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CardioPulmonary Resuscitation

Is a technique done if the heart ceases to pump, stop circulation, versus deprived of

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) for Adults

- 30 compressions, 2 blows, 5 cycles for 2 minutes
- Compression area center of the chest
- Depth 1.5 - 2 inches
- How to compress dominant hand over non-dominant hand.
1-20, 1-9, and 1, 2 blows
1-20, 1-9, and 2, 2 blows

1-20. 1-9 and 5, 2 blows

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) for Child and Infants:
30 compression, 2 blows, 5 cycles for 2 minutes.
Compression area center of the chest (child)
In between nipples (infants)
Depth 1.5 inch (child)
5-1 inch (infants)
How to compress dominant hand (child)
Thumb, middle, ring finger (infants)
Counting same counting in adults
When Not To Perform CPR:
DNR Order do not resuscitate
Anencephaly no skull
Three signs of death
Rigor mortis
Dependent lividity (50% blood loss)
When To Stop CPR:
S Sign of life
T Turn over to the Emergency Medical Service
O Operator Exhausted
P Physician takes over
Donts On CPR:
Double Cresser
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