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Shadow and Breeze

Enchanted Forest Magazines

These are magazines we put together from articles posted on site by all members.
These magazines are Free!! We have done these since almost the beginning and have
over 70 in our Scribd Library.
On the right side of the Forest pages you will see current magazine covers shown..
Just click on those and they will take you to the magazine.. no sign up required and
Free download.
If you would like to submit an article please check out our magazine group tab on
site menu. There will have the instructions on how to send in your article and want
to Thank all those who have supported our magazine through the years.. great read
with allot of helpful information.
Thank you
Shadow and Breeze

We at the Enchanted Forest are honoured to support and host the live chats
given by Susun Weed on a monthly basis. Susun is an expert in her field of
Herbs and this is a great opportunity for all to increase their knowledge
and skills by learning from Susun FREE !!!
To come along to these chats join
Times of classes below
Central - 6 pm
Eastern - 7 pm
Western 4 pm
Mountain Time 5 pm
Australia (Melbourne) - 11 am
UK - Midnight

A poem by Alan Moyse

Posted by Moonlight Fairy

I watch the moonlight in my mind,

It s pale lambent haze spreading silver
Over my muddled, erratic thoughts.
Images come and go,
pale and wispy In the soft moon-glow.
The pictures out of focus, luminous-edged
Old photographs which have faded
And misted, like early morning fog.
I sense a meaning - an image sharpening itself
And I try to grasp its sense.
It is important that I hold this one frame
But it is elusive, fragile, ethereal,
And like incense smoke, disappears
Leaving behind a haunting essence of its true self.
Why is thought like the moon?
Mainly hidden, whitely shining,
her essence desired, but rarely fully seen.
Perhaps because she is in reality utter desolation,
And like the moon, beautiful but remote.

Posted by Patty

The Sun Is Always Shining

Remember the Sun
There are times when gloom or darkness causes us to momentarily lose sight of the
light. Although it is at these times when the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm,
glowing rays brighten even our thoughts, and it's good to remember that despite
appearances the sun is shining right now. We may not be able to see it at this very
moment, but if clouds block our view, they are only filtering the sun's light
temporarily. If darkness has fallen, we know that the sun is still shining at this very
moment somewhere not too far away, and it's only a matter of time before it will shine
on us again.
When we remember that the sun is still shining, we know that things are still in motion
in the universe. Even if life feels like it is at a standstill, sometimes all we need to do is
have faith and wait for the time when everything is in its perfect place. Or we can we
can choose to follow the cues of the sun and continue doing our work and shining our
light, even when we can't yet see results. In doing so we exercise our patience, making
sure we are prepared when opportunity knocks and all other elements are in their right
and perfect places.
The sun also reminds us that our own shining truth is never extinguished. Our light
shines within us at all times, no matter what else occurs around us. Though the sun
gives us daily proof of its existence, sometimes our belief in our own light requires
more time. If we think back, however, we can find moments when it showed itself and
trust that we will see it again. Like the sun, our light is the energy that connects us to
the movements of the universe and the cycles of life and is present at all times, whether
we feel its glow or not.

Faery Tambourine , Faery Garden

Posted by Debs

Faery Tambourine
The gentle music and sweet fragrance of this tambourine is said to be
irresistible to even the shyest faeries. Use it with a kind heart
to lure them from their hiding places.
* 2 feet (61 cm) of grapevine; honeysuckle, or other woody vine
* floral wire
* liter-sized soda bottle
* 4 yards (3.7 m) of 1/4 inch-wide (3mm) ribbon in one or more colors
* measuring tape
* scissors
* 4 jingle bells
* various fresh herbs and flowers

1. You can buy small grapevine wreaths at craft stores. but most
faeries can tell homemade from store-bought, and they tend to be more
receptive to things you make yourself. Simply wind grapevine,
honeysuckle, or a similar woody vine around the soda bottle. Avoid any
vines that look hairy: it could be poison ivy! Wind the vine around
the bottle several times, occasionally threading it through the inner
part of the wreath and back out again. Secure the circles of vine to
each other by tying small lengths of floral wire in four or five
places around the wreath.

2. Measure and cut four 24-inch (61 cm) lengths of ribbon.

3. Double a length of cut ribbon. Thread the folded end through the
top loop of a jingle bell and pull through enough ribbon to loop
around the wreath. Add the rest of the bells in this same way.
4. Thread the ends of the ribbon through the loop and tighten, pulling
the bell close to the wreath. Tie a simple knot in the ribbon to
secure the bell.
5. Measure and cut a 36-inch (92 cm) length of ribbon. Tie one end
with a small knot to the wreath. Wind the ribbon all around the wreath
6. Decorate the wreath with fresh or dried herbs, leaves,
berry sprigs, or dried or fresh flowers.

Faery Garden
atever you do to bring life to your garden will bring
faeries as well. First of all, plant
plants that attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This will also
attract the fae. So put up
hummingbird feeders, bird feeders, bird baths, bird houses, even bat houses.
Small fountains,
ponds, faery statues, or waterfalls are all good. Here's a short list of
plants that attract
faeries to your garden:
Common yarrow, Achillea millefolium
New York aster, Aster novi-belgii
Shasta daisy, Chrysanthemum maximum
Western giant hyssop or horsemint, Agastache occidentalis
French lavender, Lavendula dentata
Rosemary, Rosemarinus officinalis
Thyme, Thymus

Fountain butterfly bush, Buddleia alternifolia

Orange-eye butterfly bush, summer lilac, Buddleia davidii
Shrubby cinquefoil, Potentilla fruitiosa
Common garden petunia, Petunia hybrida
Verbenas, vervains, Verbena
Pincushion flowers, Scabiosa caucasica
Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus
Common zinnia, Zinnia elegans
They also love the following plants and trees:
foxglove, primrose, ragwort, cowslips, pansies, bluebells,
clover (3-leaf, not 4-leaf), St. John's wort, hazel, rowan,
blackthorn, oak, willow, elder, birch, alder, apple, ash, and
especially toadstools.

The Optimistic Creed

Posted by Diane J. Zimmerly FLUFF

Good Morning All My Brothers and Sisters.

Here is an inspirational message to help you all have a wonderful day!!
The Optimistic Creed
Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness and prosperity to everyone you meet.
To make all your friends feel there is something special in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize
To be too large for worry,
Too noble for anger,
Too strong for fear,
And too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Thank you Jodie - Founder of United in Spirit for sending this to me.
Peace, Love, and Light to all.

Posted by


People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which
one it is, you will know what to do for that person..
When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have
They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and
To aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually.
They may seem like a godsend and they are.
They are there for the reason you need them to be.
Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time,
This person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.
Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share,
grow or learn.
They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.
LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
Things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.
Your job is to accept the lesson,
Love the person and put w hat you have learned to use in all other relationships and
areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant

Posted by


If you listen for the songbirds

As they greet the summer sun,
And love the way the wind can make
The trees sings just for fun;
If you like to hear the ocean
As it drums upon the shore,
And imagine all the whales out there,
And hope they'll sing some more;
If you think of all the animals
As players in a band,
Each with a lovely tune to play,
All needed on the land;
And know that as a boy or girl
A woman or a man
You have a vital role to play
In Mother Nature's plan;
If you honor every living thing
As a part of nature's treasure
You're in tune with Mother Nature
So let's all sing her song together.

7 Spiritual Lessons I Learned

Posted by Rev. Carol A. Ingle (Raven)

By Cheryl A. Chatfield, Ph.D.

1. Accept Other Dimensions.

This is not the only reality. This world and death are not the only options. Other
worlds, other places exist. There are other dimensions. And we know that. Listen to
that knowing.
2. Heal Psychologically as well as Spiritually.
We have the responsibility to heal ourselves in order to evolve. That healing, however,
is not only spiritual. Too often we forget to address our emotional problems before
concentrating on a higher level. Both are important. Ignoring relationship issues, drug
and alcohol problems, or anger concerns will not allow us to progress on a spiritual
3. Choose a Spiritual Practice and make a Commitment.
We can choose any spiritual practice that is appropriate to us, not one forced on us by
convention or others insisting their way is the right one. Whether it is meditation,
spiritual study, spiritual movement, or some other practice, there is a one that will
assist in your growth once you identify and observe it.
4. Find Tools to Connect to the Universal Database.
We can learn to use The Akashic Records, Astrology, the pendulum, kinesiology, or
other methods to help our spiritual quest. While some, such as astrology, require years
of study, others are easy to learn and accessible ways to find answers in the search for
our truth. These tools are available to everyone and are no longer the domain of only a
select few. Books and materials are available to assist anyone.

5. Be Your Own Teacher.

There is much debate about finding a spiritual teacher. In many instances and for
many people, this is an important and necessary step. Do not fall into the belief,
however, that this is a requirement. Many people find a different route through books
and study that become the teacher. We each have the power within to evolve. Use your
own ability to determine the correct route. Do not be overly influenced by others.
6. Balance the Masculine and Feminine within.
Too often we neglect the two sides within us. We become dominated by our left,
rational brain that reinforces our masculine side, or we allow our right, nonlinear
brain to override and allow the feminine to rule. Neither works, whether we are male
or female. We need to honor and identify with both our masculine and feminine
7. Trust Your Messages.
Develop a confidence in the messages you receive. Often these are inspirations during
the day, perhaps a gentle nudging toward a particular path or a strong sense that we
need to devote time to some activity, person or study. We all know that voice or urging
within that demands attention. Listen to it. Trust the information when it feels right.
Trust your chosen path.

Lets Get Crafty....A Besom Of

Healing and Protection
Posted by Harobed

Hello my Dears :)
Today Im talking about how to chose the components that go into making your besoms.
Just like spellwork every component needs to be chosen wisely .Attention should be
paid to how everything works towards a common goal.
You need to think about how you'll be using your besom.What tree always catchs your
eye and calls to you.What can be used with the wood to enhance the powers of your
broom.I can always tell when someone has put the proper thought into making their
besom,the energy flows right up your arm when its handled.
This lovely is made for healing and protection.It will dispell negative energies,break
hexes,calm and heal both body and spirit .I started off with a nice piece of Oak for the
handle and Cherry switchs for the broom .
The Oak is a magickal tree, potent and full of energy.The Druids are held rituals in oak
groves, and held them sacred because Mistletoe grew in them. Oak symbolizes
strength,perserverance and protects against evil spirits.
Cherry has a very centered and grounded Earth energy unwavering, and solid. Cherry is
used in rituals to stabilize and focus. It is used for intuitive insight and to overcome
obstacles. This is an excellent choice for healing as well as divination work.Cherry is
suited for use working with animals and familiars, spells of detection, and amplifying
spell work.
these two woods combine to make a powerful backbone of energy to build on.

The Shaft has Honeysuckle and large tumbled Amethyst coiling to the top where a
piece of Iron Pyrite finishs it off.
Honeysuckle is great for boosting psychic powers,protection,luck ,happiness and good
Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength.
It can be used to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst can
help open potals to other realities, telepathy and other psychic abilities. It is an
excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work, and can help you see your
path. It has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness.
Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial when dealing with legal problems, and money
issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is also used as
protection for travelers.
Iron Pyrite is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all
Pyrite blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Pyrite protects you from both
environmental pollution and physical danger. Used on the Third Eye,Pyrite
strengthens mental abilities and awareness of higher forms of knowledge.

It promotes good physical health and emotional well-being. Traditionally,

Pyrite is known as a stone of luck, helping to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity
the user, via its creative energies of manifestation, and its encouragement of following
one's dreams. This quality makes it excellent for grid work and rituals.
I finished off the besom with a suede lacing handgrip ,rubbed it down with sage &
dragons blood oil and wrapped it with tons of copper coils and
embellishments.Copper not only looks great but its a wonderful conductor of any
energy.As you can see this process started with the idea of a tool for both healing and
protection,each step I took after that added to the power.A besom can be used for both
of these purposes regardless of what you've used to make it.,this one is best suited for
these things because of what I made it with.So there you have it a groovy besom made
for rituals of healing and protection .Good luck with yours !

Removing the competition

by being you
Posted by haw

Many have ran into a situation where they are constantly competing with others who
are usually in same aspect or idea of a path.. and are always trying to out do each other
with the same means.. and this is where being you the individual can make it allot
easier as i have had this same argument myself for being me although as complicated as
i can be but not my fault.. think I got the short straw lol
anyway when you learn your abilities or your goal to achieve in your task and your
using your own set methods then there is no competition.. no 2 are the same in their
ways or means.. so even when one tries to doubt my ways because they dont relate to its
understanding it is neither's fault but we have to adjust and understand the
individuality aspect as long as we are working toward a goal of improvement of some
do not let others pull you down or try to put doubt in your means as they just would
not understand or being held back by their own lack of trying to pull another down.. it
happens and more then should from this modern society..
still many adults playing in the sandbox but dont let them tell you your indiviudalistic
ways are wrong if it works for you just is and the way it is..

Let go of Anchors
the cluttered concepts we been
givin that never worked
Posted by haw

What I mean by anchors and even I found I had few but was on purpose..
heres what i mean, through time we are seeking what we are and we pick up on things
that seems to might work for us.. and sometimes it doesnt.. I held on for purpose of
assisting another the option that it may help them..
sometimes when one explores and find all this stuff they tend to try or have but seen no
relative effect or just didnt seem to carry them much further.. and thus they proceed
and mean while we put these things in the brain closet thinking we may use them later
but rarely do.. on allot as i have seen how much between all paths put into one box can
be over whelming..
for those that are finding themselves and with this group we hope to clear all these
things up..
First you will seemingly know what doesnt work.. letting it go will help clear the
conscious clutter because many times we are trying to manipulate a uni interpretation
between a few different concepts and allot of times all it will do is confuse as some
concepts have their restrictions on how to utilize a method much less mixing it up..
confusion sets in and is in back of mind every time you try something else.. constantly
trying to put a puzzle together and the peaces just will not fit by this..
so clear all the concepts you have gathered and not ever fit your objective and just let
them go.. these will act as anchors and anchors on your forward energy initiative ,
action, motion.
For some meditation works and some not.. the idea is to find some clear minded free
time.. if is sit in a quiet room for a few or some park or in the yard.. but just some total
peace , and do not try to think .. but realize yourself as a person and what you want or
hope to achieve or your interest.

for most on this site is some kind of spiritual connection for themselves and or if not for
others sake..
in this quiet time it will and can come to you what you feel you can do or compelled to
do.. as for healing or guiding or teaching or just being a big brother or sister.. every bit
helps .. even when we help others it helps ourselves and many do not give this a chance
and thus denying themselves of the feeling the accomplishment set forth in their
calling.. or task..
Now I have helped many and some do progress and some just fall off .. I hate to see it
but is by their choice so is not my responsibility I cannot live their life or decisions for
so this is the effort , find what it is you like or can do and ask questions or search this
site for related topics and read what really what makes sense to you.. not half heartedly
either.. it has to be completely relate to you and your feelings for it to even work via the
energies you present.
one big major thing I always have said is it doesnt have to seem or be complicated to
work.. as we grew up all you had to do was pray right.. well for us we go a step further
harnessing energy we recognize due to many and their gifts or calling because we
recognize it..
so really boils down to a few aspects in effort to have things manifest and do not forget
when helping or assisting another their energy has to be solid in the intent as well for a
change in any kind of forward movement..
so confidence plays a key role as your intent and energy depend on it any doubt can
take away from that.. even if you dont see a sign of improvement from another or a
scenario doesnt mean your effort didnt work.. the energies elsewhere wasnt right.. one
can even be serving up some karma and are not allowed this change at the time.. not on
not easy to keep allot of my writings short as i can explain so much .. but ask questions
and maybe I or another can answer..
but try to let go of all anchors first thing.. and treat it as a fresh start but keeping with
elements that seem right for you.. rid the old ..
Much peace

How to Get in Touch

with a Plant Spirit
Posted by Whispr

1. If possible, grow the plant yourself. This will give you direct physical contact with it
regularly before attempting spiritual contact.
2. If the plant is edible, add it to your diet regularly for an entire week before trying to
make contact. This internalizes the plant's energy and creates an inner harmony with
that plant's matrix, which will ultimately improve your results.
3. Sensually experience the plant--touch it, smell it, listen to the sound it makes in the
wind or rain, and look at it from different angles (above, below, and from all sides).
Again, it is suggested that you do this for an entire week before attempting to make
4. Bring the plant into your life in as many ways as possible, like wearing its pattern in a
tie or shirt, hanging a picture of it near your desk, burning incense in its aroma, and so
5. When you feel ready, meditate with the plant nearby. Try to make sure you won't be
disturbed for at least twenty minutes.
6. As you meditate, breathe deeply and wait until you feel "transported," maybe a little
fuzzy around the edges of your being (some people describe this as tingling or hearing a
far-off humming sound).
7. Now, visualize yourself in an environment in which that plant would naturally grow.
See yourself sitting in the middle of a circle of these flowers or plants. Allow this
visualization to become as real as possible, bringing to memory the smell of the plant,
its texture, and everything else you learned about it in the previous steps.
8. Reach out spiritually toward the plant. Don't open our physical eyes, open your
psychic ones. Be patient and wait, making mental notes of any imagery or feelings from
this point forward.

* Plant spirits will generally communicate empathically or through your senses, so be

* Once you have established a rapport with the plant, let it know the purpose of your
visit quickly and respectfully.
* How the plant communicates with you will be very personal and based on the
questions you have in mind.
* At some point the plant will withdraw, signaling that it is time for you to go back to a
"normal" level of awareness.
* No experience will be the same, even with the same type of plant or flower. One lily
conversation will not be the same as the next lily.
Harvesting a magickal plant or timing your use of greenery in a spell, ritual, or charm by
the moon
* Waxing moon: Suited to magickal matters that require steady growth, even pacing, and
positive development.
* Full moon: The mystical themes of this phase are maturity, fertility, productivity,
manifestation, and creativity.
* Waning moon: Time your spells or pick your herbs during a waning moon to banish
negativity or decrease unwanted energies.
* Blue moon: Blue moons are ideal for planning wish magick or anything that requires a
metaphysical miracle.
* Moon in Aries: Use this sign for overcoming obstacles and developing personal skills.
* Moon in Taurus: A Taurus moon helps develop tenacity, and provides energy for
* Moon in Gemini: A Gemini moon encourages balance and positive transformation.
* Moon in Leo: Leo's moon guides us in finding our "voice," especially in the magickal
* Moon in Virgo: The Virgo moon provides supportive energy for prosperity and
* Moon in Libra: Libra's moon emphasizes balance. It also helps in uncovering mysteries
or secrets.
* Moon in Scorpio: Scorpio's moon is one of focus, especially on physical issues like the
expression of passion.
* Moon in Sagittarius: The Sagittarius moon builds self-control and helps manifest
* Moon in Capricorn: Capricorn's moon makes you aware of the true you, and provides
spiritual sustenance.
* Moon in Aquarius: The Aquarian moon develops an awareness of the simple beauties
and potentials, which makes it very suited to green witchery. It also increases your
energy for adventures.

Seasonal Symbolism for the Green Witch

* Spring: The themes for this season are fertility, hope, inspiration, growth, and renewal.
In particular, consider using new grass, tree blossoms, or an early budding flower in
your green magick to represent the season of rebirth.
* Summer: The themes for this season are prosperity, energy, health, abundance,
socialization, and playfulness. In particular, consider using fresh sunflowers, daisies,
and fire-associated herbs like rosemary in your summertime green magick.
* Fall: The themes for this season are in-gathering (manifestation), protection (especially
health), frugality, and harvesting the fruits of your labors with thankfulness. In
particular, consider using any traditional harvest plant in your magick (like apples or
* Winter: The themes for this season are rest, home and family, tradition, and
safeguarding your resources in both literal and figurative terms. In particular, consider
using dried flowers and plant parts to honor the season, or perhaps berries to symbolize
spring's forthcoming abundance.
Gardening by the Moon
* Moon in Aries: plant only garlic and onions.
* Moon in Taurus: plant potatoes or leafy vegetables.
* Moon in Gemini: weed and cultivate. Do not plant or transplant.
* Moon in Cancer: graft, transplant, sow, or force budding. This is a very productive
* Moon in Leo: focus on ridding your garden of unwanted insects or weeds.
* Moon in Virgo: fairly barren. Don't do any extensive gardening during this sign other
than basic maintenance.
* Moon in Libra: sow flowers, root crops, vines, and lettuce.
* Moon in Scorpio: excellent for promoting plant growth, so fertilize now.
* Moon in Sagittarius: productive for onions.
* Moon in Capricorn: plant tubers and root crops only.
* Moon in Aquarius: cultivate and turn the soil.
* Moon in Pisces: excellent for flora requiring good root growth.
* First Quarter: plant leafy annuals with above-ground yields like broccoli, cauliflower,
celery, spinach, and lettuce.
* Second Quarter: plant rounded flowers and plants like cantaloupe, eggplant, peas,
tomatoes, and cucumbers.
* Third Quarter: sow bulbs, root crops, beets, garlic, carrots, and anything else that has
an underground yield. Also, fruit bushes seem to do well when planted during this

Understanding the Self before

becoming a Shaman
Posted by Whitefeather
To know the ways of the Shaman one must first know oneself, to know oneself, one
must understand how you interact with the world around you. This cannot be done
through meditation or journeying, for without basic foundation and a deeper
understanding of yourself, you will not be able to understand the subtle messages the
universe leaves for you, your trail will be empty.
When we were small children we came into this Earthly existence with all our senses
heightened and eager for information. Your first sense to be lost was that of taste remember your mothers voice - "aagh don't put that I your mouth - that's dirty - leave it
" And so we loose our sense of taste. Next we loose our sense of smell, as a child we
innocently speak what is, "poo that man smells" - and our parents reply "Shhh ! We
don't say things like that, its rude, its naughty its bad ! " And so we come to believe our
sense of smell is bad and something its better not to use.
Next comes touch, soon we are told "you're too big to be cuddled, put that down, don't
touch, leave it alone, I can't keep holding your hand " and so we learn that to touch is
not a pleasant thing to do. Left with only our hearing and sight now, we reach young
adulthood, but soon we are told not to eavesdrop on other peoples conversations, to
pretend we havent heard or seen when someone is in trouble, because it will invite
trouble on ourselves, and so we close down our ears and our eyes and only see and hear
what we wish to, what we are comfortable with. As an adult we have lost touch with our
senses, how then can we expect to communicate with Nature, with the Goddess, the
God, with All That Is ??
To become a shaman you must go back to basic's and begin again to slowly awaken
your senses, only when your senses are fully open and working correctly can you begin
to assess how you, as an individual, relates to and interacts with all of Life. Through
this process of interaction, understanding grows, not just of the world around you, but
of yourself, your true soul self, who and what you are. It is not an easy journey and will
uncover many things you thought you had buried or dealt with many moons past, but
these things must be known and understood before you can release them and so really
come to know the inner you. Knowing the ways of the Shaman without knowing
yourself, is like knowing the principals of how to fly and suddenly taking off in a
jumbo jet ! You would not dream of doing so without undergoing proper training and
flying lessons - and so it is with Shamanism, one must start at the basics.

Reawaken your taste buds by tasting everything with your eyes closed, get a friend or
family member to help you, it is not a guessing game, but a journey of discovery to
understand the subtle messages of every part of something. You are not trying to guess
that it is coffee or cucumber, acorn or birch bark, but that is it drying or wet, soothing or
enlivening, bitter or sweet etc., etc., Also, does it bring up any thoughts or memories for
you ? Work with everything your taste has to offer you. A name is not important, but its
signature energies are.
When you are sure your taste has awakened you can move onto your smell, working in
the same way, allowing yourself to smell every part of something and to be aware of
how that smell makes you feel. Repeat for touch, always with your eyes closed, explore
every facet, angle, bump and texture of the object you are holding, let it speak to you
through its signature energies. Learn to feel the breeze, even the most gentlest of
breezes will caress your skin, the Earth Mother will talk to you through the souls of
your feet, walk barefoot and lightly upon Her.
With your ears strain to hear things that are further away, learn to judge distance,
spacial awareness and direction, allow yourself to hear the various levels of sound, what
is close to you and what is further away, what is of the Earth and what if of the Air. Who
and what makes the sounds you hear ? How do those sounds make you feel ? What do
you sense ?
Always you are questioning, questioning, it is how we learn about the world around us
and about ourselves. When it comes to our eyes we must learn not to trust them without
the back up of our other senses. What we think we see is only a fraction of the
capabilities of our sight. We think tables and chairs are solid objects, but they are not,
they are merely vibrating at a different level to ourselves and our perceptions and so
they appear to us to be solid. I could give you facts and figures about black holes and
quantum physic's and matter, but that is not the Shamans way, facts and figures proof
nothing if you cannot feel and experience it for yourself.
You must learn to use your eyes in conjunction with all your other senses, and they
must be opened fully before you can work with them all as a whole.
Put down your books that tell you how it is or how you should experience it - this is
only one persons experience, we are all different and will each experience life
differently. If you truly wish to walk the way of the Shaman, then you must work on
yourselves first.

Many Bright Blessings to you. Whitefeather xxx

Honoring the Warriors of Peace

Posted by Whispr

Memorial day is a day to honor the memory

of those who fought so hard to protect us~
Today is a day to celebrate our freedom~
In that celebration is an honoring
of those warriors~
who fought hard to retain their rights
to be a free and independant people~
To retain those rights of freedom of speech
and the right to worship
in our own individiual ways~
These words are also dedicated
to those Spiritual Warriors~
Dedicated to those whose lives were spilled
defending their spiritual truths~
And also for the Native American Warrior
who stood their ground against adversaries
to defend the rights of the Native American People~
Dedicated to those whose blood was spilled
defending their beliefs~
their customs and their way of living~
Dedicated to those
whose blood was spilled defending their way of life
and the pursuit of happiness
The memory of their Spirits and strong wills~
will live on within our memories~
Today I want to honor the birth blood lineage
of our most sacred and holy Spiritual Warriors~
The Warriors of young and old~
The Warriors who have fought long and hard ~
to defend the rights of our people~
The Warriors who fought hard~

to defend the rights of our people~

The Warriors who fought hard~
to retain the rights to use the sacred ceremonies~
to keep the ancient traditions alive
and to keep their language alive~
I want to send forth gratitude of the spiritual lineage
that ties us so close to the ancient memories~
and also to give gratitude for those special people
whose lives have touched our life's in one way or another~
Blessings of love and light
be with all these Warriors~
Through the power of love, thru the vision of the most holy creator~
Let all evil be seen, intervened upon, and released
Let All things unnecessary fall away;
Let Holy Abundance support each of us~
on our holy Mission and service to the Creator~
We ready ourselves as tool for Divine and Holy Creation~
To expand and reclaim our territories
and where eyes of greed and control once ruled~
we shall break free from the stranglehold of evil ways~
To expand and reclaim the territories
throughout our beloved earth mother~
and beyond the visible and the invisible realms~
open our sight to see the seen and unseen visions
from here be told~
Let Divine Strength and Divine Intention~
Be our Guardians and companions~.
As members of Humanity
let us stand strong within our free will
to put courage into our hearts~
and enable us to speak our truth that has long been denied~
In sacred gratitude and most humble attitude
that we send forth a gift of love~
to thank these Warriors
We gather here today with our prayers
and ask for a Blessing of our Faithful Warrior Spirits~
Whose memories we hold within our hearts~
Let their strength become our strength~
Let their vision become our vision~

On this day ~ we call forth the Highest of Holy Intentions

the most Sacred and Divine protection and Energy
to surround each of us to guide and protect our journey~
upon this earth walk that we do
Grandfather Sun~
whose visible symbol rises high within the sky~
whose visible symbol shines before us
Wakatan kin yan hoya wayhelo
Ookawica wau welo (Im coming around))
Wakayan oo welo hey (coming in a sacred way)
Wankan Tanka cewakiye (Great Spirit, we are praying))
Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey ( Praying for good health and good help)
we stand before you and offer
our humble blessings
Eyaya Hoye Wayelo hey~~ Eyaya Hoye Wayelo hey hey ho
we offer our prayers into the vastness of the Universe
and ask for the greatest amount of healing that cosmic law will allow
Take up our humble efforts and amplify them without limit
Ste Ste ^ye) nawajin yelo hey
Beloved Sacred Sun~ whose forces of Light shine upon our pathway~
Miye Yelo Wamayanka yo
Guide and protect us on our journey
to discover truth and knowledge
Let the Light of Divine Truth always flow freely thru us
to bless all life eternal
We call forth a cosmic participation of Light
that will help connect into us into the Light of Divine Wisdom
Wisdom to the unfoldment
where the Will of God is known~
We ask to bring forth a gathering of hearts~
for the common goal of uniting thoughts and prayers
in order to heal our beloved mother earth
And all our relations
From this day forward~ be it known~
that we send forth the sacred invocations of light
Anpetu ki le cewakiya (we are praying)

Tunkasila Onsimala Yo~

Weha aweahempata weaakai doeno wakiupo chong kai
loota ohyauataka many dokeapoe pine uscheka
Look down and bless our people
Look down and walk with our mother earth
we send forth our prayers into the vastness of the Universe
And we invoke the Holy Great Spirit,
Beloved Animal and Plant Kingdoms,
Beloved Elemental forces of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and Beloved
Spirit Guides, to be with us in your luminous presence
take up our humble efforts and amplify them without limit~
We call upon the Power within these prayers
to ignite the flame within our physical bodies
and empower our every action to succeed
to our greatest and highest potential of love and light.
In wholeness of Spirit we shall begin to walk the walk,
to speak our truth, and begin to actively participate
in creating the Reality around us
We invoke our spiritual transformation
into Spiritual Warriors of Light~
and ask for our attunement and activation
as a single Divine Consciousness~
to be sent forth into the mass consciousness~
to create one thought, one heart and one prayer~
so be it~aho
Wiconi yawaste wana hohay Teshko oyate~
Oh, Great and Holy Spirit,
whose voice whispers in the winds
and whose breath breaths all life to the world,
hear us in our prayers~
Teach us to honor the truth of the Red Road~that we walk upon~
Let us give thanks to the Great and Holy Spirit~
Let us bring our hearts back into the awareness
of the Creator~

Let us bring our hearts back into the awareness

of our Beloved Mother Earth~
on which we stand and pray upon her sacred ground~
Let us bring our hearts back into the awareness
of the Father Sun~ the sky, the stars and moon~
from which we stand and pray~
as the sunshine warms, protects and guides us all~
Let us bring back our sacred and ancient prayers
and learn to share them and give them away~
The sacred sounds of our language~
that hold the ancient ancestral powers~
Let us lay down our shields of separation~
to go beyond the barriers of language,
to go beyond the veils of limitations,
Let us forgive the hatred of persecution and prejudism~
that has been done to our people~
Let us open our hearts,
our minds~ and Spirits~
Let us blend our incredible soul energies together~
and come together in peace and harmony~
Let us come together with our prayers~
Purify yourself and begin to talk to the Creator.
Give thanks for all the blessing of life and all creation.
Align yourself with the ancient ancestral memories~
that we all hold within the core of our being~
Help us to mend the sacred Hoop of our People~
Help us to mend the shields of separation that keep our people weak~
Help us to create a Wankan Tankan Kind of World~ a holy Place~
Where we can finally walk in Pride of our divine Heritage~
Help us to bring balance and harmony back to the Beloved Mother Earth~
who is in dire need of healing~
Let these Prayers be carried to the four directions~
Let these Prayers be carried to the upper and lower worlds~
Let these Prayers honor the Great and Holy Spirit~

Ookawica wau welo

Wakayan oo welo hey
Wiconzani nahan wokiye hey
Kola Lena Cicu Welo Wiconi waste
I gift these words to you my friends-~~
Apeya Wowastelaka~~~( with love~)
Toksha Ake Wacinyuanktin Ktelo
May the light of grandfather sun always shine upon your pathway
Pilamaya Ate', thank you for being a warrior
Mitakuye Oyasin Apeya Wowastelaka~~~
we are all related with love
So be it~ aho
Blessings ~ Redfoxsees
>We hold a vision to heal this world~
we hold a vision to heal the Peoples of this World~
a vision of hope and dreams~
As the voices of guidance echo inside our thoughts~
We gather together at this point in human history~
We are stepping into the battlefields
of time and space~
We will step powerfully into our rightful ownership~
as a Divine Beings of Light~
And in unity of thoughts and prayers~
we will gather together in the energy of heart and mind~
We will align into the Spirit of our Souls~
And we will awaken to remembering that all life is sacred,
We will awaken to remembering
that life is to be lived in ceremony and prayer
The day will come, it is not far away
The day that we shall see
how we owe our very existence
to the people of all tribes
that have maintained their culture and heritage.
Those that have kept the rituals, stories,
legends, and myths alive
It will be with this knowledge,

the knowledge that they have preserved,

that we shall once again return
to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth, and mankind.
It will be with this knowledge
that we shall find our "Key to our Survival
it is of utmost importance
to lay down our shields of separation from one another~
and stop focusing on our differences~
The path of a Warrior is not an easy path~
But it is a pathway of service that many have devoted their life's to~
We are entering turbulent times within this world~
Our prayers are needed now~ more than ever~
Ancient Omaha prayer:
Grandfather, look at our brokenness.
We know that in all creation
Only the human family
has strayed from the sacred Way.
We know that we are the ones
who are divided
and we are the ones
Who must come back together
To walk in the Sacred Way
Grandfather, Sacred One, teach us love,
compassion and honor
That we may heal the earth
and heal each other..


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Many Thanks
Breeze and Shadow
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Where your friends can come to a friendly environment from all
the drama on the net that distracts so many from concentrating
on information that can help them improve their daily Life..

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