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Assessment Project

03/13/2016 | ESE 505

Table of Contents
Formative Assessments.............................................................................................. 2
Essay Questions......................................................................................................... 4
Multiple Choice Questions.......................................................................................... 6
Performance Task Blueprint I...................................................................................... 8
Performance Task Blueprint II................................................................................... 10

Formative Assessments
1. Surprise Questions: During the middle of a class or lecture surprise pop
questions will be asked to the class. These questions can be incentivized with
extra credit and styled as mini-pop quizzes.

When would this assessment be used?

o This assessment would be used randomly. It can be used as
frequently as during each daily lesson or used more sparingly, a
couple time throughout an entire unit. The assessment is styled as
like a pop-quiz so the elements of surprise and exaggeration make
it fun for the class.
Would you use this assessment as a formative assessment, summative
assessment, or both?
o This assessment would be used as a formative assessment. It is
meant to gauge student learning midway through a lesson or unit
to make sure they are understanding the information presented.
Describe the type of data you expect to get from the assessment.
o This type of assessment will be measuring topical understandings
and knowledge. This assessment will ask questions that are related
to the facts, as well as questions that brush the top of
Explain the ways you will use the data you get from this assessment to
inform and improve future instruction.
o This formative assessment would allow me to see if my students
are gaining the knowledge presented to them and if they are ready
to move onto new content. This would allow me to see if I need to
go over a concept again or if I need to build on material that has
already been presented.

2. History Uncovered: At the end of each week have students write a 1-3
paragraph essay on a topic of their choice from the subjects covered during
the week.

When would this assessment be used?

o This assessment would be used at the end of each week of
instruction. It is meant to see if students retained the knowledge of
key events and people throughout the week.
Would you use this assessment as a formative assessment, summative
assessment, or both?
o This assessment is a formative assessment measuring how well
students are keeping up with the material presented.

Describe the type of data you expect to get from the assessment.
o The data I expect to get from the assessment will be knowledge
based. Do the students know the facts about key people, places
and events in history?
Explain the ways you will use the data you get from this assessment to
inform and improve future instruction.
o This formative assessment will allow me to see what information
the students are retaining throughout the week. This way I can see
what I need to go over more and adapt my lessons accordingly.

Essay Questions
1. Over the course of German history, its people have been under the control of
a police state. The Gestapo during WWII and the Stazi during the Cold War.
Compare and contrast these two organizations and include examples to
support your answers.

When would this assessment be used?

o This assessment would be used during an end of unit examination.
Would you use this assessment as a formative assessment, summative
assessment, or both?
o This assessment would be used as a summative assessment to
evaluate student learning. This essay question is made in a
restricted response format.
Describe the type of data you expect to get from the assessment.
o I expect to gain data related to understanding. It is one thing to
know what the Gestapo and Stazi were, but it takes understandings
to see how these organizations compare and contrast and how that
affected the course of history.
Explain the ways you will use the data you get from this assessment to
inform and improve future instruction.
o I would use the data gained from this assessment to evaluate
student understanding. I will adjust my lesson accordingly based on
student performance.

2. President Kennedy faced a tough foreign policy decision during the Cuban
Missile Crisis. If you were in President Kennedys shoes would you have
chosen the same solution? Describe with well supported answers what you
would have done, if you were president, to avert the Cuban Missile Crisis. Be
sure to include background information about the crisis itself and the pros
and cons of your decision.

When would this assessment be used?

o This assessment would be used in an end of unit test.
Would you use this assessment as a formative assessment, summative
assessment, or both?
o This assessment would be used as a summative assessment to
evaluate student learning. This essay question is made in an openended format.
Describe the type of data you expect to get from the assessment.
o I expect to gain data related to student understanding. They must
think about the facts surrounding the Cuban Missile Crisis and then

decide what they would have done if they were president at the
time. This question involves analysis and synthesis of the
Explain the ways you will use the data you get from this assessment to
inform and improve future instruction.
o If students performed poorly I would know that they either did not
understand the facts and decisions surround the Cuban Missile
Crisis or they were not capable of thinking of alternative ways of
action. Depending on the students short comings I would know
whether to elaborate on the Cuban Missile Crisis or to practice
decision making skills and techniques.

Multiple Choice Questions

State of Alabama Civics Standard: 5.) Compare duties and functions of members of
the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Alabama's local and state
governments and of the national government.
1. Who is in charge of the Executive Branch of government?
a. The President
b. The Speaker of the House
c. The Supreme Court Justice
d. The Vice President
2. What

is the job of the Legislative Branch?

To carry out laws
To evaluate laws
To make laws
To judge laws

3. How many justices are in the Supreme Court?

a. 5
b. 9
c. 15
d. 2

4. The colored sections marked 1-7 above are?

a. The 7 counties in Alabama
b. The 7 Congressional Districts in Alabama
c. The 7 large cities in Alabama
d. The 7 best vacationing spots in Alabama
5. Who is responsible for upholding the Alabama State Constitution and
enacting state law?
a. Court of the Judiciary
b. State Senate
c. Lieutenant Governor
d. Governor

When would this assessment be used?

o This assessment would be used in an end of unit exam or in a quiz
throughout the unit.
Would you use this assessment as a formative assessment, summative
assessment, or both?
o This assessment can be used as both a formative or summative
assessment. These questions can be administered in a quiz style
throughout the unit as a formative assessment or at the end of the unit
in a more formal summative assessment.
Describe the type of data you expect to get from the assessment.
o The types of data I expect to get from this assessment are knowledge
based. These questions deal with the facts and the topical knowledge

that students must understand in order to be able to gain the bigger

understandings of the unit.
Explain the ways you will use the data you get from this assessment to inform
and improve future instruction.
o An assessment that measures knowledge is a great tool to evaluate
the content of my lessons. I will use this data to see if my lessons
cover the knowledge I expect my students to know and make
adjustments accordingly.

Performance Task Blueprint I

What understandings will be assessed through this task?

o Students will understand that there are many sides to controversial
issues and that it is important to understand where each side is coming
from in order to construct their own arguments for the causes they

What goals will be assessed through this task?

o Students will be able to explain their answers thoroughly.
o Students will interpret the Montgomery Citizens Council meeting
speech and create a meaningful account.
o Students will apply and transfer the information in the speech to create
their own understandings of Civil Rights Movement.

Describe the authentic performance task that will be used to assess the
understandings and/or goals listed above:


Short Performance Task: Students will write an editorial response letter

to Mr. Lancaster (speech giver at the Montgomery Citizens Council
meeting) in which they refute the points he made in his speech.
I plan to do this assessment because it gives students a real world task
(writing responses to political figures) while assessing what students
have learned about the Civil Rights Movement.
The timeline for completion of this task may vary depending on the
class and schedule type. In a 60 minute class the students can be
given half of the time (30 minutes) to write their responses and the
other half (30 min) can be dedicated to students sharing their letters.

Tasks may include student products, student performances, or both. Describe

all below:

Describe student products that will be used to provide evidence of the

desired understandings and student proficiency on the stated criteria:
Students will produce an editorial response letter refuting points
made by the Montgomery Citizens Council.

Describe student performances that will be used to provide evidence of

the desired understandings and student proficiency on the stated
Students will participate in a discussion of the editorial letters
after all of the letters have been turned in.

Describe the criteria you will use to determine students level of

understanding (these will be stated and/or implied in the standards, goals,
and understandings of the unit):
o Students will present an insightful understanding of the Montgomery
Citizens Councils point-of-view.
o Students response is through, thoughtful, insightful and mature.
o Students present an in-depth understaning of the Civil Rights

Attach a rubric(s) that will be used to evaluate this performance task. Be sure the
rubric(s) address all of the criteria listed above.
4- Excellent

3- Proficient

2- Below Average

1- Unacceptable

Editorial response
letter is complete
and shows an
understanding of
the Montgomery
Citizens Councils
point of view.
Response is
through, insightful
and mature. No
grammatical errors.

Editorial response
letter is complete
and shows an
understanding of
the Montgomery
Citizens Councils
point of view.
Students response
is supported and
shows a thoughtful
and through
understanding of
the Civil Rights

Editorial response
letter is complete,
and shows a basic
understanding of
the Montgomery
Citizens Councils
point of view. Own
arguments are not
well supported.
Some grammatical

Editorial response
letter is
incomplete, and
does not refute the
Citizens Council
point of view.
Simplistic with
many grammatical


Performance Task Blueprint II

What understandings will be assessed through this task?

o Students will understand that the past events and peoples effect the
o Students will be able to transfer understandings from historical events
and apply the understandings to current events.

What goals will be assessed through this task?

o Students will be able to create a display of an aspect of an ancient
o Students will be able to identify how the aspect of the ancient
civilization has changed history.
o Students will reflect on the ancient civilizations impact throughout


Describe the authentic performance task that will be used to assess the
understandings and/or goals listed above:
o In-depth Performance Task: Students will create a museum exhibit on
an aspect of an ancient civilization. Students will present a through
visual display on an aspect of their choosing and a portion of their
display will be dedicated to the impact that the ancient civilization has
had on modern history.
o I plan to do this assessment because it will give students a chance to
create a display similar to museum displays they see in real life. They
will be able to apply their knowledge of ancient history to a
performance task that will also measure their level of understanding of
the impacts that history has on the future.
o The timeline for the completion of this task is one week. This task will
be assigned upon the completion of a unit on ancient civilization.

Tasks may include student products, student performances, or both. Describe

all below:

Describe student products that will be used to provide evidence of the

desired understandings and student proficiency on the stated criteria:
Students will create artifacts relating to an ancient civilization
and there impact on modern history.

Describe student performances that will be used to provide evidence of

the desired understandings and student proficiency on the stated
Students will present a visual museum exhibit display on the

Describe the criteria you will use to determine students level of

understanding (these will be stated and/or implied in the standards, goals,
and understandings of the unit):
o Students will present an insightful and in-depth understanding of an
aspect of an ancient civilization.
o Students will be able to interpret and apply lessons learned from the
chosen civilization to events in modern history.

2- Below Average
3- Proficient
4- Excellent
Attach a rubric(s) that will be used to evaluate this performance task.
Students display is
is above.
of the criteria
incomplete. Lacking
complete, developed
complete, in-depth
in thoroughness and
and through.
and insightful.
understanding of the
Students are aware
Student is able to
ancient civilization.
of histories effects
thoroughly apply
Students mention
on modern events
knowledge gained
modern events but
but cannot fully
from history to
are unable to
transfer ideas.
current events.
transfer ideas
Display is well put
Display is
throughout history.
together and
Display is
pleasing and easy to

1- Unacceptable
Be sure the
Display is
incomplete. Lacking
in basic information
and understanding
of ancient
civilization. Modern
historical events are
Display is
unorganized and
falling apart.

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