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Joe Dee Ann Luna

Ms. Cowart
ENG 1301
26 March 2016
Universal Healthcare in the United States
Universal healthcare in the United States is a highly debatable topic. Universal healthcare
is defined as a system that will provide a basic level of healthcare to all people. Many people
argue whether or not this is a good idea. This has also been a debatable topic with politicians
during this election period. This topic has stirred up a lot of controversy among the American
people. Many Americans do not have access to basic health care and it is time to revisit the
importance of universal healthcare for all Americans. A universal healthcare system in the
United States would serve the people of this country well as it would promote positivity in the
healthcare crisis many people are faced with.
There are millions of Americans that continue to go uninsured due to high costs of
insurance. The people in the lower class suffer the most. These are the people who work in the
community and attend to our daily needs. Without these people our lives would not operate on a
day to day basis as they do. We should be very concerned about providing this group of people
insurance so that they can continue to work and provide for our daily needs in the community.
They work with the public and therefore it increases the need for the spread of infectious
diseases. There is not a government program that helps with healthcare needs for the lower class
working population. To qualify for most government assistance programs a person cant be of
the working class. Isnt it ironic how the people who are actually attempting to contribute to
society cant get the help they need and deserve? The middle class people continue to suffer just

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the same. According to experts, The money to support a universal healthcare program is
available, and yet the United States remains the only industrialized nation that does not provide
health care for its citizens (Rashford 3).
With healthcare costs on the rise it is hard for many uninsured citizens to acquire
the healthcare they need. They tend to visit emergency rooms for healthcare needs that could be
attended to in a clinic, but since they are uninsured they are not able to visit a clinic without
payment when services are rendered. This creates some problems as there are major
emergencies going on at the same time, and creates overcrowding in our emergency rooms. The
makes the emergency department an after hours clinic. The same people are straggling in and
out of the emergency room for non emergent needs. With accessibility to routine screenings and
healthcare this would eliminate some of this crisis. Also, according to experts, Emergency
department physicians are in agreement that uninsured patients have more serious medical
problems that worsen because they are not receiving routine health screenings, earlier
interventions, or any preventative care and that Americans would benefit immensely if basic
health care was afforded to all people (Rashford 5).
Many illegal and undocumented immigrants come to America which puts Americans at
risk for the spread of infectious diseases that immigrants may bring to our country. They need to
be treated, or at least screened for diseases to stop the diseases they may bring with them. The
American people should not have to suffer as these people bring over diseases. As a society its
time to stand up and take control of healthcare reform. Without healthcare reform more and
more diseases are going to be on the rise.
On the other hand, many people believe that a universal health reform would be a big
mistake. In hindsight, it would cost too much money and is not in the best interest of the

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American people (Purdy 257). The people in the highest socioeconomic bracket would be the
ones to suffer as they pay the most in taxes. Is it really fair to make the wealthy people pay for
other peoples mistakes? Certainly not. Its not their fault people didnt get an education so they
could be earning higher wages. We can not take from Peter to feed Paul. Middle class people
would also suffer from this as well. With higher taxes it would decrease the amount of money a
person can contribute to the economy.
With the government regulating repayment, many physicians would not be able to afford
malpractice insurance and would be forced to go elsewhere. The Medicaid program, is
currently a government program that is the lowest of all payers (Purdy 257). Many new
physicians come out of school already owing so much debt, they would not be able to repay with
a government reformed system. There would be fewer physicians and specialists for us to
choose from. So many communities are already underserved. This would hinder quality
Many people believe that healthcare is not a right that American people are entitled to.
Just because a person lives in America doesnt mean they are entitled to healthcare. There are
numerous government programs to help the people that cannot afford health insurance. All a
reformed healthcare program would do is increase the amount of taxes a person has to pay.
People are already paying social security which is a dwindling program in itself. Also, Medicare
taxes as well. So it would decrease the amount of cash flow coming in to homes and put a hurt
on the current economic status.
There are also many people who are noncompliant with physician orders and do not go to
scheduled appointments. Should tax payers be forced to pay for these peoples medical bills?
This would be a waste of tax money to provide these people with medical care. There are many

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people who receive government assistance already and they abuse the system. They get their
prescriptions and sell them on the street. Is that really what our tax money is being used for?
You better believe it is. Experts believe the government needs to step out of the way and let
individuals decide for themselves (Purdy 262).
Healthcare reform would definitely promote positivity in the health care crisis American
people are faced with. The benefits of health care reform are less crowded emergency
departments, preventative health care, as well as, affordable healthcare. The negative side of
health care reform would be increases in taxes and fewer doctors. As Americans, it is time to
take a stand and do something to fix this healthcare crisis many people are faced with.

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Works Cited
Purdy, John. Universal Healthcare-A Clear Path to Disaster The PM Forum 27.5.
(June/July 2008):257-262 CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 26 March 2016.
Rashford, Marleise. A Universal Healthcare System: Is it Right for the United States? Nursing
Forum 42.1 (January-March 2007):3-10. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. Web. 26 March

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