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Re: Questions from ENGL 4181/5181


Winterling, Rachael

to me

Hey Dr. Wickliff:

Here is a quick response to the questions that I could think of on the top of
my head so they could be shared with your class this afternoon. Let me know
if there is any further questions.
Questions from the ENGL 4181/5181 class for Rachael Winterling

1. When do you anticipate WorldCat Discovery become the default search

a. It is anticipated to become default before the fall
2016 semester.
2. What prompts a change in your interface? (e.g. complaints, routine
updates etc.)
a. There is no promise for change because the
library does not own the interface, OCLC a third party
vendor does, thus they would have to make the
changes. To support a recommendation for change,
valid data would need to be presented to OCLC.
Remember, there is other ways then just changing
the interface; the library can change tutorials and
training methods to support the recommendations.

How often is the OCLC software updated?


How often does the school update the software that OCLC releases?


5. How many tests will the school be conducting before officially launching
WorldCat Discovery as the default search engine in the school?

a. The tests 4181/5181 are conducting and the test

that my intern and I are conducting. We are on a time
crunch before we are forced to use Discovery which
means we do not have a lot of time for testing. Based
on the classs recommendations and
recommendations from my own study, we might have
time for one more study.

Will there be a tutorial for using WorldCate Discovery for new users?
a. Yes, our findings and recommendations will play a
large role in what should be included in tutorials.

7. Will unfamiliar terms such as course reserves be clearly defined for

those who are not familiar with the wording?
a. No, they will not be right away, but this is
something that can be recommended. Course
Reserves is also listed in the librarys navigational
menu item, Research and Course Help. The course
reserves in WorldCat Discovery is a new feature and I
am unsure it we will use this function through that
8. Will WorldCat Discovery be more useful on mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets? Answer with online research as well.
a. It should be, but this something that should be
9. Can libraries change the order/prioritization of search results to suit the
needs of their patrons?
a. We can sort by library and Relevance, Relevance
Only, Date, and most widely held.
10. Does WorldCat local or the Discovery Interface have any special features
to accommodate users with hearing or vision impairments?
a. I am unsure, but you might find this information
on their website.
b. If they dont this is something should be
11. How many iterations of testing (alpha, beta, etc.) do you plan on
facilitating throughout the course of the implementation of the product?

a. No more testing of the alpha will be conducted

because it will be phased out. Alpha will be
conducted on a routine basis. Currently, patrons can
use it and leave feedback on the libraries website.
This data is also being tracked through Google
12. Tentatively, what will the final interface look like?
a. Tentatively, the final interface will look like the
current Beta, so WorldCat Discovery.
13. Has there been any conversation to incorporate Google Scholar?
a. Unsure, this is a conversation that would be
university based.
14. What were the biggest complaints about the old interface?

That My Library Account was not easily accessible

b. That my library account and the ILL account were

not merged.
c. That there was not a Did you mean to correct
d. Sometimes a item would say full text was
available and it really was not.
e. The order of filters

How the results populated.

Rachael Winterling | Usability Coordinator

UNC Charlotte | Atkins 252 (4)
9201 University City Blvd. | Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: 704-687-6186 |

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