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Inveterate - Habitual

Fatuous Complacently foolish

Halcyon Prosperous, calm, peaceful
Superfluous More than sufficient
Frangible - Fragile
Germane Relevant or pertinent
Salubrious - Healthy
Extraneous - Irrelevant
Juvenescence - Youthfulness
Perquisite Exclusive right or benefit
Conflagration Large fire
Eschew - Avoid
Peruse - Examine
Misanthropic Showing hatred towards
Hedonistic Devoted to pursuit of pleasure
Nefarious Wicked, villainous
Adeptly - Expertly
Feckless Lazy, incompetent
Nugatory Trifling or ineffective
Exacting - Demanding
Inscrutable - Mysterious
Sullied - Soiled
Scotched To stamp out, put an end
Specious Falsely appearing true
Mephitic Foul or offensive smelling
Noisome Disgustingly offensive, often in
Abstruse Obscure, complicated
Vernacular Plain, native speech of a place
Argot Specialized set of vocabulary used
by a group
Vituperation Verbal abuse
Equanimity Calmness and composure
Ubiquitous Present everywhere
Iconoclastic In the manner of one who
attacks cherished beliefs
Portent - Sign
Eulogistically In a praising/laudatory way
Reticently Quietly, reservedly
Protracted - Prolonged
Partisan One-sided
Erudition Learning, scholarship
Palatable - Acceptable
Discerning Showing good judgment
Deleterious Harmful or damaging
Loquacious Excessively talkative
Exiguous Small, scanty, inadequate
Garrulous Talkative, excessively chatty
Taciturn Quiet, not talkative
Truculent - Aggressive
Recalcitrant Resisting authority, control
Begrudging Resentful, envious
Bellicose Aggressively hostile
Levity Lightness of manner, frivolity
Magnanimity Generous and forgiving
Fealty Allegiance, faithfulness
Exculpate To free from blame

Stratagem Strategy to outwit

opponent/achieve end
Axiom A statement established true
Surfeit - Excessive
Apex Highest points
Underwrite Support financially
Indemnify Secure against loss
Liquidate Pay off debt
Gull Fool or deceive
Apprise - Inform
Chary Suspiciously reluctant to do
Pilloried Attacked, ridiculed publicly
Ebullient Cheerful, full of energy
Diffident Modest or shy
Prescient Having knowledge of events
before they happen
Precocity A skill acquired earlier than
Belie - Deceive
Mirth - Amusement
Affable Friendly, good-natured
Revelry Lively, noisy, festive
Predilection Special liking
Prattle Talk at length in a foolish way
Opprobrium Harsh criticism, public
Prodigality Free spending
Suffrage Right to vote
Enfranchisement To grant
citizenship/right to vote
Tepid Marked by lack of enthusiasm
Emaciated Made thin by starvation
Prodigious Great in size
Insolence - Disrespect
Aplomb Self-assurance
Derision Harsh criticism
Felicitous Pleasingly expressed
Stentorian Powerful of sound
Poignant Causing strong feelings
Vociferous Loudly expressive
Expository Writing that explains ideas
Imbibe - Consume
Regurgitate Surge back or repeat
Trepidation Fear, apprehension, anxiety
Vocation A strong feeling of stability
Sinecure Position requiring little work with
financial benefit
Arcane - Obscure
Trifling - Unimportant
Innocuous - Harmless
Didactive Excessively instructive
Languid - Lazy
Dogma Stubbornly opinionated
Brazen - Shameless
Fervid Very enthusiastic
Fetid Having offensive odor
Pernicious Harmful

Incendiary Tending to stir up conflict

Rescind Cancel, revoke, repeal
Quiescent Slow, lazy
Assiduous Showing great care and
Scrupulous Extremely attentive to detail

Sedulous Showing dedication and

Nonchalant Calm, relaxed
Tremulous Afraid
Nescient Ignorant
Mettlesome Lively, full of courage

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