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Study Skills

Prepared by; Maryam Essa

ID; H00294489

Nowadays its most important to be educated and the recent education systems help the students
not to only get knowledge, but also to be capable, confident and passionate learners who are
taking responsibilities of their studies and trying their best to have a positive study approaches to
learn which will encourage them to enjoy what they are doing and getting a great learning
outcomes which it will help them a lot either in the main time or in the future as well, though
those positive approaches will lead to success. In addition, students should follow some skills or
strategies for their studies which will guide them to success, acquire good grades and will be also
useful throughout students life. All these it does require desire, honesty and also to work hard in
order to be a successful student. In this research I will illustrate four important characteristics
from many that will enhance in the education, and how the student can handle all these skills to
success in his/her life.

There are a lot of characteristics of effective strategies in education where I will discuss four of
them. First of all, Student strategies where student should set some goals to be achieved through
the school year such as; memorization strategy; to memories the important topics as much as he
she can, as well as he/she can do the brain storm which it will helps a lot either with that strategy
or all of them. Elaboration strategy; to connect some materials that you learned previously with
the new one and this will help to have better understanding than memorization such as
connecting something that Ive been study in the higher school with something relating to the
college materials in a certain subject. Control strategy; to check what you have learned and what

still need to be learned or to focus on more, so that strategy it would have a positive effects while
you will be able to know in which area or in which path you have to concentrate to get the best
results. Secondly, Motivational preference where students should be rewarded for a good
performances and that will lead to shows interest in specific subjects, shows interest in reading
and show effort in studying. Thirdly, Self-related beliefs where the student believe on himself,
the ability of handling some learning situation effectively, how faster he can learn specific
subject. Lastly, Learning situations preferences where the student should be able to work
independently and in group. Some students believes they are learning more while working with
group where they can share ideas discuss and make decision all together, whereas, some of them
feeling more comfortable when they are working independently. All mentioned characteristics
will not only improve our performances at school/college it will also improve our ability to learn
in general and that will affect and benefit our lives too.

To sum up, students should follow the study strategies, use their best skills they have and set
their goals if they are really have the desire to be successful in their entire life. In addition, they
should keep on their mind that time management is most important and its require to meet the
deadlines not only in school/college life, but also in the general one. Being on time will benefit
them also in their life while dealing with people, because it reflect the person habit and how
he/she respect the others' timing. I believe from this research I observed that study skills or
strategies will also benefit me in my rest life not just at school or college level as most of us


(habits of successful students , n.d.)
(learning and teaching, n.d.)
(study skills , n.d.)


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