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GA DOE Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric Action Steps

Areas Identified as Basic & the Action Plan to Move These Areas to Proficient
Category 1- Student and Achievement and Instruction
3. Professional library media staff are engaged in active teaching role/s.
Action Plan:
SLMS will promote collaboration with teachers. The SLMS will meet with grade levels once a
month, during their grade level planning, to assist with collaborative planning. The SLMS will
collaboratively work with the classroom teacher to determine how and where assessment should
take place, as well integrating CCGPS into the units led by the SLMS and classroom teacher. SLMS
will provide Web 2.0 resource tools, which can be integrated into lessons and/or assessments, as
well as demonstrate how to utilize the resource tools.
5. Services are provided to students who have diverse learning abilities, styles, and needs.
Action Plan:
SLMS will collaborate with teachers to collect and use student data to design activities that will
lead to student achievement. The SLMS will work with classroom teachers to set Accelerated
Reader goals. The SLMP will support classroom instructional strategies and CCGPS learning
activities that meet the individual needs of students in each classroom.
6. Student achievement is routinely assessed.
Action Plan
The SLMS will develop more collaboration with teachers on class projects and lessons. The SLMS will assist in
creating evaluation methods such as rubrics, student self-evaluations, and student presentations.
Encourage teachers to take advantage of all resources the SLMS has to offer as a teacher. The
SLMS will provide sample projects and assessments to teachers to show how the SLMS may be of
assistance to them in the development of lesson plans and student assessments.

Category 4- Facilities, Access, and Resources

10. There shall be a plan for flexibly scheduled library media center access for students and
teachers in groups or as individuals simultaneously throughout each instructional day.
Accessibility shall refer to the facility, the staff, and the resources and shall be based on
instructional need.
Action Plan:
The SLMP should transition from a predominately fixed schedule, in which the SLMP is utilized as a
special, to a flexible schedule. Having a part-time paraprofessional allows for flexible scheduling
for individual students and small groups, but in order for teachers and the SLMS to collaboratively
deliver and co-teach lessons the program would benefit from a true flexible schedule. The SLMP
could also be open before and after school to allow students to visit the library media center, if
time is not permitted during the day.
15. One of the national educational technology goals states: Effective and engaging software
and on-line resources will be an integral part of every schools curriculum. The GALILEO
Virtual Library provides Georgia students and teachers access to exceptional on-line resources
at no cost to the local school district.
Action Plan:
Instruction and promotion of GALILIEO will be in an organized manner and conducted on a frequent basis with
students in grades 3-5. Searches will be administered and taught in such a way that maximizes efficiency and result in
a high quality product Best Practices and Learning Models that encourage and endorse GALILEO will be produced,
taught, and shared with other SLMS throughout the state. The SLMS will conduct Professional Development with
the faculty and staff to encourage and endorse their use of GALILEO for research and access to information. The
SLMS will also promote the online courses and lessons available through GALILEO and encourage faculty and staff to
take advantage of the resources.
Category 5- Administrative Support
17. Administrative staff support at both the school and district levels is essential for the development of a
strong library media program.
Action Plan:
Ask the school principal to encourage teachers on a regular basis through staff meetings, by e-mail,
and by personal contact to take advantage of the SLMP resources and incorporate these resources into
the curriculum whenever possible. The school principal and district administrators foster a climate of collaboration
and inquiry within the SLMP. The school principal and district administrators encourage the SLMS to be
knowledgeable about current educational trends, like Maker Space, and promote occasional visits to exemplary
programs, as well as provide budgetary support.

18. Each local board of education shall adopt a library media policy that provides for the establishment of a
media committee at the system level and at each school. A library media committee makes recommendations
and decision relating to planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement of the library media program. This
committee shall annually evaluate library media services and develop a multi-year media plan for budget
services and priorities.
Action Plan:
The school library media committee needs to meet at least quarterly to assess the effectiveness of the SLMP. The
school library media committee needs to effectively develop media policy, budget development, acquisition of
resources, and reconsideration of materials. This committee also needs to evaluate the technology plan, as well as
acquisition of technology.

Areas Identified as Proficient & the Action Plan to Move These Areas to Exemplary
Category 1- Student Achievement and Instruction
1. Information Literacy Standards are integrated into content instruction.
Action Plan:
The SLMS will encourage collaboration with classroom teachers to plan and teach units of study
according to the CCGPS. The SLMS will meet with grade levels once a month, during their grade
level planning, to assist with collaborative planning. SLMS will provide Web 2.0 resource tools,
which can be integrated into lessons and/or assessments, as well as demonstrate how to utilize the
resource tools. The SLMP will continue to foster critical thinking skills and independent inquiry
through Maker Space, as well as Media Festival projects. Students will learn to choose reliable
information and become proactive and thoughtful users of information and resources.
2: Collaborative planning includes both the Library Media Specialists and teachers to ensure
use of library media center resources that support on-going classroom instruction and
implementation of state curriculum and the GPS and CCGPS.
Action Plan:
The SLMS will actively encourage collaboration with teachers to participate and plan in designing
instruction. Learning strategies and activities for all students are designed with all teachers who
are willing to plan collaboratively. All students with diverse learning styles, abilities, and needs are
included in collaborative plans, including the self-contained Autistic classrooms and the selfcontained Severe and Profound classrooms.

Category 2- Technology
7. Provide and manage access to digital collections, technology tools and technology resources
that support and enhance instruction and reflect the needs and interests of diverse P-12
students, school and community.
Action Plan:
The county technology infrastructure supports in house technological devices and BYOT through
our wireless broadband connection. The county determines the technology plan for each school,
including when computers will be updated and replaced. The SLMP does actively place work orders,
on a daily basis, for computers that require software updates, as well as hardware requiring repair.
The SLMS is actively seeking additional tablet acquisition so that each class has at least on iPad.
The SLMS has designed a BYOT contract for students, in addition to the BYOT rules included in
the student handbook. The SLMP will revise the SLMPs website to be an active and engaging
virtual environment to highlight student work, advocate for the SLMP, and provide 24-7 resources
for students and teachers. The SLMS will highlight electronic resources that are available to
students and teachers, including electronic databases available for research to support the CCSS
literacy focus, each month.
8. The school library media specialist integrates the use of emerging technologies as a means
for effective and creative teaching and to support P-12 students conceptual understanding,
critical thinking and creative processes.
Action Plan:
Through Makerspace and media festival the SLMS has directed students in the conventional use of
technology tools. Within Makerspace the SLMS will cultivate a rich learning environment where the
blending choice of technology tools with student-initiated investigations or projects across any
content area is promoted. SLMS will collaborate with classroom teachers in order to integrate
emerging technologies into a variety of instructional strategies to support the diverse learning
styles, interests, and ability of all students to inquire, think critically, and gain and create
knowledge. Integrating these technologies also reinforces the skill and self-assessments in AASL
Standards for the 21st Century Learner and Georgia state standards that support student
achievement. The SLMS will consistently recommend, to teachers and students, technology tools to
enhance instruction. The SLMS will establish herself as the technology building leader, by modeling
technology integration through professional development and lunch and learn sessions.
9b. A school system shall employ a full-time Library Media Specialist for each base size
school or larger.
Action Plan:
In order to move this area to exemplary, the SLMS will need to seek out volunteer support staff to
assist in the library media center, since employing additional support personnel is not supported by
the county. The SLMS can ensure library media staff is always available throughout the
instructional day to assist teachers and students. This is best done through a flexible schedule.

Category 4- Facilities, Access, and Resources

12. Streaming video is used throughout the school to support the curriculum. Interactive
whiteboards and computers are used for teaching and learning throughout the school. A
central electronic media distribution system is also available.
Action Plan:
The SLMS will encourage teachers to utilize playlists and teacher channels within their Station
Rotation activities, encouraging video and other technology to be utilized on a regular basis.
Although the library media center does not have a whiteboard, the SLMS does utilize an interactive
projector. The SLMS will learn how to utilize the interactive projector as a whiteboard. The
SLMS will provide professional development on how to use the interactive projector as a
whiteboard. Our school will receive a technology and building refresh in the fall of 2017, at which
time all classrooms will receive a mounted interactive projector.
Category 6- Staff Development
21. Staff development opportunities are available both for the library media staff to enhance
their own professional knowledge and for the library media staff to provide information and
technology literacy skills to other teachers and administrative staff. Professional resources
and services for all faculty members are provided in the library media center for the learning
Action Plan:
The SLMS plans on attending the GaCOMO library conference, in Athens, October 5-7, 2016, as
well as the GaETC technology conference, in Atlanta, November 2-4, 2016. SLMS will work towards
becoming a Google certified teacher. The SLMS would like to be included in staff professional
development to assist in teaching and organizing sessions, as well as providing a formal needs
assessment to determine staff development needs of the faculty and designing professional
development to address those needs. The SLMS will share professional resources both at the local
and district levels and online to provide individual assistance to teachers using technology and
designing curriculum.

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