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Teacher Candidate: Miss Gianna DePalma

Date: February 16, 2016

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Varano

Coop. Initials:

Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Allotted Time:

45 minutes

Seasons- Performance Assessment

Grade Level: 4th


3.3.4.A5 Describe basic weather elements. Identify weather patterns over time.
I. Performance Objectives:
A. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the seasons by participating in
one big group poster project.
B. Students will be able to apply what they know about the different seasons, Earth's tilt,
the equator, and weather and climate.

II. Instructional Materials:

a. One giant poster
b. YouTube video- weather song "Check Out The Weather"
c. Crayons
d. Colored Markers
e. Colored Pencils
f. Evaluation of Students Paper (25) (see attached)

III. Subject Matter/Content

A. Prerequisite Skills
1. Students will need to recognize everything they have learned on weather and
2. Students will need to be familiar with different types of weather.
B. Key Vocabulary- there will be no vocabulary for this performance assessment.
C. Big Idea: We use the seasons to understand all different types of weather and climates.

D. New Content
1. The students will learn about different types of weather, climates, and
temperatures in different parts of the U.S.

IV. Implementation:
A. Introduction1. Have the students get into one giant circle around the room, standing besides
one another. The students will say with a big smile on their face "Wherever you
go, no matter what the weather, always bring your sunshine." This will lead the
students into the group project as a class.

B. Development1. The students will all be working together on a huge poster project from
everything they have learned.
2. The students will move their desks around the edges of the room and then the
teacher will put the large poster in the middle of the room.
3. Then, the students will have to move and sit themselves all around the poster
on the floor.
4. The teacher will tell the students that seasons are important and play a big part
in weather and climate which is what we experience every single day.
5. The teacher will provide each student with a topic of what they will have to
write and draw but using their own imagination as long as it covers that topic. 25
students = 25 topics.
6. The topics include, spring, summer, autumn, winter, sunny, hot, warm, chilly,
freezing, cloudy, partly cloudy, rainy, snowy, hail, windy, equator, temperature,
Earth's tilt, degrees, Fahrenheit, Celsius, thermometer, hurricane, tornado, and
weather forecast.
7. Once the students are given their topic students will be able to begin
writing/drawing/coloring anything that pertains to that topic.
8. Teacher will be walking around observing and looking at student's work.
9. Teacher will tell students that they are allowed to communicate and help one

10. There will be access to prior work that students can refer to if need be on their
topic such as old PowerPoint, inquiry sheets, and previous projects they have
11. Students will have their own space on this poster where they can complete
their work.
12. This will take 20-25 minutes.

C. Closure1. Have the students go around the room one-by-one and say what they chose to
write/draw and explain why.
2. Have the students rotate clockwise around the room and look at their
classmates work.
3. Play the weather song for the students. "Check Out The Weather" (YouTube)

D. Accommodations/Differentiation- CW is color blind and gets several different colors

mixed up. The teacher will hand him the correct colors to use and draw with. Also, CS
has bad eye sight, the teacher will have her sit in front closest to the front of the
classroom and also closest to the poster when sitting around it.

E. Evaluation of Students1. Formative- Look at and observe poster. Make conversation with students about
their own work and what they did. Make corrections if anything is done
incorrectly. Also, the teacher will be filling out a small evaluation sheet for each
child for the day.
2. Summative- There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response:
A. Report on Student's Performance in Terms of Objectives


B. Personal Reflection
1. Did my lesson/activity run smoothly or did it get unorganized?

2. Was the class poster an effective project and good idea for the performance

3. How could this lesson be improved?

VI. Resources:
"Check Out The Weather"

Evaluation of Students:

Parent's Signature:

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