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Coteaching Part II

Name: Emily Frazier

Date: October 27, 2014
How does this project contribute to your understanding of collaboration with teachers through coteaching?

Through this project, I have been able to experience a completely new part of the lesson planning process. Before, my opinion was the
only one I had to consider when planning a lesson. Through this project, I was forced to be mindful and understanding of the opinions of my
co-teachers. Even though the process can take up some time, I have learned to really listen to the ideas of others because it helps to further
my knowledge as well as make me a better teacher. I understand that this process is not the easiest form of lesson planning; however it can
prove to be extremely beneficial if carried out in the right way. Every detail must be planned and well thought out so that there is a minimal
chance of error in the instruction. I enjoyed working with my mentor teacher and senior methods student to produce a coteaching lesson.

On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.

Learning Plan
Intern Name: Emily Frazier
Subject/Grade: 5th/Math
Type of Coteaching: Teach/ Support

Lesson Plan
Objective: Given a workbook page with 8 money multiplication problems
on it, the student will be able to find the correct product 6 out of 8 times.

Mentor Teacher Name: Ms. Sissney

Date Taught:

Modifications for a boy who has
ADHD. I will refer to him as

Mentor Teacher (MT)

created the objective with
the other 5th grade math
MT chose the TEKS with
the other5th grade math

Review multiplying decimals

and tell Bill you will ask him a
certain number of questions
throughout the instruction.

Discuss and decide

beforehand which students
need the additional one on
one instruction. Ensure that
these students are sitting in
an area that would not be
disruptive to the other

TEKS: Math 5.3.E

(3) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process
standards to develop and use strategies and methods for positive rational
number computations in order to solve problems with efficiency and
accuracy. The student is expected to:
(E) solve for products of decimals to the hundredths, including
situations involving money, using strategies based on place-value
understandings, properties of operations, and the relationship to the
multiplication of whole numbers;
Background Information:
The students know how to multiply single whole numbers by decimal

Class workbooks
Smart Board


MT will prepare smart

board slides because she

Classroom Management/Environment:
TSW sit at desk and only speak out when directed.

[MT] Good morning students!
Raise your hand if you like cookies. [pause and look around room]
How many cookies could you eat in one sitting? [students respond
with various amounts]
Sarah said she could eat four cookies at once. But John said he could
only eat 24 hundredths of that.
Now, Ms. Frazier wasnt here yesterday so could someone tell her
how I would find out how many cookies John could eat. [*Call on
Bill for answer* multiply .24 times 4]
Correct! You would multiply using decimals. What is the most
important thing when multiplying decimals? [where you place the
decimal in the product]
[SM proceeds with the rest of engagement] How do I know where to
place the decimal? [You count how many numbers are behind the
decimal in the first and second numbers then have that many numbers
behind the decimal in the answer.] Oh thats right!
Today we are going to learn how to multiply money. Keep in mind
that multiplying money is the same as multiplying decimals. All you
need to add is a dollar sign.

Bill will be seated in his normal

spot which is an area by the
teachers desk. In this area he is
able to stand and move around
without disrupting the other
students. Being able to roam
rather than sit still helps to keep
Bill focused.
Ask specific questions to the
students who need further help.

has the resources to do so.

Senior methods student
(SM): Will roam around
the room to insure the
students are not speaking
out without instruction.
When MT is doing
instruction, SPED student
teacher (ST) will assist SM
in classroom management.
MT will start the
engagement. ST helps
manage classroom
behavior. SM stands up
front to receive instruction
from students about the
bell work. After bell work
is finished, SM will
proceed with engagement
and procedures.

Raise your hand if you have something to say and wait to be called
1. I want you all to think of an example where you would need to know
how to multiply money. [Elaborate on the multiple answer
2. Multiplying money can be important in many different aspects of life.
One experience I can think of is when I buy Girl Scout cookies. We
talked earlier about how great cookies are. When a girl scout comes
to my door I must be able to come up with the amount of money I
owe her based off the number of boxes I want and the price per box.
What kind of problem does that sound like to you? [Multiplication.]
3. Correct! It would be a money multiplication problem.
4. Take out your math workbook and open up to page 129. If you look
up at the smart board you will see that it is up here as well.
5. We are going to work through this page together and then you will
move on to the practice problems.
6. Bill, please read the word problem at the top of the page. [Reads
problem from workbook]
7. Thank you Bill. Now, I want all of you to read to problem silently one
more time and then fill in the blanks in the Read section. Look up
at me when you are finished. [Wait until all students are looking up]
8. The first question is What do I need to find? Raise your hand and
tell me what I need to find. [I need to find how much money Tia
spent.] *write in answers on smart board*
9. Great! Now someone tell me your answer to What information am I
given? [I need to use the amount spent by Jayson to find the amount
spent by Maya and Tia at the fair.]
10. Everyone look at the Plan section. I want you all to complete the
sentence. There can be multiple answers to this question. [Give
students time to answer]
11. Tell me what you wrote in the blanks. [Ask three students, including

Continue to ask Bill specific

questions. SM will use proximal
control if Bill seems to be off

MT&SM: As instruction
continues, they will roam
around the room checking
for understanding from the
students who are
struggling. If needed, the
student will be given one
on one instruction in order
to catch up.
During the assessment
portion, each teacher will
be assigned a particular
student to sit with and talk
through each problem
while checking for
understanding. The
students receiving one on
one instruction will be
discussed and decided upon
prior to lesson. MT will
decide if any changes need
to be made.

Bill, to provide answer. Then combine responses to formulate answer

on smart board. Example answer: I can draw a diagram to show how
much money Tia spent at the fair.]
12. Looking at the Solve section, tell me what I will be putting in the
blank boxes next to Maya and Tia. [$3.75]
13. Correct! Looking at the diagram we put together, I would like all of
you to fill in the rest of the blanks. [MT, SM, & ST roam around
checking for completion and understanding.]
14. When students are finished, choose a student to come up to the board
and fill in the blank next to Maya. Then a different student for Tia.
Then call on Bill to fill in the final answer.
15. Great job! Now turn the page to 131&132. There are 8 problems on
these two pages. You will work quietly at your desk and complete
these problems. You have until ten minutes before class ends to
complete as many as possible.
16. If you need help, raise your hand and Ms. May, Ms. Sissney, or
myself will come to assist you. Reminder that we are at a voice level
zero until further instructed.
17. [Monitor student work until ten minutes before class ends then go
into closure.]
All of you have done a great job multiplying money.
Take out a sheet of paper and write down an additional five money
multiplication problems.
When finished, trade papers with your partner and complete the
problems he or she wrote down.
After you have completed those problems, trade back papers and
check your partners work.
We are still at a level zero throughout this activity.
Lets take a step back and review one more time what we learned

Bill will be partnered with

Certain students may need
Jamaya because he tends to work elaboration while others are
well when partnered with her.
moving on to the extension.
MT will help those who
need the elaboration while
SM & ST monitor those
working on the extension.

When multiplying with decimals ignore the decimal until the very
end and multiply the problem like normal. Once you have finished
multiplying, add up the total numbers behind the decimal in the
factors and put that many numbers behind the decimal in the final
You and your partner will now finish the page of problems together.
If you have a question, be sure to ask your partner before you ask one
of the teachers. The teachers will be going around checking answers
and answering any questions.

[SM] You all did a fantastic job today reading through the word
problem to determine the amount of money you must multiply to find
your answer.
Someone tell me the most important step when multiplying with
money/decimals. [Decimal placement in your product.]
Does the process of multiplying the numbers change any? [no]
If I place my decimal in the wrong spot, is my answer correct? [no]
It is important to learn how to multiply money because it relates back
to many real life situations. What is an example of using the
multiplication of money in a real life situation? [*call on two
students* ex. buying girl scout cookies, going to the store]
Tomorrow we will begin to multiply decimals by decimals. You
already know how to multiply decimals and whole numbers so this
should be simple for you.
TSW get 6 out of the 8 workbook problems correct. The problems are a
mixture of share and show, problem solving, multiple choice, and TEXAS
Test Prep problems.

SM will be doing the

closure while ST and MT
are monitoring the students
and picking up the work
done in class.

Bill will receive extra time on

assessment during Success

Assessment chosen by MT
and other 5th grade math

The co-development of this lesson consisted of ideas from my mentor teacher, the senior methods student, and me. My mentor teacher
already had the TEKS and objective planned with the other fifth grade math teachers, so that was not something we had to decide upon. After
we reviewed what was supposed to be taught that day, the three of us began to brainstorm on what we thought would work best in our
classroom. After consideration of multiple types of co-teaching, it was decided that we would use teach/support. Our decision was based off
of recent test scores that showed how some students were struggling with the concept of multiplication. We all agreed that the students would
benefit as a whole if we used teach/support. Those who are understanding will continue to learn new material while the students who struggle
will be able to receive the one on one instruction they may need while learning new material. My mentor teacher thought it would be best if
we were each given a part of the plan to be teaching the instruction while the other two were providing the support. We split up the lesson into
engagement/introduction, procedures, and closure. Then we began to construct the lesson plan together by going over what needed to be said
and what jobs each one of us was doing at each moment during the lesson. The process proved to be an easy one since we agreed on most
parts of the lesson.
To start of the lesson, my mentor teacher will engage the students and recall what they learned the day before. My mentor teacher was
chosen for this part because the students are used to her leading the class and will settle down faster with her up front. My mentor teacher
will also be the only one at school the day before this lesson meaning that she is the only one who knows what was learned previously. I
was assigned to instruct the procedures portion of the lesson as well as the end of the engagement. We thought it was best to make the

transition between instructors prior to the start of new material so that it would not be too overwhelming. I was given the procedures portion
because my mentor teacher wanted to be able to roam around and evaluate which students were understood and which did not. The senior
methods student was assigned the closure; however her main job throughout the lesson is to handle classroom behaviors as well as assist with
one on one instruction when needed.
The management of the classroom has been set since before I arrived in my classroom. The students have assigned seats according to
what my mentor teacher thinks is best; however, when planning this lesson we discussed a few changes to the arrangement. Because of the
one on one interactions we planned to have with certain students, we made sure to have open desks in the corner of the room for those who
need individual instruction. The three of us teachers also decided that the students would be expected to raise their hands for every question
asked. In the past, some questions would be responded to without the raising of hands. We planned to have my mentor teacher inform the
students of the new change a week ahead of time so that they had time to get used to the new change. This method of answering questions
was decided on because of problems with talking over others and interrupting the teacher. All three teachers will be sure to enforce this new
rule throughout the lesson.
The student assessment is a mixture of questions that come from the book. These questions are meant to challenge the students in
multiple ways. When teaching a new concept, my mentor teacher looks at the problems in the book to see if they will work for her students.
While planning this lesson, the three teachers decided that the problems in the book would be a good fit for the students. The assessment
would be taken as a grade since the material was very similar to what the students learned the day before. We teachers planned to review the

assessments once they were graded to determine whether or not the students grasped the idea of multiplying money. Since the senior methods
student and I are not there every day, the mentor teacher would be the one to make the decision as to whether or not she feels the need to
reteach the concept. As a result, the assessment will determine what the mentor teacher will teach the following day.

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