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New Hire Packet

Phone Policy
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Phone Policy
1. If radio is lost once Mallick will replace.
2. If radio is lost a 2nd time, it will be determined at later date by management if
Mallick or employee will replace it.
3. If radio is broken Mallick will fix or Mallick will replace.
4. Mallick will supply a charging station to keep on the job and every radio
will have a charger when handed out.
5. 1st time found using phone in any manner you will be asked to leave the job.
6. 2nd time found using phone in any manner you may be terminated and this
will be determined on a case by case basis.
7. You may keep your cell phone in the trailer or in your car.
8. You will be asked to talk only before work hours, at lunch and after working
9. Radios will have an employee number and you use the same radio daily.
10. If special exception is needed to use the phone during work this will be
done on case by case basis.
11. Mallick will supply a phone list to all employees for foremans number to
give family members.
12. If family needs to talk to an employee they are to call foreman and foreman
will notify employee to call that person.

I understand and agree to comply with this phone policy.


This Employee Handbook is confidential Mallick property. Its contents

may not be copied
or disclosed to any person who is not a current Mallick employee.

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