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tah.rsel Seis sasuley shop i (Diesel Hectric) gy 1h6tul tranevorteticn Relivey Stop Beteelion, ohm “Ber 7568-8, Shop Bm, Praaaportatton Corpe Bq 786i Rokr ty Shop Ba (Formeriy) Ha, Woéth Sage bn (By shop) Former) 39-(By. Shoo) Kreps) Yev Orleans, Ine Bais Woks Camp MAliard Baoyrus, Gabo (P) Hos-U5 gt0~by Snip 6958-10 Satp 5958-2 seu-ks s-11-!5, wee 1255 avo U8 (am) ears "QU MARE” B22083 8-20-45 APO NTIS OT) Unt ted Kington Unt tes Engdee (Sond aa) = PS France 21-28-05 (3706-9) Henpton Roads P/B danagas raag-45 (HANDS KOSTIMSERO) Con Patrick Henry, Ya. 1215-5 12-15-45 Inactivated, sntocue, Pe (e) S310“ scai50 _aceVAED Fe, Tustie, Vs (2) 5ealso 5-26.50 sinner eRarsive WORLD WAR 21 Alton, Po. @) $2650 a 50 Meritorious Unit Comenastion (hurope) ~ 00 6, Theater Fort Bustis, Va. (P) 96-60 1 06852.4ot M12. Dat Service Forces, Huropeea Toeeter, 5 Jen 1946. Post Herde, (e) 2.00055 ‘Btoona, Pa. (2) spi Shek as Puilnasiphin, Pe. () oh oun 85 20 Jul Fe, burt ae (2) a 962 Hogs sted Tog ‘aiiadeinnta, Pas (2) 92 tug 96 19 vay 27 fnianton dap 142 tes, Pas. (1)19 ¥ayS7 2 Jun $7 Field me ‘uasolpiay Fae (2 oin5T oe nay 5B Fe. mustis, Vas (225 Nay 58 8 dun 58 Fie1a Te Philadetphia, Pas (2)6 Jun $6 may $9 TMACTIVATED an OF; ted to the Fifth Corps Ares by AG 320.2 (By Shop) Address: 510 7.0. & Federal Courte Bldg, Pittsburg {7b3a angrtm (Hy Shop) vas constituted (7216-32) and 9/0 668, effective July 1, 1933 to replace Ingr C. Penn. (Ie5-H1) 6634 ngr Bn ts redecignated 756th Engr Bn and withtravn fron Fifth Corps Area and allotted to Third Corps Aten - per At 329.1 OR (10-F-) Locations Indianapolis, Ind 322 (12-21-33) (6654 Bagr Bn (Ry Shop) allocated to the 0.0, C, & St, Loute Ratlway Oo with Headquarters at Inflanapolie, Ind. = per AD 322 OR (5-23-38) 756th Engr Bn (Ry Shop) 10 rodest gnated 756th Ingr By Shop Bn ~ per 2/0 5-1M5-dated April 1, 1912. {oot age iy Soop Bn Le redestgaatet 736th By Shop Bay Traneportation Crpe ~ per AD 320,2°(11-05-12) CbE-SP-H, dated December 1942 () 16th Ry Shop Bn, 10, formerty affliated vith Ponneylvanta Rallroad, 1¢ ordered into getive allitary service in accordance with 170 55-235 at 808 Unit Training Center, Nev Orleane, Ln, and will de treneferred on January 1 194} vithout personnel and rtyaonty "This untt wild be orgustzed on Jagsary 21, 1515 by ho Gomaanding Gogeral, Yow Grlenng Port of Tabareation and fe ‘attached to Wew Orleane Port of Bab. Source of cadre 75Uith Ry Shop Bn per AG 320.2 (11-2iei2) CB-I-SP-i, dated Woveaber 26, 19he (B) See: 00 #60 dated 1-5-2, 156th Rattvay Shop Bn is organized at Mev Orleans, Las January 11, 1915 - per Bq Wow Orleans Port of Eabarkation, Foland & Dauphine Ste., Hew Orleans, La. Dated January 6, 1983, 756th Railway Shop Bn, to nove from S0ST0 Hew Orleans, Loutstana to Coup Millard Bucyrus, Obto for a pornazeat change of sitstaey aneienod to Fiten Service Comand, period of aorenent dprti I-TalS' per SOK 310.5 (2-26-15) B-sSPuri, Febroacy 27, 19h (8 Tgbth nattwar shop Bay tparted tow Ostenne, Lez dorit b+ 2943 execute to,Ganp Aitlard Bucyrst, Ohto — per rgop Kovenent Tonte dated Apri 15 {a)"Aieo 80 $86 dated April 5, 1945 He, HOSA, No Orleans, Un. ~ per MA Card from HOSA, New ‘Leann, Lae 6 3 (3) 756th Rup Qk Bn TC departed Nev Orleans, La. April 6, 1943 and ostinated tine of arrival April 8, 1943 Casp Millard, Onto (hour quoted) = per radiogram AD 37065 (\iE=H3) GB-8 fron Now Grlema, La, dated April 7, 1943 Pile 301 (C) ‘75bth Ruy Shop Bn (ese adv dot) vill nove fram Camp Millard, Bucyrus, Ohio to NIFH for ahipuent 6956-iL Adv. Det, 756th Rvy Shop Br will move fron Canp MiLlard, Bucyrus, Ohio to NIPE for shipment 6958-201 Personnel (except advance det) and organte~ atonal equtpaeat will be propared for novenent by 1 August 1943 Destination ~ Unt ted Kington ~ per WD 370.5 (2 Jul 13) oB=8- SPMOTE-a, dated 6 July 1915 (0) ‘756th Ruy USE Ba TO will move to the Hampton Roads Port of Tnbarkation as mented by WD Ltr. 370.5 (2 Aug U3) OBS-2-sPHOT My 3 Aagant 1913,(6) ‘5th Bey 1+ 90 departed Bucyrus, Onto 10 August to arrive Camp Patrick Hanry, Va. on or about 12 Augunt 1945 ~ per Troup ovenent, fable 10 August 1943 (3) arrived Cazp Patrick Honry, Va. 11 Auguat 1913 ~ por ™ Table 11 Anguet 1903 (8) 756th Ray OE Bn, ted HRPE on 20 August 1943 ~ por Recapitulation Sheet dated 20 August 1943 (8) Ade, Det, 736t Bay Uhh Ba, 40 departed NPE 25 July 2915 wboard "Queen Mary" - per Recapttulation Sheet fron the WIPE el ea at cee ea le 756m Bay 40 ts soported at Loken, Ragland ~ por Ha Service Swoply Burapean Teter of erations, 15 tug 1945 (8) Tee Bae maim Tariana Sept 19} _ va Water Trenc-ortation teyort ated 20 Sestrater © Toes Re SAAS, Be Tevptsinc Wk ant wit ajo a n p-ayr ted Wo a9) oftectie Jen 1904 pavat to axtor contained im AG 520,2°(31 Jut 45) PH-A-W-0 20 Angust 1943 (8) ~ per Eadlogran frou USPOR London Yo W Sl) 10 dan Iai (8) Modo, "Tah hey Ope By 20 ile reoremtind tthe cafliee precionye tate ta teardrce igh g/O-€-29 fee Chang Ss a (Column Fa) ~ 22 (18 Apr Wk) OB-I-SFMOUAM jh Boor fae A June 19uU ~ per’ Fea tb, egies anh PE AER GS EM) ESI Sh tert 290k BASS" e Tame Hh) ashe (hs Rot Pized rate Aigg@hiF Bn, TC 1s reported in France ~per Mail Distribution Scheme: No.16 fro gs ETO dated 16 Feb 45 (S) ‘796th ty BAF Bo. TC w/att Mod Le averded battle credit for oartieipation in the caapaien NOERLANY" 25th Sept 4b to (nal date to be announced)-per AC 200.6 OpdA, Hos Buropean Theater of Operations US Amy dated 1 April 1945(S) ‘© 756th Ruy Shop Bue, w/att Mod will be inactivated et the appropriate disposition center by the OG, Port of Bubarkation, and oncurrently transferred to the control of the WD-per AG 322 (4 Oct 45)0B-I-SPMOU-M dtd 9 Oct 45+ Eaalrac a anne nent aE Seber Eee reer ran asin (3 SU a ale gna ie iad continental US gurmuent to auth tn YD Cable 42723292 ata 27 Seo bh -ner itr Rae US Forcer, Durovean Thester ata 9 Oct US, se sented ry Ler seme Ts at 13 Oct M5, Algo per radio CH-OUT TOMBh (Sep ¥5) to 00, USFER, Parts, France dtd 27 Sep 45. 756th Rativay Shop Battalion," departed Marseille, France 26 Yor M5 aboard the "Mhaddeus Fosctustko' ~per resto from Hat Delta Base Section, Marseille, Francs até 1 Dec 45, Arr. Hampton Ronde F/E 15 Dac M5 -per Recap List, Ege ER P/3 ata 15 Dec ¥5, 756th Raiteay Shop Bn, 10 w/not:Det. (Lesa-00:0) inactivated effective 25 Deo ¥5 at Camp Patrick Henry, Ya. -per 00 #136, AS gs. foamy Patrick Hoary, Va. &¢4 15 Dec W5, Company 0 inactivated effective 16 Dee ¥5 at Camp Patrick Hoary, Va, -per 00 #139, 5 ae Camp Patrick Henry, Ya. dtd 16 Deo ¥5, as anended ty 00 #7, ASF, Ege Op Patrick Feary, Va. ata 5 Jan Wy. 756th ug Shop Ba, 10 19 entitled to Dattle participation credit for the RETNELAID GHPAIGY - per G0 #118, Yar Dypartaent, shington, D.0,, dated 12 Doceaber 1945. Organizational Records have been shipped to Org, Records Br.,facorés Adm, Otr., St. Loute, Mo -per reporé from Furopean Tester Inactive Hecorke Depot ata 21 May Hb, 756th Hailvey Stop Battalion, I (Steus) te affiliated with the Pennsylvania Railroad effective 30 July 2947 ~per War Dept ation Agreement between, Dept and the Penn ia Rado 1947, AD 322 Org Bee (30 Jaty 2547), seftatation, Agreement etwoen, jept and the Pennaylvanta Batlrosd ata 2 July 1947, AG 322 Org Ree (30 July 2947), th Hating, po EetieLion, 0 in rofesigasted 756th Franmportaticn Hailvey Shop Bettdica, areigned to the Second Ary aul wan MURS) ottee'ta0 att of the OSAMA ADSEVES tue OStana" uelt/ot-ALtooue ey” oneuotted tn accordance vith 3/0 SP SBtOGE lose pele vite a auth. strs of 21 ort, 2 NO, 599 Mt, smlt afvilistea vith the Pennsylvania Reilron’ Comany ~per fohont 322 Org de (19 Her Ha)ohooK-H Gsa 25 Mar 196," agrTnsem ectect: yo 5} Nor 1945 ta Chase #0" stata “oer Hf, ce Second Arsy 04 3 nz 29NG, Activation completed in Claes "G" statue 16 Apr Ks per ite ge Soocad Aoay dt Y6 gr ky 1B Breceportatton Retiwey Mop Bettelion will be reorganised at the exltert precticetle date by Ue 0, Seront Atay, in accordance with 1/0 & 5-235(l4 Oct 43)w/3e (incl. Diesel-lectric Plat) with an auth. str of 27 Off, 2 WO, 103, 3M ‘756th Rg OAEBn, TC is reported in Prance -per Wail Distribution Scheme: ilo.16 fron figs ETO dated 16 Feb 45 (5) 756th toy BAP on. TC w/att Med ts avarded battle credit for participation in the campaign "GBRANY" 25th Sept Uh to (Cina) date to be announced)-pér AG 200.6 OpGA, Hos Buropean Theater of Operstions US Army dated 1k April 2945(3) ‘ 7st Ky Shop Ba, w/att od will be inactivated at the appropriate @iaposition center by the 0%, Port of Eubarkation, and oncurrently transferred to the control of the \Deper iG 322 (4 Oot 45/0B-I-SEuOU=M dea 9 Oot 45. ory. Yan per 00 #138, ASP Yas “per 00 #139, as? Op Patriok Hoary, Or the RETIRLAND Caer aTy 0 Ore, Records Br, Records Adm, Ctr, St, Zoute, St ‘tated vith the Ponneylventa Betlroad Pg Dept and the Peanaylania Bei 7 32 tf, tae 38 ioe Tt coy Second Any, ta Fe, 10h propre tod a 32 Sune toh Ave 2h Jeary 1589 ~ per 00 #86, Hae. Second 0 Ratlvay Shop Bat any, é2 24 Jesuary 1905, ley — 28 Hey 1950 per 50. leo eee Ltrs + (Home Stetios), Septenber 1950 ~ per afte UD-O0P 36Ki7 yrmenent change of sta on will transfer/fren Aitoota, Peasaylvanin Clone Station) to Fort Bustie, RE 2950; got te reltoved tron asstoment to gocond ray ant gaviened to Set of Ang 5O)OLM, 15 sngust 1950, Arrived at Te- Bastie, Wo, on € Sones 1960 fren, 7 Septender 1s etgiod to the Seventh Transportation Regiment offective won 22 August 1950, ae 43OR HISTORY SBE ont. te. 2, Oftice, Ohtef of Military Hiatory, SSUSA, 25 Jen 1951. . WAl1 be HEORGANIZED ag (DieseL-Hleotric) ander TOE 55.235, 1983, Os 5 ~ AGOAT 322 Gen Bon (26 Avg 52)01-H, 5 Sep 1952 TIED - 00 100, he Trangportation Center & PY, Dustin, 2% Se 19%, Wii GRASP’ (hogs Dot) on a permanent chango of station fron Fe, Tustis, Va, to Fe, Meade, WA. - DA 917459, 5 Sep 1950, ‘SEPARIBD lees Personnel and puipsent' 1 Oct 1952 ~ let Ind, The Traneportetion Center, SCFFE-DP 312 (10 Apr 53), 29 Apr 1953. AERIVED 2 Oat 1952 ~ Ist Ind,, Fe. George 6, Meade, Ma, ATIMD-C 570.5, 2 Apr 1953. WEL te PHOUESSED for relense fron active duty at Ft. George 6, Monde, YA,, TRAUSFERIED to Altoona, Pa., effective 15 Sep 1954 ~ BA 538591, 6 dug 1954, AMDRDED ~ DA 545455, 5 Sop 1954, COMPING ard RUZAST lees personnel ~ 00 60, Traneportatien Tretning Command, 30 Aug 1954, RMTURI to reserve atatos, SORGAITZED ae (Eyy Shop) under OF 55-2354, 1953, CHANGED ieeation fre Altoons Pa. to Fhtindelohta, Pa, effective 21 Jul 1955 - 00 235, Second Army, 1 Jul 1955. Te RDORGANIZED an (By Shop) under TOE 55-255R, 1955, effective 27 Cat 1955 - 60 291, Second Army, 16 Oct 1955, Field training at Ft. Bustis, Ta. for the period 29 Jul to 12 Aug ~ Army leserve Annual Unit Training Schedule 295% Field training at Indlantom Gap Military ‘eaervavion, Ind, for the pariod 10 Hay to 2 Jun ~ amy feserve Annual Uatt ‘Training Schedule 1957- Field training st Ft. Tustis, Va. for the period 28 May to 8 Jun ~ Army Regorve Anmual Unit Tratning-Sehodule 1958. e 4) Effective 1 May 1959 - 0 $0, mS PRERSE Aga, Beygation wANL bo TIACKTVATED = A0A0-O(H) 322 (20 Fob 59)RES, 30 Mar 1959. Effective 2 Yar I vy Diy aveuupyreasion wurpe rer ea heey 15 Ry Shop Bn (Formerly) 7 Sond heey 15" (et (erty ee fo Yew Orleans, Lae ais 65 Aavance Dots Canp Miltard Bacyrus, Obio-(P) Meg-b3 s-10-43 Snip 695801 snip §956-th stb's s11-l3 wee THe5e5 avo Tt (am) HPS TQUUE MARY" B-12-45 g-20-43 APOUTS OE) United Rington United Eineton (Condon) mins France Hampton Fonds P/3 raaageng iz-agak5 (THATDNYS KoscTMsaO) Camp Patrick Hanry, Ya. 12-15-15 1215-U5 Inactivated atone, Pe () $348 “Sais zcrivanD Fe, Eustis, Veo (D, Savteso 526-0 sonmam spatwine woRsp WAR TT Altoona, Pa, @) Se acy Meritorious Uatt Oreaendetion (Europe) - 90 6, Tueater (P) 9-550 2 Oor5e-kot MAL Dot Service Forces, Duropeen Theater, 5 Jan 1946, Mende, Vesviend (2). 208852 1580p 54 Lese Pa Atoonn, Pa. (2) s58ep 542i sen 55 Philnaeiohin, Pe. @) ot su55 29 Fes Bistie, as (2) 29 el 562 ugg Mold The Yhiladeiphia, Pas (2) 22 ane 9619 Hay 57 Thelantow Gap 14 des, Pas. (1)29 ¥ay$7 2 dun 57 PLeld Ing ‘Silaselpiiay Pas () 2-527 26 nay $8 Fee Basti, Vas (225 May 58 8 en 58 Field Tg Priladetghla, P: (2)6 dun $8 May 59 TUACTIVATED nue BIS ‘The S65d-Hngineer. Battalion. (Reiluay.Shop).was constituted ss an organized fesorve tit and allotted to the Fifth Servic per Ho's20,2 (7-16-22), cated duly 16, 1982; rodosignated . 1) Settalion por AG sio.a oR (ove), dated Gotater 8, olgnstad WV) rests Engineer iatlwiy Shop Hattalign per Table of Orgenigation S-l4s, {)//eotec rpssr 3) tones redectinated SGHh HaStaey Shop Battation, Trenszor— Gatien Compe fos AG's20,0 (1i-25-I2) OFT=SPS', dated Decenbor 1, 1642; — SEPLitatee sith Pomectnnda Raturosd ani ordefed into active military Servige st Services of Supply unit Training Center, liey Orlesns, Louisiana Serko 520.2 (Lives-ae) OoI-SL, dated Novonber 26, 1982, orgintzed Senwazy 11, 164. ont | 96 57-48 (Unit Insignia Authorized — [For Former ORC Outfit: cy coed parang saan ed a0, (Sa ete oe ee |Siateataa ie sod Sen Tee ae te NED MSs mtg, se, Pao eee ‘SRE on sao a suet ‘ost aun om uot © A ‘ne oa ene Se cena nomena RESTRICTED Unite into active Serv g/tig Btry, 112th FA op Lge Fa Obes Be 1654 4 Ba, 265th Bre co (Trans) qf Coy Tizth trie Ba 1abth Sig Bn, Corps 651et arma Ph 2m Aesth 9 Bay sap 1934 Penk 3a (ie) Zee Gage Combat Ba (aray) 695th akod Pa Be Allgeh Grane Brie Bay Fa/q Co lagth Ont Hy tisint ce 357th Ord Hv Nasat co 39@4th rane Prk Co Let ara Tank ba (8) eh Ea 32d BA Gps Ha/g Bey. Jagth Mea Anbulence Oo iogtn gage Sn (Combat) 216th Sage Combat 2a ( ai5th FA Ba) ‘35th ME APT Dot - 33th Ste Opne Ba 7bth ME APT Det Bye Sig Rad Reley co 9624 Ord ano Go 20th Med Gon Hosp BOT Med Sta Hosp 3024 MI Gonsorahtp Dot 336th I Hq Dot Sfoth wt ranch Det 32a ME transl Dot Silth wm traned Det Spsth mt Interp Dot Hgftig co, 306th Armd car Gp gayeh Qi sub Depot Co 2534 Ord Anno Co 269th Med Yat Pood Insp Dot Hafiig oy 2ist Nedtun Fort go6th Ord Anco Co Bisa Qt Bets Sup Dopet co 3ilien ME Hq Dot Suyeh im Stag Det (ay a) ig Dot, 360d Fort Bn glen a20, ype F e56tn Gra Depot Co Ffe8 Ma Tatar Det ‘ith ME STRA Det (y 0) 385d Ord Bay Hg/iig Det loiet Mr franel Det 53a Mo OB Det soe Mx a2 Dot NGotn Ord Recovery Co set Hed Vot Food. Insp:Det Goth Grane livy Bei Co 3g MEA et ith Sig Red Relay Co tn ste opee Ba 53158 Med Gon Hosp ‘37a Major Bort, Fa/tig Co 4032 MI Concorahsy Dot 365th wr Trane) Det 5fhet Mi transl Dot 2ige at reset et th ME Taterp Dot Biyth UE OF Det BOHR Sig Zaee Depot. Hg/Eq Co 35th Ord anno Co 537em ae, ty F 36th Sig Bad Rolay Co 756th Fa Sm oR eae ‘rk Go sua Mr Dot 60th MT APT Det Ete MI APT Dot, Bile’ MI Dot (03; poste th MI a2 Dot eth anph Me-Brae 2m fabst Bort 2oy Zahtg Dot 34 MI franel Dot 2iytm Ord Sup Co th FA Ba 321th Nod Sta Hoop Bulet Trane Port Go (y A). 3224 and Tank &n (Ev) RESTRICTED Add TT COTE sT66r ordny § qnoqe 30 wo 09 THA ‘en RNT oaTrorTIeTD ov Jo samyoUsREN oT Uy 9en SOF poaassda wey pA satradog “Dura uy tworyeTTIERI ey 30 fomq g0y ore Jo 7000 1 Jo Sur WwTod of wo PTETED ow AoTER poorTd “Trp engom ya uoswes SHI 305 Pov aT STUTESO o9 ArTIDOD Ty IN Poyaraqns on Uo peRoTiep se feToTUT ou uodn oyye v Seta °C seoopeyatos qoasins fy poqysoresd oy TET oul ot udesbesed uy portssep fy WAM fuopwapENBsO STH sO; OMI JO YOO OUD JO OIE UY PTORT wi 3e eye ‘aap eT oa, "paassade oF LOFTENI Sas ‘waryeptodamaL THREL O JOs SRA PLG MATOUTIETH OU *E svopospiae om fy yousoysed oopases 30 ody om Jo oaTwoWy oy Too aaTEDDCST om vesaTOD 94s vopressedeuay omy ore #(20) aoTTod wopTed PUD Pos evs “EAOTOO OUT EET svopouon canes :OU cS “ Uy vom otf) UO ‘ogy 30 cuoTTER IEG PUT SqoTiOL omy sos yu, TEE spodueqo somo Teows eapzoueceT © par TR pus zo pled Jor TAT OR reuoTTOs ov ose vor yéysoeep pom LmeneTy our “pound 27 UOTTOTIEG Geags earn VOTIMRIOTSUELT, TOLL OT HOF OTe JO WOO MAE *T wpeyiary top uens 420d worreaien dogn Aeurpms oTaWytodsURT WAIL, mots DeTpuRIOD ton voyreyaeg dows Sorrpry worrepsedoues 196 or 05 TPIT OATIOTT TT PUY omy Jo yO) tJourUNS ‘wet Aer ot vg doug, By susay UI—SL ore 9 etter aE cosas va EEUATT ‘eg voomtNg '@t OTE ALQTVWaH dO SLOMMGN SH BUR Hho & Ded, ‘Pobth Trane Ky shop Be = STMECT: Cont of Ams and iietinctive Instynte for the 756th ‘Transportation Railay hoy Battalton ‘4e_ Thhe approval letter 1s in aecordance with "Official ‘Stotenont of Lineage and Battle Honore," dated 9 Janaary 195, copy ‘of which 4 intlosed for tho records of the ergantsations POR TE CUARERAOLAOTER, EEL 2 toa 2. b. ena history, Catased, ie eae hoot, Chfiiery Planing Hivtston OFFICIAL STATEMENT Or LINEAGE AND BATTLE HONORS' Active wc Organized LL Jamary 1943 in the Organized Reserves at lign Orleans Port of Eqbarlation, le Orleans, Lousstana, as. 756th| Railmay Shop Battalion, transportation Corps Inactivated 15 Dacesber 19h at Camp Patrick limry, Virginia Ageidated with tho Peunsylvania Rasl— rod Company, 30 July 1917 Redesignated 756th Trancportation Rail~ way Shop Battalion, 25 darch 19i6 Activated 31 larch 19L0 at Altoona, Peansylvania OME AREA: Pennsylvania (Actiiiated with the Peansylvania Railrosd Compacy) ‘caMPATON STE: World War IT Rhineland BSCCHAT IONS: Usritorious Unit Streamer enbroidered BUROPEAN THEATER FRA/eb/ 3 Dec 51 265,FPRW TQ. coiviow oF 2 mn v9, mt 86 vst AD 320.2 (2h Nov he) OB-I-SP-%, 26 ow gla (Rs 00 6, MD, S Tow 19125 Ltt, ta, Wow Orleans Port of" saberiation, lew Orisans, Ta., 6 Jan 1913, 4G 322 (lot 45) OB-T-SPAOU-U, 9 Oct ghs; 00 138, ‘ASF, Hq Op Patrick Henry, Va, 15 Dec 1915s "Final Roster, 15 Dee 19k5 40 322 Org Res, 30 Jul 19177 Ansonr 322 Org Res (19 Mar 1S) GNGCT-u, 25 war 19h Bais. gle Radio, MC-OUT-3617, 3 dug 1950; AGAO-I 322 (3 hug’ 50) G3-Ui, 3 Aig’ 19505 CO 10, Tig, Fonsylvanta KA Dist, 12 dug 1950; Taitada Roster, 3 Sep 1950 00 8, #2, Second Army, 31 Mar G0, D/A, pending Go 6, i, Thoster Sv Forces, Buropean Theater, 5 Jan 1916 20 August’ 195 Requost for Linoage Tnarantion Cher, littery Hetory Nashitster 28, De Cy Requost informtion as to any battle Boncre, mit oftatione or comondations avarded the 756th Trensportetion Railway Shop Bettelion Suring Worle Nar IT, FOR THE COMANDTHG OPFICERY TOULAGE Ly JACKSON 2a Lt, Teepe ms 31.7 Ast Ind Dopurtaent of the Army, Office of the Chief of Wilitary History, ‘Washington 25, D.C. $4 SEP 152 ’ Official statement of lineage end battle honors of the 756th ‘Transportation Railway Shop Battalion is inclosed. FOR TH CHIEF OP MILTTARY HISTORY: 2 ina cmntzs ¥. mcenen Unoage, 756th Ry Shop En OW, TSA Sittawresrtans, ‘dadntetrative Officer Maj Comor/62926 Sep 52 The Adjuteat Geanrad pertaest of the 4 tagten 25, 3, Plane ure noe being nate for sublicrtion of the Bintory of The ‘WCth Trensrortatton Hallway Sho> EettrAion, covering 12 shees of tlous vad troining from ite origianl netivetion to the nreseat tine 2. At the prosent tine cur files are not comlete enough to insure sure of suozess of thie publicrtion wrt in felt The 756th Justly It te therefore requested that say Lafor fe Tore-nded ta thie Hendguarters, tien of histories inte FOR THE COMMANDING 07710: TAROLD & BERD Let it 70 dajutent, iS 3a et Ind DEG 191951 Orsies of the Chet of Military History, Derartamt of the Army, Washington 25, D.C. To: Comending Officer, 7Séth Transportation Railvay Stop Battalion, Fort ostis, Virginia 1. Forwarded to this Orfied fur reply. 2, Ofthotal statenngSe.2inesgo and battle hovers of the 7Séth Railmay ‘ attached in duplicate, 3. informatio; relative to the Mstorical backgromd of sour init 0 topaniny i Teth Uataaay Shop Battalion, Tcnspartation Caxps) may be secured W Woqocting jrgriots Mistorioal bepats of that unit trom the Unit insignia Authorized For Former ORC Outfit i percent eee ed soe, [So bow nono aug Ba 95-17, 31 ang 46 ae gs Eebarkation wie 1,2,3; SR 650-60-5, 2 ter $0, a2 anented By & lg C2, 2lob ow York Port of © g55-120-1, 13 My bh, 60 ‘rons Modaies ibarltion w/e 1; 8 650-60-5, Port 2T thr 50, aa anantee MH lig & Sve Co, Fart Bustie, Ya 495-116, 18 oct 49 6 #3624 Trane Pont Bo (Tnelutos Meateal Dot) ig & tia & Sve C2, Fart Ruotia, Ya 455-116, 18 oot 49 6 w2Blst Trane Plre Ba (Tnelutes Mason Det) *ohlot Trans Part Fart Euotio, Va 459-117, 28 Oct 48, 4 8 (ype a) we nol by applicable GR of the 650 sorico, Carcer Piola SELL be crpanizct nly to the reduecd strength Anlteatc:, ing publication of RP to 1/0 and recrgantzation af the unit thereunter. ‘ticgro porszepel Pago 13 - Inelooure 1 Yow York Port of 95-110-1, 20 tv 43,92 at Blo” 225, 10 Sop hs; (BONNE Goay 0260-5, ™ 08 ue 210 GeuorErsse (on we an pe Dee oo 80 FAK 0054 WORD (v 45) 00 3308 SRE 28TH ea dour poor 424 Be 45U Soon 295 peut GTEC 1 ExaA0d0H HO ON EE HEH 300 127 TH CI 09 dag. 280 Tne eG. co TH PC oq yeH8es DU oq rodesd Ti 98TH aoc byt tne 40 4810 seq Babu "0 D4 PERE ee Doag-xg, Ger LAL (0's) sec vans DE weUL TE Ti 60H oq azer1 Ta vel poo te 29 sedea B20 12963 oecrd (eo) 200 TA THs sg 203 Pap 1380 See Sed 2a IN HGR (ead) 400 vers TK Lay 30 128 In wo Sat BE Tt Wane 30d hs TA PCa jan 2g, Sang 298 =i) ner 10 29 (Hare) 290 99 pout 38 : 00 BF 220 HON ava 9 ssog mrzo ie “oo SPH op Aoroy pee 253 TAKS ata dovy poos 408 28H WED? E86 “DEY LES 09 emmy wo PELE og ost B20 WHE og sodeg 5 1 TERS 9 by/by *20dog eevee 745. Gn0d dy asp parv woof ‘00 ba/ha aaa co mew) toa Gat Ht ely tog dist mt sialy fog temas DML 300 teHeas Dt yea vss TK Tale aeq ties 14 38S apr toeeun 2A OLE tea Teress 1 THESE oa Bs mH wI9EE “goq.dyuer0ss90 1K PEO ao éraesosneg IK 2208 | op Bupa, 30a soon PELE bon 248 Doi "L08 : ‘sou top Dou DEE eon wep pen wa0et ag #300 FHS. 199 09 ons Bad 7296 09 Aaco4.09E 918 SRE co Avtoe Pou 7S wHLts aon 2a Dt ALE ‘ea av Dk W9LE sg sud 5g WATE s 300 TEN TA WSS EH WORT oreo wee AIT (qsaeen) ve SRE HET (assy) 0g 4oueoo soe sete Sp sowogneey post STE (Gay be ees EET ‘tang Bape. 160 Te Pen sary ae at WS9T save wns UG Ya FesY 18109 (on) 86 seg DoE UE sarop ee 39 WET op mat 8003s Nees we aay WeTE *00 Belts og yore a8 BHO wUIGE (bues3) 00 485 w889T 20 sure an oO ETH oe. PEST fog Daft He aa BOREL TABRE we ugg ve St vee Ye DENY IGE dove watt *éane Put deg postuedig 0 prong TeeovtaR 50 Suy40RI04 kel lee ee? aguoressed J TEPARDOUT OF MD Re The Adjutant General's office Weshington 25, 2. C. AOL0-T 322 Ore Res (2 dun 40) cscomt 14 June 1988 sweater: Beorgantantion of O20 Trmsportation Comps Units Genera 0: Corantins Sees ay 1, Heference: Letter, this offico, Scio s22 020 (3 Jun 49) cscorli, § June 1948, subject: "Proceture for Aetivetion and Orn zation ‘of Onennize: Reserve Unite.” 2, Tho following waite will be reorgmied a8 indicated, st the eariiest practicable int inite ‘oss Ow 8 Grenguor tation Railway 55-208 (cen) Quernting battalions: 10 Sop 45 Insiuaée Colas 10 and 12 2% 1 Bio 20, 11 ane 12 301 1028 a 55-235 2 78 4 Oot 43 v/o1,2,2 (Inglutes Diesel~Cléetrte Fiat) 3, a, Adsitionel personel, Lf required, will be proviod fren eourcos avaliable’ te you in negoriange with the provielms of Sootion VI of Inclosire 5 tolettor, Yondquarters, Arey Growé Forces 326/215 (6 Juno 1946) Gxcoral, 0, fume 1946, eubjooe, "iraining ent aiainketention of the Civilian Caxponents,tas erence’, 1, Porennnel rendered surplus will bo reassigned by you, 4, Zquipsent vill be requiaitioned in sesor’anee with tho provisions of Giroular In. 6, Mar Gopnrtuent, 1947, ce mented, 5, ‘Obligate funds to the’extont necessary fron Orzanisod Zosorve allocations avaiisble to your headquarters, 2 soebe we § fae + aaperas. 19 00 ~ ( (Gx) Sls oar |Gy-S2-L . rin) ions ope | ate | i Es ‘Baop) was So OTE sas soe 20 ors sr AR: accep ae mr Se a ‘G34 Boge Bn Ae redostganted 756th Rig? Da ond vithtrain fron Fifth Corps Area and allotted to Mairi Oorps Atea = per AO | Jig. (1O-M) Locatlons Tadiamageltey Tad $22 (22-21-55) , ‘o34 Inge Bn (By op) alloted to the 6x0, 0, & Bt. Leute Rativay Oo with Raadqeartjpu af Intlanapolis, Int. = por AD see a Casesn) T3Eth Rage Ba (By Shop) 18 rodent gaatod 195th Rage By hep Ba = yor £/0 So1WG-dated dprit 1, 1B Pots Rey br fh’ te atetnnat Tbh yn ay rnmertatonGope= per A Sone (nse) Aimy date Deoealer 1 ° “ oe ee : i | rerreéth Ry Ehep Ba, 10, foruerly affiiated with Pennsylvania Ratireed, 19 erdqred tate acti wisn Yo'Srtsy ot 0b Duis Ralston Hor laaney Ea. end vilt'e Staseterred og Jerry 8,30) vita! peremael Tectparats Sais soit sill be organtved ou January 2uy 1505 by. tha Commanding General, fev Orleans Porto sa ant $e STSESSE'Go ov ortene Port of Bate Bruce fades Tohea ay thoy Sus por M0 30008 G-Seig) GB-toaP, dated Roveter 2 SgN2 (a) tees 00 #60 tatee 31-5-he, ets {ok ativay taep ‘De tv depsteed at Nev Orieany; La, Janeary 11, 2945 ~ per Sq How Orionne Fort of Mabarzatio, Potente | Dawphlae Stes, Sev Orivane, Las Suted January 6, 2365. =a. ° : | DEPY phen alive Soop Bu, tosove frm 4008 Hoy Orioany Lovitenn to Gump Gast Basron, hte for a permeent chang of | | ssasttny novigned to Fifth Service Commend, period of movenont ApEiL L-To8} = pey “Wh 3705 (26-83) @-OMGRM, Feoreary 27, fapasted Yew Ortesne, Las apcil 6, 1985 enroute to Gaup MiLLaré Foeyras, Ohio ~ per oop Korean rn Tice S00 Go'gee date Beth 5: 29U3 Sgr Botanov beteane Lar pet hn Gard fron Body Bow ae tapertot You Oriens, Za. Aprth 6, 1983 and entinated tine of arrival april 6, 1965 Com Mitierd, ‘Por radtogren AD 370.5 (H-G-43) GD-8 fron Yow Orleme, Ia. dated April 7, 193 File.302,(0)" ‘Bey 825 ‘ekv dot) vill nove fran Camp Kilard, Buszras, Ohio to NIPS for ahipaent 6956-LU Ady. Det, 756th" \ uy Shop Be efit nove fren Ganp Miliare, Dooyros, Ohio o RTPA for ehipaes’ 6958-0 Perscanel (encept aivance Gat) 4nd Sreanher ‘Slee ocipast vila‘ prepared for soresnt byt Anguat 398) DenNnation = OetadKinghn ~ per WO 3705 (2 fat 3) Gots cnome ee g fay TS cerita nove 0 Oh at ens Yor of aon af mete or Bie 37.5 (8 Ang) HALE 2 3 agen : | M2 FaEetar Wiebe, capers Dacron, tte 10 sneatt to arrive cap Patrice Haury, Vas on or about 12 Angas 1983 = per roo ldgreant fate i hag 156) Oy orived Sep Port Betsy Tor Bh hngurt 390) pet St Sole Ht nent 3965 (@) | PP get Re "spect 2) begat 195 + por Eecaplvaiation Meet Gated 20 Augat 1355 (0) Teint qooen hr Of Serre teperta HUN yey 290) heost Gunes Mary? = per Reception Sect fron the IPE oteice af the General Brookiya, BY 25 daly 1983 (8) | Tsu Bey Spe Da, #0 Se reported at London, Ingland ~ per Hq tervice Supply Buropean Theater of Operations, 15 Aug 1945 (8) hs Ray Gkbo, 20 arrived in Bugland 1 Sept 2943 ~ per Water: franepertanton eport, dated 22 Septesber 123.(8) \ HY Ofiba, $0 Seorgantsea tn soardanee vith £/0 & F 95-235 dated W Oct 1945 effective 1 Jan 196% purruant to anthortt onsen in a e031 FES) Pic oo Aaeah 3963 (0) pe Hathogtn fron DP Laken Me ¥ SMD 10 Jen 158 (8) oot, Tene ype PO il oy Toornaaed of the cevies parte tte tn. acear ante Ath /0 LB A I'S wh scr Nahr Sabah, Pk) CAPT Bhar JOGA SUPE ce Sane Ml). cost (0), toe Pid ip T3bth BrysOheDn, To te reported in France =per Mail Distribution Sehene!o.16 from Rge BTO dated 16 Feb 45 (S) ‘756th Bay BAR fn. TC w/att Med 1s.amarded battle credit for partieipation in the canpalgn "GERINE" 15th Sept 4h to (final date, to be annfunced)-per 10°200.6 OpGh, Age Baropean Thonter of Operations US Arar dated Us Apr!t 1945(8) ‘Toft Bey Shop ney w/att hod will bo inactiveted at ha appropriate disposition center by the 03, Fort of Rabarkxtion, cot ssoneurrvatly trunafersed to the oonteol of the WD-per 50 322 (4 Oet 45)0D-I-SPMO0M &U4 9 O9t 45 ‘Poin Rattvay Shop Battalion, 10 v/ats Med. ts corstnental OF pursuant to auth in Wonle #7230906 serie yeatied ty lar sane Bye até 13 Oct 45. Also per radie OM-OUT TC (ep 95) 0 FET, Paris, France Gt4 27 Sep ¥5. THEt Rativay Bop Battalion, 0 departed Marsetlie, France 26 Yor W5 aboard the MTuaddeve Houciuatea! par ratio fren Mae [neita dase Section, Marsetiie, Franco Get 1 Dec WS. Arr. Zanpton Roads #/3 15 Deo WS -per Recep List, Age M2 7/2 444 15 Deo WS. | ‘Tobth Raileny May Ba, 20 ifnd: Der, (1600:60:0) inactivated effective 15 Dee WS at Camp Patrick Neary, Ya. -per 00 #138, ABH deny Patrick Heary, Ta. 444 15 Deo ¥5, Company 0 inactivated effective 16 Deo M5 at Camp Patrick Hoary, Ya. -per 00 #139, AO = Gan Patrick Haary, Ve. 484 16 Deo 05," tn amended by €0 #7, ASY, qe Op Patrick Hoary, Ya. av 5 Jaa M5. 756th Rep Shop Da, 20 ie entitled to Dattle participation credit for the RIIEKLAND CMEATGR ~ per 00 #118, Yar Dypertaenty ony Beds, bated 12 Dacenber 3915. ‘Organisational Records have dota shivped to Ore, Racerds Br.,tacords Ada, Obr,, #8, Louts, Yo -per repor6 from Buropean | maater Taactive Records Depot ata 2 May ¥6, | "Tyme Baslony Shop Battalion, £0 (Sona) 1» affiliated with the Pennayivante Railroad atteot}ve 30 daly 1941 -per Yar Dept aceuatasion Aprement etzenethg Jr Dept aad she Fennayivante Rattroca 446 2 iy I9WT, ad 322 Org Bee (30 daly 1867), nt Sy . “geen Be Tastalion, 30 in rotestgaated 756th Sreaaportation Railwey Shop Bettdion 0 the Second Aray aad ‘wun Te tctiyated Geotnen uF tale of the GBMAFISED AISEIVES ate *Etonat alt at ALtoons Pa SS aecordaace with 2/0 By 'optays (l'oce inye/so win an auth. tz, of 24 Off, 2 ¥0, 599, ualb affilt " : Molo-t Sea Org Bes (19 tax be)ONOGE-K v4 5 Mar 19ME,” aorsTARD afZechye 3h Nar 2OME 19 Chane "o" atanen npr Ul Bee Seoond Apey det 31 Vor 19UE, Let Svation completed in Glas *0" stevus 16 pr M6 per Ltr lige Seosad Army C14 36 dpe 396. {bE Sresmportation Rativay Sop Dateelion vill be Teorganteed at, the arlicns practicable date Wy the 0, -Seooad Arwy, ta |nseoreange oth #/0 42 55-2550 Oot Uv) 3e (Ine, Dieeloalectrig Flat) ity ag auth. of 27 Off, G90) TO} Bt per AMT LSB" Gee Bes (2 fune ta}Op0Or- ata 1 Sune U8, RiZeative 22 line Wi -per BO #105, Bas Second Arwy Gt4 22 3 7 "pth sraneportation aativay Shep Dattelion A attached to the (Grant Division, effective 24 January 1989 = | yer oolfel, qe, Becond Arey, ae 26 Jennary 1983. Lcseirmns eemrieansaeneaemaueto am buns 156th trans, Bay ep Bettelion 14 expanded fron Clans Arey, U6 Waren 1950. be 02s 8 effective 16 Hersh 1950 per 00 #46, qe, Beoond Sumer Field rotating 48:Pt. Bastia, Ya. for pertoa°h May ~ 26 ay 1950 per Hens ge Second Arey, 2e Dec 1305 an amended per ALLM-T 354 Bon, qa Segond Army, 17 March 1950. Ale vee Ire Wield Veroee AITHO-18 353401/88 (On) (5 Way 50), 5 May 1950, son Ratlny op ‘BAttalion tu ordered into active military daty af Altoona, Penneyivanta, (Hone att ort Beatie, Viriginta (Eraining ghesicn), under £/0 43 See Ta enc ney prt T550per atte Bae AE PT el ETT SS Ba ak etary Mek, Tague isos E on permanent change of ransportetion BatLuny Shep Maitalion vill transfer fe Hiseka, Petaayivanis Clone station) te Fort Bastte ress (eds sation) om oF sioe 7 topes 170 gue rlteed oe suntment te Seva ey gape iy net of ecnepubtatttac wpbn-kentval-pee AUO-T 570.5 (ih dag SOV, 15 sngust 1950, Arrived at Ft. Baste, Va. ol © opts 1950 fren iowa, Pec = per tadio 690) 00, 7%, Bustin, Tex 7 Sepbeaber 1930¢ 56th Tranmportation Batlvey Shop Battalion (Diecel) is sesigaed to the Seventh transportation Regiment effective upon | smrtval at Tort Hastie, Ya, ~ per 00 #75, Bi. Tort Burtis, Ya., 22 daguat 1950, TDSthareoporgation ations. Sep Matelin ts aan Oserel Rsere ed wilt be roreaires (Bese) i eeereaee with 1/04 ¥ 55-255, Oct 3, w/0 2,2,3; SR 650-€0-5, 27 Mar 50, as enended; will be organized only to the reduced atre | Yegerdear geating potasonttos we a ay te the Sate airencth 2 of Br to 1/0 & ¥ and reorguatzation of the wait thereunder ~ with aithértsed str cq, Offloerey 3 varrant offieere, 500 enlisted man - per AGAD-I 322 Oen Rew (28 kus SOV Chait o> Wana. € cle SE ies 0D an (Bieest-Slectrie) under £00 95-235, 2905, Oo 5 = AGOAE 322 Gen Ros (28 Ang 52)GL-K, 3 Sep 1982 ~ "o 100, foe Trasgpertation Center & Tt Hastie, 21 Bon 1252 (Ln SBAUSTER (love Det) oa a peraanent change of station fraa Fe. Bastia, Ya, te Fe. Monde, MA. - DA 917A69, 5 Sep 1952, [surance Perveanl ont Bupeent 1 Oot 1962 — int Hak, Te Sranperition Sener, POMP Siz (0 bps 55)x 25 dor 1053. aRRTTED m iat Tat,, Te, George 8, Heads, Max, AEiMDA0 370,5, 24 hpr 1953. (MSN {it be FIOOESSED for Telease fren active duty at Fe. George 0, Mente, Mé,, 2RAFEPIURD te Aitoana, Fe, 299% ~ DL 538381, 6 dng 2956, MOSED ~ DL 5GASS, 5 Sep 195%. fd HEiR4SE loee personnel ~ 09 60, Tranepertetten {seeing emnnt 30 ng 99%, "MOTOR i ronerve ate, OBIMIED (Re fhop) eer SO 55-2334, 1955, HAAS locaton frm | [dite Poy te fidadngnta Pe, otteotire MSaL XB ~ 0 235, Seca few. 6 Fal 2655, Ty MGASIEAD a Gag Shop) under HOH 55-299R, 1955, oftoctive Z1 Ost 1955 - 00 291, Second Arwy, 16 Oot 2955. Fleld trainiig at Pi. Bastia, Va for the pertod 29 Jud to 12 hug - Amy Meoerve Annual Unit Training Schedule 1256. Fisud training st Indiantown Gap Hiaitary feservation, Ihde for the period 3p May to. ? Jun = drwy faserve Axhanl Uist Tratning Sehndile 395T- . ‘Mold trelaing at Fe. Eustis, Va. for the portod 25 Yay to 6 dun ~ Aray Reserve damsel Unit Training Sehedsle 1988: co 55, aT LS RRS aAry Sogapion e121 be MUervare - snu-cce) see (28 Mb 59)S, 90 Mar 159. Eetctive Xr 252 - rc — . : Tee i 3 sloomr cms. sp Otten, Oat of Milter Slater, SSM, 3 fue 19, 3 t 1 ‘moge papon nok seam pue skep snowaid ay Buung ub ee Aqeseald - pawl eve yey seoperko pue souuewars ‘94 yroge Jeqweuil Nof voy, oye, SE UMoUY LONFUCD e 5] a1e4 $BO6 dus SN onaIOWM Je @zIPEN KuepENS "ok pue da pape0q eve saps au -seuNieD pue sj! vel ‘syed 'suUe ‘sy puoKeg ByLue UeDs aney YOAIPOD INS ‘ok epaveword 0} woos veeq pey 204 uBK3 JAWOUS ® 14 - 9p epeuEWOIJ By WO Ae NOK shes Apog=uDS “doNs ‘nok 08 - sds peoye uew ax Auapprs puE *y7ed noK 204 maweu 00 :00p YBnaNY - Sleppe| uNop pue dn-sfenaBessed pais qwejun 24) Guay Buen. daay nos - peaye UW ax SwOJO} OUR - ApogaWOS WOH} no ‘dys @4 pUBOQ NOK Sy BET EWES S'S OU EO OD oy > 1 comes 33, NW NOITVLLVG dOHS Aw 92 AHL AO AYOLSIH 000 380190 8 YIEWNN _IAXX SIWNIOA ee ae “ON! WaLawHD HaLsvONWI wanouvasia ons tex EELSVONV' only takes one” Now and not too strangely ll references to torpedoes suddenly stops. Meanwhile, you sit down in the spot they lft you standing, and that spot becomes were you slop that righ andthe next and the next We fi out thatthe ship i the former Grace Luxury ner, Senta Paul, ued Grom bow o stem. No doubt every nook and cranny ofthe ship saw some member ofthe 756th that night - save the engine room, which, beng stil off lms, probly wasnt inietd” unl the next day. Finaly, ater tree sights on the Promensde Deck you finaly gota bunk forthe right, oly o have to get up the ret ight so someone else can have his un, whi you wonder around ke aot sou tying to nd comer where its fety warm and tity dry and fa enough in the comer so nobody wl stp on you or stumble ove you We are prepared forthe worst 9 fa as fod is concomed - but pleasanty suprised by is qual. It was a big job 10 serve two meals 2 day, suplemenied by a serving of Sandviches at noon 10 severel thousand men in the rested space used fora mess hal, Foc this purpose, the main Ging oom and ball room of the stip, surly the scene of much gaye pares inthe luxury Ine days, tad ben converted. We soon ne (onge than usual an in the interest of saving space, stood while eaeg. However, seasicness had 10 be reckoned wit, at one ime or another dost everyone of us decided we ween tangy” id you ever think you'd make i? Of course many of us conjectured that it was all part ofthe tactical plan. You were already so cock-eyed mad that they could have dropped you on the nearest beach that had any Germans ‘on it and you would have handled them single-handed without weepons. It begins to tum cooler. Why is this ship going north, not northeast or east? We're 2 rairoad out, they cant use us ‘in Greenland or leland. Finally you see land, grey, rocky, ‘cold and forbidding, but broter, it's land - it doesnt rock and maybe you can get off ong enough fo stretch your legs. ‘Too bad - you stay on board and wait in Argencia, ‘Newfoundand to be joined by corvettes and destroyers - the escorts that were needed. ‘The next few days folow one another with a deadly ‘monotony, until the entire ship is elected into action when early onthe morning of Sepiember 2nd, someone sighs - LAND. From deductions based upon direcon of travel, possible speed and temperature, it is concluded thatthe land, bing of the starboard sido, must be Ireland, Wil we @ HARPERS FERRY ae