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Investigative Labs


Prepared by:
Annette Engleton Amber Davis
[Investigative Labs]
March 28, 2016

Annette Engleton
Amber Davis

March 28 2016

Dear Criminal Justice Department,

Thank you for giving Investigative Labs the opportunity to partner in the Criminal Justice
Department. We are positive that our team can find the best talent that could add value to any
county in the police department.
Investigative labs will help preserve the evidence in any crime scene by assisting the witness
and spreading them from the scene. Our studies have shown that witnesses unconsciosly
damage the evidence whether they are trying to help the victim or frantically searching for
help. The evidence that is lost and or damaged has caused court cases to be overturned and
lost within the years. By having one of our dispatchers assist the witness until law
enforcements reach the crime scene will help save the evidence, therefore less court case
This proposal outlines our plan to help assit the witnesses, and how we plan to manage our
If you have any questions, please contact me directly by email or phone.

Thank You!

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Statement of Problem
Our Objectives
Technical Approach

Executive Summary
If the forensics evidence provided in a court case is later
proven wrong, the verdict is thrown out and trial is declared a miss. Studies
by the Innocence Project have shown out of 86 DNA exonerations, it was
estimated that contaminated forensics was to blame in more than 50 percent of
the wrongful convictions. We propose that the solution to this is to limit or
eliminate contamination prior to CSIs arrival on the scene. With properly
trained emergency dispatchers we can preserve the crime scene and identify
points of possible contamination. Its as simple as guiding the individuals
involved away from the evidence and instruct them to take note of any actions
taken up to that point. Currently there are state and federal funds that our labs have
yet to take advantage of. In 2004, George W. Bush signed off The Justice For All Act,
which requires states seeking federal funding for crime labs to have an appropriate process to
conduct independent, external investigations affecting forensic results.

Statement of Problem
For years, Investigative Labs has worked with DFW law
enforcement teams, to provide evidence in court cases proving suspects to be
guilty or not-guilty. One overturned verdict could lead to hundreds of active
appeals and can cast a shadow of doubt over every case. With all the tedious
and time consuming testing that must be done, investigators have nearly

perfected the method of gathering and transporting evidence. If this is true,

then why the rise in mistrials and overturned verdicts? The one thing CSIs dont
have control of is the state of the scene upon arrival. No one knows whats
been moved, touched, manipulated, or taken. Everything is relying on the
accuracy of that evidence. Not only are the future of peoples lives at stake
but, thousands of charges and convictions are at risk of being thrown out.
Tests have shown crime lab fiber, paint, and body fluid may have an error rate
of 10 percent or higher. We think the answer to this is in preserving the scene
as much as possible until CSI arrive. In
this proposal, we will explain how retraining the dispatchers to maneuver
individuals in a way that guards the scene and evidence.

Our Objectives
Misleading evidence is primarily caused by the witnesses at the crime scene, because the witnesses
are moving around frantically, and rearranging the evidence unconsciously , so many of it gets
contaminated, even lost.
Our plan is to avoid the contamination of evidence by having trained professionals assist the
witness by phone, and instruct the witness on how to not damage the evidence at the crime
We provide the best possible talent available 24 hours to assist the witnesses at a crime scene.
Our employees will help calm the witness and instruct them on how to preserve the evidence.
Whether it be a homicide, special victim, whit collar, armed robbery, or any other situation an
Investigative Lab dispacher will be ready to assist the witness.
If the witness to any situation does not have a Investigave Labs employee directing them during a
crime scene, evidence will be damaged, lost, and the amount of over turned court cases will

Technical Approach
We suggest that we retrain the counties
dispatchers and entail instructions to how one should act if they witness a
situation or found a situation in which CSI would be dispatched. Each
dispatcher should know how to use a soothing voice, show understanding, and
deal with panic. Every situation will be different of course, dispatchers will
need to think on their feet and adjust accordingly to severity and each persons

state of mind.
First: As always, get all needed information to route the
ambulance, CSI, fire, etc. to the destination.
Second: If needed, calm the caller. Ask caller if there is
anywhere they could go quickly to calm down that is away from the scene. Coach
them using breathing techniques or other methods not listed here.
Third: Ask them to explain what happened in detail. CSI will
need to know things such as: Did you touch the person/object or anything around
he/she/it. If so, what and where and how? Surroundings: Have you moved anything
from the scene or in the scene. If so, what where and how? Instruct them to
cover their hands with a shirt, towel, etc., so that they dont leave anymore
finger prints. Ask person to exit the scene the same way they entered it
without touching or moving anything.
Fourth: take detailed notes.













Shows our services, and our contact


Office Space
6000 sq ft

Teach employees procedures

Phone and Internet

Table 1





Bachelors in any:
Must be able to respond quickly
Good with people
Must be able to relax person calling
Quick learner
Adapt quickly to changes
Open Avalabilty

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