Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

1. What is race?

It used to be that race didn't divide people with physical appearance but divided because of
class, status, language, or religion.

We are one of the most genetically similar species.

People that are dierent races are pretty much the same compared to other people that are there
same race.

2. Sorting People

It was extremely hard to sort people. I didn't get half the people correct. It was extremely
surprising to see some people's races because they didn't look like the stereotype of what that
race is supposed to look like. It reminds you that race isn't and shouldn't be what you look like.
When you look at skin color, fingerprints, and blood type you see there is no correlation for any of
the three traits and race. You see that race is not about physical appearance.

3. Race Timeline

When looking at the timeline you see how horrible people that where not 100 percent white
where treated. For example in 1899 Europeans where deemed not quite white and inferior in daily
life in the U.S. Another horrible thing in the timeline is the horribleness of segregation. For
example it was not until 1967 when the Supreme Court that all states had to allow interracial
marriages. Lastly, the most startling fact is that it wasn't until the year 2000 when the U.S.
Census allowed people to check o more than one race. Even this decision was highly
controversial. Interestingly the word "Caucasian started being used the same year the U.S. was
founded-1776. It nice to see that ancient people didn't discriminate people based on the way
they looked. However this makes you wonder: what changed? Another horrible fact is that in
1924 immigration in the U.S. favored Nordics which shows the government didn't even want
black people in the country. The timeline shows how long it took for progress to be made on
equal rights in this country and how much more work it will take to lessen the divide between
whites and the minority.

4. Human Diversity

It is surprising to see that out of humans, chimps, penguins, elephants, and fruit flys that the fruit
flys have the most genetic variation. The reason humans aren't that diverse is because genetic
variations are caused by mutations. Interestingly races that are closer to each other in where they
live are most genetically similar. Skin color is largely based on where you live (UV rays.) So skin
color tells us nothing about people's traits. For genetic diseases ancestry not race can tell you if
that person is more likely to get that disease. People that where alive 1600 years ago where likely
ancestors of everybody that is now living on the planet. Almost every human trait in the world
can be found in Africa. Race has nothing to do with genetics. Genetics are complete mixed
between races.

5. Me, My Race and I

It's definitely true that whites are treated better than the minority in almost every walk of life.
Unfortunately people have stereotypes about whatever race you are and just assume that you fit
under those stereotypes. The video shows the cold hard truth about race. For example minority
people get pulled over by the police for suspected drug possession 80 percent more than whites
when minority people have drugs the same amount of time. When someone looks at you most of
the time they will notice your race and make inferences about you before they actually talk about
you. Unfortunately race is an extremely important of society and can drastically aect your
success in this world. For us to stop this way of society people need to talk and learn about who

someone is and not care what race the are because it doesn't matter unless that person cares.

6. Where Race Lives: A Tale of Two Families

Unfortunately race plays a major part in your life. One example of where race aects your life is
how weather you can become and how hard it is to get there. Through the first two slides you
see how much harder it is for blacks in there daily life than whites. While the first slides aren't
directly about Byron and Max you now there parents housing and work will drastically aect
them later in life. The third slide does start to drastically aect Byron and Max. While Max lives in
an all white neighborhood that starts to thrive, Byron's mostly-black neighborhood starts to
deteriorate. This aects the families as Max has access to good schools and a great
communities. However Byron does not have this opportunity. Byron received an academic
scholarship to an Ivy League school but was uncertain to commit because he didn't have a lot of
personal finances. However Max had a large amount of personal finances and he could go to
college worry free. The Green's sold their house for $29,500 in Chester which was 76 percent
black at the time. Meanwhile the Holland's sold there similar house in there 95 percent white
town for $299,000. The Holland's sold there house for 14 times more than they sold it for while
the Green's sold there house for only slightly more they had made based on the improve the the
Green's had made on the house. Today Byron makes monthly payments on a condominium he
lives him while Max lives comfortably in a house he has already paid for. Max is very finally
secure while Byron is getting by but carefully has to watch his financial savings. This shows that
clearly whites can and will make more money than the average non-white. While discrimination
may not aect us as much as in the path the average whites still make way more than the
average black. This shows that race can not just eect your wealth but that it can eect many
generations of your family for years to come.

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