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Lesson Plan 10

Student name: Marwa Rashid,



No. of students: Date: Sunday 21 / 3 /


Learning Outcomes

Lesson Title/Reference: Movie poster

Time: 8:00 to 8:50


Target Language

Ss. Will answer the T questions.
Ss. Will discuss with each other.
Ss. Will listen to their colleagues while answering the question.
Ss. Will listen to the T instruction during the class.

Ss. will read the summary for each group and give them

1. What is your favorite movie?

2. Who is your favorite character passed on
your movie? Why do you like him\her?
3. Where does the move take a place?
4. What is the type of the movie do you like
to watch most?
5. What kind of movies do you like and why?
6. Who is your favorite actor?

Ss. will write a plot story and the characters.
Movie, theater , scene , director, plot
Phonological features
Correct pronunciation:

director -\d- rek-tr, d-\, theater - \ th--tr, th \

Other (e.g. affective domain)
Students work in pairs or group to ensure communication.
Increase students confidence to participate in group discussion.
Increase students imagination and creativity through the writing.
Rationale: (Why am I teaching this? Place in teaching sequence?)
This lesson practices summary writing and follow the instructions and how to organize their writing.
Classroom management (Anticipated concerns and plan of action)
Difficulties in writing the similarities and differences.
Give more exercises on the writing (using writing process poster).
Extra guidance to the students through monitoring and scaffolding.
Clarify and repeat the instructions more than once (in case students misunderstood).
Divide the groups according to their levels (high, low, learning styles).

Resources and Materials:

posters, worksheets, , PowerPoint, pictures, markers.



Teachers Activity and

language input

Students Activity



T. will show a
video about
when dose
movie start,
and then she
will ask them
relate to the

Students will watch

the video and writer
some notes and then
they will answer
teachers questions


Teacher makes

15 min

the students
excited and

T will give
each student a
cup full of
popcorns and
inside each
cup, there is a
small sheet of
paper contain
a question.
After that, she
will ask some
Ss to read the
question that
they have.

T will divide
the class into
two groups.
Then she will
ask one student
from each
group to look
for the nouns
and the other
student will
look for the


Students will set in

group and then ,
they will read their
question that they
have it in popcorns
cup. After that, they
will answer the
question orally.

activates their
schema, and
introduces new


Students A will
search for nouns
and student B will
search for verbs to
memorize the nouns
and the verbs that
will help them in
the writing.

10 min

T will present
movie poster on
the board and
she will explain
to the students
how to create a
cinema poster.

will listen to
the teacher
and follow
the steps.

Teacher provides
support to the
students and
helps them
monitor their

15 min

15 min


T will let the students to set in four groups.

Then, she will give
each group a movie
and the students will
write a short summary
, title, main characters
and type of the movie
in their poster.

T will give each group an

evaluation paper. Then she
will ask them to move to
another group and
evaluate the other group
work using the evaluation

T will give the students a

homework to write a
movie summary about
their favorite movie.

Students will create

their poster and they
should follow the
instructions which are
write the title, main
characters, type of the
movie and a short
summary about the

Students will move to

another group and
answer the evaluation
paper .

Students will write a

movie review as a

scaffolds and
students practice
and progress.

Students will try
to use their
knowledge to
observe and
evaluate within
the class.


In this lesson plan I did writing lesson about movie poster so, the students will write summer
about one movie and I includes many activities in different stages. Also, I used different
strategies in this lesson so, in this reflection I will write about three stages, activities, strategies
and how I taught the lesson plan.

In the first stage, I started the lesson by will showing the students a video about when did movie
start, and then I asked them some questions relate to the video . I asked them question and
showed them video that related to the lesson to activate their scheme. After that, I gave each
student a cup full of popcorns and inside each cup, there is a small sheet of paper contain a
question. After that, I asked some of the students to read the question that they have. That was
fun and excited activity because this type of activity take students attention and let them to do it.
then, I divided the class into two groups and asked one student from each group to look for the
nouns and the other student will look for the verbs. I did this activity to check the students
understating and their memorizing. It went well because the students were interactive and
participate with their classmate.

In the second stage, I presented movie poster on the board and explained to the students how to
create a cinema poster. For example, I showed five movies to them and I asked them some
questions and information about them. Then, I did one example with them who do we create
movie poster. As result, when the teacher did model to them the students were intricate with this
activity. (J.Tierney & Readence, 2005 Molding helps the students to respond to the lesson and
understand the activities.
In the last stage presentation and reflection, went well because I gave them more actives to check
their comprehension of the lesson. So, I led the students to set in four groups and I gave each
group a movie and the students will write a short summary , title, main characters and type of the
movie in their poster. I led the students to worked in groups because that will help the students
to share the ideas and get more information from other students. Also, help the students to
cooperate with high abilities with low ability students. (Gore, 2010). Lastly, I gave the students
a homework to write a movie summary about their favorite movie.

To sum up, is important to recognize our lesson plan because it is important in teaching and help
the teacher to follow the right steps and do not lose her time to remember what is the next
activity. Also, Using strategies in writing lesson can affect students in reading, speaking and
knowledge. So, the teacher can use strategies in different ways because that help the students to
participate and interaction in writing class.

Gore, M. C. (2010). Inclusion Strategies for Secondary Classrooms. United States of America:
Tierney, Readence. (2005). Reading Strategies and Practices. US: Pearsons Education.

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