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Football Club Season-ticket

Holder Information
Name: Jogerson Gurung
BTEC ICT - Unit 9

Introduction and aims


The requirements and process

I am making a spreadsheet for a

foodball club to record season
ticket buyers.

The spreadsheet must be easy

to read, easy to add information
to for the users without making
mistakes. For the reader it must
be easy to read and understand.

Examples of Season Ticket Applications

Information included
Example of Football Club 1

The application askes for how many of what kind of people

want a season ticket for example, under 16s, adults, family
etc. This allows them to know how many tickets they want
and what kind of people are going to have a ticket.
It also informs people about postal charge, price of tickets
and VATs so that the buyers know about it and do not get
charged for something they are not expecting.
It askes for personal details like their address, name, email,
phone number and card details (if the buyer wants to buy
the tickets using their card). This is so that they can contact
the buyer if they need to and also they can add them to their
data base so that next season they can send them an
application as they have a history of buiying season tickets. It
could also be to contact the buyer if anything happens and
keep them up to date with the club. It gives the buyer three
options to pay with: cheque, cash and card. It askes for the
total so that you know how much you are paying.
It askes for what seat number the buyer wants so that they
can manage the seating. It also means that you can pick to
sit closer to the pitch or further but the closer you are the
more you have to pay.

Examples of Season Ticket Applications

Information included
Example of Football Club 2

This application askes for the buyers name, status,

D.O.B, address, email and telephone number. These
informations are so that they know how old they are,
they how how to contact them if anything happens
and also to keep them informed about the club. It
also askes if they want a new one or if they want to
renew one which means the club would know have
their information already making it easier for them.
It has information about how much tickets cost for
different ages like adults and children between
different ages. It also has the areas where you can
watch from (standing/sitting), which allows the
buyer to pick which one they want depending on
how much they want to pay.
It then goes onto the paying methods (cheque, cash
or card). This allows the club to expect a cheque,
cash or card details enclosed with the application.
This means if the cheque or cash gets lost on the way
there, the club knows how they were trying to buy
the ticket with and can contact the buiying informing
them about it. If they pay by card, the card details
are used to get the money from the buyers banks.

Worksheet 1: Ticket Holders Database

Features and functions
Suggested layout


This will have all the fields like name, address, etc.

This will have all the information

that the fields ask for. The first
coloumn will have the name
then so on.

It will be layed out in a table with field names at the top with
things like status (mr, miss, etc), name, adress, contact details of
each applicant, the type of ticket they want (i.e adult, child) date
of application for the ticket, requested seating area, allocated
seating area, total price of the tickets, a coloum that says
wheather the application was successfull ot not and also the
expiry date of the tickets. The applicants will have a row each
with their records with the information requested by the row at
the top. On the coloumn that says name, it will have the name of
the applicant under it for each one.
Some of the information like the catogory of tickets will have a
drop down menu (for validation) in which they can pick from
either of the Adult, Children or Disabled. There will be the same
kind of validation for the type of seat they want like Sitting,
Standing and VIP. This is to prevent the wrong information from
being put in.
In the column that contains the area allocated to the buyer, I will
use a formula that will look at whether the ticket was a success
or not. If it was then it will refer to what seat they have
requested and the cell will show that. If it was not then it will say
it was not allowed. I will be using the formula =if(@[success
Yes/No]]this will look at the field called success and it will see
whether it says yes or no. In the same formula it will carry on
with =Yes,[@[Area Requested]],Unsuccessful. This will (if it
says it was a success) then look at the area that was requested
and display that area. This is so that we know what area has
been allocated. If it was not a success then it will display
In the column that contains the expiry date of the tickets, I will
use the formula =EDATE(. This will add the amount of months I
want to the date that I want it to add it to. I will put
=EDATE([@[Date Applied]],12) this will look at the field with all
the dates and will add 12 months to it. This is because the
season will last a year.
I will also be using the formula =VLOOKUP( (then the cell
coordinates) so that it looks at the cell that tells you what kind of
ticket they want. I will then use tell it to look in the other sheet
with prices and which column it should look in. It will then look
at it and show it on the cell that the formula is put in.

Worksheet 2: Ticket Summary

Features and functions

Suggested layout
This row will have all the

This sheet will have calculations of the tickets and the sales. It will be
presented in a table with Types of ticket, Tickets Originally Available,
Tickets Applied, Tickets Left, Income and Income so far.

For types of tickets it will have Adults, Child (Under 18), Disabled and
the requested.

The next field will have the amount of tickets that are available. This fields
will have the formula =TicketType then the coordinates for where the
information is for the amout of tickets avalible for that type of ticket. This
will make the cell look at the spreadsheet named TicketType and look at
the amount of tickets that were originally avalible to buy. The same will be
done for all the different types of tickets.

The next field will ask for tickets applied. I will use a COUNTIF formula for
this. The =COUNTIF( will look at the table with the people who applied for
tickets and look at their information. It will then have the name of the field
(which will be Type Of Tickets) and the word Adult/Child/Disabled
depending on which row it is, this will add up all the ones who want adult
tickets and show how many of them there are. The same will happen to the
other 2 types of tickets. At the bottom it will have the total amount of
tickets that were applied for. I will use the sum formula to add them up
and find the total amount that has been applied for.

The next field will have the amount of tickets that are left to be brought. I
will use a formula to take aways the number of tickets brought from
number of tickets originally available to find out how many are left.

The next field will have the title Income so far to show how much money
was by the tickets sold. I will use a formula where it will times the field with
the number of tickets sold with the price of the ticket from the other slide.

At the bottom of the table I will have a total for all of the fields to make it
easy to read it.

This coloumn will have all

the income so far.
This coloumn will have all
the tickets left.
This coloumn will have all
the originally tickets
This coloumn will have all
the tickets applied.
This coloumn will have all
the ticket types.

Worksheet 3: Ticket Types and Prices

Features and functions

Suggested layout

This coloumn will have

all themax age.
This coloumn will
have all the min age.
This coloumn will have
all the prices.
This coloumn will have all
the originally tickets
This coloumn will have all
the ticket types.

This sheet tell the reader how much

each type of tickets cost and
information like the maximum and
minimum age for each type of
The first field will have the different
types of tickets like Adult, Child
and Disabled, the next will have
the about Originally Available.
Then it will be followed by the price
of each ticket. After that i will put
the min age of that type of ticket
then the max age of the type of

Assingment 3
Creating and testing my design

I have been given a sample of people to use as

example. I copied it into my own documents.

I have added the titles for the coloumns and

the names for the different sheets.

I have made a table to show how the ticket


Validation Data
Validation Lists- I used the validation
list to prevent the inputter from putting
the wrong information in.

I costumised the message that

pops up when the wrong data in


Auto Fill Ticket Number- I used

auto fill to come up with a
unique ticket number. I typed in
two of the numbers but then it
recognised the sequence and
then filled it up for me.

Expiry Date Generated

I used the formula =EDATE to

get the expiry date. I wrote
=EDATE then clicked on the
date of application then , then
12 to add 12 months to the date
of application.

Allocated Seating Area

I used the =IF formula to

inform the outputter if they got
the stead they requested for or
not. The formula basically says if
the Y/N column says Y look at
the requested seat and put that
in the cell and if not then put
Relocated on it.

I made a form to make it easier
to fill in my spreadsheet. This
allows the inputter to fill in each
individuals record easily.

Finished Ticket Holders spreadsheet

Formulas Shown

This image shows all the

formulas I used in the Ticket
Holders spreadsheet.

Formulas Shown
This image shows all the formulas I
used in the Ticket-Sales spreadsheet.

Formulas Shown
This image shows all the formulas I used in the
Ticket Types spreadsheet.

Graphs for output

Version 1

Version 2

I made a graph by selecting all

the information in the first table
but i dont think the table makes
sense so i made another one
which only shows the number of
tickets sold, left and the number
of tickets orginally availible. It
shows those information for the
outputter so that the output is
easier to read and compare with
other ticket types.

Graphs for output

This graph shows how much

income each ticket type has
made so far and also the total
income made.

Graphs for output

I made 3 different pie charts for

each of the columns, one for
seats that are available, one for
seats taken and one for seats
left. This will make it easy for
the reader (or the outputter) to
see how many seats are left and
how many are taken for each
ticket types.

Hyperlinks and Pivot Tables

I added hyperlinks to allow the

outputter to go through the different
tabs easily. This means that ther user
does not have to go down to the
bottom to change tabs but instead
can just click on the hyperlink.

I made a pivot table to make it easier to analise the

the data in the table. Pivot table allows me to select
the type of data i want to view, for example in the
one above i chose to view the town, ticket types,
ticketprice and ticket number. Then i filtered
Brighton and Guildford so that only information from
people from that town are shown.

Freeze pane

Without freeze pane

With freeze pane

I used the tool Freeze Panes to be able to move the

table wile still being able to see the persons name
that i am looking for. This makes it easy for the
outputter to output information about an individual
while still being able to see whos information they
are looking at.

Alternative Solutions
I could have made a seperate page
I could have used mail-merge to make
specifically for the graphs to make it
it easier for the outputter to be able
easier for them to read but i didnt
to send letters to each adress with
because when it is next to the table
the name on the front too. Mail
where the data was from it makes it
merge would look at ther data base,
easier for the outputter to see where
look at the information like the adress
it is from.
and add the information to the letter
for the adress to send the letter to.
To make it easier to read i could have
made more graphs for the tables.
I could have put all the worksheets in
This would be especially helpful to
less pages so put more in one page.
people with bad eye sight.
This would have made it easier to
look at different informations at the
I could have made it in a data base
same time but this would mean that
software to make it easier to create
lots of information would be on the
and also read.
same worksheet which may make it
The data could be put in some sort of
hard to read.
order or sorted out in some way like
alphabetically by name, grouped with
ticket types or anything that would
make it more organised.

Improvements: Spacing

To save space in the spreadsheet, i

have alinged the text of some of
the cells so that they are written
sideways. This means i save space
and make the spreadsheet more

Improvements: Filters

I put filter options on the table to

allow the outputter to sort the
columns into some sort of order like
alphabetic, by the name of town or
whatever the user would like to look
at. This makes it easy to look at
specific information and makes it
easier to analise information like
what town most of the buyers like in.
However, there is a disadvantage to
this as (as you can see on the print
screen) some of the titles get covered
by the filter options icon which may
make it harder for the user to see the

Survey monkey

This is the survey i made in

survey monkey to get feed back
on my spreadsheet.
I got three responses and i have
put them on this presentation.
This helped me get feedback
quickly and easily.

Example of feedback from survey
monkey (3)

Example of feedback from survey

monkey (2)

Example of feedback from survey
monkey (1)

Summary of feed back

The feedback that i got shows i

need to make the hyperlinks
more obvious and i need to add
some sort of intructions to tell
the user to use the hyperlinks to
navigate through the

Improvements after feedback

I listened to the
feedback that i recived
and i have made the
hyperlinks bigger and i
have added an
intruction that tells the
user to use the
hyperlinks to navigate
around the spreadsheet.

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