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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: __Mrs. Alexis Spina / Mr. Aaron Dugger_______ Subject: Music___
Folk music tells a story and is an important
part of music history.

A swamp is a type of bog or marsh where
water collects.

Duration: ____50 min ___

Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of
music, takes practice and concentration.
Musical form ABA

Essential Question(s): In your own words, can you
describe what story the lyrics are conveying?

DATE: March 21st 25th

-Singing alone and with others
-Evaluating music performances.
-Understanding music in relation to
history and culture
-Performing on instruments alone and
with others

Pre-Assessment: body percussion with rhythmic accompaniment to song

Introduction/Anticipatory Set Definition of Folk Song / Examples
Instructional Input/Modeling: Model rhythmic accompaniments and melody of song
Learning Experiences:

1. Discussion of definition of a FOLK SONG. What is it? Can you think of any other folk songs?
2. Call/response melody and lyrics of CEDAR SWAMP speaking / singing short and long phrases.
3. Move to Orff teach orff accompaniment and have students sing the melody while performing
accompaniment. Vary melodic and accompaniment assignments as necessary.
4. Split class into four groups. 1. Hand drums 2. guiro 3. Claves / Wood Block 4. Maracas
5. Each group will be responsible for one line of rhythmic ostinatos. See poster for rhythms.
6. Perform CEDAR SWAMP with the following FORM: Song, ostinato I, Song, ostinato II, Song, ostinato III,
Song, ostinato IV, Song (Choose several students to play the orff accompaniment while the other students
are performing the rhythmic ostinati.)
7. If Extra Time: Teach folk dance and have students sing the melody while performing the dance.

-Cedar Swamp Music
-Cedar Swamp Lyrics poster
-Cedar Swamp rhythmic
accompaniment poster
-Various Percussion
instruments (orff, hand
drums, guiro, maracas)

Closure: Review of instrumental playing techniques taught during class.

Post-Assessment Teacher will plan next lesson according to how much students have progressed in the music.

Revised March 2016

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