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Guideline untuk presentation wpa

for paper 4 SHO :

ni 2 tips yg aku kumpul dari insan2 yg baik hati share diorg punye pengalaman,
hari ini sy nak berkongsi pengalaman sy dalam menduduki paper 4 exam sho.untuk
makluman sy bukanlah pandai sebab 2 lah sy repet paper ni 3 kali.mudah2han
bermanfaat bg yg nak amik exam paper 4 nanti.jgn pulak ade yg pertikaikan knape sy
xde pun ditany soalan mcm 2.sebab lain org temuduga lain soalanye.
perkara pertama kite mesti faham ialah wpa kite.kalau kite xfaham memang kite
fail.antara soalan ditanye tentang wpa adelah
1.knape kite pilih hazard ini.
2.knape hazard ni paling kriktikal kite pilih
3.knape nilai ini yg kite pilih (kebarangkalian,akibat,risiko) berdasarkan ape kite pilih risk
rating tersebut.
selain itu perkara biase yg die tanye adelah comitee
2.sho.(tugas2,industry yg wajib lantik sho dan lain2 berkenaan sho)
3.beza osha n fma
4.ape itu hazard,bahaya,risiko,insiden,accident,near miss.beza antara bnde ni.contoh
beza insiden n accident,beza bahaya n hazard
5.borang2 berkaitan keselamatan.(nadopod dan lain2, masa bila borang trsebut di isi?
fungsi borang tersebut dan lain2 soalan yg related) dan pe design( jentera yg perlukan cf??ape yg perlukan pe design?)
7.perancah (undang2 berkaitan,perancah,berape meter perlu p.e design?undg2 mane
wajibkan diselia dan diperiksa oleh oyk?dan lain2 perkara yg related dgn perancah.)
8.jangan terkejut jika dia tanye yg xrelated dengan wpa or keje kite sekarang sebab sy
pernh ditanye pasal kilang dan chemical.kne study.kalau kite bagi alasan kite xmahir
sebab xkeje dlm bdg 2 nanti die akan tanye bile kamu dapat gb 2 bukan kamu keje
construction je boleh tp kilang n lain2 pun boleh.
9. state 4 akta dlm OS yg diketahui.
10. camne tau likelihood and severity.
ape peraturan safety yg latest
accident, peranan SHO
11. ERP
12. 1st aid
13.competent person
paling penting jangan buat2 tahu bnde yg kite xtahu.examiner ni org berpengalaman n
die tahu kalu kite pernah diajukan soalan tentang chemical n sy xtahu.dialog nye
lebih kurang mcm ni
examiner : chemical ini bahaya or tidak

saya : maaf sy tidak tahu

examiner : mcmane kamu nak jadi sho kalu kamu xtahu?
saya : oleh kerana sy xtahu sy xberani kate tahu nanti sy akan bahayakn pekerja2
saya,contoh chemical 2 bahaya tp sy kate xbhaya.ini boleh membahayakn pekerja sy.
examiner: hbis 2 ape yg awk buat??
saya ; saya akan rujuk pade lebih arif trlebih dahulu,sperti enginieer,pm,supervisor n
lain2 managment team yg mungkin mahir.jike xmahir sy akan rujuk kepada jbatan
kerjaan yg berkenaan sperti dosh,doe dan kkm.dah pasti baru sy boleh buat keputusan.
alhamdulillah percubaan kali ke 3 sy pd tahun 2012 lulus.itu adelah antara penglmn sy
amik exam paper 4 sho.mungkin ni boleh dijadikan tips/panduan bg yg nk amik exam ni
nanti.perlu di ingat soalan yg ditanye tdk semstinye same.jawapan sy bg 2 pun
xsemestinye betul post ni hnyelah sbgai panduan n perkongsian sahaja.dan mungkin ade
yg sy trlpas pandg kerana sudah 2 tahun lebih sy amik exam tersebut.semoge

Utk Paper 4 (presentation)..kdg2 bergantung gak dgn time you present..your turn pagi, tengahri or
petang...kdg2 examiner cuma minta present HIRARC jer, introduction & objective examiner minta
skip..present HIRARC kt your workplace, letak table and bg recomendation utk safety & health yg
paling tinggi risk nyer..jgn cerita lebih2 sgt..nnt examiner tnya soalan byk lak..about how u define
and dpt nilai risk rating..biar examiner tnya lebih lanjut..=)
Klu examiner minta terangkan mcm mana u dpt nilai utk likelihood and severity, bg fakta
berdasarkan :
i. tempoh masa pendedahan pd hazard/jarak hazard dgn pekerja
ii. rekod accident - brapa kali pernah terjadi / keterukan kemalangan yg lepas
iii. CSDS (if chemical) - kt mana yg mention its high risk
iv. pekerja foreigner / tempatan , masalah komunikasi, knowledge & bla..bla...
v. pastikan tahu pasal hazard yg u terangkan coz kdg2 examiner bertnya pasal SOP/WI utk buat
kerja tu...
iv. Law & guidelines - biasa di tanya which legal yg u refer.

Hi guys,
Attached are few samples of WPA for your reference. Use that as a reference, you can
reuse that if you want but you must be able to answer it later when the examiner asks
you any questions.
i pun pi dua kali.,..
- examiner said my hazards are wrong. Your wordings must be correct. Example...dont
just put Hazard Heat or dust....must say Exposure to heat or dust... thn he said my risk
matrix table also wrong. i pakai hantam aje...guna matrix 3 x 3....he said must use 4 by 4
or 5 by 5
-thn he might ask you, why you choose 4 by 4 or 5 by 5...
-kenapa u letak hazard ini sebagai high risk or low risk? what is the reason?
- kalau ada accident kat company, apa tindakan anda? bila nak inform DOSH? Guna pakai
form apa? JKKP berapa dan untuk apa? JKKP ini pemes sikit ni...

- walaupun u tak buat pasal chemical..dia tanya juga...

what is the procedure if your company got chemical spillage?
What Act for it?
dah i terlopong la... :(
so kena juga cikit cikit cover sana sini...
yg lain semua the basic things like BOWEC, all the Sections, Acts
Harap tips ini boleh menolong anda...

Utk Paper 4 (presentation)..kdg2 bergantung gak dgn time you

present..your turn pagi, tengahri or petang...kdg2 examiner
cuma minta present HIRARC jer, introduction & objective
examiner minta skip..present HIRARC kt your workplace, letak
table and bg recomendation utk safety & health yg paling tinggi
risk nyer..jgn cerita lebih2 sgt..nnt examiner tnya soalan byk
lak..about how u define and dpt nilai risk rating..biar examiner
tnya lebih lanjut..=)
Klu examiner minta terangkan mcm mana u dpt nilai utk
likelihood and severity, bg fakta berdasarkan :
i. tempoh masa pendedahan pd hazard/jarak hazard dgn
ii. rekod accident - brapa kali pernah terjadi / keterukan
kemalangan yg lepas
iii. CSDS (if chemical) - kt mana yg mention its high risk
iv. pekerja foreigner / tempatan , masalah komunikasi,
knowledge & bla..bla...
v. pastikan tahu pasal hazard yg u terangkan coz kdg2 examiner
bertnya pasal SOP/WI utk buat kerja tu...
iv. Law & guidelines - biasa di tanya which legal yg u refer.
(P/S : jawab bila ditanya jer, jgn mengada nk explain masa
Sometimes bila you present, examiner buat donno jer...cuma
bila discuss pasal HIRARC smpai berbalah dgn situation..yg penting

confident..goreng ckit2..for sure lulus la..:p
during my paper 4 last dec in bintulu, the examiners cuma nak tengok mcm mana HIRARC
punya risk rating n kenapa letak certain hazard punya risk tinggi.
tp time tue kena author punya buku undang2 yg dtg..
semua calon kena tembak ttg law n regulation
argue dgn dia xyah buat CHRA walau pun chemical exposure mmg ada..
sebab client n plant owner (mcm petronas/SHELL, etc) dah buat
so sebagai contractor, kalo they cakap x perlu buat (as in the agreement and contract), so x
perlu buat..
then dia buka buku tunjuk seksyen itu ini plak...
NO KOMEN la lepas tue
sedangkan client punya HSE lagi need for CHRA report..dia plak nak argue..
nasib malang dapat examiner mcm tue..
tp diaorg kasi tau apa yg kurang/salah/tersilap ttg WPA
suatu panduan/teguran yg baik utk improve WPA tue
my presentation failed tp WPA pass
tp time present tue, diaorg komen WPA too general, need to be more specific..
aduhai, kena buat baru le..
Contoh Soalan V: SH Committee
a) Why SH Committee formation important (3 marks)
b) 4 functions of SH Committee (10 marks)
c) Composition of workers more than 500 + illustrations of the SH committee (7 marks)
Salah satu soalan favorite assessor adalah soalan ini, bukan sahaja kat kertas soalan, tetapi
juga sewaktu Paper III. Biasanya, seorang assessor, tahu kalau yang amik ujian III adalah 'fresh
graduate', masih 'green' atau berpengalaman..... so, kalau baca buku sahaja tak salah, cuma
jawapan yang keluar pun berstail 'baca buku'...straight, my advise is, cubala
tanya mana2 orang lama atau the best is, masukla secara volunteer SH Committee nie, jangan
nak ambil exam baru berjinak2 dengan safety committee..... tak ikhlas namanya tu....
Sewaktu jawab..... kalo boleh ingat Section & Regulation dia lagi bagus..... cuma biasanya
assessor akan tanya (Soalan tambahan), bagaimana nak implement SH Committee nie secara
efektif kalo Top Management buat bodo dan sound kat kita yang dia ambil nie pun becoz of
project requirement / client dan janji ada, jangan takde.....
Ps: Kes senario kat atas adalah KES SEBENAR.....nak tahu lebih lanjut...tanyala geng2 Tapak
Bina (Construction)...betul Tak?

How to Prevent Workplace Violence
Unfortunately, violence in the workplace has become a serious problem all over. Not only is
workplace violence extremely unsafe, it also diverts critical attention from one's work and lowers
workplace performance.
Here are some simple methods to help prevent workplace violence:
1. Have a clear, written policy that communicates zero tolerance toward workplace violence in any
form. Determine in advance what discipline will be taken against employees who threaten or take
violent action in the workplace, and follow through if such threats arise.
2. Provide opportunities for people to make decisions on their own. The single most frequent cause
of workplace negativity is traceable to a manager or the organization making a decision about a
person's work without his/her input. Almost any decision that excludes the input of the person
doing the work is perceived as negative.
3. Make opportunities available for people to express their opinion about workplace policies and
procedures. Recognize the impact of changes in such areas as work hours, pay, benefits, assignment
of overtime hours, comp pay, dress codes, office location, job requirements, and working
4. Create a management team trained to recognize the warning signs of potential violence. Alert
your employees about what constitutes workplace violence, including destruction of property and
implied threats of violence, and encourage them to report these incidents immediately.
5. Have a reporting system to let management know about suspicious or threatening behaviors.
Learn to recognize employee behaviors that contribute to workplace violence, such as emotional
disturbance and substance abuse. . Do not create rules for all employees when just a few people
are violating office policies. Minimize the number of rules directing the behavior of adult people at
work. Treat people as adults and they will usually live up to your expectations, as well as their
6. Help people feel like members of the in-crowd; each person wants to have the same information
as quickly as everyone else. Provide the context for decisions, and communicate effectively and

7. Provide appropriate rewards and recognition so people feel their contribution is valued. The
power of appropriate rewards and recognition for a positive workplace is remarkable. Suffice it to
say, reward and recognition is one of the most powerful tools an organization can use to buoy staff
8. Provide appropriate leadership and a strategic framework, including mission, vision, values, and
goals. People want to feel as if they are part of something bigger than themselves. If they
understand the direction, and their part in making the desired outcomes happen, they can
effectively contribute more.
The above recommendations will certainly help employees form a strong foundation for positive
morale, minimizing negativity and workplace violence.

Work Place Assignment (WPA) for SHO

Assalamualaikum wbt...
Sekarang kat office tgh rilek, i curi mase sket la utk share
mende ni..maybe it's not ethical for me to write a post in the office
but .....
ok la...kepada bakal2 SHO kat luar sana tu, ni ade sket guideline la utk
tulis your WPA...for me WPA is so important coz fromd way u write ur
WPA, the assessor will then know ur understanding! so, below is the
outline of my WPA aritu...ini guideline sahaja k...
1. Pengenalan
a. Penubuhan (Latar belakang Syarikat)
b. Struktur Organisasi
c. Proses & Akitivit Terlibat
d. Persekitaran Kerja
e. Pengurusan Keselamatan
S&H Polisi
SHO & ESH Dept.
ESH Committee
Reporting Documents
2. Objektif
a. Objektif kajian
b. Definasi istilah
Penaksiran risiko

3. Metodhology
a. Mengenal pasti hazard
b. Kaedah pengenal pastian hazard
Pemerhatian & audit tempat kerja
Mengkaji peruntukkan undang2
Menyemak semula dokumen
c. Penaksiran risiko
4. Hasil Kajian & Perbincangan
a. Hazard keselamatan
b. Hazard kesihatan
c. Hazard paling kritikal
d. Kesan risiko paling kritikal terhadap S&H
5. Saranan & Semakan Semula
a. Saranan
b. Semakan Semula
Maklum balas
Audit & pemeriksaan
Proses kerja
Rekod kemalangan
Rekod jentera / machineries
Rekod latihan pekerja
c. Manfaat
6. Rujukan

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