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Freedom of Sexual Preference: A Review of Literature

Paola Vargas
University of Texas at El Paso


Freedom in regards to homosexuality and sexual preference has sparked controversies
amongst the general public throughout the nation, specifically religious leaders and extremely
conservative people. Ideologies, such as conversion therapy, and practices such as corrective
rape have become common ways of fixing the problem around the world. Studies disprove the
belief of homosexuality being a disease or a mental illness and urge the public to not try to use
psychology as a tool to help correct a different sexual inclination as it has the capacity to cause
serious mental disorders, depression, and incite suicide. It is very common to see prominent
figures of society have a great impact amongst the general public, whether its a negative or
positive point of view many are willing to follow. It is to everyones interest to find equality
amongst the opposing and supporting parties, as it will greatly unify the country and influence
other countries to take a stance at this problem.

Freedom of Sexual Preference: A Review of Literature

It is important to address the issue of freedom in regards to sexual orientation as it plays a
great role in civil rights. This controversial topic has sparked positive and negative reactions
amongst the American public, specifically religious figures and conservative people. If the public
has the ability to accept freedom in regards to sexuality, then the impact throughout the country
and the world would be incredibly substantial. It is crucial to find a middle ground for both
parties in order to achieve a more stable and unified nation. It is important to try to achieve this


without discriminating or favoring a party or a certain group. Many organizations have

conducted research stating that homosexuality is not a mental illness and that it is not something
that cant be changed. Damaging and traumatic events such as conversion therapy, where
harmful psychology is used in order to make a homosexual of any age heterosexual, or corrective
rape where people are constantly being raped in order to change their sexual orientation to a
more stable and accepting one could be diminished and even avoided. It is hard to say that
solving this problem in our country will change the world immediately, but it will most definitely
help countries change their point of view in regards freedom of choice.

How does the LGBT community influence civil rights in the United States of America?
The fight for equality by the LGBT community has been an ongoing ordeal since the
mid-twentieth century. Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, an American biologist and sexual behavior
researcher, became famous after publishing two works of investigation that were better known as
the Kinsey Reports. The first of his works, titled Sexual behavior in the Human Male (1948),
was followed by numerous researches conducted by both governmental and outside
organizations. As a consequence, authorities as high as the president of the United States of
America (in this case president Dwight Eisenhower), went as far as signing an executive orders
condemning homosexuality as a threat to the security of the nation. (Kinsey Institute/ Indiana
University, 1996-2016)
These events influenced the creation of gay rights associations that could promote
equality and social acceptance. One of these said associations was the Daughters of Bilitis for
lesbian women established in California on 1955. With the aid of the LGBT clubs, dozens of


people congregated outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia each July for what would become
the Annual Reminders. Occasions they used to remind others that the gay and lesbian
communities were not protected by the basic civil rights heterosexual citizens enjoyed. These
types of movements during the twentieth century helped propel the general acceptance of
homosexuality in America today, with the most blatant example being the same-sex marriage
law passed nationwide in the USA.

Did the legalization of gay marriage spark greater signs of homophobia amongst the
American nation?
We flourish when around other individuals; however, these interactions are bound to
spring forth dilemmas of any kind. Some which include but are not limited to; our right to judge
and deliver punishment to others based on their actions, the ideals a moral person must abide
to, and something as trivial as the sexual orientation of someone. The sexual preference of a
person is a topic that concerns everyone now. Not because gay, lesbian, or transgender
individuals will somehow ruin the sacred institution of matrimony but because it is an
enormous leap in our social way of thinking.
It is well known that homophobia is still active across the mid-western part of the United
States, predominantly in rural towns where religious conservative groups reign. Nonetheless, in
the big cities, such as New York or San Francisco, the tolerance towards same-sex relationships
is growing. The revolution of acceptance in sexuality has taken the LGBT community to stand
for what we have known for centuries. That is that the sexual preference of someone is of no


ones business. Fortunately the country in which I live, the United States of America, is
developing laws to prevent the intrusion of secondary and tertiary parties in the sexual lives of
people. Nevertheless, people are still entitled to their own opinion and people like Charles
Worley, a North Carolina pastor, preach and advocate against the idea of irregular relationships.
Unfortunately, counter arguments against the freedom of choosing sexual inclination have taken
extremely negative turns. Charles Worley claims that by creating an area with an electrified
fence, where homosexuals will be held, will help with the extermination of irregularities like
this. Something very similar to a concentration camp. And others, like Stacey Pritchard who is
church member like that of Charles Worley, defend these types of ideologies. (Pritchard, 2012)

Is there a significant portion of the American public that believes that homosexuality is a
disease or that the gay gene exists?
The human race is characterized by its power to progress. During our short stay in this
world, roughly two-hundred thousand years, we have evolved complex and intricate brains.
Through time, our minds have developed evolutionary skills that allow us to thrive socially.
Now, civilization as we know it has only been around for six-thousand years. This means that all
the norms and ideas we possess as of today are not new.
The theory of the gay gene, popularized in the early 1990s by Dean Hamers A
Linkage Between DNA markers on the X Chromosome and Male Sexual Orientation, gave the
homophobic population of America the chance to blame biological factors for the detestable
sexual preferences. The never ending race between scientists and discoveries has since created


more questions rather than answers to the subject of homosexuality. As the exploration towards
homosexuality expands and new information arises, the masses use the discoveries to their
advantage. The interview conducted by Anderson Cooper on CNN, shows how there are still
people who believe that homosexuality is a mental problem. Texas Republican State
Representative Bryan Hughes supports the gay conversion therapy, which claims to convert
gay people into straight people (Hughes, 2014). This is something many medical experts claim to
be abusive and harmful. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, There is no empirical evidence adult homosexuality can be prevented if gender
nonconforming children are influenced to be more gender conforming. Indeed, there is no
medically valid basis for attempting to prevent homosexuality, which is not an illness.
(American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2012)

Could political, famous, or religious figures sway the animosity that millions of individuals
share when it comes to the diversity of sexual inclinations?
Malcolm Gladwell once said, We learn by example and by direct experience because
there are limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction. I completely agree with Mr. Gladwell. The
United States is a nation that is easily influenced by not only religious figure but also by political
and famous personages. The same way ultra conservative Christians and Catholics are taught by
pastors or Popes to shun homosexuality, we can use other persons to combat that discrimination.
Let us take the words of Pope Francis during a 2013 interview into account. If someone
is gay and has good will, who am I to judge? (Hale, 2015). Granted, this statement was not said


to sway the catholic masses into acceptance of homosexuality but it did make the believers stop
and think about their position in the judging of sexual orientation. Popular artists in the American
media, such as Anne Hathaway and Daniel Radcliffe, have recently spoken up about their
support towards same-sex relationships (Jang, 2015). The tolerance level in America is steadily
rising thanks to the continuous battle against discrimination on account of celebrated figures.
Others, like Pope Benedict XVI, deemed gay marriage an attack and some sort of phenomenon.
Or The Boy Scouts of America who in 2013 started to allow Gay adult leaders, something that
had been completely banned but recently got lifted. (Leopold, 2015)

Even though the land of the free has made progress concerning the acceptance of sexual
preference, it is still very far behind from being equal and just. This issue is having serious
consequences amongst families and individuals who struggle to understand the nature of the
problem. The lack of education has cost the lives of many individuals who where simply not
accepted or shunned away from their social groups. The reputation and future of this country rely
in the hands of present Americans. The legacy of this nation will be left to future generations,
thus it is important to move forward and achieve equality. By inciting other countries to do the
same, we will take a small step in regards to world peace.



C. (2014, June 11). Anderson debates Texas GOPer on reparative therapy. Retrieved
March 04, 2016, from
Interviewer is Anderson Cooper. Interviewee is Bryan Hughes.

Hale, C. J. (2015, July 28). The Pope Francis Statement That Changed the Church on
LGBT Issues. Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

I. (n.d.). Homophobia and Hate Crimes. Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

Horton, R. (n.d.). Is Homosexuality Inherited? Retrieved March 04, 2016, from
This article originally appeared in the New York Review of Books, (July, 1995).

Jang, M. (2015, October 03). Ellen Page - 10 Notable Celebrity LGBT Supporters.
Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

Leopold, T. (2015, July 28). Boy Scouts change policy on gay leaders. Retrieved March
04, 2016, from

(2012, October 22). National Guideline Clearinghouse | Practice parameter on gay,

lesbian or bisexual sexual orientation, gender nonconformity, and gender discordance in


children and adolescents. Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

P. (n.d.). Philly Pride Parade and Festival - Philly Pride Presents. Retrieved March 04,
2016, from

C. (2012, May 25). Preacher Wants To Imprison Gays/Lesbians - Let Them Die.
Retrieved March 04, 2016, from
Interviewer Anderson Cooper.

K. (n.d.). The Kinsey Institute - History - Photo History [About the Institute]. Retrieved
March 04, 2016, from

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