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Greenview Secondary School

Case Studies
Name: ______Aarvind_________

Date: __19/2/16____________

Class: ____3 EMERALD________

Veronica suffers from heartburn and she always wonders how this happens. With your
current knowledge of the digestive system and the digestive processes, tell Veronica what
is heartburn and how does it occur.


Veronica is suffering from heartburn due to

indigestion of food in her digestive system.
Indigestion is the difficulty to digest food. This is
caused by acid expulsion into the oesophagus. The
effects include burning sensation in chest is also
known as heartburn

What will you tell Veronica?

Veronica, heart burn is a burning sensation in the chest due to
regurgitation of stomach acid into the food tube (oesophagus). This
occurs when your stomach finds difficulty to digest the food eaten .
it also occur when your oesophagus is weak or you eat fast So, learn
to eat slowly and chew your food ..

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