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Wipe It Out

April 9, 2015
Provided by:
Ruby Moreno
Elizabeth Valdez

Jaskaran Nijjar
Pramod Daniel
Eduardo Hernandez

The Home Depot and the Dallas Community Wipe Out Program, together, have found the
solution to stop, the leading factor in violence and vandalism in schools, graffiti. The proposal
consists of a school camp designed for high school students. The point is to help educate students
about the consequences graffiti has not only on their peers but also on their community as a

whole. Starting with H. Grady Spruce High School will establish them as a model for all other
school districts in Texas.
1.2 Why graffiti?
Graffiti has gained popularity in our schools, making them no longer a safe haven for children.
Graffiti, solely, is promoting vandalism and violence in schools. With increased costs of
renovations for schools, students are losing money to better their education. Graffiti and its
effects are being carried outside of schools
into the communities. This is lowering quality
of living and property values.
Focusing our efforts and money on graffiti is
not a lost of time. Though, it is a recurring
problem in todays society, its a problem that
can be fixed. Stepping into schools is a big
step into the correct direction. Putting our
focus onto students can only do well. They
will become our future role models, teaching
others about the consequences of graffiti.
1.3 The Effects of the Proposal
By targeting schools we are helping future leaders grow in a safer environment. By cleaning
schools of vandalism and graffiti we are dropping violence rates and increasing the number of
students attending schools and graduating. Home Depot and the Dallas Community Wipe Out
Program will spread awareness and help future generations.
This beneficial system will also make these students schools a nicer place to attend. The school
camps will not only teach these students but all together we will fix any graffiti and vandalism
around the school. This system is creating a community filled with people who arc aware.
In addition, we help schools save money from having to fix vandalism. This will lead to schools
being able to budget money into classrooms, bettering students education.
1.4 Summation of Proposal
With the help of Home Depot and the Dallas Community Wipe Out Program, we have the
solution to a problem that our students and community shouldnt have to deal with on a daily
basis. H. Grady Spruce High School will be first to see the benefits of our system. And it wont
stop there. Spruce H.S. will serve as a model for all school districts. Together, and united, we are
working towards building a better future for generations to come. Communities and schools will
not only look better but they will feel safer.
2. Background
The average cost per incident is $400. most school districts spend over $500,000 on repairs
during a school year. This means there are an estimate of 1,250 repairs throughout one school
year. High Dropout rates are directly correlated to high crime rates, vandalism and violence: this

is why it is important to reach out to students and inform them about the environment that graffiti
can create.
2.1 The Home Depot Way
(In progress)

2.2 Dallas Wipe Out Program

(In progress)

2.3 Dallas Independent School District

Theyre over 160,000 students enrolled in DISD from elementary school all they way up to high
school. This district is the 2nd largest school district in Texas. The potential to affect many lives
and the areas around exist due to the enormous size of the population. The drop out rates of
DISD is higher than the average of the Texas rates and the surrounding areas as well. The
following shows the dropout rates in the
4-year high school programs of
neighboring districts:

Richardson: 7.5%
National 7%

If you compare DISD with the national average rate, we have more than doubled in drop rate
percentage. School districts get an average of 40$ per student for their attendance from state and
local funds. Narrowing the research specifically to Spruce high school that have an incoming
class of 1,300 students that will enter freshman year. If we use the Dallas dropout percentage of
16%, that will result of 208 students dropping in Spruce. Average number days missed by these
individuals will be 450 days. The amount of money lost will be shown below:
208 (students) x 40$ (funding) x 450 (days)= 3.8 million lost in funds.
The average cost per incident is $400. most school districts spend over $500,000 on repairs
during a school year. This means there are an estimate of 1,250 repairs throughout one school
year. High Dropout rates are directly correlated to high crime rates, vandalism and violence: this

is why it is important to reach out to students and inform them about the environment that graffiti
can create.
The Proposal
The Home Depot will take the first step in reducing the amount of vandalism around the Dallas
Independent School District through their Community Impact Program in conjunction with the
Dallas Community Wipe Out Program
We will achieve this goal through educating students about the long-term effects of vandalism on
the community, their schools, and their self esteem through their in school workshop. The lesson
will be reinforced through the Clean Up Event which will create a sense of pride and ownership
in what they accomplish. Ultimately elevating self esteem, and showing students that the path to
a better community is by creating a sense of community and everyone doing their part.
This project will cost $ for each year. The leadership and organization will mainly be conducted
by volunteers following our outline. Each volunteer will submitted to a background check and
regular screening. Our project offers a chance for the community of Spruce High School to
become actively involved in the betterment of their community, and offers students a life
changing event establishing gratitude and pride in their school.
The Workshop
The first workshop for this program will be held in Spruce High school. The first part of the
workshop will be held for juniors and second part of
seniors. The workshop will take 2-3 days during the
school week in the gym or auditorium. This event will
only be held for Juniors and seniors. We are expecting
have a total of 518 students attending the workshop. In
these workshops volunteers from Dallas wipeout
program will explain to these students the
consequences of graffiti, violence and vandalism not
only in schools but in our communities. Guest speakers will be present to explain their past
experiences during their activities. The Dallas Wipeout Program will provide a presentation on
how graffiti and vandalism has affected cities such as (Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago) around
the United States. After the program, brochures and handouts will be given to the students to take
The Clean Up Event
The clean up event will be held during the same week as the workshop. We will dedicate a
saturday for our clean up event. This event will last 4 hours from 9am to 1 pm. Our team of

volunteers will be broken up into teams and will spread out evenly around the school to retouch,
repaint and clean up this school! We will also clean up around the schools neighborhood. During
the very last hour of the event
The Effect on Dallas
Financial Effect
After the area has been cleaned up the amount of dropouts should reduce, now lets assume over
the year this event, and this change in mindset, only reduces the dropout rate from 16% to 10%,
(keep in mind the national average is 7% so this is an incredibly conservative estimation) DISD
will receive $1.4 million more dollars in ADA funding. Also because we did do the repairs
through volunteers and through our grants program, Spruce High School gets to keep $7000 in
money that could be invested in education rather than spending it on repairs.
Social Effect
According to the Kaizer Study, in an area where there is no graffiti and vandalism the amount of
petty crimes decrease by 36%
The students involved in the cleanup will take an ownership over the good they have done, and
will then me more likely to keep the area clean

Elevates quality of living

Attracts support and resources from other companies and organizations

Has a lasting impact

Educational Effect
Students involved in the workshop learn the lifelong effects of graffiti in neighborhoods. They
will understand how much it costs their cities and schools to repair but also what it does to their
self-esteem. The students involved in the Clean Up Event not only have a chance to earn
scholarships but also get to experience their community come together to make the area look
new again, This will boost their self esteem and pride in community, make it a better place to
learn and grow.

Budget: Wipeout Project Budget Per School

Material usage for project
Roller, tray brushes combo ($10 x 80 units)
Trash bags ($21 each for four large boxes)
Trash pickers ($8 x 30 units)
Rental pressure water ($35 x 2 hours)
Paint (35 gallons x $30)
Food, music and shirts



Food (pizza waters and soft drinks)

Music (4 hour duration)
T-shirt packages (200 volunteers x $6)


Junior and senior students at school volunteers
Home depot employee volunteers
Dallas wipe out program volunteers


First place winner
Second place winner
Third Place winner


Workshop packages
Student handouts and brochures


Grand Total:


Budget Analysis
Our finances for the event planned out. Volunteers will conduct the workshop; so the majority of
our cost will come from the actual clean up event itself, our total amounting at $6115. The home
depot grant program has decided to provide a $5000 grant to the Dallas wipe out program. The
Dallas wipeout program has decided to ask the Chamber of commerce to provide the remainder
$1115 to complete the project. Dallas ISD spends more than $500,000 a year on school repairs
each year. Overall Dallas High schools spend more than $7,000 on repairs each year. By
providing this event we just saved the school $7000 and brought awareness to the students about
the consequences of Graffiti in schools
Release of Liability Volunteer Form
T-Shirt Order Form
Authorization Form
Bryner, J. (2008, November 20). Graffiti Triggers Crime and Littering. Retrieved April 10, 2015,

H Grady Spruce High School - The Texas Tribune Public Schools Explorer. (n.d.). Retrieved
April 10, 2015, from
Phillips, R. (n.d.). Content. Retrieved April 10, 2015, from
Dedel, K. (2005, January 1). Center for Problem-Oriented Policing. Retrieved April 10, 2015,
Wipeout Vandalism and Graffiti. (n.d.). Youth in Action.
Community Impact Grants. (n.d.). Retrieved April 10, 2015, from

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