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Research Proposal

Name: Rayan Alturki

Class: ENG-111
Date: 4/18/2016

Dear Professor Monje I would start my research on this hot topic that we all considered about,
which what is the link between underage drinking and family history of abuse. I have created this
proposal to be pacific on the things that I would look for.

Alcoholism is a key issue that many youths are grappling with globally. It has become the
drug of choice among many youth. Many young people are taking to alcohol at a very young
age. Consequently, this has made underage drinking one of the leading health problems. Alcohol
use among the youth is linked to an array of vices and risky behaviours which include drinking
and driving, tobacco abuse (Boyle, 2013). Additionally, it has been seen to affect even those that
do not drink through victimization, second-hand smoking, and personal intrusion. A trend that
has been noted to bring forth alcohol abuse in young people is the initiation of alcohol use at a
tender age.
It is a well-documented fact that adolescents that thrive in families with a history of
alcoholism or have a member grappling with alcoholism can influence an adolescent negatively
or positively. The youth that have had both or one parent who is alcoholic may have a higher risk
of consuming alcohol as compared to children that have grown in an alcohol-free environment.
The alcoholism in the former case is four times probable as compared in the latter case. It is

evident that the family image in the contemporary society comprises of individuals fighting
socio-economic hardships coupled by punitive and harsh educational standards about the young
family members (Fuller-Thomson, Sheridan, Sorichetti& Mehta, 2013). The family is further
overwhelmed by a cultural values clash where only the only avenue of leisure is the ingestion or
consumption of alcohol. These elements, once combined with the habit of alcohol abuse continue
to be frequently tied to domestic squabbles or intra-family violence.
When alcoholism becomes part of an adolescents life, it forms part of their identity and
that of their peers. The addiction takes up a psycho-social angle which is an avenue in which
habits and behaviours are formed in the face of a drug which is a constant feature in the day-today familial routine. It is this reason that the comprehension of the relationship history of
adolescents who live with an alcoholic family member will allow for the understanding of the
forms and representations of alcoholic related conditions. This study will thus focus on
highlighting the link between family history and underage drinking.
Rayan Alturki

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