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Kristina Lee

Kinlea Hensel
English IV
7 April 2016
Endangered Species
The environment can have a big impact on species. It can affect where they live and how
they live. What are some ways the environment impacts these species and what causes them to
become endangered? Land, water, climate, and organisms are major things animals depend on
for survival. Without these they couldnt function on a daily basis. (About education). Climate
is big reason why animals cant adapt to a habitat sometimes. A change in climate can affect
many related aspects of where and how people, plants and animals live, such as food production,
availability and use of water, and health risks (Department of Ecology). Environmental
destruction can impact animals by eliminating forests and changing climate biodiversity,
Forest destruction is one major impact on animals. When we cut down trees it destroys
the animals homes and habitats. Humans are a big cause for habitat destruction like cutting
down trees. When we destroy natural habitats, we destroy species biodiversity. Biodiversity
helps balance our ecosystems and species. (Freeman Wong) Balancing our ecosystem is
important because every specie has an important role to play in the environment. Greater specie
diversity helps all life live longer. A healthier ecosystem is good because it can withstand and
recover faster from any disasters. Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. It also has
negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and
plants in the forests for hunting and medicine.(Livescience). If a specie became extinct then that
could cause another specie to go extinct because they wouldnt have food to eat. A main reason

why we cut down trees is to build new homes. To make more land available for housing and
urbanization (Livescience). Doing this destructs the animals homes in the forests.
Climate change has been a problem for many years. Climate patterns play a
fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems (Freeman wong). When climate change
happens it causes animals to move to new environments. When they move to another
environment they have to adapt to it the new conditions and sometimes it may be really hard for
them to adapt. Climate change is also a big effect. It has threatened animals in their habitats and
is making it harder for them to adapt to their homes.(Freeman wong). Climate change affects
endangered species in a negative way. Most animals need to live in an environment where it has
to be a certain temperature for them to survive. Many of these animals that need to live in cold
weather to survive cant because it is getting much warmer in their habitat and eventually these
animals die out.(Global climate change).
How can one specie affect all the other species? Every form of life on Earth
interacts over time with other organisms, as well as with its physical environment. (Evolution
pbs). Every specie has an important role to play in their environment. If one of them were to die
out then a lot of other animals would go extinct. The extinction of just one species can
dramatically impact many others, and like all creatures, humans rely heavily on other species
(Evolution pbs). If an animal died because of this then it could cause other animals to starve and
get really sick because they depend on each other for food. Members of the food chain interact
with one another and with their environment as part of a complex, interlocking ecological
system. Extinction of one species can have a cascading effect on others.(Synonym, food
chains). Animals need to eat other organisms for energy and nutrients.As the number of species
in a food chain decreases, there are fewer sustainable alternatives for members of the food chain
that had depended on the extinct species(Synonym, food chains). If one species goes extinct

then it can also cause damage to their habitat. The bigger the population the better these animals
will adapt to it and its environmental conditions.
The environment has an impact on animals many different ways. Just about every species
rely on other species for food. If climate change becomes more effective to animals and their
environment it would affect the whole food chain, Every animal has an important role in their
ecosystem that many other species rely on to survive.

Work Cited
"Interactive Food Web Game." Education., 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2016.
Plants, animals, and Climate Change." Global Climate Change. United States Environmental
Protection Agency, 3 Mar. 2016. Web. 17 Mar. 2016.
Wong, Freeman. "10 Reasons to Care." Freeman Wong. Freeman Wong, 2013. Web. 2016.

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