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Date: 9-02-2016

Curriculum Focus: Foreign Languages (Spanish Language)

Previous Learning: Students had some previous knowledge about

Spanish culture, greetings and some food names.

Learning Objectives:
- To learn and identify colours in Spanish.
- To identify and recognize body parts in Spanish Language.
Mental Starter: INTRODUCTION
Time 15min
In that first part, I will give students a handout and all together we
will identify and name the body parts, placing them on a boy and
girl drawing. In order to make them think and avoid instruction, I
will ask them for a name, for example: cabeza, and where it is in
our body (avoiding also translation all the time). After placing all
the body parts, with the support of some flashcards, colours will

Key Questions: How are the body parts and colours called in Spanish

also be introduced.
Main activity: THE TWISTER GAME
Time 10min

Key Question: Where and which are Spanish named boy parts and

In order to apply the knowledge learnt, students will play a game in

which body parts and colours are the main knowledge needed to
play. Therefore, I will have two types of flashcards: body parts
cards and colours cards. Each student will have to take one of each
type of cards and touch the colour assigned with the body part in
case. In order to apply it, students will have to spell each body and
colour name correctly. Students who will be eliminated because of
not being able to stand anymore in the place assigned, will help me
to let others choose two cards. So she/he will say: <<Qu color? y
Qu parte del cuerpo?>>. I will be asking them all the time these
two questions, so it wont be a new introduced knowledge.
Time 5 min
After playing the game, students we will do a plenary activity with a
song. The song is: Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y pies. Therefore, we
will be placed in the centre of the classroom and we will sing and

Key Questions: What have I learnt?

dance all together. However, firstly we will read twice the song,
making the song movements all together in slowly.
Differentiation: differentiation is not used during this session, as all Attention to diversity: diversity is attended taking into account the
students are expected to work with the same tools, but they can different levels, and also being aware of students who participate less to
learn in different levels. In order to apply differentiation, the make them participate or contribute in the learning activity.
Twister game can be done hiding the name of the colours and body
parts and making them guess it without the written word support.
Speaking and Listening:

Learning Strategies:

Speaking and listening skills not specially highlight in any part of the
session. However, students have to listen carefully the different
commands given during the song or the handouts exercises.
Moreover, students speaking skills is also important as they have
to be concentrated and careful when spelling the body parts and
colours words.

Visual: during that session visual strategies are important in order to

identify the body parts in bodies but also to copy the body movements
during the song performance.
Auditory: students are also working auditory strategies as they have to
pay attention mainly to the different commands of the song.
Kinaesthetic: kinaesthetic strategies are the ones more applied and
worked in that session. Since the first moment, students will be working
through movements, identifying the body parts in their body. Then, in
the Twister kinaesthetic strategies are worked during all the game.

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