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Historical Book.
By:Sahil R., and Andrew P.

A for Alluvial Soil

Alluvial soil was very fertile
and used to farm by the
Olmec.It produced a lot of
food and even extra food.

B for blood
Blood was offered to the
gods to please them.They
were given to the gods to
make sure that the sun

C for Calendar
The mayans used math to
make a calendar.It was
used to make decisions as
it was very accurate.

D for Disease
Millions of Incas died from
smallpox brought by the
europeans.98% of their
population was killed by
small pox.

E for Elevation
For every 1000 feet you
rise above sea level the
temperature drops 3.5 F

F for Francisco Pizzaro


Francisco Pizzaro came to

Meso America to get rich
and he got gold and special
stones from the Incas.

G for Glyphs
The Glyphs were used as
language.They were
symbols that represented

H for Human Sacrifice

Human life and blood was
very sacred and was
demanded to be offerings
and sacrifices to the gods.

I for Incas
The Incas were controlled
by their government and
had an army of
200,000.Their government
made decisions.

J for Jaguar God

The Mayans believed in the
Jaguar god.They built a
temple to worship it.

K is for Kings
Kings ruled the empires and
controlled the

M for Math
The Mayans made a math
system with zero in it
unlike many other
cultures.They used a quipu
to keep track of trade.

L for Limestone
Limestone was used mainly
by the Mayans to build
large important structures.

There are three main
classes that formed
the Aztec society.The
emperor was part of
the top class of

O For Olmec
The olmec culture was
known as the MesoAmerican mother culture
since it was one of the first
cultures in Mesoamerica.It
flourished between 1200 to
400 B.C.

P For Pacal the 2nd

Pacal 11 was a king
who ruled the Mayan
city of Palenque for
about 70 years and
was praised to be the
greatest Mayan King
who ever lived.

Q For Quipu
Quipu was a
counting tool of
which was made
out of cords and

R for Religion
All cultures in Mesoamerica
worshipped war gods while
others worshiped corn, and
rain gods.The citizens and
the residents would
sacrifice people to the gods
as a offering.

S for Steles
Since Mayan cities
were known for their
Architecture they
built large stone
monuments called

T For Tenochitican
A legend told the
Aztecs where to build
their city so once
they found the area
where to build it they
build their city

U For Uaxactun
Uaxactun is an
ancient sacred place
for the ancient Maya
and is still today

V For Volcano
Volcanos in
Mesoamerica have
changed the land by
forming highland
lakes and huge
conelike mountains.
They also gave many
precious stones.

W For War
would go to war many
times.High ranking
warriors would be
given high respect.

X For Xocoatl
Xocoatl was chocolate
and it was popular in
mesoamerica but they
drank instead of
eating it.Since this
was before sugar was
made it had a bitter

Y For Yuctan
An area of South
eastern Mexico that
extends into the
Carribean Sea, and
Gulf of Mexico.

Z For Zero
The Mayans were at
the time very
advanced in
math.One of their
accomplishments is
that they were on of
the first people to use

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