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Robert Holtry
Professor Celestino
English 1010, 8:830
Annotated Bibliography

Bruckner, Donald W. "Considerations On The Morality Of Meat Consumption: Hunted-Game

Versus Farm-Raised Animals." Journal Of Social Philosophy 38.2 (2007): 311330. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
This article points out the difference between hunting for food and the treatment of an animal as
we hunt as opposed to the way that the animals are treated as they are in the factory farms. It
compares the difference in the life quality of the animal before they die, it uses the example that
free range animals have a life that they can move and live and those in the farms are sometimes
born and live and die in the same cage that is too small for them. It shows the moral difference
between the way that the animals are treated before they are killed. It uses ethos as throughout
the article he is constantly pointing us to other articles or statistics that were put out by trusted
sources. He specifically names certain companies and other organizations involved to help build
our trust. He uses pathos as he, in detail, shows the difference in life quality of the animals that
are born wild and live and are hunted as opposed to the animals that are born and raised in the
factory farms. He uses logos by trying to help us see how unnecessary the treatment of the
animals is in those farms. I am most likely not going to use this article, it did however, give me
more info to work off of.
Centner, Terence J. "Challenging Npdes Permits Granted Without Public
Participation." Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 38.1 (2011): 140. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
This article talks about the regulations that practices that were put into place as checks and
balances for the factory farms. They have such high waste production and a high rate of
contamination of soil and water that sorounds the facilities that they put regulations in place to
protect the environment. This article goes over why they are necessary and some of the
environmental issues that are caused by factory farms. It uses pathos as it gives the reasoning
behind the regulations as it is for us to not have to worry. It uses logos as it brings up the specific
reasons why regulations had to be put into place. It uses ethos as it talks about the legislation of
the laws and the different write offs of those regulations. I might use this as I show the negative
effects these farms have on the environment.


Holdrege, Craig. "Blame Factory Farming, Not Organic Food." Nature Biotechnology 25.2
(2007): 165. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
This letter was written as a response to an article titled Why silence is not an option. The
article that it is responding to is trying to depict that factory farms are not to blame for the issues
that are caused by eating food. It goes on to point out the flaws in the facts and logic of the
article and gives the real evidence of why it is factory farms that are causing the issues. It also
goes into the topic of foods produced near and on factory farms and how it is much worse than
open farm grown food. It uses a lot of logos throughout the letter as the author states facts that
point to the problems caused by factory farms. The author uses ethos as he points out the flaws in
the facts and statements of the author of the article. He uses his own resources and sites them as
he continues on through his letter. The author uses pathos as he tries to appeal to our sensitivity
of what we put into our bodies. He points out all that we are doing to ourselves as we eat that
food. It overall is a good article with a few points that I might use in my essay.
Lessing, Ariele. "Killing Us Softly: How Sub-Therapeutic Dosing Of Livestock Causes DrugResistant Bacteria In Humans." Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review 37.2
(2010): 463-491. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
This article gives us a look into what is happening with the animals inside the farms, it gives a
comparison of what farms used to be like and what they are now, it gives examples and talks
about the antibiotics that the animals are eating and how that is making super bugs or drug
resistant strains of diseases and why that is so dangerous.
The article does a good job of appealing to logos as it gives facts and statistics that surround the
bugs and diseases that can be caused by these factory farms. It appeals to pathos through
explaining what someone who has caught one of these diseases would go through and how it is
much worse than just a normal sickness. It appeals to ethos as it uses past examples of farms
compared to what todays factory farms are. It uses statistics to build its credibility.
The rhetorical value of this article is quite high. It does a good job of appealing ethos, logos and
pathos. I will most likely use this article to back up one of my points regarding health
degeneration caused by these bugs or diseases.

"Natural Biodiversity Breaks Plant Yield Barriers." Plos Biology 2.10 (2004): 1502. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2016.
This article discusses the growth and practice of agriculture and farming through the centuries. It
talks about the original practice of farming and how it has evolved to what it is today. The goal
has been to find a way to mass produce food without a cost to the environment but what we have

now has a high production but has many negative effects on the environment. It goes on to talk
about what is wrong with what we are doing to farm today and why we need to change to
something more eco-friendly. The article uses logos as it shows the patterns of farming
throughout time and how it is different now and why its bad. It uses ethos as it uses that same
thought of the process of the advancement of the way we farm. It uses pathos to appeal to how
we have been slowly hurting the earth more and more and at the rate we are going we will cause
irreversible damage. I might use this article to help with my argument of how these effect our
Pleasant, Barbara. "Bird Flu Explodes In Factory Farms, Again." Mother Earth News 272
(2015): 11. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
This article talks about the outbreak of the bird flu in 2015. It starts the article with having you
imagine that you were a chicken living in a factory farm. It describes the awful conditions that
they live in and how they are treated from birth. It has you think as if you were there, with their
overcrowded conditions and a deadly disease hits a few of the animals. It spreads quickly until it
leaves and can even infect humans which can be lethal. It goes on to talk about what had to be
done and what it is like in order to have that disease surface and spread. It was a good use of
pathos as it has you think as if you were one of the animals inside the farm with all the
conditions that you live in. It uses logos as it helps us come to see the conditions that were
present that allowed the disease to surface and spread. It uses ethos has it uses statistics from
other credible sources to show stats and give more detailed information about the topic. I plan to
use this as backup for an earlier article of how animals are treated and their living conditions.
"Public Health Risks From "Animal Farm.." USA Today Magazine 140.2805 (2012):
6. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016
This article talks about the effects of not only regular farms but also factory farms on the
environment. It says that factory farms contribute a ton to our nations pollution and other
environmental hazards. It gives alarming statistics about the farms and what they are really doing
to our environment. It also goes on to talk about the negative effects that a diet that consists
mostly of meat is bad for us but that it is being promoted by those farms. It uses ethos is the way
that he uses percentages and other statistics to give him credibility toward what he says that the
farms are doing. The article uses pathos by using our environment and how it is degrading to try
and have us feel resentment and want to not be a supporter of those factories. It uses logos as it
shows the logic of having those factories and how they are bad and how a meat heavy diet is bad
for us. I will use this article as I try to explain some of the environmental harm that these
factories cause.
Purcell, Natalie. "Cruel Intimacies And Risky Relationships: Accounting For Suffering In
Industrial Livestock Production." Society & Animals 19.1 (2011): 59-81. Academic

Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
This article talks about the relationship that humans have with animals and how that relationship
affects our society. It gives examples of how over time the relationship of animals and humans
has distanced as it talks about the advancement of the way that we treat, kill and pack the meat of
the animals. It also goes on to talk about how we treat the animals that are in the factory farms
and how awful it is to have them live in those circumstances even, if they are animals. It talks
about how with these farms we are distancing ourselves from what is really happening. It is a
good example of logos as it uses examples of how time has changed from using farms where the
animals are taken care of until they are killed to the way that they are treated now. It shows ethos
as the author uses other sources and gives specific examples of the farm life a few years back to
now. He uses pathos to have us feel for the animals that are in those living conditions and he uses
very descriptive examples of the conditions that they live in the help us see how awful it really
is. I am thinking of using this article in my paper to show the moral side of the argument against
factory farms.

Schmidt, Charles W. "Swine Cafos & Novel H1N1 Flu." Environmental Health
Perspectives 117.9 (2009): A394-A401. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.
This article gives evidence that the cause of the swine flu or H1N1 virus outbreak was because of
the way that swine are treated and kept while in these factory farms. It points out what the cause
was and how it relates to how these farms operate. It gives details of why we should be worried
and change our practices.
The article does a good job of using logos and ethos at the same time as it gives statistics of what
happened and why. It gives us details of all that goes on to create the environment that produced
this virus. It uses pathos as it has us recall the feelings that we had and the fear that came with
the first outbreak of the H1N1 virus. I will most likely use this article to help back up the point of
the negative health effects factory farming has on us as humans.

Wagstrom, Elizabeth A. "The Take Care Program And Responsible Use Of Antibiotics." Animal
Biotechnology 17.2 (2006): 233-238.Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Mar. 2016.
This article explains the planning and the implementation of the use of antibiotics in the animals,
mainly pork. It shows how much work goes into making sure these facilities arent going
overboard with their use of the antibiotics. It goes on to talk about the problems that were caused
and how they are trying to fix it. They arent doing it very successfully though. This article uses
pathos as it shows the feelings of the animals and the effects of the antibiotics on their quality of
life. The article uses ethos by pointing out the different phases of their plan and how they have

been doing with the results. They show a step by step process and the overall outcome. It uses
logos as it points out the different steps and the thought process behind why they tried different
things. I most likely wont use this, it has good content but isnt too pertinent to the point I am
trying to make.

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