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Alyssa Mills

Dr. Burke
Childrens Literature
February 2, 2016


The Rainbow Fish

By: Marcus Pfister
There are many things about this book that stand out and appeal
to me. The most prominent one being the sparkly, shiny, scales of the
rainbow fish. The illustrations throughout the book were mesmerizing.
As a little kid I remember always wanting to touch the shiny scales in
the book. I like how the pictures in the book were simple, yet used a
consistent color scheme throughout the book. The story of sharing and
bringing happiness to others and yourself is another plus about the
book. The use of characters from under the sea, like all the fish, the
starfish, and the octopus, was great rather than just focusing on one
specific animal. I like the turn from a selfish character to a selfless
character and how the story is very relatable to little children just
learning how to share and be kind to one another.

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