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Juliana Reents

Professor Suk
EDUC 230 01 Education Field Experience
Spring 2016
Artifact 3 Classroom Management

Ms. Reentss Classroom Policies

1. BE PREPARED AND ON TIME: Please arrive to class on time. If more than 3 minutes
late, I expect a pass. Be prepared every day with your textbook (unless otherwise
specified), writing utensils, notebook, and homework (see below for homework policy).
2. BE RESPECTFUL: Everyone in this classroom has the right to learn, ask questions, feel
lost and feel confident. Do NOT take that away from anyone. I do not tolerate foul
language, harassing or bullying. Those actions will result in consequences in accordance
with the schools policy. We're all here to learn so help give us all that opportunity.
3. HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is due the day it is due. I do not accept late
homework assignments unless you are absent. If absent, you have until the next class you
attend to give it to me. Homework should be out on your desk and ready for me to check
at the beginning of class.
a. PROJECTS: We will do 3 5 group and individual projects throughout the year.
Those are due the day they are due. However, since they are weighted more I will
allow you an extra class day for you/your group to hand them in with only 5
points deducted.
b. EXAMS: Try your hardest to not be absent the day of an exam. If you are, you
have one week to make it up after school or before school. I am flexible so talk to
me if those time slots do not work for you.
5. CELL PHONE USE: You are allowed to have your phone out on your desk on silent.
Refrain from using it unless I allow you to. If I see you using it when you are not allowed
I will take it away until the end of the class period. Rules are subject to change if we have
any problems.
6. NO CHEATING: This goes for projects, homework, exams, or class work. I know all the
tricks and can spot them a mile away. I will take away your assignment and have a
private conversation with you and email home. You dont want this to happen so please
just do the work.

7. HAVE FUN: I run a tight ship but it is so we all get the most out of our year together. As
you will learn I like to vary my teaching instruction and keep the class on their toes. This
is made possible through all of us being responsible and respectful.
All homework assignments, helpful links, and the online grade book will be available through
the schools portal. I will keep it as updated as possible.
If you at any time feel lost or uncomfortable about my class, another class or life in general come
see me!! Ive been through high school. Believe it or not I know what it is like. Im here to listen
and help you in any way I can!

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