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Course and Section_)(S - 2 Names__“T OM EER TALAN Date_3/23/ 2010 MARVIN COATS ROTATIONAL DYNAMICS EXPERIMENT Introduction: In this experiment, you will study the motion of objects undergoing uniformly accelerated rotational motion. Each object will be mounted so that it rotates about a fixed vertical axis, rotational acceleration will be caused by the tension in a string wrapped around a spit ape connected to a hanging weight, as shown. Using a Pasco Smart Pulley, you will mea: linear acceleration of the hanging weight for two different configurations: A) disk horizontally as shown above, B) horizontal disk and a hoop. disk (M,R) sooo aaeed] ee at spindle (1) Prel inary Questions: 1, In the figure above, a disk is shown on the platform, If the dis disk) of the same mass and radius, will the acceleration of ths the same? Teplaced by a hoop (hollow stem increase, decrease, or stay 2, After the mass m is released, will its acceleration be less than, equal to, or greater than g (or does the answer depend on 4)? eae Theory Draw a freebody diagram for the hanging weight and for the rotating mass system, For the latter, itis important to indicate where forces are applied. i Grew Lng ‘Newton's 2" law applied to the falling mass m yields mg-T=ma, or T=m(g~a), a) My (¢-a) eaten 4 where [is the tension in the string. Similarly, for the rotating system, if we ignore friction in the spindle bearing, & Wee TH @ : where / isthe moment of inertia of the rotating system, r is the spindle radius, and Tr is the torque applied by the string to the spindle. Combining Eq. (1) and (2) yields mg~a) ° Theoretically, 2 A) Mnorizontat =4M ask Reise 6 B) Tiotat =! horizontal * 4 hoop» 4 Thoop Procedure Connect the Smart Pulley to the Pasco interface box. Open Data Studio and seféet the Smart Pulley setup. Open a graph so that you gan plot velocity versus time using tie Smart Pulley. Measure the mass (Marg) and radius (Rij) of the solid disk, the mass-(Mysop) and inside and outside radii (Rand R:) of the hoop, and the radius (F) of the spidle (to be measured with the caliper). Use hanging mass values (m) of 50 g, 100 g, 150 g, and 200 g, A) Mount the disk horizontally. Hang 2 50 g mass from the end of the string, allow it to fall and cause the to rotate, and record the velocity as a function of time. From the slope of your curve, calculate the acceleration. Repeat for the other three values of m. B) Place the hoop on top of the disk and repeat the measurements in A). Analysis and questions 1. For cach of the inertia configurations, enter your data into Excel. Create data columns giving m, a, and m(g-a). Graph m(g-q) versus a and do a linear fit to the data, From Eq. (3), the slope of the line should be +’. Using your measured value of r, calculate / m_(\tes) @_ (mls) m(g-a) 6 Move 66S 0.0254 | 0 agit wit ols nous | Lug Waser oO ots 0.13.96 Vue ExCE C25 0. 144! Lobe prem Tout Myoor = IN3O 4 u/e Beer —. — Seeder ey Morse = (S84, We a (tan hd ZL Dovee 7 O24 ewe Seg Gera ee R = (Luse, ya) 600508 owe eee aso ©.0 SxS Quer dae 250 oAjast Pena: = LIE ees Rw = Se E & w/e leur Tween = §.68 OH reece Ggae 2 core oC C16 ©, Depwate = 2UAK en Cceis 250 C.ISES BoC a. taut 2. Now calculate the theoretical values of / for each of the configurations using Eq. (4), (5). Compare your ‘theoretical’ and ‘measured’ values of Z. What factors might account for the differences between these values? Case A) Case) Tusse= 0.00404 Iue= 6,07 1G Yes Tises= Tnew=_0. 66 U10 J = _—_————_ mn Dotcmne, “gre Detain of Giada ten omony ae ve rt b US ae aywnblly lageline” e 3. Review your answers to the preliminary questions, and explain any changes you wish to make to them after having done this experiment. NO, tale Ph chic & [ink 1 ant, bane frageblen dno clrv- mechan’ WR Me panies Meebo Mare abe pn A . zB pen ha te C002* PS™ gli = 6°GO353 V peas > 0.66263 Lyng = G.60419 payau0) — jeuriup zs000'0 yooto"0- voo0'o — T”900'0- leonasoay; woy aouarayig €S€00'0 «zz000 pay2aii09 evero'o wo eve’ ste $900 wo 59 Szsz00 se50°0 wo SE's Szeso0 setTO Wo SvTT vee a peer ev 3 oebt (89) sassew) (ws) mpex —(w) pes otvo0'0 z9200°0 vtbto‘o 40600°0 eulsu0, aipuidsy (y dooy 42300) zu (uy dooy su) Ty 2sipy 251 dooun, oyu sayno. 740 T388ys T1zooTOz quawedg sojweuAg [euoneroy z-SOTHd jee wos | a seaw! | Wseouw | ‘S9SS9E € se0 TweT'O = OSE. (eva) serety? seo S4eT'0 sz gq oar) SOE6S'T STO 1800 OST oar soz68y'0 SOO 6s700 |= OS. (eau By) fevsfule (2) | doo noun sevav'sz ado aewnsa soscar'e seo [StF [Ose s9e0;0 — §79996'0 sisoere sco [sae Jose e1ap viepzesyt | sto fzso0 Jost sezsav'd soto [esto fos eau yw esfaye yw 186 (Zvs/tu)/8 doo yin m(g-a) (with hoop) (Part B) 8 y= 26.28x+0.083 2 z © mig-a) | F —Linear {mig-a)) | 2 E 0 0.05 oa oas ‘Accelaration (m/s*2) m(¢-a) (without hoop) (Part A) y= 17.09x + 0.057 ¢ mig-a) Linear (m(g-a)) ee | 0 0.05 O41 0.15 0.2 0.25 1 ‘Accelaration (m/s*2) | ‘Tom Bertalan Marvin Coats PH105-2 Rotational Dynamics Experiment 20100211 Sheet 2 of 2

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