral repair or ligation. A posterior laceration can be repaired from inside the vein through an anterior venotomy.
Retrohepatic IVC injuries are especially unforgiving, presenting the surgeon with some of the most challenging abdominal vascular injuries.[48] Typical
operative findings

Figure 66-9 Right-sided medial rotation of the viscera to expose the inferior vena cava. ( Baylor College of Medicine, 1981.)


Figure 66-10 Compressing the inferior vena cave above and below the injury.

are massive venous bleeding either through a deep hepatic wound or from the posterior aspect of a severely injured liver. The bleeding is unaffected by
a Pringle maneuver. Usually by the time the injury is identified, the patient has already sustained massive blood loss and is in profound shock. Direct
repair options for the retrohepatic IVC are complex and have dismal results. The most widely known technique is the atriocaval shunt first described by
Schrock in 1968.[42] [47] The atriocaval shunt uses either a chest tube or an endotracheal tube inserted through the right atrium to exclude the injured
segment without compromising cardiac preload ( Fig. 6611 ). This technically demanding procedure requires familiarity with cardiac cannulation and
is usually performed by two teams working simultaneously in the chest and abdomen. It is therefore not surprising that this elaborate technical
maneuver, usually employed in dire circumstances, carries a reported mortality in excess of 80%. There is no optimal solution for the technical
challenge of retrohepatic IVC trauma. Several authors have reported successful packing of these injuries, and this simple solution, if performed early
and effectively, may prove the most practical approach to injuries in this low-pressure system.
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General Principles
Initial Assessment

Initial assessment and care of the patient with peripheral vascular trauma focuses on control of external hemorrhage and the diagnosis of limb ischemia.
In an ischemic

Figure 66-11 The atriocaval shunt. ( Baylor College of Medicine, 1984.)

extremity, the severity of ischemia and the arterial segment involved are the key considerations. It is extremely important to document the neurologic
status of the injured extremity and to assess it for compartment syndrome. In the hemodynamically unstable trauma patient, a diminished arterial pulse
or cold and pale extremity is difficult to assess, and diagnosis of ischemia depends on a comparison to the contralateral extremity.[25]
Although it is stated that restoration of arterial perfusion in less than 6 hours improves limb salvage rates, the window of opportunity for salvage is not a
rigid interval. Instead, it is a flexible time frame that is heavily influenced by the site and nature of injury, the presence of efficient collaterals, and the
patients age and hemodynamic status. Of all the symptoms and signs of acute limb ischemia, a sensorimotor deficit conveys the greatest urgency
because it signifies an imminent threat of irreversible ischemic insult.
Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis

The hand-held Doppler flow detector provides limited but useful qualitative information, especially in the hemodynamically unstable, cold, and
vasoconstricted patient in whom diagnosis of limb ischemia is often difficult. The hand-held Doppler is a reliable screening tool for significant arterial
obstruction after both blunt and penetrating trauma, and arteriography is indicated for any significant difference (>10 mm Hg) in ankle pressures
between extremities. The hand-held Doppler is also useful in assessing

severity of ischemia by determining the presence of an arterial and venous Doppler signal. Absence of the latter signifies grave ischemia.
Duplex scanning has an overall accuracy rate of around 98% in detecting clinically significant injuries. It can also detect minimal arterial injuries such
as intimal flaps and small pseudoaneurysms. However, the routine use of Duplex ultrasonography in the acute admission area of many trauma centers is
limited by logistical constraints such as cost and the availability of trained personnel. It remains a very valuable tool for follow-up in patients with
suspected or minimal vascular injuries, postoperative patients, and those with late complications of vascular trauma such as pseudoaneurysm and
arteriovenous fistula.
Role of Arteriography

Arteriography is the definitive modality for diagnosing extremity arterial injuries in hemodynamically stable patients. It is indicated when the
information gained can alter or facilitate the operative approach. In patients with multiple penetrations in an ischemic extremity and in those with blunt
trauma (especially if several fractures are present) preoperative arteriography eliminates the need for extensive exposure and tedious dissection by
precisely pinpointing the site of injury. In the actively bleeding patient, immediate surgical exploration without angiography is the correct course of
The use of arteriography to rule out arterial trauma in asymptomatic patients with penetrating wounds in proximity to the neurovascular bundle has
changed in the past decade. While previously considered a standard practice, current evidence shows that physical examination is very accurate in
detecting arterial injuries that require operative repair, and arteriography for proximity is therefore no longer indicated. If exclusion arteriography is
routinely performed for proximity injuries, approximately 10% of patients will have an angiographic abnormality, but these lesions are minimal
injuries that do not require operative repair and have a benign natural history. Based on these considerations, there is now enough evidence to avoid
routine arteriography in asymptomatic patients with proximity injuries.
The Mangled Extremity

The decision to immediately amputate a severely wounded extremity rather than attempt to salvage it is difficult and emotionally charged, especially
because vascular reconstruction is usually technically feasible, being one of the less problematic aspects of the injury. The mangled extremity is defined
as injury to an extremity that involves at least three of the four major tissue systems of a limb, consisting of bone, soft tissue, vessels, and nerves.
Several scoring systems have been proposed that attempt to predict the ultimate fate of the limb based on the severity of injury and the patients
associated injuries and premorbid factors. However, in practice the decision to proceed with amputation hinges on surgical judgment and the patients

individual circumstances. It is a team decision and should be made only after careful examination and consideration. The decision is usually made in the
operating room, where the mangled extremity can be meticulously examined under optimal conditions. This is the only reliable way to assess the full
extent of the damage, especially to nerve continuity, a critical factor in the decision process. While the vascular injury is usually a less critical
component than the neural or soft tissue damage, the total ischemia time is a major consideration in the decision to amputate. As a general rule, a totally
interrupted distal innervation, extensive soft tissue destruction, and bone loss exceeding 6 cm in length all portend a grave prognosis for the limb.
Operative Technique

While control of active hemorrhage is always a top priority, reconstruction of injured vessels must be carefully orchestrated in the management of bone
and soft tissue injuries. As a general rule, it is preferable to achieve bone alignment before vascular reconstruction because orthopedic manipulation and
reconstruction takes time and may disrupt the vascular repair. Thus, if the limb is not grossly ischemic, reduction and fixation of fractures is performed
first. If the limb is ischemic, a temporary intraluminal shunt can be inserted to maintain perfusion while the orthopedic procedure is performed.
As in any type of vascular trauma, the first priority with peripheral vascular injuries is to obtain proximal and distal control. This is achieved outside the
hematoma or area of active bleeding. The underlying technical principle in access to the extremity vessels is to use extensile exposures that can be
carried proximally and distally as necessary.
The next step is dissection to define the full extent of the injury and plan necessary reconstruction. In a contused vessel that remains in continuity, the
key factor is integrity of the intima. An overlooked segment of injured intima can easily frustrate an otherwise meticulous arterial repair. The injury
should be carefully dbrided and a reconstruction technique chosen.
Because of the relatively small diameter of the peripheral arteries, lateral repair is feasible only in a minority of patients: those with iatrogenic
lacerations or a simple stab wound. Most injuries require end-to-end anastomosis or an interposition graft. The completely transected artery of a young
patient typically retracts a surprising distance, making interposition graft the only practical option.
Before the actual repair is performed, a Fogarty catheter thrombectomy should be performed on both ends of the injured vessel to remove intraluminal
thrombus and ascertain the presence of good inflow and backflow. The vessel ends are then irrigated with heparinized saline. Full systemic
anticoagulation is not used in the repair of vascular trauma because it is unnecessary and often contraindicated in the patient with multiple injuries. If
there is any uncertainty about the integrity or adequacy of the outflow tract, an intraoperative angiogram is performed before the reconstruction.
The small diameter of arteries in the arm and below the knee prohibits the use of synthetic material, making a segment of greater saphenous vein the
ideal conduit in these locations. PTFE is the preferred conduit in the

thoracic outlet and above the groin. There is some controversy surrounding graft interposition of the femoral artery.[41] The traditional view that
autogenous vein grafts have a better outcome in contaminated traumatic wounds is not supported by clinical or experimental data. Considerable
evidence has accumulated to support the use of PTFE grafts in a contaminated operative field because the material is resistant to dissolution by bacterial
collagenase and fares better than a vein graft if soft tissue cover is lost. Use of a synthetic graft also expedites the operative procedure, an important
additional consideration in severely injured patients.
Graft protection by adequate soft tissue cover is a fundamental principle in vascular surgery that is especially relevant in trauma. The graft must be
routed through a noncontaminated field and must also be adequately covered with viable soft tissue. An exposed graft, even if patent, represents a
serious threat, not only to the viability of the limb but also to the patients life. Therefore, considerations of graft protection may dictate the use of a
longer extra-anatomical route rather than a shorter but contaminated route and may also affect the operative sequence.
Vein Injuries

The need to repair an injured peripheral vein and the long-term results of vein ligation in trauma patients remain the focus of active debate. The
available evidence supports the repair of venous injuries encountered during exploration for an associated arterial trauma, but only if the patient is
hemodynamically stable and the repair will not jeopardize or delay management of other significant injuries. Long-term patency rates of complex
venous repairs (including interposition grafts using either saphenous vein or synthetic material) are poor, whereas best results are achieved by simple
lateral repair that does not narrow the lumen or by end-to-end anastomosis. Contrary to previously held views, peripheral veins (including the popliteal
vein) can be ligated without compromising adjacent arterial repairs or affecting limb salvage rates. The risk of long-term leg edema or chronic venous
insufficiency is also very low.

Multiple factors contribute to the rapid development of elevated compartment pressures in the patient with peripheral vascular injury: direct muscular
trauma, hypotension, reperfusion of the ischemic extremity, and ligation of injured veins.[49] [50] Compartment syndrome is common in these patients but
is also notoriously difficult to diagnose early. Generalized edema, swelling of the injured extremity, and lack of communication with the patient all
combine to deprive the surgeon of vital early clues. Arbitrary definitions of ischemic times are poor guidelines to the need for fasciotomy. Pressure
measurement using a hand-held transducer is problematic in the hemodynamically labile patient, where the critical compartment pressure that
compromises capillary perfusion may be significantly lower than in the stable patient. Therefore, the safest course of action is to maintain a low
threshold for fasciotomy and decide based on individual clinical circumstances and operative findings.
A combined arterial and venous trauma, a long delay between injury and revascularization, and extensive bone and soft tissue destruction are examples
of clinical circumstances where early fasciotomy is in the patients best interest. In lower extremity fasciotomy, the four compartments of the leg should
all be decompressed and is most commonly achieved through two longitudinal incisions ( Fig. 6612 ). The anterior and lateral compartments are
approached through a longitudinal incision lateral to the tibial crest, whereas the superficial and deep posterior compartments are decompressed through
a medial incision slightly posterior to the edge of the tibia.
Iatrogenic Trauma

The various types of iatrogenic trauma to the femoral vessels in the groin can serve as a model of similar iatrogenic injuries in other anatomic locations.
Bleeding from a groin puncture wound is often the result of inadequate groin compression after catheter removal. Ongoing hemorrhage into the
subcutaneous tissue presents as an expanding hematoma, where the major concern is not so much massive blood loss as pressure necrosis of the skin
overlying the expanding hematoma and compression of the branches of the cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve with a resulting painful neuralgia.
The management is by operative exploration and repair of the injured femoral artery through a longitudinal groin incision. Proximal control can usually
be obtained at or immediately above the inguinal ligament, and a simple hemostatic suture is all that is required.

An inadvertently high cannulation of the external iliac artery is difficult to compress effectively and may result in a retroperitoneal hematoma. The
patient typically presents with flank or groin pain and clinical signs of ongoing blood loss without a groin hematoma. Abdominal CT reveals the
hematoma, and bleeding is usually self-limited. Rarely, hemodynamic deterioration leads to urgent operative repair of the injured external iliac artery.
Despite effective compression, a pseudoaneurysm may still develop at the puncture site. The presentation is usually with groin pain and hematoma that
may appear hours and even days after the arterial cannulation. With a large pseudoaneurysm, a pulsatile hematoma may be noted. Diagnosis of a
pseudoaneurysm is made by color-flow Doppler ultrasound, and the initial treatment is by ultrasound-guided manual compression. Groin compression is
applied directly over the ultrasound-defined arterial laceration with the aim of inducing thrombosis of the pseudoaneurysm. The reported success rate of
ultrasound-guided compression is 80% to 90% for small acute pseudoaneurysms but significantly lower for large pseudoaneurysms and in
anticoagulated patients. Thus, 20% to 30% of patients with iatrogenic femoral pseudoaneurysms still require operative repair.
Iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula is typically the result of a low groin puncture that perforates the superficial or deep femoral artery and an adjacent vein.
The resulting

Figure 66-12 Fasciotomy.

arteriovenous fistula is often asymptomatic and is incidentally discovered during color Doppler evaluation of a groin hematoma. A larger fistula may be
associated with a continuous murmur and a palpable thrill. Small incidentally discovered fistulas usually have a benign natural history. They either close
spontaneously or remain asymptomatic and do not require treatment. A large or symptomatic fistula may require surgical repair.
Arterial thrombosis is another frequently encountered type of iatrogenic injury. It is more common with large-bore cannulations in patients with
atherosclerosis of the femoral artery. The underlying mechanism is an intimal flap or fracture of a small segment of the arterial wall that leads to
thrombosis. Understanding this pathophysiologic mechanism is the key to an effective repair because simple thrombectomy will not suffice. The
underlying intimal injury must be identified and repaired, sometimes by means of a patch angioplasty of the common femoral artery.
Management of Specific Injuries

Most injuries to the common or superficial femoral arteries are penetrating. Proximal control for a high thigh or groin wound is usually obtained
through a longitudinal groin incision using the inguinal ligament as a guide to dissection. The inguinal ligament limits the upward spread of a groin
hematoma and, by carrying the dissection through the inguinal ligament and into the preperitoneal fat behind and above it, the surgeon can rapidly
identify and control the distal external iliac artery before addressing the hematoma itself. Alternatively, the external iliac artery can be exposed through
a separate oblique incision above and parallel to the inguinal ligament, using a retroperitoneal approach. Dissection can then proceed inside the femoral
triangle to expose the injured vessels. The deep femoral artery should be identified and preserved during reconstruction of an injured common femoral
The superficial femoral artery in Hunters canal is exposed through a medial thigh incision. The sartorius muscle is mobilized and retracted, exposing
the roof of Hunters canal. Special care must be taken to preserve the saphenous nerve lying on the anterior aspect of the artery.
Popliteal artery injuries result in limb loss more often than any other peripheral vascular injury. Amputation rates as high as 20% have been reported,
especially from blunt trauma. The collateral arterial system around the knee is not well developed and is very susceptible to interruption by significant
trauma, making delays in diagnosis and treatment of popliteal injuries particularly unforgiving. Posterior dislocation of the knee is associated with
popliteal artery injury in one of every three patients, but other types of blunt trauma around the knee, such as a bumper injury to the proximal tibia or
any injury that causes an unstable knee joint, are also likely to damage the artery. The majority of patients present with a clearly ischemic extremity, for
which the indication for an urgent surgical exploration is obvious. In the absence of associated injuries, some surgeons administer intravenous heparin
preoperatively to prevent thrombosis of the distal capillary bed, a major concern with popliteal injuries. A full fasciotomy is performed before the
vascular exploration in a grossly ischemic leg. In approximately 30% of

patients, the clinical presentation is less clear because the limb is not grossly ischemic. The key to avoiding undue delays is a high index of suspicion
and a low threshold for angiography whenever significant blunt trauma has affected the area around the knee.
The proximal popliteal artery is exposed through an incision along the anterior border of the sartorius muscle above the knee. The deep fascia is incised

and the sartorius is retracted, providing access to the popliteal space between the semimembranosus muscle and the adductor magnus tendon. The distal
artery is approached through a medial incision immediately behind the posterior border of the tibia. The crural fascia is incised, and the popliteal space
is entered between the medial head of the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. Wide exposure of the entire length of the popliteal artery is often
required and is achieved by joining the incisions and dividing the tendons of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, gracilis, and sartorius and then
dividing the medial head of the gastrocnemius. In the majority of patients, the artery is repaired using a saphenous vein interposition graft from the
contralateral extremity. On completion of reconstruction, an intraoperative angiogram is obtained. An associated vein injury is repaired if the clinical
circumstances allow, but venous reconstruction does not affect the eventual outcome of the arterial repair. A fasciotomy

Figure 66-13 Exposure of tibial vessels. (Illustration by Jan Redden. Kenneth L. Mattox, M.D.)

is frequently performed after the reconstruction, especially when concomitant arterial and venous injury is present.
Penetrating injuries to the lower leg arteries below the popliteal trifurcation usually present with bleeding and progressive swelling of the calf. If one of
the three shank arteries is involved, hemostasis can be achieved either by angiographic embolization or operative ligation. Patients with severe blunt
trauma to the lower leg usually present with a combination of extensive bone and soft tissue damage as well as diminished or absent pedal pulses.
Physical examination is unreliable under these circumstances, and angiography is used to diagnose or exclude an arterial injury. The traditional teaching
that it is advisable to maintain patency of at least two shank arteries after blunt trauma is unproven. Exploration and repair of the lower leg arteries can
be technically difficult in the hostile circumstances created by adjacent bone and soft tissue injuries and can safely be avoided in the presence of a single
patent artery. There is, however, evidence to suggest that if the only remaining intact vessel is the peroneal artery, this may not suffice to prevent
ischemia of the foot.
Exposure of the lower leg arteries is best begun proximally, away from the area of injury ( Fig. 6613 ). The distal popliteal artery is exposed below the
knee through a

medial approach, and dissection is continued distally by detaching the soleus muscle from the posterior border of the tibia, thus providing access to the
posterior tibial and peroneal arteries. The anterior tibial artery is approached through a separate anterolateral incision between the tibialis anterior and
the extensor hallucis longus muscles.
The great majority of axillary artery injuries are penetrating, resulting in hemorrhage or distal ischemia. In most published series, injuries to the
subclavian and axillary vessels are treated as a single clinical entity. Extending a subclavian incision into the medial aspect of the abducted upper arm
exposes the axillary artery. The incision is carried through the pectoral fascia, and the pectoralis major muscle can be either split or divided (near its
insertion into the humerus) depending on the exposure required. The pectoralis minor muscle is either retracted or divided, and the clavipectoral fascia
is opened, exposing the neurovascular bundle in the axillary sheath.
Injuries to the brachial artery account for 20% to 30% of peripheral arterial injuries, making this vessel the most frequently injured artery in the body.
The artery is exposed through a medial arm incision in the groove between the biceps and triceps muscles. The first structure encountered in the
neurovascular bundle is the median nerve, which must be isolated and preserved. If the brachial artery is exposed in the proximal arm, the deep brachial
artery should be identified and controlled at the lateral border of the teres major muscle.
Most isolated ulnar or radial artery injuries can be ligated with impunity. An ischemic hand (due to an incomplete palmar arch or injury to both
arteries) requires an arterial reconstruction. In the presence of associated bone and soft tissue injury, it is often safest to begin the exposure of a radial
artery proximally at the brachial bifurcation and then proceed distally to the injured segment. A lower medial arm incision is carried into the antecubital
fossa in an S-shaped configuration so as to avoid a longitudinal incision across the antecubital skin crease. The bicipital aponeurosis is divided to expose
the brachial bifurcation, and the radial artery is identified and isolated. Exposure of the ulnar artery in the proximal forearm is more difficult because of
the deeper location of the artery at this level. It is found deep to the antebrachial fascia, between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum
superficialis muscles.
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This chapter highlights several important differences between vascular trauma and other types of vascular disease. One salient feature of vascular
trauma is the constant need to consider the injury and the various therapeutic options within the context of the patients overall trauma burden.
Purposeful delay in the operative repair of blunt aortic injury and the decision to employ damage control tactics during laparotomy for combined
vascular and hollow visceral injury are but two examples of this key principle.
In the severely injured patient, management priorities change constantly and the surgeon must not only tailor the technical solution to the specific
clinical circumstances but also be prepared to modify it or improvise a new solution as the circumstances change. The sequencing of the orthopedic and
vascular repairs in the severely wounded extremity illustrates this need for flexibility.
The successful management of major vascular trauma hinges on the adaptation of standard vascular surgical techniques to nonstandard situations. The
use of temporary intraluminal shunts and balloon catheter tamponade demonstrates how standard technical adjuncts have been adapted to new
Endovascular therapy offers a new array of solutions for vascular trauma, and its minimally invasive nature is particularly suited to the critically injured
patient with strained physiologic reserves. Endovascular solutions will play an increasing part in the management of truncal vascular injuries in
nonbleeding patients.
Current advances in understanding the pathophysiology of trauma and innovative technology for vascular diagnosis and therapy are rapidly converging
to provide the trauma surgeon of the future with an exciting selection of new tools. These tools will be used to further push the therapeutic envelope and
continuously improve outcome in the management of the patient with major vascular injury.
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Selected References
Aucar JA, Hirshberg A: Damage control for vascular injuries. Surg Clin North Am 77:853862, 1997.
A summary of the damage control strategy in trauma and its application to the operative management of vascular injuries.
Bickell WH, Wall MJ Jr, Pepe PE, et al: Immediate versus delayed fluid resuscitation for hypotensive patients with penetrating torso injuries. N Engl J Med 331:11051109, 1994.
The only prospective randomized study in the literature that examined delayed fluid resuscitation in penetrating torso trauma and showed that delayed fluid resuscitation
favorably affects outcome.
Biffl WL, Moore EE, Elliott JP, et al: Blunt cerebrovascular injuries. Curr Probl Surg 36:505599, 1999.
A detailed summary of the current state of knowledge on blunt cerebrovascular trauma.
Burch JM, Richardson RJ, Martin RR, et al: Penetrating iliac vascular injuries: Recent experience with 233 consecutive patients. J Trauma 30:14501459, 1990.
The largest series in the literature, with a detailed discussion of the various technical options for control and repair of these devastating injuries.
Fabian TC, Richardson JD, Croce MA, et al: Prospective study of blunt aortic injury: Multicenter Trial of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma 42:374383,
This study showed that aortic clamp times under 30 minutes and that bypass techniques that provide for distal aortic perfusion are associated with a lower risk of

Mattox KL, Feliciano DV, Burch J, et al: Five thousand seven hundred sixty cardiovascular injuries in 4459 patients: Epidemiologic evolution 1958 to 1987. Ann Surg 209:698707,
The largest epidemiologic study in the literature on civilian vascular injuries.
Parker MS, Matheson TL, Rao AV, et al: Making the transition: The role of helical CT in the evaluation of potentially acute thoracic aortic injuries. AJR Am J Roentgenol 176:1267
1272, 2001.
Helical CT has a sensitivity and negative predictive value comparable to aortography.
Valentine RJ, Wind GG: Anatomic Exposures in Vascular Surgery. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
A modern text on exposure and access techniques in vascular surgery.

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Chapter 67 - Venous Disease

Niren Angle M.D.
Julie A. Freischlag M.D.

Disorders of the vascular system can broadly be classified, in anatomic terms, into arterial, venous, or lymphatic diseases. Although there is
undoubtedly overlap of these etiologies in some patients, for the most part, a clear understanding of the symptoms, signs, clinical presentation, as well
as the history, can usually classify the problem discretely into one of those categories.
The focus of this chapter is on disorders of the venous system, which affect, according to some estimates, 40% of the U.S. population. The significance
of venous disease, in terms of scope, cost, and implications, is not appreciated by most physicians since it is scarcely life or limb threatening, except for
the notable exception of pulmonary embolism. Disorders of the venous system can be divided into thrombotic or thromboembolic disease and venous
insufficiency. Thrombotic disease of the veins can and does frequently lead to venous insufficiency, the consequences of which are quite disabling.
Another factor in truly assessing the prevalence of venous disease, in particular venous insufficiency, is that the range of venous insufficiency can span
a vast array of manifestations, from mildly symptomatic varicose veins to severe chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) with ulceration. For accurate
prevalence data, the essential requirement is that a uniform classification scheme be used, and, more important, the success of various therapeutic
options can be properly gauged only if the clinician is knowledgeable about accurately classifying the disease, almost analogous to staging systems in
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

A clear understanding of the anatomy of the venous system in the legs is essential to understanding pathophysiology as well as treatment. Venous
drainage of the legs is the function of two parallel and connected systems: the deep and the superficial systems. The nomenclature of the venous system
of the lower limb has undergone a revision, and the most relevant changes are addressed here.[1] The revised nomenclature is shown in Boxes 671 and
672 and is used in this chapter.
Superficial Venous System

The superficial veins of the sole form a network that connects to the superficial dorsal veins of the foot and the deep plantar veins. The dorsal venous
arch, into which empty the dorsal metatarsal veins, is continuous with the greater saphenous vein medially and the lesser saphenous vein laterally ( Fig.
671 ).
The greater saphenous vein, in close proximity to the saphenous nerve, ascends anterior to the medial malleolus, crosses, and then ascends medial to the
knee ( Fig. 672 ). It ascends in the superficial compartment and empties into the common femoral vein after entering the fossa ovalis. Before its entry
into the common femoral vein, it receives medial and lateral accessory saphenous veins, as well as small tributaries from the inguinal region, pudendal
region, and anterior abdominal wall. The posterior arch vein drains the area around the medial malleolus, and as it ascends up the posterior medial
aspect of the calf, it receives medial perforating veins, termed Cocketts perforators, before joining the greater saphenous vein at or below the knee.
The lesser saphenous vein arises from the dorsal venous arch at the lateral aspect of the foot and ascends posterior to the lateral malleolus, and it
empties into the popliteal vein after penetrating the fascia. The exact entry of the lesser saphenous vein into the popliteal vein is variable.

Box 67-1. Superficial Veins

Terminologica Anatomica
Greater or long saphenous vein

Proposed Terminology
Great saphenous vein
Superficial inguinal veins

External pudendal vein

External pudendal vein

Superficial circumflex vein

Superficial circumflex iliac vein

Superficial epigastric vein

Superficial epigastric vein

Superficial dorsal vein of clitoris or penis

Superficial dorsal vein of clitoris or penis

Anterior labial veins

Anterior labial veins

Anterior scrotal veins

Anterior scrotal veins

Accessory saphenous vein

Anterior accessory great saphenous vein

Posterior accessory great saphenous vein
Superficial accessory great saphenous vein

Smaller or short saphenous vein

Small saphenous vein

Cranial extension of small saphenous vein
Superficial accessory small saphenous vein
Anterior thigh circumflex vein
Posterior thigh circumflex vein
Intersaphenous veins
Lateral venous system

Dorsal venous network of the foot

Dorsal venous network of the foot

Dorsal venous arch of the foot

Dorsal venous arch of the foot

Dorsal metatarsal veins

Superficial metatarsal veins (dorsal and plantar)

Plantar venous network

Plantar venous subcutaneous network

Plantar venous arch

Plantar metatarsal veins

Superficial digital veins (dorsal and plantar)

Lateral marginal vein

Lateral marginal vein

Medial marginal vein

Medial marginal vein

The sural nerve closely accompanies the lesser saphenous vein.

Deep Venous System

The plantar digital veins in the foot empty into a network of metatarsal veins that comprise the deep plantar venous arch. This continues into the medial
and lateral plantar veins that then drain into the posterior tibial veins. The dorsalis pedis veins on the dorsum of the foot form the paired anterior tibial
veins at the ankle.
The paired posterior tibial veins, adjacent to and flanking the posterior tibial artery, run under the fascia of the deep posterior compartment. These veins
enter the soleus and join the popliteal vein, after joining with the paired peroneal and anterior tibial veins. There are large venous sinuses within the
soleus musclethe soleal sinusesthat empty into the posterior tibial and peroneal veins. There are bilateral gastrocnemius veins that empty into the
popliteal vein distal to the point of entry of the lesser saphenous vein into the popliteal vein.
The popliteal vein enters a window in the adductor magnus, at which point it is termed the femoral vein, previously known as the superficial femoral
vein in the old nomenclature. The femoral vein ascends and receives venous drainage from the profunda femoris vein, or the deep femoral vein, and
after this confluence, it is called the common femoral vein. As the common femoral vein crosses the inguinal ligament, it is called the external iliac vein.
Perforating veins connect the superficial venous system to the deep venous system at various points in the legthe foot, the medial and lateral calf, the
mid- and distal thigh ( Fig. 673 ). The perforating veins in the foot are either valveless or with valves directing blood from the deep to the superficial
venous system.
Varicose Veins

The term varicose veins is, in the common parlance, a term that encompasses a spectrum of venous dilation that ranges from minor telangiectasia to
severe dilated, tortuous

Box 67-2. Deep Veins

Terminologica Anatomica
Femoral vein

Proposed Terminology
Common femoral vein
Femoral vein

Profunda femoris vein or deep vein of thigh

Profunda femoris vein or deep femoral vein

Medial circumflex femoral vein

Medial circumflex femoral vein

Lateral circumflex femoral vein

Lateral circumflex femoral vein

Perforating veins

Deep femoral communicating veins (accompanying veins of perforating

Sciatic vein

Popliteal vein

Popliteal vein
Sural veins
Soleal veins
Gastrocnemius veins
Medial gastrocnemius veins
Lateral gastrocnemius veins
Intergemellar vein

Genicular veins

Genicular venous plexus

Anterior tibial veins

Anterior tibial veins

Posterior tibial veins

Posterior tibial veins

Fibular or peroneal veins

Fibular or peroneal veins

Medial plantar veins
Lateral plantar veins
Deep plantar venous arch
Deep metatarsal veins (plantar and dorsal)
Deep digital veins (plantar and dorsal)
Pedal vein

varicose veins. As stated earlier, for a proper categorization, as well as for appropriate treatment options to be considered, certain definitions must be
agreed on.
Varicose veins refer to any dilated, tortuous, elongated vein of any caliber. Telangiectasias are intradermal varicosities that are small and tend to be
cosmetically unappealing but not symptomatic in and of themselves. Reticular veins are subcutaneous dilated veins that enter the tributaries of the main
axial or trunk veins. Trunk veins are the named veins, such as the greater or lesser saphenous veins or their tributaries.
Risk Factors

A combination of risk factors, rather than any one specific risk factor, is a better predictor of the likelihood of a given patient developing symptomatic

varicose veins. Heredity undoubtedly plays a significant role in the development of varicose veins. Once again, factors such as lack of clear
classification, variability in reporting including patient self-reporting, and variability in definitions limit the accuracy of any accurate assessment of
incidence, prevalence, and thus, predisposing etiologic factors.
Venous Function

The venous wall is composed of the intima, the media, and the adventitia. The vein is thinner and has less smooth muscle and elastin than does an
artery. The venous intima has an endothelial cell layer resting on a basement membrane, whereas the media is composed of smooth muscle cells and
elastin/connective tissue. It is not generally appreciated that the adventitia of the venous wall contains adrenergic fibers, particularly in the cutaneous
veins. Central sympathetic discharge and brain stem thermoregulatory centers can alter venous tone, as can other stimuli such as temperature changes,
pain, emotional stimuli, and volume changes.
The histologic features of veins vary depending on the caliber of the veins. The venules, the smallest veins ranging from 0.1 to 1 mm, contain mostly
smooth muscle cells, whereas the larger extremity veins contain relatively

Figure 67-1 Venous drainage of the foot.

Figure 67-2 Venous drainage of the lower limb.


Figure 67-3 Perforating veins of the lower limb.

few smooth muscle cells. These larger caliber veins have limited contractile capacity in comparison to the thicker-walled greater saphenous veins. The
venous valves prevent retrograde flow, and it is the failure of the valves that leads to reflux and associated symptoms. Venous valves are most prevalent
in the distal lower extremity, whereas as one proceeds proximally, the number of valves decreases to the point that in the superior and inferior vena
cava, no valves are present.
Most of the capacitance of the vascular tree is in the venous system. Because of the thin walls relatively devoid of elastin, the venous system is able to
accommodate large changes in volume with virtually no increase in pressure up to a point. A vein has a normal elliptical configuration until the limit of
its capacitance is reached, at which point the vein assumes a round configuration.
The calf muscles augment venous return by functioning as a pump. In the supine state, the resting venous pressure in the foot is the sum of the residual
kinetic energy minus the resistance in the arterioles and precapillary sphincters. There is thus generated a pressure gradient to the right atrium of
approximately 10 to 12 mm Hg. In the upright position, the resting venous pressure of the foot is a reflection of the hydrostatic pressure from the upright
column of blood extending from the right atrium to the foot.
The return of the blood to the heart from the lower extremity is facilitated by the muscle pump function of the calfa mechanism whereby the calf
muscle, functioning as a bellows during exercise, compresses the gastrocnemius and soleal sinuses and propels the blood toward the heart. The normally
functioning valves in the venous system prevent retrograde flow; it is when one or more of these valves become incompetent that symptoms of venous
insufficiency can develop. During calf muscle contraction, the venous pressure of the foot and ankle drops dramatically. The pressures developing in the
muscle compartments during exercise range from 150 to 200 mm Hg, and when there is failure of perforating veins, these high pressures are transmitted
to the superficial system.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

The important fact about venous varicosities is that symptoms can be experienced by the patient in all the various forms of venous insufficiency. As
noted earlier, the anatomy of venous drainage of the lower extremity is such that the superficial and the deep venous system independently or in concert
may exhibit valvular dysfunction and insufficiency of a degree severe enough to cause symptoms.
Before examining the cause of the symptoms, it is useful to try to identify factors that may predispose one to developing varicose veins and associated
symptoms. It is clear that despite the limitations in epidemiologic studies, the main influences that affect the development of varicose veins are the
female sex, heredity, gravitation hydrostatic force, and hydrodynamic forces due to muscular contraction.
Telangiectasia, reticular varicosities, and varicose veins all are physiologically similar despite the variations in caliber. The unifying end result is
dilated, tortuous, elongated veins with dysfunctional or nonfunctional valves.
The end result of CVI can range from aching, heaviness, pain, and swelling with prolonged standing or sitting in the case of symptomatic varicose
veins, to severe lipodermatosclerosis with edema and ulceration in the patient with severe CVI.
The C-E-A-P classification is a recent scoring system that stratifies venous disease based on clinical presentation, etiology, anatomy, and
pathophysiology. This classification scheme, listed in Box 673 , is useful in helping the physician coherently and thoughtfully assess a limb afflicted
with venous insufficiency and then arrive at an appropriate treatment plan.

The patient with symptomatic varicose veins relates, most often, symptoms of aching, heaviness, discomfort, and sometimes outright pain in the calf of
the affected limb.

Box 67-3. Classification of Chronic Lower Extremity Venous Disease


Clinical signs (grade06 , supplemented by A for asymptomatic and S for asymptomatic presentation

Etilogic classification (congential, primary, secondary)

Anatomic distribution (superficial, deep, or perforator, alone or in combination)

Pathophysiologic dysfunction (reflux or obstruction, alone or in combination)


Any limb with possible chronic venous disease is first placed into one of seven clinical classes (C06 ) according to the objective signs of disease.
Clinical Classification of Chronic Lower Extremity Venous Disease
Class 0

No visible or palpable signs of venous disease

Class 1

Telangiectasia, reticular veins, malleolar flare

Class 2

Varicose veins

Class 3

Edema without skin changes

Class 4

Skin changes ascribed to venous disease (e.g., pigmentation, venous eczema, lipodermatosclerosis)

Class 5

Skin changes as defined above with healed ulceration

Class 6

Skin changes as defined above with active ulceration

Limbs in higher categories have more severe signs of chronic venous disease and may have some or all of the findings defining a less severe clinical
category. Each limb is further characterized as asymptomatic (A), for example, C06,A , or symptomatic (S), for example, C06,S . Symptoms that may
be associated with telangiectatic, reticular, or varicose veins include lower extremity aching, pain, and skin irritation. Therapy may alter the clinical
category of chronic venous disease. Limbs should therefore be reclassified after any form of medical or surgical treatment.
Venous dysfunction may be congenital, primary, or secondary. These categories are mutually exclusive. Congenital venous disorders are present at
birth but may not be recognized until later. The method of diagnosis of congenital abnormalities must be described. Primary venous dysfunction is
defined as venous dysfunction of unknown cause but not of congenital origin. Secondary venous dysfunction denotes an acquired condition resulting
in chronic venous disease, for example, deep venous thrombosis.
Etiologic Classification of Chronic Lower Extremity Venous Disease
Congenital (EC )

Cause of the chronic venous disease present since birth

Chronic venous disease of undetermined cause

Primary (EP )
Secondary (ES )

Chronic venous disease with an associated known cause (post-thrombotic, post-traumatic, other)


The anatomic site(s) of the venous disease should be described as superficial (AS ), deep (AD ), or perforating (AP ) vein(s). One, two, or three systems
may be involved in any combination. For reports requiring greater detail, the involvement of the superficial, deep, and perforating veins may be
localized by use of the anatomic segments.
Segmental Localization of Chronic Lower Extremity Venous Disease
Segment No.


SuperficialVeins (AS15

Telangiectasia/reticular veins
Greater (long) saphenous vein

Above knee

Below knee

Lesser (short) saphenous vein


Deep Veins (AD616 )


Inferior vena cava






Pelvic: gonadal, broad ligament











Tibial (anterior, posterior, or peroneal)


Muscular (gastrointestinal, soleal, other)

Perforating Veins (AP17,18 )






Clinical signs or symptoms of chronic venous disease result from reflux (PR ), obstruction (PO ), or both (PR,O ).
Pathophysiologic Classification of Chronic Lower Extremity Venous Disease
Reflux (PR )
Obstruction (PO )
Reflux and obstruction (PR,O )


This is particularly worse at the end of the day, most likely due to prolonged sitting or standing that results in venous distention and associated pain. The
symptoms are typically reduced or absent in the morning owing to the fact that the limb has not been in a dependent position through the night.
In the case of women, the symptoms are often most troubling and exacerbated during the menstrual period, particularly during the first day or two. It is
not unusual for a patient to have significant reflux at the saphenofemoral junction and yet not have impressive varicose veins on physical examination.
Additionally, the patient may have combined superficial and deep venous insufficiency, and thus a clear diagnosis, with the aid of the CEAP system, is
useful in determining treatment.
Primary varicose veins consist of elongated, tortuous, superficial veins that are protuberant and contain incompetent valves. These produce the

symptoms of mild swelling, heaviness, and easy fatigability. Primary varicose veins merge imperceptibly into more severe CVI. Swelling is moderate to
severe, an increased sensation of heaviness occurs with larger varicosities, and early skin changes of mild pigmentation and subcutaneous induration
When CVI becomes severe, marked swelling and calf pain occur after standing, sitting, or walking. Multiple dilated veins are seen associated with
various clusters and heavy medial and lateral supramalleolar pigmentation.

Cutaneous venectasia develops under the same influences and may become symptomatic similarly. Textbooks of venous disease in the past and recent
present have referred to venectasias as cosmetic and not symptomatic, yet ample documentation exists to the contrary. Effective treatment of venectasia
can relieve symptoms of venostasis.
Fundamental defects in the strength and characteristics of the venous wall enter into the pathogenesis of varicose veins. These defects may be
generalized or localized and consist of deficiencies in elastin and collagen. Gandhi and colleagues[2] compared the collagen and elastin content of
varicose veins with those of normal greater saphenous veins and discovered a significant increase in the collagen content and a significant reduction in
the elastin content of varicose veins. No difference in proteolytic activity was demonstrated, thereby diminishing the likelihood that enzymatic
degradation is an essential component of varicose vein formation.
Anatomic differences in the location of the superficial veins of the lower extremities may contribute to the pathogenesis. For example, the main
saphenous trunk is not always involved in varicose disease. Perhaps this is because it contains a well-developed medial fibromuscular layer and is
supported by fibrous connective tissue that binds it to the deep fascia. In contrast, tributaries to the long saphenous vein are less supported in the
subcutaneous fat and are superficial to the membranous layer of superficial fascia ( Fig. 674 ). These tributaries also contain less muscle mass in their
walls. Thus, these, and not the main trunk, may become selectively varicose.[3]
When these fundamental anatomic peculiarities are recognized, the intrinsic competence or incompetence of the valve system becomes important. For
example, failure of a valve protecting a tributary vein from the pressures of the long saphenous vein allows a cluster of varicosities to develop. This is
not an uncommon history for pregnant women who describe a sudden development of a cluster of varicosities of unknown cause. Failure of the
protective valve is the mechanism for such development.
The Middlesex Hospital (London, England) group has carried those observations into the clinical situation, where the micronized purified flavonoids
were given as treatment for 60 days to patients with chronic venous disease.[4] Monitoring soluble endothelial adhesion molecules revealed that there
was a reduction in the level of intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecules, and plasma lactoferrin.
Furthermore, communicating veins connecting the deep with the superficial compartment may have valve failure. Pressure studies show that two
sources of venous hypertension exist. The first is gravitational and is a result of venous blood coursing in a distal direction down linear axial venous
segments. This is referred to as hydrostatic

Figure 67-4 Dilation of superficial venous tributaries due to increased transmission of pressure via the perforating veins.


pressure and is the weight of the blood column from the right atrium. The highest pressure generated by this mechanism is evident at the ankle and foot,
where measurements are expressed in centimeters of water or millimeters of mercury. The second source of venous hypertension is dynamic. It is the
force of muscular contraction, usually contained within the compartments of the leg. If a perforating vein fails, high pressures (ranging from 150 to 200
mm Hg) developed within the muscular compartments during exercise are transmitted directly to the superficial venous system. Here, the sudden
pressure transmitted causes dilation and lengthening of the superficial veins. Progressive distal valvular incompetence may occur. If proximal valves
such as the saphenofemoral valve become incompetent, systolic muscular contraction pressure is supplemented by the weight of the static column of
blood from the heart. Furthermore, this static column becomes a barrier. Blood flowing proximally through the femoral vein spills into the saphenous
vein and flows distally. As it refluxes distally through progressively incompetent valves, it is returned through perforating veins to the deep veins. Here,
it is conveyed once again to the femoral veins, only to be recycled distally. Changes also occur at the cellular level. In the distal liposclerotic area,
capillary proliferation is seen and extensive capillary permeability occurs as a result of the widening of interendothelial cell pores. Transcapillary
leakage of osmotically active particles, the principal one being fibrinogen, occurs. In CVI, venous fibrinolytic capacity is diminished and the
extravascular fibrin remains to prevent the normal exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the surrounding cells.[5] [6] However, little proof exists for an
actual abnormality in the delivery of oxygen to the tissues.[7] Instead, research suggests that many pathologic processes are involved, and at present
difficulty exists in identifying which are active and which are bystanders. Fundamental investigations into this problem in the future should improve the
care of patients with severe venous stasis disease. An understanding of the source of venous hypertension and its differentiation into hydrostatic and
hydrodynamic reflux is important. The presence of hydrostatic reflux implies the need for surgical correction of this abnormality, and the presence of
hydrodynamic reflux implies the need for ablation of the perforating venous mechanism allowing exposure of the subcutaneous circulation to
compartment pressures.
Hormonal Influence

Venous function is undoubtedly influenced by hormonal changes. In particular, progesterone liberated by the corpus luteum stabilizes the uterus by

causing relaxation of smooth muscle fibers.[8] [9] This effect directly influences venous function. The result is passive venous dilation, which, in many
instances, causes valvular dysfunction. Although progesterone is implicated in the first appearance of varicosities in pregnancy, estrogen also has
profound effects. It produces the relaxation of smooth muscle and a softening of collagen fibers. Further, the estrogen-progesterone ratio influences
venous distensibility. This ratio may explain the predominance of venous insufficiency symptoms on the first day of a menstrual period when a
profound shift occurs from the progesterone phase of the menstrual cycle to the estrogen phase.

Many causes of leg pain are possible, and most may coexist. Therefore, defining the precise symptoms of venostasis is necessary. These symptoms may
be of gradual onset or may be initiated by a lancinating pain, and they may precede the clinical appearance of the varicosity. Discomfort usually occurs
during warm temperatures and after prolonged standing. Varicose vein symptoms are often disproportionate to the degree of pathologic change. Patients
with small, early varices may complain more than those with large, chronic varicosities. The initial symptoms may vary from a pulsating pressure or
burning sensation to a feeling of heaviness. The pain is characteristically dull, does not occur during recumbency or early in the morning, and is
exacerbated in the afternoon, especially after long standing. The discomforts of aching, heaviness, fatigue, or burning pain are relieved by recumbency,
leg elevation, or elastic support.
Cutaneous itching is also a sign of venostasis and is often the hallmark of inadequate external support. It is a manifestation of local congestion and may
precede the onset of dermatitis. This, and nearly all the symptoms of stasis disease, can be explained by the irritation of superficial nerve fibers by local
pressure or accumulation of metabolic end products with a consequent pH shift. External hemorrhage may occur as superficial veins press on overlying
skin within this protective envelope.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


The most important of all noninvasive tests available to study the venous system are the physical examination and a careful history that elucidates the
symptoms mentioned earlier. Clinical examination of the patient in good light provides nearly all the information necessary. It determines the nature of
the venostasis disease and ascertains the presence of intercutaneous venous blemishes and subcutaneous protuberant varicosities, the location of
principal points of control or perforating veins that feed clusters of varicosities, the presence and location of ankle pigmentation and its extent, and the
presence and severity of subcutaneous induration. After these facts have been obtained, the physician may turn to noninvasive techniques to corroborate
the clinical impression. Visual examination can be supplemented by noting a downward-going impulse on coughing. Tapping the venous column of
blood also demonstrates pressure transmission through the static column to incompetent distal veins.
The Perthes test for deep venous occlusion and the Brodie-Trendelenburg test of axial reflux have been replaced by in-office use of the continuouswave, handheld Doppler instrument supplemented by duplex evaluation.[10] The handheld Doppler instrument can confirm an impression of saphenous
reflux, and this, in turn, dictates

the operative procedure to be performed in a given patient. A common misconception is belief that the Doppler instrument is used to locate perforating
veins. Instead, it is used in specific locations to determine incompetent valves (e.g., the handheld, continuous-wave, 8-MHz flow detector placed over
the greater and lesser saphenous veins near their terminations). With distal augmentation of flow and release, with normal deep breathing, and with
performance of a Valsalva maneuver, accurate identification of valve reflux is ascertained. Formerly, the Doppler examination was supplemented by
other objective studies. These included the photoplethysmograph, the mercury stain-gauge plethysmograph, and the photorheograph. These are no
longer in common use.
Another instrument reintroduced to assess physiologic function of the muscle pump and the venous valves is the air-displacement plethysmograph.[11]
This instrument was discarded after its use in the 1960s because of its cumbersome nature. Computer technology has allowed its reintroduction as
championed by Christopoulos and coworkers.[12] It consists of an air chamber that surrounds the leg from knee to ankle. During calibration, leg veins are
emptied by leg elevation, and the patient is then asked to stand so that leg venous volume can be quantitated and the time for filling recorded. The filling
rate is then expressed in milliliters per second, thus giving readings similar to those obtained with the mercury strain-gauge technique.
Duplex technology more precisely defines which veins are refluxing by imaging the superficial and deep veins. The duplex examination is commonly
done with the patient supine, but this gives an erroneous evaluation of reflux. In the supine position, even when no flow is present, the valves remain
open. Valve closure requires a reversal of flow with a pressure gradient that is higher proximally than distally.[13] Thus, the duplex examination should
be done with the patient standing or in the markedly trunk-elevated position.[14] [15]
Imaging is obtained with a 10- or 7.5-MHz probe, and the pulsed Doppler consists of a 3.0-MHZ probe. The patient stands with the probe placed
longitudinally on the groin. After imaging, sample volumes can be obtained from the femoral or saphenous vein. This flow can be observed during quiet
respiration or by distal augmentation. Sudden release of augmentation allows assessment of valvular competence. The short saphenous vein and
popliteal veins are similarly examined. Imaging improves the accuracy of the Doppler examination. For example, short saphenous venous incompetence
can be differentiated from gastrocnemius venous valvular incompetence by the imaging and flow detection of the duplex or triplex scans.
Widespread use of duplex scanning has allowed a comparison of findings between standard clinical examinations with duplex Doppler studies.[16] In a
study in which each patient was examined by three surgeons using different techniques (one using clinical examination, a second using the handheld
Doppler instrument, and a third using a color duplex scanner), it was found that clinical examination failed in assessing main axial reflux at the
saphenofemoral junction and saphenopopliteal junction. Whenever a Doppler instrument was added to the examination, the evaluation became more
accurate. Based on preoperative assessments using clinical examination alone, inappropriate surgery would have been performed in 20% of the limbs.
Clinical examination plus Doppler study would have produced a 13% incidence of inappropriate surgery.

In general, phlebography is unnecessary in diagnosis and treatment of primary venostasis disease and varicose veins. In the complex problems of severe
CVI, phlebography has specific utility. Ascending phlebography defines obstruction. Descending phlebography identifies specific valvular
incompetence suspected on B-mode scanning and clinical examination.

Indications for treatment are pain, easy fatigability, heaviness, recurrent superficial thrombophlebitis, external bleeding, and appearance. Treatment of
venous insufficiency is similar to surgical treatment elsewhere; that is, it may be ablative or restorative. Most of the restorative venous surgical
techniques remain experimental, and only a few can be considered standard therapy. On the other hand, ablative treatment has not been employed
sufficiently for such a long time that the operations have undergone marked improvement and modernization.
Nonoperative Management

The cornerstone of therapy for patients with CVI is external compression, and most patients are treated nonoperatively. Patients with CVI have lower
extremity edema as part of their clinical complex. Compression that relieves the leg edema generally controls the CVI. Although the exact mechanism
by which compression is of benefit is not entirely known, a number of physiologic alterations have been observed with compression. These include
reduction in ambulatory venous pressure, improvement in skin microcirculation, and increase in subcutaneous pressure, which counters transcapillary
fluid leakage. Most patients with severe CVI and those with venous ulceration are treated with local wound care and elastic compression.
A triple-layer compression dressing, with a zinc oxide paste gauze wrap in contact with the skin, is utilized most commonly from the base of the toes to
the anterior tibial tubercle with snug, graded compression. This is an iteration of what is known most commonly as an Unnas boot. A recent 15-year
review of 998 patients with one or more venous ulcers treated with a similar compression bandage demonstrated that 73% of the ulcers healed in
patients who returned for care. The median time to healing for individual ulcers was 9 weeks. In general, snug, graded-pressure triple-layer compression
dressings effect more rapid healing than compression stockings alone.


For most patients, well-applied, sustained compression therapy offers the most cost-effective and efficacious therapy in the healing of venous ulcers.
After healing, most cases of CVI are controlled with elastic compression stockings to be worn during waking hours. Occasionally, patients who are
elderly and those with arthritic conditions cannot apply the compression stocking required, and control must be maintained by triple-layer zinc oxide
compression dressings, which can usually be left in place and changed once a week.
Venous Ablation: Sclerotherapy

Cutaneous venectasia with vessels smaller than 1 mm in diameter do not lend themselves to surgical treatment. If their cause is saphenous or tributary
venous incompetence, these conditions can be treated surgically. The venectasia themselves can be ablated successfully using modem sclerotherapy
technique. Dilute solutions of sclerosant (e.g., 0.2% sodium tetradecyl) can be injected directly into the vessels of the blemish. Care should be taken to
ensure that no single injection dose exceeds 0.1 mL but that multiple injections completely fill all vessels contributing to the blemish. When all of the
ramifications of the blemish have been filled with sclerosant, and before the subsequent inflammatory reaction has progressed, a pressure dressing can
be applied to keep vessels free of return blood for 24 to 72 hours. At 14 to 21 days postinjection, incision and drainage of entrapped blood are
performed, and a second pressure dressing is applied for 12 to 18 hours. This liberation of entrapped blood is as important to success as the primary
injection. Such therapy is remarkably successful in achieving an excellent cosmetic result and relief of stasis symptoms.
In allergic patients, a solution of hypertonic saline can be used for sclerotherapy. On the other hand, the use of newer technologies such as the laser in
treatment of telangiectasia has proved disappointing. Venules larger than l mm and smaller than 3 mm in size can also be injected with sclerosant of
slightly greater concentration (e.g., 0.5% sodium tetradecyl), but limiting the amount injected to less than 0.5 mL. Pressure dressings for these venules
must be in place for 72 hours or longer. Evacuation of entrapped blood is of paramount importance to prevent recanalization of these vessels after
Surgical Management

Surgical treatment may be used to remove clusters with varicosities greater than 4 mm in diameter. Ambulatory phlebectomy may be performed using
the stab avulsion technique with preservation of the greater and lesser saphenous veins, if they are unaffected by valvular incompetence ( Fig. 675 ).[17]
When greater or lesser saphenous incompetence is present, the removal of clusters is preceded by limited removal of the saphenous vein (stripping).
Stripping techniques are best done from above downward to avoid lymphatic and cutaneous nerve damage ( Fig. 676 ). A number of techniques have
been described that adapt new instruments to minimally invasive removal of the saphenous vein.[18] [19]
At the present time, when the greater saphenous vein is used for coronary artery bypass and peripheral arterial reconstruction, there has been an interest
in preserving the saphenous vein while relieving the symptoms of venous insufficiency, with little evidence to justify such an approach. However, a
number of studies have shown

Figure 67-5 A to E, Technique of ambulatory phlebectomy, otherwise known as stab avulsions of varicosities.


Figure 67-6 Inversion stripping of the saphenous vein for superficial venous reflux due to an incompetent saphenofemoral junction.

the advantage of stripping in prevention of varicose vein recurrence.

The question of preservation or stripping of the saphenous vein is an important one; therefore, a 5-year clinical and duplex scan follow-up examination
of a group of patients has been performed.[20] Patients were randomized to stripping of the long saphenous vein during varicose vein surgery versus
saphenofemoral ligation with stab avulsion of varices. It was found that reoperation, either done or awaited, was necessary for only 3 of 52 legs that
underwent stripping as compared with 12 of 58 limbs in which proximal ligation had been done. Neovascularization at the saphenofemoral junction was
responsible for 10 of 12 recurrent varicose veins that underwent reoperation, and it was the cause of recurrence of saphenofemoral incompetence in 12
of the 52 limbs that were stripped versus 30 of the 58 limbs in which ligation was done. Clearly, the problem of neovascularization and recurrent
varicose veins was not solved by the stripping operation, but stripping reduced the risk of reoperation by two thirds after 5 years of observation. It was
the conclusion of the authors of the study that stripping should be routine for primary long saphenous varicose veins.[20]
Modern treatment of varicose veins is fundamentally centered on the principle of ablation of the reflux source, sometimes termed the escape point. In
most cases, this escape point is the incompetent valve at the saphenofemoral junction. It is clear to those who study this disease that unless the anatomic
problem of reflux and the source of the reflux are dealt with, secondary procedures such as injection sclerotherapy are plagued with a high rate of
recurrence. For this reason, the fundamental precept in the treatment of superficial venous insufficiency is to treat the escape point and then treat the
secondary varicosities. A recent addition to the armamentarium of the treatment of varicose veins is that of radiofrequency ablation of the saphenous
vein. This method of treatment uses a radiofrequency ultrasound probe to obliterate the saphenous vein endoluminally throughout its length as well as at
the junction. The preliminary data suggest that it may be as effective as ligation and stripping in the short to medium term. However, this modality has
by no means been universally embraced as equivalent in outcomes or advantageous in cost.
Surgery for Severe Chronic Venous Insufficiency

What is new in the treatment of venous stasis is a rearranging of, and modifications to, older methods.[21] What has not changed is that conservative
treatment of CVI always precedes consideration of intervention. Such conservative treatment relies on limb compression to counteract the effects of
venous hypertension.
While conservative therapy is being pursued or ulcer healing achieved, appropriate diagnostic studies should reveal patterns of venous reflux or
segments of venous occlusion so that specific therapy can be prescribed for the individual limb being examined. Imaging by duplex suffices for
detection of reflux if the examination is carried out in the standing individual. Such noninvasive imaging

may prove the only testing necessary beyond the handheld, continuous-wave Doppler instrument if superficial venous ablation is contemplated. If direct
venous reconstruction by bypass or valvuloplasty techniques is planned, ascending and descending phlebography is required.
Surprisingly, superficial reflux may be the only abnormality present in advanced chronic venous stasis. Correction goes a long way toward permanent
relief of the chronic venous dysfunction and its cutaneous effects. Using duplex technology, Hanrahan and colleagues found that in 95 extremities with
current venous ulceration, 16.8% had only superficial incompetence, and another 19% showed superficial incompetence combined with perforator
incompetence.[22] Similarly, the Middlesex group, in a study of 118 limbs, found that in just over half of the patients with venous ulceration, the disease
was confined to the superficial venous system.[23]
Walsh and associates studied 58 limbs with class 3 venous insufficiency.[24] Ten limbs (17%) exhibited only superficial reflux, and superficial reflux was
a major contributor to chronic venous dysfunction in another 17 limbs. Of some importance is the fact that primary, nonthrombotic deep (superficial
femoral vein and popliteal vein) incompetence may accompany superficial reflux. This is explained by reflux proceeding distally down the greater
saphenous vein and overloading the deep venous system. One would presume this causes dilation and elongation of the deep vessels so that their valves
become incompetent. A study of limbs following greater saphenous vein stripping in which superficial femoral and popliteal venous incompetence was
present has revealed correction of the deep reflux by superficial venous stripping in most limbs. Clearly, a significant proportion of patients with venous
ulceration have normal function in the deep veins, and surgical treatment is a useful option that can definitively address the hemodynamic
derangements. Maintaining that all venous ulcers are surgically incurable is not reasonable when these data suggest that superficial vein surgery holds
the potential for ameliorating the venous hypertension.
In the early 1940s, Linton[25] emphasized the importance of perforating veins, and direct surgical interruption of these was advocated. This has fallen into
disfavor because of a high incidence of postoperative wound healing complications. However, video techniques that allow direct visualization through
small-diameter scopes have made endoscopic subfascial exploration and perforator vein interruption the desirable alternative to the Linton technique,
minimizing morbidity and wound complications. The connective tissue between the fascia cruris and the underlying flexor muscles is so loose that this
potential space can be opened up easily and dissected with the endoscope. This operation, done with a vertical proximal incision, accomplishes the

objective of perforator vein interruption on an outpatient basis.

The availability of subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery had an impact on the care of venous ulcers in Western countries, albeit not as dramatic
as its proponents had hoped. As patient limbs with severe CVI were studied accurately, the term post-thrombotic syndrome had to give way to the term
chronic venous insufficiency, and a link to platelet and monocyte aggregates in the circulation reflected the leukocytic infiltrate of the ankle skin with its
lipodermatosclerosis and healed and open ulcerations.[26]
Data regarding leukocytes in CVI accumulated and were consistent, showing that the activation of leukocytes sequestered in the cutaneous
microcirculation during venous stasis was important to the development of the skin changes of CVI. This is reflected in the finding of adhesion markers
between leukocytes and endothelial cells and an increased production of leukocyte degranulation enzymes and oxygen free radicals. Nevertheless,
experimental evidence was still required for decisive proof of the leukocyte hypothesis.
In the United States, several groups have performed perforating vein division using laparoscopic instrumentation. Initial data suggested that perforator
interruption produced rapid ulcer healing and a low rate of recurrence. The North American Registry, which voluntarily recorded the results of
perforating venous surgery, confirmed a low 2-year recurrence rate of ulcers and a more rapid ulcer healing.[27]
A comparison of the three methods of perforator vein interruption, including the classic Linton procedure, the laparoscopic instrumentation procedure,
and the single open-scope procedure, revealed that the endoscopic techniques produced results comparable with those of the open Linton operation, with
much less scarring and much greater tendency toward a fast recovery. More perforating veins were identified with the open technique. However, the
mean hospital stay and the period of convalescence were more favorable with the scope procedures.[28]
In general, the registry reports and individual institution clinical experience showed that patients with true post-thrombotic limbs were disadvantaged by
the procedure, enough so that at Leicester (England), the students of the procedure said, We conclude that perforating vein surgery is not indicated for
the treatment of venous ulceration in limbs with primary deep venous incompetence.[29] Nevertheless, studies were reported in which previous
superficial reflux was corrected with failures of such treatment. Rescue of such limbs with perforating vein division produced satisfactory results and
verified that perforating veins are important in the genesis of venous ulceration and that their division accelerates healing and may reduce recurrence of
Part of the difficulty in understanding the need for perforating vein division is the disparity between venous hemodynamics and the severity of
cutaneous changes. This should not be surprising because the cutaneous changes of CVI are dependent on leukocyte-endothelial interactions, and these
may not be directly related to venous hemodynamics. Yet, endoscopic perforator vein division has improved venous hemodynamics in some limbs, as
would be expected, by removing superficial reflux and perforating vein outflow.[30]
Direct Venous Reconstruction

Historically, the first successful procedures done to reconstruct major veins were the femorofemoral crossover graft

of Eduardo Palma and the saphenopopliteal bypass described by him and used also by Richard Warren of Boston.[31] These operations were elegant in
their simplicity, use of autogenous tissue, and reconstruction by a single venovenous anastomosis.
With regard to femorofemoral crossover grafts, the only group to provide long-term physiologic study of a large number of patients is Halliday and
colleagues from Sydney, Australia.[32] Although phlebography was used in selecting patients for surgery, no other details of preoperative indications are
given. They were able to document that 34 of 50 grafts remained patent in the long term as assessed by postoperative phlebography. They believed the
best clinical results were achieved in relief of postexercise calf pain, but they had the impression that a patent graft also slowed the progression of distal
liposclerosis and controlled recurrent ulceration. No proof of this was given in their report. The history of application of bypass procedures for venous
obstruction is a fascinating one. Nevertheless, the advent of endovascular techniques has made those operations nearly obsolete.[33]
Perforator interruption combined with superficial venous ablation has been effective in controlling venous ulceration in 75% to 85% of patients.
However, emphasis on failures of this technique led to Kistners significant breakthrough in direct venous reconstruction with valvuloplasty in 1968 and
the general recognition of this procedure after 1975.[34] Late evaluation of direct valve reconstruction indicates good to excellent long-term results in
more than 80% of the patients.[35]
One cannot overestimate the contributions of Kistner. The technique of directing the incompetent venous stream through a competent proximal valve
via venous segment transfer was his next achievement. After Kistners contributions, surgeons were provided with an armamentarium that included
Palmas venous bypass, direct valvuloplasty (of Kistner), and venous segment transfer (of Kistner). Moreover, external valvular reconstruction as
performed by various techniques, including monitoring by endoscopy, holds the promise of a renewed interest in this form of treatment of venous
Axillary-to-popliteal autotransplantation of valve-containing venous segments has been considered since the early observations of Taheri and
colleagues.[36] Verification in the long term of some preliminary excellent results has not been accomplished.
The advent of perforator vein surgery and the fine results achieved with it have displaced direct valvuloplasty into a position of less importance and
even less interest than the procedure had called for during the 1980s.
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Acute deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the hospitalized patient, particularly in the surgical patient. The
triad of venous stasis, endothelial injury, and hypercoagulable state first posited by Virchow in 1856 has held true a century and a half later.
Acute DVT poses several risks and has significant morbid consequences. The thrombotic process initiating in a venous segment can, in the absence of
anticoagulation or in the presence of inadequate anticoagulation, propagate to involve more proximal segments of the deep venous system, thus
resulting in edema, pain, and immobility. The most dreaded sequel to an acute DVT is that of pulmonary embolism, a condition of potentially lethal
consequence. The late consequence of DVT, particularly of the iliofemoral veins, can be CVI due to valvular dysfunction in the presence of luminal
For these reasons, understanding the pathophysiology, standardizing protocols to prevent or reduce DVT, and instituting optimal treatment promptly all
are critical to reducing the incidence and morbidity of this unfortunately common condition.

The triad of stasis, hypercoagulable state, and vessel injury all exist in most surgical patients. It is also clear that increasing age places a patient at a
greater risk, with those older than 65 years of age representing a higher risk population.

Labeled fibrinogen studies in patients as well as autopsy studies have demonstrated quite convincingly that the soleal sinuses are the most common sites
for initiation of venous thrombosis. The stasis may contribute to the endothelial cellular layer contacting activated platelets and procoagulant factors,
thereby leading to DVT. Stasis, in and of itself, has never been shown to be a causative factor for DVT.
The Hypercoagulable State

Our knowledge of hypercoagulable conditions continues to improve, but it is still undoubtedly embryonic. The standard array of conditions screened for
when searching for a hypercoagulable state is listed in Box 674 . Should any of these conditions be identified, a treatment regimen of anticoagulation
is instituted for life, unless specific contraindications exist. It is generally appreciated that the postoperative patient, following major operative
procedures, is predisposed to formation of DVT. Following
Box 67-4. Hypercoagulable States
Factor V Leiden mutation
Prothrombin gene mutation
Protein C deficiency
Protein S deficiency
Antithrombin III deficiency
Antiphospholipid syndrome


major operations, large amounts of tissue factor may be released into the bloodstream from damaged tissues. Tissue factor is a potent procoagulant
expressed on leukocyte cell surface as well as in a soluble form in the bloodstream. Increases in platelet count, adhesiveness, changes in coagulation
cascade, and endogenous fibrinolytic activity all result from physiologic stress such as major operation or trauma and have been associated with an
increased risk of thrombosis.
Venous Injury

It has been clearly established that venous thrombosis occurs in veins that are distant from the site of operation; for instance, it is well known that
patients undergoing total hip replacement frequently develop contralateral lower extremity DVT.
In a set of elegant experiments,[36A] [36B] animal models of abdominal and total hip operations were used to study the possibility of venous endothelial
damage distant from the operative site. In these experiments, jugular veins were excised after the animals were perfusion fixed. These experiments
demonstrated that endothelial damage occurred after abdominal operations and were much more severe after hip operations. There were multiple
microtears noted within the valve cusps that resulted in the exposure of the subendothelial matrix. The exact mechanism by which this injury at a distant
site occurs, and what mediators, whether cellular or humeral, are responsible is not clearly understood but that the injury occurs and occurs reliably is
evident from these and other studies.

Venous thromboembolism occurs for the first time in approximately 100 persons per 100,000 each year in the United States. This incidence increases
with increasing age with an incidence of 0.5% per 100,000 at 80 years of age. More than two thirds of these patients have DVT alone, and the rest have
evidence of pulmonary embolism. The recurrence rate with anticoagulation has been noted to be 6% to 7% in the ensuing 6 months.
In the United States, pulmonary embolism causes 50,000 to 200,000 deaths per year. A 28-day case fatality rate of 9.4% after first-time DVT and 15.1%
after first-time pulmonary thromboembolism has been observed. Aside from pulmonary embolism, secondary CVI (that resulting from DVT) is
significant in terms of cost, morbidity, and lifestyle limitation.

If the consequence of DVT, in terms of pulmonary embolism and CVI, is to be prevented, the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of DVT must be
Clinical Diagnosis

The diagnosis of DVT requires, to use an overused phrase, a high index of suspicion. Most are familiar with Homans sign, which refers to pain in the
calf on dorsiflexion of the foot. It is certainly true that although the absence of this sign is not a reliable indicator of the absence of venous thrombus, the
finding of a positive Homans sign should prompt one to attempt to confirm the diagnosis. Certainly, the extent of venous thrombosis in the lower
extremity is an important factor in the manifestation of symptoms. For instance, most calf thrombi may be asymptomatic unless there is proximal
propagation. This is one of the reasons that radiolabeled fibrinogen testing demonstrates a higher incidence of DVT than incidence studies using
imaging modalities. Only 40% of patients with venous thrombosis have any clinical manifestations of the condition.
Major venous thrombosis involving the iliofemoral venous system results in a massively swollen leg with pitting edema, pain, and blanching, a
condition known as phlegmasia alba dolens. With further progression of disease, there may be such massive edema that arterial inflow can be
compromised. This condition results in a painful blue leg, the condition called phlegmasia cerulea dolens. With this evolution of the condition, unless
flow is restored, venous gangrene can develop.

Injection of contrast material into the venous system is obviously and understandably the most accurate method of confirming DVT and the location.
The superficial venous system has to be occluded with tourniquet, and the veins in the foot are injected for visualization of the deep venous system.
Although this is a good test for finding occlusive and nonocclusive thrombus, it is also invasive, subject to risks of contrast, and requires interpretation
with 5% to 10% error rate.
Impedance Plethysmography.

Impedance plethysmography measures the change in venous capacitance and rate of emptying of the venous volume on temporary occlusion and release
of the occlusion of the venous system. A cuff is inflated around the upper thigh until the electrical signal has plateaued. Once the cuff is deflated, there
should be rapid outflow and reduction of volume. With a venous thrombosis, one notes a prolongation of the outflow wave. It is not very useful
clinically for the detection of calf venous thrombosis and in patients with prior venous thrombosis.
Fibrin Fibrinogen Assays.

The basis of fibrin and/or fibrinogen can be assayed by measuring the degradation of intravascular fibrin. The D-dimer test measures cross-linked
degradation products, which is a surrogate of plasmins activity on fibrin. It is shown that in combination with clinical evaluation and assessment, the
sensitivity exceeds 90% to 95%. The negative predictive value is 99.3% for proximal evaluation and 98.6% for distal evaluation. In the postoperative
patient, D-dimer is causally elevated due to surgery, and, as such, a positive D-dimer assay for evaluating for DVT is of no use. However, a negative Ddimer test in patients with suspected DVT has a high negative predictive value, ranging from 97% to 99%.[37]
Duplex Ultrasound.

The modern diagnostic test of choice for the diagnosis of DVT is the duplex ultrasound, a modality that combines Doppler ultrasound and color-flow
imaging. The advantage of this test is that it is noninvasive, comprehensive, and without any risk of contrast angiography. This test is also highly
operator dependent, and this is one of the potential drawbacks.


The Doppler ultrasound is based on the principle of the impairment of an accelerated flow signal due to an intraluminal thrombus. A detailed
interrogation begins at the calf with imaging of the tibial veins and then proximally over the popliteal and femoral veins. A properly done examination
evaluates flow with distal compression that should result in augmentation of flow and with proximal compression that should interrupt flow. If any
segment of the venous system being examined should fail to demonstrate augmentation on compression, venous thrombosis should be suspected.
Real time B-mode ultrasonography with color-flow imaging has improved the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound scanning. With color-flow duplex
imaging, blood flow can be imaged in the presence of a partially occluding thrombus. The probe is also used to compress the vein: A normal vein
should be easily compressed, whereas in the presence of a thrombus, there is resistance to compression. In addition, the chronicity of the thrombus can
be evaluated based on its imaging characteristics, namely, increased echogenicity and heterogeneity. Duplex imaging is significantly more sensitive
than indirect physiologic testing.
Magnetic Resonance Venography.

With major advances in technology of imaging, magnetic resonance venography has come to the forefront of imaging for proximal venous disease. The
cost and the issue of patient tolerance due to claustrophobia limit the widespread application, but this is changing. It is a useful test for imaging the iliac
veins and the inferior vena cava, an area where duplex ultrasound is limited in its usefulness.

The patient who has undergone either major abdominal surgery, major orthopedic surgery, has sustained major trauma, or has prolonged immobility (>3
days) represents a patient who has an elevated risk for the development of venous thromboembolism. The specific risk factor analysis and
epidemiologic studies dissecting the etiology of venous thromboembolism are beyond the scope of this chapter. The reader is referred to more extensive
analysis of this problem.[38]
The methods of prophylaxis can be mechanical or pharmacologic. The simplest method is for the patient to be able to walk. Activation of the calf pump
mechanism is an effective means of prophylaxis as evidenced by the fact that few active people without underlying risk factors develop venous
thrombosis. A patient who is expected to be up and walking within 24 to 48 hours is at low risk of developing venous thrombosis. The practice of
having a patient out of bed into a chair is one of the most thrombogenic positions that one could order a patient into. Sitting in a chair with the legs in
a dependent position causes venous pooling, which in the postoperative milieu could be easily a predisposing factor in the development of
The most common method of prophylaxis in the surgical universe has traditionally revolved around sequential compression devices, which periodically
compress the calves and essentially replicate the calf bellows mechanism. This has clearly reduced the incidence of venous thromboembolism in the
surgical patient. The most likely mechanism for the efficacy of this device is most likely from prevention of venous stasis. There is some literature that

suggests that fibrinolytic activity systemically is enhanced by sequential compression device. However, this is by no means established, because there
are a considerable number of studies demonstrating no enhancement of fibrinolytic activity.[39]
Another traditional method of thromboprophylaxis is the use of fixed minidose heparin. The dose traditionally used is 5000 units of unfractionated
heparin every 12 hours. However, analysis of trials comparing placebo versus fixed-dose heparin shows that the stated dose of 5000 units
subcutaneously every 12 hours is no more effective than placebo. When subcutaneous heparin is used on an every-8-hour dosing, rather than every 12
hours, there is a reduction in the development of venous thromboembolism.
More recently, a wealth of literature has revealed the efficacy of fractionated low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) for prophylaxis and treatment of
venous thromboembolism. LMWH inhibits factors Xa and IIA activity, with the ratio of antifactor Xa to antifactor IIA activity ranging from 1:1 to 4:1.
LMWH has a longer plasma half-life and has significantly higher bioavailability. There is much more predictable anticoagulant response than in
fractionated heparin. No laboratory monitoring is necessary because the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) is unaffected. A variety of analyses,
including a major meta-analysis, have clearly shown that LMWH results in equivalent, if not better, efficacy with significantly less bleeding
Comparison of LMWH with mechanical prophylaxis demonstrates superiority of LMWH in reduction of the development of venous thromboembolic
disease.[40] [41] [42] Prospective trials evaluating LMWH in head-injured and trauma patients have also proven the safety of LMWH, with no increase in
intracranial bleeding or major bleeding at other sites.[43] In addition, LMWH shows significant reduction in the development of venous
thromboembolism compared to other methods.
In short, LMWH should be considered the optimal method of prophylaxis in moderate and high-risk patients. Even the traditional reluctance to use
heparin in high-risk groups such as the multiply injured trauma patient and the head-injured patient must be re-examined, given the efficacy and safety
profile of LMWH in multiple prospective trials.
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Once a diagnosis of venous thrombosis is made, a decision must be made about whether to treat it or not. The treatment of calf venous thrombosis is
controversial in most circles. It is true that the risk of pulmonary embolism from calf venous thrombosis is extremely low. However, propagation of calf
venous thrombi occurs in up to 30% of hospitalized patients. The long-term sequelae of venous thrombosis involving

more proximal venous segments certainly is reason enough to consider anticoagulation. If untreated, recurrent venous thromboembolism occurs in up to
30% of patients. For this reason, we would strongly advocate anticoagulant therapy of the patient with calf venous thrombosis, especially if the cause of
the DVT has not been eliminated. If a decision not to anticoagulate is made, repeat duplex in 3 days is recommended, and if proximal propagation is
noted, anticoagulation should be instituted.
Any venous thrombosis involving the femoropopliteal system should be treated with full anticoagulation. Traditionally, the treatment of DVT centers
around heparin treatment to maintain the PTT at 60 to 80 seconds, followed by warfarin therapy to obtain an International Normalized Ratio (INR) of
2.5 to 3.0. If unfractionated heparin is used, it is important to use a nomogram-based dosing therapy. The incidence of recurrent venous
thromboembolism increases if the time to therapeutic anticoagulation is prolonged. For this reason, it is important to reach therapeutic levels within 24
hours. A widely used regimen is 80 U/kg bolus of heparin, followed by a 15 U/kg infusion. The PTT should be checked 6 hours after any change in
heparin dosing. Warfarin is started the same day. If warfarin is initiated without heparin, the risk of a transient hypercoagulable state exists, because
proteins C and S levels fall before the other vitamin Kdependent factors are depleted. With the advent of LMWH, it is no longer necessary to admit the
patient for intravenous heparin therapy. It is now accepted practice to administer LMWH to the patient as an outpatient, as a bridge to warfarin therapy,
which also is monitored on an outpatient basis.
The recommended duration of anticoagulant therapy continues to undergo evolution. A minimum treatment time of 3 months is advocated in most
cases. The recurrence rate is the same with 3 versus 6 months of warfarin therapy. If, however, the patient has a known hypercoagulable state or has
experienced episodes of venous thrombosis, then lifetime anticoagulation is required, in the absence of contraindications. The accepted INR range is 2.0
to 3.0; a recent randomized, double-blind study confirmed that a goal INR of 2.0 to 3.0 was more effective in preventing recurrent venous
thromboembolism than a low-intensity regimen with a goal INR of 1.0 to 1.9.[44] Additionally, the low-intensity regimen did not reduce the risk of
clinically important bleeding.
Oral anticoagulants are teratogenic and thus cannot be used during pregnancy. In the case of the pregnant woman with venous thrombosis, LMWH is
the treatment of choice, and this is continued through delivery and can be continued postpartum if needed.

The advent of thrombolysis has resulted in increased interest in thrombolysis for DVT. The purported benefit is preservation of valve function with
subsequently lesser chance of developing CVI. However, to date, little definitive, convincing data exist to support the use of thrombolytic therapy for
One exception is the patient with phlegmasia in whom thrombolysis is advocated for relief of significant venous obstruction. In this condition,
thrombolytic therapy probably results in better relief of symptoms and less long-term sequelae than heparin anticoagulation alone. The alternative for
this condition is surgical venous thrombectomy. No matter which treatment is chosen, long-term anticoagulation is indicated. The incidence of major
bleeding is higher with lytic therapy.
Vena Caval Filter

The most worrisome and potentially lethal complication of DVT is pulmonary embolism. The symptoms of pulmonary embolism, ranging from
dyspnea, chest pain, and hypoxia to acute cor pulmonale are nonspecific and require a vigilant eye for the diagnosis to be made. The gold standard
remains the pulmonary angiogram, but increasingly this is being displaced by the computed tomographic angiogram.
Adequate anticoagulation is usually effective in stabilizing venous thrombosis, but if a patient should develop a pulmonary embolism in the presence of
adequate anticoagulation, a vena cava filter is indicated. The general indications for a caval filter are listed in Box 675 . The modern filters are placed
percutaneously over a guide wire. The Greenfield filter, with the most extensive use and data, has a 95% patency rate and a 4% recurrent embolism rate.
This high patency rate allows for safe suprarenal placement if there is involvement of the inferior vena cava up to the renal veins or if it is placed in a
woman of childbearing potential.
The device-related complications are wound hematoma, migration of the device into the pulmonary artery, and caval occlusion due to trapping of a
large embolus. In the latter situation, the dramatic hypotension that accompanies acute caval occlusion can be mistaken for a massive pulmonary
embolism. The distinction between the hypovolemia of caval occlusion versus the right heart failure from pulmonary embolism can be arrived at by
measuring filling pressures of the right side of the heart. The treatment of caval occlusion is volume resuscitation.
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Venous disease, in a surgical perspective, is unglamorous and frustrating. However, the consequence of both
Box 67-5. Indications for a Vena Cava Filter
Recurrent thromboembolism despite adequate anticoagulation
Deep venous thrombosis in a patient with contraindications to
Chronic pulmonary embolism and resultant pulmonary
Complications of anticoagulation
Propagating iliofemoral venous thrombus in anticoagulation


venous insufficiency as well as venous thrombosis is debilitating, expensive, and associated with significant morbidity in terms of the initial condition
as well as its sequelae. A thorough knowledge of the disease, the risk factors, and treatment will hopefully result in more effective prevention and
treatment of this pervasive disease in the near future. The last 20 years have seen major advances in our diagnostic abilities, in terms of imaging, as well
as our understanding of hypercoagulable states. Surgical advances, such as subfascial endoscopic perforator surgery, have had mixed results, but the
general trajectory is forward, albeit with small steps.
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Selected References
American Venous Forum: Classification and grading of chronic venous disease in the lower limb: A consensus statement. Vasc Surg 30:5, 1996.
Interpretation based on external evidence alone, with regard to chronic venous disease, can be highly error prone, and this consensus statement by an international group
of experts in chronic venous disease is an attempt to clearly identify the etiologic, anatomic, pathophysiologic, and clinical features of the limb with chronic venous disease.
Caggiati A, Bergan JJ, Gloviczki P, et al: Nomenclature of the veins of the lower limbs: An international interdisciplinary consensus statement. J Vasc Surg 36:416422, 2002.
A revision in the nomenclature of the venous system that seeks to eliminate some confusion about the superficial and the deep venous system, as commonly understood. It is
unclear whether this advances the cause, but it is an attempt to standardize the nomenclature.
Christopolous D, Nicolaides AN, Cook A, et al: Pathogenesis of venous ulceration in relation to the calf muscle pump function. Surgery 106:829, 1989.
Ulceration due to venous insufficiency is accompanied by increasing reflux and decreasing calf ejection fraction. The authors elegantly demonstrate that the combination of
venous reflux and ejection fraction with exercise, expressed as the residual volume fraction, correlated well with the incidence of ulceration and the measurement of
ambulatory venous pressure.
Lippman HI, Fishman LM, Farrar RH, et al: Edema control in the management of disabling chronic venous insufficiency. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 75:436, 1994.
A 15-year experience demonstrating the efficacy of compression therapy, in particular Unnas boot, in healing ulceration of the limb, with 90% success in healing in
compliant patients.
Rutgers PH, Kitslaar PJ: Randomized trial of stripping versus high ligation combined with sclerotherapy in the treatment of the incompetent saphenous vein. Am J Surg 168:311,
This study demonstrated convincingly that the saphenous vein ligation and stripping in combination with stab avulsions were superior to high ligation without stripping
and sclerotherapy with regard to cosmetic, functional, and duplex outcome criteria.

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Chapter 68 - The Lymphatics

Iraklis I. Pipinos M.D.
B. Timothy Baxter M.D.


The primordial lymphatic system is first seen during the sixth week of development in the form of lymph sacs located next to the jugular veins. During
the eighth week, the cisterna chyli forms just dorsal to the aorta, and, at the same time, two additional lymphatic sacs corresponding to the iliofemoral
vascular pedicles begin forming. Communicating channels connecting the lymph sacs, which will become the thoracic duct, develop during the ninth
From this primordial lymphatic system sprout endothelial buds that grow with the venous system to form the peripheral lymphatic plexus ( Fig. 681 ).
Failure of one of the initial jugular lymphatic sacs to develop proper connections and drainage with the lymphatic and, subsequently, venous system
may produce focal lymph cysts (cavernous lymphangiomas) also known as cystic hygromas.[1] Similarly, failure of embryologic remnants of lymphatic
tissues to connect to efferent channels leads to the development of cystic lymphatic formations (simple capillary lymphangiomas) that, depending on
their location, are classified as truncal, mesenteric, intestinal, and retroperitoneal lymphangiomas. Hypoplasia or failure of development of drainage
channels connecting the lymphatic systems of extremities to the main primordial lymphatic system of the torso may result in primary lymphedema of
the extremities.
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The lymphatic system is composed of three elements: (1) the initial or terminal lymphatic capillaries, which absorb lymph; (2) the collecting vessels,
which serve primarily as conduits for lymph transport; and (3) the lymph nodes, which are interposed in the pathway of the conducting vessels, filtering
the lymph and serving a primary immunologic role.
The terminal lymphatics have special structural characteristics that allow entry not only of large macromolecules but even cells and microbes. Their
most important structural feature is a high porosity resulting from a very small number of tight junctions between endothelial cells, a limited and
incomplete basement membrane, and anchoring filaments tethering the interstitial matrix to the endothelial cells. These filaments, once the turgor of the
tissue increases, are able to pull on the endothelial cells and essentially introduce large gaps between them, which then allow for very low resistance
influx of interstitial fluid and macromolecules in the lymphatic channels. The collecting vessels ascend alongside the primary blood vessels of the organ
or limb, pass through the regional lymph nodes, and drain into the main lymph channels of the torso. These channels eventually empty into the venous
system through the thoracic duct. There are additional communications between the lymphatic and the venous system. These smaller lymphovenous
shunts mostly occur at the level of lymph nodes and around major venous structures, such as the jugular, subclavian, and iliac veins. Several structures
in the body contain no lymphatics. Specifically, lymphatics have not been found in the epidermis, cornea, central nervous system, cartilage, tendon, and
The lymphatic system has three main functions. First, tissue fluid and macromolecules ultrafiltrated at the level of the arterial capillaries are reabsorbed
and returned to the circulation through the lymphatic system. Every day,

Figure 68-1 Major anatomic pathways and lymph node groups of the lymphatic system.

50% to 100% of the intravascular proteins are filtered this way in the interstitial space. Normally they then enter the terminal lymphatics and are
transported through the collecting lymphatics back into the venous circulation. Second, microbes arriving in the interstitial space enter the lymphatic
system and are presented to the lymph nodes, which represent the first line of the immune system. Last, at the level of the gastrointestinal tract, lymph
vessels are responsible for the uptake and transport of most of the fat absorbed from the bowel.
In contrast to what happens with venous forward flow, lymphs centripetal transport occurs mainly through intrinsic contractility of the individual
lymphatic vessels, which in concert with competent valvular mechanisms is effective in establishing constant forward flow of lymph. In addition to the
intrinsic contractility, other factors, such as surrounding muscular activity, negative pressure secondary to breathing, and transmitted arterial pulsations,
have a lesser role in the forward lymph flow. These secondary factors appear to become more important under conditions of lymph stasis and
congestion of the lymphatic vessels.
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Lymphedema is the result of an inability of the existing lymphatic system to accommodate the protein and fluid entering the interstitial compartment at
the tissue level.[2] In the first stage of lymphedema, impaired lymphatic drainage results in protein-rich fluid accumulation in the interstitial
compartment. Clinically, this manifests as soft pitting edema. In the second stage of lymphedema, the clinical condition is further exacerbated by
accumulation of fibroblasts, adipocytes, and, perhaps most importantly, macrophages in the affected tissues, which culminate in a local inflammatory
response. This results in important structural changes from the deposition of connective tissue and adipose elements at the skin and subcutaneous level.
In the second stage of lymphedema, tissue edema is more pronounced, is nonpitting, and has a spongy consistency. In the third and most advanced stage
of lymphedema, the affected tissues sustain further injury as a result of both the local inflammatory response as well as recurrent infectious episodes that
typically result from minimal subclinical skin breaks in the skin. Such repeated episodes injure the incompetent, remaining lymphatic

channels, progressively worsening the underlying insufficiency of the lymphatic system. This eventually results in excessive subcutaneous fibrosis and
scarring with associated severe skin changes characteristic of lymphostatic elephantiasis ( Fig. 682 ).
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In most patients with second- or third-stage lymphedema, the characteristic findings on physical examination can usually establish the diagnosis. The
edematous limb has a firm and hardened consistency. There is loss of the normal perimalleolar shape, resulting in a tree trunk pattern. The dorsum of
the foot is characteristically swollen, resulting in the appearance of the buffalo hump, and the toes become thick and squared ( Fig. 682 ). In
advanced lymphedema, the skin undergoes characteristic changes, such as lichenification, development of peau dorange, and hyperkeratosis.[3]
Additionally, the patients give a history of recurrent episodes of cellulitis and lymphangitis after trivial trauma and frequently present with fungal
infections affecting the forefoot and toes. Patients with isolated lymphedema usually do not have the hyperpigmentation or ulceration one typically sees
in patients with chronic venous insufficiency. Lymphedema does not respond significantly to overnight elevation, whereas edema secondary to central
organ failure or venous insufficiency does.
The evaluation of a swollen extremity should start with a detailed history and physical examination. The most common causes of bilateral extremity
edema are of systemic origin. The most common etiology is cardiac failure,

Figure 68-2 Lymphedema with characteristic loss of the normal perimalleolar shape resulting in a tree trunk pattern. Dorsum of the foot is characteristically swollen, resulting in the
appearance of the buffalo hump.

followed by renal failure.[4] Hypoproteinemia secondary to cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, and malnutrition can also produce bilateral lower extremity
edema. Another important cause to consider with bilateral leg enlargement is lipedema. Lipedema is not true edema but rather excessive subcutaneous
fat found in obese women. It is bilateral, nonpitting, and greatest at the ankle and legs, with characteristic sparing of the feet. There are no skin changes,
and the enlargement is not affected by elevation. The history usually indicates that this has been a lifelong problem that runs in the family.
Once the systemic causes of edema are excluded, in the patient with unilateral extremity involvement, edema secondary to venous and lymphatic
pathology should be entertained. Venous pathology is overwhelmingly the most common cause of unilateral leg edema. Leg edema secondary to venous
disease is usually pitting and is greatest at the legs and ankles with a sparing of the feet. The edema responds promptly to overnight leg elevation. In the
later stages, the skin is atrophic with brawny pigmentation. Ulceration associated with venous insufficiency occurs above or posterior and beneath the
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Lymphedema is generally classified as primary when there is no known etiology and secondary when its cause is a known disease or disorder.[5] Primary
lymphedema has generally been classified on the basis of the age at onset and presence of familial clustering. Primary lymphedema with onset before
the first year of life is called congenital. The familial version of congenital lymphedema is known as Milroys disease and is inherited as a dominant
trait. Primary lymphedema with onset between the ages of 1 and 35 years is called lymphedema praecox. The familial version of lymphedema praecox
is known as Meiges disease. Finally, primary lymphedema with onset after the age of 35 is called lymphedema tarda. The primary lymphedemas are
relatively uncommon, occurring in one of every 10,000 individuals. The most common form of primary lymphedema is praecox, which accounts for
approximately 80% of the patients. Congenital and tarda lymphedemas each account for 10%. Worldwide the most common cause of secondary
lymphedema is infestation of the lymph nodes by the parasite Wuchereria bancrofti in the disease state called filariasis. In the developed countries the
most common causes of secondary lymphedema involve resection or ablation of regional lymph nodes by surgery, radiation therapy, tumor invasion,
direct trauma, or, less commonly, an infectious process.
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The diagnosis of lymphedema is relatively easy in the patient who presents in the second and third stages of the disease. It can however, be a difficult
diagnosis to make in the first stage, particularly when the edema is mild, pitting, and relieved with simple maneuvers such as elevation.[6] [7] For patients
with suspected secondary forms of lymphedema,

computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are valuable and indeed essential for exclusion of underlying oncologic disease
states.[8] [9] In patients with known lymph node excision and radiation treatment as the underlying problem of their lymphedema, additional diagnostic
studies are rarely needed except as these studies relate to follow-up of an underlying malignancy. For patients with edema of unknown etiology and a
suspicion for lymphedema, lymphoscintigraphy is the diagnostic test of choice. When lymphoscintigraphy confirms that lymphatic drainage is delayed,
the diagnosis of primary lymphedema should never be made until neoplasia involving the regional and central lymphatic drainage of the limb has been
excluded through CT or MRI. If a more detailed diagnostic interpretation of lymphatic channels is needed for operative planning, then contrast
lymphangiography may be considered.
Lymphoscintigraphy has emerged as the test of choice in patients with suspected lymphedema.[10] [11] [12] It cannot differentiate between primary and
secondary lymphedemas; however, it has a sensitivity of 70% to 90% and a specificity of nearly 100% in differentiating lymphedema from other causes
of limb swelling. The test assesses lymphatic function by quantitating the rate of clearance of a radiolabeled macromolecular tracer ( Fig. 683 ). The
advantages of the technique are that it is simple, safe, and reproducible with small exposure to radioactivity (approximately 5 mCI). It involves the
injection of a small amount of radioiodinated human albumin or 99 Tc-labeled sulfide colloid into the first interdigital space of the foot or hand.
Migration of the radiotracer within the skin and subcutaneous lymphatics is easily monitored with a whole-body gamma camera, thus producing clear
images of the major lymphatic channels in the leg as well as measuring the amount of radioactivity at the inguinal nodes 30 and 60 minutes after
injection of the radiolabeled substance in the feet. An uptake value that is less than 0.3% of the total injected dose at 30 minutes is diagnostic of
lymphedema. The normal range of uptake is between 0.6% and 1.6%. In patients with edema secondary to venous disease, isotope clearance is usually
abnormally rapid, resulting in more than 2% ilioinguinal uptake. Importantly, variation in the degree of edema involving the lower extremity does not
appear to significantly change the rate of the isotope clearance.
Direct contrast lymphangiography provides the finest details of the lymphatic anatomy.[13] However, it is an invasive study that involves exposure and
cannulation of lymphatics at the dorsum of the forefoot, followed by slow injection of contrast medium (ethiodized oil). The procedure is tedious, the
cannulation often necessitates aid of magnification optics (frequently an operating microscope is needed), and the dissection requires some form of
anesthetic. After cannulation of a superficial lymph vessel, contrast material is slowly injected into the lymphatic system. A total of 7 to 10 mL of
contrast medium is ideal for lower extremity evaluation and 4 to 5 mL for upper extremity evaluation. Potential complications include damage of the
visualized lymphatics, allergic reactions, and pulmonary embolism if the oil-based contrast medium enters the venous system through lymphovenous

Figure 68-3 Lymphoscintigraphic pattern in primary lymphedema. Note area of dermal backflow on the left and diminished number of lymph nodes in the groin. (From Cambria RA,
Gloviczki P, Naessens JM, Wahner HW: Noninvasive evaluation of the lymphatic system with lymphoscintigraphy: A prospective, semiquantitative analysis in 386 extremities. J Vasc
Surg 18:773782, 1993.)

Lymphangiography in the present practice of vascular surgery is used infrequently and reserved for the preoperative evaluation of selected patients that
are candidates for direct operations on their lymphatic vessels.
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The large majority of lymphedema patients can be treated with a combination of limb elevation, a high-quality compression garment, complex
decongestive physical therapy, and compression pump therapy. A new class of medications known as benzopyrones is still under investigation in the
United States but may find a place in the care of lymphedema in the near future. Operative treatment may be considered for patients with advanced
complicated lymphedema that fail management with nonoperative means.


General Therapeutic Measures

All patients with lymphedema should be educated in meticulous skin care and avoidance of injuries.[14] The patients should always be instructed to see
their physicians early for signs of infections because these may progress rapidly in a serious systemic manner.[15] Infections should be aggressively and
promptly treated with appropriate antibiotics directed at gram-positive cocci.[16] Eczema at the level of the forefoot and toes requires treatment, and
hydrocortisone-based creams may be considered. Additionally, basic range-of-motion exercises for the extremities have been shown to be of value in
the management of lymphedema in the long term. Finally, the patients should make every effort to maintain ideal body weight.
Elevation and Compression Garments

For lymphedema patients in all stages of disease, management with high-quality elastic garments is necessary at all times except when the legs are
elevated above the heart.[17] [18] The ideal compression garment is custom fitted and delivers pressures in the range of 30 to 60 mm Hg. Such garments
may have the additional benefit of protecting the extremity from injuries such as burns, lacerations, and insect bites. The patients should avoid standing
for prolonged periods and should elevate their legs at night by supporting the foot of the bed on 15-cm blocks.
Complex Decongestive Physical Therapy

This specialized massage technique for patients with lymphedema is designed to stimulate the still functioning lymph vessels, evacuate stagnant proteinrich fluid by breaking up subcutaneous deposits of fibrous tissue, and redirect lymph fluid to areas of the body where lymph flow is normal.[19] The
technique is initiated on the normal contralateral side of the body evacuating excessive fluid and preparing first the lymphatic zones of the nonaffected
extremity, followed by the zones in the trunk quadrant adjacent to the affected limb before attention is turned to the swollen extremity. The affected
extremity is massaged in a segmental fashion, with the proximal zones being massaged first, proceeding to the distal limb. The technique is time
consuming but effective in reducing the volume of the lymphedematous limbs.[20] After the massage session is complete the extremity is wrapped with a
low stretch wrap and then the limb is placed in the custom-fitted garment to maintain the decreased girth obtained with the massage therapy. This kind
of therapy is appropriate for patients with all stages of lymphedema.[21]
When the patient is first referred for complex decongestive physical therapy, the patient undergoes daily to weekly massage sessions for up to 8 to 12
weeks. Limb elevation and elastic stockings are a necessary adjunct in this phase. After maximal volume reduction is achieved, then the patient returns
for maintenance massage treatments every 2 to 3 months.
Compression Pump Therapy

Pneumatic compression pump therapy is another effective method of reducing the volume of the lymphedematous limb using a similar principle to
massage therapy. The device consists of a sleeve containing several compartments. The lymphedematous limb is positioned inside the sleeve, and the
compartments are serially inflated so as to milk the stagnant fluid out of the extremity.[22]
When a patient with advanced lymphedema is first referred for therapy, an initial approach with hospitalization for 3 to 4 days involving strict limb
elevation, daily complex decongestive physical therapy, and compression pump treatments may be necessary to achieve optimal control of the
lymphedema. Patients with cardiac or renal dysfunction should be monitored for fluid overload. After this initial period of intensive therapy the patients
are fitted with high-quality compression garments to maintain the limb volume. Maintenance sessions are then prescribed for the patients on an asneeded basis.
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Drug Therapy
Benzopyrones have attracted interest as potentially effective agents in the treatment of lymphedema. This class of medications, with the main
representative being coumarin (1,2-benzopyrone), is thought to reduce lymphedema through stimulation of proteolysis by tissue macrophages and
stimulation of the peristalsis and pumping action of the collecting lymphatics. Benzopyrones have no anticoagulant activity. The first randomized,
crossover trial of coumarin in patients with lymphedema of the arms and legs was reported in 1993.[23] The study concluded that coumarin was more
effective than placebo in reducing not only volume but also other important parameters, including skin temperature, attacks of secondary acute
inflammation and discomfort of the lymphedematous extremities, skin turgor, and suppleness. A second randomized, crossover trial was reported in
1999.[24] This study focused on effects of coumarin in women with secondary lymphedema after treatment of breast cancer. The trial investigators found
that coumarin was not effective therapy for the specific group of women. Because of the disagreement between these two major trials, the enthusiasm
for use of benzopyrones in the United States has been tempered. Additional trials should be undertaken to clarify the potential effects of the medications
on primary and secondary lymphedemas in different extremities and stages.
Diuretics may temporarily improve the appearance of the lymphedematous extremity with stage I disease, leading patients to request continuous
therapy. However, other than producing temporary intravascular volume depletion, there is no long-term benefit. Thus, diuretics have no role in the
treatment of lymphedema at any stage.
Operative Treatment

Ninety-five percent of patients with lymphedema can be managed nonoperatively. Surgical intervention may be considered for patients with stage II and
III lymphedema

who have severe functional impairment, recurrent episodes of lymphangitis, and severe pain despite optimal medical therapy. Two main categories of
operations are available for the care of patients with lymphedema: reconstructive and excisional.
Reconstructive operations should be considered for those patients with proximal (either primary or secondary) obstruction of the extremity lymphatic
circulation with preserved, dilated lymphatics distal to the obstruction.[25] [26] [27] In these patients the residual dilated lymphatics can be anastomosed
either to nearby veins or to transposed healthy lymphatic channels (usually mobilized or harvested from the contralateral extremity) in an attempt to
restore effective drainage of the lymphedematous extremity. Treatment of selected lymphedema patients with lymphovenous anastomoses has resulted
in objective improvement in 30% to 40% of the patients with an average initial reduction in the excess limb volume of 40% to 50%.[28] [29]
For those patients with primary lymphedema who have hypoplastic and fibrotic distal lymphatic vessels, such reconstruction is not an option. For such
patients, surgical strategy involving transfer of lymphatic-bearing tissue (portion of the greater omentum) into the affected limb has been attempted.
This is intended to connect the residual hypoplastic lymphatic channels of the leg to competent lymphatics in the transferred tissue. Omental flap
operations have been found to have poor results.[30] Alternatively, a segment of the ileum can be disconnected from the rest of the bowel, stripped of its
mucosa, and mobilized to be sewn onto the cut surface of residual ilioinguinal nodes in an attempt to bridge the lower extremity with mesenteric
lymphatics. When this enteromesenteric bridge procedure was applied to a group of eight carefully selected patients, the outcomes were promising, with
six patients showing sustained clinical improvement in long follow-up.[31]
Excisional operations are essentially the only viable option for patients without residual lymphatics of adequate size for reconstructive procedures. For
patients with recalcitrant stage II and early stage III lymphedema in whom the edema is moderate and the skin is relatively healthy, an excisional
procedure that removes a large segment of the lymphedematous subcutaneous tissues and overlying skin is the procedure of choice. This palliative
procedure was introduced by Kontoleon in 1918 and was later popularized by Homans as staged subcutaneous excision underneath flaps ( Fig. 684 ).
The operative approach starts with a medial incision extending from the level of the medial malleolus through the calf into the mid thigh.[32] [33] [34] Flaps
1 to 2 cm thick are elevated anteriorly and posteriorly, and all subcutaneous tissue beneath the flaps along with the underlying medial calf deep fascia is
removed with the redundant skin. The sural nerve is preserved. After the first-stage procedure is completed and if additional lymphedematous tissue
removal is necessary, then a second operation is performed usually 3 to 6 months later. The second-stage operation is performed using similar
techniques through an incision on the lateral aspect of the limb.
In a recent long-term, follow-up study, 80% of patients undergoing staged subcutaneous excision underneath flaps had significant and long-lasting
reduction in extremity size associated with improved function and extremity contour. Wound complications were encountered in 10% of the patients.[32]
When the lymphedema is extremely pronounced and the skin is unhealthy and infected, the simple reducing operation of Kontoleon is not adequate. In
this case, the classic excisional operation originally described by Charles in 1912 is performed ( Fig. 685 ). The procedure involves complete and
circumferential excision of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and deep fascia of the involved leg and dorsum of the foot.[35] The excision is usually
performed in one stage, and coverage is provided preferably by full-thickness grafting from the excised skin. In a recent follow-up report, patients
subjected to Charles operation had immediate volume and circumference reduction. Skin graft take was 88% and complications of operation consisted
primarily of wound infections, hematomas, and necrosis of skin flaps. The hospital stay was 21 to 36 days.[36] Although this is a very successful and
radically reducing operation, the behavior in the healing skin graft is unpredictable. Between 10% and 15% of the grafted segments do not take and can
be difficult to manage because of frequent localized sloughing, excessive scarring, focal recurrent infections, and hyperkeratosis or dermatitis. These
complications seem to be worse in patients when leg resurfacing is performed using split-thickness grafts from the opposite extremity. In advanced
cases the exophytic changes within the grafted skin, chronic cellulitis, and skin breakdown may eventually lead to leg amputation.[37]
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Chylous pleural effusion is usually secondary to thoracic duct trauma (usually iatrogenic after chest surgery) and rarely a manifestation of advanced
malignant disease with lymphatic metastasis.[38] Chylomicrons on lipoprotein analysis and a triglyceride level of more than 110 mg/dL in the pleural
fluid are diagnostic. Initially, patients can be treated nonoperatively with tube thoracostomy and a medium-chain triglyceride diet or total parenteral
nutrition. For patients with thoracic duct injury and an effusion that persists after 1 week of drainage, video-assisted thoracoscopy or thoracotomy
should be employed to identify and ligate the thoracic duct above and below the leak. The site of the leak can be identified if cream is given to the
patient a few hours before operation. For patients with cancer-related chylothorax and persistent drainage despite optimal chemotherapy and radiation
therapy, pleurodesis is highly successful in preventing recurrences.[39]
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In contrast to chylothorax, the most common causes of chylous ascites are congenital lymphatic abnormalities in children and malignancy involving the
abdominal lymph nodes in adults. Postoperative injury to abdominal lymphatics resulting in chylous ascites is rare.[40] Presence of

Figure 68-4 A to C, Schematic representation of Kontoleons or Homans procedure. Relatively thick skin flaps are raised anteriorly and posteriorly, and all subcutaneous tissue
beneath the flaps and the underlying medial calf deep fascia are removed along with the necessary redundant skin.

Figure 68-5 A to C, Schematic representation of Charles procedure. It involves complete and circumferential excision of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and deep fascia of the
involved leg and dorsum of the foot. Coverage is provided preferably by full-thickness grafting from the excised skin.


chylomicrons on lipoprotein analysis and a triglyceride level of more than 110 mg/dL are again diagnostic. Initial treatment includes paracentesis
followed by a medium-chain triglyceride diet or total parenteral nutrition. In patients with postoperative chyloperitoneum, if ascites does not respond
after 1 to 2 weeks of nonoperative management, exploration should be employed to identify and ligate the leaking lymphatic duct. Congenital and
malignant causes should be given longer periods (up to 4 to 6 weeks) of nonoperative management. If ascites persists in patients with congenital ascites,
lymphoscintigraphy or lymphangiography is performed before making an attempt to control the leak with celiotomy. At the time of exploration, control
of the leak can be achieved by ligation of leaking lymphatic vessels or resection of the bowel associated with the leak. Patients with malignancies
should receive aggressive management for their underlying disease, which generally is effective at controlling the chyloperitoneum.
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Lymphangiomas are the lymphatic analogue of the hemangiomas of blood vessels. They are generally divided into two types: simple or capillary
lymphangioma and cavernous lymphangioma or cystic hygroma.[41] They are thought to represent isolated and sequestered segments of the lymphatic
system that retain the ability to produce lymph. As the volume of lymph inside the cystic tumor increases, they grow larger within the surrounding
tissues. The majority of these benign tumors are present at birth, and 90% of them can be identified by the end of the first year of life. The cavernous
lymphangiomas almost invariably occur in the neck or the axilla and very rarely in the retroperitoneum. The simple capillary lymphangiomas also tend
to occur subcutaneously in the head and neck region as well as the axilla. Rarely, however, they can be found in the trunk within the internal organs or
the connective tissue in and about the abdominal or thoracic cavities. The treatment of lymphangiomas should be surgical excision, taking care to
preserve all normal surrounding infiltrated structures.
Lymphangiosarcoma is a rare tumor that develops as a complication of long-standing (usually more than 10 years) lymphedema.[42] Clinically, the
patients present with acute worsening of the edema and appearance of subcutaneous nodules that have a propensity toward hemorrhage and ulceration.
The tumor can be treated, like other sarcomas, with preoperative chemotherapy and irradiation followed by surgical excision, which usually may take
the form of radical amputation. Overall, the tumor has a very poor prognosis.[43]
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Selected References
Gloviczki P: Principles of surgical treatment of chronic lymphoedema. Int Angiol 18:4246, 1999.
Comprehensive review summarizes the important elements in the management of patients with lymphedema.
Rockson SG: Lymphedema. Am J Med 110:288295, 2001.
Tiwari A, Cheng KS, Button M, et al: Differential diagnosis, investigation, and current treatment of lower limb lymphedema. Arch Surg 138:152161, 2003.
These two current reviews illustrate the current knowledge and controversies in the pathophysiology, classification, natural history, differential diagnosis, and treatment of
Wyatt LE, Miller TA: Lymphedema and tumors of the lymphatics. In Moore WS (ed): Vascular Surgery, A Comprehensive Review. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1998, pp 829843.
Authoritative treatise provides a succinct summary of the diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic disorders.

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1. Levine

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Chapter 69 - Access and Ports

Carl E. Haisch M.D.
Frank M. Parker D.O.
Philip M. Brown Jr. M.D.


Access to the vascular system is necessitated by the therapy required for the complex medical conditions that occur in many patients. Frequent access to
the bloodstream is required for patients undergoing parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy for malignant disease, plasmapheresis, and short-term and longterm dialysis.
Without adequate vascular access, hemodialysis would not have developed as we know it today. The first significant research to investigate dialysis was
begun in the 19th century by Thomas Graham. George Haas, in 1924, continued Grahams work when he attempted dialysis in the first human patient.
The patient tolerated the procedure well, but the amount of dialysis was inadequate for the patient to gain a therapeutic effect, and the patient died. In
the early 1940s, Willem Johan Kolff designed a dialysis machine using cellulose tubing, and when heparin became available, he dialyzed his first
patient. The patient eventually died after 26 days of treatment when vascular access became unavailable after repeated surgical cutdowns.
The breakthrough in long-term access for dialysis occurred when Quinton and colleagues used a Teflon conduit to construct arteriovenous connections
in 1960. This advance allowed the first long-term dialysis of patients and was not improved on until 1966, when Brescia and associates[1] constructed a
natural arteriovenous fistula between the radial artery and the cephalic vein. The Brescia-Cimino fistula is still considered the gold standard for
dialysis. For patients without an adequate cephalic vein, saphenous vein was used but found to be unsatisfactory. Artificial materials were eventually
developed, and the current standard material is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
The need to infuse irritating solutions into a patient required a high-flow system. Aubaniac used the subclavian vein for vascular access in 1952, and
Dudrick and Wilmore used it later for nutritional support. This vein was selected for its high flow and easy accessibility. The Broviac catheter and, later,
the Hickman catheter were used for nutritional support and for chemotherapy and blood drawing, respectively. Currently, double-lumen and triplelumen catheters are available for access in monitoring, dialysis, and numerous other applications. Catheters such as the Port-A-Cath and Infus-A-Port
are designed so the entire catheter and access port are totally covered by skin. To use these catheters, access is gained through a septum in an access port
with a special needle.

Hemoaccess through a fistula, jump graft, or external angioaccess is appropriate when frequent access to the vascular system is required, when a highflow system is needed, when the ability to withstand multiple needle punctures is required, or when highly sclerotic solutions are administered
intravenously. The most common uses are for acute and chronic renal failure, administration of chemotherapeutic agents and other drugs,
hyperalimentation, and administration of blood and blood products. Angioaccess is also frequently required in patients with AIDS who need
medications for treatment of cytomegalovirus infection or who need access for blood drawing.
Vascular access is an extremely important part of medicine. In the end-stage renal disease budget, maintaining and placing vascular access devices and
fistulas cost over $1 billion per year in the United States. This amount comprises up to 17% of the budget for patients with end-stage renal failure. An
estimated 240,000 patients require dialysis and

the number continues to increase, as does the age of these patients. Currently, 40% of all patients who undergo dialysis are 65 years old or older and the
percentage of patients older than age 65 continues to increase.
External Angioaccess

The first successful shunt for repeated hemodialysis was the Scribner shunt, which used a Teflon tip inserted into both the artery and the vein. Silastic
tubing, attached to the Teflon tip, was placed through the skin by means of a skin incision, both ends were connected, and continuous blood flow was
established. These shunts are used infrequently now, primarily for plasmapheresis or for acute, continuous renal replacement therapy.
Dialysis Through Major Vessels

Short-term angioaccess for hemodialysis may be obtained by insertion of a non-tunneled catheter into the subclavian, external jugular, internal jugular,
or femoral vein. These percutaneously placed catheters may make construction of an autogenous or internal arteriovenous fistula more difficult or
impossible. After placement of a subclavian catheter for even as short a period as 2 weeks, up to 50% of subclavian veins have a significant stenosis that
causes either clotting of the fistula or a swollen arm after fistula placement. The incidence of stenosis is much lower, less than 10%, with use of the
internal jugular vein, but this complication must be considered nonetheless. Stenoses may not be clinically evident because of collateral circulation, but
a fistula will make the stenosis evident. While the patient is undergoing dialysis, the fistula or graft may have a high venous pressure. For this reason, if
the patient has had a subclavian or internal jugular catheter in place, a Doppler study of the central veins should be done before an internal access is
placed. The gold standard is still a venogram, which allows the subclavian vein to be seen behind the clavicular head. Femoral catheters may be placed

at the patients bedside; ideally, they are removed after dialysis, to prevent infection or venous thrombosis. Repeated use of these catheters may cause
iliofemoral thrombosis, local bleeding, or arterial puncture and injury.
The most commonly used catheters today are dual-lumen, silicone rubber, or polyurethane catheters. These catheters are soft and therefore are usually
placed percutaneously in the external jugular or internal jugular vein, with the help of a peel-away sheath. A cutdown will be necessary infrequently.
These catheters can be placed in the veins listed earlier, but they also have been placed in the inferior vena cava via a translumbar or transhepatic
approach. The dual-lumen design imparts a low incidence of recirculation (2% to 5%), except when short catheters are placed in the femoral vein, where
recirculation is unacceptably high (18% to almost 40% at higher blood flows of 400 mL/min) ( Fig. 691 ).[2] Because these catheters are soft and
pliable, endothelial damage is less than with stiff catheters and the incidence of thrombosis is lower.

Figure 69-1 Position of a soft Silastic internal jugular catheter for dialysis. (From Uldall R, DeBruyne M, Besley M, et al: A new vascular access catheter for hemodialysis. Am J
Kidney Dis 21:270, 1993.)

Patients who will require long-term access should have a tunneled catheter placed. The Dacron cuff allows tissue ingrowth that helps reduce the risk of
infection when compared with noncuffed catheters. Many different types of catheters can be used in patients who are undergoing dialysis. Most
catheters have both lumens in a single unit; however, the Tesio catheter is really two separate catheters that are placed through two separate needle
sticks.[3] These catheters allow blood flows of up to 400 mL/min and thus allow high-flux dialysis. The catheter tip should be in the right atrium to
prevent recirculation and decrease the incidence of clot forming on the catheter tip. Stiff catheters should be placed at the junction of the right atrium
and the superior vena cava to prevent arrhythmias or venous puncture. The incidence of central stenosis is approximately the same with these soft
catheters as it is with the stiffer catheters described earlier. There are also recently approved implantable ports that in initial reports have less thrombotic
and infectious complications than tunneled catheters and have comparable performance to Tesio catheters.[4] However, these catheters are still not
proven and probably only have a place in selected patients.
Some patients are not candidates for placement of a fistula or a PTFE graft. In these patients, a silicone rubber catheter may be adequate. McLaughlin
and colleagues[5] showed that approximately 50% of catheters placed in the right subclavian position survive for 1 year. This finding is consistent with
the data of Mosquera and associates,[6] who showed that the cumulative PermCath survival rate was 74% at 1 year and 43% at 2 years. One of the major
problems with these catheters is that they become dysfunctional due to clot or fibrin sheath formation. The use of tissue plasminogen activator for
opening the catheters has been discussed. This agent is safe and nonallergenic and,

although expensive, may prolong catheter life. Urokinase can again be used; a volume sufficient to fill the catheter with 5000 IU of urokinase and left to
dwell for 1 hour is usually adequate to open a catheter. Should this low-dose therapy fail, a 4-hour infusion with 60,000 IU urokinase can reopen many
catheters, and this is as effective as percutaneous fibrin sheath stripping.[7]
Nutrition, Blood Access, and Chemotherapy

Access to the venous system for chemotherapy, parenteral nutrition, antibiotics, and blood products is most frequently obtained through the central
vessels such as the subclavian, internal jugular, external jugular, or basilic vein. When no other site can be found, a catheter can be placed in the inferior
vena cava by using a translumbar or transhepatic approach. If a patient has had multiple previous catheters, ultrasound-guided access to collateral veins
with fluoroscopically monitored central advancement can assist in catheter placement. Venography done before attempted catheter placement is
unnecessary because this can be done concomitantly. The catheters used are either totally implantable, such as Port-A-Cath or Infus-A-Port, or external,
such as Broviac, Hickman, and Groshung catheters. Groshung catheters have a valve on the end to prevent blood flow into the catheter. These catheters
can be placed in the operating room or can be safely placed in the angiography suite with no increased infectious risk.
The peripherally inserted central catheter line is placed through an arm vein at the bedside. This catheter may have an open tip and may require heparin,
or it may have a Groshung tip. These catheters are constructed with a port, similar to that of a Port-A-Cath, which is placed under the skin.

Complications can be divided into those that occur secondary to catheter placement and those that occur later. The early complications of subclavian or
internal jugular placement include pneumothorax, arterial injury, thoracic duct injury, air embolus, inability to pass the catheter, bleeding, nerve injury,
and great vessel injury. These complications all decrease in incidence as the physician gains more experience in placing these catheters. A chest
radiograph must be taken after catheter placement to rule out pneumothorax and injury to the great vessels and to check for position of the catheter. The
incidence of pneumothorax is 1% to 4%, and the incidence of injury to the great vessels is less than 1%.[8] A widened mediastinum is an indication of
injury to the great vessels. Injury most commonly occurs when the catheter is placed from the right side. In patients who have had catheters placed
previously or in whom finding the vein is difficult, ultrasonography is recommended. This allows determination of the anatomic location of the vein and
pathologic processes that may be present from previous invasive procedures, such as occlusion, thrombosis, or stenosis. The use of ultrasound in one
study resulted in successful venous cannulation in 100% of patients.[9]
Other complications are mechanical, thrombotic, and infectious. Mechanical complications include catheter malposition, inability to pass fluid or
withdraw blood, and catheter shearing between the clavicle and the first rib. If one has a question regarding the catheter lumen or the inability to flush
the catheter secondary to potential shearing between the clavicle and first rib, the catheter must be removed, to prevent division of the catheter and the
need to retrieve it from the heart.
Thrombotic complications occur in 4% to 10% of patients. Thrombosis may occur secondary to venous wall irritation caused by the catheter, as a result
of a hypercoagulable state in the patient, or from irritation to the venous wall by the chemotherapeutic agents. The initial sign of thrombosis is the

inability to draw blood from the catheter. However, the catheter may draw up against the vessel wall and thereby may also cause an inability to
withdraw blood. Initial therapy for catheter thrombosis is intraluminal instillation of 5000 IU of urokinase, which usually resolves the problem. If this is
unsuccessful, a contrast radiograph is indicated to determine catheter position and integrity. Thrombosis of the vein itself is not adequately treated with
low doses of urokinase. When fresh thrombus surrounds the catheter but patient care requirements preclude its removal, mechanical or pharmacologic
thrombectomy should be considered. If the catheter can be removed and placed elsewhere the patient will still need to be treated for the deep venous
The second most common catheter problem is infection. It may occur soon after placement (3 to 5 days) or late in the life of the catheter and may be at
the exit site or the cause of catheter-related sepsis. In spite of the use of antibiotics, infection can be a catastrophic complication and result in epidural
abscess, osteomyelitis, bacterial endocarditis, or septic arthritis. The diagnosis of infection is difficult. The best techniques to determine whether a
catheter is infected require that the catheter be removed. Maki and associates (as reported by Whitman[8] ) described a semiquantitative culture that is
considered positive with 15 colony-forming units.[8] Another technique calls for a Gram stain of the catheter tip.[8] A third technique quantifies colony
counts of bacteria in blood cultures taken from the central venous catheter and from a peripheral intravenous catheter. If the ratio is 10:1 catheter to
blood colonies, the catheter is considered infected.
The exact incidence of catheter-related infection is difficult to ascertain, but reports indicate a rate of between 0.5 and 3.9 episodes per 1000 catheterdays.[10] Many patients who have catheters in place are immunocompromised secondary to chemotherapy, nutritional status, or underlying disease.
Multilumen catheters and catheter thrombosis both increase the incidence of catheter sepsis.[8]
When the catheter is placed, strict sterile technique must be used. A report by Darouiche and colleagues[11] indicated that catheters with minocycline and
rifampin on the external and luminal surfaces had a lower infection rate than those with chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine on the external surface
only. This finding indicates that the antibiotic combination may be important but also that the

intraluminal route remains important in central catheter-related bloodstream infections.

Infections are most often caused by skin flora. Early infection (3 to 5 days) most often results from infection of the subcutaneous tract. Later infections
may have the same cause or may occur by hematogenous spread. The most common bacteria are Staphylococcus epidermidis and S. aureus. Candida
species can also be involved but less frequently. The exit site should be covered with dry gauze impregnated with iodophor ointment. This method is
effective against both bacteria and fungi, and the dressing can be changed three times a week.
The most common therapy for suspected catheter infection is removal of the catheter. However, because catheter sites may be few, consideration has
been given to catheter exchange over a guide wire. Beathard and colleagues outlined an approach to catheter exchange. The exit site was examined; if
clean, the catheter was simply changed over a guide wire. If the exit site was thought to have an infection, a guide wire was used for the catheter but a
new exit site was chosen. When the infection was severe the catheter was removed, the patient allowed to improve, and a new catheter was placed.[12]
Internal Angioaccess
Natural Fistulas

Prosthetic material, regardless of type, has a greater tendency toward thrombosis than autogenous tissue. Thus, the development of arteriovenous
fistulas by direct anastomosis without the use of intervening prosthetic material represented one of the major advances in the management of patients
undergoing hemodialysis. The fistula most frequently used, the standard by which all other fistulas are measured, is the Brescia-Cimino fistula. An
Allen test should be performed before operation to ensure adequate collateral flow from the ulnar artery to minimize hand ischemia. The artery and vein
are isolated through a longitudinal incision, with care taken to avoid the superficial branch of the radial nerve. The artery and vein can be anastomosed
in a number of ways, including from side to side, from end artery to side vein, from side artery to end vein, or from end artery to end vein ( Fig. 692 ).
A side-to-side anastomosis can cause venous hypertension in the hand, which can be corrected by ligation of the vein distal to the anastomosis. The endto-end anastomosis appears to be accompanied by a higher initial thrombosis rate because fewer collateral channels are present. Dilatation of the artery
and vein at the time of creation of the fistula by insertion of a coronary dilator seems to diminish the initial thrombosis rate of these anastomoses.
Types of Natural Fistulas

Arteriovenous fistulas have several different anastomotic possibilities, the names of which have been standardized.[13] In addition to the autogenous
radial-cephalic direct wrist access (Brescia-Cimino fistula) other possibilities include the autogenous posterior radial branch-cephalic

Figure 69-2 Four different anastomoses commonly constructed between the radial artery and cephalic vein. (From Ozeran RS: Construction and care of external arteriovenous
shunts. In Wilson SE, Owens ML [eds]: Vascular Access Surgery. Chicago, Year Book Medical, 1980.)

direct access (snuffbox fistula), autogenous ulnar-cephalic forearm transposition, autogenous brachial-cephalic upper arm direct access (antecubital vein
to the brachial artery), and autogenous brachial-basilic upper arm transposition (basilic vein transposition). The last fistula calls for dissection of the
basilic vein and transfer to a superficial position on the medial portion of the upper extremity ( Fig. 693 ).[14] If at all possible, these options should be
exhausted before nonautogenous material is used for dialysis access.
Because of the high propensity for infection among patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), natural vein is the preferred
conduit for construction of vascular access for hemodialysis. Frequently, these patients have no usable veins in their arms. Gorksi and colleagues[15]
described their experience using the saphenous vein in the lower leg in these patients. The vein was dissected free of its bed and was anastomosed to the
superficial femoral artery just below the profunda femoris to form a loop of saphenous vein to be used for dialysis.[15]
At present, the number of natural fistulas is thought to be too low. Therefore, the National Kidney Foundations Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative
Guidelines have called for a much higher use of natural fistulas.[16] The call is for approximately 50% of new accesses to be natural fistulas. Doppler
mapping of vessels has been done to determine what vessels can be used for the construction of a natural

Figure 69-3 Four possible anastomotic sites for arteriovenous fistulas in the upper extremity. (Redrawn from Tilney NL, Lazarus JM [eds]: Surgical Care of the Patient with Renal
Failure. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1982; as shown in Haisch CE: Chronic vascular and peritoneal access. In Davis JH, Sheldon GF [eds]: Clinical Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby,

fistula. Silva and colleagues[17] showed that an artery had to be 2 mm or more in diameter and a vein had to be 2.5 mm or more in diameter to be useful
for a fistula. Using these size criteria based on Doppler studies, the authors were able to improve patency rates of natural fistulas. Parmley and
associates showed that a large percentage of patients could have natural fistulas placed despite half having had previous access attempts (less than 5%
required prosthetic).[18] Allon and Robbin have described an approach to venous mapping and planning access.[19] These authors have also shown that
venous mapping has improved maturation rates in diabetics and women but have also shown that certain patients have inadequate veins for fistula
construction.[20] Investigators also believe that this type of information will make possible a greater number of natural fistulas.

The patency of these fistulas depends on the anatomic type. The autogenous radial-cephalic direct wrist access (Brescia-Cimino arteriovenous wrist
fistula) has a patency at 2 years of 55% to 89%. One analysis combined a collective series of more than 1400 autogenous radial-cephalic direct wrist
accesses and found an overall patency rate of 65% at 1 year.[14] Studies 20 to 25 years ago showed a failure rate of 10% after construction of a fistula
compared with more recent studies, which have shown failure rates up to 50%.[19] This failure rate is attributed to poor vessels in an aging population,
poor venous outflow, excessive dehydration, or hypotension. The patency rate for autogenous brachial-cephalic upper arm direct accesses
(brachiocephalic fistulas) is approximately 80%. The use of the autogenous brachial-basilic upper arm transposition (basilic vein transposition) is also
impressive, with a 24-month patency rate of 73%. All patients who are potential candidates for dialysis should have an arm vein preserved for future
placement of dialysis access.

Several complications occur with arteriovenous fistulas. The most common is failure to mature (i.e., enlarge to a size that can be used for dialysis).
After the fistula has been in place, the most common complication is stenosis at the proximal venous limb (48%). Aneurysms (7%) and thrombosis (9%)
are the next most common complications.[14] Aneurysms from repeated needle punctures are more likely to occur when venous access is obtained
repeatedly in the same location, a maneuver that weakens the vessel wall. Heart failure can occur in those patients with a marginal cardiac reserve and a
fistula flow rate of more than 500 mL/min. The cardiac failure may be reversed by placing a Teflon band around the outflow tract of the fistula until the
blood flow is decreased to less than 500 mL/min. Occasionally the fistula requires ligation. The arterial steal syndrome and its ensuing ischemia occur
in about 1.6% of patients with arteriovenous fistulas. This problem is unusual in patients with wrist fistulas (0.25%), but it is relatively common in
patients with the more proximal fistulas (approximately 30%). [21] The steal syndrome is caused by blood flow from the anastomosed artery to the lowresistance vein, with additional blood flowing in retrograde fashion from the hand and forearm to create ischemia.
The complication of venous hypertension distal to the fistula results from high-pressure arterial blood flow into the low-pressure venous system; this
situation causes venous hypertension with distal tissue swelling, hyperpigmentation, skin induration, and eventual skin ulceration similar to that seen in
the legs of patients with venous stasis.[21] With normal unobstructed venous outflow this is a rare condition. When there is a proximal venous stenosis in
a side-to-side anastomosis, this condition can occur. Both the steal syndrome and distal venous hypertension occur more frequently in patients with
side-to-side anastomosis. Ligation of the distal limb of a side-to-side shunt corrects the problem, but this maneuver often causes shunt occlusion because
the proximal vein is usually at least partially occluded. This proximal partial occlusion can be detected clinically by balloting the vein to feel a
transmitted pulse wave in the proximal vein or by using duplex scanning to map the veins of the arm.[22] These complications can be avoided by
performing an end-venous to side-arterial anastomosis in all cases. Infection of an autogenous radial-cephalic direct wrist access (Brescia-Cimino
arteriovenous fistula) is rare (less than 3%). Rarely, a patient develops clinical steal syndrome characterized by pain, weakness, paresthesia, muscle
atrophy, and, if left untreated, gangrene. These conditions can be reversed by closure of the fistula.

Prosthetic Grafts

The construction of vascular access using subcutaneously placed prosthetic material to join an artery to a vein is becoming increasingly necessary in
patients with poor peripheral veins or previously failed arteriovenous fistulas. The material ideally should be easy to handle and to suture, it should
allow graft-host biocompatibility, and it should be minimally thrombogenic and resist infection. It should be inexpensive, it should seal after repeated
needle punctures, and it should allow tissue ingrowth.
Several different prosthetic materials were used for jump grafts in the past, including Dacron, bovine graft, and polytetrafloroethylene (PTFE). PTFE is
the most popular material. It permits ingrowth of tissue through the interstices of the graft and thus incorporates the graft into viable tissue. A neointima
formed in the graft presumably lessens the likelihood of thrombosis and infection. PTFE grafts have a lower incidence of aneurysm formation than do
bovine grafts, and PTFE grafts do not always have to be removed when they become infected. Recently, a polyurethane graft has become available
(Vectra) that has similar characteristics to PTFE but can be accessed within 24 hours of implantation.[23]
Technique of Prosthetic Jump Grafts

Successful creation of vascular access using prosthetic material requires good arterial inflow and venous outflow. Duplex scanning can help outline the
arterial and venous vasculature. In patients who have had multiple venous punctures and subsequent venous stenosis, the site of the venous anastomosis
must be chosen carefully so it is proximal to these areas of obstruction. Rotation or pinching of the graft in the tunnel must be avoided. The graft must
be large enough to permit needle puncture readily. The usual sizes used are a 6-mm graft or a rapid-taper 4- to 7-mm graft. The latter gives
approximately 20% of the maximum flow of the straight 6-mm graft at the same pressure and length. Dialysis can usually be performed relatively
promptly after the graft has been placed; however, hematoma formation from bleeding at the puncture site is a serious complication because of the
propensity for infection and pressure occlusion of the graft. Allowing the graft to mature for 1 to 2 weeks minimizes this problem by permitting tissue
ingrowth, which facilitates sealing of the graft at the needle puncture site.
Several graft configurations have been developed for dialysis and names have been standardized.[13] Just as in natural arteriovenous fistulas, the
nondominant arm should be used first and an attempt should be made to start as distal in the arm as possible. A graft between the radial artery at the
wrist and the cephalic vein just below the elbow accomplishes this end. This graft has the lowest primary patency rate of any configuration because of
the low flow through the radial artery. A prosthetic brachial-antecubital forearm loop access (forearm loop graft) is easily constructed to join the
brachial artery to the cephalic vein or the brachial vein at the elbow. In the upper arm, an approach from the brachial artery to the axillary vein may be
used (prosthetic brachial-axillary accessnew nomenclature). A loop between the axillary artery and the ipsilateral axillary vein is also possible ( Fig.
694 ). These upper arm grafts have a high flow rate and a low incidence of thrombosis. However, they do have a higher incidence of ischemia in the
hand compared with other grafts because of preferential flow of arterial blood through the graft rather than to the peripheral circulation ( Fig. 695 ).
After graft placement, swelling is frequently seen secondary to surgical trauma and changes in venous outflow. Both these problems usually resolve
with arm elevation and time.
Interposition grafts in the lower extremity are used for patients who have no usable vessels available in the upper arms. A loop graft in the thigh
(superficial femoral artery

Figure 69-4 Four most common sites for placement of a jump graft in the upper extremity. PTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene. (From Haisch CE: Chronic vascular and peritoneal access.
In Davis JH, Sheldon GF [eds]: Clinical Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1995.)


Figure 69-5 Three possible graft configurations for jump grafts in which standard sites have been used. (Redrawn from Tilney NL, Lazarus JM [eds]: Surgical Care of the Patient
with Renal Failure. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1982; as shown in Haisch CE: Chronic vascular and peritoneal access. In Davis JH, Sheldon GF [eds]: Clinical Surgery. St. Louis,
CV Mosby, 1995.)

to saphenous veinprosthetic femoral-saphenous looped inguinal accessnew nomenclature) and a jump graft between the popliteal artery and the
femoral vein are the two most common configurations. They are especially poor choices in patients with diabetes and in elderly patients, who frequently
have peripheral arterial insufficiency. When a leg graft is considered in a patient with no other sites for construction of a jump graft, one must realize
that 18 months after graft placement, one third of these patients will have died of the systemic complications of renal failure.[24]
In patients who have exhausted all previously described sites, other sites can be used for the creation of an arteriovenous jump graft. These possibilities
include grafting from the axillary artery to the axillary vein across the chest, creating a loop on the anterior chest, grafting from the axillary artery to the
iliac vein, or grafting from artery to artery ( Fig. 696 ). The last type of graft requires narrowing the artery between the graft anastomoses with the
prosthesis to allow adequate flow through the graft itself and thus to prevent graft thrombosis, which would potentially result in acute limb-threatening

Early hemorrhage can occur at the anastomotic site, whereas late hemorrhage is usually secondary to needle puncture of the graft and bleeding into the
perigraft space. Early thrombosis usually occurs for technical reasons, such as narrowing of inflow or outflow. Later thrombosis is secondary to venous
intimal hyperplasia at or distal to the anastomosis. Outflow stenosis or occlusion may be repaired by a patch graft, balloon dilatation of the strictured
area, or graft bypass of the obstruction.
Low blood pressure or excessive external pressure applied to graft puncture sites can contribute to the incidence of thrombosis. Thrombosis
unaccompanied by narrowing of either inflow or outflow is often corrected by

Figure 69-6 A graft from axillary artery to axillary vein with a loop on the chest. (Redrawn from Haimov M: Vascular access for hemodialysis: New modifications for the difficult
patient. Surgery 92:109, 1982; as shown in Haisch CE: Chronic vascular and peritoneal access. In Davis JH, Sheldon GF [eds]: Clinical Surgery. St. Louis, CV Mosby, 1995.)

simple thrombectomy of the graft or by simple urokinase injection into the graft. Occasionally, no anatomic or blood pressure-related reason exists for a
patient to have recurrent episodes of thrombosis. The cause is frequently thought to be hypercoagulability. Pharmacologic intervention for prevention of
thrombosis has been largely unsuccessful. Some early studies indicated that dipyridamole was of use in new grafts but was of no use in preventing
subsequent clotting. One approach to a patient whose graft seems to clot for no anatomic reason has been to perform a coagulation evaluation and then

to treat with an appropriate medication. These studies include evaluations of protein S, protein C, antithrombin III, plasminogen, factor V Leiden, and
antiphospholipid antibodies. No pharmacologic interventions have satisfactorily prevented intimal hyperplasia; however both cilostazol (Pletal) and
clopidogrel (Plavix) have been shown to reduce the incidence of intimal hyperplasia in animal models. Local application of numerous agents bound to
stents as well as brachytherapy is being investigated and results are promising.
Infection is a major problem in patients with prosthetic jump grafts. Local drainage and wound care may resolve the problem in a number of grafts, if
the suture line is not involved. In some cases, the infected area may be bypassed with a short graft or may be covered with a skin flap. The major
reasons for removal of the entire graft for infection are involvement of the suture line, tunnel infection, clotting of the graft, or lack of success with local
wound therapy. The salvage rate of infected grafts is low (25% to 50%). Old clotted prosthetic grafts can be a source of future infection especially in
those patients who have a low serum albumin concentration. Nassar and Ayus speculate that leaving old clotted PTFE grafts in place may predispose a
number of hemodialysis patients to the risk of developing a serious infection that originates from the PTFE graft.[25] In patients infected with the human
immunodeficiency virus, the leading complication is infection; 32% of grafts in these patients become infected within

30 days. The organisms are S. aureus or coagulase-negative staphylococcal species.[26] Patients with a history of intravenous drug use or those with
AIDS have an infection rate with PTFE grafts in place of approximately 40%.[27]
PTFE and other prosthetic materials are also associated with false aneurysms, usually secondary to laceration of the graft material with the dialysis
needle; these can be bypassed. The hemodynamic complications of venous hypertension, congestive heart failure, vascular steal, and vascular access
neuropathy may occur with jump grafts as they do with natural fistulas. These complications can be decreased by use of a rapid-taper 4- to 7-mm graft.
This method decreases the flow rate in the graft and has been used in elderly patients and in those with diabetes. The steal syndrome is more likely to
occur in upper arm fistulas than in forearm fistulas. Katz and Kohl[28] described their experience in a small group of patients with a technique to increase
flow to the distal arm in the presence of steal syndrome. A saphenous vein graft was placed proximal to the arterial anastomosis of the graft. The distal
end of the saphenous vein was placed distal to the arterial takeoff of the graft. The artery was then ligated between the arterial takeoff of the graft and
the distal end of the saphenous vein graft.[28] This technique resolved the steal completely in five of six patients. The remaining patient kept the PTFE in
place and had minimal numbness.

The patency rate of jump grafts is less than that of autogenous arteriovenous fistulas. Marx and colleagues,[14] in an evaluation of numerous articles,
showed that the 1-year secondary patency rate for PTFE grafts is 80% and the 2-year rate is 69%. This is approximately the same rate as for natural
fistulas; however, most of the losses, as with natural fistulas, are early, and the rate of loss decreases after the first 3 to 6 months. Therefore, a natural
fistula should always be attempted if vessels are available. Raju[22] reported a 93% patency of PTFE at 1 year and a 77% patency at 2 years. Munda and
associates[29] analyzed their experience with PTFE and showed that the location of the graft affects patency rates. In an upper arm location, the patency
rate was 60% at 12 months; a straight forearm graft produced a 35% patency rate at 12 months, compared with a 78% patency for a forearm loop.[29]
Thigh grafts have been shown to have a 12-month patency rate of 80%. Overall, the patency rate appears to be related to the magnitude of arterial
inflow and the size and distensibility of the venous outflow.
Radiographic Intervention and Screening for Stenosis

Schwab and associates [30] showed that early intervention for graft stenosis with percutaneous luminal angioplasty reduced the incidence of graft
thrombosis. These investigators measured venous pressure with an inline three-way stopcock attached to a 16-gauge venous return needle. The
measurements were performed with a flow rate in the dialysis machine of 200 to 250 mL/min. A pressure greater than 150 mm on three separate
occasions correlated with a venous stenosis of 50% or greater. Monitoring of grafts and fistulas has included Doppler examination, checking venous
pressure, checking for recirculation, and feeling for a thrill. If the thrill is felt throughout the length of the graft, then the blood flow is greater than 450
mL/min. A change in the thrill means that the blood flow has decreased. Hemodynamically significant stenoses of greater than 50% need to be dilated;
however, no data suggest that stenoses greater than 50% without hemodynamic abnormalities need to be dilated or repaired.
The superiority of surgical intervention over percutaneous angioplasty of peripheral lesions is yet to be determined. Dilatation is performed using a
balloon inflated for up to 10 to 15 minutes at a pressure up to 20 atm. Peripheral dilatation by angioplasty has a good success rate with both long and
short stenotic lesions.[12] The diameter of the balloon used may also be important for long-term results (a 6-mm graft distal stenosis may need dilation to
7 or 8 mm). Cutting balloons may also have some role in very resistant lesions. The length of time the lesions stay open varies, but at 90 days, patency
was 90%, and at 1 year, it was 40%. Most series have published a 6-month patency of 40% to 50% without additional intervention. In contrast to the
findings of other investigators, Beathard[31] was able to show that subsequent dilatations gave the same patency rate as did initial dilatations ( Fig. 69
7 ).
When a graft is clotted, the clot can be dissolved with a thrombolytic therapy, broken up mechanically, removed with a rheolytic catheter, or removed
with a Fogarty catheter through an open method. Some of these treatments may result in pulmonary emboli, which can be significant in patients with
compromised pulmonary reserve. Some studies have shown no significant difference in success or long-term patency between those grafts opened
surgically and those treated percutaneously. A recent meta-analysis examining surgical versus endovascular treatment of clotted access grafts found
seven acceptable studies with a total of 479 patients and showed a clear superiority of surgical therapy at 30, 60, and 90 days and 1 year.[32]
Few studies have compared surgery and radiology in a randomized prospective manner. Marston and colleagues[33] showed that in patients with both
venous stenosis and long-segment venous outflow stenosis, surgical therapy resulted in a longer functional life of the graft when compared with the
endovascular group (36% vs. 11% at 6 months). The arguments against surgical therapy are that additional vein is used and that surgery requires central
catheters before the access is reused. This article indicates a possible place for both types of therapy, and selection of the best type of therapy for both
long stenotic lesions and short lesions at the anastomosis is yet to be determined.[33] Despite shorter patency of endovascular therapy in the present
studies, surgical jump graft revision may still be employed after failure of endovascular therapy. Hence, using the two techniques as complementary
may potentially extend the life span of an access site.
Angioplasty plays an important role in central stenosis that occurs after placement of a subclavian catheter. Given the number of comorbidities these
patients frequently have, only high-risk surgical intervention can be

Figure 69-7 A, A fistulogram showing a short-segment stenosis and the venous anastomosis of a polytetrafluoroethylene graft that has caused thrombosis of the graft. B, Successful
dilatation of the stenosis using balloon dilatation. C, Subclavian vein stenosis caused by a central catheter. This stenosis is so significant that collateral vessels have been formed. D,
Successful dilatation of the stenosis with placement of a Wallstent.

undertaken. Lumsden and associates[34] showed that balloon dilatation was successful in 17 of 22 patients with central stenosis, with a 42% patency at 6
months. The authors used a stent in 5 patients and had good initial success.[34] Similar results were obtained by Vesely and colleagues.[35] These authors
used three different stents and stated that the indications for and the type of stent to be placed are not yet determined.[35] The most common cause of stent
failure is intimal hyperplasia in or around the stent. These stents seem to be most effective in patients with a large vein without a venous confluence,
such as occurs in the central venous system (see Fig. 697 ).

The physiologic consequences of arteriovenous fistulas depend on the size of the proximal and distal arteries and veins, the collateral flow around the
fistula, and the diameter of the fistula. The length of the fistula has little influence on the flow when this length is less than 20% or greater than 75% of
the arterial diameter. Between these two values, however, small changes in the size of the fistula can change flow dramatically. Most fistulas for clinical
use are constructed so the fistula is larger than the arterial diameter to allow some margin for subsequent stenosis.[36] Blood flow through a side-to-side
or an end vein-to-side artery wrist fistula is contributed by both the proximal arteries and the distal arteries, with as much as one third of the flow
coming from the distal artery.[37]
A large, functioning arteriovenous fistula may cause a fall in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, an increase in cardiac output, an increase in
venous blood pressure both proximal and distal to the fistula, an increase in pulse rate, and a slight increase in the size of the heart. Increases also occur
in blood volume in patients with chronic arteriovenous fistulas. These changes are all reversible with fistula closure.[36]


Platelets and fibrin may accumulate in a chronic fistula, with eventual closure of the lumen. Patients with a larger fistula usually have progressive
lengthening and dilatation of both the proximal artery and the vein. The proximal artery elongates and dilates, and smooth muscle hypertrophy occurs.
Eventually, smooth muscle atrophy develops and additional elongation and dilatation occur. This situation produces an aneurysmal dilatation and a
tortuous vessel. The outflow vein has increases in smooth muscle, fibrous tissue, and collagen and also enlarges significantly. Blood flow around the
fistula is increased to maintain flow distal to the fistula. A corresponding increase in temperature also occurs. However, blood flow distal to the fistula
may be decreased, with resulting cool temperatures, particularly in the hand.[36]
Pathophysiology of Venous Hyperplasia

The turbulent flow at the anastomosis of an arteriovenous fistula or PTFE graft has an influence on venous hyperplasia. The Reynolds number changes
when the flow of fluid is not straight. When a fistula or an H-graft between an artery and vein is in place the Reynolds number will increase. An
increased Reynolds number correlates with increased turbulence and consequent hyperplasia.
The changes that occur at the molecular level at the anastomosis of the arteriovenous fistula and the venous end of a PTFE graft have been examined.
Stracke and colleagues[38] have compared levels of transforming growth factor- (TGF- ) and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in stenotic veins of
arteriovenous fistulas and nonstenosed control veins from patients who were uremic but not on dialysis. Another control was from normal saphenous
veins of patients who had undergone coronary artery bypass grafting. The stenosed veins showed markedly increased levels of TGF- and IGF-1 in the
neointimal and medial layers compared with control veins. Both of these growth factors have been shown to correlate with neointimal formation and are
known to be involved with local inflammation.
Changes in the venous intima have also been examined in the PTFE-vein anastomosis from patients with intimal hyperplasia with a PTFE graft in place.

One descriptive study found an increase in the amount of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) compared with unaffected vein. These factors were expressed in the smooth muscle cells in the neointima of the vein
and in the macrophages lining the PTFE graft.[39]

The development of convenient vascular access made long-term hemodialysis possible. Clearly, the three major improvements in the development of
adequate vascular access were the development of the external shunt with prosthetic material penetrating the skin, the development of the arteriovenous
wrist fistula, and the use of a subcutaneous prosthetic material to connect the artery and the vein. These techniques have been associated with an
increasing success rate and decreasing morbidity. However, for some patients, hemodialysis is not clinically appropriate. For patients with these and
other indications, peritoneal dialysis is now widely used.
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The exact surface and mechanism responsible for hemofiltration in peritoneal dialysis remain unknown. Investigators widely believe that the capillary
vessels in the peritoneum are critical, with diffusion across the capillary membrane being the primary transport barrier. The peritoneal surface
approximates the total body surface area. The effective surface area depends on the number of transcellular pores available for transport corresponding
to the number of perfused capillaries.[40] Much of our understanding of peritoneal membrane diffusion comes from comparison with hemodialysis, in
which the exact membrane pore size and surface area are known. Clearance of various molecules is different between the two techniques. For example,
clearance of urea exceeds 100 L/wk in hemodialysis, whereas continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) yields 70 L/wk of urea clearance (604
L/wk for normal kidneys).[41] The current targets for weekly dialysis is a Kt/V of greater than 2 and a creatinine clearance of more than 60 L/1.73m2 .
The differences are well documented and can be summarized by stating that CAPD appears more effective at removal of large solutes (more than 500
daltons) and less effective at removal of small solutes than does hemodialysis.[41] The peritoneal lymphatics and mesothelial cells play a lesser role in
ultrafiltration. Measurement of lymphatic absorption can be accomplished using intraperitoneally administered macromolecular tracer. Regardless of the
exact contributions, overall ultrafiltration in CAPD depends on Starling forces and lymphatic drainage.

The only absolute indication for peritoneal dialysis as renal replacement therapy is the inability to undergo hemodialysis. Poor vascular access, an
unstable cardiovascular system, and bleeding diatheses are the most frequent reasons to avoid hemodialysis. CAPD therapy has many relative
advantages, including increased patient mobility and independence, fewer dietary restrictions, increased patient satisfaction, and no requirement for
systemic anticoagulation.
The absolute contraindications for CAPD are few and include obliteration of the peritoneal space from previous surgery, inadequate peritoneal
clearance, and lack of diaphragmatic integrity. Relative contraindications include respiratory insufficiency secondary to dialysate infusion, large
abdominal hernias, or malignant peritoneal disease.
Technical Procedures

Several types of catheters are available for use in peritoneal dialysis. Three frequently used types are the

Tenckhoff catheter, the Toronto Western catheter, and the curl-tip catheter. Variations on catheter design include straight versus coiled intra-abdominal
configurations, single and double cuffs, and preformed intercuff bends (Swan neck). Prospective studies have not demonstrated significant differences
in catheter survival or catheter complications between coiled and straight catheters.
Peritoneal dialysis catheters can be placed using open surgical technique, percutaneously, or laparoscopically. In experienced hands, percutaneous
placement is safe and can be accomplished at the bedside. The catheter is inserted aseptically below the umbilicus and using local anesthesia and is
directed toward the pelvis. The catheter is brought out through a subcutaneous tunnel on the side of the insertion site, with the Dacron cuff placed in the
tunnel at least 1 inch from the skin surface. The percutaneous approach is being used more frequently by interventionallists in the interventional suite
but still requires a 2-cm long incision for the deep cuff placement.[42] Surgeons typically can perform an open placement through an incision of the same
In the surgical approach, the Tenckhoff or curl-tip catheter is placed by making a paramedian incision below the umbilicus longitudinally through the
anterior rectus sheath and muscle. The posterior fascia and the peritoneum are exposed, and a pursestring suture is placed. The catheter is directed
toward the pelvis with a metal guide. Care is taken to avoid bowel or bladder injury. The deep Dacron cuff is left in the muscle just above the posterior
fascia and is sutured into place with the pursestring suture. The anterior fascia is closed, and the second cuff is placed in the subcutaneous tunnel with
the catheter exiting distally. If necessary, placement and fixation of the catheter in the pelvis under direct vision may decrease the incidence of
nonfunctioning straight catheters. Omentectomy may also be necessary in some instances ( Fig. 698 ).
The role of laparoscopy in peritoneal dialysis catheter placement is being developed. Single-port and double-port laparoscopic techniques have been
successfully described for catheter placement.[43] Patency and complication rates are comparable to those seen with the open approach. However, the
cost effectiveness of the laparoscopic approach has not been evaluated. Peritoneoscopy has a definite role in evaluation and salvage of malfunctioning
catheters.[44] The incidence of catheter malfunction ranges from 12% to 73% of patients, and obstruction is a com-mon cause of catheter loss.[45] Multiple
studies have demonstrated successful laparoscopic manipulation of obstructed catheters, with salvage rates between 50% and 80%.[44]
Dialysis Fluids

Dialysis fluids are glucose based and vary in concentration. As stated earlier, peritoneal dialysis depends on Starling forces. The largest contribution in
peritoneal dialysis comes from osmotic forces. Therefore, dialysis fluid with low osmolarity (1.5%) causes little fluid removal (200 mL per 2-L
exchange), whereas the greatest concentration (4.5%) treats or prevents fluid overload (800 mL per 2-L exchange). High-concentration dialysis fluid is

Figure 69-8 Location of the chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter. A, Location of the surgical incision. B, Location of the catheter in the pelvis. C, Dacron cuff at the level
of the posterior rectus sheath. D, Exit site shown with final placement. (Redrawn from Simmons RL, Finch ME, Ascher NL, Najarian JS [eds]: Manual of Vascular Access, Organ
Donation and Transplantation. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1984; as shown in Haisch CE: Chronic vascular and peritoneal access. In Davis JH [ed]: Clinical Surgery. St. Louis, CV
Mosby, 1987.)

irritating to the peritoneal surface. Glycosylation of the peritoneal vascular walls occurs over time and reduces the intrinsic filtering ability of the
peritoneum.[40] These changes are likely similar to the microangiopathy that occurs in patients with diabetes.[40] Lower concentration dialysis fluid should
be used routinely when possible. Glucose polymers have been in clinical trials since the early 1990s, with emphasis on reducing the glucose
concentration.[46] Electrolyte components are adjusted based on the patients needs. A typical exchange is 2 L four times per day.
Research is ongoing to produce more biocompatible dialysis fluids. Insulin is often added to the dialysis fluid of patients with diabetes to allow for
steady absorption. Intraperitoneal amino acids are being studied in an attempt to reduce malnutrition in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.[46]
Administration of glycosaminoglycans has improved ultrafiltration in animal models, but results in humans are inconclusive.[46]

Complications can be divided into those related to surgical placement of the catheter and those occurring after

catheter placement. Technical problems related to placement include leakage of dialysate, intraperitoneal bleeding, bowel or bladder perforation,
subcutaneous bleeding with hematoma formation from tunnel construction, and ileus. All these complications, except ileus, are preventable with close
attention to surgical technique.
Complications occurring after catheter placement include exit-site infection, mechanical failure, and peritonitis. Peritonitis is a potentially lifethreatening complication with an average incidence of 1.3 to 1.4 episodes per patient-year.[47] Peritonitis rates have decreased in some series to 0.9
episode per patient-year with the introduction of Y-set dialysis systems that allow flushing of the catheter before use.[48] At least half the peritonitis
episodes are experienced by only 25% of patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.[47] Five routes of infection are recognized: through the dialysis tubing
and peritoneal catheter; from tissue around the catheter; from fecal contamination, such as in diverticulitis; blood-borne infections; and ascending
infection from the fallopian tubes in women. Peritonitis is usually caused by a single pathogen. In 60% to 70% of cases, gram-positive cocci are the
culprits, with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus the most common pathogen.[47] Gram-negative bacilli account for 20% to 30% of the cases of
peritonitis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not uncommon, occurring in 5% to 10% of the cases.[47] Uncommon causes are tuberculosis and fungal infection.
However, fungal peritonitis is increasing in relative frequency. Risk factors for fungal peritonitis include recent hospitalization, immunologic
compromise, and bacterial peritonitis. Combination therapy using both peritoneal and parenteral antibiotics treats peritonitis. Therapy should be directed
by Gram stain and culture of peritoneal fluid. Synergistic double coverage is indicated for P. aeruginosa peritonitis. A biofilm containing
microorganisms is thought to be the reason that some catheter infections are refractory to therapy. In these cases catheter removal is required.[49] Catheter
removal is also required for fungal infections.[47]
Exit-site infections occur at a rate of 0.80 per patient-year.[48] [50] Most are caused by gram-positive organisms (80%), with S. aureus accounting for 90%
of these cases.[50] Catheter infection precedes peritonitis in about 20% of cases.[48]
Catheter malfunction may be caused by a number of factors and is manifested by poor inflow or total obstruction. Poor inflow is caused by
displacement, omental wrapping, or partial blockage of the catheter holes. Total obstruction is caused by kinking of the catheter, blockage of all catheter
holes, or omental wrapping of the entire intra-abdominal portion of the catheter. If the catheter flips out of the pelvis, it can be repositioned under
fluoroscopic guidance or with peritoneoscopy. Other complications such as hernia formation, fluid loculation, or dialysate leaks can be detected using
computed tomography.[51]
Catheter Longevity

CAPD catheters function for 1 year in 85% of patients with an expectation of a 3-year catheter survival of 80%. However, catheter survival is
significantly shorter in patients with diabetes than in other patients. Infection is the leading reason for discontinuation of CAPD. Abdominal surgical
events and social reasons have surpassed infection as a cause of treatment failure in some centers.[52]


Peritoneal dialysis allows the patient to be at home and to work with minimal disruption of activities. This approach to the management of chronic renal
failure is gaining popularity because of the decreasing incidence of catheter infections, the decrease in cardiac complications, the lower incidence of
anemia, and the greater convenience than hemodialysis. Some studies indicate a slight decrease in mortality relative to hemodialysis.[53] Infection and
mechanical failure are the major factors that cause patients to switch to hemodialysis. Because these techniques may produce uncertain results, renal
transplantation is still the therapy of choice for suitable patients with end-stage renal failure. Superb patient compliance is a basic requirement of
paramount importance.
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Selected References
Brescia MJ, Cimino JE, Appel D, Harwich BJ: Chronic hemodialysis using venipuncture and a surgically created arteriovenous fistula. N Engl J Med 275:1089, 1966.
This article is the original description of the wrist fistula, which revolutionized dialysis and allowed patients long-term vascular access with fewer complications than
occurred with external shunts. The article describes the fistula against which all other methods of vascular access for dialysis are measured.
Davidson IJA: Access for Dialysis: Surgical and Radiologic Procedures, 2nd ed. Georgetown, TX, Landes Biosciences, 2002.
This book has information on management of hemodialysis access procedures and radiologic approaches to access for dialysis. There are a large number of case reports as
learning exercises. There is also a section on coding for access procedures.
Eerola R, Kaukinen L, Kaukinen S: Analysis of 13,800 subclavian vein catheterizations. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 29:193, 1985.
The results of a large study are presented on the practice of subclavian catheterization. Complications are discussed.
Gray RJ, Sands JJ (eds): Dialysis Access: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Philadelphia, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2002.
A comprehensive volume covering surgery, radiology, and peritoneal dialysis.
Haimov M, Baex A, Neff M, Slifkin R: Complications of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis. Arch Surg 110:708, 1975.
This article reports on a group of more than 400 patients with more than 500 arteriovenous fistulas. The vascular complications are examined. Complications including
ischemia, steals, gangrene, aneurysms, and venous hypertension are outlined, and their incidence is noted. The therapy and outcome are discussed for these complications.

Henry ML: Vascular Access for Hemodialysis V. WL Gore and Associates, Precept, 2001.
The publication is from a meeting on dialysis access held in 2000. The symposium reviewed physiology, pathology, and results of clinical care of dialysis patients. This good
review covers a wide variety of topics.
National Kidney Foundation: Dialysis outcomes quality initiatives (DOQI) guidelines. Am J Kidney Dis 37(Suppl):137179, 2001.
These are group guidelines that recommend care to be given to patients in renal failure. These include peritoneal dialysis guidelines and care to be given to patients who
need vascular access through a fistula or a graft.
Nolph KD: Peritoneal anatomy and transport physiology; and Mion CM: Practical use of peritoneal dialysis. In Drukker W, Parson FM, Maher JF (eds): Replacement of Renal
Function by Dialysis. Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, 1983.
These two chapters give an excellent overview of peritoneal physiology and anatomy and the practical uses and limitations of peritoneal dialysis. The chapter on physiology
compares peritoneal dialysis with hemodialysis and gives its limitations. The chapter on the use of peritoneal dialysis includes sections on solutions and catheter insertion,
complications, and catheter longevity.
Whitman ED: Complications associated with the use of central venous access devices. Curr Probl Surg 33:311, 1996.
This good review of the best current venous access devices includes a description of current devices and their development. The article has sections on complications that
occur with insertion and also discusses long-term complications.

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1. Brescia

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24. Taylor

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25. Nassar

GM, Ayus JC: Infectious complications of the hemodialysis access. Kidney Int 60:113, 2001.


26. Nannery

WM, Stoldt HS, Fares LG II: Hemodialysis access operations performed upon patients with human immunodeficiency virus. Surg Gynecol Obstet 173:387390, 1991.

27. Brock JS, Sussman M, Wamsley M, et al: The influence of human immunodeficiency virus infection and intravenous drug abuse on complications of hemodialysis access surgery.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

Section XIII - Specialties in General Surgery


Chapter 70 - Pediatric Surgery

Brad W. Warner M.D.

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty that is both exciting and rewarding for multiple reasons. First, the range of problems encountered may be quite
dramatic and are not limited to specific anatomic boundaries. Further, the pathogenesis of many significant pediatric surgical conditions remains
unknown. As such, the challenge for intense, active investigation is ever-present. Finally, the approach to the child, interactions with concerned parents,
and lifelong consequences of operative interventions demand a unique sensitivity and attention to detail, the impact of which is often profound.
In contrast with prior editions, this chapter has been significantly truncated, both in references and text to emphasize the most important components of
the more common pediatric surgical conditions. In addition, a discussion of several common pediatric conditions (e.g., appendicitis, inflammatory
bowel disease) is intentionally omitted to avoid redundancy with other chapters.
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The newborn infant is both physically and physiologically distinct from the adult patient in several respects. The smaller size, immature organ systems,
and differing volume capacities present unique challenges toward perioperative management. In utero, the cardiovascular system essentially pumps
blood from the placenta and bypasses the lungs via the patent foramen ovale and the ductus arteriosus. With clamping of the umbilical cord at the time
of delivery, the foramen ovale closes and there is an abrupt fall in pulmonary arterial pressure. The ductus arteriosus begins to close soon thereafter.
These factors serve to promote pulmonary blood flow. Persistent pulmonary hypertension, which is associated with hypoxemia, acidosis, or sepsis, may
contribute toward ductal patency, and right-to-left shunting may occur. In addition, prematurity is a risk factor for failure of the ductus arteriosus to
close. As such, attempts to close the ductus pharmacologically using indomethacin or by direct surgical ligation may be necessary. Before the ductus is
closed, there may be a higher partial pressure and saturation of oxygen in the blood when sampled from the right arm (preductal) when compared with
the other extremities (postductal) due to the flow of unoxygenated blood from the pulmonary artery through the ductus into the aorta.
Cardiac perfusion is best monitored clinically by capillary refill, which should to be less than 1 second. A capillary refill longer than 1 to 2 seconds is
associated with significant shunting of blood from the skin to the central organs as may occur with cardiogenic shock or significantly reduced
intravascular volume from dehydration or bleeding. In neonates, the size of the liver is a reasonable gauge of intravascular volume. Finally, it should be
noted that cardiac output in the newborn period is rate dependent, and the heart has a limited capacity to increase stroke volume to compensate for
The lungs are not completely developed at birth and continue to form new terminal bronchioles and alveoli until about 8 years of age. In premature
infants, lung immaturity is one of the greatest contributors toward morbidity and mortality. In addition to reduced alveoli, immature lungs have reduced
production of surfactant, which is critical for maintaining surface tension within the alveoli

and gas exchange. A major contribution in the management of premature infants has therefore been the ability to provide exogenous surfactant. This has
resulted in improved survival and less bronchopulmonary dysplasia (defined as the need for supplemental oxygen beyond the first 28 days of life). In
addition to pulmonary parenchymal issues, the airway of the newborn is quite small (tracheal diameter, 2.5 to 4 mm) and easily plugged with secretions.
The respiratory rate for a normal newborn may range from 40 to 60 breaths/min. Respiratory distress is heralded by nasal flaring, grunting, intercostal
and substernal retractions, and cyanosis. Finally, infants preferentially breathe through their nose and not their mouth.
Newborn infants must be maintained in a neutral thermal environment since they are at great risk for cold stress. The major risk factors for the
development of hypothermia in infants include their relatively large body surface area, lack of hair and subcutaneous tissue, and increased insensible
losses. Neonates that are cold stressed respond by nonshivering thermogenesis. Metabolic rate and oxygen consumption are augmented by brown fat
mobilization. Continued cold exposure leads to decreased perfusion and acidosis. Radiant heat warmers are usually necessary in very small premature
infants, and this may contribute to further insensible water losses.
The neonate is relatively immunodeficient, with reduced levels of immunoglobulins and the C3b component of complement. As such, premature infants
are at significantly increased risk for severe infection. Sepsis may result from multiple interventions that are necessary to care for these premature
infants, including prolonged endotracheal intubation and central vein or bladder catheterization. Empiric antibiotic therapy to prevent overwhelming
sepsis may be lifesaving and may be based on simple clinical judgment of subtle alterations in factors such as reduced tolerance of enteral feeding,
temperature instability, reduced capillary refill, tachypnea, or irritability.
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Several basic principles must be understood prior to assuming the responsibility for the metabolic needs for an infant or child. First, the margin for error
is narrower when compared with adults. The consequences of too much or too little intravenous glucose in a neonate may be devastating and even life
threatening. As such, the fluid, electrolyte, and parenteral nutrition orders should be considered as important as writing for any medication that has the
potential for serious side effects. Second, on a body weight basis, protein and energy requirements are much greater in younger children and decrease
with age. Not only are calories utilized for higher baseline metabolic rates but also a significant proportion of energy in the diet must be allocated for
growth. Third, in contrast with adults, daily weight gain in neonates is an important indicator of providing sufficient calories. Infants who are losing
weight, or even failing to gain weight, should mandate a careful reassessment of metabolic needs and amount of nutrition provided.
Fluid Requirements

Because of increased insensible water losses through thinner, less mature skin, the fluid requirements for premature infants are substantial. Insensible
water losses are directly related to gestational age and range from 45 to 60 mL/kg/day for premature infants weighing less than 1500 g to 30 to 35
mL/kg/day for term infants. In contrast, insensible water losses in an adult are roughly 15 mL/kg/day. Other factors such as radiant heat warmers,
phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia, and respiratory distress further increase losses.
At 12 weeks gestation, 94% of the fetal body weight is composed of water. This amount declines to about 78% by term (40 weeks/ gestation) and
reaches adult levels (60%) by 1 years of age. In the first 3 to 5 days of life, there is a physiologic water loss of up to 10% of the body weight of the
infant. This is the singular exception to the general principle that infants are expected to gain weight each day. As such, fluid replacement volumes are
less over the first several days of life. Recommended fluid volume replacements are shown in Table 701 . These fluid volumes should be regarded as
estimates and may change given differing environmental or patient factors.
The best two indicators of sufficient fluid intake are urine output and osmolarity. The minimum urine output in a newborn and young child is 1 to 2
mL/kg/day. Although adults can concentrate urine in the 1200-mOsm/kg range, an infant responding to water deprivation is able to concentrate urine
only to a maximum of 700 mOsm/kg. Clinically, this means that a greater fluid intake and urine output are necessary to excrete the solute load presented
to the kidney during normal metabolism.
Electrolyte Requirements

In general, the daily requirements for sodium are 2 to 4 mEq/kg and for potassium are 1 to 2 mEq/kg. These requirements are usually met with a
solution of 5% dextrose in 0.2% normal saline with 20 mEq KCl added per liter at the calculated maintenance rate as noted earlier.
Caloric Requirements

Energy requirements from birth through childhood are partitioned into maintenance of existing body tissues,
TABLE 70-1 -- Daily Fluid Requirements for Neonates and Infants


Premature < 2.0 kg

140150 mL/kg/day

Neonates and infants 210 kg

100 mL/kg/day for first 10 kg

Children 1020 kg

1000 mL + 50 mL/kg/day for weight 1020 kg

Children > 20 kg

1500 mL + 20 mL/kg/day for weight > 20 kg

Adapted from Coran AG: The pediatric surgical patient. In Wilmore DW, Cheung LY, Harken AH, et al (eds): Scientific American Surgery, Sect. VII,
Subsect. 12. New York, Healtheon/WebMD, 2000.


Figure 70-1 Daily gain in body weight and percentage of energy intake used for growth at 2 weeks to 2 years of age. Solid line, weight gain (g/day); dashed line, percentage of energy
used for growth. (From Anderson TA: Birth through 24 month. In Rudolph AM [ed]: Pediatrics, 18th ed. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1987, p 158.)

growth, and physical activity. As depicted in Figure 701 , the amount of energy from the diet required for growth alone may be as high as 40% in

neonates. The parameter that is most indicative of sufficient provision of calories in neonates is daily weight gain. As such, infants should gain roughly
30 g/day. The expected daily weight gain decreases with age. Total daily caloric requirements, which range from 100 to 120 kcal/kg/day during infancy,
steadily decrease with age.

The average intake of protein should comprise approximately 15% of the total daily calories and range from 2 to 3.5 g/kg/day in infants. This protein
requirement is reduced in half by 12 years of age and approaches adult requirement levels (1 g/kg/day) by 18 years of age. The provision of greater
amounts of protein, relative to nonprotein calories, results in rising blood urea nitrogen levels. The nonprotein calorie (carbohydrate plus fat calories) to
protein calorie ratio (when expressed in grams of nitrogen) should therefore not be less than 150:1. For infants on parenteral nutrition, the amount of
protein provided is usually begun at 0.5 g/kg/day and advanced in daily increments of 0.5 g/kg/day to the target goal.

When oral nutrition cannot be provided to infants, it is critical that intravenous fluids are provided to supply water, electrolytes, and glucose. Failure to
provide glucose for prolonged periods will result in the rapid (within hours) development of hypoglycemia. In turn, this may lead to seizures, neurologic
impairment, or even death. The absolute minimum intravenous glucose infusion rate for neonates is 4 to 6 mg/kg/minute. This rate should be calculated
daily for every neonate receiving parenteral nutrition. During total parenteral nutrition, the amount of glucose provided is increased daily to a maximum
of 10 to 12 mg/kg/min. These are general guidelines and should be tailored to each individual patient. The amount of weight gain dictates the need to
continue advancing glucose calories. Further, hyperglycemia from either too rapid advancement or underlying sepsis should be avoided as this will lead
to rapid hyperosmolarity and dehydration. In contrast with adults, the addition of insulin to the parenteral nutrition solution in children is very high risk
and is generally not indicated in routine practice.

In adults, parenteral fat is provided either as a daily infusion as a source of calories or given intermittently to prevent the development of essential fatty
acid deficiency. In the pediatric population, fat is always provided as a daily infusion for both purposes. The lipid requirements for growth are
significant, and fat is a robust caloric source. Similar to protein, fat infusions are done starting at 0.5 g/kg/day and advanced up to 2.5 to 3 g/kg/day. In
infants with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia, fat administration should be done with caution, because fatty acids may displace bilirubin from albumin.
The free unconjugated bilirubin may then cross the blood-brain barrier and lead to kernicterus and resultant mental retardation.
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Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), formerly referred to as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), is a type of heart-lung bypass that provides
short-term (days to weeks) support for the critically ill patient with acute life-threatening respiratory and/or cardiac failure. ECLS is a purely supportive,
nontherapeutic intervention that maintains adequate gas exchange and circulatory support while resting the injured lungs or heart. Although the use of
ECLS has been described in both pediatric and adult populations, the greatest experience has been reported in neonatal respiratory failure.[1] Since the
mid-1970s when the first neonatal survival was reported, ECLS has become

the standard of care for neonatal respiratory failure unresponsive to maximum conventional medical management. It is practiced in more than 90 centers
worldwide with an overall survival rate of 80%.
The major indications for initiation of neonatal ECLS include meconium aspiration, respiratory distress syndrome, persistent pulmonary hypertension,
sepsis, and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Occasionally, neonates with congenital cardiac anomalies may be supported with ECLS until
surgical repair can be accomplished. Meconium aspiration syndrome is the most common indication for neonatal ECLS and is associated with the
highest survival rate (>90%).
Selection criteria for initiation of neonatal ECLS vary slightly from institution to institution and are usually derived from historical controls. Generally,
an infant must have at least 80% predicted mortality with continued conventional medical management to justify this high-risk therapy. Two formulas
have been historically used as a means to predict survival without ECLS. One formula is the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (AaDO2 ) and is calculated
as (atmospheric pressure 47) (PaO2 + PaCO2 ). An AaDO2 that is greater than 620 for 12 hours or an AaDO2 greater than 620 for 6 hours associated with
extensive barotrauma and/or severe hypotension requiring inotropic support is considered to be criteria for ECLS.
The oxygen index (OI) likewise may be used to predict mortality, where the OI is calculated as the fraction of inspired oxygen (usually always 1.0)
multiplied by the mean airway pressure 100) + PaO2 . If the OI is more than 40, 80% mortality may be assumed. Additional inclusion criteria include
gestational age greater than 34 weeks, birth weight more than 2 kg, and a reversible pulmonary process. Exclusion criteria include prematurity (<24
weeks gestation), the presence of cyanotic congenital heart disease or other major congenital anomalies that preclude survival, intractable coagulopathy
or hemorrhage, sonographic evidence of a significant intracranial hemorrhage (>grade I intraventricular hemorrhage), and more than 10 to 14 days of
high-pressure mechanical ventilation. Before initiation of ECLS, all infants must undergo a cardiac echocardiogram to rule out congenital heart disease
and a cranial ultrasound to exclude the presence of significant intracranial hemorrhage.
The basic concept of ECLS is to drain venous blood, remove carbon dioxide, and add oxygen via the artificial membrane lung and then return warmed
blood to the arterial (venoarterial) or venous (venovenous) circulation. Venoarterial bypass provides both cardiac and respiratory support, whereas
venovenous bypass provides only respiratory support. Venoarterial bypass is used most commonly, and the right internal jugular vein and common
carotid artery are typically chosen for cannulation because of their large size, accessibility, and adequate collateral circulation. The ECLS circuit ( Fig.
702 ) is composed of a silicone rubber collapsible bladder (which collapses if there is low venous return), a roller pump, a membrane oxygenator, a
heat exchanger, tubing, and connectors. Venous blood from the right atrium drains through the venous cannula to the bladder and is pumped to the

Figure 70-2 Diagrammatic representation of venoarterial extracorporeal life support circuit. (From Shanley CJ, Bartlett RH: Extracorporeal life support: Techniques, indications, and
results. In Cameron JL (ed): Current Surgical Therapy, 4th ed. St. Louis, Mosby-Year Book, 1992, pp 10621066).


membrane oxygenator where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen is added. The oxygenated blood then passes through the heat exchanger and is
returned to the patient through the arterial cannula.
To prevent clotting of the ECLS circuit, systemic anticoagulation is maintained. The fully heparinized patient is at risk for serious bleeding
complications. As such, hematocrit levels are followed closely. Similarly, platelet counts and fibrinogen level must be monitored and normal levels
maintained. Daily cranial ultrasound evaluations are obtained to monitor for hemorrhage.
Extracorporeal flow is gradually weaned as native cardiac or pulmonary function improves. Indicators of lung recovery include an increasing PaO2 ,
improved lung compliance, and clearing of the chest radiograph. Once the extracorporeal flow rates are at minimal levels, the venous and arterial
cannulas may be clamped to give the patient a trial off bypass. If the patient remains hemodynamically stable with adequate oxygenation and ventilation
while the cannulas are clamped, the cannulas are surgically removed and conventional ventilatory support is continued. The mean duration of ECLS in
neonates is roughly 5 to 6 days. Patients with CDH and sepsis tend to have the longest required duration of bypass.
In addition to bleeding, ECLS is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Multiple factors contribute to the risk of this technology and
include ligation and cannulation of the right common carotid artery and right internal jugular vein, systemic heparinization, exposure to multiple blood
products, and potential for mechanical failure of the circuit. Bleeding is the most common complication and may be either medical (too few platelets,
too much heparin, intracranial) or surgical (neck cannulation site, intrathoracic, gastrointestinal, and so forth). Birth weight and gestational age are the
most significant correlates of intracranial hemorrhage on ECLS, with infants weighing less than 2.2 kg and younger than 35 weeks gestational age at
the highest risk. Other significant complications associated with ECLS include seizures, neurologic impairment, renal failure requiring hemofiltration or
hemodialysis, hypertension, infection, and mechanical malfunction (such as failure of the membrane oxygenator, pump, or heat exchanger).
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In children between 1 and 15 years of age, trauma is the leading cause of death. Although motor vehicle accidents account for the majority of traumatic
deaths, falls, bicycle accidents, and child abuse comprise a substantial component as well. Violence-related penetrating injury from firearms is
becoming increasingly common. Much emphasis on trauma research is directed toward prevention. Since a large percentage of motor vehicle accidentrelated injury occurs because of absent or improper use of child restraint devices, community outreach education programs are vital. Along these lines,
programs for distribution and education on the use of safety helmets for bike riding and skateboarding are extremely important in reducing injury
severity. Finally, active participation by pediatric surgeons in legislative efforts toward factors such as firearm safety locks or use of all-terrain vehicles
by young children are critical.[2]
The management of trauma in children is similar to that of adults and beyond the scope of the present chapter. However, several caveats are important
to consider. Just as in adults, the priorities during the resuscitation phase are airway, breathing, and circulation. In general, a child who is crying on
arrival to the emergency department is reassuring, since the airway and breathing are more than likely to be intact. If endotracheal intubation is required,
an uncuffed endotracheal tube should be used in children younger than 8 to 10 years of age because of the small size of the trachea. The appropriate
endotracheal tube size can be estimated visually as being equivalent to the diameter of the childs little finger. Alternatively the appropriate endotracheal
tube inner diameter can be calculated by the following formula

Because of the soft and easily injured trachea of young children, surgical cricothyroidotomy should never be attempted in a child who is younger than
12 years of age.
With regard to fluid resuscitation, crystalloid is given as a rapid intravenous bolus in increments of 20 mL/kg. The ability to secure reliable intravenous
access in young children may be quite challenging. In children younger than 6 years of age in whom an intravenous line cannot be secured within a
reasonable period, intraosseous access should be considered. This is accomplished with a specially designed needle placed under sterile conditions
through the flat, anteromedial surface of the tibia, 1 to 2 cm below the anterior tibial tuberosity. Virtually any intravenous drug or fluid that may be
required during a trauma resuscitation can be safely administered by the intraosseous route. Blood transfusion is warranted in pediatric trauma patients
who demonstrate persistent evidence of hypovolemic shock after two boluses (total of 40 mL/kg) of crystalloid fluid. An estimate of a childs entire
blood volume is roughly 80 mL/kg. As a general rule, if the need for blood transfusion within the first 24 hours following blunt abdominal trauma
exceeds half the estimated blood volume, active hemorrhage is presumed and is usually an indication for laparotomy.
Imaging of the pediatric blunt trauma patient is predominately by computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis. The indications for CT
include the presence of a distracting injury such as an associated arm or leg fracture, significant closed head injury, if the examination is unclear or
cannot be obtained because of an uncooperative or very young child, or if the serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase or serum glutamic-pyruvic
transaminase levels are higher than 200 or 100 IU/L, respectively. A significant amount of peritoneal fluid in the absence of solid organ injury should
raise the suspicion for a small bowel injury and should prompt further investigation. Although significant spleen and/or liver injuries are frequently
identified, the need for operative intervention is rare. The major indications for laparotomy in these circumstances include obvious hemodynamic
instability, the need for blood transfusion in amounts greater than

half the childs calculated blood volume (40 mL/kg) within the first 24 hours following injury, or obvious extravascular blush of intravenously
administered contrast material. Recently, specific treatment guidelines based on CT grade of liver or spleen injury have been prospectively validated by
the Liver/Spleen Trauma Study Group of the American Pediatric Surgical Association.[3] According to these guidelines, a patient with an isolated grade I
liver or spleen injury may be managed without the need for admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), require no more than 2 days of hospitalization,
and resume full activities and contact sports after 3 weeks. At the other end of the spectrum, patients with isolated grade IV injuries should be carefully
monitored in an ICU for at least the first 24 hours and remain hospitalized for no less than 5 days. Return to full activities should not take place until 6
weeks following injury. Regardless of the injury grade and in the absence of specific indications, follow-up imaging either at the time of discharge or
prior to resumption of normal activities is not indicated.
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Cystic Hygroma

A cystic hygroma is a lymphatic malformation that occurs as a result of a maldeveloped localized lymphatic network, which fails to connect or drain
into the venous system. The vast majority (75%) involve the lymphatic jugular sacs and present in the posterior neck region ( Fig. 703 ). Another 20%
occur in the axilla, and the remainder is found throughout the body, including the retroperitoneum, mediastinum, pelvis, and inguinal area. Roughly
50% to 65% of hygromas present at birth, with most becoming apparent by the second year of life.
Since hygromas are multiloculated cystic spaces lined by endothelial cells, they usually present as soft, cystic masses that distort the surrounding
anatomy. The indications for therapy are obviously cosmetic. In addition, the

Figure 70-3 Cystic hygroma.

hygroma may expand to compress the airway, resulting in acute airway obstruction. Prenatal recognition of a large cystic mass of the neck is associated
with significant risk to the airway, greater association with chromosomal abnormalities, and higher mortality.[4] Improved fetal imaging modalities may
allow for intervention at the time of delivery based on the principle of maintaining placental circulation until endotracheal intubation is achieved.[5] In
addition to accumulating lymph fluid, hygromas are prone to infection and hemorrhage within the mass. Thus, rapid changes in the size of the hygroma
may necessitate more urgent intervention.
Complete surgical excision is the preferred treatment; however, this may be impossible due to the hygroma infiltrating within and around important
neurovascular structures. Careful preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to define the extent of the hygroma is crucial. Operations are
routinely performed with the aid of loupe magnification and a nerve stimulator. Since hygromas are not neoplastic tumors, radical resection with
removal of major blood vessels and nerves is not indicated. Postoperative morbidity includes recurrence, lymphatic leak, infection, and neurovascular
Injection of sclerosing agents such as bleomycin or the derivative of Streptococcus pyogenes OK-4326 have also been reported to be effective in the
management of cystic hygromas. Intracystic injection of sclerosants seems to be most effective for macrocystic hygromas, as opposed to the microcystic
Branchial Cleft Remnants

The mature structures of the head and neck are embryologically derived from six pairs of branchial arches, their intervening clefts externally, and
pouches internally. Congenital cysts, sinuses, or fistulas result from failure of these structures to regress or persist in an aberrant location. The location
of these remnants generally dictates their embryologic origin and guides the subsequent operative approach. Failure to understand the embryology may
result in incomplete resection or injury to adjacent structures.
By definition, all branchial remnants are present at the time of birth although they may not become clinically evident until later in life. In children,
fistulas are more common than external sinuses, which are more frequent than cysts. In adults, cysts predominate. The clinical presentation may range
from a continuous mucoid drainage from a fistula or sinus to the development of a cystic mass that may become infected. Branchial remnants may also
be palpable as cartilaginous lumps or cords corresponding with a fistulous tract. Dermal pits or skin tags may also be evident.
First branchial remnants are typically located in the front or back of the ear or in the upper neck in the region of the mandible. Fistulas typically course
through the parotid gland, deep, or through branches of the facial nerve, and end in the external auditory canal.
Remnants from the second branchial cleft are the most common. The external ostium of these remnants is located along the anterior border of the

Figure 70-4 Branchial cleft fistula. The original site of the fistula in the lower neck (arrow) has been elliptically excised and a step-ladder counterincision has been made higher in the
neck to remove the entire tract. A lacrimal probe has been inserted into the tract to define its course.

muscle, usually in the vicinity of the upper half to the lower third of the muscle. The course of the fistula must be anticipated preoperatively, as stepladder counterincisions are often necessary to completely excise the fistula ( Fig. 704 ). Typically, the fistula penetrates the platysma, ascends along
the carotid sheath to the level of the hyoid bone and then turns medially to extend between the carotid artery bifurcations. The fistula then courses
behind the posterior belly of the digastric and stylohyoid muscles to end in the tonsillar fossa.
Third branchial cleft remnants usually do not have associated sinuses or fistulas and are located in the suprasternal notch or clavicular region. These
most often contain cartilage and present clinically as a firm mass or as a subcutaneous abscess.
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

One of the most common lesions in the midline of the neck is the thyroglossal duct cyst, which most commonly presents in preschool-age children.
Thyroglossal remnants are involved with the embryogenesis of the thyroid gland, tongue, and hyoid bone and produce midline masses extending from
the base of the tongue (foramen cecum) to the pyramidal lobe of the thyroid gland. Complete failure of thyroid migration results in a lingual thyroid.
Ultrasound or radionuclide imaging may therefore be useful to identify the presence of a normal thyroid gland within the neck. This information would
be useful to prevent performing an inadvertent complete thyroidectomy during treatment of a presumed thyroglossal remnant.
Thyroglossal duct cysts may be located in the midline of the neck anywhere from the base of the tongue to the thyroid gland. Most, however, are found
at or just below the hyoid bone. The indications for surgery include increasing size, the risk for cyst infection, or the presence (1% to 2%) of carcinoma.
The classic treatment has remained unchanged since it was described by Sistrunk in 1928 and involves complete excision of the cyst in continuity with
its tract, the central portion of the hyoid bone, and the tissue above the hyoid bone extending to the base of the tongue.[7] Failure to remove these tissues
results in a high risk of recurrence, since multiple sinuses have been histologically identified in these locations ( Fig. 705 ).

Torticollis simply refers to a twisted neck, which may be either congenital or acquired. In infants with congenital torticollis, the head is typically tilted
toward the side of the affected muscle and rotated in the opposite direction. In many cases, a mass can be palpated within the affected muscle. Although
the true etiology is unknown, birth trauma is most frequently considered. The typical onset of congenital torticollis is 4 to 6 weeks of age in an
otherwise healthy infant. The diagnosis is purely clinical.
The treatment for congenital torticollis is initially conservative. Range-of-motion exercises consist of passive stretching of the affected muscle and are
curative in most infants. The average duration of required treatment is

Figure 70-5 Thyroglossal duct cyst. There are usually branches from the cyst that are intimate with the hyoid bone and extend cephalad for variable distances. The Sistrunk procedure,
which involves en bloc removal of the cyst, central portion of the hyoid bone, and tissue above to the base of the tongue, is required to minimize recurrence. (From Horisawa M,
Niinomi N, Ito T: What is the optimal depth for core-out toward the foramen cecum in a thyroglossal duct cyst operation? J Pediatr Surg 27:710713, 1992.)


roughly 4 to 5 months. Surgical resection or division of the involved muscle is rarely necessary but indicated if symptoms persist beyond 1 year.
Congenital torticollis should be distinguished from acquired torticollis. In the former, the onset is fairly soon (within weeks) after birth and associated
problems are rare. Acquired torticollis occurs later and is associated with a range of conditions including acute myositis, brain stem tumors, atlantoaxial
subluxation, or infectious causes such as retropharyngeal abscess, cervical adenitis, or tonsillitis.
Cervical Lymphadenopathy

Enlarged cervical lymph nodes occur frequently in the pediatric population, and referral to a surgeon for biopsy is common. The etiology is
overwhelmingly infectious; however, it is important to be aware of several other causative factors. Decisions regarding diagnostic testing and therapy
are based largely on clinical judgment and should be derived from a thoughtful history and physical examination.[8]
The distribution of enlarged lymph nodes is important, since most healthy children have small, mobile, rubbery palpable lymph nodes in the anterior
cervical triangle. On the other hand, nontender, fixed nodes in the supraclavicular region are worrisome for malignancy. Further, concern should be
raised regarding nodes that are larger than 2 cm, hard, nontender, and fixed to surrounding structures. Additional concerns for an underlying neoplasm
should be raised by a history of weight loss, night sweats, and progressive nodal enlargement.
If a diagnostic lymph node biopsy is indicated, a preoperative chest radiograph should be performed to exclude associated mediastinal adenopathy. If
enlarged anterior mediastinal nodes are seen, CT of the chest should be done to determine if there is airway compression. Failure to recognize this
preoperatively may result in life-threatening airway obstruction during the induction of general anesthesia. If significant airway compression is seen,
every attempt should be made to perform the biopsy under local anesthesia. Since this may not be feasible in some children, preoperative discussion of
the CT findings with the anesthesiologist is critical. Anesthetic admonitions for this patient population includes preserving spontaneous ventilation
during intubation, induction in the sitting position, securing intravenous access in a lower extremity, and changing the patients position whenever
cardiorespiratory compromise is apparent. Fiberoptic and rigid bronchoscopy, a skilled bronchoscopist, and longer endotracheal tubes must be
immediately available.
Patients with acute, bilateral cervical lymphadenitis are usually managed conservatively, since infection with respiratory viruses is so common. These
include adenovirus, influenza virus, and respiratory syncytial virus and are often associated with symptoms of cough, rhinorrhea, and sinus congestion.
Acute unilateral pyogenic lymphadenitis is caused by Staphylococcus aureus and group A Streptococcus species in more than 80% of cases. In early
cases, an oral antibiotic directed primarily toward gram-positive organisms is indicated. Once the nodes become fluctuant, needle aspiration or incision
and drainage will be necessary.
Cat-scratch disease is thought to account for as much as 3% of acute cervical lymphadenopathy and is caused by the organism Bartonella henselae. A
history of exposure to cats is helpful but not always present. The diagnosis may be made by polymerase chain reaction from nodal tissue. Antibiotic
therapy is not recommended because the disease is self-limiting in most cases.
A less common infectious cause for cervical lymphadenitis is nontuberculous Mycobacteria. Typically, the nodes are fluctuant, and the overlying skin
has a violaceous appearance but is not particularly tender. Occasionally, the nodes drain spontaneously with the formation of mature sinus tracts. The
diagnosis is made by positive cultures for nontuberculous acid-fast bacilli together with a positive tuberculin skin test. Since most of the nontuberculous
Mycobacteria are resistant to conventional chemotherapy, surgical excision is the treatment of choice.[9] Incision and drainage alone is associated with a
high rate of recurrence and poor healing of the wound. In contrast with patients with active tuberculous infections, there is no indication for isolation of
patients with nontuberculous lymphadenitis.
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Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula

Esophageal atresia (EA) is a congenital interruption or discontinuity of the esophagus resulting in esophageal obstruction. Tracheoesophageal fistula
(TEF) is an abnormal communication (fistula) between the esophagus and trachea. EA may be present with or without a TEF. Alternatively, a TEF can
occur without EA. The incidence and range of anatomic variants are depicted in Figure 706 .
The prevalence of EA/TEF is 2.6 to 3 per 10,000 births and with a slight male predominance. The etiology of the disturbed embryogenesis is presently
unknown. Roughly one third of infants with EA/TEF have low birth weight, and two thirds of infants have associated anomalies. There is a nonrandom,
nonhereditary association of anomalies in patients with EA/TEF that must be considered under the acronym VATER (vertebral, anorectal, tracheal,
esophageal, renal or radial limb). Another acronym that is commonly used is VACTERL (vertebral, anorectal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal,
The diagnosis of EA should be entertained in an infant with excessive salivation along with coughing or choking during the first oral feeding. A
maternal history of polyhydramnios is often present. In a baby with EA and TEF, acute gastric distention may occur due to air entering the distal
esophagus and stomach with each inspired breath. Reflux of gastric contents into the distal esophagus traverses the TEF and spills into the trachea,
resulting in cough, tachypnea, apnea, or cyanosis. The presentation of isolated TEF without EA may be more subtle and often beyond the newborn
period. In general, these infants have choking and coughing associated with oral feeding.


Figure 70-6 The main anatomic variants and incidence of esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula.

Figure 70-7 A, Plain chest radiograph of infant with pure esophageal atresia. Note the inability to pass the nasogastric tube (arrow) into the stomach and absence of gas within the
abdomen. B, Plain chest radiograph of infant with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF). The esophageal atresia is suggested by the inability to pass the nasogastric
tube into the stomach and the surrounding gas-filled proximal esophagus (arrows). The TEF is verified by the presence of gas within the abdomen.

The inability to pass a nasogastric tube into the stomach of the neonate is a cardinal feature for the diagnosis of EA. Inability to pass a nasogastric tube
in an infant with absent radiographic evidence for gastrointestinal gas is virtually diagnostic of an isolated EA without TEF ( Fig. 707 A). On the other
hand, if gas is present in the gastrointestinal tract below the diaphragm, an associated TEF is confirmed ( Fig. 707 B). These simple rules provide the
correct diagnosis in most cases. Occasionally, a small amount of isotonic contrast may be given by mouth to demonstrate the level of the proximal EA
pouch and/or the presence of a TEF, but this is rarely necessary. In fact, the risk of aspiration with studies of this type is generally high.
The immediate care of an infant with EA/TEF includes decompression of the proximal EA pouch with a sump-type of tube placed to continuous
suction. This prevents spillover of oral secretions into the trachea. The presence of the TEF may be life threatening because positivepressure ventilation
may be inadequate to inflate the lungs, since air is directed into the TEF via the path of least resistance. Ventilation may further be compounded by the
resultant gastric distention. In theses circumstances, manipulation of the endotracheal tube distal to the TEF may minimize the leak and permit adequate
ventilation. Further, placement of an occlusive balloon (Fogarty) catheter into the fistula via a bronchoscope may be useful. In these cases, performance
of a gastrostomy to decompress the distended stomach should be avoided, since it may result in the abrupt inability to ventilate the patient. Finally,

urgent thoracotomy with direct ligation of the fistula but without repair of the EA may be required.


In the preoperative period, it is necessary to perform a thorough physical examination, with particular attention to the aforementioned VACTERL
anomalies. A preoperative echocardiogram is essential to evaluate the presence or absence of congenital heart disease as well as to define the side of the
aortic arch. A right thoracotomy is typically done for the repair of EA/TEF in patients with a normal left-sided aortic arch. However, for infants with a
right-sided arch, a left thoracotomy would be preferred. Additional preoperative imaging studies include ultrasonography of the spine and kidneys.
The surgical treatment for the most common EA/TEF involves an extrapleural thoracotomy through the 4th intercostal space. A bronchoscopy should be
done prior to the thoracotomy to identify the relative site of the fistula, exclude the presence of a second fistula, and delineate the bronchial anatomy. On
the right side, the azygous vein is divided to reveal the underlying TEF. The TEF is dissected circumferentially and then ligated using interrupted,
nonabsorbable sutures. The proximal esophageal pouch is then mobilized as high as possible to afford a tension-free esophageal anastomosis. The blood
supply to the upper esophageal pouch is generally robust and based on arteries derived from the thyrocervical trunk. On the other hand, the blood supply
to the lower esophagus is more tenuous and segmental, originating from intercostal vessels. As such, significant mobilization of the lower esophagus
should not be done, so as to avoid ischemia at the site of the esophageal anastomosis. The anastomosis is performed using either a single- or doublelayer technique. The rates of anastomotic leak are slightly higher with the single-layer anastomosis, whereas the rates of esophageal stricture are higher
with the double-layer technique.
If the two ends of the esophagus cannot be joined without significant tension, there are several options. The first would be to suture the divided end of
the distal esophagus to the prevertebral fascia, mark its location with a metal clip, and close the thoracotomy. Over time (2 to 3 months), the proximal
esophageal pouch may grow such that a subsequent thoracotomy may permit a primary esophageal anastomosis. A circular or spiral esophagomyotomy
[10] of the upper pouch may also be done to gain esophageal length and facilitate a primary anastomosis. Another technique involves placement of
traction sutures through the proximal and distal ends of the esophagus and brought out through the chest. These sutures are progressively tightened, and
a primary esophageal anastomosis is performed after several days.[11] Alternatively, a cervical esophagostomy may be constructed, and a formal
esophageal replacement is performed later.
In patients with pure EA, the gap between the two esophageal ends is frequently wide, thus preventing a primary anastomosis in the newborn period. In
these patients, the traditional approach is to perform a cervical esophagostomy for drainage of oral secretions and insertion of a gastrostomy for enteral
feeding. An esophageal replacement using the stomach, small intestine, or colon is then performed at about 1 year of age. More recently, it has become
apparent that the two ends of the esophagus may spontaneously grow such that a primary anastomosis may be accomplished by 3 months of age.[12]
Thus, insertion of a gastrostomy in the neonatal period for feeding may be the only necessary intervention. The swallowing of saliva may actually
promote elongation of the upper pouch and an esophagostomy is therefore avoided.
In patients with pure TEF without EA, the site of the TEF is usually in the region of the thoracic inlet. As such, the surgical approach is via a cervical
incision. After the induction of anesthesia, but prior to making the incision, it is often helpful to cannulate the TEF with a guide wire to facilitate
identification of the TEF.
The mortality of EA/TEF is directly related to the associated anomalies, particularly cardiac defects and chromosomal abnormalities. In the absence of
these factors, survival of 90% to 95% is expected.[13] Postoperative complications unique to EA/TEF include esophageal motility disorders,
gastroesophageal reflux (GER) (25% to 50%), anastomotic stricture (15% to 30%), anastomotic leak (10% to 20%), and tracheomalacia (8% to 15%).
Gastroesophageal Reflux

Vomiting during infancy is a common occurrence and can be difficult to distinguish from chronic GER that ultimately requires surgical correction.
Although the diagnosis and surgical management of GER are similar between adults and children, there are several major differences that must be
Although the symptoms of GER can often be obtained easily in adults, the recognition of symptoms in young children may be more subtle. Rather than
complain of heartburn, children with significant GER tend to associate pain with eating. As such, they may be irritable during or after feeding or limit
their formula intake altogether. This may be identified by failure to thrive (FTT). Another cause of FTT in infants with GER is the nutritional
consequences of reduced caloric intake due to protracted emesis. Other unique symptoms include life-threatening episodes of apnea termed near-miss
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In a child with documented GER, an episode of near-miss SIDS is an absolute indication for antireflux surgery.
Respiratory symptoms of GER in children may manifest as chronic cough, hoarseness, recurrent pneumonias, or asthma. Persistent asthma may be due
to GER in up to 75% of children, a significant proportion who have no other apparent symptoms of GER.[14]
Many children referred for antireflux surgery are neurologically impaired, usually secondary to factors such as metabolic conditions, head trauma, and
birth asphyxia. As such, most of these patients require permanent feeding access in the form of a gastrostomy tube. Thus, antireflux surgery is often
entertained at the time of the gastrostomy tube insertion, especially in patients who are unable to reliably protect their airway or who already have
significant vomiting associated with intragastric tube feeding.
The evaluation of the child with GER involves several studies, each designed to provide different information. The initial study includes an upper
gastrointestinal (UGI) radiographic series. The UGI does not correlate well with the presence or absence of GER but is important to exclude

other causes of vomiting in children. These would include malrotation, antral web, foregut duplication cysts, and pyloric or duodenal stenosis. The gold
standard test for delineating pathologic from physiologic GER is continuous (18- to 24-hour) esophageal pH monitoring.[15] Risk assessment for the
development of esophagitis can be derived from a reflux index, which takes into account the percentage of time the lower esophageal pH is less than 4.
A reflux index of greater than 11% in infants up to 1 year or greater than 6% in older children is considered pathologic. The limitation of this study is
that it nicely delineates risk for acid injury to the esophagus but may fail to detect pathologic GER in patients who have symptoms related to pulmonary
aspiration. In these circumstances, the episode of reflux may be of sufficient magnitude to cause pneumonia or bronchospasm, but cleared efficiently
from the esophagus so as to be interpreted as normal. Nuclear scintigraphy involves labeling food or formula with a radioisotope and then measuring the
number of postprandial episodes of GER and aspiration events. The advantages of this technique include the ability to identify nonacid GER events and
to quantitate gastric emptying. A drawback is that it is extremely sensitive and therefore is unable to distinguish between pathologic and nonpathologic
GER. Further, the normative data for the pediatric population are lacking. Finally, endoscopic visualization of the esophagus, larynx, and trachea all are
complementary studies to confirm the presence of acid injury.

Nonoperative measures to reduce GER include thickening of formula with cereal, reducing the volume of feeding, and postural maneuvers. In addition,
pharmacologic acid suppression may be useful. Indications for surgical intervention include severe GER that is unresponsive to aggressive medical
management. In addition, surgery is generally warranted in patients with life-threatening near-miss SIDS episodes, FTT, or esophageal stricture. Other
relative indications include those requiring complex surgical airway reconstruction,[16] patients with neurologic impairment requiring permanent feeding
access, or a history of recurrent pneumonias or persistent asthma.
As in adults, multiple operations have been designed for children with GER. The gold standard procedure remains the Nissen fundoplication. In the
pediatric population, this can be done open or laparoscopically[17] with similar results. In severely neurologically impaired patients, a complete
esophagogastric disconnection with Roux-en-Y esophagojejunostomy has been proposed.[18] This procedure is certainly definitive but may be associated
with significant perioperative morbidity.
The overall results for anti-reflux surgery in children are excellent. The risk for recurrent GER and other morbidity are highest in the neurologically
impaired population[19] and the presence of chronic cough associated with severe underlying lung disease.
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders during early infancy, with an incidence of 1:3000 to 4000 live
births. This condition is most common between the ages of 2 and 8 weeks. In HPS, hypertrophy of the circular muscle of the pylorus results in
constriction and obstruction of the gastric outlet. Gastric outlet obstruction leads to nonbilious, projectile emesis, loss of hydrochloric acid with the
development of hypochloremic, metabolic alkalosis, and ultimate dehydration. The treatment of this condition is by surgical mechanical distraction of
the pyloric ring. There is currently no place for medical management of HPS.
The cause for pyloric stenosis is unknown because multiple factors have been implicated. Ethnic origin is important as the highest incidence is found
among whites of Scandinavian decent and lowest risk in African Americans and Chinese. Males outnumber females in every series by a ratio of 4 to
5:1. There is a higher risk for developing HPS in offspring of parents with this condition, and in many series, firstborn males are frequently encountered.
The clinical presentation of infants with HPS present is projectile and/or frequent episodes of nonbilious emesis. Occasionally, the vomitus may be
brown or blood-streaked but it is always nonbilious. Visible gastric peristalsis may be seen as a wave of contraction from the left upper quadrant to the
epigastrium. The infants usually feed vigorously between episodes of vomiting.
Palpation of the pyloric tumor (also called the olive) in the epigastrium or right upper quadrant by a skilled examiner is pathognomonic for the diagnosis
of HPS. If the olive is palpated, no additional diagnostic testing is necessary. The sensitivity of the clinical examination alone appears to range from
72% to 74%, the positive predictive value ranges from 98% and 99.3%, and the specificity is 97%.[20]
When the olive cannot be palpated, the diagnosis of HPS can be made with an ultrasound examination or fluoroscopic UGI series. These imaging tests
are similar in terms of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of HPS. The UGI series is useful for the evaluation of other causes of vomiting,
whereas the absence of radiation exposure and cost make the ultrasound the usual preferred study. A persistent pyloric muscle thickness more than 3 to
4 mm or pyloric length longer than 15 to 18 mm in the presence of functional gastric outlet obstruction is generally considered to be diagnostic.[21]
The treatment of HPS is by a pyloromyotomy. This consists of cutting across the abnormal pyloric musculature while preserving the underlying mucosa
( Fig. 708 ). This can be done through a traditional right upper quadrant incision, through a periumbilical incision, or laparoscopically. Prior to surgery,
it is important that the infant is hydrated with intravenous fluids to establish a normal urine output. It is important that the underlying metabolic
alkalosis is slowly corrected with normal saline. Potassium should not be given until the intravascular volume has been restored and normal urine output
has resumed. Since the infant with underlying metabolic alkalosis compensates with respiratory acidosis, postoperative apnea may occur. Thus, the
serum bicarbonate level should be normalized prior to surgery.
Postoperatively, infants are usually allowed to resume enteral feedings. Vomiting after surgery occurs frequently

Figure 70-8 Pyloromyotomy for hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. The thickened pyloric musculature has been cut and then spread apart to reveal the underlying mucosa.

but is usually self-limited. Complications specific to the pyloromyotomy include incomplete myotomy; mucosal perforation, usually at the duodenal
end; or wound infection. These complications may be slightly higher when the incision is made in the umbilicus.[22]
Intestinal Atresia
Duodenal Atresia

In contrast with more distal intestinal atresias, duodenal atresia (DA) is believed to occur as a result of failure of vacuolization of the duodenum from its
solid cord stage. The range of anatomic variants includes duodenal stenosis, mucosal web with intact muscular wall (windsock deformity), two ends
separated by a fibrous cord, or complete separation with a gap within the duodenum.
DA is associated with several conditions, including prematurity, Down syndrome, maternal polyhydramnios, malrotation, annular pancreas, and biliary
atresia (BA). Other anomalies such as cardiac, renal, esophageal, and anorectal are also frequent. In most, the duodenal obstruction is distal to the
ampulla of Vater and infants present with bilious emesis in the neonatal period. In patients with a mucosal web, the symptoms of postprandial emesis
may occur later in life.
The classic plain abdominal radiograph of DA is termed the double-bubble sign (air-filled stomach and duodenal bulb) ( Fig. 709 ). In cases whereby

there is no distal air, the diagnosis is secured and no further studies are necessary. On the other hand, if distal air is present, a UGI contrast study should
be performed fairly rapidly. This study is important not only to confirm the diagnosis of duodenal stenosis or atresia but also to exclude midgut
volvulus, which would constitute a surgical emergency.
The treatment of DA is by surgical bypass of the duodenal obstruction as either a side-to-side or proximal transverse to distal longitudinal (diamondshaped) duodenoduodenostomy.

Figure 70-9 Plain abdominal radiograph demonstrating the typical double-bubble appearance of duodenal atresia. The large gas-filled stomach is visualized along with the dilated
proximal duodenum. There is no gas beyond the duodenum.

When the proximal duodenum is markedly dilated, a tapering duodenoplasty may be performed to reduce the duodenal caliber and may improve
postoperative gastric emptying. In patients with a duodenal mucosal web, the web is excised transduodenally. The ampulla is often associated with the
web itself and must therefore be identified and preserved during the web excision.
Jejunoileal Atresia

Although several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the findings of jejunoileal atresia (JIA), the prevailing theory is that of an intrauterine
focal mesenteric vascular accident. The spectrum of gross pathologic findings includes simple stenosis, complete interruption of the intestinal lumen
with or without a fibrous cord attached to the distal bowel, a missing segment of bowel and mesentery, or multiple atresias. One final type is referred to
as the apple peel or Christmas tree deformity ( Fig. 7010 ). This atresia is unique from the standpoint that the obstruction is usually in the proximal
jejunum, which is supplied by the entire superior mesenteric artery (SMA). There is then a gap in the mesentery and the remainder of the small intestine
is coiled around the ileocolic branch of the SMA, which is perfused retrograde from the middle colic artery. This tenuous blood supply has obvious
implications for reanastomosis and the potential for ischemic necrosis due to an antenatal volvulus. As such, many of these infants with this type of
atresia are born with reduced intestinal length.
The clinical presentation is typically dependent on the level of obstruction. In proximal atresia, abdominal

Figure 70-10 Proximal jejunal atresia of the apple peel or Christmas tree variant. The dilated proximal jejunum (arrows) is supplied by the superior mesenteric artery (SMA).
There is a gap in the mesentery, and the remainder of the small intestine is coiled around the ileocolic branch of the SMA, which is perfused retrograde from the middle colic artery.

distention is less frequent and bilious emesis is usually present. Plain abdominal radiographs typically reveal air-fluid levels with absent distal gas. If the
atresia is distal, abdominal distention may be present. A preoperative barium enema may be useful to exclude multiple atresias, which may be present in
10% to 15% of cases. In contrast with DA, JIA is usually not associated with other anomalies. One exception is cystic fibrosis (CF), which may be
present in roughly 10% of cases.
The treatment of JIA is to re-establish intestinal continuity. In the presence of multiple atresias, it is imperative to preserve as much intestinal length as
possible. This may require multiple anastomoses over an endoluminal stent. If the proximal intestine is significantly dilated, peristalsis will be
perturbed. As such, a tapering enteroplasty of the dilated bowel should be performed if the remnant intestinal length is short. On the other hand, the
dilated bowel should be resected if the remnant small bowel length is normal. The overall survival for infants with JIA atresia should be higher than
90%[23] and unrelated to the type of atresia encountered. The most significant associated morbidity is the short gut syndrome.
Anomalies of Intestinal Rotation/Fixation

Most intestinal rotation and fixation abnormalities become clinically evident during infancy and childhood. The true incidence of rotational anomalies
of the midgut is difficult to determine and has been reported to occur with a frequency of 1 in 6000 live births. An understanding of the embryology of
the intestine is essential in the recognition and appropriate surgical management of these conditions.
The midgut normally herniates out of the abdominal cavity through the umbilical ring at approximately the 4th week of development in all human
fetuses. By the 10th week of gestation, the intestine returns to the abdominal cavity and rotates around the axis of the SMA for 270 degrees in a
counterclockwise direction. The final position of the ligament of Treitz is in the left upper quadrant and the cecum in the right lower quadrant of the
abdomen. Interruption or reversal of any of these coordinated movements permits an embryologic explanation for the range of anomalies that are seen.
Complete nonrotation of the midgut is the most frequently encountered anomaly and occurs when neither the duodenojejunal limb nor the cecocolic
limb undergo rotation. As a result, there is no duodenal C loop and the ligament of Treitz is located on the right side of the abdomen. Likewise, the

cecum has failed to rotate and is present in the left side of the abdomen. In nonrotation, the proximal jejunum and ascending colon are fused together as
one pedicle, through which the blood supply to the entire midgut (SMA) is located. It is this pedicle on which a midgut volvulus occurs, leading to
ischemic necrosis of the entire midgut.
Nonrotation of the duodenojejunal limb followed by normal rotation and fixation of the cecocolic limb results in duodenal obstruction due to mesenteric
(Ladds) bands originating from the colon and extending over the duodenum to end in the retroperitoneum. In this situation, a midgut volvulus is less
likely, since the base of the mesentery is relatively wide and fixed to the posterior abdomen. Duodenal obstruction from Ladds bands is usually
heralded by bilious emesis. Several other abnormalities are possible with any combination of incomplete, absent, or reverse rotation of the
duodenojejunal limb followed by varied rotation patterns of the cecocolic limb.
Rotational anomalies may manifest clinically in several different ways: however, the main symptom complexes may be grouped together as those
related to volvulus, duodenal obstruction, or intermittent or chronic abdominal pain or as an incidental finding in an otherwise asymptomatic patient.
Most patients develop symptoms during the first month of life.
Midgut volvulus is a true surgical emergency since delay in operative correction is associated with a high risk of intestinal necrosis and subsequent
death. The sudden appearance of bilious emesis in a newborn is the classic presentation. Although bilious emesis is most often due to other causes, it is
critical to exclude midgut volvulus. Once clinical signs of intestinal compromise begin to appear, the ability to salvage the patient or any significant
length of small bowel may be gone.
Midgut volvulus may also be incomplete or intermittent. Patients may complain of chronic abdominal pain or have intermittent episodes of emesis
(which may be nonbilious), early satiety, weight loss, FTT, or malabsorption/diarrhea. With partial volvulus, the resultant mesenteric venous and
lymphatic obstruction may impair nutrient absorption and produce protein loss into the gut lumen as well as mucosal ischemia and melena as a result of
arterial insufficiency.
The preoperative evaluation of a child with a suspected rotational anomaly of the intestine should include plain abdominal radiographs and a UGI
contrast series. Occasionally, plain abdominal radiographs may reveal evidence

for intestinal obstruction; however, the most common findings are nonspecific. The UGI contrast series remains the gold standard for the diagnosis. A
key element for the diagnosis of rotational abnormalities of the intestine is the position of the ligament of Treitz. This should normally be located to the
left of midline and at the level of the gastric antrum. In the presence of a volvulus, the site of obstruction is usually the third portion of the duodenum
and has the appearance of a birds beak.
In the acutely ill child with midgut volvulus/obstruction, urgent operative correction is indicated and little time should be needed for intravenous fluid
resuscitation, placement of a nasogastric tube and Foley catheter, type and crossmatch for blood, and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Time
is critical in terms of intestinal salvage.
The operative management for most rotational anomalies of the intestine is Ladds procedure. On entering the peritoneal cavity, the entire bowel should
be immediately exposed. If a volvulus is encountered, in most cases the volvulus twists in a clockwise direction; thus, it should be untwisted in a
counterclockwise manner (turning back the hands of time). After detorsion, the intestine may be congested and edematous, and some areas may
appear necrotic. Placement of warm sponges and observation for awhile may improve the appearance of the intestine when the vascular integrity has
been compromised. If areas of the bowel are obviously necrotic, resection with creation of a stoma(s) is performed. Since it is imperative to preserve as
much intestine as possible, marginal or questionable segments of bowel should be left in place and a second-look procedure performed within 24 to 36
hours. Next, Ladds bands are divided as they extend from the ascending colon across the duodenum and attach to the posterior aspect of the right upper
quadrant. To prevent extramural compression of the duodenum and recurrent obstruction, the bands must be lysed completely on both lateral and medial
aspects of the duodenum. In dividing the medial bands, the distance between the duodenum and ascending colon is increased. Broadening this
mesenteric base reduces the tendency of the bowel to volvulize. There has been no demonstrated benefit to pexing the cecum or duodenum to the
abdominal wall. In neonates, a balloon catheter may be passed through the mouth and advanced beyond the pylorus into the distal duodenum to exclude
an intraluminal obstruction. An incidental appendectomy is then performed since the cecum will ultimately lie on the left side of the abdomen after this
procedure. The intestine should be replaced into the abdominal cavity with the small bowel lying entirely on the right side while the colon is positioned
on the left.
Recurrent volvulus is relatively infrequent but should be of prime concern in patients presenting with obstructive symptoms at any time postoperatively.
More commonly, the cause for postoperative obstruction is adhesive bands. Gastrointestinal motility disturbances are also frequent. Midgut volvulus
accounts for roughly 18% of cases of short gut syndrome in the pediatric population. Urgent recognition and management are the most important factors
in preventing this complication.
Necrotizing Enterocolitis

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is the most common gastrointestinal emergency in the neonatal period. Prematurity is the single most important risk
factor, although other factors such as ischemia, bacteria, cytokines, and enteral feeding all are likely significant. The advent of exogenous surfactant and
improved methods of mechanical ventilation are contributing to greater numbers of premature infants at risk for developing NEC. Despite the
tremendous impact of NEC on neonatal morbidity and mortality, progress in understanding this condition is hampered by the fact that a reliable animal
model for NEC does not exist.
The development of NEC is unusual in the first few days of life. Approximately 80% of cases occur, however, within the first month of life. The clinical
presentation of NEC is often nonspecific and unpredictable. Clinical signs include irritability, temperature instability, poor feeding, or episodes of apnea
or bradycardia. More specific signs include abdominal distention, vomiting, feeding intolerance, or passage of a bloody stool. As NEC progresses,
systemic sepsis develops, with cardiorespiratory deterioration, coagulopathy, and death. The radiographic hallmark of NEC is pneumatosis intestinalis
( Fig. 7011 ). Pneumatosis is comprised of hydrogen gas generated by bacterial fermentation of luminal substrates. Other radiographic findings may
include portal venous gas, ascites, fixed loops of small bowel, or free air. The distal ileum and ascending colon are the usual sites affected, although the
entire gastrointestinal tract (NEC totalis) may also be involved.

Figure 70-11 Plain abdominal radiograph of an infant with necrotizing enterocolitis demonstrating diffuse pneumatosis intestinalis. In addition to the typical ground glass
appearance, linear gas corresponding with the submucosal plane of the bowel wall is easily visualized (arrows).


Once the diagnosis of NEC has been established, initial management consists of bowel rest with nasogastric tube decompression, fluid resuscitation,
blood and/or platelet transfusion, and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Medical management continues for 7 to 10 days and is successful in
about 50% of cases. The absolute indication for operative management of NEC is the presence of intestinal perforation as revealed by the identification
of free air on plain abdominal radiographs. Other relative indications for surgery include overall clinical deterioration, abdominal wall cellulitis,
worsening acidosis, falling white blood cell or platelet count, palpable abdominal mass, or a persistent fixed loop on repeated abdominal radiographs.
The decision to proceed with surgery can be difficult and must be weighed against the risks of laparotomy in an already compromised premature infant.
The general principles of surgical management of NEC include resection of all nonviable segments of intestine with creation of a stoma. All efforts
should be made to preserve as much intestinal length as possible. As such, it may be necessary to resect multiple sites of necrotic bowel, preserve
intervening segments of viable intestine, and create multiple stomas. In cases where the bowel is ischemic, but not frankly necrotic, a second-look
operation may be performed after 24 hours. Bowel resection with primary reanastomosis may be considered in the rare infant with focal involvement of
NEC, with minimal peritoneal contamination, and who is stable in the operating room. The risks for anastomotic leak and stricture formation have
tempered widespread enthusiasm for this approach.
Another, more recent operative approach to the management of the infant with NEC whose intestine has perforated is bedside placement of peritoneal
drains under local anesthesia. Drainage of the contaminated peritoneal fluid may improve ventilation and halt the progression of sepsis in select very ill,
preterm infants. Surprisingly, drainage of the peritoneum may be the only necessary intervention in a few patients. The data to support peritoneal
drainage as an accepted mode of treatment for NEC are currently sparse and are the subject of an ongoing multicenter trial.
The overall mortality from surgically managed NEC ranges from 10% to 50%. NEC is currently the single most common cause of the short gut
syndrome in children.[24] Intestinal strictures may develop after either medical or surgical management of NEC in about 10% of infants. The most
common site for involvement is the splenic flexure of the colon. Because of the risk for stricture, a radiographic contrast study of the distal intestine
should be done prior to elective stoma closure. Neurodevelopmental delay is also a frequent long-term problem in these infants.
Meconium Syndromes

The meconium syndromes of infancy represent a complex group of gastrointestinal conditions associated with CF, with considerable overlap in clinical
presentation and management. CF results from a mutation within the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene and is autosomal recessive.
Therefore, both parents must be carriers. It is estimated that 3.3% of whites in the United States are asymptomatic carriers of the mutated CF gene. The
abnormal chloride transport in patients with CF results in tenacious, viscous secretions affecting a wide variety of organs, including the intestine,
pancreas, lungs, salivary glands, reproductive organs, and biliary tract. The clinical presentation of the meconium syndromes ranges from a meconium
plug to simple and complicated meconium ileus.
Meconium Plug

Meconium plug syndrome is a frequent cause of neonatal intestinal obstruction and associated with multiple conditions including Hirschsprungs
disease, maternal diabetes, hypothyroidism, and CF. Although most children with meconium plug syndrome are normal, further studies to exclude
Hirschsprungs disease and CF are warranted. Typically, affected infants are often preterm and present with signs and symptoms of distal intestinal
obstruction. Abdominal distention is a prominent feature. Plain abdominal radiographs reveal multiple dilated loops of intestine. The diagnostic and
therapeutic procedure of choice is a water-soluble contrast enema. This often results in the passage of a plug of meconium and relief of the obstruction
( Fig. 7012 ).
Simple Meconium Ileus

Meconium ileus in the newborn represents the earliest clinical manifestation of CF and affects about 15% of patients with this inherited disease. In
North America, virtually all white neonates with meconium ileus have CF. In simple meconium ileus; the terminal ileum is dilated and filled with thick,
tarlike, inspissated meconium. Smaller

Figure 70-12 Meconium plug. This plug of meconium was passed following a contrast enema performed in an infant with abdominal distention and obstipation for 48 hours. After
passage of the plug, the infant began to stool normally.


pellets of meconium are found in the more distal ileum leading into a relatively small colon. In patients with simple meconium ileus, important plain
abdominal radiographic findings include dilated, gas-filled loops of small bowel, absence of air-fluid levels, and a mass of meconium within the right
side of the abdomen mixed with gas to give a ground glass or soap bubble appearance.
The initial diagnostic study of choice is a contrast enema using water-soluble, ionic contrast solution. Gastrografin is probably the most frequently used.
[25] Since the contrast agents are typically hypertonic relative to serum, it is important that the infants are well hydrated and electrolytes and vital signs
are carefully monitored following the procedure. It is important that the contrast medium reach the ileum into the area of inspissated meconium. This is
successful in relieving the obstruction in up to 75% of cases, with a bowel perforation rate of less than 3%.
The operative management of simple meconium ileus is required when the obstruction cannot be relieved with contrast enema. Historically, the dilated
terminal ileum was resected and various types of stomas were created. This allowed for a very sick neonate to recover who would have otherwise died.
More recently, simple evacuation of the luminal meconium without the need to create a stoma is all that is necessary in most cases. This is
accomplished via open laparotomy, and a small enterotomy is made in the dilated terminal ileum. A red rubber catheter is used to irrigate the proximal
and distal bowel with either warmed saline solution or 4% N-acetylcysteine. The latter solution serves to break the disulfide bonds within the meconium
and facilitate separation from the bowel mucosa. The meconium is either manipulated into the distal colon or removed through the enterotomy, with
care taken to avoid peritoneal contamination. Once the obstruction is relieved, the procedure is concluded by closure of the enterotomy in two layers. In
cases where the meconium evacuation is incomplete, a T tube may be left in place within the ileum to facilitate continued postoperative irrigation.
Complicated Meconium Ileus

Meconium ileus is considered complicated when perforation of the intestine has taken place. This may occur in utero or the early neonatal period.
Meconium within the peritoneal cavity results in severe peritonitis with a dense inflammatory response and calcification. The presentation of
complicated meconium ileus is variable and includes formation of a meconium pseudocyst, adhesive peritonitis with or without secondary bacterial
infection, or ascites.
The diagnosis of CF is usually confirmed in the postoperative period. The pilocarpine iontophoresis sweat test revealing a chloride concentration greater
than 60 mEq/L is the most reliable and definitive method to confirm the diagnosis of CF. This test may not be reliable in infants and is usually
performed later. A more immediate test includes detection of the mutated CFTR gene. This test, coupled with a careful family history and clinical
presentation, permits confirmation of the diagnosis in most infants.
The long-term outcome of patients with CF with or without meconium ileus is probably not different, although gastrointestinal complications continue
throughout life. A meconium ileus equivalent (distal ileal obstructive syndrome) may develop as a consequence of noncompliance with oral enzyme
replacement therapy or bouts of dehydration. This is managed nonoperatively in most patients with enemas and/or oral polyethylene glycol purging
solutions. Other diagnoses must also be considered, including simple adhesive intestinal obstruction. Further, with the introduction of enteric-coated,
high-strength pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, a fibrosing cholangiopathy has been described. Resection of the inflammatory colon stricture
may be necessary.

Intussusception is the telescoping of one portion of the intestine into the other and is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in early
childhood. In most pediatric intussusceptions, the cause is unknown, the location is at the ileocecal junction, and there is no identifiable pathologic lead
point. Invariably, there is marked swelling of the lymphoid tissue within the region of the ileocecal valve. It is unknown as to whether this represents the
cause or the effect of the intussusception. Evidence to implicate a role for lymphoid swelling in the pathogenesis of intussusception is suggested by the
association of this condition with a history of recent episodes of viral gastroenteritis, upper respiratory infections, and recently, administration of
rotavirus vaccine.
The incidence of a pathologic lead point is up to 12% in most pediatric series and increases directly with age. The most common lead point for
intussusception is a Meckels diverticulum; however, other causes must be considered including polyps, the appendix, intestinal neoplasm, submucosal
hemorrhage associated with Henoch-Schnlein purpura, foreign body, ectopic pancreatic or gastric tissue, and intestinal duplication. Intussusception
may also occur within the small bowel in the absence of a lead point in children who undergo abdominal surgery for a variety of reasons. This diagnosis
should be entertained in a child with crampy abdominal pain and emesis in the early postoperative period.
Intussusception classically produces severe, cramping abdominal pain in an otherwise healthy child. The child often draws his or her legs up during the
pain episodes and is usually quiet during the intervening periods. After some time, the child becomes lethargic. Vomiting is almost universal. Although
frequent bowel movements may occur with the onset of pain, the progression of the obstruction results in bowel ischemia with passage of dark blood
clots mixed with mucus, commonly referred to as currant jelly stool. An abdominal mass may be palpated.
In about half of cases, the diagnosis of intussusception can be suspected on plain abdominal radiographs. Suggestive radiographic abnormalities include
the presence of a mass, sparse gas within the colon, or complete distal small bowel obstruction. In cases where there is a low index of suspicion for
intussusception based on clinical

findings, an abdominal ultrasound may be the initial diagnostic test. The characteristic sonographic findings of intussusception include the target of
the intussuscepted layers of bowel on transverse view or the pseudokidney sign when seen longitudinally.
When the clinical index of suspicion for intussusception is high, hydrostatic reduction by contrast agent or air enema is the diagnostic and therapeutic
procedure of choice. Contraindications to this study include the presence of peritonitis or hemodynamic instability. Further, an intussusception that is
located entirely within the small intestine is unlikely to be reached by enema and more likely to have an associated lead point. Hydrostatic reduction
using barium has been the mainstay of therapy; however, more recently, the use of air enema has become more widespread. Successful reduction is
accomplished in more than 80% of cases and is confirmed by resolution of the mass, along with reflux of air into the proximal ileum. To avoid radiation
exposure altogether, intussusception reduction by saline enema under ultrasound surveillance may be employed. Recurrence rates after hydrostatic
reduction are about 11% and usually occur within the first 24 hours. Recurrence is usually managed by another attempt at hydrostatic reduction. A third
recurrence is usually an indication for operative management.
The indications for operation in patients with intussusception include the presence of peritonitis and/or a clinical examination consistent with necrotic
bowel. The presence of complete small bowel obstruction, small bowel location, failure of hydrostatic complete reduction, or history of several
recurrences should also direct surgical intervention. Laparoscopy may be useful as a first step to confirm the presence of an incompletely reduced
intussusception and to facilitate reduction, thus avoiding a larger incision.[26] The intussusceptum is delivered through a transverse incision in the right
side of the abdomen and reduced by squeezing the mass retrograde from distal to proximal until completely reduced. Warm laparotomy pads may be
placed over the bowel, and a period of observation may be warranted in cases of questionable bowel viability. Adhesive bands around the ileocecal
junction are divided, and an appendectomy is then performed. Invariably, the lymphoid tissue within the ileocecal valve region is thickened and
edematous and may be mistaken for a tumor within the small bowel. Experience with this condition may prevent an unnecessary bowel resection. The
recurrence rates are quite low following surgical reduction. Bowel resection is required in cases when the intussusception cannot be reduced, the
viability of the bowel is uncertain, or if a lead point is identified. An ileocolectomy with primary reanastomosis is the usual procedure performed.
Hirschsprungs Disease

Hirschsprungs disease occurs in 1:5000 live births and is characterized pathologically by absent ganglion cells in the myenteric (Auerbachs) and
submucosal (Meissners) plexus. This neurogenic abnormality is associated with muscular spasm of the distal colon and internal anal sphincter resulting
in a functional obstruction. Hence, the abnormal bowel is the contracted, distal segment, whereas the normal bowel is the proximal, dilated portion. The
area between the dilated and contracted segments is referred to as the transition zone. In this area, ganglion cells begin to appear, but in reduced
numbers. The aganglionosis always involves the distal rectum and extends proximally for variable distances. The rectosigmoid is affected in about 75%
of cases, splenic flexure or transverse colon in 17%, and the entire colon with variable extension into the small bowel in 8%. The risk for
Hirschsprungs disease is greater if there is a positive family history and in patients with Down syndrome.
In most, infants are symptomatic within the first 24 hours of life with progressive abdominal distention and bilious emesis. Failure to pass meconium in
the first 24 hours is highly significant and a cardinal feature of this condition. In some infants, diarrhea may develop due to the presence of enterocolitis.
The diagnosis of Hirschsprungs disease may also be overlooked for prolonged periods. In these cases, older children may present with a history of poor
feeding, chronic abdominal distention, and a history of significant constipation. Since constipation is a frequent problem among normal children,
referral for surgical biopsy to exclude Hirschsprungs disease is relatively frequent. Enterocolitis is the most common cause of death in patients with
uncorrected Hirschsprungs disease and may present with diarrhea alternating with periods of obstipation, abdominal distention, fevers, hematochezia,
and peritonitis.
The initial diagnostic step in a newborn with radiographic evidence for a distal bowel obstruction is a barium enema. Prior to this study, rectal
examination and enemas should be avoided so as not to interfere with the identification of a transition zone. In a normal barium enema study, the rectum
is wider than the sigmoid colon. In patients with Hirschsprungs disease, spasm of the distal rectum usually results in a smaller caliber when compared
with the more proximal sigmoid colon. Identification of a transition zone may be quite helpful ( Fig. 7013 ); however, determination of the location of
the transition zone is considered to be relatively inaccurate. Failure to completely evacuate the instilled contrast material after 24 hours would also be
consistent with Hirschsprungs disease and may provide additional diagnostic yield. An important goal of this study is to exclude other causes of
constipation in the newborn such as meconium plug, small left colon syndrome, and atresia.
Anorectal manometry may also suggest the diagnosis of Hirschsprungs disease. The classic finding is failure of the internal sphincter to relax when the
rectum is distended with a balloon. The advantage of this method is that it can be done in an outpatient setting, without the need for general anesthesia.
This is more often useful in an older patient and is seldom used in neonates.
A rectal biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of Hirschsprungs disease. In the newborn period, this is done at the bedside with minimal
morbidity using a special suction rectal biopsy instrument. It is important to obtain the sample at least 2 cm above the dentate line so as to avoid
sampling the normal transition from ganglionated

Figure 70-13 Hirschsprungs disease. A barium enema demonstrating the zone of transition (arrows) from the dilated proximal normal colon to the reduced caliber of the distal
aganglionic colon.

bowel to the paucity or absence of ganglia in the region of the internal sphincter. In older children, because the rectal mucosa is thicker, a full-thickness
biopsy should be obtained under general anesthesia. Absent ganglia, hypertrophied nerve trunks, and robust immunostaining for acetylcholinesterase are
the pathologic criteria to make the diagnosis.
Multiple surgical options exist for the management of Hirschsprungs disease. Traditionally, a leveling procedure is done, followed by proximal
diversion. This consists of a formal laparotomy, which is usually performed through a small incision in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. The
location of the transition zone is then identified and confirmed by multiple seromuscular biopsies. A diverting colostomy is then performed in the region
of normal ganglionated bowel. A definitive procedure is performed later.
The definitive management of Hirschsprungs disease involves variations among three main procedures. In the Swenson procedure, the aganglionic
bowel is removed down to the level of the internal sphincters and a coloanal anastomosis is performed on the perineum. In the Duhamel procedure, the
aganglionic rectal stump is left in place and the ganglionated, normal colon is pulled behind this stump. A GIA stapler is then inserted through the anus
with one arm within the normal, ganglionated bowel posteriorly and the other in the aganglionic rectum anteriorly. Firing of the stapler therefore results
in formation of a neorectum that empties normally, due to the posterior patch of ganglionated bowel. Finally, the Soave technique involves an
endorectal mucosal dissection within the aganglionic distal rectum. The normally ganglionated colon is then pulled through the remnant muscular cuff
and a coloanal anastomosis is performed. More recently, the Soave procedure has been performed in the newborn period as a primary procedure and
without an initial ostomy.[27] Further, the same procedure has been described in infants completely via a transanal approach with or without laparoscopic
guidance.[28] The overall survival of patients with Hirschsprungs disease is excellent; however, long-term stooling problems are not infrequent.
Constipation is the most frequent postoperative problem, followed by soiling and incontinence.
Imperforate Anus

The spectrum of anorectal malformations ranges from simple anal stenosis to the persistence of a cloaca; incidence ranges from 1 in 4000 to 5000 live
births and is slightly more common in boys. The most common defect is an imperforate anus with a fistula between the distal colon and the urethra in
boys or to the vestibule of the vagina in girls.
By 6 weeks gestation, the urorectal septum moves caudally to divide the cloaca into the anterior urogenital sinus and posterior anorectal canal. Failure
of this septum to form results in a fistula between the bowel and urinary tract (in boys) or the vagina (in girls). Complete or partial failure of the anal
membrane to resorb results in an anal membrane or stenosis. The perineum also contributes to development of the external anal opening and genitalia by
formation of cloacal folds, which extend from the anterior genital tubercle to the anus. The perineal body is formed by fusion of the cloacal folds
between the anal and urogenital membranes. Breakdown of the cloacal membrane anywhere along its course results in the external anal opening being
anterior to the external sphincter (i.e., anteriorly displaced anus).
An anatomic classification of anorectal anomalies is based on the level at which the blind-ending rectal pouch ends in relationship to the levator ani
musculature ( Box 701 ). Historically, the level of the end of the rectal pouch was determined by obtaining a lateral pelvic radiograph (i.e.,
invertogram) after the infant is held upside down for several minutes to allow air to pass into the rectal pouch. This examination is highly subjective and
no longer used. Inspection of the perineum alone determines the pouch level in 80% of boys and 90% of girls. Clinically, if an anocutaneous fistula is
seen anywhere on the perineal skin of a boy or external to the hymen of a girl, a low lesion can be assumed, which allows a primary perineal repair
procedure to be performed, without the need for a stoma. Most all other lesions are high or intermediate, and they require proximal diversion by a
sigmoid colostomy. This is followed by a definitive repair procedure at a later date. If required, the level of the rectal pouch can be detailed more
definitively by ultrasonography or MRI.
Rectal atresia refers to an unusual lesion in which the lumen of the rectum is either completely or partially interrupted, with the upper rectum being
dilated and the lower rectum consisting of a small anal canal. A persistent cloaca is defined as a defect in which the rectum, vagina, and urethra all meet
and fuse to form a single, common

Box 70-1. Classification of Congenital Anomalies of the Anorectum

High: anorectal agenesis with or without rectovaginal fistula, rectal

Intermediate: anorectal agenesis with or without rectovaginal
fistula, anal agenesis
Low: anovestibular or anocutaneous fistula (anteriorly displaced
anus), anal stenosis
High: anorectal agenesis with or without rectoprostatic urethral
fistula, rectal atresia
Intermediate: anorectal agenesis with or without rectobulbar
urethral fistula, anal agenesis
Low: anocutaneous fistula (anteriorly displaced anus), anal stenosis

channel. In girls, the type of defect may be determined by the number of orifices at the perineum. A single orifice would be consistent with a cloaca. If
two orifices are seen (i.e., urethra and vagina), the defect represents either a high imperforate anus or, less commonly, a persistent urogenital sinus
comprising one orifice and a normal anus as the other orifice.
Congenital anorectal anomalies often coexist with other lesions, and the VATER or VACTERL association must be considered. Bony abnormalities of
the sacrum and spine occur in about one third of patients and consist of absent, accessory, or hemivertebrae and/or an asymmetrical or short sacrum.
Two or more absent vertebrae are associated with a poor prognosis for bowel and/or bladder continence. Occult dysraphism of the spinal cord also may
be present, and it consists of tethered cord, lipomeningocele, or fat within the filum terminale. Clinical evaluation should therefore include plain
radiographs of the spine, as well as an ultrasound of the spinal cord. Genitourinary abnormalities other than the rectourinary fistula occur in 26% to 59%
of patients. Vesicoureteral reflux and hydronephrosis are the most common, but other findings such as horseshoe, dysplastic, or absent kidney as well as
hypospadias or cryptorchidism also must be considered. In general, the higher the anorectal malformation, the greater the frequency of associated
urologic abnormalities. In patients with a persistent cloaca or rectovesical fistula, the likelihood of a genitourinary abnormality is approximately 90%. In
contrast, the frequency is only 10% in children with low defects (i.e., perineal fistula). Radiographic evaluation of the urinary tract should include renal
ultrasonography and voiding cystourethrography; a rectourinary fistula (if present) likely will be demonstrated by the latter procedure.
In addition to these tests just discussed, a plain chest radiograph and careful clinical evaluation of the heart should be conducted. If a cardiac defect is
suspected, echocardiography should be performed before any surgical procedure. Before feeding, a nasogastric tube should be placed, and its presence
within the stomach confirmed, to exclude EA.
The newborn infant with a low lesion can have a primary, single-stage repair procedure without need for a colostomy. Three basic approaches may be
used. For anal stenosis in which the anal opening is in a normal location, serial dilation alone is usually curative. Dilations are performed daily by the
caretaker and the size of the dilator should be increased progressively (beginning with 8 or 9 French and increased slowly to 14 to 16 French). If the
anal opening is anterior to the external sphincter (i.e., anteriorly displaced anus) with a small distance between the opening and the center of the external
sphincter, and the perineal body is intact, a cutback anoplasty is performed. This consists of an incision extending from the ectopic anal orifice to the
central part of the anal sphincter, thus enlarging the anal opening. Alternatively, if there is a large distance between the anal opening and the central
portion of the external anal sphincter, a transposition anoplasty is performed in which the aberrant anal opening is transposed to the normal position
within the center of the sphincter muscles, and the perineal body is reconstructed.
Infants with intermediate or high lesions traditionally require a colostomy as the first part of a three-stage reconstruction. The colon is completely
divided in the sigmoid region, with the proximal bowel as the colostomy and the distal bowel as a mucous fistula. Complete division of the bowel
minimizes fecal contamination into the area of a rectourinary fistula, and it may lessen the risk of urosepsis. Furthermore, the distal bowel can be
evaluated radiographically to determine the location of the rectourinary fistula. The second-stage procedure usually is performed 3 to 6 months later and
consists of surgically dividing the rectourinary or rectovaginal fistula with a pull-through of the terminal rectal pouch into the normal anal position. A
posterior sagittal approach as championed by Pea is the procedure most frequently performed.[29] This consists of determination of the location of the
central position of the anal sphincter by electrical stimulation of the perineum. An incision is then made in the midline extending from the coccyx to the
anterior perineum and through the sphincter and levator musculature until the rectum is identified. The fistula from the rectum to the vagina or urinary
tract is divided. The rectum is then mobilized, and the perineal musculature is reconstructed. The third and final stage is closure of the colostomy, which
is performed a few months later. Anal dilations are begun 2 weeks after the pull-through procedure and continue for several months after the colostomy
More recently, a single-stage procedure using a transabdominal laparoscopic approach has been described for treatment of intermediate and high
imperforate anus anomalies.[30] This technique offers the theoretical advantages of placement of the neorectum within the central position of the
sphincter and levator muscle complex

under direct vision and avoids the need to cut across these structures. The long-term outcome of this new approach when compared with the standard
posterior sagittal method is presently unknown.
Most of the morbidity in patients with anorectal malformations is related to the presence of associated anomalies. Fecal continence is the major goal
regarding correction of the defect. Prognostic factors for continence include the level of the pouch and whether the sacrum is normal. Globally, 75% of
all patients have voluntary bowel movements. Half of this group still soil their underwear occasionally, whereas the other half are considered totally
continent.[29] Constipation is the most common sequela. A bowel management program consisting of daily enemas is an important postoperative plan to
reduce the frequency of soilage and improve the quality of life for these patients.

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Abdominal Wall Defects

Defects of the anterior abdominal wall are a relatively frequent anomaly managed by pediatric surgeons. During normal development of the human
embryo, the midgut herniates outward through the umbilical ring and continues to grow. By the 11th week of gestation, the midgut returns back into the
abdominal cavity and undergoes normal rotation and fixation, along with closure of the umbilical ring. If the intestine fails to return, the infant is born
with abdominal contents protruding directly through the umbilical ring and is termed an omphalocele ( Fig. 7014 A). Most commonly, a sac is still
covering the bowel, thus protecting it from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Occasionally, the sac may be torn at some point in utero, thus creating
confusion with the other major type of abdominal wall defect termed gastroschisis ( Fig. 7014 B). In contrast with omphalocele, the defect seen with
gastroschisis is always on the right side of the umbilical ring with an intact umbilical cord, and there is never a sac covering the abdominal contents. The
major morbidity and mortality with either anomaly are not as much with surgical repair of the abdominal defect as they are with the associated
abnormalities. In the absence of other major anomalies, the long-term survival is excellent.[31]

The abdominal contents with an omphalocele are covered with a membrane comprising the peritoneum on the inside and amnion on the outside. The
size of the defect is variable, ranging from a small opening through which a small portion of the intestine is herniated to a large one in which the entire
bowel and liver are included. In contrast with gastroschisis, karyotype abnormalities are present in roughly 30% of infants, including trisomies 13, 18,
and 21. More than half of infants with omphalocele have other major or minor malformations, with cardiac being the most common, followed by
musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary. There is also a close

Figure 70-14 The two major abdominal wall defects. An omphalocele (A) originates in the center of the umbilical ring and contains a sac covering the bowel, and there is a high
incidence of other associated anomalies in the infant. In contrast, a gastroschisis (B) defect originates on the right side of the umbilical ring, there is no sac covering the viscera, and
associated anomalies are relatively infrequent.


association with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (omphalocele, hyperinsulinemia, macroglossia).

The treatment of an omphalocele consists of a nasogastric or orogastric tube decompression for prevention of visceral distention due to swallowed air.
An intravenous line should be secured for administration of fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics. The sac should be covered with a sterile, moist
dressing and the infant transported to a tertiary care pediatric surgery facility. Prior to operative repair, the infant should be evaluated for potential
chromosomal and developmental anomalies by a careful physical examination, plain chest radiograph, echocardiography if the physical examination
suggests underlying congenital heart disease, and renal ultrasonography. Since the viscera are covered by a sac, operative repair of the defect may be
delayed so as to allow thorough evaluation of the infant.
Several options exist for the surgical management of an omphalocele and are largely dictated by the size of the defect. In most cases, the contents within
the sac are reduced back into the abdomen, the sac is excised with care to individually ligate the umbilical vessels, and the fascia and skin are closed.
Fascial closure may be facilitated by stretching the anterior abdominal wall as well as milking out the contents of the bowel proximally and distally.
In giant omphaloceles, the degree of visceroabdominal disproportion prevents primary closure and the operative management becomes more
challenging. Construction of a Silastic silo allows for gradual reduction of the viscera into the abdominal cavity over several days. Monitoring of intraabdominal pressure during reduction may prevent the development of an abdominal compartment syndrome. Once the abdominal contents are returned
to the abdomen, the infant is taken back to the operating room for formal fascia and/or skin closure. Occasionally, closure of the fascia may be
impossible. In these cases, the skin is closed and a large hernia is accepted. This is repaired after 1 or 2 years. When the skin cannot be closed over the
defect, several options exist, including the topical application of an antimicrobial solution to the outside of the sac such as silver nitrate or silver
sulfadiazine. Over time, this results in granulation tissue and subsequent epithelialization of the sac. A repair of the large hernia is then performed a few
years after this.

In contrast with patients with an omphalocele, the risk for associated anomalies with gastroschisis is infrequent. One major exception to this general rule
is the association of gastroschisis with intestinal atresia, which may be present in up to 15%. Atresias may involve the small and/or large intestine. The
cause of gastroschisis is presently unknown, but a prevailing theory is that it results from an abdominal wall defect associated with normal involution of
the second umbilical vein. In addition, babies with gastroschisis are more often small for gestational age and born to mothers with a history of cigarette,
alcohol, and recreational drug use, intake of aspirin, ibuprofen, and pseudoephedrine during the first trimester, and an 11-fold increase in risk in mothers
younger than 20 years of age.
The surgical management of gastroschisis is similar to omphalocele. Considerations for third-space fluid losses from the exposed intestine and risk of
infection dictate more expedient coverage. The presence of an atresia in a patient with gastroschisis may be managed in a number of ways. The bowel
can simply be placed into the abdomen with a planned reoperation after several weeks. Another approach would be to perform a proximal diverting
stoma. Finally, a primary anastomosis may be attempted. This is rarely advised, because of the possibility of other atresias as well as the overall
condition of the bowel.
In patients with gastroschisis, the intestine is often thickened, edematous, matted together, and foreshortened. It is unclear as to whether this represents
damage from the amniotic fluid or ischemia from the small, constricting abdominal wall defect. The short gut syndrome may be a consequence of the
attenuated intestinal length. Even with adequate length, the remnant bowel may be damaged to the point that motility, digestion, and/or absorption are
markedly impaired. This prenatal intestinal injury accounts for most of the postoperative morbidity and mortality. Virtually all infants have a prolonged
postoperative ileus. Parenteral nutrition is life saving but also associated with the development of cholestasis, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and
ultimate liver failure.
Inguinal Hernia

Repair of an inguinal hernia (IH) represents one of the most frequent surgical procedures performed in the pediatric age group. Virtually all IH in
children are indirect and congenital in origin. The variable persistence of the embryonic processus vaginalis offers a spectrum of abnormalities
including a scrotal hernia, communicating hydrocele, a hydrocele of the cord, or a simple hydrocele ( Fig. 7015 ).
The incidence of IH has been reported to range between 0.8% and 4.4%, which roughly translates into 10 to 20 per 1000 live births. In preterm infants,
the incidence may be as high as 30%. Approximately one third of children with IH are younger than 6 months of age, and males are affected
approximately six times more often than females. The right side is involved in 60%, the left in 30%, and bilateral hernias are seen in 10%. The higher
incidence on the right side compared with the left is probably related to the later descent and obliteration of the processus vaginalis of the right testis.
Most IH present as a bulge in the region of the external ring extending downward for varying distances to the scrotum or labia. Often, the hernia is
detected by a pediatrician during a routine physical examination or observed by the parents. Inguinal pain may also be a presenting complaint.
Incarceration and possible strangulation are the most feared consequences of IH and occur more frequently in premature infants. Because of the risk for
these complications, all IH in children should be repaired.
Hydroceles represent fluid around the testicle and/or cord. A hydrocele that fills with fluid from the peritoneum

Figure 70-15 Anatomic variants of inguinal hernia and hydrocele. (From Cox JA: Inguinal hernia of childhood. Surg Clin North Am 65:13311342, 1985.)

is termed communicating. This is distinguished from a noncommunicating hydrocele by the history of variation in size throughout the day and palpation
of a thickened cord above the testicle on the affected side. A communicating hydrocele is basically a small IH in which fluid but not peritoneal
structures traverses the processus vaginalis. As such, all communicating hydroceles should be repaired in the same manner as an indirect IH. In contrast,
noncommunicating hydroceles are common among infants and can be observed for several months. The indications for repair of a noncommunicating
hydrocele include failure to resolve and increase in size to one that is large and tense. The acute development of a hydrocele might be associated with
the onset of epididymitis, testicular tumor, trauma, and torsion of a testicular appendage. An ultrasound of the scrotum may provide important
diagnostic information in cases of an acute hydrocele in which examination of the testicle is difficult.
The timing for IH repair in premature infants is controversial. Early repair may be associated with a higher risk for injury to the cord structures, greater
recurrence rate, and anesthetic-related apnea. These factors must be weighed against the higher risk for incarceration and strangulation, the potential for
losing the patient during follow-up, and the development of a larger IH with loss of domain in the abdominal cavity. Taking these factors into account,

most pediatric surgeons perform herniorrhaphy before the neonate is discharged to home from the nursery.[32] If the infant has already been discharged
home, most pediatric surgeons wait until the infant is older than 60 weeks postconception (gestational age + postnatal age). After this age, the risk for
postoperative apnea is diminished.
The timing for repair of incarcerated IH is another important point and dependent on the sex of the patient and contents within the hernia sac. In girls,
the most common structure present in an IH that cannot be reduced is an ovary. The ovary within the sac is at significant risk for torsion and
strangulation. Although this is not a true surgical emergency, IH repair should be done relatively soon (within a few days).
In patients with incarcerated IH containing bowel, attempts should be made to reduce the hernia, unless there is clinical evidence of peritonitis. This
may require intravenous sedation and careful monitoring. If the reduction is successful, the child is admitted and observed for 24 to 48 hours. The IH
repair should be done after the period of observation to allow for tissue edema to subside. On the other hand, if the IH cannot be reduced, the child
should be promptly taken to the operating room for inguinal exploration. If an intestinal resection is required, it can usually be done through the opened
hernia sac prior to IH repair.
There is much controversy over the management of the opposite groin of the child with a unilateral IH. The major advantage of contralateral exploration
is that it determines the presence of a patent processus vaginalis. Although a patent processus is not the same as an IH, an indirect IH cannot occur
without it. Since there is a higher incidence of a contralateral patent processus within the first year of life, many surgeons restrict exploration of the
other side to children younger than 1 year of age. In addition, many surgeons believe that contralateral exploration should be performed in all girls
presenting with a clinically obvious unilateral IH, since the likelihood of injury to reproductive structures is rare. Laparoscopic evaluation of the

groin through the opened sac at the time of repair may be a safe and accurate method of identifying the presence of a patent processus vaginalis.[33]
The technical details of IH repair in infants have been well described[34] and consist of high ligation of the hernia sac at the level of the internal ring. A
repair of the floor of the inguinal canal is usually not necessary. In most cases, this is an outpatient procedure with minimal morbidity. Recurrence,
injury to the vas deferens, wound infection, and postoperative hydrocele are recognized complications associated with IH repair but should occur with a
frequency of less than 1%.
Undescended Testes

The incidence of undescended testes (UDT) among males in the first year of life is roughly 1% to 2%. In the newborn period, this incidence is higher,
but a few have spontaneous descent by 3 months of age. If descent of the testicle has not occurred after this time interval, further descent is unlikely. It
is important to differentiate a true UDT from a retractile testis. In the former, the testicle cannot be manipulated into a scrotal position, whereas in the
latter the testicle is able to be pulled down into the scrotum. The retractile testis does not typically require any further therapy beyond parental
Most () 90%) UDT are palpable within the inguinal canal, and the treatment is by surgical orchidopexy. It is not completely clear as to whether the
abnormal UDT is the cause or the result of maldescent. However, since the severity of histologic abnormalities of the testes is directly related to patient
age, most pediatric surgeons perform orchidopexy at around the first year of life. The effect of higher temperatures and other factors on the developing
UDT results in several abnormalities, including attenuated spermatogenesis, infertility, and increased risk for malignancy. The risk for these problems is
greater in bilateral when compared with unilateral UDT. Although the risk for malignancy is not completely abrogated by orchidopexy, the resulting
scrotal testis is in a more favorable position to clinically monitor for the development of abnormalities. In addition to histologic abnormalities within the
testicle, UDT is typically associated with an ipsilateral IH and is at greater risk for trauma.
The customary surgical procedure for treatment of UDT that are palpated within the inguinal canal is by orchidopexy along with repair of the associated
IH. This is accomplished through a transverse inguinal incision. After division of the external oblique aponeurosis in the direction of its fibers through
the external ring, the testicle is identified. The hernia sac is opened and the cord structures are separated from the sac. The hernia sac is then dissected
up to the level of the internal ring and ligated. This is the maneuver in which the cord structures are able to be mobilized to gain sufficient length for the
UDT to reach the base of the scrotum. The testicle is passed through a subcutaneous tunnel and sutured into a pocket between the dartos muscle and
skin of the scrotum with nonabsorbable suture material.
The nonpalpable testis poses a difficult problem. These are typically not able to be located at the time of simple inguinal exploration, and the relatively
short blood vessels to the testicle are the main limiting factor for the testicle to reach the scrotum. Although preoperative localization of the intraabdominal UDT using CT, MRI, or ultrasound may be helpful, laparoscopy is currently the procedure of choice.[35] Obviously atrophic testes may be
removed or division of the superiorly based blood supply will permit moving the testicle into a scrotal position (based on the inferiorly based blood
supply to the vas and cremasteric fibers) at a later stage (so-called Fowler-Stephens procedure). As another option, the testicle may be autotransplanted
into the scrotal position based on a microvascular anastomosis of the spermatic artery and vein to the epigastric vessels.[36]
Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia (UH) occurs as a result of persistence of the umbilical ring. Complete closure of this ring can be anticipated by 4 to 6 years of age
in up to 80% of cases. In contrast with IH, a UH is rarely associated with significant complications. As such, most pediatric surgeons defer UH repair
until the child is old enough to begin kindergarten. Exceptions to this general rule are a large UH defect (>2 cm) since the likelihood for spontaneous
resolution is lower. Further, a history of incarceration, a large skin proboscis, or in a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt are other relative
indications for repair. The technique for UH repair generally involves an infraumbilical semicircular incision, separation of the hernia sac from the
overlying umbilical skin, repair of the fascial defect, pexing of the base of the umbilical skin to the fascia, and skin closure.
Epigastric Hernia

Epigastric hernias (EHs) represent the third most common hernia in children. These are found anywhere along the midline of the abdomen between the
umbilicus and xiphoid process. Not to be confused with a broad defect of a diastasis rectus, the fascial defect of an EH is quite small but allows
herniation of properitoneal fat through the defect. Although this does not pose a significant risk to the patient, strangulation of the fat often results in
pain, redness, and swelling. This scenario often directs urgent operative exploration to exclude incarceration of other, more important structures.
Because of this and the likelihood for continued enlargement, most pediatric surgeons recommend elective repair. This is accomplished via a small
transverse incision overlying the palpable mass. The herniated fat is excised, and the fascia is repaired.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier


CDH represents one of the most enigmatic diseases encountered in pediatric surgery. The reported incidence of CDH is in the range of 1 in 2000 to
5000 live births. Most CDH defects are on the left side (80%); however, up to 20% may occur on the right side. A CDH may also be

bilateral, but this is distinctly rare. Despite multiple innovative treatment strategies, including in utero diaphragm repair, fetal tracheal occlusion, highfrequency oscillation or partial liquid ventilation, ECLS, exogenous surfactant, and inhaled nitric oxide, survival rates for this condition have not been
significantly impacted. The exact survival rate for CDH is difficult to determine but in the range of 60% to 70%. [37] Calculation of true survival is
complicated by the fact that many infants with CDH are stillborn, and many reports tend to exclude infants with complex associated anomalies from
survival calculations.
The cause for CDH is unknown but is believed to result from failure of normal closure of the pleuroperitoneal canal in the developing embryo. As a
result, abdominal contents herniate through the resultant defect in the posterolateral diaphragm and compress the ipsilateral developing lung. The
posterolateral location of this hernia is known as Bochdaleks hernia and distinguished from the congenital hernia of the anteromedial, retrosternal
diaphragm, which is known as Morgagnis hernia. Compression of the lung results in pulmonary hypoplasia involving both lungs, with the ipsilateral
lung being the most affected. In addition to the abnormal airway development, the pulmonary vasculature is distinctly abnormal in that the medial
muscular thickness of the arterioles is excessive and extremely sensitive to the multiple local and systemic factors known to trigger vasospasm. Thus,
the two main factors that affect morbidity and mortality are pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension.
The most frequent clinical presentation of CDH is respiratory distress due to severe hypoxemia. The infant appears dyspneic, tachypneic, and cyanotic,
with severe retractions. The anteroposterior diameter of the chest may be large, and the abdomen may be scaphoid. There are three general presentations
of infants with CDH. In the first scenario, signs of severe respiratory distress are present immediately at the time of birth. As such, if the diagnosis is
known prenatally, delivery within an institution capable of providing ECLS, high-frequency ventilation, and sophisticated neonatal care is crucial. In
these infants, pulmonary hypoplasia may be severe enough to be incompatible with life. The infant may also have a reversible cause for immediate
hypoxia such as hypovolemia and severe pulmonary vasospasm. Unfortunately, there are no known criteria capable of distinguishing infants with severe
lung hypoplasia from those with reversible conditions. As such, many infants with irreversible lung hypoplasia are placed on ECLS for prolonged
periods before it becomes apparent that their underlying lung condition is incurable.
In the second and most common presentation, the infant does well for several hours after delivery (so-called honeymoon period) and then begins to
deteriorate from a respiratory standpoint. Patients in this category may benefit from therapy to reduce pulmonary hypertension and hypoxemia.
Theoretically, these patients are ideal candidates for ECLS because their lung development has progressed enough to sustain life. Unfortunately, this is
not always the case since many infants in this group do not survive, even with ECLS support.
The third and final clinical presentation of CDH is beyond the first 24 hours of life, which occurs in about 10% to 20% of cases. Many of these children
present with feeding difficulties, chronic respiratory disease, pneumonia, or intestinal obstruction. This group of patients enjoys the best prognosis.
The diagnosis of CDH is frequently made at the time of a prenatal ultrasound during an otherwise unremarkable pregnancy. The postnatal diagnosis is
relatively straightforward because a plain chest radiograph demonstrates the gastric air bubble or loops of bowel within the chest ( Fig. 7016 ). There
may also be a mediastinal shift away from the side of the hernia or polyhydramnios from the obstructed stomach. Rarely is a UGI contrast study
The management of CDH that has been detected in utero has directed open fetal surgery as a strategy to remove the compression of the abdominal
viscera and allow for improved lung development. Unfortunately, this intervention is high risk to both the mother and fetus and has failed to
demonstrate any survival advantage.[38] Subsequent to this was the realization that occlusion of the fetal trachea might result in accumulation of lung
fluid with stimulation of lung growth. Although several techniques for occlusion of the trachea have been described, including the use of balloons,
sponges, or external clip application, the overall result is larger but persistently abnormal lungs.[39] Currently, there appears to be no rationale for fetal
intervention for the diagnosis of CDH.
The postnatal management of CDH is complex, but all efforts should be directed toward stabilization of the cardiorespiratory

Figure 70-16 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The tip of the nasogastric tube and obvious loops of gas-filled bowel are located in the left hemithorax.


system while minimizing iatrogenic injury from therapeutic interventions. Endotracheal intubation is critical to optimize ventilation. Placement of a
nasogastric tube is also important to prevent gastric distention, which may worsen the lung compression, mediastinal shift, and ability to ventilate.
Acute deterioration of an infant with CDH may be due to a number of factors including inadvertent extubation. However, a pneumothorax may develop
during aggressive attempts at ventilation. As such, the pneumothorax in patients with CDH always occurs on the side contralateral to the side of the
CDH. Needle decompression of the contralateral chest during an acute deterioration event may be life saving and necessary before a chest radiograph
can be obtained.
Although used traditionally, pharmacologic pulmonary vasodilators (tolazoline), surfactant, high-frequency ventilation, and inhaled nitric oxide all have
demonstrated inconsistent success. One of the more important recent contributions to the management of infants with CDH has been the concept of
gentle ventilation with permissive hypercapnea and stable hypoxemia (tolerance of pre-ductal oxygen saturations above 80%). Using this strategy,
Boloker and associates have reported a survival of 76%.[40]
Historically, the surgical repair of a CDH was considered to be a surgical emergency because it was believed that the abdominal viscera within the chest
prevented the ability to ventilate. More recently, it has become realized that the physiologic stress associated with early repair probably adds more insult
and that survival is not improved when compared with delayed repair. Thus, most pediatric surgeons wait for a variable period (24 to 72 hours) to allow
for stabilization of the infant before embarking on surgical repair.
Most pediatric surgeons repair a posterolateral CDH via an abdominal subcostal incision, although a thoracotomy also provides adequate exposure. The
viscera are reduced into the abdominal cavity and the posterolateral defect in the diaphragm is closed using interrupted, nonabsorbable sutures. In most
cases () 80% to 90%), a hernia sac is not present. If identified, however, it should be excised at the time of repair. Occasionally, the defect is too large
to permit primary closure, and a number of reconstructive techniques are available, including various abdominal or thoracic muscle flaps. The use of
prosthetic material such as Gore-Tex has become more widespread. The advantage of a prosthetic patch is that a tension-free repair can be frequently
obtained. The major problems with prosthetic patches are the risk for infection and recurrence of the hernia. Occasionally, the abdominal compartment
may be too small to accommodate the viscera that has developed within the thoracic cavity. In these circumstances, an abdominal silo may need to be
constructed as in the management of congenital abdominal wall defects.
Beyond the early postoperative period, many infants with CDH have continued morbidity, which demands careful long-term follow-up.[41] Many
children who survive aggressive management of severe respiratory failure manifest neurologic problems, such as abnormalities in both motor and
cognitive skills, developmental delay, seizures, and hearing loss. Other problems include a high incidence of GER and foregut dysmotility. Other
morbidity associated with CDH survivors includes chronic lung disease, scoliosis, and pectus excavatum deformities.
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Although several categories for congenital chest wall deformities exist, the two major types include pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum ( Fig. 70
17 ). Pectus excavatum is also referred to as a funnel, or sunken, chest and is the most common deformity encountered () five times more common
than carinatum deformities). It is three times more frequent in males and is identified in the first year of life in roughly 90% of cases. Although the
etiology is unknown, abnormalities of costal cartilage development have been most frequently implicated. Several conditions are known to be
associated with pectus excavatum and must be considered in the preoperative evaluation. Roughly 15% of patients have scoliosis. In addition, the
possibility of Marfan syndrome must be considered, and ophthalmologic evaluation along with an echocardiogram should be obtained. Mitral valve
prolapse may be seen in about half of patients, and structural congenital heart disease occurs in about 2%. Asthma is also frequent, but it is unknown
whether it contributes to the development of the defect or occurs as a result of it.
The most common indication for surgery in patients with pectus deformities is cosmetic. This is not a minor issue, particularly for adolescents with
significant concerns regarding body image and development of self-esteem. Theoretically, correction of a severe excavatum deformity significantly
improves cardiopulmonary function. However, notwithstanding many decades of experience with this condition, no appreciable consensus has been
reached regarding the degree of cardiopulmonary impairment, if any, this common chest wall deformity produces. Despite this, it is important to screen
for underlying cardiopulmonary conditions before embarking on operative correction. Standard anteroposterior and lateral chest radiographs are
essential to serve as a baseline of the degree of deformity as well as to detect the presence of thoracic scoliosis. Pulmonary function studies are
important to document either restrictive or obstructive abnormalities. The latter is particularly important if this component is reversible with
bronchodilators. If a heart murmur is detected on physical examination, an echocardiogram is indicated. Finally, a CT scan permits the calculation of an
index by dividing the measured transverse diameter of the chest by the anteroposterior diameter to more objectively document the severity of the defect.
The surgical correction of a pectus excavatum should not be done prior to the age of 5 years as a severe, postoperative restrictive chest wall deformity
may result. Presently, there are two main methods for operative correction. The original technique was originally described in 1949 by Ravitch and
remains as the standard by which all other procedures are compared. This procedure is applied to patients with either excavatum or carinatum
deformities and consists of a transverse skin incision overlying the deformity, bilateral subchondral resection of abnormal costal cartilages, sternal
osteotomy, and anterior

Figure 70-17 Pectus excavatum (A) and pectus carinatum (B).

fixation of the sternum with a retrosternal stainless-steel strut. The strut is removed as a secondary procedure in 6 months to a year. The results with this
operation are excellent. More recently, a minimally invasive technique has been described for excavatum defects in which a C-shaped bar is passed in a
retrosternal plane from one hemithorax into the other via two lateral intercostal incisions. The bar is then flipped such that the convexity is outward
and the chest wall defect is immediately corrected. As originally described by Nuss and colleagues,[42] this technique avoids the creation of pectoral
flaps, cartilage resection, and sternal osteotomy. The bar must be left in place for 2 years, after which it is removed. Although this new technique has
gained considerable popularity among the lay public, the advantages of this technique over the standard Ravitch procedure have yet to be conclusively
demonstrated. A multicenter, prospective trial to address this issue is currently ongoing.
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Dramatic improvements in prenatal ultrasonography have led to a more frequent recognition of developmental abnormalities of the lungs and major
bronchi. Some lesions may be associated with in utero death unless fetal intervention is performed, some infants may have respiratory compromise at
birth, and some patients may present later in life with a persistent infection or neoplasm.
Bronchogenic Cyst

Bronchogenic cysts are usually solitary and lined by cuboidal or columnar ciliated epithelium and mucus glands. Roughly two thirds of cysts are within
the lung parenchyma, and the remainder are found within the mediastinum. Cysts within the pulmonary parenchyma typically communicate with a
bronchus, whereas those in the mediastinum usually do not. Although up to a third of patients are asymptomatic and the diagnosis is made on a routine
chest radiograph, many patients present with respiratory complaints including recurrent pneumonia, cough, hemoptysis, or dyspnea. Because of these
symptoms as well as the reports of neoplasm occurring within these cysts, the treatment for all bronchogenic cysts is resection. Frequently, mediastinal
cysts may be amenable to resection using minimally invasive techniques.
Pulmonary Sequestration

Sequestrations represent malformations of the lung in which there is usually no bronchial communication and there is frequently an aberrant systemic
blood supply. Sequestrations are discriminated on the basis of being either intralobar, in which they reside within the lung parenchyma, or extralobar, in
which they are surrounded by a separate pleural covering. Intralobar sequestrations are infrequently associated with other anomalies and are found
within the medial or posterior segments of the lower lobes, with about two thirds occurring on the left side. In approximately 85% of cases, the
intralobar sequestration is supplied by an anomalous systemic vessel arising from the infradiaphragmatic aorta and located within the inferior
pulmonary ligament. Anticipation of this structure is therefore critical during attempted resection of this malformation. The venous drainage is usually
via the inferior pulmonary vein but may also occur by way of systemic veins. Because of the risk for infection and/or bleeding, intralobar sequestrations
are usually removed, either by segmentectomy or lobectomy. Historically, angiography was considered to be an important preoperative study before
embarking on resection of a sequestration. More

recently, CT or MRI have replaced the need for angiography and provide excellent mapping of the blood supply.
In contrast with those that are intralobar, extralobar sequestrations occur predominantly in males (3:1) and are found three times more frequently on the
left side. In about 40% of cases, multiple other anomalies are encountered, including posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia, eventration of the diaphragm,
pectus excavatum and carinatum, enteric duplication cysts, and congenital heart disease. Extralobar sequestrations are usually asymptomatic, and since
there is usually no bronchial communication, the risk for infection is low. As such, many of these malformations may be observed. Frequently, their
discovery during other procedures or inability to make the correct diagnosis by noninvasive imaging dictates their removal.
Congenital Lobar Emphysema

Congenital lobar emphysema (CLE) results from overdistention of one or more lobes within a histologically normal lung due to abnormal cartilaginous
support of the feeding bronchus. This focal area of bronchial collapse results in a check-valve with air trapping and a progressive increase in lobar
distention. Most often, the cartilage within the bronchus is abnormal; however, extrinsic compression of the bronchus from an aberrant vessel may also
cause the same findings. The left upper lobe is involved in roughly half of cases, with the remainder evenly distributed between the right middle and
lower lobes.
The symptoms of CLE range from none to severe respiratory distress within the neonatal period. Asymptomatic patients are often identified during a
routine chest radiograph as an area of hyperlucency. In these cases, observation without pulmonary resection may be prudent. Occasionally, CLE is
identified in a patient with recurrent or persistent pneumonia or with progressive dyspnea. Resection of the involved lung is therapeutic and well
tolerated. The presentation of CLE in a neonate may include severe respiratory distress. In these cases, the clinical and radiographic pictures may mimic
a tension pneumothorax with severe mediastinal shift. Inadvertent placement of a chest tube into the distended lung would be catastrophic. Immediate
thoracotomy with resection of the involved lobe may be lifesaving.
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation

A congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) typically involves a single lobe and represents a multicystic mass of pulmonary tissue in which
there is proliferation of bronchial structures at the expense of alveoli. Unlike sequestrations, a CCAM does typically have a bronchial communication,
and the arterial and venous drainage is classically from the normal pulmonary circulation. There are three general types segregated on the basis of cyst
size. A type I CCAM is considered the macrocystic variety and includes single or multiple cysts larger than 2 cm. Type I lesions account for about 50%
of all cases and usually have no associated anomalies. A type II CCAM contains respiratory epithelial lined cysts, but they are smaller than 1 cm. Type
II lesions are associated with other anomalies such as renal agenesis, cardiac malformations, CDH, or skeletal abnormalities. The outcome of patients
with type II CCAM is dependent on the associated conditions. A type III CCAM is considered microcystic, and on gross inspection may appear to be
solid; however, microscopic analysis has multiple cysts. Type III CCAMs are often associated with mediastinal shift, the development of nonimmune
hydrops, and a generally poor prognosis. In utero surgery has been applied with some success in the management of large CCAMs. The development of
nonimmune hydrops is one of the main predictors of survival, since 100% mortality has been reported once this develops.[43] The postnatal management
for the symptomatic patient is relatively straightforward by pulmonary resection in the newborn period. In asymptomatic patients with small lesions
detected by fetal ultrasound, the rationale for resection becomes less clear. Since there have been reports of malignancy developing within these lesions
as well as the potential for infection and enlargement, they should probably all be resected.
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Biliary Atresia

BA is characterized by progressive (not static) obliteration of the extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts. The cause is presently unknown, and the
incidence is approximately 1 in 15,000 live births. Presently, there is no medical therapy to reverse the obliterative process, and patients who are not
offered surgical treatment uniformly develop biliary cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and death by 2 years of age.
Pathologically, the biliary tracts contain inflammatory and fibrous cells surrounding minuscule ducts that are probably remnants of the original ductal
system. Bile duct proliferation, severe cholestasis with plugging, and inflammatory cell infiltrate are the pathologic hallmarks of this disease. Over time,
these changes progress to fibrosis with end-stage cirrhosis. This histology is usually distinct from the giant cell transformation and hepatocellular
necrosis that are characteristic of neonatal hepatitis, the other major cause of direct hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn. There are variants of BA ranging
from fibrosis of the distal bile ducts with proximal patency (5%, considered correctable form), fibrosis of the proximal bile ducts with distal patency
(15%), or fibrosis of both proximal and distal bile ducts (80%).
A serum direct bilirubin level higher than 2.0 mg/dL or greater than 15% of the total bilirubin level defines cholestasis and is distinctly abnormal, and
further evaluation is mandatory. Delay in diagnosis of BA is associated with a worse prognosis. Success with surgical correction is much improved if
undertaken prior to 60 days of life when compared with surgical correction undertaken after 90 days of life.[44] Thus, the initial opportunity for success in
the management of this disease relies on the early recognition of abnormal direct hyperbilirubinemia.


The list of potential causes for cholestasis in infants is relatively long; however, an organized, systematic approach usually permits the establishment of
an accurate diagnosis within a few days. In addition to a careful history and physical examination, blood and urine should be obtained for bacterial and
viral cultures, reducing substances in the urine to rule out galactosemia, serum IgM titers for syphilis, cytomegalovirus, herpes, and hepatitis B, serum
. 1 -antitrypsin level and phenotype, serum thyroxine level, and a sweat chloride test done to exclude CF.
Ultrasonography of the liver and gallbladder is important in the evaluation of the infant with cholestasis. In BA, the gallbladder is typically shrunken or
absent, and the extrahepatic bile ducts cannot be visualized. The next diagnostic step is to perform a percutaneous liver biopsy if the hepatic synthetic
function is normal. This is well tolerated under local anesthesia, and the diagnostic accuracy is in the range of 90%.[45] In cases where the ultrasound and
biopsy findings are inconclusive, hepatobiliary scintigraphy, using iminodiacetic acid analogues, may demonstrate normal hepatic uptake but absent
excretion into the intestine. Pretreatment of the infant with phenobarbital may improve the sensitivity of this test.
If the needle biopsy and/or the abdominal ultrasound are consistent with BA, exploratory laparotomy is then performed expeditiously. The initial goal at
surgery is to confirm the diagnosis. This requires the demonstration of the fibrotic biliary remnant and definition of absent proximal and distal bile duct
patency by cholecystocholangiography. The classic technique for correction of BA is the Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy. In this procedure, the distal
bile duct is transected and dissected proximally up to the level of the liver capsule, whereby it is excised, along with the gallbladder remnant ( Fig. 70
18 ). A Roux-en-Y

Figure 70-18 Kasais hepatoportoenterostomy procedure for biliary atresia. The extrahepatic bile ducts and gallbladder have been removed. The fibrous plate of the hepatic duct is
transected above the bifurcation of the portal vein (PV) and hepatic artery (HA), and a Roux limb of jejunum is sewn to this plate to achieve drainage of bile. (From Grosfeld JL,
Fitzgerald JF, Predaina R, et al: The efficacy of hepatoportoenterostomy in biliary atresia. Surgery 106:692700, 1989.)

hepaticojejunostomy is then constructed by anastomosis of the jejunal Roux-limb to the fibrous plate above the portal vein. Some surgeons prefer to
monitor postoperative bile flow by constructing a distal double-barrel stoma. Although it has been considered that this may lessen the risk for
cholangitis, this has yet to be definitively established.
Postoperatively, the use of oral choleretic bile salts such as ursodeoxycholic acid may facilitate bile flow.[46] In addition, methylprednisolone is
employed as an anti-inflammatory agent, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole is administered for long-term antimicrobial prophylaxis. Cholangitis is a
serious but common problem after hepatoportoenterostomy and may be associated with cessation of bile flow. Episodes of cholangitis are managed by
hospitalization, rehydration, broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotics, steroids, and occasionally surgical exploration of the portoenterostomy.
Approximately 30% of infants undergoing hepatoportoenterostomy prior to 60 days of age have a long-term successful outcome and do not require liver
transplantation. Older children and those with preoperative evidence for bridging fibrosis seen on liver biopsy predictably do less well. As such, some
surgeons may forgo performing a portoenterostomy procedure and simply place the patient on a waiting list for liver transplantation. The remaining
patients undergoing portoenterostomy develop progressive hepatic fibrosis with resultant portal hypertension and progressive cholestasis. In this group,
liver transplantation is lifesaving and associated with an 82% 5-year survival.[47] BA currently represents the most common indication for pediatric liver

Choledochal Cyst

A cystic enlargement of the common bile duct is referred to as a choledochal cyst. The initial anatomic organization was proposed by Alonso-Lej and
coworkers in 1959[48] and has been updated to the current classification as depicted in Figure 7019 . Type I cysts represent 80% to 90% of cases and are
simply cystic dilations of the common bile duct. Type II cysts are represented as a diverticulum arising from the common bile duct. Type III cysts are
also referred to as choledochoceles and are isolated to the intrapancreatic portion of the common bile duct and frequently involve the ampulla. Type IV
cysts are second in frequency and represent dilation of both intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts. In type V cysts, only the intrahepatic ducts are
The pathophysiology of choledochal cysts remains poorly understood. In one theory, reflux of pancreatic digestive enzymes into the bile duct via an
anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal junction results in damage to the duct. In another theory, persistent or transient obstruction of the distal bile duct
may be present.
Although choledochal cysts can produce symptoms in any age group, most become clinically evident within the 1st decade of life. The triad of a right
upper quadrant mass, abdominal pain, and jaundice is highly suggestive of the diagnosis. In some patients, pancreatitis may be

Figure 70-19 The anatomic classification of choledochal cyst: Types I to V. (From Sigalet DL: Biliary tract disorders and portal hypertension. In Ashcraft KW, Sharp RJ, Sigalet DL,
Snyder CL [eds]: Pediatric Surgery, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000, p 588.)

present. In older children and adults, the presentation may be more insidious and include choledocholithiasis, cholangitis, and cirrhosis with progression
to portal hypertension. Malignant degeneration is also found in up to 16% of adults with choledochal cysts.
In addition to routine measurement of serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, and amylase levels, the most useful diagnostic test for choledochal cysts is
ultrasonography. Once dilation of the extrahepatic biliary ducts is demonstrated, no further testing is usually necessary in children. Although seldom
necessary, preoperative endoscopic retrograde cholecystopancreatography may provide additional information regarding the pancreaticobiliary ductal
anatomy to guide intraoperative decision making.
Total cyst excision with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy is the definitive procedure for management of types I and II choledochal cysts. In cases
whereby there is significant inflammation, it may be impossible to safely dissect the entire cyst way from the anterior surface of the portal vein. In these
circumstances, the internal lining of the cyst can be excised, leaving the external portion of the cyst wall intact. Type III cysts are typically approached
by opening the duodenum, resecting the cyst wall with care to reconstruct and marsupialize the remnant pancreaticobiliary ducts to the duodenal
mucosa. In type IV cysts, the bile duct excision is coupled with a lateral hilar dissection to perform a jejunal anastomosis to the lowermost intrahepatic
cysts. If the intrahepatic cysts are confined to a single lobe or segment, hepatic resection may be indicated. The treatment of type V cysts involving both
lobes is usually palliative with transhepatic or U tubes until liver transplantation can be performed. The postoperative outcomes following excision of
choledochal cysts are excellent.[49]
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Neuroblastoma (NBL), the most common abdominal malignancy in children, accounts for 6% to 10% of all childhood cancers and 15% of all pediatric
cancer deaths in the United States. The overall incidence in an unscreened population is 1 case per 10,000 persons, with about 525 new cases diagnosed
in the United States each year.
These tumors are of neural crest origin and, as a result, may arise anywhere along the sympathetic ganglia or within the adrenal medulla. Although these
tumors may occur at any site from the brain to the pelvis, 75% originate within the abdomen or pelvis, and half of these occur within the adrenal
medulla. Twenty percent of NBLs originate within the posterior mediastinum, and 5% are within the neck. The median age at diagnosis is 2 years.
Nearly 35% occur in children younger than 1 year of age, and fewer than 5% of cases present in children older than 10 years of age.
NBL is an enigmatic tumor that is capable of rapid progression in some children and spontaneous regression in others, particularly those younger than 1
year of age. Approximately 25% of patients present with a solitary mass that may be cured by surgical therapy, whereas most

present with extensive locoregional or metastatic disease. In this latter group of patients, the prognosis is generally poor, with an overall survival of less
than 30%.
The presenting symptoms of NBL are dependent on several factors, including the site of the primary tumor, the presence of metastatic disease, the age
of the patient, as well as the metabolic activity of the tumor. The most common presentation is a fixed, lobular mass extending from the flank toward the
midline of the abdomen. Although the abdominal mass may be noted in an otherwise asymptomatic child, patients may complain of abdominal pain,
distention, weight loss, or anorexia. Bowel or bladder dysfunction may arise from direct compression of these structures by the tumor. Cervical tumors
may be discovered as a palpable or visible mass or be associated with stridor or dysphagia. Posterior mediastinal masses are usually detected by plain
chest radiographs in a child with Horners syndrome, dyspnea, or pneumonia. Further, the tumor may extend into the neural foramina and cause
symptoms of spinal cord compression. NBL tends to metastasize to cortical bones, bone marrow, and liver. As such, patients may present with localized
swelling and tenderness, lump, or refusal to walk. Periorbital metastasis accounts for proptosis and ecchymosis (termed panda or raccoon eyes).
Marrow replacement by tumor may result in anemia and weakness. In infants, liver metastasis may rapidly expand, causing massive hepatomegaly and
respiratory distress that require mechanical ventilation and surgical decompression. Metastatic lesions to the skin produce a characteristic blueberry
muffin appearance.
Numerous paraneoplastic syndromes can occur in conjunction with NBL. Cerebellar ataxia, involuntary movements, and nystagmus are the hallmark of
the dancing eyes and feet syndrome. Excess secretion of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide may stimulate an intractable watery diarrhea. Hypertension
may be significant, owing to excessive catecholamine production by the tumor.
Although histologic evaluation of tissue is necessary for establishing the definitive diagnosis, a high level of suspicion may arise from the history and
physical examination. Initial laboratory evaluation should include a complete blood count, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and liver
function studies. A spot urine should be tested for the catecholamine metabolites homovanillic and vanillylmandelic acid. In addition, several other
biochemical markers harbor prognostic significance. A serum lactate dehydrogenase level higher than 1500 IU/mL, serum ferritin level higher than 142
ng/mL, and neuron-specific enolase levels higher than 100 ng/mL correlate with advanced disease and reduced survival.
CT and/or MRI are the preferred modalities for characterizing the location and extent of the NBL. This tumor frequently infiltrates through vascular
structures ( Fig. 7020 ). As such, many tumors that cross the midline are generally not resectable. A CT scan of the chest should be done to exclude
pulmonary metastasis, and a bone scan should be done to identify potential bone metastasis. In addition, radiolabeled metaiodobenzyl guanidine
(MIBG) is one of the single best studies to document the presence of metastatic disease. Finally, a bone marrow aspirate and

Figure 70-20 Neuroblastoma. A CT scan of the abdomen demonstrating a large neuroblastoma surrounding the aorta (arrow) and displacing the liver to the right. Punctate areas of
calcium can be seen dispersed throughout the tumor.

biopsy complete the staging evaluation. The international NBL staging system is depicted in Table 702 .
Although imaging at the time of presentation of most tumors reveals unresectability, the definitive diagnosis requires tissue. This can be obtained via an
incisional or needle biopsy of the tumor. NBL identified within bone marrow aspirate or biopsy may also be sufficient. Cytogenetic studies provide
significant prognostic information that may affect treatment. Amplification of the N-myc

TABLE 70-2 -- International Neuroblastoma Staging System



Localized tumor with complete gross excision, with or without microscopic residual disease; representative
ipsilateral lymph nodes negative for tumor microscopically (nodes attached to and removed with the primary
tumor may be positive)


Localized tumor with incomplete gross excision; representative ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes
negative for tumor microscopically


Localized tumor with or without complete gross excision, with ipsilateral nonadherent lymph nodes positive
for tumor; enlarged contralateral lymph nodes must be negative microscopically

Unresectable unilateral tumor with contralateral regional lymph node involvement; or midline tumor with
bilateral extension by infiltration (unresectable) or by lymph node involvement

Any primary tumor with dissemination to distant lymph nodes, bone, bone marrow, liver, skin, and/or other
organs (except as defined for stage 4S)


Localized primary tumor (as defined for stage 1, 2A, or 2B), with dissemination limited to skin, liver, and/or
bone marrow (limited to infant < 1 year of age)


oncogene is one of the classic factors associated with rapid tumor progression and poor prognosis. In addition, gain of genetic material from
chromosome arm 17q is associated with deletion of chromosome 1p and N-myc amplification and is highly predictive of poor outcome.[50] Diploid
tumors have an unfavorable prognosis, whereas hyperdiploid tumors have a better prognosis. Further, expression of the TRK protooncogene is inversely
associated with N-myc amplification and has a more favorable prognosis. Finally, expression of the multidrug resistance-associated protein is associated
with a poor outcome. In addition to the cytogenetic studies, prognosis may be derived from the pathologic classification as proposed by Shimada and
colleagues, taking into account the degree of differentiation, the mitotic-karyorrhexis index, and presence or absence of stroma.[51]
Current therapy for NBL is multimodal, incorporating surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and occasionally immunotherapy. Surgical resection of the
primary tumor and adjacent lymph nodes should be the goal and may be curative for localized stages 1 and 2 disease. In most situations in which the
tumor is unresectable, exploration with incisional biopsy is the initial procedure, with re-evaluation for resection following a course of adjuvant therapy.
Following cytoreductive therapy, attempts at resection may be the only option for long-term survival. Meticulous dissection of major blood vessels,
which often course through the tumor, is required. These procedures are frequently prolonged and associated with significant blood loss.
Children of any age with localized NBL and infants younger than 1 year of age with advanced disease and favorable disease characteristics have a high
likelihood of long-term, disease-free survival. Older children with advanced-stage disease, however, have a significantly decreased chance for cure
despite intensive therapy. Prognosis resides in stratification of patients into low-, intermediate-, or high-risk categories ( Table 703 ). These are
associated with survival rates of greater than 90%, greater than 80%, and 10% to 20%, respectively.[52]
Wilms Tumor

Wilms tumor (WT) is an embryonal tumor of renal origin and is the most common primary malignant kidney tumor of childhood. About 500 new cases
of WT are diagnosed in the United States each year. This tumor is most frequently seen in children between the ages of 1 and 5 years () 80%) with a
peak incidence between 3 and 4 years. Bilateral WT is present in up to 13% of cases and, when present, is synchronous in 60%.
Despite the number of genes implicated in the genesis of this neoplasm, hereditary WT is uncommon.[53] Specific germline mutations in one of these
genes (WT gene-1, WT1) located on the short arm of chromosome 11, are not only associated with WT but also cause a variety of genitourinary
abnormalities such as cryptorchidism and hypospadias. A gene that causes aniridia is located near the WT1 gene on chromosome 11p13, and deletions
encompassing the WT1 and aniridia genes may explain the
TABLE 70-3 -- Schema of Clinical Factors Combined for Patient Risk Group Assignment in Future Neuroblastoma Studies *
Risk Group



< 1 year
> 1 year, low N-myc
> 1 year, amplified N-myc; favorable histology



Favorable biology

< 1 year, low N-myc

> 1 year, favorable biology


< 1 year, low N-myc


Low N-myc

> 1 year, all unfavorable biology

< 1 year, amplified N-myc

> 1 year, any unfavorable biology

< 1 year, amplified N-myc

> 1 year


* Favorable biology denotes low N-myc, favorable histology, and hyperdiploidy (infants).

Amplified N-myc

association between these two conditions. There appears to be a second WT gene at or near the Beckwith-Wiedemann gene locus, also on chromosome
11. Children with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (omphalocele, visceromegaly, macroglossia, hypoglycemia) are at increased risk for developing
WT. Approximately one fifth of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome who develop WT present with bilateral disease at the time of diagnosis.
Most patients (60%) with WT present clinically with a palpable abdominal mass ( Fig. 7021 ). Often, the patient has no symptoms and the parents
discover the mass during bathing or the pediatrician finds it during a routine physical examination. Hypertension is present in about 25% of patients and
hematuria in 15%. Since WT is associated with several syndromes, including Denys-Drash syndrome (WT, intersex disorder, and progressive
nephropathy), WAGR syndrome (WT, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, mental retardation), and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, patients with these
phenotypes should be screened closely into adulthood for the potential development of WT.
The initial evaluation of the child with an abdominal mass and suspected WT is by ultrasonography. This is useful not only in confirming that the mass
originates from the kidney but also whether the mass is cystic or solid. In addition, ultrasonography assists in the detection of potential tumor thrombus
within the renal vein and inferior vena cava (IVC). Frequently, it is difficult to distinguish WT from NBL. CT or MR imaging is frequently useful in
this regard ( Fig. 7022 ) because WT originates from the kidney and NBL develops in the adrenal or sympathetic ganglia. In cases whereby the origin
of the mass is difficult to determine, urinary catecholamine measurements distinguish WT from NBL, since they are elevated in most

Figure 70-21 Wilms tumor. A, The large left-sided flank mass is obvious on visual inspection. B, On entering the peritoneal cavity, the large Wilms tumor within the left kidney
(outlined by arrows) can be seen behind the descending colon, displacing it anterior and medially.

Figure 70-22 CT scan of a Wilms tumor involving the right kidney. Remnants of the remaining functional kidney (arrows) are noted at the periphery of the tumor.

cases of NBL but not in WT. The CT and/or MR studies are also indicated preoperatively to identify bilateral WT, characterize potential invasion into
surrounding structures, document liver and/or lung metastasis, and detect tumor thrombus within the IVC. A preoperative plain chest radiograph is also
necessary for staging purposes.
After the preoperative evaluation is completed as outlined earlier, exploratory laparotomy is crucial for both staging and treatment of WT. Preoperative
chemotherapy may be indicated in cases where WT is present within a solitary or horseshoe kidney, in both kidneys, the presence of respiratory distress
from extensive metastatic tumor, or when IVC tumor thrombus has extended above the level of the hepatic veins. In these situations, chemotherapyinduced tumor shrinkage may allow for a more complete resection with less morbidity and with the potential to salvage maximal functional renal
The goals for operative therapy for WT are to confirm the diagnosis, assess the opposite kidney and other abdominal organs for metastatic spread, and
completely resect the primary tumor, ureter, and adjacent lymph nodes. This is achieved through a generous transverse or midline transperitoneal
incision. At some point during the exploration, Gerotas fascia of the opposite kidney must be opened to more definitively exclude bilateral tumor. The
anterior and posterior surfaces of the opposite kidney must be carefully inspected and palpated. Despite the large size of the tumor, complete resection
by radical nephroureterectomy can be safely performed. Care should be taken to avoid tumor rupture because this increases the stage of the tumor and
mandates additional postoperative adjuvant therapy. Frequently, the ipsilateral adrenal gland is removed en bloc with the kidney. Invasion into
surrounding organs such as the pancreas, spleen, or liver may direct their removal as well.
Surgical exploration, coupled with the preoperative imaging studies and histology, permits accurate staging of WT, which correlates with prognosis and
guides postoperative adjuvant therapy. The pathologic evaluation of WT involves inspection of the three elements of normal renal development
(blastemal, epithelial, and stromal) and identification of the absence or presence of anaplasia, which distinguishes the classification of either favorable

histology (FH) or unfavorable histology (UH), respectively. The current staging scheme as proposed by the National Wilms Tumor Study Group
(NWTS) is depicted in Table 704 .
The treatment of WT represents one of the greatest triumphs in the field of pediatric oncology. In contrast with what used to be a lethal malignancy, the
current overall survival exceeds 85%. The successful treatment of this tumor is a direct result of collaboration between multiple

TABLE 70-4 -- Staging System Used by the National Wilms Tumor Study Group


Tumor limited to the kidney and completely excised without rupture or biopsy; surface of the renal capsule
is intact


Tumor extends through the renal capsule but is completely removed with no microscopic involvement of the
margins; vessels outside the kidney contain tumor; also placed in stage II are cases in which the kidney has
been biopsied before removal or where there is local spillage of tumor (during resection) limited to the
tumor bed


Residual tumor is confined to the abdomen and of nonhematogenous spread; also included in stage III are
cases with tumor involvement of the abdominal lymph nodes, diffuse peritoneal contamination by rupture
of the tumor extending beyond the tumor bed, peritoneal implants, and microscopic or grossly positive
resection margins


Hematogenous metastases at any site

Bilateral renal involvement

disciplines to form two major associations (the NWTS group and the International Society of Pediatric Oncology) in which there has been a systematic
organization of multicenter trials designed to address focused, highly relevant questions. The recommended treatment for WT based on stage is shown
in Box 702 . The survival of patients with stage I or II FH or stage I UH is the same and is about 95%. For all stages, the overall survival of patients
with FH is 90%. For patients with UH, stages II to IV are associated with 70% and 56%, and 17% 4-year survival, respectively. [54]

Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a soft tissue malignant tumor of skeletal muscle origin and accounts for approximately 3.5% of the cases of cancer
among children younger than 14 years of age. It is a curable disease in most children, with more than 60% surviving 5 years after diagnosis. The most
common primary sites for RMS are the head and neck (parameningeal, orbit, pharyngeal), the genitourinary tract, and the extremities. Other less
common primary sites include the trunk, gastrointestinal (including liver and biliary) tract, and intrathoracic or perineal region. Most cases of RMS
occur sporadically with no recognized predisposing factors, although a small proportion is associated with other genetic conditions. These include LiFraumeni cancer susceptibility syndrome (with germline p53 mutations), neurofibromatosis-1, and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.
The prognosis for a child or adolescent with RMS is related to patient age, site of origin, extent of tumor at time of diagnosis or after surgical resection,
and tumor histology.[55] Age younger than 10 years is considered a more favorable prognosis. With regard to tumor site, a more favorable prognosis is
afforded when tumors are located in the orbit and nonparameningeal head and neck, genitourinary
Box 70-2. NWTS-5 Treatment Recommendations for Wilms Tumor
Stage I (FH): surgery, no radiotherapy, dactinomycin + vincristine
for 18 weeks
Stage I focal anaplasia: surgery, no radiation therapy,
dactinomycin + vincristine for 18 weeks
Stage II (FH): surgery, no radiation therapy, dactinomycin +
vincristine for 18 weeks
Stage II focal anaplasia: surgery, 1080 cGy to tumor bed,
dactinomycin + vincristine + doxorubicin for 24 weeks
Stage III (FH): surgery, 1080 cGy to tumor bed, dactinomycin +
vincristine + doxorubicin for 24 weeks
Stage III focal anaplasia: surgery, 1080 cGy to tumor bed,
dactinomycin + vincristine + doxorubicin for 24 weeks
Stage IV (FH) focal anaplasia: surgery, 1080 cGy to tumor bed
according to local tumor stage, 1200 cGy to lung and/or other
metastatic sites, dactinomycin + vincristine + doxorubicin for 24
Stage II-IV diffuse anaplasia: surgery, radiation therapy (whole
lung; abdominal 1080 cGy), cyclophosphamide + etoposide +
vincristine + doxorubicin + mesna for 24 weeks
Stage I-IV (clear cell sarcoma): surgery, radiation therapy
(abdominal 1080 cGy; whole lung, stage IV only),
cyclophosphamide + etoposide + vincristine + doxorubicin + mesna
for 24 weeks

Stage I-IV (rhabdoid tumor): surgery, radiation therapy,

carboplatinum + etoposide + cyclophosphamide + mesna for 24
Infants < 11 months of age are given half the recommended dose of all
drugs. Full doses lead to prohibitive hematologic toxicity in this age
group. Full doses of chemotherapeutic agents should be administered to
those > 12 months of age
NWTS, National Wilms Tumor Study; FH, favorable histology.
(excluding bladder and prostate), and the biliary tract.
Patients with smaller tumors (<5 cm) have improved survival when compared to children with larger tumors, whereas children with metastatic disease at
diagnosis have the worst prognosis. The prognostic significance of metastatic disease is further modulated by tumor histology, patient age, and primary
site. Patients younger than 10 years of age with metastatic disease and with embryonal histology have 5-year survival rates greater than 50%, whereas
those older than 10 years of age or with alveolar histology have a much poorer outcome. The presence of regional lymph node involvement is also
associated with a worse prognosis. The ability to completely resect the tumor is associated with a better outcome when compared with patients with
gross residual disease after initial surgery.
From a histologic standpoint, the botryoid and spindle cell subtypes are associated with a more favorable outcome. Embryonal and pleomorphic
subtypes are intermediate,

Box 70-3. Staging for Rhabdomyosarcoma

Group I: localized disease that is completely resected with no
regional node involvement (13%)
Group II () 20%)
IIA: localized, grossly resected tumor with microscopic
residual disease but no regional nodal involvement
IIB: locoregional disease with tumor-involved lymph nodes
with complete resection and no residual disease
IIC: locoregional disease with involved nodes, grossly
resected, but with evidence of microscopic residual tumor at
the primary site and/or histologic involvement of the most
distal regional node (from the primary site)
Group III: localized, gross residual disease including incomplete
resection, or biopsy only of the primary site () 48%)
Group IV: distant metastatic disease present at the time of diagnosis
() 18%)

and alveolar, or undifferentiated, subtypes are generally associated with a worse prognosis. Favorable prognostic groups have been identified by
previous Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Studies, and treatment plans have been designed based on assignment of patients to different groups based on
prognosis ( Box 703 ).
The diagnostic work-up generally involves CT or MRI. Because there are no useful markers at present, an accurate diagnosis depends on incisional
biopsy of the tumor. In the extremity, the direction of the incision should allow it to be incorporated into the wound created by a subsequent wide local
All children with RMS require multimodality therapy. This entails surgical resection, if possible, followed by chemotherapy, followed by second-look
surgery for some patients with initially unresectable tumors. Depending on original histologic type, extent of disease, and extent of resection, radiation
therapy may be indicated.
The basic surgical principles for the treatment of RMS are complete resection of the primary tumor with a surrounding margin of normal tissue, coupled
with sampling of the adjacent lymph nodes. This may not be feasible in patients with obvious metastatic disease but should be done if possible. Because
RMS can arise from so many primary muscle sites, surgical care must be tailored to the unique aspects of each site. Surgical management of the more
common primary sites is provided in the following sections.
Head and Neck

For those tumors that are superficial and nonorbital, wide excision of the primary tumor with ipsilateral neck lymph node sampling of clinically
involved nodes is appropriate. Because of cosmetic and functional concerns, margins less than 1 mm are acceptable. For patients with tumors that are
considered unresectable, chemotherapy and radiation therapy become the primary management. RMS of the orbit requires a biopsy to establish
diagnosis and then chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Orbital exenteration is reserved for the small number of patients with local, persistent, or
recurrent disease.


The definitive surgical procedure involves wide local excision with en bloc of normal tissue. If it is anatomically feasible, a re-excision procedure is
associated with better outcome in patients whose initial surgical procedure left microscopic residual disease on pathologic examination. Amputation is
reserved for selected patients with lesions involving major neurovascular structures in addition to the muscle of origin. Owing to the significant
incidence of nodal spread for extremity primary tumors (often without clinical evidence of involvement), and because of the prognostic and therapeutic
implications of nodal involvement, surgical assessment for regional nodal involvement is important.[56] For clinically negative nodes, axillary or femoral
node sampling should be done for upper or lower extremity tumors, respectively. If clinically positive nodes are present, biopsy of more proximal nodes
is recommended prior to sampling of the involved nodal region.

As with RMS in other locations, wide local excision and an attempt to achieve negative microscopic margins should be the goal. Reconstruction may
require use of prosthetic materials. Extremely large masses are initially biopsied, followed by a course of chemotherapy and/or radiation. This may
shrink the tumor enough to permit a subsequent margin-negative resection with successful reconstruction.

The initial surgical procedure in most patients consists of a biopsy, which often can be performed via a cystoscope, transanally, or under direct vision.
Bladder salvage is an important goal of therapy for patients with tumors arising in the prostate and bladder. Occasionally, when the tumor is confined to
the dome of the bladder, it can be completely resected. Otherwise, preresection chemotherapy and radiation therapy allow preservation of a functional
bladder in most patients. For patients with biopsy-proven, residual, malignant tumor following chemotherapy and radiation therapy, appropriate surgical
management may include partial cystectomy, prostatectomy, or anterior exenteration.
Testis or spermatic cord RMS should be removed by radical orchiectomy and resection of the entire spermatic cord. Resection of hemiscrotal skin may
be necessary when there is tumor fixation or invasion, or if a previous transscrotal biopsy has been performed. Since paratesticular

tumors are associated with a relatively high incidence of lymphatic spread, all patients with paratesticular primary tumors should have thin-cut
abdominal and pelvic CT scans with contrast medium to evaluate nodal involvement. Retroperitoneal lymph node sampling is needed for patients with
suggestive or positive CT scans for patients younger than 10 years of age. In contrast, an ipsilateral retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is currently
required for all children older than 10 years of age with paratesticular RMS for staging.
Liver Tumors

Liver cancer is rare in childhood and essentially comprises either hepatoblastoma (HBL) or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Several important
differences exist between these two subtypes. HBLs usually occur before 3 years of age, whereas HCC may be found in children and adults of all ages.
HBL is most often unifocal, whereas HCC is often extensively invasive or multicentric at the time of diagnosis. Complete resection is therefore more
often possible in patients with HBL. Childhood HBLs frequently have associated mutations in the -catenin gene, the function of which is closely
related to the development of familial adenomatous polyposis. In addition, HBL is associated with hemihypertrophy, very low birth weight, and
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. In contrast, HCC is associated with a history of perinatally acquired hepatitis B and C infection; mutations in the
hepatocyte growth factor receptor gene (Met); and tyrosinemia, biliary cirrhosis, and . 1 -antitrypsin deficiency. The serum tumor marker . -fetoprotein
levels parallel disease activity for both HBL and HCC. The overall survival rate for children with HBL is 70% compared with 25% for HCC. A general
staging scheme for hepatic tumors in children is depicted in Table 705 . Children diagnosed with stages I and II HBL have a cure rate of greater than
90%, whereas stage III is associated with a 60% survival. Children with stage IV disease have a survival of roughly 20%. Children diagnosed with stage
I HCC generally have a good outcome. Stage II is too rarely seen to predict outcome, and stages III and IV are usually fatal.
Complete resection of the primary tumor with negative surgical margins is one of the most critical factors in prognosis.
TABLE 70-5 -- Liver Tumor Staging


No metastases, tumor completely resected


No metastases, tumor grossly resected with microscopic residual disease (i.e., positive margins); or tumor
rupture, or tumor spill at the time of surgery


No distant metastases, tumor unresectable or resected with gross residual tumor, or positive lymph nodes


Distant metastases regardless of the extent of liver involvement

Preoperative chemotherapy can convert an unresectable tumor into one that is resectable and may lessen the incidence of postoperative morbidity.[57]
Preoperative chemotherapy is more effective in the treatment of HBL when compared with HCC. Surgical resection of distant disease has also
contributed to the cure of children with HBL. Resection of pulmonary metastases is recommended when the number of metastases is limited. Liver
transplantation may be useful therapy for patients with unresectable hepatic tumors. Five-year survival rates approximating 83% for children with HBL
and 63% for children with HCC have been reported.[58] Owing to the worse prognosis in patients with HCC, liver transplant should be considered early
in the course for disorders such as tyrosinemia and familial intrahepatic cholestasis prior to the development of liver failure and malignancy. The
fibrolamellar variant of HCC may have a better prognosis with liver transplant than other types.

Teratomas are tumors that contain elements derived from more than one of the three embryonic germ layers. In addition, teratomas must contain tissue
that is foreign to the anatomic site in which they occur. Teratomas can occur anywhere in the body and present as cystic, solid, or mixed lesions. When
they occur during infancy and early childhood, they are most commonly extragonadal. In contrast, in older children teratomas most frequently involve
the gonads.
Teratomas occur most frequently in the neonatal period and the sacrococcygeal region is the most common site. Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is four
times more common in females and is most often an obvious external presacral mass ( Fig. 7023 ). Although most of the tumor is usually external with
a minimal intrapelvic presacral component, there is a spectrum of tumor distribution and ranges to the extent of being entirely presacral, with no visible
external component. As such, a digital rectal examination of a neonate with care to feel the normal presacral space may be an important screening
technique. Occasionally, SCTs are identified during routine prenatal ultrasonography. It is important that these lesions be carefully followed with serial
sonography until delivery, since the blood supply to the tumor may grow to the point of stealing a significant proportion of placental blood flow to the

fetus. The development of hydrops or placentomegaly is associated with a poor prognosis. In these situations, in utero resection of the tumor may be
Most neonatal SCTs are benign. The incidence of malignancy is related to age at time of diagnosis and represented as endodermal sinus tumors (yolk
sac tumors) or embryonal carcinomas. In addition, the likelihood of malignancy is slightly increased in males.
The treatment for SCT is complete surgical excision via a chevron-shaped buttock incision. Most tumors can be completely removed via a sacral
approach. If preoperative imaging demonstrates significant intra-abdominal extension of the tumor, a combined abdominosacral approach may be
needed. Resection of the coccyx is critical, since

Figure 70-23 Sacrococcygeal teratoma. Despite its large size, this tumor is benign in most cases.

failure to remove this structure results in significantly higher local recurrence rates. Care must be taken to individually ligate the vessels supplying the
tumor, including the middle sacral artery and branches of the hypogastric arteries. After the tumor is excised, the levator muscle complex is secured to
the presacral fascia and the remaining wound is closed in layers. Careful follow-up is necessary because recurrence may be significant, even for benign
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Selected References
Ashcraft KW, Murphy JP, Sharp RJ, et al (eds): Pediatric Surgery, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2000.
An excellent reference source for most pediatric surgical conditions. Although most topics are not covered as in-depth as the ONeill text in this list, this book is easy to read
and serves as an outstanding practical resource.
Bianchi DW, Crombleholme TM, DAlton ME: Fetology: Diagnosis and Management of the Fetal Patient. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
This outstanding reference covers diagnosis and management of prenatally identified conditions. This is a terrific resource to have on hand when counseling parents and
provides an excellent overview of the field of fetal therapeutics.
Mattei P (ed): Surgical Directives: Pediatric Surgery. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
This is a beautiful reference text for senior surgical residents, fellows, and general surgeons. The chapters are short, to the point, and written to provide a practical
approach to most of the common pediatric surgery conditions.
Oldham KT, Colombani PM, Foglia RP (eds): Surgery in Infants and Children: Scientific Principles and Practice. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997.
This is an excellent reference book that tends to integrate more pathophysiology and basic science discussions of pediatric surgical conditions.
ONeill JA, Rowe MI, Grosfeld JL, et al (eds): Pediatric Surgery, 5th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1998.
This two-volume monograph provides a comprehensive review of the field of pediatric surgery. This book is considered to be the most authoritative and is the gold standard
textbook for pediatric surgeons.
Ziegler MM, Azizkhan RG, Weber TR (eds): Operative Pediatric Surgery. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2003.
One of the most current, authoritative texts emphasizing operative technique. The illustrations are extremely well done, and this is a beautiful reference for pediatricspecific procedures.

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Chapter 71 - Neurosurgery
Lawrence S. Chin M.D.
E. Francois Aldrich M.D.
Arthur J. DiPatri M.D.
Howard M. Eisenberg M.D.

In this chapter, we consider diseases or conditions of the central nervous system and spine that are commonly managed by neurosurgeons. In some
cases, these conditions can be considered solely neurosurgical; in others, depending on the style of individual practices, there is an overlap with
specialty areas of neurointensivists, neuroradiologists, radiation and medical oncologists, neurootologists, plastic surgeons, and orthopedic surgeons.
The chapter is divided into subsections: cerebrovascular disorders, which includes subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, aneurysm, and
arteriovenous malformation (AVM); central nervous system tumors, which includes neoplasms of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord and their
coverings, and lesions of the skull base; traumatic head injury; degenerative diseases of the spine; functional neurosurgery, which includes stereotaxis,
epilepsy surgery, surgery for the management of pain and movement disorder, and stereotactic radiosurgery; surgery for congenital abnormalities of the
brain, skull, facial bones, spinal cord, and spine; and neurosurgical management of central nervous system infections.
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The term brain attack has been coined to increase the awareness of stroke among not only physicians but also the general public. As a public health
concern, this disease is the third leading cause of death in the United States. A brain attack is defined as the sudden onset of neurologic worsening,
including a loss of consciousness and focal neurologic deficits. The etiology can be classified as either ischemic or hemorrhagic depending on whether
or not blood is seen on a computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain. Among the ischemic causes for brain attack is thromboembolism, which leads to
cerebral infarction, but this is a disease traditionally treated by neurologists and is beyond the scope of this chapter. Instead, the focus here is on the
management of hemorrhagic stroke, of which there are two types: subarachnoid hemorrhage and intracerebral hemorrhage.
Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is defined as bleeding into the subarachnoid space, particularly the basal cisterns of the brain, which is
not caused by trauma. It can range from a small, focal amount of blood to a large, diffuse clot throughout the basal cisterns. Extensive SAH can be
associated with intracerebral hematomas and/or intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). The most common cause of SAH is the rupture of an intracranial
aneurysm; other causes include hypertension and AVMs ( Table 711 ). Subarachnoid hemorrhage accounts for approximately 10% of all strokes, with
an annual incidence of 10 per 100,000 population, resulting in an estimated 30,000 cases in the United States per year. It affects adults of all ages but
peaks in the 4th to 5th decades of life; 60% of patients are women.
Signs and Symptoms

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is characterized by the sudden onset of very severe headaches that patients often describe as the worse headache of their life.
Other symptoms may include nausea and vomiting, loss of

consciousness, and seizures.[1] Depending on the severity of the bleed, the patients neurologic condition may vary from awake and oriented to moribund
with severe neurologic deficits. In the first few hours following SAH, the subarachnoid blood causes an aseptic meningitis characterized by nuchal
rigidity, low-grade fever, and photophobia. Warning symptoms preceding SAH from aneurysmal rupture have been reported in up to 40% of patients
and are usually attributed to aneurysm enlargement or a minor bleed (sentinel hemorrhage). These symptoms are usually headaches or dizziness, and
unfortunately many go unrecognized. Various activities, including heavy lifting and bending (12%), emotional strain (4%), defecation (4%), and coitus
(4%), have been blamed for initiating SAH, but approximately 30% of cases occur during sleep. It is estimated that smoking increases the chances of a
subarachnoid hemorrhage by a factor of four.[2] Cardiac abnormalities are common after SAH: most
TABLE 71-1 -- Causes of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage






Arteriovenous malformation

Other (blood diseases, coagulopathies, tumors, angiopathy, etc.)

No cause found


patients are hypertensive, and frequent electrocardiographic (ECG) changes such as prolonged QT intervals, elevated or depressed ST segments, and
ventricular arrhythmias are present. It is believed that these ECG findings are caused by increased serum levels of catecholamines after SAH, thus
resulting in subendocardial ischemia.
Diagnosis and Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

If the clinical history suggests that a patient may have suffered an SAH, the diagnosis should be confirmed by CT scan, or lumbar puncture (LP) if the
CT scan is negative. A high index of suspicion by the primary care physician or emergency physician is necessary because misdiagnosis on presentation
is the most common preventable factor leading to a poor outcome after a ruptured aneurysm. A delay in diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs in
up to 25% of patients and is most likely in alert patients who have only a headache or in patients with no mental status changes or focal neurologic
An unenhanced CT scan is the preferred procedure for detection of subarachnoid hemorrhage and is positive in more than 90% of patients in the first 24
hours and more than 50% in the first week.[3] The sensitivity of CT scan for SAH drops off dramatically after the first week. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
appears as areas of increased density in the subarachnoid spaces along the base of the skull and within the sylvian fissure ( Fig. 711 A). The location of
the subarachnoid hemorrhage may frequently suggest the site of the aneurysm, and, rarely, the aneurysm itself might be

Figure 71-1 A, CT scan of brain showing subarachnoid blood in the basal cisterns. A focal deposition of blood in the distal sylvian fissure (arrow) suggests a middle cerebral artery
aneurysm. Dilated temporal horns (arrowhead) indicate the presence of hydrocephalus. B, Cerebral angiogram shows a right middle cerebral artery aneurysm (arrow).


visible ( Fig. 711 B). Other abnormalities, such as intracerebral hematomas, IVH, and hydrocephalus, can also be diagnosed by CT scans. CT
angiography is rapidly becoming an important screening tool in the diagnosis of cerebral aneurysms.[4] Its advantages are the avoidance of arterial
puncture, high sensitivity, and three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization. Unlike catheter angiography, however, hemodynamic information on
aneurysm filling is not available.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not recommended in the acute management of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage because it is difficult to
manage acutely sick patients within the environment of an MRI suite, and SAH is poorly seen on MRI. For patients with unruptured aneurysms,
however, MRI and magnetic resonance angiography are excellent screening procedures to detect and follow intracranial aneurysms, and aneurysms as
small as 3 mm have been identified in high-quality MRI studies.[5]
If SAH is suspected but the CT scan is negative, an LP should be performed, provided the patient does not have an intracerebral hematoma or other
lesion causing mass effect. When an LP is performed, a few milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) should be saved for centrifugation, and the
appearance of the supernatant fluid should be noted. Oxyhemoglobin appears in the CSF a few hours after the hemorrhage, followed by the appearance
of bilirubin, which persists for 2 to 3 weeks and causes the centrifuged CSF to appear yellow. These blood breakdown products result in CSF
xanthochromia, which indicate that bleeding has occurred, and that bloody CSF is not the result of a traumatic LP. Similarly, when CSF is obtained
more than 1 to 3 weeks after hemorrhage, red blood cells are not usually present, and xanthochromia may be the only proof that bleeding occurred.
Further indications of SAH are an elevated CSF pressure and a low glucose content.
Once the diagnosis of a subarachnoid hemorrhage has been established, it is best for the patient to be transferred to a neurosurgical center where
surgical treatment can be offered. An angiogram is optional before transfer because it is preferable for the angiogram to be performed at the institution
where the surgical management will be provided to ensure good-quality studies and adequate views of the aneurysm. To minimize the risk of missing an
aneurysm, a complete four-vessel cerebral angiogram should be performed, including the origin of both posterior inferior cerebellar arteries. If an
aneurysm is found, special views are necessary to identify the anatomy of the aneurysm neck and the surrounding blood vessels ( Fig. 712 A). With
modern techniques, more than 85% of aneurysms are identified on the first study, but if the study is negative, a second angiogram is usually performed
within 7 to 10 days after the initial study, yielding an additional 10%. If both angiograms are negative, other causes of SAH need to be excluded.
Additional studies to order may include a contrast-enhanced brain MRI to exclude an intracranial tumor, as well as a thorough medical work-up to
exclude a bleeding disorder or vasculitis. After the diagnosis of aneurysmal SAH, the patient should receive strict bed rest, calcium-channel blockers
(nimodipine) to combat vasospasm, anticonvulsants, blood pressure control, and pain relief, but oversedation should be avoided.
Cerebral Aneurysms

The normal cerebral artery consists of three layers: (1) an outer adventitia consisting of loosely woven collagen; (2) a smooth muscle layer called the
media; and (3) an inner layer called the intima, which includes the internal elastic lamina, a thin collagen layer, and the endothelium. Cerebral artery
aneurysms (also known as berry or saccular aneurysms) typically develop at vessel bifurcations,

Figure 71-2 A, Subtracted carotid angiogram shows a 4 6-mm berry aneurysm (arrow) originating from the distal internal carotid artery. B, Postoperative carotid angiogram shows
clip placement (arrow) with total obliteration of the aneurysm.


where defects in the media are common, and have been postulated to arise from degenerative changes in the wall of the vessel. As an aneurysm
enlarges, the internal elastic lamina becomes fragmented and defects in the media enlarge, resulting in an aneurysm dome that consists primarily of the
residual intima and the adventitia. Turbulent blood flow entering the aneurysm through its relatively narrow neck contributes to its enlargement and to
the laminations of thrombus that are frequently deposited within its sac. Berry aneurysms can occur anywhere along the arterial circle of Willis, but they
are most common in the anterior circulation: at the junction of the posterior communicating artery and the internal carotid artery, at the junction of the
anterior communicating artery and anterior cerebral artery, or at the first major branch of the middle cerebral artery. In the posterior circulation, the
most common location is at the terminal bifurcation of the basilar artery. Multiple aneurysms are found in approximately 20% of patients with
The natural history of intracranial aneurysms has been the focus of numerous studies. Approximately 10% to 15% of patients die from aneurysmal SAH
before reaching the hospital. If the patient survives the initial hemorrhage, rebleeding is the most likely cause of death, with a peak incidence in the first
24 hours after the initial event. If the aneurysm is left unsecured, the rebleed rate is 20% in the first 2 weeks, 50% in the first 6 months, and thereafter
3% to 4% per year.[6] Compared to ruptured aneurysms, incidentally found or unruptured aneurysms have a lower risk of bleeding that depends on
aneurysm size. The yearly risk is approximately 0.05% to 0.5% for aneurysms smaller than 1 cm in diameter and 1% to 2% for aneurysms larger than 1
Besides rebleeding, cerebral vasospasm is the main cause of complications and death in patients with aneurysmal SAH. The peak incidence for
vasospasm is between the 3rd and 10th day following SAH. Once it develops, it can persist for weeks. Vasospasm is caused by a cascade of events
initiated by blood breakdown products in the subarachnoid space leading to narrowing of the arterial lumen. This results in decreased blood flow
through the involved arteries, and depending on the severity, it may manifest as cerebral ischemia or infarction. The risk for developing vasospasm is
proportional to the amount of clot in the subarachnoid space and can be estimated from the thickness of blood in the basal cisterns as seen on the CT
Blood and proteinaceous debris in the subarachnoid space can occlude the arachnoid villi and other arachnoidal channels that facilitate the normal
absorption of CSF. This causes a communicating hydrocephalus that can last for days to weeks until the blood has been absorbed. The blood can also
cause scarring in the subarachnoid space, which can lead to permanent communicating hydrocephalus in approximately 20% of cases.
Surgical Treatment of Aneurysms

After an aneurysm has been identified, a surgical decision must be made regarding the technique and timing of obliteration. In the past, surgery was
often delayed until the 2nd or 3rd week after the initial hemorrhage to avoid the complications of operating on a swollen brain. With delayed surgery the
surgical morbidity and mortality rates were acceptable, but the overall results were not always good because of a high incidence of rebleeding and
difficulty in managing vasospasm.[8] Currently, most experts advocate early surgical intervention preferably within the first 48 hours after hemorrhage.[9]
The standard approach for an anterior circulation aneurysm is a pterional craniotomy, which exposes the frontal and temporal lobes and allows access to
the sylvian fissure. The operating microscope provides illumination and magnification for the neurosurgeon to dissect the aneurysm free from its parent
vessels and to allow a definitive clip to be placed across the neck, thus obliterating blood flow into the aneurysm. Aneurysm clips are manufactured in a
variety of shapes, sizes, and lengths and are MRI compatible. Temporary aneurysm clips have less closing force than permanent clips, and when placed
on the surrounding blood vessels provide safety during dissection and are indispensable during an intraoperative aneurysm rupture. Intraoperative
evoked potential monitoring and advanced neuroanesthesia techniques are critical to avoid ischemic complications from temporary clipping. Ideally, the
end result is an aneurysm that is excluded from the normal circulation without compromise of the adjacent vessels or the small perforating vessels,
which provide blood for critical deep brain structures such as the internal capsule ( Fig. 712 B). With experienced surgeons, the operative mortality
rate is less than 5%. After surgery, a postoperative angiogram can confirm good clip placement with total obliteration of the aneurysm and patent
surrounding vessels. Alternatively, though technically challenging, an intraoperative angiogram can be performed, which allows the neurosurgeon to
reposition the aneurysm clip without requiring reoperation.
During the past decade, endovascular methods have been refined to treat intracranial aneurysms. Initially, only endovascular balloon occlusion of a
feeding artery was feasible. Now, the direct obliteration of an aneurysm lumen using either balloons or microcoils is possible. The most popular
technique, initially described by Guglielmi and colleagues, uses a platinum microcoil that is soft and can be detached from the stainless-steel guide by
passing a very small direct current that causes electrolysis at the solder junction.[10] [11] This technique is most successful in aneurysms with a small neck
( Fig. 713 A and B). In current practice, endovascular techniques are best suited for posterior fossa aneurysms because of the higher surgical risks
associated with these aneurysms. No direct comparisons are now available between surgical and endovascular therapy and long-term follow-up with
aneurysm coiling is still lacking.
Despite successful obliteration of the aneurysm, patients remain at significant risk for vasospasm, hydrocephalus, and medical complications and should
be treated in an intensive care setting for at least 7 to 10 days. Operative complications represent only a small portion of the morbidity and mortality
rates associated with ruptured intracranial aneurysms.[12] Vasospasm most commonly presents as a deterioration in mental status or the development

Figure 71-3 A, Subtracted vertebral angiogram shows a basilar tip aneurysm. B, Subtracted vertebral angiogram after the placement of coils demonstrates excellent obliteration of the
aneurysm and preservation of adjacent vessels.

of focal neurologic deficits, most commonly hemiparesis or dysphasia. A CT scan should be performed to exclude hydrocephalus, rebleed, stroke, or
cerebral edema, but it is unable to provide proof of vasospasm. The transcranial Doppler is a frequently used noninvasive diagnostic tool that is
sensitive to caliber changes in the larger vessels of the circle of Willis, and in vasospasm it can detect an increase in cerebral blood flow velocity. When
in doubt, a cerebral angiogram can confirm the diagnosis. Vasospasm must be aggressively managed and avoided if possible because it causes ischemia
and can lead to infarction resulting in permanent disability or death. On admission, all patients are placed on the calcium-channel blocker nimodipine
for 21 days to prevent and treat vasospasm. Once the aneurysm is secured, all patients are treated aggressively with hypertension, hypervolemia, and
hemodilution (also known as HHH) therapy, which counteracts vasospasm by maintaining cerebral blood flow. In refractory cases, endovascular
treatments using transluminal balloon angioplasty or intra-arterial papaverine injection may be beneficial ( Box 711 ).
Acute hydrocephalus, which raises the intracranial pressure (ICP) and causes neurologic deterioration, should be treated by insertion of an
intraventricular catheter (IVC) to provide CSF drainage. Permanent communicating hydrocephalus can develop in approximately 20% of patients and
requires a shunting procedure, usually a ventriculoperitoneal or lumboperitoneal shunt.
Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage

A spontaneous intracerebral hematoma (SICH) is a blood clot in brain parenchyma that arises in the absence of
Box 71-1. Management of Vasospasm
Prevention of arterial narrowing
Subarachnoid blood removal
Prevention of dehydration and hypotension
Calcium-channel blockers (nimodipine)
Reversal of arterial narrowing
Intra-arterial papaverine
Transluminal balloon angioplasty
Prevention and reversal of ischemic neurologic deficit
Hypertension, hypervolemia, and hemodilution

trauma and has a variety of causes, the most important being hypertension ( Box 712 ). SICH accounts for 10% of all strokes, and there are
approximately 40,000 cases of SICH annually in the United States.[1] Age is an important predisposing factor, as illustrated by the fact that at age 45,
there is a 2 per 100,000 population per year incidence, whereas at age 80 or older, there is a 350 per 100,000 population per year incidence. In young
adults, SICH is most likely due to AVM, aneurysm, or drug abuse, whereas in the elderly, hypertension, tumor, or amyloid angiopathy is most common.
Diagnosis of the underlying lesion causing the intracerebral hematoma is critical, particularly if the hematoma causes significant mass effect and the
patient needs surgery. The surgical approach, instrumentation, and postoperative follow-up need to be tailored to the specific etiology. The remainder of
this section covers the management of hypertensive SICH.

Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage

In order of frequency, hypertensive hemorrhage occurs in the putamen, thalamus, cerebellum, or pons.[13] These hemorrhages result from bleeding along
the small perforating arteries of the brain such as the lenticulostriates, thalamoperforators, or midline basilar artery perforators. When subjected to longstanding hypertension, the walls of these arteries undergo fibrinoid necrosis, and miliary microaneurysms known as Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms
appear. Rebleeding seldom occurs, although patients may deteriorate several days after presentation as cerebral edema develops around the hematoma.

Patients with a hypertensive hematoma in the putamen typically experience a rapidly progressive hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and hemianopsia
contralateral to the side of the hemorrhage. When the dominant hemisphere is involved, aphasia is usually present. Thalamic hemorrhages usually cause
a greater hemisensory loss than motor weakness. Other characteristic findings include small reactive pupils and downward eye deviation. Pontine
Box 71-2. Causes of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Vascular anomaly
Cerebral aneurysm
Arteriovenous malformation
Cavernous malformation
Cerebral infarction (stroke) transformation
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Drug abuse

hemorrhages present with headache, vertigo, motor weakness, and ocular findings and carry a mortality rate of at least 75%.[14] Poor prognostic signs
include small pupils, bilateral pyramidal dysfunction, and a rapid loss of consciousness.
The classic symptoms of a cerebellar hypertensive hemorrhage are headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. On neurologic examination, patients may
demonstrate an ipsilateral dysmetria and gait imbalance. Focal motor, sensory, visual field deficits, and aphasias are conspicuously absent. Neurologic
deterioration occurs secondary to progressive brain stem compression and obstructive hydrocephalus and should be suspected in patients that
demonstrate obtundation, motor weakness, and difficulty with conjugate eye movement. Treatment of hydrocephalus by ventriculostomy and emergent
clot evacuation must be considered in these cases.[15]
The radiographic diagnosis of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma is made by a CT scan of the brain, which reveals not only the size and location of
the hematoma but also the presence of hydrocephalus, brain shift, and brain stem compression ( Fig. 714 A). In elderly patients with a well-known
history of hypertension and a classic CT appearance of a hematoma in the putamen, thalamus, cerebellum, or pons, further diagnostic studies are usually
not indicated, and treatment plans can be based on the CT scan. However, in patients younger than 40 years; those without hypertension; those with a
history of neoplasm, blood dyscrasias, or bacterial endocarditis; and specifically those with blood in the subarachnoid space or an atypical location or
appearance of the blood clot, further diagnostic studies are indicated. An MRI with contrast medium is preferred because it can reveal tumors, AVMs,
and aneurysms larger than 3 mm. If a vascular cause for the intracerebral hematoma is suspected, a four-vessel cerebral angiogram should be performed,
which may be positive in more than 50% of younger patients. In cases with negative imaging results, a thorough medical work-up for coagulopathy and
vasculitis should be performed.

Figure 71-4 Nonenhanced CT scan of the head. A, Spontaneous hypertensive intracerebral hematoma in the nondominant hemisphere. B, Immediate postoperative CT scan shows
near-total removal of intracerebral hematoma.


Neurologic deficit caused by damaged brain tissue cannot be reversed; however, treatment can be directed at preventing and reversing secondary brain
damage caused by edema, intracranial hypertension, brain shift, and direct pressure on the surrounding brain parenchyma. Most patients need to be
managed in an intensive care unit where close neurologic examinations can be performed and cardiopulmonary complications minimized. ICP may need
monitoring via an intraparenchymal fiberoptic probe or an IVC, which has the advantage of both providing pressure readings as well as being able to
drain CSF to lower ICP. Arterial hypertension should be controlled, but care should be taken to preserve cerebral perfusion pressure to at least 70 to 80
mm Hg.
The role and timing of surgical intervention for a hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage remain controversial. The patients age, medical condition,
level of consciousness, and neurologic examination must be considered while making a decision for surgery. Furthermore, the CT

discogenic back pain, which must be distinguished from lumbar radiculopathy, neurogenic claudication, lumbar facet arthropathy, and myofascial
lumbar strain. The most

Figure 71-19 Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study in a patient with neurogenic claudication. Degenerative changes are noted at multiple levels with severe spinal stenosis at the L34 and
L45 levels.

common indications for fusion and instrumentation are spondylolisthesis (slippage of a vertebral body on an adjacent level) and intractable pain
associated with disc degeneration.[36] The preoperative evaluation includes plain films to evaluate bony anatomy, a CT scan to determine the size and
shape of the pedicles and vertebral bodies, and an MRI scan to evaluate disc degeneration and neural compression. The lumbar spine exposure is more
generous than usually performed for a simple laminectomy or discectomy: the entire facet joint and transverse process complex is identified. A generous
laminectomy, which may include a partial or complete facetectomy, is performed to relieve neural compression followed by a complete discectomy.
The interspace is then distracted and filled with bone or a biomechanical spacer. Under fluoroscopic guidance, and using the position of the transverse
process as a landmark, screws are inserted through the pedicles into the vertebral body and attached to rods ( Fig. 7120 A and B). Finally, autologous
bone is placed along the lateral gutters between the transverse processes to form a posterolateral fusion mass.
Degenerative Cervical Lesions

Neck pain and radiculopathy are among the most common symptoms seen by primary care practitioners. Lesions of the cervical intervertebral discs are
in many ways analogous to those affecting the lumbar area, but important anatomic differences introduce variations in symptoms, signs, and treatment.

The cervical disc, like the lumbar disc, is composed of a tough outer annulus fibrosis and a softer inner nucleus pulposus. It is separated from the
vertebral bodies above and below it by cartilaginous endplates. An important distinction from the lumbar spine is that the spinal canal in the cervical
area contains the spinal cord rather than the lumbar nerve roots, so a reduction in the size of the spinal canal by spondylosis or a midline disc herniation
causes compression of the spinal cord, which results in significantly more dangerous complications. The cervical spine contains the joints of Luschka,
which are not present elsewhere in the spine. These joints, one on each side of the disc, can give rise to bony spurs or ridges (osteophytes), as can the
main facet joints (apophyseal joints) and the edges of the vertebral bodies adjacent to the intervertebral disc. The exiting nerve root on each side travels
between these joints and can be compressed by osteophytes extending into the intervertebral foramen from any or all of these three sources or from a
posterolateral soft disc herniation.
In the cervical area, the nerves exit transversely. There are seven cervical vertebrae but eight pairs of cervical nerves. The nerve roots exit on each side
at the level of the intervertebral disc, and the number of the nerve root corresponds to the vertebral body below the foramen (e.g., at the C56 foramen,
the C6 nerve root exits), except for C7T1, where the C8 nerve root exits.

Figure 71-20 Plain lumbar films of a patient who underwent L45, L5S1 laminectomy with pedicle screw instrumentation and posterolateral bony fusion. A, Lateral film showing
pedicle screws in the L4, L5, and S1 vertebral bodies. B, Anteroposterior view of the pedicle screw and rod construct.

Disc degeneration is a dynamic process that begins early in life and progresses at a variable rate. Degenerative changes in the cervical intervertebral disc
can take two main forms: (1) the nucleus pulposus can herniate out of its normal confined space (soft disc) or (2) the entire disc can slowly lose
substance, with loss of disc height resulting in osteoarthritis of the facet joints and the joints of Luschka. The combination of degenerative disc disease
and osteophyte formation is called cervical spondylosis.
Three pathologic entities are recognized in the cervical area: (1) mechanical neck pain, (2) cervical radiculopathy, and (3) cervical myelopathy. Any of
these can occur in isolation or in combination with each other. Compression of a nerve root in the intervertebral foramina by either a soft disc herniation
or osteophyte can lead to cervical radiculopathy. Motor root dysfunction leads to weakness and atrophy, whereas sensory root compression causes pain,
sensory loss, and paresthesias in the nerve root distribution. Anterior compression of the spinal cord can be caused by acute or chronic central disc
herniation, osteophytic ridges, or posterior compression by thickening of the ligamentum flavum and hypertrophic facet joints. This stenosis leads to
spinal cord compression manifesting as cervical myelopathy. A congenitally narrow spinal canal predisposes patients to developing cervical
Cervical Radiculopathy

A patients history is of great importance in the evaluation of neck and arm pain. Symptoms usually develop acutely with the usual posterolateral disc
rupture but more gradually and chronically in spondylosis. The usual history is that of a proximal radiating arm pain with numbness and paresthesias
distally in the nerve root distribution. The pain and paresthesias may be intensified by neck movement, especially by extension or by lateral flexion of
the side of the compression and by coughing or straining. In severe cases, patients notice a motor weakness in the same nerve root distribution.
On examination, the patients usually exhibit restriction of neck movement, especially in extension. Downward head compression by the examiner, as
well as flexing the neck to the side of the involvement, usually aggravates the pain. Nerve root compression in the upper cervical spine is unusual.
Compression of C2 causes occipital neuralgia, but if C3 and C4 are compressed, it usually causes nonspecific neck and shoulder pain without any
muscle weakness. Compression of the C5 root leads to shoulder and deltoid pain with weakness in the deltoid muscle (abduction of the arm). The most
common root compression syndromes are those involving the sixth and seventh cervical roots. With C6 root compression, the pain is in a radicular
distribution down the arm, distal to the elbow, with paresthesias or sensory loss over the thumb and index finger. Biceps weakness (flexion of the
elbow), as well as

weakness in extension of the wrist, is present, and diminution of the biceps and brachioradialis reflex may be present. With C7 root compression, the
pain radiates down the back of the arm distal to the elbow. Paresthesias in the middle finger that also involve the index finger or ring finger or both may
be present. Because of overlapping of the C6 and C8 roots, the sensory loss may be minimal or absent. Triceps muscle weakness (extension of the
elbow), as well as weakness in flexion of the wrist, is a hallmark of this nerve root compression. The triceps reflex may be diminished or absent. Eighth
nerve root compression causes pain down the arm as well as sensory changes that involve the ulnar side of the hand, but they usually present with
intrinsic hand muscle weakness.

Compression of the spinal cord can lead to cervical myelopathy, which is manifested by motor neuron dysfunction at the level of compression and upper
motor neuron dysfunction (spasticity, clonus, increased deep tendon reflexes, Babinskis sign, and Hoffmanns sign) below that level. In cases of acute
central disc herniation, these symptoms may occur acutely, but in cases caused by cervical spondylitic stenosis, the onset is much more gradual and
insidious. These patients usually complain of poor muscle coordination, especially in their hands and when walking. In chronic and severe cases,
symptoms of spasticity become clear and quadriparesis can follow.[37]

Diagnostic Studies

Plain radiographs of the cervical spine are obtained to assess the presence and degree of spondylosis but especially to identify a cause of neck and arm
pain other than disc disease such as neoplasm or infection. If conservative treatment fails, other diagnostic studies are indicated to make a diagnosis of
the cause of the patients symptoms.
MRI is the procedure of choice as an initial diagnostic tool to evaluate cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. In some cases where the diagnosis is not
immediately apparent, a cervical myelogram followed by CT scanning could yield definitive information. In cases where the clinical diagnosis is in
doubt and other causes, such as plexopathies or peripheral nerve compressions must be excluded, electromyography and nerve conduction studies are

The initial treatment of a patient with acute radiculopathy is conservative and consists of restriction of activity, soft cervical collar, and medication for
pain and muscle spasm. After the acute phase, physical therapy with intermittent cervical halter traction may be beneficial. Anti-inflammatory and
antispasmodic medication may be of value over a prolonged period to reduce the discomfort of cervical spondylosis. Most of the patients symptoms
improve with conservative treatment.
There are two indications to perform surgery in patients with cervical radiculopathy: (1) failed medical management with intolerable arm pain and (2)
progressive and significant motor loss. The aim of surgery is to provide nerve root decompression, and this can be accomplished by either a posterior
approach through a foraminotomy or by an anterior approach through the intervertebral disc. Both approaches lead to excellent results, and the choice of
which to use is tailored by the patients specific pathology.[38]
With anterior pathology (paracentral disc herniation or large uncovertebral osteophytes), an anterior cervical discectomy, nerve root decompression, and
fusion are indicated. This approach is performed through the plane between the carotid sheath laterally and the esophagus and trachea medially. The
procedure is performed with the aid of the operating microscope, and after the disc is removed, the foramen is widely opened from the anterior. A fusion
is then performed with a bone plug obtained either from the patients iliac crest or fibular allograft. Most neurosurgeons place an anterior locking plate,
especially if two or more levels are performed ( Fig. 7121 A to C).[39] [40] The rationale of a locking plate is that it offers immediate rigid fixation,
diminishes the patients neck pain, avoids complication with the bone plug, and causes a solid fusion in virtually all cases. If an anterior locking plate is
not placed, the patient should be kept in a cervical collar for 6 weeks, and regular follow-up radiographs are necessary to monitor the fusion. The results
obtained from this procedure are excellent, causing resolution of the patients pain and paresthesias and normalization of the neurologic deficit.[41]
A posterior approach is indicated in patients with unilateral radicular symptoms without significant neck pain where the pathology can be resected from
the posterior. This includes foraminal disc herniations or foraminal stenosis caused by thickening of the ligamentum flavum and from hypertrophic facet
joints. An approach similar to a lumbar microdiscectomy is used with a small unilateral approach. With the aid of the operating microscope, a small
foraminotomy is performed with a high-speed drill, thereby decompressing the affected nerve root and allowing the removal of small foraminal discs.
This procedure does not require any fusions, and equally excellent results can be obtained.[42] [43]
In contrast to cervical radiculopathy, cervical myelopathy poses a far greater surgical challenge. Conservative therapy plays only a minor role in these
patients, and surgery is indicated far more urgently than radiculopathy because compression of the spinal cord poses a significant risk to the patients
spinal cord function. Acute central disc herniations are always treated through an anterior approach as described, and if the patient can be operated on
before permanent damage occurs, the prognosis is usually good.
In patients with chronic spondylosis in whom there is compression from anterior as well as posterior, complex surgery might be necessary. A significant
number of these patients have already sustained some permanent spinal cord damage, and the results of surgical decompression can be less optimal. The
decompression can be performed either from anterior or posterior, or in some cases, from a combination of both ( Fig. 7122 A to C). Anterior vertebral

Figure 71-21 A patient with a right C56 disc herniation and C6 radiculopathy. A, Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study shows a disc herniation with compression of the spinal
subarachnoid space. B, A large paramedian disc herniation is shown compressing the right C6 nerve root and spinal cord (arrow). C, A postoperative lateral plain film shows a fibular
allograft in the C56 disc space and an anterior plate with screws in the C5 and C6 bodies.

osteophytic ridges or chronic disc herniations must be decompressed anteriorly, and because multiple levels might be involved, multilevel discectomies
or even corpectomies (removal of the central 18 mm of vertebral body) to achieve decompression might be necessary. After spinal cord decompression,
a fibula or an iliac crest bone graft is positioned, followed by an anterior locking plate.[44]
If the patient has a congenitally narrow canal and most of the compression is from posterior, cervical laminectomies can be performed to decompress
the spinal canal. This can be accomplished with or without lateral mass plate fusion for stability. Because of the intrinsic spinal cord damage, the
multilevel involvement, and the chronic nature of the disease, the results are sometimes less satisfactory than those for cervical radiculopathy. However,
with modern microsurgical techniques, the prognosis has improved, and in most patients, improvement in the neurologic function can be accomplished.

Figure 71-22 A patient with multilevel cervical stenosis who presented with myelopathy. A, T2-weighted sagittal MRI study shows severe cervical spinal stenosis at the C34, C45,
and C56 levels. B, T2-weighted axial image shows chronic disc and osteophyte protrusion causing anterior compression. C, Postoperative lateral radiograph. A two-staged procedure
was performed: a C5 corpectomy with an iliac bone graft and anterior locking plating, followed by a cervical laminectomy of C3C7 with additional stabilization by lateral mass

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

This section includes a discussion of the principles of stereotactic surgery and its application to brain biopsy, radiosurgical ablation of lesions, lesion
generation and electrode implantation for movement disorder, and the surgical management of epilepsy and pain.
Stereotactic Neurosurgery

Stereotactic neurosurgery is defined as the use of a coordinate system to provide accurate navigation to a point or region in space. The coordinates for
any point in the brain are determined by a fixed stereotactic frame that is rigidly attached to the skull, or they may be based on a frameless system that
uses fiducial markers placed on the scalp that are then correlated with MRI or CT results. The most commonly used frame-based systems are the Leksell
Model G and the Cosman-Roberts-Wells frames ( Fig. 7123 ). Both frames are rigidly attached to the skull, usually under local anesthesia, by four
threaded pins that penetrate only the outer table of the skull. A box containing fiducial markers that appear on MRI or CT is then attached to the frame,
which allows precise determination of X, Y, and Z coordinates of any point within the frame. Finally, a stereotactic arc is mounted on the frame, and the
proper coordinates are positioned before the procedure is performed.

Figure 71-23 The Leksell stereotactic coordinate frame is rigidly attached to the head by four threaded pins. The fiducial box is mounted on the frame during the imaging (MRI or
CT) study. X, Y, and Z coordinates are determined directly from the imaging study. The center of the frame is arbitrarily given the coordinates 100, 100, 100.
Frame-Based Stereotactic Procedures

Frame-based stereotactic surgery provides the most accurate and stable method for accessing deep targets within the brain. This is most commonly used
to perform biopsies, implant electrodes or make lesions, and as guidance for radiation delivery. By attaching a guide mounted on an arc to the
stereotactic frame, any point within the brain may be approached from a wide variety of entry points and angles. Drill and biopsy guides are rigidly
attached to the arc and allow accurate positioning. Suspected tumors or infections deep to the surface make ideal targets for stereotactic biopsies.
Complications after biopsy are unusual, but care must be taken to avoid biopsy of a vascular lesion. A small hematoma at the biopsy site is not unusual
and is rarely clinically significant.[45] The morbidity rate for a stereotactic biopsy is less than 5%, and the mortality rate is less than 1%.[46] The diagnostic
yield is approximately 90%.[47]
Deep Brain Lesion and Stimulation.

The original rationale for stereotactic surgery was to create deep brain lesions in patients with movement disorders.[48] Early stereotactic localization was
based on the use of ventriculography to outline the anterior and posterior boundaries of the third ventricle (AC-PC line); this line was then used as the
reference for determining the location of surrounding deep brain structures such as the ventro-intermediate nucleus (VIM) of the thalamus and the
medial globus pallidus (GPi). Because anatomic and physiologic target confirmation and lesioning techniques remained crude, the results were
inconsistent, and when pharmacologic therapy with L-dopa was found to be effective, stereotactic surgery quickly fell out of favor.[49] Long-term followup of patients treated with dopamine agonists has revealed limitations with these drugs, and modern stereotactic surgery, due largely to refinements in
intracranial imaging and microelectrode recording, once again plays a prominent role in the treatment of patients with tremors, rigidity, and dyskinesias.
[50] In the early 1990s, a resurgence of interest by neurosurgeons in Parkinsons disease was led by the rediscovery of Leksells technique of making
radiofrequency lesions in the posteroventral GPi for dyskinesias and rigidity.[51] The accuracy and safety of creating these lesions have been improved
with the development of reliable microelectrode recording that provides instant feedback on the position of the electrode tip by detecting characteristic
neuronal bursting patterns in different brain structures. Deep brain lesion procedures are limited by their inherent irreversibility and prohibitive
complications with bilateral lesions (e.g., severe psychomotor retardation in GPi). The evolution of surgical treatment for Parkinsons disease has led to
the development of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to replace lesion making and the subthalamic nucleus (STN) as a target.[52] Despite its central role in
modulating the GPi, the STN was avoided as a potential target because hemiballismus was observed in patients with STN damage. By using DBS,
which induces a reversible inhibition of neuronal activity, instead of ablation, the STN became a viable target and is now substantiated as the preferred
target for Parkinsons disease. In addition, bilateral DBS can used in a patient allowing treatment of bilateral symptoms without risk of the deficits seen
in bilateral GPi lesions.[53] [54] When tremor alone is the primary symptom, DBS of the VIM thalamus is the most effective treatment.[55]
Stereotactic Radiosurgery.

Stereotactic radiosurgery, first proposed by Leksell in 1951, uses the stereotactic frame to determine the coordinates of a lesion and then delivers a
concentrated dose of radiation to that point.[56] Gamma knife and modified linear accelerator systems are the most widely used radiosurgery devices, and
they use photons to deliver their effect. Indications for stereotactic radiosurgery include metastatic tumors, malignant gliomas, benign brain tumors,
AVMs, and trigeminal neuralgia. More than 90% of metastatic tumors are initially controlled with stereotactic radiosurgery, and 80% are controlled
long term.[34] Stereotactic radiosurgery has the greatest impact on survival in patients with single brain metastases, but it is also suitable for patients with
multiple lesions and controlled primary disease and also for patients with recurrence in the brain at distant sites. According to preliminary results from a
recent Radiation Therapy Oncology Group study, stereotactic radiosurgery as part of the initial treatment does not prolong survival in patients with
GBM; however, it may play a role in patients with recurrent gliomas. Approximately 95% of benign tumors are controlled with stereotactic
radiosurgery, and it is useful in the treatment of postsurgical residual disease. Patients with trigeminal neuralgia are frequently elderly and are often not

fit for conventional surgery. Of the different stereotactic radiosurgery techniques, only Gamma knife has the documented accuracy and clinical results to

support its use in treating trigeminal neuralgia. Eighty percent to 85% of patients have significant improvement in their pain following Gamma knife,
but as many as 40% recur within 5 years.[57] The primary risk of radiosurgery is radiation necrosis, which occurs 6 to 24 months after treatment and is
related to the dose delivered and the volume treated.[58] There is essentially no mortality associated with stereotactic radiosurgery.
Frameless Stereotactic Procedures

The new generation of frameless stereotactic devices allows the neurosurgeon to correlate MRI and CT images with pointing devices that may be a
simple probe, a robotic arm, or an actual surgical instrument such as an endoscope or biopsy probe.[59] Furthermore, these images may be fused with the
display in a surgical microscope.[60] These devices allow the surgeon to efficiently plan skin incisions, bone openings, and location within the brain
during a procedure. Without a rigidly attached frame, the surgeon no longer has to deal with the physical obstruction from the frame, but there may be a
sacrifice in accuracy.
Epilepsy Surgery

Because epilepsy is a complex condition not associated with a single cause, the definition must to some extent be arbitrary. A useful definition,
however, is recurrent seizures not due to an active provoked cause. With this definition, recurrent seizures during acute head injury are not considered
epilepsy, but chronic recurrent seizures as a sequela of head injury are considered epilepsy. Regardless of the definition used, the condition is pervasive;
the prevalence in North America of chronic use of an antiepileptic drug is 70 per 100,000 population. The prevalence is higher in childhood and in
elderly persons, when cerebrovascular disease becomes an important cause. The risk of developing epilepsy is 3% over a lifetime; in the United States,
there are more than 100,000 new cases a year. Of these, 60,000 are temporal lobe epilepsy, characterized most frequently by partial complex seizures,
and of these, 25% are medically intractableeither not controlled by antiepileptic drugs or controlled with unacceptable side effects. Of this intractable
group, one third are probably candidates for seizure surgery, in this particular case a partial anterior temporal lobectomy. This equates to 5000 new
cases per year. Other types of epilepsy can be managed by other types of operations, such as partial excision at sites other than the temporal lobe,
hemispherectomy, and section of the corpus callosum (corpus callosotomy). These other cases add to the cohort of surgical candidates but in much
smaller numbers.
The implantation of vagal nerve stimulators was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the control of seizures. Although this device
(discussed later) virtually never results in complete cessation of all seizures, it is gaining acceptance and the indications are expanding, so a large
percentage of patients with intractable seizures without, or even some with, anatomically defined single foci may be candidates. It is conceivable then,
that although this methodology does not replace ablative surgery, which is potentially curative, it may become the most frequent operation for
intractable seizures.
The consequences of epilepsy that lead a patient and physician to consider seizure surgery when medical therapy is not efficacious include injuries due
to falls and other accidents occurring during the seizures, seizures as a cause of sudden death, limitations of employability, restrictions against driving,
limitation of social interactions, and problems related to learning and education due either to the seizures themselves or the side effects of drugs. In
addition, novel drugs appear with regular frequency and obviously should be tried on patients intractable to conventional therapy, but none have
resulted in a therapeutic breakthrough, so for many patients, surgery remains the ultimate hope.
The symptoms of seizures and the side effects of drugs vary greatly in severity, and there are no nationally accepted guidelines for direct referral of
intractable patients for surgery. For some patients, the inability to legally drive is incentive enough. Also, there is a growing tendency to refer young
patients for surgery rather than wait for the condition to burn out. The rationale is that seizures frequently persist after adolescence; mirror foci can
become established as independent foci, making ablative surgery impossible. Perhaps more important, epilepsy establishes psychological problems and
dependency during childhood that might not be significantly mitigated even if later surgery results in a major decrease in seizures or even a seizure-free
life. Furthermore, drug side effects that are tolerable to adults may interfere with learning, education, and socialization in children.
The Work-Up

The initial work-up is the search for remediable or treatable causes for chronic, recurrent seizures. To surgeons, most important is the diagnosis of
structural lesions, particularly brain tumors and cerebrovascular abnormalities such as AVMs or cavernous malformations. When seizures are associated
with structural lesions, removal of the lesion itself, or lesionectomy (early in the course of the seizures), is frequently sufficient to result in a seizurefree life. However, later, once seizures become more established, the removal of adjacent brain may be required.
As part of the initial work-up, the neurologist must establish that the events are associated with paroxysmal electrical events in the brainthat they are
not pseudoseizures. Although many of these pseudoseizures can be diagnosed by the medical history or by witnessing an event, other cases mimic real
seizures so well that diagnosis can be made only by video monitoring the patient with simultaneous electroencephalographic recording. (Phase I
monitoring is considered in more detail later.)


CT or, in most cases, MRI is an important part of the initial work-up. As structure, lesions can be identified, as can areas of atrophy related to past
trauma or infection. In temporal lobe epilepsy, particularly with partial, complex seizures, special attention is paid to the mesial temporal structures to
locate gliosis and atrophy of the hippocampus. Unilateral atrophy or gliosis is frequently indicative of the side of the focus and is a predictor of a good
outcome after surgery. Examination of these structures requires special MR slices and imaging techniques. T2-weighted images are most sensitive to
focal gliosis ( Fig. 7124 ), as are low-grade tumors and small hamartomas. Thin sections of even 5 to 7 mm also increase the sensitivity. Enhancement
with a paramagnetic contrast agent (gadolinium) using T1-weighted images helps in the detection of structural lesions. Finally, MR volume
measurements showing a reduction in hippocampal volume on the side of resection strongly predict outcome.
Positron-emission tomographic (PET) imaging has aided the work-up of patients with focal seizures. Interictal studies show hypometabolism and
reduced cerebral blood flow in the area of the focus, whereas ictal studies show a relative increase in metabolism and flow. Single-photon emission CT
is less expensive and more widely available than PET. Commercially available stable isotopes are used. Most important, ictal single-photon emission
CT scans can be obtained much more easily than ictal PET because markers with much longer half-lives can be held at the bedside and given during an
event and then imaged after the seizure is over.

Figure 71-24 T2-weighted coronal MRI study shows gliosis of mesial temporal structures (arrow).
Correlation of Electroencephalography and Clinical Seizures: Phase 1 Monitoring

Phase I monitoring is used as an initial part of the work-up of patients suspected as having a single focus, most frequently in the temporal lobe. Chronic
electroencephalographic recording performed while patients are actively surveyed by television monitors allows simultaneous comparison of clinical
events and electroencephalograms. This establishes that the patients clinical seizures are related to paroxysmal electrical discharges from the brain. In
most cases, laterality (i.e., the side of the brain), and in some cases, further localization (e.g., temporal versus frontal lobe) can be established. Multiple
seizures are recorded in the hospital after the patients antiepileptic drugs are reduced or discontinued. The correlation is simplest when the patients
seizures are stereotyped. Patients with more than one type of clinical seizure are more difficult to evaluate, but in these cases, this type of monitoring is
particularly important. As mentioned earlier, this method can be used to distinguish real seizures from pseudoseizures.
Establishment of Hemispheric Dominance of Language and Memory.

The intracarotid amobarbital test (Wada test) is the most widely used and best established method for determining the dominant hemisphere for
language and memory. The test is used most frequently for patients under consideration for a temporal lobectomy. Each carotid artery is injected in turn
using a catheter passed from the femoral artery as is done for standard carotid arteriograms. Language and memory are individually assessed while each
hemisphere is exposed to small injections of amobarbital. The patient is carefully monitored during testing to make certain that recirculation has not
affected both sides simultaneously during testing. Many centers insist on Wada tests even when a clearly right-handed patient is diagnosed with a right
temporal focus.
Other methods that are less invasive have shown promise with regard to the localization of cortical function, even language. Magnetoencephalography
records electrical events as dipoles and therefore can be used to localize function, even to the extent of mapping language. However, these methods
should be considered experimental, and the availability is severely limited. It seems possible that language mapping would also be feasible with
functional MRI.
Intracranial Electrical Recording.

The most common of these methods involve stereotactically implanted depth electrodes ( Fig. 7125 ), implanted strip electrodes, and implanted grids
( Fig. 7126 ). All are used to further localize the focus. Electrode grids can also be used to map language ( Fig. 7127 ). The indications for use of
these arrays varies from center to center, particularly depending on whether the surgeon is willing to operate on awake patients; language mapping and
resection can then take place during the same craniotomy.
Stereotactic-implanted depth electrodes are frequently placed in each frontal and temporal lobe to provide information about side and sometimes site,
frontal versus temporal lobe, in cases in which site and side have not been

Figure 71-25 Skull radiograph shows implanted depth electrodes.

Figure 71-26 Skull radiograph shows an implanted grid.

resolved by phase I monitoring (see earlier). Language mapping using grids or a movable dipole electrode on the exposed cortex of awake patients
establishes cortical sites involved in language. The grids require a separate craniotomy for implantation. The method, however, is essentially the same:
A current passes between two electrodes. If the current blocks language, the underlying cortex is considered eloquent for language and spared at the
time of resection. Negative results are obviously harder to interpret than are positive results that cause language arrest, and when language is not
blocked, the current strength is progressively increased to, if possible, the threshold for afterdischarges. The risk of implanted electrodes is a hematoma,
particularly with depth electrodes, for which the risk is

Figure 71-27 Language and sensory motor map.

approximately 1%. In addition, there is a low risk of infection as the electrode wires are let out through the skin.
Resection of a Focus

The most frequent operation of this kind is temporal lobectomy. Usually, the lateral and inferior cortices are removed after a temporal craniotomy
exposes the anterior temporal lobe. The mesiotemporal structures, including the amygdala and hippocampus, are excised. The extent of the resection is
guided by the location of the focus and language mapping in the dominant lobe. At some centers, surgeons do not map language in the dominant
temporal lobe and then perform a more lateral limited resection. The extent of the hippocampal resection can be influenced by a depth electrode
implanted at the time the hippocampus is exposed and by the extent to which the hippocampus supports memory as determined by the Wada test (see
earlier). However, a hippocampal resection of at least 2.0 to 2.5 cm from the anterior tip appears to be correlated with better outcomes than are smaller
resections. The medial temporal structures can also be resected without removal of lateral temporal cortex by developing a plane for exposure through
opening of the sylvian fissure and resection of the amygdala and hippocampus from that vantage point.
Cortical resections can also be made to remove a focus in other parts of the hemisphere. The second most common site after a temporal lobectomy is the
frontal cortex. The results here, however, are in general less predictable than with temporal lobe resections. Although eloquent cortex is spared, a focus
that includes motor or sensory cortex still can be surgically treated. Instead of resection, multiple gyral cortical incisions perpendicular to the axis of the
involved gyrus are made, interrupting the local association fibers but sparing the deeper projecting fibers.
Other Cranial Operations for Generalized Seizures

Section of the corpus callosum is used to interrupt the spread of severe seizures and mitigate generalization.

Indications are otherwise not specific, but the operation is usually reserved for severe cases, frequently where there are drop attacks (atonic seizures)
and thereby a significant risk of injury. However, the presence of atonic attacks does not ensure a good outcome from this operation.
The corpus callosum is approached through the interhemispheric fissure. Usually, the operation is staged so that the anterior two thirds of the corpus
callosum are divided at the first operation. The section is completed at a second craniotomy only if the initial section does not provide a satisfactory
result. Complications include hydrocephalus and, in some cases, a serious disconnection syndrome with language and behavioral impairment.
Hemispherectomy is an operation usually restricted to children with extensive unilateral epileptiform activity. Many or most of these children have
developmental abnormalities of the brain, including abnormal cellular migration and hemiplegia. Although initially the entire cortex of the hemisphere
was removed, sparing the basal ganglion, the operative technique has been modified so that portions of the hemisphere are left with their vascular
connections intact but disconnected from the remainder of the brain by sectioning of adjacent white matter.
The results of this operation can be rewarding with regard not only to seizures but also to function, because the seizures may have caused functional

impairment. However, the operation is associated with a high morbidity rate, including hydrocephalus, aseptic meningitis, and superficial cerebral
hemosiderosis, which is thought to significantly contribute to mortality and morbidity rates, although the cause remains obscure. Partial
hemispherectomy or functional hemispherectomy as described earlier is thought to mitigate this problem.
Vagal Nerve Stimulator

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, vagal nerve stimulators are novel and are a newly approved method to manage intractable seizures. The
mechanism of action is not entirely clear, but it is well known that most vagal nerve fibers are afferent. These fibers project to many structures in the
brain, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and thalamus. The efficacy in vagal nerve stimulation has been shown in animal models of epilepsy.
Although stimulation of either vagus nerve is effective in animal models, the left nerve is always chosen because stimulation is less likely to cause
cardiac effects than is stimulation of the right nerve. Like a cardiac pacemaker, the stimulator can be programmed after insertion. The predominant side
effect is hoarseness during stimulation. Reduction in seizure frequency is usually 50%, which is similar to the result of many drugs but without drug
side effects. Long-term stimulation, for 6 months or longer, seems to be associated with a greater rather than a lesser effect. However, unlike ablative
operations, such as temporal lobectomy, only 1% of patients with vagal nerve stimulators become seizure free.
Neurosurgical Treatments for Pain

Pain is the most common symptom that prompts patients to see a physician. Unfortunately, it is still poorly understood, and many patients are
inadequately treated as a result. Further complicating treatment is the lack of an objective measure of pain. There are two broad categories of pain:
nociceptive and neuropathic. Nociceptive pain is caused by the activation of peripheral sensory receptors from an unusually strong stimulus. Examples
include low back pain or cancer infiltration in bone. Neuropathic pain is poorly understood and is characterized by a lack of peripheral sensory
stimulation, such as central pain that occurs after a stroke or phantom limb pain after amputation. It frequently contains elements of burning, tingling, or
electric shocks and is poorly responsive to narcotic medications. Neurosurgical treatments may be either neuroablative or neuroaugmentative. Ablation
involves making a lesion, whereas augmentation usually takes the form of electrical stimulation or infusion of opioids. Both types of treatment may be
performed at any point along the pain pathway.
Sensation occurs with the activation of peripheral receptors by external stimuli. Nociceptors consist primarily of free nerve endings that transmit signals
through small unmyelinated A delta and C nerve fibers. The cell bodies of these first-order neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglia and send their
axons into the dorsal gray of the spinal cord to synapse with second-order neurons. These neurons comprise the spinothalamic tract, which decussates at
the spinal cord level and ascends to the thalamus. The parallel paleospinothalamic tract includes connections with multiple interneurons in the
periaqueductal gray of the brain stem and is involved in the perception of poorly localized, longer-lasting pain.
Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by brief attacks of a severe, lancinating pain experienced in one or a combination of the three branches of the
trigeminal nerve. Also known as tic douloureux, it causes a patients face to wince and spasm in pain. Typically unilateral and without sensory deficits,
it is more prevalent in older patients except for patients who have multiple sclerosis, in whom it may present earlier and bilaterally. The pathogenesis is
believed to be arterial compression of the trigeminal nerve, which causes demyelination and axonal crosstalk, along its root entry zone near the pons
( Fig. 7128 ). The initial treatment is medical; carbamazepine (Tegretol) and gabapentin (Neurontin) are effective in most patients, although a
significant percentage develop resistance to their medication or have intolerable side effects. Three forms of surgical therapy are effective:
microvascular decompression, percutaneous nerve ablation, and Gamma knife surgery. Microvascular decompression is performed through a
retromastoid craniectomy that exposes the transverse and sigmoid sinus junction. Arterial compression on the trigeminal nerve is relieved, and the nerve
is protected from further indentation by interposed, shredded Teflon pledgets.[61] Immediate pain relief is seen in

Figure 71-28 An intraoperative photograph through the operative microscope in a patient with typical trigeminal neuralgia. The left trigeminal nerve is compressed superiorly by an
arterial branch of the superior cerebellar artery (arrow).

nearly all patients, but pain recurrence is seen in 10% to 30% by 10 years. The percutaneous approaches avoid anesthesia and craniotomy risks
associated with microvascular decompression but have slightly lower success rates. A spinal needle is directed to the foramen ovale under fluoroscopic
guidance, and a radiofrequency lesion, glycerol injection, or balloon compression is performed on the trigeminal ganglion ( Fig. 7129 ).[62] In
conjunction with pain relief, most patients experience facial numbness. Gamma knife surgery uses 201 beams of cobalt 60derived photons focused on
the trigeminal nerve to interrupt pain impulses.[57] This procedure is effective in 80% of patients.
Neuroablation Procedures

Transection of a peripheral nerve results in numbness and may temporarily relieve pain, but it is not a viable long-term therapy. The pain may recur and

become neuropathic in nature. Because most peripheral nerves are mixed sensorimotor, neurectomy will result in motor loss as well.

Open ablation of the sensory root can be performed via an intradural or extradural approach or percutaneously using radiofrequency coagulation or
phenol injection.[63] The lesion should be made proximal to the dorsal root ganglion, and multiple roots need to be resected because of sensory overlap
between adjacent dermatomes. Rhizotomy may be useful for pain with distribution in a limited number of dermatomes.
Dorsal Root Entry Zone Lesion.

Using a specially designed radiofrequency electrode, multiple lesions are made along the dorsal roots that ablate the dorsal horn gray matter, including
the second-order neurons. This treatment is most successful for nerve root or brachial plexus avulsion and spinal cord injury.[64] It has also been used for
postherpetic neuralgia and post-thoracotomy pain. The most

Figure 71-29 A lateral skull film in a patient undergoing glycerol rhizotomy for typical trigeminal neuralgia. A 20-gauge spinal needle is directed to the foramen ovale and nonionic
contrast agent is injected to outline the trigeminal ganglion (arrow).

common complication is ipsilateral motor weakness caused by injury to the adjacent corticospinal tract. Extension of this concept to the trigeminal
nucleus caudalis, where second-order neurons from cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X carry pain and temperature information, has been used to treat
anesthesia dolorosa, atypical facial pain, and postherpetic neuralgia.[65] Lesions are made from the C2 dorsal roots moving rostrally along the medial
edge of cranial nerve XI rootlets to the level of the obex. The most significant risk is ataxia caused by injury to the spinocerebellar tract, which overlies
the nucleus caudalis. Good to excellent pain relief has been reported in 74% of patients, with a 39% risk of ataxia.

This procedure is performed percutaneously with radiofrequency lesioning of the spinothalamic tract in the anterior portion of the cervical spinal cord.
Localization is performed with radiographic guidance, myelography, and an impedance change when the cord is penetrated.[66] Stimulation of a properly
placed electrode results in paresthesias on the contralateral side with no ipsilateral motor responses. Cordotomy is primarily indicated for cancer patients
who have unilateral pain. Bilateral cordotomy is not advised because of the risk of Ondines curse (loss of involuntary respiratory drive).

Splitting the spinal cord at and above the level of pain divides the spinothalamic tract as it crosses in the anterior spinal cord. This procedure is most
often used for bilateral, nociceptive pain due to cancer.
Midbrain Tractotomy.

This procedure ablates the spinothalamic tract in the brain stem with the use of stereotactic guidance. The periaqueductal gray is often included in the
lesion to also affect the paleospinothalamic pathway. The most common indication is for face and shoulder pain from head and neck cancer.


This type of lesion is now rarely used. Thalamic stimulation has proved to be more effective.

Using stereotactic guidance, bilateral radiofrequency lesions are made in the white matter deep to the cingulate gyrus, resulting in interference to
Papezs limbic circuit. This procedure is most useful when depression is the dominant feature of the pain syndrome.

Sympathectomy is indicated for the treatment of causalgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or Raynauds phenomenon, but the specific mechanism of
pain relief is not clear. To avoid a Horners syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, and apparent enophthalmos), the T1 sympathetic ganglion should not
be resected. The endoscopic approach is preferred to supraclavicular, transaxillary, and posterior costotransversectomy.[67]
Neuroaugmentation Procedures
Spinal Cord Stimulation.

Spinal cord or dorsal column stimulation as a treatment for pain is based on the gate control theory, which postulates that nonpainful stimuli carried
through large, myelinated nerves in the dorsal columns of the spinal cord modulate perception of painful stimuli through unmyelinated fibers.[68] In
general, spinal cord stimulation is indicated for neuropathic pain syndromes, including peripheral nerve injury, reflex sympathetic dystrophy,
deafferentation pain, and postherpetic neuralgia. Patients should be screened by temporary test electrode stimulation that produces a paresthesia over the
painful area. Lower extremity pain is best treated with a low thoracic placement. Short-term success is seen in 80% of patients, with 50% having longterm pain relief.[69]
Deep Brain Stimulation.

Two primary deep brain sites have been used for the relief of pain: periaqueductal gray and the sensory thalamus. Periaqueductal gray has been used
primarily for nociceptive pain and likely activates endogenous opioids.[70] Thalamic stimulation is based on the gate control theory and is used for
neuropathic pain.
Intrathecal Narcotic Infusion.

The direct application of narcotics provides a more potent activation of opioid receptors in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal cord. The onset of
action is rapid (5 to 10 minutes), and serum levels are negligible. Continuous delivery of intrathecal morphine is made possible by an implantable,
programmable pump.[71] Most patients are able to decrease or eliminate oral narcotics, and the quality of life improvement is frequently significant. This
treatment modality is usually used for nociceptive cancer pain. Drug tolerance can develop with use.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier



Neural tube defects are common congenital disorders that can affect any portion of the neuraxis. A basic understanding of the development of the
nervous system is helpful when trying to understand the structural characteristics of a particular malformation and its associated neurologic findings.
During the 2nd week of gestation, ectodermal cells proliferate near the midline of the embryo, forming the neural plate. At approximately day 17 of
gestation, the neural plate invaginates and the lateral portions thicken, forming the neural folds. As the neural folds move closer together in the midline,
adhesion occurs and the neural tube closes. At the cephalic end, the cranial neuropore closes on approximately day 24 of gestation. The caudal
neuropore is thought to close a short time later. Immediately after neural tube closure, the superficial ectoderm joins in the midline and then separates
from the underlying neural tube. Mesenchymal tissue will migrate between these two layers and will later form the skull, vertebral column, meninges,
and paraspinal musculature. This process has been termed primary neurulation and is usually complete by day 25.
Formation of the neural tube below the caudal neuropore occurs via a process termed canalization or secondary neurulation. In this process, an
undifferentiated aggregate of pluripotential cells termed the caudal cell mass forms in close proximity to the developing hindgut and genitourinary
structures. Within this cell mass, vacuoles form, enlarge, coalesce, and eventually make contact with the central canal of the neural tube formed during
primary neurulation. A process of retrogressive differentiation then continues for approximately 7 weeks and is responsible for the formation of the
most caudal portions of the spinal cordthe conus medullaris and the filum terminale.
Disordered primary neurulation results in defects in the axial skeleton, meninges, and overlying dermal structures. Examples include craniorachischisis
totalis, the total failure of neural tube closure, as well as anencephaly, encephalocele, and myelomeningocele. Disorders of caudal neural tube formation
result in occult dysraphic states. These abnormalities of the sacral and coccygeal segments form beneath intact dermal elements and have no exposed
neural tissue. Examples include lipomyelomeningocele, diastematomyelia, and congenital dermal sinus. These caudal spinal anomalies may be
associated with other abnormalities, such as imperforate anus, malformed genitalia, and renal dysplasias as part of a broader caudal regression

Myelomeningoceles represent the most important clinical examples of disordered neurulation because most affected infants survive. The essential defect
is a failure of closure of the caudal neuropore. The resulting lesion by definition involves the spinal cord, a deficient axial skeleton, and an incomplete
meningeal and dermal covering. Instead of forming into a tube, the neural folds persist as a flat plate of tissue referred to as the neural placode. This
structure has the appearance of a filleted spinal cord with an often visibly open central canal ( Fig. 7130 ). The ventral half of the spinal cord is usually
less affected than the dorsal half that incompletely neurulated, and the dorsal roots exit from the anterior surface of the spinal cord just lateral to the
ventral roots. Spinal defects include a lack of fusion of

Figure 71-30 Two examples of myelomeningoceles. The neural placode, a flat plate of dysraphic neural elements, is exposed.

the vertebral arches, laterally displaced pedicles, and a widened spinal canal. Nondisjunction of the superficial ectoderm from the neural tube results in
the neural placode and meninges being continuous laterally with the dermal elements. An enlarged subarachnoid space ventral to the placode usually
results in a dorsally protruding sac on which the neural placode is visible. The thoracolumbar junction is the most common level affected (45%),
followed by lumbar (20%), lumbosacral (20%), and sacral (10%). More rostral locations are involved in only 5% of cases. The cause of
myelomeningocele has not been determined precisely, but both environmental and genetic factors have been implicated. Improvements in prenatal
screening for neural tube defects and folic acid supplementation around the time of conception have contributed to a worldwide decline in the birth
prevalence of myelomeningocele. In the United States, the incidence is approximately 1 per 1000 live births.
Virtually all children born with a myelomeningocele also have a constellation of associated anomalies of the skull, brain, spine, and spinal cord that
have been collectively described as the Chiari II malformation. The exact cause of this anomaly is unknown, but the failure of neural tube closure with
drainage of CSF through the open neural tube into the amniotic fluid has been implicated. According to this hypothesis, collapse of the primitive
ventricular system results in a decrease in the inductive influences on the overlying axial mesenchyme, a defect that ultimately affects development of
the skull. Major features of this complex include a small posterior fossa with inferior displacement of the medulla, fourth ventricle, and cerebellar
vermis through the foramen magnum; formation of a medullary kink within the cervical spinal canal; and various midbrain anomalies such as a beaked
tectum and abnormalities of the ventricular system. Between 80% and 90% of children born with myelomeningocele develop hydrocephalus and require
shunting. Fourth ventricular outlet obstruction and obliteration of the posterior fossa subarachnoid cisterns are the likely causes of hydrocephalus in
these children, although abnormalities of the cerebral aqueduct are also known to occur.
The first step in the management of a newborn with myelomeningocele is a careful clinical assessment with particular emphasis on motor, sensory,
reflex, and sphincter function. A complete system review should also be completed to determine the presence of associated anomalies, and orthopedic
and urologic consultations are requested. Daily occipital-frontal circumference measurements should be recorded, and a baseline ultrasound
examination of the brain is obtained. Open defects should be covered with a saline-moistened nonadherent dressing to prevent injury to and desiccation
of the neural placode. Neurotoxic substances are avoided, and the child should be kept prone or in a lateral recumbent position until surgery. If the

initial assessment has excluded other systemic disorders, and the child is not critically ill, the myelomeningocele is repaired shortly after birth, usually
within the first 48 hours. Surgical goals include elimination of CSF leakage, preservation of neurologic function, and prevention of infection. The
general procedure for closure includes separation of the neural placode from the surrounding epithelial tissue followed by identification and
mobilization of the dura mater. Some surgeons advocate reconstruction of the neural placode to prevent retethering when the dura is closed. Fascial
closure followed by multilayer skin closure completes the procedure.
In most cases, hydrocephalus develops rapidly after myelomeningocele closure, with many children becoming symptomatic within the first few weeks
after closure. Although most children with myelomeningocele are ambulatory, many require braces or crutches. Children with S1 motor levels can
usually walk unaided, whereas children with lesions at or above L2 are usually wheelchair

dependent. Approximately 75% of children with the myelomeningocele/Chiari II complex have normal intelligence. This figure decreases to near 60%
in children requiring shunts. Owing to the complexity of the problems presented by the management of these children, their care is best addressed
through a multidisciplinary team approach that involves pediatricians, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and urologists.

Disordered closure of the cranial neuropore can also result in various defects that are known to cause substantial neurologic dysfunction. One of the
more extreme forms, anencephaly, results from failure of cranial neuropore closure. This affects both the forebrain and brain stem and is not compatible
with survival. Encephaloceles are also thought to occur due to a defect in cranial neuropore closure, but the precise cause is not known. One widely held
hypothesis attributes their formation to a failure of the development of the overlying mesenchymal tissue with local cerebral herniation occurring at
approximately 8 to 12 weeks of gestation. The worldwide incidence is nearly 1 in 5000 live births. Encephaloceles are usually classified by their
location over the skull and can occur either over the convexities or through the skull base. In Western populations, 85% of these lesions occur in the
occipital region, whereas in Southeast Asian populations, frontal lesions are relatively more common. Occipital encephaloceles are often large and have
variable contents ( Fig. 7131 A and B). The brain contained within these defects is usually dysplastic, and encephaloceles that contain a large amount
of neural tissue have a poor prognosis. Frontal encephaloceles are frequently located near the nasion, and the prognosis is usually better in these more
anteriorly located lesions. Regardless of the location, encephaloceles are frequently associated with other intracranial abnormalities, such as partial or
complete agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dandy-Walker malformations, hydrocephalus, or holoprosencephaly. Neurosurgical intervention is indicated
in most situations, with the exception of patients with large defects and associated microcephaly. At surgery, the contents of the encephalocoele are
relocated into the cranium or they are resected. A watertight dural closure is then performed, and the skull and skin is reconstructed for an acceptable
cosmetic result.
Occult Spinal Dysraphism

The term occult spinal dysraphism refers to those embryologic defects that occur due to disordered retrogressive differentiation. Owing to an increasing
clinical awareness of these conditions as well as improvements in imaging techniques, the occurrence of these abnormalities is becoming increasingly
important in clinical practice. Most of these disorders occur in the lumbar region and are frequently associated with abnormal cutaneous markings such
as hemangiomas, focal hirsutism, soft tissue masses, or a sinus tract. Although most cases of spina bifida occulta have no clinical significance, the
presence of these markings often signal an underlying dysraphic state in an infant. In an older child, the finding of various orthopedic, urologic, or
neurologic signs may suggest the presence of one of these states. Children with highly arched feet, leg-length discrepancies, and scoliosis require a more
detailed investigation. Persistent urinary tract infections in a child, or the new onset of incontinence in a child who was previously toilet trained, as well
as lower extremity weakness, sensory abnormalities, or radicular pain, is also

Figure 71-31 An infant with a large occipital encephalocoele. A, The large skin-covered encephalocoele is visible. B, A sagittal MRI study in a newborn with a large occipital
encephalocele. At surgery, the sac contained herniated dysplastic cerebellar tissue as well as cerebrospinal fluid.


associated with an occult dysraphic disorder. In a child suspected of having a dysraphic lesion, MRI has become the imaging modality of choice.
Although the radiologic findings vary depending on the particular abnormality, tethering of the spinal cord can lead to worsened neurologic function
due to repeated trauma with flexion and extension of the spine. Surgery is usually indicated in patients with occult spinal dysraphism to prevent later
neurologic deterioration.

Lipomyelomeningoceles are skin-covered malformations in which a subcutaneous lipoma is connected through a fibroadipose stalk to an
intramedullary, intradural lipoma. These defects are thought to occur when the superficial ectoderm separates prematurely from the underlying neural

ectoderm, allowing the migration of mesenchymal tissue into the neural tube. This intramedullary adipose tissue remains continuous with the
subcutaneous tissue and results in one of the more common clinical causes of spinal cord tethering. Most children present with a midline soft tissue
mass that may or may not distort the gluteal crease. Dimples and hemangiomas are frequently present. Scoliosis, foot deformities, motor or sensory
deficits, and neurogenic bladder are common presentations. Neurologic deterioration is thought to be secondary to either direct injury by stretching of
the spinal cord or vascular compromise. Most surgeons advocate releasing the tethered cord before the development of neurologic symptoms. The goals
of treatment include the release of the tethering elements, preservation of neurologic function, debulking of the intramedullary mass, dural
reconstruction, and acceptable cosmesis.

Diastematomyelia is an uncommon dysraphic lesion in which the spinal cord is split longitudinally at one or more continuous levels and separated by a
bony, cartilaginous, or fibrous spur. These abnormalities are frequently associated with an overlying cutaneous marker such as a hairy patch. The
precise embryogenesis is not well understood. Presenting complaints are similar to those seen in children with other forms of occult spinal dysraphism
such as abnormal cutaneous markings, orthopedic deformities, or neurologic dysfunction. Surgical goals include untethering the spinal cord by
removing the bony or fibrous median septum and reconstructing the dural sac.
Dermal Sinus Tracts

Congenital dermal sinus tracts are often inconspicuous-appearing lesions that can occur in either the lumbosacral or occipital regions and may be
associated with significant neurologic complications. These defects typically appear as a small ostium or dimple near the midline and represent the
superficial extent of an epithelium-lined tract that can extend intradurally ( Fig. 7132 ). They can be associated with intracranial or intraspinal dermoid
or epidermoid tumors and may also allow passage of bacteria into the subarachnoid space with resulting meningitis. When indicated, the entire tract is
removed by following the cutaneous ostium to its termination, which may extend into the intradural space. Shallow pits at the tip of the coccyx are
normal variants detected in some infants and have no clinical significance.

Figure 71-32 A, Dermal sinus tract in a 10-year-old girl who presented with purulent drainage. B, Sagittal T2-weighted MRI study shows a connection of the sinus tract with the
thecal sac.



Hydrocephalus is a condition that results from an imbalance between the production and absorption of CSF. This mismatch leads to the accumulation of
CSF within the intracranial compartment, and, ultimately, ventricular enlargement and intracranial hypertension. Historically, hydrocephalus has been
classified into broad categories. In the most clinically useful classification, communicating hydrocephalus is present when an obstruction to the flow of
CSF occurs outside of the ventricular system, usually at the level of the basal subarachnoid cisterns or at the arachnoid granulations. Noncommunicating
hydrocephalus results from lesions that create an obstruction to CSF flow within the ventricular system. This most commonly occurs at the level of the
aqueduct of Sylvius but is also seen at the foramina of Monro or at the foramina of Luschka and Magendie in the fourth ventricle. In nearly all cases,
hydrocephalus results from the decreased absorption of CSF. Only in the rare case of a choroid plexus papilloma has increased CSF production been
Hydrocephalus can occur in either congenital or acquired forms. Although the true incidence of hydrocephalus in children is difficult to determine, as an
isolated congenital form, it is estimated to occur in approximately 1 per 1000 live births. When one considers all types of hydrocephalus that present in
infancy, the incidence is nearly 3 or 4 per 1000. Aqueductal stenosis is a major cause of hydrocephalus in the newborn and is responsible for nearly one
third of congenital cases. True narrowing of the aqueduct lumen, subependymal gliosis secondary to in utero infection or hemorrhage, or a malformed
aqueduct may be responsible. Children born with myelomeningocele have a high incidence of hydrocephalus due to the associated Chiari II
malformation, a complex malformation that involves the hindbrain, spine, and supratentorial structures. Nearly 80% to 90% of these children develop
hydrocephalus due to fourth ventricular outlet obstruction and compromise of the posterior fossa subarachnoid cisterns. The Dandy-Walker
malformation is another cause of congenital hydrocephalus and is characterized by the absence of the cerebellar vermis, cystic expansion of the fourth
ventricle, and hydrocephalus. Viral and parasitic exposure in utero is a well-known cause of congenital hydrocephalus, with cytomegalovirus and
toxoplasmosis having been implicated in many cases. Intracranial tumors, arachnoid cysts, and other abnormalities such as vein of Galen malformations
can also lead to congenital hydrocephalus.
Acquired forms of hydrocephalus usually occur after IVH or after an episode of meningitis. Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus is most commonly seen in
the premature infant after a germinal matrix/IVH. Meningitis in the newborn period may induce leptomeningeal fibrosis and, ultimately, hydrocephalus.
Tumors or other mass lesions can also cause hydrocephalus in older children ( Fig. 7133 A and B).

The clinical features of hydrocephalus are related to the development of elevated ICP. In the newborn, excessive head enlargement with an enlarged,
tense anterior fontanelle and open cranial sutures are common presentations. Irritability, vomiting, and lethargy may also be present. The presentation in
an older child is more acute because the moderating effects of open cranial sutures are not present. Severe headache, vomiting, and lethargy are the
usual presenting signs in these children.

Figure 71-33 MRI studies in a 12-year-old boy with hydrocephalus. A, Sagittal T1-weighted MRI study demonstrates a small tectal glioma (arrow) causing aqueductal stenosis and
the typical pattern of triventricular hydrocephalus. B, Axial MRI study demonstrating a dilated third ventricle and enlarged temporal horns.


In the newborn period, ultrasonography can easily determine the presence of ventriculomegaly. CT scanning remains the most commonly used imaging
technique for screening or emergent indications and is preferred when a more detailed assessment of intracranial morphology is required. MRI
frequently provides a much clearer depiction of the intracranial structures and is becoming the imaging modality of choice in many clinical situations.
The goal of any treatment for hydrocephalus is to prevent or possibly reverse the neurologic injury that may occur from distortion of the normal
intracranial structures or from elevated ICP. Most cases are treated by diversion of CSF from the cerebral ventricles to the peritoneal cavity via a
ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Other less favored sites for diversion include the pleural cavity and the superior vena cava. Although shunts are responsible
for improving the quality of life for many patients with hydrocephalus, they are also associated with significant complication rates. Approximately 5%
to 10% of shunt operations are complicated by infection. Most are caused by skin flora, which infect the device at the time of implantation. Other
complications include obstruction of the shunt, disconnection or fracture of the hardware, intracerebral hematomas, and peritonitis.
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is another technique used in the treatment of hydrocephalus that has come into much wider use due to advances in
endoscopic equipment and techniques. In this procedure, a small fenestration is created in the floor of the anterior third ventricle under endoscopic
guidance, thus allowing CSF to directly enter the subarachnoid space. This technique is indicated only in certain forms of noncommunicating
hydrocephalus and has the added benefit of avoiding a lifetime of shunt dependency if successful.
The prognosis in a child diagnosed with hydrocephalus varies and is more likely to depend on the etiologic mechanism that led to the hydrocephalus
than on the hydrocephalus itself. Cognitive abilities appear to be best in those children with communicating forms and the myelomeningocele/Chiari II
complex. In children with congenital aqueductal stenosis or Dandy-Walker malformations, the high degree of cerebral dysgenesis in these conditions is
associated with significant cognitive impairment in most cases. Most children with hydrocephalus due to a congenital central nervous system infection
have a grim developmental prognosis due to the significant degree of parenchymal destruction. The outcome in hydrocephalus associated with
meningitis in the newborn period varies and depends on the organism and the degree of injury to the cerebrum.

The term craniosynostosis refers to the premature closure or fusion of a cranial suture. Usually, the cranial sutures serve as a site of bone deposition in
the growing calvarium. This separation of the calvarial bones allows for progressive enlargement of the skull with growth of the brain. When one or
more of these sutures close prematurely, cranial deformity can occur. Primary nonsyndromic forms of craniosynostosis are the most common and affect
nearly 1 in 2500 children. Craniosynostosis can also occur as part of a recognized syndrome or secondary to a systemic disorder. The diagnosis of
nonsyndromic craniosynostosis is based on recognition of the characteristic abnormal skull shape. The demonstration of a prematurely fused suture on
plain skull radiography or CT scanning with bone windows is helpful in confirming the diagnosis. Not all abnormalities of skull shape are caused by
craniosynostosis. Asymmetry of the calvarium can also occur when deformational forces are applied to the growing calvarium over a prolonged period.
These children with positional molding must be distinguished from those with true craniosynostosis because they will improve with time and will not
require surgery.
Isolated sagittal synostosis is the most common form of craniosynostosis and accounts for approximately 40% to 60% of craniosynostoses. Closure of
the sagittal suture typically results in scaphocephaly, with a long, narrow skull and varying degrees of compensatory frontal and occipital bossing.
Premature closure of the coronal suture accounts for approximately 20% to 30% of all cases and is characterized by asymmetry of the forehead,
flattening of the ipsilateral frontal and parietal bones, bulging of the contralateral frontal region, and bulging of the ipsilateral temporal bone. The orbits
are asymmetrical, and the nasal root is deviated toward the fused suture. Unilateral cases outnumber bilateral forms by 2:1. Metopic synostosis accounts
for fewer than 10% of all cases of craniosynostosis. Premature fusion of the metopic suture results in a skull with a characteristic triangular shape, or
trigonocephaly, with a prominent midline frontal ridge, recessed orbital rims, and hypotelorism. True lambdoid synostosis is rare and must be
distinguished from posterior positional molding.
Parents of children with single-suture synostosis should understand that aesthetics or cosmesis is the only consideration. There is little evidence to
support claims of an increased incidence of seizures, mental retardation, or other neurologic deficits in children with simple forms of craniosynostosis.

Affected children who do not undergo corrective surgery invariably face social stigmatization due to their abnormal appearance. For this reason, many
parents are willing to accept the low risks of craniofacial surgery to prevent socialization or psychological problems in the future. Although the specific
surgical technique varies depending on the affected suture, most craniofacial surgeons agree that early surgery is preferable for the simple reason that
one can capitalize on the period of rapid brain growth to ameliorate any minor postoperative asymmetries in skull shape. The timing of surgery varies
from center to center, but surgery is recommended as soon as the child can safely tolerate the physiologic stress of surgery, usually between 3 and 9
months of age.
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Acute bacterial meningitis is an infection of the subarachnoid spaces and meninges. The bacteria responsible may spread to the subarachnoid space from
an infection of a contiguous structure such as the paranasal sinuses or

through the bloodstream. The causative organism varies depending on the patients age. Newborns tend to be infected by gram-negative enteric
organisms such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella. In children, Haemophilus influenzae, Pneumococcus, and Meningococcus are the predominant
organisms. Meningitis in adults is usually caused by either pneumococcal or meningococcal infection. Symptoms are due to leptomeningeal irritation
and elevated ICP, and they usually include fever, neck stiffness, and headache. An impaired level of consciousness and seizures are other common
findings. Once meningitis is suspected, antibiotic treatment should begin immediately, sometimes even before obtaining a CSF specimen if the clinical
suspicion is high. If hydrocephalus develops, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt may be required once the CSF is sterilized. In a child with recurrent episodes
of meningitis, a dermal sinus tract must be considered; if it is found, exploration and complete excision are necessary.
Brain Abscess

The brain may be infected by a multitude of organisms, including bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic forms. The mode of infection varies depending
on the particular organism and can include direct spread from adjacent structures, hematogenous seeding, or direct inoculation as would occur after
surgery or trauma. Brain abscesses may be solitary or multiple, and the pathogenesis of these two presentations varies slightly. Multiple abscesses
usually occur with systemic infections that spread hematogenously. Solitary lesions are more likely to occur after direct spread from an infected
parameningeal structure such as the middle ear or paranasal sinus. The responsible agents vary and depend on the immune status of the host. In a normal
host, anaerobic Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterobacteriaceae, H. influenzae, or anaerobes may spread from dental, pulmonary, cutaneous,
cardiac, or other sources. In immunocompromised hosts, the responsible organisms usually include Nocardia asteroides, Listeria monocytogenes,
Candida species, Cryptococcus neoformans, Mucor species, and Aspergillus.
Most patients present with altered mental status, focal neurologic signs, seizures, and signs of elevated ICP. Unless the patient has a systemic infection,
a fever and an elevated white blood cell count are often absent. Contrast CT or MRI shows a ring-enhancing lesion within the brain parenchyma, usually
at the gray-white junction. Differentiating between an abscess and brain tumor can often be difficult because their contrast enhancement patterns are
similar; however, recent studies indicate that diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI can improve the diagnostic accuracy.[72] DW MRI characterizes brownian
motion in tissues and allows measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient. Diffusion is unrestricted in CSF, which appears dark on DW MRI;
infarcts create restricted diffusion in brain and can be detected by DW MRI earlier than by conventional MRI or CT. Purulent brain abscesses also have
decreased molecular motion because of high viscosity and inflammatory cells, thus resulting in a bright signal on DW MRI ( Fig. 7134 A and B). By

Figure 71-34 This patient presented with a right hemiparesis of several days duration. A, Axial T1-weighted MRI study with contrast agent shows a peripherally enhancing lesion
with surrounding edema. This lesion is compatible with either malignant tumor or abscess. B, The lesion appears bright on diffusion-weighted MRI, indicating a high likelihood of
abscess. The patient underwent a craniotomy, where the abscess was drained.


malignant brain tumors (glioma and metastatic) appear hypointense.

Despite improved diagnostic techniques and the availability of effective broad-spectrum antibiotics, the surgical treatment of brain abscesses remains
important. Surgery is indicated when the diagnosis is unclear, when mass effect or neurologic deficit exists, when the organism cannot be obtained, and
when abscesses fail to resolve with antibiotic treatment. Open, stereotactic, or ultrasound-guided procedures can be used for resection or drainage of
Spinal Abscess

Bacterial infections can also affect the spinal column. Spinal epidural abscess is a rare condition in which pyogenic organisms proliferate within the
confines of the spinal epidural space. Infection usually occurs via hematogenous spread or from direct extension of discitis or osteomyelitis.
Predisposing factors include diabetes mellitus, an immunocompromised state, renal disorders, intravenous drug abuse, and recent spinal surgery. Fever
and back pain are the most common initial symptoms. Because this is a rare condition, there is often a delay in diagnosis. It is noteworthy that these
patients can progress from normal to complete paralysis within hours, and because the effects of spinal cord compression can be devastating, this
condition should be considered a neurosurgical emergency. If evidence of spinal cord compression exists, a contrast MRI is done to confirm the site of
the extradural lesion. Urgent decompressive surgery with abscess drainage is then indicated. In milder infections with little or no spinal cord
compression, management is usually medical, with close neurologic evaluation and imaging studies.
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Selected References
Albright AL, Pollack IF, Adelson PD: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery. New York, Thieme, 1999.
A multiauthored reference extensively covers the subject of pediatric neurosurgery. The editors emphasize clinical pearls following each chapter, and extensive
bibliographies are provided for more detailed reference.
Apuzzo MLJ (ed): Malignant Cerebral Glioma. Park Ridge, IL, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 1990.
This single volume provides an excellent review of malignant gliomas, including pathology, surgical results, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
Benzel EC: Spine Surgery: Techniques, Complication Avoidance, and Management. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
A multiauthored text that emphasizes the fundamentals of spine surgery and practical considerations in the management of spinal disorders. A large number of expert
authors provide an excellent discussion of the subjects as well as extensive references for further study.
Eisenberg HM, Aldrich EF (eds): Management of Head Injury. Neurosurg Clin North Am 2:[entire issue], 1991.
A review of the management of head injury.
Engel J Jr, Pedley TA (eds): Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook, Vols 13. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1998.
A three-volume comprehensive epilepsy text.
Germano IM (ed): Neurosurgical Treatment of Movement Disorders. Park Ridge, IL, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 1998.
An excellent review of all aspects of movement disorder surgery. Detailed chapters describe a variety of surgical approaches, including implantation of neurostimulators.

Copyright 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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Chapter 72 - Plastic Surgery

John L. Burns M. D.
Steven J. Blackwell M. D.

Plastic surgery takes its name from the Greek term plastikos, which means to mold and reshape. Plastic surgery is an extremely diverse surgical
specialty whose chief purpose is to restore form and function. The American Board of Plastic Surgery states,
The specialty of plastic surgery deals with the repair, replacement, and reconstruction of physical defects of form or function involving the
skin, musculoskeletal system, craniomaxillofacial structures, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, and external genitalia. It uses aesthetic
surgical principles not only to improve undesirable qualities of normal structures, but in all reconstructive procedures as well.
The diverse nature of this discipline lends itself to many areas of further specialization. These include, but are not limited to, hand and microvascular
surgery, craniomaxillofacial surgery, acute and reconstructive burn surgery, and aesthetic surgery. Several of these areas, including hand surgery, burns,
wound care, and cutaneous malignancies, are covered in separate chapters. Herein we offer medical students, residents, and general surgeons only an
overview of plastic surgery with an emphasis on reconstruction.
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Skin Incisions and Excisions

Because plastic surgery is a specialty dealing with difficult wounds and wound problems, meticulous attention is focused on wound closure and
avoidance of unsightly scars. Skin incisions are carefully planned so as to avoid an obvious scar. Skin creases and hair-bearing areas are useful places to
camouflage incisions. For example, facial incisions can be hidden in the pretragal crease, subciliary crease, or nasolabial fold.[1] Breast incisions can be
hidden in the periareolar skin, the inframammary crease, or the axilla.
Tension should be avoided across skin incisions because it will result in wide and unsightly scars. In 1861, Carl Langer noted that tension is unevenly
distributed in skin and that human skin is less distensible in the direction of tension lines than across them. Langers lines can be used to design skin
incisions and diminish tension across the incision. When possible, incisions should be placed perpendicular to the long axis of the underlying muscle.
Relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs) are lines of minimal tension, which often appear as wrinkle lines or natural skin lines.[2] RSTLs lie perpendicular to
the underlying muscle and are accentuated by contraction of the muscle ( Fig. 721 ). An example of this principle is transverse wrinkling of the
forehead, which is perpendicular to the underlying vertically oriented frontalis muscle. Anatomic areas where tension is excessive should be avoided if
possible. The shoulders, back, and anterior chest are high tension and mobile areas where wide scarring is difficult to avoid. Patients should also be
questioned as to propensity for development of hypertrophic scars or keloid formation. Ears, anterior chest, and shoulders are areas prone to these
problematic scars.[3] [4]
When possible, incisions should not be placed over weight-bearing or high-use surfaces. Incisions placed on the palm of the hand, sole of the foot, or
fingertips occasionally result in painful and functionally impairing scars. Linear scars contract up to 20% in the longitudinal direction. For this reason,
cutaneous scars that cross the flexor

Figure 72-1 A, Facial relaxed skin tension lines (RSLTs). B, RSLTs of the entire body. (A and B, From Trott A: Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure, 2nd ed. St.
Louis, Mosby, 1997, p 51.)

surface of joints can restrict the ability of the joint to extend. This problem is obviated by designing elective incisions across flexor creases in a zigzag

The most favorable excision design is the double-lenticular or elliptical design with a 4:1 length-to-width ratio.[5] This results in an ability to close the
wound without a mound of skin at the extremes of the incision (dog-ear deformity). A circular excision deforms spontaneously to an ovoid defect
according to Langers principle, allowing an elliptical pattern to be easily implemented for a more aesthetic closure.
Open Wounds

Wound closure by primary healing or first intention involves closure of the wound by direct skin approximation, flap, or skin graft. The result is
transformation of an open to a closed wound in a single operative session. Spontaneous healing, or secondary intention, involves wound healing without
surgical manipulation. Tertiary healing, healing by third intention, or delayed primary closure combines tenants of both primary healing and
spontaneous healing. In this case, a contaminated wound is left open for several days to allow the normal host defenses to dbride the wound. The
wound is then closed primarily and tensile strength develops normally.
An open wound that is undergoing spontaneous healing can be induced to heal if etiologic factors are recognized and treatments optimized. Wound
healing is negatively affected by systemic, regional, or local factors ( Fig. 722 ). Systemic factors include active history of tobacco use, diabetes,
malnutrition, anemia, hypoxemia, congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease, immunosuppression, cancer, and genetic factors. Regional factors
include peripheral atherosclerosis, venous hypertension, and peripheral neuropathy. Local causes include trauma, burns, pressure, infection, radiation,
and infiltration. These issues must be recognized when evaluating an open wound, and treatment must address both the open wound and any factors that
threaten to impair healing.
Two common problems encountered in chronic open wounds are malnutrition and bacterial inoculation. Larger chronic open wounds can serve as a
source of protein loss. A serum albumin level less than 2.5 g/dL reflects inadequate nutritional reserve and impaired ability to heal a wound.[6] Careful
attention to diet and protein replacement is critical for normal wound healing to occur.
Because of the fear of bacterial invasion, primary wound closure beyond 6 to 8 hours after injury was historically proscribed. However, several
scientific studies have since shown that when blood supply to a wound is adequate and bacterial invasion is absent, wounds can be safely closed at any
time following proper dbridement and irrigation.[7] Routine swab cultures of wound surfaces offer both inadequate and inaccurate reflections of the risk
for wound infection. Quantitative bacteriology is a highly effective test whereby a biopsy of viable wound tissue can accurately assess the risk for
unfavorable outcome for contemplated wound closure (>103 bacteria per gram of tissue for -hemolytic Streptococcus and >105 bacteria per gram of
tissue for all other bacterial species). Wounds with counts lower than those stated can be expected to heal.
Wound Closure

In general, expeditious closure of wounds is one of the goals of plastic surgery and should follow a reconstructive

Figure 72-2 Impediments to wound healing. CHF, congestive heart failure; CAD, coronary artery disease. (From Russel R [ed]: Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation:
Instructional Courses, Vol 4. St. Louis, Mosby, 1991, p 252.)

Box 72-1. Reconstructive Ladder

Linear closure
Skin grafts
Skin flaps

Myocutaneous flaps
Free flaps

ladder beginning with the simple and advancing to the complex as the wound dictates ( Box 721 ). An optimal linear closure is seen when the skin
edges are coapted under minimal tension without redundant skin mounds (dog ears) at the incisional poles. Undermining adjacent skin, either just deep
to the dermis or just superficial to the fascia is commonly used to alleviate tension. Layered closure of wounds describes the technique whereby the
separate anatomic planes of the wound are reapproximated, like with like. Dermal approximation is of paramount importance, because it should bear
most of the tension dispersed across the skin interface. Dermal sutures are placed with the knot buried. Dermal sutures can be placed vertically,
obliquely, or horizontally to approximate the dermis. On completion of a correct dermal closure, the skin edges should be perfectly aligned, even
slightly everted, along the length of the wound.
Epidermal skin sutures function for fine alignment of skin edges. Interrupted sutures are less constrictive than running sutures. The needle should enter
and exit the skin at 90 degrees to evert the skin edges. These skin sutures should be removed as soon as adequate intrinsic bonding strength is sufficient.
Skin sutures left in place too long result in an unsightly track pattern. On the other hand, removing sutures prematurely risks wound dehiscence.
Nonabsorbable sutures on the face are typically removed after 5 days. Sutures in the hand, foot, or across areas that are acted on by motion should be
left for 14 days or longer ( Table 721 ). Alternatively, by employing the running intradermal suturing technique, the time constraints of suture removal
may be disregarded, and these sutures may be left in place longer without risking a track pattern scar. Finally, epidermal approximation can be achieved
without suture using a medical-grade cyanoacrylate adhesive such as Dermabond. Such adhesives are applied across the coapted skin edges only and
contribute no tensile strength. Tape closure strips such as Steri-Strips can be applied at the completion of wound closure to help splint the coapted skin

TABLE 72-1 -- Guidelines for Day of Suture Removal by Area

Body Region

Removal (days)









Face (other)












Subsequent follow-up visits are necessary to survey for infection, monitor adequacy of healing, remove sutures, and assess scar maturation. Infection
should be detected and treated early. Erythema about the suture line should be considered bacterial cellulitis, not suture reaction, and should be treated
with appropriate antibiotic therapy and topical antimicrobials. Undiagnosed infection can lead to dehiscence of the wound and problematic scars.
Patients should be instructed to avoid ultraviolet radiation exposure to immature scars because it risks local hyperpigmentation changes. Although
barrier protection is best, sunscreens can also be used. For patients with firm and tender scars, scar massage using moisturizing lotion can soften the scar
and lessen the discomfort.
Certain patients may demonstrate a propensity for hypertrophic or keloid scar formation.[3] Preoperative discussion must review the increased risk of
untoward scar consequences in these susceptible patients. When wounds demonstrate these tendencies, several treatment options are available.
Antipruritic medication is often necessary to manage complaints of itching of the scar. Scar massage with lotion can be used to soften and soothe these
scars. Although the mechanism is still in question, topical application of silicone gel strips or sheets have shown value for improving such problematic
scars.[8] Intralesional injection of steroids into a keloid scar can inactivate and shrink the scar; such therapy is not indicated for hypertrophic scars.
Interval follow-up assessments are necessary to gauge therapeutic response.
Dbridement and Irrigation

While technically easy, proper wound dbridement requires astute surgical judgment and careful inspection. Dbridement implies the removal of
devitalized and contaminated tissues while preserving critical structures such

Figure 72-3 Example of jet lavage system used for wound irrigation.

as nerves, blood vessels, tendons, and bone. Extent of dbridement is modified according to wound type. Infected wounds such as those encountered

with necrotizing fasciitis should be extensively dbrided and redbrided every 24 to 48 hours until the infection is controlled. These infections spread
aggressively, and conservative dbridement can lead to even more extensive tissue loss or death. In contrast, traumatic wounds (especially head and
neck wounds) should be conservatively dbrided because the initial condition often appears much more severe than the end result would have predicted.
After dbridement, open wounds should be kept moist. Allowing these wounds to desiccate results in loss of proteinaceous fluid and necrosis of the
superficial wound layers. The popular technique of wet-to-dry dressing changes should be viewed as a surface dbridement technique and not a
substitute for an appropriate wound dressing. The wet-to-dry dressing technique, when used on a clean and viable wound bed, may cause injury to
granulation tissue and delay wound healing.
In addition to dbridement, wound irrigation, with or without antibiotics, should be a mainstay of infection control. Wounds suspected of harboring
bacteria should be evaluated using quantitative bacteriology as discussed earlier. Numerous jet lavage systems exist ( Fig. 723 ) that forcefully apply
irrigant to the wound surface and act to decrease the bacterial load.[9] Generally, jet lavage irrigation decreases the bacterial load on the wound surface
by 102 . The amount of irrigant used averages 1.5 L, with larger wounds requiring a greater volume of irrigant.
Grafts and Flaps

As a rule, the surgeon should apply the concept of a reconstructive ladder when assessing possibilities for wound closure (see Box 721 ). The
reconstructive ladder should be followed so that simple options are used before complex solutions are considered. A secondary plan should be available
in case the primary plan fails. This ensures that the surgeon does not compromise a future option while performing an initial closure.


Ascending the reconstructive ladder, skin grafts follow only linear closure in complexity. Skin grafts can be divided, based on thickness, into fullthickness and split-thickness grafts ( Fig. 724 ). Full-thickness grafts include epidermis with the entirety of the dermis; the donor site must be closed
separately. Split-thickness grafts vary in the amount of dermis included in the graft. The modern power-driven dermatome allows precise selection of
graft thickness. Typically a split-thickness graft is harvested at 10/1000 of an inch. For split-thickness grafts, the donor site is most often closed with an
occlusive or medication-impregnated meshed gauze. The donor site re-epithelizes spontaneously. Because of this healing ability of the donor site, splitthickness grafts are especially valuable to close larger wounds. Because split-thickness donor sites can be reharvested after re-epithelization, this
method of wound closure is the workhorse for burn injuries. Thin split-thickness grafts contract to a greater extent than thick split-thickness or fullthickness grafts. Full-thickness grafts resist deformation more than thinner split-thickness grafts and are therefore more suitable for reconstruction
where late contracture is expected to compromise the functional or aesthetic outcome.
The skin graft must be applied to a well-vascularized recipient wound bed. It will not adhere to exposed bone, cartilage, or tendon devoid of periosteum,
perichondrium, or peritenon, respectively, or devoid of its vascularized, perimembranous envelope. There are three steps in the take of a skin graft:
imbibition, inosculation, and revascularization.[10] [11] Imbibition occurs up to 48 hours after graft placement and involves the free absorption of nutrients
into the graft. Inosculation designates the period in which donor and recipient capillaries become aligned. There remains a debate as to whether new
channels are formed or if preexisting channels reconnect. Finally, after approximately 5 days, revascularization occurs and the graft demonstrates both
arterial inflow and venous outflow.
Reasons for skin graft failure are well understood. The most common causes of skin graft failure are hematoma (or seroma), infection, and movement
(shear). [12] [13] Hematoma is most often the consequence of inadequate intraoperative hemostasis, and can be identified before irreversible damage has
occurred. By examining the skin graft before the 4th postoperative day, a hematoma or seroma can be evacuated, and the mechanical obstruction to
revascularization of the graft is thus removed. Some surgeons make stab incisions in the graft preemptively to create small outlets for fluid to drain from
beneath the graft, a technique know as pie crusting. Others might use a mesh expander device that creates a chain-link fence pattern in the graft.
Although these methods may provide egress portals for serous fluid or blood, an unsightly meshed pattern results, making this technique unsuitable for
aesthetic reconstruction. Bacterial contamination of a wound results in graft loss. Topical or systemic antimicrobials or both can be used to control
bacterial proliferation. Finally, movement of the graft results in shearing of delicate capillary alignments and graft loss. Graft immobilization is critical
to graft take and can be accomplished with a variety of methods including a bolster dressing, light compression wraps, or a vacuum-assisted closure
(VAC) device, just to name a few.
Special considerations in choosing a skin graft donor site include skin quality and color from the donor region that best matches the recipient site. For
example, skin harvested from the blush zone above the clavicles is best suited for facial grafting. Skin grafts harvested from areas caudal to the waist
result in tallow discoloration and possible

Figure 72-4 Cross section of skin depicting levels contained in split-thickness and full-thickness skin grafts.


Figure 72-5 A and B, Vascular patterns of random pattern and axial skin flaps. (A and B, From Place MJ, Herber SC, Hardesty RA: Basic techniques and principles in plastic
surgery. In Aston SJ, Beasley RW, Thorne CHM [eds]: Grabb and Smiths Plastic Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997, p 21.)

unwanted hair growth. Because split-thickness donor sites permanently scar, it is wise to choose a donor site that can be concealed. When a large
amount of graft is needed, the thighs and buttocks are areas that can be hidden with everyday clothes. The inner arm or groin crease are each fine
sources for full-thickness grafts because both areas offer relatively glabrous skin sources, the donor sites of which can be easily hidden with clothes.
One often overlooked split-thickness donor site is the scalp; taking extreme care to avoid taking the graft below the level of the hair follicle, this donor
site heals quickly, painlessly, and with imperceptible scar consequences.

Flap reconstruction represents the next order of complexity along the reconstructive ladder ( Fig. 725 ). A flap is defined as a partially or completely
isolated segment of tissue perfused with its own blood supply. Flaps are the reconstructive option of choice where a padded and durable cover is needed
to reconstruct an integumentary defect over vital structures, tissues devoid of perivascular membrane, or over implants. Flaps vary greatly in terms of
complexity from simple skin flaps with a random blood supply to microvascular free flaps containing composite tissue. Numerous schemes exist to
classify flaps.[14] Flaps may be classified based on the type of tissue contained in the flap: fasciocutaneous, musculocutaneous, or osteocutaneous flaps.[15]
[16] Flaps are also described based on their design and method of transfer: advancement, rotation, transposition, interpolation, or pedicled flaps.[17] Flaps
may be further defined by the source of their blood supply:

Figure 72-6 Graphic representation of commonly used local flaps: advancement and rotation flaps.

random, axial, or free. Random flaps rely on the low-perfusion pressures found in the subdermal plexus to sustain the flap and not a named blood vessel.
[18] [19] Nevertheless, random flaps are used widely in reconstruction of cutaneous defects. These local flaps recruit adjacent tissue based on geometric
design patterns.
Advancement and rotation flaps represent commonly used random-patten skin flaps ( Fig. 726 ). The Z-plasty, bilobed flap, rhomboid, and V-Y (or YV) advancement flaps are commonly used random flaps. Z-plasty involves transposing two adjacent triangular-shaped flaps to redirect and lengthen an
existing scar (the central limb) ( Fig. 727 ). The angles of the Z-plasty can be increased to provide greater length. Typically a 60-degree angle is used
that lengthens the central limb by 75%. The bilobed flap is commonly used for nasal reconstruction[20] ; here, a larger primary and smaller secondary flap
are transposed into adjacent defects borrowing the loose adjacent tissue to close the defect ( Fig. 728 ). The rhomboid flap described by Limberg uses a
60- and 120-degree parallelogram to transpose tissue into a diamond-shaped defect. It is an extremely versatile flap option and the workhorse for

Figure 72-7 A to C, Graphic representation of the Z-plasty transposition flap commonly used for scar contracture release. (A to C, From Aston SJ, Beasley RW, Thorne CHM [eds]:
Grabb and Smiths Plastic Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997, p 20.)

Figure 72-8 Graphic representation of the bilobed flap commonly used for nasal reconstruction. P, primary flap; S, secondary flap. (From Aston SJ, Beasley RW, Thorne CHM [eds]:
Grabb and Smiths Plastic Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997, p 23.)

most plastic surgeons.[20] Finally, the V-Y (or Y-V) advancement flaps are commonly used to lengthen scars around the nose and mouth. A backcut at
the base of a flap may decrease tension at a flaps tip, creating a greater arc of rotation; overzealous backcut or tension at flap inset can each cause
ischemia to the flap and threaten its survival.
An axial flap is based on a named blood vessel and can provide a reproducible and stable skin or skin/muscle (myocutaneous) flap. Flaps can also be
raised with the underlying fascia (fasciocutaneous), which recruits the fascial blood supply and thereby increases the predictable vascularity to the flap.
Because of its reliable blood supply, the axial flap can be used to provide much-needed length and bulk that the random flap cannot. An axial flap that
remains attached to its proximal blood supply and is transposed to a defect is known as a pedicled flap. Alternately, the vascular pedicle can be
completely transected, the paddle of tissue transferred and reanastomosed to recipient vessels in a remote location. This technique requires the use of an
operating microscope and is known as microsurgery.
The relatively recent advent of microsurgery has dramatically altered the practice of plastic surgery and allows the surgeon a plethora of reconstructive
options that were not previously available.[21] The human eye is capable of visualizing objects as small as 100 m. Operating microscope can magnify an
object up to 40 , allowing the surgeon precise control. Microsutures vary in size from 80 to 110, which allows the surgeon to suture vessels less than
1.0 mm in diameter. The principles and techniques of microsurgery are similar to vascular surgery. However, laboratory training with an operating

microscope using small animals is essential before progressing into clinical surgery. In addition, experience in recognizing the causes and solutions of
flap failure is mandatory. Despite numerous techniques such as Doppler probing and temperature monitoring, clinical assessment remains the gold
standard for free flap monitoring.[22] [23] The most common cause of flap failure is venous congestion. If a problem is suspected, the first response must
include removal of enough sutures at the bedside that will relieve pressure on the

flap. The standard of care dictates a rapid return to the operating room to release tension, evacuate any fluid collections, eliminate sources of vascular
pedicle kinking, and examine and possibly revise the arterial and/or venous anastomosis. Numerous pharmacologic agents have been used to manipulate
vascular tone and the clotting cascade and to reduce the ill effects of the inflammatory mediators liberated through the arachidonic acid pathway. Leech
therapy may occasionally salvage flaps that suffer from significant venous congestion. Despite these many therapies, nothing can replace meticulous
operative technique and diligent postoperative clinical assessment.
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Congenital and Craniomaxillofacial
Cleft Lip and Palate

Congenital defects of the head and neck make up a large percentage of pediatric plastic surgery. Here, no problem is more common than congenital
clefting of the lip and palate. Epidemiologic analysis is important when advising expectant parents. Cleft lip and palate occurs in approximately 1 in
1000 live births. Racial differences are noted, with greatest prevalence found in Mexican Americans and Asians, then whites, and least common in
African Americans. An isolated cleft palate occurs in approximately 1 in 2000 live births. Cleft lip and/or palate occurs as an isolated event in 86% of
cases but is combined with other malformations in 14% of cases. When one sibling has a cleft lip or palate, the probability of the next child being
affected is 4%. When both a parent and child are affected, the likelihood of the next child having a cleft lip or palate increases to 17%.[24] The etiology of
clefting of the lip and palate remains unknown, but a multifactorial combination of heredity with environmental factors seems most plausible. Suspected
environmental agents based purely on animal studies have implicated phenytoin,[25] ethanol, and folate deficiency.
For those born with a cleft lip or palate, a multidisciplinary team approach provides the highest level of care. Cleft patients require a wide variety of
specialists, including a plastic surgeon, otolaryngologist, pediatric dentist, orthodontist, oral surgeon, speech-language pathologist, audiologist,
nutritionist, pediatrician, psychologist, and social worker. Such organized teams generally employ more experienced surgeons who perform a large
number of these procedures and are more familiar with variant cases. The timing of cleft repair is important and a general recommendation is lip repair
at 3 months, palate repair before 12 months, and alveolar bone grafting at approximately 9 years.[26] [27] [28] The child will likely require other surgeries to
address speech impediments not responsive to speech therapy, the residual bony deficit and oronasal fistula at the gum line, nasal airway obstruction,
malocclusal relationships, and distortional stigmata. Because eustachian tube dysfunction is found in most children with cleft palate, placement of
myringotomy tubes to prevent recurrent otitis media and preserve hearing is commonplace.
Principles of cleft lip repair include layered repair of the skin, muscle, and mucous membrane to restore symmetrical length and function. The Millard
rotation-advancement unilateral cleft lip repair ( Fig. 729 ) has become a widely applied and reproducible model.[29] An initial correction of the nasal
deformity is frequently performed at the time of the lip repair. Even though the preoperative defects are more severe, repair of a bilateral cleft lip ( Fig.
7210 ) often results in better symmetry, a status more accepting to the casual eye.
The goal of cleft palate repair is to establish a competent valve that can isolate the oral and nasal cavities, thus recreating the muscular sling necessary
for palatal elevation.

Figure 72-9 A, Three-month-old boy with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. B, Postoperative photograph, age 5 years, after Millard rotation-advancement cleft lip repair.


Figure 72-10 A, Preoperative photographs of a 3-month-old boy with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. B, Wearing orthodontic appliance to push back prominent premaxilla. C,
Postoperative view 6 months after lip repair.

Figure 72-11 A, Preoperative photograph of 3-year-old boy with microtia. B, Postoperative photography, age 7 years, one year after ear reconstruction with autologous rib graft and
subsequent ear lobule rotation.

Just before school age, both speech assessment and speech diagnostic studies determine if there is residual hypernasal speech; additional surgery of
pharyngeal flap or pharyngoplasty might be necessary to remedy the problem.
Other Congenital Anomalies

Embryologic development of the head and neck begins at the 4th week with the formation of the branchial apparatus. Branchial cleft cyst, sinus, or
fistula represents remnants from epithelial-lined tracts in the lateral neck along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Clinically, the
sinus or fistula may connect with the skin and/or oropharynx, and later in life, if surgical excision is not carried out, malignant transformation or
infection may occur.
The thyroid develops embryologically at the base of the tongue and descends along a midline tract to its final pretracheal position in the neck.
Thyroglossal duct cysts arise from remnant tissue left during the embryonic descent of the thyroid tissue. Usually, the thyroglossal duct disappears with
development. However, duct remnants may be present as sinuses or cysts along the migration pathway. These are most commonly present in the midline
at the level of the hyoid bone and are treated with excision.
Ear deformities are commonly encountered in newborn infants and vary widely in severity. Anotia (complete absence) and microtia (vestigial remnants
or absence of part of the ear) require extensive surgery and can be associated with other craniofacial deformities. Minor abnormalities in ear shape can
sometimes be overcome with early splinting or taping of the newborns ear; this is possible because the effect of maternal estrogen makes the ear
cartilage extremely pliable and amenable to reshaping in the neonate. For anotia or microtia, surgical repair is recommended at 7 years of age. By this
age, the contralateral ear has developed to near adult size and the child will begin to experience the expectations of schoolmates. Although numerous
synthetic implants exist for reconstruction of an absent ear, the gold standard remains autologous rib cartilage graft taken from the contralateral
cartilaginous portion of the ribs ( Fig. 7211 ).[30] The graft is shaped and placed into a subcutaneous pocket over a suction drain. Autologous rib grafts
have been shown to be superior to synthetic implants because of their resistance to extrusion and infection.
Prominent ears provide a frequent source of peer teasing in school-age children. When ears protrude excessively from the temporal scalp, otoplasty
provides the surgical correction. Ear prominence must be carefully analyzed because it can occur due to conchal constriction or

hypertrophy, a poorly defined or absent antihelical fold, or a conchoscaphal angle greater than 90 degrees. Knowledge of normal ear position is critical
to attaining an acceptable postoperative result. A normal ears anatomic bounds extend from the eyebrow superiorly to the base of the nasal columella
inferiorly; it inclines posteriorly approximately 20 degrees off vertical and protrudes at its midpoint 16 to 18 mm from the scalp. For conchal excess, an
ellipse of conchal cartilage can be excised adjacent to the mastoid and the reduced concha can be recessed additionally by suture fixation to the mastoid
fascia.[31] The antihelical fold is recreated using both scoring anteriorly to weaken the cartilage and mattress suturing posteriorly to attain the desired
natural appearing convexity ( Fig. 7212 ). Ideally, it is better to overcorrect a bit, because most patients are sensitive to even minor residual
Less Common Anomalies

Craniofacial surgery is a reconstructive discipline that addresses the skull, the facial skeleton, and soft tissues of the face. Using this approach both
neurosurgeon and plastic surgeon are able to address pathology due to congenital anomalies, post-traumatic deformities, and defects after tumor
ablation. Access to the craniofacial skeleton is accomplished through inconspicuous incisions such as the bicoronal, lower eyelid, and upper buccal
sulcus incisions. Following craniotomy, the dura and brain are retracted to provide safe exposure that will allow selective osteotomies of the craniofacial
skeleton that are repositioned and then rigidly fixed using plates and screws.
Congenital anomalies involving the skull and facial skeleton are rare but severely deforming. Premature fusion of the cranial sutures is known as
craniosynostosis and occurs once in 2000 live births.[32] Craniosynostosis can limit the skulls volume and increase intracranial pressure.[33] Skull
deformities may also arise from extrinsic causes such as torticollis or as a result of intrauterine head molding during pregnancy. These skull deformities
are responsive to nonsurgical measures. Where synostosis also affects the cranial base, the conditions are called craniofacial syndromes. Here, restricted
skull and facial growth result in a constricted and deformed cranial vault, shallow orbits with exorbitism, and midface retrusion that is manifest as
nasopharyngeal airway narrowing and severe dental malocclusion. Examples of such syndromes include Aperts (craniosynostosis, exorbitism, midface
hypoplasia, and complex syndactylies) and Crouzons (similar to Aperts syndrome but without syndactyly). When premature skull fusion is
documented, surgical correction is performed in conjunction with a neurosurgeon. This involves removing the involved portion of the skull, reshaping
the skull, and replacing the reshaped portion with resorbable plates and screws; best outcomes are obtained when this surgery is carried out before 1
year of age.[34] Other conditions that may require craniofacial surgery include facial clefts that extend beyond the lip and palate, hemifacial microsomia,
and various rare craniofacial syndromes.
Maxillofacial surgery addresses dental occlusion with selective osteotomies of facial bones. Preoperative management usually involves cephalometric
analysis of the facial skeleton as it relates to dentition. Preoperative orthodontic alignment of the teeth with dental models is also necessary. When the
maxilla is implicated, a maxillary osteotomy (Le Fort I osteotomy) can be performed to advance or impact the maxilla with its dentition.[35] Likewise, the
mandible can be osteotomized with its intact dentition to restore centric or normal occlusion.[36] Similar procedures can be used to address facial

Figure 72-12 A, Preoperative view of 7-year-old boy with prominent ears. B, Postoperative view 3 months after otoplasty.



Facial soft tissue injuries are frequently encountered in the emergency department. Common etiologies include abrasions, lacerations, blast injuries, and
human or animal bites. For more severe injuries, a trauma evaluation is mandatory with establishment of a secure airway and cervical spine clearance
prior to management of the facial injury.[37] Patients with extensive facial bony fractures deserve special attention because traumatic edema and intraoral
bleeding can quickly compromise the airway as occurs with bilateral subcondylar mandible fractures. Radiologic evaluation is mandatory to rule out
bony fractures. Physical examination should include careful attention to facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) function and parotid duct integrity. Foreign
bodies should be removed and the wound irrigated, but radical dbridement of damaged tissue is never indicated because facial soft tissues have an
exceptional blood supply. Meticulous reapproximation of the anatomy should be undertaken as soon as the patients general medical condition allows.
This includes careful realignment of the eyebrows, eyelids, and vermilion border of the lips. When possible, facial wounds should be irrigated and
closed within 8 hours of the injury. Primary closure may be delayed up to 24 hours if the wounds are irrigated, sterile dressings are applied, and
antibiotics are instituted. Tetanus prophylaxis should be administered. Treatment of dog and cat bites usually includes a single antibiotic (e.g.,
amoxicillin or doxycycline), but for human bites, a second antibiotic aimed at anaerobic coverage should be prescribed.
Common fractures of the facial skeleton include nasal fractures, mandible fractures, zygomatic complex, maxilla (Le Fort I to III), naso-orbital-ethmoid
complex (NOE), and frontal sinus fractures. Nasal fractures are the most common facial fractures. The diagnosis is most frequently made clinically and
radiographic study offers little added value. On physical examination, it is mandatory to assess the nasal septum for a possible septal hematoma; an
undrained septal hematoma can result in necrosis and erosion of the nasal septum. Most nasal fractures can be treated with closed reduction and
splinting including intranasal packing.[38] Postoperatively, these patients should be covered with appropriate antibiotics because toxic shock syndrome
has been reported with intranasal packing. NOE fractures are the result of a high-energy impact. These patients classically present with a complex nasal
fracture including a saddle-nose deformity, a wide nasal root with loss of anterior projection, and telecanthus (wide interpupillary distance resulting
from a fracture of the medial orbital wall and ethmoids with displacement of the medial canthal tendons laterally).[39] NOE fractures can involve damage
to the nasolacrimal duct that can be repaired over a stent. In addition, care must be taken to accurately reposition the medial canthal tendons and restore
nasal projection.
Fractures of the frontal sinus are most frequently seen in association with NOE fractures. In such injuries, damage to the nasofrontal duct and posterior
wall of the frontal sinus must be identified.[40] [41] Where nasofrontal duct injury is missed, duct obstruction and future mucocele may occur. When
recognized, obliteration of the sinus remains the mainstay of treatment. Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea indicates fracture involvement of the posterior
wall of the frontal sinus; in this case, neurosurgical comanagement is essential. Selection of a proper surgical plan takes into account the forehead
deformity, potential for nasofrontal duct obstruction, and evidence of breached bony confines of the anterior cranial fossa.
Midface fractures involving the zygoma and maxilla often result in loss of facial height and symmetry. Facial height and projection depend on a
complex bony buttressing system.[42] These buttresses represent the thickest bony supports for the facial skeleton. In the vertical dimension, the
nasomaxillary, zygomaticomaxillary, and pterygomaxillary buttresses maintain facial height. Anterior projection of the face is maintained by the
horizontal buttresses: the mandible, palate, orbital rims, and frontal bar. The primary goals of repairing midface fractures are restoration of facial height,
projection, and symmetry. Once the fractures are anatomically reduced, plates and screws placed across the buttresses allow for rigid union.[43]
Fractures of the zygoma, or malar bone, are known as zygomatic complex fractures. Because of the zygomas anatomic contribution to the bony orbit,
these patients present with eye findings such as periorbital ecchymosis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, paresthesia of the infraorbital nerve, tenderness at
the infraorbital rim, and enophthalmos.[44] Axial and coronal view computed tomographic (CT) imaging is the most valuable study for assessing the
damage. Classically, these fractures involve the lateral orbital wall (zygomaticofrontal region), infraorbital rim, zygomaticomaxillary buttress, and
zygomatic arch. Surgical reduction and plate fixation is challengingthe three-dimensional spatial relationships must be anatomically perfect since
volumetric changes within the orbit may cause permanent double vision, and enophthalmos may result.[45] [46] Isolated zygomatic arch fractures can be
approached by incising below the deep temporal fascia and placing a lever below the fractured arch to lift the depressed segment (i.e., the Gillies
approach). For fractures involving the orbital floor, indications for surgical exploration include diplopia, extraocular muscle entrapment, and
enophthalmos.[47] Orbital injury that affects the superior orbital fissure is a surgical emergency. The set of nerve palsies resulting is called superior
orbital fissure syndrome: eyelid ptosis, globe proptosis, motionless globe (cranial nerve III, IV, and VI paralyses), and ophthalmic division (cranial
nerve V1 ) anesthesia. [48] If blindness is seen in addition to these findings, the term orbital apex syndrome is used. [49]
Midface fractures involving the maxilla can be classified by fracture patterns know as Le Fort I, II, and III ( Fig. 7213 ). [50] These patterns also
represent progressive gradation of severity and reflect increasing causal impact energies. Le Fort I fractures traverse the maxilla horizontally at the level
of the piriform rim. Le Fort II fractures involve the nasofrontal junction, the nasal process of the maxilla, medial portion of the inferior orbital rim, and
across the anterior maxilla. Le Fort III fractures refer to complete disjunction of the facial skeleton from the skull base.

Figure 72-13 Representation of facial fractures at the Le Fort I, II, and III levels. (From manson PN: Facial injuries. In McCarthy JG [ed]: Plastic Surgery, Vol. 2, The Face.
Philadelphia, Saunders, 1990, pp 8671141.)

Operative reduction of maxillary fractures begins with placement of arch bars to the maxillary and mandibular dentition. The dentition is then brought
into normal occlusion before the fractures are plated. This procedure, known as interdental or intermaxillary (IMF) fixation, is necessary to re-establish
the proper dentoskeletal relationships, immobilize the fractured bones, and ensure normal postoperative occlusion. Facial buttresses are then plated to
restore normal facial height and projection.[51]
Mandible fractures are second only to nasal fractures in frequency. Because the mandible is the largest and strongest of the facial bones, the force
required to fracture the mandible can also damage the cervical spine. Cervical spine clearance is recommended as up to a 10% coincident of cervical
spine trauma is reported in association with mandible fractures.[37] [52] In addition, the airway can be compromised in patients with bilateral subcondylar
mandible fractures because support for the posterior oropharynx is lost. Recommended radiographic evaluation of a mandible fracture includes a
panoramic radiograph (Panorex) and Townes view radiograph. As in midface fractures, restoration of dental occlusion forms the foundation for
fracture management. IMF prior to fracture exposure and plating is necessary. Most mandibular fractures can be plated using intraoral incisions.[53] If
necessary, a small stab incision can be made for a percutaneous approach to the fracture. This technique, which requires intraoral exposure and an
externally placed trocar, eliminates the need for a larger external incision. If an external incision is necessary, care must be taken to avoid trauma to the
marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve. Many patients with mandibular fractures experience trauma to the inferior alveolar nerve (a branch of
the trigeminal nerve), which runs through a canal within the body of the mandible and terminates in the lower lip as the mental nerve. These patients
may experience permanent numbness of the lower lip and teeth on the affected side. Fractures of the coronoid process of the mandible can result in
trismus (inability to open the mouth) as the coronoid process normally passes beneath the zygomatic arch with mouth opening. Condylar and
subcondylar mandible fractures are most often treated by IMF alone.[54] Surgical exposure of the temporomandibular joint places the facial nerve at risk
and exposes the joint to possible injury and dysfunction. Medical management of mandibular fractures involves a puree-type diet, interdental fixation
for several weeks, 1% chlorhexidine mouth rinses, and antibiotics.
Facial Nerve Palsy

The facial nerve, cranial nerve VII, is responsible for innervating muscles of facial expression (mimetic muscles). Facial expression is a unique trait of
each individual and loss of facial nerve function is psychologically and functionally problematic. Facial nerve anatomy is complex and oftentimes
variable.[55] Detailed knowledge of facial nerve anatomy is paramount in facial surgery to avoid iatrogenic injury. There are five distinct branches of the
facial nerve: frontal (temporal), zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, and cervical. After the facial nerve exits the stylomastoid foramen, it can
branch in a variety of patterns ( Fig. 7214 ). Despite differing arborization patterns, the branches are always found in precise anatomic planes.[56]
Therefore, a three-dimensional understanding of facial nerve anatomy is essential to identify or protect a nerve branch. For example, the frontal branch
of the facial nerve travels in the superficial temporal fascia.[57] Dissecting in planes superficial or deep to this layer protects the frontal branch. The
buccal, zygomatic, and marginal mandibular branches travel just deep to the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) after traversing the
substance of the parotid gland and emerging from its anterior

Figure 72-14 Facial nerve anatomy and common branching patterns. (From May M: The Facial Nerve. New York, Thieme, 1986, p 55.)

border. Dissecting superficial to this layer protects these facial nerve branches.
The most common cause of facial paralysis is Bells palsy. In most cases it is idiopathic and occurs in 1 in 5000 individuals per year in the United
States.[58] Bells palsy is commonly associated with pregnancy and diabetes mellitus. Most patients with Bells palsy have a complete remission, but the
chance for remission decreases with age. Bells palsy is commonly treated with corticosteroids in an effort to reduce nerve edema and restore normal
circulation.[59] Surgical decompression of the nerve within the bony facial canal is reserved for cases refractory to conservative measures.[60]
Trauma in the form of temporal bone fractures or deep facial lacerations is the second most frequent cause of facial palsy. When possible, immediate
exploration and primary repair of the facial nerve affords the best chance to regain nerve function.[61] If primary repair is not possible because of a nerve
gap, then nerve grafting should be attempted.[62] When this is not possible, cross-face nerve grafting may be indicated[63] ; here, a minor branch of the
nerve on the normal side is sectioned, and the proximal end of this branch is then anastomosed to the distal nerve end on the paralyzed side with the use
of nerve grafts. Other alternatives include muscles transfers, such as the temporalis or masseter muscles, to provide motion to the corner of the mouth.
Free innervated tissue transfer has been successful using the gracilis muscle.[64] For elderly and very ill patients, static procedures can be implemented.
These include gold implants in the upper eyelid with tightening of the lower lid to allow eyelid closure. Tensor fascia lata and dermis grafts offer
autogenous donor sources that can be used to statically suspend the corner of the mouth. Although techniques to re-establish facial balance in repose are
largely successful, obtaining facial symmetry with animation has remained an elusive outcome.
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Chest Wall Reconstruction

Chest wall defects most frequently occur as a consequence of ablative tumor resection or from extensive trauma. The resulting defects range from soft
tissue only to complex defects involving skin, muscle, and bone. Simple defects involving only soft tissue can be skin grafted. However, more complex
defects usually require flap reconstruction. For example, advanced cases of breast cancer mandate extensive resection of skin and muscle;

in such cases then, simple solutions such as primary closure or skin grafting may not be possible. In addition, where postoperative radiation is planned,
skin graft coverage is a poor choice because radiation changes and breakdown are predictable. In these patients, choice of a myocutaneous flap brings
vascularized tissue into the defect to cover exposed ribs and provides healthy tissue that can sustain postoperative radiation. Larger defects, larger than
10 cm with loss of more than three adjacent ribs, can risk flail chest with attendant compromised respiratory function.[65] To prevent this outcome,
skeletal integrity can be restored using autogenous split rib grafts or alloplastic material such as polypropylene mesh.[66] Once again, muscle or
myocutaneous flaps are called on to provide final coverage over this defect.
Wound infection and dehiscence occur in approximately 2% of median sternotomies and increase morbidity for cardiothoracic patients. These wounds
can be successfully managed with removal of sternal wires, generous dbridement of necrotic bone and cartilage, culture-based antimicrobial therapy,
and flap closure.[67] In addition to providing soft tissue coverage, a muscle flap also recruits much-needed blood supply to the area to assist in healing
and controlling infection. Muscle flaps most frequently used for closure of sternal wounds include the pectoralis major or rectus abdominis. Release of
sternal wire fixation has not been shown to result in chest wall instability and is generally well tolerated.
Breast Reconstruction

Breast cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm in women, affecting approximately 1 in 8 women in the United States.[68] Although the loss of a
breast can be a psychologically devastating reality, the opportunity to reconstruct the breast is rewarding for both the plastic surgeon and the patient.
Since it has been conclusively shown that postmastectomy reconstruction does not adversely influence survival outcomes or recurrence rates,
preoperative consultation should be offered to all women desiring breast reconstruction, and the option of not reconstructing the breast should also be
With rare exception, the nipple-areolar complex (NAC) is excised with the breast. After removal of the breast, there is usually only enough skin to close
the defect over a flat chest wall. The reconstructive surgeon must account for this deficient skin envelope in an attempt to re-create the breast mound.
With the advent of immediate breast reconstruction, a team approach between the ablative and reconstructive surgeon has produced an improved
aesthetic outcome for many women. When possible, a skin-sparing mastectomy is performed so as to provide a sufficient skin envelope to support a
reconstructed breast.[70] Immediate breast reconstruction has been shown be safe, and the psychological benefit of waking from anesthesia with a
reconstructed breast mound cannot be underestimated.
The simplest form of breast reconstruction is tissue expansion followed by placement of permanent breast implants ( Fig. 7215 ). [71] A tissue expander
is an inflatable silicone bag that contains an integrated or remote port for access during expansion using injectable saline. This implant is placed beneath
a muscular pocket created using the pectoralis major muscle superiorly and medially and the serratus muscle inferiorly and laterally. These muscles are
raised from the chest wall and sutured together over the uninflated tissue expander. The skin is closed and allowed to heal over the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Inflation of the tissue expander is performed weekly until a volume slightly larger than desired is reached. The skin is allowed to remodel for several
weeks. In a separate procedure, the expander is exchanged for a permanent breast implant. Tissue expansion has the benefit of a relatively short
procedure, limiting other body scars, and no sacrifice of muscle to support a flap. Drawbacks include difficulty creating natural breast ptosis, capsular
contracture, weekly office visits for expansion, and the need for a second procedure. This is the most popular mode of breast reconstruction.
The breast mound can be created using myocutaneous flaps such as the transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous

Figure 72-15 A, A 63-year-old woman after right mastectomy with tissue expander followed by implant reconstruction, right nipple reconstruction with tattooing of the nipple-areolar
complex, and contralateral full-scar mastopexy. B, A 43-year-old woman after right mastectomy with autologous tissue reconstruction with a transverse rectus abdominis
myocutaneous flap.


(TRAM) flap (see Fig. 7215 ) or the latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap. The TRAM flap uses the infraumbilical and suprapubic fat that derives its
blood supply from the underlying rectus abdominis muscle. This flap may be executed in a pedicled fashion based on the superior epigastric vessels.[72]
This technique can leave the patient with a bothersome epigastric bulge. Using microvascular technique, the TRAM flap can be transferred as a free flap
based on the deep inferior epigastric vessels that are anastomosed to branches of the thoracodorsal in the axilla or the internal mammaries at the
sternocostal junction.[73] Free TRAM flaps have been shown to have a more robust blood supply than pedicled TRAM flaps and can be used in patients
who smoke. Advantages of the TRAM flap include ability to create a natural breast appearance that contains a generous volume of autogenous fat,
virtually identical to the resected breast. In addition, many women like the flattened appearance of their abdomen, which is similar to that achieved with
abdominoplasty. Drawbacks to the TRAM flap include a longer operative time, a visible scar on the lower abdomen, and a slight weakening of the
abdominal wall. Recently, free TRAM flaps have been performed using perforating vessels from the rectus muscle. These flaps, known as perforator
flaps, spare the rectus muscle, thereby eliminating weakness in the abdominal wall.
The latissimus dorsi muscle can be used with a skin paddle to make up for the deficient skin envelope after mastectomy. Based on the thoracodorsal
vessels, this method of reconstruction commonly requires placement of a small breast implant beneath the flap to achieve adequate size.[74] Natural
breast appearance and ptosis can be achieved in a single procedure using the latissimus dorsi flap. Implants covered by the latissimus dorsi muscle
undergo less capsular contracture following postoperative radiation treatment as compared with primary expander/ implant reconstructions as mentioned
earlier. Disadvantages include sacrifice of the latissimus dorsi muscle, a wide scar on the back, and difficult operative positioning. In addition to breast
reconstruction, the latissimus dorsi is commonly relied on for other chest wall reconstructive needs.
The contralateral breast should always be considered as part of the total reconstructive procedure. When needed, reduction mammaplasty or mastopexy
should be performed to match the reconstructed breast. At times, breast augmentation may be necessary if the reconstructed breast is larger. Nipple
reconstruction using local flaps and tattooing of the NAC are performed after the breast mound reconstruction has been completed. Using these
techniques, a natural-appearing breast mound can be created and symmetry can be restored.
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction

The abdominal wall is a complex structure strengthened by a precise arrangement of abdominal wall musculature and fascia. Abdominal wall defects
are frequently encountered and may or may not include a hernia component. Prosthetic fabrics such as polytetrafluoroethylene and polypropylene are
widely used to span preperitoneal defects.[75] Exposure of such alloplastic material results in the harboring of bacteria in the interstices of the mesh
fabric.[76] In the case of infection, the mesh must be removed and the infection cleared before closure is attempted. Temporary (interim) closure is often
achieved using autogenous skin graft placed directly on the well-vascularized bowel serosa.[77] Final and permanent closure requires fascial, muscular,
and skin reconstruction. Lower abdominal defects can be closed using a tensor fascia lata or rectus femoris flap. Large abdominal hernias, which have
failed mesh repair, may be amenable to closure by component separation.[78] [79] In this procedure, muscular layers of the abdominal wall are
meticulously separated and allowed to slide, making mobilization possible to cover large defects. Postoperative issues of increased intra-abdominal
pressure and respiratory insufficiency can be expected and appropriate ventilator support might be required for a while. To foster uneventful healing and
maintenance of the repair integrity, use of an abdominal binder or compression garment and avoidance of strenuous activity are necessary.
Pressure Sores

One of the most costly problems in modern medicine is pressure sores that are derived from prolonged immobility. Spinal cord injuries with paralysis,
elderly nursing home patients, and severely ill intensive care patients represent patient groups most commonly at risk for pressure sores. Prevention of
pressure sore formation requires a high level of patient compliance and support from ancillary staff. Given todays economic environment and nursing
shortage, this level of care is frequently not available for these high-demand patients. Prevention of pressure sores requires pressure relief in the form of
specialized mattresses and wheelchair cushions combined with manually moving the patient. Skin should be kept clean and dry.
Pressure sores commonly occur over pressure-bearing surfaces such as the occipital scalp, elbows, heels, iliac crests, greater trochanters, ischial
tuberosities, and sacrum.[80] Pressure sores result from tissue ischemia occurring from prolonged pressure exceeding capillary arterial pressure of 32 mm
Hg. In the supine position, pressure of 40 to 60 mm Hg occurs over the occiput, sacrum, and heel. In the sitting position, pressures of 100 mm Hg occur
over the ischial tuberosities.[81] Constant pressure applied for 2 hours can result in muscle necrosis.
Numerous grading schemes have been devised to classify pressure sores ( Box 722 ). The simplest involves four grades: grade I (skin erythema), grade
II (skin ulceration with necrosis into subcutaneous tissue), grade III (necrosis involving the underlying muscle), and grade IV (exposed bone/joint).[80]
On inspection, a pressure sore usually appears much smaller than it actually is. This occurs because deeper tissues adjacent to bone are exposed to
higher pressure than the cutaneous tissue. The deep (muscle) layer is more susceptible to ischemic insult than the overlying fat or skin.[82] Surgical
dbridement discloses the true extent of pressure-induced injury.


Box 72-2. Classification System for Pressure Ulcers

Stage I: Nonblanchable erythema of intact skin; impending skin
Stage II: Partial-thickness skin loss involving epidermis and/or
dermis; ulcer is superficial and presents clinically as an abrasion,
blister, or shallow crater
Stage III: Full-thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of
subcutaneous tissue that may extend down to, but not through,
underlying fascia; ulcer presents clinically as a deep crater with or
without undermining of adjacent tissue
Stage IV: Full-thickness skin loss with extensive destruction, tissue
necrosis, or damage to muscle, bone, or supporting structures

Treatment of these wounds requires a multidisciplinary approach with focus on prevention of reoccurrence. Initially, a pressure sore should be dbrided
of nonviable tissue to include quantitative microbiologic testing. Antibiotic therapy should be culture based with the knowledge that wounds with more
than 105 organisms per gram of living tissue are infected and will not heal. Wound care should be initiated with appropriate topical antimicrobials. The
patient should be given a pressure-relieving mattress and seat cushion, and the caregiver should be instructed to turn the patient a minimum of every 2
hours. The nutritional status of the patient must be assessed, including nutrition consultation and serum protein and albumin levels. Nutritionally
depleted patients cannot heal their wounds regardless of the quality of care.
Surgical closure of these wounds involves flap closure to pad bony prominences, and myocutaneous flaps may be chosen to recruit blood supply to the
wound.[83] Unfortunately, numerous studies have demonstrated that most surgically closed wounds eventually reoccur.[84] For those who are ambulatory,
surgical closure should never compromise the patients ability to mobilize. Most ambulatory patients heal with good local wound care, nutritional
support, and avoidance of pressure.
The recent advent of VAC devices has dramatically improved the outcomes for many of these difficult wounds.[85] Using a specialized suction apparatus
applied over a sponge and occlusive dressing, VAC therapy can shrink these wounds and stimulate the formation of granulation tissue and healing by
secondary intention without the need for flap surgery closure. This form of therapy is notably proprietary and requires the use of a specialized device
and additionally trained health care personnel. However, many third-party payers have come to accept VAC therapy as a cost-effective means of
managing these wounds.
External Genitalia

Deformities of the external genitalia can be congenital or secondary to trauma, neoplastic defects, and infections. For those infants with ambiguous
external genitalia, gender reassignment (usually female) should be done by 18 months of age. Causes of ambiguous genitalia include hormonal
imbalance (congenital adrenal hyperplasia), maternal drug use, and hermaphroditism. Of primary importance in gender reassignment is functional
anatomic potential with lesser consideration given to potential fertility and karyotype.
Following cutaneous avulsion injury to the male genitalia, a temporizing measure of burying the penis and testes in adjacent soft tissues of the upper
thigh allows salvage until permanent reconstruction is possible. Both the penile shaft and testes are amenable to split-thickness skin graft coverage. If
the injury is sharp in nature, the penis can be replanted using microvascular technique. Total penile reconstruction is complex because of the need to reestablish both external and internal (urethral) function. Urethral reconstruction can be accomplished with free grafts of buccal mucosa or glabrous skin.
The standard for penile shaft reconstruction is the free radial forearm flap microvascular transfer. Penile rigidity can be obtained using either an external
device or an implanted prosthesis. Vaginal reconstruction performed by plastic surgeons is most often accomplished using pudendal groin flaps or skin
Infections in the groin region can be problematic. Hidradenitis suppurativa results from chronic infection of apocrine sweat glands. Incision and
drainage or wide excision are often necessary in addition to culture directed antibiotic therapy to reduce the bacterial load in these wounds. Skin graft
success to cover these wounds can be compromised if infection is incompletely controlled and if the skin grafts are in adequately immobilized areas.
Fourniers gangrene is a mixed aerobic and anaerobic infection that spreads rapidly along fascial planes. Diabetic patients are particularly susceptible.
Radical surgical dbridement and jet lavage irrigation are mandatory in addition to antibiotic therapy. Patients so affected frequently require serial
operating room sessions for dbridement before the wound bed is deemed ready for definitive wound coverage. Once the infection is controlled, closure
is achieved with skin grafts or local flaps.
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Trauma to the lower extremity is frequently complex and can require a team of specialists to include orthopedic, plastic, and vascular surgery disciplines
to deliver all the care needs. Re-establishment of normal or near-normal ambulation in a sensate extremity is the goal in lower extremity trauma.
Patients presenting with traumatic injuries to the lower extremity frequently have other life-threatening injuries mandating strict adherence to Advanced
Trauma Life Support protocol. Of foremost concern should be ensuring good vascular supply to the affected extremity. Fasciotomy is often required to
prevent ischemic changes in muscle and nerve tissues following

high-energy or crush injuries. When necessary, revascularization by primary repair or bypass grafting can salvage a compromised extremity.[87]
Degloved tissue should be conservatively dbrided and its viability carefully assessed clinically or with the aid of intravenous fluorescein testing
whereby cutaneous survival can be predicted. Copious jet lavage irrigation should always accompany initial dbridement. Thigh injuries can generally
be managed with delayed primary closure or skin grafting alone. Extensive soft tissue loss may require local flap reconstruction to cover exposed bone,
blood vessels, or nerves; several local muscle flaps or myocutaneous flaps are typically available to address such exposures.
Lower leg trauma is more complex due the paucity of tissue surrounding the anterior tibia. Fractures of the lower leg are most often classified according
to the Gustilo system ( Table 722 ). [87] The proximal third of the lower leg including the knee joint is amenable to closure using the medial or lateral
head of the gastrocnemius muscle.[88] Defects involving the middle third of the lower leg can be closed using a pedicled soleus muscle flap with or
without addition of the flexor digitorum longus muscle as well.[87] Distal third defects, those defects above the ankle, are problematic and not
infrequently necessitate free tissue transfer to provide adequate soft tissue coverage with a reliable blood supply.[89] Foot wounds can often be closed
with local flaps such as the sural artery island flap for heel defects.[90]
Venous Stasis, Ischemic, and Diabetic Ulcers

Lower extremity ulcers may have a similar appearance but often have differing etiologies and treatment needs. Treatment success and healing depend
on proper identification of the underlying problem, good wound hygiene, and surgical intervention that addresses all the pathologic issues.
Venous stasis ulcers result from venous hypertension that is usually caused by valvular incompetence. These ulcers are characteristically present over
the medial malleolus and are usually nontender but may be associated with pruritus. Other typical findings include increased lower extremity edema and
hyperpigmentation in the adjacent skin resulting from increased hemosiderin deposition. Treatment regimens focus on increasing venous return
TABLE 72-2 -- Gustilo Classification of Open Fractures of the Tibia


Open fracture with a wound < 1 cm


Open fracture with a wound > 1 cm without extensive soft tissue damage


Open fracture with extensive soft tissue damage


III with adequate soft tissue coverage


III with soft tissue loss with periosteal stripping and bone exposure


III with arterial injury requiring repair

and decreasing edema. Compression stockings or wraps combined with frequent elevation of the extremity and avoidance of prolonged standing are
commonly prescribed.[91] The wound should be kept clean by washing, and judicious use of topical antimicrobials should be instituted. Either surgical or
enzymatic dbridement of nonviable tissue acts to facilitate wound healing. It is important that arterial inflow be checked using noninvasive Doppler
studies that record the ankle/brachial index (ABI). Compression techniques should be avoided for those patients with an ABI less than 0.8 because
vascular compromise may ensue.
Ischemic lower extremity ulcers are due to arterial insufficiency from proximal arterial occlusion. These are typically painful, punched out in
appearance, demonstrate minimal edema, and have no change in surrounding pigmentation. They are typically located in a more distal location than
venous ulcers, such as the lateral aspects of the great and fifth toes, as well as the dorsum of the foot. These ulcers indicate advanced peripheral vascular
disease and are associated with very low ABI readings (between 0.1 and 0.3). Typically, these ulcers do not heal without surgical revascularization of
the extremity.[92] Once revascularized, these wounds can be expected to heal with either simple wound care or skin grafting.
Diabetic ulcers commonly result from decreased protective sensation. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is common in the hands and feet (stocking-andglove distribution).[93] Diabetic ulcers are usually found on the plantar surface of the foot over the metatarsal heads or heel. Edema is usually mild with
no change in surrounding pigmentation. Treatment is focused on preventing further damage to the area with devices such as custom-fitted orthopedic
shoes to eliminate pressure over the metatarsal heads. Necrotic tissue must be judiciously dbrided, and topical antimicrobials are needed to control
local infection. In some cases, resection of the underlying bony prominence may improve wound healing. Diabetic patients must be educated to examine
their feet routinely. This is paramount to prevent recurrence of these problematic wounds.

Lymphedema is an accumulation of protein and fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. Functional disability and gross disfigurement can occur. Congenital
lymphedema is seen in 10% of cases. When the condition presents first in early puberty, it is called lymphedema praecox. Lymphedema tarda is
congenital lymphedema that becomes manifest only in middle age. The most common cause of secondary lymphedema in developed nations is resection
of regional nodal basins for cancer. In subtropical and tropical underdeveloped nations, filariasis accounts for the primary etiology of secondary
lymphedema. Treatment of lymphedema is difficult and often frustrating for both patient and surgeon alike. Nonoperative management includes
compression garments or intermittent compression machines, elevation of the affected extremity, antiparasitic medications where appropriate, and


antibiotics to treat recurrent bouts of cellulitis.[94] Surgical techniques offer only symptomatic relief, and there is no procedure that reliably produces a
cure. The most common procedures include circumferential excision and skin grafting,[95] serial excision of subcutaneous tissues, or serial liposuction
reduction[96] of the subcutaneous tissues. Microlymphatic bypass has been attempted but has met with only marginal success. The postoperative leg
deformities can be nearly as grotesque as the presenting swelling; however, functional improvement with both decreased weight of the affected
extremity and reduced cutaneous infection incidence offers net gains in quality of life.
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Because plastic surgery is a specialty that deals with outwardly visible concerns, the psychological state of a patient must be considered. In this
specialty, where outward appearance remains a benchmark for success, it is necessary to maintain an objective but compassionate perspective. It is
difficult to put an accurate value on a patients self esteem. As humans, our psyche is intimately related to our perception of the way we appear to those
around us. Although cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is medically unnecessary, its importance to the overall well-being of patients cannot be
underestimated. Patient selection is paramount, and realistic postoperative outcomes should be carefully explained.
Elective breast surgery addresses both functional and aesthetic concerns. Breasts can be reduced, enlarged, or lifted to produce a more normal
appearance. Macromastia (abnormally large breasts) is a functionally difficult and psychologically devastating problem for some women ( Fig. 7216 ).
From a functional standpoint, macromastia can result in neck and back pain, painful bra-strap shoulder grooving, inframammary intertrigo, and
difficulty finding appropriate clothing. Breast reduction surgery (reduction mammaplasty) involves moving the nipple and areola to a position on the
chest wall opposite the inframammary fold. The NAC may remain attached to the native underlying breast or in gigantomastia (extremely large breasts)
may be transferred as a full-thickness graft. The keyhole pattern represents the most popular incisional design to achieve the desired recontouring.
Alterations in nipple sensation and compromised ability to breast-feed infants may be experienced. Despite these potential risks, most patients are
happily relieved from both the discomfort and psychological concerns associated with abnormally large breasts.[97]
For men, the problem of large breasts (gynecomastia) also can be psychologically devastating. Most adolescents experience some degree of breast tissue
enlargement. However, if this does not resolve by the late teens or early 20s, surgery may be indicated. Breast cancer can occur in men, and suspicious
masses (hard, unilateral, or nodular) should undergo biopsy. Gynecomastia can be due to abnormal hormone levels, so endocrine system assessment is
advisable. Most cases of gynecomastia are amenable to simple liposuction with minimal glandular resection through a periareolar incision as necessary.
Redundant skin will usually redrape over the chest in a cosmetically acceptable manner, thereby limiting the need for skin resection to extreme cases
On the opposite extreme, many women suffer from concern surrounding abnormally small breasts (micromastia) ( Fig. 7217 ). For appropriate
candidates, breast augmentation can restore a feminine ideal of sexual attractiveness. Breast augmentation is usually accomplished through discrete
incisions placed around the areola, at the inframammary fold, or in the axilla. Breast implant volume is determined by a womans breast diameter. Most
breast implants are constructed of a silicone envelope that is filled with sterile saline. Silicone-filled breast implants are now used only by select centers
and physicians to reconstruct mastectomy defects and for exchange of previous silicone-filled implants. Breast implants can be inserted above or below
the pectoralis major muscle. The decision of which approach to use factors in any need to better camouflage the implant, associated breast ptosis, and
both physician and patient preference.[99]

Figure 72-16 A 35-year-old woman with macromastia (A) and after reduction mammaplasty (B) using an inferior pedicle with Wise (keyhole) pattern.


Figure 72-17 A, Preoperative view of a 28-year-old G0P0 woman. B, Postoperative view 6 months after a bilateral submuscular augmentation mammaplasty through an inflammatory

With age and childbearing, breasts sag below the level of the inframammary crease, resulting in breast ptosis. Breast ptosis is graded based on the
position of the NAC in relation to the inframammary crease. In addition, breasts may involute with childbearing and age, resulting in worsening ptosis.
Breast ptosis is classified as grade I (NAC position at the level of the inframammary fold), grade II (NAC position below the inframammary fold), and

grade III (NAC position well below the inframammary fold and pointing down).[100] The goal of breast lifting or mastopexy is to restore a normal
position of the NAC in relation to the inframammary fold. For grade I ptosis, simple breast augmentation may restore upper-pole breast volume and also
correct NAC position. For grades II and III ptosis, skin recontouring and NAC repositioning are necessary. Mastopexy incisions can involve a superior
NAC incision (crescent mastopexy), circumareolar incision (donut mastopexy), or a keyhole incision that involves skin excision in the vertical and
horizontal dimensions similar to the pattern used for breast reduction surgery. Some women may require a combination of both incisional recontouring
(mastopexy) and implant placement (augmentation) to achieve the desired result.
Lipodystrophy, excess fatty deposits in distinct anatomic areas, and redundant skin can be addressed through suction-assisted lipectomy or excisional
techniques, respectively. Body contouring involves creating a more ideal body shape given a patients preoperative anatomy and goals. Many patients
present complaining of an inability to lose fatty deposits in problem areas such as the infraumbilical region, hips, flanks, buttocks, thighs, and knees.
Patients who are candidates for suction-assisted lipectomy have good skin turgor without abundant laxity or striae. Liposuction does not remedy
cellulite. Following infiltration of a tumescent solution containing a dilute solution of local anesthetic with epinephrine, specialized hollow cannulas
attached to tubing that connects to a vacuum aspirator device are used to extract the targeted areas of excess subcutaneous fat. Up to 30 mg/kg of
lidocaine is typically injected first into the targeted areas to be liposuctioned. This is well tolerated because the solution contains epinephrine, which
slows absorption and is injected directly into fat, which has a minimal blood supply. Although large-volume liposuction has been reported in the
literature, the surgeon must be cautious because large intravascular fluid shifts may occur when volumes in excess of 5000 mL are aspirated.[101] Severe
infections that spread along fascial planes can occur when sterile technique is compromised.
Excision techniques are necessary in cases where redundant skin, abundant striae, or ptotic changes are present. When this procedure is performed to
address the upper inner arm, it is called brachioplasty, whereas for the upper inner thigh it is commonly referred to as a thigh lift. In the abdomen, when
a patient presents with a hanging abdominal panniculus or if following weight loss or multiple pregnancies there is the problem of loose, hanging skin
or lower abdominal stretch marks, the excisional procedure that addresses these issues is called abdominoplasty. Skin and fat are excised as a modified
transverse ellipse from the lower abdomen, and an abdominal flap is raised to the costal margin laterally and the xiphoid centrally. The underlying
fascia may be plicated to correct any diastasis between the paired rectus muscles. The umbilicus is left attached to its underlying vascular stalk and then
relocated through a midline stab incision as the abdominal flap is closed devoid of the wrinkled infraumbilical and suprapubic skin and fat.
Facial rejuvenation is a complex area of plastic surgery requiring a detailed understanding of facial anatomy. Facial aging, although unavoidable, can be
drastically hastened with sun exposure, smoking, and poor skin care. Facial aging is associated with increased facial wrinkles (rhytids), descent and loss
of facial fat, as well as splotchy pigmentation. Skin care products that stimulate collagen, decrease sun (ultraviolet light) exposure, and smooth irregular
pigmentation can be instituted early in the treatment process. Numerous nonsurgical methods exist to smooth facial rhytids and involve removing the
epidermis and superficial dermis. These include nonablative laser treatments, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. Recently, botulinum toxin
(Botox) has been used to correct mild upper facial rhytids by temporarily paralyzing underlying hyperactive facial muscles, thereby

decreasing fine skin wrinkles.[102] Ablative lasers (carbon dioxide laser) and deeper chemical peels (phenol) remove a layer of epidermis and superficial
dermis, which heals by re-epithelialization and neocollagen formation. The net effect is a smoother, slightly tightened skin envelope with reduction in
fine-line wrinkles. These more aggressive facial resurfacing procedures heal like a second-degree burn, so recovery time is prolonged compared to the
nonablative techniques.
Problematic brow ptosis, descent of facial fat involving the nasolabial fold and jowls, and loss of the cervicomental angle requires a combination of
browlift, facelift, or necklift. Isolated excesses of skin and fat in the upper or lower eyelids can be addressed with a blepharoplasty (excision of skin and
fat from the upper or lower eyelids).[103] If the eyebrows have fallen below the superior orbital rim, a browlift is needed to bring the brow back to its
normal position and rejuvenate the forehead region as well.[104] When facial or neck resuspension cannot be accomplished with nonsurgical means, a
rhytidectomy or facelift should be considered. Using a combination temporal, preauricular, and postauricular incision, the facial skin with or without the
underlying SMAS fascia is undermined, advanced, and finally secured to rid facial rhytids and sagging neck and resuspend facial fat. Sometimes, to
maximize the refinement sought for recontouring the neck, additional liposuction and tightening by plication of the platysma muscle is necessary. These
procedures alone or in combination are successful toward achieving a well-rested and more youthful facial appearance.[105]
Finally, nasal deformities can be corrected with rhinoplasty.[106] An open technique using a transcolumellar incision is preferred where moderate
sculpting of the nasal alar cartilage is necessary and where septal surgery is needed at the same time. Alternatively, a closed approach using intranasal
incisions can be used for more minor corrections. Careful preoperative assessment of the deformity and nasal airway is essential. Different techniques
exist to shape the nose, including suture plication, cartilage resection, cartilage grafting, controlled fracturing of the nasal bones, and rasping of cartilage
or bone. Nasal obstruction can be corrected by removing the offending buckle of a deviated septum and internally splinting the dorsal septum with a
septal cartilage graft. Postoperative nasal packing is instilled to prevent hematomas, and antibiotics are given to prevent Staphylococcus infection.
Postoperative nasal edema takes months to completely resolve, and revisional surgery should not be considered before a 12-month period has elapsed,
because the distortion from postsurgical induration and swelling is not cleared before then.
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Plastic surgery is an extremely diverse surgical specialty whose primary goal is to restore both form and function. Important areas of plastic surgery
such as thermal injury, hand and upper extremity surgery, and wound care are covered in other chapters within this text. Herein, we have offered only a
superficial overview of the realm of plastic surgery.
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Selected References
Achauer B, Eriksson E, Vander Kolk C, et al (eds): Plastic Surgery: Indications, Operations, and Outcomes. St. Louis, Mosby, 2000.
A five-volume comprehensive text of plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Aston SJ, Beasley RW, Thorne CH (eds): Grabb and Smiths Plastic Surgery, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1997.
A concise single-volume text of plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Borges A: Elective Incisions and Scar Revision. Boston, Little, Brown, 1973.
A concise review of designing elective incision and scar treatment, with particular attention to local flaps such as the Z-plasty.
Bostwick J: Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery. St. Louis, Quality Medical, 2000.
An excellent single-authored text dedicated to aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery.
Jackson IT: Local Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction. St. Louis, Mosby, 1985.
An excellent and concise overview of local flaps for head and neck reconstruction with clear visual explanations.
Mathes S, Nahai F: Reconstructive Surgery: Principles, Anatomy, and Technique. New York, Churchill Livingstone, 1997.
A clear and clinically relevant text dedicated to flap-based reconstructive surgery.
Millard D: Cleft CraftThe Evolution of Its Surgery. Boston, Little, Brown, 1976.
A comprehensive review of the history and techniques of cleft lip and palate surgery.

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Chapter 73 - Hand Surgery

T. M. Sunil M.S. Orth., D.N.B. Orth.
Harold E. Kleinert M.D.
John H. Miller M.D.
Sandeep S. Jejurikar M.D.

The human hand represents the evolutionary pinnacle of appendages in all living organisms. Whereas it is no surprise that the hand is far more intricate
than the shapeless pseudopodia of a humble ameba, it is amazing to note the enormous gap that separates the human hand from our immediate living
predecessor, the ape. Functions such as writing, playing musical instruments and handling of tools that we take for granted are well nigh impossible
even for the most well trained of apes. The functions of the human hand range from the tangible to the intangible. They may broadly be divided into
motor, sensory, stereognostic, and expressive. The motor component enables one to manipulate the external environment while the sensory component
permits recognition of the same. Stereognosis is a higher mental function that involves the amalgamation of both motor and sensory skills, permitting
recognition of objects without visual assistance. Indeed, this latter function is honed to an exquisite degree in blind people whose hands are their
windows to the external world. The use of hands as organs of expression is uniquely human and is a component that is yet to be fully understood.
The field of hand surgery may have evolved as a separate specialty only recently, but its birth is lost somewhere in the dim past of medicine. The first
writings on tendon repair come from Avicenna, an Arabian surgeon of the 10th century who advocated suturing of ruptured tendons. However, this was
rarely followed in Europe because of the strong influence of Galen, who taught that tendons and nerves had the same characteristics and repair of either
would result in gangrene and convulsions. These misconceptions stemmed from a poor and often fanciful understanding of anatomy. The exhaustive
and amazingly accurate treatises on anatomy by Leonardo da Vinci (14521519) and Andreas Vesalius (15141564) paved the way for modern
scientific surgery. Interest in the hand as a separate entity can be traced to the pioneering works of Allen Kanavel in the early part of the 20th century,
who wrote extensively on the anatomy of the hand, highlighting its intricacy and beauty. He established the worlds first dedicated hand care unit at the
Northwestern University Medical School, which, with the efforts of his disciples, Sumner Koch, Michael Mason, and Harvey Allen, would soon go on
to become famous as the Chicago School of Hand Surgery. The creation of hand surgery as a separate specialty can be credited to Sterling Bunnel. His
monumental experience and excellent organizational skills led to the organization of specialized hand care centers in various military hospitals
throughout the United States. He was also responsible for the birth of the worlds first hand surgical society, the American Society for Surgery of the
Hand, in 1946. The next few decades saw the birth of hand societies all over the world, and the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the
Hand (IFSSH) was established in 1966. Currently, the IFSSH has more than 40 member hand societies, representing in excess of 5000 physicians
worldwide. The birth of hand surgery as a specialty was followed by the need for a specialized training in the field; and, soon,

fellowship programs arose all over the world. In 1973, the American Board for Medical Specialties recognized a certification in hand surgery as an
added qualification to basic training in general, orthopedic, or plastic surgery. Currently, Sweden, Singapore, and India have recognized hand surgery as
an entirely independent specialty.
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Internationally, the nomenclature of digits has been standardized. The hand has five digits, namely, the thumb and four fingers (note that the thumb is
not called a finger). The four fingers are called the index, long, ring, and small fingers. The use of numbers to designate digits is no longer acceptable.
The anatomic structures of the hand can be broadly classified into six groups depending on the principal function they perform. These are covering
structures, supporting structures, restraining structures, feeding structures, controlling structures, and moving structures. The skin and nails are covering
structures that serve the principal function of protecting the hand from external elements. The bones, joints, as well as capsuloligamentous elements
provide support, while aponeuroses, retinacula, and tendon sheaths act as restraints, retaining structures within their anatomic confines. Vascular
structures primarily nourish the hand, while the neural elements including nerves and their specialized end organs permit the brain to exercise exquisite
control on the functioning of the hand. Lastly, the muscular elements are the organs that move the hand in all its intricate and complex activities.
Covering Structures

The skin of the hand is highly specialized. It is thin and pigmented on the dorsum but is thick, glabrous, and extremely sensitive on the palmar surface.
The palmar skin, especially at the fingertips, is endowed with a profusion of sensory end organs, such as pacinian bodies, Merkel discs, and Meissner
corpuscles. Furthermore, the palmar skin is fixed to the underlying aponeurosis by retinacula cutis at the skin creases. These represent skin joints and
enable efficient gripping of objects. The nail is a hardened keratinous outgrowth from skin and protects the dorsal aspect of the sensitive fingertip.
Supporting Structures

The skeletal elements of the hand comprise the distal radius and ulna, eight carpal bones, five metacarpals, and 14 phalanges. The thumb has only two
phalanges whereas the other four digits have three each. The bones of the hands form a number of joints that are connected in series. The significance of
this arrangement is described later in the section dealing with muscles.
The wrist joint is the foundation on which the hand rests. It is a complex articulation of the distal radius and ulna with the carpal bones. The carpal
bones are arranged in two transverse rows. These rows are concave volarward and form the floor of the carpal tunnel. The proximal carpal row
comprising the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum (with the exception of the outlying pisiform) is devoid of any muscular insertion. It hence forms an
intercalated segment between the distal forearm and distal carpal row, which is formed by the trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, and hamate. Recognition of
this arrangement is of significance in understanding the various patterns of wrist instability. Flexion and extension of the wrist principally occur at the
midcarpal joint whereas radial and ulnar deviations occur mainly at the radiocarpal articulation.
The carpometacarpal joint (CMCJ) of the thumb is the most mobile of all joints in the hand. It takes the form of a double saddle joint between the
trapezium and first metacarpal and permits a wide range of movements in all three dimensions, making the human thumb unique in the living world.
The index and long finger metacarpals are essentially devoid of independent mobility. The metacarpals of the ring and small fingers are capable of
rotating axially at their respective carpometacarpal joints (CMCJ). This enables cupping of the hand, thus increasing efficiency of grip. The
metacarpophalangeal joints (MCPJ) are condyloid joints and can move in three planes. Flexion-extension occur on a transverse axis in the sagittal plane,
abduction-adduction take place on an anteroposterior axis in the coronal plane, and a small amount of rotation occurs on the longitudinal axis of each
metacarpal in the transverse plane. This enables the hand to grasp objects of all shapes and sizes. This is best illustrated by grasping a spherical object
and looking at the fingers end on (Fig. 731 (Figure Not Available) ). The interphalangeal joints (IPJ) are essentially hinge joints and principally permit
flexion and extension. The capsules of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints are reinforced on either side by collateral ligaments. In
addition, the volar capsules of these joints display a specialized fibrocartilaginous thickening termed the volar plate. These plates are firmly attached to
the base of the distal bone of each joint and loosely attached proximally. This arrangement permits them to freely glide over the head of the proximal
bone during flexion-extension, effectively increasing the area of articulation between the adjacent bones.
Restraining Structures

The palmar aponeurosis consists mainly of three components: a central triangular portion with thenar and hypothenar slips on either side. The thenar
slip overlies the ball of the thumb, providing support as well as attachment to the thenar intrinsic muscles. Similarly, the hypothenar slip covers as well
as provides attachment to the hypothenar muscles. The central triangular part of the palmar aponeurosis accounts for the hollow of the palm and from its
distal end sends out four fibrous slips. These individually enter each finger, blending on their deep aspect with the corresponding fibrous flexor sheath.
The fibrous flexor sheath is a specialized osteofibrous tunnel through which the long flexor tendons of the digits pass. The flexor sheath of each finger
displays localized

Figure 73-1 (Figure Not Available) The ability of the fingers to abduct and rotate at the MCP joint permits grasping of spherical objects. Rotation of the digits is appreciated by
looking at the plane of the nails.
Figure 73-2 (Figure Not Available) Cruciate and annular pulleys of the fibrous flexor sheath.

thickenings known as pulleys that are particularly important in preventing bowstringing of the tendons. These pulleys may be annular or cruciate. The
annular pulleys are formed by transversely running collagen fibers and are five in number. The odd-numbered annular pulleysA1, A3, and A5
overlie the volar plates of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal interphalangeal (PIP), and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints, respectively. The A2
and A4 pulleys overlie the shafts of the proximal and middle phalanges. There are three cruciate pulleys, C1, C2, and C3, which lie between A2-A3,
A3-A4, and A4-A5, respectively. These are formed by collagen fibers that are oriented in a criss-cross pattern and permit longitudinal foreshortening of
the fibrous flexor sheath during flexion of the fingers (Fig. 732 (Figure Not Available) ).
The flexor retinaculum spans the transverse arch of the carpus and forms the roof of the carpal tunnel. It prevents bowstringing of the long flexor
tendons during flexion of the wrist. On the dorsal side, this function is taken over by the extensor retinaculum, which restrains the long extensors of the
wrist and digits. The extensor retinaculum in addition sends down septa between the extensor tendons, dividing them into six distinct compartments.
This is discussed in detail in the section on extensor muscles.
Feeding Structures

The blood supply to the hand is principally from the radial and ulnar arteries (Fig. 733 (Figure Not Available) ). In about 0.5% of the population,

a persistent median artery may be seen. The radial and ulnar arteries each divide in the proximal part of the wrist into superficial and deep branches. The
corresponding branches then unite to form the superficial and deep palmar arches. The superficial palmar arch is usually dominated by the ulnar artery.
From it arise common metacarpal arteries that go on to divide into digital arteries, supplying adjacent digits of the second, third, and fourth web spaces.
The ulnar digital artery of the small finger also arises from the superficial palmar arch. In contrast, the deep palmar arch is usually dominated by the
radial artery. It gives rise to the principal arteries of the thumb and radial border of the index finger. The digital arteries of the thumb are located entirely
on the volar aspect of the thumb. On the other hand, the digital arteries of the fingers are located on either side of the flexor sheath. In this location, they
lie deeper and more central to their respective digital nerves.
Controlling Structures

The median, ulnar, and radial nerves are the principal nerves of the hand (Fig. 734 (Figure Not Available) ). The median and ulnar nerves supply the
long flexors of the wrist and fingers in the forearm while the radial nerve supplies all the extensors
Figure 73-3 (Figure Not Available) The major arterial arcades of the hand.

(Fig. 735 (Figure Not Available) ). Within the hand proper, the radial nerve is purely sensory and supplies the dorsal aspect of the first web space as
well as the proximal two thirds of the radial three and a half digits. The median nerve supplies motor fibers to the thenar muscles and the first two
Figure 73-4 (Figure Not Available) Sensory areas of the median (M), ulnar (U), and radial (R) nerves of the hand.
Figure 73-5 (Figure Not Available) Muscles of the forearm and hand, colored according to their innervation.


It also carries sensory fibers from the entire volar aspect as well as the distal thirds of the dorsal aspects of the radial three and a half digits. The ulnar
nerve supplies motor fibers to the hypothenar muscles, all the interossei, the third and fourth lumbricals, the adductor pollicis, and the deep belly of the
flexor pollicis brevis. It also carries all the sensory fibers from the ulnar one and a half digits and ulnar border of the hand.
Moving Structures

The musculotendinous units of the hand are classified into extrinsic and intrinsic groups. Precise knowledge of their anatomy allows the surgeon to
formulate an accurate clinical assessment.
Extrinsic Muscles

The extrinsic muscles originate proximal to the wrist and comprise the long flexors and extensors of the wrist and digits (see Fig. 735 (Figure Not
Available) ). As they pass distally toward their respective insertions, these musculotendinous units may cross one or more proximally located joints. It
may be recollected at this stage that the joints of the hand are arrayed proximodistally in series. Consequent to this arrangement, any muscle that moves
a distally located joint will also have a corresponding effect on the more proximally located joints that they have crossed.
The extensors are located dorsally and can be divided into three subgroups. The lateral subgroup is termed the mobile wad and consists of the
brachioradialis (BR), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), and extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB). The ECRL and ECRB extend and deviate the
wrist radially. The second subgroup forms a superficial layer and comprises three muscles: the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), the extensor digiti quinti
(EDQ), and the extensor digitorum communis (EDC). The ECU extends and deviates the wrist toward the ulna, while the EDQ and EDC act primarily
to extend the MCP joints of the small and remaining fingers, respectively. The third subgroup is deep and consists of four muscles, all of which act on
the thumb and index finger. The abductor pollicis longus (APL), extensor pollicis longus (EPL), and extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) act on the thumb,
whereas the extensor indicis proprius (EIP) extends the MCP joint of the index finger. The supinator is the last of the deep muscles and is located
proximally in the forearm. All of these muscles are supplied either directly by the radial nerve or by its principal motor division, the posterior
interosseous nerve.
The extensor tendons pass through six compartments under the extensor retinaculum. From radial to ulnar, they are as follows: The first compartment
contains the APL and EPB, which form the radial boundary of the anatomic snuff box. The second compartment contains the radial wrist extensors, the
ECRL and ECRB. The third compartment contains the EPL, which forms the ulnar boundary of the anatomic snuff box. The EIP and EDC pass through
the fourth compartment whereas the EDQ passes through the fifth compartment, overlying the distal radioulnar joint. The final and sixth compartment
contains the ECU.
The long finger extensor tendons broaden out to form a hood over the MCP joints. At this level, the proximal part of the hood, termed the sagittal band,
loops around the MCP joint and blends into its volar plate. It thus forms a lasso around the base of the proximal phalanx through which it extends the
MCP joint. Distal and dorsal to the axis of the MCP joint, the extensor hood receives the insertions of the interossei and lumbricals. Then, through a
complex arrangement of fibers on the dorsal aspect of the fingers, the extensor hood drops an insertion to the base of the middle phalanx. This is termed
the central slip and extends the PIP joint. Finally, the extensor hood inserts through its terminal slip into the base of the distal phalanx, thus extending
the DIP joint.
The flexor muscles are located volarly and are arranged in three layers (see Fig. 735 (Figure Not Available) ). The superficial layer consists of four
muscles: pronator teres (PT), flexor carpi radialis (FCR), flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), and palmaris longus (PL). The intermediate layer consists of the
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), which provides independent flexion at the PIP joints of each finger. The deep group contains three muscles: flexor
pollicis longus (FPL), which flexes the IP joint of the thumb; flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), which flexes the DIP joints of the fingers; and pronator
quadratus, which lies in the distal part of the forearm and supports pronation of the forearm. The FCU and ulnar half of the FDP (moving the ring and
small fingers) are supplied by the ulnar nerve whereas all the other muscles on the volar side of the forearm are supplied by the median nerve.
Intrinsic Muscles

The intrinsic muscles originate within the hand at or distal to the wrist. The thenar eminence consists of the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), flexor
pollicis brevis (FPB), and opponens pollicis (OP). There are four dorsal interossei that arise from adjacent sides of each metacarpal and provide

abduction of the MCP joints of the index, middle, and ring fingers. There are three palmar interossei that adduct the index, ring, and small fingers
toward the middle finger. Four lumbricals originate on the FDP tendons in the palm and insert on the radial sides of the extensor hoods. They, along
with the interossei, bring about flexion at the MCP and extension at the IP joints of the fingers. A small muscle termed the palmaris brevis is located
transversely in the skin at the base of the hypothenar eminence. It is innervated by the ulnar nerve and helps in cupping the skin of the palm during grip.
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The first rule of evaluating an injured hand is to remember that there is a human being attached to it. It is very easy for one to be distracted by the
dramatic appearance of a mangled extremity and miss other more serious injuries elsewhere in the body. Once this possibility has

been ruled out, examination proceeds in a systematic manner.

An accurate history is imperative to fully understand the extent of injury sustained. The importance of this is best illustrated by taking the example of
machinery injuries, which are usually the most common cause of major hand injuries. They can, however, cause a wide spectrum of damage depending
on how sharp or blunt the working tool is, whether it rotates or presses, and whether it is hot or not while in use. The mere fact that a machine tool is hot
while in use adds the element of thermal damage to the injury spectrum. The presence of toxic chemicals in the machine further complicates issues. The
type of work that a machine is used for determines the amount of contamination, as for instance, a piece of farmyard equipment is obviously more
contaminated than one used to cut metal.
The first step of examination is visual inspection of the entire upper extremity. The color of the hand can provide valuable information about its vascular
status whereas deformities suggest underlying skeletal injuries. The fingers are normally held in slight flexion while at rest, and the amount of flexion
progressively increases from the index to the small fingers. Loss of this normal cascade of flexion can indicate flexor tendon injury. Exposure of vital
structures needs to be carefully assessed and loss of any soft tissue cover noted. Prolonged exposure of vital structures such as nerves, arteries, tendons,
and joints to the exterior can lead to their desiccation and death.
First, assess for vascularity of the hand because its very survival depends on this. Pressure on the tip of the nail causes blanching of the nail bed, and
release of the pressure should result in a prompt return of color. Inadequate or sluggish return of color suggests arterial injury whereas a very rapid
return of color or a persistent dusky coloration suggests venous obstruction. Obstruction of major arterial trunks usually leads to diminished or absent
pulses distally. On occasion, however, collateral flow may result in the preservation of peripheral pulses. Active bleeding should be controlled with
pressure and elevation. Partial transaction of vessels results in prolonged active bleeding because the protective spasm of the vessel walls ends up
opening the rent. Ligation or clamping of vessels in the emergency department should be avoided. The radial and ulnar arteries can be assessed for
patency by the Allen test, in which they are occluded by the examiner and the patient is asked to open and close the hand a few times. Pressure on one
of the arteries is then released and perfusion is assessed. Capillary refill should occur throughout the entire hand within 5 seconds. The test is then
repeated for the other artery.
It is imperative to rule out compartment syndrome of the forearm or hand. The interstitial pressure of the tissues in the body is usually below 30 mm Hg.
Any rise in this pressure can potentially block capillary blood flow, leading to ischemia. The forearm and intrinsic compartments of the hands are
unyielding osteofascial chambers, bounded deeply by bone and interosseous membranes and superficially by investing fascial layers. Any increase in
volume of the contents of these compartmentsas can occur after muscle swelling, mass lesions, or bleeding into the compartmentcan cause the
intracompartmental pressure to rise with consequent capillary shutdown. This is termed compartment syndrome and is a surgical emergency. The most
reliable test for this condition is the stretch test. Passive flexion or extension of the digits stretches the antagonistic group of muscles. Pain indicates an
increased pressure in the compartment housing that group of muscles. Similarly, placing the fingers in the intrinsic minus position of hyperextension at
the MCP and flexion at the IP joints stretches the intrinsic muscles, indicating a corresponding rise in compartmental pressure of the hand. These
conditions require emergency fasciotomy to relieve the pressure or else serious vascular compromise may ensue.
Bones and joints should be evaluated carefully. Deformities are noted, and each joint is assessed for its passive and active range of motion. The opposite
hand, if uninjured, is the best guide to assess this. All fingers when flexed at the MCP and PIP joints point toward the scaphoid tubercle. Gross deviation
or crossing of fingers, also known as scissoring, signifies a rotational deformity of the metacarpal or phalanges of that ray. Abnormal or excessive
mobility of joints may be the result of injury to the collateral ligaments or capsule.
Nerves are assessed for both sensory and motor function. Sensibility is assessed separately on both the ulnar and radial halves of the pulp by the twopoint discrimination test. A bent paper clip can be used to perform this test, and the minimum distance between the two points of the clip that the patient
can distinguish as separate is recorded. A two-point sensibility greater than 8 mm suggests nerve injury.[1] [2] [3] Knowledge of the sensory distribution of
the various nerves of the hand helps localize the lesion. Regeneration of sensory nerves can be clinically assessed by eliciting Tinels sign. The injured
nerve is percussed along its course from distal to proximal. At the site of regeneration, the patient feels paresthesia along the distal distribution of the
nerve. Because nerves regenerate at the rate of a millimeter a day (or about an inch a month), the site at which Tinels sign is elicited also progresses
distally. Such a distal progression of Tinels sign is taken as clinical evidence of nerve regeneration.
Assessing the muscles of the hand helps detect injuries of musculotendinous units as well as nerves. The integrity of the FDP is assessed by asking the
patient to flex the DIP joint while passively stabilizing the PIP joint in extension. The FTP tendons to the long, ring, and small fingers arise from
intimately interconnected muscle bellies and hence cannot function independent of one another. This is useful when assessing the action of the FDS to
these digits. Asking the patient to flex any one of these three fingers while passively stabilizing the PIP and DIP joints of the other two in extension
immobilizes the FDP. The patient can now only use the FDS and thus flexes the tested finger only at the PIP joint. Inability to flex the finger indicates
loss of FDS activity. Examination of the EDC is usually straightforward and can be assessed by asking the patient to extend the MCP joints of the
fingers. The tendons of the EDC are interconnected over the dorsum of the hand by juncturae tendinae and hence cannot move entirely independent of
one another. This property is used to test

for the integrity of the EIP and EDM muscles, which are additional extensors of the index and small fingers, respectively. The integrity of these tendons
is assessed by having the patient flex the middle and ring fingers while maintaining the index and small fingers in extension at their MCP joints. The
integrity of the flexor and extensor tendons can also be tested objectively by squeezing the corresponding muscle bellies more proximally in the
forearm. This should cause the digits to passively flex or extend, respectively. Along the same lines, passive flexion or extension of the wrist tightens
the extensor or flexor muscles, respectively, causing the fingers to either extend or flex. The thenar muscles are tested by abducting or opposing the
thumb against resistance while feeling for contraction of the muscle belly. The intrinsics, if functioning, can hold the fingers in the intrinsic plus
position of flexion at the MCP and of extension at the IP joints.

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The standard views for hand imaging are the posteroanterior and lateral views. Viewing the radiograph begins with a systematic assessment of soft
tissue shadows. The presence of foreign bodies or air is looked for. Metal and glass are radiopaque whereas wood and similar vegetable matter may be
radiolucent. Subtle fractures result in small hematomas that lift the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues off the surface of the injured bone. This is
evident in some areas like the distal radius as an indirect indicator of a fracture and is termed the fat pad sign. Attention is next turned to the structural
integrity of individual bones. Fractures are usually obvious, and the direction of deformity is noted. Angulations are named after the direction in which
the apex lies. Rotatory deformities show up as a mismatch of the diameters of bones at the fracture line. Undisplaced crack fractures can be detected
either by looking for indirect soft tissue signs, as described earlier, or by looking for breaks in individual trabeculae under a magnifying glass. Attention
is finally turned to assessing the alignment of bones with respect to one another. Loss of joint congruity suggests a luxation. Widening of spaces
between bones is an indicator of ligamentous disruption or laxity. This is of particular significance with respect to the carpal bones and is often the only
indicator of instability. Comparison with radiograms of the opposite uninvolved hand helps distinguish injury-induced instability from congenital laxity.
Additional special views can be obtained depending on the pathologic process that is suspected. Sometimes, dynamic or stress views are taken to
unmask ligamentous injuries.

This modality is now limited in its application to the detection of subtle vascular anomalies or injuries. It is being increasingly replaced by MR
angiography, which is proving to be a valuable noninvasive alternative.
CT and MRI

Injuries of carpal bones can be missed in conventional radiographs because the carpal bones are quite twisted and small in their structure. CT helps pick
up most of these fractures. In addition, intraosseous lesions are best delineated by CT. Sometimes, three-dimensional CT is used to help assess the exact
extent of deformity of a bone before reconstruction.
Soft tissue lesions, subtle ligamentous disruptions, and early avascular necrosis of bones and tumors can often be detected only by MRI. MR
angiography is now increasingly being relied on to detect vascular malformations. Gadolinium-enhanced MRI helps pick up inflammatory lesions.
Ultrasound and Doppler Scans

On occasion, ultrasound scans can help detect soft tissue lesions. Their use in picking up occult ganglia and intramuscular masses is well known but
suffers from being very observer specific.
A hand-held Doppler unit is an invaluable tool in the armamentarium of the hand surgeon. It can be used to detect obstructions to blood flow in vessels
as well as to help look for potential feeding vessels while planning flaps for reconstruction.
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Most upper extremity anesthesia is performed under local or regional anesthesia. Lidocaine (1%) often combined with a long-acting agent such as
bupivacaine (0.25%) is used for digital nerve blocks.[4] It is important to ensure that vasoconstrictive agents such as norepinephrine are not used with
local anesthetics, lest they cause shutdown of distal circulation with disastrous consequences. Digital anesthesia distal to the PIP joint can be obtained
by injection of the anesthetic agent into the tendon sheath at the A1 pulley. The entire hand can be anesthetized by a wrist block whereas the entire
upper extremity can be anesthetized by interscalene, supraclavicular, or axillary blocks.[5] [6]
Prolonged surgery requires the patient to remain immobile for extended periods of time, and this can get very uncomfortable. In such circumstances, it
may be wise to appropriately sedate patients as well as catheterize their bladders before draping.

Virtually all hand and upper extremity surgery is performed under tourniquet control. This not only minimizes blood loss but also provides for a clear
visualization of the operative field. A rubber ring rolled down from distal to proximal can be used to exsanguinate a digit and then be left on at the base
as a digital tourniquet. Tourniquets around the wrist and forearm are not very popular because they increase flexion of the digits and make surgery
difficult. Upper extremity tourniquets can remain

inflated for no longer than 2 hours. If required for longer periods, they can be deflated for a period of 20 minutes and reinflated again. The interval
between deflation and reinflation should be at least 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of tourniquet ischemia. This minimizes the ischemic effects of
tourniquet pressure on muscle and nerve.[7] Tourniquet pressures should be maintained at 80 to 100 mm Hg above the patients systolic blood pressure.
Never fail to remove a tourniquet at the conclusion of surgery. The consequences of not doing so can be catastrophic.
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Fingertip Injuries

Fingertip injuries are the most common of all hand injuries. They often appear innocuous but, owing to the fact that they involve the most sensitive part
of the digit, can lead to significant disability.[8] A thorough knowledge of anatomy of the fingertip is necessary for appropriate treatment.[9] [10] [11] The
fingertip is covered by a richly innervated glabrous skin, which contains many sensory end organs. The pulp skin is firmly anchored to the underlying
distal phalanx by fibrous septa, which enables efficient grasp. The dorsum of the fingertip is protected by the nail plate, which lies on a bed of nail
matrix. The proximal third of the nail matrix contributes to nail growth and is called the germinal matrix. The distal two thirds of the matrix is largely
supportive and is called the sterile matrix. Injury to the nail matrix is often accompanied by an associated avulsion of the nail plate. Sometimes,
however, the nail plate may remain intact and the nail matrix injury presents as a subungual hematoma. If this hematoma occupies more than 50% of the
surface of the nail plate, it is better to surgically remove the nail and repair the matrix tear.[12] Nail bed injuries are repaired with 7-0 absorbable sutures
under loupe magnification. Adequate bone support must be present under the nail matrix, or else it leads to the development of a hook-nail deformity.[13]
Any surgical technique used to restore soft tissue coverage of a fingertip must take into account the nature of injury and the patients age. Goals of
treatment include maintaining length, sensibility, motion, and contour. Primary closure of open wounds can be performed if adequate soft tissue is
present.[14] Most fingertip defects smaller than 1 cm2 heal by secondary intention, provided no bone is exposed. Sometimes, amputated fingertips can be
defatted and replaced as composite tissue grafts. These tend to do well in children, but their survival is often a matter of chance in adults. Defects larger
than 1 cm2 can be covered with full-thickness skin grafts. Good color matching can be achieved by harvesting such grafts from the hypothenar eminence
or from the radial aspect of the thumb MCP joint. On occasion, the distal phalanx can be shortened to achieve a tension-free closure. Local flaps, such
as the V-Y advancement flap, are frequently used to cover exposed bone of the fingertip (Fig. 736 (Figure Not Available) ). [15] This flap is created by
Figure 73-6 (Figure Not Available) V-Y advancement flap for coverage of the fingertip.

making a V- shaped incision over the remaining pulp. It is then raised by freeing the fibrous septa from the underlying phalanx, taking care to preserve
the neurovascular bundles on either side of the digit. The flap is then advanced distally to cover the exposed tip. Other options for fingertip coverage
include lateral V-Y flaps, cross-finger flaps, thenar flaps, and hypothenar flaps.[16] [17] Specialized flap coverage for thumb-tip amputation includes the
Moberg advancement flap.[18] Loss of the entire pulp skin requires replacement by a sensate glabrous tissue. This is achieved by harvesting a part of the
pulp of the great toe along with its neurovascular pedicle and transferring it to the injured digit as a microvascular free flap. A significant complication
of fingertip injury is residual hypersensitivity. This may be due to the formation of end-neuromas or as a result of entrapment of injured nerve endings
in scar tissue. Restoration of adequate soft tissue coverage and institution of early sensory re-education programs can minimize this problem.
Flexor Tendon Injuries

Flexor tendon injuries are most commonly caused by lacerations or puncture wounds on the palmar surface of the hand.[19] On occasion, flexor tendons
can be avulsed from their bony insertions by sudden violent contractions. Flexor tendon injuries should ideally be treated by a surgeon experienced in
the management of these injuries.[20] It is important to look for associated injuries to adjacent neurovascular and skeletal structures. Severed

flexor tendons generally retract proximally because of reflex muscle contraction. Consequently, the cut ends of the tendon do not lie at the site of skin
injury. In such circumstances, it may be necessary to extend the skin wound by making incisions either proximally or distally to retrieve the tendon
ends. This will have to be informed to the patient before surgery lest the surgeon be accused of making the wound bigger than it was! If the tendon ends
have withdrawn into the flexor sheath, additional exposure is obtained by incising cruciate pulleys, taking care to avoid injury to the critical A2 and A4
pulleys. During repair, the tendon should be grasped only in the central portion of the cut end to avoid traumatizing the smooth external gliding surface
of the tendon.
At the wrist, the four FDS tendons lie superficial to the four FDP tendons. As it passes through the flexor sheath, each FDS tendon divides into two
slips. The FDP tendon passes through this decussation of the FDS tendon and continues into the finger toward its final insertion at the base of the
distal phalanx. The slips of the FDS tendon then wrap around the FDP tendon and reunite deep to it at the chiasma before finally inserting on either side
of the shaft of the middle phalanx. Thus, in the finger the FDS tendon actually lies deep to the FDP tendon, which is hence more vulnerable to injury at
this location.
The basic technique of tendon repair involves the placement of a core suture within the substance of the tendon. Although there are many techniques
for placing the core suture, our preferred method is the six-stranded loop suture (Fig. 737 (Figure Not Available) ). [21] A core suture primarily bridges
the injury gap and provides most of the strength of the repair. Nonabsorbable 4-0 Prolene or Ti-Cron sutures are the preferred material. After placing a
core suture, the approximated ends of the tendon can be smoothed out by placing running epitendinous sutures of 6-0 nylon or Prolene. This suture also
contributes to the strength of the repair. Depending on when a flexor tendon is sutured, the repair is termed primary, delayed primary, early secondary,
or late secondary. Primary repair is usually carried out within 24 hours of injury. This is the best time for repair because the wound is free of scar tissue
and there is less risk of infection. Delayed primary repairs are those that are performed after 24 hours but before 10 days of injury whereas early
secondary repairs are performed between 10 days and 6 weeks after injury. By 6 weeks, the muscle-tendon unit has shortened, making direct repair
difficult. In such circumstances a staged tendon repair with the use of interposition tendon grafts may be required.
Flexor tendon injuries are divided into five zones (Fig. 738 (Figure Not Available) ). [22] Treatment and prognosis are influenced by the zone of injury.
Zone I lies distal to the insertion of the FDS tendon and affects only the FDP tendon. If adequate tendon length is available distally, a conventional
repair as described earlier can be performed. Sometimes, the tendon ruptures very near to its insertion into the distal phalanx, leaving no or insufficient
distal tendon for a conventional repair. In such situations, a core suture is placed in the proximal cut end of the tendon and pulled through drill holes in
the distal phalanx onto the dorsal surface of the digit. The suture is secured here by tying it over a button on the dorsal surface of the nail plate.
Zone II is the zone of the pulleys and extends from the beginning of the fibrous flexor sheath at the distal palmar crease to the insertion of the FDS. It
contains the FDS and FDP tendons enclosed in a narrow fibrous canal. Zone II was in the past referred to as no-mans land because it was thought
that primary repairs should not be performed here and most surgeons favored secondary repair with tendon grafting. This is no longer the case today,
and conventional tendon repair techniques are recommended. Favorable results can be consistently obtained in zone II injuries by meticulous primary
repair and early controlled motion.[20] [23] [24] [25]

Figure 73-7 (Figure Not Available) The six-stranded Tsai suture technique. A, Placement of superficial locking suture at medial palmar quadrant of proximal tendon. B, Placement of
core suture in medial palmar quadrant with needle inserted close to the locking suture and parallel to the tendon fibers. C, Placement of superficial locking suture at lateral palmar
quadrant of distal tendon. D, Placement of running epitenon sutures in posterior wall of tendon. E, Placement of locking sutures at ends of first set of core sutures. F, Locking the
suture in E by placing the needle through the loop suture. G, Intratendinous knotting of the loop sutures. H, Running epitenon sutures (anterior wall).


Figure 73-8 (Figure Not Available) Zones of flexor tendon injury.

Zone III is located between the distal carpal ligament and the distal palmar crease. This is the area of the lumbrical muscles, which take origin from the
tendons of the FDP. These injuries heal favorably because of good blood supply and the absence of a tight osteofibrous tunnel.
Zone IV is the area of the carpal tunnel and lies deep to the transverse carpal ligament. These injuries can be problematic because of the passage of
many structures through a confined space. It may be necessary to repair the transverse carpal ligament and maintain the wrist in flexion until healing
occurs to prevent bowstringing of the flexor tendons.
Zone V is located in the forearm. Tendon repairs in this zone almost universally have a favorable prognosis. Technical difficulties may be experienced
in suturing injuries at the musculotendinous junction.
It is imperative to institute an intensive postoperative physiotherapy regimen after a flexor tendon repair. The principal goal is to keep the tendons
moving. This prevents adhesions from developing between the repaired tendons and surrounding structures. Currently, there are three basic regimens in
practice. Our preferred method in Louisville is one of passive flexion followed by active extension. The other two methods are the passive
flexion/passive extension regimen of Duran and Houser and the active extension/active extension method also known as the Belfast method. These
different methods with many subtle variations of the same theme are all in current use throughout the world. No one method has been shown to be better
or worse than the other.
The Louisville method incorporates active extension and passive flexion of the fingers with protection from hyperextension. The injured limb is placed
in a dorsal below-elbow splint with the wrist in slight flexion and the MCP joint in 60 degrees of flexion. This allows for full extension of the IP joints.
Hooks are then glued to the nail plates and rubber bands of predetermined tension are attached to them. These rubber bands then pass under a transverse
bar in the palm and are attached to a tension device. The patient is encouraged to actively extend his or her fingers to the limits of the splint while the
rubber bands passively flex the tendons. This permits a continuous motion of the tendons and prevents the development of contracture of the flexor
muscle fibers. The passive force exerted by the rubber bands protects the repair from forceful active flexion. Clinical and laboratory studies have
demonstrated that dynamic splinting aids in flexor tendon healing by improving tensile strength, remodeling scar tissue, and minimizing adhesion, thus
improving range of motion.[26] [27]
Extensor Tendon Injuries

The subcutaneous location of extensor tendons makes them susceptible to crush, laceration, and avulsion injuries. The presence of juncturae tendinae
prevents proximal retraction of severed EDC tendons.[28] Extensor tendons have been divided into nine zones that ascend numerically from the nail bed
to the forearm. The odd-numbered zones begin at the DIP joint and are located over the joints, whereas the even-numbered zones are located between
the joints.[25]
Extensor tendons are anatomically thinner than flexor tendons and over the digits are spread out in the form of a hood. Although it may be possible to
use conventional tendon repair techniques in the proximal parts of the tendons, this may not be the case in the extensor hood. Here, horizontal mattress
sutures, figure-of-eight mattress sutures, or a weaving Kirchmayr suture may be needed.
Rehabilitation after repair of extensor tendons follows similar principles as for repair of the flexors. Adhesions and scar formation are notorious on the
dorsal aspect of the metacarpals that responds to zone VI of extensor tendons. Injuries located in this zone require particular care to avoid tethering of
the tendons, which can lead to loss of active extension and restriction of flexion. Distal injuries of the extensor tendons over the DIP and PIP joints can
be protected in small finger-based splints. Injuries of the terminal slip of the extensor tendon affect only movement of the DIP joint. Repairs at this level
can be immobilized in a dorsal splint that holds the DIP joint in extension. Injuries of the central slip affect primarily PIP motion and these repairs are
immobilized in a Capener splint. This is a finger-based dynamic splint that permits active flexion of the PIP while passively extending it. More proximal
extensor tendon injuries are protected by dynamic extensor outrigger splints that permit active flexion while passively extending the digits at the MCP
joints. Immediately after repair there is a transient loss of

tensile strength and gliding of the tendon. Early protected motion can increase tensile strength through collagen remodeling and improve tendon glide
by preventing adhesions.[29] [30] [31]
Nerve Injuries

Nerve injuries have been variously classified depending on the extent of injury.[32] [33] The time-honored method is the Seddon classification of injuries
into three types: neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis. Neurapraxia is a physiological block of impulse conduction without anatomic disruption of
the nerve fiber. A certain amount of demyelination may however be present. Neurapraxia is seen after prolonged pressure on a nerve, as may occur after
prolonged use of a tourniquet or compression in confined places such as the carpal tunnel. Once the offending cause has been removed, spontaneous
recovery is the rule but may take up to 6 weeks or more. Axonotmesis refers to injuries in which the axonal fibers are completely divided but the
covering neural tubes are intact. Such injuries usually accompany traction injuries of nerves that rupture the weaker axons, leaving the stronger nerve
sheaths intact. Unless precluded by unfavorable surroundings, these divided axons regenerate in a reliable and predictable fashion through the retained
neural tubes, and a distal march of Tinels sign can always be elicited. Neurotmesis is the highest degree of nerve injury and refers to a complete
transection of the nerve. This is usually the result of direct sharp trauma or a very violent traction injury. Accurate approximation of the cut nerve ends
and a meticulous repair is mandatory for good recovery. A distally progressing Tinel sign is indicative of a successful repair.
An important factor for functional recovery after nerve injury is the state of the nerve end organs. This is of particular significance in motor nerves
where the muscle end plates start to undergo atrophy after loss of neural stimulation. Unless reinnervated, their number progressively dwindles with
time and by 12 to 18 months may be insufficient to restore adequate function of a muscle. This factor combined with the expected time it takes a nerve
to grow from the site of injury to the affected muscle determines the expected functional outcome after nerve repair.
A good nerve repair can only be accomplished under magnification. Use of an operating microscope makes it possible to approximate individual nerve

fascicles and suture them together with extremely fine sutures. Repairs should be tension free and are accomplished by epineurial or perineurial repair,
or both.[34] If direct repair of the cut ends cannot be accomplished without tension, an interposition nerve graft is used. The sural nerve and terminal
branch of the posterior interosseous nerve are good sources of donor nerves.[35] In small nerves like the digital nerves, gaps of less than 2 cm can be
bridged with vein grafts.[36]
The mechanism of nerve injury can influence the results of repair. Sharp transactions tend to do better than crushing or avulsion nerve injuries. Age of
the patient also plays a role, and children do much better than adults. It has also been noted that pure motor nerves tend to regenerate better than mixed
nerves and these do better than pure sensory nerves.
Vascular Injuries

Vascular injuries of the extremities can occur as a result of direct or indirect trauma. Direct trauma can be mechanical, thermal, or chemical. Mechanical
trauma, in turn, can take the form of penetrations, lacerations, crushing injuries, or contusions of the vessel. This may be caused by external objects or
by internal structures, such as the sharp spike of a fractured bone. Penetrating injuries can give rise to two additional injury patterns. If only the
adventitia and outer part of the media are injured, the vessel wall is considerably weakened and with time the vessel may balloon out to form a
pseudoaneurysm. Penetrating injuries can also on occasion lead to the development of arteriovenous fistulas. These can cause significant shunting of
blood, resulting in a steal syndrome with chronic ischemic effects on the extremity. Indirect vascular trauma is caused either by traction injuries, which
can avulse vessels, or repetitive microtrauma from vibratory tools, which can lead to thrombosis. The latter usually affects the ulnar artery in Guyons
canal at the wrist and is called the ulnar hammer syndrome. Irrespective of their cause, vascular injuries may lead to a critical compromise of circulation
in the extremity and hence need to be treated on an emergent basis.
Arterial repair is indicated to prevent ischemic complications and is best accomplished under magnification. The transected vessels are examined under
the operating microscope and sequentially resected until normal-looking intima is obtained. This often results in fairly large gaps between the cut ends
of the vessels. As in nerves, the primary goal is a tension-free repair. To achieve this in the presence of a gap defect, interposition reversed-vein grafts
are used. The saphenous vein is the preferred donor for larger vessels like the brachial, radial, or ulnar arteries. Veins on the volar surface of the forearm
or dorsum of the foot are harvested to bridge gaps in digital vessels.
Major injuries that cause damage to both the radial and ulnar arteries can lead to dangerous vascular compromise. Restoration of circulation in such
situations is a surgical emergency and is termed revascularization. This is in contrast to the term replantation, which is used to describe reattachment of
a completely amputated part. The classic surgical sequence is to first restore stability of the limb by fixing skeletal injuries and only then repair soft
tissues, including vessels. Sometimes, however, the duration may be beyond the 2 to 3 hours of warm ischemia that muscles can tolerate. In such
circumstances, an immediate vascular conduit is established with the help of a vein graft to restore temporary circulation. Surgery then proceeds in the
routine sequence of fixing bones followed by repair of tendons. At this stage, the temporary

conduit can be resected and a definitive vascular repair performed.

Muscles often swell after prolonged periods of ischemia. This can lead to an increase of pressures within the closed compartments of the forearm,
resulting in a compartment syndrome. It is hence the practice of most surgeons to perform a routine fasciotomy to decompress the forearm
compartments after revascularization. Under ischemic conditions, muscle tissue switches over to anaerobic respiration, and this can result in a build-up
of dangerous levels of toxic substances such as lactic acid. Furthermore, myonecrosis might occur, leading to the release of myoglobin from within the
muscle cells. Restoration of circulation to such a limb can cause a sudden flooding of the circulation by these toxic substances. This is termed
reperfusion syndrome and can lead to multiorgan failure, especially affecting the renal and cardiac systems.
Emboli may lodge in arteries at points where the vessel branches and obstruct blood flow. Such emboli usually originate from the heart or proximal
arterial aneurysms. This requires embolectomy followed by anticoagulant therapy to prevent propagation of the clot. Embolectomy in larger vessels can
be achieved through endovascular balloon catheters, but smaller vessels require an arteriotomy. Thrombolytic enzymes such as urokinase can also be
used to dissolve emboli or thrombi but require careful monitoring in the presence of open wounds.
Digital arterial injury may accompany frostbite.[37] This is caused by both a direct injury to the endothelial cells as well as hemoconcentration with
consequent hypercoagulability. Division of the sympathetic innervation of these vessels, termed digital sympathectomy, may improve blood flow in
these conditions.
Venous injuries in the hand or upper extremity often result from intravenous cannulations with subsequent thrombophlebitis. Treatment consists of
elevation, antibiotics, and warm compresses. Injuries of large veins with severe bleeding require ligation or repair of the offending vessel. Chronic
compression syndromes can produce venous thrombosis in the subclavian or axillary veins, causing venous edema in the extremity. This can usually be
treated by elevation, anticoagulation, and even thrombolytic therapy. Severe cases of compression of the subclavian vein at the thoracic outlet require
excision of the first rib with resection of the scalene muscles.
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Fractures are categorized according to their anatomic location within each bone.[38] Accordingly, they may occur in the head, neck, shaft, or base of a
bone and may be intra-articular or extra-articular. They may be open or closed depending on whether they communicate with the exterior. Fractures can
be further classified by the shape of the fracture line as transverse, oblique, spiral, or comminuted. Bending forces produce transverse or oblique
fractures whereas torsional forces produce spiral fractures. Axial forces tend to cause fractures at the ends of bones, and these are often comminuted.
Distal Phalanx Fractures

Fractures of the distal phalanx are the most commonly encountered fractures in the hand.[39] They may involve the tuft, shaft, or base and are most often
associated with nail bed injuries. If undisplaced or minimally displaced, they can be treated with a gutter or thimble splint for a period of 3 to 4
weeks. Unstable transverse shaft fractures require fixation with 0.035-inch diameter Kirschner wires.
Mallet Finger

A mallet finger can result from an avulsion fracture of the attachment terminal slip of the extensor mechanism at the base of the distal phalanx. The
distal phalanx adopts a dropped attitude and cannot be actively extended ( Fig. 739 ). Most closed mallet injuries are managed by splinting the DIP
joint in extension, provided the fracture involves less than 30% of the joint surface and is displaced by less than 2 mm.[40] Grossly displaced or large
intraarticular fragments may require internal fixation with a Kirschner wire.[41]
Jersey Finger

This is an avulsion fracture of the insertion of the FDP tendon into the distal phalanx. It occurs after a violent pull of the FDP against resistance, as can
occur when a footballer catches onto the jersey of an opponent and forcefully pulls. The avulsed fragment may lie rarely as far proximally as in the
palm. This fracture generally requires open reduction and internal fixation with a mini-screw or Kirschner wires.

Figure 73-9 A and B, Mallet finger deformity.


Middle Phalanx, Proximal Phalanx, and Metacarpal Fractures

These fractures may involve the head, neck, shaft, or base of the bone. Head and base fractures are usually intraarticular. Fractures of the head are
usually due to axial compression forces. If undisplaced, they can be treated by splinting. Phalangeal fractures can be immobilized in finger splints
whereas metacarpal fractures are treated in a splint with the wrist in 20 to 30 degrees of dorsiflexion, the MCP joints in 70 degrees of flexion, and the IP
joints fully extended. This is termed the universal position of immobilization of the hand. Gross displacement requires accurate restoration of the
articular surface by surgery. Reduction can then be maintained by traction through an external device or by fixing the fragments with mini-screws or
Kirschner wires.
Neck fractures are generally due to a combination of axial compression and bending. They are also called booby-trap fractures in the middle phalanx
and boxers fracture if involving the metacarpal of the little finger. If undisplaced, these fractures can be splinted, but if displaced or angulated more
than 10 degrees, they require open reduction and internal fixation with crossed Kirschner wires or plates and screws. Dorsal angulation at the fracture
with associated palmar prominence of the metacarpal head may lead to pain in the palm when gripping.[42] Angular deformities also lead to extensor lag
deformity. The index and long finger metacarpals are less mobile than the ring and small finger metacarpals. Therefore, a maximum of 15 degrees of
angular deformities can be tolerated in the index and long metacarpals while up to 20 to 40 degrees may be acceptable in the ring and small fingers.
Shaft fractures are caused by bending, torsional, or crushing forces. In the middle phalanx, displacement occurs as a result of forces exerted by the
insertions of the FDS and the central slip ( Fig. 7310 ). If the fracture lies distal to the FDS insertion, the proximal fragment is flexed by this muscle,
resulting in a volar angulation. In contrast, if the fracture occurs proximal to the FDS insertion, the proximal fragment is extended by the central slip of
the extensor mechanism while the distal part is flexed by the FDS. This results in a dorsal angulation. Most shaft fractures of the proximal phalanx
fractures tend to angulate volarward ( Fig. 7311 ). This is caused by the interossei, which flex the proximal fragment, and the central slip, which, via
the PIP joint, extends the distal fragment. Shaft fractures that are undisplaced or those that are stable after reduction can be treated by splints.
Sometimes, buddy taping the finger to the adjacent uninjured one suffices. This protects the interphalangeal joints and allows collateral ligaments to
heal. It also permits early motion, thus preventing tendon adhesions.[43] Metacarpal fractures, however, require immobilization in the universal
position. Displaced and unstable fractures require open reduction followed by fixation with Kirschner wires or plates and screws.
Base fractures are caused by axial forces with or without an associated bending component and may be intra-articular. An abducted fracture of the base
of the proximal phalanx of the little finger is called the extra octave injury. A special fracture in this category is an

Figure 73-10 Middle phalanx fracture.

Figure 73-11 Intra-articular fracture of proximal phalanx.


intra-articular fracture of the base of the thumb metacarpal, called Bennetts injury. Here, the large distal fragment is pulled proximally and into
adduction by the abductor pollicis longus and adductor pollicis acting in tandem. The small proximal fragment is held in its anatomic location by the
ulnar collateral ligament.[44] An intra-articular comminuted fracture of the base of the thumb metacarpal is known as Rolandos fracture. If undisplaced,
most of the just-mentioned fractures can be treated by percutaneous pinning with Kirschner wires followed by appropriate splinting. Displaced intraarticular fractures require accurate open reduction followed by fixation with mini-screws and Kirschner wires (see Fig. 7311 ). Often, isolated fractures
of the bases of middle and ring finger metacarpals do not require splinting because they are immobilized quite adequately by the other intact
Complications that may occur after phalangeal or metacarpal fractures include malrotation, malunion, nonunion, and stiffness of the digit owing to
tendon adhesions and joint contractures.
Carpal Fractures
Scaphoid Fracture

The scaphoid is the most common carpal fracture and accounts for nearly 60% of all carpal injuries. The patient may present with a diffuse pain over the
radial side of the wrist. Examination reveals tenderness over the anatomic snuff box and also over the scaphoid tubercle. If a scaphoid fracture is
suspected, initial radiographic examination must include posteroanterior, lateral, and a special scaphoid view, which is a posteroanterior view with the
wrist in full ulnar deviation. Quite often, immediate postinjury radiographs may not reveal a fracture. CT may help in such situations, or one may opt to
apply an empirical splint and repeat radiographs after 2 weeks. Blood vessels enter the scaphoid mainly through its distal half, and fractures through the
waist may deprive the proximal half of its blood supply, leading to avascular necrosis in as many as 30% of cases.[45] Treatment of nondisplaced
fractures is with a long-arm cast including the base of the thumb. This is called a thumb spica and is maintained for 6 weeks, followed by a short-arm
cast for an additional 6 weeks. Displaced fractures require open reduction with screw fixation. Nonunion is a notorious problem in the scaphoid and is
seen in a third of cases. These can be treated with cancellous bone grafts or pedicled vascularized bone grafts. Electrical stimulation has also been
shown to be effective in tackling this problem.[46]
Hook of Hamate Fracture

An often overlooked carpal fracture is the hook of the hamate fracture, which produces hypothenar pain and tenderness. This injury has to be suspected
in patients with persistent ulnar-sided wrist pain after a blow to the palm. The fracture can be demonstrated by special radiographic views or CT scans.
Long-standing hook of the hamate fractures are usually treated with resection of the hook.
Fractures in Children

Fractures in children differ from adults in many ways. The growth plates are still open and injuries affecting the physis can alter bone growth. The fact
that the pediatric bones are still growing also permits greater remodeling. Hence, moderate angular or translational displacements at fractures tend to
correct with age. Rotational deformities never correct and are hence totally unacceptable. The pediatric skeleton is more elastic, and fractures are
generally less common and less likely to be displaced. The epiphyses are located proximally in the phalanges and distally in the metacarpals, with the
exception of the thumb metacarpal, where it is located proximally. The Salter-Harris classification describes five types of epiphyseal injuries (Fig. 73
12 (Figure Not Available) ). [47] Accurate reduction and stabilization either in splints or by internal fixation is required for treatment. It is important to
remember that implants that cross the physeal must cause minimal damage; hence, smooth Kirschner wires are usually preferred to threaded devices
such as screws.

A dislocation is described according to the direction of displacement of the distal bone in the involved joint. They are more frequently seen in the PIP
joint than any other joint in the hand. An important dislocation is a dorsal dislocation of the MCP joint. Here, the proximal phalanx displaces dorsally
and the metacarpal head volarward. Often the metacarpal head buttonholes through and gets trapped in a fibrous space bounded by the longitudinally
oriented fibers of the palmar fascia and flexor tendons on either side, the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament proximally, and the natatory
ligament distally. This is
Figure 73-12 (Figure Not Available) Salter-Harris classification of epiphyseal injuries.


called Kaplans lesion and is most common in the index finger. The condition invariably requires open reduction by surgical release of the offending
structures. Dislocations of the carpal bones are relatively uncommon but, owing to the fact that the carpal bones are so deeply located, do not cause
visible deformities. They are hence easily missed in the clinic. This problem is further compounded by the fact that the carpal bones are so twisted in
their normal shapes that malalignments are not very obvious on radiographs. Dislocations need to be reduced at the earliest and immobilized in
appropriate splints. Delayed recognition and inadequate treatment of these injuries can have long-term repercussions in the form of secondary
degenerative arthropathy.
Traumatic Joint Instabilities

Disruption or laxity of the capsuloligamentous supports of joints can lead to various instability patterns. These can occur in the PIP and DIP joints as a
result of collateral ligament and volar plate tears. Most injuries are incomplete and can be treated in a protective splint for 3 weeks, followed by buddy
splinting to an adjacent normal finger for an additional 3 weeks. Infrequently, complete collateral ligament tears are seen and may require open repair.
Gamekeepers Thumb

This injury results from rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb MCP joint. The collateral ligament lies immediately deep to the insertion
of the adductor pollicis aponeurosis at this location. Often, the avulsed collateral ligament folds back on itself and at that moment the adductor
aponeurosis gets interposed between it and the bone. This is called the Stener lesion and invariably requires surgery because healing is impossible
without open reduction and reattachment of the ligament.[48]
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Increasing industrialization and mechanization has led to a proportional increase in the number of severe hand injuries seen. Total amputation of parts or
whole of the upper extremity at various levels is seen quite often and requires reattachment. Such a procedure is termed replantation, and its feasibility
depends on various factors, including the level and type of amputation; the patients age, occupation, and medical history; and associated risk factors.
Another obvious factor is the surgical expertise of the treating surgeon. Clean-cut or sharp amputations are easier to replant, whereas crushing or
avulsion injuries are less amenable to salvage. Nerve regeneration is better in children and accordingly better functional recovery can be expected. It has
also been noted that replantations at more distant levels like the wrist or at the level of the digits tend to recover better because nerves can reinnervate
their end organs faster, before atrophy sets in. At the digital levels, replantation should always be attempted if the thumb is involved in view of its
importance in hand function. Multiple digital amputations also require serious attempt at replantation. Single digital amputations and ring avulsion
amputations are relative indications because functional recovery is often suboptimal even if the replanted part survives.
Contraindications to replantation include medical conditions that are not compatible with a long duration of anesthesia. Relative contraindications
include vascular disorders, diabetes, hypertension, multiple injury levels, gross contamination, ring avulsion injuries, prolonged ischemia, and advanced
age. Before embarking on replantation, the patient must be made aware of the many months of postoperative care and rehabilitation that are mandatory
to recover useful function.
Transportation of the amputated part to the replantation center is of paramount importance and significantly affects the success of surgery. The severed
part is cleaned with a sterile isotonic solution, wrapped in moist sterile gauze, and then sealed in a waterproof bag. This bag is placed in a container of
ice and sent to the replantation center. Muscle is very poorly tolerant of ischemia and hence the more proximal the amputation, the lesser the permissible
ischemia time before replantation. With proper preservation and cooling, the permissible ischemia time can be extended to 8 hours for proximal
amputations, whereas in digits it can be as long as 12 hours or more.
The sequence of replantation has been standardized and but for minor variations is the same all over the world ( Fig. 7313 ). The first step is to
meticulously dissect and dbride the amputated part under magnification and identify all structures. It is essential to find at least one good artery and
two good veins for a problem-free replantation. Next, the proximal stump is dbrided, explored, and corresponding structures identified. Restoration of
skeletal stability is then restored by stable fixation. Often, it is essential to shorten the skeleton to achieve a tension-free vascular repair. This is then
followed by repair of the flexor tendons, arteries, nerves, veins, and, finally, skin. In more proximal replantations, a forearm fasciotomy is usually
performed to preclude a compartment syndrome from developing. Sometimes, ischemia is very prolonged and it becomes imperative to restore
perfusion before all else. In such circumstances, a table-top arterial conduit can be established with an interposition vein graft. Surgery then proceeds
in the usual fashion. It is also helpful in such circumstances to flush out the amputated part with isotonic intravenous solutions to get rid of potential
toxic metabolites, as described earlier in the section on vascular trauma.
After a replantation, a bulky dressing is applied to the limb, which is then placed in a well-padded splint. The limb is kept warm, and anticoagulant
therapy in the form of a mixture of 5000 units of heparin in 500 mL of low-molecular-weight dextran is administered over 24 hours. The replanted part
is then scrupulously monitored for adequacy of circulation by regularly checking its turgor, color, and capillary refill. Thermocouples can be used to
monitor the temperature while plethysmography helps in monitoring the circulatory status of the replant.
Excessive turgor, dusky purple discoloration, and a very rapid capillary refill indicate venous obstruction. Treatment

Figure 73-13 Replantation. A, Radiograph of hand with multiple-digit amputation. B, Radiograph of severed digits. C, Severed digits with fairly sharp amputation edges. D,
Immediately after replantation (palmar view). E, Immediately after replantation (dorsal view). F, Three-year follow-up showing extension. G, Three-year follow-up showing flexion.
(A to G, Courtesy of Tsu-Min Tsai, M.D.)


includes releasing tight dressings and sutures, removing the nail plate, and applying heparin-soaked pledgets to the nail bed. Sometimes, medicinal
leeches are used to aid in decongestion. Blood loss should be monitored when using any of these methods. Medicinal leeches, although usually safe, can
harbor Aeromonas hydrophila, requiring prophylactic antimicrobial treatment. A cold, flaccid, pale part with poor or no capillary refill suggests arterial
occlusion. This usually requires immediate reexploration under magnification. It has been our experience that 50% of replantations with subsequent
vascular compromise can be salvaged by prompt and appropriate intervention.
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Nerves pass through several anatomic bottlenecks along their course in the upper extremity (Fig. 7314 (Figure Not Available) ). These are potential
sites of nerve compression syndromes and lead to sensory and motor deficits distal to the site of entrapment.
Median Nerve Compression

The median nerve can potentially be compressed at five sites in the upper extremity. From distal to proximal these are the carpal tunnel at the wrist, the
fibrous arch between the two heads of FDS in the proximal forearm, the two heads of the pronator teres just distal to the elbow, the lacertus fibrosus at
the elbow, and the ligament of Struthers in the lower arm. Compression under the carpal tunnel produces carpal tunnel syndrome whereas compression
at any of the other four sites is loosely grouped under pronator syndrome.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The carpal tunnel is a tight osseofibrous tunnel at the wrist traversed by the median nerve and all nine long digital flexor tendons. Its floor is formed by
the carpal bones and
Figure 73-14 (Figure Not Available) Potential sites of nerve compression. TOC, thoracic outlet compression.

its roof by the flexor retinaculum. Normal pressures in this tunnel are 20 to 30 mm Hg. Any rise in pressure above this causes progressive conduction
blocks in the nerve with subsequent sensory and motor dysfunction. Pain and paresthesia are the earliest symptoms and are characteristically more at
night or after prolonged activity. The patient may also complaint of clumsiness of his or her hands with a proclivity for dropping objects.
Flexor synovitis is the most common cause of carpal tunnel syndrome, but it may also follow traumatic derangement of the carpal alignment. Other less
common causes include space-occupying lesions in the carpal tunnel or a persistent median artery.
Sensory evaluation may reveal a widened two-point discrimination and a positive Tinel sign over the wrist. Holding the wrist in acute flexion may elicit
paresthesia along the median nerve distribution. This is called the Phalen test and is considered positive if symptoms develop in less than a minute.[49]
Thenar weakness or wasting is usually a late finding and suggests a severe degree of compression. Nerve conduction studies and electromyography can
be useful adjuncts to clinical examination.
Initial treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome is nonoperative and includes the use of wrist splints or local corticosteroid injections. Modifications in work
patterns help, such as avoiding vibratory machinery and repetitive motion. Persistence of symptoms is an indication for surgical decompression. This is
achieved by longitudinally dividing the flexor retinaculum by open or endoscopic means. Synovectomy and removal of any mass lesion is also
necessary if that is the cause for the problem.
Pronator Syndrome

Compression of the median nerve at any of the four sites proximal to the wrist produces symptoms that are largely similar to those of carpal tunnel
syndrome. However, nocturnal symptoms are relatively uncommon although the palm may feel more numb because the palmar cutaneous branch is also
involved. Symptoms are reproduced or worsened by attempting pronation against resistance, the so-called pronator stress test. Resisted flexion of the
long finger may also worsen symptoms, indicating compression under the FDS arch. Nevertheless, it is difficult to be categorical of the exact site that is
causing the pronator syndrome and, hence, surgical decompression may involve release of all the four potential sites of compression.
Ulnar Nerve Compression

The ulnar nerve has three potential sites of compression. Starting distally, these are Guyons canal at the wrist, the cubital tunnel at the elbow, or the
medial intermuscular septum in the distal arm.
Guyons Canal

Guyons canal is bounded by the hook of the hamate, pisiform, pisohamate ligament, and palmar carpal ligament.[50]

Compression of the ulnar nerve known to occur at this site is most often idiopathic.[51] Trauma, mass lesions, and synovitis are some of the other causes.
Motor and sensory deficits of the ulnar nerve develop. A positive Tinel sign and worsening of symptoms by direct compression are clinical means of
detecting Guyons canal syndrome. Treatment is surgical and consists of dividing the palmar carpal ligament as well as removing any offending mass in
the region.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

As it passes into the forearm, the ulnar nerve curves tightly around the grooved posterior and inferior surfaces of the medial humeral epicondyle. This
groove is bridged by Osbornes ligament proximally and the two heads of the FCU distally. Compression of the ulnar nerve in this osteo-fibrous tunnel
is termed the cubital tunnel syndrome. Motor and sensory symptoms develop along the distribution of the ulnar nerve and are worsened by adopting a
flexed attitude at the elbow. Examination reveals a positive Tinel sign over the tunnel and aggravation of symptoms by sustained hyperflexion of the
Initial treatment is nonoperative and consists of splinting of the elbow in extension at night followed during the day by soft extension pads to prevent
elbow flexion or direct pressure on the nerve. Failure of nonoperative means is an indication for surgical decompression. The fascia overlying the
cubital tunnel is divided either by open or endoscopic means. If this also fails, the ulnar nerve is freed of all fibrous restraints around the elbow and
transposed anterior to the medial epicondyle into a subcutaneous or submuscular position.
Radial Nerve Compression

Sites of radial nerve compression starting proximally include the triangular space in the axilla, the spiral groove in the arm, and the lateral intermuscular

septum proximal to the elbow. More distally, the posterior interosseous nerve, which is the principal motor division of the radial nerve, can get
compressed near the annular ligament of the radial head or within the substance of the supinator muscle. This may result in variable degrees of paresis
of muscles innervated by the radial nerve.[52] Initial treatment is splinting the arm; and, if this fails, the nerve is surgically decompressed.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

All the neurovascular structures that enter the upper extremity do so through the thoracic outlet. This is a narrow space at the base of the neck bounded
by the first rib medially, the scalenus anticus muscle and clavicle anteriorly, and the scalenus medius muscle posteriorly.[53] All the elements of the
brachial plexus as well as the subclavian artery and vein can be potentially compressed at this site. Thoracic outlet syndrome usually occurs in women
between the ages of 18 and 35 years. It can be idiopathic or triggered by injuries and repetitive strains. Symptoms include easy fatigability as well as
diffuse pains radiating down the entire upper extremity.
Clinical examination may be unremarkable or reveal a confusing mass of findings. A positive Tinel sign can often be elicited at both the supraclavicular
and infraclavicular regions. Roos test is performed by asking the patient to hold both the arms overhead in a surrender position while opening and
closing the fist. This reproduces symptoms within 1 minute. Adsons test involves palpating the radial pulse while the patient turns the chin toward the
same side, inhales deeply, and holds his or her breath. The test is termed positive if the radial pulse disappears or diminishes in volume and if the
maneuver reproduces symptoms. The costoclavicular compression test involves sustained downward pressure on the clavicle and is positive if
symptoms are reproduced. An anteroposterior radiogram of the lower cervical spine may reveal a cervical rib. Nerve conduction studies are often
normal but may reveal slowing of nerve conduction velocities at more peripheral sites of compression, a condition termed double-crush syndrome.
Treatment of the thoracic outlet syndrome is primarily nonoperative. Neck and thoracic muscle exercises are instituted, and activities that precipitate the
symptoms are modified or curtailed. Injection of a local anesthetic agent with corticosteroid into the anterior scalene muscles may relieve symptoms in
some cases. Persistent symptoms particularly if supported by electrophysiologic and radiologic evidence of potential compression require surgical
decompression. This is accomplished by a transcervical or transaxillary resection of the first rib, often with release of the scalene muscles.
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Tumors are uncommon in the hand, and nearly 95% are benign.
Ganglion Cyst

Ganglions account for 70% of all tumors in the hand. They are formed by an outpouching of the synovial membrane from a joint or tendon sheath and
contain a thick jelly-like mucinous substance, similar in composition to synovial fluid. Sixty percent of ganglions occur on the dorsal aspect of the wrist
and arise in the region of the scapholunate ligament. Volar wrist ganglions are fewer and tend to arise in the region of the scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joint.
Another frequent site for these tumors is the flexor sheath, especially at the level of the A1 pulley where they can be felt to move with flexion of the
finger. They can also occur after osteoarthritis of the DIP joints and are erroneously called mucus cysts. In this location, a ganglion cyst can exert
pressure on the germinal matrix of the nail bed, resulting in a deformed or grooved nail.
Ganglions are more common in women and occur usually around the third decade of life. By themselves, these tumors are innocuous and can be left

Treatment is required only for cosmetic purposes or to relieve pressure effects on adjacent structures. Aspiration of the mucinous substance with a largebore needle followed by instillation of a corticosteroid into the sac may suffice. If this fails, the ganglion is surgically excised. Particular care is taken to
trace and resect the root or pedicle of the tumor right down from the joint or sheath from which it arises. The volar wrist ganglion is often very closely
related to the radial artery. The Allen test is performed before surgery to determine the adequacy of ulnar arterial flow, lest accidental injury to the radial
artery during excision lead to ischemia of the hand. Sometimes it may be necessary to leave behind a cuff of ganglion wall attached to the radial artery
to avoid injuring it. At the level of the DIP joint, optimal treatment includes meticulous excision followed by removal of osteophytes from the joint.[54]
Giant Cell Tumor

Giant cell tumor, also known as pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS), is the second most common hand tumor and arises from the synovial
membrane of joints or tendon sheaths. It is yellow-brown on gross appearance and contains multinucleated giant cells on microscopy. The tumor is
almost invariably benign in the hand and generally asymptomatic, although it may produce notching of adjacent bones by pressure. Giant cell tumors
can also envelop digital neurovascular bundles or extend along the tendon sheaths. Treatment is surgical and consists of excision of the tumor along
with any involved synovium.
Epidermal Inclusion Cyst

Epidermal inclusion cysts are also known as implantation dermoids and occur after trauma. Epidermal cells become accidentally lodged in the
subcutaneous tissue and continue to grow there. They occur more often in men and are usually found fixed to the palmar skin. Symptoms are related to
the size and location of the cyst. Treatment is surgical excision, and recurrence is rare.

Lipomas make up 3% of hand tumors and can be located anywhere, although the thenar eminence is the most frequent site. They are usually painless
but may become symptomatic by compressing on adjacent nerves. Recurrence is rare, but resection can be tedious if the tumor is large.
Pyogenic Granuloma

Pyogenic granuloma is a misnomer for an exuberant outgrowth of granulation tissue at sites of previous trauma. The lesions are highly vascular with a
thin epithelial cover and are friable, bleed easily, and can grow rapidly. They occur most commonly on the fingertips and respond to either curettage or
simple excision.
Verruca Vulgaris

Verruca vulgaris are viral warts and occur usually on the digits especially in the nail bed region. They are treated most effectively by coagulation,
curettage, or excision. Recurrence is not uncommon, especially in the region of the nail bed.
Vascular Malformations

These may be hemangiomas or arteriovenous malformations and may present at any time before or after birth. They are frequently associated with
massive hypertrophy of the involved area and can invade and envelop virtually all tissue planes of the hand. Compression garments can be tried but give
unpredictable results. Injury can result in uncontrolled bleeding, and involved digits can be so massive as to hamper hand function. Selective
embolization has been tried in cases in which a definite feeder vessel could be identified. More often than not, amputation of the involved ray may be
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Infection of the hand is fairly common and assumes significance because of the severe functional compromise that may result from improper or
inadequate treatment.

Paronychia refers to infection of the lateral nail folds and usually results from a penetrating injury. The most common causative organism is
Staphylococcus aureus. Treatment for early cases is with antibiotics, preferably a penicillin in combination with a -lactamase inhibitor such as
sulbactam or clavulanic acid. Once an abscess develops, surgical drainage is required. Traditionally, this has been achieved by making a longitudinal
incision just lateral and parallel to the nail fold; however, recent recommendations are to merely remove the nail and let the pus drain out from under the
nail fold.

A felon is an abscess of the pulp space and usually accompanies paronychia. Because the pulp space contains rigid fibrous septa fixing the skin to the
periosteum of the distal phalanx, collections in this region can lead to a build-up of high pressures that can be severely painful. Appropriate treatment is
surgical incision and drainage of the abscess followed by appropriate antibiotics. Complications include septic tenosynovitis, skin necrosis, and
osteomyelitis of the distal phalanx.
Suppurative Tenosynovitis (Acute and Chronic)

Acute suppurative tenosynovitis most commonly affects the flexor tendon sheaths. They usually arise after

penetrating trauma and are caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Kanavel described four cardinal signs in the digit: a fusiform swelling, a flexed attitude,
tenderness over the tendon sheath, and pain on passive extension.[55] Early cases may respond to nonoperative treatment, including elevation, warm
soaks, and intravenous antibiotics. Unresponsive or late cases require surgical drainage. The flexor sheath is opened through two separate incisions
proximally at the level of the A1 pulley and distally at the level of the A5 pulley. A small catheter or infant feeding tube is passed down the flexor
sheath through these incisions and continuously irrigated with isotonic saline or lactated Ringers solution for 36 to 48 hours. Antibiotics are required
for at least 1 or 2 weeks. More severe infections or a delay in treatment may lead to necrosis of the tendon sheath, osteomyelitis, and abscesses. These
are best treated by thorough dbridement through an extensive exposure.
Chronic tenosynovitis is usually of a granulomatous type and is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, or fungi. Treatment
includes administration of appropriate antimicrobial agents combined with surgical excision of the involved synovium. Chronic infective synovitis
needs to be differentiated from other causes of chronic granulomatous synovitis, such as sarcoidosis and amyloidosis.
Deep Space Infections

Kanavel described fascial spaces in the hand where infections tend to localize.[55] There are three palmar spaces lying deep to the palmar aponeurosis,
namely, the midpalmar, thenar, and hypothenar spaces. A fourth space, termed Paronas space, is in the distal forearm and overlies the pronator
quadratus muscle. On the dorsal aspect of the hand, the subaponeurotic space lies deep to the extensor tendons over the dorsal interosseous muscles.
Deep infections can lead to the collection of pus in any of these areas and require surgical drainage followed by appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Web space fissures, cuts, or blisters can become infected. This may progress dorsally, involving the space between the superficial and deep transverse
metacarpal ligaments. The web space assumes an hourglass shape, which is referred to as a collar-stud abscess. The abscess is best drained by both
dorsal and palmar incisions. Transverse incisions should be avoided because they may lead to contracture and narrowing of the web space.
Herpes Infection

Herpetic infection or whitlow of a digit is caused by the herpes simplex virus and is frequently seen in health care personnel in which the source is
usually orotracheal secretions of patients. The organism incubates for 2 to 14 days before forming fluid-filled vesicles on the fingertip. These lesions
can sometimes mimic paronychia or felons. The diagnosis is made from a potassium hydroxide prep and Tzanck smear. Viral cultures and
immunofluorescence with radioisotope-tagged antibodies can be helpful. Clinically, herpetic infections must be differentiated from bacterial infections.
Herpetic infections are self-limiting, and treatment is nonoperative. Surgical incision and drainage can lead to systemic involvement and possible viral

Animal and human bites are quite common on the hand. Of them, human bites carry the worst prognosis. Human bites are contaminated by mixed oral
flora and if untreated can lead to severe infection with rapid destruction of local tissue. Common organisms infecting human bites are Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus, Bacteroides, and Eikenella corrodens. [56] Most human bite injuries on the hand occur when an individual strikes another person in the
mouth with a clenched fist. A tooth produces a puncture wound that may even penetrate into the MCP joint. Clinical examination should focus on the
possibility of extensor tendon injury and joint penetration. Surgical exploration, dbridement, and lavage are mandatory in the treatment of these
injuries. Human bite wounds should not be closed primarily and are treated with penicillins or cephalosporins after surgery.
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Congenital hand anomalies are sporadic in their incidence. Their causes may be genetic, teratogenic, or idiopathic and may have syndromic association
with anomalies elsewhere in the body. The most common hand anomalies are syndactyly and polydactyly.

Syndactyly is most prevalent in the Western Hemisphere and is classified as failure of differentiation of parts or structures. It is characterized as fusion
of adjacent digits and can involve part or whole of the length of involved digits ( Fig. 7315 ). If fusion is limited to skin and soft tissues only, the
syndactyly is termed simple and if skeletal fusion occurs, it is called complex. Aperts syndrome is a severe form of syndactyly. Treatment is a
surgical separation of the digits within the first year of life. Local flaps and full-thickness skin grafts are necessary to achieve full coverage of the
separated digits.

Polydactyly is more prevalent in the African continent and is classified as a duplication of digits. It is very variable in its clinical presentation and ranges
from simple skin tags to a complete supernumerary digit, most often the thumb ( Fig. 7316 ). Treatment is removal of the extra appendage. Tissue parts
from the excised appendage can be used to reconstruct the resected region.


Figure 73-15 Syndactyly. A, Radiograph showing hidden polydactyly between third and fourth digits. B, Marking the planned incisions to prevent scar contractures. C, Intraoperative
photography showing excision of hidden extra digit. D, Immediate postoperative photograph.
Growth Arrests

Growth arrests can affect parts or whole of the upper extremity. Brachydactyly is failure of longitudinal growth of digits. Partial or complete
longitudinal growth deficits affecting the radius or ulna produce radial and ulnar club hands, respectively. Radial club hand, or manus valgus, is the
more common of the two and can be associated with other anomalies, such as thrombocytopenia, Fanconis anemia, or the VACTERL complex
(Vertebral defects, Anorectal malformation, Cardiac anomalies, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Esophageal atresia, Renal dysplasia, and Limb anomalies).

Polands syndrome is a condition characterized by ipsilateral chest wall and limb hypoplasia. Treatment of any of these problems involves lengthening
and realignment of existing structures.
Constriction Band Syndrome

Constriction band syndrome is secondary to intrauterine amniotic bands. These can act like tourniquets and threaten the viability of digits, limbs, and
other parts. This condition often results in congenital amputation. It is important to differentiate congenital amniotic bands from acquired bands that
may occur in infants because of neglected external ligatures, termed the hair-thread-tourniquet syndrome.

Clinodactyly is a deviation of digits toward the radial or ulnar direction. This usually involves the distal phalanx

Figure 73-16 Thumb duplication. A, Preoperative view. B, Immediate postoperative view. C, At 5-year follow-up, normal thumb function.

and is commonly seen with the presence of a triangular middle phalanx termed the delta phalanx. Treatment is required if the problem is affecting
function and involves corrective osteotomy.

Camptodactyly is a congenital flexion deformity of digits occurring in the sagittal plane. It is most common and severe in the small finger at the PIP
joint. Initial treatment is by serial splinting or distraction histogenesis with an external fixator. If this does not correct the deformity, surgical correction
by Z-plasties of the skin is performed. It is important to remember that camptodactyly is usually accompanied by deficient skin, and surgical correction
may require the additional use of skin grafts.
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De Quervains Disease

De Quervains disease is a constricting tenosynovitis affecting the tendons of EPB and APL in the first extensor compartment. The main symptom is
pain worsened by activity. There may be a fusiform swelling of the tendon sheath, and the region is tender to palpate. Finkelstein described a test in
which ulnar deviation of the wrist with the thumb grasped in a fist causes pain.[57] The opposite hand should also be tested to unmask subclinical
De Quervains disease is initially treated nonoperatively by local corticosteroid injection and rest in a thumb spica splint. If these measures fail, surgical
decompression of

the first dorsal compartment is performed. Care is taken to protect the radial sensory nerve branches, which course just under the skin in this area
because trauma or transection leads to painfully disabling neuromas.
Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a constricting tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons at the level of the A1 pulley. The condition is divided into four grades of increasing
severity. Grade I is characterized by pain and tenderness at the A1 pulley. Grade II is associated with the development of a palpable nodule in the flexor
tendon, but the tendon still glides in and out of the flexor sheath. Grade III is when the characteristic triggering occurs. The patient can flex the digit,
but the nodule catches at the proximal edge of the A1 pulley, locking the PIP joint in this flexed position. Attempts at extending the digit cause it to
suddenly snap back, much like the trigger of a gun. Often, the patient needs to use the opposite hand to unlock and extend the digit. Grade IV is when
the constriction is so tight that the patient either cannot flex the digit or it gets fixed in the flexed position and can no longer be fully extended.
Nonoperative treatment includes local injection of a corticosteroid preparation. Ultrasound massage of the A1 pulley has also been tried to help increase
its viscoelasticity and thus expand it to some extent. If this regimen fails, the A1 pulley is longitudinally divided under direct vision. Triggering can also
occur in the thumb and is treated similarly. The annular pulley is divided longitudinally on its radial side to avoid accidental division of the oblique
pulley that lies immediately distal to the ulnar border of the annular pulley.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Tenosynovitis

The ECU tendon and its subsheath are important dorsal supports of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) and triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC).
Inflammation of this tendon may occur after repetitive strain and forms an important cause of the enigmatic ulnar-sided wrist pain syndrome (USWP).
Differential diagnosis includes TFCC tears as well as arthropathy and sprains of the DRUJ and pisotriquetral and lunotriquetral joints. Diagnosis is
made by eliciting tenderness along the ECU tendon as well as pain on resisted ulnar extension of the wrist. Treatment includes splinting and local
corticosteroid injection.
Intersection Syndrome

This is an ill-understood condition characterized by pain and crepitus at the point where the APL and EPB tendons intersect the tendons of ECRL and
ECRB. Initial treatment is by splinting, local corticosteroid injection, and anti-inflammatory medication. Refractory cases require surgical excision of
involved tenosynovial membranes and local fascial thickening, which is frequently seen.
Other sites of tenosynovitis include the FCR and FCU tendons. These can be treated by splinting and local corticosteroid injection.
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Osteoarthritis (Primary and Secondary)

Primary osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that generally occurs later in life and is seen in 90% of women and 80% of men by the eighth
decade of life. An injury to a joint that leaves the articular surfaces incongruous can precipitate a secondary osteoarthritis within 5 to 6 years after
injury. The condition is relentlessly progressive and usually affects the hands and large weight-bearing joints.
Osteoarthritis begins with a biochemical alteration of the water content of articular cartilage. Soon the cartilage weakens and develops small cracks, a
condition termed fibrillation. Progressive erosion and thinning of the cartilage leads to increased stress on the subchondral bone, which becomes highly
sclerotic and polished like ivory. This is termed eburnation. The overloaded joint tries to compensate by forming new bone around the edges of the
articular cartilage. These bony outcroppings are called osteophytes.
Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the DIP and PIP joints in the fingers and the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Osteophytes at the DIP joints are
called Heberdens nodes, and those at the PIP joint are called Bouchards nodes. The involved joints are painful and stiff. They may be deformed or
may subluxate. Compression with a rotatory movement along the long axis of the digit is called the grinding test and produces pain. Radiography
reveals narrowing of the joint space, sclerosis of subchondral bone, and the presence of osteophytes.
Initial treatment consists of local corticosteroid injection and splinting. Chondroprotective agents such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have
demonstrated ability to reduce symptoms if started early. If this does not provide relief, surgical intervention is required. Synovectomy and joint
dbridement are often all that may be required. In very advanced cases, the DIP joints respond best to resection of osteophytes, followed by arthrodesis
(surgical fusion) of the joint. PIP joints require replacement by silicone prosthesis, although arthrodesis can also be selectively used. The thumb CMC
joint is treated by arthrodesis in the young because it provides greater stability and can tolerate loads better. In the elderly, excision of the trapezium
followed by a suspension-interposition arthroplasty is preferred. The arthroplasty consists of interposing a length of tendon, rolled into a ball, in the
space created by excising the trapezium. In addition, the first metacarpal is suspended from the second with the help of a surgically constructed
tendinous sling. This provides greater stability but is less tolerant of heavy activity, a factor that should not be of great concern in the elderly.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, autoimmune disorder of uncertain origin.[58] The condition can affect all connective tissue elements and leads
to damage of joints, tendons, and ligaments. About 2 million people are affected by this disorder in the United States. Women are two to three times
more susceptible to rheumatoid arthritis, and the disease usually begins in the fourth decade of life. Management of this disorder requires a team effort
and is primarily at two levels. The rheumatoid disease process needs medical management by a rheumatologist whereas the mechanical deformities are
managed by orthopedic and hand surgeons. Psychiatrists, physiotherapists, orthotists, and prosthetists form the remaining members of the team. In the
hand, surgical intervention is required for basically two purposes: reduction of pain and restoration of normal mechanics.
Synovial hypertrophy can be severely painful, and the patient presents with swollen, inflamed joints. Local corticosteroid injections may help, but,
sometimes, synovectomy is indicated. Excising unhealthy synovium also can protect the joint from destruction by reducing pannus formation.
Treatment of the disease process continues at the same time with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as well as disease-modifying
antirheumatoid drugs (DMARDs).
Mechanical derangements occur at all joints and usually follow characteristic patterns. At the wrist this usually takes the form of radial deviation,
whereas in the digits more complex deformity patterns occur.
Boutonnire Deformity

This deformity of digits is characterized by a flexion at the PIP and hyperextension at the DIP joints ( Fig. 7317 ). It is usually caused by attenuation
and eventual rupture of the central slip of the extensor mechanism. The head of the proximal phalanx then luxates dorsally and buttonholes between
the lateral bands of the extensor mechanism. This causes an over-pull on the terminal slip, leading to hyperextension of the DIP joint. If seen early, the
condition can be treated by dynamic splinting. Late cases require surgical correction.

Figure 73-17 Boutonnire deformity.

Swan-Neck Deformity

Swan-neck deformity is the mechanical opposite of a boutonniere deformity and is characterized by hyperextension at the PIP joint and flexion at the
DIP joint ( Fig. 7318 ). The deformity can be caused by a variety of factors, including synovitis and volar plate inadequacy at the PIP joint, tightness of
the intrinsic muscles, and adhesions of the FDS tendon in the flexor sheath with subsequent loss of volar support of the PIP joint. Attenuation or rupture
of the terminal slip of the extensor mechanism can cause a mallet deformity with secondary over-pull of the central slip producing the deformity. As in
boutonnire deformity, swan neck deformity may respond to splinting if seen early. Late cases require surgical correction.
Ulnar Drift

This deformity occurs typically at the MCP joints and is accompanied by an ulnar subluxation of the long extensor tendons. In combination with a radial

deviation of the wrist, ulnar drift of the fingers produces a characteristic Z deformity of the hand ( Fig. 7319 ). The radial collateral ligaments of the
MCP joints are grossly attenuated whereas the ulnar collateral ligaments shorten, maintaining the deformity. Often, the joints are volarly luxated as
well. If seen early, dynamic splinting helps correct the deformity and also decreases synovial inflammation. Late cases require surgery. If the MCP
joints are not eroded or grossly volar luxated, soft tissue realignment suffices. Eroded and grossly luxated MCP joints require additional prosthetic
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Mobility is the most important prerequisite for normal hand function. Various conditions cause stiffness and contractures of hand joints and include
post-traumatic contractures, Dupuytrens disease, and Volkmanns ischemic contracture. Post-traumatic contractures are by far the

Figure 73-18 Swan neck deformity.


Figure 73-19 Z deformity with radial deviation of wrist and ulnar drift of fingers. A, Rheumatoid arthritis of uncorrected right hand. The left hand, which was more severely
deformed, is shown after surgical correction. B, After bilateral surgical correction, both hands functioned normally.

most common and need to be prevented by appropriate treatment of the primary injury, followed by an intensive course of physiotherapy to minimize
scarring as well as maintain the suppleness of soft tissues and joints. Once they develop, contractures, if mild, can be stretched out by rigorous
physiotherapy, including exercises, ultrasound massage, and splinting at night. If severe, surgical release of the contracture is indicated.
Dupuytrens Disease

Dupuytrens disease is a contracture of the palmar aponeurosis, extending into the digits. It is more common in men and is largely of familial origin
typically affecting those with Scandinavian ancestry. It is usually seen after 50 years of age and is autosomal dominant with variable penetrance. There
is some evidence to suggest that it may be more common in patients with a history of epilepsy, alcoholism, diabetes, and myocardial infarction.[59] The
disease usually begins in the ring and small fingers, with the index being the least involved of all digits.
McFarlane, in a landmark article, analyzed in great detail the patterns of fascial involvement in Dupuytrens disease.[60] Accordingly, the disease mainly
involves the longitudinally oriented fibers of the palmar aponeurosis, sparing the superficial transverse metacarpal ligament. Contracture of the natatory
ligaments leads to adduction contractures of the web spaces. In the fingers, the spiral band of Gosset, the lateral digital sheath, and varying parts of
Clelands and Graysons ligaments get involved in a common contracted mass termed the spiral cord. This produces flexion contractures at the MCP
and PIP joints as well as displaces the digital neurovascular bundles into a more superficial and midline position. The latter fact has to be borne in mind
during surgical correction and extreme caution exercised to avoid injuring the neurovascular bundles.
Mere thickening of the palmar fascia into cords or nodules does not require treatment. There is anecdotal evidence that stretching exercises and high
doses of vitamin E (800 mg/day) may help slow down the progression of deformity. Fasciectomy is the surgery of choice and is reserved for patients
with greater than 30


degrees of MCP joint flexion contracture or any degree of PIP joint flexion contracture. In the palm, this is best carried out through a transverse
incision, whereas in the digits vertical incisions are used. After removal of the offending cords, the transverse palmar incisions can be left open or partly
closed while the longitudinal digital incisions are converted into Z-plasties and closed in a tension-free manner. Frequently, local flaps or skin grafts
may be required. Postoperative management includes static night splinting with joint mobilization and stretching exercises. Complications include
hematoma, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, and recurrence of contracture.
Volkmanns Ischemic Contracture

Volkmanns ischemic contracture develops as a result of myofascial contractures in response to prolonged ischemia. The most common cause for this is
an unattended compartment syndrome of the forearm or hand, which has been discussed earlier in the chapter. The involved muscles become necrotic
and are replaced by fibrous tissue, which produces contractures that are refractory to passive stretch.
The FDP and FPL muscles are the most commonly and severely affected ones in the forearm. The digits are characteristically flexed, and passive
extension of the wrist worsens the flexion deformity. This is termed Volkmanns sign. In the hand, intrinsic contractures are assessed by Bunnels test,
in which passive extension of the MCP joints produces flexion of the PIP and DIP joints.
If the contracture is mild, passive stretching exercises and serial splinting may solve the problem. If it is severe, the contracture can be released by Z
lengthening of tendons or by performing a muscle slide operation. This latter procedure involves subperiosteal elevation of the common flexor origin
from the humerus and allowing it to slide distally until the contracture is corrected. Rarely, a relative lengthening of the flexor muscles can be achieved
by shortening the skeleton. This is done by performing a carpectomy or by resecting a segment of forearm bones and fixing them in the shortened
position with plates and screws. In its most severe form, Volkmanns ischemic contracture may involve all muscles of a group, leaving no functioning
muscle units behind. In such cases, tendon transfers from adjacent uninvolved groups can provide some return of function.
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The hand is a human beings most effective mechanical tool, and any compromise in its function can have serious repercussions on day-to-day
activities. Increasing mechanization of the world has led to a dramatic increase in the incidence of hand injuries, accounting for almost 25% of all
emergency department visits. Seventy percent of major hand injuries occur as a result of machinery injuries and are most often preventable. It has been
reported that in as many as 81% of industrial injuries, appropriate safety precautions were either not available or were ignored.[61] This raises serious
questions because such injuries occur in the controlled environment of an industrial workshop, which should make them eminently preventable. In the
United States, about 18 million new hand injuries are reported annually, accounting for one fourth of all work-related disabilities. The financial burden
of these injuries is obvious and is caused both by money spent for treatment as well as in lost days of work.
The future of hand surgery is exciting. The absolute explosion of scientific development in the last century has blurred the lines between scientific fact
and fiction. Allograft hand transplantation has been successful and, with continued improvement in immunosuppressive therapy, may become a routine
procedure. Genetic engineering has led to the synthesis of various tissue substitutes, increasing the limits of reconstructive possibilities. Arthroscopicguided laser surgery has already shown its advantages as a minimally invasive method for large joint synovectomy and may soon play a role in the
smaller joints of the hand. Telecommunications and computerization have caused national borders to disappear overnight and have made accurate and
instant recall of information possible. Specialized centers are springing up all over the world to perpetuate spread of knowledge. It is up to the future
generations of surgeons to dedicate themselves to this growing field of hand surgery and help keep its torch burning brightly in the world of medicine.
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Selected References
Ashbell TS, Kleinert HE, Putcha SM, Kutz JE: The deformed finger nail, a frequent result of failure to repair nail bed injuries. J Trauma 7:177190, 1967.
Excellent article on the consequences of neglecting the common fingertip injury.
Kleinert HE, Kutz JE, Ashbell TS, Martinez E: Primary repair of lacerated flexor tendon in no mans land [Abstract]. J Bone Joint Surg Am 49:577, 1967.
Excellent abstract on flexor tendon injuries and early mobilization.
Kleinert HE, Verdan C: Report of the Committee on Tendon. J Hand Surg 8:794798, 1983.
Excellent article on classification of flexor and extensor tendon injuries by zones.
McFarlane RM: Patterns of diseased fascia in the fingers in Dupuytrens contracture: Displacement of the neurovascular bundle. Plast Reconstr Surg 54:3144, 1974.
A citation classic for patterns of fascial contracture in Dupuytrens disease.
Millesi H: Nerve grafting. Clin Plast Surg 11:105113, 1984.
This article describes the anatomic compression sites and clinical classifications of radical nerve compression.
Seddon HJ: Three types of nerve injury. Brain 66:237, 1943.
Landmark article and information on nerve injury types and classification.

Wilgis EF: Observations on the effects of tourniquet ischemia. J Bone Joint Surg Am 53:13431346, 1971.
Thorough review of the principles of tourniquet use, risks, and potential complications.

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Chapter 74 - Gynecologic Surgery

Stephen S. Entman M.D.
Cornelia R. Graves M.D.
Barry K. Jarnagin M.D.
Lynn P. Parker M.D.

Gynecology, along with the co-specialty of obstetrics, represents the art and science of the female reproductive tract. The global knowledge base for the
specialty demands an understanding of embryology and anatomy of female pelvic organs, the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian hormonal axis, ovulation,
the endometrial response to the hormonal milieu, oocyte fertilization and implantation, embryogenesis, fetal health and development, maternal
adaptation to pregnancy, and labor and delivery. Additionally, obstetric and gynecologic care requires knowledge of functional and pathologic
variations and abnormalities in these processes, including dysfunctional hormonal and endometrial cycling, ovarian accidents, pelvic infection, benign
and malignant neoplasms, abnormal pregnancy implantation, teratogenesis, fetal and maternal complications of pregnancy, and abnormal labor. The full
range of this knowledge is beyond the scope of one chapter. Instead, the focus here is to provide the surgeon with sufficient understanding of the basic
information for effective care of the female patient in need of surgical evaluation and care. The potential settings for this care include the following:
Evaluation of women with abdominopelvic complaints in the emergency setting
Request for intraoperative assistance or consultation by a gynecologic surgeon
Unanticipated pelvic pathologic processes in the operative setting
Emergency surgical care in the absence of an obstetrician-gynecologist
Surgical care of the pregnant patient
To these ends, the chapter is structured to provide the following information:

Anatomy, with attention to surgical anatomic relationships

Reproductive physiology
Clinical evaluation of the female patient, including important elements of history, physical examination and ancillary tests
Special considerations related to gynecologic malignancies
Medical alternatives to surgical management of common gynecologic conditions
Surgical technique for common gynecologic procedures, vulnerabilities for surgical injury, and specific issues related to surgical judgment
Physiologic changes in pregnancy and perioperative and intraoperative care of the pregnant patient
Surgical technique for obstetrical procedures

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The female external genitalia are derived embryologically from the genital tubercle, which in the absence of testosterone fails to undergo fusion and
devolves to the vulvar structures. The labial structures are of ectodermal origin. The urethra, the vaginal introitus, and the vulvar vestibule are derived
from uroepithelial entoderm. The lower third

of the vagina develops from the invagination of the urogenital sinus.

The internal genitalia are derived from the genital ridge. The ovaries develop from the incorporation of primordial germ cells into coelomic epithelium
of the mesonephric (wolffian) duct, and the tubes, uterus, cervix, and upper two thirds of the vagina develop from the paramesonephric (mllerian) duct.
The embryologic ovaries migrate caudad to the true pelvis. Primordial ovarian follicles develop but remain dormant until stimulation in adolescence by
gonadotropins. The paired mllerian ducts migrate caudad and medially to form the fallopian tubes and fuse in the midline to form the uterus, cervix,
and upper vagina. The wolffian ducts regress. Failure or partial failure of these processes can result in distortions of anatomy and potential diagnostic
dilemmas ( Table 741 ).
External Genitalia

The external genitalia consist of the mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vulvar vestibule, urethral meatus, and the ostia of the accessory
glandular structures ( Fig. 741 ). These structures overlie the fascial and muscle layers of the perineum. The perineum is the most caudal region of the
trunk and includes the pelvic floor and those structures occupying the pelvic outlet. It is bounded superiorly by the funnel-shaped pelvic diaphragm and
inferiorly by the skin covering the external genitalia, the anus, and adjacent structures. Laterally, the perineum is bounded by the medial surface of the
inferior pubic rami, the obturator internus muscle below the origin of the levator ani muscle, the coccygeus muscle, the medial surface of the
sacrotuberous ligaments, and the overlapping margins of the gluteus maximus muscles ( Fig. 742 ).
The pelvic outlet can be divided into two triangles separated by a line drawn between the ischial tuberosities. The anterior or urogenital triangle has its
apex anteriorly at the symphysis pubis, and the posterior or anal triangle has its apex at the coccyx.
The urogenital triangle contains the urogenital diaphragm, a muscular shelf extending between the pubic
TABLE 74-1 -- Selected Anatomic Abnormalities as a Result of Disrupted Embryogenesis



Duplication of ovary; secondary ovarian rests; paraovarian cysts (wolffian remnants)


Congenital absence; paratubal cyst (hydatid of Morgagni)


Agenesis; complete or partial duplication of the uterine fundus


Agenesis; complete or partial duplication of the cervix


Agenesis; transverse or longitudinal septum; paravaginal (Gartners duct) cyst


Fusion; hermaphroditism; cyst of the canal of Nuck (round ligament cyst)

Figure 74-1 The external genitalia. A, mons pubis; B, prepuce; C, clitoris; D, labia majora; E, labia minora; F, urethral meatus; G, Skene ducts; H, vagina; I, hymen; J, Bartholin
glands; K, posterior fourchette; L, perineal body.

rami and penetrated by the urethra and vagina and the external genitalia, consisting of the mons pubis, the labia majora and minora, the clitoris, and the
vestibule. The mons pubis is a suprapubic fat pad covered by dense skin appendages. The labia majora extend posteriorly from the mons, forming the
lateral borders of the vulva. They have a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with all of the normal skin appendages and extend posteriorly to the
lateral perineum. Within the confines of the labium are fat and the insertion of the round ligament. Medial to the labia majora are interlabial grooves and
the labia minora, which are of similar cutaneous origin but devoid of hair follicles. The labia minora are richly vascularized, with an erectile venous
plexus. The bilateral roots of the clitoris fuse in the midline to form the glans at the lower edge of the pubic symphysis. The labia minora fuse over the
clitoris to form the hood and, to a variable degree, below to create the clitoral frenulum.
Contiguous to the medial aspect of the labia minora, demarcated by Harts line, is the vulvar vestibule extending to the hymeneal sulcus. The vestibular
surface is a stratified, squamous mucous membrane that shares embryology and has similar characteristics to the distal urethra and urethral meatus. The
Bartholin glands at 5 and

Figure 74-2 The muscles and fascia of the perineum. A, suspensory ligament of clitoris; B, clitoris; C, crus of clitoris; D, vestibular bulb; E, bulbocavernosus muscle; F, inferior

fascia of urogenital diaphragm; G, deep transverse perineal muscle; H, Bartholin gland; I, perineal body; J, ischiocavernosus muscle; K, external anal sphincter; L, levator ani muscle;
M, anococcygeal body; N, coccyx; O, gluteus maximus muscle; P, pudendal artery and vein; Q, superficial transverse perineal muscle.

7 oclock, the paraurethral Skene glands, and minor vestibular glands positioned around the lateral vestibule are all under the vestibular bulb, subjacent
to the bulbocavernosus muscle. The ostia of these glands pass through the vestibular mucosa, directly adjacent to the hymeneal ring.
The muscles of the external genitalia consist of the deep and superficial transverse perineal muscles, the paired ischiocavernosus muscles that cover the
crura of the clitoris, and the bulbocavernosus muscles lying on either side of the vagina covering the vestibular bulbs.
The anal triangle contains the anal canal with surrounding internal and external sphincters, the ischiorectal fossa, filled with fatty tissue, the median
raphe, and the overlying skin.
Blood supply to the perineum is predominantly from a posterior direction from the internal pudendal artery, which, after arising from the internal iliac
artery, passes through Alcocks canal, a fascial tunnel along the obturator internus muscle below the origin of the levator ani muscle. On emerging from
Alcocks canal, the internal pudendal artery sends branches to the urogenital triangle anteriorly and to the anal triangle posteriorly. Anteriorly, there is
blood supply to the mons pubis from the inferior epigastric, a branch of the femoral artery. Laterally, the external pudendal artery arises from the
femoral artery and supplies the lateral aspect of the vulva. Venous return from the perineum accompanies the arterial supply and, therefore, drains into
the internal iliac and femoral veins.
It is important for the surgeon dissecting the external genitalia to be cognizant of the variability of direction from which the blood supply of the
operative field is derived.
The major nerve supply to the perineum comes from the internal pudendal nerve, which originates from S2 to S4 anterior rami of the sacral plexus and
travels through Alcocks canal in company with the internal pudendal artery and vein. Anterior branches supply the urogenital diaphragm and the
external genitalia while the posterior branch, the inferior rectal nerve, supplies the anus, the anal canal, the ischiorectal fossa and the adjacent skin.
Branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve from the sacral plexus innervate the lateral aspects of the ischiorectal fossa and adjacent structures.
The mons pubis and anterior labia are supplied by the ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves from the lumbar plexus; they travel through the inguinal
canal and exit through the superficial inguinal ring. All of these paired nerves routinely cross the midline for partial innervation of the contralateral side.
The visceral efferent nerves responsible for clitoral erection are derived from the pelvic splanchnic nerves and reach the external genitalia in company
of the urethra and vagina as they pass through the urogenital diaphragm.
Surgical injury to the pelvic nerve plexus can result in neuropathic pain and diminished sexual, voiding, and excretory function.
The lymphatic drainage of the perineum including both the urogenital triangle and anogenital triangle travels for the most part with the external
pudendal vessels to the superficial inguinal nodes. The deep parts of the perineum including the urethra, the vagina, and the anal canal drain, in part,
through the lymphatics that accompany the internal pudendal vessels and into the internal iliac lymph nodes.
The fascia and fascial spaces of the perineum are important regarding spread of extravasated fluids and both superficial and deep infections. Fascia
covers each of the muscles bounding the perineum, including the deep surface of the levator ani, the obturator internus, the coccygeus, as well as other
perineal muscles such as the urogenital diaphragm. The fascia of the levator ani muscles fuses with the obturator internus fascia and the pubic rami,
creating well-defined fascial spaces, the ischiorectal fossae. Beneath the skin of the external genitalia is a layer of fat, and deep to this is Colles fascia,
which is attached to the ischiopubic rami laterally and the posterior edge of the urogenital diaphragm. Anteriorly, Colles fascia of the vulva is
continuous with Colles fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
Infections or collections of extravasated urine deep to the urogenital diaphragm are usually confined to the ischiorectal fossa, including the anterior
recess, which is superior to the urogenital diaphragm. Collections of fluid or infections superficial to the urogenital diaphragm may pass to the
abdominal wall deep to Colles fascia. Because

of various fascial fusions, infections spreading from the vulva to the anterior abdominal wall do not spread into the inguinal regions or the thigh.
Internal Genitalia

The internal genitalia consist of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina with associated blood supply and lymphatic drainage ( Figs. 74
3 , 744 , 745 ).

The oblong ovaries, which are glistening white, vary in size, a factor that is dependent on age and status of the ovulatory cycle. In the prepubescent girl,
the ovary will appear as a white sliver of tissue less than a centimeter in any dimension. The ovary of a woman during her reproductive years will vary
in size and shape. The size of the nonovulating ovary will typically be in the range of 3 2 1 cm. When a follicular or corpus luteum cyst is present,
the size may extend up to 5 to 6 cm. A follicular cyst is an asymmetrical, translucent clear structure. A corpus luteum cyst will generally be
characterized by areas of golden yellow and, occasionally, a hematoma. The ovaries are suspended from the lateral sidewall of the pelvis below the
pelvic brim by the infundibulopelvic ligament and attach to the superolateral aspect of the uterine fundus with the utero-ovarian ligament.
The primary blood supply to the ovary is the ovarian artery. It arises directly from the aorta and courses with the vein through the infundibulopelvic
ligament into the medulla on the lateral aspect of the ovary. The right ovarian vein generally drains to the inferior vena cava and the left drains to the
common iliac vein; however, variations commonly occur. There is a rich, anastomotic arterial complex arising from the uterine artery that spreads
across the broad ligament and the mesosalpinx. The venous return accompanies that arterial supply. There is no somatic innervation to the ovary, but the
autonomic fibers arise from the lumbar sympathetic and the sacral parasympathetic plexuses. Lymphatic drainage parallels the iliac and aortic arteries.
There are three important relationships to be considered in surgical dissection. The infundibulopelvic ligament, with the ovarian blood supply, crosses
over the ureter as it descends into the pelvis. As the surgeon divides and ligates the ovarian vessels, it is critical that this relationship be identified to
avoid transecting, ligating, or kinking the ureter. The risk of ureteral injury is greater with a more proximal dissection of the ligament. Additionally, in
its natural position, the suspended ovary drops along the pelvic sidewall along the course of the midureter. If there are adhesions between the ovary
and the peritoneum of the pelvic sidewall, careful dissection is necessary to avoid tenting the peritoneum with the attached ureter and creating injury.
The third surgical relationship is the complex of external iliac vessels and the femoral nerve that courses along the iliopsoas muscle, directly below the
course of the ovarian vessels; with anterior adhesions of an ovary, these structures may be subjacent to the malpositioned ovary.
Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes are cylindrical structures approximately 8 cm in length. They originate at the uterine cavity in the uterine cornua, with an intramural
segment of 1 to 2 cm and narrow isthmic segment of 4 to 5 cm, flare over 2 to 3 cm to the funnel of the infundibular segment, and terminate in the
fimbriated end of the tube. The fimbria are fine, delicate mucosal projections that are positioned to allow for capture of the extruded oocyte to promote
the potential for fertilization. The blood supply to the tube is derived primarily from branches of the uterine artery with a delicate cascade of vessels in
the mesosalpinx. There is a secondary supply from the anastomosis with the ovarian vessels.
The surgeon must be aware of the fragility of the fallopian tube and handle this structure delicately, especially in women wishing to preserve their
fertility. The mucosa lining the tubal lumen, especially at the fimbriated end, is highly specialized to facilitate transport of the oocyte and the fertilized
zygote. Traumatic manipulation of the tube can induce tubal infertility or predispose to later tubal pregnancy, either through damage to the mucosa or
by distortion of tubal position by adhesions, thereby interfering with the access or transport mechanisms.
Uterus and Cervix

The uterus with the cervix is a midline, pear-shaped organ suspended in the midplane of the pelvis by the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments. The
cardinal ligaments are dense fibrous condensations arising from the fascial covering of the levator ani muscles of the pelvic floor and inserting into the
lateral portions of the uterocervical junction. The uterosacral ligaments arise posterolaterally from the uterocervical junction and course obliquely in a
posterolateral direction to insert into the parietal fascia of the pelvic floor at the sacroiliac joint. The round ligaments of the uterus arise from the
anterolateral superior aspect of the uterine fundus, course anterolaterally to the internal inguinal ring, and insert into the labia majora. The round
ligaments are highly stretchable and serve no function in pelvic organ support. The broad ligaments are composed of a visceral peritoneal surface
containing loose adventitious tissue. These ligaments also provide no pelvic organ support but do allow access to an avascular plane of the pelvis
through which the retroperitoneal vasculature and ureter can be exposed.
The size of the uterus is influenced by age, hormonal status, prior pregnancy, and common benign neoplasms. The normal uterus during the
reproductive years is approximately 8 6 4 cm and weighs about 100 g. The prepubertal and postmenopausal uterus is substantially smaller. The
mass of the uterus is almost exclusively made up of myometrium, a complex of interlacing bundles of smooth muscle. The uterine cavity is 4 to 6 cm
from the internal cervical os to the uterine fundus, shaped as an inverted triangle, 2 to 3 mm wide at the cervix, and 3 to 4 cm across the fundus,
extending from cornua to cornua. It is only a few millimeters of depth between anterior and posterior walls, with no defined lateral walls in the

Figure 74-3 The internal genitalia. Front view: A, symphysis pubis; B, bladder; C, corpus uteri; D, round ligament; E, fallopian tube; F, ovary; G, utero-ovarian ligament; H, broad
ligament; I, ovarian artery and vein; J, ureter; K, uterosacral ligament; L, cul-de-sac; M, rectum; N, middle sacral artery and vein; O, vena cava; P, aorta. Side view: A, labium majus;
B, labium minus; C, symphysis pubis, D, urethra; E, bladder; F, vagina; G, anus; H, rectum; I, cervix uteri; J, corpus uteri; K, endometrial cavity; L, round ligament; M, fallopian tube;
N, ovary; O, cul-de-sac; P, uterosacral ligament; Q, sacrum; R, ureter; S, ovarian artery and vein.


Figure 74-4 Blood supply of the pelvis. A, aorta; B, inferior vena cava; C, ureter; D, ovarian vein; E, ovarian artery; F, renal vein; G, common iliac artery; H, psoas muscle; I, middle
sacral artery; J, ovary; K, rectum; L, corpus uteri; M, bladder; N, internal iliac (hypogastric) artery, anterior branch; O, external iliac artery; P, obturator artery; Q, external iliac vein;
R, uterine artery; S, uterine vein, T, vaginal artery; U, superior vesicle artery; V, inferior epigastric artery.

Figure 74-5 Lymphatics of the pelvis. A, aortic; B, sacral; C, common iliac; D, hypogastric; E, obturator; F, deep inguinal; G, Cloquet node; H, parametrial; I, superficial inguinal.


state. The most common reason for variation in size is current pregnancy, followed by uterine fibroids.
If, during a surgical procedure, the surgeon encounters an enlarged uterus, undiagnosed pregnancy must be considered. The morphologic differences

between a uterus enlarged by a pregnancy and one enlarged by fibroid include symmetrical enlargement in pregnancy with generally asymmetrical
enlargement with fibroids. If symmetrical, consider the origin of the round ligaments. With pregnancy, the round ligaments stretch as the uterus grows
and continue to originate from the normal site; even with an apparently symmetrical fibroid uterus, the origin of the round ligaments is frequently
displaced from the top of the uterine fundus or asymmetrical course through the pelvis. Finally, the pregnant uterus is usually dusky and soft, whereas
fibroids are generally firm and nodular masses can be palpated in the myometrial wall.
The uterine cavity is lined by the endometrium, a complex epithelial-stromal-vascular secretory tissue. The arterial supply to the endometrium is derived
from branches of the uterine artery that perforate the myometrium to the inactive basalis layer. There they form the arcuate vessels, which produce
radial branches extending through the functional layer toward the compacted surface layer. The menstrual cycle is further described later in the chapter,
but during the postovulatory phase these vessels differentiate into spiral arteries, uniquely suited to allow menstruation and subsequent hemostasis.
The uterine cervix is histologically dynamic, with changes in cervical mucus production during the ovarian cycle. In the follicular phase, under estrogen
stimulation, copious clear mucus is produced that facilitates the transport of sperm through the cervical canal to ascend through the uterine cavity to the
fallopian tubes. During progesterone-dominant states, either luteal phase or with exogenous hormones, the mucus becomes viscous and plugs the cervix.
The secretory epithelium of the endocervical canal has a dynamic metaplastic interaction with the stratified squamous epithelium of the portio vaginalis
of the ectocervix under hormonal stimulation.
Because the cervical canal is continuous with the vagina, surgical procedures involving the uterus and tubes are considered to be clean-contaminated
The major sources of blood supply for the uterus and cervix are the uterine arteries, which are branches of the anterior division of the internal iliac
(hypogastric) arteries. Although the origin of the uterine artery is usually a single, identifiable vessel, it divides into multiple ascending and descending
branches as it courses medially to the lateral margins of the cervicouterine junction. The distance from the uterus at which this division occurs is highly
variable. Venous return from the uterus flows into the companion internal iliac vein. Lymphatics from the cervix and upper vagina drain primarily
through the internal iliac nodes, but from the uterine fundus, drainage occurs primarily along a presacral path directly to the para-aortic nodes.
The primary surgical consideration for managing the uterine vessels is the close proximity of the ureter, which courses approximately 1 cm below the
artery and 1 cm lateral to the cervix. If the surgeon loses control of one of the branches of the vessel, it is important to use techniques that avoid
clamping or kinking the ureter. Often, the most prudent way to secure the uterine artery is to expose its origin and place hemostatic clips on the vessel.
Innervation of the uterus and cervix is derived from the autonomic plexus. Autonomic pain fibers are activated with dysmenorrhea, in labor, and with
instrumentation of the cervix and uterus.
In the retroperitoneal space lateral to the uterus is the obturator nerve, which arises from the lumbosacral plexus and passes through the pelvic floor
via the obturator canal to innervate the medial thigh. With relatively normal pelvic anatomy it is unlikely to be subjected to injury, but under
circumstances in which the surgeon must dissect the retroperitoneal or paravaginal spaces, this relatively subtle structure can be injured with
significant neuropathic residual.

The vagina originates at the cervix and terminates at the hymeneal ring. The anatomic axis of the upper vagina is posterior to anterior in a caudal
direction. The anterior and posterior walls of the upper two thirds of the vagina are normally apposed to each other to create a transverse potential space,
distensible through pliability of the lateral sulci. The lower third of the vagina has a relatively vertically oriented caudal lumen. The mucosa of the
vagina is nonkeratinized, stratified, squamous epithelium that responds to estrogen stimulation.
The blood supply to the vagina is provided by descending branches of the uterine artery and vein and ascending branches of the internal pudendal artery
and its companion vein. These vessels course along the lateral walls of the vagina. Innervation is derived from the autonomic plexus and the pudendal
nerve, which track with the vessels.
Traumatic lacerations of the vagina are most commonly located along the lateral sidewalls. The degree to which there is major injury to the vessels can
be associated not only with significant evident hemorrhage but also concealed hemorrhage. Spaces in which a hematoma can be concealed are the
retroperitoneum of the broad ligaments, the paravesicular and pararectal spaces, and the ischiorectal fossa. Because of the proximity of the pudendal
nerve, attempts to ligate the vessels require maintaining orientation to the location of Alcocks canal to avoid creating neuropathic injury. In the
absence of an accumulating hematoma, often the best approach to management is a bulk vaginal pack to achieve tamponade. To accomplish this
requires significant sedation or anesthesia and an indwelling urinary catheter.
The uterus, cervix, and vagina with their fascial investments comprise the middle compartment of the pelvis. The structures of the anterior
compartment, the bladder and urethra, and the posterior compartment, the rectum, are each invested with a fascial layer. Avascular planes of loose
areola tissue separate the posterior fascia of the

bladder and the anterior fascia of the vagina and also the anterior fascia of the rectum and the posterior fascia of the vagina. Anteriorly, the bladder is
attached to the lower uterine segment by the continuous visceral peritoneum. This vesicouterine fold can be incised transversely with minimal difficulty
to expose the plane and allow dissection of the bladder from the cervix and vagina. Posteriorly, the proximity of the rectum to the posterior vagina is
significant only below the peritoneum of the cul-de-sac of Douglas, unless the cul-de-sac anatomy is distorted by dense adhesions.
Operative technique for gynecologic procedures is optimized by careful identification of these planes to separate and protect the adjacent organs from
operative injury. The surgeon can create an incidental cystotomy, which may or may not be recognized, or devitalize the bladder wall with a crush or
stitch, with delayed development of a vesicovaginal fistula.
In the lower pelvis, the ureter courses anteromedially after it passes under the uterine vessels and progresses toward the trigone of the bladder through a
fascial tunnel on the anterior vaginal wall. The fixation of the ureter by the tunnel precludes effective displacement from the operative site by retracting.
While the location of the fascial tunnel is generally 1 to 2 cm safely below the usual site for vaginotomy during hysterectomy, in cases with a large
cervix, a distorting uterine myoma, a prior cesarean section, or bleeding from the bladder base or vaginal wall, the ureter can be transected, crushed, or
kinked with a stitch.
The rectovaginal septum is surgically relevant during repair of episiotomy or obstetric laceration, repair of rectovaginal fistula, or pelvic support
procedures. Identification of the fascial layers investing the subjacent structures and utilizing the tissue strength is critical to an optimal repair.

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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

The development of a differential diagnosis of gynecologic complaints is facilitated by an understanding of the reproductive cycle and eliciting a careful
menstrual history. Many conditions are a direct consequence of aberrations in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) cycle and of the effects of the
hormonal milieu on the endometrium. Others tend to be mere variation in the presentation of different phases of the cycle. A detailed description of the
cycle is beyond the scope of this text, but the surgeon needs to have a basic understanding of the relationships in this complex process to elicit an
adequate history, interpret the findings on physical examination, use ancillary tests appropriately, and formulate the differential diagnosis ( Fig. 746 ).
Ovarian Cycle

Under the stimulus of hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to the pituitary gland, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is
released into the systemic circulation. During this secretory phase of

Figure 74-6 Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. Menses, days 05; ovulation, day 14. FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone.

the ovarian cycle, the primordial follicles of the ovary are targeted and stimulated toward growth and maturity. Multiple follicles are recruited in each
cycle, but generally only one follicle becomes dominant, destined to reach maturity and extrusion at ovulation. The effects of the maturation process
include not only the completion of the meiotic germ cell development but also the stimulation of the granulosa cells that surround the follicle to secrete
estradiol and other estrogenic compounds and inhibin. As the estradiol level increases in the circulation it has a positive regulatory effect on GnRH,
which in turn stimulates the pituitary gland to release a surge of luteinizing hormone (LH). The LH surge stimulates the release of the oocyte from the
follicle. After the release, the follicle site converts to the corpus luteum; and the dominant hormone secreted during this luteal phase is progesterone.
This sequence of hormonal events prepares the cervix, uterus, and tubes for sperm transport into the upper genital tract, fertilization, implantation, and
support of the early gestation. In the absence of conception, through mechanisms not yet known, the corpus luteum undergoes atresia and the next
ovarian cycle begins.
Endometrial Cycle

The hormonal sequence of the ovarian cycle controls the physiologic changes in the endometrium. By convention, each endometrial cycle begins on day
1, defined as the onset of menses. In an idealized cycle, the LH surge and ovulation occur on day 14. Atresia of the corpus luteum occurs on day 28, and
menses begin the next day, cycle day 1 of the new cycle.
During the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle, estrogen exerts a stimulatory effect on the endometrium, producing the proliferative phase of the
endometrial cycle. The endometrial tissues that are affected include

the surface and glandular epithelium, the stromal matrix, and the vascular bed. The stromal layer thickens, the glandular elements elongate, and the
terminal arterioles of the endometrial circulation extend from the basalis toward the endometrial surface. The mucous secretions of the glands of the
endometrium (and the endocervix) become profuse and watery, facilitating ascent of spermatozoa for potential fertilization.
During the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle, corresponding to the secretory phase of the endometrial cycle, progesterone domination converts the
endometrium toward receptivity for implantation of the fertilized oocyte. Several endometrial changes occur under progesterone stimulation. The
growth of the endometrial stroma is terminated, the surface layer of the endometrium becomes compacted, the glandular secretions become more
viscous, and the terminal arterioles become coiled, creating the spiral arterioles. Cervical mucus similarly becomes more viscous and tenacious, creating
a relative barrier between the vagina and the uterine cavity.
In the absence of fertilization, and with the withdrawal of progesterone due to atresia of the corpus luteum, there is a complex sequence of arteriolar
spasm, leading to ischemic necrosis of the endometrial surface and endometrial shedding, or menses. Normal menses, in the absence of structural
pathology, is an orderly process because these arteriolar changes occur in the entire mucosa simultaneously and universally, with vasospasm and
coagulation occluding the terminal vessels. Bleeding associated with normal menses is notable for the absence of clotting because of fibrinolysis within
the uterine cavity before flow. With fertilization and implantation, menses are absent (amenorrhea). Alternatively, a disordered ovarian cycle leads to a
disordered endometrial cycle and abnormal uterine bleeding patterns.

Early Pregnancy

A brief description of the events leading to pregnancy is useful for understanding the possible complications of early pregnancy. Coitus during the 48
hours before ovulation or within the periovulatory period establishes the conditions for fertilization. As just noted, sperm transport is facilitated by the
estrogenic environment and the spermatozoa ascend through the cervix and uterine cavity and to the fallopian tube. When a mature oocyte and
spermatozoa come into contact in the distal fallopian tube, fertilization can occur. This usually occurs 3 to 5 days after ovulation. During tubal transport,
the zygote undergoes multiple divisions to reach the stage of the morula by the time it reaches the cavity. Implantation generally occurs 5 to 7 days after
There are two significant clinical implications to delay in the fertilization-transport sequence. If the zygote has not matured adequately before reaching
the endometrial cavity, implantation will not occur and a preclinical, unrecognized pregnancy will be lost. If there is delay in the fertilization-transport
sequence, whether because of the randomness of coital timing or because of altered tubal structure or function, the zygote can reach the stage at which
it is programmed to adhere to genital mucosa while still in the fallopian tube, resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.
Amenorrhea and Abnormal Menses

A disrupted sequence of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian interaction has a profound effect on the endometrium and menses. There are two broad
classes of amenorrheic disorders: hypogonadotropic and anovulatory. Although the details of the pathology and evaluation are beyond the scope of this
text, hypogonadotropic conditions result from central disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Common causes for this condition include stress,
hyperprolactinemia, and low body mass (anorexia nervosa; athletes such as distance runners, gymnasts, ballerinas). Because of the hypogonadotropic
state, follicles are not stimulated, estrogen is not secreted, and endometrial proliferation does not occur. The result is an atrophic endometrium.
Atrophic endometrium can be identified with ultrasound by measuring the endometrial bilayer. Although local equipment and operator experience will
vary, an endometrial bilayer of less than 5 mm in a young amenorrheic woman is highly supportive of the diagnosis. This must then be followed by a
thorough investigation of the entire axis.
Anovulation results from a disrupted sequence of the axis from failure of the feedback loop to trigger the LH surge. The patient may have normal or
elevated FSH levels, but FSH continues to stimulate continuous production of estrogen from the granulosa cells. The chronic unopposed estrogen
promotes continuous proliferation of the endometrium, without the maturing sequence induced by progesterone. The proliferation of the endometrium
results in excessive thickness. This becomes clinically manifest by prolonged amenorrhea, often followed by prolonged and profuse uterine bleeding
(hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia). The most common cause for this presentation is polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), but physiologic or social stress
can produce a similar clinical scenario.
Ultrasound measurement of the endometrial bilayer can exceed 20 mm. Patients with chronic anovulation with chronic unopposed estrogen are at risk
for endometrial hyperplasia and even endometrial cancer. The evaluation of the patient must address both the etiology for the chronic anovulation and
the endometrial consequences. Histologic diagnosis requires an endometrial biopsy or curettage.
After prolonged amenorrhea with excessive proliferation of the endometrial lining, hypermenorrhea and menorrhagia may occur because of four parallel
mechanisms. The growth of tissue from basalis to surface extends beyond the terminal branches of the arterioles, resulting in surface ischemia and
necrosis. The volume of endometrial tissue is obviously increased. The normal hemostatic mechanisms of the spiral arterioles in the menstrual cycle are
absent. Finally, the shedding of the endometrial surface is not a universal event but rather is random and leads to multiple foci of bleeding that are
dyssynchronous and occurring

over a prolonged time. Frequently, the rate of bleeding exceeds the capacity of normal intracavitary fibrinolytic processes and blood clots are common
in the flow.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

In the urgent or acute setting, the gynecologic history focuses on the variation from normal ovarian and menstrual physiology as it relates to the
reproductive life cycle. Patients will typically present with aberrant bleeding patterns, pelvic-abdominal pain or ill-defined discomfort, or a combination
of these symptoms. With a focused history, the differential diagnosis can be constructed with further refinement from physical findings and ancillary
tests. The key elements to be elicited are age, pregnancy history, recent and past menstrual history, sexual history, contraception, prior gynecologic
disease and procedures, and the evolution of the current complaints.

Patient age is primarily relevant because of the phases of the reproductive life cycle: menarche at adolescence, perimenopause in middle age, and
At time of menarche, the synchrony of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis is immature and the sequence of hypergonadotropic anovulatory
amenorrhea-hypermenorrhea is common. Similarly, this is the age group in which emotional stress, anorexia nervosa, and excessive athleticism
commonly occur, and the amenorrheic patient may have hypogonadotropic amenorrhea. Finally, however, the young patient may be fertile and sexually
active, so pregnancy with complications must always be considered.
In the perimenopausal years, the ovary is less responsive to the gonadotropic stimulus and anovulation with the amenorrhea-hypermenorrhea sequence
is common. In this age group, however, anatomic abnormalities such as uterine leiomyomas or endometrial polyps may confound the presentation.
Menopause is defined as cessation of menses for 1 year or more. Any postmenopausal woman who presents with uterine bleeding must be presumed to
have uterine pathology and have an appropriate evaluation for possible hyperplastic or neoplastic endometrial pathology.
Pregnancy History

The commonly used notation for describing pregnancy history is GTPAL, for gravidity (number of pregnancies), term births, preterm births, abortions
(spontaneous, induced, or ectopic), and living children. Additional comment is made if there have been recurring spontaneous abortions, ectopic
pregnancies, or multiple gestation.
Although any pregnancy can develop complications, the patient with a history of poor outcomes in prior pregnancies will be at higher risk for another
adverse outcome. In the acute setting, with pain and/or bleeding, pregnancy complications must be considered.
Menstrual History

The date of the last menstrual period (LMP) and the prior menstrual period (PMP) must be determined as accurately as possible. It is often necessary to
elicit menstrual events over several prior months to establish a pattern. Additionally, it is important to obtain a description of any variation from the
patients normal pattern of quantity and duration of menstrual flow. Within the context of this menstrual history, one can place the current complaints of
bleeding and/or pain in perspective.
The amenorrhea-hypermenorrhea sequence was described earlier. The patient who describes two periods this month may merely be describing a
normal 28-day cycle beginning early and then late in the same calendar month. Alternating episodes of light bleeding with normal flow may suggest
breakthrough bleeding at time of ovulation or on oral contraceptives. Excessive flow (menorrhagia) associated with regular cycles at normal intervals
suggests structural abnormalities of the endometrial cavity, most commonly submucous leiomyomas or endometrial polyps. Random or intermittent
bleeding episodes during the cycle should prompt consideration of a lesion of the cervix, endometrial hyperplasia, or, occasionally, adenocarcinoma of
the endometrium.
Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps) is generally considered to occur only with ovulatory cycles. The patient who typically has dysmenorrhea but who
currently denies cramps, even with a current episode of heavy flow, may be having an anovulatory bleeding episode, regardless of the interval between
periods. Patients with high-volume flow, with insufficient intracavitary fibrinolysis, may experience cramps as the uterus contracts to expel the clot.
Bleeding associated with threatened pregnancy loss or from an extrauterine pregnancy must be considered, whether heavy or light flow, continuous or
episodic, or anteceded by reported normal cycles or after amenorrhea.
Bleeding after menopause demands consideration of endometrial pathology and appropriate work-up to rule out hyperplasia or carcinoma.
Postcoital bleeding suggests cervical lesions, including cervicitis, polyps, or neoplasia.
Sexual History

As a sensitive and personal subject that is often difficult to elicit reliably in the acute setting, sexual activity may significantly influence the formulation
of the differential diagnosis. Beyond the possibility of pregnancy, the patient who will acknowledge unprotected coitus with casual sexual partners
should be considered to be at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Reliable reports of the use of barrier contraception reduce, but do not eliminate,
the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease.
Pregnancy must be ruled out in any circumstance in which there is a clinical presentation that is not inconsistent with complications of pregnancy.


Reliable use of contraception does not totally preclude the possibility of pregnancy but should raise other possible diagnoses to a higher level in the
differential diagnosis.

Breakthrough bleeding on hormonal contraception is typically low volume and is rarely associated with cramps or pain. In the presence of other
symptoms, pregnancy complications and genital tract infections should be considered. Patients with an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) may
have spotting and cramping, but because the IUD increases the risk of endometrial infection and because a disproportionate percentage of pregnancies
that are conceived with an IUD are extrauterine, these patients need careful evaluation.
Patients with previous tubal sterilization have a 1% to 3% lifetime risk of pregnancy, with a disproportionate number of extrauterine pregnancies.
Irregular bleeding associated with pain mandates careful evaluation.
Prior Gynecologic Diseases and Procedures

Past gynecologic history may give direction to recurring conditions suggesting lifestyle issues that create risk of recurrence or raise consideration of
complications of previous interventions.
Tubal ligation, prior tubal injury from an ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease all increase the risk of extrauterine
pregnancy. Endometriosis with intraperitoneal inflammatory response may cause significant pain. Patients with a history of functional ovarian cysts
with or without intraparenchymal hemorrhage have a higher risk for recurrence. Previous pelvic surgery with periovarian adhesions can cause
significant pain even with benign, self-limited ovarian cyst accidents but also may predispose to ovarian torsion.
The ovarian remnant syndrome is an interesting and confusing entity. It can cause pelvic pain in ill-defined patterns. The etiology of the syndrome is a
retained fragment of ovarian capsule after previous ovarian surgery. The fragment is adherent to the peritoneum and remains viable through a
parasitic blood supply. Active follicles can be recruited through gonadotropin stimulation, and the dynamics of peritoneal inflammation can be severely
symptomatic. These remnants are most commonly found after resection of a densely adherent ovary with endometriosis or purulent infection of the
pelvis. They are frequently located along the course of the ureter and may present with flank pain from urinary obstruction.
History of Present Illness

The surgeon elicits the historical elements described earlier to construct the evolution of the presenting complaint and formulate a plan for further
evaluation and treatment. In this section the focus is on the most common emergency presentations: bleeding and pain.

When did bleeding begin?

How does the current flow compare with normal? Are there clots in the menstrual flow normally? Currently?
How did the timing of onset relate to previous menses? Was there any prolongation of the interval between the last period and the onset of the
current bleeding event?
Were recent menses normal? Expected timing, flow, duration?
Are menstrual periods normally associated with menstrual cramps? Is the current episode associated with similar cramps? No cramps? More
intense discomfort?

When did the pain begin? Relationship to last menses? Ovulatory?

What is the character of the pain? Cramping? Sharp? Pressure? Stabbing? Colicky?
What is the pattern of the pain? Constant? Intermittent? Episodic?
Where is the pain located? Generalized? Midline suprapubic? Lateralized?
Does the pain radiate? Vagina? Rectum? Legs? Back? Upper abdomen? Shoulder?
Were there changes in the character, pattern, or location of the pain over time; for example, did cramping midline pain become acute sharp
lateralized pain, followed by relief, evolving to generalized abdominal pain radiating to the shoulder? Did lateralized constant intense pressure
evolve to acute sharp pain or intermittent colicky pain?
Is there exacerbation of the pain with movement? Intercourse? Coughing?
Are there any urinary tract symptoms? Dysuria?
Are there any intestinal symptoms? Constipation? Obstipation? Diarrhea?
Physical Examination

The approach to the physical examination of the gynecologic patient must account for the threat to dignity and modesty that genital examination poses.
In the emergency setting, against a background of fear and/or pain, and especially among the young and elderly patients, the patient must be afforded
maximum comfort. This includes an adequate sense of physical privacy, the continuous presence of a chaperone, a comfortable examination table on
which to assume the lithotomy position, and patience by the examiner.
Although the chief complaint might suggest that only a focused pelvic examination is necessary, the examiner will enhance comfort and trust by a more
general examination before the pelvic one. The examiner must remember that the patient cannot see and cannot anticipate what she will experience
next; the examiner or the assistant should inform the patient at every step in the process what the next sensation will be.
At the beginning of the pelvic examination, the examiner should encourage relaxation and exposure by having the patient relax her medial thighs to
allow the knees to drop out toward laterally placed hands. The knees should never be pushed apart by the examiner. Before contacting the genitalia,
gentle touch of the gloved hand on the medial thigh with gentle pressure and movement toward

the vulva will orient the patient to the progress of the examination. The external genitalia are inspected for lesions and evidence of trauma. This is
followed by the insertion of a properly sized, lubricated vaginal speculum. The patient should be prepared for the speculum by placing a finger on the
perineum and exerting gentle pressure with encouragement to relax the introital muscles. The speculum is placed at the hymeneal ring at a 30-degree
angle from the vertical to minimize lateral or urethral pressure. After the leading edge is through the introitus, the speculum is rotated to the horizontal
plane as it is advanced toward the apex of the vagina. The blades are gently separated as the midvagina is approached so that the cervix can be
visualized, and the blades are spread to surround the cervix. During the advancement and subsequent withdrawal, the walls of the vagina are visualized
for lesions or trauma. The cervix is inspected for lesions, lacerations, dilation, products of conception, or purulent discharge. Support of the pelvic
structures in the anterior, posterior, and superior compartments is evaluated. Vaginal swabs for microscopic wet mount examination of the vaginal
environment, for gonorrhea and Chlamydia, and a Papanicolaou smear should be obtained as indicated.

After the speculum examination, the index and middle fingers of the dominant hand are inserted into the vagina. Before placing the abdominal hand, the
examining fingers gently palpate the vaginal walls to elicit tenderness or to detect fullness or mass. The cervix is palpated for size and consistency. The
examining fingers are placed sequentially along the side in all four quadrants of the cervix, and gentle pressure is exerted to move the cervix in the
opposite direction to elicit cervical motion tenderness.
Because the major supporting structures for the uterus are the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments that insert at the cervicouterine junction, the junction
serves as the fulcrum for leverage. As the cervix is moved in one direction, it is likely that the uterine fundus is being displaced in the opposite direction.
Tenderness with cervical motion may be related to traction on the ligamentous attachments, collision of the cervix against a structure in the direction to
which the cervix is being displaced, or collision of the fundus against a structure on the opposite side.
The bimanual examination is performed with gentle pressure from the nondominant hand systematically mobilizing pelvic contents against the vaginal
fingers. Except with large masses that are palpable on abdominal examination, the primary information gathered is detected by the vaginal fingers.
Specifically note lateralized tenderness and masses. The rectovaginal examination provides additional perspective, especially for the cul-de-sac and
adnexal structures.
Very young women and some elderly women will not tolerate insertion of two fingers or occasionally even one. Under these circumstances, a rectal
finger along with the abdominal placement of the other hand can simulate a bimanual examination.
Diagnostic Considerations

Although there are always atypical crossover presentations for any of the possible diagnoses, the most common considerations for the differential
diagnosis of symptom complexes are as follows:
Bleeding Without Pain

Anovulatory cycle
Threatened or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage of intrauterine pregnancy)
Vaginal laceration
Vaginal or cervical neoplasm
Bleeding Associated With Midline Suprapubic Pain

Threatened or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage of intrauterine pregnancy)
Endometritis associated with pelvic infection
Uterine fibroids
Early presentation of a complication of extrauterine pregnancy
Vaginal laceration
Bleeding Associated With Lateralized Pelvic Pain

Extrauterine pregnancy, prerupture

Functional ovarian cyst
Ruptured functional ovarian cyst
Ruptured corpus luteum with or without an intrauterine pregnancy
Vaginal trauma
Bleeding Associated With Generalized Pelvic Pain

Ruptured extrauterine pregnancy

Ruptured corpus luteum with or without an intrauterine pregnancy
Septic spontaneous or induced abortion
Vaginal trauma
Midline Pelvic Pain Without Bleeding

Endometritis/pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic neoplasm
Urinary tract infection
Lateralized Pelvic Pain Without Bleeding

Extrauterine pregnancy
Functional ovarian cyst, with or without intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Functional ovarian cyst with rupture
Functional or neoplastic ovarian cyst with intermittent torsion
Pedunculated paratubal or paraovarian cyst with intermittent torsion
Ovarian remnant syndrome

Generalized Abdominal Pain Without Bleeding

Ruptured extrauterine pregnancy

Ruptured ovarian cyst

Pelvic inflammatory disease with pelvic peritonitis

Cul-de-sac hematoma
Cul-de-sac adnexal mass
Posterior uterine fibroid
Pelvic abscess
Flank Pain

Ureteral obstruction
Ovarian remnant syndrome with or without ureteral obstruction
Other Acute Clinical Presentations

Acute vulvovaginitis is a common presenting emergency complaint. Presenting symptoms are intense pruritus or cutaneous pain with discharge. The
most frequent pathogens are mycotic or herpes simplex. Mycotic infections are generally characterized by a thick, white, cottage cheese discharge.
Primary herpetic infections will often present as profuse watery discharge, inguinal adenopathy, and signs of a viremia. In contrast, other common
vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis, may cause irritative symptoms and malodorous discharge but rarely cause pain.
Common acute vulvar complaints include infection of skin appendages: folliculitis, furunculosis, and cellulitis. The ostium of Bartholins gland may
become occluded, with or without infection. Sterile cysts are only minimally uncomfortable, but a Bartholin abscess is exquisitely painful.
Necrotizing fasciitis is a life-threatening infection that can occur in the vulva. It can begin as a cellulitis, from infected skin appendages, or after biopsy
or episiotomy. Once established, it can quickly extend through the fascial planes. Women at risk are patients with obesity, diabetes, and corticosteroid
or other immunosuppressive drug use. Management is immediate surgical dbridement. Patients may require several dbridements to determine the
extent of the fascial involvement. Skin grafts are often needed to repair large defects. It is very important that women with risk factors for necrotizing
fasciitis who present with a vulvar cellulitis be admitted for intravenous therapy with antibiotics and possible surgical treatment.
Pelvic Masses

Masses identified in the pelvis can be functional, congenital, neoplastic, hemorrhagic, or inflammatory and can arise from the ovary or the uterus.
Additionally, the anatomy of the cul-de-sac of Douglas in its dependent position in the pelvis facilitates restriction of pelvic infection as collections or
abscesses to that location.
Common ovarian masses include functional cysts, hemorrhagic cysts, paraovarian or paratubal wolffian remnants, endometrioma, and benign or
malignant tumors (epithelial, germ cell, stromal).
The most common neoplastic mass in young women is the benign cystic teratoma. Because of the sebaceous content of these lesions, they frequently
float to the anterior cul-de-sac between the uterus and the bladder.
Diagnostic considerations for differentiating among ovarian masses of the various causes are discussed in detail in the later section on ovarian cancer.
Common uterine masses include leiomyoma, adenomyoma, and bicornuate uterus. Common inflammatory masses include tubo-ovarian abscess, pelvic
collection, and appendiceal or diverticular abscess.
Inflammatory masses in the anterior cul-de-sac most commonly originate from sigmoid diverticular disease.
Ancillary Tests

The single most effective and efficient modality for assessing pelvic anatomy and pathology is real-time ultrasound, especially with a transvaginal
transducer. This technique allows not only assessment of the size and relationship of the pelvic structures but also, by clear delineation of echogenicity,
can provide strong suspicion of the nature of a pathologic process. With real-time Doppler flow assessment, blood flow to an organ or mass and fetal
heart motion are readily apparent.
Axial tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) rarely provide additional information for benign pelvic pathology but are valuable techniques
for assessing malignancies.
Intravenous pyelography may be useful if ultrasound assessment of the urinary tract is inadequate to delineate obstruction or anatomic distortion.
Pregnancy Tests

There are two endocrine tests that are useful for determining the presence and health of a pregnancy: human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and
Modern pregnancy tests measure the subunit of HCG, and the sensitivity of the qualitative urine assay can be as low as 20 mIU/mL. This is
sufficiently low as to virtually exclude all but the earliest of gestations. Unless a viable fetus can be detected clinically or by ultrasound, a positive urine
test, in the clinical setting that could suggest an ectopic pregnancy, must be followed with a quantitative serum radioimmunoassay. A result less than 5
mIU/mL is a negative test. In most laboratories, and depending on the quality of the ultrasound equipment and the experience of the sonographer, a
healthy intrauterine pregnancy that has produced 2000 mIU/mL of -HCG should be visualized. In the absence of that threshold, serial -HCG tests
should be scheduled at 2-day intervals.[1]


In the typical healthy intrauterine pregnancy, serum -HCG levels double every 48 hours. However, this description is based on pooled, aggregated
data; within the datasets there are many patients with successful pregnancies who will have intervals with a lower slope of rise followed by an interval
with steep rise. A decline in value over a 2-day period is always ominous and, therefore, demands a clinical decision about intrauterine versus
extrauterine failed pregnancy. The greater challenge occurs when the rate of increase is less than 60% over 48 hours. This is ambiguous, and if the HCG level is below the discriminatory value of 2000 mIU, clinical presentation and clinical judgment are vital to determine whether continued
observation or intervention is the appropriate course.[2]
Caveat: There are three commonly used reference standards for -HCG, and significant interlaboratory variation in test results. It is critical to
understand the standard used and to be certain that the sequential tests are performed in the same laboratory. If a change in laboratories is necessary,
repeat parallel testing in the new laboratory, using the residual serum from the original sample, will resolve the question.
Significantly elevated -HCG levels should suggest a hydatidiform mole or a germ cell tumor.
Determining serum progesterone levels can be a useful adjunct in assessing the viability of a pregnancy. The quantitative relationship with pregnancy
status is not as discrete. Progesterone levels less than 5 ng/mL are rarely associated with successful pregnancies. Among women whose levels exceed 25
ng/mL, only a small fraction will have failed or ectopic pregnancies.[3]
Serum Hormone Assays

Other than the assessment of pregnancy, there is relatively little value to ordering reproductive hormone levels in the acute setting. These tests are
relatively expensive and the sequence of ordering them should be determined by the clinical findings. The laboratory turnaround time is rarely less than
a day.
Cervicovaginal Cultures, Gram Stain, and Wet Prep

Because the healthy vagina is a polymicrobial environment, there are only four organisms for which cervicovaginal cultures are clinically useful:
gonococcus, Chlamydia trachomatis, herpes simplex, and, in pregnancy, group B -hemolytic Streptococcus. Current technology links the tests for
gonococcus and Chlamydia in a single swab/medium kit for molecular analysis of the organisms.
Gram stain of purulent cervical discharge is useful in the emergency setting for identification of the gramnegative intracellular diplococci, which is
diagnostic of gonococcus. The test may also be useful in helping identify Trichomonas vaginalis.
Culture and Gram stain of purulent material from an abscess of Bartholins gland may allow the physician to select a narrow-spectrum antibiotic as an
adjunct to drainage.
The vaginal wet mount is useful in diagnosis of the offending organism in acute vaginitis. A sample of discharge is taken, both from the vaginal pool
and by rubbing the vaginal walls with a cotton swab. The swab is placed in 1 to 2 mm of saline in a tube to create a slurry. A drop of the slurry is placed
on a slide with a coverslip and viewed under low- and high-power light microscopy. The specimen is examined for polymorphonuclear leukocytes, clue
cells, trichomonads, hyphae, and budding yeast forms. If hyphae and budding yeast forms are not identified, a second slide is prepared by mixing a drop
of the slurry with a drop of potassium hydroxide, which will lyse the epithelial cells and highlight the fungal organisms.
The clue cell is an epithelial cell with densely adherent bacteria, creating a stippled effect. To make this diagnosis, the density of bacteria must obscure
cell margins in a substantial percentage of the cells. These, along with a strong amine odor, are diagnostic of bacterial vaginosis. There is rarely a
significant white cell response to this condition because it is not an infection per se but rather a shift in the normal vaginal ecosystem.
Trichomonads are often obvious as flagellated, motile organisms similar in size to white blood cells. The organism is fragile, however, and motility can
be inhibited by severe infection or cooling of the specimen during a delay before inspecting.
Lower Genital Cytology

The Papanicolaou cytologic technique has had significant public health impact and reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer. While the
processing time for the smear limits usefulness in the acute setting, there are two important reasons to consider obtaining the sample. The first is to take
the opportunity of the visit to test a previously noncompliant patient. The second is to satisfy any significant concern about a high-grade cervical lesion
before surgical manipulation of the cervix. (See the later section on cervical cancer.)
There are two fundamental approaches to obtaining and preparing the specimen. In the older technique, a cervical spatula is placed in the cervical os and
rotated circumferentially against the cervical epithelium. This is followed by a cotton swab placed in the cervical canal and rotated on its long axis. As
each step is completed, the instrument is wiped across a glass slide and spray fixative is applied. In the more recent technique, the specimen from the
instrument is swirled in a fluid-based preservative that is processed to provide a more homogeneous slide for Papanicolaou staining. Although the cost
of the fluid-based technique is greater, the improved accuracy and the reduction of both false-positives and falsenegatives make this more cost effective.
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Staging guidelines for various types of neoplasia may be found at the website for the Federation of International Gynecologic Oncology (
or see the selected references at the end of this chapter.[4]


Figure 74-7 Condylomata. (Courtesy of Lynn Parker, M.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center.)
Preinvasive Vulvar Squamous Lesions

Dysplasia of the vulva usually presents as persistent symptoms of vulvar pruritus, occasionally because the patient has seen a visible lesion, and, rarely,
because of bleeding. Vulvar dysplasia and condylomata tend to be multifocal and can involve any area on the vulva ( Fig. 747 ). On physical
examination, the dysplasia can appear as white thickened epithelium, pigmented, erythematous, exophytic, or a combination of these findings. Because
appearance can be variable, a 4- or 5-mm punch biopsy should be performed to differentiate dysplasia from an invasive lesion. Vulvar dysplasia is
related to exposure to the human papillomavirus, but unlike cervical cancer there is not a direct relationship between preinvasive disease and cancer.
Evaluation of the patient with vulvar dysplasia should include colposcopy of the vulva, vagina, and cervix because 15% to 20% of patients will have
dysplasia in more than one of these sites. Colposcopy is the use of a microscope to better visualize the area of concern. A 4% acetic acid solution is
applied to the skin to make more apparent any areas of preinvasive disease. Changes can appear as thickened white epithelium, vascular changes, or any
of the possible appearances described previously. A biopsy specimen should be taken of any suspicious lesion and sent for pathologic study. Pathologic
classification is based on the extent of epithelial involvement: up to one third of the epithelium is called vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN I); up to
two thirds, VIN II; and greater than two thirds, VIN III.
Treatment of dysplasia of the vulva includes wide local excision with a 5-mm margin around the lesion and little, if any, removal of the underlying
subcutaneous tissue. This approach is best used in patients with a focal lesion. Patients who have multifocal disease will benefit from laser ablation with
a CO2 laser. Depth of ablation depends on whether the area is hair bearing or not. Hair-bearing areas require ablation to a depth of 2 to 2.5 mm. Nonhair-bearing areas are ablated to a depth of 1 to 2 mm. Postoperative care of the treatment area includes application of Silvadene cream three times a
An alternative treatment is imiquimod (Aldara) cream. The mechanism of action is thought to be stimulation of the patients immune system to reverse
the effect of the human papillomavirus. The most common side effect of the cream is an area of irritation involving the treatment area.
Invasive Vulvar Squamous Lesions

The most common vulvar cancer is squamous cell carcinoma (90%). It tends to present in women older than the age of 65. Other risk factors include
immunocompromised state, cigarette smoking, obesity, and lichen sclerosus. Patients may present with a visible lesion, bleeding, pain, or dysuria. The
lesion may be exophytic, ulcerative, or nodular. Any suspicious lesion on the vulva should be sampled with a 3- or 4-mm punch biopsy to rule out
malignancy. Any lesion with greater than 1 mm depth of invasion requires treatment not only of the primary lesion but also evaluation of the inguinal
lymph nodes.
Treatment of vulvar cancer is primarily surgical. For early-stage disease, primary therapy is wide radical excision, which is removal of a 1.5- to 2-cm
margin around the primary tumor and removal of the subcutaneous tissue down to the level of the endopelvic fascia. If the lesion is lateralized, the
ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes only need to be removed. If the lesion is midline, bilateral inguinal lymph nodes should be removed. If more than two
lymph nodes are positive, the patient should receive postoperative radiation therapy. If one node is positive and only ipsilateral nodes were done, the
other groin should be dissected. For advanced stage disease (stage III or IV), chemotherapy and irradiation are the treatments of choice. If there are
large inguinal lymph nodes, however, surgical debulking may have value before chemotherapy and irradiation ( Table 742 ).
Vulvar cancer may recur locally or distally. With local recurrence, wide radical excision can be used with removal of ipsilateral nodes if they have not
previously been removed. Distal sites can include nodal areas, liver, lung, and subcutaneous nodules in the skin. Unless there is an isolated lesion that
can be excised, distal disease is best treated with chemotherapy.
Verrucous carcinoma is a specific variant of vulvar carcinoma that presents as a fungating mass. It has a papillary architecture with pushing borders.
Microscopically, there is little or mild nuclear atypia, which distinguish it from warty squamous cell carcinomas. In general, this type of vulvar cancer is
best treated with surgery. As opposed to other vulvar malignancies, it may get larger if treated with radiation therapy.

TABLE 74-2 -- Treatment of Vulvar Cancer



Invasion < 1 mm

Wide local excision

Stage I or II lesion lateral location

Wide radical excision + unilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy

Stage I or II midline lesion

Wide radical + bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy

Lesion with extension into vagina, anus, or distal urethra

Wide radical excision with bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy or

chemoradiation followed by excision of residual tumor

Any size lesion with groin nodes

Excision of groin followed by chemoradiation therapy

Distant metastases

Palliative chemotherapy

Melanoma of the Vulva

Melanoma is the second most common type of malignancy involving the vulva, primarily occurring in older women. Clinical presentation and
appearance is similar to melanoma at other sites, and lesions are staged by the same criteria. Standard treatment is wide local excision with a 2-cm
margin around the lesion. Melanomas of the vulva follow lymphatic pathways just as they do in other locations in the body, but the role of
lymphadenectomy in the treatment of vulvar melanoma is controversial. Lymphadenectomy in this disease appears to be prognostic instead of
therapeutic and helps identify patients who would benefit from adjuvant therapy.
Bartholins Gland Carcinoma

Bartholins gland carcinomas can be adenocarcinomas arising from the gland itself or squamous cell carcinomas that arise from the duct or adenoid
cystic carcinomas. Histologically, there must be a transition between normal gland or duct and cancer to make the diagnosis. Unlike squamous cells
cancers, lymph node involvement is common and can be bilateral. Treatment is wide radical excision with bilateral lymph node dissection.
Basal Cell Carcinoma

Just like basal cell carcinomas in other locations, vulvar basal cell carcinoma is a local tumor with little risk of lymph node metastasis. Therefore,
treatment includes wide local excision only.
Pagets Disease of the Vulva

Pagets disease of the vulva occurs in postmenopausal women. It presents as a red, velvety lesion with pruritus and, occasionally, bleeding. It can occur
anywhere on the vulva. Microscopically, the disease extends far beyond the visible lesion. Pagets disease may be intraepithelial, invasive beyond the
basement membrane, or associated with an underlying adenocarcinoma (Pagets cells involving the epithelium plus an adenocarcinoma in the
subcutaneous tissue). Pagets disease of the vulva is also associated with coexisting malignancies, such as those at breast, colon, or genitourinary
locations. Work-up of patients with this diagnosis should include screening for other malignancies. Treatment is wide local excision for patients with
intraepithelial Pagets disease, but wide radical excision and lymph node dissections should be considered in patients with invasive Pagets or
intraepithelial Pagets disease with an underlying adenocarcinoma.
Vulvar Sarcomas

Vulvar sarcomas can occur with many histologic subtypes. In general, the treatment is wide radical excision followed by radiation therapy and, in some
cases, postoperative chemotherapy.
Preinvasive Vaginal Lesions

Dysplasia of the vagina, with or without overt condylomata, can occur, typically presenting as an abnormal Papanicolaou smear result. On colposcopic
examination, lesions appear as thickened white epithelium or areas of vascular change. In patients with an intact uterus, vaginal dysplasia is typically
seen in conjunction with cervical dysplasia. Therefore, colposcopy of the cervix should also include evaluation of the vagina. Any abnormal area on
colposcopy should be sampled to confirm the diagnosis and rule out invasion.
Treatment of vaginal dysplasia includes laser ablation or wide excision of the vaginal mucosa. An alternative treatment for women who are poor
surgical candidates is intravaginal 5-fluorouracil.
Invasive Vaginal Lesions

Although far less common than squamous cell carcinomas of the cervix or vulva, this lesion is the most common type of cancer in the vagina. Tumors
may be identified through an abnormal Papanicolaou smear or by a visible lesion. They can occur at any location in the vagina but are most likely to
occur at the vaginal apex. These tumors can present as a second primary site in patients with previous cervical carcinoma. Diagnosis is made with
biopsy or wide local excision. It is important to exclude a cervical cancer with vaginal involvement or recurrent cervical or endometrial carcinoma. If a
vaginal primary lesion is confirmed, staging is based on examination and evaluation of the paravaginal areas and sidewall. If the disease is apical, pelvic
nodal disease should be the most likely site of spread. If the disease is in the lower vagina, inguinal node involvement must be ruled out. Computed
tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis should be done to rule out nodal involvement. A chest radiograph must be done to rule out pulmonary


Treatment options for vaginal cancer include surgical resection or chemotherapy and irradiation for stage I tumors and for more advanced disease.
Recurrence can be local or remote. If recurrence is local after irradiation, pelvic exenteration can be considered. For remote recurrence, chemotherapy is
Vaginal adenocarcinomas occur rarely. Most well known is the correlation of clear cell carcinoma of the vagina in patients who were exposed in utero
to diethylstilbestrol (DES). Because DES has not been used for many years, this problem, and diagnosis, has decreased in occurrence. Other epithelial
types can include endometrioid or papillary serous carcinomas. Treatment of adenocarcinomas is the same as that outlined for squamous malignancies.
Neuroendocrine carcinomas can occur in the vagina. Evaluation for metastasis should include not only evaluation of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis but
also that of the head and bones. As opposed to squamous malignancies, chemotherapy and irradiation is most appropriate.

Melanomas can occur in the vagina, with the same variations of presentation as other body sites. Treatment options include anterior or posterior
exenteration depending on the location of the lesion in the vagina. Pelvic radiation can also be considered. Prognosis is poor for these patients even if
surgical margins are negative.
Rhabdomyosarcoma can occur in the vagina and mainly occurs in young girls. Combined modality therapy with surgery, chemotherapy, and irradiation
has been the most effective in this tumor.
Preinvasive Disease of the Cervix

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA virus that has an affinity for cells in the junction of squamous and glandular cells in the cervix (transformation
zone). High-risk HPV types, most notably types 16 and 18, enter the cell and use the cells system to produce viral products like E6 and E7. These viral
products interfere with the cells natural apoptotic mechanism that makes the cell immortal. This is the mechanism for the transition to malignancy for
HPV-related cancers. Dysplasia or precancer can occur in the cervix and typically arises in the transformation zone.
Papanicolaou smears are a screening test for dysplasia and malignancy. Over the years there have been several classifications of Papanicolaou smears,
of which the most recent is the revised Bethesda Classification. In that classification, patients who require further evaluation with colposcopy include
those with glandular lesions and atypical cells in whom a high-grade lesion cannot be ruled out as well as those with low-grade and high-grade
squamous intraepithelial lesions. Biopsy at the time of colposcopy can confirm the histologic diagnosis of mild, moderate, or severe dysplasia. At the
time of colposcopy, comment should be made as to whether the entire lesion and transformation zone can be seen. If the patient has an adequate
colposcopic examination, has a low-grade lesion (mild dysplasia), and is compliant, she can be expectantly managed because regression may occur in
up to 70% of patients over 2 years. If the patient is noncompliant or has other factors of concern, treatment could include cryotherapy, large-loop
excision of the transformation zone (LEEP), or laser ablation. For high-grade lesions such as moderate or severe dysplasia, LEEP or laser is a
Cone biopsy is recommended for patients who have glandular lesions, a Papanicolaou smear of concern for invasion or microinvasion, a positive result
of endocervical curetting, an inadequate colposcopy, or a two-step discrepancy between Papanicolaou smear and biopsy specimens. The technique for
cone biopsy is discussed later.
Invasive Disease of the Cervix

Ninety percent of invasive cancers of the cervix are squamous cell carcinomas. Other histologic types include adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous
carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and, rarely, signet ring cell carcinoma. Patients may present with postcoital bleeding,
irregular bleeding, malodorous discharge, an abnormal Papanicolaou smear, or a visible lesion. Advanced lesions may present with symptoms of
sidewall involvement, which include back pain that radiates down the leg, unilateral edema of the leg, or flank pain. Whether there is a grossly visible
lesion or abnormal cytology and abnormal colposcopy, diagnosis requires tissue biopsy. Cervical cancer is staged clinically. These lesions invade into
the stroma of the cervix and then expand into the lymphatics accompanying the ligamentous supporting tissues of the cervix and upper vagina. As they
extend, pelvic sidewall involvement may cause ureteral obstruction and hydronephrosis. The bladder or rectum may become involved. Although
lymphatic spread is common, staging criteria do not include node involvement. That being said, however, metastasis to lymph nodes significantly
impacts prognosis.
When the diagnosis of cervical cancer is made from a LEEP or a cone biopsy, it is important to determine as accurately as possible the depth of
invasion involved. The type of treatment recommended varies significantly based on depth of invasion.
Once the diagnosis is confirmed histologically, bimanual and rectovaginal examination should be done to determine if there is any vaginal, parametrial,
or pelvic sidewall extension. This completes clinical staging. Other evaluation should include chest radiography, either CT or intravenous pyelography
to rule out hydronephrosis, and either CT or lymphangiography to rule out lymph node involvement. Treatment varies with stage of disease ( Table 74
3 ).
For example, a tumor with 1 to 3 mm of invasion is a microinvasive cancer of the cervix that can be treated with simple hysterectomy or, in selected
cases, can be managed with a cone biopsy in patients who strongly desire fertility. However, a tumor with greater than 5 mm depth of invasion or 7 mm
on horizontal extent is a stage IB1 tumor with 10% risk of pelvic lymph node metastasis and requires a radical hysterectomy for treatment. Therefore, if
depth of invasion cannot be accurately determined or if the invasive component involves the endocervical margin, a repeat cone biopsy should be done.

TABLE 74-3 -- Treatment of Cervical Cancer



Stage IA1

Simple hysterectomy

Stage IA2

Modified radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy

Stage IB1

Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy; or pelvic radiation therapy followed by brachytherapy

Stage IB2

Chemotherapy and irradiation


Chemotherapy and irradiation

Stage IVB

Palliative radiation with chemotherapy

Treatment of Stage IA1 Disease

Stage IA1 disease is typically a total abdominal hysterectomy. However, some European studies have described treating this disease with cold knife
conization in patients who strongly desire fertility and will be compliant with follow-up.
Treatment of Stage IA2 Disease

Stage IA2 disease is treated with modified radical hysterectomy. Modified radical hysterectomy differs from radical hysterectomy in that the uterine
artery is ligated at the level of the ureter instead of at the origin.
Treatment of Stage IB1 Disease

Patients with stage IB1 disease have equal cure rates with radiation therapy or radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. Radiation therapy
includes 45 to 50 Gy of whole-pelvic radiation followed by brachytherapy. The goal dose is 85 to 90 Gy to point A, which is a point measured 2 cm
above and 2 cm lateral to the cervix. Radical hysterectomy involves removal of the uterus, parametrial tissue, and 1 cm of the upper vagina. It does not
necessarily include oophorectomy. Cure rates are between 85% and 90%. Risks and benefits of both treatment options should be discussed with the
patient and a treatment plan agreed on.
Pelvic lymphadenectomy involves removal of all visible lymph tissue from the level of the bifurcation of the iliac arteries down to the transverse
circumflex iliac vein. Laterally, the tissue is separated from the genitofemoral nerve and the external iliac artery and vein. The bundle is then separated
medially from the hypogastric and superior vesical artery. Inferiorly, the bundle is separated from the obturator nerve.
In patients who have more than one positive pelvic lymph node, deep invasion of the cervix, or a positive margin, pelvic irradiation is recommended
Treatment of Stage IB2 Disease

Stage IB2 or bulky IB2 disease can be treated in a variety of ways. Some would favor radical hysterectomy with a high likelihood of postoperative
radiation therapy. Others would favor chemotherapy and irradiation as primary treatment. Finally, some patients respond to pelvic radiation and one
brachytherapy followed by extrafascial hysterectomy.
Treatment of Stages IIA to IVA

Stage IIA disease can be treated with radical hysterectomy, but most gynecologic oncologists would currently treat these patients with chemotherapy
and irradiation. For stage IIB to IVA tumors, treatment is a combination of radiation therapy with cisplatin-based chemotherapy. In 1999, Morris and
colleagues compared extended-field radiation therapy versus chemotherapy and irradiation for patients with stage IB2 to IVA tumors. There was a
survival advantage seen for patients receiving both chemotherapy and irradiation. Current regimens include cisplatin possibly in combination with 5fluorouracil.
Treatment of Stage IVB Disease

Stage IVB disease involves distant metastasis. Most commonly affected are the lung and liver. In this instance, radiation therapy is changed to palliative
and chemotherapy is the focus of treatment. First-line agents typically include cisplatin or 5-fluorouracil.
Treatment of Patients With Enlarged Lymph Nodes

When enlarged lymph nodes are seen on initial CT evaluation, patients may benefit from retroperitoneal lymph node dissection to remove the bulky
disease. Radiation therapy alone cannot sterilize bulky adenopathy. Retroperitoneal node dissection allows the nodes to be debulked and to determine if
para-aortic lymph nodes are involved. Para-aortic lymph node involvement is a poor prognostic factor. Nodal dissection is undertaken with a
retroperitoneal approach through a paramedian or midline incision. A retroperitoneal approach has a much lower risk of fistula formation or bowel
obstruction than an intraperitoneal approach.
Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumors

Neuroendocrine carcinomas of the cervix are among the most rare and aggressive types. Five-year survivals have been reported in the 5% to 10% range.
As with other neuroendocrine tumors, the disease can metastasize to bone, brain, lung, or liver. Assessment should include evaluation of these areas
before treatment. As opposed to other cervical cancers, chemotherapy and irradiation regimens can include other agents in addition to cisplatin, such as


Figure 74-8 Pelvic exenteration. (Courtesy of Lynn Parker, M.D., Vanderbilt University Medical Center.)
Treatment of Recurrent Disease

If the patient has evidence of local recurrence on pelvic examination, distant disease must be ruled out by imaging studies. Once this has been
completed, sidewall involvement must be ruled out. Patients with central recurrence of cervical cancer who have received previous radiation therapy can

be cured with pelvic exenteration ( Fig. 748 ). Survival rates are between 30% and 40%.
Postoperative morbidity and mortality for the procedure can be as high as 10%. Isolated distant metastasis, such as a single lung lesion or an incisional
recurrence, may be treated with surgical resection followed by radiation therapy. In patients with multiple, distant metastases or sidewall involvement,
chemotherapy is palliative and an average life expectancy is 9 to 12 months.
Special Considerations in Management of Cervical Cancer and Treatment Complications
Inappropriate Surgical Management

One of the most frequent and deleterious errors in surgical management of cervical cancer is failure to recognize the importance of block dissection of
the tumor. The so-called cut-through procedure in which the surgeon transects active cancer extending beyond the cervix results in a reduction of 5-year
survival from the 50% to 85% range to the 20% to 30% range. This error may occur because of inadequate preoperative evaluation of the diagnosed
cancer or be encountered at the time of hysterectomy for presumed (and perhaps, coexistent) benign disease.
Treatment of the Pregnant Patient

Cervical cancer diagnosed early in pregnancy is a difficult situation. By continuing the pregnancy, the mother may be risking her own life.
Recommendations in the first trimester are to consider radical hysterectomy in stage IB1 lesions and chemotherapy and irradiation in higher-stage
lesions. If the radiation is given, spontaneous abortion will occur in 4 to 6 weeks. In the second trimester and later, the patient may be expectantly
managed until maturity of the fetus with plans for treatment after delivery. Typically, delivery is expedited at 34 weeks once lung maturity is confirmed.
Management of the Cervical Cancer Patient with Acute Hemorrhage

Some patients with cervical cancer present with acute hemorrhage. When this occurs, do not attempt a surgical resection. The vagina should be packed
with Monsels solution applied to the gauze and a Foley catheter placed. The patient should be transfused and then transferred to a center where
evaluation and treatment can begin.
Management of Radiation Complications

Typical complications after radiation therapy can include hemorrhagic cystitis, hemorrhagic proctitis, small bowel obstruction, and fistula formation.
Hemorrhagic cystitis can be managed with placement of a large three-way Foley catheter with continuous bladder irrigation. Hydrocortisone can be
added as well. Cystoscopy and focal cauterization can also stop focal bleeding sites. Transfusion is commonly required.
Hemorrhagic proctitis can be managed with cortisone enemas and transfusion. Colonoscopy with focal cautery can also be used. However, biopsies
should be avoided because of the risk of fistula formation. In some cases, colostomy with resection of the affected bowel may be indicated. Small bowel
obstruction tends to occur in the ileum in patients who had previous surgery before irradiation. When conservative management fails, laparotomy with
small bowel resection and reanastomosis may be required. Sharp dissection is important to use to avoid injury to surrounding structures.
Fistula formation occurs in 3% to 5% of patients treated with radiation therapy. Patients at higher risk include diabetics, patients with peripheral
vascular disease, or those with collagen vascular disease. Rectovaginal fistula in a radiated field typically is not treatable with more conservative
surgeries, and colostomy is required. In vesicovaginal fistulas, a urinary conduit is usually required.

The patient who presents with postmenopausal bleeding or abnormal bleeding after chronic anovulatory amenorrhea must be evaluated for endometrial
hyperplasia or endometrial carcinoma. Although suspicion may be heightened by an abnormal endometrial ultrasound, diagnosis of these lesions
requires tissue confirmation. Ultrasound

measurement of the thickness of endometrial stripe can assist in avoiding unnecessary biopsies. The postmenopausal woman who has an endometrial
bilayer stripe less than 5 mm without an irregularity in the cavity is very unlikely to have a carcinoma. If patient comfort or cervical stenosis precludes
office endometrial biopsy, dilatation and curettage may be necessary to make the diagnosis.

Endometrial hyperplasia is an overgrowth of the lining of the uterus. There are several different histologic types, including simple hyperplasia, simple
hyperplasia with atypia, complex hyperplasia, and complex hyperplasia with atypia. These are listed in an order of increasing risk of development into
endometrial adenocarcinoma. Patients with complex hyperplasia with atypia have a 20% to 30% chance of developing or having a coexisting
adenocarcinoma. Risk factors for hyperplasia include obesity, hypertension, diabetes, anovulation, and unopposed estrogen use. Simple hyperplasia can
be managed with progestin therapy, followed by a repeat endometrial biopsy after 3 months. In patients with complex atypical hyperplasia who have
completed childbearing, hysterectomy is recommended.
Endometrial Adenocarcinoma

There are many histologic types of endometrial cancer. The most common type is endometrioid, but other types include papillary, papillary serous,
squamous, clear cell, and neuroendocrine. Papillary serous, clear cell, and neuroendocrine tumors behave aggressively with a high risk of recurrence of
Because bleeding is an early sign, most patients present with early-stage disease; and potential for survival is high. Staging of endometrial
adenocarcinoma is surgical. The procedure involves obtaining pelvic washings on entering the abdomen, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy, and possible bilateral pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy. Table 744 outlines the criteria for patients who require
lymphadenectomy as well as those who require postoperative radiation therapy. However, management or patients with advanced-stage disease is
variable, with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and even adjunctive surgical debulking of tumor.
Risk factors for recurrence include grade of tumor, depth of invasion, lymphovascular space invasion, cervical involvement, stage of disease, and
histologic subtype. Table 744 outlines treatment recommendations for postoperative vaginal brachytherapy or pelvic irradiation.
Papillary serous adenocarcinoma of the endometrium behaves more like an ovarian carcinoma than an endometrial cancer. Most patients experience

recurrence with intra-abdominal disease and carcinomatosis. This is a rare histologic type so numbers reported in the literature are small. Postoperative
chemotherapy is indicated.
Treatment options for local recurrence of endometrial cancer in the pelvis include radiation therapy if the patient has not been previously irradiated or
pelvic exenteration in the irradiated patient. Remote disease must be ruled out
TABLE 74-4 -- Treatment of Endometrial Cancer


Grade 1 or 2, stage IA or IB, < 30% myometrial invasion, no lymph or

vascular invasion

No further therapy

Grade 1 or 2 with one third to two thirds of myometrial invasion; or grade

1 or 2 with cervical involvement; no lymph or vascular invasion

Vaginal brachytherapy

Grade 1 or 2 with more than two thirds of myometrial invasion; grade 3

with myometrial invasion and lymph and vascular invasion

Whole pelvic radiation therapy

Stage IIIC disease

Extended-field radiation therapy

Stage IVB disease

Postoperative chemotherapy

before these therapies. Fifty percent of patients who did not receive postoperative radiation can be salvaged in this situation. Isolated metastases
involving the abdominal wall, lung, or bone can be treated with surgical resection or focused radiation therapy. Multifocal remote or nodal disease is
treated with hormonal therapy or chemotherapy.
Endometrial Cancer in Young Women

If a young woman still desires children, she may be treated with high doses of progestins and followed with hysteroscopy and dilatation and curettage.
These patients must have no evidence of myometrial invasion on MRI. They also must actively pursue pregnancy, at times with the help of a
reproductive endocrinologist, once the cancer has been cleared because of their risk factors for recurrence.
Endometrial Sarcomas

Endometrial sarcomas can present as vaginal bleeding or a rapidly growing uterus. The sarcoma can be homologous (arising from tissue normally found
in the uterus such as smooth muscle) or heterologous (arising from tissue normally not found in the uterus such as cartilage). Sarcomas are classified
based on tissue type, necrosis, and degree of atypia. Leiomyosarcoma is the most common type. Diagnosis is made on hypercellularity, moderate
nuclear atypia, high mitotic rate (10 mitotic figures/10 high-power fields), and tumor necrosis. Two of the last three criteria are required for diagnosis.
Endometrial stromal sarcomas tend to occur in younger women and are low grade with typically fewer than 3 mitotic figures per high-power field.
High-grade endometrial sarcomas are rare and tend to be aggressive.
Management of these patients is surgical, with staging performed as noted for endometrial adenocarcinomas.

These tumors are vascular, and patients often require intraoperative transfusion. Unlike endometrial adenocarcinomas, these tumors spread
hematogenously so recurrences can occur in the pelvis, lung, or liver. Postoperative radiation therapy decreases risk of pelvic recurrence but does not
improve overall survival.
Mixed Mllerian Tumors of the Uterus

Malignant mixed mllerian tumors of the uterus (MMMT) are a combination of epithelial adenocarcinoma and sarcoma that coexist in the uterus. The
most common epithelial component is papillary serous carcinoma. It is the epithelial component that metastasizes, typically to the abdomen with
carcinomatosis or to the lung or liver. Staging is performed as in other endometrial cancers with the addition of omental biopsy because abdominal
metastases are common. In patients with stage I and II disease, Molpus and colleagues[5] reported an increased survival in patients who received
postoperative radiation therapy. For comparison, 5-year survival with endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage I is around 90% but in MMMT 5-year
survival is 50%. In patients with advanced disease, multiagent chemotherapy is indicated.
Management of a Pelvic Mass

When a pelvic mass is discovered on examination, ultrasound can be helpful in determining characteristics that are worrisome for malignancy. In
general, a simple cyst in a premenopausal patient will not be cancerous. However, a mass with complex features such as septations, papillations, and
solid components is more worrisome. Several benign lesions such as endometriomas, hemorrhagic corpus luteum, and dermoid cysts can have these
features and must be in the differential diagnosis ( Table 745 ).
TABLE 74-5 -- Differential Diagnosis of Ovarian Masses
Benign disease

Differential Diagnosis
Hemorrhagic corpus luteum; endometrioma; tubo-ovarian abscess; ectopic pregnancy; serous or
mucinous cystadenoma; cystadenofibroma; fibroma; Brenner tumor; dermoid


Serous borderline tumor; mucinous borderline tumor; invasive cancer (papillary serous;
endometrioid; transitional cell; clear cell; neuroendocrine or small cell; malignant mixed
mllerian tumor)

Germ cell

Dysgerminoma; endodermal sinus tumor; choriocarcinoma; immature teratoma; embryonal

carcinoma; polyembryoma


Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor; granulosa cell tumor


Colon cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma

Tubo-ovarian abscess can also appear worrisome on ultrasound, so the clinical scenario is important in determining the treatment plan.

In a premenopausal patient with a simple cyst, an ultrasound examination should be repeated in 6 to 8 weeks to see if it is hemorrhagic corpus luteum.
However, in a postmenopausal patient with a complex adnexal mass, evaluation should include CT to rule out omental disease or other site of primary
tumor and barium enema to rule out colonic involvement or primary tumor.
CA-125 is a glycoprotein that is produced by certain tumors. It, unfortunately, is not specific for ovarian cancer and may be elevated in lung,
appendiceal, and signet ring cell carcinomas and other malignancies. In the premenopausal patient, benign findings such as leiomyomas, endometriosis,
menstruation, pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory disease may elevate CA-125. Other diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver may also elevate the value.
CA-125, therefore, should not be checked in the premenopausal patient with a pelvic mass because the false-positive rate is too high. However, in the
postmenopausal patient with a pelvic mass and an elevated CA-125, ovarian cancer is diagnosed in 80% of these patients. This is the population in
which the test is helpful.
Definitive diagnosis of a pelvic mass requires visual inspection and histologic diagnosis. Laparoscopy or laparotomy can be done depending on the
clinical suspicion of malignancy. In patients with potential for carcinomatosis, laparoscopy should not be done because of port site metastasis that
occurs quickly and can make debulking difficult. At the time of surgery, pelvic washings should be done. The mass should be visually inspected to
augment prior information from ultrasound. If all indications are that the lesion is benign, ovarian cystectomy or drainage (see section on Technical
Aspects of Surgical Options) is indicated, with evaluation of cyst cytology or gross or microscopic evaluation of the tissue to confirm a benign lesion. If
there is a higher level of suspicion or the patient is menopausal, oophorectomy is performed and frozen section histologic diagnosis is provided.
Serous and mucinous cystadenomas are very common benign tumors of the ovary that can occur in any age group. Treatment can be cystectomy or
oophorectomy, depending on the amount of ovary involved. Brenner tumors are benign transitional cell tumors of the ovary that can also be managed in
a similar fashion
If the lesion is an invasive, epithelial ovarian cancer, treatment should include a hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy,
peritoneal biopsies of the diaphragms, bilateral paracolic gutters, bilateral pelvis, and cul-de-sac and lymph node sampling. If the cell type is mucinous,
an appendectomy should also be performed to rule out a metastasis from the appendix.
Extensive disease mandates tumor debulking to remove all possible tumor. Patients who undergo optimal tumor reductive surgery (< 2 cm of visible
disease) have a survival advantage over patients who cannot be or are not optimally debulked. Complete staging is very important because patients who
have a grade 1 or 2 stage IA ovarian cancer do not require chemotherapy. With other stages, surgery is followed by chemotherapy.


Borderline tumors do not behave like invasive ovarian cancers. Typically, they are treated with surgery alone and do not require chemotherapy. They
tend to occur in younger women. If found at frozen section and the patient is finished with childbearing, pelvic washings, hysterectomy, bilateral
salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy, peritoneal biopsies, and lymph node biopsies should be performed. If the patient desires future fertility, a
unilateral oophorectomy, omentectomy, peritoneal biopsies, and lymph node biopsies on the side of the tumor can be performed. The other ovary can
then be monitored with ultrasound. Staging should be done in the event an invasive ovarian cancer is found at the time of final pathologic diagnosis.
Mucinous borderline tumors have also been associated with abnormalities in the appendix. Therefore, an appendectomy should be performed in
conjunction with other staging.
Other types of ovarian tumors include sex cord stromal tumors such as granulosa cell tumors or Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors. These typically appear solid
but, occasionally, can have a cystic appearance. Hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and staging should be performed. For stage I tumors of
adult type, no further therapy is needed. For patients with higher stages, postoperative chemotherapy or radiation therapy should be added.
Among girls and young women, germ cell tumors must be considered. The most common cell type is a dysgerminoma. Ninety percent of
dysgerminomas are diagnosed at stage I. Conservative surgery with unilateral oophorectomy and staging can be performed, leaving the uterus and other
tube and ovary in place. No further therapy is needed.
Other germ cell tumors include endodermal sinus tumor, choriocarcinoma, immature teratoma, and embryonal carcinoma. A mixture of these cancers
can be present. Tumor markers such as -HCG, . -fetoprotein (AFP), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) may be detected in certain germ cell tumors.
Patients who have a gonadoblastoma must be evaluated with chromosomes. If XY chromosomes are discovered, the gonads should be removed to
prevent development of dysgerminoma. This may occur in 20% of patients with gonadoblastoma.
Because these are potentially very aggressive tumors, postoperative chemotherapy should be implemented with the diagnoses of teratoma (stage IA,
grade 2 or 3 immature teratoma or any higher stage), dysgerminomas (stage II and higher), any endodermal sinus tumor, or choriocarcinoma.
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There are valid indications for medical or observational management of many acute gynecologic conditions, even if there is also a surgical option
available. Because acute pelvic pathologic processes are often accompanied by severe pain or bleeding to a degree that the general surgeon would
consider it a surgical emergency in the upper abdomen, we provide some guidance to the clinical judgment to allow the surgeon to avoid, or defer,
surgery. We also provide an overview approach to the medical management and the points to observe during follow-up observation.
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

As described earlier, this condition is a manifestation of dyssynchronous endometrial physiology. In the acute setting, medical management does not
require a tissue or even an ultrasound diagnosis. Emergency implementation of dilatation and curettage is not necessary. The episode can be truncated
by inducing acute proliferation and regeneration of the endometrium with high doses of estrogens, followed by induction of a secretory endometrium
with a progestin.
An oral or intravenous bolus of estrogens (e.g., conjugated estrogens, 5 mg PO every 6 hours for four to six doses or 25 mg IV for two doses 6 hours
apart) with simultaneous administration of an active progestin (micronized progesterone, 100 mg PO bid, or medroxyprogesterone, 10 mg four times a
day) will stabilize the endometrium. The progestin must be continued for at least 7 days and then withdrawn to simulate atresia of the corpus luteum.
This will mimic the orderly menses of an ovulatory cycle, although perhaps with heavy bleeding. The patient should receive oral contraceptives for
several months to stabilize iron stores, allow for orderly evaluation of structural pathology, and initiate a plan to assess underlying HPO pathology.
Spontaneous Abortion

First-trimester pregnancies fail 10% to 15% of the time, often with minimal symptoms. For the patient who does present with pain or bleeding, it must
be confirmed that this is an early gestation. On inspection of the cervix, one can observe whether there is placental tissue in a dilated cervical os; if so, it
can often be removed with a sponge forceps and resolve the event. The need for acute surgical intervention with curettage is wholly dependent on the
amount of blood loss and intensity of pain. The patient who is hemodynamically stable and has pain control may spontaneously complete her
miscarriage without a procedure.
Ectopic Pregnancy

Ruptured ectopic pregnancy is a surgical emergency, but there are two other tubal pregnancy scenarios that are amenable to less aggressive management
in the patient who is hemodynamically stable and has limited intraperitoneal blood loss: the tubal abortion and the unruptured ectopic pregnancy. The
tubal abortion results when the pregnancy is extruded from the fimbriated end of the tube. Pain is often described as lateralized cramping, and the
volume of blood identified in the cul-de-sac is only about 100 mL. These events may be self-limited; and if pain and hemodynamic status are under
control during observation, surgery may be avoided.
A patient may present with pain and vaginal bleeding, and an intact tubal pregnancy is identified by ultrasound. There are varying sets of criteria for
medical management of the unruptured tubal pregnancy, based on gestational size (<3 cm or < 5 cm) and the presence of fetal cardiac

activity, but the physician should actively consider medical rather than surgical management.
Surgical procedures for managing an ectopic pregnancy include salpingectomy, salpingostomy, or segmental resection. For the patient desiring to
maintain maximal future fertility, preservation of the tube is preferable.
Medical management of tubal pregnancy relies on the cytotoxic effect of methotrexate. Several protocols for dosage (e.g., 1 mg/kg) and follow-up are
available. Consultation with an experienced gynecologist before initiation is advisable.
Pelvic Infection

The diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be challenging. Most commonly, the differential diagnosis includes appendicitis, urinary tract
infection, ruptured ovarian cyst, or ectopic pregnancy, all of which share some of the signs and symptoms of PID. The diagnosis of PID should be made
only when the patient has fever, leukocytosis, purulent discharge from the cervix, bilateral adnexal tenderness on gentle palpation, and peritoneal signs
limited to the pelvis. Appendicitis is differentiated by anteceding gastrointestinal symptoms, the evolving pain pattern, absence of cervical discharge,
and generalized peritonitis. Lower urinary tract infection is distinguished by dysuria and obvious pyuria. Rarely do ovarian cysts or ectopic pregnancy
present as significant fever or leukocytosis. In a classic study, Wolner-Hanssen and colleagues concluded that the sensitivity and specificity of clinical
assessment for PID was so poor that laparoscopic inspection of the pelvis is necessary to make a firm diagnosis.[6] Although that may be unduly
aggressive in many cases, this diagnosis must be applied cautiously, because it is stigmatizing and labels the patient, disproportionately among women
of color, from lower socioeconomic status or with counterculture lifestyles.
Acute PID, as a polymicrobial infection, is a medical not a surgical disease. The major acute complication of this disease is a tubo-ovarian abscess
(TOA). In contrast to abscesses related to the intestine, however, initial management of a TOA is administration of broad-spectrum intravenous
antibiotics. Indications for surgical intervention are ruptured TOA with generalized peritonitis or failure to respond to medical therapy.
A pelvic inflammatory collection is a clinical variant of a TOA. Whereas an abscess is an infectious process bounded by inflammatory response across
natural tissue planes, the collection, which may be indistinguishable on ultrasound or CT scan, is bounded by anatomic surfaces of the posterior cul-desac, rectum, uterus, and intestine. Pelvic collections are more common than true abscesses and much more likely to respond to medical therapy than
Functional Ovarian Cysts

Rupture of a follicle or corpus luteum cyst or intraparenchymal hemorrhage in the corpus luteum can result in extreme pain, with signs of localized
peritoneal irritation. If ultrasound evaluation reveals a simple cyst and does not demonstrate significant intraperitoneal bleeding, and if Doppler flow
study rules out an ovarian torsion, this acute condition will resolve in 12 to 24 hours. Fluids and analgesic support are all that is necessary.

If the event is on the right ovary, the acuity clearly will force consideration of appendicitis, but prior gastrointestinal symptoms, fever, and leukocytosis
are rarely present.
Ovarian torsion is a surgical emergency and sometimes mandates oophorectomy. However, unless the ovary is obviously necrotic at the time of
laparoscopic inspection, the surgeon should untwist the ovarian pedicle and directly observe for return of blood flow before considering removal.
Uterine Leiomyomas

These benign myometrial tumors are present in up to 40% of women and more prevalent among women of African descent. With clinical or ultrasound
confirmation of the diagnosis, observation for stability over time is indicated. Surgical intervention is warranted if the patient has unresponsive
menorrhagia, intolerable pressure symptoms, rapid growth, or change in consistency of palpable masses. Leiomyosarcoma is a sufficiently rare event
that hysterectomy or myomectomy to rule out malignancy carries greater statistical risk than the lesion itself.
Observational management is especially valid in women who are approaching menopause, because leiomyomas are estrogen dependent and with the
decline in estrogen production, typically the lesions will decrease in size. Continued observation is important after menopause because progressive
growth in this time period may reflect malignant transformation.
Endometriosis and Endometriomas

This is a complex disease created by the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue in the peritoneal cavity or adnexa. This endometrial tissue transforms
and bleeds with the ovarian cycle. This process induces a sterile inflammatory response, resulting in pain, pelvic adhesions, and, when located within
the ovary, a complex hemorrhagic mass known as an endometrioma. First-line therapy for this disease is medical induction of temporary menopause
and suppression of ovarian estrogen. Surgical management for younger women is conservative, with local destruction of lesions and maximum
conservation of reproductive organs. Women who have completed their reproductive plans will benefit from hysterectomy and oophorectomy.
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Surgery for Menorrhagia and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is the classic gynecologic procedure for the evaluation and possible therapeutic treatment of menorrhagia,
menometrorrhagia, and abnormal

uterine bleeding. It is now understood that its therapeutic success is 25% or less and usually temporary. Because it is a blind procedure, it is difficult to
ensure that the entire endometrium is curetted uniformly, much like attempting to scoop cake batter out of a bowl with a spoon. Therefore, more
commonly now, hysteroscopy is used in conjunction with D&C so that the cavity can be visualized and any pathologic process seen can be directly
sampled or removed. The combination of the two adds both to the evaluation and the therapeutic success.
In addition, ablative techniques now are being used for improved therapy for nonstructural bleeding abnormalities.[7] [8] These ablative techniques
(rollerball, thermal balloon, hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, microwave) are advanced techniques best reserved for a surgeon with extensive experience in
hysteroscopy and the evaluation and manipulation of the endometrial cavity.
Technique: Fractional Dilation and Curettage

A weighted speculum and anterior retracting blade or a bivalve Graves speculum are used in the vagina to visualize the cervix. The cervix is grasped
transversely on the anterior lip with a single-toothed tenaculum. A Kevorkian curette is used to curette the endocervix for a specimen. A sound is placed
through the cervix and into the uterus and gently tapped on the fundus of the uterus to measure the depth of the cavity. This step is important to help
prevent and/or recognize uterine perforation for the remainder of the procedure. The cervix is dilated with graduated dilators of increasing diameter. At
this time, if hysteroscopy is going to be performed, the hysteroscope is introduced through the cervix and into the uterus for visualization of the
endometrial cavity, with glycine or saline commonly used as a distention medium. The curettage phase is performed. A sharp curette (the largest
diameter that will easily fit through the cervix) is introduced gently into the cervix and endometrial cavity. This should be done without excessive
pressure or undue force. The fundus should be found, and a firm withdrawal stroke should be applied until the curette reaches the cervicouterine
junction. This should be repeated while moving circumferentially around the uterine cavity, attempting to curette as much of the endometrial cavity as
possible. The procedure is terminated; the instruments are removed with careful attention to the cervix, which may bleed when the tenaculum is
removed. The bleeding usually stops with pressure and/or silver nitrate or Monsels solution.
Potential Complications

As with any surgical procedure, infection from instrumenting the cavity or bleeding from the denuded endometrial lining can occur. In addition,
perforation of the uterine cavity is possible and can occur in any of the phases of the procedure. However, it occurs most commonly during the sounding
of the uterus, and bleeding from the perforated area can occur. The perforation is usually midline and self-limiting. Usually, observation for 24 hours is
all that is required. If there is continued bleeding, as evidenced by decreasing hemoglobin or increased abdominal pain, or if other symptoms present,
exploration by laparoscopy or laparotomy may be required. Injury to the bowel is possible, although rare, with perforation.
Treatment of Bartholin Gland Cyst or Abscess

Large, symptomatic Bartholin gland cysts or painful abscesses may not respond to conservative treatment. The surgical treatment options for this
include (1) incision and drainage with Word catheter placement, (2) marsupialization, or (3) excision of the gland itself. Excision of the gland is rarely
indicated. Typically, incision and drainage with appropriate follow-up and/or marsupialization is all that is needed to treat this condition.
Incision and drainage generally is made on the vestibular side at the hymeneal ring in a lower dependent portion of the cyst or abscess using a sharp
knife. The cyst is stabilized, and an incision is made into the cyst itself. A small Word catheter is placed into the cyst for drainage and the lesion is
reevaluated on a weekly basis. Patients with abscesses should be pretreated with antibiotics.
To perform a marsupialization, an elliptical incision is made in the vestibular mucosa down to the wall of the gland. The wall of the gland is incised the
entire length of the ellipse. The contents are evacuated, and the wall of the cyst is sutured to the vestibular mucosa with 30 synthetic absorbable suture,
either in an interrupted fashion or by using a baseball stitch ( Fig. 749 ). The patient is placed on a regimen of hot sitz baths. If the lesion is an abscess,
the patient is given adequate antibiotic coverage. Whether marsupialization or incision and drainage has been performed, sexual intercourse should be
avoided until the area has completely healed.
Cone Procedure

Conization can be performed with a cold knife or a LEEP. A LEEP conization entails removal of the transformation zone with an ectocervical loop
followed by a removal of an endocervical specimen with an endocervical loop. This is called a top-hat procedure and allows for sampling of the canal.
If a cold knife conization is done in the operating room, a single-tooth tenaculum is placed on the anterior lip of the cervix. Vicryl 0 figure-eight
retention sutures are placed at the 3 and 9 oclock positions. A circumferential incision is made around the transformation zone and the lesion. The
specimen is grasped with Allis clamps to maintain orientation, and a deeper circumferential incision is made in the cervix. The specimen is removed
with a scalpel or Mayo scissors. A marking stitch is placed at the 12 oclock position on the specimen, and an endocervical curetting is performed above
the cone biopsy. Risk of recurrence of dysplasia is dependent on the status of the endocervical and ectocervical margins as well as if the endocervical
curetting is positive for dysplasia.
Surgery for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are common, especially functional cysts. Benign ovarian cysts have been discussed previously.

Figure 74-9 Bartholins gland marsupialization. A, Retraction of the labia and incision over the mucosa of the vagina. B, Wall of the gland is excised. C, Completed marsupialization.
(Modified from Mitchell CW, Wheeless CR: Atlas of Pelvic Surgery, 3rd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1997.)

When found, the decision is, What management is most appropriate? Treatment is individualized to each patient, depending on the clinical scenario.
When an ovarian cyst is an incidental finding at the time of other surgery, it is important to know what, if any, the patients symptoms are, where the
patient is in her menstrual cycle, and what size of follicle is normal for that part of the cycle.
It is critical to remember that any time surgery is performed on the adnexal structures there is a risk of adhesion formation that might inhibit fertility. If
the patient has been asymptomatic with a small functional cyst, observation, especially in the younger patient, is most appropriate. If the functional
ovarian cyst is large (>5.0 to 6.0 cm) and/or symptomatic, aspiration may be considered. If the cyst is larger or is not consistent with functional lesion,
oophorectomy may be considered if the patient is closer to menopause. As an alternative, ovarian cystectomy may be considered. This option removes
the cyst but preserves the function of the ovary. It also reduces the risk of recurrence as compared with ovarian cyst drainage.

Ovarian Cyst Drainage

It is imperative, before considering drainage, that the ovarian cyst is benign and functional. With this being noted, a hollow needle can be used, through
laparoscopy or exploratory laparotomy, to pierce the cyst at a 90-degree angle to the cyst and to suction the fluid from the cyst through tubing and
syringe connected to the needle. Suction is performed until all the fluid is removed. The fluid should be sent for pathologic analysis to ensure accurate
diagnosis. The needle is removed, and the procedure is terminated.
Oophorectomy Salpingectomy

When oophorectomy is desired, the infundibulopelvic (IP) ligament is identified and isolated. The ipsilateral ureter must be identified and noted to be
remote from the area of the IP ligament to be ligated. With the IP ligament isolated, the ligament can be (1) clamped, cut, and suture ligated; (2) ligated
with one or two Endoloops and then surgically dissected; or (3) cauterized with bipolar cautery and sharply dissected. If the ipsilateral tube is to be
removed, the dissection across the mesosalpinx is performed, either with clamp, sharp dissection, and suture ligation or with bipolar coagulation and
sharp dissection. If the uterus is present, attention should be directed to the utero-ovarian ligament. This ligament should be dissected in a similar
fashion, as described previously, with bipolar cautery or the clamping technique. The ovary, completely dissected, possibly in conjunction with the
fallopian tube, can be removed.
Ovarian Cystectomy

To begin an ovarian cystectomy, a surgical line into the ovarian capsule is developed sharply over the area of the cyst, on the antimesovarian side of the
ovary. After the incision into the capsule, the cyst is dissected away from the capsule with sharp and/or blunt dissection. Scissors, knife, Kittner
dissector, hydrodissection, or a combination of these may be used for this dissection, being careful to avoid rupture of the cyst. Once the cyst is removed
in toto, the base of the ovarian capsule will usually have some bleeding. Hemostasis can be obtained at the base, either with electrocautery or by

suturing. Once hemostasis is obtained, most surgeons do not suture the capsule but rather approximate the edges loosely together to heal spontaneously
on its own. It is believed that this reduces the risk of adhesion formation. Interceed or other adhesion barriers can be used at this time to reduce adhesion
Potential Complications

Bleeding from the large vascular pedicles is the most dangerous potential risk. If hemostasis is not completely obtained, the large vessels can bleed
profusely very quickly. The more chronic complication from adnexal surgery is adhesion formation with infertility or subfertility. Injury to the ureter is
always a concern during this surgery if the ureteral course is not monitored appropriately.
Surgery for the Fallopian Tube or Ectopic Pregnancy

There are many options for treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Surgical options include salpingostomy, segmental resection, or salpingectomy, depending
on desire for future fertility and if the tube is salvageable. As in prior discussions, these procedures can be performed through laparoscopy, laparotomy,
or mini-laparotomy.

With a salpingostomy, a linear incision is made in the antisalpingetic line over the pregnancy. This is usually performed with a monopolar needle. The
pregnancy is removed from the tube. Milking the pregnancy from the tube has been discussed in the past. However, it is no longer recommended
because of an increased risk of retained tissue. Once the pregnancy is completely removed, hemostasis is achieved with monopolar or bipolar cautery.
The tube is not sutured but left open to spontaneously heal. This has been shown to improve patency rates and fertility ( Fig. 7410 ).
Segmental Resection

In segmental resection, the portion of the tube encompassing the products of conception is resected and the proximal and distal ends are left in situ. This
gives the option of reanastomosis at a later date if the patient chooses. The mesosalpinx is perforated in an avascular space. Ligatures are placed on each
side of the pregnancy. The segment is sharply resected within the ligatures, and the vessels of the mesosalpinx are inspected for injury and secured if

In salpingectomy, the tube is grasped and the mesosalpinx is secured using bipolar cautery, an Endoloop, or clamps with a suture ligation. The tube is
sharply excised. The area is examined closely for hemostasis ( Fig. 7411 ).
In rare cases, the ectopic pregnancy is in the abdomen and not in the fallopian tube. In these cases, the fetus is removed with ligation of the umbilical
cord near its insertion into the placenta. Because of the vascularity of the placenta, the placenta is left in situ, with subsequent medical therapy with
Potential Complications

The vascular supply of the tube in pregnancy is markedly increased and, therefore, bleeding is a risk both during and after the surgery is completed. If
the tube is preserved, there is a risk of subsequent recurrent ectopic pregnancy. Also, there is a risk of retained placental tissue

Figure 74-10 Salpingostomy. A, Fallopian tube is opened in a longitudinal manner. B, Trophoblastic tissue removed in pieces. (Modified from Mitchell CW, Wheeless CR: Atlas of
Pelvic Surgery, 3rd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1997.)

Figure 74-11 Salpingectomy. A, Tube is excised from the cornual portion across the mesosalpinx to the fimbria. B, Pedicles tied, peritoneal lining is re-established, and cornual
portion of the tube is buried into the posterior segment of the uterine cornu. C, Mesosalpinx is reperitonealized. D, Mesosalpinx is closed and the procedure completed. (Modified from
Mitchell CW, Wheeless CR: Atlas of Pelvic Surgery, 3rd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1997.)

in the tube and persistent ectopic pregnancy. Adhesions of the affected adnexa are also a significant risk, whether the tube is preserved or removed.

Hysterectomy is one of the most common procedures performed. The route of hysterectomy depends on the indication for surgery, the size of the uterus,
the descent of the cervix and uterus, the shape of the vagina, the size of the patient, and the skill and preference of the surgeon.
Because of the significant impact of the transvaginal approach on appreciating anatomic relationships, vaginal hysterectomy and laparoscopically
assisted hysterectomy should only be performed by an experienced vaginal surgeon.

Any lower abdominal incision (vertical, Pfannenstiel, Maylard, Cherney) can be used. The bowel is packed from the pelvis and the patient placed in
Trendelenburg position. The ureters are identified, and the following steps are performed bilaterally ( Fig. 7412 ).
The round ligament is identified, incised between clamps, and ligated with 0 absorbable suture. The leaves of the broad ligament are sharply opened
anteriorly and posteriorly, with the anterior leaf open to the vesicouterine fold. If the ovary is to be preserved, the proximal tube and utero-ovarian
ligament are clamped, incised, and ligated. If the tube and ovary are to be removed, the infundibulopelvic ligament is doubly clamped, incised, and
doubly ligated with a 0 absorbable tie and a 0 synthetic absorbable suture. After this has been performed

Figure 74-12 A to N, Hysterectomy. (Modified from Mitchell CW, Wheeless CR: Atlas of Pelvic Surgery, 3rd ed. Baltimore, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1997.)

bilaterally, the vesicoperitoneal fold is elevated and incised. The filmy attachments of the bladder to the pubovesical fascia are sharply dissected,
mobilizing the bladder off the cervix. The filmy adventitious tissue surrounding the uterine vessels is skeletonized sharply, dissecting the tissue to
expose the uterine vessels. The uterine vessels are clamped, incised, and ligated at the level of the lower uterine segment. This is accomplished by
placing the tip of the clamp on the uterus at right angle to the axis of the cervix and sliding or stepping off the uterus. The pedicle is incised and a simple
absorbable 0 suture ligature is placed. The cardinal and uterosacral ligaments are sequentially clamped, incised, and suture ligated with a Haney double
transfixion suture. Each clamp is placed medial to the previous pedicle to allow for the ureter to passively retract laterally. The anterior vagina can be
entered by a stab incision and cut across with either a scalpel or scissors. Alternatively, right angle clamps can be used to clamp the angle of the vagina,
below the distal cervix. The tissue above this angle clamp is then incised and ligated with a Haney stitch. With the lumen of the vagina now exposed,
sharp dissection is used to complete the vaginal transection. The vaginal wall, incorporating perivaginal fascia, muscularis, and mucosal edge is closed
with a series of figure-of-eight 0 absorbable sutures with the angle stitches incorporating the ipsilateral uterosacral ligament. Ligatures should be snug
but not strangulate the vaginal edges. The pelvic peritoneum does

not need to be closed. The pelvis is irrigated, hemostasis is ensured, and the abdominal incision closed routinely.
Potential Complications

Because of the proximity of the ureter to the cervix, uterine vessels, and infundibulopelvic ligament, the ureter can be injured during the hysterectomy
and, with the dissection necessary between the bladder and cervix, injury to the bladder is likewise a common complication. It is imperative that these
injuries be recognized and repaired intraoperatively, if possible. Fistulas, such as vesicovaginal or ureterovaginal, likewise can form postoperatively
secondary to ischemic injury caused by denudation of the bladder muscularis or partial entrapment with a vaginal closure stitch.
The vascular supply to the uterus and ovaries is rich. Intraoperative and postoperative bleeding is a concern. A previously secure pedicle can begin to
bleed acutely in the postoperative period. A vaginal stump vessel, missed because of operative vasospasm, can cause a pelvic cuff hematoma.
Thromboembolism originating from the pelvic vasculature is also a potential postoperative problem. Hysterectomy is considered a clean-contaminated
procedure because of entering the vagina. Pelvic cuff infection is common, despite the routine use of prophylactic antibiotics.
There has been increased discussion recently regarding the effect of hysterectomy on the pelvic floor. Failure to reapproximate the endopelvic fascia or
failure to heal results in a large, apical endopelvic fascial defect. This results in an apical enterocele that progresses in size over time. It is estimated
that 60% of women by 60 years of age have significant pelvic support defects.
Radical Hysterectomy

Radical hysterectomy can be performed through a vertical, Cherney, or Maylard incision. Once the pelvis is entered, the retroperitoneal space is opened
and the

paravesical and pararectal spaces are developed. The boundaries of the paravesical space are the symphysis pubis anteriorly, cardinal ligament
posteriorly, obliterated umbilical artery medially, and external iliac vein laterally. The boundaries of the pararectal space are the cardinal ligament
anteriorly, sacrum posteriorly, ureter medially, and hypogastric artery laterally. The bladder flap is then developed to the level of the vagina. The uterine
arteries are isolated back to the origin and are ligated. The ureter is then separated from the medial leaf of the broad ligament, and the parametrial tunnel
is developed. The ureter is separated from the parametrial tissue and is rolled laterally. The rectovaginal space is then entered, and the uterosacral
ligaments are transected two thirds of the way to the sacrum. The amount of postoperative urinary retention is related to how close to the sacrum the
uterosacral ligament is ligated. The parametrium is then taken at the sidewall. The specimen is removed when the vagina is entered 1 cm below the
cervix. The angle sutures are secured with 0 Vicryl Heaney sutures, and the cuff is closed with 0 Vicryl figure-eight sutures.
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Surgery is required in 0.1% to 2.2% of pregnant women. Changes in maternal-fetal physiology, the enlarging gestation, and changes in maternal organ
placement can make diagnosis and treatment challenging. In this section, important issues for the surgeon to consider before proceeding to the operating
room are considered.
Physiologic Changes

During pregnancy, multisystem adaptations result in altered physiology.

Cardiovascular System

Blood volume increases by 45% to 50% at term. Placental hormone production stimulates maternal erythropoiesis, which increases red cell mass by
approximately 20%. This results in a functional hemodilution, manifested by a physiologic anemia. Therefore, pregnancy should be considered a
hypervolemic state.
Maternal heart rate increases as early as 7 weeks. In late pregnancy, maternal heart rate is increased by approximately 20% over antepartum values.
Systemic vascular resistance decreases by 20% but gradually increases near term. This results in a decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
during pregnancy, with a gradual recovery to nonpregnant values by term. Because there is increased pressure in the venous system, there is decreased
return from the lower extremities, resulting in dependent edema.
Respiratory System

In pregnancy, minute volume is increased while functional residual volume is decreased ( Table 746 ). Although it seems intuitive that lung volume
would be decreased during pregnancy, an increase in minute volume in association with an expansion of the anterior and posterior

TABLE 74-6 -- Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy





Blood volume increased by 50%; red cell mass

High output cardiac state with a hemodilutional
increased by 20%; cardiac output increased by 50%; anemia
heart rate increased by 20%; systemic vascular
resistance decreased by 20%


Minute volume increased by 20%; functional

residual capacity decreased by 15%; tidal volume
increased by 20% to 30%; oxygen consumption
increased by 20%

Compensated respiratory alkalosis


Smooth muscle relaxation; delayed gastrointestinal


Full stomach; constipation


Fibrinogen increased by 30%; protein S level

decreased by 30% to 40%

Hypercoagulable state regardless of risk factors


Glomerular filtration rate increased by 50%; serum Increased urination; increased risk of upper
creatinineconcentration decreased 40%; physiologic urinary tract infection

diameter of the chest results in increased tidal volume, thereby also increasing minute ventilation. These changes result in a compensated respiratory
alkalosis. Normal PCO2 in pregnancy ranges from 28 to 35 mm Hg. PO2 is usually greater than or equal to 100 mm Hg. Oxygen consumption and basal
metabolic rate are also increased during pregnancy by approximately 20%.
These physiologic changes result in less pulmonary reserve for the acutely ill pregnant patient, reducing time needed for deterioration of respiratory
distress to respiratory failure. Early intervention is mandatory.
Gastrointestinal Tract

During pregnancy there is a decrease in gastrointestinal motility. This is caused by mechanical changes in the abdomen with the enlarging uterus and the
smooth muscle relaxation induced by high production of progesterone in pregnancy. Gastric emptying may be delayed for up to 8 hours. Pregnant
women should be considered to have a functionally full stomach at all times. In addition, a decrease in large intestine motility may result in constipation
severe enough to cause significant abdominal pain.
Coagulation Changes

Pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state. Fibrinogen is increased approximately 30% over baseline values. The hypercoagulable state of pregnancy is
associated with increased risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolus. This is particularly compounded when bed rest or immobilization
occurs during the gestational period.
Renal Changes

Pregnancy increases blood flow to the renal pelvis approximately 50%. This results in an increased glomerular filtration rate. Frequent urination is
common. Serum creatinine concentration is approximately 40% less than in a nonpregnant state. Therefore, a creatinine value of 1 mg/dL during
gestation should be considered abnormal.

Ureteral diameter increases in pregnancy secondary to compression and smooth muscle relaxation. Peristalsis is delayed, and reflux occurs freely from
the bladder into the lower ureteral segment. This results in an increased incidence of pyelonephritis during pregnancy. Therefore, asymptomatic
bacteriuria should be aggressively treated.
Imaging Techniques

The most common imaging technique used during pregnancy is ultrasound. Ultrasound is considered the safest modality and is used for fetal
assessment. In patients with abdominal pain, an ultrasound study should be considered the first-line diagnostic test. During ultrasonography, the
presence of an intrauterine pregnancy should be documented if possible. In addition, evaluation of the culde-sac for fluid, the ureter for dilatation or
stones, the gallbladder for the presence of gallstones, and the placenta for abnormalities can be obtained.
MRI can be also used during pregnancy. There are no data to suggest any increased risk from this modality; in fact, MRI is now used to diagnose fetal
abnormalities, especially abnormalities of the central nervous system.
Although there are theoretical risks associated with ionizing radiation, fortunately, most diagnostic radiographic

procedures are associated with minimal or no risk to the fetus. Existing evidence suggests that there is no increased risk to the fetus with regard to
congenital malformations, growth restriction, or abortion from radiographic procedures that expose the fetus to doses of 5 rads or less. In 1995, the
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology published guidelines regarding diagnostic imaging during pregnancy. These published outlines reflect
the opinions of the authors. Women should be reassured that concern about radiation exposure should not prevent medically indicated diagnostic
procedures. It cannot be stressed enough that maternal well-being is of the utmost importance, and appropriate diagnostic procedures should be obtained
to facilitate a rapid diagnosis.
Clinical Evaluation During Pregnancy

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be confusing to the clinician. It is natural for the clinician to attribute most abdominal pain to the pregnancy;
however, other organ systems during pregnancy are affected at the rate of the general population. In addition to these diagnoses, diagnosis specific to
pregnancy should also be considered.

Appendicitis is one of the most common surgical complications of pregnancy, with an incidence of approximately 2 per 1000. This incidence is not
increased over the general population; however, appendiceal location during pregnancy changes with the upward displacement of the appendix with
advancing gestation ( Fig. 7413 ). Nevertheless, the most common presenting symptom is pain in the right lower quadrant. This presents regardless of
gestational age. The diagnosis of appendicitis in pregnancy may be difficult, because many of the symptoms of appendicitis are seen during pregnancy.
Pain in the right lower quadrant may be mistaken for round ligament pain, and nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort may be mistaken for
hyperemesis gravidarum. Because mild leukocytosis is commonly seen in pregnancy, it may confound the diagnosis. However, other symptoms such as
fever and anorexia can help the clinician establish the diagnosis. Ultrasonography may be used, but it is of limited value if bowel loops are distended.
CT without contrast medium enhancement can be used, if needed, to assist in the diagnosis.
Rupture of the appendix during pregnancy increases perinatal morbidity and mortality. This is particularly true when rupture occurs after 20 weeks
gestation. Peritonitis increases the risk of preterm labor and preterm delivery. Therefore, it is prudent that the clinician make an early diagnosis and
proceed immediately with surgical intervention.

After appendicitis, biliary tract disease is the second most common general surgical condition encountered during pregnancy. Cholelithiasis of
pregnancy usually develops from obstruction of the cystic duct. Clinical presentation ranges from intermittent attacks of biliary colic to persistent pain
radiating into the subcapsular area in cases where the common bile duct is obstructed by a stone. Ultrasound is helpful in detecting the presence of
stones. The differential diagnosis of acute cholelithiasis includes acute pain in the liver of pregnancy, HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low
platelets) syndrome, and severe preeclampsia. Initial attacks may be treated conservatively with intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and antispasmodics;
however, without prompt resolution of symptoms, surgery should be considered. Delay of surgery in a patient with cholecystitis may increase perinatal
morbidity. Despite the potential difficulty of operating on a pregnant woman, lower morbidity has been shown in those patients managed surgically,
particularly in the case involving obstruction. In early gestations, laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be considered.
Although rare, pancreatitis may present during pregnancy. The most common cause of pancreatitis in pregnant women is cholelithiasis. However,
pancreatitis can be a complication of severe preeclampsia or HELLP syndrome. Pancreatitis caused by milk-alkali toxicity may be seen in patients with
excessive intake of antacids.[9]
Intestinal Obstruction

The incidence of intestinal obstruction is similar to that of the general population. Patients present with classic symptoms of abdominal colicky pain
associated with hyperactive peristalsis. Nausea and vomiting is present in approximately 80% of the cases. Bowel distention is marked. Laparotomy
should be performed before bowel necrosis and perforation occur. If perforation occurs during pregnancy, there is a significant increase in maternal and
perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Ovarian Masses

With frequent use of ultrasound in early pregnancy, the corpus luteum cyst of pregnancy is frequently identified. This is physiologic and, in the absence
of symptoms of torsion, requires only follow-up to ensure the diagnosis. The progesterone produced in the first 14 weeks of gestation is necessary to
support the pregnancy until placental production of progesterone replaces it. Therefore, if surgery is required for symptoms of torsion or bleeding, every
effort should be made to preserve the corpus luteum in the first trimester.
Obstetric Complications Resulting in Abdominal Pain

Placental abruption usually occurs in the third trimester. It may be associated with excruciating abdominal pain. Contrary to popular belief, overt
vaginal bleeding does not need to be present for the diagnosis to be made. Ultrasonography is of little use, because only 5% to 10% of abruptions can be

seen. Therefore, the diagnosis of abruption


Figure 74-13 Location of the appendix in pregnancy. As modified from Bauer and colleagues (JAMA, 1932), the approximate location of the appendix during succeeding months of
pregnancy is diagrammed. In planning an operation, it is better to make the abdominal incision over the point of maximum tenderness unless there is a great disparity between that
point and the theoretical location of the appendix. (From Ludmir J, Stubblefield PG: Surgical procedures in pregnancy. In Gabbe S, Nubyl JR, Simpson JL [eds]: Obstetrics: Normal
and Problem Pregnancies, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone, 2002, p 617.)

is clinical. Abruptions are usually associated with uterine hypertonicity, resulting in fetal heart rate abnormalities. It is important for the clinician to
make a rapid diagnosis of abruption.
Trauma may increase the risk of abruption. There are three distinct mechanisms for post-traumatic placental abruption. First, blunt trauma to the uterus
(e.g., assault or seat belt placement) can cause a direct injury to the placental implantation site. Second, the sudden acceleration-deceleration cycle that
occurs in motor vehicle accidents can cause a contrecoup shearing injury. Finally, even in the absence of any overt physical injury, the acute adrenergic
reaction to stress can result in sufficient uterine vasospasm to create ischemic necrosis at the implantation site; with reperfusion, a subplacental
hematoma can dissect the plane of the implantation site.
The pregnant patient and her fetus who experience trauma should be monitored for at least 4 hours, with the possibility of prolonged monitoring for 24
hours. Abruption may quickly become a surgical emergency, requiring immediate delivery of the fetus. Laboratory studies that may be helpful in the
diagnosis of abruption include a platelet count and fibrinogen. As the retroplacental hematoma expands, clotting factors, especially fibrinogen and
platelets, are consumed. This may assist the clinician in the diagnosis in occult cases.

Pregnancy-Related Hepatic Complications

HELLP syndrome and acute fatty liver of pregnancy can present as right upper quadrant pain and nausea and vomiting. HELLP is a form of severe
preeclampsia. It is important that the clinician not mistake this for cholelithiasis or other gastrointestinal pathology. Progression of this disease can
result in rupture of the hepatic capsule and maternal death if the diagnosis is missed.
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy, which also carries a serious risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, can present in similar fashion. Laboratory
studies are useful in the diagnosis of these entities to include determination of LDH, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), platelet count, creatinine, uric

acid, and hematocrit. AST and LDH will be elevated, platelets will be decreased, and the hematocrit may be increased, especially when seen in
association with intravascular volume depletion. In patients with acute fatty liver, glucose may also be decreased. It is important that the clinician
remember the physiologic changes in interpreting values that are discussed at the beginning of this chapter.

Trauma from accidental injuries occurs in 6% to 7% of all pregnancies. In addition to the risk of placental abruption noted earlier, blunt trauma may
also increase the risk of preterm labor and preterm rupture of the membranes. It is important that pregnant trauma patients be assessed for the same
spectrum of injuries as nonpregnant patients. Multiple studies have established that fetomaternal hemorrhage is increased in women who have suffered
trauma. Women who are RhD negative should have a quantitative assessment of the volume of fetal cells in maternal circulation and an appropriate
dose of anti-D immune globulin administered. Peritoneal lavage is not contraindicated in pregnancy and can be performed safely in those patients in
whom the possibility of a ruptured viscus is suspected.
Common Obstetric Surgical Procedures

The most common obstetric procedure that the surgeon will encounter is the cesarean section. Most cesarean sections are performed through a
Pfannenstiel incision; however, a vertical subumbilical midline incision can be used, especially in obese patients and in those patients in which rapid
entry into the abdominal cavity is indicated. After the placement of a bladder catheter, entry into the peritoneal cavity can be undertaken. In most cases,
the peritoneum of the vesicouterine fold is transected transversely and the bladder is gently dissected from the lower uterine segment. The lower uterine
segment is palpated to check for malrotation to ensure that a transverse uterine incision centers on the midline. The underlying fetal part should be
palpated. If the presenting part is the fetal head, the incision is marked 1 to 2 cm above the original margin of the bladder. A small transverse incision is
made with a scalpel across the midline of the lower uterine segment down to the fetal membranes. The incision may be extended in a transverse fashion
using bandage scissors or in blunt fashion. The membranes are then ruptured. The nondominant hand is placed into the cavity below the fetal head to
provide leverage that redirects the vertex through the incision. The vertex is delivered through the uterine and abdominal incisions. The remainder of the
infant is delivered using gentle fundal pressure. The cord is clamped and cut, and the fetus is handed to the receiving team.
In cases in which the fetus presents in a transverse or breech presentation, a low vertical cesarean section should be performed. A vertical incision is
made into the lower uterine segment and extended downward toward the bladder and upward toward the fundus using the bandage scissors. It is
generally preferred that the incision is not taken into the contractile portion of the uterus; but should head entrapment occur, extension of the incision in
a cephalad direction is appropriate.
Although not commonly performed, a classic cesarean section with an incision over the anterior and superior uterine fundus can be used in those
patients in which obstruction of the lower uterine segment occurs secondary to uterine fibroids or in very early gestations.
After the infant is delivered through the incision of choice, closure of the uterine incision may be aided by removing the uterine fundus through the
abdominal incision. Delivery of the fundus also facilitates uterine massage. Oxytocin should be administered intravenously. It is recommended that 20
units be placed into a liter bag of intravenous fluid, with care taken not to run the fluids at a rate greater than 200 mL/hr in most cases. The uterine
incision is closed using an interlocking suture of 10 Vicryl or chromic gut. A second imbricating layer may be used to achieve hemostasis. Once the
uterus incision is reapproximated and completed, care should be taken to investigate for bleeding. The abdomen may be irrigated if there is spillage of
meconium or vernix outside the operative field. There is no need to reapproximate the peritoneum or the rectus muscles. The abdominal wall is closed
in the usual fashion with absorbable suture.
It is possible that the surgeon may be called to assist with a patient with postpartum hemorrhage. Therefore, it is important to recognize factors that may
be unique to pregnancy. As mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, blood volume is increased during pregnancy. Hemorrhage in pregnancy is
defined as blood loss in excess of 1000 mL. It should be noted, however, that because of the increase in blood volume by term, the patient may lose
1500 to 2000 mL before symptoms. The most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage is uterine atony. Risk factors for uterine atony include
prolonged labor, uterine infection, cesarean section, and overdistention of the uterus. Hemorrhage can also be seen in abruption of the placenta and in
those patients with placenta previa, either before or after delivery. It is recommended that therapy be initiated after the loss of 600 mL.
The first step is to assess for vaginal, cervical, or uterine lacerations. If negative and uterine atony is the mechanism, manual exploration of the uterus
should be initiated to ensure complete removal of the placenta and aggressive

fundal massage should be begun. If this is unsuccessful, the administration of a solution of oxytocin (20 units in a liter of physiologic saline solution at a
rate of 200 mL/hr) may assist with uterine contractility. A rate of as high as 500 mL in 10 minutes can be administered without significant
cardiovascular complications; however, maternal hypotension may occur with an intravenous bolus injection of as low as 5 units.
When oxytocin fails to provide adequate response, a synthetic 15-methyl-F2 . prostaglandin (carboprost) should be administered intramuscularly or in
the uterine wall. In addition, methergine, 0.2 mg, may be administered intramuscularly. Methergine is contraindicated in those patients with
hypertension. Prostaglandin F2 . is contraindicated in patients with asthma. Misoprostol (Cytotec) also has uterotonic properties and can be used at a
dose of 1000 g per rectum.
When pharmacologic measures fail to control hemorrhage, then surgical measures should be undertaken. If the hemorrhage is secondary to uterine
atony, ligation of the uterine vessels may be successful. The first step in ligating the uterine arteries is at the anastomosis of the uterine and the ovarian
artery high on the fundus just below the utero-ovarian ligament. A large suture on the atraumatic needle can be passed from the uterus around the vessel
and tied. If bilateral utero-ovarian vessel ligation does not stop bleeding, temporary atraumatic occlusion of the ovarian arteries in the infundibulopelvic
ligaments may be attempted. By decreasing perfusion pressure, thrombosis in the vascular bed may produce hemostasis.
If conservative measures are unsuccessful, cesarean hysterectomy may need to be performed before sequelae of coagulopathy and hemorrhagic shock
occur. In the case of postpartum hemorrhage, supracervical hysterectomy is often the procedure of choice. As in the gynecologic hysterectomy
described earlier, the superior attachments of the uterus are separated, but, after the ligation of the uterine arteries the fundus of the uterus is amputated
from the cervix, which is closed with figure-eight sutures. This procedure also maintains the integrity of the uterosacral ligaments.
It is difficult to remove the cervix, especially after a vaginal delivery secondary to dilatation of the lower uterine segment. Only surgeons who are
skilled in this procedure should proceed without consultation.
Other Procedures

On rare occasions, the surgeon may be consulted to assist with repair of an episiotomy and extension. Episiotomy is an incision into the perineal body

made to help facilitate delivery. Most episiotomies are cut in the midline from posterior fourchette toward the rectum. While more comfortable for the
patient, these incisions may extend through the anal sphincter (third degree) or through the rectal wall (fourth degree). An inappropriate repair may
result in a rectovaginal fistula. These fistulas present with the same symptoms as seen in other rectal fistulas associated with Crohns disease but are
much easier to repair and have a lower rate of recurrence.
Repair of an episiotomy requires reapproximation of the vaginal tissue and the perineal body. Repair of the anal sphincter requires that the fascial
capsule that usually retracts posteriorly be identified and reapproximated. If the rectal wall has been compromised, a multilayer closure, using 20 or 3
0 absorbable suture of mucosa, muscularis, rectovaginal fascia, anal sphincter, vaginal muscularis, and vaginal mucosa will provide the best opportunity
to avoid a fistula. Because of the increased vascularity associated with pregnancy, with an adequate closure without stitch-induced tissue necrosis
healing is not usually a problem.
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Selected References
Baggish MS, Karram M (eds): Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2001.
Detailed pelvic anatomy and comprehensive coverage is presented of gynecologic procedures.
Clarke S, Phelan JP, Cotton DB (eds): Critical Care Obstetrics, 3rd ed. Boston, Blackwell Scientific, 1997.
This book provides a comprehensive pathophysiology of pregnancy.
Fleming ID, Cooper JS, Henson DE, et al: AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, 5th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott-Raven, 1998.
Comprehensive cancer staging is described.
Rock J, Jones HWJ III (eds): TeLindes Operative Gynecology, 9th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003.
Encyclopedic coverage addresses all areas of gynecologic surgery with an expanded oncology section.
Speroff L, Glass RH, Kase NG (eds): Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility, 6th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1999.
A comprehensive description of reproductive physiology is presented.

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11. Ludmir J, Stubblefield PG: Surgical Procedures in Pregnancy. In Gabbe S, Nubyl JR, Simpson JL (eds): Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 4th ed. Philadelphia,
Churchill Livingstone, 2002, p 368.

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Chapter 75 - Surgery in the Pregnant Patient

Paul R. Beery II M.D.
E. Christopher Ellison M.D.

Pregnant women are subject to the same surgical diseases as their nonpregnant counterparts. An estimated 1% to 2% of pregnant women require
surgical procedures, with nonobstetric surgery necessary in up to 1% of pregnancies in the United States each year. Most indications for surgical
intervention are those that are common for the patients age group and unrelated to pregnancy, such as acute appendicitis, symptomatic cholelithiasis,
breast masses, or trauma. The pregnant patient offers unique challenges to the surgeon. Changes in maternal anatomy and physiology and safety of the
fetus are among the issues of which the surgeon must be cognizant. The presentation of surgical diseases in the pregnant patient may be atypical or may
mimic signs and symptoms associated with a normal pregnancy, and a standard evaluation may be unreliable due to pregnancy-associated changes in
diagnostic tests or laboratory values. Finally, many physicians may be more conservative in diagnostic evaluation and treatment. Any of these factors
may result in a delay in diagnosis and treatment, adversely affecting maternal and fetal outcome. Although consultation with an obstetrician is ideal
when caring for a pregnant patient, the surgeon needs to be aware of certain fundamental principles when such a resource is unavailable. This chapter
discusses the key points in caring for the pregnant patient who presents with nonobstetric surgical disease.
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Progesterone and estrogen, two of the principal hormones of pregnancy, mediate many of the maternal physiologic changes in pregnancy. These
changes may mimic pathophysiology that occurs in nonpregnant individuals, most notably cardiac or liver disease. Elevated progesterone levels as well
as decreased serum motilin result in smooth muscle relaxation, producing multiple effects in several organ systems. In the stomach, this decreased
smooth muscle tone results in diminished gastric tone and motility. The lower esophageal sphincter tone is also lower and, when combined with
increased intra-abdominal pressure, results in an increase in the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux. Small bowel motility is reduced, increasing small
bowel transit time. Absorption of nutrients, however, remains unchanged, with the exception of iron absorption, which is increased due to increased iron
requirements. In the colon, pregnancy-related changes usually manifest as constipation. This is due to a combination of increased colonic sodium and
water absorption, decreased motility, and mechanical obstruction by the gravid uterus. An increase in portal venous pressure and therefore an increase in
the pressure in the collateral venous circulation results in dilation of the veins at the gastroesophageal junction. This is of importance only if the patient
had esophageal varices prior to becoming

pregnant. The most common result of the increased portal venous pressure is the dilation of the hemorrhoidal veins leading to the well-known complaint
of hemorrhoids by the patient.
In addition to alterations in smooth muscle tone and motility, other notable changes occur in the gastrointestinal tract. The function of the gallbladder is
altered, as is the chemical composition of bile. During the second and third trimester, the volume of the gallbladder may be twice that found in the
nonpregnant state, and gallbladder emptying is markedly slower. In a pregnant baboon model, an increased biliary cholesterol saturation and a
decreased proportion of chenodeoxycholic acid were noted, although there are limited data in human subjects.[1] It is unknown if the increased biliary
stasis, changes in bile composition, or a combination of the two factors results in an increased risk of gallstone formation, but the risk of developing
gallstones increases with multiparity. However, the incidence of symptomatic cholelithiasis during pregnancy is similar to the incidence in age-related
nonpregnant patients.[2]
Some of the changes of pregnancy closely resemble liver disease. These include spider angiomata and palmar erythema from elevated serum estrogen
levels, hypoalbuminemia, and elevated serum cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, and fibrinogen levels. Serum bilirubin and hepatic transaminase levels
remain unchanged during pregnancy.
In the cardiovascular system, peripheral vascular resistance is decreased as a consequence of diminished vascular smooth muscle tone. Cardiac output
increases by as much as 50% during the first trimester of pregnancy. Initially, this is due to an increased stroke volume resulting from an increase in
plasma volume and red blood cell mass, but a gradual increase in maternal heart rate also contributes. Cardiac output falls back to nearly normal late in
pregnancy, usually during the 36th to 40th weeks gestation. During the third trimester, cardiac output is dramatically decreased when the mother is
lying supine. This is due to compromised venous return from the lower extremity from compression of the inferior vena cava by the gravid uterus. In the
supine position, the inferior vena cava may be completely occluded; venous drainage of the lower extremities is through collateral channels. With this
drop in preload, an increase in sympathetic tone usually maintains peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure. However, up to 10% of patients
may experience supine hypotensive syndrome in which the sympathetic response is not adequate to maintain blood pressure. During anesthesia
induction in the operating room, anesthetic agents may inhibit the compensatory sympathetic response, causing a more precipitous fall in blood
pressure. From a surgeons perspective, it may be necessary to place the patient in left lateral decubitus position during procedures performed during the
third trimester, relieving caval compression by the enlarged uterus.
Oxygen consumption increases during pregnancy. Minute ventilation increases by 30% to 40% due to an increase in tidal volume, which appears to be a
result of elevated serum progesterone level. Progesterone not only increases the sensitivity of the respiratory centers to CO2 but also acts as a direct
stimulant to the respiratory centers. [1] As a consequence of the increased minute ventilation, maternal PaO2 levels during late pregnancy range from 104
to 108 mm Hg and maternal PaCO2 ranges from 27 to 32 mm Hg. Renal compensation maintains normal maternal pH. The decreased PaCO2 increases the
CO2 gradient from the fetus to the mother, facilitating CO2 transfer from the fetus to the mother. The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve of maternal
blood is shifted to the right; this, coupled with the increased affinity for oxygen of fetal hemoglobin, results in increased oxygen transfer to the fetus.
Elevation of the diaphragm by as much as 4 cm results in a decrease in total lung volume by 5%. Diminished expiratory reserve volume and residual
volume result in a functional residual capacity that is 20% lower than that in the nonpregnant woman. Vital capacity and inspiratory reserve volume
remain stable.
In the kidney, there is an increase in the glomerular filtration rate by 50% that accompanies a 75% increase in renal plasma flow. Urinary glucose
excretion increases as a direct consequence of the increased glomerular filtration rate. Blood urea nitrogen decreases by 25% during the first trimester
and maintains at that level for the remainder of pregnancy. Serum creatinine also decreases by the end of the first trimester from a nonpregnant value of
0.8 mg/dL to 0.7 mg/dL and may be as low as 0.5 mg/dL by term. A fivefold to tenfold increase in serum renin occurs with a subsequent fourfold to
fivefold increase in angiotensin. Although the pregnant patient is apparently less sensitive to the hypertensive effects of the increased angiotensin,
elevated aldosterone levels result in an increase in sodium reabsorption, overcoming the natriuresis produced by elevated progesterone. Serum sodium
levels are decreased, however, as the increase in sodium reabsorption is less than the increase in plasma volume. Serum osmolality is decreased to 270
to 280 mOsm/kg.[1]
The increase in plasma volume and red blood cell mass is accompanied by a progressive rise in the leukocyte count during pregnancy. During the first
trimester, the white blood cell count ranges from 3000 to 15,000 cells/mm3 , increasing to a range of 6000 to 16,000 cells/mm3 during the second and
third trimesters.[1] Platelet count progressively declines throughout pregnancy, while the mean platelet volume tends to increase after 28 weeks
gestation. As previously stated, fibrinogen levels are elevated to a range of 400 to 500 mg/dL. Plasma levels of factors VII, VIII, IX, and X also rise
progressively, whereas levels of factors XI and XIII decline and levels of factors II, V, and XII remain unchanged. In spite of these alterations in the
coagulation cascade and platelet count, bleeding time and clotting time are unchanged.
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Radiographic studies remain useful diagnostic tools in the pregnant patient. Of greatest concern with radiation exposure is the risk to the fetus from the
exposure. The accepted maximum dose of ionizing radiation during the entire pregnancy is 5 rads (0.05 Gy). The fetus is at the highest risk from
radiation exposure from the preimplantation

period to approximately 15 weeks gestation. Primary organogenesis occurs during this time, and the teratogenic effects of radiation, particularly to the
developing central nervous system, are at their highest. Perinatal radiation exposure has also been associated with childhood leukemia and certain
childhood malignancies. The radiation dose that has been associated with congenital malformation is higher than 10 rads (0.1 Gy).[3] As demonstrated in
Table 751 , radiation exposure to the fetus with the doses from the more common radiology procedures is well below that threshold. Nonetheless,
prudence on the part of the clinician is required to avoid unnecessary fetal exposure to ionizing radiation, especially during the first trimester and early
second trimester when the risk from exposure is greatest.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) avoids exposure to ionizing radiation but poses an unknown risk to the fetus. Animal studies have shown no
teratogenic effect or increased incidence of fetal death or congenital malformations from the electromagnetic radiation, static magnetic field,
radiofrequency magnetic fields, or intravenous contrast agents used during MRI. Theoretically, the gradient magnetic fields may produce electric
currents within the patient, and the high-frequency currents induced by radiofrequency fields may cause local generation of heat. The long-term effect
of exposure is not known.[4] Currently, the National Radiological Protection Board advises against the use of MRI during the first trimester of
Ultrasonography is routinely used by obstetricians during pregnancy. Although tissue heating and cavitation are theoretical effects of ultrasound
exposure, such effects have never been reported. Ultrasound may be a helpful alternative diagnostic tool when trying to avoid exposure to ionizing
radiation, but it does have some limitations. Deeper structures are difficult to visualize and may be obscured by superficial structures that are more
echodense. Ultrasound imaging has a limited field of view and is highly operator dependent. Despite these limitations, certain disease processes, such as
a palpable breast mass, may be evaluated effectively and safely.
TABLE 75-1 -- Fetal Radiation Exposure with Radiographic Imaging
Examination Type
Two-view chest radiograph

Estimated Fetal Radiation Exposure


Cervical spine radiograph


Pelvis radiograph


Head CT


Abdomen CT


Upper GI series


Barium enema


Hepatobiliary (HIDA) scan


CT, computed tomography; GI, gastrointestinal.

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Anesthesia concerns during pregnancy include the safety of both the mother and the fetus. The fetus may be affected by exposure to teratogenic effects
of anesthetic agents, risk of preterm labor, and the risk from changes in maternal physiology as a consequence of anesthesia. Changes in uterine blood
flow and maternal acid-base status may result in hypoxemia or asphyxia for the fetus. These can be a result of maternal hypotension or hypoxia,
maternal hyperventilation, or the placental passage of anesthetic agents that affect the fetal central nervous or cardiovascular systems.
The effects of anesthesia during pregnancy can be divided into direct, or active, and indirect, or passive, effects. The direct effects are those effects that
relate to the possible teratogenic or embryotoxic properties of the drugs used for anesthesia, some of which do cross the placenta. The indirect effects
are those mechanisms by which an anesthetic agent or surgical procedure may interfere with maternal or fetal physiology and in doing so harm the
fetus. For the most part, the fetus experiences indirect effects as a consequence of anesthetic agents administered to the mother and hemodynamic
changes of the mother from blood loss or anesthetic agents. The most profound effects on the fetus are related to decreased uterine blood flow or
decreased oxygen content of uterine blood. Unlike circulation to other vital organs, most notably the brain, the uterine circulation is not autoregulated.
During the third trimester, uterine circulation represents nearly 10% of cardiac output. When treating maternal hypotension, vasopressors such as
dopamine and epinephrine, while increasing the maternal systemic pressure, have little or no effect on uterine circulation.[5] Other maneuvers, such as
fluid bolus, Trendelenburg position, compression stockings, or leg elevation, have a larger impact on increasing uterine blood flow.
In addition to the risks related to maternal hypoxia or hypotension, the risk of spontaneous abortion and teratogenesis related to anesthetic agents is of
major concern. Many nonhuman studies have demonstrated different teratogenic effects with similar agents but have not led to definitive conclusions
regarding teratogenic potential in humans. For a congenital defect to result, exposure to the teratogen must occur during the vulnerable differentiation
stage of the affected organ system. As previously noted, differentiation of the major organ systems occurs during the first trimester of human embryonic
development. Therefore, delaying semielective surgical procedures until after the first trimester may reduce the risk of teratogenicity. However, large
survey studies have demonstrated an increased risk of spontaneous abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, and low-birth-weight neonates in women
who require surgery during pregnancy. These studies lacked information on the indications for the nonobstetric surgical procedures. It is therefore
difficult to separate the effects of anesthesia on the fetus from the effects of the underlying disease process on the mother and fetus.[6]
Elective surgical procedures should be delayed until at least 6 weeks after delivery, when maternal physiology has

returned to the nonpregnant state and when the impact on the fetus is no longer a concern. When emergent procedures are required, obviously, the life of
the mother takes priority, although an experienced anesthesiologist will be able to modify the anesthesia used according to maternal physiology and
fetal well-being. For semielective surgical procedures, attempts should be made to delay surgery until after the first trimester whenever possible. This
needs to be determined on an individual case basis, because continued exposure to the underlying disease process may be more harmful than the
operative risk to both the mother and the fetus. During the second trimester, after organ system differentiation has occurred, there is almost no risk of
anesthetic-induced malformation or spontaneous abortion. Later in pregnancy, during the third trimester, the risk of preterm delivery is at its highest.
When the pregnant patient requires surgical intervention, consultation with the obstetrician and possibly a perinatologist is essential. The specialist is
helpful in determining the optimum technique to monitor fetal status and is able to assist with perioperative management and diagnose and manage
preterm labor. Typically, when emergent surgery occurs during the first trimester or early second trimester, fetal heart tones should be obtained before
and after anesthesia exposure. During the late second trimester and third trimester, when the fetus is of viable age, continuous intraoperative monitoring
should be performed when possible. Transvaginal ultrasound can be used when the surgical field involves the abdomen. Continuous monitoring should
be used if a significant blood loss is possible or anticipated to assess fetal well-being.
Fetal heart rate for fetal status and tocometer monitoring for uterine activity should be obtained before and after the procedure even if intraoperative
monitoring is not believed necessary or is not available.
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The incidence of preterm labor associated with nonobstetric surgery is related to both gestational age and the indication for surgery. Gestational age at
treatment and severity of the underlying disease are the most predictive indicators of patients at risk for preterm labor. The later in gestation the patient
is, the higher the risk of preterm contractions or preterm labor. Intraperitoneal surgeries and disease processes with intraperitoneal inflammation are the
most likely to have postoperative courses complicated by preterm contractions and preterm labor. In multiple studies, a significant difference was found
in the number of patients with preterm contractions based on the average time from onset of symptoms to operative intervention. A delay in treatment
does appear to increase the chance of preterm labor, likely related to the primary disease process. Laparoscopic and open techniques have an equal
incidence of preterm labor.
There is no general consensus on the use of prophylactic tocolytics after nonobstetric surgery during pregnancy. Tocolytic use varies widely between
centers and among physicians. Most studies suggest that tocolytics be used only if contractions are noted during postoperative monitoring or are
appreciated by the patient. Tocolytics used as needed are generally successful at preventing preterm labor and preterm delivery when postoperative
contractions are detected. Terbutaline, magnesium, and indomethacin (Indocin) all have been used in different studies with equivalent results. Nearly
100% of patients with postoperative contractions were successfully tocolyzed and delivered at term. In general, for patients with postoperative
contractions before 32 weeks, indomethacin would be a reasonable treatment, whereas terbutaline could be used first line for patients at greater than 32
weeks gestation. The use of prophylactic tocolysis should be individualized, depending on the patients gestational age and the underlying disease
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When the pregnant patient presents with abdominal pain, it may be difficult to distinguish a pathophysiologic cause from normal pregnancy-associated
symptoms. Changes in the position and orientation of abdominal viscera from the enlarging uterus as well as alterations in physiology already described
may modify the perception or manifestation of an intra-abdominal process. If early in the pregnancy, the woman may not know that she is pregnant.
Additionally, some intra-abdominal processes are exclusive to pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy, HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low
platelets) syndrome, or acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Thirdly, both patient and physician may attribute the patients complaints to normal pregnancy,
resulting in a delay in evaluation and treatment. These delays in diagnosis and definitive intervention are the most serious adverse event affecting
maternal and fetal outcome. It is usually not the treatment but the delay in diagnosis and severity of the primary disease process that poorly impact
outcomes.[7] Box 751 lists the more common causes of abdominal pain in the pregnant patient, classified according to location.
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When laparoscopic techniques were initially described, pregnancy was considered a contraindication to laparoscopy. Effects of CO2 pneumoperitoneum
on venous return and cardiac output, uterine perfusion, and fetal acid-base status were unknown. Laparoscopy was safely used in several series where
the technique was used to evaluate pregnant patients for ectopic pregnancy. Those patients with an intrauterine pregnancy had no increase in fetal loss
or observed negative effect on long-term outcome.[8] [9] When comparing laparoscopic and open techniques in nonpregnant patients, those patients who
underwent laparoscopic procedures had decreased pain, shorter hospital stays, and a quicker return to normal activity.
Major concerns of laparoscopy during pregnancy include injury to the uterus, decreased uterine blood flow,

Box 75-1. Common Causes of Abdominal Pain in the Pregnant

Patient *
Right Upper Quadrant
Gastroesophageal reflux
Peptic ulcer disease
Acute cholecystitis
Biliary colic
Acute pancreatitis
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
HELLP syndrome
Acute appendicitis
Hepatic adenoma
Right Lower Quadrant
Acute appendicitis
Ectopic pregnancy
Renal or ureteral colic
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Adnexal torsion
Ruptured ovarian cyst
Ruptured corpus luteum
Lower Abdomen
Threatened, incomplete, or complete abortion

Abruptio placentae
Preterm labor
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Inflammatory bowel disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Hydronephrosis of pregnancy
Acute appendicitis (retrocecal appendix)
Diffuse Abdominal Pain
Early acute appendicitis
Small bowel obstruction
Acute intermittent porphyria
Sickle cell crisis
* HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets.

fetal acidosis, and preterm labor from increased intra-abdominal pressure. During the second trimester the uterus is no longer contained within the
pelvis. The open technique for abdominal access reduces the risk of injury. Decreased uterine blood flow from pneumoperitoneum remains theoretical,
because significant changes in intra-abdominal
Box 75-2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Laparoscopy over
Laparotomy in Pregnancy
Decreased fetal depression secondary to decreased narcotic
Decreased risk of wound complications
Diminished postoperative maternal hypoventilation
Decreased manipulation of the uterus
Possible uterine injury during trocar placement
Decreased uterine blood flow
Preterm labor risk secondary to the increased intra-abdominal
Increased risk of fetal acidosis and unknown effects of CO2

pressure occur normally during pregnancy during maternal Valsalva maneuvers. The risk of pneumoperitoneum may also be less than the risk of direct
uterine manipulation that occurs with laparotomy. Fetal respiratory acidosis with subsequent fetal hypertension and tachycardia were observed in a
pregnant ewe model but were reversed by maintaining maternal respiratory alkalosis.[10] Additionally, in the small series comparing laparoscopy and
open techniques, no significant difference in preterm labor or delivery-related side effects was observed.[11] Box 752 illustrates the general comparison
between laparoscopic and open technique.
The Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons recommends the following guidelines for laparoscopic surgery during pregnancy:

1. Obstetric consultation should be obtained preoperatively.

2. When possible, operative intervention should be deferred until the second trimester, when fetal risk is lowest.
3. Pneumoperitoneum enhances lower extremity venous stasis already present in the gravid patient, and pregnancy induces a hypercoagulable state.
Therefore, pneumatic compression devices should be used whenever possible.
4. Fetal and uterine status, as well as maternal end-tidal CO2 and/or arterial blood gases, should be monitored.
5. The uterus should be protected with a lead shield if intraoperative cholangiography is a possibility. Fluoroscopy should be used selectively.
6. Given the enlarged gravid uterus, abdominal access should be attained using an open technique.
7. Dependent positioning should be used to shift the uterus off the inferior vena cava.
8. Pneumoperitoneum pressures should be minimized to 8 to 12 mm Hg and not allowed to exceed 15 mm Hg.[12]
Trocar placement in the pregnant patient should not differ radically from placement in the nonpregnant patient early in pregnancy. Later in pregnancy,
as the gravid

uterus enlarges superiorly, adjustments in trocar placement must be made to avoid uterine injury and to improve visualization. The camera port must be
placed in a supraumbilical location, and the remaining ports are placed under direct camera visualization. An angled scope may aid in viewing over or
around the uterus. The uterus should be manipulated as little as possible.
Alternatively, a gasless laparoscopic technique has been described. Called the abdominal wall lift technique, it avoids the need for pneumoperitoneum.
Early results have shown a decrease in respiratory acidosis and improvement in intraoperative ventilatory function, although operative times are
significantly higher.[13] Further evaluation is needed before this technique can be recommended in the pregnant patient.
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Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is defined as breast cancer that is diagnosed during pregnancy or within 1 year following pregnancy. It has become
increasingly more prominent as more women delay childbearing until they are in their 30s and 40s; the incidence of breast cancer is higher in women of
those age groups. Overall, pregnancy-associated breast cancer has been reported to occur in 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 3000 pregnancies.[14] [15] It is the most
common nongynecologic malignancy associated with pregnancy. It usually presents as a painless palpable mass with or without nipple discharge.
Recent studies have demonstrated that pregnancy-associated breast cancer may be more common in women with a genetic predisposition to breast
cancer. In a group of 292 women diagnosed with breast cancer prior to age 40 years, those patients with a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation were more
likely to develop cancer during pregnancy.[16] In a group of 383 women in Japan, a family history of breast cancer was three times more common in
patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant or lactating when compared to nonpregnant patients with breast cancer.[17] As is true in
nonpregnant patients, ductal carcinoma is the most common pathologic type of tumor, accounting for 75% to 90% of breast cancers in pregnant patients.

Delays in diagnosis and treatment are common, although this has recently improved. Previous studies demonstrated delays in diagnosis of nearly 6
months, but more recent data show a mean delay of 1 to 2 months. Given a tumor doubling size of 130 days, a delay in diagnosis and treatment of 1
month increases the risk of nodal metastasis by 0.9%, whereas a delay of 6 months increases the risk by 5.1%.[18] Although the initial reports of
pregnancy-associated breast cancer more than 100 years ago proposed a dismal prognosis, more recent literature has suggested that this is due to a more
advanced stage at the time of diagnosis.[15] [19] When compared with age-matched nonpregnant controls, women with pregnancy-associated breast cancer
present with a larger primary tumor and a higher risk of positive axillary lymph nodes.[19] However, women with pregnancy-associated breast cancer
have a similar stage-related prognosis compared to nonpregnant controls. Overall, these women bear a worse prognosis because of the more advanced
disease at presentation. Pregnancy is a hyperestrogenic state and may correlate with rapid tumor proliferation and axillary lymph node metastases,[20]
although pregnant women and nonpregnant young women have a higher percentage of estrogen receptornegative cancers than older women.[21] In a
series comparing 75 patients with pregnancy-associated breast cancer and 182 nonpregnant patients with breast cancer, 42% of cancers were estrogen
receptor negative in the pregnant group and 21% were estrogen receptor negative in the nonpregnant control group.[22] This higher incidence of estrogen
receptornegative cancer is likely due to a down-regulation of estrogen receptors during pregnancy. Physiologic changes of breast engorgement, rapid
cellular proliferation, and increased vascularity make a reliable physical examination difficult; masses of similar size that would be easily palpable in
the nonpregnant state may be obscured, or palpable masses may be attributed to normal pregnancy-related changes. Benign breast lesions such as
galactoceles, mastitis, abscesses, lipomas, fibroadenomas, lobular hyperplasia, and lactational adenomas account for 80% of breast masses that occur
during pregnancy or during lactation. However, any palpable mass that persists for 4 weeks or longer should be evaluated.
Because of the changes in the breast tissue with pregnancy, imaging modalities may be difficult to interpret. If used with appropriate shielding,
mammography carries a limited risk to the fetus. Mammography has a high false-negative rate due to the increased density of the fibroglandular breast
tissue, however, so it has limited usefulness in the evaluation of the pregnant patient. Ultrasonography can safely be performed as an initial evaluation
or in conjunction with mammography. Ultrasound is able to distinguish solid from cystic lesions in 97% of patients and is helpful in guiding fine-needle
aspiration or biopsy. MRI of the breast is highly sensitive but only moderately specific and is being used more frequently in the nonpregnant patient. Its
usefulness in the pregnant patient is yet to be determined. Although MRI does not use ionizing radiation, the two main risks to the fetus from the
magnetic field and electromagnetic radiation are heating and cavitation. The gadolinium contrast is listed as a pregnancy category C drug, to be used
only if the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk. Gadolinium crosses the placenta and has been associated with fetal abnormalities in rats. With
other reliable imaging modalities available, MRI is not currently recommended for breast imaging in the pregnant patient.
Tissue diagnosis is essential. Core-needle biopsy with or without ultrasound guidance is a safe and reliable method for obtaining tissue. The major risks
are hematoma formation and milk fistula development. A pressure dressing should be applied following the biopsy to minimize the risk of hematoma
from the hypervascularity of the breasts. The risk of milk fistula may be reduced by stopping lactation for several days prior to biopsy and by emptying
the breast of milk just prior to the procedure. If the biopsy is done postpartum, a 1-week course of bromocriptine may also be given prior to biopsy.
Fine-needle aspiration may be a reliable alternative

to core-needle or open biopsy. It can be performed safely with ultrasound guidance under local anesthesia without exposing the patient and fetus to the
risks involved with general anesthesia, but its accuracy is dependent on the pathologists experience in distinguishing the proliferative changes of
pregnancy from cancer. In a series of 214 patients, none of the patients with negative fine-needle aspiration cytology developed cancer during the 18- to
24-month follow-up period.[21]
The mainstay of therapy for pregnancy-associated breast cancer is surgical resection. Modified radical mastectomy has long been considered the
appropriate choice for local control. It eliminates the need for adjuvant radiation and its risk to the fetus. More recent data have suggested that the
combination of local control and adjuvant therapy may be tailored to the patient according to the stage of pregnancy as well as the stage of the cancer.[18]
In stages I and II cancers, mastectomy with axillary dissection is preferred. Axillary dissection is necessary because of the aggressive nature of
pregnancy-associated breast cancer and the higher incidence of nodal metastasis. Sentinel node biopsy poses an unknown risk to the fetus and should be
avoided until the safety of the radioisotope is determined.
In patients diagnosed during the late second trimester or later, immediate breast-conserving lumpectomy and axillary dissection followed with radiation
postpartum is a treatment option. If the diagnosis of breast cancer is made in the first or early second trimester of pregnancy, lumpectomy and axillary
dissection can be followed by chemotherapy after the first trimester and radiation after delivery. Chemotherapy is indicated for node-positive cancers or
node-negative tumors greater than 1 cm. Current chemotherapeutic regimens are relatively safe after the first trimester, when the teratogenic risk is
greatest. The increased plasma volume, the hypoalbuminemia, and the fact that almost all chemotherapeutic agents cross the placenta change the
pharmacokinetics of the drugs and make accurate dosing difficult. Antimetabolites such as methotrexate should be avoided due to the high risk of
spontaneous abortion even after the first trimester. Other agents have been associated with congenital malformations and complications such as preterm
delivery, low birth weight, hyaline membrane disease, transient leukopenia, transient tachypnea of the newborn, and intrauterine growth retardation, but
most of these effects occurred when the chemotherapeutic agent was administered during the first trimester. Twenty-four patients with pregnancyassociated breast cancer were given a chemotherapeutic regimen during the second and third trimester that included fluorouracil, cyclophosphamide,
and doxorubicin. None of the infants had congenital malformations, and the median age at delivery was 38 weeks.[23] Long-term effects of the
chemotherapeutic agents used for pregnancy-associated breast cancer on growth and development of children are not known. Cyclophosphamide and
doxorubicin can enter breast milk; breast-feeding is contraindicated during chemotherapy.
Radiation is typically not offered during pregnancy because of its teratogenic risk and its risk of induction of childhood malignancies. The risk is

directly related to both dose and developmental stage. During the preimplantation stage and continuing to 15 weeks after conception, during
organogenesis, the rapidly proliferating cells of the fetus are most sensitive to radiation, and exposure greater than 1 Gy during this period has a high
likelihood of causing fetal death. The standard therapeutic course of 5000 rads (50 Gy) results in a varying exposure to the fetus, depending on the
gestational age and proximity of the gravid uterus to the radiation bed. Even with abdominal shielding, the greatest fetal exposure is due to scatter.
Although there are several case reports of healthy infants born after maternal radiation exposure, radiation is not recommended during pregnancy due to
the risks to the fetus.
Elective termination of the pregnancy to receive appropriate therapy without the risk of fetal malformation is no longer routinely recommended because
no improvement in survival has been demonstrated.[18] With the treatment options available to the pregnant patient with breast cancer, a combined
approach among the patient, surgeon, oncologist, and maternal-fetal medicine specialist should ensure optimal treatment of the disease while
minimizing risk to the patient and the fetus. A suggested algorithm for the management of breast masses in pregnancy is shown in Figure 751 .
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Liver abnormalities during pregnancy can be classified as occurring exclusively during pregnancy as a direct result of conditions during pregnancy,
occurring simultaneously but not exclusively during pregnancy, or developing prior to the pregnancy. Examples of liver disorders unique to pregnancy
include acute fatty liver of pregnancy, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, and liver disease related to preeclampsia or eclampsia, specifically HELLP
syndrome and spontaneous hepatic hemorrhage or rupture. Preexisting liver disorders that may manifest with complications during pregnancy include
hepatic adenoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.
The etiology of acute fatty liver of pregnancy is unknown, although it is more common in first pregnancies, in twin pregnancies, and in women who are
pregnant with a male fetus. Although it has been diagnosed as early as the 26th week of gestation, it usually occurs during the third trimester, typically
around the 35th week of gestation. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy carries a 20% maternal and fetal mortality rate. Initial nonspecific symptoms such as
malaise, nausea, vomiting, and right upper quadrant pain are followed by signs of significant liver dysfunction within 2 weeks of onset of symptoms.
Progression to fulminant hepatic failure quickly leads to preterm labor and an increased risk of fetal mortality. Although there is no specific treatment
for acute fatty liver of pregnancy, prompt delivery after diagnosis may prevent progression to fulminant hepatic failure and reduce the risk of fetal
death. Liver function typically returns to normal after delivery.
Approximately 10% of women with preeclampsia or eclampsia have associated liver involvement,[24] ranging

Figure 75-1 Algorithm for the management of a breast mass during pregnancy. US, ultrasound; FNA, fine-needle aspiration.

from severe elevation of hepatic enzymes to HELLP syndrome to hepatic rupture. Hepatic hemorrhage or rupture occurs primarily during the third
trimester or can develop up to 48 hours after delivery. Right upper quadrant pain is the initial manifestation, followed by hepatic tenderness, peritonitis,
chest and right shoulder pain, or the development of hemodynamic instability within a few hours. The diagnosis should be suspected in a pregnant
patient with preeclampsia who develops right upper quadrant pain. A computed tomographic (CT) scan of the abdomen is highly sensitive and specific
in diagnosis; ultrasonography findings are usually nonspecific and have a higher incidence of false-negative studies. The diagnosis may also be made
during cesarean section.[25] Management depends on suspicion of ongoing intraperitoneal hemorrhage or vascular instability. Hepatic hematomas
without evidence of ongoing bleeding in hemodynamically stable patients may be managed nonoperatively with serial imaging and close monitoring,
and these lesions typically heal without intervention. If there is evidence or suspicion of rupture, immediate intervention is required because maternal
and fetal mortality from hepatic hemorrhage is 49% and 59%, respectively.[24] Immediate laparotomy with either abdominal packing or hepatic artery
ligation reduces maternal and fetal mortality. Coagulopathy should be corrected aggressively. If the patient is relatively stable or abdominal packing has
been unsuccessful in controlling hemorrhage, angiography with selective embolization may be performed. Angiography is most useful when the

diagnosis is made postpartum.[25]

Hepatic adenomas are uncommon, benign lesions that are usually associated with oral contraceptive use in young women.[26] Hepatic adenomas are also
associated with glycogen storage disease, diabetes, exogenous steroids, and pregnancy. They are usually solitary lesions but may be multifocal, and they
have a low potential for malignant transformation. Although the specific etiology is unknown, it has been hypothesized that a change in hormone levels,
specifically the sex steroids, leads to hepatotoxicity or exposes a hereditary defect in carbohydrate

metabolism that results in hepatocyte hyperplasia and adenoma formation. The observation that adenomas may resolve after cessation of exogenous
steroid or oral contraceptive use supports this hypothesis. The association of hepatic adenomas with pregnancy supports the hypothesis that elevated
levels of endogenous hormones may contribute to adenoma formation, although no data exist showing regression of a hepatic adenoma after pregnancy.
Similarly, the true incidence of hepatic adenomas during pregnancy is not known.
The major risk of a hepatic adenoma during pregnancy is spontaneous rupture, which carries a mortality rate of approximately 60% for both mother and
fetus[27] even with operative intervention. [28] When spontaneous rupture does occur, the presentation may be similar to that described previously for
hepatic hemorrhage associated with preeclampsia: right upper quadrant pain with referred right shoulder pain with progression to shock. Immediate
laparotomy should be performed with cesarean section, control of hemorrhage, and resection of the adenoma if possible.
Because of the high mortality associated with rupture of a hepatic adenoma, elective resection may be performed. Resection during the second trimester
minimizes operative risk to the mother and fetus and does not interfere with the remainder of the pregnancy or subsequent pregnancies.[26] Because of
the unknown recurrence risk, however, subsequent pregnancy and oral contraceptive use may be discouraged in these patients.
Cholecystectomy for symptomatic cholelithiasis is second to appendectomy as the most common nonobstetric surgical procedure performed during
pregnancy. As stated earlier, pregnancy is associated with an increased incidence of cholelithiasis. Most pregnant women are asymptomatic. Although
an estimated 2% to 4% of pregnant women may be found to have gallstones by ultrasound, only 0.05% to 0.1% of those women will be symptomatic.
The symptoms of biliary colic are the same in pregnant and nonpregnant patients. In patients with symptoms consistent with cholelithiasis, ultrasound is
the diagnostic examination of choice. In pregnant patients, ultrasound is as accurate in identifying gallstones and signs of inflammation as it is in
nonpregnant patients.
Historically, pregnant patients with a clear operative indication, such as obstructive jaundice, gallstone pancreatitis, and choledocholithiasis underwent
cholecystectomy regardless of gestational age. Patients with recurrent biliary colic or acute cholecystitis that responded to medical management were
treated expectantly until after delivery, at which time they underwent cholecystectomy. As it has become understood that adverse maternal and fetal
outcomes are related more to the disease process and not the surgical intervention, management patterns have changed. Additionally, complications
from nonoperative management of gallstone disease result in an increase in maternal and fetal mortality. With gallstone pancreatitis during pregnancy,
maternal mortality of 15% and fetal mortality of 60% has been reported.[29] Of those patients managed nonoperatively, 35% to 58% developed biliary
colic refractory to medical management, requiring multiple hospitalizations.[30] Therefore, surgical intervention should be considered as primary
management of gallstones in pregnancy.
The timing of cholecystectomy for biliary colic depends on the gestational age and the severity of symptoms. A spontaneous abortion rate of 12% with
open cholecystectomy during the first trimester falls to 5.6% and 0% during the second and third trimesters, respectively. The risk of preterm labor is
nearly zero during the second trimester and 40% during the third trimester.[2] The optimum time for cholecystectomy is the second trimester, when the
risk of spontaneous abortion and preterm labor are the least, unless the patient develops a complication of cholelithiasis.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is relatively safe during the second trimester. The gravid uterus is not usually large enough at this gestational age to
interfere with visualization; the uterus also is less likely to be inadvertently instrumented at this size. The open technique using the Hasson trocar is
recommended for obtaining access to the abdomen. If intraoperative cholangiography or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is indicated
for choledocholithiasis, the uterus should be protected with appropriate shielding. If the severity of symptoms prevents delaying surgical intervention
until after delivery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy can be safely performed during the third trimester, although the risk of preterm labor is substantially
increased. In several small series of patients, preterm labor was successfully managed with tocolytics, and the patients delivered healthy term infants.[30]

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Pheochromocytomas originate from chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla or from extramedullary paraganglion cells. They are hormonally active
tumors, secreting the catecholamines norepinephrine, epinephrine, and, less commonly, dopamine. Pheochromocytomas are usually described by the
rule of 10, which states that 10% of pheochromocytomas are extra-adrenal, 10% are bilateral, 10% are malignant, and 10% are familial. These tumors
can occur sporadically or as part of a syndrome, such as multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type 2a, MEN 2b, or von Hippel-Lindau disease.
Although pheochromocytomas are uncommon in pregnancy, they have devastating effects for both mother and fetus. Pheochromocytomas that remain
undiagnosed during pregnancy have a postpartum maternal mortality as high as 55%, with fetal mortality also exceeding 50%. The greatest risk occurs
from the onset of labor to 48 hours following delivery. The index of suspicion should be high in any patient with preeclampsia, paroxysmal
hypertension, or unexplained fever following delivery. With diagnosis and appropriate treatment, maternal mortality is reduced to nearly 0%, and fetal
mortality is decreased to 15%.[32] Diagnosis is made by elevated urine catecholamines; urinary catecholamines in the pregnant patient without a
pheochromocytoma are the same as in the nonpregnant patient. Lack of proteinuria also helps eliminate preeclampsia as a cause of hypertension.

Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging is not recommended during pregnancy, because the small molecule may cross the placenta; use of MIBG
imaging has not been evaluated in pregnancy.
Surgical resection should be performed prior to 20 weeks gestation, when spontaneous abortion is less likely and the size of the gravid uterus does not
interfere with the procedure. If the diagnosis is made late in the second trimester or during the third trimester, medical management followed by
combined cesarean section and resection of the pheochromocytoma may be an option. It is unknown if the standard preoperative management with .
blockade or calcium-channel blockade followed by perioperative blockade in nonpregnant patients is safe during pregnancy. The long-term effects of
the . blocker phenoxybenzamine on the fetus have not been determined, although calcium-channel blockers are safe to use during pregnancy.
Blockers are frequently used during pregnancy with close monitoring for intrauterine growth retardation. Consultation with a maternal-fetal medicine
specialist is essential to determine the preoperative management that will ensure the optimal postoperative result for the patient and fetus. In
nonpregnant patients, the method of approach depends on suspected malignancy, unilateral versus bilateral tumors, extra-adrenal location, size of the
tumor, and surgeons preference and experience. In all series comparing the different approaches, including open versus laparoscopic technique,
pregnant patients were not included. In a small series, two pregnant patients who underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy delivered
healthy infants at term.[33]
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Intestinal obstruction is the third most common nonobstetric surgical issue in pregnancy behind acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis. The incidence
of small bowel obstruction during pregnancy is similar to that in the general population (1/3000). Adhesions resulting from prior abdominal and pelvic
surgeries are the most frequent causes for intestinal obstruction in pregnancy, accounting for 53% to 59% of cases.[34] Other causes of small bowel
obstruction in the pregnant patient include volvulus, intussusception, malignancy, or hernia, although the displacement of the small bowel out of the
pelvis by the enlarging uterus makes this a rare cause. There has been one reported case of spontaneous bowel obstruction in a patient pregnant with
triplets with none of the risk factors for small bowel obstruction.[34]
The symptoms of an obstruction are identical to those in the nonpregnant patient and consist of the triad of abdominal pain, vomiting, and obstipation.
Pain, present in 85% to 98% of cases, is usually colicky in nature and located in the mid-abdomen, although the character and duration are highly
variable. Nausea and vomiting are seen in 80% of pregnant patients with small bowel obstruction; however, nausea and vomiting are not uncommon
during the first trimester of normal pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting that persist or begin later in pregnancy should arouse suspicion and be evaluated.
Bowel distention may be marked but difficult to assess due to the gravid uterus. Diagnosis is made by serial examination and plain abdominal
Treatment for small bowel obstruction in pregnancy is identical to that in the nonpregnant patient. Therapy consists of nasogastric decompression and
intravenous fluids. However, a lower threshold for operative management is necessary. If after 6 to 8 hours of nonoperative treatment there is no
satisfactory patient response, a laparotomy should be performed before perforation or bowel necrosis occurs. Maternal mortality ranges from 6% to 20%
due to sepsis and multisystem organ failure, and fetal loss is as high as 26% to 50%.[34] To avoid the risk to the mother and fetus, a more aggressive
approach should be used.
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Acute appendicitis is the most common nonobstetric surgical problem in the pregnant patient, occurring in 1 in 1500 pregnancies. The incidence of
acute appendicitis is fairly evenly distributed among the trimesters of pregnancy, with a slight predominance during the second trimester. Timely and
accurate diagnosis is challenging because the typical clinical findings of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and mild leukocytosis may be findings in a
normal pregnancy. Delay in diagnosis results in an increased perforation rate of 10%. This has significant consequences for the patient and fetus. Fetal
mortality increases from 5% in acute appendicitis to 30% in perforated appendicitis.[35] [36] [37] [38] Preterm labor and premature delivery rates are as high as
40% in perforated appendicitis[36] [37] [38] compared to a 13% rate of preterm labor and 4% rate of premature delivery in acute appendicitis.[39] As early as
1908, Babler indicated the significance of this problem when he wrote, The mortality of appendicitis complicating pregnancy is the mortality of
In 1932, Baer studied 78 normal pregnant women with radiographic studies at regular intervals from the second month of pregnancy to 10 days
postpartum. Patients were given barium meals 18 hours before examinations. Upright and dorsal films were taken. The films showed that the enlarging
uterus pushes the appendix upward with a counterclockwise rotation of the appendiceal tip. From this progressive displacement of the appendix toward
the right upper quadrant, Baer deduced that early in pregnancy pain from appendicitis is low and that as the gestation progresses (and appendiceal
displacement occurs), the pain is located higher in the abdomen.[41] He postulated that the nearer the pregnancy to term, the higher the point of maximum
tenderness. Some controversy exists, however. A review of 45 pregnant patients with acute appendicitis demonstrated that pain in the right lower
quadrant is the most common symptom regardless of gestational age (first trimester, 86%; second trimester, 83%; third trimester, 85%).[39] Despite the
inconsistency, acute appendicitis should be included in the differential diagnosis of every pregnant woman who presents with right-sided abdominal
The treatment for suspected acute appendicitis in the pregnant patient is emergent appendectomy. Although

helical CT scans have demonstrated higher than 90% sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, little data are available in
pregnant patients. In nonpregnant patients, a 10% to 15% negative laparotomy rate is considered to be acceptable. Because of the increased risk to both
mother and fetus with appendiceal perforation, a negative rate of 30% to 33% is acceptable. The debate is then for open or laparoscopic technique. The
argument for open appendectomy is that the laparoscopic approach exposes the fetus to the risks of pneumoperitoneum and trocar placement without the
benefit of a significantly smaller incision. The laparoscopic technique enables examination of a larger portion of the abdomen with less uterine
manipulation and allows location of the appendix as the appendix is pushed into the right upper quadrant by the enlarging uterus.
Colonic pseudo-obstruction, or Ogilvies syndrome, is a functional obstruction, or adynamic ileus, without a mechanical etiology. Ten percent of all
cases of Ogilvies syndrome occur in postpartum patients. It is characterized by massive abdominal distention with cecal dilation. Although neostigmine
is an effective first-line therapy in nonpregnant patients, its safety in pregnancy is unknown. It can be used safely in the postpartum period.
Colonoscopic decompression has been described in postpartum patients, with laparotomy indicated only in suspected perforation.
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Of more than 400 cases of ruptured splenic artery aneurysms in the literature, about 100 cases of ruptured splenic artery aneurysm during pregnancy
have been reported, with only 12 cases of maternal and fetal survival.[42] Rupture occurred during the third trimester in two thirds of the cases and was
typically misdiagnosed as splenic rupture or uterine rupture. Maternal mortality was 75% with a fetal mortality of 95%. Increased portal pressures, high
splenic artery flow due to distal aortic compression, and progressive arterial wall weakening are contributing factors. Multiparity may increase the risk;
78% of patients with ruptured splenic artery aneurysms have been in their third pregnancy. Survival is most likely related to a two-stage rupture, in
which the lesser sac temporarily tamponades the bleeding aneurysm.
When treated electively in nonpregnant patients, mortality is only 0.5% to 1.3%. When the diagnosis is made in a woman of childbearing age or in a
pregnant patient, a splenic artery aneurysm of 2 cm or larger should be treated electively due to the increased risk of rupture during pregnancy.[42]
Acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis is six times more frequent among pregnant than nonpregnant patients. Pregnancy may increase the risk of
thrombosis through a number of factors, including mechanical obstruction of venous drainage by the enlarging uterus, decreased activity in late
pregnancy and at time of delivery, intimal injury from vascular distention or surgical manipulation during cesarean section, and abnormal levels of
coagulation factors already described.[43] Additionally, a wide spectrum of pathologic abnormalities such as the presence of lupus anticoagulant
antibodies and deficiencies of proteins C and S may further increase the risk of thrombotic disease. Protein S serves as a cofactor for activated protein
C, which has anticoagulant activity. Therefore, a deficiency of protein S leads to spontaneous, recurrent thromboembolic complications in nonpregnant
adults. Even in normal individuals, protein S levels are substantially reduced during pregnancy.
The management of acute iliofemoral venous thrombosis during pregnancy is controversial because thrombolytic therapy poses hazards to the fetus. The
risk of pulmonary thromboembolism with manipulation of the clot during thrombectomy would have catastrophic effects on both the patient and the
fetus. Techniques that have been described include interruption of the inferior vena cava via a right retroperitoneal approach or interruption of the
inferior vena cava passage of a Fogarty catheter through the unaffected contralateral femoral vein. The disadvantage of the retroperitoneal approach is
that an extensive dissection is required. The disadvantages of the Fogarty catheter are that the catheter may still dislodge clots that have extended into
the vena cava and that once the catheter is removed, an inferior vena cava filter must still be placed. However, the most effective technique is filter
placement in the inferior vena cava via the internal jugular vein using ultrasound guidance, followed by thrombectomy.
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Trauma is the leading nonobstetric cause of maternal mortality and occurs in as many as 7% of pregnancies.[44] The most common mechanisms of injury
are from falls or from motor vehicle crashes.[45] When compared to age-matched pregnant controls, pregnant women who sustained trauma had a higher
incidence of spontaneous abortion, preterm labor, fetomaternal hemorrhage, abruptio placentae, and uterine rupture.[46] Multiple studies have attempted
to identify risk factors that predict morbidity and mortality in the pregnant trauma patient. The maternal Injury Severity Score, mechanism of injury, and
physical findings are unable to adequately predict adverse outcomes such as abruptio placentae and fetal loss.[47] Early involvement of an available
obstetrician is important to evaluate both maternal and fetal well-being.
In the management of the pregnant trauma patient, the critical point is that resuscitation of the fetus is accomplished by resuscitation of the mother.
Therefore, the initial evaluation and treatment of the pregnant injured patient is identical to that of the nonpregnant injured patient. Rapid assessment of
the maternal airway, breathing, and circulation and ensuring an adequate airway avoids maternal and fetal hypoxia. In the later stages of pregnancy, as
already described, uterine compression of the vena cava may result in hypotension from diminished venous return, so the pregnant trauma patient
should be placed in left lateral decubitus position. If spinal cord injury is suspected, the patient may be secured to a backboard and then tilted to the left.


The increased blood volume associated with pregnancy has important implications in the trauma patient. Signs of blood loss such as tachycardia and
hypotension may be delayed until the patient loses nearly 30% of her blood volume. As a result, the fetus may be experiencing hypoperfusion long
before the mother manifests any signs. Early and rapid fluid resuscitation should be administered even in the pregnant patient who is normotensive.
As with the primary survey, the secondary survey should proceed in a similar fashion as in the nonpregnant patient. Special attention should be given to
the abdominal examination. The uterus remains protected by the pelvis until approximately 12 weeks gestation and is relatively well sheltered from the
abdominal injury until that time. As the uterus grows, it becomes more prominent and more vulnerable to injury. Measurement of fundal height provides
a rapid approximation of gestational age. At 20 weeks gestation, it should be at the level of the umbilicus and should be approximately 1 cm per week
of gestation. Intrauterine hemorrhage or uterine rupture may result in a discrepancy in measurement. A pelvic examination should be performed, by an
obstetrician if possible, to evaluate for vaginal bleeding, ruptured membranes, or a bulging perineum. Vaginal bleeding may indicate abruptio placentae,
placenta previa, or preterm labor. Rupture of the amniotic fluid may result in umbilical cord prolapse, which compresses the umbilical vessels and
compromises fetal blood flow. This requires immediate cesarean section. If cloudy white or greenish fluid is seen from the cervical os or perineum, the
presence of amniotic fluid is confirmed by Nitrazine paper, which changes from green to blue.
The Kleihauer-Betke (K-B) test for the assessment of fetomaternal transfusion is useful after maternal trauma and should be ordered with the initial
laboratory studies that include a type and crossmatch. Because of the sensitivity of the K-B test, a small amount of fetomaternal transfusion may be
undetected. Therefore, all Rh-negative pregnant trauma patients should be considered for Rh immunoglobulin (RhoGAM) therapy.
The most common cause of fetal death after blunt injury is abruptio placentae. Deceleration of the fetal heart rate may be the earliest sign of abruption.
The uterus should be evaluated for contractions, rupture, or abruptio placentae. Early initiation of cardiotocographic fetal monitoring adequately warns
of deterioration in the condition of the fetus.
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Pregnant patients are susceptible to the same surgical diseases as nonpregnant patients of similar age. Maternal physiologic changes as well as the
enlarging uterus may result in atypical presentation of surgical disease, or symptoms may be attributed to normal pregnancy. A delay in diagnosis and
treatment of surgical illnesses in pregnancy poses a greater risk to maternal and fetal well-being than the risks of anesthesia or of surgical intervention.
Early consultation with an obstetrician, maternal-fetal medicine specialist, and perinatologist can ensure optimal outcomes and avoid pitfalls.
Laparoscopy is becoming increasingly accepted in the pregnant patient, and future advances will hopefully make it even safer for obstetric patients.
Preterm labor prevention should be individualized given the patients gestational age and underlying disease process.
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Selected References
Babler EA: Perforative appendicitis complicating pregnancy. JAMA 51:1310, 1908.
Landmark article first describing appendicitis in pregnancy.
Baer JL: Appendicitis in pregnancy. JAMA 98:1359, 1932.
Landmark article illustrating the change in appendiceal location during pregnancy.
Brodsky JB, Cohen EN, Brown BW Jr, et al: Surgery during pregnancy and fetal outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 138:1165, 1980.
Large series that first looked at fetal outcomes in nonobstetric surgery.
Mourad J, Elliott JP, Erickson L, et al: Appendicitis in pregnancy: New information that contradicts longheld clinical beliefs. Am J Obstet Gynecol 182:1027, 2000.
This paper, which retrospectively reviewed more than 66,000 deliveries and found 45 pregnant patients with appendicitis, challenged the original landmark paper by Baer
regarding the presentation of acute appendicitis in pregnant patients.
Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons: Guidelines for laparoscopic surgery during pregnancy. Surg Endosc 12:189, 1998.
Current guidelines for laparoscopy in pregnancy.
Tarraza HM, Moore RD: Gynecologic causes of the acute abdomen and the acute abdomen in pregnancy. Surg Clin North Am 77:1371, 1997.
Current review that accurately describes the increased risk to the mother and fetus due to the underlying pathology as opposed to the risk imposed by surgical intervention.

Woo JC, Yu T, Hurd TC: Breast cancer in pregnancy. Arch Surg 138:91, 2003.
The most current comprehensive review of breast cancer in pregnancy, including the ongoing trends in treatment.

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Chapter 76 - Urologic Surgery

Aria F. Olumi M.D.
Jerome P. Richie M.D.

The field of urology has undergone unprecedented advances over the past decade. Advances in treatment of erectile dysfunction, laparoscopic and
minimally invasive surgery, and reconstructive urology are some of the highlights. The focus in this chapter is on general urologic issues with special
emphasis on issues pertinent to the general surgeon. We review anatomy of the genitourinary system, urologic trauma, emergent urologic conditions,
nephrolithiasis, neurogenic bladder, benign prostatic hyperplasia, scrotal masses, and urologic malignancies.
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The retroperitoneum is bounded anteriorly by the peritoneal sac and its contents ( Fig. 761 ), is separated from the thorax superiorly by the muscular
diaphragm, and is contiguous with the extraperitoneal portions of the pelvis inferiorly. The body wall creates the posterior and lateral limits of the
retroperitoneum, and incisions through the posterolateral abdominal wall, or flank, provide the most direct routes to the structures of the
Adrenal Glands

The adrenal, or suprarenal glands are paired, yellow-orange, solid endocrine organs that lie within the perirenal (Gerotas) fascia superomedial to either
kidney, buried within the perinephric fat. Although closely applied to the upper poles of the kidneys, the adrenals are embryologically and functionally
distinct and are physically separated from the kidneys by connective tissue septa in continuity with Gerotas fascia as well as by varying amounts of
perinephric adipose tissue. Thus, in cases of renal ectopia, the adrenal gland is usually found in approximately its normal anatomic position and does not
follow the kidney. Similarly, in cases of renal agenesis, the adrenal on the involved side is typically present (in greater than 90% of such cases).
The normal adult adrenal gland weighs approximately 5 g and measures 3 to 5 cm in greatest transverse dimension. In the neonate, the adrenals are
relatively much larger in size compared with total body mass and may be one third of the size of the kidney at birth ( Fig. 762 ). Both adrenals are
somewhat flattened in the anteroposterior axis, the left more so than the right. The right gland assumes a more pyramidal shape and rests more superior
to the upper pole of the right kidney. The left gland is more crescentic and rests more medial to the upper pole of the left kidney; in fact, it may lie
directly atop the renal vessels at the left renal hilum. The right adrenal thus tends to lie more superiorly in the retroperitoneum than does the left adrenal.
This is in contradistinction to the fact that the right kidney lies, in general, slightly more inferiorly than the left, and this fact must be taken into account
in the planning of incisions for adrenal surgery.
Each adrenal is a composite of two separate and functionally distinct glandular elements: cortex and medulla. The medulla, which forms the central core
of each adrenal, consists of chromaffin cells derived from the neural crest and intimately related to the sympathetic nervous system. The cells of the
medulla produce neuroactive catecholamines, primarily epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are released directly into the bloodstream through an
extensive venous drainage system. The adrenal cortex is mesodermally derived, completely

Figure 76-1 A and B, The retroperitoneum dissected. The anterior perirenal fascia (Gerotas fascia) has been dissected. 1, diaphragm; 2, inferior vena cava; 3, right adrenal gland; 4,
upper pointer at celiac artery, lower pointer at celiac autonomic nervous plexus; 5, right kidney; 6, right renal vein; 7, Gerotas fascia; 8, pararenal retroperitoneal fat; 9, perinephric
fat; 10, upper pointer at right gonadal vein, lower pointer at right gonadal artery; 11, lumbar lymph node; 12, retroperitoneal fat; 13, right common iliac artery; 14, right ureter; 15,
sigmoid colon (cut); 16, esophagus (cut); 17, right crus of diaphragm; 18, left inferior phrenic artery; 19, upper pointer at left adrenal gland, lower pointer at left adrenal vein; 20,
upper pointer at superior mesenteric artery, lower pointer at left renal artery; 21, left kidney; 22, upper pointer at left renal vein, lower pointer at left gonadal vein; 23, aorta; 24,
perinephric fat; 25, aortic autonomic nervous plexus; 26, upper pointer at Gerotas fascia, lower pointer at inferior mesenteric ganglion; 27, inferior mesenteric artery; 28, aortic
bifurcation into common iliac arteries; 29, left gonadal artery and vein; 30, left ureter; 31, psoas major muscle covered by psoas sheath; 32, cut edge of peritoneum; 33, pelvic cavity.
C and D, The retroperitoneum dissected. Kidneys and adrenal glands have been sectioned and the inferior vena cava has been excised over most of its intra-abdominal course. 1,
inferior vena cava (cut); 2, diaphragm; 3, right inferior phrenic artery; 4, right adrenal gland; 5, upper pointer at celiac artery, lower pointer at superior mesenteric artery; 6, right
kidney; 7, upper pointer at right renal artery, lower pointer at right renal vein (cut); 8, lumbar lymph node; 9, transversus abdominis muscle covered with transversalis fascia; 10, right
ureter; 11, anterior spinous ligament; 12, inferior vena cava (cut); 15, right external iliac artery; 16, esophagus (cut); 17, left adrenal gland; 18, celiac ganglion; 19, left kidney; 20,
upper pointer at left renal artery, lower pointer at left renal vein (cut); 21, left renal pelvis; 22, aorta; 23, aortic autonomic nervous plexus; 24, inferior mesenteric ganglion; 25, left
ureter; 26, inferior mesenteric artery; 27, psoas major muscle covered by psoas sheath. (Reproduced with permission from Kabalin J: Surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneum,
kidneys, and ureters. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, pp 47).

surrounds and encases the medulla, and forms the bulk of the adrenal gland, which is 80% to 90% by weight. Three cell layers can be identified in the
cortex. The outermost layer is the zona glomerulosa, which produces aldosterone in response to stimulation by the renin-angiotensin system.
Centripetally located are the zona fasciculata and zona reticularis, which produce glucocorticoids and sex steroids, respectively. Unlike the zona
glomerulosa, these latter functions are regulated by pituitary release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). The substance of the adrenal gland is
inherently quite friable but is enclosed by a thick, collagenous capsule; yet it still can be readily torn with aggressive handling at the time of operation.
The adrenals, concordant with their key role in the bodys hormonal milieu, are highly vascularized. The arterial supply is relatively symmetrical
bilaterally. Multiple small arteries supply each adrenal gland. These are branch vessels, which can be traced to three major arterial sources for each
gland: (1) superior branches from the inferior phrenic artery, (2) middle branches directly from the aorta, and (3) inferior branches from the ipsilateral
renal artery. In contrast to the multiple arteries, usually a single large adrenal vein exits each gland from its hilum anteromedially. On the right side, this
vein is very short and enters directly into the inferior vena cava on its posterolateral aspect. The adrenal vein on the left is more elongated and is
typically joined by the left inferior phrenic vein before entering the superior aspect of the left renal vein. The adrenal lymphatics in general exit the
glands along the course of the venous drainage and eventually empty into para-aortic lymph nodes.
The adrenal medulla receives greater autonomic innervation than any other organ in the body. Multiple preganglionic sympathetic fibers enter each
adrenal along the course of the adrenal vein and synapse with chromaffin cells in the medulla. This rich sympathetic innervation of the medulla reaches
the adrenal via the splanchnic nerves and celiac ganglion. In contrast, the adrenal cortex is believed to receive no innervation.


Kidneys and Ureters

The kidneys are paired solid organs that lie in the retroperitoneum along the borders of the psoas muscle (see Fig. 761 ). The kidneys and associated
adrenal glands are surrounded by perirenal fat, which is enclosed in perinephric fascia, known as Gerotas fascia. Gerotas fascia forms an important
anatomic barrier around the kidney and tends to contain pathologic processes originating from the kidney. Superiorly, Gerotas fascia fuses and tapers to
disappear over the inferior diaphragmatic surface. Medially, Gerotas fascia extends across the midline and is contiguous with Gerotas fascia on the
contralateral side, although the anterior and posterior leaves are generally fused and inseparable as they cross the great vessels. Inferiorly, Gerotas
fascia remains an open potential space, containing the ureter and gonadal vessels on either side.
Each kidney is positioned obliquely, and awareness of the anatomic relationship of the kidneys to the surrounding organs is paramount. The posterior
relations of the kidneys to the abdominal wall musculature are relatively symmetrical ( Fig. 763 ). The 12th rib crosses the upper third of each kidney.
Because the left kidney lies more cephalad than the right kidney, the 11th rib lies directly posterior to the upper aspect of the left kidney and not the
right kidney (see Fig. 763 ). As a result of the contour of the psoas muscle, both kidneys lie obliquely with the upper pole more medially located than
the lower pole. In addition, each kidney does not lie in a simple coronal plane and the lower pole is pushed more anteriorly than the upper pole of each
In contrast to the similarities of posterior anatomic relations in each kidney, the anterior relation of each kidney is significantly different. The right
kidney lies behind the liver, and it is separated from the liver by reflection of the peritoneum, except for a small area of its upper pole, which comes into
direct contact with the livers retroperitoneal bare spot. The extension of parietal peritoneum

Figure 76-2 Kidneys and adrenal glands from neonate. Note large size of the adrenal glands relative to the kidneys, and note the fetal lobation of the kidneys. (Reproduced with
permission from Kabalin J: Surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneum, kidneys, and ureters. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed.
Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, p 21.)

that bridges between the perirenal fascia covering the upper pole of the right kidney and the posterior aspect of the liver is called the hepatorenal
ligament. Excessive traction on this attachment or the hepatocolic ligament during right renal surgery may produce hepatic parenchymal tears. The
duodenum is applied directly to the medial aspect and hilar structures of the right kidney (see Figs. 761 and 763 ). The hepatic flexure of the colon,
which also is extraperitoneal, crosses the lower pole of the right kidney. The adrenal gland covers the superomedial aspect of the upper poles of both
right and left kidneys, as already discussed.
On the left, the retroperitoneal tail of the pancreas and the related splenic vessels are applied directly to the upper to middle portion and hilum of the
kidney. Superior to the pancreatic tail, the left kidney is covered by peritoneum of the lesser sac and here is related to the posterior gastric wall. Below
the pancreatic tail, the medial aspect of the kidney is covered by peritoneum of the greater sac and is related to the jejunum. The lower pole of the left
kidney is crossed by the splenic flexure of the colon, generally in an extraperitoneal position. The spleen is separated from the upper lateral portion of
the left kidney by peritoneal reflection. However, there is typically a peritoneal extension between the perirenal fascia covering the upper pole of the left
kidney and the inferior splenic capsule, called the splenorenal, or lienorenal, ligament. Just as with the adjacent and often contiguous

Figure 76-3 Anatomic relations of the kidneys. A, Anterior relations to the abdominal organs. B, Posterior relations to the muscles of the posterior body wall and ribs. C, Relations to
the pleural reflections and skeleton posteriorly. (Reproduced with permission from Kabalin J: Surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneum, kidneys, and ureters. In Walsh PC, Retik AB,
Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, pp 4987.)


splenocolic ligamentous attachment, care must be taken not to exert undue tension on the splenorenal ligament during operative procedures on the left
kidney, to avoid inadvertent tearing of the spleen. Such tearing may necessitate splenectomy during left nephrectomy. Both splenocolic and splenorenal
ligaments, and the contralateral hepatocolic and hepatorenal ligaments, are typically avascular and can be divided sharply with safety.
The renal artery and vein typically branch from the aorta and inferior vena cava, respectively, to supply each kidney (see Fig. 761 ). The renal vein is
more anterior than the renal artery, whereas the urinary collecting system (i.e., the renal pelvis) is the most posteriorly located structure of the renal
hilum. The renal arteries and veins typically branch from the aorta and inferior vena cava at the level of the second lumbar vertebral body, below the
level of the anterior takeoff of the superior mesenteric artery. The right renal artery passes behind the inferior vena cava in its course and is considerably
longer than the left renal artery. The main renal artery typically divides into four or more segmental vessels, with five branches most commonly
described. The first and most constant segmental division is a posterior branch, which usually exits the main renal artery before it enters the renal hilum
and proceeds posteriorly to the renal pelvis to supply a large posterior segment of the kidney. The remaining anterior division of the main renal artery

typically branches as it enters the renal hilum ( Fig. 764 ). The renal arteries are end branch vessels and do not communicate with each other. This is in
contrast to the renal venous system, which contains many intrarenal anastomoses.
The right renal vein is short (2 to 4 cm) and enters the right lateral aspect of the inferior vena cava directly, usually without receiving other venous
branches. The left renal vein is generally three times the length of the right (6 to 10 cm) and must cross anterior to the aorta to reach the left lateral
aspect of the inferior vena cava (see Fig. 761 ). Lateral to the aorta, the left renal vein typically receives the left adrenal vein superiorly, a lumbar vein
posteriorly, and the left gonadal vein inferiorly.
The renal collecting system includes the calyces, the renal pelvis, and the ureter ( Fig. 765 ). There are usually

Figure 76-4 A, The posterior branch of the renal artery and its distribution to the central segment of the posterior surface of the kidney. B, Branches of the anterior division of the
renal artery supplying the entire anterior surface of the kidney as well as the upper and lower poles at both surfaces. The segmental branches lead to interlobar, arcuate, and
interlobular arteries. C, The lateral convex margin of the kidney. Brodels line, which is 1 cm from the convex margin, is the bloodless plane demarcated by the distribution of the
posterior branch of the renal artery. (A and C, From Tanagho E: Anatomy of the genitourinary tract. In Smiths General Urology, 14th ed. Norwalk, CT, Appleton & Lange, 1995, pp
116. With permission of the McGraw-Hill Company.)


Figure 76-5 Anatomy and histology of the kidney and ureter. Upper left, Diagram of the nephron and its blood supply. Upper right, Cast of the pelvic calyceal system and the
arterial supply of the kidney. Middle, Renal calyces, pelvis, and ureter (posterior aspect). Lower left, Histology of the ureter. The smooth muscle bundles are arranged in both a spiral
and a longitudinal manner. Lower right, Longitudinal section of kidney showing calyces, pelvis, ureter, and renal blood supply (posterior aspect). (From Tanagho E, McAninch JW
[eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000. Reproduced with permission of the McGraw-Hill Company.)

8 to 12 minor calyces that unite to form 2 to 3 major calyces, which in turn join to form the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis tapers to form the ureter
inferomedially. The adult ureter is usually 25 to 30 cm long. The ureter is arbitrarily divided into segments for the purposes of surgical or radiographic
demonstration. The abdominal ureter extends from the renal pelvis to the iliac vessels, and the pelvic ureter extends from the iliac vessels to the
bladder ( Fig. 766 ). For radiographic purposes, the ureter is divided into three segments. The upper, middle, and lower ureter is commonly described
from the renal pelvis to the upper border of sacrum, upper border to lower border of sacrum, and lower border of sacrum to the bladder, respectively.
There are three areas of relative narrowing in the ureter that are of clinical importance: ureteropelvic junction, the point where the ureter crosses anterior
to the iliac vessels, and the ureterovesical junction. For example, spontaneous passage of ureteral stones can be hampered at these relative areas of
The ureters lie on the psoas muscle and pass medially to the sacroiliac joints and cross the iliac vessels anteriorly. An important anatomic landmark for
easy identification of the ureters is at the site where the ureters cross anterior to the iliac vessels. After crossing the iliac vessels, the ureters swing
laterally near the ischial spines before passing medially to penetrate the base of the bladder. In the male, the vasa deferentia pass anterior to the ureters
as they exit the internal inguinal ring. In the

Figure 76-6 Sources of arterial blood supply to the ureter. (Reproduced with permission from Kabalin J: Surgical anatomy of the retroperitoneum, kidneys, and ureters. In Walsh PC,
Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, pp 4987.)

female, the uterine arteries are closely related to the lower ureters.
The blood supply to the calyces, pelvis, and upper ureter are derived from the renal arteries (see Fig. 766 ). The lower ureter obtains its blood supply
from the common and internal iliac arteries and the internal spermatic and vesical arteries.

The bladder is a hollow muscular organ that functions to store and evacuate urine. In adulthood, it has a capacity of approximately 500 mL. The
cephalad portion of the bladder is attached to the anterior abdominal wall by the urachus, a fibrous remnant of the cloaca that attaches the bladder to the
anterior abdominal wall. The obliterated umbilical artery in the medial umbilical fold serves as an important landmark for the surgeon ( Fig. 767 ). It
may be traced to its origin from the internal iliac artery to locate the ureter, which lies on its medial side. The superior aspect of the bladder is covered
by peritoneal reflection. Inferiorly, the bladder is attached to the pubic bone by dense condensations to the posterior aspect of the pubic bone, known as
the puboprostatic ligaments in males and pubovesical ligaments in females.
The superior, middle, and inferior vesical arteries, which are branches of the hypogastric artery are the major source of blood supply to the bladder. In
females, additional branches from the vaginal and uterine arteries supply the bladder. The veins of the bladder coalesce into the vesicle plexus and drain
into the internal iliac vein. Lymphatics from the lamina propria and muscularis drain to channels on the bladder surface, which run with the superficial
vessels within the thin visceral fascia. Small paravesical lymph nodes can be found along the superficial channels. The bulk of the lymphatic drainage
passes to the external iliac lymph nodes. Some anterior and lateral drainage may go through the obturator and internal iliac nodes, whereas portions of
the bladder base and trigone may drain into the internal and common iliac groups.
A transitional epithelial layer lines the bladder mucosa. Lamina propria, a thin elastic connective tissue, lies between the transitional epithelial cell layer
and the muscularis propria. The muscularis propria, also known as the detrusor muscle, is composed of interlacing smooth muscle bundles with no
distinct layers.
Prostate and Seminal Vesicles

The prostate is a fibromuscular organ that lies just inferior to the bladder. The normal prostate weighs approximately 20 g and contains the prostatic
urethra. The prostate is supported anteriorly by the puboprostatic ligament and inferiorly by the urogenital diaphragm ( Fig. 768 ). The ejaculatory
ducts exit in the posterior portion of the prostate across the verumontanum, a mound within the prostate gland (see Fig. 768 ). The prostate has a
peripheral zone, a central zone, and a transitional zone; an anterior segment; and a preprostatic sphincteric zone ( Fig. 769 ). Benign prostatic
hyperplasia develops from the periurethral glands at the site of the median or lateral lobes, whereas the posterior lobe is prone to cancerous formation.
The prostate is separated from the rectum by the two layers of Denonvilliers fascia, serosal rudiments of the pouch of Douglas, which once extended to
the urogenital diaphragm ( Fig. 7610 ).
The arterial supply to the prostate is derived from the inferior vesical, internal pudendal, and middle rectal (hemorrhoidal) arteries. The veins from the
prostate drain into the periprostatic plexus, which has connections with the deep dorsal vein of the penis and the internal iliac (hypogastric) veins.
The neurovascular bundles responsible for erection are located near the posterolateral surface of the urethra and prostate gland (see Fig. 7630 ). Special
care in preserving these nerves is crucial to maintaining potency after radical prostatectomy.[1]
The seminal vesicles lie just cephalad to the prostate under the base of the bladder. They are about 6 cm long and quite soft. Each vesicle joins its
corresponding vas deferens to form the ejaculatory duct. The ureters lie medial to each, and the rectum is contiguous with their posterior surfaces.
Penis and Urethra

The penis is composed of two corpora cavernosal bodies (responsible for erectile function of the penis) and one corpora spongiosum where the urethra
courses through.

Figure 76-7 Male pelvis and anterior abdominal wall viewed from behind. The sacrum and ilia have been removed. (Reproduced with permission from Brooks JD: Anatomy of the
lower urinary tract in male genitalia. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, pp 4180.)

Figure 76-8 Anatomy and relations of the ureters, bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, and vasa deferentia (anterior view). (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho EA, McAninch
JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000)

Each corporal body is covered by tunica albuginea ( Fig. 7611 ), and collectively all corporal bodies are covered by a thick layer of Bucks fascia. All
corporal bodies are capped by the glans of the penis (see Fig. 7610 ).
The male urethra, which is approximately 20 cm long, is divided into four anatomic sections: prostatic, membranous, bulbous, and penile. The voluntary
external urinary sphincter lies within the urogenital diaphragm and is an important anatomic landmark to preserve the function of the urinary sphincter
after prostatic or urethral surgery. The female urethra is approximately 4 cm and lies below the pubic symphysis and anterior to the vagina.
Spermatic Cord, Epididymis, and Testes

The two spermatic cords extend from the internal rings through the internal canals to the testes. Each cord contains the vas deferens, internal and
external spermatic arteries, artery of the vas, spermatic vein, lymphatics, and nerves.
The epididymis is connected to the testis by efferent ducts from the testis. It consists of a markedly coiled duct. At its lower pole the epididymis
becomes continuous with the vas deferens ( Fig. 7612 ).

The average testis is 4 3 2.5 cm. Tunica albuginea, which is a dense fascial covering, overlies the testis. The

Figure 76-9 Zonal anatomy of the prostate as described by J. E. McNeal (Am J Surg Pathol 12:619633, 1988). The transition zone surrounds the urethra proximal to the ejaculatory
ducts. The central zone surrounds the ejaculatory ducts and projects under the bladder base. The peripheral zone constitutes the bulk of the apical, posterior, and lateral aspects of the
prostate. The anterior fibromuscular stroma extends from the bladder neck to the striated urethral sphincter. (Reproduced with permission from Brooks J: Anatomy of the lower
urinary tract and male genitalia. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, p 112.)

tunica albuginea forms a dense fibrous mediastinum that connects with the lobules within the testis (see Fig. 7612 ). The testis is covered anteriorly
and laterally by the visceral layer of the serous tunica vaginalis.
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Approximately 10% of all injuries seen in the emergency department involve the genitourinary system to some extent. Many of the injuries are subtle
and difficult to define and require great diagnostic expertise. Initial assessment in order of importance includes the following: A, airway with cervical
spine protection; B, breathing; C, circulation and control of external bleeding; D, disability or neurologic status; E, exposure (undress) and environment
(temperature control).[2]
Resuscitation may require intravenous lines and urethral catheterization in seriously injured patients. In men, before the Foley catheter is inserted the
urethra should be carefully inspected for presence of any blood.
A detailed history and description of the accident is obtained. In cases of gunshot wounds, the type and caliber of the weapon should be determined,
because highvelocity projectiles cause much more extensive damage.
Renal Trauma

The urologic examination should focus on the abdomen and genitalia. Fractures of the lower ribs are often associated with renal injuries to the
retroperitoneum (see Fig. 763 ), whereas pelvic fractures can be accompanied by bladder and urethral injuries.
The assessment of the extent of injury should be done in an orderly fashion for proper staging. The algorithm in Figure 7613 outlines the staging for
blunt trauma in adults as it pertains to the urologic evaluation and is further discussed in the following section.
Hematuria is the best indicator of traumatic injury to the urinary system. Microscopic hematuria (> 5 red blood cells per high-power field), hemepositive urine dipstick, and gross hematuria are the strongest indicators of genitourinary injury. However, the degree of hematuria does not necessarily
correlate with degree of injury. The combination of systemic shock (systolic blood pressure > 90 mm Hg) and microscopic hematuria is strongly
associated with severe renal injuries.[3] [4] The best urine sample for assessment of hematuria in the trauma patient is the first aliquot of voided or
catheterized specimen, because a later sample can often be diluted by diuresis.
A classification and grading system for renal injuries ( Figs. 7613 and 7614 ) has helped in proper identification and better communication of the
extent of injury between different members of the trauma team. Use of appropriate imaging studies enables the trauma team to appropriately stage the
extent of the renal injury. All victims of blunt trauma with gross hematuria and those patients with microscopic hematuria and shock (systolic blood
pressure of less than 90 mm Hg any time during evaluation and resuscitation) should undergo renal imaging, usually CT with intravenous contrast
medium enhancement. Adult patients with microscopic hematuria and without shock can be observed without imaging studies, because an extremely
low percentage of these patients (less than 0.0016%) have any significant renal injuries.[5] In contrast, pediatric patients with blunt trauma and

Figure 76-10 Top, Relations of the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, urethra, and scrotal contents. Lower left, Transverse section through the penis. The paired upper
structures are the corpora cavernosa. The single lower body surrounding the urethra is the corpus spongiosum. Lower right, Fascial planes of the lower genitourinary tract.
(Reproduced with permission from Tanagho EA, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)

Figure 76-11 Cross section of the penis, demonstrating the relationship between the corporeal bodies, penile fascia, vessels, and nerves. (Reproduced with permission from Devine CJ,
Angermeier KW: AUA Update Series 13(2):10, 1994.)


Figure 76-12 Testis and epididymis. A, One to three seminiferous tubules fill each compartment and drain into the rete testis in the mediastinum. Twelve to 20 efferent ductules
become convoluted in the head of the epididymis and drain into a single coiled duct of the epididymis. The vas is convoluted in its first portion. B, Cross section of the tunica
vaginalis, showing the mediastinum and septations continuous with the tunica albuginea. The parietal and visceral tunica vaginalis are confluent where the vessels and nerves enter the
posterior aspect of the testis. (Reproduced with permission from Brooks J: Anatomy of the lower urinary tract and male genitalia. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]:
Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, pp 89128.)

Figure 76-13 Flow chart for adult renal injuries to serve as a guide for decision making. (Reproduced with permission from McAninch JW, Santucci RA: Genitourinary trauma. In
Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, p 3711.)


Figure 76-14 Classification of renal injuries by grade (based on the organ injury scale of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma). (Reproduced with permission from
McAninch JW, Santucci RA: Genitourinary trauma. In Walsh PC, Retik AB, Vaughan ED Jr, et al [eds]: Campbells Urology, 8th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2002, p 3709.)

hematuria require an imaging modality (CT scan or ultrasound). Pediatric patients have a high catecholamine output; therefore, shock is not a good
predictor of the degree of renal injury.
Excretory urography used to be the imaging modality for assessment of renal trauma, but it has been replaced for the most part by contrast medium
enhanced CT in most emergency departments for evaluation of renal injuries.[6] Occasionally, single-shot excretory urography is used for immediate
intraoperative assessment of renal trauma.[7]
Significant injuries (grades II through V) are found in only 5.4% of renal trauma cases (see Fig. 7614 ). [7] More than 98% of all renal injuries can be
managed nonoperatively. More often high-grade renal injuries (grades IV and V) would require surgical management; however, with proper staging of
the renal injury and careful patient selection, even these injuries can be managed nonoperatively.
Indications for renal exploration after trauma can be separated into absolute and relative.[8] Absolute indications include evidence of persistent renal
bleeding, expanding perirenal hematoma, and pulsatile perirenal hematoma. Relative indications include urinary extravasation, nonviable tissue, delayed
diagnosis of arterial injury, segmental arterial injury, and incomplete staging.
Segmental renal artery injury with an associated renal laceration results in a substantial amount of nonviable tissue (usually more than 20%), and such
injuries usually resolve more quickly with surgical reconstruction and tissue removal. This approach often avoids the high complication rate noted when

this group is followed up without renal exploration.[9]

When surgical exploration for renal trauma is indicated, using a transabdominal approach and early exploration of the renal hilum and vasculature
before the

Figure 76-15 The surgical approach to the renal vessels and kidney. A, Retroperitoneal incision over the aorta medial to the inferior mesenteric vein. B, Anatomic relationships of the
renal vessels. C, Retroperitoneal incision lateral to the colon, exposing the kidney. (Reproduced with permission from McAninch JW: Surgery for renal trauma. In Novick AC, Pontes
ES, Streem SB [eds]: Stewarts Operative Urology, 2nd ed. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1989.)

retroperitoneum is recommended ( Fig. 7615 ). Retroperitoneal incision over the aorta medial to the inferior mesenteric artery allows identification of
the left and right renal hilum and enables the surgeon to obtain early vascular control before exploring the injured kidney, which often has an associated
large retroperitoneal hematoma. Renal bleeding is a major cause of nephrectomy in the renal trauma patient. Early vascular control has been shown to
decrease the rate of nephrectomy from 56% to 18%.[10]
Nephrectomy is indicated in an unstable patient who has a normal contralateral kidney. Packing the wound to control bleeding, correction of metabolic
and coagulation abnormalities, and a plan to begin corrective surgery in 24 hours when the patient is stabilized provides a good option for delayed renal
reconstructive repair. Immediate nephrectomy is indicated in cases when the patients life is threatened due to severe uncontrolled bleeding and when
reconstructive surgery may not be technically feasible.


Ureteral Injuries

Ureteral injuries occur in less than 4% and 1% of all penetrating and blunt traumas, respectively. Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) disruption after blunt
trauma is rare and can be missed because patients often do not exhibit hematuria. Diagnosis of UPJ disruption is made by a high index of suspicion in
cases of high deceleration injury. Delayed CT contrast images, which visualize the renal collecting system and proximal ureter with excreted contrast
material, are the best way to assess the UPJs integrity. When delayed contrast images are not possible because of a patients hemodynamic instability,
an intraoperative one-shot intravenous pyelogram (2 mg/kg intravenous contrast material given 10 minutes before flat plate abdominal radiography) is
performed in patients with hypotension or a history of significant deceleration, despite absence of gross hematuria. Intraoperative palpation of the UPJ
is usually not sensitive enough to assess any UPJ disruption.
Iatrogenic Ureteral Injury

Management of iatrogenic ureteral injuries is dependent on timing of the injury and the location of the ureteral injury. Frequency of ureteral injuries is
rare. Iatrogenic ureteral injuries are often associated with large pelvic masses (benign or malignant) that may displace the ureter from its normal
anatomic position. Inflammatory pelvic disorders such as endometriosis may encase the ureter in a similar way and account for inadvertent ureteral
injury during pelvic surgery. Extensive carcinoma of the colon may invade areas outside the colon wall and directly involve the ureter; thus, resection of
the ureter may be required along with resection of the tumor mass. Devascularization may occur with extensive pelvic lymph node dissections or after
radiation therapy to the pelvis for pelvic cancer. In these situations, ureteral fibrosis and subsequent stricture formation may develop along with ureteral
Injuries to the lower third of the ureter allow several options in management. The procedure of choice is reimplantation into the bladder combined with
a psoas-hitch procedure to minimize tension on the ureteral anastomosis.[11] The bladder is dissected after catheter instillation of saline. The urachus and
contralateral obliterated umbilical artery are divided ( Fig. 7616 A). Peritoneum is mobilized off the anterior and posterior aspect of the bladder. These
maneuvers allow more extensive mobilization of the bladder. The bladder is incised in midline or obliquely to allow mobilization of bladder to the

ipsilateral psoas muscle (see Fig. 7616 B). It is sutured to the psoas muscle, but care is taken to avoid the genitofemoral nerve on the surface of the
muscle or the femoral nerve deep in the psoas muscle (see Fig. 7616 C). An antireflux ureteral anastomosis should be done when possible to minimize
potential damage to upper urinary tract from long-standing urinary reflux (see Fig. 7616 D).
Primary ureteroureterostomy can be used in lower-third injuries when the ureter has been ligated without transection. The ureter is usually long enough
for this type of anastomosis. A bladder tube flap (Boari flap) can be used when the ureter is shorter.
Transureteroureterostomy may be used in lower-third injuries if extensive urinoma and pelvic infection have developed. This procedure allows
anastomosis and reconstruction in an area away from the pathologic processes. Caution must be utilized to prevent tension on the normal recipient
Midureteral injuries can be managed with primary ureteroureterostomy if there is not a significant loss of viable ureter between the proximal and distal
sites of injury; otherwise, transureteroureterostomy is a good option.
Upper ureteral injuries are best managed by primary ureteroureterostomy. If there is extensive loss of the ureter, autotransplantation of the kidney and
transposition of bowel to replace the ureter are potential surgical options.
Bladder Injuries

Bladder injury after blunt trauma is relatively rare, owing to the protected intrapelvic position of the bladder. Bladder injuries are associated with 6% to
10% of all pelvic fractures. Conversely, in the presence of a bladder injury, the majority of patients (83% to 100%) suffer from other pelvic fractures.
Bladder injuries can be classified into two types: extraperitoneal and intraperitoneal. Extraperitoneal ruptures are thought to result from direct
laceration, usually by bone spicules from the fractured pelvis. Extraperitoneal bladder rupture can most commonly be managed conservatively with
catheter drainage, resulting in spontaneous healing of the bladder injury.[12] However, some authors have listed several contraindications to such
conservative management: bone fragment projecting into the bladder (which is unlikely to heal), open pelvic fracture, and rectal perforation.[13] Another
relative indication for surgical repair of extraperitoneal bladder injury is concomitant other abdominal and/or pelvic injuries requiring surgical
management. In this setting, surgical repair of the bladder injury can potentially decrease the risk of vesicocutaneous fistula.[14]
Intraperitoneal bladder rupture accounts for 25% of all bladder injuries. The postulated mechanism of intraperitoneal bladder injury is thought to be
caused by rapid rise of intra-abdominal pressure during blunt trauma.[15] In contrast to extraperitoneal bladder injuries, intraperitoneal bladder rupture
requires operative repair with two-layer closure of the bladder injury and placement of a perivesical drain.
Retrograde cystography is the traditional imaging modality to diagnosis bladder rupture. It is critical to obtain filling and drainage cystography films,
because 13% of bladder injuries are diagnosed by the drainage cystography plain films.[16] CT can also be used for diagnosis of bladder injury ( Fig. 76
17 ). The preferred method of assessing for bladder injury is retrograde filling of the bladder with 300 to 400 mL of contrast material (or until the patient
experiences discomfort) through the Foley catheter and obtaining images both during the filled and drained phases of the study.


Figure 76-16 A, After the midline incision is made, a retroperitoneal approach delineates the bladder. The bladder is dissected after catheter instillation of saline. The urachus and
contralateral obliterated umbilical artery are divided. The peritoneum is mobilized off the posterior aspect of the bladder. These maneuvers allow more extensive mobilization of
bladder. B, The bladder is incised in midline or obliquely to allow mobilization of bladder to right psoas muscle. C, The bladder is sutured to psoas muscle, but care is taken to avoid
genitofemoral nerve on surface of muscle. It is important not to place the sutures too deeply in psoas muscle because femoral nerve branches can be injured. D, Antireflux submucosal
ureteral reimplantation is then constructed. The ureter is advanced in a submucosal tunnel. Anchoring absorbable sutures are placed in mucosa and muscle. (Modified from Mathews R,
Marshall F: Versatility of the adult psoas hitch ureteral reimplantation. J Urol 158:20782082, 1997.)
Urethral Injuries

Urethral injuries are associated with 4% to 14% of all pelvic fractures[17] [18] and are more common in cases of bilateral pelvic injuries.[19] [20] Diagnosis of

urethral injuries is made by a high index of suspicion in the presence of blood at the urethral meatus, inability to urinate, and/or a palpable full bladder
on abdominal examination. When blood is present at the meatus, retrograde urethrography aids in diagnosis of any urethral injury. In the presence of
minor urethral injury, a catheter can be placed by an experienced urologist with or without the aid of a cystoscope.[21]
Urethral injuries are classified as those confined to the posterior urethra (above the urogenital diaphragm) and to the anterior urethra (below the
urogenital diaphragm). Posterior urethral injuries are further subclassified as type I (urethral stretch), type II (urethral disruption proximal to the
urogenital diaphragm), and type III (proximal and distal disruption of the urogenital diaphragm).
For treatment of posterior urethral injuries, early endoscopic realignment has become more accepted as an excellent initial treatment option.[22]
Realignment of the damaged urethra with a stented Foley catheter can lead to complete healing of the urethral injury or need for future endoscopic
treatment of developed urethral strictures. If realignment of the damaged urethra cannot be achieved, then suprapubic catheterization, followed by
delayed combined antegrade and retrograde endoscopic repair or open surgical repair are the potential treatment options.


Figure 76-17 Extraperitoneal bladder injury. Contrast agent is extravasated to the space of Retzius (asterisk) after retrograde filling of the bladder through the indwelling Foley

In contrast to posterior urethral injuries that are often associated with many other pelvic injuries, anterior urethral injuries are often isolated and often
associated with straddle injuries. The bulbar urethra is often the site of injury. The best initial treatment modality for anterior urethral injuries is not well
defined; however, most would agree that primary realignment with Foley catheter, if possible, is the best initial treatment. In cases of severe anterior
urethral injury, a suprapubic catheter may be required, followed by delayed open surgical repair.[23]
External Genitalia Injuries

The most common cause of penile amputation is genital self-mutilation.[24] If the amputated penis is available, reattachment of the penis is recommended
by most authors; however, the clinician is often challenged by the overriding psychiatric issues that led to the act of penile amputation. Psychiatric
consultation should always be sought to assess the risk of further self-mutilation.[25]
Penile fracture or rupture of the corpus cavernosum (see Figs. 7610 and 7611 ) from trauma to the erect penis most commonly occurs by striking
the symphysis pubis or the perineum during sexual intercourse. Presentation of penile fracture includes trauma to the erect penis, followed by a
popping sound, pain, and immediate detumescence. Penile fracture is associated with urethral injuries in 38% of cases.[26] [27] Therefore, urethrography
should be performed in suspected cases when the patient has blood at the meatus, gross hematuria, or inability to void. Immediate repair of the penile
injury is recommended because there is a lower risk of penile deformity, faster recover, and less morbidity.[28] [29]
Risk of testicular rupture after blunt trauma to the scrotum is greater than 50%. The most common causes are assaults and sports injuries and motor
vehicle accidents.[30] [31] [32] Surgical exploration and repair of significant hematocele, intratesticular hematoma, or rupture of tunica albuginea is
recommended.[33] [34]
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Fourniers Gangrene

Fourniers gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis of the male genitalia and perineum that involves mainly subcutaneous tissues. Mortality is dependent on
severity of disease but can exceed 50% in some series.[35] The disease can rapidly progress. The most common cause is from infections of the colon,
rectum, or lower genitourinary tract or cutaneous infection of the genitalia, perineum, or anus. Most common risk factors are diabetes mellitus, alcohol
use, and immunocompromised states. Infections can spread along the dartos and Colles and Scarpas fascia because these fascial planes are continuous.
The spread of the infection rarely involves the deep fascial planes and musculature.
Both aerobic and anaerobic organisms can cause the infection. The most common isolated organism is Escherichia coli, and other commonly cultured
organisms include Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacteroides fragilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
The presenting sign is usually a painful swelling and induration of the penis, scrotum, or perineum. Cellulitis, eschar, necrosis, crepitus, foul odor,
and/or fever may be some other accompanying signs.
Aggressive surgical dbridement of all necrotic, ischemic, and infected tissue along with copious irrigation is critical. Infected tissue should be cultured
and initial broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotic coverage (e.g., ampicillin, gentamicin, and clindamycin) instituted. Suprapubic catheter placement can
help divert the urine and decrease the risk of further bacterial seeding of the wound.
If a colonic source is suspected, proctoscopy under general anesthesia can be performed, and, if necessary, diverting colostomy may be indicated.
Additional dbridement in 24 hours after the initial dbridement may be necessary. Wet to dry dressing changes along with strict control of diabetes,
metabolites, and adequate nutritional support are critical to proper wound healing.
Testicular Torsion

Testicular torsion is a urologic emergency that requires rapid diagnosis and intervention to maintain viability to the testis. There are two types of
testicular torsion: extravaginal and intravaginal. Extravaginal torsion is diagnosed in the newborn, and the cause is due to nonadherence of the tunica
vaginalis to the dartos layer. As a result, the spermatic cord and tunica vaginalis are rotated as a unit. Intravaginal torsion is usually diagnosed in males
12 to 18 years of age, but it can occur at any age. The etiology of intravaginal torsion is malrotation of the spermatic cord with the tunica vaginalis. Both
extravaginal (newborn) and intravaginal (adolescent) types of testicular torsion lead to strangulation of blood supply to the testis.
Presentation of testicular torsion is acute onset of testicular pain and/or swelling, and some may have episodic

symptoms of pain suggestive of intermittent torsion. Physical examination may reveal a tender firm testis, high-riding testis, horizontal lie of testis,
absent cremasteric reflex, and no pain relief with elevation of the testis. The spermatic cord may appear thickened. The posteriorly positioned
epididymis may be positioned differently.
Diagnosis of testicular torsion is made mainly by clinical suspicion. When one is uncertain, color Doppler ultrasound evaluation or a nuclear testicular
scan may help with the diagnosis. In case of epididymo-orchitis, a Doppler ultrasound study may demonstrate increased blood flow and increased
radionuclide activity by radionuclide scan; testicular torsion would show no blood flow or poor radionuclide tracer uptake on each respective study.
Immediate surgical exploration is indicated if testicular torsion is suspected. If treated within the first 4 to 6 hours of onset of symptoms, the chance of
testicular salvage is high. During surgical exploration the testis is rotated to its normal position to restore blood flow. If the testis is viable, orchiopexy
of the affected and the contralateral testis is completed. If the affected testis is nonviable, orchiectomy of the affected testis and orchiopexy of the
contralateral side are performed.
If an operating facility is not immediately available, manual detorsion by external rotation of the testis toward the thigh for intravaginal (adolescent)
torsion can be attempted.

Priapism is a pathologic condition of a penile erection that persists beyond or is unrelated to sexual stimulation. Except in cases of the nonischemic type,
priapism is often accompanied by pain and tenderness. It can occur in all age groups, including the newborn, but the peak incidence is seen from ages 5
to 10 and 20 to 50 years. In the younger group, priapism is most often associated with sickle cell disease or neoplasm; in the older group, priapism is
often caused by pharmacologic agents. Low-flow (veno-occlusive [type I]) priapism accounts for the majority of instances of priapism ( Box 761 ).
Because of decreased venous outflow and increase in intracavernosal pressure, low-flow priapism is associated with a painful, fully erect penis causing
local hypoxia and acidosis. In addition, the penile glans is engorged as well.
In contrast to low-flow priapism, high-flow (type II) priapism is associated with increased arterial inflow without increased venous outflow resistance,
thus resulting in high inflow and high outflow (see Box 761 ). As a result, the penis is erect but nontender in high-flow priapism states. The penile
glans is usually soft and nontender.
Low-flow priapism can be distinguished from high-flow priapism by obtaining a corporeal blood gas value. Findings of PO2 less than 30 mm Hg, PCO2
greater than 60 mm Hg, and pH less than 7.25 are consistent with low-flow priapism. If the patient has a history of sickle cell disease or trait, then
intravenous hydration, alkalinization with bicarbonate in intravenous fluid, analgesia, and supplemental oxygen can help reduce the veno-occlusive state

Box 76-1. Causes of Low-Flow and High-Flow Priapism

Low-Flow Priapism

Sickle cell trait and disease

Leukemia (especially chronic myelogenous leukemia)
Total parenteral nutrition (especially with 20% lipid infusion)
Medications (e.g., sildenafil, trazodone, chlorpromazine, topical
and systemic cocaine)
Intracavernosal injections
Malignant penile infiltration
Hyperosmolar IV contrast
Spinal cord injury (usually self-limiting and no treatment required)
Spinal or general anesthesia (usually self-limiting and no treatment
High-Flow Priapism
Perineal or penile trauma

TABLE 76-1 -- Intracavernous Vasoconstrictor Therapy for Low-Flow Priapism *


Recommended Dosage
1020 g


250500 g


50100 mg

* Intracavernous injection every 5 minutes until detumescence after aspiration of 10 to 20 mL of blood.

in the corporeal bodies. If the low-flow priapism persists in the patient with sickle cell disease, red blood cell transfusion to increase the hemoglobin
value above 10 mg/dL and reduce the hemoglobin S value below 30% of total hemoglobin can help reduce the severity of priapism.
Low-flow priapism may require corporal irrigation with normal saline. The midshaft of the penis can be injected with a small-gauge butterfly needle
and irrigated with 10 to 20 mL of normal saline. After irrigation with normal saline, an . -adrenergic intracorporeal injection every 5 minutes until
detumescence can be used to correct low-flow priapism ( Table 761 ). A patients blood pressure and pulse should be monitored during intracorporeal
. -adrenergic treatments. In severe cases when intracorporeal . -adrenergic treatment fails to treat low-flow priapism, surgical procedure with shunts
(corporoglandular, corporospongiosal, or corporosaphenous) may be necessary to divert the occluded corporal blood.
High-flow priapism can be confirmed by a perineal Doppler ultrasound or arteriography to identify an arterial-lacunar fistula responsible for the
priapism. High-flow priapism can be treated expectantly, and, if not resolved, arterial embolization or open surgical arterial ligation may be required.
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The prevalence of renal calculi varies with the population studied, and rates of nephrolithiasis vary regionally. Three to 12 percent of the population will
develop symptomatic nephrolithiasis during their lifetime.[36] Eighty percent of patients with nephrolithiasis form calcium stones, most of which are
composed primarily of calcium oxalate or, less often, calcium phosphate.[37] The other main types include uric acid, struvite (magnesium ammonium
phosphate), and cystine stones. A combination of different stone types may exist within a single stone.
Stone formation occurs when normally soluble material (e.g., calcium) supersaturates the urine and begins the process of crystal formation. It is not
clear how crystals formed in the tubules become a stone rather than being washed away by the high rate of urine flow. It is presumed that crystal
aggregates become large enough to be anchored (usually at the end of the collecting ducts) and then slowly increase in size over time. This anchoring is
thought to occur at sites of epithelial cell injury, perhaps induced by the crystals themselves.
Major risk factors associated with idiopathic nephrolithiasis, which accounts for the majority of symptomatic stones include the following:
Low urine volume
Dietary factors
Low fluid intake
Types of fluid intake: sodas, apple juice, grapefruit juice
High sodium chloride intake
High protein intake
Low calcium intake
History of prior nephrolithiasis
Hyperoxaluria (enteric hyperoxaluria, short bowel syndrome)
Type I renal tubular acidosis
Patients may occasionally be diagnosed with asymptomatic nephrolithiasis when a radiologic imaging study of the abdomen is performed for other
purposes. Symptoms are usually produced when stones pass from the renal pelvis into the ureter. Pain is the most common symptom and varies from a
mild and barely noticeable ache to severe pain requiring parenteral analgesics. Pain typically waxes and wanes in severity and develops in waves or
paroxysms that are related to movement of the stone in the ureter and associated ureteral spasm. The site of obstruction from the stone generally
determines the location of pain. The referred pain associated with the renal colic usually originates from the flank and radiates to the front upper
abdomen for kidney-related pain or radiates to the front toward the groin ( Fig. 7618 ). Often, microscopic hematuria and, less commonly, gross
hematuria are associated with the patient with acute nephrolithiasis; however, lack of hematuria does not rule out nephrolithiasis.
The diagnosis of nephrolithiasis is initially suspected by the clinical presentation. Confirmatory radiologic tests include abdominal plain film (KUB),
intravenous pyelography (IVP), ultrasonography, and nonenhanced CT. At our institution, nonenhanced CT is the test of choice for accurate and rapid
diagnosis of symptomatic nephrolithiasis ( Fig. 7619 ).
Many patients with acute renal colic can be managed conservatively with pain medication and hydration until the stone passes spontaneously. Based on
axial dimension of the stone determined by CT, the spontaneous rate of stone passage is dependent on the stone size and location of the stone ( Table
762 ).[38]
Treatment of urinary lithiasis is dependent on the size and location of the stone in addition to the severity of symptoms associated with the stone.
Patients who are suspected of having uric acid stones (those with urine pH < 6.5 or radiolucent calculi on plain films) can be treated with oral
bicarbonate or potassium citrate supplementation to alkalinize the urine. If urine pH is alkalinized above 7.0, the chance of spontaneous dissolution of
the stone by 3 months is great. Open surgery for nephrolithiasis is seldom performed in the United States, because of advances in minimally invasive
techniques using extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (mainly for renal and proximal ureteral stones less than 2 cm), percutaneous lithotripsy (mainly
for renal stones larger than 2 cm), and ureteroscopy (for renal and ureteral stones).
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Micturition is a complex process, involving the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and the detrusor and sphincter muscle systems. The
storage phase of micturition requires a bladder that can accommodate large urine volumes with low bladder pressure, which is accomplished by reflex
inhibition of detrusor muscle. The relationship between change in bladder volume and bladder pressure is referred to as compliance of the bladder.
Normal micturition begins with relaxation of the external sphincter, followed by relaxation and opening of the bladder neck and contraction of the
detrusor. Complex interactions in the central nervous system are coordinated between cerebral motor cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum, pontine nuclei,
and sacral cord nuclei. Disruption in any of the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, or the detrusor/sphincter mechanisms can lead to a
neurogenic bladder.
To determine the mechanism responsible for a neurogenic bladder, a detailed history and physical examination and evaluation of the voiding pattern
using a voiding diary are essential. Detailed questioning about the sensation of filling and urgency assesses sensory function. Urodynamics evaluations,
which include a cystometrogram, help to analyze the strength and timing of detrusor contraction and bladder compliance. Cystometrography can assess
the presence of any uninhibited or hyperreflexic bladder contractions. The urinary sphincter is assessed by urethral pressure profiles and
electromyography. Postvoid residual volume can help determine the efficiency of voiding. Fluoroscopic voiding studies help determine the anatomic
position of the bladder and the urethra during the storage

Figure 76-18 Referred pain from kidney (dotted areas) and ureter (shaded areas). (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho E, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th
ed. New York, McGraw-Hil, 2000.)

Figure 76-19 CT scan of the pelvis demonstrating ureterolithiasis in the distal left ureter (arrowhead).

and the micturition phases. Renal ultrasound assesses for any potential hydronephrosis associated with high bladder pressures.
The primary therapeutic goal of treating patients with neurogenic bladder is preservation of renal function and restoring normal urinary patterns.
Anticholinergic therapy can help in decreasing the frequency and severity of any
TABLE 76-2 -- Spontaneous Rate of Renal Stone Passage Based on Size and Location of Stone
Rate of Stone Passage (%)










Proximal ureter


Mid ureter


Distal ureter


Ureterovesical junction


From Coll DM, Varanelli MJ, Smith RC: Relationship of spontaneous passage of ureteral calculi to stone size and location as revealed by unenhanced
helical CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 178:101103, 2002.
uninhibited bladder contractions and improving bladder compliance. . -Adrenergic compounds can be used to increase sphincteric resistance when
necessary. Clean intermittent catheterization is an efficient, relatively easy and safe method of ensuring bladder emptying with a wide range of
applications. Because of a lower rate of urinary tract infection, clean intermittent catheterization

is the preferred method of ensuring efficient bladder emptying than chronic indwelling urethral catheterization. Many patients may require a
combination of medicines and manipulations to minimize urinary incontinence, improve bladder emptying, prevent urinary infections, and preserve
renal function.
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a common entity among elderly men and is responsible for significant disability, but it is an infrequent cause of
death. In men 20 to 30 years of age the prostate weighs approximately 20 g; however, the mean prostatic weight increases after the age of 50.[39] The
prevalence of histologically diagnosed prostatic hyperplasia increases from 8% in men aged 31 to 40, to 40% to 50% in men aged 51 to 60, to over 80%
in men older than age 80. The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging compared the age-specific prevalence of pathologically defined BPH at autopsy
with the clinical prevalence based on history and the results of digital rectal examination.[40] There was good agreement between the clinical prevalence
and autopsy incidence in men of all ages.
The natural history of BPH as studied by a population-based study in Olmstead County, Minnesota, demonstrated that lower urinary tract symptoms
associated with BPH increase with age.[41] In most men, symptoms are progressive and will eventually require medical or surgical treatment. Men with
symptomatic BPH who are not treated have a 2.5% risk per year to develop urinary retention. Predictive risk factors associated with a chance of
developing urinary retention include age, symptoms, urinary flow rate, and prostate size.[41]
Race has some influence on the risk for BPH severe enough to require surgery. Although the age-adjusted relative risk of BPH necessitating surgery is
similar in black and white men, black men younger than 65 years old may need treatment more often than white men.[42] In the American Male Health
Professional Study, men of Asian ancestry were less likely (relative risk 0.4, 95% confidence interval 0.2 to 0.8) to undergo surgery for BPH as
compared with white men, and black men had a similar risk to white men.[43]
Androgens are necessary for both normal and abnormal development of prostate. Testosterone is converted to a more potent androgen,
dihydrotestosterone, by the enzyme 5. -reductase type 2. The type 1 form of the enzyme is present in liver and skin.
Men who congenitally lack 5. -reductase type 2 have normal serum testosterone levels but lack dihydrotestosterone.[44] Men with this disorder have a
rudimentary prostate throughout life but rarely experience bladder outlet obstruction secondary to BPH. These findings suggest that the active androgen,
dihydrotestosterone, is important in promoting growth of prostate that would eventually lead to symptomatic BPH.
The majority of the prostatic nodules responsible for the bladder outlet obstructive symptoms associated with BPH arise in the periurethral tissue (see
Fig. 769 ). The hyperplastic nodules comprise primarily stromal components and, to a lesser degree, epithelial cells; stereologic measurements have
revealed a fourfold increase in stroma and a twofold increase in glandular components.[45] It has been suggested that the stromal-epithelial component of
prostatic tissue significantly increases in men with symptomatic BPH.[46] Because BPH is primarily a disease of the stroma, the stroma might have
intrinsic properties that enable it to proliferate and also to induce hyperplasia of the epithelium. In the presence of androgen, mesenchymal tissue
derived from the urogenital sinus can induce differentiation of prostate epithelium.[47] In contrast, stroma lacking functional androgen receptors cannot
induce differentiation of normal epithelium. These observations emphasize the importance of the stroma in development of the prostate.
The common symptoms of BPH are increased frequency of urination, nocturia, hesitancy, urgency, and weak urinary stream. These symptoms typically
appear slowly and progress gradually over a period of years. However, they are not specific for BPH. Furthermore, the correlation between symptoms
and the presence of prostatic enlargement on rectal examination is poor.[48] This discrepancy probably results from changes in bladder function that
occurs with aging and from enlargement of the transitional zone of the prostate that is not always evident on rectal examination (see Fig. 769 ).
It is critical to exclude other causes of lower urinary tract symptoms other than BPH before institution of any medical or surgical treatment. The
differential diagnosis of lower urinary tract symptoms in addition to BPH includes the following:
Urethral stricture
Bladder neck contracture
Carcinoma of the prostate
Carcinoma of the bladder
Bladder calculi
Urinary tract infection and prostatitis
Neurogenic bladder
Physical examination should include a detailed examination of the abdomen, genitalia and prostate size, consistency, nodularity, and symmetry.
Urinalysis and determination of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and serum creatinine levels are routine laboratory evaluations for men with lower
urinary tract symptoms.
Clinical testing with uroflowmetry and assessment of postvoid residual can help the clinician in determining the severity of bladder outlet obstruction.
In some cases, detailed urodynamics evaluations that include pressure flow studies, cystometrogram, and cystourethroscopy may be helpful in the
diagnosis of other causes responsible for lower urinary tract symptoms other than BPH. The American Urological Association (AUA) symptom score
was developed to better assess the severity of patients lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to BPH ( Fig. 7620 ). [49] The AUA symptom score can
be a useful tool to compare a patients urinary symptoms before and after initiating therapy.
Medical treatment for BPH has played a major role in improving the symptomatology associated with bladder

Figure 76-20 American Urological Association Urinary System Score. (From Barry MJ, et al: J Urol 148:15491557, 1992.)

outlet obstruction. Although one decade ago surgical treatment may have been at the forefront of therapy for BPH, medical treatment is now the firstline therapy for BPH. Medical therapy focuses on two aspects of the pathophysiology of BPH:
A dynamic (physiologic, reversible) component related to the tension of prostatic smooth muscle in the prostate, prostate capsule, and bladder
A fixed (structural) component related to the bulk of the enlarged prostate impinging on the urethra
The two classes of drugs, . -adrenergic antagonists (release smooth muscle tension) and 5. -reductase inhibitors (reduce the enlarged prostate size) act on
each of the components mentioned earlier.
The three most common . -adrenergic antagonists used in the United States are terazosin, doxazosin, and tamsulosin.

. 1 -Adrenergic antagonists act against the dynamic component of bladder outlet obstruction. Prostatic tissue contains two types of . -adrenergic
receptors: . 1 - and . 2 .[50] The . 1 receptors are abundant in the prostate and base of the bladder and sparse in the body of the bladder.[50] [51] The density of
these receptors is increased in hyperplastic prostatic tissue.[52] In one report there was a direct relationship between the smooth muscle content of
prostatic tissue and the increase in maximal urinary flow rate in men with BPH treated with terazosin.[53]
The most common 5. -reductase inhibitor used in the United States is finasteride. It acts by blocking the conversion of testosterone to the more potent
androgen dihydrotestosterone. The decreased serum and prostatic levels of dihydrotestosterone lead to reduction in prostatic size over time.
. -Adrenergic blockers have been shown to be more efficacious than 5. -reductase inhibitors by improving the lower urinary tract symptoms associated
with BPH. In a Veterans Administration Cooperative trial, 1229 men with BPH were randomly assigned to receive placebo, terazosin (10 mg/day),
finasteride (5 mg/day), or a combination of terazosin and finasteride.[54] The study concluded the following:
Terazosin lowered the symptom score by 6.1 points (from 16.2 to 10.1) versus 2.6 points with placebo.
Terazosin increased the peak urinary flow rate by 2.7 mL/sec versus 1.4 mL/sec with placebo.
Finasteride alone was no better than placebo.
The combination of finasteride and terazosin was no better than terazosin alone.
Although the Veterans Administration Cooperative trial did not find a benefit for the combination of finasteride and terazosin after only 1 year of

therapy,[54] the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) was designed as a multicenter randomized, placebo-controlled, double-masked
clinical trial with a 4-year follow-up to assess whether a combination of finasteride and terazosin was beneficial in reducing the risk of progression of
BPH.[55] The MTOPS trial demonstrated that finasteride and the combination of finasteride and doxazosin (another . blocker equivalent to terazosin)
significantly reduced the risk of progression from BPH requiring invasive therapy ( Fig. 7621 ).
Surgical Treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Transurethral Resection of Prostate

Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is a proven surgical technique that significantly improves lower urinary tract symptoms associated with
BPH.[56] The most common reasons that intervention is recommended in a patient with symptoms of bladder outlet obstruction and irritability are that
the symptoms are moderate to severe, are bothersome, and interfere with the patients quality of life. Although symptoms constitute the primary reason
for recommending intervention, in patients with an obstructing prostate there are some absolute indications. These are acute urinary retention, recurrent
infection, recurrent hematuria, and azotemia.

Figure 76-21 Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) trial demonstrating that finasteride when used alone or in combination with doxazosin (an . -adrenergic blocking
agent) can reduce the cumulative incidence of invasive therapy related to benign prostatic hypertrophy. (Courtesy of Dr. Claus Roehrborn, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical

TUR syndrome is an immediate postoperative complication that happens in 2% of all TURPs. Glycine is the solution used during TURP. Excessive
systemic absorption of glycine can lead to dilutional hyponatremia. The symptoms associated with TUR syndrome include mental confusion, nausea,
vomiting, hypertension, bradycardia, and visual disturbance. Usually, the patients do not become symptomatic until the serum sodium concentration
reaches 125 mEq/dL. The risk is increased if the gland is larger than 45 g, the resection time is longer than 90 minutes, or the irrigant fluid is greater
than 70 cm H2 O above the patient. All of these factors lead to greater fluid absorption and increase the risk of TUR syndrome. Other potential causes of
TUR syndrome could be due to conversion of glycine to glycolic acid and ammonium. Ammonium intoxication has been suggested as a possible cause
of the TUR syndrome or direct toxic effect of the glycine.
Furosemide (Lasix) can be used to treat the hyponatremia associated with the TUR syndrome. Combination of diuretic and decreasing fluid overload
gradually treats the hyponatremia over 8 to 12 hours. In severe cases, slow infusion of 3% saline can be utilized to slowly correct the hyponatremia.
Open Prostatectomy

Indications for open prostatectomy are the same as for TURP. Open prostatectomy instead of TURP is the preferred technique for treatment of bladder
outlet obstruction from BPH when the prostate is estimated to weight more than 100 g. Open prostatectomy should also be considered when a man
presents with ankylosis of the hip or

other orthopedic conditions, preventing proper positioning in dorsal lithotomy for TURP.
Open prostatectomy can be performed by a retropubic or a suprapubic approach. With either technique the prostatic adenoma (periurethral central zone)
is removed while the prostatic capsule or the peripheral zone of the prostate remains behind (see Fig. 769 ). Patients after open prostatectomy still
remain at risk of developing prostate cancer in the peripheral zone of the prostate and should continue to be monitored for risk of developing prostate
Minimally Invasive Therapy for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Over the past few years minimally invasive therapies that utilize some form of thermotherapy (transurethral needle ablation [TUNA],[57] transurethral
microwave therapy [TUMT],[58] and transurethral water-induced thermotherapy [WIT][59] ) for ablation of the enlarged prostate gland have been
developed (for a recent review see Tunuguntal and Evans[60] ). The advantage of these procedures is that they have less morbidity than TURP and open
prostatectomy. Most notably, prostate thermotherapy for treatment of BPH has fewer sexual side effects such as retrograde ejaculation than TURP and
open prostatectomy. However, findings on long-term efficacy, safety, and re-treatment are lacking at this time. Minimally invasive therapies are
particularly useful in patients on anticoagulants, patients who are poor surgical candidates, and younger men who are sexually active and would like to
avoid the risk of retrograde ejaculation commonly encountered with surgical therapies for BPH.
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For the clinician to differentiate between the emergent and urgent scrotal conditions such as testicular torsion and testis cancer, knowledge of the
anatomy of the scrotum and potential scrotal masses is essential. Scrotal and paratesticular masses are mostly benign conditions.

A hydrocele consists of a collection of fluid within the tunica or processus vaginalis. Although it may occur within the spermatic cord, it is most often
seen surrounding the testis ( Fig. 7622 ). Surgical correction is only required if a patient is symptomatic secondary to the size and/or discomfort
associated with the hydrocele. Communicating hydrocele of infancy and childhood is secondary to a patent processus vaginalis, which is continuous
with the peritoneal cavity. It is also a form of indirect inguinal hernia. Most communicating hydroceles spontaneously close by 1 year of age. However,
persistent communicating hydroceles and presence of bowel content within the hydrocele sac may require surgical correction.

A spermatocele is a painless fluid-filled sac with sperm that is often located above and posterior to the testis. Although most spermatoceles are less than
1 cm, some may become large and hard, mimicking a solid neoplasm. Spermatocele is differentiated from hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis in that the
latter covers the entire anterior surface of the testis. Spermatoceles do not require any intervention unless the patient experiences discomfort.
Torsion of Testicular Appendix and Epididymis

At the upper pole of the testis and epididymis there are small vestigial appendices that can spontaneously undergo torsion. A very reactive inflammatory
reaction leading to testicular and scrotal swelling can follow ischemic necrosis of the appendix testis. It may be difficult to differentiate

Figure 76-22 Hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis and cord; spermatocele. (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho E, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New
York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)


between torsion of the testicular appendix and torsion of the spermatic cord. If clinical diagnosis is uncertain, immediate surgical exploration is
necessary, because in the case of spermatic cord torsion, time is of the essence to restore blood supply to a viable testis.

Varicocele is a result of dilatation of veins that drain into the internal spermatic veins. Approximately 10% of young men have varicoceles, with the left
side most commonly affected. Most commonly, varicoceles arise secondary to incompetent internal spermatic vein valves. However, presence of
unilateral right-sided varicocele should raise the suspicion of poor drainage at the junction of right testicular vein and right renal vein, which could be
secondary to a large right-sided renal mass. In addition, the sudden onset of varicocele in an older man should raise the suspicion of a retroperitoneal
mass, leading to inadequate drainage of the testicular veins.
Examination of a man with varicocele when he is upright reveals a mass of dilated, tortuous veins lying posterior to and above the testis. It may extend
up to the external inguinal ring, and the Valsalva maneuver can increase the degree of dilatation.
Sperm concentration and motility can be significantly decreased in 65% to 75% of subjects. Infertility is observed in a higher percentage of individuals
with varicoceles than the rest of the population. Surgical ligation for the dilated internal spermatic veins may restore fertility; however, in the absence of
infertility, poor testicular growth in the adolescent, or patient discomfort, surgical intervention is not indicated.
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Townsend: Sabiston Textbook of Surgery, 17th ed., Copyright 2004 Elsevier

Renal Cell Carcinoma

Renal cell carcinomas, which originate within the renal cortex, are responsible for 80% to 85% of all primary renal neoplasms. Transitional cell
carcinomas of the renal pelvis are the next most common (approximately 8%). Other parenchymal epithelial tumors, such as oncocytomas, collecting
duct tumors, and renal sarcomas, occur infrequently. Nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor is common in children (5% to 6% of all primary renal tumors).
Patients with renal cell carcinoma present with a range of symptoms, but many are asymptomatic until the disease is advanced. At presentation,
approximately 25% of individuals either have distant metastases or significant local disease. Other patients, despite having only localized disease,
present with a wide array of symptoms and/or laboratory abnormalities. Fever, cachexia, amyloidosis, anemia, hepatic dysfunction, and hormonal
abnormalities are some manifestations of the paraneoplastic syndrome complex associated with renal cell carcinoma. Renal cell carcinomas may
produce a host of hormones, including erythropoietin, parathyroid hormonerelated protein (PTHrP), gonadotropins, human chorionic gonadotropin, an
ACTH-like substance, renin, glucagon, and insulin.[61] Because of this unusual paraneoplastic characteristic, renal cell carcinoma has been labeled the
internists tumor. The classic triad of renal cell carcinoma, which is defined as flank pain, hematuria, and a palpable abdominal renal mass, is
uncommon (9% of patients); when present, it strongly suggests metastatic disease.[62]
With increasing use of radiologic modalities there has been a significant rise in the incidence of renal cancer in the United States. Over the past decade
CT has replaced intravenous pyelography and ultrasound to become the radiologic modality of choice to evaluate renal masses. Characteristic features
of renal cell carcinoma on CT include enhancement of lesion after injection of intravenous contrast medium ( Fig. 7623 ), thickened irregular walls,
thickened or enhanced septa within the mass, or multilocular mass. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used for defining poorly characterized
renal masses on CT or when CT is contraindicated in cases of allergy to intravenously administered contrast agent or poor renal function. In addition,
MRI is very helpful in defining the extent of tumor extension into the renal vein or inferior vena cava.
Clinical staging ( Table 763 ) using the best available radiologic modality is crucial before therapy. Surgical therapy is principally offered to patients
with early renal cell carcinoma, in whom it may be curative. This includes patients in whom preoperative staging suggests that the tumor is either stage I
or stage II, representing small (<7 cm) or large (>7 cm) growths limited to the kidney without evidence of lymph node or metastatic disease.[63]
Slightly different surgical considerations involve patients in whom preoperative evaluation suggests that the renal cell carcinoma is stage III. Patients
with this stage of disease include those with tumor invasion into the adrenal gland or perinephric tissues (but not extending beyond Gerotas fascia),
those with enlarged abdominal

Figure 76-23 CT scan of abdomen demonstrates a large enhancing left renal mass consistent with renal cell carcinoma (arrow).


TABLE 76-3 -- Staging of Renal Cell Carcinoma


Primary tumor cannot be assessed


No evidence of primary tumor


Tumor 7 cm or less in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney


Tumor 4 cm or less in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney


Tumor more than 4 cm but not more than 7 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney


Tumor more than 7 cm in greatest dimension, limited to the kidney


Tumor extends into major veins or invades adrenal gland or perinephric tissues but not beyond Gerotas fascia


Tumor directly invades adrenal gland or perirenal and/or renal sinus fat but not beyond Gerotas fascia


Tumor grossly extends into the renal vein or its segmental (muscle-containing) branches or the vena cava below the diaphragm


Tumor grossly extends into the vena cava above diaphragm or invades the wall of the vena cava


Tumor invades beyond Gerotas fascia



Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed


No regional lymph node metastases


Metastases in a single regional lymph node


Metastases in more than one regional lymph node



Distant metastasis cannot be assessed


No distant metastasis


Distant metastasis

From American Joint Committee on Cancer, 2003.

lymph nodes, and those with invasion of the major veins (renal vein or inferior vena cava).
Among those with radiologic evidence of abdominal lymph node involvement, a standard radical nephrectomy should also be offered as a possible
curative procedure, because many nodes initially suspected of harboring tumor radiologically are enlarged only because of reactive inflammation.[63]
Patients with stage IV disease are defined as those with large tumors extending beyond Gerotas fascia, obvious evidence of extensive disease in
regional lymph nodes, and frank metastases. Nephrectomy may be indicated for palliative reasons or as a component of clinical trials.
Renal cancer is not responsive to irradiation and chemotherapy; therefore, radical nephrectomy remains the cornerstone of treatment of localized renal
cancer. Radical nephrectomy consists of early ligation of the renal artery and vein and excision of the kidney and Gerotas fascia. Routine removal of
the ipsilateral adrenal gland is uncommon, unless the tumor involves a large portion of the upper pole of the kidney or there is suggestion of adrenal
gland involvement on preoperative radiologic examinations.[64]
Immunotherapy has demonstrated a modest response in patients with advanced renal cancer, and its utility is under intense investigation.[65] The
combination of cytoreductive nephrectomy followed by immunotherapy may be beneficial for patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma.[66] [67]
Urothelial Carcinoma

The epithelial lining composing the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and proximal urethra is from transitional cell epithelium. Transitional cell carcinomas
(TCCs) comprise more than 90% of all urothelial cancers in the United States. Adenocarcinoma (2%), squamous cell carcinoma (5% to 10%),
undifferentiated carcinomas (2%), and mixed carcinomas (4% to 6%) are other types of urothelial malignancies. TCCs commonly appear as papillary
and exophytic lesions.
TCCs of the renal pelvis or ureter account for less than 5% of all renal tumors and less than 1% of genitourinary neoplasms. The ratio of tumors of the
bladder, renal pelvis, and ureter is 51 to 3 to 1.[68] However, in the Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Yugoslavia), an endemic familial
nephropathy predisposes to renal pelvic neoplasms, which account for almost 50% of all renal tumors.[69] The incidence of upper tract urothelial
neoplasms has modestly increased over the past 20 years in the United States. The age-adjusted annual incidence in the National Cancer Institute
Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database increased from 0.69 to 0.73/100,000 person-years over the time period 1973 to 1996.[70]
Cancer of the bladder is the fourth most common cancer in men and the tenth in women. More than 56,000 people (41,500 males and 15,000 females)
develop bladder cancer each year in the United States, and 12,600 individuals (8,600 males and 4,000 females) are expected to die of the disease.[71]
The surface epithelium (urothelium) that lines the mucosal surfaces of the entire urinary tract is exposed to potential carcinogens that may be excreted in
the urine or activated in the urine by hydrolyzing enzymes. Environmental exposures are thought to account for most cases of urothelial cancer. For
example, a link between environmental factors and TCC of the urothelium was first suggested by the increased incidence of TCC in industrialized
societies and urban dwellers. Second, increased

incidence of renal pelvis and bladder carcinoma has been reported in aniline dye workers.[72] Exposure to chemicals used in the aluminum, dye, paint,
petroleum, rubber, and textile industries has been estimated to account for up to 20% of all bladder cancer cases.[73] Hairdressers and barbers have an
excess risk of bladder cancer that is thought to be related to long-term exposure to permanent hair dyes.[74] In most cases, the suspect carcinogens are
arylamines or their derivatives that take several years to accumulate, thus accounting for the long latency period before the development of bladder
Clinical manifestations of urothelial carcinoma include gross or microscopic hematuria, which is the most common symptom at the time of presentation,
occurring in 70% to 95% of patients. In patients with renal pelvis and ureteral malignancies, flank pain occurs in 8% to 40% and may be precipitated by
obstruction of the ureter or ureteropelvic junction due to the tumor mass. Bladder irritation, or constitutional symptoms, occurs in less than 10% of
urothelial malignancies.
Diagnosis of renal pelvis and ureteral malignancies is commonly made by radiologic modalities, which may include CT, IVP, or retrograde pyelography
( Fig. 7624 ). Ureteroscopy has been used for confirming any upper urinary tract malignancies when radiologic modalities are not confirmatory.[75]
Cystoscopy is the main procedure used for diagnosing bladder carcinoma ( Fig. 7625 ).
Staging of urothelial malignancy is dependent on the depth of invasion of the tumor through the submucosal

Figure 76-24 Retrograde pyelography demonstrating a filling defect in the right renal pelvis consistent with transitional cell carcinoma of renal pelvis.

musculature or adjacent organs. Figure 7626 demonstrates the staging system most commonly used for bladder carcinoma. More than 70% of all
newly diagnosed bladder cancers are superficial, 50% to 70% are stage Ta, 20% to 30% are stage T1, and 10% are carcinoma in situ.
The standard treatment of renal pelvis and upper ureteral urothelial carcinomas includes complete nephroureterectomy with excision of the distal
ureteral cuff from the bladder. Distal ureteral tumors can be treated with segmental resection followed by reimplantation of the remainder of the ureter
into the bladder. The initial treatment options for bladder carcinoma are dictated by the tumor stage, grade, size, and number of tumors detected. In
general, low-grade superficial tumors are treated by transurethral resection (TUR) of bladder tumor with or without intravesical treatment, whereas
muscle-invasive tumors (stage T2 or higher) are treated with radical cystectomy with or without systemic chemotherapy (see Figure 7626 for staging
of bladder carcinoma). Bacille Calmette-Gurin (BCG) is an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis rendered completely avirulent by long-term
cultivation on bile-glycero-potato medium and used in BCG vaccine for immunization against tuberculosis. BCG introduced intravesically has been
shown to induce a major histocompatibility complexmediated immune response against bladder cancer. Intravesical treatment with BCG has been
shown to decrease the rate of bladder cancer recurrence and risk of tumor progression. Table 764 summarizes the general guidelines for treatment of
bladder carcinoma.
After radical cystectomy a portion of small and/or large bowel is often used for diversion of urine. Knowledge of the anatomy and of potential
metabolic complications associated with various urinary diversions is important for proper management of patients after urinary diversion. Ureteroileal
urinary diversion is the most common method of urinary diversion in the United States. The conduit is constructed from a segment of the ileum 15 to 20
cm proximal to the ileocecal valve ( Fig. 7627 ). In contrast to the ileal loop urinary diversion that requires constant drainage of urine into a drainage
bag, continent

Figure 76-25 Cystoscopic views of papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder with low (A) and high (B) magnifications.


Figure 76-26 Staging of bladder cancer. (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho E, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)

TABLE 76-4 -- Guidelines for Treatment of Transitional Cell Bladder Carcinoma

Cancer Stage

Initial Treatment Option


TUR + intravesical immunotherapy (BCG)

Ta (single, small focus)


Ta (large, multifocal)

TUR + BCG or intravesical chemotherapy

T1 (low grade)

TUR + BCG or intravesical chemotherapy

T1 (high grade)

TUR + (BCG or intravesical chemotherapy) or radical cystectomy


Radical cystectomy
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy + radical cystectomy
Radical cystectomy + adjuvant chemotherapy
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy + cystectomy + irradiation

Any T, N+, M+

Systemic chemotherapy followed by selective surgery or irradiation

TUR, transurethral resection; BCG, bacille Calmette-Gurin.

urinary reservoirs ( Fig. 7628 ) are catheterized four to six times per day to drain the urine and do not require appliance of an abdominal urinary stoma.
The biggest advance in urinary diversion over the past two decades has been the ability to perform continent orthotopic urinary diversion ( Fig. 7629 )
in both male and female patients.[76] [77] [78]
Early complications after urinary diversion include excessive bleeding, intestinal obstruction, urinary extravasation, and/or rupture and infection. Late
complications include metabolic disorders, stomal stenosis, pyelonephritis, and formation of calculi. Metabolic abnormalities associated with colonic
urinary diversions are dependent on the length and segment of bowel used in the urinary diversion. In general, when ileum and/or large bowel are used
for urinary diversion then hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis may manifest. A potential complication of chronic long-term metabolic acidosis may be
decreased bone calcium content and osteomalacia.


Figure 76-27 Ileal conduit urinary reservoir. (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho E, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)
Prostate Carcinoma

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United States except for nonmelanoma skin cancer. It is estimated that 189,000 men will be
diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2002 and that 30,200 deaths will occur.[71] Prostate cancer has been detected with increasing frequency. The increase
in detection is due in part to the widespread availability of tests for serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and to increased public awareness and
increased screening for the disease.
The clinical presentation of prostate cancer has significantly changed ever since the introduction and wide use of PSA. Fifteen years ago, before
common use of PSA, prostate cancer was first detected by digital rectal examination or because the patient had urinary symptoms. Urinary symptoms
could include urgency, nocturia, frequency, and hesitancy, which are similar clinical symptoms as those of BPH. Ever since the 1990s prostate cancer is
often diagnosed after a man has been found to have a high serum PSA concentration with a normal prostate examination. Only 20% of newly detected
prostate cancers are associated with an abnormal digital rectal examination as the first clinical sign of prostate cancer.
Serum PSA elevation is often the first sign of prostatic pathology. Both BPH and prostate cancer can lead to an elevation of serum PSA; however, the
rate of rise of PSA associated with prostate cancer is usually higher than compared with BPH.[79] Other causes of elevated PSA include prostate
inflammation and perineal trauma.
A total serum PSA concentration greater than 4.0 ng/mL is considered abnormal in most assays and is suggestive of prostate cancer. To improve the
accuracy of PSA as a cancer screening tool, age-related[80] and race-related[81] PSA values have been recommended and are widely used by clinicians for
early diagnosis of prostate cancer.
The normal range for age-related PSA levels is as follows[80] :
40 to 49 years old: 0 to 2.5 ng/mL
50 to 59 years old: 0 to 3.5 ng/mL
60 to 69 years old: 0 to 4.5 ng/mL
70 to 79 years old: 0 to 6.5 ng/mL


Figure 76-28 Continent catheterizable Kock pouch urinary reservoir. A, Sixty centimeters of small intestine selected. B, Afferent (nonrefluxing) limb for ureteral reimplantation and
efferent limb for stoma fashioned using stapling devices. C, Completed reservoir. (Reproduced with permission from Tanagho E, McAninch JW [eds]: Smiths General Urology, 15th
ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2000.)

The normal range for age-related and race-related PSA levels includes[81] :
40 to 49 years old: 0 to 2.0 ng/mL (blacks); 0 to 2.5 (whites)
50 to 59 years old: 0 to 4.0 ng/mL (blacks); 0 to 3.5 (whites)
60 to 69 years old: 0 to 4.5 ng/mL (blacks); 0 to 3.5 (whites)
70 to 79 years old: 0 to 5.5 ng/mL (blacks); 0 to 3.5 (whites)
Prostate biopsy is the gold standard for prostate cancer diagnosis. Transrectal biopsy is a relatively simple office technique that can be performed
without sedation or analgesia. If a prostate biopsy specimen is interpreted as containing carcinoma, additional evaluation or clinical staging may be
required to determine the extent of spread. Clinical and pathologic staging of prostate cancer is listed in Table 765 .
The most effective therapy for an individual man with early stage prostate cancer is not clear. Management options include surgery, radiation therapy
(external beam or brachytherapy, with or without hormone therapy), or observation, also termed watchful waiting. Issues to be considered in making the
choice between treatments include the following:
The mans general medical condition, age, and comorbidity
The histologic grade (Gleason score) of the tumor on prostate biopsy
Pretreatment serum PSA value
Extent of tumor involving the prostate biopsy needle cores
The clinical stage of the disease and the likelihood of the cancer being confined to the prostate gland, and, therefore, potentially amenable to
An estimation of the outcome associated with the alternative treatments for prostate cancer

The potential side effects associated with the different forms of treatment for early-stage disease

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