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Mary Magdalene

Entering the Inner Dragon and Fire Gates 76 - 82

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 4 August 2009 for the
activation taking place on 18 August 2009
In this channelling Mary Magdalene activates these 7 Fire Gates which
grant us access to an aspect of the Planetary Pathway to Manifesting
The Dream through the Inner Dragon. These Fire Gates will be
anchored in Kosova and Geneva. Mary Magdalene discusses the
interweaving of the Universal and Planetary Gateways to Heaven
(chakras) being anchored in Peru in August 2009 and prepares our
energy bodies for this event. This is a call to all Lightworkers located in
these geographic areas to join together with us and participate in
the further creation of the Planetary Pathway to Oneness and the
Global Fire Network being woven.! The collective union of this Fire
Energy will allow the fourth level of the new codes of Mother Earth's
DNA to be downloaded through the Lightworkers participating in these
I am Mary Magdalene and I welcome each of you into the divine
presence of love and truth. Welcome.
As we join together within this time of powerful integration we
embrace you in the core of the heart of Father/Mother god. At this
moment in time we extend the rays of the Emerald and the Ruby
Flame to touch your heart, your mind, your body and your soul opening
the Pathways to Oneness where each of you are greeted by the Inner
Dragon of Divine Fire. The Divine Fire is a flame of consciousness, one
that burns through the veils of illusion, misinterpretation and
miscommunication so that you as a divine expression of the collective
energy of Father/Mother God can see the truth within the existence of
your purpose.
So much information has been presented to the planet, all of which is
not entirely aligned with the mechanisms of higher wisdom, however
each word that is transmitted serves a purpose to awaken an individual
to the understanding of what God and Goddess is and it is that the
Inner Dragon holds the key to the inner divine presence of the Flame of
Awakening. The Flames of Awakening direct you along the pathway
that connects you with your truth and reconnects you with the
extended expressions of those truths and so it is that the laws of
All That Is are born.

The world in which you are living is made up of a variety of levels of

consciousness, each of those levels have created a dynamic, these
dynamics have either created a blockage within the system or an
opening within the system. Now we take each of you held within the
divine Emerald and Ruby Flames and we point you in the direction of
the truth of your divine purpose.
The Pathway to Oneness has been activated and now it is that the
leaders of the light (light being illumination, awareness and the
presence of love) can enter the realms of expanded awareness, which
delivers unto you the keys to the doors into the worlds that exist
beyond lower level consciousness.
The regions of Kosova and Geneva are the points that hold another
level of the Emerald and the Ruby Flames; it also holds the entry points
for the seven Fire Gates that are being activated today. These Fire
Gates are showing you that there are always doors to other parts of the
divine self that reveal to you the divinity of self so that you may rise
above the limitations of a Third Dimensional World in which matter
binds you to systems that are not necessarily liberating.
The energies today are being connected to Peru, the place where some
of you will be travelling to in your physical body over the latter part of
August of the Christ year 2009. Although we are anchoring specific
energies within this area and Kosova and Geneva we are also
extending the flames to a place in Egypt.
Now some of you are aware that there will be activity or should we
rather say a group travelling to Egypt in the Christ year in November
2009. In this place the Desert Gods and Goddesses will be anchoring
forty-eight flames of the aspects of these particular bodies of light and
they will be woven into the physical system of forty-eight human
beings who will serve as the gatekeepers to the portals that shall be
activated in the deserts of Egypt.
The Desert Gods and Goddesses have been holding very powerful
chambers of knowledge within their heart chakras. As these chambers
are gradually opened for the higher octaves of human consciousness
to enter into so you will experience another wave of energy entering
your planet this we will call the Airwaves linked to the Air Gates.
The flame of Spirit and the higher wisdom of the higher mind of
Mother/Father God merge and it is at this point that one hundred and

forty-four thousand Masters of the world of Atlantis step into the

etheric grids of the Earth Plane so that those who have chosen to raise
their swords of truth can easily enter into these worlds that they bring
forth. The worlds I refer to are realms of awareness, intelligence and
consciousness that shall open the memory banks of the DNA held
within the cells of your body. This release helps one understand the
deeper meanings of the soul and how the soul enters into flesh and
through this channels the spirit of that which exists beyond the Third
Dimensional World of matter.
Peru is the heart holding the keys to these worlds and this is why we
are weaving the energies from Kosova and Geneva into the grids of
Peru and extending it to the deserts of Egypt.
An explosion of light occurs and as the blessings of the cosmic natures
of our Divine Creators cascade down upon humanity so you will witness
a great awakening. This awakening is another wave that prepares the
world for those who are still to come to pass through the Fire Gates,
the Air, the Water and the Earth Gates.
The Inner Dragon extends beyond the world of human intelligence, it is
the part of you that is guardian to the inner caverns of the almighty
consciousness of divine truth. These truths are not born through
human placement, through human knowledge or human law, it is that
which comes from that which is all, almighty, all knowing and all truth.
Mother Earth is ready to receive the fourth level of her new DNA codes
and the same is being bestowed upon each of you. Kosova holds the
thread of the Emerald Flame, Geneva the thread of the Ruby Flame
and so the heart of the Inner Dragon emerges with the deeper
awareness that the love extended
to humanity is infinite and all encompassing, therefore I ask you now to
shut your eyes if you have not already and to open your heart to
welcome this infinite presence of divine love, divine knowledge and
truth and to breathe it into the core of your heart and to allow it to
penetrate the cells of your body, to seep into your DNA, the molecules
and the atoms of everything that you are.
As you move into your altered state of awareness it is within this state
that the Great Masters of the Galactic Core, the Masters of the Ancient
Temples of Wisdom of Peru and the Desert Gods and Goddesses step in
to meet you, to greet you and to enfold you in their divine light. Each
of these groups of beings hold the keys to the seven gateways into the

world of the Inner Dragon. In your mind imagine yourself entering a

magnificent forest and as you walk along the
pathway before you observe nature, see how spectacular and
awesome it is pure, expansive and abundant.
The trees extend their energy to you, the animals and every other
aspect of nature welcomes you into its haven opening its heart. I want
you to notice that up ahead of you is an opening and as you pass
through this opening a magnificent mountain range greets you. This is
the home of your Dragon. This mountain range is made up of
spectacular minerals, gemstones and exquisite colors (each color
communicating to the chakras of your body). All the elements are
contained within it. Your body responds to this familiar vibration and
opens to receive the communications transmitted.
Take a deep breath in and as you exhale the mountains open to
welcome you and various rays of color shine forth from this mountain
range connecting with all seven chakras of your body.
The light of these rays begin to strengthen the inner qualities of the
elements contained within you and opens, receives and integrates the
unique language of love that you were encoded with at the time of
your movement from the outer worlds into the inner worlds and from
the inner worlds into the external world of matter. The world of matter
has presented you with many physical challenges, emotional, mental
and spiritual and each of these challenges have revealed to you
opportunities to rise above the density of the Third Dimensional World
and has also revealed to you the access points that take you from the
Third Dimensional World of matter into the higher worlds of fluid
I want you now to welcome your personal Guardian Angel and the
Guides who were present with you at the time of setting your blueprint
in crystal stone so to speak. These beings are celebrating this time for
in anchoring the fourth level of Mother Earths DNA a new structure has
been released, a structure that will hold you through the important
times of the shift in consciousness and that alteration of the dynamics
of wisdom and love that humanity can now align themselves with.
Before you enter your Guardian Angel draws a symbol on your third
eye chakra. This symbol opens a portal into the dimensions of higher
knowledge and a beautiful Emerald Ray pulsates from the inner
wisdom of this chakra. This Emerald Ray is a message to your Inner

Dragon that you have arrived and that you are ready to integrate the
seven flames of the seven Fire Gates that it has been guarding on your
behalf at this time. Your Guardian Angel and your personal guides
indicate to you that it is now time for you to enter this mountain range
and as you step into the caverns of inner consciousness you hear
a stirring around you and instead of it being cold and damp inside the
mountain you feel a familiar warmth. This warmth is touching all your
You are led into a massive chamber, like an amphitheatre within the
mountain and on the far end of this amphitheatre is a magnificent
dragon with exquisite great emerald eyes and in the centre of this
dragons eyes is the pulsating Ruby Flame and in the centre of this
Ruby Flame is a Golden Amber Flame.
Your dragon welcomes you and rises to stand above you, and as this
exquisite creature towers above you it opens its mouth and the Flame
of Truth touches your heart. Breathe this flame into your body and as
you exhale the warmth of this aspect of yourself moves deep into the
solar plexus, each beat of your heart guiding the flame to burn through
those veils of illusion that have prevented you from seeing the parts of
you that are connected to matter that hold the key to the other worlds
of higher knowledge, higher intention and the next level of uniting all
hearts to the Pathway of Oneness.
I want you to now walk closer to your dragon, to stand beneath its
heart chakra and to listen to its heartbeat. Close your eyes and place
the palm of your right hand on its body feeling its heartbeat. As it
connects to the chakras of your hands so it moves up your arm and
this pulsation holds a sequence of codes that allows your
consciousness and your human awareness to surrender to the fire that
exists within All That Is.
Your dragon has a message for you, this message may come in any
form and it wants you now to open your heart, your mind, your body,
soul and spirit to receive the language that it uses to communicate
with you telepathically. This telepathic communication will now be
established and a specific sequence of codes are integrated with the
assistance of your personal guides.
Breathe in deeply and as you exhale the keys within the cerebral spinal
fluid of your spine alter their physiology so that you and every aspect
of your consciousness can understand its transmission.

Now place the palm of your left hand on the dragons body and energy
begins to charge through your body. This energy moves up and down,
up through the crown, down through the base into the soil of this
mountain range and begins to travel along the leylines of Mother
Earths body to Kosova then to Geneva, extending to the exquisite
mountain ranges of Peru and then into the grand deserts of Egypt.
Take a deep breath in and as you exhale allow the next level to pulsate
through you as Mother Earth thanks you for your presence and allows
the codes of DNA that she receives to be communicated to your DNA.
The first four strands of your DNA receive this language and the
vibrations that you have been living by now alter, increase in vitality
and expand beyond the boundaries of the finite world of matter and
help you to open your mind, your heart, your body and soul to become
one with the fluid light of the infinite world of Sacred Spirit.
I want you now to try and wrap your hands around your dragon as if
you were holding it close to your body and push your body up as close
as you can to this creature and as you do this your dragon becomes a
magnificent emerald being, it becomes fluid as do you. The light that
radiates through this creature radiates through the mountain range
that houses it and this world extends into the structure of all your
chakras creating a magnificent range of new perception through mind,
through heart, through spirit and matter.
The spirit of your inner dragon now moves into the realms of your
intelligence as a human being, into the emotional body of you as a
human and then into the physical body.
The cells receive the sacred codes of the higher geometry of the Grand
Galactic Core and the chakric system of the Grand Galactic Core open
and transmit the higher octaves of the levels of wisdom, knowledge,
power and understanding that you are ready to work with. The
information that you are currently being encoded with will support the
systems of liberation that shall free those who are ready to see beyond
the limited constructs of the structures within humanity that were
deliberately created to disempower humans within a system of matter,
therefore all of the symbols and the codes that have been left by the
Ancient Ones who walked the Earth before you will now speak from a
different realm and
you will receive it on a different level.

Wherever you travel, physically that is, you will witness these ancient
codes, the messages of the Ancient Ones that were deliberately placed
at various points so that when the Light Ones returned they would
recognize this language and by recognizing the language the volumes
of information contained in one symbol could be released. Your third
eye opens like a grand lake of water and each of the sacred symbols
that have been encoded in Kosova, Geneva, Peru and the ancient
desert temples of Egypt now filter into your third eye and your inner
dragon clears the way for you to receive this knowledge. Breathe in,
relax as you exhale and allow the sacred flow of higher wisdom to find
its way to the points inside of you that were prepared and encoded into
your DNA so that you would
recognize the original truths of All That Is.
As you receive the volumes of wisdom and the interpretive tools to
help you to recognize the stories that they tell you will see how
historys stories have been altered. You will begin to understand how
many levels of information have been withheld from humanity and as
such it has been very difficult, in fact almost impossible, for the
collective body of humans to receive and be exposed to the actual
truth of what Mother Earth is all about and the hidden wisdom she
This is a time of coming of age like no other. During the times of
Atlantis the wise ones used all of the tools of Heaven and Earth in order
to communicate and to plot the directions to freedom, to safety and
peace.! Now the time has come for the language of Heaven and Earth
to merge as one. Again we reaffirm this is the reason why this vessel
that we use as a channel has to understand the language of the stars
and of the planets so that each of you can be guided and educated in
the same way.
The planets and the fixed stars are keys and libraries containing
information that many do not have access to. Those who wrote the
laws of your material physical world know this and went about their
process of removing these keys in order to ensure that the power be
kept for a handful. When you understand the language of the Heavens
you will understand the language of your inner world. You come from
the stars, you manifest into matter, you have come from Spirit and you
have manifested as matter and if you do not remember your origin the
sacred truths that lead you to liberation will always elude you.

Your inner dragon gives you the first key to Mother Earths star body,
although she is a physical planet of matter she still lives within the
Cosmos, she too is of the stars. The way energy moves through you is
changing and will continue to change, this is why each of you need to
understand the glyphs of the chakras, the keys to the worlds within
and outside of you. The fluid emerald energy of your Inner Dragon
penetrates the star body of Mother Earth and extracts the glyph of the
Moon. This glyph of the half moon is now extended into your heart
chakra and is turned three times in a clockwise direction allowing more
of the infinite
wisdom of the Great Mother to communicate to you. Breathe in deeply,
exhaling fully. Surrender and allow Mother Moon to become one with
your heart and all the levels of the Mothers consciousness can speak
to you.
The Great Goddess of the Moon now enfolds her arms around you and
your dragon. She represents the light within darkness and her phases
represent the phases of your own development. Allow the Moon to
guide you through these phases, take time to study how it is that she
affects you as a physical person within the realm of matter. Take time
to communicate with her and her different phases, allow her to
communicate with you through the phases that you undergo as the
light within shows you the Pathway to Oneness in your times of
Your dragon opens its mouth again and breathes out a raging furnace
of flames, its heart chakra opening drawing you into it's emerald fluid
body and the rays of Mother Moon accompanies you. While you are
one with your dragon, your body extends and expands to become the
size of this magnificent creature and I want you to imagine yourself
looking out through the eyes of your dragon, breathing its fire, feeling
the heart of its power beating as if it was yours. The spine of the
dragon holds every single key in existence linked to crystals, the
and the gems of the physical world and each of these codes within
themselves hold billions and billions of levels of information. As and
when you are ready you will access this and you will define for yourself
the truth - your truth and the truth of the original plan.
Lord Thoth now enters the cavern of your Inner Dragon, as does
Abraham, Moses and Master Yeshua. All of these Ancient Teachers
worked through the science of astronomy and astrology to prepare the

way for their followers to walk upon the Earth. Abraham was one of the
wise men that brought astrology to your world and he steps forward
standing before your dragon and offers you an emerald key to the first
level of your readiness to understand the language of Heaven as it
communicates to Earth.
Thoth, the ancient leader of Atlantis, also steps forward and he too
offers you a key in the form of a symbol. This is the key that you
worked with during the times of Atlantis when you understood the
language of astronomy and the tool of astrology.
The codes within your DNA now rearrange themselves in alignment
with these two keys and as they are turned so the liquid emerald turns
to liquid ruby and the heart of the dragon becomes a brilliant sun, the
sun that extends its rays into every level of your consciousness so that
you may see that the dawning of the new day has come and that
manifesting the dream is your right, the dream to be free of the fate of
the world of matter.
Take a deep breath in exhaling fully as you relax and surrender to
these energies and these codes of ancient language, ancient
knowledge, love and wisdom.
Master Yeshua now steps forward, he places his hand into you and the
dragon and as he hands enter this fluid body you are able to see that
he too led his people by the wisdom of understanding the language of
the stars and Earth. This is why he knew when to act and when not to
act for the language of the celestial bodies embodies the power to tell
this, but ignorant fools that see the stars as simple bodies of light will
fall as a result of their foolishness and the ignorant ones will come
upon their hands and knees to the enlightened ones begging for the
wisdom, begging for the keys to freedom but this will not be granted
unless they are willing to walk the pathways that each of you have
No soul is granted access to these higher worlds until they are willing
to face the darkness of themself and it is in facing the inner darkness
that light can be born and once that light is born it can never ever be
taken away therefore, precious ones, the gift of the Fire Gates to you
today is the acknowledgment that you are an enlightened one, you are
the ones to which the ignorant ones will come weeping tears of fear for
they will realize that their ignorance has cost them dearly, but the fools
will also have the opportunity to become wise ones be

compassionate with them yet firm, research and study the wisdom of
the Ancient Ones. Be observant of the sacred symbols that exist in the
physical world of your Earth and open your heart, your mind, your body
and your soul to receive their words and you will be liberated.
All the Guides now enter into the body of your dragon and as they pass
through the fluid body of your dragon they leave a gift for you. This gift
is absorbed into the spinal column of your dragon and yours for you
are one with this almighty creature.
While they are passing through I want you now to choose an area in
your life into which you wish to breathe these powerful flames into so
as to bring enlightenment and to remove the density that blocks your
vision and obstructs your movement. Do this now. Take a deep breath
in and as you relax the Inner Dragon of Kosova is awakened, the Inner
Dragon of Geneva is awakened and their flames unite opening the
sacred portal between Heaven and Earth that shall show ignorant and
foolish men the error of their ways, their thoughts, their
communications, interpretations and the implementation of rules and
that do not serve humanity. As a result the time has come for humans
to return to the basic origin of life, understanding the elemental
language of the four directions and how these elements work through
you and support you.
Take a deep breath in as the energy travels to Peru and to the deserts
of Egypt and the inner stirring of all the Inner Dragons is now active. I
want you to remain at one with your dragon and to make your way out
of the mountain range and to notice that the magnificence of this
grand creature stands high above the forest
which you passed through to meet it, and from this point you can see
all across the world and your dragon expands in energy until it is as big
as the world and it moves beyond, the fluid energy now one with the
Take a deep breath in as you begin to draw your consciousness back
into your body. As this happens you travel down a portal into the heart
of the dragon until you are standing next to it, this almighty
gargantuan creature towering way above you but this creature is a
protector and a guardian as much as it is an aspect of you.
Give thanks for all that you have experienced and relax into the
knowing that the secrets are being revealed, the truth of the Ancient

Ones is coming to the fore and there is no longer any way that the
ignorant ones can block the enlightened ones from rediscovering the
word of God and Goddess. The truth always reveals itself in perfect
timing and that timing is now. Give thanks to all of those beings who
accompanied you on this particular journey. The Fire Gates are dancing
within your energy field and within your chakras and as the warrior of
light you are now ready to take on a whole new level of knowledge and
earthly experience.
Give thanks to yourself for the choices that you have made to undergo
these powerful initiations into the world of your truth. Give thanks for
your courage to stand before yourself and see who you are. Stand not
in judgment of who you are, stand only in gratitude of that which you
have learnt and how that which you have dealt with has shown you
alternative ways to experience yourself and live life within the Third
Dimensional World of matter.
Take a deep breath in drawing your consciousness deeper into your
physical body ensuring that you are fully grounded in your body in this
time-line, here and now, yet still completely connected to all the
energies that you bore witness to today, all the energies that you have
connected with and that which is now one with you.
Straighten your spine, draw your shoulders back and allow your heart
to receive the blessings of the Great Cosmos and those of you who
stand as the anchors within Kosova and Geneva we extend our
gratitude to you, for those of you who are the supporting pillars from
all over the world we thank you too. May your world always be filled
with light.
I am Mary Magdalene, au revoir.
Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 21 July 2009

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