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EDU 1203

Assessment 1

My Class Design

Classroom environment affects the kids. Therefore, it is important to
have different learning centers in the classroom. I believe that having
centers is important especially for the kindergarten because young
children learn by experimenting with their environment and through
hands on activities and games. Each center should is prepared and
organized with appropriate learning materials to meet the need of kids.
In this essay, I am going to shed the light on the centers that I wish to
have in my classroom such as literacy, role-play, listening, whole-class
center and the drawing center.

Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234


Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1

On the top Right-hand corner, there is the literacy center. I think it

should be in any preschool classroom. It is so comfortable with a small
rug so children can sit on it if they like the traditional way to sit and
read. There is also a coach so children can sit wherever they like to
read. Many stories are available for them, so they can choose the
stories that they like. I think the books should be organized, so the
students could use it independently to encourage them to improve
their reading habits at the early age. It is important that from the
very beginning, children are introduced to a variety of books to read.
(Marg. N,d)
It is very important in the classroom because it improves the children
skills such as reading and writing which help them through out all their
life. They can also learn how to spell words correctly. The literacy
center is the place where children get different tasks, which they can
learn from it. A literacy center is a physical area in the classroom
designed to focus on specific learning activities like reading, writing,
and spelling. Literacy centers encourage open-ended inquiry and
promote active, task-based learning. (n.n, 2009).

On the top left-hand corner, there is the drawing center. Children limit
themselves to representing the overall quality of objects because they
Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234

Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1

draw what they know rather than what they see. This center my
Mentor School teacher calls it the messy table, she let the children
draw on their own what ever they want to draw. Through their drawing,
the teacher can discover many things such as social issues or what
they are interested in and how they think and imagine. As a result, the
teacher can act on this either to improve their specific skills or to solve
their social issue. (Richards, 1986).

On the bottom left-hand corner, there is the Role-play center. This

center includes first aid, Salon, cashier. By this way, the children can
take a character that they wish to be in the future and we can train
them for it. And especially the first aid which help through all the life in
emergency situations. In addition, the salon is the enjoyable area for
the girls to practice the nail polish and washing hair as they see the
adults in real life. Nevertheless, they can practice mathematic and
they will be better in finance when the practice acting cashiers in the

There are many benefits to play. Children gain knowledge through

their play. They learn to think, remember, and solve problems. Play
gives children the opportunity to test their beliefs about the world.
Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234

Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1

(Jona, 2010). Because playing is very important for children and it

affects in their development physically and psychologically. (The three





and psychological


development are movement, touch and connection to other humans.

(Rowan. N,d). Therefore, it is very important for the teachers to have
enough knowledge about the children development and which type of
play area they need according to their age. That helps to encourage
creativity and improve their motor skills. At the same time, they
improve their social skills because child play with their friends so they
talk and communicate. Lack of social relationships in childhood may
lead to decreased employment, independent living, life expectancy,







anxiety). (Megan, 2001)

On the bottom right-hand corner, there is the listening center. There

are three computers, which can be used for listening. As we know
nowadays English is an international language and listening is one part
of that language so it is the role and the responsibility of the teacher to
provide enough enjoyable and interesting equipment to help the
children to develop their listening skills in an early age. Therefore,
students can practice daily to improve the listenins skill, which will help
them throughout their life. (The listening skills developed in preschool
Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234

Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1

are integral for kindergarten. Preschool teachers can make listening

skills practice as enjoyable as it is effective by engaging their young
students in interactive listening skill games). (Schreiner. N,d)

In the middle of my classroom, there is the whole-class center. It is

important especially in the preschool, because it improve their social
skill and traditional way of teaching. In the childrens daily schedule,
they should have a carpet time where they circle. Carpet is most keept
in the middle of the room. It is the meeting place, which provides kids
with opportunity place which to site comfortably during the period and
think, reflect and communicate their ideas, in social. (The circle time is
more engaging to young children if it is built around simple, brief,
interesting, and engaging experiences that invite conversation and







experience). (Deborah, 2013).

There is no doubt that each activity has its own benefit in the children
life especially in the early age. Role-playing encourages thinking and
creativity which lets kids develops and practice new behavioral skills.
Whoever, Drawing helps children to organize their idea. Nevertheless,
role-play let child to improve and develop that idea. On other hand,
Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234

Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1








communication skill. In addition, both drawing center and role-play

center can help in well growth child physically and motors skills

To sum up, in my opinion, it is extremely important to design a
successful comfortable learning environment for kindergarten children.
Therefore, they can concentrate and understand more and teaching
will be more efficient. At the beginning of each session teacher should
make sure that the students are comfortable,

. If the kids feel

uncomfortable in the classroom conditions, then they will have less

concentration on the lesson and so they will get little information only.
(Isa, 2012). My favorite center is the reading center because through
reading stories children more engage in station at the same time they
will improve their reading skill. In addition, by reading stories we can
let them to learn some lessons from a stories.

Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234


Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1


Deborah, J. (2013). 10 tips for circle time in the preschool classroom.




Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234


Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203

Assessment 1

No name. 2009. Literacy centers in the classroom. Retrieved from:
Richards, A. (1986). The Effect of Art Training Upon Drawing by
Children in a Multi-Cultural Setting. Retrieved from:

Isa, H. (2012). The effect of the classroom environment to the primary

school students learning. Retrieved from:

Rowan, C. (n,d). The Impact of Technology on Child Sensory and Motor

Development. Retrieved from:

Marg, C. (N,d). Reading corner. Retrieved from:

Schreiner, E. (N,d) . Activities for listening skills in preschoolers.

Retrieved from:
Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234

Submitted on: 20th March,

EDU 1203



Assessment 1









Development. Retrieved form
Megan, B. (2001). Social Skill Intervention Strategies for Children with
Autism. Retrieved from

Submitted by: Khawla Mustafa H00332234


Submitted on: 20th March,

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