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Worldview and Spirituality

Part 1: Matching


Match the correct vocabulary term to the definition. There may be more
definitions than terms. You may only use each one once.
1. Beliefs _____
2. Holistic _____
3. Spirituality ____
4. Religion _____
5. Harmony ____
6. Oral Tradition
7. Elders
8. Cycles of Life

a. A practice in which the entire body of knowledge, history, language
and all other aspects of culture are passed from generation to
generation through spoken word.
b. the state of being united or joined as a whole.
c. A repeating pattern of existence in which all living things pass through
stages of growth and change until the end of life becomes a beginning
for a new cycle.
d. the quality of being kind and unselfish
e. Institutionalized systems of attitudes, beliefs and practices involving
the worship of a higher deity or God
f. Individuals recognized b their community as having spiritual and
cultural wisdom
g. According to Euro-centric views, objects that are inorganic, not living
or breathing rocks, wind, sun
h. meaning agreement, fellowship, peace
i. A set of beliefs in a higher power taking the highest morals and
values of society and living them. Finding ones purpose in life
j. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of
its parts
k. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists
l. According to traditional First Nations worldview, some non-living
objects (certain landforms, etc.) are considered living because they
possess spirit

2. Define the following words: /2



3. Short Answer:

What do each of these graphs represent and why? Which holds a more
traditional First Nations worldview and why? /4

4. What are three examples of traditional art that helps to represent and
preserve stories and where are they from? /6






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