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Bosch, Hieronymus. Last Judgment. 1482. Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Austria.

Art and the

Bible. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
The last judgment is a triptych that depicts the Garden of Eden, judgment day, and hell.
Bosh was known for his religious painting that often showed the consequences of sin.
This piece of art shows the beginning of time and how Adam and eve enjoyed peace until
they sinned and were thrown out of the garden. The second scene depicts judgment being
passed on to those that dared go against Gods will. Hell is shown under the reign of
Satan and suffer is inflicted upon sinners. Suffering is shown as a consequence for those
who dont have God in their lives.
David, Jacques-Louis. The Death of Socrates. 1787. Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Met
Museum. Web. 9 Mar. 2016.
Socrates is one of the greatest philosophers in history. He was sentenced to death by
poison under the charges of corruption of the youth, questioning the gods, and
introducing new deities. At a time when bravery and action was more valuable than
thought, Socrates did not challenge, as much as he did question the basis of knowledge.
Because he had a way of thinking that made powerful man and their concepts seem silly,
he was considered a threat. Today, an individual who stands against a common belief can
be considered silly and even a threat, depending on who he or she is considered a threat
Garvey, John. "Surrender: remembering we're not in charge." Commonweal 141.20 (2014):
6.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 March. 2016.
Priest John Garvey argues that humans have a tendency to desire control. Once there is a
lack of authority, then there is the assumption of something being wrong. This article
provides a point of view that implies the need God or at least a figure of divine power to
have control and balance in life. However, leaving important aspect of life in the hands of
someone or something would still mean not being in charge.
Haught, James A. "Atheism Benefits Society." Atheism. Ed. Beth Rosenthal. Detroit: Greenhaven
Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "It's All About Honesty." Freethought
Today 24 (Nov. 2007). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 March. 2016.
Once the magical and spiritual answers of religion are put into question, more solid and
specific answers come to light. This new answer provide deep knowledge to thing that
could only be speculated by religion. Ancient gods that were once thought to be powerful
are not regarded as jokes. Many of the great minds on history, like Albert Einstein and
Charles Darwin, were not influenced by supernatural events or being to arrive to some of
the most important advancements in science and their effects on society. Assuming that
God is needed to be moral is a mistake.
Kurtz, Paul. "Atheism Teaches Morality and Ethics." Atheism. Ed. Beth Rosenthal. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Two Competing Moralities:

The Principles of Fairness contra 'Gott Mit Uns!'." Free Inquiry 24 (June-July
2004). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 05 April. 2016.
Religions and the restriction it imposes on its followers violates many of their right.
While it argues against the use of violence, it is used as a method of control. Money plays
a part in it and is used by some to influence the directions religion should take. Because
science challenges many of the views of the church, it is a threat and it is tried to be
censored. Seculars on the other hand support individual freedom and the ability to
choose autonomously.
Zindler, Frank R. "Religion Is Not Needed in Moral Decisions." Constructing a Life Philosophy.
Ed. Mark Ray Schmidt. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing
Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
Individuals characters, whether a theist or not, are influenced in the same way. Violent
behavior can be observed everywhere. Humans have an instinct to please others and
themselves. Behavior can be influenced easily by the behavior of others. Assimilation is
based on the assumption that something is the norm or common behavior and afterwards
judgment decides whether to perform the action or not. The actions of an atheist and a
theist are guided and sometimes influenced by common beliefs and sometimes by
consequences certain actions bring.

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